
First of all always reply to this mailing list users@openoffice.apache.org then you reach a large group of volunteers that are happy to help.

Secondly we can't help you with your typing problems neither can we change your keyboard.

So if you have a problem wit OpenOffice we're glad to help, but explain your problem and tell us the Operating System with version e.g. Windows 10 and the Application with version number.

On 18/05/16 8:28 AM, David wrote:
Dear Martin, after a very distressing period of two or three hours I noticed quite by accident that there were three or four tiny dots below the theme change panel and clicking on them cause the screen to minimize and allowed me to continue working. I had tried everything else I could possible think of even shutting the computer down but nothing seemed to work. It's hard to complain about an open source free program. It seems so ungrateful. And I'm not the sharpest knife in the box when it comes to this stuff.

I hate my new toshiba. It's my 4th but the space bar has been shortened and moved left of center so now my right thumb hits the Alt key all the time and launches me into files. This is a strong habit to break after learning to touch type 40 some years ago.

Again thanks for the call back.

David Board.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 17, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Martin Groenescheij <mar...@groenescheij.com <mailto:mar...@groenescheij.com>> wrote:

What Application and version?

What Operating System and version?

On 18/05/16 12:48 AM, David wrote:
I am stuck in the new themes window and can't exit it. I don't even know how I 
opened it. There are arrow choices in front of me how do I escape. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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