On 19/12/16 4:05 PM, Rochelle wrote:
Please report back to us your experiences on LibreOffice.. Is it compatible
with your old AOO files and MS docs?. I've heard somewhere AOO is no longer
being supported, and that's the reason why bugs and fixes are not being

Please stop spreading rumors unless you have verified that they are true.

As long as there are no compatibility issues, I'm ready for the leap too.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:26 PM Jim McLaughlin <jjim.mclaugh...@gmail.com>

As others have noted, with regard to OpenOffice 4.x.x the answer is
basically  "Yes".

I am going to espouse heresy here.

I have used OO about 4 years.  When I started, it was a  reasonable
alternative to the Micro$loth product.

Over that time period, IMHO OO has gone downhill.  Too many bugs not fixed;
too many problems ignored.  (The user profile / dictionaries /. spell check
being only the most common one.)  Its a  result of too few volunteer
developers.  I don't have those development skills, so I can't help with
those issues.  I am a  tool user, not a  tool builder.  I think I have
found a  tool  which suits my needs better, that being LibreOffice.  I am
in the process of running both suites in parallel and think that I will be
eliminating OO sometime after the New Year.

Libre Office is available at:


LibreOffice is the same price as OpenOffice, i.e. free.

I have no economic or proprietary interest in either OpenOffice or
LibreOffice.  Just a fellow looking for a  better tool.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 11:52 AM, James Flikkema <porta...@twc.com> wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am getting tired of MS Office, and OO appears to be a possible
alternative, However.  I have years of documents (Word, Excel, Outlook,
PowerPoint) that I need.

This should be a simple question, Will OO read Office 2010 files?  If
there is no way I can dump thousands of documents to .txt files so they
be read.

I hope the answer is yes, .

James Flikkema


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