[PLUG] Downloader tool with NTLM support

2004-08-25 Thread Mayuresh

Is there any downloading tool (like wget or prozilla) that works with a
M$ proxy that supports ONLY NTLM authentication? I googled in vain till

BTW, I am also struggling to find a browser which works with NTLM proxy.
The only browser that appears to work under "NTLM only" setup is mozilla
1.7 (although NTLM support is claimed from mozilla 1.4).

Some search led me to tools that act as a NTLM client to M$ proxy server
and they can be used as proxy server by browsers that do not have NTLM
support. But these tools do not appear to work. (These tools appear old
and perhaps M$ might have made changes to NTLM.)

Any pointers will be highly appreciated.


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[PLUG] Re: Downloader tool with NTLM support

2004-08-25 Thread Mayuresh
Please ignore my prev post.

If anyone is interested in the solution:
I managed to get something called apserver working for me which acts as
NTLM client to MS Proxy and acts as a local proxy server on Linux


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Re: [PLUG] Help--saving tracks of CD-ROM

2004-09-20 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 23:27, vaibhav kulkarni wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some help on saving tracks of a CD-ROM..
Try xcdroast.

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[PLUG] Memory usage of a process at exit

2004-10-29 Thread Mayuresh

I am looking for a way to measure memory occupied by a process at the
time of exiting. I do not have source code of the binary for which this
measurement is to be made. (If I had it, I could hook some code at exit
point to read the memory data using one of many ways like system calls,
ps command, reading /proc etc.)

The GNU time command (I have 1.7) seems to have an option to report such
data, just the way it reports CPU time data. But memory related data is
reported as 0 on my machine (i386, RH9), since it seems to require some
support from underlying architecture. (man page says such data is
available on BSD.)

Is there any other way of getting this data?


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Re: [PLUG] mailwasher kind of software in Linux

2005-01-25 Thread Mayuresh
kmail has this. You have to set "filter mails if they are greater than
size x bytes" option. (Can set x to 0 if you want filtering for all

While downloading mails it throws a dialog showing email headers and
allows you to choose mails to download as well as delete them.


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[PLUG] Linux license overhaul--don't hold your breath

2005-02-16 Thread Mayuresh

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[PLUG] UDF RW drivers

2005-03-08 Thread Mayuresh

I am trying to mount UDF formatted CD-RW on Redhat 9. It seems mount
only read-only.

Google search (as yet) has shown only some vague information on this.

Can anyone provide some pointers?


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[PLUG] Good article on why (rather not to) recompile the kernel

2005-03-10 Thread Mayuresh
"Dispelling the Kernel Compiling Myth"

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[PLUG] [OT] bttv: audio doesn't stop

2005-04-04 Thread Mayuresh
I got pixelview pro tv card working on Redhat 9. Took some trial and
error but it finally worked with modules that come with RH9 kernel by
default. Past discussion threads on this in PLUG really helped.

I see some behavior with audio which I feel is annoying.

When I launch an application (like radio, gnomeradio, xawtv) the bttv
module gets loaded automatically and the audio starts properly.

But if I exit the application the audio does not stop. There is option 
"mute-on-exit" in gnomeradio but that also doesn't work. I have to
either mute line-in of sound card or unload bttv module manually to stop
the audio.

Some googling makes me believe this is "normal" behavior. Some suggest
to call line-in muting through a script to automate this. But muting
line-in is not really stopping the radio being played by the card. So
I'd call it a workaround rather than a solution.

Wonder whether anyone using video cards (pixelview or otherwise) get the
same behavior and has some solution.


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Re: [PLUG] Connecting to internet from Fixed WLL phones(CDMA).

2005-04-04 Thread Mayuresh
This is very useful. Thanks for posting.

I was thinking of switching to Tata Indicom FWP
Just wanted to check how well its modem works on Linux.

Is anyone using the above regularly? How's the speed etc (as compared to
dial up)? Any other issues related to using it on Linux?


> http://anildigital.blogspot.com/2005/04/connecting-to-internet-from-fixed-wll.html

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[PLUG] [OT] DTH options?

2005-04-12 Thread Mayuresh
This is quite off topic but may be of interest to quite a few of us.

The cable subscription rates have gone as high as Rs 422 in some areas
in Pune. Just wonder if anyone has tried / knows about DTH options

Did some googling and got only this much info:

Zee, Star and DD are having this service. Couldn't get much information
about rates, how to contact retailers etc.

Set top boxes seem to have a wide price range from @3000 all the way up
to 1.

Some articles claim that in future DTH could be used for two way
communication as well (i.e. on demand TV, internet/broadband etc.)

Also came across conflicting information about whether TRAI has mandated
that the set top boxes to be used for DTH will be compatible across
various providers. (Guess, it has to be like that.)

Any information/pointers would be of great help.


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Re: [PLUG] help on nfs

2005-04-20 Thread Mayuresh
One way I know is to set your eth0 (or whichever network) device as
"trusted". Once can use redhat-config-securitylevel for this.

>i tried to install NFs on RedHat Linux 8.0
> but while mounting it gives an error RPC mount time

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Re: [PLUG] Query about make file

2005-04-29 Thread Mayuresh
I'd suggest to look at "Generating Prerequisites Automatically" section
in info make.

Although the practice to use a separate pass such as 'make depend' is
still common, these features of make makes it obsolete.

This feature allows, dependencies to be generated/refreshed
automatically on the fly without having a separate pass for dependency


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[PLUG] pixelview playtv pro2 remote; lirc

2005-05-16 Thread Mayuresh
Has anyone using "pixelview playtv pro 2" card got the remote working
with kernel 2.4.x? (2.6 has some newer mechanism that doesn't require a
lirc kernel module.)

I am on Redhat 9 and using stock kernel. Managed to get the required
modules (lirc_gpio) loaded properly.

Debug messages from the driver do show different values being read on
pressing different keys on the remote, but neither 'cat /dev/lirc' nor
any of the tools based on lircd (irw etc).

Have selected the card as "pixelview playtv pro" as "pro 2" is not
anywhere in the lists.

Suspect I need to tune lirc_gpio parameters properly or "pro 2" may have
some different hardware than "pro" that is not supported by lirc/bttv.


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Re: [PLUG] pixelview playtv pro2 remote; lirc

2005-05-17 Thread Mayuresh

Thanks for your inputs.

> Since you mentioned the driver dbg messages do show some activity, I think 
> editing /etc/lircd.conf should solve your problem. Try using irrecord to 

What I notice is, once a key is pressed reads from the device keep
returning its code continuously. If I do cat /dev/lirc and watch debug
output (dmesg -c), it just keeps printing the same code continuously
even if you release the key. When you press some other key, it keeps
returning that key's code. One would expect the code to be returned only
once per a normal quick key press. But that's not happening.

This confuses irrecord completely. It gets last key pressed
automatically when it says "press an arbitrary key". Later on also it
keeps getting codes of previous key press automatically.

Am I missing something here? Do you see such behavior on your setup?

(Actually I suspect something wrong with module parameters of lirc_gpio.
I am trying to tweak them with no luck till now. Otherwise, it may be
that my hardware is not be supported by the driver.)


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[PLUG] Musical instrument accompaniment softwares on Linux?

2005-06-29 Thread Mayuresh
I was looking for softwares as mentioned in the subject for Indian
classical music.

Came across midi synthesis softwares like jazz++, rosegarden etc. (Could
not really try them out. Faced a lot of difficulties in installing them
on Redhat 9). If anyone knows of some good softwares in this category
please do post.

Actually, what I am looking for is something on the lines of commercial
softwares like taalmala and swaramala which suit very well to Indian
classical music and musical instruments. Unfortunately these are not
available on Linux.

Please do post if anyone knows of Linux based (commercial or free)
softwares on above lines or any other open source initiatives related to
Indian classical music.


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Re: [PLUG] Musical instrument accompaniment softwares on Linux?

2005-06-30 Thread Mayuresh

> Check out kmid, kmidi, timidity.

These are more of players. I am looking for synthesizers.

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Re: [PLUG] Musical instrument accompaniment softwares on Linux?

2005-07-03 Thread Mayuresh
Thanks a lot. Will check these out.

On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 11:07, Kapil D. Pendse wrote:

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Re: [PLUG] Linux not ready for the desktop

2005-07-17 Thread Mayuresh
This topic reminds of a couple of news articles - now a bit old though.

Red Hat CEO: Linux isn't ready for the Desktop

Linux still not ready for desktop, says SuSE CEO


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[PLUG] [OT] GPS tools/utilities on Linux

2005-09-06 Thread Mayuresh
Does anyone know about any GPS (Global Positioning System) related tools
and utilities on Linux?

I am looking for things like computing distances given latitude,
longitude of two points, checking collinearity and things like that.

I am googling. There is ample literature on this. But didn't find any
tools as yet.


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[PLUG] Flossworld survey

2006-08-29 Thread Mayuresh
Some of us may want to participate in this survey


or the appropriate one from this page.



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Re: [PLUG] PixelView TV tunner card on Fedora 4

2006-08-29 Thread Mayuresh
> Any one has tried it? Can any one tell me which application to use. I got
I liked tvtime when I tried it.
Normally I use only radio. Like gqradio

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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom + (Slackware) Linux.

2006-10-09 Thread Mayuresh
I use the type called Metro Ethernet from Tata Indicom where you don't get 
router at your premises. You just get the cable that you can simply connect 
to NIC.

They didn't give any choice in this regard, neither did I care to ask for 
options. But I am happy with this option since I don't need to keep an 
additional device. Not sure what additional benefits one gets by having a 

This worked fine from RH9 through FC5 for me. Guess it should work fine for 
most distros.

I'm by and large happy with the speed. Customer service, if ever you need 
post-installation, looks pathetic.

> Hi,
> I am planning to have Tata Indicom broadband connection for my PC.
> While talking with their sales person, he told me that there are 2 - 3

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Re: [PLUG] Digital photo selection and management software

2006-11-08 Thread Mayuresh
Thought these tools may be of your interest:

1. ImageMagick for batch mode touch up of photographs:

There is an image transformation called "Normalize" that normally does a 
fairly good job of enhancing an image. (May not necessarily yield a better 
looking image for each photograph though for majority of photographs the 
transformation is useful.)

ImageMagick (which should come by default with most distros) provides a way to 
do this transformation in a batch mode.

If you are interested in processing photos in bulk this helps.

(Command for this is mogrigy -normalize See man page for details)

2. jhead, jpegtran

Not all softwares interpret the EXIF flag that tells about the orientation of 
the image. Such software renders a vertically taken photograph horizontally.
jhead can help check this flag while with jpegtran you can rotate the image to 
make it renderable without worrying about EXIF flag.

One can wrap above 2 tools in a shell script and use as a pre-processor for 

3. Organizing photos, Slideshow etc

I like digikam as it provides a nice repository for photographs. OpenGL 
transitions etc. look cool in the slideshow.

However if your album includes mpegs, they don't appear in slideshow 
automatically. There are no thumbnails shown for mpegs either.

Gimageview is another good software that lets you organize mpegs and jpegs 
together. But I noticed several problems with it.

4. Creating mpegs of slideshows with nice transition effects, subtitles, 
background sound if you like etc and burning it on VCD etc.

All these things work really well and it's really cool to watch your albums as 
VCDs on your TV set. I use SSMM for this which is unfortunately available 
only on Windows though it's free. Haven't yet come across something as 
powerful as that on Linux. (Wait before shooting at me. I'd appreciate any 
pointers for equivalent Linux tools. But please do take a look at amazing 
transition effects available in SSMM before deciding that it is equivalent!)

(Apologies for a longish post.)

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Re: [PLUG] Re: Got Tata Indicom Broadband working on Linux (FC5)

2006-12-05 Thread Mayuresh

> Follow up: Later reconnections failed.  It seems the earlier post
> (April 2006) by Mayuresh on this topic was accurate.  There is no
> empirical measure of when connections will be successful.  The hack is

I was able to resolve this. Had posted this follow up in Jun 06. See if it 
works for you:


Works fine for me without any connection delays on FC6 as well now.


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Re: [PLUG] Video extraction tools ?

2007-05-23 Thread Mayuresh
> out of which I need to extract some relevant video + audio content.
cinelerra if you are interested in GUI based tool.

GUI helps make a precise selection of starting/ending point  interactively.

It has its own downsides though: it is slow as it converts the video to raw 
form. Occupies a lot of disk space. Has stability issues etc. But within these 
limits it works well for specific tasks.

I'd suggest a combination of command line (mplayer/ffmpeg) and GUI tool:
Use command line one to get a small piece of the video with approximately 
specified end points and then do a finer job if you need with GUI tool like 

I used this once to rip songs from a VCD where the selection of end points had 
to be very precise.


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[PLUG] [OT] S-Video to Composite adapter cable

2007-05-25 Thread Mayuresh
I am looking for an adapter cable to connect S Video out of laptop to 
Composite video in of TV.

I have figured out (by inserting wires in video out and connecting manually to 
TV's RCA jack etc) that there is no composite signal readily available in the 
S-Video out of the laptop. The luminance and chroma are available separately. 
If I just short these two I get the correct picture on TV.

From web search I figure out that a simple capacitor coupling is required 
between these two signals to get composite video out. Hence what it requires 
is not just cable but an adapter with a small circuit built in.

There are a no of S-Video to RCA cables in the market and on ebay etc. which 
are without such circuit and are obviously not going to work.

It's painfully surprising to not find such a cable/adapter after going through 
many shops in Pune and on the net. Would appreciate pointers on this if 
anyone can provide.


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[PLUG] Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-27 Thread Mayuresh
Seemingly peculiar issues with Tata Indicom / VSNL broadband don't seem to 

As was discussed on this list also, users of Metro Ethernet connection from 
this ISP would know that it requires setting up a property "Access 
Concentrator Name" or ACNAME to get it working.

Unfortunately Linksys wireless router WRT54G which I purchased doesn't seem to 
provide a way to set this option. I also tried to find if there are any text 
files where such settings could be made by ftping to the router but there are 
only binary files out there.

Also looked for firmware upgrade. But surprisingly the h/w version 7 which I 
happen to have got is not there in their list at all. (Everything from 1.0 to 
6.0 is there and then there is directly 8.0).

Anyway given the peculiar nature of this problem with VSNL, I am not hoping a 
f/w upgrade to solve it.

Would appreciate any help in this regard.


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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-27 Thread Mayuresh
> > What plan have u subscribed to? I am using Tata indicom broadband over
> > the WRT45G right now to compose this mail!!

I envy that...!
Please read the details below and let me know if my setup is similar to yours.

> AFAIK, for Metro Ethernet connection, tata indicom provide static
> (public?) IP. One just needs to configure it. If MAC is also checked,
> you can us 'clone MAC' feature available in WRT54G (v5)

Don't recollect the plan name. But this is not an unlimited plan. They didn't 
provide a static IP and I don't think they do for limited plans.

Connection just works fine using DHCP IP address from my desktop. I have been 
using it for over a year now.

Secondly in metro ethernet type connection they do not provide a router at 
your place. So WRT54G is not a router for router replacement. There was no 
router at all at my end and now it comes into picture.

(Some observations I made when I figured out the ACNAME issue:
Just describes some details of my connection and what I find missing when the 
router comes in between.

It had taken some struggle to get the connection work earlier. It turns out 
that ACNAME (Access Concentrator) must be set to VSNL_PUNEBRAS00 in the 
network settings for the connection to work.

Try pppoe-discovery. It shows 2 AC names. One is the above one and the other 
is some junk looking word. Since there are more than one ACs, one needs to 
specify this one explicitly. Otherwise it tries connecting to one of them 
randomly. Somehow the other one gets selected more often and rejects the 
connection. Since it is random, even the correct AC gets selected sometimes. 
One may have to wait anywhere between 2s to 2hrs for that to happen. 
Specifying ACNAME explicitly solves the problem.)


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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-28 Thread Mayuresh
> Case 1:
> ISP Line -> some equipment -> Linksys Router -> Clients
> or
> Case 2:
> ISP Line -> Linksys Router -> clients
> Case 1 & Case 2:
> You cannot do away with the equipment provided by the ISP, just have

That's precisely the point about Metro Ethernet. There is no ISP supplied 
equipment whatsoever. A LAN cable comes in from the window in your house 
which you simply connect to the LAN port - just like a telephone landline. 
(They must be having some common switch etc for a no of users in a given area 
and keeping it somewhere. User doesn't even has to know that.)

> the router configured the same way u have configured ur PC. Even on u
> r PC u cannot configure the ACNAME thing through the regular network
> options.

I don't know what you mean by that. There is ACNAME field in network 
configuration tool (system-config-network in my case) or in the network 
configuration scripts under /etc. I have to put the ACNAME found using 
pppoe-discovery there for connection to work.


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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-28 Thread Mayuresh
> If u were to configure the same on a windoze PC how do u do it?

Well, that's tricky as well. I am not good at Windows. So will just tell a few 
things that I recollect:

First time around (a year back) when I was yet to figure out how to make it 
work on Linux I tried it on Windows. Didn't succeed. None of the "general" 
instructions to set this up available on web etc appear to work.

Tata Indicom support politely told that they can't give these instructions 
over phone and their engineer will have to come and do it onsite.

Then came a Tata Indicom guy who brought some CD with him and did some 
settings. An interesting step in what he did was writing the magic word 
VSNL_PuneBRAS00 (i.e. our ACNAME stuff) in dial up or some such illogical 
looking field.

That gave me a hint to solve the problem for Linux.

Eventually my Windows crashed and after re-installing I was never able to 
reproduce those magic steps and the place where to specify the ACNAME again - 
neither did I care to.


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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-29 Thread Mayuresh
> > So it's clear that VSNL having crapest of crap network maintainers till
> > now, IIRC year back or so, same report from a VSNL DSL user popped on
> > rp-pppoe list and of course solution that was suggested to him was to
> > either push his ISP to fix this way of stupid setup or either keep using
> > ACNAME hack.

> I have been using TATA for over two years now and am 100% satified
> with them. Least downtime, timely service if required.
> Only ofcourse like all ISP's across the globe they also do not have a
> technical know how abt configuring the line on any other OS other than
> windoze!!!

I agree. I have been by and large happy with speeds, uptime etc for over a 
year - though I do find this ACNAME issue very frustrating after I bought a 

I wasn't so happy with the customer service people. You feel like talking to a 
machine and at times have to act as if you are following all their 
instructions such as unplug the card and place it back, click on xyz icon and 
what not! If you don't, the conversation would just get stuck there. And if 
you say Linux it will just end!

But we can't really get people with networking knowhow on the line. I'm sure 
it will be hard to get answers to above class of queries from any ISP's 
customer service.


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[PLUG] Re: Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-30 Thread Mayuresh
> Also looked for firmware upgrade. But surprisingly the h/w version 7 which
> I happen to have got is not there in their list at all. (Everything from
> 1.0 to 6.0 is there and then there is directly 8.0).

I am thinking of returning this unit and getting WRT54GL which is Linux based.

No, I am not hoping it to do any magic. Just that the open source f/w is more 
easily available for this model. Sooner or later I am hoping to solve this 
problem by getting the necessary setting through updated f/w.

Any advice?

I'd like to share this information about h/w version of the routers for 
benefit of those who may be about to buy one:

I had never imagined for the same model, versions would make such a big 
difference. If you ever face a need to change the f/w: - either for some 
hacking around or because you face an issue like the one I am facing - h/w 
version may become an issue for you. If you don't care about these then any 
version should be ok for you (perhaps).

H/w versions up to 4.0 of WRT54G were Linux based. From 5.0 they switched to 
VXWare.  In 7.0 (the one I happen to have got) they changed the chipset as 
well to Atheros (from Brodcom). Because of this the open source f/w 
availability on 5.0 and 6.0 is limited and its as of now absent for 7.0. For 
7.0 in fact it's no upgrade is available from the manufacturer either.

They branched the 4.0 version that had become popular in Linux community and 
named it as WRT54GL.

Apparently they are doing this because VXWare takes less flash memory than 
Linux which reduces the costs. Indeed, there is a good Rs 700 difference in 
the price of these two models.


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Re: [PLUG] [OT] S-Video to Composite adapter cable

2007-05-30 Thread Mayuresh
> go to BABU GAMES near NISHANT THEATRE in camp.

Thanks for the info.
But no luck there. You had pointed to the right guy. But he says he doesn't do 
custom cables anymore that he used to do once upon a time. He doesn't have 
one that will work readily.

> here... if not then mail me back i will tell u the location in mumbai.
Can you send this?

But I am a bit skeptical about the shops that claim they have it. Most of them 
offer a cable with S-Video male and 3 RCA jacks. I don't know whether there 
are devices that offer audio through S-Video to need such a cable. Same story 
on eBay. Don't know whether it's a good idea to order it w/o trying it out. 
May be if I go to Mumbai I'll take a look.


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Re: [PLUG] [OT] S-Video to Composite adapter cable

2007-05-30 Thread Mayuresh
> > But I am a bit skeptical about the shops that claim they have it. Most of
> > them offer a cable with S-Video male and 3 RCA jacks. I don't know
> > whether there are devices that offer audio through S-Video to need such a
> > cable. 

> how can you get audio on S-VIDEO dude  it's only for video..
> even if there are 3 RCA jacks... you plug the white and the yellow one
> and leave the red outside.. i am sure it's going to work coz i use it

That's what I'm saying. There is no audio in S-Video signal. Then why do they 
make cables with 3 RCA jacks. Composite signal should need only one - 
yellow - jack. Anyway, that is not so much of interest...

> well, in mumbai if you go to lamington road mumbai... there are stores

That's pretty general ...  Anyway thanks for the help.

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] S-Video to Composite adapter cable

2007-05-31 Thread Mayuresh
> many years I have gone there, but if you ask near the Lamigton road
> police station about the Connecronics cable shop, people will tell you
> where it is. These guys make cables and may be you might even get a
> ready made cable the one you want.

Thanks a lot.

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[PLUG] Re: Tata Indicom Broadband with WRT54G

2007-05-31 Thread Mayuresh
> I am thinking of returning this unit and getting WRT54GL which is Linux
> based.

I switched to WRT54GL and it worked out of the box within 5 minutes !
Just specified ACNAME's value in service name field.

I didn't have to flash. But the fact that I can get alternative f/w gives a 
lot of comfort which wasn't there with WRT54G v7 I had earlier.

Thanks everyone for the help.

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[PLUG] W-lan on Acer Aspire 5573 , fc6

2007-06-01 Thread Mayuresh
I am not able to get the wireless lan card work with the following 

Acer Aspire 5573 laptop

chipset: Atheros AR5007EG (reported so on Windows)

#lspci | grep Ath
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c 
(rev 01)

Tried madwifi drivers (native Linux) first. (Tried both 0.9.3-35 for which 
binary rpms are available for fc6. Tried latest one that is shipping with 
Fedora 7 i.e. 0.9.4 by compiling kernel module from sources. Same results.)

Get following error on loading the module:

wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL 
status 3)

Web search shows this is a common issue with this laptop series. No concrete 
answers found anywhere though. The closest help that comes to this is a 
paragraph on this page  
http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Troubleshooting (Search above message on this 

This talks about some problem due to pci bridges etc. which I couldn't 
understand much. It suggests to use kernel parameter pci=assign-busses which 
I tried but no use. (Nevertheless, I feel the problem lies somewhere as 
described here because apparently there is some difference in the bus IDs 
shown on Windows vs on Linux and the things work fine on Windows. If anyone 
could help me understand text on above mentioned page that will help a lot.)

Tried ndiswrapper, too. The driver used works fine on Windows. Get the 
following error on modprobe:

ndiswrapper (pnp_start_device:440): Windows driver couldn't initialize the 
device (C001)

Will appreciate any kind of help, pointers. Please let me know if any more 
information about the h/w / error messages etc is needed.


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[PLUG] Re: W-lan on Acer Aspire 5573 , fc6

2007-06-09 Thread Mayuresh
On Friday 01 June 2007 23:03, Mayuresh wrote:
> I am not able to get the wireless lan card work with the following
> configuration:
> Acer Aspire 5573 laptop
> chipset: Atheros AR5007EG (reported so on Windows)

For information those who have got / plan to buy above h/w:

ndiswrapper 1.46 released on 3rd June supports this chipset and I could get it 

madwifi seems a way behind in catching up.


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[PLUG] [OT] Wifi video capture device: any pointers?

2007-06-29 Thread Mayuresh
I am looking for a device that will allow me to capture an A/V signal (such as 
from a camera or digital set top box) over home wireless network.

(N O T E: I'm not talking about TV tuner cards.

Came across following 3 products which look quite good from the specifications 
and the reviews over web:
Sony LocationFree Base Station LF-B20 (Wireless)
Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless
Sling Media Slingbox Pro

Does anyone have any experience with getting this kind of a product work with 
Linux? The reviews say, they work only on Windows. (But I do not see why that 
should be the case if the video content is being put over a network for 
access through some standard protocols.)

Secondly, all of these products are very costly. Pinnacle is 15k+. Prices of 
others were not available in INR. But their USD prices appear in the same 

I can settle for a "poor man's version" of these with bare minimum "A/V signal 
capture over wifi" functionality. I mean I don't particularly look to operate 
remote control of my set top box through the infrared emitter while sitting 
in some other part of the world etc. - some such exotic features that above 
products offer. Also the application software bundled with above products 
makes them costlier.

Please do post if anyone knows about such devices or combination of devices 
(such as capture device + separate wifi adapter etc) that can work.


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[PLUG] WiFi card for Desktop

2007-11-02 Thread Mayuresh
I am looking for a WiFi card for desktop PC. 

I read about intel 4965AGN card. Seems there are native Linux drivers 
available for this.

Has anyone tried this card? Any feedback?

I'd have otherwise preferred Linksys WMP54G given a lot of positive comments 
about Linksys products on this list and my own smooth expereince with Linksys 
router. But this card uses Brodcom chipset and requires ndiswrapper. Not a 
big deal, though given other things are equal I'd prefer to go with a card 
with native drivers.


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[PLUG] infrared transmitter and receiver

2007-11-06 Thread Mayuresh

I am looking for infrared transmitter and receiver devices that work on Linux.

(IR transmitter to control a device with remote control such as TV/STB from a 
PC. IR receiver to be able to decode remote control codes for which they 
aren't readily available or to use as a general purpose remote control 

Came across IR Blaster which can be bought online from irblaster.info and is 
supprted by lirc on Linux.

Would be nice if something equivalent is locally available though. Checked 
with a no of vendors with no luck.

Also read about recent "Intel Media Series" motherboards that seem to  have 
built in IR transmitter and receiver headers. But couldn't find a vendor for 
these motherboards or any information about what kind of devices connect to 
these headers.

Will appreciate any information.


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[PLUG] Alarm functionality through google calendar?

2007-12-26 Thread Mayuresh

Wondering whether I can get a kalarm-like alarm reminder functionality (rather 
than korganizer-like calendar functionality for appointments etc) through 
google calendar.

I tried importing kalarm's ical file on to google. But it converts it into 
regular calendar appointments.

What exactly I need:

I'd expect to receive SMS alerts for the alarm events. I'd also like them to 
pop up when I login to the service from a computer. Pop ups should be such 
that I can close the ones I acted upon while reschedule / postpone the ones 
not acted upon.

If kalarm was to act as a front end while storing data on google, it would 
meet my requirement exactly. Not sure whether this is already possible. 
(Closest to this I saw was evolution calendar which seems to act as a 
read-only front end to google calendar.)

PS: A few days back there were posts about google calendar SMS service not 
working with Idea cellular phones. I tried registering it on an Idea phone 
and it worked fine.


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[PLUG] Re: Alarm functionality through google calendar?

2007-12-31 Thread Mayuresh
> (Closest to this I saw was evolution calendar which seems to act as a
> read-only front end to google calendar.)

Further, I find that sunbird (and lightening) has read-write support for 
google calendar.

Just that SMS reminder cannot be set from the client. Perhaps it will be 
supported in future as these clients are under heavy development.


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[PLUG] Linux Phones - more questions

2008-01-06 Thread Mayuresh
The thread on Linux phones on this list was useful.

Have some related questions:

Availability of wifi connectivity appears much less as compared to bluetooth 
and limited mostly to high end models. Not sure whether why it's so and 
whether wifi may become a common feature in near future.

In theory it should be possible to use a USB wifi adapter to enable wifi 
connectivity for cell phone/PDA. Has anyone tried such a thing?

Also, what all interesting possibilities do Linux phones enable thanks to 
being open. My wish list is:

1. When the phone is a part of a LAN (using whichever technology - wifi, 
bluetooth, usb LAN), is it possible to operate (receive and make calls, SMS 
etc.) entirely from a(ny) computer terminal on the network?

2. Is it possible to connect to a streaming media server available on the LAN 
to view/listen to media content through the phone? Has anyone tried such 


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[PLUG] Preferred desktop manager survey

2008-04-16 Thread Mayuresh

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[PLUG] Graphics card with TV out

2008-05-03 Thread Mayuresh

I am looking for a way to connect PC display out to a TV.

The TV set accepts only composite video.

Have looked at possibility of using VGA to PAL converters. But it looks 
costly - only slightly less than grapics card which looks a better option to 

The PC has DG965 motherboard, has free PCIe as well as PCI slots.

I am not looking for high end gaming etc. A card with composite TV out and 
decent 3D graphic capabilities will be good enough. Must have drivers on 

Most cards I saw on web have DVI/HDMI ports. Not sure how to get composite 
video out of them. (Or is it that there are many cards with composite out as 
well along with DVI/HDMI?)

Would appreciate any advice or pointers.


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[PLUG] Readers' Choice Awards 2008 (LJ)

2008-05-16 Thread Mayuresh

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[PLUG] Open Voices Podcast: Linus Torvalds

2008-05-22 Thread Mayuresh

It's longish. Would be nice if readers post interesting excerpts.

Here is one regarding most of the participation being from Western Europe and 
US and too little from Asia:

"... there’s a billion people in China, there’s a billion people in India, but 
China and India are not represented very well in the developer community

... one of the issues is just connectivity. ...

... clearly the language and cultural barriers are one of the big issues and 
something as simple as and maybe obvious as education. ..."



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[PLUG] Purple Magic Linux phones (3G)

2008-08-18 Thread Mayuresh
Sub $100 Linux phones.. for 3G - whenever it happens ...

Looks like in general 3G phones are going to be cheaper? (Why?)


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Re: [PLUG] [OT] ISPs near Wanowrie

2008-08-20 Thread Mayuresh
> Hi
> I wanted to know about the ISPs available near Wanowrie. I stay near Jagtap
> Chauk( 10min. distance from Vishal Mega Mart).
> Please comment on the service and linux compatibility of
> 1.BSNL broadband
> 2.Airtel
> 3.Tata Indicom

I am by and large happy with Tata Indicom for handful of years now. Was having 
dial-up and switched to metro-ethernet broadband as soon as they introduced 
it. Metro-ethernet is tidy in the sense that they don't need any instrument 
(router etc.) installed in your house.

Setup on Linux used to be a mystery those days with TI requiring populating 
value of a parameter ACNAME (Access Concentrator name). (Yours truly was one 
of the few early people who "discovered" this.) Once you know this it's very 

Customer service, if you ever need, is pathetic though. They virtually shut 
their ears and minds the moment you say L of Linux. Also, if you ever call 
for a dead connection, they make you go through a long routine of "Now click 
on Control Panel and check this, that etc." and won't just listen anything if 
you don't follow that. I developed the habit of saying "yes" to every step 
they say dutifully and finally tell them it doesn't work. Only after going 
through all this customary routine they would send a technician who will do 
his things only on Windows and would typically realize the problem is 
elsewhere on the line and rectify.

Good thing is you don't come across such issues too often, fortunately.


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[PLUG] Console switching keystrokes and X11 behavior

2008-09-07 Thread Mayuresh
Is there any way to treat X session as if it were just another console session 
as far as console switching keys are concerned?

For example one can cycle through all terminals using Alt-RightArrow. However 
once one reaches X11 session it starts responding to the keys differently 
annoyingly breaking the cycle - forcing you to release the keys first and 
press Ctrl-Alt-Fn only to go to a specific terminal.

Also, as soon as you reach X11 session in this sequence, it X server starts 
interpreting the key you pressed to reach here. For example if you reached 
here by Ctrl-Alt-F7, a moment of delay in releasing the key and X will start 
sending F7 keystroke to the application that got focused.

I read about ways to skip X11 from this sequence. But I need X as I need to 
switch back and forth between some console and X applications. Just want it 
to respond the same way terminals do as far as switching is concerned.

Any layer where X servers reserved keystrokes can be overridden etc.?


A related question: I can avoid this problem altogether by not starting X at 
all if I have a framebuffer client for a specific application I want to use. 
I am looking for a dvi viewer that works with framebuffer. Read about dvifb. 
Not available on Fedora. Did not succeed in compiling it either.

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Re: [PLUG] CVS question

2008-09-13 Thread Mayuresh
> Is there any way to get the Directory structure of CVS repository in some
> text format? Basically I want to retrieve the list of files in a tree

If you have read access to repository location, you can get it from there. But 
not advisable to do that. Only other option could be to actually check out 
the code and extract the strucure using a script (or extend CVS code to 
provide suitable command!).


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[PLUG] Microsoft abandons IE8 development for Firefox?

2008-09-30 Thread Mayuresh

Looks old news by date. Hadn't heard though.

If not anything else, at least the nightmare of accessing IE-only websites 
should end if this happens.


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Re: [PLUG] Microsoft abandons IE8 development for Firefox?

2008-09-30 Thread Mayuresh
> >
> > This site is clearly a joke.
> >
> > Rahul
> >
> > --
> > __
> Its spoof.
> Swapnil

I agree. I think I should have realized that. I fell for it for a while as if 
some dream was coming true ...!


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[PLUG] Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards survey is open

2009-02-02 Thread Mayuresh
One can vote for favorite distro, desktop manager, applications under various 
heads, programing/scripting language, gadgets etc.



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[PLUG] webcam that works with Linux

2009-02-07 Thread Mayuresh
Looking to buy a webcam for a desktop. (OS: Fedora 9).

It's for general purpose use. A resolution of 640x480, 30 fps frame rate and 
built-in microphone should be enough.

Can anyone recommend one that works well on Linux?

Web searches and shopkeepers suggest Microsoft VX1000 though I did not see 
clear feedback about its functioning well on Linux.


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[PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-07 Thread Mayuresh
My ISP uses http authentication. So user has to go to a certain https URL and 
login with username password etc.

This forces me to use a browser to start my internet connection.

Is there any way to do above https interaction using (say) a command line 
tool - basically non interactively rather than command line vs gui?

One reason to look for this is to generally avoid having to launch the browser 
just for authentication when you might not actually need it otherwise.

Another, more compelling reason is, if you leave a large download unattended 
for hours and if the connection gets broken (let's bash ISP on some other 
thread for that ;-) it does not get reconnected automatically. There is no 
mechanism to keep retrying till the connection is re-established. (This used 
to happen so when I had a pppoe based connection.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-09 Thread Mayuresh
Thanks for all the responses.

For now I got it working a crude way with iMacros which is available as a 
firefox addon. I do have to launch firefox for this to work. A few iMacros 
commands do the job, while they are wrapped in a javascript that keeps 
looping with certain time delay. One needs a few clicks in firefox to launch 
this javascript. (Found, there is no way a background job could just quietly 
launch a firefox session and get these things done. May be that's possible 
with standalone version of iMacros which is not freely available.)

I do want to try some of the more elegant solutions suggested on this thread 
when time permits. Just responding here to some of them:

curl-loader: Looks a promising thing. Whatever I have done on top of firefox 
should be achievable with it, though will just need some time to figure it 
out. With respect to their application, iMacros and curl-loader have some 
similarities. BTW one thing I did not like about the latter is it must be run 
as root.

The server does send some random hidden fields every time you go to the page. 
So figuring out exact post and how it is formed is likely to be a little 
painful though should be possible. (One can also reverse engineer the java 
scripts on login page to figure some things out.)

ISP does not offer scriptable interface. Their technical people confirmed 

Thanks everyone again.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-10 Thread Mayuresh
Vaibhav, your script works fine for me though it's not Reliance connection. 
(It is Tata Indicom.)  It's a really short, cute and precisely written 
script. Many thanks for sharing!

Another big benefit for me is many times I don't launch X server at all though 
need the internet access. Now I can use this script to connect without 
launching X.

What baffles me now is what that hidden fields stuff is that kepps changing on 
every access etc. Is it just a show? The server seems to be content with a 
post that has just two fields that matter - username and password!

If server is that co-operative (!), the other scripts suggested on this thread 
or any simple hand formed postdata should also work with wget/curl etc.

Regarding my point about curl-loader having to be run as root:

The point is not "How to run it as root". I was complaining about the very 
fact that it has to run as root. I feel it's unnecessary. Not sure what is 
inside the tool that requires root privilege. It wasn't at least obvious to 


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-10 Thread Mayuresh
> script written for Reliance worked well for you for Tata Indicom! (Do
> these people actually use the same technologies under different brand
> names?)

There is a striking similarity in the URL formation also.  (/user/refresh/home 
etc. part is same in both). Quite likely that both use the same OTS product 
with some superficial customization.

Surprisingly both haven't bothered making use of those randomly generated 
strings on every visit to the page to force the user to login using browser. 
That's good for us though security pundits may perhaps feel otherwise.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-10 Thread Mayuresh
> A security pandit would not opt for such an authentication scheme to start
> with. :)

Thanks. That qualifies me to use such a connection!

> Whats wrong with pppoe?

No idea. ISP just quietly* decommisioned it in our area. Probably some 
consolidation exercise of their infrastructure.

*: Literally. They didn't even care to inform the customers (or to me at 
least). Only when I complained about pppoe not connecting, after 3 days of 
downtime and follow up someone came and with a look full of pity - somewhat 
like "How come this guy still doesn't have a fixed IP? Poor old chap using 
pppoe..." - generously assigned a fixed IP to me and went off.

Only big and welcome change this time was, this guy did not frown at Linux and 
very fluently did all the settings on Linux. (That I suppose was his 
individual skill and interest rather than formally a support for Linux from 
ISP. But not sure.)

An aside, it perhaps has nothing to do with the authentication method, but 
other things happening at their end, but since then break in the connection 
lasting several hours has become almost a twice a week feature.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] command line http authentication

2009-03-10 Thread Mayuresh
> My remark was meant for the ISP setting it, not you :(
>  Shridhar

Ok :-) It appeared in response to my remark "Such connection is good for us 
though security pundits may disagree..."

On a serious note, what can go wrong with such an authentication method, what 
are pros and cons of these two (and other) authentication methods disucssed?  
Will be perhaps a useful technical discussion on this list. Enlightening for 
many of us.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] SSH Problem Someone who can help ?

2009-03-26 Thread Mayuresh
> problem is when the authentication happens it asks for a manual password
> entry which doesn't make sense .I have used ssh rsa keys ..but still no

One possible problem is with .ssh directory and file permissions. They should 
be such that anyone other than user should not be able to view/edit those 

Also are you specifying user as which you want to connect up front on command 
line i.e. sftp u...@host etc.?

You can also watch the message log on server side to know potential reasons.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Interesting discussion on "control" over internet

2009-05-14 Thread Mayuresh

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Sharing of Swap Space

2009-06-10 Thread Mayuresh
> besides setting up partition why is it advisable to mount various dirs
> as etc, var, root, home on different partition ?

Even for home systems, I see one advantage of separating at least /home from 
others - or data from OS and applications. When you upgrade it gives you an 
opportunity to start from scratch by formatting OS/apps partition leaving 
your data partition untouched.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] A humorous tribute ...

2009-06-18 Thread Mayuresh


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] squid tips

2009-07-11 Thread Mayuresh
Can squid proxy be set up as a sub-proxy of an MS proxy server.

The cache_peer option in squid does that. But the issue is mainly with 
authnetication. The constraint is the client must authenticate with the MS 
Proxy (I think using NTLM). Can the intermediate squid act as a postman for 
such authentication? (i.e. a client that does not understand NTLM 
authneticates itself with squid and squid in turn does NTLM authentication 
with MS Proxy on its client's behalf.) Another constraint is no user 
id/password should be hard coded in squid conf files.

Such a need arises due to some applications not being able to authenticate 
themselves with MS proxy. (Eclipse for one. Seems, generally an issue with 
Java applications. Read this is due to some licensing issues. Anyway, I am 
_not_ seeking suggestions on how to make java apps work with MS proxy even if 
that were possible. Rather seeking to wrap such apps under squid.)

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Combining two ISP connections to increase bandwidth?

2009-07-22 Thread Mayuresh
Fed up of downtime of my ISP and having heard the same stories about another 
ISP operating in the area, I am wondering whether it's possible to subscribe 
to both of them for redundancy.

However, it won't be an economical proposition if used only for redundancy. 
Also, as a home user there are no multiple simultaneous users. So only way 
both connections would get utilized (when both are up!) and give value for 
money is if for a single user they both could serve in tandem. In other words, 
let's say I have both connections of 128 kbps, I should get an effective 
download speed of 256kbps for download of even a SINGLE file (and not multiple 
files simultaneously).

To the extent I searched around, it looks difficult or impossible. I think it's 
a reasonable consumer expectation, though do not know about its feasibility.

Any ideas?

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Combining two ISP connections to increase bandwidth?

2009-07-22 Thread Mayuresh
> To the extent I searched around, it looks difficult or impossible. I think 
> it's 
> a reasonable consumer expectation, though do not know about its feasibility.
PS: Let me reduce the level of generality of the question to specific scenarios 
such as 1. A torrent client receiving different chunks on different connections 
thus increasing throughput. 2. File downloaders that break the downloads into 
a no of pieces exist. What if they download chunks on both connections 
simultaneously etc.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] chromium java plugin?

2009-07-25 Thread Mayuresh
Have been waiting for official chromium release on linux for long. Just 
installed dev version using the following yum repo. (I'm on Fedora.):


Does anyone know how to add plugins in this version of the browser? Java and 
flash at the minimum?

BTW, don't know whether I'm triggering a flame war. Beloved old friend firefox 
has started falling way below expectations mainly in terms of performance. 
Upgrade to 3.5 just ended my patience to wait for a proper chromium version 
and I tend to switch to dev version of the latter for at least whatever it 
works on.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Torrent question

2009-11-18 Thread Mayuresh
Just started donwloading Fedora 12 torrent.

Always wonder when I download a new distro why the peers list that the torrent 
client shows so few peers from India. (I use ktorrent which shows the country 
of a connected peer. May be other clients too show this.)

US tops the list of peers' countires followed by China, Russia when I observed 
just now.

Is it that, not too many in India download or it has anything to do with the 
bandwidths in India i.e. the torrent clients might be choosing peers with 
better speeds etc.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Torrent question

2009-11-19 Thread Mayuresh
> Not many broadband users with unlimited bandwidth in India and speeds in
> peers in US and Europe are much better.  Just as a curiosity, what ISO

May be also, in India there are more "offline leechers"  ;-) i.e. distro DVDs 
get shared more from person to person than everyone downloading. (It's good in 

> image are you downloading?  Live CD or regular DVD?  What speed are you
> getting?
> Rahul

I am downloading regular DVD. I usually get 20 to 25 kbps speed. (My bandwidth 
often is not fully utilized.)

Also my upload bandwidth hardly gets utilized though I do not set any limit on 
it. Share ratios remain between .2 and .3. BTW, this observation puts my 
original question in this post in a different perspective. How come the torrent 
mechanism doesn't fully utilize my (for example) upload bandwidth? May be, if 
utilized, that will bemefit peers in the vicinity.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] UIDAI seeks volunteers

2009-12-12 Thread Mayuresh
The topic for open source contribution in the UIDAI ambitious national project 
has come up before in PLUG.

There was a news today regarding UIDAI seeking volunteers on various fronts.

Some quick pointers on this topic:

Press release regarding volunteers:

Draft rules for volunteers

Draft overall approach:

UIDAI home page:

Wonder what sort of contribution can be volunteered by open source enthusiasts 
in the technology bits and how can it all be organized. Can some concrete 
proposal be made and taken to the Govt. on behalf of various LUGs and such OSS 
related groups...


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Tata photon TV - anyone ?

2009-12-20 Thread Mayuresh
Has anyone tried Tata photon broadband on Linux?

They seem to have launched "Tata photon TV" over photon internet connection. 
The TV subscription charges are like Rs 4 per channel pm and Rs 29 per 10 
channels pm etc. 

It will of course consume your internet usage quota. Not sure about charges, 
whether there are unlimited plans, reliability of the speeds for TV viewing 

You also need their client software to watch TV. (Again not sure whether it 
will work on Linux.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Devanagari unicode: composite letters ( जोडाक्षरे ); latex

2010-01-15 Thread Mayuresh
For an example of the issue I am trying to understand, try typing the word 
शुक्रवार (Marathi for Friday in case you can't see devanagari properly) in 

You can see the applications like word processors, email editors, browsers 
etc. (most of them) render the word properly.

However other applications like terminal emulators (say konsole or gnome- 
terminal) split the second letter i.e. क्र as "half ka" and "ra".

It's obvious that there is no separate unicode assigned to (and it's not 
feasible too) to each such composite letter. So it is up to the application to 
compose these letters correctly.

Apart from Devanagari, even Arabic seems to have the same issue (as per 
wikipedia explanation of unicode).

Isn't it strange to leave such core things as font rendering to applications 
rather than them being at system level? Can't there be a common system-wide 
component to do that?


PS: This all originated from my attempt to use devanagari in a latex document. 
I was able to do it using xelatex and unicode package - but for issues with 
letters like above. Basically xelatex doesn't have the above mentioned logic 
to render some of those special composite letters. (Hence it's painful to see 
it being so application dependent.)

Will appreciate help in getting letter क्र (as an example) rightly rendered via 
latex. (I know other methods like generating pdf by export from OOffice etc. 
That's fine. The question is more about latex.)
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Devanagari unicode: composite letters ( जोडाक्षरे ); latex

2010-01-15 Thread Mayuresh

> > > Isn't it strange to leave such core things as font rendering to
> > >  applications rather than them being at system level? Can't there be a
> > >  common system-wide component to do that?
> >
> > I think this is more to do with fonts. In  konsole when I select the
> > font, not even 10% of system fonts are listed there. I guess there is no
> > good fixed font for devnagari.

No. I tried that Sridhar.

In gnome-terminal I select font "Samyak Devanagari". (It shows this in my font 
In oowriter I chose the same font.
In both these apps I type "kra" as in Shukrawar.
oowriter renders it the way it is supposed to be though gnome-terminal shows 
"broken ka followed by ra".

The look of font in both applications is same just in case you are doubting 
whether it got selected properly or not.

Same experiment repeated for Lohit Marathi with same result.

Not only that, you can type it in one and copy paste to the other (try both 
from terminal to oowriter and opposite) both apps stick to their rendering 
showing beyond doubt that it's rendering time adjustment.

I can understand that inventing a unicode for every single composite character 
is difficult since there can be theoretically infinite of them. (May be 
compositions" could be given unique code, but they don't seem to have thought 
that way.) So the rendering has to be composed on the fly. Just that the 
component that does this work should be a part of system-wide font mechanism 
rather than application's worry.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Devanagari unicode: composite letters ( जोडाक्षरे ); latex

2010-01-15 Thread Mayuresh
> showing beyond doubt that it's rendering time adjustment.

These are called ligatures it seems:


"Unicode maintains that ligaturing is a presentation issue rather than a 
character definition issue" ... " the use of the special Unicode ligature 
characters is "discouraged", and "no more will be encoded in any 
circumstances" "

Seems unicode earlier allowed special codes for ligatures in Roman.

Anyway, it's understandable why special codes are not allowed. But what does a 
poor application developer do? Worry himself about ligatures? Will be 
interesting to find out from internals of some of the apps.

In any case a good design should dump the issue to fonts system and not the 
application. Not sure whether it's done that way given the observations in 
last mail.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Devanagari unicode: composite letters ( जोडाक्षरे ); latex

2010-01-15 Thread Mayuresh
> Will appreciate help in getting letter क्र (as an example) rightly rendered
> via latex.

This is SOVED for latex at least, thanks to this mail thread:
Basically, there is an option to let xetex know that it needs to take care of 

(The curiocity about why should this not be done at system level, instead of 
application in some way or the other having to worry about it remains.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Devanagari unicode: composite letters ( जोडाक्षरे ); latex

2010-01-23 Thread Mayuresh
> How to write "varyavar" (read in marathi) using SCIM mr-itrans?

During this mail thread I realized the following things that I wish to 

Correct rendering of a letter depends on the following factors:

1. Availability of Unicode for a certain letter

This is usually not a problem as the codes are quite comprehensively made. 
Problems could arise due to one of the remaining factors below.

2. Availability of right ligatures when joining codes together to form 
composite letters

Unicode strategy is to stay out of specifying ligatures. (See references cited 
on this thread before.) Ligatures are about joining the composite letters 
together as per the rules of the language. This is fairly complex in 
Devanagari. But to the extent I saw, even this is well taken care of in various 

3. Support for both these in the application

Applications like editors, mail clients etc. are usually good in supporting 
this. Applications like terminals etc. lack here a bit - particularly in 
ligatures. But that's usually sufficient.

4. Input method to enter such characters

Input methods such as SCIM do a pretty decent job, though if at all, the 
problems in producing some letters arise in having an input method for letters. 
I encountered problems with Au as in August or Aa as in Actor and as above mail 
mentioned rya as in varyawar. Fortunately factor 1 through 3 are alright for 
all these examples.

I deal with such letters in the following way:

i.  Search for the unicode (on web). There will be documents providing bitmaps 
of various letters. Type the unicode using Ctrl-v in vi and paste it from 
there. (No matter how the code looks on your terminal when you enter in vi, 
copy pasting it in ligature aware program will render it correctly.) (u0931, 
u094d, u092f in this case. This specific appearance of "ra" is called "eyelash 


ii. Search for a related word directly on the web. If you are lucky you'll get 
some context that is enterable in search. E.g. if you want varyawar, search by 
varat. May be 1 out of 10 pages gives you correctly written word (since many 
people face this problem). Copy-paste from there.

iii. Maintain an oowriter (or such) file of frequently encoutered difficult to 
enter letters as a library. (Fortunately these are few.) This comes handy if 
you type devanagari frequently.  

I know, this doesn't answer the question about how an input method to get do 
all this. But this is something practicable I felt.

PS: I just changed my mailing system to mutt. This mail is perhaps the last 
that will appear to break threads in threaded clients.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] New ISP option

2010-01-25 Thread Mayuresh
Came across this new ISP option. Their tariffs look good.

They have an office in Pune (Wanawadi - where their service
is available too.  Phone: 41294277/9).

Do not know much about the technology they use, though checked
with them re Linux. They said it works on Linux (though their website
states Windows as a requirement).

I'm considering switching to this after my current isp subscription is
over. If anyone tries this new isp please do post experience.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] [OT] Came across another PLUG mailing list

2010-02-13 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 03:42:58PM +0530, Navin Kabra wrote:
> I would guess that every linux users group in city whose name starts with
> 'P' calls itself PLUG. Google "PLUG linux users group" to get a whole lot of

Interesting ... This query also showed another PLUG within our
neighborhood (within India that is) - "Punjab Linux Users Group"!


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Suggestion or Ideas for including LINUX based event(competition) for a College EVENT

2010-02-17 Thread Mayuresh
> Guys,
> If you want people to use Linux & make them like it, you must remove
> fear(make them comfortable) of Linux. You need to show them all the things
> they do in windows can be done in Linux with more security, without any
> virus attack.
> So you can arrange a game competition in Linux, search for games like Quake,
> CS in Linux, show them how to connect to internet, how to play movies songs
> etc..
> I have seen many students do their programming in Linux *BECAUSE it is in
> Syllabus.. *
> So make then play with Linux box.

The perspectives on what to showcase to attract Engg students and to
attract non-technical users could be different.

Engg students may love the technical capabilities, the configurability,
the multi-user environment, great deal of FOSS options available for
software required to do college projects or generally related to college
subjects etc. Other things like security, full control over the system,
getting regular updates to software are important. Cost advantage, too,
(of course with awareness that if you are copying other OSs and software
how it's illegal).

While the point that "Linux can do what you can do on Windows" is
important, it should be a sort of "BTW" point, IMHO. The more important
points should be the differentiators. Why would someone get attracted
towards a "me, too" operating system?

For a college event I'd imagine a poster being put up that is sort of a
teaser that brings out the differentiators in some light humorous way.
E.g. By the time Windows machine boots, I am done with checking all my
mails on a Linux box ... (Highlights the speed).

Some information on which big organizations (govt as well as corporates)
use Linux, or popular embedded devices such as mobile phone models that
run Linux could achieve some impact.

Apart from that, some Linux magazine vendors (such as LFY) may be invited
to put up a stall, if that's feasibe.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] regarging swap space

2010-02-23 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:35:50AM +0530, vinayak kulkarni wrote:
> hi all,
> it is said that 'swap space' should be double of physical memory(by respected 
> authors)

More of a thumb rule, though one should add to it that RAM + SWAP should
be less than Virtual Memory addressable by the processor.

A 32 bit processor can address maximum of 4GB of virtual memory. So if you
have 2GB RAM, you can use at the most 2GB of swap. (How much you'd like to
is still a different question.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] regarging swap space

2010-02-23 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 08:10:07PM +0530, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 February 2010 19:54:50 Mayuresh wrote:
> > A 32 bit processor can address maximum of 4GB of virtual memory. So if you
> > have 2GB RAM, you can use at the most 2GB of swap. (How much you'd like to
> > is still a different question.)
> I believe on 32 bit processor each process can have 4GB RAM and with PAE, the 
> system can have lot more than 4GB RAM, so this calculation does not exactly 
> apply.

Agree. Thanks Shridhar.

While each process' address space is limited by the architecture and
total virtual memory is limited by physical resources, this does not imply
that there is any (theoretical) limit on swap space per se. (A
misinterpretation I made in the last mail.)

Allowable maximum swap spaces are limited by kernel implementation and it
seems the man pages specify them per architecture (e.g. i386 2GB.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] [plug] Foss

2010-03-01 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 09:18:30PM +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
> Fair enough and I agree but the *scary* part is that a whole
> generation of SMS speak is coming into the work force and their
> dialect is creeping into business correspondence - to their managers
> and associates.  Many cannot write a full coherent sentence; makes one
> wonder how/what do they write in their exam papers :)
> -- Arun Khan

Very rightly said. The trend is definitely horrifying. Not sure what it
has to do with time-line, though this is seen mostly over last 3/4 years.
Most people have difficulty speaking even near correct English. The
mistakes of singular-plural and which form of the verb goes with each are
very common.

"Creeping in" are really very apt words. One may be a little tolerant to
mistakes of new comers and ignore them, but the same people become
managers tomorrow and weaken the band of tolerance further to their new
comers. Thus, overall quality of language used in a work group keeps going
down over time rapidly.

The effect has started being seen now at places where you would definitely
expect correct English (rather correct language - whichever it may be)
such as announcers at various functions, official communications you get
from various service providers, customer service you get to speak with for
various services etc.

An aside: There is a famous title "Eats, Shoots & Leaves - Lynne Truss"
which in a humourous style points out what chaos breaking of language
grammar rules may cause.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Fedora 12 with tata broadband

2010-03-04 Thread Mayuresh
On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 04:05:12PM +0530, Shrikant Gmail wrote:
> Fedora 12 is able to detect the modem, dial and ping to google.com.

There is a pdf on following page that describes setting up of EC1260 on
Ubuntu. That might help. (Since you can ping etc. may be your basic setup
is ok, though you might just want to take a look.)


(Accessing the attachment may require registration.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] [Dumb Question] Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Shutdown shortcut

2010-03-06 Thread Mayuresh
On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 12:18:07AM +0530, Udayraj wrote:
> I always prefer keyboard shortcuts over mouse. In previous releases of
> Ubuntu I could shut down system using Alt+F1 and system -> shutdown.
> Now I don't find the option under System menu. I now use gnomedo and

I feel it's nice to define keyboard shortcuts of your own. Even if you
change the distro version or the distro itself or just the window manager
you can carry your shortcuts to the next by setting them up once.

An aside: if you are a keyboard fan, try ratpoison window manager. Besides
being more keyboard oriented, what I like about it is, it has non
overlapping windows, no controls like minimize, maximize etc. Every window
(except pop ups) occupies the full screen - like a kiosk mode. (E.g. you
can imagine xterm would look like console in this.) There are ways to
split a screen to let more than 1 windows fit on one screen if you want to
view 2 applications simultaneously. Besides, it's highly configurable, has
a very small size and memory footprint.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] What is each distribution best for?

2010-03-27 Thread Mayuresh
A survey:

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] What is each distribution best for?

2010-03-27 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:16:16PM +0530, Mehul Ved wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Mayuresh  wrote:
> > A survey:
> > http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/what-each-distribution-best
> Causing flamewars?
> just kidding.

It could. But may be not, as it is not so much about "vote for the best
distro". It is about "what is best aspect of each distro".

An aside. Although I like to follow such surveys out of curiosity, I think
one flaw with such surveys is, majority of respondents who participate
would not have tried out various options (of distros or window managers or
apps - whatever the survey is about).


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] A "better" KDE in the offing?

2010-04-01 Thread Mayuresh
If you used to be KDE fan though were disappointed by releases over last 2
years this may bring a good news for you:



Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Interesting stats

2010-04-06 Thread Mayuresh
Interesting browser usage trend stats:



Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] program for taking a image from webcam

2010-04-06 Thread Mayuresh
> On 04/05/2010 02:14 AM, Suraj Swami wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to write a code to take a snap from the webcam and store it in .
> > But I am not able to do the basic reading of images. I get all zero value.

There is a command line program called webcam (part of xawtv package) that
may be suitable for your requirements. It can also upload the images to a
remote machine through ftp/other protocols or store them locally. It can
also take a series of images based on a threshold amount of change in the

I'm not sure though ImageMagick and gimp, too, may have some way of doing
this through command line.

(Suggesting command line program because you are trying to write your code
means perhaps you want this ability to be integrated with some of your own
programs. At times it may be easier to wrap an existing CLI tool instead
of writing code at low level.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Way to disable command hashing in bash?

2010-04-10 Thread Mayuresh
bash remembers the location you executed a command from in a hash table so
that it does not have to interpret the whole PATH variable when you have
to execute the same command the next time (in the same session).

This is usually good, though at times it can be annoying. E.g. if you have
a set up where there is a "standard (std)" location of a program and a
"development (dev)" location where you check out (or copy) the program for

Unless you have checked out the program you'd like bash to pick it up from
"std" location while if you check it out, you'd like bash to pick it up
from "dev" location.

To achieve this we set the PATH variable such that the "dev" location is
ahead of "std" location in the PATH.

So far so good.

Now let's say we execute the program in a state where it is not checked
out into "dev". So it executes fine from "std" location.

Now you realize you need to make a change to it and you check it out to
"dev". Now because you already have executed it from "std" in _this_
session, bash won't pick up your "dev" copy even though "dev" is ahead in
the PATH (because of caching).

Now the "solutions" I know and am not particularly happy with are:

1. Use hash -r to remove the cache.

2. Open a new session every time you check out, so that you begin with
empty cache.

3. Write a script for check-out operation that will empty the cache.

Rather, I am looking for a way that will disable caching completely and I
won't have to remember to do any manual operation if I check out the

(Note that, "set checkhash" is something whose description might look
close this issue. But it addresses a different issue, not this.)

Web searches show bash to have "-d" command line option that disables
cache, though I didn't find that working on my bash version 4.0.

The compatibility mode of bash with classical sh (+B option) also does not
seem to disable cache.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Way to disable command hashing in bash?

2010-04-11 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 08:57:16PM +0530, Kulkarni Shantanu wrote:
> * Mayuresh  [100410 19:58]:
> > Now the "solutions" I know and am not particularly happy with are:
> > 
> > 1. Use hash -r to remove the cache.
> > 
> > 2. Open a new session every time you check out, so that you begin with
> > empty cache.
> > 
> > 3. Write a script for check-out operation that will empty the cache.
> > 
> > Rather, I am looking for a way that will disable caching completely and I
> > won't have to remember to do any manual operation if I check out the
> > program.
> > 
> I do not have an exact answer, but have thought of aliases.
> You may want something on lines of,
> alias cmd=/dev/cmd
> This will ensure /dev/cmd is executed always. But do read this before,
> http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Aliases.html#Aliases
> Even functions might do. Please see,
> http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Command-Search-and-Execution.html#Command-Search-and-Execution
> I do not have access to bash 4 and so cannot find the exact solution.
> Do keep us posted on results.
> Shantanu
> www.shantanukulkarni.org

On a development setup, there may be several such programs and over a
period of time they would keep growing. So aliases or functions are not so
convenient. In comparison, wrapping the check out operation into a script
that empties cache (option 3 in my mail) looks better i.e. easier to live
with and maintain.

However, ideally, there should have been a way with bash to disable
caching that would generally seem to be a smart behavior though really
annoying in such situations.  Seems there isn't a way to do so as of now


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] [OT] EVM Security

2010-04-30 Thread Mayuresh
This is OT though could be of concern.

A video showing "Indian" EVM's vulnerabilities:

An article on this:

While the points raised in the video may be theoretically valid and
improvements on these lines may be possible, theoretically no system could
be "fully secure" anyway. One has to trust in some system anyway.

Besides, not clear why they call them as "India's EVM's" specifically.
These or other vulnerabilities could be present anywhere in the world.
Academics should perhaps keep it to general topic of EVM security and
measures to overcome them rather than targeting a particular country's
election system.

Anyway, felt, it could be a good research and prototype building topic for
students to take up as college project.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] ITR e-filing on Linux

2010-05-27 Thread Mayuresh
Income tax department provides MS Excel based software (Excel sheets) for
preparing income tax returns on this page:


They state MS Excel as a system requirement for using this.

If anyone has tried/succeeded in e-filing returns using this software on
Linux (using Openoffice / otherwise) please do post your experience.

I could see that the file seems to open fine in oocalc and I could also
enable Macros which were disabled by default. Worry is more about
following aspects:

- Functioning of all macros properly (non-working of some of which may
  cause data integrity issues. Worse if such issues are hard to notice.)
- Generation of a "valid" xml file that will be loadable correctly on
  e-filing website.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] ITR e-filing on Linux

2010-05-27 Thread Mayuresh
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 07:36:57PM +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
> I end up using my accountants Windows desktop to do such activities - YMMV.
> -- Arun Khan

One of the countless things around where some way or the other middlemen
stay in business... Firstly, for complexity of returns and if you manage
to overcome that, you have to run around looking for a Windows machine to
the job :-(


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] ITR e-filing on Linux

2010-05-28 Thread Mayuresh
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 07:36:57PM +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
> You can protest with the authorities, it they at all get back to you -

I think they will respond or at least be forced to think if a lot of
people ask about it. (Sounds familiar - when you have to struggle to find
a driver for your hardware though the h/w vendor appears to not care?!)

I don't know how many would ask, though I made my bit by writing a mail to
them (with no realistic hope of response or action) pointing out the costs
of proprietary software involved to file returns and options available
like openoffice where they just need to ascertain it works (and don't need
to redevelop things from scratch.)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] ITR e-filing on Linux

2010-06-01 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 12:08:24PM +0530, म.हा.सा.ग.र wrote:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:53 AM, steve  wrote:
> http://lists.fosscom.in/pipermail/network-fosscom.in/2009-September/001405.html
> http://freedom-matters.in/
> > I don't know yet if the IT-R form is the same this year too, but in any
> > case, methinks publishing and popularizing this effort would be a nice
> > thing.
> >
> i used to have tough time with few of accounting team members needing
> MSOffice only for this filing purpose and the link above removes that
> last hurdle which till now prevented complete move to OpenOffice...

The effort above is commendable though unfortunately the forms are
different this year and perhaps every year they get revised. (Not that the
final format of the form one prints changes so fast. Just the spread
sheets released by IT Dept - perhaps its internal macros etc - undergo
some revisions like any piece of software would over time.)


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