Re: [Pharo-users] WideString and FTP Client

2013-05-13 Thread Camillo Bruni
We fixed it by added a proper fuelNextWordsInto: but it's all a bit a mess 
And IMO there are quite random conversion going on between word and byte 
objects which are far from obvious.

Furthermore I think it would be nice (and efficient) to replace the endianness 
conversion with some little nativeboost code. Relying on BitMap/Form and BitBlt 
to get that job done is highly confusing :/

On 2013-05-13, at 17:05, Mariano Martinez Peck  wrote:
> I had a similar problem when using Monticello with regular HTTP
> repositoryI was not able to write literal widestrings as part of the
> source. In other words, if the compiled method would get a WideString as
> part of its literals, there was a problem with Monticello
> I can search the thread if you want...
> best,
> On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Hilaire Fernandes <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using FTP Client to save xml file.
>> Some of these files may be WideString, in that case the FTP Client
>> fails. I got a ByteArray(Object)>>errorImproperStore
>> The code snippet to save is like this (client is ftp client)
>> readonlyStream := ReadStream  on: stream contents.
>> client putFileStreamContents: readonlyStream as: aFilename
>> If I convert the content to ByteArray, in that case file is x4 times
>> greater, which should not be the case.
>> Enclosed PharoDebug
>> Thanks
>> Hilaire
>> --
>> Dr. Geo
> -- 
> Mariano

Pharo-users mailing list

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate

2013-05-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
cool :)

On 2013-05-16, at 14:36, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is a little tool that might be useful to some you. For others it might 
> be a nice example.
> So you have your shiny Pharo server application running in the cloud. When 
> something goes wrong, most of the time you will just restart, manually or 
> automatically. But sometimes you wish you could interact with a running 
> headless server image. Problem is, you can't out of the box.
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate is a simple tool that exports a REPL Web Service. 
> Much like the emergency evaluator. Primitive but better than nothing. Install 
> it on a port of your choice, running in a independent Zn HTTP server, bound 
> to localhost only.
>   ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate startInServerOn: 1701.
> There is only one API method: POST a plain/text Smalltalk expression to 
> evaluate, get the result back.
>   ZnClient new
>   url: 'http://localhost:1701/repl';
>   contents: '42 factorial';
>   post.
> Here is an example terminal session (logged in to the server, not remote):
> A GET on the service /repl gives some help text
> $ curl http://localhost:1701/repl
> # Pharo Smalltalk REPL. POST expressions to evaluate
> # Here is one way (type ctrl-d to end input)
> curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> A POST with -d is good for short expressions
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d '42 factorial' 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> 14050061177528798985431426062445115699363840
> For longer or multi line expressions you can read input from stdin and end 
> with ctrl-d (copy the expression returned by the GET). Or you could send text 
> files.
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> { (1 to: 10) sum. (1 to: 10) average }
> {55. (11/2)}
> There is error handling as well:
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> 1 plus: 2
> MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus:
> SmallInteger(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #plus:
>   Receiver: 1
>   Arguments and temporary variables: 
>   aMessage:   plus: 2
>   exception:  MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus:
>   resumeValue:nil
>   Receiver's instance variables: 
> 1
> UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged:
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [| result |...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [:out | [| result |...
> String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>new:streamContents:
> WARNING: never open this service beyond your local network ! This service 
> gives you absolute control over and access to everything in your image. For 
> example, the following will kill your image:
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d 'Smalltalk quitPrimitive' 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> All this in one class and a handful of methods.
> Enjoy,
> Sven
> PS1: Part of Zinc HTTP Components, in the bleedingEdge version.
> PS2: Of course, basic authentication or HTTPS can be added through simple Zn 
> configuration.
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

Re: [Pharo-users] Debugger question

2013-06-02 Thread Camillo Bruni
Most probably you know that already, but you can load the changes
of another image. That might help to ease the migration a bit :/:
simply drag and drop a .changes file onto an image and you can replay
whatever was in there...

On 2013-06-02, at 10:52, ""  wrote:
> Ok.
> I'll get the latest PharoVM and move from there.
> And recovering lost changes when facing this is just a huge pain.
> Phil
> On Sunday, June 2, 2013, Clément Bera wrote:
>> Yeah there was a bug report about stepping on Processor terminateActive.
>> I tried with the latest Pharo VM and I was able to do Cmd . to interrupt.
>> It worked several times, but it might be just a question of luck.
>> It is not easy to fix. We could as a temporary patch hardcode the step
>> over terminateActive ...
>> 2013/6/1 > '');> > '');>>
>>> When using the debugger, I am often getting into the situation shown in
>>> the attached picture when stepping.
>>> And the image is then frozen. No matter how much Cmd-. I do, no way out
>>> it seems.
>>> For newcomers, this is really discouraging I think.
>>> What can we do to alleviate this?
>>> Thx,
>>> Phil
>> --
>> Clément Béra
>> Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
>> Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 *Villeneuve d'Ascq*

Re: [Pharo-users] DateAndTime>>asTime

2013-06-05 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-06, at 00:41, dmacq  wrote:

> In Pharo V2, if I execute this snippet:
> | x |
> x := DateAndTime year: 1991 day: 196 hour: 20 minute: 5 second: 7.
> x asTime inspect
> I get '12:0-54:0-53 am' which is not what I expect.

- where did you get this string from? that looks very strange.
If I do what you describe in a fresh 2.0 Image I get '8:05:07 pm' as expected.
- Just to be sure, which exact Pharo version are you using (print SystemVersion 

> DateAndTime>>asTime changed from 1.4 to 2.0.

yes, the internals of DateAndTime are now in UTC and no longer local time.

> Any ideas? 

Re: [Pharo-users] DateAndTime>>asTime

2013-06-05 Thread Camillo Bruni
it keeps on being strange ;), another try, what is your time zone?

TimeZone local inspect
TimeZone local offset inspect

On 2013-06-06, at 01:14, dmacq  wrote:
> SystemVersion current ---> Pharo2.0 of 7 March 2013 update 20596
> The string is from the inspector window.
> I get the same thing in a fresh image.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] DateAndTime>>asTime

2013-06-05 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-06, at 02:53, dmacq  wrote:
> TimeZone local inspect > a TimeZone(LT-4:00)
> TimeZone local offset inspect -> aDuration -0:04:00:00

that seems normal. can you upload your image somewhere (dropbox) and have an 
inspector open on the strange DateAndTime instance?

and another try, does the following look normal?

DateAndTime now asTime inspect

Re: [Pharo-users] DateAndTime>>asTime

2013-06-06 Thread Camillo Bruni
can you save an image with the inspector opened on both x and y, x asTime and y 
and provide a link to it? like that I can inspect it in all detail...

On 2013-06-06, at 17:51, dmacq  wrote:

> I tried it again this morning and still had the problem.
> This is interesting.
> | x y |
> x := DateAndTime year: 1991 day: 196 hour: 20 minute: 5 second: 7.
> y := DateAndTime year: 1991 month: 7 day: 15 hour: 20 minute: 5 second: 7.
> x = y  <-- True
> But 
> | x y |
> x := DateAndTime year: 1991 day: 196 hour: 20 minute: 5 second: 7.
> y := DateAndTime year: 1991 month: 7 day: 15 hour: 20 minute: 5 second: 7.
> x asTime = y asTime <- False
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-07 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-07, at 08:27, Marcus Denker  wrote:

> On Jun 6, 2013, at 5:12 PM, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>> Hi Damien,
>>  Because of the attached Message Tally outputs I don't think the problem
>> is specific to changes I've made to an image.  I also don't think that
>> there is much differnece between Eliots vm or the pharo ppa vm.  The
>> Message Tally outputs are from profiling the UI while finding the
>> senders of #setUp using various VM & image combinations.On squeak
>> finding the senders of #setUp seems instantaneous.On Pharo it takes
>> multiple seconds to find and display the senders.
> This is really strange… here even doing "senders of" for all the >6000 senders
> of ifTrue: is quite fast for 2.0 and even faster in 3.0.
> So I really wonder what the problem is...

the provided profiling evidence shows the same. Pharo 1.4 / 2.0 on cog doesn't
show any anomalies :/. But I must say that I had an image as well that behaved 
similarly recently...

Re: [Pharo-users] Changes-File & caching

2013-06-07 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-07, at 11:20, Markus Fritsche  wrote:

> Hello Marcus & List,
> On 07.06.2013 10:44, Marcus Denker wrote:
>> Normally I thought that fogbugz should send you updates on bugs you 
>> reported? We need to check that. 
> I got one mail with an URL that I could check for updates...
>> In this case, we have fixed in in 3.0 and 2.0 (the bug as a "Parent Case" 
>> for 2.0,
>> this was decided in the discussion and done).
>> We often fix things first in 3.0 to test and then fix it in 2.0 so we are 
>> sure the fix
>> works.
> Thank you for explaining. I admit it was late yesterday ;-)
>> So there are two problems:
>> 1) the "RemoteString past end of file" on recent linux.
>> 2) Something strange happens sometimes that reading the source fails.
>>  (it has a parent case for 2.0)
> Can you link to Penelope about the second issue? I'd like to help hunt these 
> two since ubuntu-13.04 is my primary system on a few machines, big to small.

you can register on the penelope page.
avoid the dot in your gmail address (BTW: gmail ignores the dots anyway. you 
can put as many dots as you want and still receive mails).

[Pharo-users] account search

2013-06-07 Thread Camillo Bruni
who is  on fogbugz?

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-07 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-07, at 16:03, Marcus Denker  wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2013, at 3:45 PM, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>> For the attached profile I downloaded a new pharo 20606 image and ran
>> the search for senders of #ifTrue: twice.  It shows that it took 17
>> seconds on Ubuntu 13.04 64bit.  How long does it take on your machine?

On my virtualbox ubuntu 13.04 

[SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun == 1052


Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-07 Thread Camillo Bruni
Can you try on the command line only?

curl | bash
./pharo Pharo.image eval "[SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] 

On 2013-06-07, at 17:12, Marcus Denker  wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>> My laptop is:
>> [SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun 1518
> (3.0):
> [SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun 117
> I have a slow machine: 1.8Ghz Core i5 in a MacBook Air.
> It auto-overclocks to 2.8 Ghz when not using two cores.
> It's supposed to be not a fast system, as far as I understood. 
>   Marcus

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-10 Thread Camillo Bruni
thanks for the insight. I opened an issue:

can you try to try out the "unstable" VM?

On 2013-06-09, at 19:04, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:

> I think that we do have a problem, and I think it is VM related.
> This is what I see on my Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit machine (AMD Athlon(tm) II X4
> 640, 4GB, AMD Radeon HD 7750) using a  Pharo 3.0 #30189 image.
> Using the vm from
> [ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun. 99 101
> [ SystemNavigation new browseAllCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun. 1455 1420
> Using the vm from ppa:pharo/stable
> [ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun. 1495 1518
> [ SystemNavigation new browseAllCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun. 11535 11156
> That is a 10x slowdown !
> Here are the VM details:
> $ ./pharo-ui -version
> 3.9-7 #1 Wed Mar 13 18:22:44 CET 2013 gcc 4.4.3
> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid:
> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid:
> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
> git:// Commit:
> 412abef33cbed05cf1d75329e451d71c0c6aa5a7 Date: 2013-03-13 17:48:50 +0100
> By: Esteban Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14535
> Linux linux-ubuntu-10 2.6.32-38-server #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:26:59
> UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> plugin path: /home/sven/Pharo/pharo-vm/ [default:
> /home/sven/Pharo/pharo-vm/]
> $ pharo-vm-x --version
> 3.9-7 #1 Thu Jun  6 11:05:55 UTC 2013 gcc 4.7.3
> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid:
> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 Jun  6 2013
> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid:
> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 Jun  6 2013
> git:// Commit:
> 0f562e0afe14e533470278943b5d65d42ea133c2 Date: 2013-05-30 16:38:08 +0200
> By: Igor Stasenko  Jenkins build #14595
> Linux samarium 2.6.24-32-xen #1 SMP Thu Jul 12 14:30:40 UTC 2012 i686
> athlon i686 GNU/Linux
> plugin path: /usr/lib/pharo-vm/ [default: /usr/lib/pharo-vm/]
> One version seems older, but I don't know what changed inbetween them
> Sven
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>> And the pharo2 linux all-in-one runs in 116ms on my hardware on Ubuntu
>> 13.04 64bit.
>> On 06/07/2013 09:35 AM, Markus Fritsche wrote:
>>> On 07.06.2013 17:55, Paul DeBruicker wrote:
 From the below it seems to be something with running on linux 64bits
 with a UI slows it down by a factor of 10x.
 Command line per Camillo below on ubuntu 13.04 64bit on the hardware
 was: 134ms
 Using Pharo-2 windows all in one on a windows xp virtualbox VM was:
>> 163ms
 Using Pharo-2 linux all in one on a ubuntu 12,04 64bit virtualbox VM
 was: 1918ms
 Using Pharo-2 linux all in one on a debian 6 32bit virtualbox VM was:
>> 152 ms
>>> Further research:
>>> Pharo PPA VM, Ubuntu 13.04 64Bit:
>>> [SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun 2230
>>> CogVM from Eliot directly (
>>> [SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] timeToRun 164
>>> Kind regards,
>>>   Markus

Re: [Pharo-users] SVN client and latex parser, are any there?

2013-06-12 Thread Camillo Bruni
I use git over svn, so I sleep properly at night at least :P

what's the real problem you're dealing with?

On 2013-06-12, at 09:38, Guillermo Polito  wrote:

> Buon giorno!
> I got pissed off when committing latex and figures and stuff into svn by
> command line...
> So, for playing the weekend, does somebody know if there is any package
> implementing an svn client (maybe using osprocess, i do not care ;) and a
> latex parser?
> Tx!
> Guille

Re: [Pharo-users] SVN client and latex parser, are any there?

2013-06-12 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-12, at 09:52, Guillermo Polito  wrote:

> The problem is myself! I forgot stuff, I forgot to commit figures, to
> double-check if references and labels are consistent, if figures are
> referenced somewhere...
> So either I have to be very very disciplined, or I automate it :).

I followed the discipline part so far :)

> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> I use git over svn, so I sleep properly at night at least :P
>> what's the real problem you're dealing with?
>> On 2013-06-12, at 09:38, Guillermo Polito 
>> wrote:
>>> Buon giorno!
>>> I got pissed off when committing latex and figures and stuff into svn by
>>> command line...
>>> So, for playing the weekend, does somebody know if there is any package
>>> implementing an svn client (maybe using osprocess, i do not care ;) and a
>>> latex parser?
>>> Tx!
>>> Guille

Re: [Pharo-users] Choosing multiple tests to move to new class

2013-06-13 Thread Camillo Bruni
Drag n Drop on lists is a bit strange.
You have to start dragging with the last click.

SHIFT-CLICK => continue dragging

BTW: this has only been added in Pharo 2.0...

On 2013-06-13, at 13:55, "Mohammad Al Houssami (Alumni)"  

> It is but cant I drag several tests at the same time?
> I want to have every 200 tests in a class. Shall I do them one by one ?
> From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:54 AM
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Choosing multiple tests to move to new class
> Isn't drag & drop working ?
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Mohammad Al Houssami (Alumni) 
>>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to see if its possible to click and choose several methods 
> to be able to move them at the same time into another class but It seems its 
> not possible. I have a test class that has around 1700 tests and the vm 
> cannot run them all as it runs out of memory so I want to split them to 
> smaller test classes but it seems ill have to move them one by one. Any ideas 
> if its possible to move a selection at once ?
> Thanks
> Mohammad

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
yes I discovered the same behavior yesterday with esteban.

thanks very much for the details!

On 2013-06-14, at 23:53, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
> On 07 Jun 2013, at 17:15, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> Can you try on the command line only?
> This is getting _very_ weird:
> This is on Ubuntu 12.10 x64 running on a non-virtualised Intel(R) Core(TM) 
> i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 8GB RAM.
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image printVersion
> [version] 3.0 #30199
> -1-
> $ curl| bash
> $ ./pharo -version
> 3.9-7 #1 Wed Mar 13 18:22:44 CET 2013 gcc 4.4.3
> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid: 
> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid: 
> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
> git:// Commit: 
> 412abef33cbed05cf1d75329e451d71c0c6aa5a7 Date: 2013-03-13 17:48:50 +0100 By: 
> Esteban Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14535
> Linux linux-ubuntu-10 2.6.32-38-server #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:26:59 UTC 
> 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> plugin path: /home/bt/pharo/pharo-vm/ [default: /home/bt/pharo/pharo-vm/]
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '1 tinyBenchmarks'
> '1276807980 bytecodes/sec; 172715872 sends/sec'
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '[ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] 
> timeToRun'
> 59
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '[ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] 
> timeToRun'
> 59
> -2-
> $ curl | bash
> $ ./pharo --version
> 3.9-7 #1 Fri May 31 13:43:31 CEST 2013 gcc 4.6.3
> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: 
> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 31 2013
> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid: 
> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 31 2013
> git:// Commit: 
> 0f562e0afe14e533470278943b5d65d42ea133c2 Date: 2013-05-30 16:38:08 +0200 By: 
> Igor Stasenko  Jenkins build #14595
> Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:39:45 UTC 
> 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> plugin path: /home/bt/pharo/pharo-vm/ [default: /home/bt/pharo/pharo-vm/]
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image printVersion
> [version] 3.0 #30199
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '1 tinyBenchmarks'
> '1335071707 bytecodes/sec; 179533604 sends/sec'
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '[ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] 
> timeToRun'
> 705
> $ ./pharo Pharo.image eval '[ SystemNavigation new allCallsOn: #ifTrue: ] 
> timeToRun'
> 697
> So #tinyBenchmarks reports approx. the same result, but #allCallsOn: differs 
> by a factor 10. Why ?
> Sven
> PS: We really need to start tracking benchmarks across platforms and versions 
> - so much to do.

actually succesfully 
detected the degeneration and thus failed.
And yes, we will add real benchmarks at some point. But for that we first need 
dedicated machines, as running them on a virtualized environment doesn't make 
much sense :/.

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-15 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-15, at 13:16, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:

>> actually succesfully 
>> detected the degeneration and thus failed.
>> And yes, we will add real benchmarks at some point. But for that we first 
>> need dedicated machines, as running them on a virtualized environment 
>> doesn't make much sense :/.
> What do we need to start?

some machines :) as long as they are ours it doesn't really matter what size as 
long as they only run benchmarks.
the current mac slave is not the best choice as it will be under load from 

Anne told me that there is sort of a service from inria where they provide 
certain machines for benchmarking

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-16 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-15, at 18:09, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:

> On Jun 15, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> On 2013-06-15, at 13:16, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
>>>> actually succesfully 
>>>> detected the degeneration and thus failed.
>>>> And yes, we will add real benchmarks at some point. But for that we first 
>>>> need dedicated machines, as running them on a virtualized environment 
>>>> doesn't make much sense :/.
>>> What do we need to start?
>> some machines :) as long as they are ours it doesn't really matter what size 
>> as long as they only run benchmarks.
>> the current mac slave is not the best choice as it will be under load from 
>> jenkins…
> Is a another mac ok?

sure :) whatever dedicated machine will do, I think the only requirement is, 
that at least OSX 10.6 runs on it. (or we can always install a linux on top :P)

>> Anne told me that there is sort of a service from inria where they provide 
>> certain machines for benchmarking
> I do not know but we can ask.

I will check on monday...

Re: [Pharo-users] ui slowness on newly installed ubuntu 13.04 64bit

2013-06-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-06-16, at 21:42, Guillermo Polito  wrote:
> ideas?
> Guille

I checked a bit the gitorious sources and I couldn't immediately see something 
that would cause this.
So I assume that it is on VM maker side... good look browsing diffs :(

So what was changed in the Pharo VMMaker recently?

Re: [Pharo-users] Comments not working in Ubuntu 13.04

2013-06-22 Thread Camillo Bruni
This is a known bug, and I thought it was fixed.

Did you update your 2.0 image to the latest version? (maybe that is not 
possible with this bug being present).
If you do not manage to update your image, can you try with a fresh 2.0 image?

On 2013-06-22, at 14:33, Kenneth Payne  wrote:

> I've just noticed that class comments have stopped working in Pharo since I
> upgraded from Xubuntu 12.10 to Xubuntu 13.04.
> If I make any change to a comment or add a new comment I get an error in
> RemoteString - 'RemoteSring past end of file'.
> This happens both for Pharo 2.0 images and older Pharo 1.4 images. It
> happens if I add comments to new classes or to classes where I have
> previously successfully added comments.
> This is where it falls down:
> string
>"Answer the receiver's string if remote files are enabled.
>Use a read only copy to avoid syntax errors when accessed via
>multiple processes."
>| theFile |
>(sourceFileNumber == nil or: [(SourceFiles at: sourceFileNumber) ==
> nil]) ifTrue: [^''].
>theFile := (SourceFiles at: sourceFileNumber) readOnlyCopy.
>^[filePositionHi > theFile size ifTrue: [
>self error: 'RemoteString past end of file' ].
>theFile position: filePositionHi.
>theFile nextChunk] ensure: [theFile close]
> Anyone else seen this? Anyone got a solution?
> Ken

Re: [Pharo-users] smalltalkhub project as a repository

2013-06-24 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-06-24, at 21:49, Bahman Movaqar  wrote:
> I just noticed it: when adding a new repository, there's an option for
> projects on ''.  Is this something new or I was just
> ignorant about this?  Anyway, congratulations on the design choice.

I do not understand your question? An option for what? :)

Re: [Pharo-users] smalltalkhub project as a repository

2013-06-25 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-25, at 06:51, Bahman Movaqar  wrote:

> On Mon, 2013-06-24 at 22:15 +0200, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> On 2013-06-24, at 21:49, Bahman Movaqar  wrote:
>>> I just noticed it: when adding a new repository, there's an option for
>>> projects on ''.  Is this something new or I was just
>>> ignorant about this?  Anyway, congratulations on the design choice.
>> I do not understand your question? An option for what? :)
> An option for projects on '' :-)  Please take a look at
> the screenshot I've attached.

ok, now I understand :), that is just a specific repository type for
smalltalkhub. THe default http one will still work of course.

Re: [Pharo-users] where is appendStream?

2013-06-25 Thread Camillo Bruni
you can use 

fileReference writeStream setToEnd

instead of just writeStream, that should be the same behavior as appendStream...

On 2013-06-24, at 14:20, Hayatou Oumarou  wrote:
> Hello, 
> I use in Pharo 2.0  the class FileSystem to write in a text file(csv format). 
>  I find only two options writeStream and readStream.  I would not like each 
> time to overwrite the contents of my file and I do not find the option 
> appendStream. How can I do? 
> working := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.
> stream := (working / 'test.csv') writeStream
> stream nextPutAll: 'something'.
> stream nextPutAll: ';' .
> stream nextPutAll: 'other'.
> stream close.
> Hayatou  

Re: [Pharo-users] implementing #release in a domain object

2013-06-26 Thread Camillo Bruni
There is no such thing as #release in Pharo. If you want your objects
to be garbage collected just make sure to remove all references to it.
You simply assign nil to instance variables which previously held such
and object.

Does that answer your question?

On 2013-06-26, at 23:47, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
> Lets say I'm modeling a navy that is comprised of many ships each with
> their own soldiers and jobs.  If I want one of the ships to be GC'd do I
> need to implement #release in the soldier and job objects and send it to
> each of those soldiers and jobs that live and work on the ship I want
> GC'd or is removing the references between the ship and the navy enough
> to have the whole ship (including its soldiers and jobs)  GC'd?

Re: [Pharo-users] implementing #release in a domain object

2013-06-26 Thread Camillo Bruni

ok I was not sure of how much you were aware of how the GC works :)
second try:

In your example it would be enough to cut the connection the ship,
everything "aboard" will be GC'ed as well. 

Once you cut the connection to a subgraph of objects, and they are no
longer reachable from the outside (root objects) the whole subgraph get's 
garbage collected.

In your example: as soon as nobody references a ship anymore it gets garbage 
as well as all objects that were only reachable via that ship.

clearer? If not I suggest you quickly make your own little example. 
Note that with #allInstances you can see which objects are still around of a 
class, for instance: Dictionary allInstances

On 2013-06-27, at 00:13, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
> In Pharo2 Object (and many other classes) implement #release and
> #release has many senders.  So I don't understand how 'there is no such
> thing as #release in Pharo'.  I understand that the GC is a VM thing and
> it does not send #release to the objects in the image.
> IF in my hypothetical question the Navy object contains an ordered
> collection of ships, and each ship is referenced in that collection and
> also by all of its soldiers and jobs, to have my ship GC'd do I only
> need to remove the reference to the ship in the Navy object (at which
> point the ship becomes detached and self contained amalgamation of
> soldiers and jobs) or do I have to have each soldier and job dereference
> the ship too?
> On 06/26/2013 03:05 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> There is no such thing as #release in Pharo. If you want your objects
>> to be garbage collected just make sure to remove all references to it.
>> You simply assign nil to instance variables which previously held such
>> and object.
>> Does that answer your question?
>> On 2013-06-26, at 23:47, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>>> Lets say I'm modeling a navy that is comprised of many ships each with
>>> their own soldiers and jobs.  If I want one of the ships to be GC'd do I
>>> need to implement #release in the soldier and job objects and send it to
>>> each of those soldiers and jobs that live and work on the ship I want
>>> GC'd or is removing the references between the ship and the navy enough
>>> to have the whole ship (including its soldiers and jobs)  GC'd?

Re: [Pharo-users] implementing #release in a domain object

2013-06-27 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-27, at 01:08, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:

> Sven & Camillo,
> Ok thanks.  And using the PointerFinder is there a way to know which of
> the pointers points to the SystemDictionary or Object someObject or
> whereever the GC begins so one would not have to check every pointer for
> every stubborn object.
> E.g. Lets say I've nil'ed the reference between the Navy and the ship so
> its ready to go but a few of the soldiers on the ship have references to
> other ships because their transfer papers weren't processed properly.
> Running #pointersTo on those soldiers gives a large collection of
> pointers.
> How can I use the computer to filter that list to just those references
> back to the root object?

What do you mean by root object?

In any case, if I'm not mistaken, this isn't that easy. Usually you have
to manually track down and follow the objects in the PointerExplorer

=> Inspect an Object, right click, Explore Strong Pointers

Re: [Pharo-users] how to use RBClassRegexRefactoring in Pharo 2 ?

2013-06-27 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-27, at 20:36, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
> In Nautilus when I try to use the 'Class Regex' menu item in Pharo 2
> 20605 I get an error that RBRegexClassRefactoring is an existing class
> in the system.  In earlier Pharo versions you would select that menu
> item, make your changes, save them and then the refactoring would run.
> How do you do it now?

Where do you have this menu? I couldn't find it in Nautilus :/

Re: [Pharo-users] how to use RBClassRegexRefactoring in Pharo 2 ?

2013-06-27 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-27, at 23:45, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:

> On 06/27/2013 02:38 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> On 2013-06-27, at 20:36, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
>>> In Nautilus when I try to use the 'Class Regex' menu item in Pharo 2
>>> 20605 I get an error that RBRegexClassRefactoring is an existing class
>>> in the system.  In earlier Pharo versions you would select that menu
>>> item, make your changes, save them and then the refactoring would run.
>>> How do you do it now?
>> Where do you have this menu? I couldn't find it in Nautilus :/
> Ahh.  Right click on a class name in the class list pane, then choose
> Refactoring > Code Rewriting > Class Regex

Ok, better, now I can reproduce it :), 

However I don't think this will be fixed in 2.0, sorry.
That is a too "exotic" feature. Currently 2.0 is in stable mode, so we do as 
changes to that system as possible, mainly "real"/"big" bugs (highly subjective 

I'll open a bug report for 3.0 though

thanks for reporting

Re: [Pharo-users] Package browser?

2013-06-27 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-28, at 00:40, ubuntourist  wrote:

>> You'll need to install ia32-libs:multiarch I think if you haven't.
> That's what I meant about older parts for a newer car.  You're right,
> but so far, I've managed to avoid putting the 32-bit libraries on this
> system.
>> Pharo is 32bits.
> The newer Pharo appears to be 64-bit.

Nope, there is no 64bit Pharo, yet :/

Re: [Pharo-users] implementing #release in a domain object

2013-06-28 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-28, at 13:59, Milan Mimica  wrote:

> On 27 June 2013 21:07, Igor Stasenko  wrote:
>> yes, but in opposite direction.
>> consider yourself a painter which start painting nodes , starting from
>> root ones,
>> then paint ones which they pointing to, then paint ones which those
>> was pointing to (unless they already painted)
>> and so on.. continue until you have nothing to paint left.
>> Then the nodes which remain unpainted is garbage.
> How is this implemented? There is a flag on each object to mark it as
> 'painted'?

Exactly, there is a Header for each Object which contains such information
only visible to the VM. You will some more information here:

[Pharo-users] unstable build

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni
I am not very happy with the current build it seems to be quite random when it 
comes to test results. I ran the tests multiple times and I get different 
each time.

That said, I need somebody to pair program with me on the monkey since there is 
currently a non-deterministic bug present that prevents the tool from running

anyone in?

[Pharo-users] trait question

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni
Working on the new class builder I have a hard time figuring out the full trait

If I use a trait on instance side, does that imply that its classTrait on the

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Pharo-users] unstable build

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-29, at 20:14, Igor Stasenko  wrote:

> On 29 June 2013 17:48, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> I am not very happy with the current build it seems to be quite random when 
>> it
>> comes to test results. I ran the tests multiple times and I get different 
>> outcomes
>> each time.
>> That said, I need somebody to pair program with me on the monkey since there 
>> is
>> currently a non-deterministic bug present that prevents the tool from running
>> properly.
>> anyone in?
> me

cool :)

Re: [Pharo-users] How to do this in Pharo 2?

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni
look at String >> #format:

On 2013-06-29, at 22:26, Donald  wrote:

> Logs uses a package called Bindings-Core-tbn.1 that has this description:
> /Name: Bindings-Core-tbn.1//
> //Author: tbn//
> //Time: 11 July 2012, 9:46:06.521 am//
> //UUID: 2c28d2f3-610f-a54d-82b1-f421a40394ce//
> //Ancestors: //
> //
> //Initial version from Benoit, see 
> It allows me to do things like this:
> Transcript show: 'Today is %1' bindWith: 'the first day of the rest of your 
> life'.
> Is there a better way to do this in Pharo 2?. An hour of poking around and no 
> joy.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Donald [|]
> A bad day in [] is better than a good day in {}

Re: [Pharo-users] trait question

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-29, at 22:32, Igor Stasenko  wrote:

> On 29 June 2013 21:21, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Igor Stasenko  wrote:
>>> On 29 June 2013 20:12, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>>>> Working on the new class builder I have a hard time figuring out the full 
>>>> trait
>>>> semantics.
>>>> If I use a trait on instance side, does that imply that its classTrait on 
>>>> the
>>>> metaclass?
>> No. I do not think so (I will have to think).
>> Normally Trait and ClassTrait are two different classes. NOw I do not 
>> remember if a trait is composed
>> of a classTrait too.
> Trait has 'classTrait'

yes, but the strange part is, that if you use a Trait on the instance-side it
will automatically install the class trait as well.

ClassDescription subclass: #Class
uses: TClass

and the users 

TClass users => an IdentitySet(Class) 
TClass classTrait users => an IdentitySet(Class class)

so in this case it implies that when you use a Trait on the instance side it 
apply also it's classTrait to the class side. So is it ok then to enforce that 
the new class builder?

Currently you can do the following in the new class builder:

PharoClassInstaller make: [:builder|
superclass: Object;
name: 'Foo';
traitComposition: TClass ]

which will explicitely NOT install `TClass classTrait` in `Foo class`.
Does this behavior make sense?

Re: [Pharo-users] Remove a dependency (was Re: How to do this in Pharo 2?)

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-30, at 00:47, Donald  wrote:

> On 6/29/2013 4:42 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> look at String >> #format:
> ok, got that fixed.
> how do I remove the log4s dependency on
> Bindings-Core-tbn.1?
> I don't seen anything in the Monticello browser that lets me 
> unload/unlink/remove etc.

I do not fully get what you want to do.
Where did you get this Bindins-Core-tbn.1 from?

Usually you just load it and see what happens when you run the tests.
Undefined globals will raise DNU's at runtime.

AFAIK you cannot just exclude certain methods from being loaded with Monticello 
in Pharo.
Did you check if there isn't a Configuration that will load the dependencies?

Re: [Pharo-users] trait question

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni
so let's discuss that on monday with the trait specialists Damien et Sebastian 

On 2013-06-29, at 23:34, Igor Stasenko  wrote:
> yes, i don't know if it good or bad, but i'd rather prefer that traits
> applied to Behavior,
> but not to Class (which has two entangled behaviors). But maybe for
> human comprehension it is better..
> but not for implementing, because it certainly makes model more complex.
> On 29 June 2013 22:52, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> On 2013-06-29, at 22:32, Igor Stasenko  wrote:
>>> On 29 June 2013 21:21, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
>>>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Igor Stasenko  wrote:
>>>>> On 29 June 2013 20:12, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>>>>>> Working on the new class builder I have a hard time figuring out the 
>>>>>> full trait
>>>>>> semantics.
>>>>>> If I use a trait on instance side, does that imply that its classTrait 
>>>>>> on the
>>>>>> metaclass?
>>>> No. I do not think so (I will have to think).
>>>> Normally Trait and ClassTrait are two different classes. NOw I do not 
>>>> remember if a trait is composed
>>>> of a classTrait too.
>>> Trait has 'classTrait'
>> yes, but the strange part is, that if you use a Trait on the instance-side it
>> will automatically install the class trait as well.
>>ClassDescription subclass: #Class
>>uses: TClass
>> and the users
>>TClass users => an IdentitySet(Class)
>>TClass classTrait users => an IdentitySet(Class class)
>> so in this case it implies that when you use a Trait on the instance side it 
>> will
>> apply also it's classTrait to the class side. So is it ok then to enforce 
>> that in
>> the new class builder?
>> Currently you can do the following in the new class builder:
>>PharoClassInstaller make: [:builder|
>>superclass: Object;
>>name: 'Foo';
>>traitComposition: TClass ]
>> which will explicitely NOT install `TClass classTrait` in `Foo class`.
>> Does this behavior make sense?
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-users] Remove a dependency (was Re: How to do this in Pharo 2?)

2013-06-29 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-06-30, at 00:56, Camillo Bruni  wrote:

> On 2013-06-30, at 00:47, Donald  wrote:
>> On 6/29/2013 4:42 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>>> look at String >> #format:
>> ok, got that fixed.
>> how do I remove the log4s dependency on
>> Bindings-Core-tbn.1?
>> I don't seen anything in the Monticello browser that lets me 
>> unload/unlink/remove etc.

ok I finally understood...

- Right click on the package in the Monticello Browser (use the search bar on 
- Remove required Package 
- Recommit Log4s

that should remove the dependency from the MC package. 

FYI: please state clearly what you try to do next time with instructions to 
reproduce ;)

Re: [Pharo-users] trait question

2013-06-30 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-06-30, at 11:16, Sebastian Tleye  wrote:
> I also like this uniform because it's easier to program,
> Up to now i haven't had the need to separate them.
> 2013/6/30 Tudor Girba 
>> +1
>> Keeping things uniform is a plus in this case, even though we might lose
>> some flexibility.
>> Doru

But you know that you can do this right now?

Object subclass: #Foo
 uses: TMyTrait classTrait

and the same on the class-side :/

Foo class
uses: TMyOtherTrait
instanceVariableNames: 'a b c'

so from that point of view the current system allows for a messy/flexible 
of instance-side and class-side traits.

Re: [Pharo-users] Tudor Girba joins Pharo Board

2013-07-02 Thread Camillo Bruni
nice to hear! :)

On 2013-07-02, at 16:12, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:

> Hi,
> The Pharo Board is pleased to announce that Tudor Girba has recently joined 
> the Pharo Board. Among others, he will try to contribute on long term issues 
> like the positioning of Pharo.
> Stéphane, Marcus & Sven
> --

Re: [Pharo-users] Regex question

2013-07-04 Thread Camillo Bruni
Yes this is ok, '.' matches only a single character.
The alternatives you might be looking for are #prefixMatchesRegex: or '.*'

On 2013-07-05, at 00:03, "jannik.laval"  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Just a simple question about regex:
> 'a' matchesRegex: '.' --> true
> 'aa' matchesRegex: '.' --> false
> As '.' represents any character, the two previous lines are ok. Now, if I 
> test with a cr, it returns true:
> String cr matchesRegex: '.' --> true.
> Is it the expected behavior ?
> Cheers,
> Jannik

Re: [Pharo-users] Regex question

2013-07-05 Thread Camillo Bruni
I think that is highly implementation dependent. I guess in this case the Regex 
matches multilines?

On 2013-07-05, at 07:51, "jannik.laval"  wrote:
> Yes, now in the chapter on Regex, it is written that '.' matches only a 
> single character except cr.
> So, the command "String cr matchesRegex: '.'" should return false in this 
> case.
> But since at least Pharo1.3 (I don't try previous version), it returns true.
> Jannik
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 12:33 AM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> Yes this is ok, '.' matches only a single character.
>> The alternatives you might be looking for are #prefixMatchesRegex: or '.*'
>> On 2013-07-05, at 00:03, "jannik.laval"  wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Just a simple question about regex:
>>> 'a' matchesRegex: '.' --> true
>>> 'aa' matchesRegex: '.' --> false
>>> As '.' represents any character, the two previous lines are ok. Now, if I 
>>> test with a cr, it returns true:
>>> String cr matchesRegex: '.' --> true.
>>> Is it the expected behavior ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jannik

Re: [Pharo-users] Phexample state keeping

2013-07-11 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-07-11, at 11:50, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> I'm playing with Phexampe because I think that in my current project the 
> setup of test scenarios will be a huge part of the testing. So do it in a 
> structured way reducing doubled initialization procedures should be something 
> good.
> I'm just wondering how the state is kept between dependent test cases. A 
> Phexample test case returns a value so that
> value := self given: #shouldHaveCollectedSomeState
> transfers the state from the dependent test case into the current. What do 
> you do if the state produced is more complex than a single value? 

I don't remember, but calling multiple times #given:, for each part, doesn't 
solve this problem?

> To be honest I don't understand why in a test case that calls #given: a 
> tearDown/setUp cycle is executed between the first and the second test case. 
> I think while using #given: I make the second test case explicitly dependent 
> on the first. Why should I reset state collected by the first before 
> executing the second?

I think that is one of the possible approximations. Since in general you cannot 
say that a testcase is side-effect free (needs teardown) or has some 
requirements (setup).

On the other hand I would rather expect it not to call the setup, especially in 
the case where the #given is done on the same class/test suite.

I only had a look at phexample a while ago, so I don't remember all the 
details. I think I will do a try this weekend.

Re: [Pharo-users] [DOC] Building and deploying your first web app with Pharo

2013-07-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
very nice!

On 2013-07-15, at 13:12, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a new tutorial, "Building and deploying your first web app with Pharo 
> - Understanding HTTP fundamentals through Zinc HTTP Components". 
> By chronologically following the development process, you will see a small 
> web app growing from something trivial to the final result. Finally, we will 
> save our source code in a repository and deploy for real in the cloud.
> Pharo 2.0/3.0 features such as Nautilus, SmalltalkHub, Metacello 
> Configurations, Zeroconf Scripts and of course Zinc HTTP Components are used 
> while highlighting traditional strengths such as incremental, live & 
> interactive development in a rich environment.
> Enjoy,
> Sven
> PS: Feedback is welcome, the source document lives here 
>  - pull requests appreciated.
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem with saving in repository

2013-07-15 Thread Camillo Bruni

To answer your question we need a bit more information :)

Ehich Pharo version are you using?
To which repository are you saving?


On 2013-07-15, at 14:49, Маркіян Різун  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> When I'm trying to save my code in repository it failes and gives me error.
> Am I doing something wrong?

Re: [Pharo-users] New win32 VM available (was: More than 500MB for windows)

2013-07-15 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-07-15, at 15:35, Damien Cassou  wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
>> Ok, I admit. I should read emails thoroughly :). Please ignore the second
>> issue. Still, why is it called PharoS?
> may it be because this is a StackVM and not Cog?

StackVM renameAs: #PharoS

And you might interpret it in two ways: Pharo+Stack, Pharo+Slow ;)

Re: [Pharo-users] New win32 VM available (was: More than 500MB for windows)

2013-07-15 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-07-15, at 17:00, Tudor Girba  wrote:

> Aha :).
> Ok. I tested PharoS with 1GB and I got a 800MB image running well.
> Is there really no chance of getting Cog with this feature? :)

should be the same setting for both Pharo and PharoS (note there is no more 
Cog, NBCog and StackVM ;).
There was a tiny bug in the configuration, so Windows will decide to finish the 
build we should have Pharo VM with the same properties.

[Pharo-users] 3.0 almost green

2013-07-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
very nice, 3.0 is almost green :)

- some strange unknown processes only under mac and win
- 3 Zinc failures under win
- a chunkimport failure under win

Re: [Pharo-users] development image memory use: 180MB in Pharo 2 vs. 40MB in Pharo 1.4.....

2013-07-17 Thread Camillo Bruni
Did you check on Dictionaries / Sets (+ their Identity* versions) and Symbols 
as well?
Another possibility would non terminated Processes (process browser)?

The Arrays themselves already look suspicious. 

Usually the way to track such objects down is to find and interesting candidate 
and inspect it, then right click and "explore strong pointers".

I hope this helps

On 2013-07-17, at 21:59, Paul DeBruicker  wrote:
> I've been developing in the same Pharo2 image for a couple weeks and its
> now 180MB.  I use the same development habits as in Pharo 1.4 but there
> the image would only be about 40MB.
> Using SpaceTally I can see that I have 40 MB of Arrays. And 10MB of
> Bitmaps. 8MB of Floats, Strings, & OrderedCollections.
> My domain objects comprise about 20MB of the image.
> Is there a way to check for memory leaks over a long period of time?
> Thanks
> Paul

Re: [Pharo-users] installing Seaside on Pharo 2.0

2013-07-19 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-07-19, at 18:40, sminni  wrote:

> Seems smalltalkhub access works thru Firefox (22.0) but not IE (10.0)
> The cube with title smalltalk hub appears and then "Loading please wait ..."
> for ever

yes that is a known issue with low priority. Using a real browser, namely not 
IE, will solve the issue :)

Re: [Pharo-users] How are you doing your jenkins build scripts?

2013-07-25 Thread Camillo Bruni
You use the built-in command line tools and no longer .st files.

curl | bash
./pharo Pharo.image --help
./pharo Pharo.image --list
./pharo Pharo.image test --help
# everything should be pretty self explaining

A typical script looks like this on jenkins:
wget --quiet -O - | bash

./pharo Pharo.image save $JOB_NAME --delete-old
./pharo $JOB_NAME.image --version > version.txt

./pharo $JOB_NAME.image config $REPO ConfigurationOf$JOB_NAME 
--install=$VERSION --groups='All OS',Tests
./pharo $JOB_NAME.image test --junit-xml-output "$JOB_NAME.*"

zip -r $ $JOB_NAME.image $JOB_NAME.changes

On 2013-07-25, at 16:36, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> I'm close to having ported all of our projects to pharo 2.0. Now I'm asking 
> myself what would be a proper setup to run my jenkins build scripts. With 
> RPackage there are more packages in the system then before and in the jenkins 
> scripts you need to invoke
> HDTestReport forPackages: #( …)
> In 1.4 I just added them manually. Using 2.0 makes this too cumbersome to 
> deal with. So I need to figure out the amount of tests programmatically. The 
> first I came up with (and that would solve my common use case) is something 
> like
> myPrefix := 'Emcee-'
> myPackages := RPackage organizer packages select: [:each| each name 
> beginsWith: myPrefix ].
> packagesWithTests := myPackages select: [ :package| package classes 
> anySatisfy: [ :cls| cls includesBehavior: TestCase  ] ].
> packagesNamedTest := myPackages select: [ :each| each name includesSubstring: 
> '-Tests-' ].
> testPackages := packagesWithTests union: packagesNamedTest.
> packages := myPackages difference: packagesNamedTest.
> HDTestReport runPackages: (testPackages collect: #name).
> HDLintReport runPackages: (packages collect: #name)
> So I like to ask how you guys are doing it. Thanks in advance for your 
> answers.
> Norbert

Re: [Pharo-users] How are you doing your jenkins build scripts?

2013-07-25 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-07-25, at 17:10, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> Cami,
> thanks for the snippet. The commandline handler for tests is a super 
> replacement for one part of my snippet. But how do you do the lint tests? 

ah sorry, didn't see that last line. I didn't add support for that, so I guess 
you're stuck with the script, 

./pharo Pharo.image eval "
your code goes here

We have a hacked version that works from the commandline for the lint rules in 
3.0 (might still work for 2.0):

./pharo Pharo.image config $REPO ConfigurationOfCommandLineMaintenanceTool 

# Run lint rules
./pharo Pharo.image analyse2 >> maintenancePharo2.xml

but I had the impression that there are too many false positives with the 
selected rules. To collect the packages you can have a look at the 
CommandLineHandler subclasses (I don't remember the name for the test runner 
thingy anymore in 2.0).

> Am 25.07.2013 um 16:54 schrieb Camillo Bruni :
>> You use the built-in command line tools and no longer .st files.
>> Pointers:
>> =
>> curl | bash
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --help
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --list
>> ./pharo Pharo.image test --help
>> # everything should be pretty self explaining
>> A typical script looks like this on jenkins:
>> ==
>> wget --quiet -O - | bash
>> ./pharo Pharo.image save $JOB_NAME --delete-old
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image --version > version.txt
>> REPO=
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image config $REPO ConfigurationOf$JOB_NAME 
>> --install=$VERSION --groups='All OS',Tests
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image test --junit-xml-output "$JOB_NAME.*"
>> zip -r $ $JOB_NAME.image $JOB_NAME.changes
>> ==
>> On 2013-07-25, at 16:36, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
>>> I'm close to having ported all of our projects to pharo 2.0. Now I'm asking 
>>> myself what would be a proper setup to run my jenkins build scripts. With 
>>> RPackage there are more packages in the system then before and in the 
>>> jenkins scripts you need to invoke
>>> HDTestReport forPackages: #( …)
>>> In 1.4 I just added them manually. Using 2.0 makes this too cumbersome to 
>>> deal with. So I need to figure out the amount of tests programmatically. 
>>> The first I came up with (and that would solve my common use case) is 
>>> something like
>>> myPrefix := 'Emcee-'
>>> myPackages := RPackage organizer packages select: [:each| each name 
>>> beginsWith: myPrefix ].
>>> packagesWithTests := myPackages select: [ :package| package classes 
>>> anySatisfy: [ :cls| cls includesBehavior: TestCase  ] ].
>>> packagesNamedTest := myPackages select: [ :each| each name 
>>> includesSubstring: '-Tests-' ].
>>> testPackages := packagesWithTests union: packagesNamedTest.
>>> packages := myPackages difference: packagesNamedTest.
>>> HDTestReport runPackages: (testPackages collect: #name).
>>> HDLintReport runPackages: (packages collect: #name)
>>> So I like to ask how you guys are doing it. Thanks in advance for your 
>>> answers.
>>> Norbert

Re: [Pharo-users] Benchmark

2013-08-30 Thread Camillo Bruni
That you just need to run it from the command line which is not related to the 
benchmark project.
Currently it seems like the ci has some troubles, so I cannot get to the 
configuration either.

On 2013-08-30, at 17:25, Natalia Moskovchuk  

> Thanks. I already saw this video. I cann't see configuration on
> . Can you share it?

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[Pharo-users] Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires

2013-09-02 Thread Camillo Bruni
I spend a month in Buenos Aires working together with Guido Chari @ the UBA, 
we take this opportunity to organize a Pharo sprint outside France ;)

We are in early preparation phase and the date nor location isn't fixed yet, 
so if you are motivated to join, can mark possible dates on this doodle:


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires

2013-09-02 Thread Camillo Bruni
everything is open so far, guido had the idea of reserving a room at the UBA,
we will have more details tomorrow :)

On 2013-09-02, at 21:24, Gisela Decuzzi  wrote:
> Great! The idea is to spend the full day? Or do you have any planed time?
> 2013/9/2 Camillo Bruni 
>> I spend a month in Buenos Aires working together with Guido Chari @ the
>> UBA,
>> we take this opportunity to organize a Pharo sprint outside France ;)
>> We are in early preparation phase and the date nor location isn't fixed
>> yet,
>> so if you are motivated to join, can mark possible dates on this doodle:
>> cheers,
>> camillo

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires

2013-09-04 Thread Camillo Bruni
So it looks like we are going to do the Pharo sprint in Buenos Aires Saturday, 
the 14th of September.
The question is now where do we meet? 
The original idea was to reserver a room at the UBA, but that is not possible 
the weekend.
Any suggestions?

On 2013-09-03, at 09:05, Mariano Martinez Peck  wrote:

> Cool. I'll be there, of course!
> Keep us informed.
> Cheers,
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> everything is open so far, guido had the idea of reserving a room at the
>> UBA,
>> we will have more details tomorrow :)
>> On 2013-09-02, at 21:24, Gisela Decuzzi  wrote:
>>> Great! The idea is to spend the full day? Or do you have any planed time?
>>> 2013/9/2 Camillo Bruni 
>>>> I spend a month in Buenos Aires working together with Guido Chari @ the
>>>> UBA,
>>>> we take this opportunity to organize a Pharo sprint outside France ;)
>>>> We are in early preparation phase and the date nor location isn't fixed
>>>> yet,
>>>> so if you are motivated to join, can mark possible dates on this doodle:
>>>> cheers,
>>>> camillo
> -- 
> Mariano

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires

2013-09-04 Thread Camillo Bruni
From the doodle we're around 7, so I'd count with something like 10 people?
And yes, I think internet connection is a requirement, at least for updating 
the issue tracker.

On 2013-09-04, at 10:32, Nicolas Passerini  wrote:

> I think UTN is not a good idea for a Pharo sprint, because we will need a
> good Internet connection and that can not be guaranteed here.
> (Or correct me and tell me that Internet connection is not a must, so we
> can meet here at UTN without problems).
> How much people is coming to the Sprint?
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Sebastian Tleye  wrote:
>> The Pabellon 1 is closed on saturdays afternoon, but have you asked for
>> Pabellon 2? I think it's open on saturdays (i don't know if it is possible
>> to book a room)
>> 2013/9/4 Guillermo Polito 
>>> Probably UTN?
>>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>>>> So it looks like we are going to do the Pharo sprint in Buenos Aires
>>>> Saturday, the 14th of September.
>>>> The question is now where do we meet?
>>>> The original idea was to reserver a room at the UBA, but that is not
>>>> possible the weekend.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> On 2013-09-03, at 09:05, Mariano Martinez Peck 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Cool. I'll be there, of course!
>>>>> Keep us informed.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Camillo Bruni >>>> wrote:
>>>>>> everything is open so far, guido had the idea of reserving a room at
>>>> the
>>>>>> UBA,
>>>>>> we will have more details tomorrow :)
>>>>>> On 2013-09-02, at 21:24, Gisela Decuzzi 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Great! The idea is to spend the full day? Or do you have any planed
>>>> time?
>>>>>>> 2013/9/2 Camillo Bruni 
>>>>>>>> I spend a month in Buenos Aires working together with Guido Chari @
>>>> the
>>>>>>>> UBA,
>>>>>>>> we take this opportunity to organize a Pharo sprint outside France
>>>> ;)
>>>>>>>> We are in early preparation phase and the date nor location isn't
>>>> fixed
>>>>>>>> yet,
>>>>>>>> so if you are motivated to join, can mark possible dates on this
>>>> doodle:
>>>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>>>> camillo
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mariano

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [tlp] Re: Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires

2013-09-06 Thread Camillo Bruni
Sounds great to me,

So to clear: 
Title:Pharo Spring
Date: 2013-09-14 (Saturday, Hours to be discussed)
Location: 10pines

thanks for helping out :)

On 2013-09-06, at 12:18, Nicolas Passerini  wrote:
> I think it would be great to use 10Pines office if it is available.
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Gisela Decuzzi 
> wrote:
>> Hello! If we are having hosting problems during the weekend with the
>> sprint we can use 10Pines ( office.In fact in ten
>> pines we will be very happy to offer our place for this kind of events.
>> During the week is more complex to find room, but we are not used to work
>> during weekends ;)
>> So, the office is near Retiro (Av. Leandro N. Alem y Viamonte) we have
>> internet access and if it's sunny we can use the roof.
>> We should set a date to confirm the availability (again if it's weekend,
>> is available otherwise we should check).
>> 2013/9/4 Camillo Bruni 
>>> From the doodle we're around 7, so I'd count with something like 10
>>> people?
>>> And yes, I think internet connection is a requirement, at least for
>>> updating the issue tracker.
>>> On 2013-09-04, at 10:32, Nicolas Passerini  wrote:
>>>> I think UTN is not a good idea for a Pharo sprint, because we will need
>>> a
>>>> good Internet connection and that can not be guaranteed here.
>>>> (Or correct me and tell me that Internet connection is not a must, so we
>>>> can meet here at UTN without problems).
>>>> How much people is coming to the Sprint?
>>>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Sebastian Tleye 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> The Pabellon 1 is closed on saturdays afternoon, but have you asked for
>>>>> Pabellon 2? I think it's open on saturdays (i don't know if it is
>>> possible
>>>>> to book a room)
>>>>> 2013/9/4 Guillermo Polito 
>>>>>> Probably UTN?
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Camillo Bruni >>> wrote:
>>>>>>> So it looks like we are going to do the Pharo sprint in Buenos Aires
>>>>>>> Saturday, the 14th of September.
>>>>>>> The question is now where do we meet?
>>>>>>> The original idea was to reserver a room at the UBA, but that is not
>>>>>>> possible the weekend.
>>>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>>>> On 2013-09-03, at 09:05, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Cool. I'll be there, of course!
>>>>>>>> Keep us informed.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Camillo Bruni <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> everything is open so far, guido had the idea of reserving a room
>>> at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> UBA,
>>>>>>>>> we will have more details tomorrow :)
>>>>>>>>> On 2013-09-02, at 21:24, Gisela Decuzzi 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Great! The idea is to spend the full day? Or do you have any
>>> planed
>>>>>>> time?
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/9/2 Camillo Bruni 
>>>>>>>>>>> I spend a month in Buenos Aires working together with Guido
>>> Chari @
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> UBA,
>>>>>>>>>>> we take this opportunity to organize a Pharo sprint outside
>>> France
>>>>>>> ;)
>>>>>>>>>>> We are in early preparation phase and the date nor location isn't
>>>>>>> fixed
>>>>>>>>>>> yet,
>>>>>>>>>>> so if you are motivated to join, can mark possible dates on this
>>>>>>> doodle:
>>>>>>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> camillo
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Mariano
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Taller de Lenguajes de Programación" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> For more options, visit

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Re: [Pharo-users] The Pharo Advantage: what is it for you?

2013-09-06 Thread Camillo Bruni
It seems like you missed some code, can you try the following?

Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'XMLParser';

I am not sure if your code ever worked in Pharo 2.0.

On 2013-09-06, at 17:16, "S. Garth Holland"  wrote:

> Hello, I'm new to this list.
> I tried one of the examples in 
> Slide 70. Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'XMLParser'; 
> loadStable.
> The debugger pops up with the message 'Could not find a valid 
> ConfigurationReference'
> Any suggestions on why this happened?
> Thank you, Steve
> OS: windows 7 64 bit.
> Using path: C:\Dev\Smalltalk\Pharo\Pharo2.0-win\Pharo2.0 
> =
> phil at wrote: > Hello, > > As part of the defense of a budget 
> and technology choices, what would you > guys list as a key advantage of 
> using Pharo for creating software solutions? > > My current stack is: > > 
> Pharo 2.0 > Seaside 3 (including Seaside-REST) > Magritte 3 >Twitter 
> Bootstrap > > + a couple of data storage stuff (DBXTalk, Phriak, Voyage) > + 
> STOMP > > + Amber if needed > > I've been test driving the whole stack for a 
> while and even if there are > some quirks, it looks like good enough for what 
> I want to achieve. > > Now, my question: what is the Pharo advantage you 
> would put forward vs > other choices (like LAMP, Java, Rails etc). > > I am 
> aware of what those could be but I am more looking for what makes you > tick 
> when using the technology (like: "it is fun to work with", "no more > Java 
> for me, due to ...", "speeds dev time by ...", "not> NSA-backdoor-enabled") > 
> > This is the kind of thing we should have in stock for helping the > 
> Consortium members get buy in from people giving a yes on budgets. > > Thanks 
> in advance for your help! (BTW, I am going to use this on monday > morning 
> for defending our position on a significant project). > > Phil > > Yesterday 
> I came across this very nice Pharo tutorial [1] by Damien & Camille. Some 
> slides I think that relate are: * 47-49 syntax comparisons to another typical 
> language * 72-75 easy web interaction * 80 serializing continuations / 
> exception context (this is massively impressive!) * 81 powerful breakpoints 
> [1]
>  -ben

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] What is the replacement for CMD-F to find a class in nautilus? [EOM]

2013-09-08 Thread Camillo Bruni
=> user mailing question , see followup there

On 2013-09-08, at 14:15, Tobias Pape  wrote:

> [subject said it all].
> Best
>   -Tobias

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] What is the replacement for CMD-F to find a class in nautilus? [EOM]

2013-09-08 Thread Camillo Bruni
which pharo version are you using?

I assume 3.0, 
- CMD-F CMD-C ([F]ind [C]lass)
- similar for [M]ethods, [P]ackages and pro[T]ocols
- check the triangle on the top right of the Nautilus window and you can see a 
complete list of all commands.

On 2013-09-08, at 14:15, Tobias Pape  wrote:

> [subject said it all].
> Best
>   -Tobias

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] What is the replacement for CMD-F to find a class in nautilus? [EOM]

2013-09-08 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-09-08, at 15:49, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2013, at 7:27 PM, Tobias Pape  wrote:
>> Am 08.09.2013 um 19:22 schrieb Camillo Bruni :
>>> Hi,
>>> which pharo version are you using?
>>> I assume 3.0, 
>> Yes, but i had hands on a 2.0 image,
>> I was also unable to find that :) 
>>> - CMD-F CMD-C ([F]ind [C]lass)
>>> - similar for [M]ethods, [P]ackages and pro[T]ocols
>>> - check the triangle on the top right of the Nautilus window and you can 
>>> see a complete list of all commands.
>> Ah well. Ok that was unexpected for me:)
> Yes you should have a setting to get the old shortcuts because they do not 
> work everywhere. So implementor in Nautiluys is B+m
> but in the pane it is cmd m and this is disturbing.

well... first make sure the new ones work everywhere, the old ones are far from 

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

[Pharo-users] Unstable CI Slaves

2013-09-08 Thread Camillo Bruni
2 linux slaves are down
1 windows slave is down

=> I sent reports to since I couldn't reach the slaves via ssh nor 
the cloud stack interface

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Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires - this saturday!

2013-09-12 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-09-12, at 06:47, Marcus Denker  wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Gisela Decuzzi  wrote:
>> Pharo Sprint in Buenos Aires!
>> When: sept 14 (This saturday!) We start at 10 and estimated finish at 17:00. 
>> You can join in any moment! 
>> Where: 10Pines (Av Leandro N. Alem 693 5°B)
>> We will fix bugs and we are talking about improving usability (specially in 
>> Linux!)
> I will be available remotely to help integrating everything you fix.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] Benchmark

2013-09-14 Thread Camillo Bruni
Short Answer:
problemSize is used to calibrate your benchmark, so usually you adapt this 
value for
your machine. And yes you are right, the result is not divided by the 

Long Answer:

The typical use case is like this:

MathBench >> benchLoopSinus
1 to: self problemSize to: [ :i | i sin ]

Now you have two parameters to modifiy:
1. the number of samples you take (aka, how many times you measure the time of 
2. the problem size (aka, how many times you run #sin inside #benchLoopSinus)

You increase (1) to get a more stable result:

MathBench run: 1 "for debugging".
MathBench run: 100 "will take a long time, but results are more accurate"

You modify (2) to change the duration of your benchmark, in my silly example 
above, the
method is quite small and the benchmark would finish too quickly. Rule of thumb 
is to 
get the run time of your benchmark (here #benchLoopSinus) in the range of 10ms 
and more.
This way you don't have to worry about the timer resolution used to capture the 
of your method.

Does this answer your question?

On 2013-09-14, at 08:06, Natalia Tymchuk  wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a question about problemSize in benchmarking. I got the small times 
> from running benchmarks and that's why I try to use problemSize like in the 
> video But the benchmark for which I rewrote code 
> and used problemSize has given me very big result. Maybe it looks like there 
> is no division on that problemSize. Am I wrong? What can I do?
> Best regards,
> Natalia
> 12.09.13 15:20, Stéphane Ducasse написав(ла):
>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Natalia Tymchuk 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello Stephane.
>>> Yes, I'm interested in that and it will be an honor for me)).
>> Excellent.
>> If you have a github account let me know and I will add you as a contributor
>> Have a look at
>>> But I never wrote the books and my English is not at its best level. 
>>> However I think that after a couple reviews my English will be better .
>> No stress :)
>> My english sucks too and we should not care for now.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Natalia

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Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Seaside Continuous Integration on

2013-09-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
Thanks a lot for the update :)

On 2013-09-16, at 06:20, Philippe Marschall  wrote:
> Please try to keep the build green, otherwise we'll get spammed with emails.

I like this ;)

> Currently we keep all the build (5GB already). Do we really need this?

We live in 2013, 5GB is the data of single movie file I stream ;), so unless 
the CI
guys start to complain, there is no problem in consuming that much space.

Would it be possible to use the numeric versions in the CI build?
Maybe it is just me, but for seaside I cared more about the numeric version, 
what do you think?

Currently it is 
#stable  => 3.0.X
#development => 3.1.X

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Launching Pharo on Ubuntu

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
good work!

On 2013-09-23, at 09:13, Damien Cassou  wrote:

> For Ubuntu users who are using my PPA
> (, you can now launch
> Pharo from either the Ubuntu Dashboard or the terminal (just type
> 'pharo').
> In both cases, you will see the Pharo Launcher from which you can
> create new images from templates on the web and launch existing
> images.!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
> No need for manual download of zip files, unpacking, and directory
> management. The launcher does everything for you.
> Have fun
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm."
> Winston Churchill

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

[Pharo-users] Pharo Wiki cleanup

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
In my attempt to make the contribution process for Pharo a bit simpler
I cleaned up the fogbugz wikis which where left a bit unmaintained.

There are now 5 important top-level categories:

Welcome Page:

I removed old cruft that was documenting long gone features of ancient 
pharo versions ;). I would be more than happy to get some feedback and
improve these websites gradually.

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] not reachable from digitalocean host in NewYork2

2013-09-23 Thread Camillo Bruni
it is up (again?) here from buenos aires...

On 2013-09-24, at 01:01, Yanni Chiu  wrote:

> I can ping:
> (
> from two other machines (home and another host provider), but I cannot see 
> from a digitalocean box located in NewYork2. I can see 
>,, but not 
> Very frustrating, since I want to run my build from this 
> machine.
> Any ideas? Is it on some sort of ban list? The firewall rules allow all 
> outgoing connections.

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] How to load seaside currently?

2013-09-24 Thread Camillo Bruni
Strange the build is green:

What kind of error do you get?
Does it happen the same way when you download on of the images from Jenkins?

On 2013-09-24, at 19:03, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> When loading seaside3 from the configuration browser it will break the image 
> badly. It isn't even possible to open a system browser after that. What is 
> the best way to load it manually? Or better is there something new so the 
> configuration browser can be directed to a better config?
> Norbert

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] How to load seaside currently?

2013-09-24 Thread Camillo Bruni
I can confirm the problem with #trimBoth, strange though that it does not 
simply override the system version but removes it.

On 2013-09-24, at 19:35, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> Ok, the cause should be that a project I loaded pulled in Grease from 
> squeaksource/Seaside30. In the package Grease-Core-NickAger.70 there are 
> method extensions for String>>#trimBoth et al. For the current pharo these 
> are overrides. So probably seaside tried to update grease and thus removing 
> the methods from the system. As this is a image for playing I loaded all 
> kinds of stuff so I need some time to figure out which package it was.
> Norbert
> Am 25.09.2013 um 00:09 schrieb Camillo Bruni :
>> Strange the build is green:
>> What kind of error do you get?
>> Does it happen the same way when you download on of the images from Jenkins?
>> On 2013-09-24, at 19:03, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
>>> When loading seaside3 from the configuration browser it will break the 
>>> image badly. It isn't even possible to open a system browser after that. 
>>> What is the best way to load it manually? Or better is there something new 
>>> so the configuration browser can be directed to a better config?
>>> Norbert

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] Scoped Senders

2013-09-26 Thread Camillo Bruni

=> create a refactoring scope (I don't know the menu entry, but the shortcut 
is: CMD-B CMD-R CMD-R (browse restricted regular expression)

if you look for senders there you will only see the ones in your current scope.
I am currently working on getting a nice scope/environment selector working 
that we
then can add to all tools like senders / implementors and refactorings.

On 2013-09-26, at 11:39, "Sean P. DeNigris"  wrote:
> How do I find the senders of a message, but just in a certain set of
> packages?
> Thanks.
> -
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] Morphic text filed plus autocompetion

2013-09-30 Thread Camillo Bruni
The thing you get in pharo when you press SHIFT+ENTER :)

On 2013-09-30, at 10:29, ""  wrote:

> Spotlight?
> On Monday, September 30, 2013, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
>> I like to make myself a little command shell inside the image. For this I
> would need a textfield that can popup somewhere on the screen and that has
> enough hooks for text entry events and hooks/support for auto-completion.
>> What would be the best things to read/the best code to look at in order
> to learn how I can accomplish that.
>> thanks,
>> Norbert
> -- 
> ---
> Philippe Back
> Dramatic Performance Improvements
> Mob: +32(0) 478 650 140 | Fax: +32 (0) 70 408 027
> | Web:
> Blog: | Twitter: @philippeback
> Youtube:
> High Octane SPRL
> rue cour Boisacq 101 | 1301 Bierges | Belgium
> Pharo Consortium Member -
> Featured on the Software Process and Measurement Cast -
> Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Ability Engineering EADocX Value
> Added Reseller

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] Morphic text filed plus autocompetion

2013-09-30 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-09-30, at 10:53, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
> Am 30.09.2013 um 15:48 schrieb Camillo Bruni :
>> The thing you get in pharo when you press SHIFT+ENTER :)
> Thanks cami! Although it might sound embarrassing I was indeed googling for 
> it to find a video by James Robertson where I get the shift+enter hint :)

I didn't know the shortcut for a long time either :P, good to know that you 
start finding answers about pharo on google these days!

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Re: [Pharo-users] Simple Spec Examples

2013-10-11 Thread Camillo Bruni
Would it be possible to change the name of the selector?

tree selectedItem: (1 -> 11)

for me that implies that the tree contains an actual item (1 -> 11).
What you want is maybe, #selectedPath: or #selectedItem:1 withParents:{11}

My general rule is: Each time you have to use an association or a point you do 
something wrong..
It is hard to guess what this association should mean, so either make a domain 
object to describe
what you encode in the association or use specific selectors that say what the 
arguments mean.

On 2013-10-11, at 19:52, wrote:

> wrote:
>> Benjamin wrote:
>> > Ben
>> >
>> > On Oct 11, 2013, at 9:24 AM, wrote:
>> >
>> >   >> wrote:
>> >> >>> I found it hard to find documentation on Spec beyond [1],[2],[3], 
>> >> some of which seem to have changed some syntax since they were written. 
>> >> I've been piecing things together to work out how to set the selected 
>> >> item with the simplest example I could. Even though it turns out pretty 
>> >> simple, I thought I'd share in case it was useful for others that haven't 
>> >> dipped their toes into Spec yet.
>> >>>
>> >>> ComposableModel subclass: #TestSpec
>> >>> instanceVariableNames: 'list text'
>> >>> classVariableNames: ''
>> >>> poolDictionaries: ''
>> >>> category: 'BTCPlay'
>> >>>
>> >>> TestSpec >> initializeWidgets
>> >>> self instantiateModels: #( #list #ListModel ).
>> >>>
>> >>> TestSpec >> getList
>> >>> ^list
>> >>>
>> >>> TestSpec class >> mySpecLayout
>> >>> 
>> >>> ^ SpecLayout composed
>> >>> add:#getList ;
>> >>> yourself.
>> >>>
>> >>> Then from Workspace
>> >>> x := (TestSpec new openWithSpec ; yourself).
>> >>> x getList items: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 4}.
>> >>> x getList setSelectedItem: 2.
>> >>>
>> >>> cheers -ben
>> >>>
>> >>> [1]‎
>> >>> [2] 
>> >>>
>> >>>  >>> [3]
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>   >> So here is the same thing with TreeModel.
>> >>
>> >> ComposableModel subclass: #TestSpec2
>> >>   instanceVariableNames: 'tree'
>> >>   classVariableNames: ''
>> >>   poolDictionaries: ''
>> >>   category: 'BTCPlay'
>> >>
>> >> TestSpec2 >> initializeWidgets
>> >>   self instantiateModels: #( #tree #TreeModel ).  tree
>> >>   childrenBlock: [  :treeItem | self haltOnce. (treeItem isKindOf: 
>> >> Association) ifTrue: [ treeItem value ] ifFalse: [ {} ] ].
>> >>
>> >> TestSpec2 >> getTree
>> >>   ^tree
>> >>
>> >> TestSpec2 class >> mySpecLayout
>> >>   
>> >>   ^ SpecLayout composed
>> >>   add:#getTree ;
>> >>   yourself.
>> >>
>> >> Then from Workspace (referring to attached pic)
>> >> x := (TestSpec2 new openWithSpec ; yourself).
>> >> x getTree roots: {  10 -> {  11. 12 } . 20 -> { 21 . 22 }  } .
>> >> x getTree selectedItem.  " --> 21 "
>> >> x getTree selectedItem: 
>> >>
>> >> Now how do I select a particular tree item at each level ?
>> >> eg. Select 10 and Select 12 ?
>> >>
>> >> cheers, ben
>> >> >
>> > There was something missing here at the two levels :)
>> > You can see case 11849[1] fixing the morphic issue
>> > and case 11850 [2] fixing the Spec problem :)
>> >   Thanks. I'll try it.
>> > Then your example make me think that using association > to describe the 
>> > path may lead to an ambiguous situation
>> >   True. But to clarify things, ListModel suffers the same ambiguity as 
>> > follows...
>> x := (TestSpec new openWithSpec ; yourself).
>> x getList items: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 . 4}.
>> x getList setSelectedItem: 2.
>> ... ListModel and Treemodel should be consistent in this respect.  
>> Musing further about this...
>> In the case of a multi-selection ListModel/TreeModel, it is probably 
>> reasonable to select all matching.
>> For a single-selection, I'm not sure.  Considering ListModel first, maybe 
>> defaulting to selecting the first matching is reasonable, perhaps with a 
>> backup method to select the Nth match. Then again, if the identical object 
>> appears in the list multiple times, then #setSelectedItem: might visually 
>> highlight all occurances while still reporting only a single object with 
>> #selectedItems.  I think part of a test would go...
>> x getList items: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 . 4}.
>> x getList setSelectedItem: 2.
>> y := x getList selectedItem.
>> x getList setSelectedItem: y.
>> z := x getList selectedItem.
>> self assert: (y = z)
>> ...which actually works so ListModel is cool in that regard - except maybe 
>> an option to visually highlight both 2s would be useful - but as a visual 
>> thing maybe that is a handled outside of ListModel.
>> Actually that should work the same with multi-selection.
>> x getList items: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 . 4}.
>> x getList setSelectedItems: { 2. 3 }.
>> y := x getList selectedItems.
>> x getList setSelected

Re: [Pharo-users] Simple Spec Examples

2013-10-12 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-10-12, at 15:37, Benjamin  wrote:

> Actually, you can do (1->2 -> 3) if you have multiple levels :)
> But clearly I will introduce a real data structure here.
> I just wanted to quickly hack it and have something where 
> I can do  #head and #tail easily, and keep a simple way to write it :)

sounds familiar ;)

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[Pharo-users] Spec Tree Shortcuts

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
What is the current way to add shortcuts to the a TreeModel?
I am a bit lost, since I thought I just do something like this:

^ tree ifNil: [ 
tree := self instantiate: TreeModel.
tree whenBuiltDo: [ self initializeShortcuts ]].

self shortCuts keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
self tree bindKeyCombination: key toAction: value ]

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec Tree Shortcuts

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
hmmm I think I confused myself :D, most probably I did not register
the commands on the outer widget, so the shortcuts do not work when 
you don't have the focus on the tree :P

On 2013-10-15, at 18:50, Benjamin  wrote:
> it does not work ?
> Ben
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 6:15 PM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> What is the current way to add shortcuts to the a TreeModel?
>> I am a bit lost, since I thought I just do something like this:
>> tree
>>  ^ tree ifNil: [ 
>>  tree := self instantiate: TreeModel.
>>  tree whenBuiltDo: [ self initializeShortcuts ]].
>> initializeShortcuts
>>  self shortCuts keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
>>  self tree bindKeyCombination: key toAction: value ]

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

[Pharo-users] Spec Resize Announcement

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
Is there an announcement I can register for resizing?

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[Pharo-users] kernelPackageNames

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
What happened to SmalltalkImage>>#kernelPackageNames, it was removed / moved / 
but there is a failing test now:

Where shall I readd the method?

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Re: [Pharo-users] kernelPackageNames

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
so I can remove the failing test?
On 2013-10-15, at 21:32, Pavel Krivanek  wrote:

> It was moved to separate Shrinker package that is now on SmalltlakHub
> -- Pavel
> 2013/10/15 Camillo Bruni :
>> What happened to SmalltalkImage>>#kernelPackageNames, it was removed / moved 
>> / renamed/,
>> but there is a failing test now:
>> Where shall I readd the method?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Spec Resize Announcement

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
For my morphic inspector, so I can re-render the morph when the inspector is 
resized :)

On 2013-10-15, at 21:37, Benjamin  wrote:

> Not I am aware of :)
> Why do you need that for ?
> Ben
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 8:27 PM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> Is there an announcement I can register for resizing?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Spec Resize Announcement

2013-10-15 Thread Camillo Bruni
ok, maybe easier ;)

On 2013-10-15, at 21:44, Benjamin  wrote:
> We should have a look together, because it should happen by itself :)
> Ben
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 9:40 PM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> For my morphic inspector, so I can re-render the morph when the inspector is 
>> resized :)
>> On 2013-10-15, at 21:37, Benjamin  
>> wrote:
>>> Not I am aware of :)
>>> Why do you need that for ?
>>> Ben
>>> On Oct 15, 2013, at 8:27 PM, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>>>> Is there an announcement I can register for resizing?

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[Pharo-users] Automatic Issue Checker

2013-10-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
After a long debug session on monday I could finally overcome
a tricky race condition for delays during image startup. This
was the last obstacle to make the issue checker work under linux.

The issue validator is now enabled again (the third time ;):

The results are publish as HTMl on Jenkins and a link is put in
the case description on fogbugz. See the following issue:
1. Slice failed:
2. Slice succeeded:

In the case you only provide a postscript the checker will
fail with a warning that it didn't find a slice:

Adding a "noMonkey" tag on fogbugz will solve that issue.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] I would rather pay for Smalltalkhub than use Github for free.

2013-11-03 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-03, at 15:52, Stephan Eggermont  wrote:

> Kilon wrote
>> I take a look at previous experiments like squeaksource and I find little 
>> justification to not support Github. But then I am not against Smalltalkhub 
>> or other >repos being available to Pharo. The more the merrier.  
> I see some very strong arguments against depending on github: 
> - it is centralized infrastructure, essentially unsuitable for use with a 
> distributed version control system;
> - it doesn’t support working at the right granularity;
> - the smalltalk community is too small to have any influence on the 
> directions github is taking. 
>  It is a commercial organization that can decide to do something we don’t 
> like at any time. 
>  It is free, so we are the product. Just take a look at sourceforge;
> - we can do much better than github (but don’t have enough time). We should 
> be using a P2P,
>  bittorrent like system for version control. 

github != git and whether we use github or now does not matter at all.
What matters is that we use technology that is robust and that we have a 
system that works decentralized. All of that is solved by git.

With filetree we have the proper granularity (methods)
With github we have an awesome website, such as we have an aweseome website 
with smalltalkhub, execpt that monticello should be modernized. Sadly the 
community is too small to achieve that, and inventing yet another versioning 
tool/system won't help on the short run. Maybe, yes someday in the future we 
can have our own fancy fully object-oriented versioning system, but IMO that is 
wasted effort, as git/mercurial come very close to something ideal.

I am happy to give more insight into git, because I think you have quite a 
wrong picture about it :)

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] moving moose to pharo 3.0

2013-11-03 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-03, at 21:11, Tudor Girba  wrote:

> Hi,
> We essentially finished moving Moose to Pharo 3.0 (we still have 6 yellow 
> tests but they needed attention anyway). It took about 4 people looking into 
> issues for a total probably around 2 man-days of effort. The largest 
> impediment was actually SmalltalkHub being down for one day :).
> What posed problems:
> - RB visitor now has correct visit* methods instead of accept* methods. The 
> deprecation messages helped quite a bit. This meant (1) that we had to rename 
> in our visitors the methods, and (2) that we had to change the old accept* 
> messages.
> - RB nodes do not answer to #isLiteral anymore. Instead, they answer 
> correctly to #isLiteralNode so that to avoid confusion with 
> Object>>#isLiteral. This is good, and this meant that we had to hunt all 
> #isLiteral usages in Moose.
> - Categories are no longer mapped on RPackages through 1-to-1. This is also 
> good because it is an important step in Pharo. Although originally we said we 
> want to keep 1-to-1, this is probably a better solution now. For Moose, this 
> meant that some of our older tests setup had to be modified a bit to rely on 
> RPackage only.
> - Some Morphs rely now on Announcements, and this had a little impact on the 
> assumptions we make when we suspend announcements (to avoid infinite loops) 
> that are being sent between Morphic and Glamour. We fixed this in Glamour.
> - In FileSystem #ensureDirectory was renamed to #ensureCreateDirectory 
> without a deprecation. For this one, we should add a deprecation for the old 
> method.

opened an issue for that:

> - flatCollect had a conflicting behavior in Pharo. We are now integrating the 
> Moose version so that it returns the same species.
> - The new SpecDebugger expects the registered Inspector to be based on Spec, 
> and this causes problems with the GTInspector. This problem still has to be 
> fixed in Pharo.
> All in all, we encountered no significant problems and the problems we faced 
> came from deep into Pharo. So, if your code is not relying directly on RB, 
> RPackage or the Debugger, you are likely to have a smooth transition.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [Pharo-users] ImageMorph scaling

2013-11-04 Thread Camillo Bruni
Check what magic Ben applied for the Morph Inspector:
`World inspect` then switch to morph view.

On 2013-11-05, at 05:04, Sean P. DeNigris  wrote:

> How would I get an ImageMorph to automatically resize inside a Spec UI? I put
> it in a PanelMorph with various layout attempts, the latest being:
>   image := PanelMorph new
>   changeTableLayout;
>   hResizing: #spaceFill;
>   vResizing: #spaceFill;
>   yourself.
> Where image above is an accessor referenced in #spec
> Then I added:
>   imageMorph := ImageMorph new
>   image: form;
>   hResizing: #spaceFill;
>   vResizing: #spaceFill;
>   yourself.
>   image addMorph: imageMorph.
> The form shows up as the full original size, but strangely if I bring up the
> halos on the ImageMorph and just wiggle the scaling halo, it resizes to fit
> the PanelMorph. But then if I resize the window again, the image doesn't
> rescale.
> Thanks.
> -
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

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Re: [Pharo-users] Repository of petit parser

2013-11-07 Thread Camillo Bruni
If we open an official one, given the importance of petitparser, it should be 
under PharoExtras.

On 2013-11-07, at 10:10, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> Looking at smalltalkhub there are plenty of PetitParser repos to find but 
> none that looks official. So which is considered official? I still had Lukas’ 
> repo in my config but the server seems to be down so I noticed.
> Norbert

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Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 3.0.0.dmg for Mac OSX - problem loading on OS 10.9

2013-11-08 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-08, at 12:59, Camille Teruel  wrote:

> On 8 nov. 2013, at 11:44, Yuriy Tymchuk  wrote:
>> Just downloaded last build. Works for me. (I’m on Mavericks of course)
> Not for me (on mavericks too)...

Did you enable System Preferences / Security & Privacy => Allow apps downloaded 
from: [Anywhere]?

Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni
seems to be resolved. Could you confirm?

On 2013-11-08, at 20:53, Johan Fabry  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to toy around with 3.0 for a moment today, so I downloaded the last 
> image from It is 
> unresponsive with 100% CPU usage. I thought it was a VM issue of mine, so I 
> downloaded the installer , and this has the same issue. I
> This is MacOS, I'm still on 10.8.5, I attach PharoDebug.log below for your 
> perusal 
> Greetings,
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-09, at 14:00, Marcus Denker  wrote:

> On 09 Nov 2013, at 13:55, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>> Nope, I just unzip the new image and double click it. (+ I never defined any 
>> startup script anywhere)
> do you have a .sources file?

probably that, since the lookup logic changed the other day. I will try without 
the .sources

Re: [Pharo-users] SerialPlugin on MacOS

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni
Luc proposed a pull request on github
- got validated by travis
- I integrated it into the master branch
- I pushed the changes to the develop branch

so the vmLatest should include the fixes

On 2013-11-09, at 13:56, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
> Esteban
> we should organize some sessions where you show to people what you are doing 
> and see how we
> should distribute and share load.
> Stef
> On Nov 9, 2013, at 12:29 PM, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it is "stable" but AFAIK it does not includes the latest fix for 
>> SerialPlugin. 
>> So many things to do when I come back... :)
>> Esteban
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Bernat Romagosa  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Luc,
>>> Smalltalk vm version reports:
>>>  'NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid: 
>>> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
>>> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.18 uuid: 
>>> a53445f9-c0c0-4015-97a3-be7db8d9ed6b Mar 13 2013
>>> git:// Commit: 
>>> 412abef33cbed05cf1d75329e451d71c0c6aa5a7 Date: 2013-03-13 17:48:50 +0100 
>>> By: Esteban Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14535
>>> '
>>> It's the one listed as "latest" at the downloads section in 
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bernat.
>>> 2013/11/5 Luc Fabresse 
>>> 2013/11/5 Luc Fabresse 
>>> Hi Bernat,
>>>   Which VM version?
>>>   because MacOsX and Linux now use the same C part of the SerialPlugin.
>>>   So if it works on Linux, it be the same on OsX.
>>>   but I have not tried.
>>> yes we only use Linux here for serial stuff.
>>>  do you use the right protName?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luc
>>> 2013/11/5 Bernat Romagosa 
>>> Hi list,
>>> Developing a multi-platform application is not so easy when you have to 
>>> deal with hardware it seems...
>>> So I'm having this PrimitiveFailed error on MacOS, using the latest stable 
>>> VM listed on the pharo-project website on Pharo20:
>>> PrimitiveFailed: primitive #primWritePortByName:from:startingAt:count: in 
>>> SerialPort failed
>>> The same code works fine both in Gnu/Linux and Win32, so I'm guessing it's 
>>> a problem with the serial plugin included in this VM. Any ideas?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bernat.
>>> -- 
>>> Bernat Romagosa.
>>> -- 
>>> Bernat Romagosa.

Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-11-09, at 14:17, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
> On 2013-11-09, at 14:00, Marcus Denker  wrote:
>> On 09 Nov 2013, at 13:55, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>>> Nope, I just unzip the new image and double click it. (+ I never defined 
>>> any startup script anywhere)
>> do you have a .sources file?
> probably that, since the lookup logic changed the other day. I will try 
> without the .sources

Confirmed, if I open the image without sources it hangs (strangely enough not 
even with stderr output)
Saving the image with sources and then opening it again without sources works, 
producing a proper warning

Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-09, at 14:29, Camillo Bruni  wrote:

> On 2013-11-09, at 14:17, Camillo Bruni  wrote:
>> On 2013-11-09, at 14:00, Marcus Denker  wrote:
>>> On 09 Nov 2013, at 13:55, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>>>> Nope, I just unzip the new image and double click it. (+ I never defined 
>>>> any startup script anywhere)
>>> do you have a .sources file?
>> probably that, since the lookup logic changed the other day. I will try 
>> without the .sources
> Confirmed, if I open the image without sources it hangs (strangely enough not 
> even with stderr output)
> Saving the image with sources and then opening it again without sources 
> works, producing a proper warning

Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni
On 2013-11-09, at 16:30, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:
> On 09 Nov 2013, at 15:37, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>> For double completeness ;-) The one-click download has the 
>> same problem. The included source file is in the wrong directory. It should 
>> be moved out of Contents/Resources and moved into Contents/MacOS. Then the 
>> one-click also runs.
> That seems to be a regression from how it once was, so it should be fixed 

It was fixed and actually extended to take more source locations into account.
But somehow FileLocator is not properly initialized and thus the additional 
are not properly resolved.

[Pharo-users] Pharo VM + Travis Validation

2013-11-09 Thread Camillo Bruni
I finished the new setup for the Pharo VM github repository [1]
- renamed codegen-scripts -> scripts
- separate setup scripts for linux (more to come later)
- added scripts/ which builds the VM automatically under linux  
- generating version info
- dowloading fresh 2.0 image
- installing VMMaker from scratch from the repository
- added scripts/ which downloads a test image and runs it with the 
freshly built VM
- complete travis validation [2]

Missing Goodies: 
- OSX travis configuration
- OSX setup scripts (based on homebrew + XCode installation checks)

I would like to follow a pull-request based contribution, now with the 
travis validation in place this is very comfortable! This way it should be
much easier for non-core people to contribute something simple.

Note that with travis you get free validation for your own fork / branch [3]!


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Re: [Pharo-users] Current 3.0 download is broken

2013-11-10 Thread Camillo Bruni
It did not solve the issue yet :/, I will have to look into it next week.
In any case, I think it would be unrelated to a bootstrap since FileLocator 
is already lazily initialized. There is just the typical problem on how and
when to update a singleton...

I should reopen the issue since the problem persists.

On 2013-11-10, at 12:37, Stéphane Ducasse  wrote:
> Camillo
> I read the bug entry and your explanation. 
> Now could not we find a solution that is not based on postscript?
> Why? because I'm thinking that soon (or later) we will bootstrap from sources 
> and I would love to have 
> as much as behavior inside the initialize so that we do not forget a little 
> message and get the system shaky.
> Stef
>>> On 09 Nov 2013, at 15:37, Johan Fabry  wrote:
 For double completeness ;-) The one-click download has 
 the same problem. The included source file is in the wrong directory. It 
 should be moved out of Contents/Resources and moved into Contents/MacOS. 
 Then the one-click also runs.
>>> That seems to be a regression from how it once was, so it should be fixed 
>>> ASAP.
>> It was fixed and actually extended to take more source locations into 
>> account.
>> But somehow FileLocator is not properly initialized and thus the additional 
>> locations
>> are not properly resolved.

Re: [Pharo-users] Finding references to traits

2013-11-16 Thread Camillo Bruni
I think the #users method return what you want, no?

TBehavior users

On 2013-11-16, at 18:19, wrote:

> If I come in cold to a system and see some class using trait, and then I want 
> to find all classes that use that trait. I have tried a few ways but failed 
> to work it out. The most obvious action "Extended search > references of it" 
> doesn't show them, and neither does any other action I try. How is this done?
> cheers -ben

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Re: [Pharo-users] How to discover which test fails (pharo 2.0)

2013-11-20 Thread Camillo Bruni
The TestRunner is usually a better choice in this case, no?
WorldMenu / TestRunner

On 2013-11-20, at 16:43, Davide Varvello  wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm on Pharo 2.0.
> When I run a bunch of tests I usually select a lot of packages from Nautilus
> and click cmd-t to run them, but unfortunately if one test fails, only a
> yellow box in the lower left appears and it's time consuming to look for
> which test fails in which package.
> I'd love to have the good old dialogs with all the failing tests.
> Is there a way, in the configuration, to have them back?
> Davide
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

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