On 2013-11-09, at 16:30, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> On 09 Nov 2013, at 15:37, Johan Fabry <jfa...@dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:
>> For double completeness ;-) The one-click download Pharo3.0-mac.zip has the 
>> same problem. The included source file is in the wrong directory. It should 
>> be moved out of Contents/Resources and moved into Contents/MacOS. Then the 
>> one-click also runs.
> That seems to be a regression from how it once was, so it should be fixed 

It was fixed and actually extended to take more source locations into account.
But somehow FileLocator is not properly initialized and thus the additional 
are not properly resolved.

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