cool :)

On 2013-05-16, at 14:36, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is a little tool that might be useful to some you. For others it might 
> be a nice example.
> So you have your shiny Pharo server application running in the cloud. When 
> something goes wrong, most of the time you will just restart, manually or 
> automatically. But sometimes you wish you could interact with a running 
> headless server image. Problem is, you can't out of the box.
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate is a simple tool that exports a REPL Web Service. 
> Much like the emergency evaluator. Primitive but better than nothing. Install 
> it on a port of your choice, running in a independent Zn HTTP server, bound 
> to localhost only.
>       ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate startInServerOn: 1701.
> There is only one API method: POST a plain/text Smalltalk expression to 
> evaluate, get the result back.        
>       ZnClient new
>               url: 'http://localhost:1701/repl';
>               contents: '42 factorial';
>               post.
> Here is an example terminal session (logged in to the server, not remote):
> A GET on the service /repl gives some help text
> $ curl http://localhost:1701/repl
> # Pharo Smalltalk REPL. POST expressions to evaluate
> # Here is one way (type ctrl-d to end input)
> curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> A POST with -d is good for short expressions
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d '42 factorial' 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000
> For longer or multi line expressions you can read input from stdin and end 
> with ctrl-d (copy the expression returned by the GET). Or you could send text 
> files.
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> { (1 to: 10) sum. (1 to: 10) average }
> {55. (11/2)}
> There is error handling as well:
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @- 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> 1 plus: 2
> MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus:
> SmallInteger(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #plus:
>       Receiver: 1
>       Arguments and temporary variables: 
>               aMessage:       plus: 2
>               exception:      MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>plus:
>               resumeValue:    nil
>       Receiver's instance variables: 
> 1
> UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged:
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [| result |...
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> ZnReadEvalPrintDelegate>>evaluate: in Block: [:out | [| result |...
> String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>new:streamContents:
> WARNING: never open this service beyond your local network ! This service 
> gives you absolute control over and access to everything in your image. For 
> example, the following will kill your image:
> $ curl -X POST -H'Content-Type:text/plain' -d 'Smalltalk quitPrimitive' 
> http://localhost:1701/repl
> All this in one class and a handful of methods.
> Enjoy,
> Sven
> PS1: Part of Zinc HTTP Components, in the bleedingEdge version.
> PS2: Of course, basic authentication or HTTPS can be added through simple Zn 
> configuration.
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo

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