[MlMt] Search entire message, not just a part

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
I don't see a way to do a search across all messages for a string that 
can occur in any message part (From, To, Body, etc.). Is there a way to 
do this?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Search entire message, not just a part

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
Never mind. I found the condition I wanted: Common Headers and Body.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Disjunctive Searches

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
Please correct me if I'm wrong about the following. If I want a 
disjunctive search (Any) instead of an adjunctive search (All), I must 
use a Custom Mailbox for this. I see way to do a disjunctive search in 
the Custom Search bar I see above my message list.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Search entire message, not just a part

2013-09-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
Thanks. Very useful. Been using MM for only a few days. Registered it 
pretty quickly.

On 2 Sep 2013, at 20:11, Daniel Mann wrote:

On 2 Sep 2013, at 22:59, Daniel Mann wrote:

On 2 Sep 2013, at 22:16, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I found the condition I wanted: Common Headers and Body.

Nice find. I wonder if it is possible to make this the default search 
selection? Or, to set this search option

via a keybinding?

Turns out this is not necessary. Looks like changing the default is 
built in as a menu option. While searching

the way you want, select Edit  > Find > Use as default search.

[here](http://lists.freron.com/mailmate/2013-February/000582.html) and 
Thanks! =]

-Daniel Mann
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Re: [MlMt] Disjunctive Searches

2013-09-03 Thread Ralph Alvy
I see that now. Thanks. Maybe a future version will allow us to save 
that as the default search (where I have the Any/All selector 

On 2 Sep 2013, at 23:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Sep 2013, at 4:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Please correct me if I'm wrong about the following. If I want a 
disjunctive search (Any) instead of an adjunctive search (All), I 
must use a Custom Mailbox for this. I see way to do a disjunctive 
search in the Custom Search bar I see above my message list.

In both smart mailboxes and in a custom search you can hold down ⌥ 
and the “plus”-symbols change into “…” symbols. Clicking on 
one of them creates a new group of conditions for which you can toggle 

Although not easy to discover this is actually a general OS X feature. 
It works in a Finder search as well.


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Red Dot and Trash folder

2013-09-03 Thread Ralph Alvy
I know that the Red Dot means a message was deleted by another 
application. In this case, the messages I see with a Red Dot in my 
MailMate smart MAILBOX were all deleted in the office under Postbox. 
That said, why don't I see them in my Trash folder under SOURCES? They 
were certainly put there by Postbox when in the office today.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Alternative Search problem: crash report

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that if I use the alternative search method (holding down the 
Opt key so I can get Any/All as a parameter), it defaults to "string" as 
the search type. Such a search type doesn't exist, and if you fail to 
change it and then start entering a string to be found, MM will crash.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] collpaseAll fails

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
I find that "collapseAll:" fails to work until I leave that mailbox and 
then come back to it.

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[MlMt] Tags and Expanded Headers View

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
I just read about tags and see I'm supposed to be able see them in 
Expanded Headers View. I don't see where I can access that view.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Tags and Expanded Headers View

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
Ok. Now I see it. Forget it. Might be nice to have a column header for 
Tagged when viewing a list of messages.

On 4 Sep 2013, at 14:23, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I just read about tags and see I'm supposed to be able see them in 
Expanded Headers View. I don't see where I can access that view.

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[MlMt] Personal Inbox

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
I keep looking at the Personal Inbox in [MAILBOXES] and just can't wrap 
my head around it. I have examined the Edit Mailbox conditions and then 
look at the results, and I still don't get it. Can someone tell me what 
it's really accomplishing?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Personal Inbox

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
How would it be different than just looking at Inbox, since all those 
messages are addressed to me? The only difference I can see is if 
there's a message in my Inbox that is addressed to, say, undisclosed 

On 4 Sep 2013, at 17:53, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I keep looking at the Personal Inbox in [MAILBOXES] and just can't 
wrap my head around it. I have examined the Edit Mailbox conditions 
and then look at the results, and I still don't get it. Can someone 
tell me what it's really accomplishing?

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Re: [MlMt] Personal Inbox

2013-09-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
Nicely spelled out, Bill. Thanks.
Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Personal Inbox

2013-09-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
Actually, Ryan, the way I read that configuration screen is that it will 
show me all emails specifically addressed to me, whether or not I have 
ever sent a message to any of the senders. As long as the Recipient is 
an email address I have used to send from, the message will be there. 
The Sender of the message need never have received a message from me. 
This is consistent with the results I see. I see many messages from 
entities I have never sent a message to, but they are addressed to my 
personal email address.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Search parameter request: All Message With Tags

2013-09-08 Thread Ralph Alvy
I don't see a way to create a Smart Mailbox that sees all and only 
messages with Tags. Is there a way to do this?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Search parameter request: All Message With Tags

2013-09-09 Thread Ralph Alvy

I cannot get that to work. I have tried all the following:

#Tags is not ""
#Tags is not 0
#Tags is not "0"

In all theses cases I see all my messages.

I also added a single tag to a new message in my Inbox and then tried 
the following:

#Tags is 1
#Tags is > 0
#Tags is >0
#Tags is "1"

These all showed no messages.

On 9 Sep 2013, at 4:45, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 Sep 2013, at 13:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Using that you should be able to make a simple search like this:

#Tags exists

Sorry, that should have been:

#Tags is not ""

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Re: [MlMt] Search parameter request: All Message With Tags

2013-09-09 Thread Ralph Alvy

That did it. Thanks.

On 9 Sep 2013, at 7:57, Steve Mayer wrote:


I found that if I pick the 'blank' entry from the dropdown list of 
tags (so my query is #Tags* is not ) then I see only my 
messages with tags.

Steve Mayer

On 9 Sep 2013, at 7:53, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I cannot get that to work. I have tried all the following:

#Tags is not ""
#Tags is not 0
#Tags is not "0"

In all theses cases I see all my messages.

I also added a single tag to a new message in my Inbox and then tried 
the following:

#Tags is 1
#Tags is > 0
#Tags is >0
#Tags is "1"

These all showed no messages.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Hide/Show Preview Pane and keyboard

2013-09-10 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that when I first start a reply to a message, unless I use the 
keyboard first (do some typing), I cannot hide or show the Preview Pane 
via the keyboard shortcut. I must first type some text. This behavior is 
not present when composing a new message. Only when replying.

Not a major problem once you understand how to workaround it (just type 
something first).

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Thread View that honors reverse date

2013-09-10 Thread Ralph Alvy
Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be 
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within each 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Thread View that honors reverse date

2013-09-13 Thread Ralph Alvy
Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where I 
run Windows, I really miss it. Postbox will sort Threads in reverse date 
order of that's the order of dates chosen by the user otherwise. So the 
more recent messages appear higher up the list in the thread.

On 10 Sep 2013, at 15:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be 
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within each 

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Re: [MlMt] Thread View that honors reverse date

2013-09-13 Thread Ralph Alvy

Ah, yes. Conversation mode. That's what Postbox is using. Understood.

On 13 Sep 2013, at 7:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:13, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be 
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within 
each thread.

Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where 
I run Windows, I really miss it. Postbox will sort Threads in reverse 
date order of that's the order of dates chosen by the user otherwise. 
So the more recent messages appear higher up the list in the thread.

Sorry for not replying earlier on. The problem in MailMate is that 
threads are fully threaded (showing all message<->reply 
relationships). It is not a simple matter of reversing the date sort 
to get what you want. What you need is a different flat threading mode 
in which the newest message is shown first. This is also closely 
related to a so-called conversation view where all messages are shown 
in the message view. The latter is something I would like to work on, 
but I cannot make any promises (and it is already a long standing


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[MlMt] Changing font size of message viewer

2013-09-15 Thread Ralph Alvy
I don't see a way to change the font size of the message viewer. I have 
successfully changed the font and its size for the message tree pane, 
but that doesn't seem to affect the message view pane. I also increased 
the Minimum Font Size in Preferences|Viewer to 12, but that has no 
effect on the message view pane.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Changing font size of message viewer

2013-09-15 Thread Ralph Alvy
My my. That was easy. MailMate awfully granular in configuration. Just 
wonderful. Thanks.

On 15 Sep 2013, at 9:47, Bill Cole wrote:

On 15 Sep 2013, at 11:57, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I don't see a way to change the font size of the message viewer. I 
have successfully changed the font and its size for the message tree 
pane, but that doesn't seem to affect the message view pane. I also 
increased the Minimum Font Size in Preferences|Viewer to 12, but that 
has no effect on the message view pane.

It is perhaps too simple to be obvious...

With focus in the message viewer pane or the body area an open message 
window, you can use the options in the Format menu to change the font 
& size of text. Those changes stick.

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Re: [MlMt] Thread View that honors reverse date

2013-09-16 Thread Ralph Alvy
Now that I think of it, double-clicking on a message Subject essentially 
gives me what I'm looking for for that particular subject, within a 
given folder.

On 13 Sep 2013, at 7:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:13, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be 
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within 
each thread.

Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where 
I run Windows, I really miss it. Postbox will sort Threads in reverse 
date order of that's the order of dates chosen by the user otherwise. 
So the more recent messages appear higher up the list in the thread.

Sorry for not replying earlier on. The problem in MailMate is that 
threads are fully threaded (showing all message<->reply 
relationships). It is not a simple matter of reversing the date sort 
to get what you want. What you need is a different flat threading mode 
in which the newest message is shown first. This is also closely 
related to a so-called conversation view where all messages are shown 
in the message view. The latter is something I would like to work on, 
but I cannot make any promises (and it is already a long standing


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[MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
I don't see a way to Copy a message to a Mailbox. I know how to Move it. 
How do I Copy it? The reason I need this is that I have Spam and Ham 
folders on my server that are set up so that when I copy a message to 
the Spam folder, the server learns that this is spam (using Bayes 
methods); and when I copy it to the Ham folder, it learns it isn't spam.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Ralph Alvy
Ah, I see that. How about a copyToMailbox command so we can do this with 
the keyboard?

On 18 Sep 2013, at 0:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 18 Sep 2013, at 2:59, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I don't see a way to Copy a message to a Mailbox. I know how to Move 
it. How do I Copy it? The reason I need this is that I have Spam and 
Ham folders on my server that are set up so that when I copy a 
message to the Spam folder, the server learns that this is spam 
(using Bayes methods); and when I copy it to the Ham folder, it 
learns it isn't spam.

You can do like in the Finder: Hold down ⌥ when using drag'n'drop to 
copy instead of moving.

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Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Ralph Alvy

Exacly what I was hoping for.

On 18 Sep 2013, at 7:20, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

Maybe it could be an additional modifier key to change the "Move to 
mailbox…" (Alt-Cmd-t) to a "Copy to mailbox…" (like 
Ctrl-Alt-Cmd-t) command and use the same UI?


On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:10, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Ah, I see that. How about a copyToMailbox command so we can do this 
with the keyboard?

On 18 Sep 2013, at 0:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 18 Sep 2013, at 2:59, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I don't see a way to Copy a message to a Mailbox. I know how to 
Move it. How do I Copy it? The reason I need this is that I have 
Spam and Ham folders on my server that are set up so that when I 
copy a message to the Spam folder, the server learns that this is 
spam (using Bayes methods); and when I copy it to the Ham folder, 
it learns it isn't spam.

You can do like in the Finder: Hold down ⌥ when using drag'n'drop 
to copy instead of moving.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Copy Message To Mailbox

2013-09-18 Thread Ralph Alvy
I need to be able to have a real copy of a message land in a particular 
folder for spam controls, as I noted here in my original post:

"The reason I need this is that I have Spam and Ham folders on my server 
that are set up so that when I copy a message to the Spam folder, the 
server learns that this is spam (using Bayes methods); and when I copy 
it to the Ham folder, it learns it isn't spam."

On 18 Sep 2013, at 7:52, Nitin Goyal wrote:

Why you need to copy messages to another folder? Isn't tagging a 
better option?

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[MlMt] Paste as Quotation

2013-09-18 Thread Ralph Alvy
I would love to see Edit > Paste As Quotation.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Paste as Quotation

2013-09-19 Thread Ralph Alvy

Got it. Thanks.

On 19 Sep 2013, at 3:01, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 18 Sep 2013, at 17:36, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I would love to see Edit > Paste As Quotation.

You have ⌘' and ⌥⌘' to increase/decrease the quotation level. 
This is a more general solution and I would like to reserve Paste 
variations for a pasteboard history (with shortcuts for Paste 

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[MlMt] Version 1.7 keybindings file

2013-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that after allowing MailMate to upgrade to 1.7 this morning, my 
custom key bindings file is gone.

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Re: [MlMt] Version 1.7 keybindings file

2013-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

Got it. I have a backup. Will move that file to the proper location.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 Android phone

On October 17, 2013 8:49:12 AM Benny Kjær Nielsen  

On 17 Oct 2013, at 17:41, Ralph Alvy wrote:

> I notice that after allowing MailMate to upgrade to 1.7 this morning, my 
custom key bindings file is gone.

Gustavo already gave the correct answer. I hope you had a backup.

I can see that I could be more specific in the manual and clearly state 
that files in the application bundle should not be edited.

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[MlMt] copyToMailbox: usage question

2013-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that, unlike moveToMailbox, copyToMailbox doesn't produce a 
list box UI. In fact, it seems to do nothing at all when invoked. Does 
it require a mailbox argument, unlike moveToMailbox?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] copyToMailbox: usage question

2013-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

As I expected. No problem. Thanks.

On 17 Oct 2013, at 14:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 17 Oct 2013, at 22:53, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that, unlike moveToMailbox, copyToMailbox doesn't produce a 
list box UI. In fact, it seems to do nothing at all when invoked. 
Does it require a mailbox argument, unlike moveToMailbox?

Yes, you can only copy with the GUI if you hold down ⌥ when 
selecting the destination mailbox (with the Move to Mailbox GUI).

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Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an email 
arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before MailMate would 
get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 14:50, Alberto Caporro wrote:

Just as a side note, I also noticed a similar behaviour, but it was
definitely there BEFORE 1.7; I always thought it had something to do 
slow or unstable network connection in one of the places I work at, 

I've never been able to reach a firm conclusion.

It's not so frequent, so I never cared much and never looked at the 

but I'll do that in the coming days.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  

Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a 


So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or 


I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a 


Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
other folders are Connected.

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see 

is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX 


be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.

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Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
Hmmm … I actually don't think I have seen this problem with 1.7, not 
that I think of it.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 15:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Oct 2013, at 0:21, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an 
email arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before 
MailMate would get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

Note that 1.7 fixed a bug related to the “Connected” state (IDLE). 
From the release notes:

* Fixed: Bug with IMAP IDLE which could result in MailMate not 
detecting a broken connection.

Therefore, it is primarily of interest to get details about 
synchronization issues with 1.7.

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[MlMt] MailMate won't stop checking inbox

2013-11-08 Thread Ralph Alvy
Lately I'm noticing that MM just keeps checking the INBOX. I see the 
spinner constantly running.

Running v1.7 build 3790.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate won't stop checking inbox

2013-11-08 Thread Ralph Alvy

Hmmm…finally stopped. Please ignore.

On 8 Nov 2013, at 8:57, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Lately I'm noticing that MM just keeps checking the INBOX. I see the 
spinner constantly running.

Running v1.7 build 3790.
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Re: [MlMt] Deleting, moving, marking as read, and threads (new user questions)

2013-11-09 Thread Ralph Alvy

On 9 Nov 2013, at 6:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

First, hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software 
Update preferences pane to get r3832 of MailMate. Then go to the 
General preferences pane and enable *experimental* 2.0 features. 
Finally, double click the “Deleted Messages” mailbox and add a 
rule with no conditions, but simply an action to enable “Seen”. I 
think that should work (and you can do the same for Junk).

Works for me. Thanks.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mavericks compatibilty

2013-11-25 Thread Ralph Alvy
Can I safely assume MailMate will not be broken if I upgrade to 
Mavericks? I currently use it on Mountain Lion.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mavericks compatibilty

2013-11-25 Thread Ralph Alvy

All good to hear.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 Android phone
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] NNTP support.

2013-12-15 Thread Ralph Alvy
I use Thunderbird for NNTP and MailMate for IMAP.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Search and the Junk folder

2014-02-16 Thread Ralph Alvy
I have a folder called Junk. Not sure if it was there before Mailmate 
was installed, but it's there. Somehow I accidentally moved a message 
into that folder. I never use that folder, so it's always empty. I did a 
search to see where I accidentally moved that message an couldn't find 
it. I ended up having to go to my browser and browse messages on the 
email server to finally find it in the Junk folder. When I loaded up 
Mailmate, of course, I found that message in the Junk folder. Why 
doesn't the Search bar search that folder?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] attachements not shown in latest build ?

2014-07-12 Thread Ralph Alvy
Sometimes I see this happening. I think it's always when the attachment 
is a password-protected PDF file. In such cases, the only indication I 
have that there's an attachment is the  paper clip icon in the 
attachment column. I see no attachment at the bottom of the message.

On 12 Jul 2014, at 5:54, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 11 Jul 2014, at 17:54, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I'm no longer seeing attachments on emails after updating to todays 
test build.

Hmm, anyone else seeing this behavior?

I can open them via the menu but I don't see them listed inside the 
message view anymore ?

I've done some changes to the default CSS I think, but other than that 
I cannot think of any related changes.

* Does it persist after restarting MailMate?
* Does the Attachments column in the messages outline work?
* Does it work if you downgrade to an [earlier 

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [MlMt] conversation view

2014-08-06 Thread Ralph Alvy
I never noticed that Conversation and Thread buttons looked at more than 
the current folder. I'm very happy with this.


On 6 Aug 2014, at 6:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 4 Aug 2014, at 6:58, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I guess it would need to also match the Subject for all messages, the 
way it does when you double click on the Subject field in a message.

So, essentially you want to search for thread of the currently 
selected message? This is what the “Thread” button in the toolbar 
does. (I'm not saying it couldn't work differently. I just need to 
understand what you are requesting.)

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[MlMt] Quota indicator

2014-11-04 Thread Ralph Alvy
I remember when I was using Thunderbird, I would see a Quota Indicator 
that would show me how much of my quota was reached in terms of storage 
on my email server. Can this be done with MailMate in a future release?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Quota indicator

2014-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy

Got it. Thanks for considering this.

On 4 Nov 2014, at 12:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 4 Nov 2014, at 18:49, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I remember when I was using Thunderbird, I would see a Quota 
Indicator that would show me how much of my quota was reached in 
terms of storage on my email server. Can this be done with MailMate 
in a future release?

Yes, but it has been 
before and I haven't done anything yet. It is, by the way, not 
[supported](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2087) by all email servers. 
It appears though that it is now supported by Gmail. I'm not sure that 
it was last time I checked, but I might be wrong.

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[MlMt] Alternative Date Format for message list

2015-03-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
I'd love to see a future version allow for an alternative Date format 
for message lists. Something like this:

Thu Mar 5 2015

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Re: [MlMt] Alternative Date Format for message list

2015-03-12 Thread Ralph Alvy

That works. Thanks.

On 6 Mar 2015, at 3:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 5 Mar 2015, at 21:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I'd love to see a future version allow for an alternative Date format 
for message lists. Something like this:

Thu Mar 5 2015

Try looking into changing settings in the “Advanced...” part of 
the “Language & Region” System Preferences pane. MailMate itself 
cannot be configured to use an explicit date format. It just tries to 
adapt to the width of the column using the system formats.

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Re: [MlMt] Junk folder filling up

2015-05-14 Thread Ralph Alvy

Forgot to post my MM version: 1.9.1 (5084)

On 14 May 2015, at 12:37, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that all of a sudden, MailMate is filling up my Junk folder. 
Maybe I never noticed all those messages in there before. Is there a 
way for me to turn off MailMate’s Junk folder filter? I have my 
email server handling that in a different folder. SpamSieve is not 
enabled in my MailMate settings.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Junk folder filling up

2015-05-14 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that all of a sudden, MailMate is filling up my Junk folder. 
Maybe I never noticed all those messages in there before. Is there a way 
for me to turn off MailMate’s Junk folder filter? I have my email 
server handling that in a different folder. SpamSieve is not enabled in 
my MailMate settings.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Junk folder filling up

2015-05-14 Thread Ralph Alvy
And even if I mass select all of them and change their Junk Status to 
Not Junk, and then choose Move From Junk, they eventually all come back 
to the Junk folder. It might take some time, but they end up back there 
again. And when they return to the Junk folder, they’re all marked as 
Not Junk.

On 14 May 2015, at 12:38, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Forgot to post my MM version: 1.9.1 (5084)

On 14 May 2015, at 12:37, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that all of a sudden, MailMate is filling up my Junk folder. 
Maybe I never noticed all those messages in there before. Is there a 
way for me to turn off MailMate’s Junk folder filter? I have my 
email server handling that in a different folder. SpamSieve is not 
enabled in my MailMate settings.

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Re: [MlMt] Junk folder filling up

2015-05-14 Thread Ralph Alvy
Thanks for the informative reply. I have followed up with a support 
query to my email server people (Tuffmail).

On 14 May 2015, at 14:27, Bill Cole wrote:

On 14 May 2015, at 15:37, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that all of a sudden, MailMate is filling up my Junk folder.

That seems unlikely. The "Junk" mailbox under the top-level 
"Mailboxes" section of the folder list is a simple merge of each of 
the IMAP mailboxes that MailMate has labeled as "Junk" type, one for 
each IMAP account. Unless you have SpamSieve enabled or have set up 
your own rules associated with mailboxes, MailMate only moves messages 
from an account's Inbox (or other folder) into what it sees as the 
"Junk" folder for that account when you tell it to do so.

Maybe I never noticed all those messages in there before. Is there a 
way for me to turn off MailMate’s Junk folder filter?

No, because there is *NO SUCH THING!*

I have my email server handling that in a different folder. SpamSieve 
is not enabled in my MailMate settings.

If messages are being moved from your Inbox (or anywhere else) to 
Junk, it is due to one of 4 things:

1. SpamSieve (which you'd need to install and enable in MM, so that's 
not it.)
2. A rule in MailMate associated with the mailbox that's losing 
messages to "Junk"
3. MailMate has the wrong "type" assigned to some IMAP "source" 
4. Some other IMAP client or server-side gadget moving messages 
entirely apart from MailMate.

My bet is on (4), maybe mixed with (3).

MM allows you to set the type of exactly one mailbox in each IMAP 
account to "Junk". MM moves messages in the same account to that 
mailbox and tags them as junk whenever you use the "Move to Junk" 
function. The actual IMAP mailbox may not be named Junk and you may 
have an IMAP mailbox named Junk that is not the one MM has labeled as 
THE Junk-type mailbox for that account. MM merges all Junk-type 
mailboxes into its own virtual "Junk" mailbox. It also does this with 
Archives, Drafts, Deleted Messages, and Sent Messages. If you have a 
server-side mechanism of some sort delivering message to a "Junk" IMAP 
mailbox, you should make sure that MM has that IMAP mailbox typed as 
Junk and not some other mailbox. You should also make sure the server 
gadget isn't eagerly sweeping every IMAP mailbox looking for messages 
to analyze and move into whatever mailbox it uses for Junk.

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Re: [MlMt] Junk folder filling up

2015-05-15 Thread Ralph Alvy
Following up ... it was the email client on my Android device. Thanks 

On 14 May 2015, at 16:02, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Thanks for the informative reply. I have followed up with a support 
query to my email server people (Tuffmail).

On 14 May 2015, at 14:27, Bill Cole wrote:

On 14 May 2015, at 15:37, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that all of a sudden, MailMate is filling up my Junk 

That seems unlikely. The "Junk" mailbox under the top-level 
"Mailboxes" section of the folder list is a simple merge of each of 
the IMAP mailboxes that MailMate has labeled as "Junk" type, one for 
each IMAP account. Unless you have SpamSieve enabled or have set up 
your own rules associated with mailboxes, MailMate only moves 
messages from an account's Inbox (or other folder) into what it sees 
as the "Junk" folder for that account when you tell it to do so.

Maybe I never noticed all those messages in there before. Is there a 
way for me to turn off MailMate’s Junk folder filter?

No, because there is *NO SUCH THING!*

I have my email server handling that in a different folder. 
SpamSieve is not enabled in my MailMate settings.

If messages are being moved from your Inbox (or anywhere else) to 
Junk, it is due to one of 4 things:

1. SpamSieve (which you'd need to install and enable in MM, so that's 
not it.)
2. A rule in MailMate associated with the mailbox that's losing 
messages to "Junk"
3. MailMate has the wrong "type" assigned to some IMAP "source" 
4. Some other IMAP client or server-side gadget moving messages 
entirely apart from MailMate.

My bet is on (4), maybe mixed with (3).

MM allows you to set the type of exactly one mailbox in each IMAP 
account to "Junk". MM moves messages in the same account to that 
mailbox and tags them as junk whenever you use the "Move to Junk" 
function. The actual IMAP mailbox may not be named Junk and you may 
have an IMAP mailbox named Junk that is not the one MM has labeled as 
THE Junk-type mailbox for that account. MM merges all Junk-type 
mailboxes into its own virtual "Junk" mailbox. It also does this with 
Archives, Drafts, Deleted Messages, and Sent Messages. If you have a 
server-side mechanism of some sort delivering message to a "Junk" 
IMAP mailbox, you should make sure that MM has that IMAP mailbox 
typed as Junk and not some other mailbox. You should also make sure 
the server gadget isn't eagerly sweeping every IMAP mailbox looking 
for messages to analyze and move into whatever mailbox it uses for 

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[MlMt] Local Search Default

2015-10-22 Thread Ralph Alvy
Is there a way to tell MM to use Common Headers or Body as my preferred 
Local Search type (in the Message List of one mailbox)? I seem to 
remember that this was the default for me before, but don’t remember 
where that was set?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Local Search Default

2015-10-23 Thread Ralph Alvy

On 23 Oct 2015, at 2:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

If you mean “Edit ▸ Find ▸ Mailbox Search” (advanced search of 
current mailbox) then you should use “Edit ▸ Find ▸ Use as 
Default Search”).

That was it, Benny. I had that setup on my Desktop Mac but couldn’t 
remember how to do it for my new Macbook Pro.

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[MlMt] IMAP errors

2016-02-20 Thread Ralph Alvy

Today I keep getting this error:

MailMate encountered the following error: “Failed to fetch data for 1 

Mailbox: “Sent”.
This indicates a server bug. You can tell MailMate to always ignore 
messages involved in this type of error (for this account) or you can 
temporarily ignore the messages with the following UIDs: “16600”.

I'm not sure what to do about it. It happens on my desktop Mac Mini but 
not my Macbook Pro.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] IMAP errors

2016-02-20 Thread Ralph Alvy
I ended up telling MailMate to permanently ignore such errors. Other 
mail clients see that message, including MailMate on my other computer. 
It doesn't see it on this one. And other email clients see that message 
on this computer, like Mac Mail.

I even moved that message with another email client to a different 
folder to see if that would cause MailMate to see it. No luck.

I later forced a MailMate index rebuild, and that didn't resolve it. 
Except, now MailMail takes a lot of time with its spinner, which used to 
result in that error message, but now it doesn't because I told it to 
stop issuing that message. Should I just uninstall MailMail and 
completely delete all its mail, and then reinstall?

On 20 Feb 2016, at 12:39, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Today I keep getting this error:

MailMate encountered the following error: “Failed to fetch data for 
1 messages.”.

Mailbox: “Sent”.
This indicates a server bug. You can tell MailMate to always ignore 
messages involved in this type of error (for this account) or you can 
temporarily ignore the messages with the following UIDs: “16600”.

I'm not sure what to do about it. It happens on my desktop Mac Mini 
but not my Macbook Pro.

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Re: [MlMt] IMAP errors

2016-02-20 Thread Ralph Alvy
The message of concern here was rejected by the recipient's server for 
large attachment, should that make a difference.

Sent from my Android phone.

On February 20, 2016 4:48:12 PM "Ralph Alvy"  wrote:

I ended up telling MailMate to permanently ignore such errors. Other
mail clients see that message, including MailMate on my other computer.
It doesn't see it on this one. And other email clients see that message
on this computer, like Mac Mail.

I even moved that message with another email client to a different
folder to see if that would cause MailMate to see it. No luck.

I later forced a MailMate index rebuild, and that didn't resolve it.
Except, now MailMail takes a lot of time with its spinner, which used to
result in that error message, but now it doesn't because I told it to
stop issuing that message. Should I just uninstall MailMail and
completely delete all its mail, and then reinstall?

On 20 Feb 2016, at 12:39, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Today I keep getting this error:

MailMate encountered the following error: “Failed to fetch data for
1 messages.”.
Mailbox: “Sent”.
This indicates a server bug. You can tell MailMate to always ignore
messages involved in this type of error (for this account) or you can
temporarily ignore the messages with the following UIDs: “16600”.

I'm not sure what to do about it. It happens on my desktop Mac Mini
but not my Macbook Pro.
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Re: [MlMt] IMAP errors

2016-02-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling MailMate, making sure to delete 
all its messages by deleting the MailMate folder in the Application 
Support folder. Still have this problem, of course. See inline comments.

On 21 Feb 2016, at 3:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Feb 2016, at 1:48, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Today I keep getting this error:

MailMate encountered the following error: “Failed to fetch data 
for 1 messages.”.

Mailbox: “Sent”.
This indicates a server bug. You can tell MailMate to always ignore 
messages involved in this type of error (for this account) or you 
can temporarily ignore the messages with the following UIDs: 

This type of error is handled differently in the latest beta of 
MailMate. It won't really fix it, but you shouldn't get the error 
message. Instead MailMate replaces the email with a dummy message. 
Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
preferences to try this.

Just downloaded the beta after the new MailMate install ran all night 
downloading messages. This time I got the same sort of warning but 
pointing to a different message UUID. And the problem message from 
before is sitting in my folder without being a dummy message. It's the 
real message. When I got the warning this time, I hit Temporarily Ignore 
and then exited MailMate and loaded MailMate again, hoping to generate 
the warning again so I can do what you suggested later in this reply.

I ended up telling MailMate to permanently ignore such errors. Other 
mail clients see that message, including MailMate on my other 
computer. It doesn't see it on this one. And other email clients see 
that message on this computer, like Mac Mail.

Apple Mail might work because it asks for the message in a different 
way, but it's strange if it works in MailMate on another machine (if 
it's the same revision).

Both Apple Mail and PostBox downloaded the problem message. MailMate 

I even moved that message with another email client to a different 
folder to see if that would cause MailMate to see it. No luck.

If you hold down ⇧ when clicking “Retry” then a log file should 
be generated on your Desktop. I'd like to see that to see exactly what 
the server reply is.

I have seen a message here and there on my Desktop that MailMate put 
there, but never knew why it was there and deleted it. The next time I 
see that MailMate warning, I'll click Shift-Retry and send you what is 
dropped on my Desktop.

I later forced a MailMate index rebuild, and that didn't resolve it.

My general advice is never to do this unless I've explicitly suggested 
it. For most types of problems it won't make a difference and it'll be 
a waste of time/resources.

Except, now MailMail takes a lot of time with its spinner, which used 
to result in that error message, but now it doesn't because I told it 
to stop issuing that message. Should I just uninstall MailMail and 
completely delete all its mail, and then reinstall?

No, you can change the “always ignore” setting by removing the 
line with `ignoreFailedUIDs` from this file (when MailMate is not 


If the problem then returns then we can debug it.

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Re: [MlMt] IMAP errors

2016-02-21 Thread Ralph Alvy


How can I locate the dummy message you refer to below? How will I even 
know one was generated?


On 21 Feb 2016, at 7:45, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling MailMate, making sure to 
delete all its messages by deleting the MailMate folder in the 
Application Support folder. Still have this problem, of course. See 
inline comments.

On 21 Feb 2016, at 3:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Feb 2016, at 1:48, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Today I keep getting this error:

MailMate encountered the following error: “Failed to fetch data 
for 1 messages.”.

Mailbox: “Sent”.
This indicates a server bug. You can tell MailMate to always ignore 
messages involved in this type of error (for this account) or you 
can temporarily ignore the messages with the following UIDs: 

This type of error is handled differently in the latest beta of 
MailMate. It won't really fix it, but you shouldn't get the error 
message. Instead MailMate replaces the email with a dummy message. 
Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
preferences to try this.

Just downloaded the beta after the new MailMate install ran all night 
downloading messages. This time I got the same sort of warning but 
pointing to a different message UUID. And the problem message from 
before is sitting in my folder without being a dummy message. It's the 
real message. When I got the warning this time, I hit Temporarily 
Ignore and then exited MailMate and loaded MailMate again, hoping to 
generate the warning again so I can do what you suggested later in 
this reply.

I ended up telling MailMate to permanently ignore such errors. Other 
mail clients see that message, including MailMate on my other 
computer. It doesn't see it on this one. And other email clients see 
that message on this computer, like Mac Mail.

Apple Mail might work because it asks for the message in a different 
way, but it's strange if it works in MailMate on another machine (if 
it's the same revision).

Both Apple Mail and PostBox downloaded the problem message. MailMate 

I even moved that message with another email client to a different 
folder to see if that would cause MailMate to see it. No luck.

If you hold down ⇧ when clicking “Retry” then a log file should 
be generated on your Desktop. I'd like to see that to see exactly 
what the server reply is.

I have seen a message here and there on my Desktop that MailMate put 
there, but never knew why it was there and deleted it. The next time I 
see that MailMate warning, I'll click Shift-Retry and send you what is 
dropped on my Desktop.

I later forced a MailMate index rebuild, and that didn't resolve it.

My general advice is never to do this unless I've explicitly 
suggested it. For most types of problems it won't make a difference 
and it'll be a waste of time/resources.

Except, now MailMail takes a lot of time with its spinner, which 
used to result in that error message, but now it doesn't because I 
told it to stop issuing that message. Should I just uninstall 
MailMail and completely delete all its mail, and then reinstall?

No, you can change the “always ignore” setting by removing the 
line with `ignoreFailedUIDs` from this file (when MailMate is not 


If the problem then returns then we can debug it.

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[MlMt] Cancel or Delete Send fails

2016-07-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that if I have a Send (with an attachment) running, and decide 
to Cancel or Delete it while it’s in Drafts because it’s taking too 
long, this cannot be done. Cancel has no obvious effect, and Delete 
deletes the entry in Drafts but it continues to Send to completion.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Cancel or Delete Send fails

2016-07-24 Thread Ralph Alvy
Here’s where it becomes an issue. I’m in a location where SMTP is 
too slow for the attachment I want to email, but I didn’t realize it. 
Too late. I just hit Send. I’d like to be able stop it when I see it 
taking forever in Drafts, and just send them a Dropbox link instead.

On 24 Jul 2016, at 8:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Jul 2016, at 21:02, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that if I have a Send (with an attachment) running, and 
decide to Cancel or Delete it while it’s in Drafts because it’s 
taking too long, this cannot be done. Cancel has no obvious effect, 
and Delete deletes the entry in Drafts but it continues to Send to 

That is correct. Ideally, I guess MailMate should signal the SMTP 
connection to abort. My own connection is too fast to ever make this 
relevant :)

(On vacation, please be patient.)
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Re: [MlMt] Cancel or Delete Send fails

2016-07-25 Thread Ralph Alvy

Thanks, Benny.

On 24 Jul 2016, at 14:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Jul 2016, at 18:09, Ralph Alvy wrote:

On 24 Jul 2016, at 8:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

That is correct. Ideally, I guess MailMate should signal the SMTP 
connection to abort. My own connection is too fast to ever make this 
relevant :)

Here’s where it becomes an issue. I’m in a location where SMTP is 
too slow for the attachment I want to email, but I didn’t realize 
it. Too late. I just hit Send. I’d like to be able stop it when I 
see it taking forever in Drafts, and just send them a Dropbox link 

I did not mean to imply that the problem wasn't real. I just don't (or 
very rarely) experience it myself. This is true for many 
issues/features/bugs. I did note the problem (and some notes about how 
to best handle it).

(On vacation, please be patient.)
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Re: [MlMt] Cancel or Delete Send fails

2016-07-25 Thread Ralph Alvy
This wouldn’t handle this situation, where I don’t realize the 
connection is slow until I see the long period the mail is sitting in 
Drafts during the Send process.

On 25 Jul 2016, at 6:28, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

On 24 Jul 2016, at 12:09, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Here’s where it becomes an issue. I’m in a location where SMTP is 
too slow for the attachment I want to email, but I didn’t realize 
it. Too late. I just hit Send. I’d like to be able stop it when I 
see it taking forever in Drafts, and just send them a Dropbox link 

A possible solution to such problems is having a default delay on 
sending. (Some other app does this, I think, but I forget which). So 
your messages would go out after X seconds, instead of right away. 
Then you could cancel the send within that time period.

Note that this is different from a scheduled send (which would also be 

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Re: [MlMt] Changing default app to open mail messages

2017-04-01 Thread Ralph Alvy
Have you tried RightClicking on the a message on your hard drive and 
choosing Get Info, and setting the default there?

On 1 Apr 2017, at 15:48, Dave C wrote:

I want to change the email app that opens messages when I click on 
them (as when Spotlight gives one in the results of a search) so 
MailMate opens. Currently Apple Mail opens when I double-click on a 

I searched the net and see to open Apple Mail (even though that’s 
not the app
I want as a default), open preferences, and change the default in 

Problem is that the default in the field in Mail preferences says 
“MailMate”. I tried changing it to Mail and back to MM but no joy.

Has anyone had to deal with this before?


MailMate 1.9.6
Mail 10.3
MacOS 10.12.4
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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-16 Thread Ralph Alvy
Before typing your search string, hit ‘/‘. You’ll then be given a 
search box for the current mailbox.

On 16 Apr 2017, at 22:07, Dave C wrote:

When I type terms in the search field (top right corner of the viewer 
window) and press Return, MM always defaults to All Messages. Most of 
the time I am in a mailbox and I’m interested in finding my term in 
that mailbox. I now have to click the mailbox to limit the search. 
It’s 99 percent of the time I want to limit the search to the 
current mailbox.

Benny, could you make this a choice (maybe a checkbox next to the 
search field for “All Messages”, or in preferences give a choice 
for defaulting search to the current mailbox or All Messages)? Or just 
change the default to the current mailbox.

How about everyone else? What’s your vote?

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

Then try Ctrl-Opt-Cmd-F

On 17 Apr 2017, at 6:57, John Cooper wrote:

Ralph Alvy wrote (at 22:30 on 16 Apr 2017):

Before typing your search string, hit ‘/‘. You’ll then be given 
a search box for the current mailbox.

This doesn't work for me.
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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
You don’t use the ‘/‘ in the Search Bar. You hit it when not in 
the Search Bar, to call the MailBox Search Bar.

On 17 Apr 2017, at 7:50, John Cooper wrote:

Ralph Alvy wrote (at 7:18 on 17 Apr 2017):

Then try Ctrl-Opt-Cmd-F

Yes, I know. Just reporting that the cool super-secret slash shortcut 
in the search bar doesn't return the indicated response.

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

Doing it this way is very quick and you never need to use your mouse.

On 17 Apr 2017, at 8:19, John Cooper wrote:

Ralph Alvy wrote (at 8:07 on 17 Apr 2017):

You don’t use the ‘/‘ in the Search Bar. You hit it when not in 
the Search Bar, to call the MailBox Search Bar.

Aha! Thank you for clarifying. You had written "before typing the 
search string," which I took to mean immediately before, i.e. while 
the search box is activated for input.

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do not 
click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field with 
blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these 

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

I guess you can always just use the built-in shortcuts:

MailBox Search: Ctrl-Opt-Cmd-F
All Files Search: Opt-Cmd-F

On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:05, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do 
not click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field with 
blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these 

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy


On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:08, Dave C wrote:

Which means… what? It’s a macro? Keyboard shortcut? (Don’t know 
what keybindings are…)

Are these MM shortcuts, or outside MM?



On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:05, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do 
not click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field 
with blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these 

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
Regarding that document I referenced, I created my own Custom 
Keybindings file for MailMate and placed it here:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/

On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:15, Ralph Alvy wrote:


On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:08, Dave C wrote:

Which means… what? It’s a macro? Keyboard shortcut? (Don’t know 
what keybindings are…)

Are these MM shortcuts, or outside MM?



On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:05, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do 
not click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field 
with blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these 

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
The Default Mailbox is a setting for the Main Search Bar you can click 
on. It’s also the Search Bar called by


You can set its Default Mailbox by clicking on the drop down widget in 
the left portion of that bar. None of this has anything to do with the 
Mailbox Search Bar, which is an entirely different Search Bar, called by


The latter works on the Current MailBox, whatever that is at the moment, 
not necessarily the Default Mailbox. I just happen to have a special 
single key that calls that box:


On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:36, Dave C wrote:

I’ll delve into the manual later, if need be.

Just to clarify: you created a keybinding that uses “/“ to 
activate the search field? Does your keybinding also determine the 
default mailbox to search?




On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:08, Dave C wrote:

Which means… what? It’s a macro? Keyboard shortcut? (Don’t 
know what keybindings are…)

Are these MM shortcuts, or outside MM?



On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:05, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do 
not click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field 
with blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these 

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Re: [MlMt] Searching

2017-04-17 Thread Ralph Alvy

Correction: that special key is forward slash, not back slash.

Sent from my Android phone

On April 17, 2017 12:12:43 PM "Ralph Alvy"  wrote:

The Default Mailbox is a setting for the Main Search Bar you can click
on. It’s also the Search Bar called by


You can set its Default Mailbox by clicking on the drop down widget in
the left portion of that bar. None of this has anything to do with the
Mailbox Search Bar, which is an entirely different Search Bar, called by


The latter works on the Current MailBox, whatever that is at the moment,
not necessarily the Default Mailbox. I just happen to have a special
single key that calls that box:


On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:36, Dave C wrote:

I’ll delve into the manual later, if need be.

Just to clarify: you created a keybinding that uses “/“ to
activate the search field? Does your keybinding also determine the
default mailbox to search?




On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:08, Dave C wrote:

Which means… what? It’s a macro? Keyboard shortcut? (Don’t
know what keybindings are…)

Are these MM shortcuts, or outside MM?



On 17 Apr 2017, at 11:05, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Oops. I see it’s in my keybindings file:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

On 17 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Paul Sture wrote:

On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:56, Dave C wrote:

Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do
not click in the Search field.
2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field
with blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.

Sane here.  Is someone using Gmail shortcuts?  I don't have these
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[MlMt] Drag and Drop Attachment oddity

2017-04-22 Thread Ralph Alvy
Lately I have noticed that dragging and dropping an image file to the 
message I have composed results in a textual reference to that file 
inserted wherever I placed the mouse in the current message during the 
drag operation.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Drag and Drop Attachment oddity

2017-04-24 Thread Ralph Alvy

Thanks, Sherif.

I just noticed that I can keep Markup selected if I uncheck Attachment 
Check in the Preferences for Composer.

On 24 Apr 2017, at 8:36, Sherif Soliman wrote:

On 22 Apr 2017, at 17:03, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Lately I have noticed that dragging and dropping an image file to the 
message I have composed results in a textual reference to that file 
inserted wherever I placed the mouse in the current message during 
the drag operation.

If I understand what you're describing correctly, it's something like 

This happens if you have the Markdown markup syntax chosen in the 
toolbar that contains the Signature and other options - MailMate will 
add a reference to the image in Markdown syntax. You can turn that off 
by choosing Plain Text markup syntax in the composer window before 
dragging your image file into the message, or -- I think -- in 
Preferences > Composer pane > Markup Syntax = None.


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Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?

2017-05-30 Thread Ralph Alvy
I'm told my server supports IMAP Keywords. Until this morning, I didn't 
use any MailMate Tags. This morning, on one machine, I tagged a number 
of messages with various tags in MailMate. On that machine I notice that 
all those tags are mapped with IMAP keywords in the Tags Preferences 

Now I go to my second machine and notice no tags at all in the Tags 
Preferences window. Do I have to manually enter each tag in that window? 
I thought if my server supports IMAP Keywords, I would see that list in 
the Tags Preferences window populated, and all my tagged messages 
showing up as tagged.

On 3 Feb 2017, at 2:17, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

On 2 Feb 2017, at 18:30, John Cooper wrote:

I'm surprised to find that the tags I apply on my main computer 
aren't attached to the same messages on my secondary computer; they 
appear to be machine-specific. I take it that tags aren't supported 
by the IMAP standard?

They are stored on the server, at least on the servers I'm using. But 
remember that you have to "connect" the "Display Name"/Icon with the 
IMAP Keyword on each computer (the "Tags" preference pane).

- jem
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Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?

2017-05-30 Thread Ralph Alvy
I just copied the Tags.plist from one machine to the other and now it's 
fine. Is that only way to do this? Sounds like Tags are not 

Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain 
settings, like Tag Preferences.

On 30 May 2017, at 11:11, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I'm told my server supports IMAP Keywords. Until this morning, I 
didn't use any MailMate Tags. This morning, on one machine, I tagged a 
number of messages with various tags in MailMate. On that machine I 
notice that all those tags are mapped with IMAP keywords in the Tags 
Preferences window.

Now I go to my second machine and notice no tags at all in the Tags 
Preferences window. Do I have to manually enter each tag in that 
window? I thought if my server supports IMAP Keywords, I would see 
that list in the Tags Preferences window populated, and all my tagged 
messages showing up as tagged.

On 3 Feb 2017, at 2:17, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

On 2 Feb 2017, at 18:30, John Cooper wrote:

I'm surprised to find that the tags I apply on my main computer 
aren't attached to the same messages on my secondary computer; they 
appear to be machine-specific. I take it that tags aren't supported 
by the IMAP standard?

They are stored on the server, at least on the servers I'm using. But 
remember that you have to "connect" the "Display Name"/Icon with the 
IMAP Keyword on each computer (the "Tags" preference pane).

- jem
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Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?

2017-05-31 Thread Ralph Alvy
Well, now that I have my tags list in both devices, adding one or two 
here and there manually as needed, is not a rough thing to do.

On 31 May 2017, at 10:08, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Some users use iCloud, some don’t. Some use Dropbox, some don’t. 
Some use NextCloud, some don’t. The list goes on…The point is that 
using cloud space for syncing is not that trivial since different 
users will want their favorite cloud space supported as it was already 
discussed on this list. Personally, I think that we would be better of 
using server-based approach, either controlled centrally by Benny or 
using our own service providers (using IMAP technology as the base, 
for example).

On 31 May 2017, at 17:56, Jody Klymak wrote:

On 30 May 2017, at 22:32, Jody Klymak wrote:

Perhaps one day MailMate will allow for Dropbox sync with certain 
settings, like Tag Preferences.

Isn’t that what iCloud is supposed to do for mac apps?  I’m not 
a mac developer, and I’m not an expert on all the data that an app 
like MailMate has to store, but I thought one of the cool things 
about iCloud is that it gives developers ways to share application 
settings and document seamlessly between machines?

as in 

… of course the developer still has to do something sensible (and 
presumably hard) if someone was offline and made changes.

Cheers,   Jody
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[MlMt] Tags and Other

2017-07-09 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that occasionally I look in my Tabs Smart MailBox and see 
Other. When I look inside Other, I find a message or two that are 
clearly tagged properly, but they appear in Other.

Am I doing something wrong?
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Tags and Organize By Thread

2017-07-09 Thread Ralph Alvy
I notice that when I choose a particular Tag in the Tabs Smart MailBox, 
that View is unaffected by the Organize By Thread setting. If it’s 
already organized by thread, it remains that way no matter what I with 
the View dropdown menu.

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Re: [MlMt] Tags and Organize By Thread

2017-07-09 Thread Ralph Alvy
Never mind. I see that I have to select at least one message to get 
Organized By Thread to work.

On 9 Jul 2017, at 10:01, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that when I choose a particular Tag in the Tabs Smart 
MailBox, that View is unaffected by the Organize By Thread setting. If 
it’s already organized by thread, it remains that way no matter what 
I with the View dropdown menu.

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Re: [MlMt] Tags and Other

2017-07-10 Thread Ralph Alvy
I did notice yesterday, when I had a single item in Other, if I replied 
to that person using that email, that email moved out of Other and into 
the appropriate Tags subfolder.

On 10 Jul 2017, at 2:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 Jul 2017, at 18:51, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that occasionally I look in my Tabs Smart MailBox and see 
Other. When I look inside Other, I find a message or two that are 
clearly tagged properly, but they appear in Other.

Am I doing something wrong?

Probably not. There have been and may still be some bugs in the 
Submailboxes feature, in particular, when dealing with multi-value 
headers. This includes tags which is based on IMAP keywords which is 
saved in a virtual header named `#flags` (low level stuff).

First try the latest test release: Hold down ⌥ when clicking 
“Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane. If you still 
see the issue then contact me directly in order to debug -- especially 
if you can reliably reproduce the issue.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [MlMt] Tags and Other

2017-07-11 Thread Ralph Alvy
On my MacBook Pro, I updated MailMate to the latest beta and no longer 
see the problem. This afternoon I loaded up MM on my Mac Mini and 
noticed tons of Other items in the Tags Smart MailBox, but forgot that I 
didn't update that MM. After updating to the latest beta, the problem 

So, how stable is the Beta branch? Is it suitable for a production 
environment? I may must change my preferences to include the Beta 

On 10 Jul 2017, at 2:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 Jul 2017, at 18:51, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I notice that occasionally I look in my Tabs Smart MailBox and see 
Other. When I look inside Other, I find a message or two that are 
clearly tagged properly, but they appear in Other.

Am I doing something wrong?

Probably not. There have been and may still be some bugs in the 
Submailboxes feature, in particular, when dealing with multi-value 
headers. This includes tags which is based on IMAP keywords which is 
saved in a virtual header named `#flags` (low level stuff).

First try the latest test release: Hold down ⌥ when clicking 
“Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane. If you still 
see the issue then contact me directly in order to debug -- especially 
if you can reliably reproduce the issue.

Thanks in advance.


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[MlMt] What is a Red message?

2017-08-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
What does it mean when a message is red and can’t be deleted?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] What is a Red message?

2017-08-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
I also cannot move that message to a different folder either.

On 2 Aug 2017, at 8:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:

> What does it mean when a message is red and can’t be deleted?
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
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Re: [MlMt] What is a Red message?

2017-08-02 Thread Ralph Alvy
Never mind. Now it’s gone, after restarting MM.

On 2 Aug 2017, at 12:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:

> I also cannot move that message to a different folder either.
> On 2 Aug 2017, at 8:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>> What does it mean when a message is red and can’t be deleted?
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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Re: [MlMt] What is a Red message?

2017-08-02 Thread Ralph Alvy

Got it. Thanks.

On 2 Aug 2017, at 16:30, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2 Aug 2017, at 15:28, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Never mind. Now it’s gone, after restarting MM.

On 2 Aug 2017, at 12:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I also cannot move that message to a different folder either.

On 2 Aug 2017, at 8:24, Ralph Alvy wrote:

What does it mean when a message is red and can’t be deleted?

A red message is one for which MM has a pending server-side action 
(move, delete, tag change, etc.) that is not yet complete.

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[MlMt] Sending to an email list

2018-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
Is there a way to store a list of email addresses and easily insert that 
list in the To or BCC field? I used to be able to do that in some 
previous email client (I think Thunderbird). Right now, I’m saving 
such a list in a text file and pasting its contents into the To or BCC 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Sending to an email list

2018-10-17 Thread Ralph Alvy
Good idea about using my text expander. That’s what I’ll do for now. 
I use Alfred.

On 17 Oct 2018, at 12:13, Robert Goldman wrote:

On 17 Oct 2018, at 14:09, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Is there a way to store a list of email addresses and easily insert 
that list in the To or BCC field? I used to be able to do that in 
some previous email client (I think Thunderbird). Right now, I’m 
saving such a list in a text file and pasting its contents into the 
To or BCC field.

mailmate mailing list

The only way I know of to do this is to add a group to my Mac's 
contacts, and use the group name.

I suppose you could also use one of those text expanders for the Mac.

Someone else will probably come up with a better mechanism
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[MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do I do

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?

On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:

> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do I do
> this?
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks like I
have to delete and recreate the account.

> On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>> Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?
> That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
> account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
> Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.
>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
>>> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do
>>> I do
>>> this?
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
To delete my mail account in MM, do I do Remove Source on the highest node
in the Sources List?

> Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks like I
> have to delete and recreate the account.
>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>> Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?
>> That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
>> account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
>> Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.
>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
>>>> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do
>>>> I do
>>>> this?
>>>> ___
>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
I removed my mail account from MM successfully and re-created it. MM is
not getting message from the IMAP server. I notice that Sent and Trash
folders in my Smart Mailboxes list no longer see messages in my Sent and
Trash folders in my Sources. The MailBox Type for Sent is Sent Messages
and the MailBox Type for Trash is Deleted Messages. I don't see a menu
item that allows me to change this. I'd like Sent to point to Sent, and
Trash to point to Trash.

> To delete my mail account in MM, do I do Remove Source on the highest node
> in the Sources List?
>> Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks like I
>> have to delete and recreate the account.
>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>> Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?
>>> That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
>>> account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
>>> Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.
>>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>>> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
>>>>> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do
>>>>> I do
>>>>> this?
>>>>> ___
>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>> ___
>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
Bad typo. I meant to say

"MM is NOW getting messages from the IMAP server."

> I removed my mail account from MM successfully and re-created it. MM is
> not getting message from the IMAP server. I notice that Sent and Trash
> folders in my Smart Mailboxes list no longer see messages in my Sent and
> Trash folders in my Sources. The MailBox Type for Sent is Sent Messages
> and the MailBox Type for Trash is Deleted Messages. I don't see a menu
> item that allows me to change this. I'd like Sent to point to Sent, and
> Trash to point to Trash.
>> To delete my mail account in MM, do I do Remove Source on the highest
>> node
>> in the Sources List?
>>> Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks like I
>>> have to delete and recreate the account.
>>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>>> Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?
>>>> That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
>>>> account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
>>>> Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.
>>>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>>>> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
>>>>>> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do
>>>>>> I do
>>>>>> this?
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>>> ___
>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>> ___
>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-05 Thread Ralph Alvy
MM was never able to get all my messages. Kept getting stuck on certain 
folders. I have, for now, switched to Apple Mail, until I can figure out what 
to do to get MM running okay again.

This all happened after Tuffmail.com upgraded my IMAP server. Here's what the 
owner said about this:

> During the upgrade some mailboxes did not have the bits set that denote that 
> the mailbox uses the alternate namespace rather than the standard namespace.
>  https://manage.tuffmail.net/index.php?help=alt-namespace
> Some Mac/Iphone clients saw the namespace change and lost their minds. When 
> the namespace error was fixed the Mac/Iphone clients could not deal with it.  
> Winblows clients that I have tested, Outlook and Thunderbird, see a namespace 
> change and resync.


> On Nov 5, 2018, at 1:35 PM, Ralph Alvy  wrote:
> Bad typo. I meant to say
> "MM is NOW getting messages from the IMAP server."
>> I removed my mail account from MM successfully and re-created it. MM is
>> not getting message from the IMAP server. I notice that Sent and Trash
>> folders in my Smart Mailboxes list no longer see messages in my Sent and
>> Trash folders in my Sources. The MailBox Type for Sent is Sent Messages
>> and the MailBox Type for Trash is Deleted Messages. I don't see a menu
>> item that allows me to change this. I'd like Sent to point to Sent, and
>> Trash to point to Trash.
>>> To delete my mail account in MM, do I do Remove Source on the highest
>>> node
>>> in the Sources List?
>>>> Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks like I
>>>> have to delete and recreate the account.
>>>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>>>> Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?
>>>>> That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
>>>>> account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
>>>>> Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.
>>>>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:
>>>>>>> I am having problems that look like I need to simply have MailMate
>>>>>>> download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. How do
>>>>>>> I do
>>>>>>> this?
>>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>>> ___
>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>> ___
>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How do I re-download all messages?

2018-11-07 Thread Ralph Alvy
Uninstalled MM (completely) and reinstalled MM and now all is working 
fine again. All messages came in.

On 5 Nov 2018, at 16:35, Ralph Alvy wrote:

MM was never able to get all my messages. Kept getting stuck on 
certain folders. I have, for now, switched to Apple Mail, until I can 
figure out what to do to get MM running okay again.

This all happened after Tuffmail.com upgraded my IMAP server. Here's 
what the owner said about this:

During the upgrade some mailboxes did not have the bits set that 
denote that the mailbox uses the alternate namespace rather than the 
standard namespace.


Some Mac/Iphone clients saw the namespace change and lost their 
minds. When the namespace error was fixed the Mac/Iphone clients 
could not deal with it.  Winblows clients that I have tested, Outlook 
and Thunderbird, see a namespace change and resync.


On Nov 5, 2018, at 1:35 PM, Ralph Alvy  wrote:

Bad typo. I meant to say

"MM is NOW getting messages from the IMAP server."

I removed my mail account from MM successfully and re-created it. MM 
not getting message from the IMAP server. I notice that Sent and 
folders in my Smart Mailboxes list no longer see messages in my Sent 
Trash folders in my Sources. The MailBox Type for Sent is Sent 
and the MailBox Type for Trash is Deleted Messages. I don't see a 
item that allows me to change this. I'd like Sent to point to Sent, 

Trash to point to Trash.

To delete my mail account in MM, do I do Remove Source on the 

in the Sources List?

Can't do that. MM never stops refreshing the message list. Looks 
like I

have to delete and recreate the account.

On 5 Nov 2018, at 13:27, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Do I just delete my mail account in MailMate and recreate it?

That would work. You could also select the top-level node for the
account in the Sources list, select all of the messages, and use
Message->Reset to make MM forget them all and re-fetch them.

On 5 Nov 2018, at 8:55, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I am having problems that look like I need to simply have 
download all my message from scratch. Rebuilding didn't help. 
How do

I do

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