Exacly what I was hoping for.

On 18 Sep 2013, at 7:20, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

Maybe it could be an additional modifier key to change the "Move to mailbox…" (Alt-Cmd-t) to a "Copy to mailbox…" (like Ctrl-Alt-Cmd-t) command and use the same UI?


On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:10, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Ah, I see that. How about a copyToMailbox command so we can do this with the keyboard?

On 18 Sep 2013, at 0:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 18 Sep 2013, at 2:59, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I don't see a way to Copy a message to a Mailbox. I know how to Move it. How do I Copy it? The reason I need this is that I have Spam and Ham folders on my server that are set up so that when I copy a message to the Spam folder, the server learns that this is spam (using Bayes methods); and when I copy it to the Ham folder, it learns it isn't spam.

You can do like in the Finder: Hold down ⌥ when using drag'n'drop to copy instead of moving.

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