Now that I think of it, double-clicking on a message Subject essentially gives me what I'm looking for for that particular subject, within a given folder.

On 13 Sep 2013, at 7:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:13, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within each thread.

Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where I run Windows, I really miss it. Postbox will sort Threads in reverse date order of that's the order of dates chosen by the user otherwise. So the more recent messages appear higher up the list in the thread.

Sorry for not replying earlier on. The problem in MailMate is that threads are fully threaded (showing all message<->reply relationships). It is not a simple matter of reversing the date sort to get what you want. What you need is a different flat threading mode in which the newest message is shown first. This is also closely related to a so-called conversation view where all messages are shown in the message view. The latter is something I would like to work on, but I cannot make any promises (and it is already a long standing

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