Re: Help with Fission.

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Does ringer or amadeus give you more soundforge like usability? I have amadeus 
pro, but seemed to be having the same problem. What is ringer by the way? 
Another audio editor? Thanks so much for the info.

On Sep 25, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> WHaat are you using Fission for? If it's to  create a ringtone, I had the 
> same problem you described. If you are using Fission to create ringtones, I 
> use either RInger or Amadeus Pro. I hope that helps.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> You asked:
>>> 1. How do you crop silence from start and end from a file? I couldn't seem 
>>> to find an easy solution for that.
>> Answer:  There is no automated way as far as I can tell.  The method I use 
>> is to listen and determine where the sound begins, split the clip at that 
>> location (cmd-t), select the previous or next clip (cmd-[ or cmd-]) 
>> depending on what needs cropped then once the selection is made, pressing 
>> cmd-k to Crop it.  A little cumbersome but workable.
>>> 2. How do you make the play head jump back to the selection every time stop 
>>> is pressed? As one who edits in soundforge, pro tools, etc, I want to hit 
>>> play, hear my selection, and be able to re listen to that spot as I make 
>>> changes. What happens now is that play acts as pause and keeps the play 
>>> head in the same spot. THis makes it really hard to edit clips out of songs 
>>> for making ring tones and such. Anyone have any easy solutions on how to 
>>> best efficiently perform these tasks? Any other tips on how to more 
>>> efficiently use Fission, or should I look at another editing solution?
>> Answer:  You need to first be interacting with the playhead area which is 
>> just one VO-right arrow past the Toolbar.  When in this area you can press 
>> cmd-left arrow to take you to the beginning or cmd-right arrow to take you 
>> to the end of the selection.  Holding down the option key instead of the 
>> command key moves in very small increments. Press cmd-[ or cmd-] to play a 
>> little snippet of the beginning or end respectively.
>> There is a menu-item for selecting a certain area but it doesn't seem to be 
>> accessible.  I'll write to the developers about that as they are quite good 
>> at making things work in an accessible way.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>>> tim Kilburn
>> fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: Help with Fission.

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Figured out Amadeus. 2 minutes of looking at that program yielded the results I 
needed. If I set spacebar to rewind, then use left and right brackets in 
conjunction with shift, it looks like I can make my selections. Awesome. Looks 
like I can use this just like I did with soundforge on windwos. Fantastic.


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Re: Mac mini I would be interested in selling 2008 model very little use

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Oh man. Tiger? No wonder it wasn't up to your standards. I encourage you to get 
a copy of Snow leopard and give that a shot. Comparatively, Tiger is slow and 
clunky. Apple really figured web accessibility out in Snow leopard with the 
introduction of the web rotor. Not trying to discourage you, but just wanted to 
invite you to give it another shot with newer software that would benefit you 
greatly. Or, if it doesn't work, just run bootcamp and slap windows on it. Just 
some thoughts.
On Sep 26, 2010, at 3:39 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> I hope it is ok to post a message on this list to get a message out to
> people and I will handel further correspondence offline. Please send
> me email at if interested or with further
> questions. I have a mac mini purchased in June of 2009 that was the
> 2008 model. At that time it was the one just prior to the one that
> came out right in that timeframe of June of 2009. It has had very
> little use as I learned it and tried it out and decided it wasn't
> productive enough for me to do what I do on the PC. Mainly web
> accessibility is just not up to my preferred standards in my opinion.
> I have all the original accessories and books that came with it,
> including the monitor adapter, the front row remote, of course the
> power cord, Snow Lepard with original media and book as well as the
> original Tiger media and book. I also have a low profile Apple
> keyboard purchased at the same time. I am interested in selling it for
> $200 plus shipping. It is also in its original box.  I am selling it
> because it is sitting here and I could use the money.
> Thanks for your consideration and plese contact me if interested at
> Jim
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Re: timer app on mac

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Thanks so much for this. Checking it out now. You rock.

On Sep 26, 2010, at 12:19 AM, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> I'm not sure about the original question about a timer or stopwatch, but you 
> also mentioned wanting an alarm clock. I think I recently found a good one.
> The program is aurora, and the web site is  
> There's a 14 day trial, and then the price is $14.95. I'm glad I went to look 
> this up for you, or I would have been very surprised in a couple days when 
> the alarm didn't go off.. I didn't notice that this was shareware. LOL.
> Anyway, as far as I can tell, this program depends on your iTunes library. It 
> plays music from your library as the alarm. The volume can be set at a 
> particular level, or it can gradually raise it until you get up or until it 
> reaches the maximum. That's a very nice motivator for me when I'd rather not 
> get up.
> I hope you find this useful.
> Justin
> On Sep 25, 2010, at 8:19 PM, wrote:
> Yes. I've been looking for something like this as well as an alarm clock. I 
> found one, but it was one that sat in the menu bar and was not visible by 
> voiceover. Maybe I'm not doing something right, but I couldn't get any app 
> that installs into the menu bar to be visible. Any thoughts on this?
> Kevin
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Some stuff I did with pro tools.

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. Just wanted to throw out a quick link to a file containing 2 jingles 
I just completed with Pro Tools 8, now accessible with Voiceover. I invite you 
to take a listen. All the sequencing, tracking, editing, mixing, and mastering 
was done in Pro Tools. A great deal of the sounds used were instruments that 
shipped with Pro Tools, except for the guitars and drums found in the MyMac 
Theme. Hope you guys enjoy these.

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getting mail to stop saying "Thread."

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. In mail, I have all my messages grouped by thread. On one of these 
machines, I was able to get vo to stop saying "Thread" every time it encounter 
one in mail. I somehow got it to just say "Collapsed" and "Expanded." However, 
I can't remember how I did it so I can duplicate that on the laptop. I already 
know it's a thread if it says collapsed. Just that word alone slows me down 
when scanning through huge lists of messages. If anyone remembers how to do 
this, I'd really appreciate it. I've looked in the custom verbosity dialog, but 
nothing there regarding threads. Thanks so much for any help you could provide.


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vo randemly reading stuff in mail.

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. One more mail question. I've had this issue where sometimes vo will 
randomly read when rows are added to a message list. Problem is, I'm not even 
in that window, or that app for that matter. It's very annoying and 
distracting. Anyone have this happen to them? Thanks so much


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Re: getting mail to stop saying "Thread."

2010-09-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
I set it to status only, and now it says COllapsed disclosure triangle in the 
mail window. I even tried eliminating all 3 check boxes, but no go.
On Sep 26, 2010, at 11:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Try looking int he custom verbosity for discloser triangle. I'm guessing at 
> the moment.
> Take care.
> S
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Hey folks. In mail, I have all my messages grouped by thread. On one of 
>> these machines, I was able to get vo to stop saying "Thread" every time it 
>> encounter one in mail. I somehow got it to just say "Collapsed" and 
>> "Expanded." However, I can't remember how I did it so I can duplicate that 
>> on the laptop. I already know it's a thread if it says collapsed. Just that 
>> word alone slows me down when scanning through huge lists of messages. If 
>> anyone remembers how to do this, I'd really appreciate it. I've looked in 
>> the custom verbosity dialog, but nothing there regarding threads. Thanks so 
>> much for any help you could provide.
>> Kevin
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Re: wayfinder access compensation

2010-09-27 Thread Kevin Reeves
How long from when our form is submitted to when we receive the payment?
On Sep 27, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi all!
> To anyone it applies to, if you have wayfinder full software vodafone are now 
> giving compensation!
> If you go to the wayfinder access web site there should be a link to take you 
> to where you need to go!
> I hope this is of use!
> I'm not on the viphones list so if this is not already out there someone 
> could be as so kind as to let them know!
> If this is already common knowledge I'm late as usual!
> :]
> Colin
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Re: Help with Fission.

2010-09-27 Thread Kevin Reeves
Yep. You do have multitrack support. It looks really promising as a soundforge 
replacement for the mac. Once I buy the license, I'll really have a look at it.

On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> would it better to get this program or use audacity? I have been playing with 
> that and it seams pretty cool. Witch one is better? I like the multi-track 
> setup in audacity.
> Can you have multi tracks in this one as well?
> GF
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Figured out Amadeus. 2 minutes of looking at that program yielded the 
>> results I needed. If I set spacebar to rewind, then use left and right 
>> brackets in conjunction with shift, it looks like I can make my selections. 
>> Awesome. Looks like I can use this just like I did with soundforge on 
>> windwos. Fantastic.
>> Reeves
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Re: Found this GPS enhancing buetooth device for apple products

2010-09-29 Thread Kevin Reeves
I was told that a gps radio paired with the iPod touch wouldn't work because 
the stack that apple uses is not compatible with those devices. Can someone 
confirm or deny this?


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Re: selecting a part of a track in amadeus pro

2010-10-09 Thread Kevin Reeves
Also, in the preferences, make sure that spacebar rewinds play head is checked. 
Reason being is that when you hit stop, the play head will always go back to 
where the insertion point is. By default, the spacebar acts as pause, which is 
extremely annoying when trying to pinpoint a spot to begin your edit. Note 
however that when using the arrow keys while playing only moves the playhead 
and not the insertion point. So if you are playing and using the arrow keys to 
audibly scrub through a track and you hit stop, the playhead will jump back to 
the beginning of the file. The most practical way to do this is to use the 
right and left arrows while the file is stopped, hit play every so often to 
audition your spot, and make your selection when you've found it. This is more 
like how Soundforge and goldwave worked on the windows platform. I hope this is 
of assistance to you. I'm sure I'm missing some stuff, as I am very new at 
using the program, so I encourage anyone to chime in and add to this. Hope that 


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Re: broadcast software for the mac?

2010-10-09 Thread Kevin Reeves
Nicecast is only a broadcast program, not a playlist solution. I've used it a 
ton, but it is kinda a pain in the ass to set it up, because it needs to 
highjack iTunes and the like. I could totally see how someone would really want 
a solution that could do music playback and broadcasting all in one. 
On Oct 7, 2010, at 5:51 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> hi,
> i tried nicecast, but either it is clumcy and hard to understand unlike 
> station playlist studio, or i'm stupid as usual. nicecast didn't, as i 
> understood things, have built-in cart machines for example, but as i said i 
> could be wrong and am therefore happy if someone could correct me on this, 
> since to my knowledge, nicecast is the only kid on the block when it comes to 
> broadcasting for the mac.
> /Krister
> 6 okt 2010 kl. 21.59 skrev Chris Snyder:
>> I too am curious. Anything that can handle the shoutcast servers would be 
>> nice.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
>> On Oct 6, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello. I'm writing on behalf of someone who is looking for broadcasting 
>>> software to broadcast on another server using the mac.  Since I don't do 
>>> this I would like to know what is accessible out there  likened  to station 
>>> playlist studio for connecting to a server for broadcasting?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN: 
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> face book:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
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Re: messengers

2010-10-13 Thread Kevin Reeves
Adium is awesome. It's kinda like miranda in a way. Real open source, tons of 
stuff it can interface with. Love it.
On Oct 13, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> Adium is your program of choice.
> I primarily use it for icq and facebook. it supports a number of other chat 
> protocols including yahoo, google talk, bing, etc). also, you will end up 
> installing growl. that is a side program designed to make programs (like 
> adium) a lot more accessible (I use it with skype).
> However, you don't need to have growl active with adium, but it certainly 
> helps.
> -Eric
> On Oct 13, 2010, at 2:48 PM, Damon Fibraio wrote:
>> OK, so I realize that I can do mail on my mac, but what can I do about 
>> accessing aol or msn messengers on the Mac. Here’s my deal.
>> Been using a MacBook pro for a while, mostly booting into win xp using 
>> bootcamp. Well, kind of think I am stupid for doing this, and figured that 
>> maybe it’s time to learn mac osx leopard. So, going to remove the bootcamp 
>> partition, at least I think I may do that, not entirely sure, and want to 
>> make sure I can still get on msn or aol. I think there’s a program called 
>> adium, but not sure. Haven’t gotten very far into this. So, any help you can 
>> give me would be huge. Thanks.
>> --
>> Damon Fibraio
>> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio
>> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
>> personal music site:
>> Band web site: Days Before Tomorrow,
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> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
> Phoenix Arizona
> Geocode:
> 33.488462  -112.234926
> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
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Re: ilife 11

2010-10-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
Is there a comprehensive list of enhancements to garageband beyond the 4 
selling points on their store page? Would love to see all release notes if it 
is available.
On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:28 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> You know he just might have. You  would be amazed at what this gent knows.
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Ok,
>> You know I have to ask. :). How do you know?  If you have used or own a copy 
>> of iLife, could you tell us some of the improvements?
>> Thanks
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:
>>> Yes, iLife 11 has some significant accessibility improvements across 
>>> Garageband, iMovie, and iPhoto.
>>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 apple is a little busy just now. they may take a while.
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> I have wrote to Apple asking if it is more accessible then the previous 
> one, still waiting to hear back.
> Chris 
 Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
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Re: Editing loops in garageband 11?

2010-10-26 Thread Kevin Reeves
Here's a quick question. Is it now possible to edit your tempo marking in the 
song? You use to not have that ability with voiceover. Also, is it possible to 
import a file onto a track such as a stereo mix of a song? I want to be able to 
import a file into gb, sequence some drums over it using the jampack drums, and 
export out that single track as an audio file to import back into Pro Tools. I 
couldn't find a way to do this in iLive 09, so was wondering if any of you cats 
who now have 11 know if this is now possible? My iLife comes tomorrow, and am 
really excited to see how this can really impact my recording work.


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Re: Recording Project

2010-11-06 Thread Kevin Reeves
Sounds great. how much did you feel you were able to accomplish without sighted 
assistance? Did you get the producer trying to butt in and do things for you 
that he didn't feel you could do successfully, or did they just leave you 
alone? I'm always curious to know how blind producers/engineers are perceived 
by their sighted counterparts as they work day to day on projects side by side. 
If you have any pro tools questions, feel free to hit me off list. I'm always 
glad to help.

On Nov 6, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> sounds pretty from here.
> :)
> -Eric
> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> -- 
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Victor Stream with Windows 7 under vmware.

2010-11-10 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. A friend of mine has an MBP 13-inch with Snowleopard, VM Ware, and 
Windows 7. She needs to plug her stream in via windows in order to be able to 
move audible books to it using the audible manager. When I plug the stream into 
the computer, I get the dialog asking me if I want to connect to mac or 
windows. I choose windows, but nothing happens: no alert sound, no nothing. 
I've tried this with 2 separate streams on 2 separate machines running the same 
setup. Even when the stream is plugged in and I try to go to the connect USB 
submenu, the stream does not appear. Several questions come to mind.

1. Is this a windows 7 or vmware problem, or both? I know that windows 7 users 
can access the stream no problem, but I wonder if the vm ware layer is adding 
extra problems.

2. If the stream is a complete no go, is there a way to load the audible books 
and authorization on the memory card? This individual is very irritated about 
the fact that this won't work. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciated. You 
guys rock.


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Re: Victor Stream with Windows 7 under vmware.

2010-11-10 Thread Kevin Reeves
Thanks so much for this. However, How would she get the stream authorized to 
run audible books if we can't get it working? Should we authorize it on another 
windows machine, then we could just move all the downloaded audible files to 
the card manually through the finder? WOuld that work? Thanks again.

On Nov 10, 2010, at 11:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I think it might be vmware, since I had the same thing happen with windows 
> XP. My suggestion for audible is to simply use a card reader, and liet itunes 
> handle the downloading of the audible content.
> On Nov 10, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Hey folks. A friend of mine has an MBP 13-inch with Snowleopard, VM Ware, 
>> and Windows 7. She needs to plug her stream in via windows in order to be 
>> able to move audible books to it using the audible manager. When I plug the 
>> stream into the computer, I get the dialog asking me if I want to connect to 
>> mac or windows. I choose windows, but nothing happens: no alert sound, no 
>> nothing. I've tried this with 2 separate streams on 2 separate machines 
>> running the same setup. Even when the stream is plugged in and I try to go 
>> to the connect USB submenu, the stream does not appear. Several questions 
>> come to mind.
>> 1. Is this a windows 7 or vmware problem, or both? I know that windows 7 
>> users can access the stream no problem, but I wonder if the vm ware layer is 
>> adding extra problems.
>> 2. If the stream is a complete no go, is there a way to load the audible 
>> books and authorization on the memory card? This individual is very 
>> irritated about the fact that this won't work. If anyone can help, I'd 
>> really appreciated. You guys rock.
>> Kevin
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Re: battery chargers

2010-11-21 Thread Kevin Reeves
It's Proporta 3400. It's 34 bucks on Amazon. Unfortunately, the shipping takes 
a while because it's coming from europe I think. I have mine on order, and 
can't wait to get it. I'll let you know what I think when it's in my hands.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi guys:
> I am looking at getting a back up charger for my iProducts, and remembered 
> the turbo part of the most recommended.  Can  someone refresh my memory was 
> it a proporta 2400?
> TIA for any info.
> Carolyn Haas
> When you come to a fork in the road,
> It's time to eat.
> -- 
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Adding feeds to folders in Net News Wire.

2010-11-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. I was wondering if anyone had a good strategy for moving feeds into 
folders in Net News Wire. I can't seem to get the Drag and Drop feature in 
Voiceover to work properly for this task, and there seems to be no menu item or 
keyboard shortcut for doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 
so much.


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Re: broadcast software for the mac

2010-11-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
Damon. Nicecast is fully accessible accept for the fx chain. That was the only 
thing that was really hard to work around. You already have a license for it, 
since the station bought it for me about 4 years ago. Therefore, it's no risk 
to download it and register it. Hope that helps.
On Nov 22, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Damon Fibraio wrote:

> Looking for something that resembles the old sam encoders for winamp on the 
> mac. I blew away my bootcamp partition on my mac mini, which was acting as my 
> broadcast machine, because windows was getting in my way. I figure there has 
> to be some shoutcast compatible software to broadcast to shoutcast servers on 
> the mac. Requirements are naturally to be able to broadcast to a shoutcast 
> server, plus archive the broadcast to the computer as it’s happening. 
> Generally I broadcast at 128K mp3 stereo. If there are effects or such in the 
> software for compression and the like, that’s fine. But those are the basic 
> requirements. I know there was this thing called nicecast or something, but I 
> don’t recall it being completely voiceover friendly. Any ideas here on what 
> to use that isn’t going to be too crazy? I am generally taking input from the 
> line in jack on the mac, so don’t need to set up playlists or whatever, just 
> need it to take audio input from the line input and broadcast it to a 
> shoutcast server and archive that broadcast to the computer. That’s all.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web site: Days Before Tomorrow,
> -- 
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RE: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Kevin Reeves
Self voicing defeats the purpose of Voice-over and causes undo work on the
part of the developer. What Ryan was saying about Boxy makes sense, but to
self-voice an app that can already be used by voiceover seems almost
overboard. Also, if you selfvoice an app, how do you account for dynamic
text that changes all the time in a window? Voiceover would need to be
active to view any dynamically changing text or text that you input when
interacting with said application such as skype chats or viewing screen
names in a list or something that is completely unpredictable from session
to session.Just my thoughts.

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RE: Installing 10.5 Leopard

2009-03-19 Thread Kevin Reeves

Mike. Indeed it does. Once the DVD is fully booted in, just press command
f5, or command fn f5 if you're on a laptop. Voiceover will come up and
you'll be able to run the install. Hope that helps.

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RE: sendspace

2009-06-05 Thread Kevin Reeves

You could also use the sendspace wizard to download fles. Create a premium
account, and you shouldn't have to have a max payment plan running to use
the wizard. Maybe I'm wrong. However, the wizard looks completely accessible
with voiceover. All the controls seemed standard. Hope this helps.

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RE: Pricing on Snow Leopard

2009-06-17 Thread Kevin Reeves

So how are they doing this? Is this gonna be an update pushed to the leopard
machines after a purchase is made, or do you go to an apple store and show
proof of purchase and get a retail copy. If you get a disk, will it be a
full install, or just an upgrade disk, whereby you need leopard first, much
like the windows disks. Just some random questions. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard

well, i'm sure the intel machines that use tiger will use leopard.  
only power pc macs won't work.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Wow, I like that they do the honor system with this. I hope people 
> don't start abusing it and buying it for Tiger machines, but most of 
> the stuff running Tiger probably won't support it anyways.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard
>> You should contact Apple and register the machine with them. I may be 
>> wrong on this since I have not purchased a machine in this way, but 
>> when you install the OS, you register and that info is updated. You 
>> could call Apple Care at (1-800) 275-2273 and see if you can register 
>> it in your name. Either way, I don't think it will make any 
>> difference. Either way, I would not be concerned about this because 
>> of course once you get your copy of Snow Leopard, you would be 
>> registering it in your name and there is as far as I can recall no 
>> proof of purchase required when purchasing the upgrade.
>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
>>> Oh, I thought I heard that it gets to be a problem with ones sold on 
>>> Ebay because the machine itself might be registered in someone 
>>> else's name.
> >

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iTunes becomes unresponsive.

2009-06-19 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. I just got my dad's iTunes library all straightened out.
Looks like he's got 480 albums in his library. We've put all the music on an
external USB Passport drive and have pointed iTunes to that folder.
Everything looks great. However, here's the frustration. I click an album in
grid mode, bringing up the song list. I play the first song. Then, as I
shift tab to another field or vo out of the table, iTunes completely hoses
and I have to force quit it. What might be wrong here? Am I asking iTunes to
do too much with this external drive? Any help would be greatly appreciated,
as I have spent many hours painstakingly reconstructing this library for his
new machine. Thanks so much.


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Live Iphone demo to be streamed today at 5 eastern.

2009-06-24 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. Not sure if this was posted here or not, but there will be a live
demonstration of the iPhone given by Brandon Hicks today at 5 eastern. The
show will be streamed in OGG, so you'll need to access it with VLC media
player. Here's a snip from a message posted to the VI Phone list.

I'm doing an interactive stream with my iPhone at 5 PM Eastern today, so you
can hear me do it.

The place to go to get the info about the stream is I'll
be answering anyone's questions over Skype or via MSN or AIM messengers.


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RE: Live Iphone demo to be streamed today at 5 eastern.

2009-06-24 Thread Kevin Reeves
It's on now. You must have caught it right at the end of a previous program.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 4:05 PM
Cc: 'General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS Xby the
Subject: Re: Live Iphone demo to be streamed today at 5 eastern.

So I'm listening to this and it appears to be some kids program.


Kevin Reeves wrote: 

Hey folks. Not sure if this was posted here or not, but there will be a live
demonstration of the iPhone given by Brandon Hicks today at 5 eastern. The
show will be streamed in OGG, so you'll need to access it with VLC media
player. Here's a snip from a message posted to the VI Phone list.

I'm doing an interactive stream with my iPhone at 5 PM Eastern today, so you
can hear me do it. 

The place to go to get the info about the stream is  <> I'll be answering anyone's questions over Skype or via
MSN or AIM messengers.


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RE: Deleting files from Ipod but not from the ITunes library

2009-06-24 Thread Kevin Reeves

If you take a song off a playlist that you have selected to sync, will it
delete it from the ipod?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Deleting files from Ipod but not from the ITunes library

On Jun 24, 2009, at 09:18, Simon Cavendish wrote:
Hi Simon and Victor,

If you manage the contents of your iPod or iPhone automatically or
semi-automatically by syncing with playlists, then the way to have tracks
that are in your iTunes Library not appear on your iPod is to uncheck the
selection entries in the Songs table for a library or playlist by using the
contextual menu, or to simply not have the track be selected in any playlist
that you have checked for the iPod to sync to.

There are three ways to manage content (that is not a podcast) on an
1. Automatic sync -- everything in your iTunes library gets synced to your
iPod.  If your library is larger than the capacity of your iPod, obviously
not everything will fit, but you don't get to determine what goes on the
iPod and what doesn't.  If selections are unchecked (because you used the
context menu VO-Shift-M in the songs table to choose "Uncheck selection")
they will not be transferred, nor will they be burned to disc, archived with
the "Back up to disc" option of the "Library" submenu of the File menu, etc.
2. Semi-automatic sync -- sync only items that appear in the playlists
you've checked for syncing. Again, unchecked selections in these playlists
will not be transferred.
3. Manual mode   -- drag and drop tracks or playlists onto your iPod  
to manage content; with iTunes 8 you can replace drag and drop with copy
(Command-C) and past (Command-V).

With either automatic or semi-automatic sync mode, you can only delete items
on your iPod by controlling the contents of your library or synced playlists
or by unchecking boxes for items in your library or synced playlists.  If
you expand your iPod device with VO-backslash (users without English input
keyboards can use VO-H twice to bring up the Command menu and choose "Toggle
disclosure triangle" after interacting with their iPod device in the sources
table) you can arrow down to view your music, movies, tv shows, audiobooks,
etc. on your  
iPod, but these libraries will be grayed out if you sync your iPod.   
If you manually manage your iPod you can delete entries in these libraries
just as you can from the corresponding iTunes libraries on your computer.
This makes sense, because if you're syncing content your control is through
the sync, and you don't separately delete items.

If you copy and paste a track onto your iPod and you have it set to sync
checked playlists, it will be changed to manual sync mode, and you will be
able to delete tracks directly from the iPod. The box for "Manually manage
music and videos" will get checked on your device summary page.

I've only tried moving a few audiobooks over with copy and paste to switch
to "Manually manage . . ." mode.  (Select the tracks in the songs table for
your iTunes Audiobooks library, copy with Command-C, tab or use your
VO-arrow keys to move to the sources table, go to your iPod and interact,
then paste with Command-V.

In general checking and unchecking selections is not as good a way to manage
synced content as using a smart playlist, because it's easy to lose track of
which items you have checked or unchecked.  A good case for checking and
unchecking selections might be when you've set up a playlist of party music,
but have "seasonal items" like Christmas music or special songs for
someone's birthday.  Then you would uncheck entries that aren't always in
use, but which you don't want to remove from the playlist.




> I don't think so and that is why I sink from selected playlists which 
> I edit before sinking, leaving my music library intact. Best Wishes, 
> Simon On 24 Jun 2009, at 06:27, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> It may not be a strictly Mac-related question, so feel free to send 
>> me away.  I was trying hard to figure out if there is a way to 
>> delete some content from IPod without having to delete it from the 
>> ITunes library. Anyone knows i there is a way?
>> Thx,
>> Victor

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Re: Live Iphone demo to be streamed today at 5 eastern.

2009-06-28 Thread Kevin Reeves

As soon as I get a download link, I'll post it here. The presentation  
was very to us non iphone users. If you haven't heard this thing  
demoed, this will be a really good place to start.

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Help getting started with Fution.

2009-07-01 Thread Kevin Reeves

Hey folks. I just bought VM Ware Fusion. I was under the impression  
that VM Ware can boot from your already installed Bootcamp image. I  
ran the bootcamp disk in what appears to be Guest mode. All I see is  
an uninteractable scroll area. Now I'm not sure where to go from here.  
I'd consult the help, but I'm so new tFusiono this whole virtual  
machine deal that I'm not even sure where to start. I was curious if  
someone could give me some quick start instructions to get me up and  
running. My main question is will I be able to run my main account  
that I usually natively run so that Jaws will run? Any help would be  
greatly appreciated. Also, If anyone can point me to a previous thread  
if this has already been discussed, that would be great as well. Don't  
want anyone to have to rewrite any instructions if they're already out  
there. Thanks so much for any help you can provide.


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Re: Selecting multiples with VO

2009-07-06 Thread Kevin Reeves
The annoying thing about selecting multiple items in Leopard currently  
is that when you shift up and down arrow, it says, "2 rows selected, 3  
rows selected, etc. It's really annoying as it doesn't read what you  
are selecting, even when you've interacted with the table. If anyone  
knows of another way to accomplish this, I'd love to know, as I have  
found this to be quite annoying n both tiger and leopard.
On Jul 5, 2009, at 5:31 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> When I was last using VO with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, it seemed that  
> VO did not select multiple items such as E Mails  when using shift  
> up and down arrow. It was quite difficult therefore to know what was  
> selected and so I endedup deleting  mail by mail. Has this changed  
> or will this change under Snow Leopard.
> Thank you
> Take care
> James
> >

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Adium annoyances.

2009-07-06 Thread Kevin Reeves

Hey folks. Not sure what the deal is here, but I am having problems  
reading messages in Adium. I have been toggling the message window  
type from Gone Dark to Minimal mod and sometimes I can see all the  
messages in a conversation, but sometimes I can't. It's real hit or  
miss. It's as if the window isn't scrolling down or moving to  
accommodate the newly populating messages at the bottom of the window.  
If anyone can help me with any settings that I'm missing, I'd greatly  
appreciate it. Thanks so much.


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Re: Adium annoyances.

2009-07-07 Thread Kevin Reeves

Hey folks. Thanks so much for the help so far. I've put t in dom mode,  
and set the message window type to minimal mod. However, I'm, still  
having the problem whereby when someone writes to me while the window  
is open, I can't see their last message. I will try to update to the  
newest version, which I thought I did a couple of days ago.
  Oh well. I'll keep trying. Thanks so much


> Ah, this problem happens when browsing is set to group mode.  Try
> switching back to DOM mode and that will fix the problem with the
> unfortunate side effect that it will slow your browsing back down to
> the dark age of windows screen readers.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 7-Jul-09, at 8:28 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Good morning Kevin and all:
>> Have you updated to the latest version? Even though I have my adium
>> set to check for updates automatically I had to perform the update
>> manually. That solved some of the problems I was having.
>> Give that a shot if you have not already.
>> Be well.
>> On Jul 7, 2009, at 12:13 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>>> Hey folks. Not sure what the deal is here, but I am having problems
>>> reading messages in Adium. I have been toggling the message window
>>> type from Gone Dark to Minimal mod and sometimes I can see all the
>>> messages in a conversation, but sometimes I can't. It's real hit or
>>> miss. It's as if the window isn't scrolling down or moving to
>>> accommodate the newly populating messages at the bottom of the
>>> window.
>>> If anyone can help me with any settings that I'm missing, I'd  
>>> greatly
>>> appreciate it. Thanks so much.
>>> Reeves
>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>> Love
>> Me
> >

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Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-08 Thread Kevin Reeves

I just got back from the Green Hills Apple Store in 
Nashville Tn.  
My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk out  
with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy process of  
making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about an  
hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after this  
cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as long  
as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person  
turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more experience  
with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which  
causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo  
was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.

My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too  
quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great deal of  
background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have  
followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.

My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some uncertainty. I  
was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.  
However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit strange.  
While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at random.  
At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was opening.  
However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are laid  
out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around  
several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone  
number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my cell  
phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending said  
call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start it  
playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I even  
found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without  
thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come  
into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to drag  
a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a song.  
I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those  
instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to get  
it to tell me again.
My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages, was  
able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully able to  
bend my head around it's layout. I couldn't find the compose button,  
and I didn't understand the relationships between the message and the  
mailboxes. I would assume that the mailbox list would be on the left,  
and the messages on the right. I thought that's how it would look, but  
I'm not sure.
Safari was a bit interesting as well. I didn't spend but a few minutes  
looking at it, and was a tad confused because I saw part of a web  
page, along with bookmarks. I wanted to try and enter in a website to  
not only look at something familiar, and have an excuse to type. I was  
not able to find the button to enter a website, however, I did find  
the Google button and began entering in info into the search box. I  
tried to type some search terms, but kept making tons of errors.  
However, I could understand the concept of typing, and could easily  
see that more time taken to practicing would yield much better results.

Final thoughts.
In short, I get it. Voiceover is implemented in such a way that there  
are few concepts to understand. Once these concepts are understood and  
applied to all apps, your only learning curve is figuring out where  
things are on the screen in any given app, and just the general  
operation of the phone itself, which is mostly built on logic. I feel  
like a week of working with the phone  would get me pretty much up to  
speed. It wouldn't be that much of a learning curve to stunt my  
productivity. My only concern is the fact that I can definitely dial  
faster on my nokia n82, and easily locate a contact, using quick  
letter navigation.  I know that the dial pad will take some time on  
the iPhone. It's just one of those things that's going through my mind  
as I'm making this decision. The store opens at 10 AM tomorrow. I  
could easily go in and get one. Am I ready? Not sure. Should I wait  
till september for the possibility of an iPod touch? Again. Not sure.  
However, I don't really like the idea of having 2 devices on my  
person, when an iPhone would do the trick for everything. Hm. What  
a quandary. I'll keep you all posted.


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Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-12 Thread Kevin Reeves

Hey folks. I did indeed get the iPhone. I went the next day before  
work and picked it up. I'm now about 2 and a half days into the  
experience. I'll write a lengthy sumation of my experience so far if  
you guys are interested to read it. Thanks so much for all the help  
and encouragement so far. More later.

On Jul 9, 2009, at 6:02 PM, Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> Josh,
> I think you sold me on the iPhone. :-)  I had this t-mobile dash? I
> think? Huge pain in the neck. I did not like it at all the phone was
> bulkey as it was like holding a square of tile up to your head.
> Wasn't all that impressed with mobilespeak and didn't see putting down
> so much money for a program that at best was only mildly frustrating.
> Right now I have no accessability on the handset I'm using.  I have
> had ringtones set for different people when they call and at one point
> I had large pictures of the people too and that helped. But no txting
> or web surffing or any of the stuff everyone else gets to do.
> Tell me. If I were to switch providers how much are their rate plans
> with internet?  I pay about $70 a month now.  Also do you have to put
> a big deposit down?  I didn't when I started using t-mobile four years
> ago and have had a good payment record with them over the past several
> years. This in fact is the reason I'd be reluctent to switch because
> of the fact there may be a deposit as I've really no credit to speak
> of and what there is isnt much.
> Anyone who can answer, thanks much :-)
> Best Wishes
> Jenny
> On 7/9/09, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
>> I will try to get my Iphone in the beginning of August, since i'm
>> going on vacation and when i get back the Iphone will have been
>> released here in Sweden. I can't wait until the 10th of August.
>> /Krister
>> 9 jul 2009 kl. 09.58 skrev Jenny Kennedy:
>>> nods. Yah I can very well understand that. I just wish I knew what  
>>> if
>>> any other service providers were going to have iPhone. Like I said  
>>> I'm
>>> with T-mobile now, contract up in February and not sure what I'm  
>>> going
>>> to do from there. Sooner or later I will wind up getting either the
>>> iPhone or iPod Touch.  I just got the new iPod nano that speaks for
>>> valentine's day this year so can't go asking for another one so  
>>> soon.
>>> LOL But one day... One day ah yes an i something will be mine. :-)
>>> On 7/9/09, william lomas  wrote:
>>>> Hi yes the ipod touch is in general, the IPhone, minus the phone
>>>> but I
>>>> don't want 2 devices
>>>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>>>> Kevin,
>>>>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>>>>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>>>>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I
>>>>> don't
>>>>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>>>>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>>>>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the
>>>>> best
>>>>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>>>>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have
>>>>> service
>>>>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have
>>>>> iPhone.
>>>>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they
>>>>> not
>>>>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without
>>>>> the
>>>>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be
>>>>> made
>>>>> Any help most welcome
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Jenny
>>>>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume  
>>>>>> for VO
>>>>>> can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
>>>>>> remembered
>>>>>> this trick.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Alex,

Re: An IPhone question

2009-07-12 Thread Kevin Reeves

Here's what I've found after a few days with the phone. When reading  
large chunks of text, vo actually sees the text in seveal chunks.  
Whenever you hear the phone click in the middle of a read, the curser  
has jumped to a new chunk of text. Not sure if this is broken up in  
paragaphs, or if this is dependant on how much text is on the screen  
before it has to scroll. However, these chunks of text seem to be  
visible by vo when you slide your finger up and down the screen. So,  
If you have to stop reading a large passage of text, you can come back  
later, tap in different spots where the text is, and vo will read that  
bit. Once you find the bit of text where you left off, do a 2 finger  
flick downward, and the text will start reading from that point, much  
like an insert down arrow command in Jaws. Hope this sheds some light  
on this, and maybe someone can chime in and add to these statements or  
correct any misnomers. This is just a technique I've found in the past  
2 days of messing about. Hope that helps.


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Re: music on my iphone

2009-07-14 Thread Kevin Reeves

Here's a couple ways to do this.

You can set a preference in iTunes to not copy files when songs are  
added. Then, you could either disconnect the drive from the network,  
hook it up to your mac, and add the songs to the library. Or, you  
could add across the network. I do believe that iTunes supports  
networked music drives. once the songs were added, you could then  
transfer them to the phone.

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RE: question

2009-08-02 Thread Kevin Reeves

Try Mac the Ripper as well. I like to rip the dvd's in full quality and
throw them on a 1 tb external drive. It works great for our theater room.

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Re: Victor Stream software for Mac?

2011-01-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
I could never get that to work on 2 separate macs running 10 6 6. Has anyone 
found any workarounds that would make it work? What I'm seeing here is that 
it's hit or miss. Some folks got it to work, while others did not. Maybe this 
is a chipset thing? Thoughts?

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Re: Ripping DVD Content

2011-02-13 Thread Kevin Reeves
And on this same front, have you guys dealt with handbreak ripping dvd's to 
where chapters are skipped and switched around and such? I think this is a new 
copy protection scheme whereby you think that the dvd has ripped, but you 
realize that it just skips around and makes no sense, while other titles work 
fine. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Wordpress

2011-02-14 Thread Kevin Reeves
All you need to remember is that the check box comes first. If you see a 
comment you want deleted, vo left till you get to the check box and check it. 
Hope this helps.

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Can voiceover speak Kurgish or Russian?

2011-02-17 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. An instructor in training here at the Louisiana Center for the Blind 
is from Kurgistan. She was curious if there were voices available for either 
Kurgish or Russian. I'm sure it's not available by default in the OS itself, 
but I know that their are folks who have purchased voices in several different 
languages. Any help would be very much appreciated in helping her figure this 
out. Thanks so much.

Kevin Reeves

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Re: What FTP clients do you use on your mac?

2011-03-05 Thread Kevin Reeves
I use transmit from Pannic. It's accessible and amazing. It costs though, but 
it's totally worth it. Hope that helps.

On Mar 5, 2011, at 1:38 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello,
> For some reason, Snow Leopard's built-in "Connect to server" command, CMD+K, 
> does not connect me to many FTP sites that I need to go to. I can't figure 
> out why.
> The question is: can you recommend an accessible FTP client for Mac? I tried 
> Filezilla but it is not accessible at all.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Vic
> -- 
> Check out my new album on iTunes at
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Re: Help with Nambu

2011-03-13 Thread Kevin Reeves
If you hit command shift up or down arrow, you will move to top or bottom 
respectively. The bug here is that you have to quickly move from the table and 
back to it for your curser to actually move to either point. It's weird, but it 
does indeed work. Hope this helps.

On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Quick question:
> Is there a way of quickly jumping to the top of the timeline in Nambu? 
> Sometimes, the VO focus will move down 100 tweets and I'll have to up arrow 
> to get back to the top of the list. VO-Shift-J doesn't seem to work, and 
> neither does my page up or page down keys. 
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Kevin
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Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-18 Thread Kevin Reeves
Mine dies whenever I command tab really quickly between tons of windows, or 
move quickly through the finder or something like that. It's very strange and 
annoying. Will try the tutorial launch work around. Thanks so much for that.


On Mar 14, 2011, at 12:58 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello again everyone,
> While it is good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing the problem, 
> I wish that there were a way to duplicate it at will.  Being able to do so 
> would certainly make it easier for programmers to squish the bug.
> The problem of lost speech sometimes occurs when I rapidly Command-Tab 
> through running programs, and it also frequently occurs when I rapidly press 
> FN+F1 to quickly get the brightness down to zero which, or so I have heard, 
> is a great way to reduce battery consumption.
> I, too shall write to the Accessibility group and we'll all have to let the 
> chips fall where they may.
> Spring is finally coming to Vienna, Austria, and it's about time!
> Cheers,
> Mike
> On 14,Mar,2011, at 6:22 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> I think you're overstating the case a bit here...  Yes, it's annoying, but I 
>> haven't found it that annoying.  I haven't experienced it as often as others 
>> here seem to, and the times I have, a quick command-f5 or two solves it.  
>> Yes, let's email accessibility about this, but let's not loose our sense of 
>> perspective.  It could be much worse, we could be stuck on Windows with a 
>> screen reader not built into the OS, which when it freezes requires us to 
>> reboot the system completely.  I'll stop now.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> this has been a known problem since the inception of snow leopard. I have 
>>> seen it on all versions 10.6.x and it hasn't gotten any better with time. 
>>> it appears that it may be a memory leak or a broken library. in any case, 
>>> it is annoying as hell. I have sent many notices to accessibility. its 
>>> gotten bad enough that I may start sending bug reports to steve jobs 
>>> directly. perhaps he'll give the dev team a swift kick in the pants to make 
>>> this a priority,. perhaps if more of us would do so, it would garner enough 
>>> attention that apple Inc. would have to do something about this problem.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Mar 14, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Robert, although the problem is annoying, this approach you described 
 might at least be a usable work-around.  I will try it the next time Voice 
 Over abandons me.  Thank you very much.
 To all of you who wrote, thank you.  Sometimes, the only way to recover 
 has been to just hit the Power key, wait a second or so and then just 
 press Enter.  Not an elegant solution, but at least it has worked since 
 "Shut Down" is the default selection in this dialogue..  I will definitely 
 post a message to the Accessibility Group, apprising them of something 
 they probably already know by now.
 My best to all and thanks again,
 On 14,Mar,2011, at 4:50 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I have this problem on my MacBook as well. I find that the easiest way to 
> get VoiceOver restarted is to press control+option+command+f8. This 
> starts the VoiceOver tutorial. As soon as the tutorial starts, press 
> escape and VoiceOver will restart. I hope this problem gets fixed soon.
> It must be unique to the MacBooks as I cannot produce the problem on my 
> iMac.
> Robert Carter
> On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am using Snow Leopard V 10.6.6 on a Mac Book with 4 GB/RAM. For 
>> reasons I do not understand, I occasionally lose Voice Over, especially 
>> when I am using Mail.
>> Though the problem is not limited to Mail, Voice Over just seems to 
>> "unload itself," and the only thing I can do is repeatedly hit Command 
>> F5 until VO decides to make an appearance.  Its disappearance is 
>> apparently random, i.e. I can't make it disappear at will.
>> Has anyone else encountered this problem?  If not, what might be causing 
>> it?  Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
>> My best to all of you,
>> Mike
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An informal Podcast regarding Pro Tools

2011-03-19 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. While cleaning my apartment at 4 in the morning, I turned on the 
iPod and did about an hour or so worth of stream of consciousness chatting 
regarding Pro Tools. I go through it's back story on how we got where we are 
now, and tried to answer the 2 main questions that everyone's posing right now.

1. How accessible is it, ie, what can I do with it.

2. How much better or worse is it than Sonar.

I think that a tutorial is important, but like everyone else, the time it takes 
is really daunting. So, for now, I'm gonna throw up some really informal things 
just to get some dialog started. Maybe I'll even do some quick recording of me 
working on a session so that folks can get an idea of how Pro Tools operates in 
a real world situation. This might be better than trying to plan out a huge 
tutorial. At least this would give potential switchers a chance to hear it in 
action, allow me to discuss what I'm doing while I'm doing it, and be able to 
see what I'm able to accomplish. But for now, enjoy this discussion. It will be 
appearing on Blind Cool Tech soon. I've uploaded it to their servers.

Thanks so much, and I hope this sort of sheds some light for folks who have not 
yet made the decision to get a rig.


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Re: An informal Podcast regarding Pro Tools

2011-03-21 Thread Kevin Reeves
Pro Tools uses something called iLok. It's a dongle that licenses are 
downloaded to. As long as the iLok is plugged in, everything will run. Go to to learn more. Hope that helps.


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Re: credit card reader apps for the iPhone?

2011-03-21 Thread Kevin Reeves
Go to and sign up. It's a company called Square who allows you 
to take credit card payments via your i Device. They offer a free credit card 
reader that plugs into the phone's headphone jack. There are some known 
voiceover issues with the app itself, which is free as well, but I believe a 
way around this is to use a bluetooth keyboard. The deal is, when you swipe 
over buttons and numbers, they activate. The keyboard should prevent this. I 
will test it, as I now have a square reader and the app. I'll keep you updated.


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Re: An informal Podcast regarding Pro Tools

2011-03-21 Thread Kevin Reeves
You mean running Pro Tools on this Speak and Spell isn't gonna cut it? I'm 
using 2 apple II E's and a tandy 1000 as dsp processors. Is this enough? Was 
looking at an atari 2600 and leapfrog playschool laptop as my editing suite in 
another studio. Your thoughts? Lolol.
On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

> Hi Krister
> On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> One thing that would be very useful to know is just how much power it needs, 
>> i.e what are the system requirements to even get off the ground? I suppose a 
>> 2 year old IMac with 2 gig ram, a 4.66 gig Intel core duo processor and 
>> aprox 1.5 TB external and internal storage is far from enough?
>> The reason i ask is so i know if it's at all possible to seek grant money 
>> for a rig, cause otherwise i can't afford it. Also can i as a blind person 
>> use the 003 Factory interface or what is recommended for someone who wants 
>> to do good home recordings but don't necessarily want a complete 
>> professional studio.
> You mean a 2.66 ghz core 2 duo?  They didn't make anything faster than about 
> a 3 ghz.  I'd say more ram would be a good thing to have.  2 gb is a little 
> on the small side for even everyday tasks on snow leopard.  If I was going to 
> upgrade the ram I would go right to 8 gb.
> System requirements can very based on how much processing you want to do.  If 
> you are planning on recording more than 32 tracks with three or more plugins 
> per track get an i75 or an i7 with at least 8 gb of ram.  Make sure to get 
> fast drives.  One drive for the system and one for audio.  The speed of the 
> drive is much more important than the size.  The latest generation of 7200 
> rpm drives are good enough for audio.  Upgrade your ram to 8 gb and see how 
> it goes.  You won't regret doing the ram upgrade.  If you don't like pro 
> tools you can always sell it.
> The 03 factory is very usable.  The command8 is a bit less expensive if your 
> only looking for a control surface.  There are quite a few good inexpensive 
> a/d an d/a solutions.  Remember pro tools 9 now allows you to use any audio 
> interface that works with coreaudio.  The microphone preamps in the 003 
> aren't that great so it may be worth getting one of the other inexpensive 
> options as a firewire add on.
> If your looking to get in to this you should find a company in your country 
> that can sell you pro tools and a control surface.  Usually people will give 
> you a deal as a bundle.  If you want to add some plugins they may discount 
> the package even further.
> --FC
> -- 
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Re: credit card reader apps for the iPhone?

2011-03-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
I think the answer to the sound routhing issue is to run the reader thorough a 
splitter and an ear piece to the other side. However, the splitter has to be a 
designated iPod splitter, as it contains the extra sleeve for data transfer on 
the 3.5 jack. I'm definitely going to check all of this out soon.

On Mar 22, 2011, at 7:07 AM, Christy Schulte wrote:

> Oh! I like this one even better than the one I was looking at. The per 
> transaction charges are higher, but I like the no monthly charges idea. My 
> only concern is what it's going to do when the card reader is plugged into 
> the headphone jack. I noticed that the app automatically reroutes sound to 
> the ear, rather than the speaker, which is not necessarily a bad thing so 
> long as we don't lose sound completely with the reader plugged in. If that 
> part works, I'll love this app, I think. I didn't notice any issues with it 
> automatically entering numbers. The only thing I saw was that moving over the 
> notes field kept opening it rather than the number input field, but that's an 
> annoyance I can deal with for an otherwise accessible app.
> Thanks for the recommendation, and let me know what you find out when your 
> reader gets there, if you don't mind. I'd rather not do the account 
> validation thing with them until I know the thing will work for sure.
> *
> Christy Schulte, Independent Scentsy Consultant
> Ask me about Scentsy's flameless, scented candles and other safe, fragrant 
> items, or visit my website at
> If you're near St. Louis, get a free warmer if you book a party with me with 
> at least five guests before March 31st.
> *
> - Original Message - From: "Kevin Reeves" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 11:31 PM
> Subject: Re: credit card reader apps for the iPhone?
> Go to and sign up. It's a company called Square who allows 
> you to take credit card payments via your i Device. They offer a free credit 
> card reader that plugs into the phone's headphone jack. There are some known 
> voiceover issues with the app itself, which is free as well, but I believe a 
> way around this is to use a bluetooth keyboard. The deal is, when you swipe 
> over buttons and numbers, they activate. The keyboard should prevent this. I 
> will test it, as I now have a square reader and the app. I'll keep you 
> updated.
> Kevin
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Part 1 of Pro Tools Tutorial Now available.

2011-04-13 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. I'm proud to announce that Part 1 of the Pro Tools Tutorial is 
available for your consumption. Read all about it and grab it here at Thanks to Jason Dasent for his editing work. 


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Re: Mac and wordpress

2011-04-15 Thread Kevin Reeves
I have no problems here either with my wordpress installs. While I can make any 
edits and changes right from safari, I prefer using a program called Mars Edit, 
which has tons of robust formatting features and can allow you to publish a 
page or post in seconds flat. It's really amazing. But as far as the admin 
panel, dashboard, etc, I have no problems here. Just make sure that your 
profile is set to the classic editor or whatever it's called. This will make 
the title and body edit boxes much more accessible in my opinion. Hope this 


> I am not aware of any checkboxes I cannot determine the value of, though 
> I'd have to go back in look.  For approving comments, there is a button you 
> have to VO keys space on.  I tend to use the VO-arrow keys to navigate the 
> site because tabbing misses some controls.  
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> On Apr 15, 2011, at 2:27 PM, Petra Nieuwenhuis wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> If you can do it, I'll just have to learn. But at the moment, I can not 
>> approve comments, or see which checkboxes ar checked some times.
>> Best regards, Petra
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Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-28 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. SO glad to see this is finally available on the mac. One question 
comes to mind as I am not as familiar with this product. Does this only work 
with cameras like the hover cam, or can I use it with a cheap Canoscan 25? 
Thanks so much.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> Still cheaper than the other blindness oriented OCR solutions, such as
> K1000, Open Book, Eye-Pal, etc.
> Andy
> P. S. I wonder if they are considering doing something for the iPhone.
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matthew Campbell
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the
> mac app store.
> Hello Listers.
> DocuScan is now mac compatible and can be found on the mac app store.
> Don't get too excited though, unless you have $299.00 to burn on it.
> Hope this actually benefits someone.
> the Infuriated Matt Campbell.
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Re: Recording Podcasts

2011-04-28 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hello. Recording and publishing a podcast, while easy to do, takes some 
explaining. Head over to There, you should find 
tons of guides and explanations on how to record and publish. Hope this helps.

On Apr 28, 2011, at 8:45 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hello listers,
> Er exactly do I go about recording a podcast and making it available in the 
> Podcast directory?
> Thanks,
> Ezzie Bueno
> (512) 553-8553
> Google Talk:
> -- 
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Re: Docuscan scanning quality

2011-04-30 Thread Kevin Reeves
Wow. It will use your internal camera? You're serious? That's awesome. Now I 
have a reason to consider picking it up. Thanks for the tip.
On Apr 30, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

> well, i today tried it scanning with my mac's built in iSight camera. I was 
> surprised at how good it was. In fact, better than my deskjet f2200 scanner. 
> KW1000, imho, does have better accuracy though.
> ash
> On 30/04/2011 16:10, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hello:
>> For those using this program, how is the quality of the text when scanned? 
>> Kurzweil does a good job with tables, for example. What about docuscan?
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A jingle I recorded for a client. All done on a Mac in Pro Tools 9.

2011-05-09 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. Just got through with this jingle I wrote for a client. I was going 
for that late 70's early 80's Smooth Jazz feel. Besides the fact that the 
mastering bus is a tad over compressed, let me know what you guys think. Be 
aware that my strengths are in writing, arranging, lead and backing vocals, 
keys, drum programming, sound shaping and design. I'm not a mix or mastering 
engineer. I hate mixing. If I had a Preset called "Late 70's bob James," I'd 
use it. If I had a budget for hiring a mix engineer, I'd do it in a heartbeat. 
Needless to say, I am extremely proud of the arrangement and performances. All 
was recorded and mixed in Pro Tools 9. All sounds except for the drums were 
stock. Some of them are less than desirable, but for now, they'll have to do. 
The drums I used was the free Drumcore kits. Anyway, looking forward to hearing 
your thoughts.



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Can't figure out adressb ook.

2011-05-31 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. I can't believe this, but I can't seem to figure out the address 
book. I imported a .csv file with about 500 names on it. It shows that I have 
500 cards in the address book, but the list only shows like 5 names, and the 
info scroll area doesn't show any email addresses or anything, just the name 
and a notes field. Any help you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated. 
I've been using voiceover forever, but now am just starting to use the address 
book and can't believe I'm not getting something. Lol. You win some, you lose 


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Re: Can't figure out adressb ook.

2011-06-01 Thread Kevin Reeves
I will give that a shot. Thanks so much.

On May 31, 2011, at 11:36 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> It looks like it did not import the info into the correct  fields.  
> Sometimes, you need to coax things a little.  That is, open the CSV file and 
> put some header info at the front of the file, things like "First Name", 
> "Last Name", "Address" etc.  This should help Address Book know what each 
> comma separated value represents.  Just make sure that you enter these Header 
> Info items in the same order as they appear within the CSV file.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-05-31, at 8:50 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Hey folks. I can't believe this, but I can't seem to figure out the address 
>> book. I imported a .csv file with about 500 names on it. It shows that I 
>> have 500 cards in the address book, but the list only shows like 5 names, 
>> and the info scroll area doesn't show any email addresses or anything, just 
>> the name and a notes field. Any help you guys can provide would be greatly 
>> appreciated. I've been using voiceover forever, but now am just starting to 
>> use the address book and can't believe I'm not getting something. Lol. You 
>> win some, you lose some.
>> Kevin
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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