Does ringer or amadeus give you more soundforge like usability? I have amadeus 
pro, but seemed to be having the same problem. What is ringer by the way? 
Another audio editor? Thanks so much for the info.

On Sep 25, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> WHaat are you using Fission for? If it's to  create a ringtone, I had the 
> same problem you described. If you are using Fission to create ringtones, I 
> use either RInger or Amadeus Pro. I hope that helps.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> You asked:
>>> 1. How do you crop silence from start and end from a file? I couldn't seem 
>>> to find an easy solution for that.
>> Answer:  There is no automated way as far as I can tell.  The method I use 
>> is to listen and determine where the sound begins, split the clip at that 
>> location (cmd-t), select the previous or next clip (cmd-[ or cmd-]) 
>> depending on what needs cropped then once the selection is made, pressing 
>> cmd-k to Crop it.  A little cumbersome but workable.
>>> 2. How do you make the play head jump back to the selection every time stop 
>>> is pressed? As one who edits in soundforge, pro tools, etc, I want to hit 
>>> play, hear my selection, and be able to re listen to that spot as I make 
>>> changes. What happens now is that play acts as pause and keeps the play 
>>> head in the same spot. THis makes it really hard to edit clips out of songs 
>>> for making ring tones and such. Anyone have any easy solutions on how to 
>>> best efficiently perform these tasks? Any other tips on how to more 
>>> efficiently use Fission, or should I look at another editing solution?
>> Answer:  You need to first be interacting with the playhead area which is 
>> just one VO-right arrow past the Toolbar.  When in this area you can press 
>> cmd-left arrow to take you to the beginning or cmd-right arrow to take you 
>> to the end of the selection.  Holding down the option key instead of the 
>> command key moves in very small increments. Press cmd-[ or cmd-] to play a 
>> little snippet of the beginning or end respectively.
>> There is a menu-item for selecting a certain area but it doesn't seem to be 
>> accessible.  I'll write to the developers about that as they are quite good 
>> at making things work in an accessible way.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>>> tim Kilburn
>> fort McMurray, AB Canada
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