Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
I don't know if this will help but I fI find it easier to use the VO J command 
whitch takes me to the mail list then to the message body and so on. 

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my Mac, 
> and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle around a 
> bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to actually do it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
>> as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>>> one of those "new guys."
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
 issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
 the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
 before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the 
>> message.
>> Kawal.
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IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  

> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
> which one it is.
>I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful. 
> Just throwing it out there.
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS first 
bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to 
> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on there 
> from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me some 
> field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name, 
> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and can't 
> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from me.  
> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've tried 
> to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so could really 
> use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along with some 
> other's.
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items 
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're 
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out 
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks good to know. I'll wait till I upgrade this summer.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:16 AM, chris hallsworth  wrote:

> Not really as the camera is low quality compared to the ones on the 4 and the 
> 4s.
> Christopher H
> On 28/02/2012 16:59, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  
>> wrote:
>>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>>This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
>>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
>>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
>>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
>>> which one it is.
>>>I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
>>> cautious about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be 
>>> pretty helpful. Just throwing it out there.
>>> Mike Malarsie
>>> --
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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks. I'll have to give it a shot but I think I'll wait till I upgrade this 
summer. I'm kind of trying to justify a 4s.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Jacob Schmude  wrote:

> Have a look at Prizmo. It'll do a decent job but, as one poster has already 
> pointed out, the 3gs' camera is only 3 mp and so will never yield as good a 
> result as the 4 or 4S no matter which app you use. With some practice, and as 
> long as the room is well-lit, I've been able to get quite decent results with 
> Prizmo even with my 3gs' camera. You will have to do it several times to get 
> the hang of it, but once you do, you'll love it.
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:59 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  
>> wrote:
>>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>>  This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
>>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
>>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
>>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
>>> which one it is.
>>>  I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
>>> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty 
>>> helpful. Just throwing it out there.
>>> Mike Malarsie 
>>> -- 
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Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-29 Thread Jenny Keller
I only have an ancient version on my 3GS. Will I have to wait till my computer 
gets here?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:36 PM, chris hallsworth  wrote:

> If you have iOS 5 then yes you can update by going to settings, general, 
> software update.
> Christopher H
> On 28/02/2012 19:18, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS
>> first bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica" > <>> wrote:
>>> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order
>>> to download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly
>>> find on there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps
>>> telling me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>>> I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
>>> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
>>> can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they
>>> want from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the
>>> fact that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten
>>> nowhere with it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd
>>> really love to try this ap, along with some other's.
>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you
>>> a good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the
>>> case then come check out Tmi wireless!
>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know,
>>> and you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>> Check out
>>> <<>>
>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>> to learn more, visit:
>>> <<>>
>>> --
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Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-29 Thread Jenny Keller
Can you tell me how to do that?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:04 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Yes.
> If your not running IOS 5, you need to update the operating system through 
> iTunes.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:51 AM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> I only have an ancient version on my 3GS. Will I have to wait till my 
>> computer gets here?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:36 PM, chris hallsworth  
>> wrote:
>>> If you have iOS 5 then yes you can update by going to settings, general, 
>>> software update.
>>> Christopher H
>>> On 28/02/2012 19:18, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS
>>>> first bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?
>>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica" >>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order
>>>>> to download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly
>>>>> find on there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps
>>>>> telling me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>>>>> I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
>>>>> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
>>>>> can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they
>>>>> want from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the
>>>>> fact that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten
>>>>> nowhere with it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd
>>>>> really love to try this ap, along with some other's.
>>>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you
>>>>> a good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the
>>>>> case then come check out Tmi wireless!
>>>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>>>> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know,
>>>>> and you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>>>> Check out
>>>>> <<>>
>>>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>>>> to learn more, visit:
>>>>> <<>>
>>>>> --
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Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-29 Thread Jenny Keller
I don't have have access to my Mac so I'll just have to wait. Thanks.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 29, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Plug in your phone to your Mac, open iTunes, and in the sources table, arrow 
> down to your iPhone.  Now, VO right arrow until you reach the scroll area and 
> interact.  You will find an update button in here.  Just press it and follow 
> the prompts.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 6:43 AM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> Can you tell me how to do that?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:04 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Yes.
>>> If your not running IOS 5, you need to update the operating system through 
>>> iTunes.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:51 AM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>> I only have an ancient version on my 3GS. Will I have to wait till my 
>>>> computer gets here?
>>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:36 PM, chris hallsworth  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If you have iOS 5 then yes you can update by going to settings, general, 
>>>>> software update.
>>>>> Christopher H
>>>>> On 28/02/2012 19:18, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>>>> Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS
>>>>>> first bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?
>>>>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>>>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica" >>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order
>>>>>>> to download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly
>>>>>>> find on there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps
>>>>>>> telling me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>>>>>>> I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
>>>>>>> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
>>>>>>> can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they
>>>>>>> want from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the
>>>>>>> fact that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten
>>>>>>> nowhere with it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd
>>>>>>> really love to try this ap, along with some other's.
>>>>>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you
>>>>>>> a good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the
>>>>>>> case then come check out Tmi wireless!
>>>>>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>>>>>> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know,
>>>>>>> and you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>>>>>> Check out
>>>>>>> <<>>
>>>>>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>>>>>> to learn more, visit:
>>>>>>> <<>>
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Re: what for twitter and daisybooks on the mac?

2012-03-02 Thread Jenny Keller
For twitter, I use syrinx. I am still new at it myself so I'm still learning 
it. I hope that helps some.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 1, 2012, at 3:38 PM, Egbert  wrote:

> Hi All,
> a few days back i have asked here what apps you use for twitter and reading a 
> daisy book.
> Uptill now, there was no constructive reaction.
> i have spend some money on apps that did not work wel or were not very 
> accesible.
> So, would yoyou please tell me what you use for twitter and daisy on your mac?
> Thx,
> Egbert 
> -- 
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Re: what for twitter and daisybooks on the mac?

2012-03-02 Thread Jenny Keller
No. I'm sorry to say that I don't have much of a love of books. I'n more of a 
TV nut. I am still very new to the Mac altogether but I wouldn't go back to 
windows if you paid me. 

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 2, 2012, at 8:22 AM, Egbert  wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> thx i ll try that one.
> do you read also a daisybook on your mac?
> I tried some, but not all the apps support my daisy format smile.
> Egbert 
> Op 2 mrt. 2012, om 14:35 heeft Jenny Keller het volgende geschreven:
>> For twitter, I use syrinx. I am still new at it myself so I'm still learning 
>> it. I hope that helps some.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 1, 2012, at 3:38 PM, Egbert  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> a few days back i have asked here what apps you use for twitter and reading 
>>> a daisy book.
>>> Uptill now, there was no constructive reaction.
>>> i have spend some money on apps that did not work wel or were not very 
>>> accesible.
>>> So, would yoyou please tell me what you use for twitter and daisy on your 
>>> mac?
>>> Thx,
>>> Egbert 
>>> -- 
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Re: what for twitter and daisybooks on the mac?

2012-03-02 Thread Jenny Keller
I don't have access to my Mac just now as I have just moved and it is not here 
yet. I'll add you when it gets here. I' using my I phone right now.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Egbert  wrote:

> aha tv, do you have the apple tv also?
> Here it is a great joy.
> i ll try your twitter app.
> If you wanne folow me there:
> @ewoudd
> Op 2 mrt. 2012, om 19:06 heeft Jenny Keller het volgende geschreven:
>> No. I'm sorry to say that I don't have much of a love of books. I'n more of 
>> a TV nut. I am still very new to the Mac altogether but I wouldn't go back 
>> to windows if you paid me. 
>> Sorry I can't be of more help.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 8:22 AM, Egbert  wrote:
>>> Hi Jenny,
>>> thx i ll try that one.
>>> do you read also a daisybook on your mac?
>>> I tried some, but not all the apps support my daisy format smile.
>>> Egbert 
>>> Op 2 mrt. 2012, om 14:35 heeft Jenny Keller het volgende geschreven:
>>>> For twitter, I use syrinx. I am still new at it myself so I'm still 
>>>> learning it. I hope that helps some.
>>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>>> On Mar 1, 2012, at 3:38 PM, Egbert  wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> a few days back i have asked here what apps you use for twitter and 
>>>>> reading a daisy book.
>>>>> Uptill now, there was no constructive reaction.
>>>>> i have spend some money on apps that did not work wel or were not very 
>>>>> accesible.
>>>>> So, would yoyou please tell me what you use for twitter and daisy on your 
>>>>> mac?
>>>>> Thx,
>>>>> Egbert 
>>>>> -- 
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Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-03 Thread Jenny Keller
Oi torture my husband with that song when he gets on my nerves . "this isthe 
song that never ends..."

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 2, 2012, at 10:42 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> It's not downloading the same one's continuously, it just continues to 
> download new one's what seems like every 5 minuttes, before I've even had a 
> chance to delete maybe 15 or so, so I'll have about 30 in my inbox, and next 
> thing I know, I'll find 35 of them, then about 5 minuttes later, the cycle 
> starts all over again, pretty much reminding me of the song that rapped up 
> the show "lamb chop."
> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:26 PM
> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>> It kept re-downloading the same ones? That's not right. Maybe check
>> your imap settings on gmail's website?
>> No, there is no way to stop it from getting mail while you are in the
>> mail app. After all, you are there to check mail, so it tries to help
>> out by always getting the newest messages. Once it syncs itself with
>> the website it should be fine. Maybe just leave it alone for a while
>> until everything is updated?
>> On 3/2/12, Jessica  wrote:
>>> Ok, is there anyway though, to stop it from continuously downloading it
>>> while it's open?  When it opened it for the first time, it downloaded 50
>>> messages, then continuously downloaded them as I was deleting them, making
>>> it impossible to even get rid of them.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Ricardo Walker" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 12:49 PM
>>> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>>> Hi,
>>> you can't disable mail from downloading messages upon launch of the app. It
>>> just assumes, if your opening mail, you want to read mail.  So, it retreives
>>> mail from the server without no further prompting.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 6:20 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
 I looked under my mail settings but couldn't find that option.
 Unfortunately, the only one I could find even remotely close to that, was
 the preview option, which gave me "every 50, 100, 200 500 or 1000,"
 messages I think it was, but nothing about changing how many were
 downloaded, unless I had push enabled, which I don't, sense I don't know
 what it is, and hear it eats up your battery life.
 - Original Message -
 From: Eric Caron
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
 Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
 Hi Jessica,
 this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never touched
 the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
 others can provide you more detailed help.
 First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
 iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.
 Use that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone else
 will need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that is
 if you want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
 In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages. I
 have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you
 the behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the
 settings but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.
 Hope this info helps a little.
 eric Caron
 On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:
> I just tried using my Gmail acount on my IPhone, and everything seemed to
> be going fairly well, until I started realizing that first of all, I
> wasn't sure if the "move," command was actually deleting my messages,
> sense I don't see a button to delete them, so I just told it to move them
> to my trash folder.  Then next thing I knew, it was downloading them
> faster than I could move them, and I can't find an option to make this
> stop, which is eating away at my battery and cluttering up my phone, and
> I don't want my mail to automaticly download anyway, sense my e-mail
> isn't my whole life lol.
>  So with that being said, can anyone help with this?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
> good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case
> then come check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
> you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do dai

Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller
My 3GS is starting to act a little weird and I have the option to upgrade 
phones. Is the 4s really worth the money. If f you have one and you have an 
opinion please feel free to share it privately so we don'tcclog up the list. I 
will say that I use it for everything Sao it'll need to handle a lot of use 
with most of it's functions.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Yes, I did a reminder; when I get time I need to delete all the extra ones I 
> have right now. When I did this reminder with Siri without VoiceOver in 
> memory, I was a little skeptical that I could get it done. However, luckily 
> she said if I wanted it and responded to "Yes." I have had the screen come up 
> and have ahd to split tap on Confirm. If she would respond to Yes, that would 
> solve that. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Jessica wrote:
>> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
>> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it to 
>> get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Gigi
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
>> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>>> Hi guys
>> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot 
>> of trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing 
>> Siri. I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri 
>> does work better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if 
>> Siri brings up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What 
>> solutions have any of you guys down for this?
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 6, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:

> Hi,
> In a word, yes.
> And not just because of Siri. You'll notice a definite improvement in 
> responsiveness over the 3GS. That on its own is worth the cost to upgrade. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:56 AM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> My 3GS is starting to act a little weird and I have the option to upgrade 
>> phones. Is the 4s really worth the money. If f you have one and you have an 
>> opinion please feel free to share it privately so we don'tcclog up the list. 
>> I will say that I use it for everything Sao it'll need to handle a lot of 
>> use with most of it's functions.
>> Thanks for your help in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Yes, I did a reminder; when I get time I need to delete all the extra ones 
>>> I have right now. When I did this reminder with Siri without VoiceOver in 
>>> memory, I was a little skeptical that I could get it done. However, luckily 
>>> she said if I wanted it and responded to "Yes." I have had the screen come 
>>> up and have ahd to split tap on Confirm. If she would respond to Yes, that 
>>> would solve that. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Jessica wrote:
>>>> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
>>>> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it 
>>>> to get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: Gigi
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>>>>> Hi guys
>>>> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot 
>>>> of trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing 
>>>> Siri. I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri 
>>>> does work better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if 
>>>> Siri brings up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What 
>>>> solutions have any of you guys down for this?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Gigi
>>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller
Yes but I think I have used this phone till it just can't take much more.

Considering I bought it cause it was the cheapest option I've been really happy 
with it. It's just time to replace it since it pretty much contains my whole 

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:02 AM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  

> you too?
> mine is packing up on me too. apple UK aren't willing to do anyting about it 
> even 3 days out of warranty. they told me they can do a like for like 
> replacement for a cost of £125. so am planning on the 4S for better support 
> and speed. oh well, these things happen.
> a new day starts from now.
> lew
> On 6 Mar 2012, at 13:56, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> My 3GS is starting to act a little weird and I have the option to upgrade 
>> phones. Is the 4s really worth the money. If f you have one and you have an 
>> opinion please feel free to share it privately so we don'tcclog up the list. 
>> I will say that I use it for everything Sao it'll need to handle a lot of 
>> use with most of it's functions.
>> Thanks for your help in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Yes, I did a reminder; when I get time I need to delete all the extra ones 
>>> I have right now. When I did this reminder with Siri without VoiceOver in 
>>> memory, I was a little skeptical that I could get it done. However, luckily 
>>> she said if I wanted it and responded to "Yes." I have had the screen come 
>>> up and have ahd to split tap on Confirm. If she would respond to Yes, that 
>>> would solve that. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Jessica wrote:
>>>> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
>>>> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it 
>>>> to get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: Gigi
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>>>>> Hi guys
>>>> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot 
>>>> of trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing 
>>>> Siri. I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri 
>>>> does work better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if 
>>>> Siri brings up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What 
>>>> solutions have any of you guys down for this?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Gigi
>>>> -- 
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Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks. I can't wait to get to the store.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:11 AM, Elena Brescacin  wrote:

> Hi, I think you would have a very good machine if you get a 4S; if you
> switch from 3gs to 4s, as I did, you'll notice how fast the 4s is!
> Personally, I gave up using some apps with my 3gs, as updating from
> 4.x firmware to 5.0.x, they became very very slow and slowed the whole
> iPhone down.
> Now I am again happily using all its functionalities and all the
> applications I bought!
> Except for siri, but just because it is not in my mother language yet
> and it does not properly recognize if you do not have a mother English
> pronunciation
> -- 
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Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks for the info.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:25 AM, Cara Quinn  wrote:

> Jenny, I completely agree with Buddy here. I actually test side-by-side every 
> day with an iPhone 4 and 4S and even there, the speed difference is pretty 
> obvious. So yes, you'll notice a marked improvement to say the very least, if 
> you choose to upgrade from your 3GS to a 4S.
> Have a terrific day!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> On Mar 6, 2012, at 5:59 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Hi,
> In a word, yes.
> And not just because of Siri. You'll notice a definite improvement in 
> responsiveness over the 3GS. That on its own is worth the cost to upgrade. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:56 AM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> My 3GS is starting to act a little weird and I have the option to upgrade 
>> phones. Is the 4s really worth the money. If f you have one and you have an 
>> opinion please feel free to share it privately so we don'tcclog up the list. 
>> I will say that I use it for everything Sao it'll need to handle a lot of 
>> use with most of it's functions.
>> Thanks for your help in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Yes, I did a reminder; when I get time I need to delete all the extra ones 
>>> I have right now. When I did this reminder with Siri without VoiceOver in 
>>> memory, I was a little skeptical that I could get it done. However, luckily 
>>> she said if I wanted it and responded to "Yes." I have had the screen come 
>>> up and have ahd to split tap on Confirm. If she would respond to Yes, that 
>>> would solve that. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Jessica wrote:
>>>> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
>>>> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it 
>>>> to get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: Gigi
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>>>>> Hi guys
>>>> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot 
>>>> of trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing 
>>>> Siri. I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri 
>>>> does work better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if 
>>>> Siri brings up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What 
>>>> solutions have any of you guys down for this?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Gigi
>>>> -- 
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Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-06 Thread Jenny Keller
I was wondering about hat. I still have to do all that but as I am in the midst 
of a move I'll have to wait till my Mac comes out of storage to back everything 
up. No big deal. I can wait a little llonger to upgrade.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Elena Brescacin  wrote:

> Hello,
> and consider the upgrade operation is painless.
> I mean: you can transfer your life from the 3gs to the 4S in a
> completely painless way, the only condition is you constantly back
> your iPhone up, both via iTunes, on the computer, and via iCloud.
> If last backup was yesterday, and today you just got your 4s, just
> restore yesterday's iCloud backup and that's all!
> The only attention to take, is about connection: better if wi-fi,
> during restore, as iPhone must download all apps from the app store;
> what you do not get, until you sync it with your physical iTunes
> library, are possible apps which have been removed from the app store
> for some reason.
> For the rest, no pain, no fear
> -- 
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My I phone goes dim

2012-03-12 Thread Jenny Keller
When I ue the 2 finger swipe to continuously read an -mail the screen goes dim 
and it tells me it goes dim and stops reading. Help?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 12, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hi GG.
> When you open pages on your I phone, is there not a button which says how to 
> get started button?  I do not know how useful it is as I have not pressed it 
> as yet I am just reading word documents on the phone as required.
> Kawal.
> On 12 Mar 2012, at 01:41 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys. 
>> Can anyone tell me where one can read the VoiceOver directions, assuming 
>> there are some, for this, on Pages for the iPhone? I have spent forever 
>> looking for information on this, and keep getting stuff for the sighted, and 
>> the commands discussed there are mostly useless for us. I through the help 
>> list for our sighted friends, and at the bottom it talked about going to 
>> accessibility to read up on VoiceOver commands. But when I did that, I may 
>> have done something wrong but I never did find a discussion of VoiceOver 
>> with Pages on the iPhone or any i device. Any ideas a this? 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Re: Questions about Prismo

2012-03-19 Thread Jenny Keller
That sounds way too complicated for me. Is there an easier program?

Also is there a bar code reader ap and what info does it tell you?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 19, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> The Light Detector app is just called Light Detector and you just launch it 
> and it plays a tone which rises with the light level.
> Here are the instructions for Prizmo that Esther posted a little while ago.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> One of the features that contributes to Prizmo's increased effectiveness for 
> visually impaired users is the ability to take pictures with speech control, 
> by saying, "Take Picture", which reduces the likelihood of a blurred image 
> due to moving the phone when you double or split tap a button to take a 
> picture.  You turn this feature on in the Settings menu by double tapping the 
> "Settings" button in the top right corner of the main Prizmo screen.  Flick 
> right to the "General Settings" button under the "Settings" heading and 
> double tap.  On the "General Settings" screen, flick right past the "Capture" 
> heading and set the "Alignment Grid" to "Switch button, off", then set the  
> "Speech Control" to "Switch button, on".  I believe both switches are turned 
> on by default, but it is several  months since I configured Prizmo. I'm not 
> sure whether turning off the "Alignment Grid" is necessary, but you certainly 
> don't need it to be displayed, since you can't see it while using the camera. 
> Once you have checked that these settings are in place, double tap the 
> "Settings, back button" in the top left corner to return to the "Settings" 
> screen, then double tap the "Done" button in the top right corner to return 
> to the main Prizmo screen.
> The main Prizmo screen has a list of types of documents to scan and OCR, 
> followed by a "Documents" button at the bottom of the screen that are results 
> you want to store in the app.  In general, you will choose to double tap 
> "Text" (the first listed entry).
> The app works in 3 stages, which are indicated by the 3 buttons at the bottom 
> of the the next ("Photo") screen: (1) Source (obtaining the image using the 
> Camera -- can also use previous images from your photo album taken outside 
> the app), (2) Image (options to apply corrections to image before OCR -- 
> generally requires vision to perform actions, such as cropping to only 
> include the part of the image that contains text or correct for distorted 
> pictures because you didn't hold the iPhone flat),  and (3) OCR (perform the 
> OCR with an option to choose the language to improve the OCR), then display 
> the results for editing, copying, etc. or saving in the app's stored 
> "Documents".  You can navigate through the app without ever using these 
> buttons, just by double tapping the "Next" button in the top right corner of 
> the screen to move through each stage, and that's probably the easiest way to 
> use the app when you get started, especially if you only work with documents 
> in English. However, if you want to OCR a document in a different language, 
> you can improve your results by double tapping the "OCR" button (third or 
> three at the bottom right corner of the screen) and then flicking left to the 
> language button (e.g., "English") in the row of option buttons for that 
> screen, and double tapping.  You'll be able to double tap another language 
> from the list of 10 available languages. (Note that you will not hear 
> "selected" announced beside the currently selected language in the list, but 
> you can only exit the "Language" menu by either double tapping a new language 
> selection or by double tapping the "Cancel" button in the top right corner.  
> Once you have changed the language (e.g., to French) and returned to the 
> "Photo" screen with the OCR button set, you should hear the new language, 
> "French", announced if you flick left to that button.) Setting the OCR 
> language before applying the "next" button improves the recognition of words 
> with accented characters  -- otherwise I may get a "6" for an "e" with acute 
> accent, and other such examples.
> Here's the sequence for the iPhone 4, assuming that you have configured the 
> "Settings" menu as outlined earlier.  It is very helpful to use the $0.99 
> "Light Detector" app to check lighting conditions and also get a sense of the 
> optimal centering and height of the iPhone above the page before you use 
> Prizmo.  (You can hear when the "Light Detector" signal is loudest if you 
> move the phone up and down or left/right and forwards/back with respect to 
> the page.  This only gives a rough sense of where to position the phone when 
> you use Prizmo, but if you can't hear any difference in signal with Light 
> Detector when you move the phone around over the page, chances are that 
> either the background light level is too low to take a good image, or you're 
> blocking the light s

Re: Questions about Prismo

2012-03-19 Thread Jenny Keller

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 19, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> In practice the Prizmo program is not complicated to use. The actual sequence 
> of gestures are:
> 1) Open the app and flick right to "Text", which is the first listed source 
> type, and double tap
> 2) On the next page, flick right to the "Camera" button and double tap
> 3) If you want to use the new iOS 5 feature of taking a picture by pressing 
> the volume up button, you don't need to do any set up, and when you're on the 
> "Camera" screen you only need to center the iPhone's camera on the page -- 
> which means putting the top right corner in the center -- and lift the iPhone 
> about seven inches from the page, listening for when you hear "autofocused".  
> If you don't turn on the speech control, you'll hear everything at normal 
> volume.
> 4) When you've lifted the iPhone to a height around 7 inches above a standard 
> letter sheet, press the volume up button on the side, taking care to hold the 
> iPhone as steady as possible while you hear the shutter click. This is the 
> stage at which using the speech control can improve results, because in most 
> instances tapping buttons on the screen introduces a slight motion and 
> blurring when the picture is taken. It's a bit easier to do this without 
> motion shake using the volume control to take a picture under iOS 5.  The 
> other way to do this and minimize motion shake without using speech control  
> by saying "Take Picture" is to put one finger on the "Take Picture" button 
> just above the "Home" button on the "Camera" screen just before you lift the 
> iPhone. Try to hold things steady when you've lifted the phone to seven 
> inches, and gently tap another finger on the screen to activate this button 
> with a split tap gesture.
> 5) Flick to the "Use" button or just touch it in the bottom right corner of 
> the screen and double tap.  This is also the last element on the screen, so 
> you can alternatively use a four finger tap on the bottom of the screen to 
> navigate to this button.
> 6) Flick to the "Next" button (top right corner) and double tap
> 7) Wait for the "Processing" message to finish, and for "Edit" screen to be 
> announced.  You can read the OCR results from this screen.  If you want to 
> edit to make corrections, double tap in the text area and make changes. 
> Double tap the "Done" button at the top right corner, which will turn in to a 
> "Next" button. Then double tap the "Next" button (top right corner).
> 8) At the bottom of the "Text" screen are option buttons  to "Copy" or "Mail" 
> among other things. Flick to the one you want and double tap.  I usually 
> don't bother to save the results within the Prizmo app, but you can do so by 
> double tapping the "Save" button at the top right corner.
> Notice that most of the length in these instructions involve explanations of 
> different options (in step 4) and what other buttons do.  Prizmo actually 
> gives full instructions at their web site, but they're visually oriented.  My 
> original description that Anne quoted is long, because it also explains 
> control options like how to set up OCR for different languages.  For English, 
> all you have to do after taking the picture and double tapping "Use" is to 
> keep double tapping the "Next" button in the top right corner until you want 
> to mail or copy the results.
> Also, you don't have to use the Light Detector app.  I just take it out and 
> pan across the page to check the volume level before I use Prizmo.  That's it.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 19, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> That sounds way too complicated for me. Is there an easier program?
>> Also is there a bar code reader ap and what info does it tell you?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Paul,
>>> The Light Detector app is just called Light Detector and you just launch it 
>>> and it plays a tone which rises with the light level.
>>> Here are the instructions for Prizmo that Esther posted a little while ago.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> One of the features that contributes to Prizmo's increased effectiveness 
>>> for visually impaired u

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-21 Thread Jenny Keller
I have problems with growl too. I can't get to the preferences pain cause it 
says it is running in the background. I have found growl to be useless.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Michael Malarsie  

> I have downloaded growl but I am having no success. I know it is supposed to 
> do the work on its own with my apps and such but it won't do anything at all.
>Any tips for someone who has no idea what to do?
> Thanks 
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> My suspicion is that Growl is trying to read the messages, but voiceover or 
>> any system event at all interrupts and silences it.  Has anyone tried with 
>> VO Off to see if Growl works better that way?
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-21 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks a llot. I wouldn't have known to do that.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 21, 2012, at 7:15 AM, Elena Brescacin  wrote:

> Jenny, here's how to solve this trouble.
> when it says growl is in the background, go through windows by
> command+tab (i am not sure the voiceover command to switch among
> applications, ctrl+options+f1+f1, or double-tap with 2 finger to the
> left with trackpad, works)
> anyway: when you reach growl, it would say: growl has no windows
> then, go to the dock with ctrl+f3 or the dedicated voiceover command.
> look for the Growl icon, then, control+option+shift+m.
> you should find a menu popping up, and there you'd find the growl preferences!
> if the menu item is grayed, you should go up with up arrow and find
> reactivate growl
> I wasted one hour behind this issue!
> 2012/3/21, Jenny Keller :
>> I have problems with growl too. I can't get to the preferences pain cause it
>> says it is running in the background. I have found growl to be useless.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Michael Malarsie 
>> wrote:
>>> I have downloaded growl but I am having no success. I know it is supposed
>>> to do the work on its own with my apps and such but it won't do anything
>>> at all.
>>>   Any tips for someone who has no idea what to do?
>>> Thanks
>>> Mike Malarsie
>>> On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>>> My suspicion is that Growl is trying to read the messages, but voiceover
>>>> or any system event at all interrupts and silences it.  Has anyone tried
>>>> with VO Off to see if Growl works better that way?
>>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>>> • MSN:
>>>> • My home page:
>>>> •
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How to select multiple messages in a mailbox

2012-03-23 Thread Jenny Keller
Trying to select  multiple messagesto delete. How do I do that?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 23, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Ezzie Bueno  wrote:

> Hello,
> To use the dial pad on Skype, press Command+2 and type the phone number you 
> wish to dial on the edit box.
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
> Check out daily jokes and more!
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I would not go so far as to say that it is horribly inaccessible. There are 
>> parts that are not useable - the dial pad for example. However if you have 
>> already got contacts in your account you can successfully call them. There 
>> is certainly lots to improve but I guess it is at least partly usable. At 
>> least for what I use it.
>> On 23/03/2012, at 11:41 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> There is a skype app, but it's horribly inaccessible.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Jamie Tachiyama
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:28 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Facebook Audio and video Chat Accessible?
>>> Is there any way to do skype on the IPhone, or is it just Android?
>>> On 3/22/12, Ezzie Bueno  wrote:
 Hello Teresa,
 I use Skype for audio and video chats on Facebook. You can now connect 
 Skype to Facebook on the latest version of Skype.
 Ezzie Bueno
 Sent from my Macbook Pro
 (323) 448-0757
 Check out daily jokes and more!
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I've already set up Facebook Chat to work inIChat via the Jabber
>>> protocol.
> Does audio and video work through Ichat too?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein
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>>> Jamie T
>>> Twitter: jathlete76
>>> Facebook: jathlete76
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Scrween dims during reading

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I know I asked about this before but when I did what I was told it didn't 
change anything. I use the 2 finger flick to read mail and if the nessage is 
too long the screen sins in the middle of reading and stops reading. This is a 

Can someone help?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so sure.  
> I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends on what 
> kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more enjoyable on 
> an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who prefer the 
> smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the screen in a 
> given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and the phone 
> aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is indeed more 
> RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference for most users.  
> IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  And, if you were to 
> hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly be running a similar 
> processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  I think where the iPad 
> really shines is in that market that use to belong to the netbook.  Its 
> relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with great battery life.  I 
> would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than an iPhone.  But as a 
> person who owns a Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I would never trade my phone 
> for an iPad for example.  And that being the case, as cool as they are, I 
> honestly couldn't justify paying for one with my current set up.  I don't 
> think apps rendered on a large screen, except for a hand full of exceptions, 
> tips the balance in the iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an iPhone.
> JMO. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander  
> wrote:
>> let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
>> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this as 
>> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
>> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
>> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
>> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
>> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
>> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
>> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
>> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
>> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
>> the list really is endless.
>> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go 
>> back to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
>> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
>> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
>> functions straight away.
>> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
>> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
>> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
>> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
>> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
>> friends. simple as that...
>> lew
>> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>>> hi folks.
>>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>>> this group.
>>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>>> iPhone?
>>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>>> Am I right?
>>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>>> Best regards David
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Help with navigon

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I tried to use navigon and I used to get turn by turn directions but now it 
only tells me when I'vereached my destination but if I don't know how to get 
there it does me no good. I don't know why it stopped doing what I need it to 
do. It didn't even give me the names of the cross streets.


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi all.
> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable 
> people doing about this?
> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
> you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
> other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law 
> on to other countries which is a bigger problem. 
> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
> talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone 
> involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being 
> quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.
> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
> citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
> Sean 
> On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  
>> Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail 
>> client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
 They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
 On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
>> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
>> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
>> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
>> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
>> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
>> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
>> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
>> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR 
>> app.
>> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
>> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
>> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
>> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
>> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
>> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
>> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
>> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
>> down the thread for other reader comments.
>> Best,
>> Esther
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
>>> It ain't accessible at all.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
 Hi All,
 I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
 wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
 work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
 accessible?  Any tips?
 It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
 rendering the text.
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This is frustrating

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I am looking for an email that I think I deleted but I don't know how to search 
for it. I have looked in other boxes that have stuff in it that shouldnt be in 
them at all. 

I try to delete my all mail folder and I have to select 1 thing at time. I have 
thousands of messages in several boxes that I don't know how they got there but 
I can't keep selecting 1 ata time to delete.

Help please.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 9:16 PM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

> Hi.
> I did manage to get the network back online in my VM Win 7 machine.  I still 
> cannot remap the keys, though, and I am also wondering if this is normal VM 
> behavior.  I am using Win 7 with the latest Window-eyes, and whenever I 
> resume the virtual machine after suspending it window-eyes starts reading the 
> same line over and over again and the only way I can stop it is to restart 
> Windows.  Insights appreciated.
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Re: Twitter on the mac.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller

I have found Syrinx to be quite nice for twitter.

Give it a try, I think you'll like it.

On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Hi,
> What do most of you use on your macs to access twitter?
> Is there a free client of some sort out there?
> Stacey and geb dog Chesley
> -- 
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Re: Twitter on the mac.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
Yes, I have forgotten how much it costs, but it is reasonable from what I 

On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Is it in the app store?
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:49 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have found Syrinx to be quite nice for twitter.
>> Give it a try, I think you'll like it.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What do most of you use on your macs to access twitter?
>>> Is there a free client of some sort out there?
>>> Stacey and geb dog Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: Twitter on the mac.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
Sorry, never used that one before.

What is the difference between that and syrinx?

On Apr 20, 2012, at 8:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello,
> I think the majority of people on this list use the client YoruFukurou.  It 
> can be found in the Mac app store and it is free.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:32 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What do most of you use on your macs to access twitter?
>> Is there a free client of some sort out there?
>> Stacey and geb dog Chesley
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Can't find YoruFukurou in the ap store.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
I have looked on the ap store and can't find YoruFukurou in the store.  

I can't even find a search field to input it in.

Help please.


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Re: Twitter on the mac.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
I had the same problem.

On Apr 20, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> I looked in the app store, but couldn't find it.
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 8:09 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Yes, I have forgotten how much it costs, but it is reasonable from what I 
>> remember.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Is it in the app store?
>>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:49 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have found Syrinx to be quite nice for twitter.
>>>> Give it a try, I think you'll like it.
>>>> Jenny
>>>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> What do most of you use on your macs to access twitter?
>>>>> Is there a free client of some sort out there?
>>>>> Stacey and geb dog Chesley
>>>>> -- 
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Re: Can't find YoruFukurou in the ap store.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller

On Apr 20, 2012, at 8:57 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> The search field is on the toolbar.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Keller
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 8:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: Can't find YoruFukurou in the ap store.
> I have looked on the ap store and can't find YoruFukurou in the store.  
> I can't even find a search field to input it in.
> Help please.
> Jenny
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Re: Twitter on the mac.

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
Actually, I just tried to use YoruFukurou and I like it better than Syrinx.


On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:13 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Syrinx should be free, and if it's not in the app store, get it from
> ... panpipe sounds, eh Josh?  Never noticed that. 
> While I'm here, yesterday I tried to upload an image of my new T-shirt with 
> Syrinx, using Command I; every time I hit Upload, I got an "invalid name or 
> password," error.  This despite the fact that Syrinx was logged in, and I 
> even logged in separately on the website.  Can someone tell me where the heck 
> I have to be logged into to use Syrinx' embedded image uploader? 
> Baffled.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller

I did something to my YoruFukurou settings and somehow I can't delete my items. 
 That option is.  I can delete the whole log at once, but when I refresh my 
messages, the whole log comes back.

Could someone help please?


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Yes another question

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
I tried to put someone in my address but on my Mac and now I can't retrieve the 



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Re: Yes another question

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller

I hope I remember that tomorrow morning.  Too tired to work with it now.

Good night all.

On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> What you are looking for is in the Window menu in the Mail application.
> HTH,
> Jeffrey
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I tried to put someone in my address but on my Mac and now I can't retrieve 
>> the information.
>> Help.
>> Jenny
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I thought I had reply to sender figured out but I guess I didn't

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
Is reply to sender, with lion, easier to access on classic mail view.

If so, can you please tell me how to switch to classic and also, I know, 
someone told me before, but could you tell me again how to reply to sender 
using classic view.

Thanks again.


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I think I got it to classic view in email, now how to reply to sender using this view?

2012-04-20 Thread Jenny Keller
As the subject says, how do I reply to sender using classic mode in email in 


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Re: mac, twitter: help on yorufukurou

2012-04-21 Thread Jenny Keller
I've always wanted to know what the drawer was for, and still can't figure out, 
even though someone emailed it to me last night I think, how to get the delete 
function to go off dim.  

It's not morning and I've forgotten.  Also, Why do my messages come back after 
deleting my log, when I refresh my messages?

I know, some people would say I highjacked the subject, but it has to do with, 
however you spell it.

On Apr 21, 2012, at 4:10 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am here to ask a simple question about the wonderfully accessible twitter 
> client called yorufukurou.
> I manage to perform all actions, except for following and unfollowing users!
> Well, knowing the exact username of person you want to follow and unfollow, 
> it's quite simple. just open a new tweet and write, follow username. or 
> unfollow username. 
> But I think, this client has some kind of menu which would allow you to 
> perform such actions. Follow, unfollow, block
> How to reach these actions?
> Assume I am on the time line, or on the window that opens pressing command+u, 
> to go to a specific user typing his name
> I just read on that there is a drawer reachable via "command 
> option apostrophee", but, as I do not have an american keyboard, I do not 
> know what they meant
> if backslash or some other key
>  please let me know!
> thanks
> -- 
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Cannot get this computer to stay with the oldest to newest message preference

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller
I have tried ascending, I have tried descending, I have tried everything I know 
to try.  It may start out by doing the right thing, but by the time I check my 
mail again.  The stupid thing goes back to newest to oldest, which really 
annoys me because I want to be able to keep up with things from the older 
emails to the newest ones.

You can't get proper information when you're reading your emails backwards.

Please give me some ideas?


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How do you find out if there are twitter feeds from the LDS church?

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller

I know there are, I just don't know how to get them in my follow thing.  Where 
would I look them up?

I don't know if you can do that on Yurufuku.

thanks for any help you can give me.

Have a great Sunday,


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Re: How do you find out if there are twitter feeds from the LDS church?

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller
So, how do I follow something if you don't know the proper name of the follow 
people.  I'm trying to find all twitter feeds relating to the LDS Mormon 

I know there are some, I just don't know how to get to the list.

On Apr 22, 2012, at 3:24 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> hey jenny, that's just how the software and twitter itself is. By the way, 
> nice permutation of yorufukuru or however we should all address it I've a 
> good few but not publicly addressed.
> lew
> On 22 Apr 2012, at 21:12, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I know there are, I just don't know how to get them in my follow thing.  
>> Where would I look them up?
>> I don't know if you can do that on Yurufuku.
>> thanks for any help you can give me.
>> Have a great Sunday,
>> Jenny
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Re: New epub Reader

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller
I've never heard of that program or ap.

Can you explain what it is if it works on the Mac.  

Learning is fun and prosperous:)

On Apr 22, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> bookel 

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I books versus books you can get for the I phone.

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller
Is an I book for the Mac more accessible than an ap that you could get on the I 

Is it the same thing.  

I saw something on a site that has I books, but when I used their I phone ap, 
the books weren't accessible at all.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: I books versus books you can get for the I phone.

2012-04-22 Thread Jenny Keller
Well, I have to give up the I phone cause I only have a 3GS, and every time I 
upgrade the IOS it crawls along slower and slower, even with the compact voice. 

I'm reluctantly going to the android thing, but I'll keep my 3GS incase it 
doesn't work out.

On Apr 22, 2012, at 9:12 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> bvCheree Heppe here:
> The IBooks app is downloaded through the app store.  The books through that 
> resource which I cannot read are those made th a group called Instructables.  
> They have lots of graphics and virtually no words and their cookbooks and 
> craft books are useless because of this.
> I have gotten one book from the app store that is not on IBooks called The 
> Nebulae Coat that was really good and readable as well.
> The other sources, some of which are on the app store tend to be less 
> readable and non-readable.
> I have no experience through Amazon's E-resources.  Just chicken, I guess.
> I haven't yet made my threatened move into a MAC, probably will be an Air, so 
> don't know how that works.  All my IBooks reading has been on either the 
> IPhone or IPad.
> I am actually going to have to go up a gig or two the next time I upgrade my 
> phone.  Running out of space for music and books.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 22/04/2012, at 18:19, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> Is an I book for the Mac more accessible than an ap that you could get on 
>> the I phone.
>> Is it the same thing.  
>> I saw something on a site that has I books, but when I used their I phone 
>> ap, the books weren't accessible at all.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> Jenny
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Re: Delete and forward delete.

2012-04-24 Thread Jenny Keller
where is the forward delete key on the wireless Mac keyboard without the number 

On Apr 24, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Not confusing at all.
> Got it.
> Thanks,
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 10:41 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> In OS/X and GUI environments in Linux type systems, the insertion point 
>> (cursor) sits between the character just typed and any future characters 
>> typed after that.  What I mean is say you typed something like Testing123 
>> and then move the insertion point back over that phrase; say we leave that 
>> point between the end of test and before 123.  Now, the normal delete key on 
>> the mac is located where the typical backspace key is on other computers.  
>> Pressing it will delete characters to the left so for our example, pressing 
>> the normal delete key would erase the t and pressing it again would erase 
>> the letter s and so on.  I don't remember what key on a mac would do a 
>> forward delete but whatever it is, it would delete characters to the right 
>> of the insertion point.  So back to our example before any deletes, pressing 
>> a forward delete would erase 1, then 2, then 3.  That reminds me of the 
>> standard delete key function on other computers like in Windows, Linux 
>> command line or where ever. 
>> Hope this wasn't too confusing.
>> On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:45 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What is the difference between delete and forward delete?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
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Re: Delete and forward delete.

2012-04-24 Thread Jenny Keller
thanks for that information.  

I had no idea.

On Apr 24, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Use the fn key with the delete key!
> And using the option key as well deletes  a word so fn+option+delete forward 
> deletes a word!
> And Option+delete deletes a word!
> hth Colin
> On 24 Apr 2012, at 13:51, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> where is the forward delete key on the wireless Mac keyboard without the 
>> number pad?
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 24, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Not confusing at all.
>>> Got it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Apr 23, 2012, at 10:41 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>>> In OS/X and GUI environments in Linux type systems, the insertion point 
>>>> (cursor) sits between the character just typed and any future characters 
>>>> typed after that.  What I mean is say you typed something like Testing123 
>>>> and then move the insertion point back over that phrase; say we leave that 
>>>> point between the end of test and before 123.  Now, the normal delete key 
>>>> on the mac is located where the typical backspace key is on other 
>>>> computers.  Pressing it will delete characters to the left so for our 
>>>> example, pressing the normal delete key would erase the t and pressing it 
>>>> again would erase the letter s and so on.  I don't remember what key on a 
>>>> mac would do a forward delete but whatever it is, it would delete 
>>>> characters to the right of the insertion point.  So back to our example 
>>>> before any deletes, pressing a forward delete would erase 1, then 2, then 
>>>> 3.  That reminds me of the standard delete key function on other computers 
>>>> like in Windows, Linux command line or where ever. 
>>>> Hope this wasn't too confusing.
>>>> On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:45 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> What is the difference between delete and forward delete?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
>>>>> -- 
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RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread Jenny Keller

I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email boxes 
in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I would 
like to delete the duplicates.

How do I do both?

thanks in advance and have a great night.


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Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread Jenny Keller

also, how do you delete boxes that are the same thing just duplicates?

On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
> inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go 
> into your inbox.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email 
>> boxes in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I 
>> would like to delete the duplicates.
>> How do I do both?
>> thanks in advance and have a great night.
>> Jenny
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Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-26 Thread Jenny Keller
If I remove those mailboxes, even the ones that are the RSS feeds that I still 
want the feeds from, do I have to keep those mailboxes or can I delete them?  

I guess the best way to ask it is, since I now have the rSS feeds going to the 
in box, will I still get the feeds?

Thanks again for your patience.

On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:32 PM, John Panarese
>It's the same process.  Open the context menu when you are on the mailbox 
> you want to remove with VO-shift-m.  There should be a, delete mailbox, item.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:40 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> thanks,
>> also, how do you delete boxes that are the same thing just duplicates?
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>   On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
>>> inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go 
>>> into your inbox.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email 
>>>> boxes in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and 
>>>> I would like to delete the duplicates.
>>>> How do I do both?
>>>> thanks in advance and have a great night.
>>>> Jenny
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Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-26 Thread Jenny Keller
thanks again.

On Apr 26, 2012, at 5:24 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>I believe you don't need the mailboxes any longer if they messages are 
> showing up in your inbox.  However, you might want to experiment with one 
> feed first to be sure.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 26, 2012, at 6:13 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> If I remove those mailboxes, even the ones that are the RSS feeds that I 
>> still want the feeds from, do I have to keep those mailboxes or can I delete 
>> them?  
>> I guess the best way to ask it is, since I now have the rSS feeds going to 
>> the in box, will I still get the feeds?
>> Thanks again for your patience.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:32 PM, John Panarese
>>>  It's the same process.  Open the context menu when you are on the mailbox 
>>> you want to remove with VO-shift-m.  There should be a, delete mailbox, 
>>> item.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:40 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> thanks,
>>>> also, how do you delete boxes that are the same thing just duplicates?
>>>> Jenny
>>>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>>> On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
>>>>> inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go 
>>>>> into your inbox.
>>>>> Take Care
>>>>> John Panarese
>>>>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email 
>>>>>> boxes in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box 
>>>>>> and I would like to delete the duplicates.
>>>>>> How do I do both?
>>>>>> thanks in advance and have a great night.
>>>>>> Jenny
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Growl issues

2012-04-26 Thread Jenny Keller
Every time I open growl with command O, it says growl has no window.  I can't 
figure out how to make it open any other way so I can use it for notifications 
for skype, and yurufuku, or whatever that twitter ap is called.

Could someone please help?

You can't set up the growl options in the other aps unless growl is set up 

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Growl issues

2012-04-27 Thread Jenny Keller
Can you explain further.

I didn't know you could open growl using the growl on the applications list.  

Where do I find it in system preferences.  After that, what do I do to set it 
up to notify me about twitter and skype?

On Apr 26, 2012, at 11:21 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> I don't think you can open up Growl that way.  I believe you have to go 
> into System Preferences and use the Growl pane to make any changes or 
> customizations.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 26, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Every time I open growl with command O, it says growl has no window.  I 
>> can't figure out how to make it open any other way so I can use it for 
>> notifications for skype, and yurufuku, or whatever that twitter ap is called.
>> Could someone please help?
>> You can't set up the growl options in the other aps unless growl is set up 
>> first.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Jenny
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what is data detector?

2012-04-27 Thread Jenny Keller

Since the subject came up.  What is data detector and what is its purpose?  
What can you do with it and what makes it so great?


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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-28 Thread Jenny Keller
I agree with you.

If they don't provide accessible movies or TV shows that we can buy, then we 
have to get them where we can.

I'm tired of getting the short end of the stick and when I take advantage of 
such options, getting condemned for it.

either they can level the playing field, or just shut up.

Oh by the way, most of the video descriptions come from the UK anyway.  Just a 

On Apr 27, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Naturally, if the moderator deems this discussion verboten, I will refrain 
> further, but I would feel remiss not to point out the following for 
> consideration:
> 1. As of several hours ago, there was nothing on the FBI's official web site 
> regarding an investigation, nor were there any press releases or other 
> comparable references to an investigation of the movie vault. A reference 
> would be appreciated; mere speculation or rumor could be deemed libelous.
> 2. The problem industries have with illegal file-sharing is loss of revenue. 
> Since, at least in the United States, there is virtually no way to purchase 
> audio-described movies or television shows, the industry is not being cheated 
> of revenue.
> 3. The files are straight audio, with no ability, for example, to "watch" 
> with sighted peers while having the benefit of the audio description. This is 
> not at all remotely similar to downloading a film for the family to watch. 
> That being said, the vast majority of the sighted community does this with 
> impunity, even though many of the shows and movies they download can be seen 
> for free when they are are shown on television. We, on the other hand, cannot 
> even enjoy full access to these shows when they *are* on television. Either 
> they are not audio-described at all, or it is not easy to turn on the 
> secondary audio channel, or a particular station only carries foreign 
> language broadcasts on the SAC rather than audio description. Comparing 
> access to audio-described movies and shows in mp3 format to the type of 
> file-sharing which goes on 24/7 on hundreds and thousands of sites is a 
> stretch.
> 4. If the government and/or the involved industries  wish to do something 
> about the existence of resources like the movie vault, the former should 
> mandate, and the latter should provide a market from which we can obtain 
> these items. I have been able to watch a non-described movie with others 
> after listening to an mp3 file and tell another blind person what is going on 
> thanks to that previous experience.  My two blind children have been able to 
> enjoy fare which their peers enjoyed months or years ago. Until the 
> entertainment industry levels the playing field, I will utilize resources 
> like the movie vault with the same guiltless pleasure I take in 
> (and, by the way, it is possible to download books from which 
> are available commercially.) We cannot use the Kindle as others do.  WE 
> cannot use the Nook.  We are severely limited in what we can access 
> independently when it comes to entertainment, and we must even still fight 
> for access to education at every level, despite technological advances. 
> Holding us to the same standards as the vast majority of illegal file-sharers 
> is  legally, morally, and economically inequitable.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Priorities

2012-04-28 Thread Jenny Keller
In my opinion, accessible movies, TV shows, appliances, etc, should fall under 
the ADA.  

Not to be politically incorrect here, but if people in wheelchairs can get them 
for free and most places are made to be accessible for them, and the deaf get 
closed captioning for almost every TV show and eventually DVD, and TTY phones 
and free relay services, then why isn't it mandatory that we get the same 

The fact is, we don't, and in my opinion, if we have to go to other sources to 
get it because this wonderful country of ours, who makes other disabilities 
have accessible products and services as mandatory, then we have do do it until 
we get our fair shake.

It's fairness to all, or it shouldn't be for any.

Go red, white, and blue:(

On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Arguably, anything beyond the things required for daily living is a luxury. 
> Plenty of people do not have computers or TV's.  I personally have found a 
> greater appreciation for movies and television shows when they are described, 
> and it is exceedingly frustrating when one cannot watch a foreign film or 
> dialogue-poor show. The level of audio description in the UK versus what is 
> available in the U.S. is astounding -- in fact, the bulk of the audio 
> description is done in Great Britain. I remember not going to action movies 
> with peers when I was younger, or not being invited, because no one wanted to 
> describe them to me. I remember people becoming annoyed when my mother 
> quietly described what was going on in a movie. 
> Even important information on news broadcasts is flashed across screens. If 
> it is possible to accommodate the print-disabled and visually impaired in one 
> country, it is possible in another. We should not have to pick and choose 
> among "luxuries" --  Shopping for appliances is another nightmare; I am tired 
> of having to get someone to go over touch screens and controls with me so 
> that I can memorize, mark controls, or make charts so that I can use 
> something for which I paid full price. Even companies which advertise that 
> they have "accessible manuals" either do not actually provide them or only 
> provide them in shorter, slimmed-down versions.
>   If something is accessible to people who want it and can afford it, it 
> should be accessible to all. Not only is their a fairness component, but a 
> social component: culturally, experientially, we are better integrated into 
> the social fabric of our societies when we have independent, real-world 
> access to the things our peers take for granted.
> Christine
>  show 
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:34 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi guys. 
>> I love audio description as much as any blind person could. Before you 
>> couldn't get them, I bought several movies on those tapes, movies I wanted 
>> to watch again. However, and maybe I'm showing my age here, but I consider 
>> audio description to be a luxury for us. I watched movies and TV just fine 
>> before we got it. 
>> Computer accessibility, however, including the Internet's accessibility, has 
>> become an increasingly frustrating necessity. I don't have statistics to 
>> back up my opinion, but I think we delude ourselves if we think we are a 
>> money-making proposition. Poor Apple has been braver than everybody else by 
>> jumping into the quicksand of accessibility. If the good folks in Cupertino 
>> are sorry they they made the plunge, they are being smart enough to be quiet 
>> about it. I think they will be better off than everyone else in that regard 
>> eventually, especially when the feds get involved in evaluating 
>> accessibility the education arena. At least Apple will have no trouble, 
>> unlike others, proving that the iPad, etc. is accessible to blind and other 
>> disabled students. 
>> A blind friend of mine was asking me about these new vending machines that 
>> touch screens. He was asking if there was an iPhone app to control those 
>> things because he's concerned that he won't even able to get a cold drink 
>> without extra help otherwise. As it is, at least at his work, he can count 
>> the buttons. I have another blind friend whose electric oven went out, and 
>> she a terrible time finding an accessible one. My microwave is still 
>> partially inaccessible since my husband has yet to put labels onto that 
>> mostly flat screen. When I go to Louisville this summer, I can just about 
>> guarantee that I can't independently watch TV, unless you guys can tell me 
>> of an iPhone app that will for sure work with the hotel's TV. 
>> I could go on and on giving examples. Without getting political, both 
>> blindness organizations  have written resolutions for positive and/or 
>> negative motivators for some of these folks that are busy making our lives 
>> more and ore inaccessible. We lost the battle of the accessibility of 
>> curbing in our U.S. cities for blind folks, making our mobility more 
>> difficult.

Re: Priorities

2012-04-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Well, In my humble opinion, equality isn't there, so that, isn't fair 
treatment.  the Americans with Disabilities Act should include the blind or 
visually \impaired just as vigorously as it does every other disability in this 

there aren't any services, that I know of at this point, that the visually 
impaired community, or blind community receive that anyone else would consider 

Believe me, I've been almost totally blind all my life, and I can say from 
experience, that the simplest things that I've needed have had to be justified 
by education or work, which I can work because of other physical disabilities, 
and for education, I wasn't given the option of being taught braille in the 
beginning because I had some sight.  So I can say out of experience, there 
isn't anything that I own, that I didn't beg, borrow, or barter, or finance 
within an inch of my disability, to get.  

to be very frank, there are a lot of things, such as that bar code reader they 
have on special on financing, which I can't afford, that my husband and I 
desperately need,, that I'll never be able to have.  Only because I can't 
justify it to the government because we're not working.  

We both have physical limitations to prevent us from doing so, but because of 
that, we don't have the opportunity for the simplest and most basic of things 
to help us with independent cooking and identification skills.

so I don't have a problem downloading anything that is descriptive from that 
site because I'm tired of being left out because I'm not able to work and can't 
afford the opportunities that I should get for things that others can.  If I 
lived in the UK, things would be a lot different, and if I could get on a plane 
and become a citizen to the United Kingdom, I certainly would in, well, a New 
York minute.

to make this apple related, the only reason I have this machine is because I 
had to put up with my Dad's crap and constant criticism for him to buy it for 

If it weren't for that, we wouldn't even be talking.

On Apr 28, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Keep in mind, fair doesn't always mean equal.  I'm sure if we looked hard 
> enough, we can find some services offered exclusively to those who are 
> visually impaired and or blind.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:11 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> In my opinion, accessible movies, TV shows, appliances, etc, should fall 
>> under the ADA.  
>> Not to be politically incorrect here, but if people in wheelchairs can get 
>> them for free and most places are made to be accessible for them, and the 
>> deaf get closed captioning for almost every TV show and eventually DVD, and 
>> TTY phones and free relay services, then why isn't it mandatory that we get 
>> the same consideration.  
>> The fact is, we don't, and in my opinion, if we have to go to other sources 
>> to get it because this wonderful country of ours, who makes other 
>> disabilities have accessible products and services as mandatory, then we 
>> have do do it until we get our fair shake.
>> It's fairness to all, or it shouldn't be for any.
>> Go red, white, and blue:(
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Arguably, anything beyond the things required for daily living is a luxury. 
>>> Plenty of people do not have computers or TV's.  I personally have found a 
>>> greater appreciation for movies and television shows when they are 
>>> described, and it is exceedingly frustrating when one cannot watch a 
>>> foreign film or dialogue-poor show. The level of audio description in the 
>>> UK versus what is available in the U.S. is astounding -- in fact, the bulk 
>>> of the audio description is done in Great Britain. I remember not going to 
>>> action movies with peers when I was younger, or not being invited, because 
>>> no one wanted to describe them to me. I remember people becoming annoyed 
>>> when my mother quietly described what was going on in a movie. 
>>> Even important information on news broadcasts is flashed across screens. If 
>>> it is possible to accommodate the print-disabled and visually impaired in 
>>> one country, it is possible in another. We should not have to pick and 
>>> choose among "luxuries" --  Shopping for appliances is another nightmare; I 
>>> am tired of having to get someone to go over touch screens and controls 
>>> with me so that 

Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller

As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
OK, this may sound a little stupid, but how do you know who chatted you then.  
I don't know who chatted me, so I don't know which contact to pick.

thanks for your help.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:

>  This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
> selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate until 
> you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an edit 
> field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It sounds a 
> little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
>> someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Jenny
>> -- 
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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
No, I still don't know who it was that instant messaged me, so I'm still at the 
beginning of the problem.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Well if you found the person with the guide from the other message then a 
> little tip for you to hold a I M chat!
> If when your on the person you wish to chat with!
> 1, find the html in there profile and interact with it!
> 2, Arrow down through all the stuff until you get to there message [or the 
> last message] they have sent you!
> 3, When you have arrowed through that message and wish to respond then just 
> turn off cursor tracking with the command [VO+shift+f3] then just start 
> typing your response and when your ready just press enter!
> 4, When you do this you will find yourself back at the end of there last 
> message and you just have to arrow through the message you have just sent and 
> wait for there reply!
> 5, Keep on this way until you've finished chatting!
> 6, When your done remember to turn cursor tracking back on with the same 
> command you used to turn it off!
> 7, Then you can close that chat with command+W
> hth Colin
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 17:55, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> OK, this may sound a little stupid, but how do you know who chatted you 
>> then.  I don't know who chatted me, so I don't know which contact to pick.
>> thanks for your help.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
>>> selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate 
>>> until you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an 
>>> edit field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It 
>>> sounds a little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
>>>> someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Jenny
>>>> -- 
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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
Oh please, they may "have to", but that doesn't mean they won't find a loop 
whole in order to get away with not doing it.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 7:47 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi all.
> AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are 
> not 508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had 
> to ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this 
> only apply for  federal?
> There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:
> 1. Demonstrate a market.
> 2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
> 3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
> companies in the accessible area.
> 4. Awareness education.
> Oops, I said 3, but there is 
> Sean 
> On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
>> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
>> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
>> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
>> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were 
>> specifically locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though 
>> the SDK tools and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, 
>> companies will not concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think 
>> they know better never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is 
>>  a reason they call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
>> -eric
>> . 
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
 or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since 
 the introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
 employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
 disobeying laws. 
 I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
 moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift 
 in attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company 
 like Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, 
 plenty of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate 
 us into their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not 
 accessible, though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in 
 classrooms, once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise 
 print-disabled students will be left out. Apple moves us two steps 
 forward, and "progress" (for others) moves us three steps back. I should 
 be able to turn on a television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, 
 and get descriptions. I should be able to access books on the Nook or the 
 Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here 
 agree, the happiness I feel when a new release or best-selling publication 
 is available on iBooks.
 (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
 purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
 author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; it was more important to me to have it available at the 
 same time to the blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently 
 does not care about such access, despite the fact that they would actually 
 get money from us.)
 I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
 movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
 released with audio description are not always sold through movie 
 resellers -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The 
 Incredible Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
 Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. 
 It has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
 accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
 apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
 usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
 rewards those who remember us with our business. 
 Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
 download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
 and family. I 

Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
> Anyway, I also agree that here in the UK, if you're in a wheel chair, deaf, 
> etc you receive more support, blind and visually impaired people don't matter 
> and we're being ripped off with rubbish services, etc. Education is a total 
> mess where mainstream education should  be the best option and is instead 
> hampered by people who cannot cater for a blind or visually impaired person's 
> needs and LEGAL RIGHTS.
> anyway, enough from me on that matter and I agree with your statements.  This 
> world needs to open it's eyes to how we have to survice in this world and 
> that we should be treeted with the utmost respect and care, given the same 
> rights as the rest of the world and granted the support we need to be able to 
> achieve what our SIGHTED, able bodied  equals should and are able to do.
> lew
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 01:40, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Well, In my humble opinion, equality isn't there, so that, isn't fair 
>> treatment.  the Americans with Disabilities Act should include the blind or 
>> visually \impaired just as vigorously as it does every other disability in 
>> this country.
>> there aren't any services, that I know of at this point, that the visually 
>> impaired community, or blind community receive that anyone else would 
>> consider unfair.
>> Believe me, I've been almost totally blind all my life, and I can say from 
>> experience, that the simplest things that I've needed have had to be 
>> justified by education or work, which I can work because of other physical 
>> disabilities, and for education, I wasn't given the option of being taught 
>> braille in the beginning because I had some sight.  So I can say out of 
>> experience, there isn't anything that I own, that I didn't beg, borrow, or 
>> barter, or finance within an inch of my disability, to get.  
>> to be very frank, there are a lot of things, such as that bar code reader 
>> they have on special on financing, which I can't afford, that my husband and 
>> I desperately need,, that I'll never be able to have.  Only because I can't 
>> justify it to the government because we're not working.  
>> We both have physical limitations to prevent us from doing so, but because 
>> of that, we don't have the opportunity for the simplest and most basic of 
>> things to help us with independent cooking and identification skills.
>> so I don't have a problem downloading anything that is descriptive from that 
>> site because I'm tired of being left out because I'm not able to work and 
>> can't afford the opportunities that I should get for things that others can. 
>>  If I lived in the UK, things would be a lot different, and if I could get 
>> on a plane and become a citizen to the United Kingdom, I certainly would in, 
>> well, a New York minute.
>> to make this apple related, the only reason I have this machine is because I 
>> had to put up with my Dad's crap and constant criticism for him to buy it 
>> for me.  
>> If it weren't for that, we wouldn't even be talking.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Keep in mind, fair doesn't always mean equal.  I'm sure if we looked hard 
>>> enough, we can find some services offered exclusively to those who are 
>>> visually impaired and or blind.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:11 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>> In my opinion, accessible movies, TV shows, appliances, etc, should fall 
>>>> under the ADA.  
>>>> Not to be politically incorrect here, but if people in wheelchairs can get 
>>>> them for free and most places are made to be accessible for them, and the 
>>>> deaf get closed captioning for almost every TV show and eventually DVD, 
>>>> and TTY phones and free relay services, then why isn't it mandatory that 
>>>> we get the same consideration.  
>>>> The fact is, we don't, and in my opinion, if we have to go to other 
>>>> sources to get it because this wonderful country of ours, who makes other 
>>>> disabilities have accessible products and services as mandatory, then we 
>>>> have do do it until we get our fair shake.

Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
HI Lu,

I feel the same way.  

thank you for voicing what I have and still felt and feel for a long time.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> on the thought of the muppet show, if anyone remembers the swedish chef? I 
> think that could be me lol. banana-nana-nanana split. lol
> If the UK could really improve their support systems, we'd be in a better 
> place, HSE regulations changed or adapted, company insurance rules changed in 
> favour of disabled people to give them equal chance.
> The whole purpose of the human rights act, the equality act and the 
> disability discrimination acts is to support, in our case, disability rights 
> and allow us to integrate into society and be treated as equals, not confined 
> and isolated / segregated. What does this government want us to do? be locked 
> in attics or institutions until we fade to nothing? well I'm sorry but I'm 
> not bloomin well having it...
> The point of morality is fairness to all, equality and understanding. I could 
> go further by a religious  study and interpolation between religion and logic 
> but I won't as that's not something to be done., however,
> as we are human beings, we all have needs. By technicality and logic, we are 
> all disabled in one way or other and have needs that differ from each other, 
> thus the concept of humanity has to be stabilised by understanding and 
> support.
> What worries me, now more than ever, is how education and social standards 
> have shifted. Taking education as an example,  no one these days educates 
> students in ethics, respect, morals, how the world works, the differences 
> between people and how to interact with them and understand them, as well as 
> treating them with the respect they wish for.
> Is it not the case that if you wish to be treated with the respect and 
> dignity you aim for, that you reflect that requirement in your acts and deeds 
> to others? This is what schools are missing, also this is called into 
> question by  today's generation of families. I can call to an example an 
> incident where I was rather outraged by what had occurred. Whilst shopping 
> with my mum (P.A), a young lad kept shouting "Blind B**, I was made aware 
> this brat was with it's mother, she also decided to make references of a 
> sickening nature towards me and I chose to initially ignore it until it 
> became too intense and  an audience started to generate. I decided that 
> enough was enough and followed to the sound of the mother, rather than the 
> child. I basically put it to this woman that if she wished to continue her 
> actions, she would be arrested under 2 counts. Section 5 public order offense 
> and under the DDA rulings of disability discrimination in a public situation. 
> The lad decided to give me a kick in the leg and my mum, at my side 
> restrained him, I called for security and police assistance. The attitude of 
> the woman in question was sickening, causing me to greatly doubt the 
> existence of "decent people" in my home town.
> I notice, as we all do, that I and we, use the word disabled when it comes to 
> blindness or visual impairment. My degree of tolerance to the word 
> "disability becomes rather "pushed" as I do not see that my sight loss is a 
> disability in the context that I am a living person, capable of things that 
> sighted people couldn't do, and at the same time, at a disadvantage to 
> sighted people.
> OK... wouldn't we all like to drive a car, read a paper without braille, see 
> someone's face, etc? 
> All I'm going to say now is this...
> We are dealt with the cards the master gives us, it is up to us as to how we 
> deal with those cards and as to how we adapt to our limitations. If you let 
> the world stand on you for too long, you're conditioned to it and allow it to 
> happen. However... if you fight back and say "NO!" then you have the power to 
> change things for the better.
> that's my rant over.
> MEE MEE MEE MEEE! (beaker from the muppets)
> lew
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 19:51, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things for 
>> the blind in the UK.  
>> I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the 
>> choice of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about 
>> that too.
>> Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  
>> the thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due 
>> to other 

Re: growl help

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
You're doing better than me.  I think I have to reinstall it on my machine 
because it wasn't behaving very well at all.

After I do that, I'll let you know how it goes.  

However, I'd like to know the answer to this question too for when it is 
installed on my machine again and hopefully behaves itself.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
> figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
> me what to do?
> Thank you in advance
> Cheers
> Venkatesh Potluri
> -- 
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Re: growl help

2012-04-30 Thread Jenny Keller
When I had growl installed on my mini, I would open growl and it would say 
growl launched in the background.  When i would try to open menues, it would 
kick me completely out of growl.

I haven't had the time to reinstall it so I'll try and do it today.

Wish me luck.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks :)
> good luck with your installation :D
> What exactly is going wrong?
> cheers
> Venkatesh Potluri
> On 4/30/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> You're doing better than me.  I think I have to reinstall it on my machine
>> because it wasn't behaving very well at all.
>> After I do that, I'll let you know how it goes.
>> However, I'd like to know the answer to this question too for when it is
>> installed on my machine again and hopefully behaves itself.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
>>> Hi listers.
>>> I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
>>> figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
>>> me what to do?
>>> Thank you in advance
>>> Cheers
>>> Venkatesh Potluri
>>> --
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Re: Priorities

2012-04-30 Thread Jenny Keller

Most things are not accessible without a computer, cell phone, etc.  It is 
easier and sometimes necessary for you to apply online for things.  

I do feel that computers should be provided for those who qualify for them due 
to income restrictions.  Just because I don't work doesn't mean I should have 
to go without means to do research on products, the ability for looking at ads 
for even apartments, etc.

Even the food stamp office and such entities would prefer you to apply online 
around here.

Yes, I feel entitled to some basic things.  

Again, if deaf people can get free equipment such as a TTY phone, closed 
captioning, and free relay services, than I should be able to receive such 
things as at least a computer regardless if I work or not.

The wheelchair bound are also provided with free chairs, catheters, and most 
buildings are adapted for them.  

Please explain to me what the difference is.

I would love to be able to work, but it's not my fault that my health doesn't 
permit, so I'm punished.

No the food stamp thing is not pertenant to the apple list, but the last thing 
I'll say about that is that, we received double the amount that we do not now 
that we are married.

Sucks to do the right thing.

On Apr 30, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> At the risk of upsetting you Jenny, let me pose this question. If you do not 
> work for whatever reason, why do you need adaptive technology? In fact if you 
> cannot pay for your technology I get the impression that you feel the 
> "GOvernment" (state or Federal) should provide such. So, are you saying that 
> you are entitled to such technology? If so why? Do you know why your food 
> stamp benefits were cut as a result of marriage?? Does this fit into the 
> topic of the Apple products and in which way? Finally and most important do 
> you believe that because APple has essentially lowered the bar for entry into 
> the adaptive technology world, do you think it makes it possible for those 
> with limited income to purchase technology they want or may help them be more 
> productive?
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things for 
>> the blind in the UK.  
>> I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the 
>> choice of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about 
>> that too.
>> Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  
>> the thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due 
>> to other health problems, and frankly, I'm treated as though I don't need 
>> adaptive anything because I don't work.
>> That's a crock of bull, because every blind person needs adaptive equipment. 
>> The Americans with Disabilities Act only works well for certain groups of 
>> disabled people here.  
>> It's sad, but it's good to know that America isn't the only one screwing 
>> over the blind or visually impaired.  
>> Oh by the way, the amount of money they give you to live on only provides 
>> enough for subsidized housing, which usually isn't in a safe neighborhoods 
>> and have questionable people either living in them, or around them dealing 
>> drugs, or prostituting themselves because what they make isn't enough either.
>> If you spit out kids like bum balls with multiple fathers who don't pay 
>> child support and aren't married, you get more assistance than if you are a 
>> married disabled couple.
>> When my husband and I got married, we are both blind, our food stamps got 
>> drastically cut.  If we had just lived together, we would get more.  
>> However, it is against my religious beliefs to live together without the 
>> benefit of marriage.
>> So much for doing the right thing.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:03 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> Hi Jenny, I'm glad I've been listening to this thread.
>>> From my experience on this, Here in the UK, though there is audio 
>>> description to TV shows via  new digital TV's, there still isn't a spoken 
>>> user interface to allow access to various menus, same on DVD players, 
>>> recorders, etc. I've not yet come across a single audio described DVD in my 
>>> time.
>>> Support for blind and visually impaired people in most parts of the UK is 
>>> absolutely shocking. as an example, in education, I'm here in Wales (a 

Re: Priorities

2012-04-30 Thread Jenny Keller
Neither will I.

On Apr 30, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Lawal, I know that is not your intent. You are right that the questions have 
> been discussed here in the past and my point is to get Jenny thinking about 
> the things that she is saying and understand they really do not fit into the 
> context of accessibility of the Mac. Although the only context is that Apple 
> has in fact set the bar and that bar is not easily attained by other 
> manufacturers. Seeing the thread will likely result in pointless babble I 
> will comment no more. :)
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Please do not take what I'm about to say wrongly (I know I do not moderate 
>> the list) but past experiences on many lists have shown me that people can 
>> get very upset about these kind of issues (espically when we talk about 
>> getting technology and how  it should be acquired). It would be very wrong 
>> of me to ask this be taken off list but if this is to be discussed, let's 
>> all keep a cool mind and a sense of proportion otherwise these discussions 
>> can get very heated and words said which are not meant. Scott, I am not 
>> criticising you for asking these questions either, but we've discussed these 
>> things so many times.
> -- 
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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-04-30 Thread Jenny Keller
Sorry if this has already been addressed but I came in on the middle of the 
thread, but I would like it if skype just had a general message window that 
when you got the message alert tone that someone has sent you a message, it 
would just give you a list of messages with the senders name beside it in stead 
of having to go back and forth through your contacts to find out who messaged 

Also, if you mess up and pass that contact and then go back to it again, you 
can't see your notification of messages from that sender.

At least that's what I've heard of.  I've never gotten to be able to find out 
who messages me because I can't figure out who the message alert tones are from.

On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> This was a change made in Skype 5.X. It's possible that your friend is 
> running an earlier version of Skype, e.g. V2.X. Please for pricing 
> details.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 6:11 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>> That doesn't sound at all right or fair. How much is this skype premium. If 
>> it's cheap, and there isn't a monthly fee, I
>> might consider it, but it never used to be that way, and if that's the case, 
>> how is it possible that at least 1 person I've
>> talked to who is also using the free version is able to start in contacts 
>> like it used to do? I'm not trying to complain or
>> be difficult; am just genuinely puzzled by this.
>> Thanks!
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 6:08 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>> I raised this issue wiht Skype beta team a while ago and I was toldwas that 
>> this is by design. If you wish to not have Skype
>> not start at Home, rather your contacts, it's required to purchase Skype 
>> Premium.
>> FYI: eBay (not Google owned Skype before) and now Microsoft has it
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:16 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>>> Hi there! Thank you so much for starting this topic thread. Hopefully,
>>> this is the appropriate place to bring up my number 1 complaint with skype 
>>> on the mac.
>>> When I first got my mac and installed Skype; I believe this was
>>> version 5.1 or so, the program always started in the contacts list. Ever 
>>> sinve 5.3 or so, when I run the program, it starts
>> me on something that Voiceover tells me is called Skype Home.
>>> It basicly looks like a facebook clone. Granted, it's not
>>> prohibatively difficult to navigate to a table, interract and find my
>>> contacts list and stop interracting, but I personally feel that this
>>> is something I shouldn't have to do, and it's just aggravating enough
>>> that I avoid using skype as often as possible, and only run it periodically 
>>> to check for updates in hopes that this issue
>> will some day be fixed. I've checked preferences time and again, and there 
>> simply isn't a way to configure how the program
>> starts.
>>> To make this even more frustrating, when I ask people about id, they
>>> claim that they don't have this problem. I'd be more than happy to
>>> disconnect skype from facebook if it would fix the problem, but would
>>> rather not if I don't have to. I don't really understand the point of the 
>>> favorites thing either, and miss the simplicity
>> of the first mac version of skype I ever used. Sorry for the aimless 
>> rambling, but I hope it makes sense to someone.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
>>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:07 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries
>>> Subject: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>> This message is for Kevin Chow if he is working with Skype on the Mac with 
>>> Skype Team.
>>> Hi Kevin.
>>> I have been using Skype on the Mac for a long time and when Google had the 
>>> program, it worked beautifully with the Mac.
>>> However since Microsoft have bought it, it has not been very good on the 
>>> Mac.
>>> The dial pad is inaccessible.  Is there any way of getting Skype for Mac 
>>> fixed?
>>> If there are other issues, feel free any one to say if Kevin is going to 
>>> get this sorted.
>>> Kawal.
>>> --
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: A question about Dashboard

2012-04-30 Thread Jenny Keller
What is dashboard, what does it do, and how do you get to it and work it?

On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:53 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hello,
> OK, with the ESPN widget, after you hit VO space on the Info button, VO 
> left and you will find a popup button to change the current sport.  Just VO 
> space on that and VO down arrow to pick the sport you want and then VO space 
> again.  Navigate to the done button and VO space on that.
>As for the Weather widget, it might take a few seconds for the change to 
> show.  You have to be patient with that one.  
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 10:19 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks a lot for letting me know about the way of changing the settings.
>> However, in ESPN, nothing happens when I press VO- space or return on the 
>> 'info' button.
>> In the weather app, I am able to enter my location correctly, but then 
>> nothing happens when I press the 'done' button.
>> Am I doing something incorrectly? 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the only 
reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.

Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into the 
system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set to go 
directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a box that 
since voice over won't come on either automatically or with command F5 I don't 
know what is going on.

It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down properly, 
and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all is well.

What on earth is going on?


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Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
Lion, the latest version.

On May 1, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> What version of OSX are you using, first of all?
> Chris.
> - Original Message ----- From: "Jenny Keller" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 10:26 AM
> Subject: voiceover won't cooperate
> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the only 
> reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.
> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into the 
> system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set to go 
> directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a box 
> that since voice over won't come on either automatically or with command F5 I 
> don't know what is going on.
> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down properly, 
> and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all is well.
> What on earth is going on?
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
I can't get it to start in the contact list either, but there are a lot of 
things that my mac does that don't make sense.

On May 1, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Wow! I wonder what those of us who can't get it to start up in the contacts 
> list are doing wrong? Is yours connected to
> facebook? This is getting curiouser and curiouser. I'm still irritated by the 
> idea that this is supposedly a premium feature,
> when it should just be a given option if desired. Not sure I'm articulating 
> that right, but how can having the program start
> somewhere that's actually  be considered a premium? That should count as 
> basic functionality, and for those who are able to
> get it started in the contacts list, I'd love to know what they're doing 
> differently, so I can try to fix mine.
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark Gilland
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 11:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
> Hmm!
> I know I have the latest version of Skype, and mine always starts in the 
> contact list.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Eric Oyen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
> I don't honestly see the point of paying for a feature that was free in
> previous versions. video conferencing I can understand, but this? I DON'T
> THINK SO! It seems to me that Microsoft is trying to soak us for more money,
> especially considering that their flagship product (windows 7) had such a
> poor showing over the last 4 years (millions of corporate machines still
> running XP).
> -eric
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> This was a change made in Skype 5.X. It's possible that your friend is
>> running an earlier version of Skype, e.g. V2.X. Please for
>> pricing details.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 6:11 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>>> That doesn't sound at all right or fair. How much is this skype premium.
>>> If it's cheap, and there isn't a monthly fee, I
>>> might consider it, but it never used to be that way, and if that's the
>>> case, how is it possible that at least 1 person I've
>>> talked to who is also using the free version is able to start in contacts
>>> like it used to do? I'm not trying to complain or
>>> be difficult; am just genuinely puzzled by this.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
>>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 6:08 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>> I raised this issue wiht Skype beta team a while ago and I was toldwas
>>> that this is by design. If you wish to not have Skype
>>> not start at Home, rather your contacts, it's required to purchase Skype
>>> Premium.
>>> FYI: eBay (not Google owned Skype before) and now Microsoft has it
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:16 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
 Hi there! Thank you so much for starting this topic thread. Hopefully,
 this is the appropriate place to bring up my number 1 complaint with
 skype on the mac.
 When I first got my mac and installed Skype; I believe this was
 version 5.1 or so, the program always started in the contacts list. Ever
 sinve 5.3 or so, when I run the program, it starts
>>> me on something that Voiceover tells me is called Skype Home.
 It basicly looks like a facebook clone. Granted, it's not
 prohibatively difficult to navigate to a table, interract and find my
 contacts list and stop interracting, but I personally feel that this
 is something I shouldn't have to do, and it's just aggravating enough
 that I avoid using skype as often as possible, and only run it
 periodically to check for updates in hopes that this issue
>>> will some day be fixed. I've checked preferences time and again, and
>>> there simply isn't a way to configure how the program
>>> starts.
 To make this even more frustrating, when I ask people about id, they
 claim that they don't have this problem. I'd be more than happy to
 disconnect skype from facebook if it would fix the problem, but would
 rather not if I don't have to. I don't really understand the point of
 the favorites thing either, and miss the simplicity
>>> of the first mac version of skype I ever used. Sorry for the aimless
>>> rambling, but I hope it makes sense to someone.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
 Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:07 PM
 To: macvisionaries
 Subject: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
I don't have mine tied to facebook, so I still don't know what the issue is.

On May 1, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> I'm with the people who get the home screen!
> And I cannot see how to make it contacts only either!
> I do have it tied to facebook!
> Colin
> On 1 May 2012, at 16:51, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I can't get it to start in the contact list either, but there are a lot of 
>> things that my mac does that don't make sense.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Wow! I wonder what those of us who can't get it to start up in the contacts 
>>> list are doing wrong? Is yours connected to
>>> facebook? This is getting curiouser and curiouser. I'm still irritated by 
>>> the idea that this is supposedly a premium feature,
>>> when it should just be a given option if desired. Not sure I'm articulating 
>>> that right, but how can having the program start
>>> somewhere that's actually  be considered a premium? That should count as 
>>> basic functionality, and for those who are able to
>>> get it started in the contacts list, I'd love to know what they're doing 
>>> differently, so I can try to fix mine.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark 
>>> Gilland
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 11:39 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>> Hmm!
>>> I know I have the latest version of Skype, and mine always starts in the 
>>> contact list.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Eric Oyen" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:30 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>> I don't honestly see the point of paying for a feature that was free in
>>> previous versions. video conferencing I can understand, but this? I DON'T
>>> THINK SO! It seems to me that Microsoft is trying to soak us for more money,
>>> especially considering that their flagship product (windows 7) had such a
>>> poor showing over the last 4 years (millions of corporate machines still
>>> running XP).
>>> -eric
>>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>>>> This was a change made in Skype 5.X. It's possible that your friend is
>>>> running an earlier version of Skype, e.g. V2.X. Please for
>>>> pricing details.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 6:11 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>>>>> That doesn't sound at all right or fair. How much is this skype premium.
>>>>> If it's cheap, and there isn't a monthly fee, I
>>>>> might consider it, but it never used to be that way, and if that's the
>>>>> case, how is it possible that at least 1 person I've
>>>>> talked to who is also using the free version is able to start in contacts
>>>>> like it used to do? I'm not trying to complain or
>>>>> be difficult; am just genuinely puzzled by this.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>> From:
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 6:08 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>>>> I raised this issue wiht Skype beta team a while ago and I was toldwas
>>>>> that this is by design. If you wish to not have Skype
>>>>> not start at Home, rather your contacts, it's required to purchase Skype
>>>>> Premium.
>>>>> FYI: eBay (not Google owned Skype before) and now Microsoft has it
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:16 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there! Thank you so much for starting this topic thread. Hopefully,
>>>>>> this is the appropriate place to bring up m

Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
Oh boy, that's not in my budget.

I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.

I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.

I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go to the 
town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for them to look at 
it, uch less fix it.


On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> You will probably not like my answer; I never get that problem on my
> Mac Mini.  Even back when I first got my Mini and did not have a
> monitor connected, VO wouldn't start automatically after I logged in
> but I got the same behavior every time I started my machine.  One
> thing different with my setup from yours is I intentionally have my
> machine set to require a login each time.  I also have VO enabled for
> the login screen.  After I hooked up a cheap monitor,VO starts up
> properly every time and since I have Terminal set as one of the apps
> to be started at login time, I have consistent focus to the desktop.
> All that is fine here.
> If your machine keeps doing this on a repeated basis, you ot to take
> it into the Apple store (if possible) and have a genius take a look at
> it; wonder if there is a hardware issue or something.
> I remember you asking this question some time ago but I didn't recall
> anyone answering it either.
> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the only
>> reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.
>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into
>> the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set
>> to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a
>> box that since voice over won't come on either automatically or with command
>> F5 I don't know what is going on.
>> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down properly,
>> and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all is well.
>> What on earth is going on?
>> Jenny
>> --
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Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
How do I check it?

I don't put anything on my computer like music or anything, just documents.  

Please tell me how to look this up.

On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> hello; how much space do you have free on your hard drive?  when my last 
> macbook's drive was mostly full it would cause weird behavior from voiceover. 
>  just a thought, max 
> On May 1, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Lion, the latest version.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> What version of OSX are you using, first of all?
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Jenny Keller" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 10:26 AM
>>> Subject: voiceover won't cooperate
>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the 
>>> only reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see 
>>> it.
>>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into 
>>> the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set 
>>> to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a 
>>> box that since voice over won't come on either automatically or with 
>>> command F5 I don't know what is going on.
>>> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down 
>>> properly, and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all 
>>> is well.
>>> What on earth is going on?
>>> Jenny
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller

I tried to get help from them, but they can't help me if it's not doing it and 
I can't make it do it on command.  It is a random thing every two or three 
times I turn the computer on.  

thanks though.  I've just learned to deal with it.

On May 1, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> hi there;  i understand about not being able to make the trip, but most of 
> the times we took my last computer in they didn't even charge me.  there is a 
> new 800 number for voiceover issues.  i don't have it on hand, but someone on 
> the list can give it to you.  perhaps they could help you trouble shoot this. 
>  take care, max 
> On May 1, 2012, at 11:33 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Oh boy, that's not in my budget.
>> I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>> I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.
>> I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.
>> I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go to 
>> the town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for them to 
>> look at it, uch less fix it.
>> Crap.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> You will probably not like my answer; I never get that problem on my
>>> Mac Mini.  Even back when I first got my Mini and did not have a
>>> monitor connected, VO wouldn't start automatically after I logged in
>>> but I got the same behavior every time I started my machine.  One
>>> thing different with my setup from yours is I intentionally have my
>>> machine set to require a login each time.  I also have VO enabled for
>>> the login screen.  After I hooked up a cheap monitor,VO starts up
>>> properly every time and since I have Terminal set as one of the apps
>>> to be started at login time, I have consistent focus to the desktop.
>>> All that is fine here.
>>> If your machine keeps doing this on a repeated basis, you ot to take
>>> it into the Apple store (if possible) and have a genius take a look at
>>> it; wonder if there is a hardware issue or something.
>>> I remember you asking this question some time ago but I didn't recall
>>> anyone answering it either.
>>> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the 
>>>> only
>>>> reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.
>>>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into
>>>> the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set
>>>> to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a
>>>> box that since voice over won't come on either automatically or with 
>>>> command
>>>> F5 I don't know what is going on.
>>>> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down 
>>>> properly,
>>>> and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all is well.
>>>> What on earth is going on?
>>>> Jenny
>>>> --
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Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller

On May 1, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> go to the desktop where it says mac hd and use the command i for inspector.  
> then right arrow until it gives you the available space.  but if you don't 
> download movies or music, then that probably wasn't the problem. take care, 
> max 
> On May 1, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> How do I check it?
>> I don't put anything on my computer like music or anything, just documents.  
>> Please tell me how to look this up.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> hello; how much space do you have free on your hard drive?  when my last 
>>> macbook's drive was mostly full it would cause weird behavior from 
>>> voiceover.  just a thought, max 
>>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Lion, the latest version.
>>>> Jenny
>>>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>>>> What version of OSX are you using, first of all?
>>>>> Chris.
>>>>> - Original Message - From: "Jenny Keller" 
>>>>> To: 
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 10:26 AM
>>>>> Subject: voiceover won't cooperate
>>>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the 
>>>>> only reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to 
>>>>> see it.
>>>>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into 
>>>>> the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's 
>>>>> set to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, 
>>>>> there is a box that since voice over won't come on either automatically 
>>>>> or with command F5 I don't know what is going on.
>>>>> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down 
>>>>> properly, and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and 
>>>>> all is well.
>>>>> What on earth is going on?
>>>>> Jenny
>>>>> -- 
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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
I have that problem too.  I've heard the little chirp that someone has sent me 
a message, but have no idea how to get to a message that I've been sent.

On May 1, 2012, at 1:28 PM, Lisette wesseling wrote:

> Hi folks
> My husband and I got our macs only recently and I have just joined this list.
> My skype starts in the home screen, but  my husband's starts in the contacts 
> table. The only difference between us is that he has skype credits and 
> voicemail activated, and I don't. Could this be the reason? We have compared 
> our mac settings and can't see why our skype would start in different places. 
> Neither of us have it connected to facebook. I don't think he has premium 
> though - just a skype number and voicemail. Unless that is what they call 
> premium.
> It's not a problem getting to the contacts table though, and I actually find 
> skype quite easy to use on the Mac, no more difficult than under windows.
> Just one question: how do you read messages people send you? I really can't 
> figure out how to do this. Thanks.
> Lisette
> On 2/05/2012, at 3:41 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I use Express Talk Pro.  It is so ridiculously accessible I had it figured 
>> out in less than 5 minutes literally.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Emrah" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 9:05 AM
>> Subject: Re: Sip Phone for Mac (was RE: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)
>>> Blink Pro is a more sophisticated alternative with fabulous support for 
>>> conferencing and extremely accessible.
>>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
 Yep. It's simply called Telephone.
> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 15:03:15 -0700
> Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
> From:
> To:
> In addition to Skype, are there any good SIP phone clients for the Mac
> which are accessible? I've used Linphone on Linux from the command
> line but would be interested in a Mac solution if there is one. Skype
> may be popular but the protocol is proprietary and SIP is more
> universal. SIP is probably one of the best VOIP protocols out there.
> On 4/30/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Ok.
>> I have found that I can dial numbers again using the keyboard on my > > 
>> Mac but
>> there is no edit field as there use to be when I first acquired the > > 
>> mac.
>> Can this be brought back?
>> Kawal.
>> On 30 Apr 2012, at 10:16 PM, Missy Hoppe  > > 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi there! Thank you so much for starting this topic thread. > >> 
>>> Hopefully,
>>> this is the appropriate place to bring up my number 1
>>> complaint with skype on the mac.
>>> When I first got my mac and installed Skype; I believe this was > >> 
>>> version
>>> 5.1 or so, the program always started in the contacts
>>> list. Ever sinve 5.3 or so, when I run the program, it starts me on
>>> something that Voiceover tells me is called Skype Home.
>>> It basicly looks like a facebook clone. Granted, it's not > >> 
>>> prohibatively
>>> difficult to navigate to a table, interract and find
>>> my contacts list and stop interracting, but I personally feel that > >> 
>>> this is
>>> something I shouldn't have to do, and it's just
>>> aggravating enough that I avoid using skype as often as possible, > >> 
>>> and only
>>> run it periodically to check for updates in hopes
>>> that this issue will some day be fixed. I've checked preferences > >> 
>>> time and
>>> again, and there simply isn't a way to configure
>>> how the program starts.
>>> To make this even more frustrating, when I ask people about id, they > 
>>> >> claim
>>> that they don't have this problem. I'd be more
>>> than happy to disconnect skype from facebook if it would fix the > >> 
>>> problem,
>>> but would rather not if I don't have to. I don't
>>> really understand the point of the favorites thing either, and miss > 
>>> >> the
>>> simplicity of the first mac version of skype I ever
>>> used. Sorry for the aimless rambling, but I hope it makes sense to
>>> someone.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kawal > >> 
>>> Gucukoglu
>>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:07 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries
>>> Subject: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>>> This message is for Kevin Chow if he is working with Skype on the > >> 
>>> Mac with
>>> Skype Team.
>>> Hi Kevin.
>>> I have been using Skype on the Mac for a long time and when Google > >> 
>>> had the
>>> program, it worked beautifully with the Mac.
>>> However since Microsoft have bough

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
Because if you don't know who sent you the message, how do you know what 
contact to chose, that's the big deal.

In windows you get a edit field where conversations are at list format so 
whoever contacts you via conversation just pops up with their name beside it so 
you can see who is instant messaging you.

Again, you can't pick the proper contact if you don't know which one sent you a 

On May 1, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Lisette:
> Please permit me to answer your question.  Once you have selected the contact 
> who sent you the message in the table under the toolbar, VO right until you 
> find the HTML content.  Interact with this and VO Right until you hear the 
> relevant message.  
> Just FTR, mine seems to come up in the contacts table at the bottom of the 
> screen.  Vo Function Shift Left arrow on my MBP brings me to the tool bar at 
> the top, and one VO Right from there gets me to the table, which I interact 
> with and down to "recent," or whatever.  Seriously, people, what is the big 
> deal here?1
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
sorry, sounds way to complicated for something that trivial.

On May 1, 2012, at 2:46 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Jenny:
> When you go through the top table, you will hear it say something like, "Mark 
> BurningHawk, one missed event."  That's how you know.  I don't know how 
> better to explain that.  Also, if all else fails, all you have to do is 
> select everyone in the "recent," sublevel of the top table and then go to the 
> HTML content window and interact with it and check there. Yo'll find it.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
I know it would be a good thing to have an apple store look at it, but the 
store is an hour away so I don't see that as an option.

I have had someone look at it and it's just the log in screen.

I log in and it still won't talk.

I'll see what I can do, but if I can't get someone to take me to have surgery 
in another town, I doubt very seriously I can get someone to take me to fix my 

Thanks for the info though.

On May 1, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> If you think it is a problem that could be fixed at the Apple Store, then I 
> suggest you beg one of your friends to take you there.  You have a one year 
> warranty on the computer and if you didn't drop it or spill water on it, then 
> 99/100 times it will be fixed for free at the Apple store in the first year 
> of service.
> So you might be saving several hundred dollars if you get there before June. 
> On the other hand, just getting somebody around who can see what is going on 
> with your system at start-up might be all you need.  Though in some cases, 
> hitting control-tab after a couple minutes gets things  in a normal state.  
> Best regards,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On May 1, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Oh boy, that's not in my budget.
>> I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>> I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.
>> I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.
>> I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go to 
>> the town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for them to 
>> look at it, uch less fix it.
>> Crap.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> You will probably not like my answer; I never get that problem on my
>>> Mac Mini.  Even back when I first got my Mini and did not have a
>>> monitor connected, VO wouldn't start automatically after I logged in
>>> but I got the same behavior every time I started my machine.  One
>>> thing different with my setup from yours is I intentionally have my
>>> machine set to require a login each time.  I also have VO enabled for
>>> the login screen.  After I hooked up a cheap monitor,VO starts up
>>> properly every time and since I have Terminal set as one of the apps
>>> to be started at login time, I have consistent focus to the desktop.
>>> All that is fine here.
>>> If your machine keeps doing this on a repeated basis, you ot to take
>>> it into the Apple store (if possible) and have a genius take a look at
>>> it; wonder if there is a hardware issue or something.
>>> I remember you asking this question some time ago but I didn't recall
>>> anyone answering it either.
>>> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the 
>>>> only
>>>> reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.
>>>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I log into
>>>> the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway because it's set
>>>> to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to the desk top, there is a
>>>> box that since voice over won't come on either automatically or with 
>>>> command
>>>> F5 I don't know what is going on.
>>>> It will allow me to use VO M to access the apple menu to shut down 
>>>> properly,
>>>> and then when I restart the computer the desktop pops up and all is well.
>>>> What on earth is going on?
>>>> Jenny
>>>> --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> To post to thi

Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-01 Thread Jenny Keller
What if you don't want to log in, you just want it to go to the desk top?

On May 1, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> You don't by any chance have file vault turned on do you?
> Go to system preferences:
> Find the Security and Privacy panel.
> In this panel is a tab called "File Vault" It should list your disk and tell 
> you that file vault is turned off/ or  on.
> You are aware that for non-file vault systems, you can configure the login 
> screen to use voice over and that you can even toggle voice over on/off with 
> command-F5 in the standard login screen?
> Best wishes,
> JOnathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On May 1, 2012, at 4:22 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I know it would be a good thing to have an apple store look at it, but the 
>> store is an hour away so I don't see that as an option.
>> I have had someone look at it and it's just the log in screen.
>> I log in and it still won't talk.
>> I'll see what I can do, but if I can't get someone to take me to have 
>> surgery in another town, I doubt very seriously I can get someone to take me 
>> to fix my computer.
>> Thanks for the info though.
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> If you think it is a problem that could be fixed at the Apple Store, then I 
>>> suggest you beg one of your friends to take you there.  You have a one year 
>>> warranty on the computer and if you didn't drop it or spill water on it, 
>>> then 99/100 times it will be fixed for free at the Apple store in the first 
>>> year of service.
>>> So you might be saving several hundred dollars if you get there before 
>>> June. 
>>> On the other hand, just getting somebody around who can see what is going 
>>> on with your system at start-up might be all you need.  Though in some 
>>> cases, hitting control-tab after a couple minutes gets things  in a normal 
>>> state.  
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jonathan
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On May 1, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> Oh boy, that's not in my budget.
>>>> I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>>>> I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.
>>>> I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.
>>>> I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go to 
>>>> the town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for them 
>>>> to look at it, uch less fix it.
>>>> Crap.
>>>> Jenny
>>>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>>>> You will probably not like my answer; I never get that problem on my
>>>>> Mac Mini.  Even back when I first got my Mini and did not have a
>>>>> monitor connected, VO wouldn't start automatically after I logged in
>>>>> but I got the same behavior every time I started my machine.  One
>>>>> thing different with my setup from yours is I intentionally have my
>>>>> machine set to require a login each time.  I also have VO enabled for
>>>>> the login screen.  After I hooked up a cheap monitor,VO starts up
>>>>> properly every time and since I have Terminal set as one of the apps
>>>>> to be started at login time, I have consistent focus to the desktop.
>>>>> All that is fine here.
>>>>> If your machine keeps doing this on a repeated basis, you ot to take
>>>>> it into the Apple store (if possible) and have a genius take a look at
>>>>> it; wonder if there is a hardware issue or something.
>>>>> I remember you asking this question some time ago but I didn't recall
>>>>> anyone answering it either.
>>>>> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and the 
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision to see it.

Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-02 Thread Jenny Keller
Well, I think I did all that.

I just started a new ward and don't have any home teachers yet.

I've decided to move to Chicago ASAP, so hopefully, I'll get there before June.

On May 1, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> You can do it either way.  Look around the User options under System
> preferences. I forget what the option is called exactly but there is
> something to specify to Automatically login.  But in case this keeps
> acting up on you, you may want to check the VoiceOver at login option
> also.  I mentioned this in my last message but you may not have seen
> that one yet.
> Oh, if I had that much transportation trouble, I'd give my home
> teachers a call (LDS right?) If they have the time and are any good at
> all, they should be able to help you out or refer someone to help you
> out.  that's one beauty of our church.
> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> What if you don't want to log in, you just want it to go to the desk top?
>> Jenny
>> On May 1, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> You don't by any chance have file vault turned on do you?
>>> Go to system preferences:
>>> Find the Security and Privacy panel.
>>> In this panel is a tab called "File Vault" It should list your disk and
>>> tell you that file vault is turned off/ or  on.
>>> You are aware that for non-file vault systems, you can configure the login
>>> screen to use voice over and that you can even toggle voice over on/off
>>> with command-F5 in the standard login screen?
>>> Best wishes,
>>> JOnathan
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On May 1, 2012, at 4:22 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> I know it would be a good thing to have an apple store look at it, but
>>>> the store is an hour away so I don't see that as an option.
>>>> I have had someone look at it and it's just the log in screen.
>>>> I log in and it still won't talk.
>>>> I'll see what I can do, but if I can't get someone to take me to have
>>>> surgery in another town, I doubt very seriously I can get someone to take
>>>> me to fix my computer.
>>>> Thanks for the info though.
>>>> Jenny
>>>> On May 1, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>>>> If you think it is a problem that could be fixed at the Apple Store,
>>>>> then I suggest you beg one of your friends to take you there.  You have
>>>>> a one year warranty on the computer and if you didn't drop it or spill
>>>>> water on it, then 99/100 times it will be fixed for free at the Apple
>>>>> store in the first year of service.
>>>>> So you might be saving several hundred dollars if you get there before
>>>>> June.
>>>>> On the other hand, just getting somebody around who can see what is
>>>>> going on with your system at start-up might be all you need.  Though in
>>>>> some cases, hitting control-tab after a couple minutes gets things  in a
>>>>> normal state.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>>>> On May 1, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>>>> Oh boy, that's not in my budget.
>>>>>> I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>>>>>> I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.
>>>>>> I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.
>>>>>> I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go
>>>>>> to the town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for
>>>>>> them to look at it, uch less fix it.
>>>>>> Crap.
>>>>>> Jenny
>>>>>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>> You will proba

Re: voiceover won't cooperate

2012-05-02 Thread Jenny Keller
did that, it still comes up randomly.

On May 1, 2012, at 4:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Jenny,
> Admittedly, I have not been paying close attention to this thread so forgive
> me for suggesting something that has already been posted but, have you
> considered turning off the login screen?  
> All things being equal and security concerns aside, if you are the only
> user, there really is no reason to have it activated at startup.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Keller
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 1:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: voiceover won't cooperate
> I know it would be a good thing to have an apple store look at it, but the
> store is an hour away so I don't see that as an option.
> I have had someone look at it and it's just the log in screen.
> I log in and it still won't talk.
> I'll see what I can do, but if I can't get someone to take me to have
> surgery in another town, I doubt very seriously I can get someone to take me
> to fix my computer.
> Thanks for the info though.
> Jenny
> On May 1, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> If you think it is a problem that could be fixed at the Apple Store, then
> I suggest you beg one of your friends to take you there.  You have a one
> year warranty on the computer and if you didn't drop it or spill water on
> it, then 99/100 times it will be fixed for free at the Apple store in the
> first year of service.
>> So you might be saving several hundred dollars if you get there before
> June. 
>> On the other hand, just getting somebody around who can see what is going
> on with your system at start-up might be all you need.  Though in some
> cases, hitting control-tab after a couple minutes gets things  in a normal
> state.  
>> Best regards,
>> Jonathan
>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>> On May 1, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>> Oh boy, that's not in my budget.
>>> I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>>> I have a monitor and mouse connected to it so that isn't the problem.
>>> I just got it last June, so I don't know what the deal is.
>>> I'll just have to deal with it as I've said cause I can't afford to go to
> the town where the apple store is, and sure can't afford to pay for them to
> look at it, uch less fix it.
>>> Crap.
>>> Jenny
>>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>>> You will probably not like my answer; I never get that problem on my 
>>>> Mac Mini.  Even back when I first got my Mini and did not have a 
>>>> monitor connected, VO wouldn't start automatically after I logged in 
>>>> but I got the same behavior every time I started my machine.  One 
>>>> thing different with my setup from yours is I intentionally have my 
>>>> machine set to require a login each time.  I also have VO enabled 
>>>> for the login screen.  After I hooked up a cheap monitor,VO starts 
>>>> up properly every time and since I have Terminal set as one of the 
>>>> apps to be started at login time, I have consistent focus to the
> desktop.
>>>> All that is fine here.
>>>> If your machine keeps doing this on a repeated basis, you ot to take 
>>>> it into the Apple store (if possible) and have a genius take a look 
>>>> at it; wonder if there is a hardware issue or something.
>>>> I remember you asking this question some time ago but I didn't 
>>>> recall anyone answering it either.
>>>> On 5/1/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>>> Every other time I turn on my computer I get the log in screen, and 
>>>>> the only reason I know that is because I have just barely enough vision
> to see it.
>>>>> Voice over is set to start during that screen but it doesn't.  I 
>>>>> log into the system, which it's not supposed to ask me to do anyway 
>>>>> because it's set to go directly to the desk top, and when I goes to 
>>>>> the desk top, there is a box that since voice over won't come on 
>>>>> either automatically or with command
>>>>> F5 I


2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
I set up Ical alerts and when they pop up, I can't make them go away.

Any suggestions.

I won't be doing that again till I figure it out.


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I think seerie is posessed

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
I just got an I phone 4S and when I try to give sery a command, sometimes I get 
the ding sound and sometimes it just says listen.  I have to dismiss serie all 
together and then lock the screen several times and then it will work right.

Am I crazy, which is a good possibility, or what am I doing wrong?


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starting over with the software on the Mac with command R when you boot the machine

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
I was told that I would have to reboot the machine and hold the command R to 
start the Lion software from the beginning since I have upgraded to it.  

Is it true that I won't be able to use voice over?

That's what the mac people say.  


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Re: starting over with the software on the Mac with command R when you boot the machine

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
That weird screen I told you guys about.  

The mac folks say it's a software problem not a hardware problem, so I have to 
reboot the machine with command R pressed down for Lion to start as if it is 
brand new.  

they say though, that it's not accessible with VO so, I'm asking the people who 
would know better, is it, or isn't it.

I don't want to do it and have one who can see here, but I might not be able to 
do it for a while cause I don't have anyone who can see handy.  

the only bad thing, is if it's turns out to be a hardware problem, I have till 
June to get to an Apple store which isn't in my town, and isn't accessible by 

So I'm hoping it's software, cause if it isn't, I'm screwed.

On May 3, 2012, at 4:25 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> What do you mean? What exactly happened? I'm confused with what you're
> trying to say.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Keller
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: starting over with the software on the Mac with command R when you
> boot the machine
> I was told that I would have to reboot the machine and hold the command R to
> start the Lion software from the beginning since I have upgraded to it.  
> Is it true that I won't be able to use voice over?
> That's what the mac people say.  
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: starting over with the software on the Mac with command R when you boot the machine

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
Oh thank GOD, it's impossible to get a sightling when you need one.

On May 3, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> No, this is not true.  You will just have to wait about 3 minutes, and then
> push command f5 to turn voice over on.  I've done it about 30 times, and
> that 3 minute window is all it takes.  So whoever told you that you can't
> use voice over during this reboot is dead wrong!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Keller
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: starting over with the software on the Mac with command R when you
> boot the machine
> I was told that I would have to reboot the machine and hold the command R to
> start the Lion software from the beginning since I have upgraded to it.  
> Is it true that I won't be able to use voice over?
> That's what the mac people say.  
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: I think seerie is posessed

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
So what can you do about it to make it work better, if anything?

On May 3, 2012, at 5:22 PM, Gigi wrote:

> Hi Jenny
> No, because I have the same problem. I wrote Apple about it. I think that it 
> may be some kind of glitch with Siri and voice over. I say that because I 
> noticed that the Saudi people I know it has Siri, don't seem to have this 
> problem.
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 3, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> I just got an I phone 4S and when I try to give sery a command, sometimes I 
>> get the ding sound and sometimes it just says listen.  I have to dismiss 
>> serie all together and then lock the screen several times and then it will 
>> work right.
>> Am I crazy, which is a good possibility, or what am I doing wrong?
>> Jenny
>> -- 
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Re: I think seerie is posessed

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
OK, call me stupid, but which is the power button?

the one on the top?

On May 3, 2012, at 6:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Your not doing anything wrong,
> I believe this is a voiceover issue.  when this happens, just press the power 
> button 5 times quickly.  It will work after that.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On May 3, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> I just got an I phone 4S and when I try to give sery a command, sometimes I 
>> get the ding sound and sometimes it just says listen.  I have to dismiss 
>> serie all together and then lock the screen several times and then it will 
>> work right.
>> Am I crazy, which is a good possibility, or what am I doing wrong?
>> Jenny
>> -- 
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Re: I think seerie is posessed

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks a lot, just making sure.

On May 3, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Yup.
> The one on the top.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On May 3, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> OK, call me stupid, but which is the power button?
>> the one on the top?
>> Jenny
>> On May 3, 2012, at 6:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Your not doing anything wrong,
>>> I believe this is a voiceover issue.  when this happens, just press the 
>>> power button 5 times quickly.  It will work after that.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On May 3, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>>>> I just got an I phone 4S and when I try to give sery a command, sometimes 
>>>> I get the ding sound and sometimes it just says listen.  I have to dismiss 
>>>> serie all together and then lock the screen several times and then it will 
>>>> work right.
>>>> Am I crazy, which is a good possibility, or what am I doing wrong?
>>>> Jenny
>>>> -- 
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Re: reading in files or web pages

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller

When I tried to read from a certain spot on a window, and I used the VO A it 
read from the top, what did I do wrong.  

Did I not maybe interact with it or something?  I can't remember off hand.

On May 3, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Thanks alex.
> I'll give these a try.
> On May 3, 2012, at 4:00 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Web pages are still a mystery to me and I wonder the same thing. For
>> documents, though, turn off quick nav and just use up and down arrows.
>> Read from current position is vo-a, and read from top is either vo-r
>> or vo-w, I can't remember which.
>> On 5/3/12, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I know that control will stop and start reading something, but say I want to
>>> read line by line and then start reading continuously from a point. How do I
>>> do that?
>>> Also, How do I tell vo to start reading at the top of a file and read all
>>> the way through?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley.
>>> --
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Still a little confused about the ical deletion.

2012-05-03 Thread Jenny Keller
I got a response to my question about deleting an Ical alert, but I don't 
really understand it.

What is it I have to find, and interact with to find the delete or whatever it 

Sorry, it's been a long day and my mind is a little fried.


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adobi flash player installer pop up, how do I do this?

2012-05-04 Thread Jenny Keller

I would like to find out if there is a way that you can make the Adobi Flash 
Player install the updates by themselves instead of bugging me about it 

Hope so cause it gets rather old.


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I forgot how to delte an ical event that just won't go away

2012-05-04 Thread Jenny Keller
Someone told me how to delete an ical event, but I didn't really understand the 
way they said to do it and it still keeps coming back three days later.



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deleting reminders from the I phone 4S

2012-05-04 Thread Jenny Keller

I just got my 4S, and serie says she can't delete reminders, so how do I do it 

I never could figure out reminders when I had 5.1 on the 3GS.  Now I've got the 
4S, and I still can't figure out how to delete reminders.  the only difference 
is, that I can make them and make them work now.

Also, does it do me any good to make location reminders, or are they more for 
those who can see.  I don't think I can do it via serie can I?  If so, will she 
tell me when they are checked off.  

I don't think she has told me yet about anything reminder related unless it's 
the reminder itself popping up.

Any help would be appreciated.  Just keep in mind I need step by baby step help 
with this as I have no clud what I'm doing.


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One more question about Ical. Something I'm seeing but not understanding

2012-05-04 Thread Jenny Keller
OK, I deleted the reminder I had for today.  But I tried to click on previous, 
which just gives me a completed button or box or something.  I click on that, 
and it gives me nothing.

How do I delete all my reminders that I had in the ap?  

How do I go and find them all so I can delete them.

thanks again.


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OK, another question? There is a list in Ical, Ah what does all that mean?

2012-05-04 Thread Jenny Keller
question.  I have another question.

If I'm in the list that is in the top center that says list, and I click on it, 
then at the top left it says shows list, which I click on that it has things 
like friends and family, completed, and reminders.

I get what reminders are for, but what's completed, cause I know I had some 
completed things in my list of reminders that I can't find anymore, and friends 
and family, well, not sure what that's for, but I did find just the reminders 
on that list and can pull up my reminders coming up.

Can someone give me a baby step explanation of this?

Serie is no help:)


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