Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS first 
bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica" <stevies...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to 
> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on there 
> from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me some 
> field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name, 
> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and can't 
> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from me.  
> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've tried 
> to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so could really 
> use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along with some 
> other's.
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