Re: snoozing vs dismissing alarm with FaceID.

2020-03-23 Thread Agent086b
how do you turn of snooze for alarms etc in a 10S?
Thanks for any advice.

> On 24 Mar 2020, at 8:00 am, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> My understanding is as follows:
> 1.  If Snooze is disabled in the specific alarm settings, just press the side 
> button or one of the volume buttons to silence the alarm.
> 2.  If Snooze is enabled, use the Home gesture to dismiss the alarm, or the 
> side button or volume buttons to snooze.
> Myself, I don't bother with having snooze enabled, so just have to either 
> press the side button or the button on my Apple Watch.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Jamf Certified Tech
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Mar 23, 2020, at 14:20, Jonathan Cohn  > wrote:
> Hello,
> On my iPhone 7, if I press volume button or power (side) button when an alarm 
> is goin off, it snoozes. If I press the home button with a finger that 
> supports touch ID, the alarm is dismissed.
> What is the equivalent for iPhone 10 and newer?
> Jonathan
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Re: How to unmute accidentally muted VoiceOver?

2020-04-13 Thread Agent086b
I can’t say about that now. When I purchased mine I order the trackpad instead 
of a mouse.

> On 14 Apr 2020, at 9:04 am, Phil Halton  wrote:
> I noticed that Paul is using an iMac. Are IMAX equipped  with trackpads?
> Sent from my IPhone
>> On Apr 13, 2020, at 3:56 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One addition to everyone's suggestion of double-tapping with three fingers 
>> on the TrackPad.  If this gesture does not work for you, the TrackPad 
>> Commander may not be enabled.  To enable the TrackPad Commander, hold down 
>> the VO keys, then twist two fingers on the Trackpad in a gesture like you're 
>> turning up a volume knob.  This will enable the TrackPad Commander so that 
>> this gesture will take.  Turn down the virtual knob to turn TrackPad 
>> commander off.  If you do not have a TrackPad, press VO-f8 to open the VO 
>> Utility, press cmd-3 to bring focus to the Speech category, press tab twice 
>> then the spacebar once to uncheck the "Mute Speech" checkbox.  As mentioned, 
>> you may wish to create a keyboard commander item for this to make your life 
>> easier.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Jamf Certified Tech
>> Apple Teacher
>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Apr 13, 2020, at 12:18, ioanidis via MacVisionaries 
>> wrote:
>> You should be able to double-tap with three fingers on the touch pad to 
>> unmute voiceover.
>> Andrew
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>>  > > On Behalf Of Paul Hopewell
>> Sent: 13 April 2020 17:16
>> To: macvisionaries > >
>> Subject: How to unmute accidentally muted VoiceOver?
>> Hello,
>> I use VoiceOver on my iMac running the latest Catalina.
>> Occasionally I do something which results in VoiceOver speech muted. How can 
>> I easily unmute VoiceOver without asking for sighted help?
>> Stopping and restarting VoiceOver with Command+F5 does not help. VoiceOver 
>> just restarts with speech off!
>> I note that on my iPhone I can do a 3 finger double tap to toggle speech on 
>> and off. It would be great if there were a iMac keyboard command to do this.
>> Many thanks … Paul Hopewell
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>> mk..

Re: How Do You Mute the Chat In A Zoom Meeting

2020-04-16 Thread Agent086b
on my keyboard it is F9.

> On 16 Apr 2020, at 4:15 pm, Simon A Fogarty  wrote:
> Yeah use the mute key on the function row,
> That is I believe f10.
> -Original Message-
> From:  On 
> Behalf Of Joy Cyr
> Sent: Thursday, 16 April 2020 3:14 PM
> To: Mac Visionaries 
> Subject: Re: How Do You Mute the Chat In A Zoom Meeting
> Thank you!  Is there a way to do this with a keyboard?  I don't have a track 
> pad and at least some of the time I would like to use the computer rather 
> than the phone.
> Joy
> "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. ... Life 
> is either a daring adventure or nothing. ..."
> -- Helen Keller
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Getting purchased music from phone to Mac

2021-12-05 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I like to keep all my music on the Mac. If I purchase an album on the iPhone 
say from Apple how do I move it from the phone to the Mac.
Normally I purchase music on the Mac and if necessary I move it to the phone.
Thanks as always for any help.

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Re: Safari not opening on my iPhone 11 with voiceover

2022-01-07 Thread Agent086b
would you have screen recognition turned on?
This can play havoc sometimes.

> On 8 Jan 2022, at 8:41 am, Kathryn Zodrow  wrote:
> Hi. I tried opening another website on safari again, but voiceover just takes 
> me right to the status menu like before. Voiceover still isn’t reading 
> anything on the webpage and justdisplays a blank screen when I try to swipe 
> any direction or tap on anything. I might make an appointment at the Apple 
> store this weekend and see if they can help me figure out what’s going on.
> Katie
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 7, 2022, at 10:54 AM, Kathryn Zodrow  wrote:
>> Hi. Yes, when I’ve tried opening Safari Voiceover  doesn’t let me access 
>> the bottom of the page where the tabs are located. I’ve cleared my history 
>> in Safari, so I will try opening a website and see if it finally reads the 
>> web page.
>> Katie
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 7, 2022, at 9:38 AM, Brad Snyder  wrote:
>>> Yes, well I have experienced the same issue before, and find closing the 
>>> problematic tab tends to do the trick. I suggested closing all open tabs as 
>>> an extra measure to make sure any other problematic tabs are eliminated 
>>> from the equation.
>>> - Brad -
>>> On Jan 7, 2022, at 11:09, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Brad,
>>> That is a great idea.  I gathered from her explanation though, that she was 
>>> unable to access anything on the browser page at all.  I therefore assumed, 
>>> possibly wrongly, that she would not have access to those items along the 
>>> bottom of the screen.  If I am mistaken, then your suggestion would be the 
>>> preferred one in my opinion.  Thanks.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>> Apple Teacher
>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Jan 7, 2022, at 10:00, Brad Snyder >>> > wrote:
 Alternatively, I suggest while Safari is open, you double tap and hold the 
 Tabs button and select the option to close all open Tabs.
 This will close the problematic web page, as well as any other open tab.
 - Brad -
 On Jan 7, 2022, at 09:54, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries>> 
 It sounds to me that Safari is trying to continually open the page that it 
 was having a problem with.  So, every time you open Safari, it opens the 
 last page that you were on.  Since this was a problem page, you’re getting 
 that problem page each time you open Safari.
 I suggest that you clear your history.  To accomplish this, go to 
 Settings, Safari and swipe to find the “Clear History and Web Site Data”.  
 When doing this in Settings, I believe that it clears all history and 
 web-site data.  When doing this within Safari itself, I believe it’s more 
 granular and you could clear a shorter time period.  Since your Safari is 
 being so uncooperative when opening it at all, doing it from the Settings 
 is likely more successful for you.  So, follow the prompts after 
 double-tapping the “Clear History and Web-Site Data” button and hopefully, 
 this will allow Safari to work properly again.
 Tim Kilburn
 Jamf Certified Tech
 Apple Professional Learning Specialist
 Apple Teacher
 (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jan 6, 2022, at 18:32, Kathryn Zodrow  > wrote:
> Hi Jason.
> I tried closing Safari and then re-opening it again, but voiceover still 
> doesn’t see the page. I also restarted my phone a couple times and 
> nothing works. It’s like the page starts to load, and then it  sounds 
> like it’s finished loading a couple seconds later. Its like Voiceover 
> isn’t seeing anything on the page and just goes to the status menu where 
> I have cellular data, Wi-Fi and the clock. I opened a  webpage from 
> YouTube when I was in that app,  and that loaded vine. I was able to see 
> all the links, buttons  and everything on the page. I’m just not able to 
> see that in Safari now. Is there anything else I can try to fix this?
> Katie
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 6, 2022, at 12:03 PM, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>> > > wrote:
>>> On 5/1/22 20:47, Kathryn Zodrow wrote:
>>> I’ve been having some problems with Safari on my iPhone for like the 
>>> last hour. I tried filling out a form on a website, and  couldn’t 
>>> select something. So I closed out of Safari and tried to open it again, 
>>> but voiceover just gives me a blank screen. It’s like I can’t even look 

Re: Moderator Note - The Next Generation of VIPhone

2022-01-27 Thread Agent086b
I am a bit thick I know! If we receive an invitation does that mean we then 
click on the link to join?
Or is this not necessary?

> On 27 Jan 2022, at 11:19 am, Cara Quinn  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have some good news!
> Mark and I have started VIPhone, The Next Generation. :)
> For now at least, this list will pick up where VIPhone left off. At least 
> until Google decides to review us. -Then we’ll see what happens from there.
> Over the next few days, Mark and I will be inviting all of the original 
> members of VIPhone. So if you wish, you need only wait for your invitation. 
> This will take a few days because we are limited in the amount of invites we 
> can send out each day.
> For those who would rather request a group subscription directly, here is the 
> link to the group page.
> I know this is not the smoothest solution, but we’re a great group of people 
> and we will adapt! :) -And maybe even make this a better list than what we 
> had. You never know! :) -Either way, let’s all enjoy the new list!
> Thanks very much to you all for your patience and please let me wish you all 
> a lovely day / evening, wherever you may be!
> Cheers!
> Cara
> -- 
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Re: Moderator Note - The Next Generation of VIPhone

2022-01-28 Thread Agent086b
clicking on the link in the invite email takes me to a 404 error page not found.
Cara clicking on the link in your message to the list says I don’t have access 
to that page also.
Can anybody give me any pointers?
Thanks for any help.

> On 28 Jan 2022, at 11:14 am, Cara Quinn  wrote:
> hey Max, no worries and you’re not thick! :)
> yes, go ahead and click on the link in the email to accept the invitation.
> I haven’t actually seen what the invites look like from the receiving end so 
> perhaps someone else here may be of more help regarding the actual wording of 
> the links in the invitation.
> -But yes, you will need to accept the invitation to be a part of the group.
> If you need any more help, please feel free to write me directly and we can 
> go from there.
> Best of luck!
> Cheers!
> Cara
>> On Jan 27, 2022, at 2:43 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> hi,
>> I am a bit thick I know! If we receive an invitation does that mean we then 
>> click on the link to join?
>> Or is this not necessary?
>> Max.
>>> On 27 Jan 2022, at 11:19 am, Cara Quinn  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have some good news!
>>> Mark and I have started VIPhone, The Next Generation. :)
>>> For now at least, this list will pick up where VIPhone left off. At least 
>>> until Google decides to review us. -Then we’ll see what happens from there.
>>> Over the next few days, Mark and I will be inviting all of the original 
>>> members of VIPhone. So if you wish, you need only wait for your invitation. 
>>> This will take a few days because we are limited in the amount of invites 
>>> we can send out each day.
>>> For those who would rather request a group subscription directly, here is 
>>> the link to the group page.
>>> I know this is not the smoothest solution, but we’re a great group of 
>>> people and we will adapt! :) -And maybe even make this a better list than 
>>> what we had. You never know! :) -Either way, let’s all enjoy the new list!
>>> Thanks very much to you all for your patience and please let me wish you 
>>> all a lovely day / evening, wherever you may be!
>>> Cheers!
>>> Cara
>>> -- 
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Re: Password generation and security app

2022-02-13 Thread Agent086b
Lastpass wil do this for you.  

> On 14 Feb 2022, at 4:52 am, 'Nancy Badger' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am looking for an app that will generate passwords and keep them secure. 
> Something like one password. However, I want the app to work on both Mac and 
> windows environments. Does anyone know of such an app? It also needs to be 
> accessible.
> Thanks in advance
> Nancy
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Creating a contact from a phone number in the Messages app

2022-03-06 Thread Agent086b
I have no way of checking this at the moment and am going from memory. 
(dangerous) Try clicking on the sender’s phone number.

> On 7 Mar 2022, at 3:11 am, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> As of the latest iOS, I no longer seem to be able to access the options to 
> create contact from within messages. Does anyone know how to get to that 
> these days?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone
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Contacts not transferring from Mac to iPhone

2020-12-30 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I created a contact on my Mac yesterday. Problem is it will not transfer to my 
iPhone. Both the Mac and iPhone are on the same network and logged in to 
iCloud. I am sure in the past I have done this with no problems. 
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Contacts not transferring from Mac to iPhone

2020-12-31 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
all settings appear correct. Interesting this morning the contact is now on my 
phone. It appears that it was having a go slow. It took more than 24hours to 
Thanks to everybody.

> On 1 Jan 2021, at 1:14 am, Bill Gallik  wrote:
> Just wondering, is it possible you have “Hand Off” turned off?
> And, do you have “Contacts” checked in the iCloud configuration dialog?
> I realize these may be “of course” questions, but it can’t hurt to double 
> check.
> Best of Luck.
> And, if you do not mind, would you please pass along the root of the problem. 
>  It could save someone else a bit of aggravation should they encounter the 
> same issue!
> * * * * * * * * * * * *
> - Bill from Ino, Wisconsin
> - "A life full of enthusiasm, hope and contributions"
> - "through one's own talent is a life well lived."
> - Kimberly Day
> On Dec 30, 2020, at 2:58 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a contact on my Mac yesterday. Problem is it will not transfer to 
> my iPhone. Both the Mac and iPhone are on the same network and logged in to 
> iCloud. I am sure in the past I have done this with no problems. 
> Thanks for any advice.
> Max.
> -- 
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iMac not going to sleep

2021-01-27 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
recently my iMac is not going to sleep after the set time of inactivity. The 
screen is doing as it should but not the Mac.
I have checked all the energy saver settings even restoring to default. after 
some searching for solutions for the problem I can only find Two items in 
Activity monitor that are set to stop going to sleep.  
Apparently there is a tick to change this setting, but is not accessible to VO. 
My wife changed the yes to a no but after a minute or sow they return to stop 
Can anybody offer any suggestions.

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Transferring .PPS files to iPad

2021-04-09 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I wish to transfer a Powerpoint .PPS file from my iMac to an iPad to see if my 
wife can read it. I can’t open it on the Mac as it is to old. I have downloaded 
the correct App on the iPad, but I can’t find how to pick it up in iTunes. I 
don’t use Dropbox or similar file sharing programs.
I have no problems sinking music or her photos to the iPad.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Transferring .PPS files to iPad

2021-04-09 Thread Agent086b
how would I connect a thumb drive to an iPad?

> On 10 Apr 2021, at 10:58 am, Herbie Allen  wrote:
> The easiest way would be the free iCloud. Another option would be transfer it 
> onto a thumb drive and then import from the files app in the iPad. I want to 
> see you can transfer directly from the Mac to the iPad with Drag and Drop, 
> but I think are iCloud would be your best option.
>> On Apr 9, 2021, at 19:40, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wish to transfer a Powerpoint .PPS file from my iMac to an iPad to see if 
>> my wife can read it. I can’t open it on the Mac as it is to old. I have 
>> downloaded the correct App on the iPad, but I can’t find how to pick it up 
>> in iTunes. I don’t use Dropbox or similar file sharing programs.
>> I have no problems sinking music or her photos to the iPad.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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Re: Transferring .PPS files to iPad

2021-04-10 Thread Agent086b
thanks for this. I feel really stupid for not thinking of that!!

> On 10 Apr 2021, at 1:22 pm, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> You can try sending it as an email attachment.
> - Brad -
> On Apr 9, 2021, at 19:58, Herbie Allen  <>> wrote:
> The easiest way would be the free iCloud. Another option would be transfer it 
> onto a thumb drive and then import from the files app in the iPad. I want to 
> see you can transfer directly from the Mac to the iPad with Drag and Drop, 
> but I think are iCloud would be your best option.
>> On Apr 9, 2021, at 19:40, Agent086b > <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wish to transfer a Powerpoint .PPS file from my iMac to an iPad to see if 
>> my wife can read it. I can’t open it on the Mac as it is to old. I have 
>> downloaded the correct App on the iPad, but I can’t find how to pick it up 
>> in iTunes. I don’t use Dropbox or similar file sharing programs.
>> I have no problems sinking music or her photos to the iPad.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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Re: Time machine on M1 Mac?

2021-06-15 Thread Agent086b
could you please tell us how you fixed the problem. I will be purchasing an M1 
Mac later in the year and any info will help.

> On 16 Jun 2021, at 8:33 am, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Never mind, got it. Sorry to clutter the list.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jun 15, 2021, at 5:26 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve finally gotten to the point where I’m ready to back up my M1 Mac.  But 
>> I have discovered that time machine no longer appears in my Extras menu. I 
>> found it in the Apps folder, but I only seem to have the option to Restore, 
>> not to backup.  What’s the deal?  How are we supposed to back up the new 
>> Macs?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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iCloud Alias

2021-07-18 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I may have asked this on a list before, if so I can’t remember the answer.
I have a couple of iCloud aliases that my wife & I use separately. I don’t want 
all of these downloading on My Mac or iPhone.
How can I have only one Alias download?
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: iCloud Alias

2021-07-20 Thread Agent086b
my wife & I use the one iCloud account. If I uncheck those addresses wouldn’t 
that stop my Wife seeing her mail?

> On 20 Jul 2021, at 9:46 pm, Kliph  wrote:
> You can go into settings, your appleID, iCloud, then to mail.  Uncheck the 
> addresses you don’t want to see or use.  Do the same under FaceTime and 
> messages.  My wife and I have done this for years and it seems to work.
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>> On Jul 19, 2021, at 7:38 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn > <>> wrote:
>> you might be able to hack something with mail rules possibly with advanced 
>> imap  features but esensually when you use aliases it is all one account. 
>> The best thing to do would be to create a second iCloud account and use that 
>> with some of your aliases.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 18, 2021, at 6:41 PM, Agent086b >> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I may have asked this on a list before, if so I can’t remember the answer.
>>> I have a couple of iCloud aliases that my wife & I use separately. I don’t 
>>> want all of these downloading on My Mac or iPhone.
>>> How can I have only one Alias download?
>>> Thanks for any advice.
>>> Max.
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Re: getting new mac, best way to migrate data apps etc

2021-07-20 Thread Agent086b
how do you transfer the files to the new Mac?
Thanks for any tips.

> On 21 Jul 2021, at 5:08 am, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> In my opinion, the proper use of a Time Machine backup, is to restore a 
> backup made on an individual machine, to the machine that created the backup, 
> in the event that the machine that created the backup, suffers a hard drive 
> failure.
> Restoring a Time Machine backup to a different machine than the machine that 
> created the backup, may have unintended and devastating consequences, and 
> should not be done as a matter of practice. 
> It is also my opinion that a new Mac should be setup as a new Mac from 
> scratch, and data and application should be moved to the new Mac, after the 
> new Mac has been setup as a new machine.  This may seem to be more time 
> consuming and less convenient, but it is a much more prudent and safer way to 
> proceed, as I am sure Donna will agree.
> - Brad -
> On Jul 20, 2021, at 13:39, 
>  wrote:
> I think we should encourage the use of Apple's iCloud for backups and 
> recovery.
> Once I get the right adapters and become more comfortable with the Mac, I may 
> backup via time machine and just restore to that Mac only.
> -Original Message-
> From: 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries  > 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 2:33 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: getting new mac, best way to migrate data apps etc
> I agree with Brad.  I wish that Apple had somehow let us know that migration 
> from Time Machine could be problematic, but even after everything, The M1 is 
> the future.  To eschew it just because you can’t migrate from Time Machine 
> would be misguided.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jul 20, 2021, at 10:46 AM, Anders Holmberg > > wrote:
>> Hi”
>> I really wonder if this is a hardware and a software conflict?
>> Apple should have done more testing in my opinion.
>> Not sure if I really want to buy a Mac with m1 chip.
>> But maybe its worth it anyway.
>> /A
>>> 20 juli 2021 kl. 15:41 skrev 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>>> Alia,
>>> I know that using Migration assistant has worked for some people, but at 
>>> least a couple of us have ended up having to get replacement Macs because 
>>> of this issue.  In addition to the migration breaking Voiceover, when I 
>>> went to erase everything and reinstall the OS, I was unable to do so.  I 
>>> could erase the disk, but was not allowed to reinstall the OS, which pretty 
>>> much left me dead in the water.  When I googled it, I read that this is a 
>>> known issue with the M1 Macs.  So, even though not using Migration 
>>> Assistant is a royal pain, were I you, I wouldn’t chance it.
>>> Just my $.02,
>>> Donna
 On Jul 20, 2021, at 8:19 AM, alia robinson >>> > wrote:
 the subject says it all. what’s the best way. I want to use the migration 
 tool, but everyone is saying it breaks voiceover, ideas, thoughts? 
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Re: Storing mail boxes in iCloud?

2021-07-21 Thread Agent086b
wouldn’t this only apply if you are using IMAP not POP? 
I have one email account as POP so when mail is deleted on my phone I still 
have a copy on the Mac.

> On 22 Jul 2021, at 5:47 am, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> While there are various ways to copy the contents of individual mail items to 
> a text document, which can be stored anywhere you wish, actual mail items and 
> the folders that contain them, are located on your email providers server, 
> and cannot be moved to a folder in iCloud, or anywhere else.
> These mail items and folders should remain on your providers server 
> indefinitely, so you should not need to move them anywhere.
> You should be able to setup access to your mail accounts from multiple 
> devices, and access these saved mail folders from any device that has access 
> to a particular mail account.
> HTH.
> - Brad -
> On Jul 21, 2021, at 13:22, Paul Hopewell  > wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running the latest Bigsur on a 2018 iMac. I have been following recent 
> posts about the backup and migration benefits of storing my Documents and 
> Desktop folder in iCloud. I also store my contacts and calendar in iCloud 
> which is great for sharing between iMac and iPhone and future migration to a 
> new Mac..
> I currently keep important Emails in some 30 mail boxes stored on my iMac, 
> many of which I need to keep for several years. I am not using iCloud Mail.
> Is it possible to save these local Mail boxes in iCloud for backup and 
> migration reasons?
> Many thanks for any tips.
> Best regards … Paul Hopewell
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AirPlay from my Mac

2020-09-12 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
the amplifier for my stereo system has died in the right channel. Still I have 
had it since the early 1980s so it doesn’t owe me much. I am looking to 
purchase a pear of HopePods to run from my iMac via Airplay.
My iMac is mid 2011 build. Will it Airplay?
If so where do I find the setting for this?
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: AirPlay from my Mac

2020-09-13 Thread Agent086b
Hi, thanks for the answer. Do you know if they will work on my mid 2011 iMac? I 
don’t want to spend the money and find they are not supported on my iMac. If 
not does anybody know how I could find the answer. I have looked online but I 
am not sure.
Thanks again.

> On 14 Sep 2020, at 4:30 am, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> Its under the audio settings
> When the HomePods are set up they will show up under output devices.
> /A
>> 13 sep. 2020 kl. 00:26 skrev Agent086b :
>> Hi all,
>> the amplifier for my stereo system has died in the right channel. Still I 
>> have had it since the early 1980s so it doesn’t owe me much. I am looking to 
>> purchase a pear of HopePods to run from my iMac via Airplay.
>> My iMac is mid 2011 build. Will it Airplay?
>> If so where do I find the setting for this?
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> Max. 
>> -- 
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Re: AirPlay from my Mac

2020-09-14 Thread Agent086b
have done, but will try again.

> On 14 Sep 2020, at 3:48 pm, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> I don’t know that.
> I don’t have  the homepods.
> When you say that you’ve searched online have you looked specificly att apple 
> support pages?
> /A
>> 14 sep. 2020 kl. 00:19 skrev Agent086b :
>> Hi, thanks for the answer. Do you know if they will work on my mid 2011 
>> iMac? I don’t want to spend the money and find they are not supported on my 
>> iMac. If not does anybody know how I could find the answer. I have looked 
>> online but I am not sure.
>> Thanks again.
>> Max.
>>> On 14 Sep 2020, at 4:30 am, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Its under the audio settings
>>> When the HomePods are set up they will show up under output devices.
>>> /A
>>>> 13 sep. 2020 kl. 00:26 skrev Agent086b :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> the amplifier for my stereo system has died in the right channel. Still I 
>>>> have had it since the early 1980s so it doesn’t owe me much. I am looking 
>>>> to purchase a pear of HopePods to run from my iMac via Airplay.
>>>> My iMac is mid 2011 build. Will it Airplay?
>>>> If so where do I find the setting for this?
>>>> Thanks for any advice.
>>>> Max. 
>>>> -- 
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Saving passwords on my Mac

2020-09-29 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I have set safari to fill in passwords. Is there a command to must issue to 
either fill in or save passwords to the keychain?
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Saving passwords on my Mac

2020-09-29 Thread Agent086b
Thanks for that. What is the command to save one?

> On 30 Sep 2020, at 3:07 pm, Lorie McCloud  wrote:
> the keyboard command for filling the username and password fields is: 
> command-shift-a. it fills in both fields if you have them already in Safari.
>> On Sep 30, 2020, at 12:02 AM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have set safari to fill in passwords. Is there a command to must issue to 
>> either fill in or save passwords to the keychain?
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> Max.
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Re: Saving passwords on my Mac

2020-09-29 Thread Agent086b
are you asking for a Mac or iPhone?

> On 30 Sep 2020, at 3:06 pm, Lorie McCloud  wrote:
> speaking of keychain, I have a question. I have wanted to use keychain in the 
> past but I didn't have touch id or pass code set up and I guess those were 
> required for keychain to work. but now I do so how can I turn it on or 
> activate it?
> thanks.
> Lorie
>> On Sep 30, 2020, at 12:02 AM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have set safari to fill in passwords. Is there a command to must issue to 
>> either fill in or save passwords to the keychain?
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> Max.
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Connecting Orbit Reader to Apple TV

2020-11-20 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
recently I tried to connect my Orbit Reader to my Apple TV.
The TV said something like don’t recognise Braille display. So I thought Blow 
it! I left it for a few hours and decided to try again. Bingo it connected 
perfectly. I still need to use the remote for some actions. So if first you 
don’t succeed try again.
HTH somebody. 

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Direct touch with Apple TV

2020-11-20 Thread Agent086b
Hi again,
could somebody please explain about direct touch and the other option. I have 
looked at the Apple help pages with no understanding. I have trouble getting 
out of the direct touch mode.
Thanks as always for any advice.

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Re: How to send a link to my iMac without email

2020-12-01 Thread Agent086b
if you have the link on an iPhone. Try air Drop.
> On 2 Dec 2020, at 8:09 am, FIOGKOS  wrote:
> Hi everybody, I have my zoom meeting tonight and I have been sent a link for 
> the meeting as well as a Calendar file.
> I have email on my iPhone but have not set up email on my iMac. I would like 
> to attempt to use my iMac tonight for the zoom meeting. Any ideas of how I 
> can send this link to my iMac?
> I appreciate all the help I can get
> Zoe
> God the father chose her
> God the sun dwelt in her
> God the spirit overshadowed her
> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
> Twitter
> @FiogkosZoe
> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
> he's late
>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 10:38 PM, Brad Snyder  wrote:
>> To raise your hand on a Mac is Option + Y..  On Windows, it is ALT + Y..
>> - Brad -
>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 20:57, FIOGKOS > > wrote:
>> Thank you very much Herbie, this helps very much. I did test out zoom on the 
>> iPhone with a friend and I could not hear his voice over or he could not 
>> hear mine. So it looks like problem solved at least on the iPhone I will try 
>> it also on the Mac and windows when I have a chance. I have a feeling that 
>> all is OK. Do you know the key command for raising your hand on both the Mac 
>> and windows? Thank you for all your help.
>> Regards Zoe
>> God the father chose her
>> God the sun dwelt in her
>> God the spirit overshadowed her
>> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
>> Twitter
>> @FiogkosZoe
>> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
>> he's late
>>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 2:42 PM, Herbie Allen >> > wrote:
>>> The respective screen readers are good about giving commands when you tab 
>>> to an action. For instance, Command shift A for muting and unmuting on Mac, 
>>> Alt A for Windows. As for Screen Readers, headphones is the best way to go 
>>> if on a computer, but the phone is fine provided you don’t have the 
>>> original sound turned on. If you are wanting to share your jaws or Vo on 
>>> the computer this can be done via the screen sharing and checking the audio 
>>> option.
 On Nov 30, 2020, at 13:08, FIOGKOS >>> > wrote:
 Hi everybody, I really really need help. I got zoom installed on my Mac, 
 my iPhone, and my windows laptop. There are conflicting reports whether 
 voiceover or jaws on the window side can be heard while you are attending 
 eight zoom meeting. Some people have told me headphones wipes out 
 voiceover and some disagree. One I’m not very familiar with the keyboard 
 commands for any of the devices, if I were to turn voiceover off and use 
 keyboard shortcut keys for an muting myself, muting myself, allowing my 
 video or not allowing my video, raising my hand, and sending messages 
 would that work? Of course another way that logic says will work is to 
 mute my microphone press the key command that I want for example raise 
 hand, or type a message, and then unmute myself. If any of this makes 
 sense can anybody send me a zoom shortcut commands that I can use. The 
 meeting I have to attend is tomorrow is there a test meeting that you can 
 do by yourself to see how things work
 Thank you for any help in advance.
 God the father chose her
 God the sun dwelt in her
 God the spirit overshadowed her
 Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
 Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel 
 when he's late
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Re: Smart Cooking Thermometer

2022-08-23 Thread Agent086b
I have an iGril about 18 months old that works perfectly.

> On 24 Aug 2022, at 2:55 am, N2KPV  wrote:
> I wonder if anyone has a suggestion  For a cooking thermometer that works 
> with the iPhone  or Mac .   I currently have one called the iGrill which has 
> changed its name to the Wever iGrill .  It is about 8 years old and is giving 
> out the wrong temps lately .   Anyone have one they can suggest to replace 
> this one ? 
> Thanx in advace .
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Re: Accessible Wi-Fi extenders

2022-08-24 Thread Agent086b
I have the EERo system. The iPhone App works perfectly.

> On 25 Aug 2022, at 4:19 am, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
> Good morning List,
> I hope that all is well. I am writing to ask your thoughts on Voiceover 
> friendly Wi-Fi extenders. I looked at EERO and several others as options.
> Thank you and looking forward to your insights.
> Best,
> Vaughn
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Re: Smart Cooking Thermometer

2022-08-24 Thread Agent086b
didn’t think of this before. Have you changed the battery?
> On 24 Aug 2022, at 9:32 am, N2KPV  wrote:
> Hi ,  Not sure if my first reply went through .  I will most likely replace 
> mine with  another  iGrill .Mine is about 50 degrees off for about a week now 
> .  I  do use it pretty much  every day .  Like I said , it is about 8 years 
> old .
> Thanx Ben 
> On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 6:27:35 PM UTC-4 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an iGril about 18 months old that works perfectly.
> Max.
>> On 24 Aug 2022, at 2:55 am, N2KPV > > wrote:
>> I wonder if anyone has a suggestion  For a cooking thermometer that works 
>> with the iPhone  or Mac .   I currently have one called the iGrill which has 
>> changed its name to the Wever iGrill .  It is about 8 years old and is 
>> giving out the wrong temps lately .   Anyone have one they can suggest to 
>> replace this one ? 
>> Thanx in advace .
>> -- 
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Transferring data to new iMax

2022-10-27 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I am about to purchase a new iMac. Do I transfer stuff from my old one using 
iTunes or is there a better way?
Thanks as always for any advice.

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Re: Transferring data to new iMax

2022-10-28 Thread Agent086b
how did you copy over the files you want? I don’t use Drop box ore have enough 
space in iCloud to use either of them.
Thanks again.

> On 28 Oct 2022, at 11:09 am, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> When I bought my 14-inch MacBook Pro, I started afresh. I copied over 
> important files, but I installed all of the software new.
>> On Oct 27, 2022, at 18:28, Herbie Allen  wrote:
>> I would use a service like Dropbox or iCloud and store all your documents 
>> there. You could also use an external drive.
>>> On Oct 27, 2022, at 15:49, Agent086b  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am about to purchase a new iMac. Do I transfer stuff from my old one 
>>> using iTunes or is there a better way?
>>> Thanks as always for any advice.
>>> Max.
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Re: Transferring data to new iMax

2022-10-28 Thread Agent086b
what is the simple assistant you refer to?

> On 29 Oct 2022, at 5:28 am, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> THere is a simple assistant in the utilities folder on your Macs.
> Just use that and follow the instructions.
> Why complicate things when not needed.
> /A
>> 28 okt. 2022 kl. 00:28 skrev Herbie Allen :
>> I would use a service like Dropbox or iCloud and store all your documents 
>> there. You could also use an external drive.
>>> On Oct 27, 2022, at 15:49, Agent086b  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am about to purchase a new iMac. Do I transfer stuff from my old one 
>>> using iTunes or is there a better way?
>>> Thanks as always for any advice.
>>> Max.
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Re: Transferring data to new iMax

2022-10-30 Thread Agent086b
thanks but that is beyond me.

> On 31 Oct 2022, at 4:10 am, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> On 28/10/22 17:49, Agent086b wrote:
>> how did you copy over the files you want? I don’t use Drop box ore have 
>> enough space in iCloud to use either of them.
> From memory, it was mostly scp, which is available on Mac OS by default.
> If you install HomeBrew, you can easily install Rsync from there.
> However, ssh and scp are available on most modern Linux, Mac OS and Windows 
> systems these days, without any additional installation.
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Re: What happen to the Today in IOS Podcast

2022-12-01 Thread Agent086b
there was one in September around IOS16 time.

> On 2 Dec 2022, at 2:59 am, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> It's been over a year since the podcast was updated. Do anyone know what 
> happen to Rob of the Today In IOS podcast?
> Thanks,
> Rob
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Re: What happen to the Today in IOS Podcast

2022-12-01 Thread Agent086b
sorry I looked and it was Sep 21 as you say.

> On 2 Dec 2022, at 10:01 am, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Everything I find is from 2021.
> The Today in iOS / iPhone Podcast <>
> This one is hosted by Rob, I don’t know his last name.
>> On Dec 1, 2022, at 4:24 PM, Agent086b > <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there was one in September around IOS16 time.
>> Max.
>>> On 2 Dec 2022, at 2:59 am, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It's been over a year since the podcast was updated. Do anyone know what 
>>> happen to Rob of the Today In IOS podcast?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
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Re: Safari on my Mac

2022-12-03 Thread Agent086b
below is part of a message I saved from 2018. This works sometimes.

Heres an apple tech tip on how to clear sluggish VO movement by deleting the 
Caches folder.
This helps minimize the "busy" issue for me. :)
Basic steps below;
To empty out the Caches folder on your computer, you’ll need to open up Finder 

With Voiceover on, you can press V O D, and it should default to Finder. Then 
press V O Space. 

Once Finder is the focused application, press V O M to get to the menu bar, 
then V O Right until you reach the Go menu. In the Go menu, select Go To 

The location is ~/Library

Once you’ve typed that in, press Return. 

In the Library folder, you can select the Caches folder and then press Command 
Delete to move it to trash. 

I recommend restarting the computer after you do this.

> On 3 Dec 2022, at 8:08 am, Lorie McCloud  > wrote:
> I’m running Catalina on my Mac Mini. certain websites just sit there for a 
> long time 90% loaded. is there anything I can do to get Safari to. finish 
> loading the page?
> thanks.
> Lorie
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Mac Mail

2022-12-08 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I know my question has been asked in the past but I did not need it then.
I have got my new iMac today so am learning the differences between one built 
in 2011 and 2021.
In Mail  there appears to be another tab or window when in message view. I can 
be on the message being sender subject etc. In the past I use VO + J to jump 
back to the mailbox list but I now jump into what appears to me to be the open 
message. The jump does not go back to the mailbox list. I hav mail set to show 
no lines under settings.
How can I return mail to what it is was or can’t I?
Thanks for any help,.

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Re: Mac Mail

2022-12-09 Thread Agent086b
thanks for the reply. How do I close the preview pain? I tried cmd W but that 
didn’t work.
Thanks again.

> On 9 Dec 2022, at 11:35 pm, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> If you close the mail, preview pane, then the VO J will jump between the 
> toolbar the mailbox list and the list of messages.
> You know, of course, there is the command one through 9 to jump to favorite 
> mailboxes. Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 9, 2022, at 12:29 AM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know my question has been asked in the past but I did not need it then.
>> I have got my new iMac today so am learning the differences between one 
>> built in 2011 and 2021.
>> In Mail  there appears to be another tab or window when in message view. I 
>> can be on the message being sender subject etc. In the past I use VO + J to 
>> jump back to the mailbox list but I now jump into what appears to me to be 
>> the open message. The jump does not go back to the mailbox list. I hav mail 
>> set to show no lines under settings.
>> How can I return mail to what it is was or can’t I?
>> Thanks for any help,.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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Volume of system notices

2022-12-10 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
in Ventura how do I increase the volume of system messages? I hear some kind of 
notification from the system but it is too low to be of much use.
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Volume of system notices

2022-12-11 Thread Agent086b
thanks for the suggestion but I wish to increase the system volume not VO. It 
is now better when I found how to turn off audio ducking.
Thanks again.

> On 11 Dec 2022, at 11:37 am, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> Try adjusting the volume of VoiceOver speech, relative to the system volume, 
> using the Voice Attributes Rotor, by pressing VO + CMD + Shift + Left/Right 
> arrow key to Volume, then use up arrow to increase VO volume.
> - Brad -
>> On Dec 10, 2022, at 16:13, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> in Ventura how do I increase the volume of system messages? I hear some kind 
>> of notification from the system but it is too low to be of much use.
>> Thanks for any advice.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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How to stop always being asked for the password

2022-12-11 Thread Agent086b
Hi again  all,
How do I stop the Mac always asking for my password. There are things like 
iCloud helper and several other things whose name I don’t remember.
This is becoming a newsence. 
Thanks again for the help.

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Problem with Time Machine

2022-12-11 Thread Agent086b
Sorry for so many questions I am still working out Ventura.

I have a USB drive that I connect to the Mac for backups. I was able to use the 
backup to setup the new Mac with no problems.
However I now wish to backup the new Mac. When I go in to Time Machine settings 
to tell it where to backup. Problem is Time Machine will not see a disk to 
backup to.
The iMac is format to APFS and my drive is something gernold. The drive still 
has a backup of the old Mac. Could this be the problem? There is 2.5TB  space 
on that drive.
Thanks all.

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Re: Getting Stuck in Sidebar/Toolbar/Tabs in Safari

2022-12-15 Thread Agent086b
Hi Dave,
remember I have only been playing with Ventura for a week and have seen your 
I have hidden the sidebar, I find VO + J to jump around helps.

> On 16 Dec 2022, at 03:21, Dave Carlson  wrote:
> On Ventura, using Safari.
> Seems like it’s very easy to get stranded in those areas and tabbing does not 
> get me back to the web content page. Is there a magic keystroke in Voiceover 
> to get me back to the web content when I fall into that sticky tar-pit?
> Dave Carlson
> Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Pioneer, and Musician
> -- 
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Opening collapsed messages in Mail

2022-12-17 Thread Agent086b
Hi all, 
when in mail messages I used to be able to open a collapsed  conversation by 
using right arrow to expand the list of messages.
I now find I must VO + space to open that list. This is just a slower way of 
doing things in my appinion.
Is this just me or is it Ventura 13.1?
Thanks as always for any advice.

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Re: Opening collapsed messages in Mail

2022-12-18 Thread Agent086b
I was talking with Accessibility help today and we found the problem was I had 
turned on Quick Nav. I don’t use that so I did not think of it.

> On 19 Dec 2022, at 01:09, wrote:
> I haven’t noticed this issue happening to me, but then, my mac is not updated 
> to ventura.
> shirley
> -Original Message-
> From:  On 
> Behalf Of Agent086b
> Sent: 17 December 2022 21:50
> To: Mac List 
> Subject: Opening collapsed messages in Mail
> Hi all, 
> when in mail messages I used to be able to open a collapsed  conversation by 
> using right arrow to expand the list of messages.
> I now find I must VO + space to open that list. This is just a slower way of 
> doing things in my appinion.
> Is this just me or is it Ventura 13.1?
> Thanks as always for any advice.
> Max.
> -- 
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VO not reading that is displayed

2022-12-20 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
I have my Mac set to display 24hr time on the menu bar.
When I press option + T to get the time VO reads AM or Pm time. Why is this and 
can I have VO read time the way I want it? I have only noticed this with my new 
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: VO not reading that is displayed

2022-12-20 Thread Agent086b
Thanks for the help.
I needed to add FN key to your command and indeed it gives me exactly what I 

> On 21 Dec 2022, at 10:41, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 2022, at 09:32, Agent086b  wrote:
>> I have my Mac set to display 24hr time on the menu bar.
>> When I press option + T to get the time VO reads AM or Pm time. Why is this 
>> and can I have VO read time the way I want it? I have only noticed this with 
>> my new computer.
> Try using Ctrl-Option-F7 to obtain the time and date. This is new in Mac OS 
> Ventura. I suspect it will give you the desired time format.
> -- 
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Re: VO not reading that is displayed

2022-12-20 Thread Agent086b
this is interesting. Firstly how would I do this and secondly what would I 
loose by doing this?
Thanks very much for your help.

> On 21 Dec 2022, at 13:00, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> On 21/12/22 10:48, Agent086b wrote:
>> I needed to add FN key to your command and indeed it gives me exactly what I 
>> wanted.
> If you configure the system to treat the function keys as F1-F12 rather than 
> as special operations, you won't need to press Fn.
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Adding to the roater

2022-12-30 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
how do you ad items to the Roater in Ventura?
Thanks for any help.

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2023-01-21 Thread Agent086b
Hi as mentioned before I now have 24 inch iMac.
Because I switched from a 2011 build Mac to a new one I had to change to the 
latest Carbonite software. Apparently I was using a legacy version in the past 
that would not run any longer.
Does anybody also use Carbonite Safe Home? I am using build 2.8.4 I could do 
with a bit of help and don’t wish to clutter up the list with stuff that 
probably most people don’t even know what I am asking about.
Thanks for any help.

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Creating a hotkey

2023-02-20 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
[please could somebody remind me how to create a VO hotkey to run an App? It is 
so many years since I did this I have forgotten.
I went into keyboard commanders but I could not find how to go through a list 
of apps to find the one I want.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Secure keys accessibility

2023-02-21 Thread Agent086b
as far as I know a physical key I assume you mean hardware key is a visual 
display not accessible to a total. I use a software key that is an appp on the 
phone called Google Orthenticator. I read this with VO.

> On 22 Feb 2023, at 07:52, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone on the list use a physical secure key to sign into apple or other 
> web services?  If yes, are such keys accessible for blind users?  What are 
> your experiences with them?
> Andrew
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
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Re: Preparing for a new Mac?

2023-07-16 Thread Agent086B
I have read about this on this list in the past. However when I got my new 
silicon iMac I just used a previous Time Machine backup and all went perfectly.

> On 17 Jul 2023, at 01:28, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> Whatever you do, do not attempt to setup your new Mac with Apple silicon, 
> from a Time Machine backup from an Intel Mac.
> The 2 Macs have different internal hardware, and different versions of the 
> macOS that are not compatible with one another.
> Everyone I know who has attempted setting up a new Apple silicon Mac from a 
> Time Machine backup from an Intel Mac, has rendered their new Apple silicon 
> Mac unusable, and has had to return it to Apple. 
> - Brad -
> On Jul 16, 2023, at 10:09, Herbie Allen  wrote:
> Several things. Make sure you have access to all your passwords. Keychain is 
> a good way to go, but there are other ways. Back up all your files to cloud 
> storage, iCloud, Dropbox, etc. Don’t delete your old Mac until you are 
> satisfied you have everything on the new one.
>> On Jul 16, 2023, at 09:22, Maurice A. Mines  wrote:
>> Good morning all I am beginning to process of preparing for a new Mac. I 
>> currently have an Intel-based MacBook Pro 2020 I am waiting for the final 
>> shipping on a new MacBook Pro 14 inch M2. What things should I be doing to 
>> prepare other than the things that I’m already starting to do. One I am 
>> going through the list of the applications that I use to find out which 
>> applications were require versions that run under silicon. To beginning the 
>> process of switching back up media. Can’t use the old back up media because 
>> well quite frankly it’s too old. Is there anything I am missing?
>> Two notes, one my email is of a personal nature. Meaning talking about my 
>> personal computer. Nothing to do with the national Federation of the blind 
>> at all. To please be aware that I’m dictating with to my phone so here’s 
>> hoping that it’s understandable? Thanks and I look forward to everyone’s 
>> comments and suggestions. 
>> Sent from my iPhone. 
>> Email,
>> text number 661-868-9647.
>> Fax no 661-449-3746.
>> President, National Federation of the blind Deafblind division.
>> Vice President national Federation of the blind of California Bakersfield 
>> chapter.
>> amateur radio, call sign, kd0iko.
>> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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Gmail on my Mac

2023-09-26 Thread agent086b
Hi all,
I have a need to switch list mail to Gmail on my Mac.
I have created the account by selecting Google from the options given. Gone 
through the 2 step verification all appears to be correct.
I would like the incoming messages to to the existing folders on the Mac.
I notice Google have created there own folders inbox trash etc.
I have sent some messages to the Google account but I don’t appear to be 
receiving them. 
Anybody have steps to set up this properly? 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Gmail on my Mac

2023-09-27 Thread agent086b
thanks for the reply. I am trying to get an gmail account to connect with my 
mail on Mac but I can not get this to work.

> On 28 Sep 2023, at 08:17, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> If you press control+option+J, 
> From the message list, it should put you in the folder list.
> Move to the top to All Inboxes.
> Now press control+Option+J to move to the message list. 
> I hope this is what you were looking for.
> Rob
>> On Sep 26, 2023, at 6:51 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a need to switch list mail to Gmail on my Mac.
>> I have created the account by selecting Google from the options given. Gone 
>> through the 2 step verification all appears to be correct.
>> I would like the incoming messages to to the existing folders on the Mac.
>> I notice Google have created there own folders inbox trash etc.
>> I have sent some messages to the Google account but I don’t appear to be 
>> receiving them. 
>> Anybody have steps to set up this properly? 
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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Re: Gmail on my Mac

2023-09-30 Thread agent086b
this is the first time connecting to Google. I thought you only used forwarding 
when going to another address. In this case I am wanting my mail client to 
fetch my Google messages.
Thanks again.

> On 1 Oct 2023, at 05:51, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is this your first time of connecting gMail to a mail client?
> If so,
> You may need to enable iMap or mail forwarding in the gMail settings on the 
> website.
> Rob
>> On Sep 27, 2023, at 7:01 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for the reply. I am trying to get an gmail account to connect with my 
>> mail on Mac but I can not get this to work.
>> Max.
>>> On 28 Sep 2023, at 08:17, mr.robertcole via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If you press control+option+J, 
>>> From the message list, it should put you in the folder list.
>>> Move to the top to All Inboxes.
>>> Now press control+Option+J to move to the message list. 
>>> I hope this is what you were looking for.
>>> Rob
>>>> On Sep 26, 2023, at 6:51 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have a need to switch list mail to Gmail on my Mac.
>>>> I have created the account by selecting Google from the options given. 
>>>> Gone through the 2 step verification all appears to be correct.
>>>> I would like the incoming messages to to the existing folders on the Mac.
>>>> I notice Google have created there own folders inbox trash etc.
>>>> I have sent some messages to the Google account but I don’t appear to be 
>>>> receiving them. 
>>>> Anybody have steps to set up this properly? 
>>>> Thanks for any help.
>>>> Max.
>>>> -- 
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>>>> Visionaries list.
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>>>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark 
>>>> at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: 
>>> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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>> Your

Gmail on my Mac again

2023-10-02 Thread agent086b
Hi all,
thanks to those who offered me help getting Gmail on my Mac.
I think it is working . I have sent and replied to and from that account.
My next question I wish to switch my email lists like this one to my Gmail 
When I do this will the mail from each list go to the seperate mailboxes I have 
created as they do now or do I have to do something different?
Thanks again for all help.

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More Gmail questions

2023-10-06 Thread agent086b
Hi again all,
sorry to keep asking these Gmail questions but I am stuck.
My I S P is hiving off their email to another company they will pay for this 
for 12 months then we will have to pay. So I am trying to shift my list mail to 
I don’t wish to read the mail on the Gmail site I am trying to handle it with 
Mail on my Mac.
Thanks to the help I have already received and looking on the Gmail site I have 
the mail being received on the Mac.  Two problems I can’t solve.
When I delete messages on the Mac they are not deleted from Gmail.
The second is how do I stop messages going to the archive folder? A search told 
me I need to click on a gear icon. I assume that may refer to settings but I 
can’t find an option to fix this.
Thanks again for any advice.
a frustrated Max!

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Re: Still trying to change email address

2023-10-24 Thread agent086b
Thanks Joseph, 
I had tried this both from the Mac and from the gmail website with no luck. I 
will try again 
Thanks for your help.

> On 24 Oct 2023, at 12:43, Joseph Hudson  wrote:
> "" 
> That's the address you need, and I'm not Mark. I am Joseph. I was going to 
> send this to you, but I have been backlogged with other emails and have been 
> quite busy. Hopefully you can send a blank message to that address with the 
> word subscribe in the subject line, and that will work.
>> On Oct 23, 2023, at 4:21 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> sorry if you have received   other messages but I think my new address is 
>> not sending properly.
>> I am trying to subscribe to Macvisionaries from 
>> <> with no luck.
>> I am sending this from my old address to see if you receive this. I thank 
>> you for  approving me on viphone with the new one. 
>> I have not received any message saying I am waiting for me to be approved on 
>> Macvisionaries.
>> Sorry for the trouble.
>> Max.
> -- 
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Re: Siri no longer plays a sound when activated with the side button on my iPhone

2023-10-24 Thread agent086b
interesting when I am using my hearing aids I can hear this sound. However if 
bluetooth is turned off I can’t hear it.

> On 25 Oct 2023, at 10:31, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone know how to fix this?  I’ve looked everywhere in Settings, 
> Accessibility, VO, Siri, and I can’t find it.  And no, my phone is not in 
> silent mode.  iPhone 14 Pro running IOS 17.03.
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Still trying to change email address

2023-10-25 Thread agent086b
tried that with no luck yet.

> On 25 Oct 2023, at 14:14, joseph hudson  wrote:
> You're welcome, the only other thing is is emailing Mark to get him to update 
> your subscription.
>> On Oct 24, 2023, at 4:22 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>> Thanks Joseph, 
>> I had tried this both from the Mac and from the gmail website with no luck. 
>> I will try again 
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Max.
>>> On 24 Oct 2023, at 12:43, Joseph Hudson  wrote:
>>> "" 
>>> That's the address you need, and I'm not Mark. I am Joseph. I was going to 
>>> send this to you, but I have been backlogged with other emails and have 
>>> been quite busy. Hopefully you can send a blank message to that address 
>>> with the word subscribe in the subject line, and that will work.
>>>> On Oct 23, 2023, at 4:21 PM, agent086b  wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> sorry if you have received   other messages but I think my new address is 
>>>> not sending properly.
>>>> I am trying to subscribe to Macvisionaries from 
>>>> <> with no luck.
>>>> I am sending this from my old address to see if you receive this. I thank 
>>>> you for  approving me on viphone with the new one. 
>>>> I have not received any message saying I am waiting for me to be approved 
>>>> on Macvisionaries.
>>>> Sorry for the trouble.
>>>> Max.
>>> -- 
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>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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>>> <>.
>> -- 
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>> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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Thanks to everybody for your help

2023-11-04 Thread agent086b
Hi all,
I will no longer be using this email address in fact it will be deleted soon.
For several weeks I have been trying to subscribe from a new gmail one. I have 
not bee successful in doing this. All my other lists have moved with no 
problems. I have written to Mark both via both links at the end of the emails. 
I must be having a problem sending some messages.
My reason for writing is to say thanks for all thee help from this and other 
lists in my switch from Windows to Mac. Because of this help I am firmly a Mac 
user for the future.
I wish you all well.

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Opelcheck in Pages

2016-08-04 Thread Agent086b
Hi all,
when using spellcheck in Pages how can I decline a spelling suggestion. I find 
Pages will change the spelling of a word that is spelt the way I want it. 
Normally if there is more than one suggestion I arrow down the list and enter 
on the one I want. How do I decline a suggestion?
Thanks for any help.

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- you can reach Cara at

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Re: Mail and junk folder.

2016-08-18 Thread Agent086b
how does one disable the junk folder on IOS?
Thanks for any help.
> On 19 Aug 2016, at 11:48 AM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Anders,
> You know, I'm one of these weird guys who does not like either a mail server 
> or client filtering his mail for him.  
> So, I simply turn off the junk mail filter in all of my clients.
> To either disable or configure the Junk Mail feature in the native Mac OS 
> mail client, simply open its Preferences dialog box and select the Junk Mail 
> tab.  
> Next, either disable the feature, altogether by unchecking the primary 
> checkbox or configure it as you see fit.
> Mark 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 9:53 AM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
> Subject: Mail and junk folder.
> Hi!
> I haven’t checked my junk folder for a very long time but it seems i have 
> several mails there from a lot of lists i am at.
> So i got curious and am wondering how does the mail app on the mac decides 
> what is junk or not?
> And how can i avoid getting list messages in the junk folder?
> /A
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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VO threw a bluetooth speaker

2016-09-01 Thread Agent086b
if I have asked this before I have forgotten the answer. Can I have VO through 
a bluetooth speaker and music through the Mac ones? I would like to play music 
through the house but not have VO through the house at the same time. 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: VO threw a bluetooth speaker

2016-09-01 Thread Agent086b
sorry I did not ask the question correctly. It is the VO on the Mac that I wish 
to put threw the bluetooth speakers.
and music from the Mac throwout the house.
Thanks again.
> On 2 Sep 2016, at 1:12 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> According to info I have read, this will be possible in iOS 10.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 Sep 2016, at 15:01, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hi,
>> if I have asked this before I have forgotten the answer. Can I have VO 
>> through a bluetooth speaker and music through the Mac ones? I would like to 
>> play music through the house but not have VO through the house at the same 
>> time. 
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max.
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LastPass on the Mac

2012-03-30 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
I asked some time a go if Carbonite was accessible on the Mac with no 
luck, so thought would try another.

Does anybody use LastPass premium on the Mac?
It works well on my iPhone.
Thanks for any help.

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No Carbonite on the Mac

2012-04-02 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
recently I asked if Carbonite online backup could be used on the Mac 
with no reply.
I wrote to Carbonite and asked the question if Carbonite worked with 
VoiceOver. I have received a reply from the company. They say that 
Carbonite will not work with the Mac Screen reader.
I have asked them to let me know if and when it will. As Carbonite is a 
wonderful backup service that many of you could benefit from, you might 
like to write to and ask that they make it 
accessible with VoiceOver. They already have a Mac version of the 
program, it is just that will not work with VO.

Does anybody use an online backup service that works with VO?
Still finding as many answers before the switch to the iMac.

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Re: No Carbonite on the Mac

2012-04-02 Thread agent086b

Well, I don't have a Mac yet. I am only going on what there support told me.
It would really be great if one of you had the time to download the 
trial and let us know.


 Original Message  
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Mike Arrigo 
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 18:23:38 -0500

I've actually heard that it does work, I think there is a trial, so you might 
download it and see how it works.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:20 PM, agent086b wrote:

Hi all,
recently I asked if Carbonite online backup could be used on the Mac with no 
I wrote to Carbonite and asked the question if Carbonite worked with VoiceOver. 
I have received a reply from the company. They say that Carbonite will not work 
with the Mac Screen reader.
I have asked them to let me know if and when it will. As Carbonite is a 
wonderful backup service that many of you could benefit from, you might like to 
write to and ask that they make it accessible with 
VoiceOver. They already have a Mac version of the program, it is just that will 
not work with VO.

Does anybody use an online backup service that works with VO?
Still finding as many answers before the switch to the iMac.

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Re: No Carbonite on the Mac

2012-04-03 Thread agent086b

Thanks Neil, that sounds good. Are you able to restore an individual file?

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Neil Barnfather - TalkNav 
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 14:42:00 +0100

I use Carbonite on my Mac, have done since owning a Mac, circa October 2010. I 
have it on all three of my Mac's.

The icon for it at the top of the screen near to the clock is, as others have 
said, inaccessible.

However, it is easily accessed through the System Preferences menus. Given you 
setup Carbonite and then can forget about it, this hardly seems a major 
limitation to me.

I once a month nip into it, just to check all looks good, that the indicators 
for how much data has been backed up etc are seeming right, and once a week I 
leave my Mac on all night to ensure that the backup is completely up to date.

This is only necessary if you change / update a lot of content on a regular 

The reason I specifically like Carbonite compared to a lot of the other backup 
options out there is that it is fully automated, download, install, pay and 
leave it alone. It just works.

You can use their web-site quite easily to check your specific files which are 
currently backed up, you can, within the System Preferences controls indicate 
an automatic backup, or a specific set of files / folders you want to be backed 

This is what I do, as i am not worried about applications or other such things, 
I just backup all users Documents, Music, Movies and Pictures folders. This 
gets all the essential stuff.

I also use Time Machine to backup all machines locally to a NAS.

But, yes, Carbonite works just fine for the most part, certainly if you just 
want a point and shoot backup solution you can feel confident in, Carbonite 
will not let you down.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 3 Apr 2012, at 10:25, Gigi wrote:

Hi guys
It's interesting that you should say that you had been able to use Carbonite 
just fine. I tried to use Carbonite back in the days when I was using Windows. 
I couldn't get it to work completely withdraws. Also, I did not have good luck 
with their customer service. I called them and the customer support person just 
didn't get it one tried to explain that I was trying to use the speech computer.
I'm buying all this up to say that it's real interesting that some of these 
third-party companies say that things won't work with voiceover, and then folks 
on this list start using the program. Four instance, the Abby find Wietor 
people told me that their program wouldn't work with voiceover.
I know, some of you are talking about using it. So, what does that mean were 
supposed to do if we want to know if something works with voice over for sure?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 3, 2012, at 3:39 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:

My experience with carbonite is that it actually is  fairly accessible.  ONe 
issue  I do have, is  when I attempt to look at my backup, I can't  drill down 
into my backup, like I can any folder that has sub-folders   in finder, I seem 
to get taken back to the top level of my backup when attempting to do this.  
It's interesting that Carbonite support actually said it's totally inaccessible 
with VO.  the  system pref pane is actually not too bad in my opinion, with the 
 exception of that one issue.  Carbonite like a lot of third-party  apps does 
have an item in the menu bar, which we cannot access.  Aside from  that, I've 
actually been very happy with carbonite  on the mac.

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Re: No Carbonite on the Mac

2012-04-03 Thread agent086b

Lew, Carbonite backs up data off site. This is what I need.

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Lewis Alexander 
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 08:27:35 +0100

I'm going to chime in on this.

as you're not yet a mac user, please don't go by one lack of access to a 
particular application, there are plenty of backup applications availlable 
which can do the job, as well as time machine already built in to OS X as well 
as simple disk cloning where necessary through one of a few hard drive cloning 
apps. one of which I use but considering it's early morning and my brain hasn't 
wired up via cat5 yet lol, I can't remember the name.

if you're considering the mac, don't be put off by one application issue, 
there's more than 1 way to perform a task remember.


On 3 Apr 2012, at 01:59, agent086b wrote:

Well, I don't have a Mac yet. I am only going on what there support told me.
It would really be great if one of you had the time to download the trial and 
let us know.

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: No Carbonite on the Mac
From: Mike Arrigo
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 18:23:38 -0500

I've actually heard that it does work, I think there is a trial, so you might 
download it and see how it works.
On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:20 PM, agent086b wrote:

Hi all,
recently I asked if Carbonite online backup could be used on the Mac with no 
I wrote to Carbonite and asked the question if Carbonite worked with VoiceOver. 
I have received a reply from the company. They say that Carbonite will not work 
with the Mac Screen reader.
I have asked them to let me know if and when it will. As Carbonite is a 
wonderful backup service that many of you could benefit from, you might like to 
write to and ask that they make it accessible with 
VoiceOver. They already have a Mac version of the program, it is just that will 
not work with VO.

Does anybody use an online backup service that works with VO?
Still finding as many answers before the switch to the iMac.

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Is there likely to be a new iMac soon?

2012-06-04 Thread agent086b
Hi all, on past performance is there likely to be a new iMac released 
sometime this year?
I don't know if to wait or purchase one in the next month or so. I am 
not a person that must have the latest as long as what I buy does what I 
In the past has the price of each new release increased? That would 
concern me more than missing out on some wiz bang thing I don't really need.

If a new model comes out can you purchase the previous one for a time?
Thanks for the history lesson.

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Re: Is there likely to be a new iMac soon?

2012-06-04 Thread agent086b

Thanks, what happens next Monday?

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: Is there likely to be a new iMac soon?
From: Ricardo Walker 
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 22:09:10 -0400


Hold off.  More than likely, We will hear about the Mac refresshes next Monday.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:34 PM, agent086b  wrote:

Hi all, on past performance is there likely to be a new iMac released sometime 
this year?
I don't know if to wait or purchase one in the next month or so. I am not a 
person that must have the latest as long as what I buy does what I need.
In the past has the price of each new release increased? That would concern me 
more than missing out on some wiz bang thing I don't really need.
If a new model comes out can you purchase the previous one for a time?
Thanks for the history lesson.

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Fwd: Partition your hard drive with data still on it | Macworld

2012-07-09 Thread agent086b

Not sure if this will help as I still don't have my Mac yet.
I saved this message from the list some months a go.

 Original Message 

Hi all!
This was posted on another list!
And I thought it would interest some of you!
You can also use the open reader command on this!
step by step instructions on how to partition a hard drive and still 
keep data. Enjoy.


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connectinng to my Ethernet port on my router

2012-08-06 Thread agent086b

how do I connect an iMac to an Ethernet port on my router? I don't wish 
to connect to the router wirelessly as I like the quicker speeds via an 
Ethernet connection.

Thanks for any advice.

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Pages etc

2012-08-06 Thread agent086b

I am about to order my iMac in the next week or two.
I have been away the last month so have not kept up with the release of 
Mountain Lion. Has there been any changes to Pages and the spreadsheet 
program who's name I have forgotten. I sea options to order them at the 
same time for about 20 something dollars each.

Thanks again.

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Re: connectinng to my Ethernet port on my router

2012-08-06 Thread agent086b
Thanks, I was under the impression that an iMac did not come with an 
Ethernet card in it.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: connectinng to my Ethernet port on my router
From: Alex Hall 
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 21:25:11 -0400
You connect the ethernet cable to one of the ports on the router (if 
you also have a modem, make sure the chord is not going into the port 
set aside for the modem) and the other end into the iMac. I've not 
tried it personally, but the mac should then automatically find the 
connection and start using it, prompting for a password if you have 
one set but otherwise operating normally.
On Aug 6, 2012, at 9:11 PM, agent086b <>> wrote:

how do I connect an iMac to an Ethernet port on my router? I don't 
wish to connect to the router wirelessly as I like the quicker speeds 
via an Ethernet connection.

Thanks for any advice.

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) <>;

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When I get the iMac

2012-08-09 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
just getting ready for when I purchase my iMac in the next week or sow.
What do I need to do on it's arrival? I assume it comes with an 
administrator account so I expect I will need to create a non admin one. 
Other than getting it online is there anything else I will need to do? I 
will be purchasing it directly from Apple as I don't have an Apple store 
in my town, so I don't have anyone local to ask these questions.

Thanks as always for any help.

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Re: When I get the iMac

2012-08-09 Thread agent086b
Hi, I have only used VO on my iPhone. Thanks for any tips to get started 
on the Mac

Yes I will have the apple keyboard.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: When I get the iMac
From: Alex Hall 
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 21:50:42 -0400
There is some setup to go through. Fortunately, you need only hit 
cmd-f5 once the mac is booted and vo can walk you through them, 
provided you know the basic commands for using vo. When I got my mini, 
it had Lion, and I found the setup to not work well with my keyboard. 
However, I now believe that, had I an apple keyboard or a macbook, it 
would have worked well. So, if you did not get the official apple 
keyboard, you may run into problems (unless that was fixed in ML). 
Have you ever used vo before, or do you want some tips for basic usage 
so you can get things going?
On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:46 PM, agent086b <>> wrote:

Hi all,
just getting ready for when I purchase my iMac in the next week or sow.
What do I need to do on it's arrival? I assume it comes with an 
administrator account so I expect I will need to create a non admin 
one. Other than getting it online is there anything else I will need 
to do? I will be purchasing it directly from Apple as I don't have an 
Apple store in my town, so I don't have anyone local to ask these 

Thanks as always for any help.

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) <>;

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Re: When I get the iMac

2012-08-09 Thread agent086b

Thanks, I think I will make sure my sited wife is home.
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: When I get the iMac
From: Alex Hall 
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 22:49:16 -0400
That and the navigation keys. When I say "vo" below, I mean the vo 
keys, which are control and option. So, vo-right means to hold down 
control and option and press the right arrow.

Move to the next item in a dialog: vo-right
Move o the previous item in a dialog: vo-left
Interact (you may need to do this to enter text): vo-shift-down
Stop interacting (do this once you're done with whatever you 
interacted with): vo-shift-up
Start keyboard help (vo says the function of any vo command you type): 

Exit keyboard help: escape

I think you'll find the keyboard help quite useful. Of course, if you 
get stuck, just email the list and we'll try to help you out. I'm sure 
someone can even do it over skype if necessary. That said, if you can 
rope a sighted person into spending a few minutes with you to make 
sure all goes well, you may have an easier time of it. I did that and 
was glad I did, but, again, I had that odd keyboard experience. Good luck.
On Aug 9, 2012, at 10:09 PM, Ricardo Walker <>> wrote:


There is really nothing to know especially.  Just command f5 toggle 
VO on/off. haha.

Ricardo Walker <>

On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:46 PM, agent086b  wrote:

Hi all,
just getting ready for when I purchase my iMac in the next week or sow.
What do I need to do on it's arrival? I assume it comes with an 
administrator account so I expect I will need to create a non admin 
one. Other than getting it online is there anything else I will need 
to do? I will be purchasing it directly from Apple as I don't have 
an Apple store in my town, so I don't have anyone local to ask these 

Thanks as always for any help.

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) <>;

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Re: Mouse right click

2012-08-21 Thread agent086b

Hi, probably I am wrong as I don't have my Mac yet.
I think I read

vo-shift- and space twice quickly

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Mouse right click
From: Alex Hall 
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 18:22:37 -0400

Most of the time, vo-shift-m does the trick. If you need to simulate
an actual right click, or ctrl-click, you can do it. Unfortunately, I
don't remember the exact keystroke for this, but key describer should
help when you consider that vo-shift-space is a left click.

On 8/21/12, Mary Scott  wrote:

Hi all, My sighted helpers are often asking me, "How do I right click with
VO?"  Will somebody tell me the correct answer?  Mel

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Lastpass on the Mac

2011-11-29 Thread agent086b

is Lastpass usable with VO on the Mac?

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Re: Accessible Program for masking your IP

2012-01-30 Thread agent086b

I thought a NAT router did this already for us.
 Original Message  
Subject: Accessible Program for masking your IP
From: Michael Busboom 
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 16:00:44 +0100


I am looking for a low-cost solution for masking my Mac's IP address.  For quite some 
time, I used Hot Spot Shield, but this is no longer an option, because "PowerPC 
Applications are no longer supported."

Can anyone suggest an accessible alternative?

My thanks in advance,


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Re: time machine?

2012-02-03 Thread agent086b

I am sure you already know, you can use Carbonite on your Mac.

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: time machine?
From: Alex Hall 
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 15:54:11 -0500

Thanks for the responses. Regarding my last question:
1. You create a novel in Text Edit, saving it as a single document.
2. You back up your mac, which, of course, backs up your novel in the
process. Let us say this was done on January 1.
3. You come back to the novel a week later, making extensive
modifications. Unfortunately, your mac goes crazy and you restore from
your January 1 backup.
What happens to your novel? Do you retain the January 8 version, or is
that overwritten with the January 1 version? I have Carbonite on
Windows, but before I had that I tended to save to my hard drive and
make backups every month or so. In the above example, then, I would
not have backed up every itteration of the novel, and would probably
have done a backup a few weeks later. The restore, then, would happen
between my backups, so what would happen to the file in question? I
hope that makes sense.

On 2/3/12, Scott Howell  wrote:

Alex answers follow below:

On Feb 3, 2012, at 1:50 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

1. Will any external hard drive work?

ALex you may use any external drive you like. However, you should ensure you
have of course sufficient capacity and in fact you may consider having a
drive that is at least twice the capacity of the drive you are backing up.
THis is not a requirement, but a consideration.

2. Do I need to format it in a special way? If so, can I make a
partition on it to use for backups and leave the rest readable by
Windows computers?

I do not recall whether it matters, but the TIme Machine utility takes care
of this if I recall correctly. You could split the drive into multiple
partitions and choose where you want TIme Machine to place the backups.

3. Is time machine fully accessible?

I have not had any problems using TIme Machine.

4. Are time machine backups readable? That is, if I wanted a file off
an old backup but did not want to restore the whole thing, could I
just browse to that file and copy it like normal?


5. Is anything not backed up?

The only files that come to mind which are not backed up are those that have
no impact on operation of your Mac. In other words these are files you do
not have direct access to and are only used by the current instance of the
OS. So if you restored the entire machine or cloned the drive you would not
want these files.

6. If I had to restore, and I had newer files than in the backup, what
happens? In other words, is there a way to restore only system folders
so that files modified since the backup are not overwritten with older

Interesting question since I'm not sure how this condition  would occur
really. I'm trying to invision a scenario  that might apply in this case.


Thanks in advance.
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Mavericks and tabels.

2014-01-22 Thread Agent086b
you may be on to something here. I also have a problem reading a table on a 
weather site. I can not read the next 7 days forecasts
I can read several other tables like past 5 days current conditions etc. I was 
wondering if it has something to do with the coding of a particular table.

On 23 Jan 2014, at 1:26 pm, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> Am I missing something, or has mavericks got problems with showing some 
> tabels in safari.
> E.g. on my bank I can not see the tabels with my payments.
> On some pages there are tabels with buttons in, these tabels will not work 
> for me.
> Best regards Annie.

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Re: Mavericks and tables.

2014-01-22 Thread Agent086b
I can read those tables well. Sure don’t like the minus numbers I saw! We had 
45C last Friday. Darn hot.
So the site is on the wrong side of the world for me.
Thanks anyway.

On 23 Jan 2014, at 2:57 pm, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

>   Can you read the tables here on this site? They work fine for me.
> Jim
> On Jan 22, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> hi,
>> you may be on to something here. I also have a problem reading a table on a 
>> weather site. I can not read the next 7 days forecasts
>> I can read several other tables like past 5 days current conditions etc. I 
>> was wondering if it has something to do with the coding of a particular 
>> table.
>> Max

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Re: Mavericks and tables.

2014-01-22 Thread Agent086b
I will take another look.
On 23 Jan 2014, at 3:32 pm, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> They have Australia listed as one of the sites.  Where are you?
> On Jan 22, 2014, at 10:26 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can read those tables well. Sure don’t like the minus numbers I saw! We 
>> had 45C last Friday. Darn hot.
>> So the site is on the wrong side of the world for me.
>> Thanks anyway.
>> Max
>> On 23 Jan 2014, at 2:57 pm, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Can you read the tables here on this site? They work fine for me.
>>> Jim
>>> On Jan 22, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> you may be on to something here. I also have a problem reading a table on 
>>>> a weather site. I can not read the next 7 days forecasts
>>>> I can read several other tables like past 5 days current conditions etc. I 
>>>> was wondering if it has something to do with the coding of a particular 
>>>> table.
>>>> Max
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receiving mail on an iPad from one account only

2014-01-23 Thread Agent086b
at last I have created an iCloud alias. I now have two iCloud accounts. The 
alias is my wife’s email address. How do I make the iPad only download mail 
from the alias account? At the moment it is downloading from both accounts.
Thanks as always for any help.

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Setting date & time for iCloud mail

2014-01-28 Thread Agent086b
is it possible to change the date & time on iCloud? If we send email from an 
iCloud address it shows U S date & time. As I am on the other side of the world 
I would like to show my time here.
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Creating Folders for iCloud Documents

2014-01-30 Thread Agent086b
I don't use Pages. But would Command+O work?

On 31 Jan 2014, at 10:55 am, Nicholas Parsons  

> I managed to create the folders fine, and they show up in the document 
> manager/chooser, but I can't seem to open documents in their folders. If I 
> space or VO-Space on the folder, all folders open to reveal their contents, 
> but then pressing VO-Space, Space, Return, or mouse clicking on the documents 
> does nothing. I can still search for documents and open the results. This is 
> on the latest Pages.
> Best,
> Nic

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iCloud backups

2014-02-03 Thread Agent086b
can I delete a iPad or iPhone backup from iCloud?
If so how would I do this?
Thanks as always for any advice?

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Re: Icloud

2014-02-03 Thread Agent086b
I created the folders on my iPhone. When I wanted to create filters to send 
emails to different folders I had to get my sited wife to help do that online. 
If anybody has created filters on the site. Could you let us know 
how you did this without sited assistance?

On 4 Feb 2014, at 11:44 am, craig J Dunlop  wrote:

> I have a iCloud mail address and want to setup some  folders for mail 
> organization. I want them on my mac and iPhone do I create them online?
> thanks for any help.

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2014-02-09 Thread Agent086b
does anybody use Printopia? I have the 7 day trial version. I am unable to get 
it to work. I have selected the correct printer with my sited wife's help. As I 
understand I now should be able to print from my iPhone or iPad. 
Can anybody get me started.
I am sending this to two lists as I only have 5 days left in the trial.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Printopia

2014-02-09 Thread Agent086b
I don't see my printer from Pages on the iPad. Can you suggest what is missing?

On 10 Feb 2014, at 10:27 am, Kayaker  wrote:

> Hello,
> Yes. I've set up Printopia and it works well. Obiously your Mac has to be on 
> and not asleep, and you have to be on the same subnet. When you have any 
> application that supports printing via AirPrint, you will see your computer 
> name and printer listed as a print option. For example, in Mail you would hit 
> what VO calls the reply option, select the print option, then the look for 
> printers button and pick your computer name.  It is not the most accessible 
> application on the Mac with vo. You'll not be able to set it up with the 
> features unless you have sighted assistance.
> --k
> On Feb 9, 2014, at 4:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> does anybody use Printopia? I have the 7 day trial version. I am unable to 
>> get it to work. I have selected the correct printer with my sited wife's 
>> help. As I understand I now should be able to print from my iPhone or iPad. 
>> Can anybody get me started.
>> I am sending this to two lists as I only have 5 days left in the trial.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max
>> -- 
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How to read iCloud mail

2014-02-10 Thread Agent086b
is it possible to read iCloud mail on an iPhone through Safari? When I log in 
to the iCloud. com site it wants me to set up iCloud on my iPhone. When we are 
away my wife would like to check her mail without downloading it to my phone. 
On the Mac I can just go to that site and read the mail.
Hope that is clear what I am trying to achieve. Thanks for any help.

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Re: making iCloud email aliases?

2014-02-13 Thread Agent086b
if I remember correctly you need to do this from your Mac at the 
site. I did it a month or so ago. I think I spat the dummy and got my sited 
wife to help. 
You need to go to the mail tab then find the accounts. From there if you are 
lucky you will find alias. It will tell you you are none out of your three 
aliases you can have. Something like that. If I get time I will try and find 
some email I received that did help.
Good luck. It is worth it if you can get it setup.

On 13 Feb 2014, at 3:05 pm, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to create an alias so I can start switching all my mailing list 
> subscriptions to my iCloud account. The problem is that the web interface for 
> this just has a bunch of "text" items and an unlabeled button. I have no idea 
> where to enter anything or what information the site needs. Can anyone offer 
> any suggestions? Can I do this with my iPhone directly? Thanks.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Locking a Mac

2014-02-17 Thread Agent086b
if this is an iMac assuming you have checked the checkbox referred to below to 
require a password after sleep. You can press the power button once and that 
will put it to sleep.

On 18 Feb 2014, at 3:41 pm, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> Two ways you can deal with this.  First, in the Security & Privacy pane in 
> System Prefs, make sure that the checkbox for requiring a password after 
> Sleep or Screensaver is checked.  This behaviour is normally on by default in 
> Mountain Lion and Mavericks but if, for some reason, it is not, then checking 
> this box will make it so that your computer locks itself after a few minutes 
> and consequently requires a password to get back in.  All running apps remain 
> active.  The second method is accomplished by turning on Fast User Switching 
> in the Users & Groups pane of System Prefs.  Interact with the Users, Groups 
> and Login Options list, navigate down to the Login Options item, Stop 
> Interacting with the list, then navigate to the checkbox for "Show Fast User 
> Switching as", and check that box.  This will place another menu in the Menu 
> Extras area whereby you can either quickly switch to another user or choose 
> Login Screen to lock up your machine.
> You may also like to note that when using OS X Server, the Server app and 
> many other functions remain running even when you log off.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Frank Ventura  
> wrote:
>> Hi all, here is a really stupid and simplistic question. With the Mac 
>> running, how can I lock the screen, as to require a PW to unlock, without 
>> quitting the running programs? I need to secure the Mac but keep the running 
>> apps going.
>> Frank
>> -

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