have done, but will try again.

> On 14 Sep 2020, at 3:48 pm, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> I don’t know that.
> I don’t have  the homepods.
> When you say that you’ve searched online have you looked specificly att apple 
> support pages?
> /A
>> 14 sep. 2020 kl. 00:19 skrev Agent086b <agent0...@internode.on.net>:
>> Hi, thanks for the answer. Do you know if they will work on my mid 2011 
>> iMac? I don’t want to spend the money and find they are not supported on my 
>> iMac. If not does anybody know how I could find the answer. I have looked 
>> online but I am not sure.
>> Thanks again.
>> Max.
>>> On 14 Sep 2020, at 4:30 am, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Its under the audio settings
>>> When the HomePods are set up they will show up under output devices.
>>> /A
>>>> 13 sep. 2020 kl. 00:26 skrev Agent086b <agent0...@internode.on.net>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> the amplifier for my stereo system has died in the right channel. Still I 
>>>> have had it since the early 1980s so it doesn’t owe me much. I am looking 
>>>> to purchase a pear of HopePods to run from my iMac via Airplay.
>>>> My iMac is mid 2011 build. Will it Airplay?
>>>> If so where do I find the setting for this?
>>>> Thanks for any advice.
>>>> Max. 
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