if you have the link on an iPhone. Try air Drop.
> On 2 Dec 2020, at 8:09 am, FIOGKOS <fiog...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody, I have my zoom meeting tonight and I have been sent a link for 
> the meeting as well as a Calendar file.
> I have email on my iPhone but have not set up email on my iMac. I would like 
> to attempt to use my iMac tonight for the zoom meeting. Any ideas of how I 
> can send this link to my iMac?
> I appreciate all the help I can get
> Zoe
> God the father chose her
> God the sun dwelt in her
> God the spirit overshadowed her
> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
> Twitter
> @FiogkosZoe
> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
> he's late
>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 10:38 PM, Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net> wrote:
>> To raise your hand on a Mac is Option + Y..  On Windows, it is ALT + Y..
>> - Brad -
>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 20:57, FIOGKOS <fiog...@rogers.com 
>> <mailto:fiog...@rogers.com>> wrote:
>> Thank you very much Herbie, this helps very much. I did test out zoom on the 
>> iPhone with a friend and I could not hear his voice over or he could not 
>> hear mine. So it looks like problem solved at least on the iPhone I will try 
>> it also on the Mac and windows when I have a chance. I have a feeling that 
>> all is OK. Do you know the key command for raising your hand on both the Mac 
>> and windows? Thank you for all your help.
>> Regards Zoe
>> God the father chose her
>> God the sun dwelt in her
>> God the spirit overshadowed her
>> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
>> Twitter
>> @FiogkosZoe
>> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
>> he's late
>>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 2:42 PM, Herbie Allen <herbie.al...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:herbie.al...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> The respective screen readers are good about giving commands when you tab 
>>> to an action. For instance, Command shift A for muting and unmuting on Mac, 
>>> Alt A for Windows. As for Screen Readers, headphones is the best way to go 
>>> if on a computer, but the phone is fine provided you don’t have the 
>>> original sound turned on. If you are wanting to share your jaws or Vo on 
>>> the computer this can be done via the screen sharing and checking the audio 
>>> option.
>>>> On Nov 30, 2020, at 13:08, FIOGKOS <fiog...@rogers.com 
>>>> <mailto:fiog...@rogers.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody, I really really need help. I got zoom installed on my Mac, 
>>>> my iPhone, and my windows laptop. There are conflicting reports whether 
>>>> voiceover or jaws on the window side can be heard while you are attending 
>>>> eight zoom meeting. Some people have told me headphones wipes out 
>>>> voiceover and some disagree. One I’m not very familiar with the keyboard 
>>>> commands for any of the devices, if I were to turn voiceover off and use 
>>>> keyboard shortcut keys for an muting myself, muting myself, allowing my 
>>>> video or not allowing my video, raising my hand, and sending messages 
>>>> would that work? Of course another way that logic says will work is to 
>>>> mute my microphone press the key command that I want for example raise 
>>>> hand, or type a message, and then unmute myself. If any of this makes 
>>>> sense can anybody send me a zoom shortcut commands that I can use. The 
>>>> meeting I have to attend is tomorrow is there a test meeting that you can 
>>>> do by yourself to see how things work
>>>> Thank you for any help in advance.
>>>> God the father chose her
>>>> God the sun dwelt in her
>>>> God the spirit overshadowed her
>>>> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
>>>> Twitter
>>>> @FiogkosZoe
>>>> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel 
>>>> when he's late
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