Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread April Brown
I've actually tuned my tv monitor off and just used the computer.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:40:55 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to add one more thing to the debate about Mac Minis needing 
> monitors. Mine, a mid-2011, still does. That is even after a complete wipe 
> and re-install, with the latest version of 10.9.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex

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closing apps in the background

2014-01-27 Thread Scott Berry
I apologize about re-asking this question but how does one close programs in 
the background.  What had happened was that I had the mail view in the wrong 
viewing mode.


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Re: closing apps in the background

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
Go to mail, wit cmd tab, then press cmd q to quit.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:15 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
> I apologize about re-asking this question but how does one close programs in 
> the background. What had happened was that I had the mail view in the wrong 
> viewing mode.
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread Justin Mann
There is a little utility that is available called no sleep that will add some 
kernel extensions that allow the Macs to operate without a monitor.  
On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:43 AM, April Brown  wrote:

> I've actually tuned my tv monitor off and just used the computer.
> On Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:40:55 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just wanted to add one more thing to the debate about Mac Minis needing 
> monitors. Mine, a mid-2011, still does. That is even after a complete wipe 
> and re-install, with the latest version of 10.9.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> -- 
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Amazon Cloud Reader With VO?

2014-01-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

Has anybody tried Amazon cloud Reader on the web for reading books on the 
computer? I’ve tried it, but VO seems to pause after each word. Has anyone been 
able to optimize the settings so that Cloud Reader works a bit better with VO?


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

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Re: My Mac is Back

2014-01-27 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
I’ve noticed that a clean install fixes a lot of issues with the mac.

Also, it’s just wonderful that we can do this without sighted assistance!  Now, 
I don’t hesitate as much when and if my computer needs to be redone.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:49 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi alex, I noticed that when I did a clean install, the mac was in fact a lot 
> faster than without a clean install. Good luck.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
> On Jan 26, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just wanted to say that the re-install seems to have gone as planned. I 
>> haven't restored any of my apps or files yet, but I have set up Mail, and of 
>> course my mail and contacts and such are here thanks to the magic that is 
>> iCloud and IMAP mail. So far things seem to be moving much faster, but only 
>> time will tell if that continues to be the case. Either way, I got rid of my 
>> dusty old Windows partition and got a chance to refresh this machine after 
>> about two and a half years of use, so thanks to Ray and others for pushing 
>> me to take this step. Now, to go see if my data comes back over from the 
>> Time Machine drive!
>> Alex
>> -- 
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Re: using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica
did you stop interacting with that text?
I think that's what you have to do. why does voiceover like to focus on 
toolbars all the time for me?

On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:43 AM, Justin Mann  wrote:

> HI all,
> What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I find 
> that I'm eating stuck in the placeholder text.  
> -- 
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using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Justin Mann
HI all,

What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I find 
that I’m eating stuck in the placeholder text.  

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vmware fusion, linux and orca key

2014-01-27 Thread Chris Moore
If anyone out there is running linux on vmwaare, what are you using for the 
orca key.  If I plug in a usb keyboard I can use the insert key on the numpad.  
So my question is what do you do if you only have an apple wireless keyboard?


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Re: closing apps in the background

2014-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

As previously posted, here you go….

you can close apps from the Dock.  Press VO-d to bring VO focus to the Dock, 
navigate right or left and listen to what VO announces.  It will tell you if an 
app is open by announcing “Open” after announcing the app name.  If you wish to 
Close/Quit that app, press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu then the 
letter “q” to take you to the Quit option.  Press return and, if nothing needs 
saved, the app will quit.  one thing to note, closing a window on a Mac simply 
closes the window, it does not quit or close the app.  There are a few 
exceptions to this as in System Preferences but this is the rule for the most 
part.  If you wish to quit the app while in it, simply press cmd-q and it’s 
done, unless a document needs attention.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:30 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> Go to mail, wit cmd tab, then press cmd q to quit.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:15 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> I apologize about re-asking this question but how does one close programs in 
>> the background. What had happened was that I had the mail view in the wrong 
>> viewing mode.
>> Scott
>> -- 
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couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread Scott Berry
Hello there,

I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:

1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?

I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.

1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I have 
some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how do I do 

2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?

Scott Berry

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Re: Mail's Preview Pane Must Go

2014-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
In theory, it stops mail from being marked as "read" when you arrow over it. In 
practice, though, I went from 20 unread (the accurate count) to 1 unread, 
despite having read none of those 20 messages. So clearly, something else is 
happening that is messing with my unread badge.

Have a great day,

On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Daniel Hawkins  

> Hmm, I never changed my Mail layout when I updated Maverick. Not sure what 
> the Preview does. When I select the message I press Enter, view the messages 
> in the thread and then press cmd w to close it.
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
> iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
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> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
> 4GB Dual Channel DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> NVDA installed
> Phonak Compilot
> On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Thanks, I did it. I don't know if it will stick or not, but for now it seems 
>> to have worked.
>> On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Here’s some instructions I sent out back when Mavericks first came out:
 1.  Go into Mail Prefs and select the Viewing pane.
 2.  Check to change to Classic View.
 3.  Close Mail Prefs.
 4.  Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter after the Messages Table.
 5.  Press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure the mouse is focused on the Splitter.
 6.  Press down on the Trackpad then drag downwards to the bottom of the 
 physical Trackpad.
 You will know that it worked because the splitter will no longer be right 
 after the Messages Table, it will be the last item at the bottom of the 
 7.  Change back into Modern View in the Mail Prefs by unchecking the box.
 8.  Close the Mail Prefs.
 You will know that the Preview Pane is closed/hidden/disabled by 
 navigating around the Mail window and you will note a Vertical Splitter 
 before and after the Messages Column Group.
 If it’s not sticking for you, try quitting Mail after getting rid of the 
 Preview Pane in Classic view.  Once you re-open Mail, you can change back 
 to the Modern View and the change should stick.  At least it has for me 
 numerous times.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hi all,
 after the clean install, of course, Mail’s preview pane seems to be back. 
 I know that, in Mavericks, there is quite a process to closing it, and I 
 can’t find the splitter I used to use for this purpose. So, at the risk of 
 repeating a conversation, how would I go about killing the preview pane? 
 I’m in standard mode, by the way. Thanks.
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Re: Mail's Preview Pane Must Go

2014-01-27 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Hmm, I never changed my Mail layout when I updated Maverick. Not sure what the 
Preview does. When I select the message I press Enter, view the messages in the 
thread and then press cmd w to close it.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
4GB Dual Channel DDR3

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
NVDA installed

Phonak Compilot

On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Thanks, I did it. I don't know if it will stick or not, but for now it seems 
> to have worked.
> On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Here’s some instructions I sent out back when Mavericks first came out:
>>> 1.  Go into Mail Prefs and select the Viewing pane.
>>> 2.  Check to change to Classic View.
>>> 3.  Close Mail Prefs.
>>> 4.  Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter after the Messages Table.
>>> 5.  Press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure the mouse is focused on the Splitter.
>>> 6.  Press down on the Trackpad then drag downwards to the bottom of the 
>>> physical Trackpad.
>>> You will know that it worked because the splitter will no longer be right 
>>> after the Messages Table, it will be the last item at the bottom of the 
>>> window.
>>> 7.  Change back into Modern View in the Mail Prefs by unchecking the box.
>>> 8.  Close the Mail Prefs.
>>> You will know that the Preview Pane is closed/hidden/disabled by navigating 
>>> around the Mail window and you will note a Vertical Splitter before and 
>>> after the Messages Column Group.
>>> If it’s not sticking for you, try quitting Mail after getting rid of the 
>>> Preview Pane in Classic view.  Once you re-open Mail, you can change back 
>>> to the Modern View and the change should stick.  At least it has for me 
>>> numerous times.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> after the clean install, of course, Mail’s preview pane seems to be back. I 
>>> know that, in Mavericks, there is quite a process to closing it, and I 
>>> can’t find the splitter I used to use for this purpose. So, at the risk of 
>>> repeating a conversation, how would I go about killing the preview pane? 
>>> I’m in standard mode, by the way. Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread Daniel Hawkins
I too have No Sleep on my Macbook Pro. I love it since I don’t want my Mac go 
to sleep when i close the lid.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
4GB Dual Channel DDR3

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
NVDA installed

Phonak Compilot

On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:39 AM, Justin Mann  wrote:

> There is a little utility that is available called no sleep that will add 
> some kernel extensions that allow the Macs to operate without a monitor.  
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:43 AM, April Brown  wrote:
>> I've actually tuned my tv monitor off and just used the computer.
>> On Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:40:55 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just wanted to add one more thing to the debate about Mac Minis needing 
>> monitors. Mine, a mid-2011, still does. That is even after a complete wipe 
>> and re-install, with the latest version of 10.9.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
>> -- 
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Re: how to convert unprotected epubs/other ebook formats to txt?

2014-01-27 Thread Georgina Joyce

I haven’t seen any reply. So I thought I would suggest an option that is not 
satisfactory in accessibility because you need sighted support to install. But 
after that, you’ll be able to convert from a terminal. Calibre needs to be 
installed and the command line tools need installing. After that a simple 
command line command will convert your books.



On 24 Jan 2014, at 17:13, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hello everyone,,
> I am not a particularly big fan of ibooks on the mac. In the past i used 
> stanza to convert epubs and other ebook formats to txtfiles. Under mavericks 
> stanza does not seem to work for me anymore though, i get the message that 
> the archive is damaged.
> Are there any other accessible os x apps compatible with mavericks and still 
> available/supported that can perform this task?
> Thanks in advance for any information,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
See below.

Have a great day,

On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Hello there,
> I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
> 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
I'm not sure about adding, but in both the Weather and World Clock widgets, 
there are two "info" buttons. I had more luck with the first one, as sometimes 
the second one failed to do anything. Anyway, click the info button and you can 
set locations.
> I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.
> 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
> have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how do 
> I do this?
Copy your files first. The process of making a drive into a new file system 
will completely wipe that drive, so anything you don't copy off will be gone 
forever. Once you're sure you have rescued your data, open up Disk Utility, 
select the drive from the table, go to the Erase tab, and click erase after 
specifying the options you want in the text boxes and popup menus.
> 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
Open System Preferences > Time machine, and turn it on. Go to Settings and 
choose your drive, if you are not prompted for a drive automatically, and 
configure any other settings you want. It's quite easy once you do it.
> Scott Berry
> -- 
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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread isaac
The most common format for  time machine backups is mac os extended. To set up 
a time machine backups  go to system preferences then go to time machine then 
time machine preferences then select select back up disk   then  choose a disk 
if you have multiple disk then choose add  and remove disks then   for increase 
security choose incript backups then select choose disk.  To start a backup 
choose  back up now from the time machine menu in the menu bar. To pause a 
backup from the time machine menu choose stop backing up. To resume a backup 
choose backup now from the time machine menu in the menu bar.
On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Hello there,
> I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
> 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
> I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.
> 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
> have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how do 
> I do this?
> 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
> Scott Berry
> -- 
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Re: using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Justin Mann
Try the project proposal template, and see how that works for you.  I get lost 
in the thing.  
On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Jessica  wrote:

> did you stop interacting with that text?
> I think that's what you have to do. why does voiceover like to focus on 
> toolbars all the time for me?
> Jessica
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:43 AM, Justin Mann  wrote:
>> HI all,
>> What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I 
>> find that I'm eating stuck in the placeholder text.  
>> -- 
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Re: using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Justin,

To be able to enter text and navigate within a text box containing placeholder 
text in a template, interact twice with the object until it says “Edit text”, 
then press Return followed by Cmd-z. It will then be possible to navigate using 
only the arrow keys.

I know it sounds strange, but it works and you don’t find yourself moving the 
object rather than editing it.

Never use Quick Nav in Pages.



On 27 Jan 2014, at 16:43, Justin Mann  wrote:

> HI all,
> What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I find 
> that I’m eating stuck in the placeholder text.  
> -- 
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Re: using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Justin Mann
So do you have to follow these steps with each place holder in the template?
On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Justin,
> To be able to enter text and navigate within a text box containing 
> placeholder text in a template, interact twice with the object until it says 
> “Edit text”, then press Return followed by Cmd-z. It will then be possible to 
> navigate using only the arrow keys.
> I know it sounds strange, but it works and you don’t find yourself moving the 
> object rather than editing it.
> Never use Quick Nav in Pages.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Jan 2014, at 16:43, Justin Mann  wrote:
>> HI all,
>> What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I 
>> find that I’m eating stuck in the placeholder text.  
>> -- 
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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Alex,

How is your system running a day in to your clean install? My computer this 
morning has gotten back to being unusable as every single program is busy busy 
and the choppiness is ridiculous. Even restarting has done nothing. Do you use 
gmail as I am convinced that my gmail account is causing the issue as the damn 
all mail folder has 97000 messages and I am pretty sure something is still not 
working with gmail and mac mail causing the sluggishness. My concern about 
taking the time to do a clean install is even after the 97000 messages in the 
gmail all mail folder are still going to be there so if in deed gmail is 
causing the problem a clean install will not do anything. Not sure how Apple 
claims they have fixed the gmail problem but I am magically still having it 
just lucky. How many messages are in your all mail folder and if it is a lot 
how is mac mail running after the clean install? Another thing I notice is 
iTunes has a mind of its own as I close it a lot as I know it takes a ton of 
resources but on restart is automatically opens itself so iTunes always wants 
to be open not sure why this is. Thanks
On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> See below.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
>> 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
> I'm not sure about adding, but in both the Weather and World Clock widgets, 
> there are two "info" buttons. I had more luck with the first one, as 
> sometimes the second one failed to do anything. Anyway, click the info button 
> and you can set locations.
>> I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.
>> 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
>> have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how do 
>> I do this?
> Copy your files first. The process of making a drive into a new file system 
> will completely wipe that drive, so anything you don't copy off will be gone 
> forever. Once you're sure you have rescued your data, open up Disk Utility, 
> select the drive from the table, go to the Erase tab, and click erase after 
> specifying the options you want in the text boxes and popup menus.
>> 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
> Open System Preferences > Time machine, and turn it on. Go to Settings and 
> choose your drive, if you are not prompted for a drive automatically, and 
> configure any other settings you want. It's quite easy once you do it.
>> Scott Berry
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Re: using templates in pages?

2014-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Justin,

You have to follow these steps for each object, but not for all the placeholder 
text within that object. However, if you leave the object to work on another 
one, you have to repeat the same steps. You won’t lose anything you’ve entered 
and jumping to the formatter is not a problem.



On 27 Jan 2014, at 17:51, Justin Mann  wrote:

> So do you have to follow these steps with each place holder in the template?
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Justin,
>> To be able to enter text and navigate within a text box containing 
>> placeholder text in a template, interact twice with the object until it says 
>> “Edit text”, then press Return followed by Cmd-z. It will then be possible 
>> to navigate using only the arrow keys.
>> I know it sounds strange, but it works and you don’t find yourself moving 
>> the object rather than editing it.
>> Never use Quick Nav in Pages.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 27 Jan 2014, at 16:43, Justin Mann  wrote:
>>> HI all,
>>> What is the best way to deal with templates in pages using voiceover?  I 
>>> find that I’m eating stuck in the placeholder text.  
>>> -- 
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mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica
i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, it's 
not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my mac and 
vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day of the, 
"polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.


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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jim Gatteys
Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  Have 
you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
Here is mariner's info about this.
On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:

> Hi,
> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, it's 
> not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my mac and 
> vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day of the, 
> "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jim Gatteys
and do you get any sort of message when you try to sync?

On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> I am using the website. Yes, i do have a cloud sync account.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  
>> Have you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
>> Here is mariner's info about this.
>> JG
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
>>> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my 
>>> mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day 
>>> of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jessica
>>> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
No, nothing happens. VO does not say what is and is not checked for sync on the 
ios version.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> and do you get any sort of message when you try to sync?
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> I am using the website. Yes, i do have a cloud sync account.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  
>>> Have you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
>>> Here is mariner's info about this.
>>> JG
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:
 i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
 it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my 
 mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day 
 of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
I am using the website. Yes, i do have a cloud sync account.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  Have 
> you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
> Here is mariner's info about this.
> JG
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, it's 
>> not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my mac 
>> and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day of 
>> the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jim Gatteys
well they are really good about accessibility issues.  you might want to let 
them know.

I've used mac gourmet since 2009 and really like it.
On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> No, nothing happens. VO does not say what is and is not checked for sync on 
> the ios version.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> and do you get any sort of message when you try to sync?
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
>>> I am using the website. Yes, i do have a cloud sync account.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
 Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  
 Have you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
 Here is mariner's info about this.
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:
> Hi,
> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on 
> my mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last 
> day of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica
can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
I am unable to add recipes in the mac version.
How do I go about doing this when using voiceover?

On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:30 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> well they are really good about accessibility issues.  you might want to let 
> them know.
> I've used mac gourmet since 2009 and really like it.
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> No, nothing happens. VO does not say what is and is not checked for sync on 
>> the ios version.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> and do you get any sort of message when you try to sync?
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
 I am using the website. Yes, i do have a cloud sync account.
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> Are you syncing from the mac gourmet side on your mac or the other way?  
> Have you created an account from Mac Gourmet?
> Here is mariner's info about this.
> JG
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Jessica  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
>> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on 
>> my mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the 
>> last day of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 

On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:

> Hi,
> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, it's 
> not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my mac and 
> vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day of the, 
> "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
Yes, what am i doing wrong?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 
> selected?
> Cait
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, it's 
>> not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my mac 
>> and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day of 
>> the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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Overwhelmed with mail

2014-01-27 Thread regina alvarado
OK, thought I understood mail. When I ;enter the messages and all load I open 
the conversation with right arrow. Then I down arrow and find the first in the 
conversation. Then I hit VO-J to read text of email. I VO-J to go back to the 
list and delete the email I just read. Then I start the process again. If after 
reading a number of emails and hitting CMD-Q and then going back into messages, 
all the email I just deleted comes back. I am completely inundated. Am I doing 
email correctly? How do I keep email from coming back? Are there any settings I 
should absolutely make to make it easier to do mail? I have gmail in IMAP. It 
reads fine. Do I have to do something in Gmail because it is a new machine? 
Just a little frustrated in FL as I thought I knew what I was doing but 
obviously not!

Reggie and Allegra

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A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a projector 
and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has been months 
since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play on the computer 
itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would stop. (The 
projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other devices.)

I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  VLC, 
and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I am told 
1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed new 
restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no longer 
possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This makes no 
sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought through Google, 
Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a projector.) 
2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I cannot 
use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies. 
3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround? 

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Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread Chris Blouch
While I could never find official confirmation, it seemed like many Mac 
Minis would bog down endlessly scanning for what kind of monitor there 
was when there wasn't one plugged in. Having a monitor connected but 
turned off was sufficient to work around the bug and, of course, this 
bug does not exist on Macs with screens built in. It seemed to be some 
weird hardware thing as no amount of patching and fiddling seemed to 
resolve the issue. For me I got a cheap VGA to NTSC converted connected 
which made my mini happy and let me hook it to a TV to be the family 
media center. Hopefully the newer Minis no longer have this flaw but I 
haven't heard definitively one way or the other.


On 1/26/14 9:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I just wanted to add one more thing to the debate about Mac Minis 
needing monitors. Mine, a mid-2011, still does. That is even after a 
complete wipe and re-install, with the latest version of 10.9.

Have a great day,

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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I’d plug in and then try to play your movie.  I have found, at times, that if I 
make the mistake of trying to switch inputs on my AV receiver while playing an 
ITunes movie I bought, I sometimes get a warnning that the movie cannot be 
played on the device.  So, I exit out of the attempt to play the movie and 
start it up and it plays fine.  The trick is to make sure not to switch inputs 
while playing an ITunes bought or rented movie.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a projector 
> and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has been months 
> since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play on the 
> computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would stop. 
> (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other devices.)
> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
> am told that:
> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed new 
> restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no longer 
> possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This makes no 
> sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought through 
> Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a projector.) 
> 2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I cannot 
> use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies. 
> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround? 
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread Jared
To work around this you might want to try the following product for $15.
Based off the following blog article about Mac Mini's as servers.

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Hilarious contextual menu in iTunes back to not working

2014-01-27 Thread Brian Fischler
So after two hours of not being able to use my iMac because of busy busy issues 
and the VO choppiness it finally stops which I assume means the gmail all mail 
folder finished loading, and I go to use iTunes and once again the contextual 
menu doesn’t work. It is so strange as the contextual menu in mail works just 
fine, but doesn’t in iTunes making it impossible to add anything to a playlist. 
I have quit iTunes, but don’t want to restart my computer yet again as at least 
I can use it again without everything being busy busy and choppy. Alex, let us 
know how your computer is still working after the clean install, as I am 
thinking a clean install is my only option. Ugh.

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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Thanks; we did try this. More than once.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 14:41, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I’d plug in and then try to play your movie.  I have found, at times, that if 
> I make the mistake of trying to switch inputs on my AV receiver while playing 
> an ITunes movie I bought, I sometimes get a warnning that the movie cannot be 
> played on the device.  So, I exit out of the attempt to play the movie and 
> start it up and it plays fine.  The trick is to make sure not to switch 
> inputs while playing an ITunes bought or rented movie.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Christine Grassman  
>> wrote:
>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would 
>> stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>> devices.)
>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>> am told that:
>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>> projector.) 
>> 2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies. 
>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround? 
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: Mail's Preview Pane Must Go

2014-01-27 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Ahh I understand, yeah I get that sometimes too!

I usually read my messages by date first. then if there are any unread I have 
not gotten yet, then I change the listing to unread and read the rest that way. 
So it may not get it in order all the time but that how I get them all read.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
4GB Dual Channel DDR3

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
NVDA installed

Phonak Compilot

On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:21 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> In theory, it stops mail from being marked as "read" when you arrow over it. 
> In practice, though, I went from 20 unread (the accurate count) to 1 unread, 
> despite having read none of those 20 messages. So clearly, something else is 
> happening that is messing with my unread badge.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Daniel Hawkins  
> wrote:
>> Hmm, I never changed my Mail layout when I updated Maverick. Not sure what 
>> the Preview does. When I select the message I press Enter, view the messages 
>> in the thread and then press cmd w to close it.
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
>> iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
>> iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
>> 4GB Dual Channel DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> NVDA installed
>> Phonak Compilot
>> On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Thanks, I did it. I don't know if it will stick or not, but for now it 
>>> seems to have worked.
>>> On Jan 26, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Hi Alex,
 Here’s some instructions I sent out back when Mavericks first came out:
> 1.  Go into Mail Prefs and select the Viewing pane.
> 2.  Check to change to Classic View.
> 3.  Close Mail Prefs.
> 4.  Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter after the Messages Table.
> 5.  Press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure the mouse is focused on the Splitter.
> 6.  Press down on the Trackpad then drag downwards to the bottom of the 
> physical Trackpad.
> You will know that it worked because the splitter will no longer be right 
> after the Messages Table, it will be the last item at the bottom of the 
> window.
> 7.  Change back into Modern View in the Mail Prefs by unchecking the box.
> 8.  Close the Mail Prefs.
> You will know that the Preview Pane is closed/hidden/disabled by 
> navigating around the Mail window and you will note a Vertical Splitter 
> before and after the Messages Column Group.
> If it’s not sticking for you, try quitting Mail after getting rid of the 
> Preview Pane in Classic view.  Once you re-open Mail, you can change back 
> to the Modern View and the change should stick.  At least it has for me 
> numerous times.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Jan 26, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> after the clean install, of course, Mail’s preview pane seems to be back. 
> I know that, in Mavericks, there is quite a process to closing it, and I 
> can’t find the splitter I used to use for this purpose. So, at the risk 
> of repeating a conversation, how would I go about killing the preview 
> pane? I’m in standard mode, by the way. Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: vmware fusion, linux and orca key

2014-01-27 Thread Matthew Dyer

Hi Chris,

I wass kind of wonderikng myself.  I was able to use an app called key 
remap I think its called.  I was able to take the eject key and change 
it to a delete key and this seems to help, but have not found a wway to 
add a orca key.  HTH.


On 01/27/2014 09:44 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

If anyone out there is running linux on vmwaare, what are you using for the 
orca key.  If I plug in a usb keyboard I can use the insert key on the numpad.  
So my question is what do you do if you only have an apple wireless keyboard?


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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread Scott Berry
Where is disk utility?

On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:34 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> See below.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
>> 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
> I'm not sure about adding, but in both the Weather and World Clock widgets, 
> there are two "info" buttons. I had more luck with the first one, as 
> sometimes the second one failed to do anything. Anyway, click the info button 
> and you can set locations.
>> I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.
>> 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
>> have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how do 
>> I do this?
> Copy your files first. The process of making a drive into a new file system 
> will completely wipe that drive, so anything you don't copy off will be gone 
> forever. Once you're sure you have rescued your data, open up Disk Utility, 
> select the drive from the table, go to the Erase tab, and click erase after 
> specifying the options you want in the text boxes and popup menus.
>> 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
> Open System Preferences > Time machine, and turn it on. Go to Settings and 
> choose your drive, if you are not prompted for a drive automatically, and 
> configure any other settings you want. It's quite easy once you do it.
>> Scott Berry
>> -- 
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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread John Panarese
   Disk Utility is in your applications folder in the Utilities subfolder.  You 
can also use command-shift-u in the Finder to directly open the Utilities 

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:37 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Where is disk utility?
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:34 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> See below.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
>>> 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
>> I'm not sure about adding, but in both the Weather and World Clock widgets, 
>> there are two "info" buttons. I had more luck with the first one, as 
>> sometimes the second one failed to do anything. Anyway, click the info 
>> button and you can set locations.
>>> I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if needed.
>>> 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
>>> have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how 
>>> do I do this?
>> Copy your files first. The process of making a drive into a new file system 
>> will completely wipe that drive, so anything you don't copy off will be gone 
>> forever. Once you're sure you have rescued your data, open up Disk Utility, 
>> select the drive from the table, go to the Erase tab, and click erase after 
>> specifying the options you want in the text boxes and popup menus.
>>> 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
>> Open System Preferences > Time machine, and turn it on. Go to Settings and 
>> choose your drive, if you are not prompted for a drive automatically, and 
>> configure any other settings you want. It's quite easy once you do it.
>>> Scott Berry
>>> -- 
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Re: couple of questions about Time Machine and changing the clocks and weather

2014-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
The easiest way to find and launch apps on the Mac is Spotlight. Just 
cmd-space, start typing disk utility, and after a few letters you'll hear "top 
hit, Disk utility". Press enter and it opens up. I launch everything this way - 
my desktop is empty, my dock nearly so. It doesn't work for everyone, of 
course, but it is a great way to find a newly downloaded app or find one whose 
location you don't know.

Have a great day,

On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:45 PM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   Disk Utility is in your applications folder in the Utilities subfolder.  
> You can also use command-shift-u in the Finder to directly open the Utilities 
> folder.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:37 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Where is disk utility?
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:34 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> See below.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
 Hello there,
 I was looking at the time, weather and date widget.  I was wondering:
 1.  How do you change the time and weather and your world clocks?
>>> I'm not sure about adding, but in both the Weather and World Clock widgets, 
>>> there are two "info" buttons. I had more luck with the first one, as 
>>> sometimes the second one failed to do anything. Anyway, click the info 
>>> button and you can set locations.
 I also want to start Time Machine so I have backups to go back to if 
 1.  How do I set up a drive that is NTFS to a drive for Mac only?  Also I 
 have some Documents and such I need to back up before switching over, how 
 do I do this?
>>> Copy your files first. The process of making a drive into a new file system 
>>> will completely wipe that drive, so anything you don't copy off will be 
>>> gone forever. Once you're sure you have rescued your data, open up Disk 
>>> Utility, select the drive from the table, go to the Erase tab, and click 
>>> erase after specifying the options you want in the text boxes and popup 
>>> menus.
 2.  How do I begin the set up process with Time Machine?
>>> Open System Preferences > Time machine, and turn it on. Go to Settings and 
>>> choose your drive, if you are not prompted for a drive automatically, and 
>>> configure any other settings you want. It's quite easy once you do it.
 Scott Berry
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Eileens Misrahi
HI All,

I hope others will help me out if my memory is not perfect. When all of the Mac 
Gourmet apps were on sale, there was a discussion that a newer version was 
about to be release for the phone and Mac. I believe in older versions of Mac 
Gourmet there was a problem in syncing between the phone and Mac. Esther 
suggested to contact the developers to get a license key for the new update 
from the web site. The developers were very accommodating and prompt. I 
received instructions on how to delete my version of Mac Gourmet Deluxe from my 
Air and install the new version. If my recollection is not correct, I hope 
others will chime in on this. So, you may not be doing anything wrong, but it 
may be a software incompatibility issue between the 2 apps. HTH.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> Yes, what am i doing wrong?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 
>> selected?
>> Cait
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
>>> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my 
>>> mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day 
>>> of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jessica
>>> -- 
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the 
projector? I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM 
but if you were using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had 
anything to do with it.


On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a projector 
and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has been months 
since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play on the computer 
itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would stop. (The 
projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other devices.)

I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  VLC, 
and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I am told 
1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed new 
restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no longer 
possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This makes no 
sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought through Google, 
Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a projector.)
2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.

3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?


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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
I am not running the delux version & am waiting to hear back from them.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:
> HI All,
> I hope others will help me out if my memory is not perfect. When all of the 
> Mac Gourmet apps were on sale, there was a discussion that a newer version 
> was about to be release for the phone and Mac. I believe in older versions of 
> Mac Gourmet there was a problem in syncing between the phone and Mac. Esther 
> suggested to contact the developers to get a license key for the new update 
> from the web site. The developers were very accommodating and prompt. I 
> received instructions on how to delete my version of Mac Gourmet Deluxe from 
> my Air and install the new version. If my recollection is not correct, I hope 
> others will chime in on this. So, you may not be doing anything wrong, but it 
> may be a software incompatibility issue between the 2 apps. HTH.
> Best,
> Eileen 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> Yes, what am i doing wrong?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>>> wrote:
>>> In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 
>>> selected?
>>> Cait
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:
 i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
 it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on my 
 mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last day 
 of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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 Visit this group at
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mac Minis needing monitors: another thing to add to the pile

2014-01-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Nice. I had hunted endlessly for what used to be called a "VGA 
Terminator" and everyplace that listed it was out of stock or crazy 
priced. Your Amazon link seems to be the HDMI equivalent for just $15. 
If you want to do the NTSC thing, that box is still sold for $24 here:
which takes VGA in and puts out NTSC or PAL.


On 1/27/14 2:45 PM, Jared wrote:

To work around this you might want to try the following product for $15.
Based off the following blog article about Mac Mini's as servers.
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
That which I described before happened when I connected my HDTV through my AV 
receiver and connected my Iphone via HDMI directly to my AV receiver.  Just a 
thought, but, have you attempted to pass the signal from your movie playback 
source, (Mac or Iphone ETC) to an AV receiver and then to the projector?

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the projector? 
> I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but if you were 
> using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had anything to do with 
> it.
> CB
> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would 
>> stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>> devices.)
>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>> am told that:
>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>> projector.)
>>  2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>> Christine
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys
Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS website 
was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I did again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is worse 
this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me for ever 
to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, even the 
iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, but I've 
really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out one 
accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I didn't know 
where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid website.

What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did give 
me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We will see 
if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a survey. I 
told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going to do me.

Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything and 
accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first to 



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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Taxact was bad last year? I did it last year and the only major problem I had 
was the captcha at the end. That crash of safari as I remember maybe had to do 
with some dialog that might show up in your window chooser but I am afraid I 
don't remember. I did it on the Mac not the iPhone. But I haven't tried it yet 
this year so thanks for the heads-up! Will report when I try it; am still 
waiting for some info.


I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
thrown in the trash!
Then God gave me a new heart and life:
His joy for my despairing tears!
And now, every day:
"This I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys
> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS website 
> was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I did 
> again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is worse 
> this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me for 
> ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, even 
> the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, but 
> I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out one 
> accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I didn't 
> know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid website.
> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
> was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did give 
> me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We will see 
> if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a survey. I 
> told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going to do me.
> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first to 
> complain.
> Sincerely,
> Gigi 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Oh yes, also if i remember correctly, I finally called the IRS helpdesk about 
the braille not being up and shortly thereafter it appeared. I have no idea 
whether it actually had anything to do with my call or not but you might try 
that if you haven't already.


I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
thrown in the trash!
Then God gave me a new heart and life:
His joy for my despairing tears!
And now, every day:
"This I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys
> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS website 
> was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I did 
> again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is worse 
> this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me for 
> ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, even 
> the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, but 
> I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out one 
> accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I didn't 
> know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid website.
> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
> was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did give 
> me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We will see 
> if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a survey. I 
> told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going to do me.
> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first to 
> complain.
> Sincerely,
> Gigi 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Cheryl 
I thought I had my act together, and went into it thinking I would have no 
trouble because I had all my 1099's etc. I actually got pretty far, but made a 
mistake and went too far on one of my expenses. Filing a Schedule C is a lot of 
fun with screen reader on this thing if you make a mistake. I didn't even try 
JAWS this year; I figured it wouldn't help anyway. Besides, the only Windows 
computer I have access to is under Vista, with an earlier version of Jaws, so I 
figure it won't help with my frustration. 


On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:45 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Taxact was bad last year? I did it last year and the only major problem I had 
> was the captcha at the end. That crash of safari as I remember maybe had to 
> do with some dialog that might show up in your window chooser but I am afraid 
> I don't remember. I did it on the Mac not the iPhone. But I haven't tried it 
> yet this year so thanks for the heads-up! Will report when I try it; am still 
> waiting for some info.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind,
> and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord
> never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS 
>> website was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I 
>> did again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is 
>> worse this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me 
>> for ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, 
>> even the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, 
>> but I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out 
>> one accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I 
>> didn't know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid 
>> website.
>> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
>> was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did 
>> give me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We 
>> will see if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a 
>> survey. I told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going 
>> to do me.
>> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
>> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first 
>> to complain.
>> Sincerely,
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

I’ve seen this with HD movies purchased from iTunes.  There are threads on the 
Internet talking about it that I browsed sometime during last Fall.  
Supposedly, if you view the SD version instead of the HD version,, iTunes will 
allow many of the projectors to show the content.  All Movie/TV purchases 
downloaded from iTunes also include the SD (Standard Definition) version along 
with the HD version.  To access the SD version, navigate to the Movie or TV 
show, press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu and go to the Video 
Quality item.  Select SD from there and see if it works.  Not promising 
anything, just recall reading this somewhere.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 27, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the projector? 
> I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but if you were 
> using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had anything to do with 
> it.
> CB
> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would 
>> stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>> devices.)
>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>> am told that:
>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>> projector.)
>>  2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>> Christine
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Justin Mann
How does TurboTax 2012? Work? I downloaded that from the Mac App Store this 
year, considering using that for my taxes.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS website 
> was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I did 
> again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is worse 
> this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me for 
> ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, even 
> the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, but 
> I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out one 
> accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I didn't 
> know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid website.
> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
> was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did give 
> me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We will see 
> if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a survey. I 
> told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going to do me.
> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first to 
> complain.
> Sincerely,
> Gigi 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Overwhelmed with mail

2014-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

I’m wondering if the checkbox for “Include Related Messages” is checked for 
you.  If it is, even messages you’ve deleted appear in the conversation since 
Mail believes them to be related.  To disable this feature, go into Mail, press 
cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences, Interact with the Toolbar and then 
VO-space on the Viewing tab.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar, locate the 
checkbox that says something like “Include Related Messages” and uncheck it.  
Hopefully, that reduces your frustration.  I recall having that same issue a 
long time ago when that feature was added by default, I didn’t like it then and 
still would not prefer it be the default.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:26 PM, regina alvarado  wrote:

> OK, thought I understood mail. When I ;enter the messages and all load I open 
> the conversation with right arrow. Then I down arrow and find the first in 
> the conversation. Then I hit VO-J to read text of email. I VO-J to go back to 
> the list and delete the email I just read. Then I start the process again. If 
> after reading a number of emails and hitting CMD-Q and then going back into 
> messages, all the email I just deleted comes back. I am completely inundated. 
> Am I doing email correctly? How do I keep email from coming back? Are there 
> any settings I should absolutely make to make it easier to do mail? I have 
> gmail in IMAP. It reads fine. Do I have to do something in Gmail because it 
> is a new machine? 
> Just a little frustrated in FL as I thought I knew what I was doing but 
> obviously not!
> Reggie and Allegra
> -- 
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Justin
I have not a clue how TurboTax works as to accessibility issues. I think it has 
a good reputation as far as I know for taxes, but you will have to let us know 
how we accessibility is.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Justin Mann  wrote:
> How does TurboTax 2012? Work? I downloaded that from the Mac App Store this 
> year, considering using that for my taxes.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS 
>> website was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. I 
>> did again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, is 
>> worse this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but took me 
>> for ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several times, 
>> even the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all around, 
>> but I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I left out 
>> one accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so lost I 
>> didn't know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that stupid 
>> website.
>> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, I 
>> was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did 
>> give me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We 
>> will see if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a 
>> survey. I told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going 
>> to do me.
>> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
>> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first 
>> to complain.
>> Sincerely,
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Quotations and apostrophes in Textedit (Mavericks)

2014-01-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
Thank you for that tip!  I wasted a couple of hours on this last night, but 
this has solved it.  Wonder how that got changed.


On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Yes, that would be problematic. Go to System Preferences, Keyboard, Text tab, 
> and uncheck "use smart quotes and dashes". Also, be sure you are saving your 
> php and other code files as plain text, not rich text, but I'm sure you know 
> that already.
> On Jan 26, 2014, at 8:58 PM, Jeff Berwick  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't know how I did it, or even if it was me, but now when I enter the "" 
>> or '' in Textedit Voiceover announces it as left quote and right quote 
>> respectively.  I am a programmer and I think this is causing problems when I 
>> save my PHP files as I am getting errors now and can't use quotations or 
>> apostrophes.  Can anybody offer up any suggestions or solutions on how I can 
>> fix this?
>> I can't even do something as basic as:
>> > echo "hello";
>> ?>
>> Thx,
>> Jeff
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Ok Justin, I downloaded Turbo Tax myself since it was free anyway. I did find 
out you have to turn VoiceOver off and then back on again to get the toolbar. I 
have no idea why, but so far it has worked. so I will continue on here and let 
y'all know how I get on with this little project. It's a good thing I retired 
from doing tax customer service so I will know if I have skipped anything. I 
could wait for the braille copies, and I might end up doing that. However, I am 
going to owe some money this year, so I want to get a head start so I will know 
how much estimated tax I have to pay for 2014. 


On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Justin
> I have not a clue how TurboTax works as to accessibility issues. I think it 
> has a good reputation as far as I know for taxes, but you will have to let us 
> know how we accessibility is.
> Sincerely,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Justin Mann  wrote:
>> How does TurboTax 2012? Work? I downloaded that from the Mac App Store this 
>> year, considering using that for my taxes.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS 
>>> website was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. 
>>> I did again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, 
>>> is worse this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but 
>>> took me for ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari several 
>>> times, even the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had trouble all 
>>> around, but I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit and expense. I 
>>> left out one accidentally, and I was trying to put it in there. I got so 
>>> lost I didn't know where I was lost from. It's not Safari either, it's that 
>>> stupid website.
>>> What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, 
>>> I was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did 
>>> give me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We 
>>> will see if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a 
>>> survey. I told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that going 
>>> to do me.
>>> Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you make everything 
>>> and accessible for reporting problems and telling people they to pay first 
>>> to complain.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Gigi 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
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>> email to
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Replying to iMessages from Notification Center?

2014-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
One feature in Mavericks is supposed to be that you can reply to iMessages 
right in the Notification Center. Well, I was in there and hit enter on an 
iMessage, and it opened the messages app. Is there a trick to getting it to 
just pop up a reply window, or is this not accessible? Thanks.

Have a great day,

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Re: Replying to iMessages from Notification Center?

2014-01-27 Thread John Panarese
  Try doing a simulated mouse click with VO-shift-space on the message in the 
Notification center.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:05 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> One feature in Mavericks is supposed to be that you can reply to iMessages 
> right in the Notification Center. Well, I was in there and hit enter on an 
> iMessage, and it opened the messages app. Is there a trick to getting it to 
> just pop up a reply window, or is this not accessible? Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hi Jessica, 

I believe there were others who contacted the developers that were using just 
Mac Gourmet to see if they could receive a license for the most current 
version.  I decided to get the deluxe version because of the nutritional 
feature. I'm thinking in the future in creating a specialty food item, which 
this feature would be helpful in accomplishing the nutritional info 
rquirements. I hope you will have some success in hearing from the developer 

Kind regards, 
On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:43 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> I am not running the delux version & am waiting to hear back from them.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Eileens Misrahi  
>> wrote:
>> HI All,
>> I hope others will help me out if my memory is not perfect. When all of the 
>> Mac Gourmet apps were on sale, there was a discussion that a newer version 
>> was about to be release for the phone and Mac. I believe in older versions 
>> of Mac Gourmet there was a problem in syncing between the phone and Mac. 
>> Esther suggested to contact the developers to get a license key for the new 
>> update from the web site. The developers were very accommodating and prompt. 
>> I received instructions on how to delete my version of Mac Gourmet Deluxe 
>> from my Air and install the new version. If my recollection is not correct, 
>> I hope others will chime in on this. So, you may not be doing anything 
>> wrong, but it may be a software incompatibility issue between the 2 apps. 
>> HTH.
>> Best,
>> Eileen 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Jessica D  wrote:
>>> Yes, what am i doing wrong?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
 In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:
> Hi,
> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on 
> my mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the last 
> day of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: Replying to iMessages from Notification Center?

2014-01-27 Thread David Taylor
Hi, even though it does take you to messages, it puts you in the correct 
conversation so you can type a reply and hit return. I find this so easy that I 
re-configured all the keyboard settings so that f11 now opens notification 
center for me. I know that's not a direct answer, but it's so simple.


On 28 Jan 2014, at 00:05, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> One feature in Mavericks is supposed to be that you can reply to iMessages 
> right in the Notification Center. Well, I was in there and hit enter on an 
> iMessage, and it opened the messages app. Is there a trick to getting it to 
> just pop up a reply window, or is this not accessible? Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> -- 
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Re: mac gourmet help.

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica D
What should i do to try & fix it?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:11 PM, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hi Jessica, 
> I believe there were others who contacted the developers that were using just 
> Mac Gourmet to see if they could receive a license for the most current 
> version.  I decided to get the deluxe version because of the nutritional 
> feature. I'm thinking in the future in creating a specialty food item, which 
> this feature would be helpful in accomplishing the nutritional info 
> rquirements. I hope you will have some success in hearing from the developer 
> soon. 
> Kind regards, 
> Eileen 
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:43 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> I am not running the delux version & am waiting to hear back from them.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Eileens Misrahi  
>>> wrote:
>>> HI All,
>>> I hope others will help me out if my memory is not perfect. When all of the 
>>> Mac Gourmet apps were on sale, there was a discussion that a newer version 
>>> was about to be release for the phone and Mac. I believe in older versions 
>>> of Mac Gourmet there was a problem in syncing between the phone and Mac. 
>>> Esther suggested to contact the developers to get a license key for the new 
>>> update from the web site. The developers were very accommodating and 
>>> prompt. I received instructions on how to delete my version of Mac Gourmet 
>>> Deluxe from my Air and install the new version. If my recollection is not 
>>> correct, I hope others will chime in on this. So, you may not be doing 
>>> anything wrong, but it may be a software incompatibility issue between the 
>>> 2 apps. HTH.
>>> Best,
>>> Eileen 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Jessica D  wrote:
 Yes, what am i doing wrong?
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
>  wrote:
> In your mac gourmet settings on the i phone, do you have the synch choice 
> selected?
> Cait
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am trying to use mac gourmet to sync with gourmet for ios, and, well, 
>> it's not working. I have some recipes on my iOS devices that are not on 
>> my mac and vice-versa. what am I doing wrong? I bought them both the 
>> last day of the, "polar vortex" sale.Help is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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Re: Replying to iMessages from Notification Center?

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica
you must interact with the scroll area.

On Jan 27, 2014, at 7:12 PM, David Taylor  wrote:

> Hi, even though it does take you to messages, it puts you in the correct 
> conversation so you can type a reply and hit return. I find this so easy that 
> I re-configured all the keyboard settings so that f11 now opens notification 
> center for me. I know that's not a direct answer, but it's so simple.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 28 Jan 2014, at 00:05, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> One feature in Mavericks is supposed to be that you can reply to iMessages 
>> right in the Notification Center. Well, I was in there and hit enter on an 
>> iMessage, and it opened the messages app. Is there a trick to getting it to 
>> just pop up a reply window, or is this not accessible? Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
>> -- 
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table of contents in pages

2014-01-27 Thread Jessica
I am trying to write about my life using pages, I need to make a table of 
contents. How do I do this?
Voiceover is telling me I am not using the correct paragraph style.

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Re: vmware fusion, linux and orca key

2014-01-27 Thread Phil Halton
VMWare can remap one of the keys to produce an insert key. I imagine that's the 
way to go as I don't imagine you can run sharp keys in Lynux.

On Jan 27, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello,
> If anyone out there is running linux on vmwaare, what are you using for the 
> orca key.  If I plug in a usb keyboard I can use the insert key on the 
> numpad.  So my question is what do you do if you only have an apple wireless 
> keyboard?
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
I will definitely give that a whirl tomorrow. 
> -- 

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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
No -- just a cable between the MacBook and the projector, which has always 
worked in the past. 
Same projector, same MacBook, same cable. (Though we did try a different cable, 
thinking perhaps the cable might be the issue.)
On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> That which I described before happened when I connected my HDTV through my AV 
> receiver and connected my Iphone via HDMI directly to my AV receiver.  Just a 
> thought, but, have you attempted to pass the signal from your movie playback 
> source, (Mac or Iphone ETC) to an AV receiver and then to the projector?
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the 
>> projector? I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but if 
>> you were using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had anything to 
>> do with it.
>> CB
>> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it 
>>> would stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>>> devices.)
>>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>>> am told that:
>>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>>> projector.)
>>> 2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
>>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>>> Christine
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
We were using HDMI. 

On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the projector? 
> I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but if you were 
> using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had anything to do with 
> it.
> CB
> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it would 
>> stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>> devices.)
>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>> am told that:
>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>> projector.)
>>  2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>> Christine
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Christine Grassman
When I go into the video quality submenu, it is only offering two HD versions: 
Default HD 1080 P  and High Definition 720 P
On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:59 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve seen this with HD movies purchased from iTunes.  There are threads on 
> the Internet talking about it that I browsed sometime during last Fall.  
> Supposedly, if you view the SD version instead of the HD version,, iTunes 
> will allow many of the projectors to show the content.  All Movie/TV 
> purchases downloaded from iTunes also include the SD (Standard Definition) 
> version along with the HD version.  To access the SD version, navigate to the 
> Movie or TV show, press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu and go to 
> the Video Quality item.  Select SD from there and see if it works.  Not 
> promising anything, just recall reading this somewhere.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the 
>> projector? I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but if 
>> you were using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had anything to 
>> do with it.
>> CB
>> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
>>> projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
>>> been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
>>> on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it 
>>> would stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
>>> devices.)
>>> I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
>>> VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, I 
>>> am told that:
>>> 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
>>> new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
>>> longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
>>> makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
>>> through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
>>> projector.)
>>>  2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
>>> cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
>>> 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
>>> Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>>> Christine
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Copying 10GB file with Lacie Rugged 120GB SSD. Speed test.

2014-01-27 Thread Terje Strømberg
1 minute 45 seconds. Not bad, that is, it is in the lower end of the SSD price 
range. Nice to have for bootable disk, firmware.

Take care

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Re: A very frustrating discovery regarding playing movies downloaded from iTunes

2014-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Is the video downloaded to the local machine or still in the Cloud?  When 
iTunes downloads the video to the local machine, it downloads both versions.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 27, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> When I go into the video quality submenu, it is only offering two HD 
> versions: Default HD 1080 P  and High Definition 720 P
> Christine
> .
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:59 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve seen this with HD movies purchased from iTunes.  There are threads on 
>> the Internet talking about it that I browsed sometime during last Fall.  
>> Supposedly, if you view the SD version instead of the HD version,, iTunes 
>> will allow many of the projectors to show the content.  All Movie/TV 
>> purchases downloaded from iTunes also include the SD (Standard Definition) 
>> version along with the HD version.  To access the SD version, navigate to 
>> the Movie or TV show, press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu and 
>> go to the Video Quality item.  Select SD from there and see if it works.  
>> Not promising anything, just recall reading this somewhere.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection from your MacBook to the 
>>> projector? I know there is a bag of hurt around HDMI and HD video DRM but 
>>> if you were using the analog VGA connection that shouldn't have had 
>>> anything to do with it.
>>> CB
>>> On 1/27/14 2:28 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 Hello all. In the past, I have been able to connect my MacBook to a 
 projector and play any movies in my iTunes library.  However, (and it has 
 been months since I did this), today it did not work. The movie would play 
 on the computer itself, but as soon as the projector was connected, it 
 would stop. (The projector is not broken; it plays when connected to other 
 I had two tech-savvy individuals try to get it to play, using mirroring,  
 VLC, and connecting to an Apple TV in our building's media lab.  However, 
 I am told that:
 1. Because of the Motion PIcture Association of America, Apple has placed 
 new restrictions on movies downloaded from the iTunes store, and it is no 
 longer possible to connect them to a projector and play them easily. (This 
 makes no sense, since from what I understand from others, movies bought 
 through Google, Amazon, Hulu, etc., play just fine when connected to a 
  2. The Apple TV must be one that I myself can log onto; essentially, I 
 cannot use any but my own Apple TV to play my movies.
 3. My only other option is to get an Apple projector.
 Is this all accurate? Is there a workaround?
>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>> -- 
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Re: Frustrating accessibility day

2014-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Justin and anybody else who wants to know 
I think you said you downloaded Turbo Tax from the app store. So did I, and I 
would like to share my comments in the hope it will save you grief. Since I 
have met you once, I know for a fact that you are a better Mac user than I am, 
but I think I would have had a lot more trouble with this program if I had not 
had tax law experience in customer service. This let me determine whether I had 
made correct choices, and it helped to guess with pretty good accuracy quite a 
few of the choices. For instance, when it gets around to asking you if you're 
married, I guessed the second button which is line 2 on the 1040. That turned 
out to be right. If you guess wrong, which you probably will many times, you 
have to go back and make another choice. It is better than getting lost in Tax 
Act's web site because at least I don't have Safari crashing. 

Having said that, there is hope for this program, especially if someone would 
work with it to cut down on the guessing as to whether you are on the correct 
button or checkbox. 

However, there is a serious problem if you do what I did. I lost VoiceOver when 
I pressed command s, and the same problem did not occur when I quit the program 
without saving and it gave me the chance to save. When I say I lost Voice,over, 
it was worse than that. I had to shut down my computer, and it saved the file, 
sort of, and labeled it as an unsaved Turbo Tax file, and I couldn't find the 
thing. This is too bad, too, because I had got just about everything done, got 
my self-employment and expenses done and everything. I ended up with several of 
these files and I can't tell which one is the last one that has all the good 
stuff in it. However, I don't think it will let me recover the files because I 
never got around to entering the required stuff that I never guessed I'd have 
to put in. 

I also discovered when I quit the program, that the computer showed me all the 
stuff I had to put in such as a required password and security questions. If I 
got asked those the first times I tried to save, I didn't know about it because 
VoiceOver got killed. I think now that I have figured out what I'm doing with 
it, I might go ahead and retype my information. 

Gigi, who hopes she doesn't go through this every year 
PS. It sure is disgusting when a program says things are going to be simple, 
and of course they're not for us. 

On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:53 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Ok Justin, I downloaded Turbo Tax myself since it was free anyway. I did find 
> out you have to turn VoiceOver off and then back on again to get the toolbar. 
> I have no idea why, but so far it has worked. so I will continue on here and 
> let y'all know how I get on with this little project. It's a good thing I 
> retired from doing tax customer service so I will know if I have skipped 
> anything. I could wait for the braille copies, and I might end up doing that. 
> However, I am going to owe some money this year, so I want to get a head 
> start so I will know how much estimated tax I have to pay for 2014. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Justin
>> I have not a clue how TurboTax works as to accessibility issues. I think it 
>> has a good reputation as far as I know for taxes, but you will have to let 
>> us know how we accessibility is.
>> Sincerely,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Justin Mann  wrote:
>>> How does TurboTax 2012? Work? I downloaded that from the Mac App Store this 
>>> year, considering using that for my taxes.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 Well, because I found out that the braille tax information on the IRS 
 website was still for 2012, I decided I'd try it again to electronic file. 
 I did again. I thought it was bad last year, but in my opinion, 
 is worse this year. Yes, I got quite a lot of information in there, but 
 took me for ever to do it. I got lost several times, crashed Safari 
 several times, even the iPhone didn't work very well this year. I had 
 trouble all around, but I've really got in trouble when I tried to edit 
 and expense. I left out one accidentally, and I was trying to put it in 
 there. I got so lost I didn't know where I was lost from. It's not Safari 
 either, it's that stupid website.
 What royally Hacks me is that when I called their customer support number, 
 I was told I would have to pay first before they could talk to me. She did 
 give me an email address, so I wrote them and had a few things to say. We 
 will see if they get back with me or not. Oh yes, she told me I could do a 
 survey. I told her if the survey was an accessible what good was that 
 going to do me.
 Boy you can really avoid these accessibility issues if you

Re: table of contents in pages

2014-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jessica,

Set your title to Title style, “BY” and Author to Author style and make it 
smaller than the title. Set chapter headings to Heading1 and set the rest to 
Body style. The table of contents should work.



On 28 Jan 2014, at 01:52, Jessica  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to write about my life using pages, I need to make a table of 
> contents. How do I do this?
> Voiceover is telling me I am not using the correct paragraph style.
> Jessica
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