Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-12 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Why don't you Americans start writing your dates the right way around then you 
wouldn't have any problem. ;)

Seriously though, changing the date format in system preferences might solve 
some of your problems. If Mail displayed the received/sent date in the 
Australian format, then Karen would read it correctly. However, she would still 
mess up dates that are in the US format in other places.

On 12 Nov 2013, at 12:47 pm, alia robinson  wrote:

> That’s kind of what I thought. It says mail I got two days ago is october 11 
> since it is reading the 9 as october and the 11 which should be november as 
> the day of the week instead. 
> Alia
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do their own date 
>> formatting whenever they think they need to, which gets very annoying. Not 
>> only are dates formatted differently for different regions, but often the 
>> date formatting is inappropriate. For instance, I currently have Dropbox 
>> 2.4.6, which Ava says normally. Serena, though, always told me I had Dropbox 
>> “the second of April, 2006” or something similar. To answer the question, 
>> though, I am pretty sure there is nothing to be done since the logic for 
>> dates, money amounts, and so on is all part of the individual voice.
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Problem Creating Folders on iPad Air Running iOS 7

2013-11-12 Thread Nicholas Parsons

I think someone else posted about this, but I can't now find it. I just bought 
a new iPad Air today but am having problems creating folders. I double tap on 
an app and it says moving. All fine. I move it and it says, for instance, on 
Kindle, indicating it's on the Kindle app. However, it doesn't play the noise 
to say it's creating a folder, it doesn't create a folder and if I just drop it 
the app goes back to it's original location. Resetting the iPad hasn't done 

Any and all help welcome. Thanks!

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Re: Web Spots?

2013-11-12 Thread Chris H

Wait a minute.
1. Mavericks is a free upgrade to everyone.
2. This is only the first incarnation. Give it chance please.

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On 12/11/2013 07:55, Brian Fischler wrote:

Hey Alex, Thanks for letting me know that the geniuses who test Apple 
accessibility screwed them up again, yet another reason for me not to upgrade 
to Mavericks. It looks like I will be sticking with Mountain Lion for the 
foreseeable future, as most of what I have heard about Mavericks is nothing but 
problems. It's a shame, as I would have paid $19.99 for a Mavericks that 
actually didn't have so many things screwed up.
On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:54 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Well, I tested this feature briefly. In Maverix, I think the reversed spot 
navigation is present, since I had to use left bracket to jump to a spot 
further down the page. Additionally, one of my web spots vanished when I 
updated the page (a forum), so I really don't know how useful these will be.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:39 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

Hey Alex,

Like I said it varies from site to site. For some odd reason the worst site 
where my web spots constantly disappear is in Yahoo fantasy games, but ESPN 
fantasy games setting web spots is fine, so I think it really varies. Good luck
On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Thanks, I will give it a try. I still wonder how it would work on webpages 
whose content changes, such as forums or web– based e-mail interfaces. Still, I 
guess the best way to find out is to do some experimenting…
On Nov 11, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

Hey Alex,

I was a big fan of web spots prior to Mountain Lion than MT. Lion messed them all up. They seem to be working again in the latest version of safari in Mt. Lion. On some sites they are fantastic and work perfectly, on other's not so much. Web spots are a very quick way to navigate a web page that you visit frequently and jump from one spot on the page to another. You can pretty much set a web spot anywhere, I have used them to mark links headings and even text if I am reading something that is long and want to come back to the page and pick up reading where I left off. To set a web spot all you have to do is hit VO command shift right bracket and it sets a web spot where you are. You can set as many as you like and use VO command right and left bracket to jump from one to the next give it a try and you will probably love them. Not sure how they work in Mavericks as I haven't updated and don't plan to do so any time soon as it seems like Mavericks is loaded with issues all over 

the place.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 7:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Hi all,
I have heard a lot about web spots, but I am not sure exactly how they work. I 
seem to recall having asked about these a while ago, and was told that they 
don't really work all that well. Are they back working again, or my just 
remembering wrong? What exactly are they, and how might they be used? Do they 
persist even if a webpage changes? That is, on something like a forum, if 
someone posts a new reply and thereby changes the page, with a web spot still 
be in the same places?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: It looks like search is broken in iTunes on the iPhone

2013-11-12 Thread Chris H
Not broken here at all. In fact it's always worked for me from way back 
in the iOS 5 days on the iPhone 4. I do like the new iTunes Store in iOS 
7 but it takes some getting used to over the iTunes Store on at most iOS 6.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 02:07, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi guys
My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and update 
what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that apparently the 
search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have any of you guys 
noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look for some videos that I 
wanted to download, but I can't.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-12 Thread Paul Erkens
So just out of curiosity, what does the Australian date format look like?
Americans use month month dash day day dash year year, as far as I'm aware. In 
our country, which is the Netherlands in Europe, we use day day slash month 
month slash year year. Because my computer is always set to language US, but 
the region is Netherlands, I'm not surprised the voices are having trouble 
speaking dates, because on my machine, I created the date conflict myself 
because I want my machine to be US, but not my dates, to communicate naturally 
with my fellow native Dutch speakers.

How do you write your dates in Australia?
On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:59 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Why don't you Americans start writing your dates the right way around then 
> you wouldn't have any problem. ;)
> Seriously though, changing the date format in system preferences might solve 
> some of your problems. If Mail displayed the received/sent date in the 
> Australian format, then Karen would read it correctly. However, she would 
> still mess up dates that are in the US format in other places.
> On 12 Nov 2013, at 12:47 pm, alia robinson  wrote:
>> That’s kind of what I thought. It says mail I got two days ago is october 11 
>> since it is reading the 9 as october and the 11 which should be november as 
>> the day of the week instead. 
>> Alia
>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do their own date 
>>> formatting whenever they think they need to, which gets very annoying. Not 
>>> only are dates formatted differently for different regions, but often the 
>>> date formatting is inappropriate. For instance, I currently have Dropbox 
>>> 2.4.6, which Ava says normally. Serena, though, always told me I had 
>>> Dropbox “the second of April, 2006” or something similar. To answer the 
>>> question, though, I am pretty sure there is nothing to be done since the 
>>> logic for dates, money amounts, and so on is all part of the individual 
>>> voice.
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Re: Time Machine Backup failed

2013-11-12 Thread Paul Erkens

I had this happen to me a few months ago, before Mavericks came out. It 
appeared that my computer got renamed. Just once, I saw a dialog, saying that 
my computer name, mac mini, was already on the network. That message was in 
error, because all I did was reboot my mini, and when it came on and attempted 
to join the network, the rename happened. It's now called mac mini (2). Since 
that day, my time machine gave errors, and what solved it for me, was to re 
select my destination backup drive.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Ok, I’m getting this message in my notification center repeatedly. I have it 
> set to notify me when old backups are deleted. It says the current backup is 
> supposed to be 168 gigs. That doesn’t quite sound right. I upgraded to 
> Mavericks the day it came out, but it’s taken this long for this problem to 
> crop up. What can I start doing to pin down the problem? Disk repair? Exclude 
> items from the backup? Ideas? :)
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
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Re: It looks like search is broken in iTunes on the iPhone

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
The iPhone says 7.0.3. I had to restore it once, and I'm not going to do that 
again just for this. It's really weird. I have to call Apple anyway about my 
computer to check on my case, so I guess I'll ask about this, too. This lets me 
know it's something about my phone. 


On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:14 PM, Katey Glass  wrote:

> I'm not sure what to tell you.  I have a 5s and I just was able to 
> successfully search both my App Store and iTunes on my phone.  My friend has 
> a 4s and can also do this.  We are both running 7.0.3, what iOS version are 
> you running?  
> Just FYI I still have my 4s and it also works.  Although, I'm running it on 
> my WiFi as it's no longer active as a phone.  
> Katey 
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> Unfortunately, it didn't work. I went to the acts which are enclosed 
>> everything. Then I went into the store and search, and it still didn't work. 
>> So, I got rid of everything out of the app switcher and closed it. I have a 
>> 5S iPhone. Could this be part of the problem? Then I restarted the iPhone. 
>> Nothing.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Katey Glass  wrote:
>>> I've had this to happen as well as a friend of mine, if you exit out of the 
>>> App Store or iTunes and close it from the appswitcher then re-launch it the 
>>> search should work again.  
>>> A little buggy but a work around.  
>>> Katey 
>>> Sent from my iPad
 On Nov 11, 2013, at 9:07 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and 
 update what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that 
 apparently the search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have 
 any of you guys noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look 
 for some videos that I wanted to download, but I can't.
 Sent from my iPhone
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Re: It looks like search is broken in iTunes on the iPhone

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Ray 
I also had my sighted husband check it out with VoiceOver off. The screen went 
blank for him, so whatever it is, I guess it's not VoiceOver. 

On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> I have never had search issues on ITunes ever since upgrading to 7.0.3.
> Using Iphone 5.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and 
>> update what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that apparently 
>> the search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have any of you 
>> guys noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look for some videos 
>> that I wanted to download, but I can't.
>> Regards,
>> GG
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: It looks like search is broken in iTunes on the iPhone

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Aser 
If I go into Music, and choose the Store option, and then choose Search, I get 
a blank screen except for the items on the bottom of the screen and the Search 
heading. What I don't get is either a way to go back—like if I had a previous 
search—or a way to type in the search. That is, I can't double tap on the 
search field because it's not there and there is not way to get it up there. 
VoiceOver just makes that noise it makes when there is a picture on the screen. 
That's why I got my sighted husband to look. He didn't see a graphic either. 


On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:26 PM, Aser Tolentino  wrote:

> Hi, could you please be more specific as to what you mean by broken? I was 
> able to successfully run a few searches on my iPhone 5s just now.
> Respectfully,
> Aser Tolentino, Esq.
>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 20:58, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> I have never had search issues on ITunes ever since upgrading to 7.0.3.
>> Using Iphone 5.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and 
>>> update what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that 
>>> apparently the search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have 
>>> any of you guys noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look for 
>>> some videos that I wanted to download, but I can't.
>>> Regards,
>>> GG
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: It looks like search is broken in iTunes on the iPhone

2013-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Quite right.  I do prefer the new look myself.  Actually easier to get around 

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:44 AM, Chris H  wrote:

> Not broken here at all. In fact it's always worked for me from way back in 
> the iOS 5 days on the iPhone 4. I do like the new iTunes Store in iOS 7 but 
> it takes some getting used to over the iTunes Store on at most iOS 6.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 12/11/2013 02:07, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and 
>> update what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that apparently 
>> the search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have any of you 
>> guys noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look for some videos 
>> that I wanted to download, but I can't.
>> Regards,
>> GG
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: using my brailleSense as a braille display on my macbook air

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there 
I think you need to turn dots 7 and 8 off. If you go to to the VoiceOver 
utility, and go under braille, you should find it there. Try that and see if 
that helps. 

If that doesn't work, and you are reading brf files, you may have to do a 
transformation. Let me know if it works to urn off dots 7 and 8 or if you need 
to know how to do a transformation on brf files. 


On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:32 AM, Andrew Head  wrote:

> Hi all,
> For some reason, when I connect my braillesense U2 to the mac as a braille 
> display, it has dashes under the text. Just wondering how to turn those off? 
> I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the braille settings of voice over, but not 
> sure where exactly. Any help is appreciated. 
> Andrew 
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how to redownload purchases from the ITunes store?

2013-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr

How do I redownload purchases from the ITunes store?  I went to check for 
available downloads and I was told that all purchases had been downloaded for 
my Apple ID.  I went to the account section off the ITunes store section and 
went from there to the purchases section, but, could not find anything there.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

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Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-12 Thread alia robinson
Lol, right! 

I’m not sure what to do. I tried  letting it read numbers instead of words, but 
I hated that. I think if I change  my region I could have other problems, but 
not sure how bad they would be? 

On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:59 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Why don't you Americans start writing your dates the right way around then 
> you wouldn't have any problem. ;)
> Seriously though, changing the date format in system preferences might solve 
> some of your problems. If Mail displayed the received/sent date in the 
> Australian format, then Karen would read it correctly. However, she would 
> still mess up dates that are in the US format in other places.

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Re: help with voices and dates

2013-11-12 Thread Nicholas Parsons
In Australia we use day month year.  It can be written in many ways. The most 
formal way is for the number for the day, the month written in full or 
abbreviated words, and then the year as a two or four digit number (e.g. 12 
November 2013—that's the most formal way). It's more common to be written all 
as numbers, however, in the format day month year, where day and month are two 
digit numbers, but the year can either be a two digit or four digit number. The 
punctuation between can either be a dash, slash or full stop. The most common 
of these is probably the same as you guys: dd/mm/ – at least so far as 
computers go.
On 12 Nov 2013, at 8:32 pm, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> So just out of curiosity, what does the Australian date format look like?
> Americans use month month dash day day dash year year, as far as I'm aware. 
> In our country, which is the Netherlands in Europe, we use day day slash 
> month month slash year year. Because my computer is always set to language 
> US, but the region is Netherlands, I'm not surprised the voices are having 
> trouble speaking dates, because on my machine, I created the date conflict 
> myself because I want my machine to be US, but not my dates, to communicate 
> naturally with my fellow native Dutch speakers.
> How do you write your dates in Australia?
> Paul.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:59 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Why don't you Americans start writing your dates the right way around then 
>> you wouldn't have any problem. ;)
>> Seriously though, changing the date format in system preferences might solve 
>> some of your problems. If Mail displayed the received/sent date in the 
>> Australian format, then Karen would read it correctly. However, she would 
>> still mess up dates that are in the US format in other places.
>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 12:47 pm, alia robinson  wrote:
>>> That’s kind of what I thought. It says mail I got two days ago is october 
>>> 11 since it is reading the 9 as october and the 11 which should be november 
>>> as the day of the week instead. 
>>> Alia
>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do their own date 
 formatting whenever they think they need to, which gets very annoying. Not 
 only are dates formatted differently for different regions, but often the 
 date formatting is inappropriate. For instance, I currently have Dropbox 
 2.4.6, which Ava says normally. Serena, though, always told me I had 
 Dropbox “the second of April, 2006” or something similar. To answer the 
 question, though, I am pretty sure there is nothing to be done since the 
 logic for dates, money amounts, and so on is all part of the individual 
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Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-12 Thread Ibraheem Fakir
Hi all,
I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people with 
the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s suppose to be 
a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As I’m in pages, I 
noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to view markups or view 
markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know that in order to check 
text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only works for text which VO is 
focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to the next change in text 
attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to check line by line with the 
vo + t command.


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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-12 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with track 
changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also indicates 
whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format change. Anne 
Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on this list can 
probably give you more information. I believe she was able to get some use from 
track changes but it's not fully accessible.
On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
> with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
> suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As I’m 
> in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to view 
> markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know that 
> in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only works 
> for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to the next 
> change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to check line 
> by line with the vo + t command.
> Thanks!
> Ibraheem
> -- 
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Infovox purchases gone

2013-11-12 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.
I purchased and installed an Infovox synthesizer but it has stopped working in 
the past few days.

Any reason why the liscence would expire after a few months?


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Re: how to redownload purchases from the ITunes store?

2013-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

> When in iTunes, go into the iTunes Store, press VO-u to bring up all the 
> links within the HTML area, enter "p u r c h" and select Purchased.  Activate 
> that link and it should bring up all your items you’ve purchased.  These are 
> in categories of Music, Movies and TV shows.  Sometimes I’ve found it a 
> little awkward to navigate but 95% of the time, it works.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:28 AM, Ray  Jr  wrote:

> Hi,
> How do I redownload purchases from the ITunes store?  I went to check for 
> available downloads and I was told that all purchases had been downloaded for 
> my Apple ID.  I went to the account section off the ITunes store section and 
> went from there to the purchases section, but, could not find anything there.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> -- 
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Using Preview

2013-11-12 Thread Ibraheem Fakir
Hi all,
Is there a way to read a PDF with the single page view while having the ability 
to move forward one page at a time?
I use to be able to do this with SL with no problem, but I can’t wrap my head 
around why its not working for me on Mavericks.
I went to the view menu, set it to single page. Then when I interact with the 
PDF’s text,  then press VO + down arrow to read line by line, Vø seems to read 
the page and everything beyond it. Before, I use to get the “you just crashed 
into a wall sound” once I made it to the bottom of the page, now it just jumps 
to the next page like one huge scroll. Also, I use to press Fn + down arrow to 
move to the next page, but for some reason nothing seems to happen when I press 
this command. I hear VO say “down” but the page remains the same. Am I missing 
something here?


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Re: Working with Spreadsheets

2013-11-12 Thread Ibraheem Fakir
By any chance, is there a way to have my google Drive show up in the Extra’s 
 I’m still exploring Numbers. I’ve been able to retrieve the xl sheet off 
Safari, but it required sighted assistance. I think with Mavericks I’ll have a 
easier time  using Google Drive.


On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Sorry, VO jumped again and I pressed the spacebar which activated the Send 
> button.
> ***
> Things have changed a bit with Google’s new look so I’m not totally positive 
> on how it will behave in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.*.  I’ll give some basic 
> ideas though:
> • Go to the Drive link or press the Open My Google Drive link.
> This will take you to the main Google Drive page which lists your Drive 
> documents and Shared documents depending on what is selected.  In the newest 
> look for Google Drive, there’s an area that says something about Welcome to 
> the new look grid or something similar, Interact with that.  Navigate around 
> there until VO says “Menu Views four items” or something similar.  Interact 
> with that item and VO-space on the Shared item.  This will ensure that the 
> list is of only the items that are Shared with you.  Navigate to the list of 
> items and arrow through it.  You need to check the item you wish to move.  If 
> you can locate the Checkbox, check it otherwise, often you can simply press 
> the “x” key when arrowing through the list to select it.  After it is 
> selected, Stop Interacting with the list then navigate left and there should 
> be a group of items with the Move button inside.  Activate the Move button 
> and a new dialog should pop up.  Choose where you wish to move it within your 
> Drive.  Sometimes, I’ve found that you need to use the VO-shift-space to 
> select the location and/or simply a press of the spacebar will do it.  You’ll 
> need to try a few different things.  You’ll know your selection of the 
> location has worked because the Move button will become not-dimmed.  If 
> you’re having issues determining exactly where it is going to go in your 
> Drive, don’t worry, you can move it after it’s in the Drive in the Finder and 
> this will affect the web-interface of your Google Drive.  The really neat 
> thing about having these shared items in the Desktop version of Google Drive 
> is that any changes that are made by anyone are synced across all users who 
> have access to the document.
> Hopefully, this makes some sense to you.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Hey Tim,
>> Thanks for the lead. I just setup my google drive. I'm now trying to figure 
>> out how to move the google doc which I have opened in Safari to the Google 
>> drive. How do I move the google doc into my drive?
>> You're also right about the file menu within the Google doc in  safari. I've 
>> explored the page thoroughly and VO can't seem to find a file menu in the 
>> google doc. If I can figure out how to move the google doc to my google 
>> drive, then I'll avoid Google Chrome. If not, then I'll tackle Chrome.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Best,
>> Ibraheem
>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Sorry, VO focus in Mavericks Mail is jumpy lately and it’s jumping to the 
>>> Send button often while typing.  So, as soon as I hit the spacebar, things 
>>> get sent.  In any case, I’ll try to finish this message again.  The Google 
>>> Spreadsheets have some oddities when using Safari.  I usually move the 
>>> shared spreadsheet into my Google Drive, then open it from the Finder.  
>>> When you do this, keyboard focus will usually be brought to cell A1.  You 
>>> can then just use arrow key navigation to move around the spreadsheet.  Not 
>>> VO arrows, just arrow keys.  If you need to edit a cell, simply arrow to it 
>>> then enter the info you desire.
>>> Beyond that, if you wish to download it as an Excel file, that option is 
>>> under the File menu of the Google Doc.  Not the Safari File menu, but the 
>>> one within the Google Spreadsheet.  The problem here arises due to the way 
>>> that Safari and VO deal with the Google Docs menus which is less than 
>>> useful at times.  Chrome handles this sort of thing much better, but, then 
>>> you need to be versed at using Chrome as well.  I tend to use both browsers 
>>> as some things work better in each.
>>> If you are able to download the Excel version, Numbers 09 will open it and 
>>> you can do most things you’re used to doing in Excel with pretty well the 
>>> same formula set.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 7:26 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
 Hi all,
 Does anyone have any advice to how I can work with spreadsheets on a mac? 
 I am working with a group which has a spreadsheet shared through 
 googledocs and I'm using v

Re: Working with Spreadsheets

2013-11-12 Thread Kristeen Hughes
How much does the Numbers app cost? Is there a way to learn how to do formulas 
rather easily?

On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:01 PM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Hi,
> By any chance, is there a way to have my google Drive show up in the Extra’s 
> menu?
>  I’m still exploring Numbers. I’ve been able to retrieve the xl sheet off 
> Safari, but it required sighted assistance. I think with Mavericks I’ll have 
> a easier time  using Google Drive.
> Best,
> Ibraheem
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Sorry, VO jumped again and I pressed the spacebar which activated the Send 
>> button.
>> ***
>> Things have changed a bit with Google’s new look so I’m not totally positive 
>> on how it will behave in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.*.  I’ll give some basic 
>> ideas though:
>> • Go to the Drive link or press the Open My Google Drive link.
>> This will take you to the main Google Drive page which lists your Drive 
>> documents and Shared documents depending on what is selected.  In the newest 
>> look for Google Drive, there’s an area that says something about Welcome to 
>> the new look grid or something similar, Interact with that.  Navigate around 
>> there until VO says “Menu Views four items” or something similar.  Interact 
>> with that item and VO-space on the Shared item.  This will ensure that the 
>> list is of only the items that are Shared with you.  Navigate to the list of 
>> items and arrow through it.  You need to check the item you wish to move.  
>> If you can locate the Checkbox, check it otherwise, often you can simply 
>> press the “x” key when arrowing through the list to select it.  After it is 
>> selected, Stop Interacting with the list then navigate left and there should 
>> be a group of items with the Move button inside.  Activate the Move button 
>> and a new dialog should pop up.  Choose where you wish to move it within 
>> your Drive.  Sometimes, I’ve found that you need to use the VO-shift-space 
>> to select the location and/or simply a press of the spacebar will do it.  
>> You’ll need to try a few different things.  You’ll know your selection of 
>> the location has worked because the Move button will become not-dimmed.  If 
>> you’re having issues determining exactly where it is going to go in your 
>> Drive, don’t worry, you can move it after it’s in the Drive in the Finder 
>> and this will affect the web-interface of your Google Drive.  The really 
>> neat thing about having these shared items in the Desktop version of Google 
>> Drive is that any changes that are made by anyone are synced across all 
>> users who have access to the document.
>> Hopefully, this makes some sense to you.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>>> Hey Tim,
>>> Thanks for the lead. I just setup my google drive. I'm now trying to figure 
>>> out how to move the google doc which I have opened in Safari to the Google 
>>> drive. How do I move the google doc into my drive?
>>> You're also right about the file menu within the Google doc in  safari. 
>>> I've explored the page thoroughly and VO can't seem to find a file menu in 
>>> the google doc. If I can figure out how to move the google doc to my google 
>>> drive, then I'll avoid Google Chrome. If not, then I'll tackle Chrome.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Best,
>>> Ibraheem
>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Sorry, VO focus in Mavericks Mail is jumpy lately and it’s jumping to the 
 Send button often while typing.  So, as soon as I hit the spacebar, things 
 get sent.  In any case, I’ll try to finish this message again.  The Google 
 Spreadsheets have some oddities when using Safari.  I usually move the 
 shared spreadsheet into my Google Drive, then open it from the Finder.  
 When you do this, keyboard focus will usually be brought to cell A1.  You 
 can then just use arrow key navigation to move around the spreadsheet.  
 Not VO arrows, just arrow keys.  If you need to edit a cell, simply arrow 
 to it then enter the info you desire.
 Beyond that, if you wish to download it as an Excel file, that option is 
 under the File menu of the Google Doc.  Not the Safari File menu, but the 
 one within the Google Spreadsheet.  The problem here arises due to the way 
 that Safari and VO deal with the Google Docs menus which is less than 
 useful at times.  Chrome handles this sort of thing much better, but, then 
 you need to be versed at using Chrome as well.  I tend to use both 
 browsers as some things work better in each.
 If you are able to download the Excel version, Numbers 09 will open it and 
 you can do most things you’re used to doing in Excel with pretty well the 
 same formula set.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray,

Re: Time Machine Backup failed

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Paul. you put me on the right track, I think. My backup external drive 
is listed twice in the backups table, so I chose the “other one”. How odd. I 
don’t know what caused that to happen, but there you have it. It was listed 
twice, with the same capacity and the same name.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi,
> I had this happen to me a few months ago, before Mavericks came out. It 
> appeared that my computer got renamed. Just once, I saw a dialog, saying that 
> my computer name, mac mini, was already on the network. That message was in 
> error, because all I did was reboot my mini, and when it came on and 
> attempted to join the network, the rename happened. It's now called mac mini 
> (2). Since that day, my time machine gave errors, and what solved it for me, 
> was to re select my destination backup drive.
> Hth?
> Paul.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Ok, I’m getting this message in my notification center repeatedly. I have it 
>> set to notify me when old backups are deleted. It says the current backup is 
>> supposed to be 168 gigs. That doesn’t quite sound right. I upgraded to 
>> Mavericks the day it came out, but it’s taken this long for this problem to 
>> crop up. What can I start doing to pin down the problem? Disk repair? 
>> Exclude items from the backup? Ideas? :)
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> -- 
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Re: Using Preview

2013-11-12 Thread Barry Hadder

To go down a page, you now have to stop interacting with the page.  Then do 
page down.  I want to also point out that reopening Preview doesn't put you on 
the last viewed page in single page view.  It only does that in continuous 

They have definitely improved how some text is read, but in my opinion they’ve 
messed up a lot of basic reader functionality.  I’ve tried conveying some of my 
concerns about this to Apple, but they all seem to go unheeded.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

Hi all,
Is there a way to read a PDF with the single page view while having the ability 
to move forward one page at a time?
I use to be able to do this with SL with no problem, but I can’t wrap my head 
around why its not working for me on Mavericks.
I went to the view menu, set it to single page. Then when I interact with the 
PDF’s text,  then press VO + down arrow to read line by line, Vø seems to read 
the page and everything beyond it. Before, I use to get the “you just crashed 
into a wall sound” once I made it to the bottom of the page, now it just jumps 
to the next page like one huge scroll. Also, I use to press Fn + down arrow to 
move to the next page, but for some reason nothing seems to happen when I press 
this command. I hear VO say “down” but the page remains the same. Am I missing 
something here?


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Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Kristeen Hughes
This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like to 
use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to use 
another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important keystrokes 
like switching between open programs and closing a window or program, etc? 
Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and manipulate text? Of 
someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, that's cool.


On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys
> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't just 
> with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. However, 
> today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't even tell 
> what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was getting too 
> many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always navigate and tell where 
> I was.
> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> -- 
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Re: Using Preview

2013-11-12 Thread Ibraheem Fakir
Thanks for the tip.
I realized why I was getting confused. When I’m no longer interacting wight he 
text and I hit page down the first time, it jumps to the first page of the 
entire PDF, then when I hit page down the second time, it jumps to the next 
page from the one I was previously reading. Basically, I have to hit FN + down 
arrow twice to move over a single page. This stinks LOL.
I didn’t know that it doesn’t save where you were last reading in single page 
view. I’ll be sure to make note of the page I left off at for future reference.
Thanks a lot!


On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:13 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Hi,
> To go down a page, you now have to stop interacting with the page.  Then do 
> page down.  I want to also point out that reopening Preview doesn't put you 
> on the last viewed page in single page view.  It only does that in continuous 
> scroll.
> They have definitely improved how some text is read, but in my opinion 
> they’ve messed up a lot of basic reader functionality.  I’ve tried conveying 
> some of my concerns about this to Apple, but they all seem to go unheeded.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to read a PDF with the single page view while having the 
> ability to move forward one page at a time?
> I use to be able to do this with SL with no problem, but I can’t wrap my head 
> around why its not working for me on Mavericks.
> I went to the view menu, set it to single page. Then when I interact with the 
> PDF’s text,  then press VO + down arrow to read line by line, Vø seems to 
> read the page and everything beyond it. Before, I use to get the “you just 
> crashed into a wall sound” once I made it to the bottom of the page, now it 
> just jumps to the next page like one huge scroll. Also, I use to press Fn + 
> down arrow to move to the next page, but for some reason nothing seems to 
> happen when I press this command. I hear VO say “down” but the page remains 
> the same. Am I missing something here?
> Thanks!
> Ibraheem
> -- 
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Re: Time Machine Backup failed

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
I spoke too soon. Still wrestling with disk verification, which says it appears 
to be ok. However, Time Machine is still balking.


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Thanks, Paul. you put me on the right track, I think. My backup external 
> drive is listed twice in the backups table, so I chose the “other one”. How 
> odd. I don’t know what caused that to happen, but there you have it. It was 
> listed twice, with the same capacity and the same name.
> Thanks,
> teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I had this happen to me a few months ago, before Mavericks came out. It 
>> appeared that my computer got renamed. Just once, I saw a dialog, saying 
>> that my computer name, mac mini, was already on the network. That message 
>> was in error, because all I did was reboot my mini, and when it came on and 
>> attempted to join the network, the rename happened. It's now called mac mini 
>> (2). Since that day, my time machine gave errors, and what solved it for me, 
>> was to re select my destination backup drive.
>> Hth?
>> Paul.
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Ok, I’m getting this message in my notification center repeatedly. I have 
>>> it set to notify me when old backups are deleted. It says the current 
>>> backup is supposed to be 168 gigs. That doesn’t quite sound right. I 
>>> upgraded to Mavericks the day it came out, but it’s taken this long for 
>>> this problem to crop up. What can I start doing to pin down the problem? 
>>> Disk repair? Exclude items from the backup? Ideas? :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Kristeen,

I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t tried 
assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good chance it can 
be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view the assigned 
commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new ones. There’s a lot 
of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like to 
> use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to use 
> another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important 
> keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a window or 
> program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and 
> manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, 
> that's cool.
> Kristeen
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't just 
>> with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. However, 
>> today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't even tell 
>> what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was getting too 
>> many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always navigate and tell 
>> where I was.
>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>> Gigi
>> Eugenia Firth
>> -- 
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Applications key on mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Rob
Is there a key command to open a right click menu like the applications key on 
a PC?

Sent from my iPhone

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Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-12 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
forced to use iCloud.
Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like the 
idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no criminal lol 
but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and iTunes I feel 
isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've upgraded to 10.9 and have 
this thrown upon them.
I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my part 
and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. Also 
just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this feels like its 
going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to iTunes and having 
my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true that is 
and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.

Thank you


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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-12 Thread Chris H
Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I 
have every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company 
make mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either 
but personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including 
contacts. I can understand though if they have personal or business 
addresses in them but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a 
number, others have both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have 
an e-mail address.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:

Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
forced to use iCloud.
Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like the 
idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no criminal lol 
but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and iTunes I feel 
isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've upgraded to 10.9 and have 
this thrown upon them.
I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my part 
and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. Also 
just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this feels like its 
going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to iTunes and having 
my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true that is 
and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.

Thank you


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Re: Applications key on mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Chris H
Control option shift m is the VoiceOver command to invoke the contextual 
menu, the equivalent to the applications key or right click on the pc.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 19:21, Rob wrote:

Is there a key command to open a right click menu like the applications key on 
a PC?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Identify system sound

2013-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

You’ll sometimes here this sound as well if you have Calendar reminders.  The 
send Mail sounds as the reminder is sent off.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 11, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to figure out what system sound belongs to?  In the last 
> couple days I’m hearing an airplane going off pretty frequently and I don’t 
> know what it is attached to.  I’m guessing something to do with wireless, but 
> is there a way to look it up?
> Thanks,
> Traci
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Re: Working with Spreadsheets

2013-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

When you install the Google Drive app for your Desktop unit, it usually 
automatically puts a Google Drive item into the Extras menu.  No need to do 
anything special.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Hi,
> By any chance, is there a way to have my google Drive show up in the Extra’s 
> menu?
>  I’m still exploring Numbers. I’ve been able to retrieve the xl sheet off 
> Safari, but it required sighted assistance. I think with Mavericks I’ll have 
> a easier time  using Google Drive.
> Best,
> Ibraheem
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Sorry, VO jumped again and I pressed the spacebar which activated the Send 
>> button.
>> ***
>> Things have changed a bit with Google’s new look so I’m not totally positive 
>> on how it will behave in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.*.  I’ll give some basic 
>> ideas though:
>> • Go to the Drive link or press the Open My Google Drive link.
>> This will take you to the main Google Drive page which lists your Drive 
>> documents and Shared documents depending on what is selected.  In the newest 
>> look for Google Drive, there’s an area that says something about Welcome to 
>> the new look grid or something similar, Interact with that.  Navigate around 
>> there until VO says “Menu Views four items” or something similar.  Interact 
>> with that item and VO-space on the Shared item.  This will ensure that the 
>> list is of only the items that are Shared with you.  Navigate to the list of 
>> items and arrow through it.  You need to check the item you wish to move.  
>> If you can locate the Checkbox, check it otherwise, often you can simply 
>> press the “x” key when arrowing through the list to select it.  After it is 
>> selected, Stop Interacting with the list then navigate left and there should 
>> be a group of items with the Move button inside.  Activate the Move button 
>> and a new dialog should pop up.  Choose where you wish to move it within 
>> your Drive.  Sometimes, I’ve found that you need to use the VO-shift-space 
>> to select the location and/or simply a press of the spacebar will do it.  
>> You’ll need to try a few different things.  You’ll know your selection of 
>> the location has worked because the Move button will become not-dimmed.  If 
>> you’re having issues determining exactly where it is going to go in your 
>> Drive, don’t worry, you can move it after it’s in the Drive in the Finder 
>> and this will affect the web-interface of your Google Drive.  The really 
>> neat thing about having these shared items in the Desktop version of Google 
>> Drive is that any changes that are made by anyone are synced across all 
>> users who have access to the document.
>> Hopefully, this makes some sense to you.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>>> Hey Tim,
>>> Thanks for the lead. I just setup my google drive. I'm now trying to figure 
>>> out how to move the google doc which I have opened in Safari to the Google 
>>> drive. How do I move the google doc into my drive?
>>> You're also right about the file menu within the Google doc in  safari. 
>>> I've explored the page thoroughly and VO can't seem to find a file menu in 
>>> the google doc. If I can figure out how to move the google doc to my google 
>>> drive, then I'll avoid Google Chrome. If not, then I'll tackle Chrome.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Best,
>>> Ibraheem
>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Sorry, VO focus in Mavericks Mail is jumpy lately and it’s jumping to the 
 Send button often while typing.  So, as soon as I hit the spacebar, things 
 get sent.  In any case, I’ll try to finish this message again.  The Google 
 Spreadsheets have some oddities when using Safari.  I usually move the 
 shared spreadsheet into my Google Drive, then open it from the Finder.  
 When you do this, keyboard focus will usually be brought to cell A1.  You 
 can then just use arrow key navigation to move around the spreadsheet.  
 Not VO arrows, just arrow keys.  If you need to edit a cell, simply arrow 
 to it then enter the info you desire.
 Beyond that, if you wish to download it as an Excel file, that option is 
 under the File menu of the Google Doc.  Not the Safari File menu, but the 
 one within the Google Spreadsheet.  The problem here arises due to the way 
 that Safari and VO deal with the Google Docs menus which is less than 
 useful at times.  Chrome handles this sort of thing much better, but, then 
 you need to be versed at using Chrome as well.  I tend to use both 
 browsers as some things work better in each.
 If you are able to download the Excel version, Numbers 09 will open it and 
 you can do most things you’re used to doing in Excel with p

Re: Applications key on mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi Rob, the Voiceover keys, Control option  shift M combination is what you 
This will open a context menu the equivalent to windows.


On 12 Nov 2013, at 19:21, Rob  wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a key command to open a right click menu like the applications key 
> on a PC?
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Working with Spreadsheets

2013-11-12 Thread Ibraheem Fakir

That’s strange. I have it installed. It carried over from when it was installed 
on SL. Its not in my extra’s menu though.



On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> When you install the Google Drive app for your Desktop unit, it usually 
> automatically puts a Google Drive item into the Extras menu.  No need to do 
> anything special.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> By any chance, is there a way to have my google Drive show up in the Extra’s 
>> menu?
>>  I’m still exploring Numbers. I’ve been able to retrieve the xl sheet off 
>> Safari, but it required sighted assistance. I think with Mavericks I’ll have 
>> a easier time  using Google Drive.
>> Best,
>> Ibraheem
>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Sorry, VO jumped again and I pressed the spacebar which activated the Send 
>>> button.
>>> ***
>>> Things have changed a bit with Google’s new look so I’m not totally 
>>> positive on how it will behave in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.*.  I’ll give 
>>> some basic ideas though:
>>> • Go to the Drive link or press the Open My Google Drive link.
>>> This will take you to the main Google Drive page which lists your Drive 
>>> documents and Shared documents depending on what is selected.  In the 
>>> newest look for Google Drive, there’s an area that says something about 
>>> Welcome to the new look grid or something similar, Interact with that.  
>>> Navigate around there until VO says “Menu Views four items” or something 
>>> similar.  Interact with that item and VO-space on the Shared item.  This 
>>> will ensure that the list is of only the items that are Shared with you.  
>>> Navigate to the list of items and arrow through it.  You need to check the 
>>> item you wish to move.  If you can locate the Checkbox, check it otherwise, 
>>> often you can simply press the “x” key when arrowing through the list to 
>>> select it.  After it is selected, Stop Interacting with the list then 
>>> navigate left and there should be a group of items with the Move button 
>>> inside.  Activate the Move button and a new dialog should pop up.  Choose 
>>> where you wish to move it within your Drive.  Sometimes, I’ve found that 
>>> you need to use the VO-shift-space to select the location and/or simply a 
>>> press of the spacebar will do it.  You’ll need to try a few different 
>>> things.  You’ll know your selection of the location has worked because the 
>>> Move button will become not-dimmed.  If you’re having issues determining 
>>> exactly where it is going to go in your Drive, don’t worry, you can move it 
>>> after it’s in the Drive in the Finder and this will affect the 
>>> web-interface of your Google Drive.  The really neat thing about having 
>>> these shared items in the Desktop version of Google Drive is that any 
>>> changes that are made by anyone are synced across all users who have access 
>>> to the document.
>>> Hopefully, this makes some sense to you.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
 Hey Tim,
 Thanks for the lead. I just setup my google drive. I'm now trying to 
 figure out how to move the google doc which I have opened in Safari to the 
 Google drive. How do I move the google doc into my drive?
 You're also right about the file menu within the Google doc in  safari. 
 I've explored the page thoroughly and VO can't seem to find a file menu in 
 the google doc. If I can figure out how to move the google doc to my 
 google drive, then I'll avoid Google Chrome. If not, then I'll tackle 
 Thanks for your help.
 On Nov 7, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, VO focus in Mavericks Mail is jumpy lately and it’s jumping to the 
> Send button often while typing.  So, as soon as I hit the spacebar, 
> things get sent.  In any case, I’ll try to finish this message again.  
> The Google Spreadsheets have some oddities when using Safari.  I usually 
> move the shared spreadsheet into my Google Drive, then open it from the 
> Finder.  When you do this, keyboard focus will usually be brought to cell 
> A1.  You can then just use arrow key navigation to move around the 
> spreadsheet.  Not VO arrows, just arrow keys.  If you need to edit a 
> cell, simply arrow to it then enter the info you desire.
> Beyond that, if you wish to download it as an Excel file, that option is 
> under the File menu of the Google Doc.  Not the Safari File menu, but the 
> one within the Google Spreadsheet.  The problem here arises due to the 
> way that Safari and VO deal with the Google Docs menus which is less than 
> useful at times.  Chrom

Re: Working with Spreadsheets

2013-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

Often, it just says “Sync Complete” instead of anything to do with Google Drive.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Hey,
> That’s strange. I have it installed. It carried over from when it was 
> installed on SL. Its not in my extra’s menu though.
> Best,
> Ibraheem
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When you install the Google Drive app for your Desktop unit, it usually 
>> automatically puts a Google Drive item into the Extras menu.  No need to do 
>> anything special.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> By any chance, is there a way to have my google Drive show up in the 
>>> Extra’s menu?
>>>  I’m still exploring Numbers. I’ve been able to retrieve the xl sheet off 
>>> Safari, but it required sighted assistance. I think with Mavericks I’ll 
>>> have a easier time  using Google Drive.
>>> Best,
>>> Ibraheem
>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Sorry, VO jumped again and I pressed the spacebar which activated the Send 
 Things have changed a bit with Google’s new look so I’m not totally 
 positive on how it will behave in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.*.  I’ll give 
 some basic ideas though:
 • Go to the Drive link or press the Open My Google Drive link.
 This will take you to the main Google Drive page which lists your Drive 
 documents and Shared documents depending on what is selected.  In the 
 newest look for Google Drive, there’s an area that says something about 
 Welcome to the new look grid or something similar, Interact with that.  
 Navigate around there until VO says “Menu Views four items” or something 
 similar.  Interact with that item and VO-space on the Shared item.  This 
 will ensure that the list is of only the items that are Shared with you.  
 Navigate to the list of items and arrow through it.  You need to check the 
 item you wish to move.  If you can locate the Checkbox, check it 
 otherwise, often you can simply press the “x” key when arrowing through 
 the list to select it.  After it is selected, Stop Interacting with the 
 list then navigate left and there should be a group of items with the Move 
 button inside.  Activate the Move button and a new dialog should pop up.  
 Choose where you wish to move it within your Drive.  Sometimes, I’ve found 
 that you need to use the VO-shift-space to select the location and/or 
 simply a press of the spacebar will do it.  You’ll need to try a few 
 different things.  You’ll know your selection of the location has worked 
 because the Move button will become not-dimmed.  If you’re having issues 
 determining exactly where it is going to go in your Drive, don’t worry, 
 you can move it after it’s in the Drive in the Finder and this will affect 
 the web-interface of your Google Drive.  The really neat thing about 
 having these shared items in the Desktop version of Google Drive is that 
 any changes that are made by anyone are synced across all users who have 
 access to the document.
 Hopefully, this makes some sense to you.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Nov 7, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
> Hey Tim,
> Thanks for the lead. I just setup my google drive. I'm now trying to 
> figure out how to move the google doc which I have opened in Safari to 
> the Google drive. How do I move the google doc into my drive?
> You're also right about the file menu within the Google doc in  safari. 
> I've explored the page thoroughly and VO can't seem to find a file menu 
> in the google doc. If I can figure out how to move the google doc to my 
> google drive, then I'll avoid Google Chrome. If not, then I'll tackle 
> Chrome.
> Thanks for your help.
> Best,
> Ibraheem
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry, VO focus in Mavericks Mail is jumpy lately and it’s jumping to 
>> the Send button often while typing.  So, as soon as I hit the spacebar, 
>> things get sent.  In any case, I’ll try to finish this message again.  
>> The Google Spreadsheets have some oddities when using Safari.  I usually 
>> move the shared spreadsheet into my Google Drive, then open it from the 
>> Finder.  When you do this, keyboard focus will usually be brought to 
>> cell A1.  You can then just use arrow key navigation to move around the 
>> spreadsheet.  Not VO arrows, just arrow keys.  If you need to edit a 
>> cell, simply arrow to it then enter the info you desire.
>> Beyond that, if you wish to do

Re: Infovox purchases gone

2013-11-12 Thread Matt Dierckens
It's stopped working? Does it just not speak, or not show up anywhere in the VO 

Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-12, at 10:34 AM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.  

> I purchased and installed an Infovox synthesizer but it has stopped working 
> in the past few days.
> Any reason why the liscence would expire after a few months?
> Antonio
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Resolved: Re: Time Machine Backup failed

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ok, between disk verification and rebooting my Mac, the backup has succeeded. 


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I spoke too soon. Still wrestling with disk verification, which says it 
> appears to be ok. However, Time Machine is still balking.
> teresa
> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Paul. you put me on the right track, I think. My backup external 
>> drive is listed twice in the backups table, so I chose the “other one”. How 
>> odd. I don’t know what caused that to happen, but there you have it. It was 
>> listed twice, with the same capacity and the same name.
>> Thanks,
>> teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I had this happen to me a few months ago, before Mavericks came out. It 
>>> appeared that my computer got renamed. Just once, I saw a dialog, saying 
>>> that my computer name, mac mini, was already on the network. That message 
>>> was in error, because all I did was reboot my mini, and when it came on and 
>>> attempted to join the network, the rename happened. It's now called mac 
>>> mini (2). Since that day, my time machine gave errors, and what solved it 
>>> for me, was to re select my destination backup drive.
>>> Hth?
>>> Paul.
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Ok, I’m getting this message in my notification center repeatedly. I have 
 it set to notify me when old backups are deleted. It says the current 
 backup is supposed to be 168 gigs. That doesn’t quite sound right. I 
 upgraded to Mavericks the day it came out, but it’s taken this long for 
 this problem to crop up. What can I start doing to pin down the problem? 
 Disk repair? Exclude items from the backup? Ideas? :)
 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
 too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
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How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-12 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Listers,

I’ve just upgraded to Mavericks. The very first thing I’ve noticed is that the 
command ctrl+f8 to activate the menu extra no longer works. Nor can I open a 
folder with command down arrow or command + o. It has to be now command + shift 
+ o. Is that right?


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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-12 Thread Chris H

Well I know to get to the Extras menu it's control option m twice.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 20:59, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

Dear Listers,

I’ve just upgraded to Mavericks. The very first thing I’ve noticed is that the 
command ctrl+f8 to activate the menu extra no longer works. Nor can I open a 
folder with command down arrow or command + o. It has to be now command + shift 
+ o. Is that right?


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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Andrew 
Press VO m twice. It should work. 


On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I’ve just upgraded to Mavericks. The very first thing I’ve noticed is that 
> the command ctrl+f8 to activate the menu extra no longer works. Nor can I 
> open a folder with command down arrow or command + o. It has to be now 
> command + shift + o. Is that right?
> Andrew
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Re: Applications key on mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Scott Rumery
VO Shift M will do the job.
On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:21 PM, Rob  wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a key command to open a right click menu like the applications key 
> on a PC?
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Kristeen Hughes
Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. For 
example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how do you 
do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the display?


On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Kristeen,
> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t tried 
> assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good chance it 
> can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view the assigned 
> commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new ones. There’s a 
> lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like 
>> to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to use 
>> another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important 
>> keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a window or 
>> program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and 
>> manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, 
>> that's cool.
>> Kristeen
>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
>>> even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
>>> getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always navigate 
>>> and tell where I was.
>>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth
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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Odd. control-f8 works fine for me in Mavericks. This is the standard non-VO 
keystroke. For that matter, VO-m twice quickly also works. Sometimes the menus 
balk when a program is hanging, though.


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:12 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Andrew 
> Press VO m twice. It should work. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Andrew Lamanche  
> wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> I’ve just upgraded to Mavericks. The very first thing I’ve noticed is that 
>> the command ctrl+f8 to activate the menu extra no longer works. Nor can I 
>> open a folder with command down arrow or command + o. It has to be now 
>> command + shift + o. Is that right?
>> Andrew
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Help with Skype

2013-11-12 Thread Brian Fischler
Ok, so I get that Skype changed a bunch of stuff recently and I can no longer 
access Skype on my iPhone as they seem to have gotten rid of logging in through 
Facebook. I am able to log in to Skype on my computer through Facebook, but 
can't seem to find any way to change my password so I can access Skype on my 
iPhone. I used the Skype desktop app to take me to the website to mange my 
account, clicked change password but this seems to take me to an inaccessible 
screen as I get the heading for Change Password but then there is nothing to 
interact with. Anyone know how to log in to Skype on your iPhone when your 
account was created through logging in to Facebook on the desktop? Thanks

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll probably 
have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a primary 

For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
> display?
> Kristeen
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t tried 
>> assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good chance it 
>> can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view the assigned 
>> commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new ones. There’s a 
>> lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like 
>>> to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to use 
>>> another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important 
>>> keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a window or 
>>> program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and 
>>> manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, 
>>> that's cool.
>>> Kristeen
>>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
 just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
 However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
 even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
 getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always navigate 
 and tell where I was.
 I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
 Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
 Eugenia Firth
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ibraheem,

In the new Pages, if you stop interacting with everything, the second item on 
the page is the Change tracking and annotations toolbar group. Interact with 
this and click the Next button the changed text will be highlighted. You can 
read it with VO-F6 and decide what to do about it.

If you’re using the old version of Pages, you really need a Braille display to 
see the changes.



On 12 Nov 2013, at 15:44, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
> with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
> suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As I’m 
> in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to view 
> markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know that 
> in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only works 
> for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to the next 
> change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to check line 
> by line with the vo + t command.
> Thanks!
> Ibraheem
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-12 Thread Daniel Miller
Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, which 
quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
> Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I have 
> every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company make 
> mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either but 
> personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including contacts. I 
> can understand though if they have personal or business addresses in them but 
> none of my contacts do. The majority just have a number, others have both a 
> number and e-mail address, the rest just have an e-mail address.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
>> Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
>> Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
>> possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
>> forced to use iCloud.
>> Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
>> personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like 
>> the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no criminal 
>> lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and iTunes I 
>> feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've upgraded to 10.9 
>> and have this thrown upon them.
>> I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my part 
>> and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
>> I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. Also 
>> just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this feels like 
>> its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to iTunes and 
>> having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
>> That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true that 
>> is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
>> Thank you
>> Daniel
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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-12 Thread Barry Hadder

I have run into that situation several times where control-f8 doesn’t work with 
Mavericks.  I’ve found that when it doesn’t work, I have to restart to git it 
back.  I have no idea what causes this.  It is true that you can git to the 
status menus with vo-m twice, but you can’t move through the menus with the 
arrow keys, and sometimes that’s useful.

The Finder keystrokes you mention work the same in Mavericks.  At least, they 
are for me.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

Dear Listers,

I’ve just upgraded to Mavericks. The very first thing I’ve noticed is that the 
command ctrl+f8 to activate the menu extra no longer works. Nor can I open a 
folder with command down arrow or command + o. It has to be now command + shift 
+ o. Is that right?


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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Nic,

Tracking changes is working much better in the new version of Pages. It tells 
you whether the change is an addition or a deletion, but I haven’t yet figured 
out how to find formatting changes.



On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:04, Nicholas Parsons  

> Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with track 
> changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also indicates 
> whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format change. Anne 
> Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on this list can 
> probably give you more information. I believe she was able to get some use 
> from track changes but it's not fully accessible.
> Best,
> Nic
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
>> with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
>> suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As I’m 
>> in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to view 
>> markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know that 
>> in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only works 
>> for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to the next 
>> change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to check line 
>> by line with the vo + t command.
>> Thanks!
>> Ibraheem
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Daniel Miller
Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the beast.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
> primary keyboard.
> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
> command-tab.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
>> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
>> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
>> display?
>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Kristeen,
>>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like 
 to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to 
 use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important 
 keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a window or 
 program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and 
 manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, 
 that's cool.
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
> even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
> getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always 
> navigate and tell where I was.
> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
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Re: xcode 5 question

2013-11-12 Thread Littlefield, Tyler

sorry for the double message. Yes, in my routing step I did mean route 
the mouse to the voiceover cursor. I just mixed the two up.

Thanks again,
On 11/11/2013 2:01 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

Hey Ty,

When the vo cursor is on the unknown to the right of the new referencing 
outlet, you want to rout the mouse to vo.  You said route vo to the mouse, but 
you might have just miss worded that.  I had to make sure though.

You don’t really need to turn cursor tracking off when you create an outlet, 
you only need to do that when you connect a place holder to an outlet, but it 
still should work.  Make sure that when you move vo to the header file that you 
interact with the edit area and move it to the correct place in the class 
Don’t worry about the new window message.  If you here it, that means you are 
doing something right.

I’m glad you are trying this, so let me know if you are still having problems.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

hello all:
I had a quick question regarding xcode with voiceover.
I listened to the maccessibility podcast and I'm still a bit confused.
I am trying to create an outlet in xcode. I have my assistant editor open and I 
select the button I want to create the outlet for. I go to the inspector and 
find the unknown next to new referencing outlet. I route the voiceover cursor 
to the mouse, turn off cursor tracking and lock the mouse down on the unknown. 
I uninteract with that and go to my header file, where I route the mouse to the 
voiceover cursor again, lift up the mouse and turn cursor tracking back on. I 
do not lift the mouse up until I hear XCode has new window, but I don't 
actually see any new window. It just leaves me right where I started with no 
Any ideas/advice here would be awesome.

Finally i have one more question that's less related to voiceover. When I run 
my app on the phone, for whatever reason I can't ever turn it off. Is there a 
command to stop tasks or something?

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode 5 question

2013-11-12 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
I think I may have figured out the issue. with xcode 5 apparently you 
are supposed to control+drag, which draws a blue line. clicking and 
holding down doesn't work, because I don't get the blue line. Is there a 
way to control+drag with voiceover?

On 11/11/2013 2:01 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

Hey Ty,

When the vo cursor is on the unknown to the right of the new referencing 
outlet, you want to rout the mouse to vo.  You said route vo to the mouse, but 
you might have just miss worded that.  I had to make sure though.

You don’t really need to turn cursor tracking off when you create an outlet, 
you only need to do that when you connect a place holder to an outlet, but it 
still should work.  Make sure that when you move vo to the header file that you 
interact with the edit area and move it to the correct place in the class 
Don’t worry about the new window message.  If you here it, that means you are 
doing something right.

I’m glad you are trying this, so let me know if you are still having problems.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

hello all:
I had a quick question regarding xcode with voiceover.
I listened to the maccessibility podcast and I'm still a bit confused.
I am trying to create an outlet in xcode. I have my assistant editor open and I 
select the button I want to create the outlet for. I go to the inspector and 
find the unknown next to new referencing outlet. I route the voiceover cursor 
to the mouse, turn off cursor tracking and lock the mouse down on the unknown. 
I uninteract with that and go to my header file, where I route the mouse to the 
voiceover cursor again, lift up the mouse and turn cursor tracking back on. I 
do not lift the mouse up until I hear XCode has new window, but I don't 
actually see any new window. It just leaves me right where I started with no 
Any ideas/advice here would be awesome.

Finally i have one more question that's less related to voiceover. When I run 
my app on the phone, for whatever reason I can't ever turn it off. Is there a 
command to stop tasks or something?

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode 5 question

2013-11-12 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
It appears this method does not work for me as well. I drag and drop and 
hear 'xcode has new window" and that's that. nothing happens and we're 
back to square 1.

On 11/11/2013 6:32 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Believe me, you have no idea how badly I would love to use interface builder. 
The problem is that the method for using interface builder as described here 
and in other places, that of routing the mouse and then dragging, has never 
once worked for me. If there's another way, or if Xcode5 fixed these particular 
accessibility problems, please let me know. I realize that interface builder is 
the usual way of doing things, and I do know that it would be much easier if I 
were able to use it. The problem is that I simply cannot, at least as things 
stand right now. Again, if something has been updated and now works better, 
please let me know.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:


Using interface builder and coding the UI are not mutually exclusive methods, 
and IB is built in to the XCode development work flow.  So, there is no way to 
not use it.When you use interface builder, all  you are not doing by had is 
instantiating your ui.  To do that requires much more code, and more code 
equals more bugs. That is the reason for using design tools like this.  There 
are times when it is necessary to do more by hand and it isn’t an academic 
question as to when you should do this.  In the course of your development, you 
will know when you need to do something in this way.   However, now that IB is 
accessible, most of the time there isn’t any reason not to use it.  Your 
project will be much easier to maintain.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 12:34 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

I’ve never gotten that to work, and I’d recommend coding your UI manually if 
possible. I’m still working on how exactly to do this, though.
As to the app question, have you removed it from the App Switcher? When you say 
you can’t turn it off, do you mean you can’t press the home button and have the 
app close, or that the phone won’t turn off?
On Nov 11, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

hello all:
I had a quick question regarding xcode with voiceover.
I listened to the maccessibility podcast and I'm still a bit confused.
I am trying to create an outlet in xcode. I have my assistant editor open and I 
select the button I want to create the outlet for. I go to the inspector and 
find the unknown next to new referencing outlet. I route the voiceover cursor 
to the mouse, turn off cursor tracking and lock the mouse down on the unknown. 
I uninteract with that and go to my header file, where I route the mouse to the 
voiceover cursor again, lift up the mouse and turn cursor tracking back on. I 
do not lift the mouse up until I hear XCode has new window, but I don't 
actually see any new window. It just leaves me right where I started with no 
Any ideas/advice here would be awesome.

Finally i have one more question that's less related to voiceover. When I run 
my app on the phone, for whatever reason I can't ever turn it off. Is there a 
command to stop tasks or something?

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode 5 question

2013-11-12 Thread Littlefield, Tyler

Thanks a lot for the info. When it says I have a new window, I have no 
way of getting to that window. presumably that's where the variable gets 
its name and everything. Does the window just pop up, or do you need to 
do something special to get there?

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
On 11/11/2013 2:01 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

Hey Ty,

When the vo cursor is on the unknown to the right of the new referencing 
outlet, you want to rout the mouse to vo.  You said route vo to the mouse, but 
you might have just miss worded that.  I had to make sure though.

You don’t really need to turn cursor tracking off when you create an outlet, 
you only need to do that when you connect a place holder to an outlet, but it 
still should work.  Make sure that when you move vo to the header file that you 
interact with the edit area and move it to the correct place in the class 
Don’t worry about the new window message.  If you here it, that means you are 
doing something right.

I’m glad you are trying this, so let me know if you are still having problems.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

hello all:
I had a quick question regarding xcode with voiceover.
I listened to the maccessibility podcast and I'm still a bit confused.
I am trying to create an outlet in xcode. I have my assistant editor open and I 
select the button I want to create the outlet for. I go to the inspector and 
find the unknown next to new referencing outlet. I route the voiceover cursor 
to the mouse, turn off cursor tracking and lock the mouse down on the unknown. 
I uninteract with that and go to my header file, where I route the mouse to the 
voiceover cursor again, lift up the mouse and turn cursor tracking back on. I 
do not lift the mouse up until I hear XCode has new window, but I don't 
actually see any new window. It just leaves me right where I started with no 
Any ideas/advice here would be awesome.

Finally i have one more question that's less related to voiceover. When I run 
my app on the phone, for whatever reason I can't ever turn it off. Is there a 
command to stop tasks or something?

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
True duys, but I know I can get to the menu with my braille display. I c' 
remember how to do it on a Focus 40 although I had one. Can anyone remember 
what the braille keyboard command is for going to the menu and using left and 
right arrows. I found that useful when I was somewhat away from my computer. On 
my Braille Edge, it has some keys on it that will bring up Spotlight and the 
menus and the dock. That may help some. For instance, space dd sign will bring 
up the dock. Space question mark will let you interact and space low j will 
stop interacting. Do you have a list of braille key commands that are already 
in place? 


On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
> beast.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
>> primary keyboard.
>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>> command-tab.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
>>> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
>>> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
>>> display?
>>> Kristeen
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Hi, Kristeen,
 I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
 tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
 chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
 the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
 ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
 "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have 
> to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of 
> the list, that's cool.
> Kristeen
>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
>> even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
>> getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always 
>> navigate and tell where I was.
>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>> Gigi
>> Eugenia Firth
>> -- 
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Menu Command, was Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
It’s s-chord (dots 2-3-4-space). I just use the panning keys to display 
different areas of the menu bar, and then use the cursor-routing keys on the 
item I want. sometimes this doesn’t work, and I have to use dot 4-chord and dot 
1-chord to navigate through the menus


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> True duys, but I know I can get to the menu with my braille display. I c' 
> remember how to do it on a Focus 40 although I had one. Can anyone remember 
> what the braille keyboard command is for going to the menu and using left and 
> right arrows. I found that useful when I was somewhat away from my computer. 
> On my Braille Edge, it has some keys on it that will bring up Spotlight and 
> the menus and the dock. That may help some. For instance, space dd sign will 
> bring up the dock. Space question mark will let you interact and space low j 
> will stop interacting. Do you have a list of braille key commands that are 
> already in place? 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>> beast.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
>>> a primary keyboard.
>>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>>> command-tab.
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
 For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, 
 how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Hi, Kristeen,
> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of 
>> the list, that's cool.
>> Kristeen
>>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I 
>>> couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell 
>>> me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't 
>>> always navigate and tell where I was.
>>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> -- 
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Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Rob

Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"

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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Michael Marshall
sadly no, i tryed out the mac version and there is just nothing you can do in 
the program. i don’t think winamp is even beeing made for the mac from what i 
have read.
On 13 Nov 2013, at 10:37 am, Rob  wrote:

> Hi,
> Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
> -- 
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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:

> Hi,
> Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
> -- 
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Re: Infovox purchases gone

2013-11-12 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.
I get a message that reads 

"this is an evaluation version of Acapela text to speech synthesizer."

On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:58 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi.
> It's stopped working? Does it just not speak, or not show up anywhere in the 
> VO utility.
> Matt Dierckens
> Assistive Technology Trainer
> IOS and Macintosh User support
> Windsor area
> On 2013-11-12, at 10:34 AM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.  
> wrote:
>> I purchased and installed an Infovox synthesizer but it has stopped working 
>> in the past few days.
>> Any reason why the liscence would expire after a few months?
>> Antonio
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iBooks internal location on the mac?

2013-11-12 Thread Kliphton -------
Hello.  I have imported about 700 books in ePub format in to iBooks.  They
read just fine, but I accidently deleted the folder where I originally
imported them from.  Where does iBooks store them so I can try to save them
to a different folder for my own reference?  Thanks.

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Kristeen Hughes
Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've not 
been successful.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
> beast.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
>> primary keyboard.
>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>> command-tab.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
>>> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
>>> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
>>> display?
>>> Kristeen
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Hi, Kristeen,
 I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
 tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
 chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
 the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
 ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
 "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have 
> to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of 
> the list, that's cool.
> Kristeen
>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
>> even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
>> getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always 
>> navigate and tell where I was.
>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>> Gigi
>> Eugenia Firth
>> -- 
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VO-J and Mail

2013-11-12 Thread Janet Ingber
Hello Everyone,

When I use VO-J to jump from the message list to an individual email,a few 
lines are read and then without my doing anything, I’m back in the messages 
table.  This does not only happen with my Gmail account.  I am using the 
default mail view and I have not made any changes.  This behavior started a few 
days ago.  Any suggestions?


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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Ben van Poppel
Hi Kristeen, Teresa and the rest. The workaround I did for single-keystroke app 
switching was to write two scripts to simulate command-tab and 
command-shift-tab respectively. Then I assigned running of the scripts to focus 
commands (I used 12-chord and 45-chord). The scripts had one line each:
Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using command down

Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using {command down shift 

In the examples above the "tab" means double quote then press tab then double 
quote again. \t might also be valid. I'm still not applescript proficient.

Hope that trick helps you out.

Cheers. Ben 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 13 Nov 2013, at 8:58 am, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
> primary keyboard.
> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
> command-tab.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
>> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
>> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
>> display?
>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Kristeen,
>>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would like 
 to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to have to 
 use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add important 
 keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a window or 
 program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and paste and 
 manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of the list, 
 that's cool.
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I couldn't 
> even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell me. I was 
> getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't always 
> navigate and tell where I was.
> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Kristeen,

This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT 
you’d have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, 
choose “assign commands", and assign a Braille command to select text. There 
aren’t separate commands for selecting different amounts of text, so honestly, 
I’m not sure how you’d do this. Also, unless I’m wrong, you’d have to use 
command-b on the keyboard to initiate the Braille command entry. I haven’t 
assigned keystrokes for this, because frankly, it’s more trouble than it’s 
worth to me. Let’s see if anyone else has already done this, and if not, I’ll 
experiment with it and let you know what I come up with. I admit I have my 
doubts that it’ll be an easy process.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
> not been successful.
> Kristeen
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>> beast.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
>>> a primary keyboard.
>>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>>> command-tab.
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
 For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, 
 how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Hi, Kristeen,
> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of 
>> the list, that's cool.
>> Kristeen
>>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I 
>>> couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell 
>>> me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't 
>>> always navigate and tell where I was.
>>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth
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can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating signatures in apple mail

2013-11-12 Thread Andrew Head
Hi all,
When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a 
heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s going 
on here and how to fix it?

also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?

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