Trying to Reach Dan Thompson

2013-06-16 Thread Les Kriegler
Dan, if you receive this e-mail, would you please write me privately.  I 
exported the help file into a word document for the VoiceDream Reader and would 
like to email it to you.  I was out of town when you wrote yesterday and didn't 
keep your message.  Thanks.


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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I too reckon you should just get the iMac. I love my iMac, and I can't even see 
the screen. When I did the calculations to decide the same question you're 
considering, it worked out to be cheaper and easier to just get an iMac rather 
than buying the Mac Mini, the keybaord, the TrackPad or Mouse, the monitor, the 
upgrades etcetera. The iMac is more powerful and I really like its extra power. 
I'd even recommend upgrading the RAM of your iMac to at least 16GB. I'd also 
read quite a few reports from people saying they had difficulty setting up the 
Mac Mini with a bluetooth keyboard. You need to press Command-F5 to get 
VoiceOver running, but the Mac Mini, from what I read, didn't come with the 
mouse or keyboard already set up. So it was kinda a catch 22 with needing 
VoiceOver to set up the keyboard, but needing the keyboard to set up VoiceOver.

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Re: Turning Voice Over On

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
An alternative if you have a TrackPad:
•   Tap twice on your TrackPad with three fingers.

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Re: earpieces

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Jean,
How extensively have you used your Jabra Clear with your Mac now? Have you had 
any dificulties? Will you lose VoiceOver if you turn the Jabra Clear headset 
off and then on again, or if it runs out of batteries? When you first boot up 
your Mac and the OS loads, will VoiceOver default to your Jabra Clear headset?


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A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

Good morning, or evening everyone, depending on where you're located.

In the past, there has been a lot of discussion both on and off list about 
the accessibility and use of ProTools from an accessibility standpoint with 
Voiceover.  I've been asked to appear on certain podcasts and then due to 
things that were completely out of my control, I was unable to participate 
in those submitions.  This is going to be going out to a lot of places.  I'm 
hoping to put this link out on my Twitter, as well as my Facebook,


As well as my own personal podcast:

This furthermore is in the process of being approved for an Applevis 

I plan to make this series as in depth as I possibly can make it, and as 
thorough as I can possibly make it as well.  We'll be talking about the use 
of ProTools, how to interact with the application using Voiceover, certain 
work arounds to things that might not be the most accessibly intuitive, as 
well as we'll also be learning about some crucially important sound 
production techniques/skills that you must be able to master in order to 
have the most optymal benefit from ProTools.  This is really big guys, as I 
know a lot of you all have wanted me to do this for quite some time, and 
now, I'm finally getting the time to do so.  Here's what I am going to say 
as far as other podcast interviews.  Let's wait, and let me get this whole 
series finished and out to you guys, and then once I've finished up the 
series, if at that point, you want to interview me, we'll talk.  I'm doing 
it this way, so that you'll up front have a working idea of my knowledge, as 
well as my style in how I present things.

So all this being said, here is the link to Part 1.  This recording runs 
just over half an hour.  I can't promise you that all the recordings are 
going to be this short, but this one will be.  Let's get some feedback.  If 
you all want me to continue the series after hearing this, I'd be more than 
happy to!  I will admit that Kevin Reeves who is in the blind community has 
done an absolutely fantastic! couple of mp3 files which are quite in depth, 
however some people have said that they didn't really like his style.  I 
don't really know why that is, as I personally thought it was brilliant! 
but, whatever.  Each is to their own.  The other thing is, he only did maybe 
about 3 files all total.  What I! plan to do, is make this into a continuing 
series, and really get very serious about really showing you all the true 
power of this software.  I'm not only gonna cover the basics, but hopefully, 
over time, as the recordings progress, and we build off what you already 
know, we can actually begin to dive into more advanced parts of the program.

You all are gonna be a huge factor in what things I show you in these files. 
A lot of it will be crutial that I show you, but if there is anything 
specific that you want for me to show, please let me know, and I'll see what 
I can do.

OK.  So, here we go!  Here's the link for part 1.

You guys let me know what you think, and we'll go from there.


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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Yes, I think your right.  through lots of conversations with various people 
and messages from this list, I have decided to go with the base imac and 
since someone mentioned the upgrade to mavrick might be twenty or thirty 
dollars or even maybe free, I think I can't go wrong.  From the messages 
I've received from this list I've determined that parralel is out and fusion 
or bootcamp is the way to go.  As I said in a previous message I'm still not 
100% confident to let go of windows, so I do half to make the desition  of 
either or.  I am so unfamiliar with mac that I don't even know the 
terminology and listening to different messages I find my self wondering 
where the command button is and doesn't voiceover start automatically etc. 
On the other hand I think if I'm patient all these simple little questions 
will be answered in time.  The question I have now that I forgot to ask in 
my original post is this,  Since I'll be running windows on this mac will I 
still be able to install jaws for the windows portion of the computer, and 
does it matter which I have chosen bootcamp or fusion?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

I too reckon you should just get the iMac. I love my iMac, and I can't even 
see the screen. When I did the calculations to decide the same question 
you're considering, it worked out to be cheaper and easier to just get an 
iMac rather than buying the Mac Mini, the keybaord, the TrackPad or Mouse, 
the monitor, the upgrades etcetera. The iMac is more powerful and I really 
like its extra power. I'd even recommend upgrading the RAM of your iMac to 
at least 16GB. I'd also read quite a few reports from people saying they had 
difficulty setting up the Mac Mini with a bluetooth keyboard. You need to 
press Command-F5 to get VoiceOver running, but the Mac Mini, from what I 
read, didn't come with the mouse or keyboard already set up. So it was kinda 
a catch 22 with needing VoiceOver to set up the keyboard, but needing the 
keyboard to set up VoiceOver.

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A Look at ProTools Part 2 is now available.

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

Here you go.


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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Rebecca Sabo
Hi all,
My name is Becky Sabo.  I have pages loaded on my mack pro computer.  It helps 
me a little but still frustrated with it.  How do you write college papers on 
it?  So I was wondering if I should load book camp or  vm solution?  I have had 
my mack pro computer for two in a half months.
Any help or suggestions would be helpful.
Becky Sabo 
On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:13 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

>  vm solution

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Very close with VM Fusion, but have a few more questions

2013-06-16 Thread Bill Holton

I was able to get Windows 7 working under a VM window, using my bootcamp
drive.  But I have a few more questions.  


First, what do I need to do to be able to alt tab through my Win 7 windows?

Second, when I do leave the Win 7 window and turn VO back on and do a bit
with the Mac, when I return to VM I have a devil of a time getting back into
Win 7.  Sometimes pressing windows/option tab a few times will get me there,
but more frequently I have to go to the VM virtual machine menu and press
the restart option.  Guessing I am doing something wrong here.  Any help


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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part of 
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation (i.e. 
bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).

I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is inaccessible 
have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just passing along old 
hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at least mentioned that he 
hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I was told fairly recently 
that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that there was some problem with 
the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by default. I've never tried 
installing Windows on my Mac in any form though so I don't know. I'm just 
worried though that this might be one of those accessibility rumours that gets 
propogated longer than it should because of course no one tests the thing 
anymore because they are told it's not accessible.

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Re: iTunes match

2013-06-16 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I purchased a gift cirtificut, and he hasn't received it yet.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't believe so, but you can purchase a Gift Certificate through the 
> iTunes Store that is eMailed to the recipient.  The Gift Certificate usually 
> can be used for anything in the iTunes or App Stores and thus be able to be 
> used for iTunes Match subscriptions since it just is a charge to your Apple 
> ID account.
> Later...
> On 2013-06-15, at 2:46 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>> Don't think so I haven't seen the option to send it as a gift.
>> Chris
>> On 15/06/2013 21:43, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Does anyone know if you can gift an iTunes match subscription?
>> -- 
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Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland


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Re: Turning Voice Over On

2013-06-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, Nick, that is a quick and easy one.  I'll add, though, that you first must 
have Trackpad Commander turned on for this to work.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-16, at 4:00 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> An alternative if you have a TrackPad:
>   •   Tap twice on your TrackPad with three fingers.
> -- 
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Re: night owl question

2013-06-16 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Thank you! Have you figured out how to search Twitter?
On Jun 15, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Direct messages are in their own tab. Either cmd-right twice from the main 
> timeline tab, or press ctrl-3. Incidentally, mentions are one tab right of 
> the timeline, or ctrl-2, and, of course, the main timeline is ctrl-1. You 
> have other tabs, and can even make your own if you want to, though I have not 
> tried that yet.
> To view a conversation, move to a tweet and press cmd-3. This changes your 
> current timeline to show all messages in the conversation; hit cmd-1 to 
> return to normal. By the way, cmd-2 shows a user view, which is recent tweets 
> from the user.
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> How do you view direct conversations and mentions in Night Owl?
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
Personally, I prefer using the MS Office suite with JAWS. I don't think 
anything comes close to the accessibility of jaws and MS word/Excel. I'm also 
new to the mac and have a bootcamp installation on my HD with JAWS and office. 
I Plan, like alot of others, to get VMWare  fusion running so I can have easy 
access to JAWS and Word/excel, while still having the MAC at hand
The Apple iWork suite just isn't in the same league as Microsoft productivity 
packages, at least not for the blind - and I don't think anyone would seriously 
dispute that.
- Original Message - 
  From: Rebecca Sabo 
  Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:52 AM
  Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

  Hi all,
  My name is Becky Sabo.  I have pages loaded on my mack pro computer.  It 
helps me a little but still frustrated with it.  How do you write college 
papers on it?  So I was wondering if I should load book camp or  vm solution?  
I have had my mack pro computer for two in a half months.
  Any help or suggestions would be helpful.
  Becky Sabo 

  On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:13 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

 vm solution

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Re: Nightowl questions

2013-06-16 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
This helps, thank you! I disabled auto fill the first day. I found it annoying.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 10:44 PM, wrote:

> I sincerely hope this helps. Everyone is so helpful on this list, I save the 
> answers I am given that work at the time.
> When you start it, the focus should be on your main timeline (once you log in 
> of course). From there, use cmd-right or left to move through your timelines 
> (home, mentions, DMs, favorites). Up and down arrows will read tweets, 
> provided Quicknav is off, and for all other commands, have a look through the 
> dropdown menus, specifically the tweet and timeline menus. You will also 
> wanto to open preferences with cmd-comma, go to the compose tab, and disable 
> the username and hashtag autofill options.
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:18 PM, wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I recently installed this program on my Mac. Are the  help files 
>> self-explanatory, or is there a good guide to learn how to use this program 
>> successfully?
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:45 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>  wrote:
>> When you say you deleted the preferences, what exactly did you delete... I 
>> mean like... what files, and where were they located exactly?  I know the 
>> .app file, but I mean aside from that?
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:46
>> Subject: Re: Yorufukurou Trouble
>> Nope, never had this problem. Only thing I can think of is maybe looking 
>> around in ~/library for any psettings files for yorufukurou; not sure if 
>> deleting the app always rids you of these settings.
>> On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:43 AM, Jane  wrote:
>>> Every time I try to re-open Yorufukurou, I get a notice saying that it quit 
>>> unexpctedly while trying to open windows. No matter if I hit the button to 
>>> open them or not, it continues to crash.  I deleted the app and its prefs. 
>>> I re-installed the app. I have tried rebooting. I am running Mountain Lion. 
>>>  Does anyone have suggestions for this?
>>> Jane
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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> Hi,
> Here are instructions Alex gave me when I initially installed the program.
> Hope they help.
> Pam Francis
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
> No luck on searching. 

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I said 
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does 
the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to go 
especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state 
the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure 
voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically? 
Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me 
navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part of 
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation 
(i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).

I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is 
inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just 
passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at least 
mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I was 
told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that there 
was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by 
default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though so 
I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those 
accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because of 
course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not 

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Re: iTunes match

2013-06-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hmmm.  I've only did the Gift Certificate thing once or twice and don't 
remember exactly how long it took for the recipient to receive it.  I thought 
that it was more or less instantaneous other than if you were specific about 
when it was to be sent.

The iTunes Store should send you a receipt for the gift too.  Wait a little bit 
then if they don't receive anything, give the iTunes Store Support number a 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-16, at 9:01 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> I purchased a gift cirtificut, and he hasn't received it yet.
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't believe so, but you can purchase a Gift Certificate through the 
>> iTunes Store that is eMailed to the recipient.  The Gift Certificate usually 
>> can be used for anything in the iTunes or App Stores and thus be able to be 
>> used for iTunes Match subscriptions since it just is a charge to your Apple 
>> ID account.
>> Later...
>> On 2013-06-15, at 2:46 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>>> Don't think so I haven't seen the option to send it as a gift.
>>> Chris
>>> On 15/06/2013 21:43, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Does anyone know if you can gift an iTunes match subscription?
>>> -- 
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Re: iTunes match

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Miller
No, it's not always instant. It can take up to a few hours. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 16, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hmmm.  I've only did the Gift Certificate thing once or twice and don't 
> remember exactly how long it took for the recipient to receive it.  I thought 
> that it was more or less instantaneous other than if you were specific about 
> when it was to be sent.
> The iTunes Store should send you a receipt for the gift too.  Wait a little 
> bit then if they don't receive anything, give the iTunes Store Support number 
> a call.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-06-16, at 9:01 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
>> wrote:
>> I purchased a gift cirtificut, and he hasn't received it yet.
>>> On Jun 15, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't believe so, but you can purchase a Gift Certificate through the 
>>> iTunes Store that is eMailed to the recipient.  The Gift Certificate 
>>> usually can be used for anything in the iTunes or App Stores and thus be 
>>> able to be used for iTunes Match subscriptions since it just is a charge to 
>>> your Apple ID account.
>>> Later...
 On 2013-06-15, at 2:46 PM, Chris H  wrote:
 Don't think so I haven't seen the option to send it as a gift.
> On 15/06/2013 21:43, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> Does anyone know if you can gift an iTunes match subscription?
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>>> -- 
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> -- 
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A Look at ProTools Part 4

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland


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iTunes match question

2013-06-16 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Just a quick question.  If I have iTunes match on, and a CD has been imported 
into iTunes Match, what happens if I then delete that CD?  Does iTunes Match 
still let me play the iCloud version?

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Re: iTunes match question

2013-06-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

When you delete songs from your local machine, a dialog will appear asking you 
if you wish to remove it from only the local machine or from iCloud as well.  
So, essentially, you can play all items that are in iTunes Match from the Cloud 
if you wish.  You'd just be using up data in the streaming process.  In most 
cases, though, the amount of data you'd use up is minimal.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-16, at 12:49 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick question.  If I have iTunes match on, and a CD has been imported 
> into iTunes Match, what happens if I then delete that CD?  Does iTunes Match 
> still let me play the iCloud version?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: iTunes match question

2013-06-16 Thread Donna Goodin
OK, that's what I thought.  thanks for confirming.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> When you delete songs from your local machine, a dialog will appear asking 
> you if you wish to remove it from only the local machine or from iCloud as 
> well.  So, essentially, you can play all items that are in iTunes Match from 
> the Cloud if you wish.  You'd just be using up data in the streaming process. 
>  In most cases, though, the amount of data you'd use up is minimal.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-16, at 12:49 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a quick question.  If I have iTunes match on, and a CD has been 
>> imported into iTunes Match, what happens if I then delete that CD?  Does 
>> iTunes Match still let me play the iCloud version?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. Apple 
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult to 
impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager, 
letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I said 
> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does 
> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to go 
> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state 
> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure 
> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically? 
> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me 
> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part of 
> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation 
> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is 
> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just 
> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at least 
> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I was 
> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that there 
> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by 
> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though so 
> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those 
> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because of 
> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not 
> accessible.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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how long should Prizmo take to scan?

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm trying Prizmo again, now that I replaced my scanner with one that works. 
However, it takes around three or four minutes to scan one page, yet making a 
photocopy with the same printer/scanner takes no time at all. Is the scanning 
process different, or is Prizmo just slow? If the latter, is there a setting I 
could try changing or is it meant to be that way? Thanks for any help.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for only 
$15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will last, so if 
you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Strange Issue with VMWare Fusion/Sharing Virtual Machine between OSX User Accounts

2013-06-16 Thread Harry Hogue

In brief, the situation is as follows:  Two different accounts for OSX and 
Windows both, one for personal and one for work, to keep things nicely 
separated.  Tried to share the VM between both OSX user accounts by placing the 
VM in /users/shared, and now Sharpkeys mapping for right option to 
capslock/insert is no longer remembered, and even after reauthorizing JAWS, the 
authorization is not remembered on either Windows account and regardless of the 
OSX user logged in at the time.  More detailed explanation follows in a 
numbered list if it is helpful.

1.  I have two different OSX user accounts -- one for personal use and one for 
use at my work.

2.  I want to share my virtual machine between these two user accounts, so I 
followed instructions I found through a Google search which directed me to put 
the .vmwarevm file into /users/shared

3.  Now, my JAWS authorization is not remembered, nor is the right option key 
acting as my insert key as I had set in Sharpkeys, although it does still 
function as the capslock key, for some strange reason.

4.  Sharpkeys 3.5 does not appear to work non-visually, so I am unable to set 
the right option ke as my insert key again.

5.  Not that this necessarily matters, as the VM will mirror files and folders 
of the current OSX user, but I had created two Windows accounts as well -- one 
for personal and one for work, just to sort of keep things similar.

I think I am complicating things, to be sure, and I had heard that JAWS will 
think the authorization has been moved off the computer if the VM is moved, but 
why would nothing I originally have set be remembered, such as my insert key 
mapping through Sharpkeys?  Also I did reauthorize JAWS last night, and it said 
it was successful, but it is not remembered anymore, no matter what OSX account 
or Windows account I am on.

Sometimes I just hate JAWS and Windows both, but I need to take advantage of 
Microsoft Word and Excel.

Thanks for any thoughts,


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Chess anyone?

2013-06-16 Thread Dave
OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac?  If so, can I play 
against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?

I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to 
make moves and such.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add it 
on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and 
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. Apple 
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult to 
impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager, 
letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I 
> said
> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to 
> go
> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state
> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part 
> of
> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just
> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at 
> least
> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I 
> was
> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that 
> there
> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though 
> so
> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because 
> of
> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
> accessible.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Chess anyone?

2013-06-16 Thread Harry Hogue
I believe in the menus there is an option to speak moves, but I've not done 
much wit hthe game.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Dave  wrote:

> OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac?  If so, can I play 
> against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?
> I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to 
> make moves and such.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dave
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Danny Noonan
Lucky Americans. Grin. I've got to grab it but it'll be the $50 down under. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 17/06/2013, at 5:53 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for only 
> $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will last, so if 
> you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Chess anyone?

2013-06-16 Thread Barry Hadder

As near as I can tell, you play against others only through Game Center.

I have found that I can move a piece by first moving vo to the piece and 
vo-space, then move vo to the destination and vo-space again.
Hope that helps.

Barry Hadder
Available in the Mac app store.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 3:07 PM, "Dave"  wrote:

OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac?  If so, can I play against 
someone on my local network running a Mac as well?
I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to 
make moves and such.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Chess anyone?

2013-06-16 Thread Estelita
When the chess program is open, it is set to play human against computer.
Just type in your move, example: e2 e4 and the computer will reply its move.
You can change the settings to play computer against human but it's a little 
bit tricky, just play around the chess menu to find how to do it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Barry Hadder 
  Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:57 PM
  Subject: Re: Chess anyone?


  As near as I can tell, you play against others only through Game Center.

  I have found that I can move a piece by first moving vo to the piece and 
vo-space, then move vo to the destination and vo-space again.
  Hope that helps.

  Barry Hadder
  Available in the Mac app store.

  On Jun 16, 2013, at 3:07 PM, "Dave"  wrote:

  OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac?  If so, can I play 
against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?

  I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to 
make moves and such.

  Thanks in advance.


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contacts manager

2013-06-16 Thread jean parker
Tim and All:
I think I've got it!  Maybe.
Navigating on the right side of the screen is clearly one key.  I was having 
trouble scrolling through the alphabet because if I didn't scroll in exactly a 
straight line I would end up somewhere else.  Also, being able to choose the 
fields on the right side is very helpful.
Now I think one more question will finish it.  After I have entered something 
in a field in the add contacts thing, do I have to hit done after each field is 
filled in or can I go right to the next field?

Thanks everyone for all your help with the various questions I have posed.  
This list has been a great place to continue learning.  Thanks in no small 
amount to you guys, things are coming along much better. 
I still want a better contacts manager from the VO calendar people (just in 
case they monitor this list), but I can manage for now I suppose.

I will definitely have further beginning questions but will contribute if I 
think I actually know something other people might find useful.

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws 
can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a 
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no 
screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add it 
> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and 
> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. Apple 
> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult to 
> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager, 
> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I 
>> said
>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to 
>> go
>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state
>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part 
>> of
>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just
>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at 
>> least
>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I 
>> was
>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that 
>> there
>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though 
>> so
>> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
>> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because 
>> of
>> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
>> accessible.
>> -- 
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>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Chess anyone?

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, setting "speak moves" to on is helpful. what I do is enable Quicknav, then 
interact with the board grid and set my navigation to rows. I can then left 
arrow to go left, up arrow to go up, and so on. I can also simply press up-down 
on a pice, move to where I want it to go, and press up-down again, letting me 
play with just one hand. I have not yet tried to play against other humans, 
only the computer.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 5:33 PM, Estelita  wrote:

> Hi,
> When the chess program is open, it is set to play human against computer.
> Just type in your move, example: e2 e4 and the computer will reply its move.
> You can change the settings to play computer against human but it's a little 
> bit tricky, just play around the chess menu to find how to do it.
> - Original Message -
> From: Barry Hadder
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:57 PM
> Subject: Re: Chess anyone?
> Hi,
> As near as I can tell, you play against others only through Game Center.
> I have found that I can move a piece by first moving vo to the piece and 
> vo-space, then move vo to the destination and vo-space again.
> Hope that helps.
> --
> Barry Hadder
> UnitMaster
> Available in the Mac app store.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 3:07 PM, "Dave"  wrote:
> OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac?  If so, can I play 
> against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?
> I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to 
> make moves and such.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dave
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: contacts manager

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
You don't need to hit "done" until you are happy with the contact details. That 
is, only hit "done" when you have filled in every piece of information you 
want, not after each edit field. Double tapping a field to edit it will stop 
editing the previous one, so you will not end up with multiple fields editing 
at once, if that is your concern.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 5:34 PM, jean parker  wrote:

> Tim and All:
> I think I've got it!  Maybe.
> Navigating on the right side of the screen is clearly one key.  I was having 
> trouble scrolling through the alphabet because if I didn't scroll in exactly 
> a straight line I would end up somewhere else.  Also, being able to choose 
> the fields on the right side is very helpful.
> Now I think one more question will finish it.  After I have entered something 
> in a field in the add contacts thing, do I have to hit done after each field 
> is filled in or can I go right to the next field?
> Thanks everyone for all your help with the various questions I have posed.  
> This list has been a great place to continue learning.  Thanks in no small 
> amount to you guys, things are coming along much better. 
> I still want a better contacts manager from the VO calendar people (just in 
> case they monitor this list), but I can manage for now I suppose.
> I will definitely have further beginning questions but will contribute if I 
> think I actually know something other people might find useful.
> Jean
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know little 
about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare fusion? 
Will it run on a MAC?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

Hi all,
Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for 
only $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will 
last, so if you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
Zoey, once the computer is  running either in Mac or Windows, you can select 
the other OS from  one of the utilities in MAC and also in Windows, then 
reboot. The computer will then reboot into the desired OS - that's how alot 
of people get around the problem of having no speech at boot time. The only 
other option is to memorize the order of icons on the boot screen, and then 
press the arrow keys the needed number of times to select the desired OS 
icon, then press enter. Once you know the order of icons, I guess that 
method would work fine, but I always select the OS from within Windows 
bootcamp utility, or from within MAC system preferences, then reboot.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws 
can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a 
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no 
screen reader can possibly be loaded.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add 

on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. 
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult 

impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to
especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the 
The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't 

the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
(i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).

I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are 

passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though
I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because
course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept my 
appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them 
scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions 
as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be 
partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning 
of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half 
to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down 
the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws 
can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a 
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no 
screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add 
> it
> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. 
> Apple
> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult 
> to
> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
>> said
>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to
>> go
>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the 
>> program.
>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't 
>> state
>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
>> of
>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are 
>> just
>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
>> least
>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
>> was
>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
>> there
>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though
>> so
>> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
>> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because
>> of
>> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
>> accessible.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@go

Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
It states that it is for OS10. I don't know why they are selling it, but I'm 
trying it out.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know little 
> about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare fusion? 
> Will it run on a MAC?
> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
> Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)
>> Hi all,
>> Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for only 
>> $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will last, so if 
>> you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
It is not a problem, we have all been there. With bootcamp, the drive is 
partitioned; with Fusion, it is not. I don't know why Apple charges that much - 
any halfway decent computer geek can partition a drive in two minutes. If you 
decide to go bootcamp, I'd just enlist the help of some local talent to get 
things up and running. You said you are near an Apple store - I bet they would 
help for free (no promises, but its worth a try).
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept my 
> appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them 
> scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions 
> as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be 
> partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning 
> of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half 
> to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down 
> the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
> Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws 
> can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a 
> computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no 
> screen reader can possibly be loaded.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:
>> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add 
>> it
>> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
>> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. 
>> Apple
>> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult 
>> to
>> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
>> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
>>> said
>>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
>>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to
>>> go
>>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the 
>>> program.
>>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't 
>>> state
>>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
>>> of
>>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are 
>>> just
>>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
>>> least
>>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
>>> was
>>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
>>> there
>>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though
>>> so
>>> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
>>> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because
>>> of
>>> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
>>> accessible.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>>> email to macvisionaries+unsubscr.

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
ok thanks will try the local way if i decide on the bootcamp but honestly it 
looks like the fusion is the better way.
- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

It is not a problem, we have all been there. With bootcamp, the drive is 
partitioned; with Fusion, it is not. I don't know why Apple charges that 
much - any halfway decent computer geek can partition a drive in two 
minutes. If you decide to go bootcamp, I'd just enlist the help of some 
local talent to get things up and running. You said you are near an Apple 
store - I bet they would help for free (no promises, but its worth a try).
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept 
> my
> appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
> scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions
> as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
> partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning
> of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half
> to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
> the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
> Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. 
> Jaws
> can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
> computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no
> screen reader can possibly be loaded.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:
>> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add
>> it
>> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
>> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet.
>> Apple
>> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult
>> to
>> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot 
>> Manager,
>> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
>>> said
>>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion 
>>> does
>>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way 
>>> to
>>> go
>>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the
>>> program.
>>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't
>>> state
>>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
>>> of
>>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are
>>> just
>>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
>>> least
>>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
>>> was
>>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
>>> there
>>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form 
>>> though
>>> so
>>> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
>>> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because
>>> of
>>> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
>>> accessible.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit

where do I fine accessible apps for the mack

2013-06-16 Thread Rebecca Sabo
Hi all,
I was wondering where I could fine out what apps are accessible for the mack 
computer?  I went to app vis to look and it it was not very easy to fine which 
one were free and accessible.
Any help would be great.
Becky Sabo 
On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Oh my gosh that'll be freaking amazing!
> Sent from my iPod
> On Jun 11, 2013, at 6:29 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Also, apparently when you quote from iBooks on the Mac it will automatically 
>> insert a citation for you. I assume this means when you copy and paste. I 
>> too really, really hope it's accessible. I'm pretty sure it will be or, at 
>> least, they'll make it accessible sooner or later.
>> -- 
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> -- 
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RE: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.

2013-06-16 Thread David Tanner

Would you please post the link for the 4th tutorial again.  I got the
message, but it accidently got deleted, and now I can't find the deleted

Thanks very much!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Gilland
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:03 AM
Subject: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.


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Re: A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded

2013-06-16 Thread John Schucker

Hi Chris:

I for one am really looking forward to checking this out, especially 
since I never did manage to find any of Kevin's stuff. I've seen links 
that claim to be for it, but they go nowhere. I'm currently mostly using 
windows but am seriously considering switching to mac, right now I have 
a used macbook that can only run up to 10.6.8 to play with the mac and 
see how it will work for me. So it will be really nice to not only get a 
tutorial on protools, but hear somebody actually using it. Will you be 
posting further parts to the list, or your own site, or somewhere else? 
Or is it a four part thing? Anyway, like I said, sounds really 
interesting, and I'm glad you did it.

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A Look at ProTools Part 5.

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland


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Re: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

Sure thing.  One second...


- Original Message - 
From: "David Tanner" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 7:09 PM
Subject: RE: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.


Would you please post the link for the 4th tutorial again.  I got the
message, but it accidently got deleted, and now I can't find the deleted

Thanks very much!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Gilland
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:03 AM
Subject: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.


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For David and others: Resending A Look at ProTools part 4

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

OK, upon request, here is part 4 again.


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Re: A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

You wrote:

Will you be posting further parts to the list, or your own site, or 
somewhere else?

Or is it a four part thing?

Trust me, it's going to wind up being way way way way! more than 4 parts by 
the time it's over.  I'd say more probably upwards of 10 or so.

Yes, these will be posted on my own web site, and also on my Twitter.


They'll furthermore eventually be on my own podcast as well.  Also they will 
gradually be put up on Applevis.

Take care.


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help with pages: line of text where on page and hwat page

2013-06-16 Thread Anouk Radix
With microsoft word, with my braille display, i can see on the status bar 
precisely what line of text i am working on in a page and at what page number 
that is. Is there something like this in pages on the mac as well?
Greetings, Anouk,

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bit ot: problems with jfw 14 in win8pro vm

2013-06-16 Thread Anouk Radix
Hello, I have been playing with win8 in vmware fusion 5. With nvda everything 
works great but when i install jfw 14 demo (i have 13 myself) the braille does 
not work correctly, i think the speech does. While in nvda everything works 
fine. I dont think it is a driver issue because stuff does get displayed just 
not everything.
I know this is a bit ot but i am really stumped.
I have never had these problems with odler versions of jaws/windows.
Any advice would be welcome!
Greetings, Anouk,

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2013-06-16 Thread jean parker
Hi Nick:
I have not used it with the mac that extensively so I don't know if I can 
answer your questions.  I have mostly used it with my i phone.
I have only begun experimenting with sound input and output in system 
preferences.  I know that I turn on bluetooth and connect the earpiece it 
connects right away.  That is the receiving part.  I do know that you have to 
go to system preferences to select the correct input in order to enable the 
microphone.  Otherwise it defaults to the computer built-in mic.  There doesn't 
appear to be a setting to automatically select the earpiece mic by default when 
bluetooth is turned on and the earpiece is activated.
If you have further specific questions I can experiment as directed and report 

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Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
Alex, please let us/me know what you find. I'm in the market for VMWare 
Fusion too, and this price will get me off the fence if its the correct 
product. Where did you say you found it?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

It states that it is for OS10. I don't know why they are selling it, but 
I'm trying it out.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know 
little about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare 
fusion? Will it run on a MAC?

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

Hi all,
Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for 
only $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will 
last, so if you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, here's the link again. This is why I wish people would include the 
original message in replies...
On Jun 16, 2013, at 9:59 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> Alex, please let us/me know what you find. I'm in the market for VMWare 
> Fusion too, and this price will get me off the fence if its the correct 
> product. Where did you say you found it?
> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:40 PM
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)
>> It states that it is for OS10. I don't know why they are selling it, but I'm 
>> trying it out.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know little 
>>> about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare fusion? 
>>> Will it run on a MAC?
>>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
>>> Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)
 Hi all,
 Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for 
 only $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will 
 last, so if you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton


Bootcamp is set up by a program on the MAC called bootcamp assistant. That 
program partitions the drive for you and starts the installation process of 
Windows. That is, it partitions the drive then asks you to put the windows 
disk in the CD drive, then reboots and begins the Windows installation 
processIt also lets you download and burn the bootcamp drivers onto a CD 
which you'll need after installing windows. These bootcamp drivers let 
windows access the mac hardware etc. From the reboot onward, you need 
sighted assistance to go through the windows install screens, install the 
bootcamp drivers, and finally, get a screen reader loaded into windows so 
you can take over from there. I had a semi-computer literate friend sit here 
and read the screens to me as we installed Windows - that's all - no need 
for high-priced tech assistance.


With fusion, you can just install windows into a VMWare Virtual machine 
which is just a big file on the MAC file system - its not a separate 
partition on the HD. As I understand it, installing windows into a virtual 
machine in VMWare is accessible with VoiceOver.

Thirdly, from within VMWare Fusion, you can import a previously installed 
bootcamp partition into fusion and run it like any other virtual machine, or 
just run the bootcamp partition version of windows without even importing it 
into fusion.

So, there's three different options
1) have a dual boot system, called bootcamping,  that requires rebooting to 
go from one OS to the other.
2) create a windows virtual machine in fusion which doesn't require 
partitioning the HD, and can be done without sighted assistance. or,
3) Either run, or import and run an existing bootcamp partition from fusion 

I'm not real sure about the difference between simply running a bootcamp vs 
importing and running it from within Fusion, there's not much difference I 
don't think.

- Original Message - 
From: "zoe" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept 

appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions
as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning
of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half
to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. 

can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no
screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add
on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet.
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult
impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot 

letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion 
the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way 

especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the
The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't
the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
(i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).

I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are
passing along old hearsay that migh

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Alex Hall
I don't recall if the iMacs still come with disk drives or not. If they don't, 
you will have a few extra steps to get bootcamp working using a thumb drive, or 
you can buy a USB disk drive and plug that in instead. I installed Bootcamp 
from a thumb drive, but I had a lot of sighted help. It sounds like you are 
leaning toward Fusion, though, and I have to say I think you'll be happier with 
that in the long run. It will be frustrating at first, but once you know its 
quirks, you should be okay.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 10:16 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> zoey,
> Bootcamp is set up by a program on the MAC called bootcamp assistant. That 
> program partitions the drive for you and starts the installation process of 
> Windows. That is, it partitions the drive then asks you to put the windows 
> disk in the CD drive, then reboots and begins the Windows installation 
> processIt also lets you download and burn the bootcamp drivers onto a CD 
> which you'll need after installing windows. These bootcamp drivers let 
> windows access the mac hardware etc. From the reboot onward, you need sighted 
> assistance to go through the windows install screens, install the bootcamp 
> drivers, and finally, get a screen reader loaded into windows so you can take 
> over from there. I had a semi-computer literate friend sit here and read the 
> screens to me as we installed Windows - that's all - no need for high-priced 
> tech assistance.
> Or,
> With fusion, you can just install windows into a VMWare Virtual machine which 
> is just a big file on the MAC file system - its not a separate partition on 
> the HD. As I understand it, installing windows into a virtual machine in 
> VMWare is accessible with VoiceOver.
> Thirdly, from within VMWare Fusion, you can import a previously installed 
> bootcamp partition into fusion and run it like any other virtual machine, or 
> just run the bootcamp partition version of windows without even importing it 
> into fusion.
> So, there's three different options
> 1) have a dual boot system, called bootcamping,  that requires rebooting to 
> go from one OS to the other.
> 2) create a windows virtual machine in fusion which doesn't require 
> partitioning the HD, and can be done without sighted assistance. or,
> 3) Either run, or import and run an existing bootcamp partition from fusion .
> I'm not real sure about the difference between simply running a bootcamp vs 
> importing and running it from within Fusion, there's not much difference I 
> don't think.
> - Original Message - From: "zoe" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept my
>> appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
>> scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions
>> as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
>> partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning
>> of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half
>> to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
>> the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
>> Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.
>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws
>> can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
>> computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no
>> screen reader can possibly be loaded.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:
>>> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add
>>> it
>>> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
>>> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
>>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>>> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet.
>>> Apple
>>> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult
>>> to
>>> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
>>> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
>>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
 Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
 the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
 the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to
 especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the
 The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice b

Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
Alex, I just ordered the Fusion5 DVD from Dell. Nothing like a fire sale to 
get you moving on a project. Looks like we'll be comparing outcomes - I plan 
to use the existing bootcamp partion from Fusion5.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

Yes, here's the link again. This is why I wish people would include the 
original message in replies...
On Jun 16, 2013, at 9:59 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

Alex, please let us/me know what you find. I'm in the market for VMWare 
Fusion too, and this price will get me off the fence if its the correct 
product. Where did you say you found it?

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

It states that it is for OS10. I don't know why they are selling it, but 
I'm trying it out.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know 
little about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of 
VMWare fusion? Will it run on a MAC?

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15 (plus shipping)

Hi all,
Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program 
for only $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it 
will last, so if you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is 
the link:

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Mary Otten
Imacs do come with hard drives, or you can get the fusion drive or all flash 
storage, for a price, of course. What surprised me was that the iMac hard drive 
option is a 5400 rpm drive. †hat blew me away. I'd think they'd offer 7200 rpm. 
But the Apple store site clearly has it as a 5400 rpm, like laptops and the Mac 


Mary Otten

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Phil Halton
On a side note, I read a recent article/review of the new iMacs, and the 
reviewer felt strongly that the 27 inch model was by far the better deal. 
And, yes, you'll now need an external CD drive (sold by Apple for around 
$80) as they took them off the iMacs to make the thinner profile.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

I don't recall if the iMacs still come with disk drives or not. If they 
don't, you will have a few extra steps to get bootcamp working using a thumb 
drive, or you can buy a USB disk drive and plug that in instead. I installed 
Bootcamp from a thumb drive, but I had a lot of sighted help. It sounds like 
you are leaning toward Fusion, though, and I have to say I think you'll be 
happier with that in the long run. It will be frustrating at first, but once 
you know its quirks, you should be okay.

On Jun 16, 2013, at 10:16 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:


Bootcamp is set up by a program on the MAC called bootcamp assistant. That 
program partitions the drive for you and starts the installation process 
of Windows. That is, it partitions the drive then asks you to put the 
windows disk in the CD drive, then reboots and begins the Windows 
installation processIt also lets you download and burn the bootcamp 
drivers onto a CD which you'll need after installing windows. These 
bootcamp drivers let windows access the mac hardware etc. From the reboot 
onward, you need sighted assistance to go through the windows install 
screens, install the bootcamp drivers, and finally, get a screen reader 
loaded into windows so you can take over from there. I had a semi-computer 
literate friend sit here and read the screens to me as we installed 
Windows - that's all - no need for high-priced tech assistance.


With fusion, you can just install windows into a VMWare Virtual machine 
which is just a big file on the MAC file system - its not a separate 
partition on the HD. As I understand it, installing windows into a virtual 
machine in VMWare is accessible with VoiceOver.

Thirdly, from within VMWare Fusion, you can import a previously installed 
bootcamp partition into fusion and run it like any other virtual machine, 
or just run the bootcamp partition version of windows without even 
importing it into fusion.

So, there's three different options
1) have a dual boot system, called bootcamping,  that requires rebooting 
to go from one OS to the other.
2) create a windows virtual machine in fusion which doesn't require 
partitioning the HD, and can be done without sighted assistance. or,
3) Either run, or import and run an existing bootcamp partition from 
fusion .

I'm not real sure about the difference between simply running a bootcamp 
vs importing and running it from within Fusion, there's not much 
difference I don't think.

- Original Message - From: "zoe" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept 

appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking 

as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the 
of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I 

to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. 

can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why 

screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple 

on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet.
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be 

impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot 

letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion 
the trick and most people see

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Mary Otten
Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much of 
that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at all, 
unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage of it.


Mary Otten

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Hey guys that's exactly the one I'm thinking of getting, the twenty seven 
inch, the gentlemen at the store though told me not to by the cd rom from 
apple and that I could get a much cheaper one else where maybe for thirty 
dollars or so.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much 
of that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at 
all, unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage 
of it.


Mary Otten

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh wait I think i'm getting tired or too much info has blocked my brain. 
The gentlemen told me there is a 1tb of storage and that i would need an 
external cd rom for installing software and windows that i would hook up via 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much 
of that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at 
all, unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage 
of it.


Mary Otten

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redirecting downloads when in safari

2013-06-16 Thread shane christenson
Hi folks. Is there any way to tell safari to put downloads in another folder 
instead of the downloads folder? Thanks.


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mac equivalent for the 'my computer' in windows

2013-06-16 Thread shane christenson
Hi listers. What's the Mac equivalent of the windows 'my computer', and how do 
I get to it from desktop? Thanks.


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A Look at ProTools Part 6

2013-06-16 Thread Chris Gilland

OK guys, we have a lot of ground to cover here, so hold on to your hats!

This is where we're going to really start getting into more navigation, and 
moving around within a session.  Also, I'm gonna teach you the concept of 
markers, and how they are used, and more, why they are so incredible!  We're 
also going to re-enforce the keystrokes that you already have learned.  Let 
me outline them below for ya.

Space bar/num pad 0 is your play/stop.
Numpad 3 is record.
F12 is record, provided you remap your dashboard to another key instead.
Return, careful here! takes you to the beginning of the session.
Option+Return takes you to the end of the session.
I'll be teaching you in this recording what numpad enter does, but for now, 
just know it does something entirely different than the return key.

Shift+R arms the currently selected track/tracks for recording.
Shift+S solos and unsolos the currently selected track/tracks.
Shift+M mutes and unmutes the currently selected track/tracks.

OK.  Here is the link to part 6.  Let's keep going.


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RE: mac equivalent for the 'my computer' in windows

2013-06-16 Thread Kliphton
Use command shift C.  That will give you the same list windows would if you
were in my computer.

Kliphton Senior
(Twitter,instagram,foursquare&Skype) kliphton72
(Text only) 914-820-2298
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of shane christenson
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:56 PM
Subject: mac equivalent for the 'my computer' in windows

Hi listers. What's the Mac equivalent of the windows 'my computer', and how
do I get to it from desktop? Thanks.


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Re: redirecting downloads when in safari

2013-06-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

In the General pane of your Safari Prefs, there is a pop-up menu where you can 
choose where to put downloaded files.  By default, it is on the Downloads 
folder, select Other then choose where you wish them to be downloaded to.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-16, at 9:52 PM, shane christenson  wrote:

> Hi folks. Is there any way to tell safari to put downloads in another folder 
> instead of the downloads folder? Thanks.
> Shane
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Re: help with pages: line of text where on page and hwat page

2013-06-16 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Anouk,

VO-F3 should do what you want.



On 17 Jun 2013, at 03:43, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hello,
> With microsoft word, with my braille display, i can see on the status bar 
> precisely what line of text i am working on in a page and at what page number 
> that is. Is there something like this in pages on the mac as well?
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: how long should Prizmo take to scan?

2013-06-16 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Alex,

That seems ridiculously slow. I'm sure it was much quicker than that for me. 
However, I don't like Prizmo for the Mac anyway.



On 16 Jun 2013, at 21:51, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying Prizmo again, now that I replaced my scanner with one that works. 
> However, it takes around three or four minutes to scan one page, yet making a 
> photocopy with the same printer/scanner takes no time at all. Is the scanning 
> process different, or is Prizmo just slow? If the latter, is there a setting 
> I could try changing or is it meant to be that way? Thanks for any help.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded

2013-06-16 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, Chris. Thanks for posting these podcasts about learning ProTools using 
Voiceover. I listened to part 1 of Kevin Reeves tutorial on PT a couple 
weeks ago and it was excellent! The more I can learn about using PT the 

I'll listen to your first episode tomorrow.
By the way, I listened to your song Crayons on the Floor a few weeks ago and 
it was very beautiful! The only processing I would edit out is some of the 
auto tune on the vocals.


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Gilland" 

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:50 AM
Subject: A Look at ProTools Part 1 has been uploaded

Good morning, or evening everyone, depending on where you're located.

In the past, there has been a lot of discussion both on and off list about 
the accessibility and use of ProTools from an accessibility standpoint 
with Voiceover.  I've been asked to appear on certain podcasts and then 
due to things that were completely out of my control, I was unable to 
participate in those submitions.  This is going to be going out to a lot 
of places.  I'm hoping to put this link out on my Twitter, as well as my 


As well as my own personal podcast:

This furthermore is in the process of being approved for an Applevis 

I plan to make this series as in depth as I possibly can make it, and as 
thorough as I can possibly make it as well.  We'll be talking about the 
use of ProTools, how to interact with the application using Voiceover, 
certain work arounds to things that might not be the most accessibly 
intuitive, as well as we'll also be learning about some crucially 
important sound production techniques/skills that you must be able to 
master in order to have the most optymal benefit from ProTools.  This is 
really big guys, as I know a lot of you all have wanted me to do this for 
quite some time, and now, I'm finally getting the time to do so.  Here's 
what I am going to say as far as other podcast interviews.  Let's wait, 
and let me get this whole series finished and out to you guys, and then 
once I've finished up the series, if at that point, you want to interview 
me, we'll talk.  I'm doing it this way, so that you'll up front have a 
working idea of my knowledge, as well as my style in how I present things.

So all this being said, here is the link to Part 1.  This recording runs 
just over half an hour.  I can't promise you that all the recordings are 
going to be this short, but this one will be.  Let's get some feedback. 
If you all want me to continue the series after hearing this, I'd be more 
than happy to!  I will admit that Kevin Reeves who is in the blind 
community has done an absolutely fantastic! couple of mp3 files which are 
quite in depth, however some people have said that they didn't really like 
his style.  I don't really know why that is, as I personally thought it 
was brilliant! but, whatever.  Each is to their own.  The other thing is, 
he only did maybe about 3 files all total.  What I! plan to do, is make 
this into a continuing series, and really get very serious about really 
showing you all the true power of this software.  I'm not only gonna cover 
the basics, but hopefully, over time, as the recordings progress, and we 
build off what you already know, we can actually begin to dive into more 
advanced parts of the program.

You all are gonna be a huge factor in what things I show you in these 
files. A lot of it will be crutial that I show you, but if there is 
anything specific that you want for me to show, please let me know, and 
I'll see what I can do.

OK.  So, here we go!  Here's the link for part 1.

You guys let me know what you think, and we'll go from there.

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Re: where do I fine accessible apps for the mack

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Dear Becky,

Unfortunately, AppleVis is the best there is. There is no comprehensive, 
authoratative source on accessible Mac apps. So, your best bet is to just 
search the Mac App Store for what you're interested in. Then, check on AppleVis 
to see if that app has been reviewed. If it hasn't, then you can decide to 
download the app and try it yourself, and possibly review it on AppleVis for 
the benefit of all. Otherwise, if you decide it's not worth the risk, you can 
look for another appp. YOu can always ask on this list too about the 
accesssibility of any particular app you're interested in.


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Re: earpieces

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks for this. Can you please try connecting it and using it with VoiceOver, 
then turn the headset off and on again and see if VoiceOver still works?

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yes, the new iMacs do not, I repeat, do not, come with CD drives. Of course you 
can buy an external disc drive that will connect via USB. Apple sells them for 
around $80 but you can probably get them cheaper elsewhere.

Also, just one note, while VM Fusion does have a lot of advantages over a duel 
boot system, the downside is, as I understand it, that you then have less power 
running that operating system. The quad core processors of the iMac should be 
able to handle this fairly well, but it might be another reason for upgrading 
the RAM. Particularly if you use any memory intensive applications. Otherwise, 
your computer is essentially running two operating systems at once and that, 
I'm guessing, is quite resource intensive. That said though, you might decide 
this is worth it for the simplicity of using the virtual machine (i.e. VM 

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Re: Turning Voice Over On

2013-06-16 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Ahh, yes, thanks, Tim. I overlooked that step. YOu're right, and for the person 
who started the thread you can turn the TrackPad Commander on by holding down 
the control and option keys together and rotating two fingers clockwise on the 

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