100 I HP Mobile printaer

2013-04-18 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I got my printer to work on the Mac but had to get a replacement due to the 
first not feeding paper through. I then deleted the first printer off my 
Bluetooth list and at the moment can't connect the new printer but am having it 
looked in to as a sighted friend of mine is looking at the leaflet for me.

However what I want to ask is can you print via the I  phone using Buetooth? I 
have heard that you can't but is this true?


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windows on macs

2013-04-18 Thread May and Noah
Hi there.

Does anyone know how to migrate windows from the pc to mac where it only will 
pull over your settings with windows and not the whole darn computer?

Is that possible?

I can figure out how to migrate, but I don't want my whole pc on my mac, lol.

May and Prince Noah

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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Anne,

The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change. The 
problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still says the word 
"capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR YOU TO READ 


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Re: Using the Mac for doing legal work

2013-04-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Wow, thanks for going to such lengths looking stuff up for me.

Yes, the Supreme Court of New South Wales here in Australia has 50 lines on 
each page not including headers or footers. I guess each court probably has 
their own specifications but they're all equally precise.

Seems I will have to check out Nisus. I was planning on checking it out anyway.

Thanks again for your efforts.


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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Nic!
Sorry you miss understood what Anne said!
I've change my voice to Alex and with him Capitals at as they should! even in 
this example  when I arrow through and it is set to change pitch all that 
happens is the pitch changes!
And with speak all that happens is Alex says Cap X and nothing else!
So Anne is right with what she said!
HTH Colin

On 18 Apr 2013, at 10:51, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Anne,
> The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change. The 
> problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still says the 
> word "capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR YOU TO READ 
> Best,
> Nic 
> -- 
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Re: mac mini generation II, stalled and brought outta the drink, british landrover style and a very real warning...

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  so is your mini working now?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 18/04/2013, at 6:51 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

> hi all. I know it is a weird subject line, but when you are done
> reading i am sure you are in full agreement with me. But first things
> first.
> For some time for what ever reason i installed boom on my mac mini
> generation II. I dont know but i never got too use it, it is a mini 1
> gig of ram, and have as well as all my other macs been raped and
> brought too hyperventilation on a daily basis with ocring over a 1000
> pages books, flying with the flight-simulator, etc. None of that have
> actually ever brought it too its knees as the story i am about too
> tell.
> For a few evenings back i am sitting on irc, chatting, having a grand
> and cheerful time, when my mac suddenly stops, not just stops but
> shots totally down like 3...2...1...off. Too a new mac user this,
> indeed might look like the order of things, right? but no, actually
> not , we are still and hopefully always will have some sort of unix
> under the hood so shutting a mac down if it  have been running full
> tilt over a few hours, do actually take time. Much too my amazement i
> look down, say a few unwritable words, better suited for a us core
> mariners bar, and hit the poweron botten, there contact! clear prop!
> so now i sit high and mighty and wait for my trusty mac to do what it
> does next-best of all things , right? booting up, problem is, i wait,
> and wait, and wait, and ... yes you got it oh girl am i waitin., i
> wait! and well after a smoke i am, still, waitin'!
> okay, i do believe this computer is about 5 or 6 years old,and it have
> never, ever, done this before. as flighty as i am, and yes i can be
> pretty flighty i sit back and think. It turns out too make a very long
> and frustrated story short that boom is indeed the sinner!
> Lets go alittle back, i said i had installed boom, not actually used
> it, installed as in copy from image, lay in apps folder, Period.. And
> i tell you when it expires, all hell breaks loose, not just loose like
> in a lil labrador waggin' its tail loose, but more like 105 tons of
> old russian tank down over a hill unstoppable, kinda hell loose.
> For the trained terminal user it is not a huge problem, you find all
> references too boom and coldly and with great glee rm them, and that
> is that.
> But for the new and untrained mac user, do simply not ever use boom.
> It is not worth it.
> And what, have all this too do with a british landrover, ever tried
> too get one out of a lake, too the trained its childs play, else, dont
> do this at home...
> /sandi
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Re: SoundRTS, WasRe: Python Appications on the Mac?

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  cool thank you very much 

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 18/04/2013, at 12:25 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Maria,
> I actually pretty much spelled it out in my message below.You have to 
> download it, then go through the readme file, because there are lots of 
> dependencies to install. Three of them, and you will probably have to google 
> at least one, because the links are broken. Once you get all of those 
> installed, you do the following.
> You change directories with cd followed by the file path. You want to be in 
> the game folder. For me, it's applications/games/soundrts/ and then you press 
> enter. Then you start it by typing python soundrts.pyc . This is the file you 
> want to open, so this will launch the game.
> Here's what I typed in Terminal once I downloaded it and moved it to my 
> applications folder:
> cd /applications/games/soundrts
> python soundrts.pyc
> The first line changes my directory. The second line executes the game, which 
> is inside that directory.
> HtH,Teresa
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 10:51 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> HI.  can someone explain step by step how to launch this game?  used to play 
>> it in windows was never really good but still.
>> Maria Chapman
>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
>> Mahatma Gandhi
>> On 16/04/2013, at 4:35 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Hey, Nic, that did the trick! It's just this in terminal, once you navigate 
>>> to the folder:
>>> code: python folder/file
>>> (Of course I use "code:" to indicate command-line.
>>> Now I just have to figure out how to play it. :)
>>> Teresa
>>> On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi Teresa,
 I had this exact same problem with SoundRTS on my Mac. I eventually got it 
 to work. I ended up buying Take Control of Terminal specifically to learn 
 how to launch that file in Python.
 I can't now remember what the exact syntax was that I used in Terminal. I 
 remember I needed to play around with it for a little while. But basically 
 I used Terminal to navigate to the SoundRTS folder and then typed 
 something along the lines of:
 python soundrts.pyc
 I think I may have had to use the word open in there somewhere as well.
 Hopefully this will give you what you need to get there. If you don't know 
 anything about Terminal then let me know and I or someone else can figure 
 out exactly what to type for you. But I think you probably know a lot more 
 about it than I do.
 Once you do get it running perhaps we can have a game or two.
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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  I downloaded the file and I have a sounds folder, a read me file and a 
file that says disco.swf .  I still cannot open this app.  Maybe I don't have 
something installed I should have?  Any idea how to find out if I have the 
shock wave plug in?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open the 
>> application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the wrong 
>> one?
>> help please?
>> thanks 
>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>> Newbie mac user.
>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>> On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
>>> file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is that 
>>> you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the window to be 
>>> able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the area that 
>>> indicates "empty html" and click on it.
>>> It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
>>> ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
>>> it's only played with the arrow keys.
>>> Here's the link:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/AudioDisc
>>> Have fun,
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  apparently it's trying to open the file with an application called ti.  I 
have installed adobe shock wave player.  any ideas?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open the 
>> application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the wrong 
>> one?
>> help please?
>> thanks 
>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>> Newbie mac user.
>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>> On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
>>> file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is that 
>>> you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the window to be 
>>> able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the area that 
>>> indicates "empty html" and click on it.
>>> It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
>>> ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
>>> it's only played with the arrow keys.
>>> Here's the link:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/AudioDisc
>>> Have fun,
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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Re: manage dashboard widgets

2013-04-18 Thread Jake Tex

What I'm looking for is a way to remove widgets I don't want from showing up on 
the menu. All my google searches say that there is a button on the dashboard to 
press, and when you do there is an option to manage widgets, where you can then 
see a list of your widgets with a check for each to show or not show. This 
button is what I can't find, I'm beginning to believe that it is inaccessible.

In any case, what I really want is a way to show/hide widgets that appear on 
the menu.


On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

> On the Weather widget this plus button is called "Info".  I am not sure if 
> this is a global name or not. In any case, use the VO gestures to scan 
> buttons. I am not sure You can use the B key if you have QuickNav  enabled 
> with WebKeys.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Apr 15, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Jake Tex wrote:
>> I guess I'm missing something, because all I see in that menu are my open 
>> widgets, the list of installed widgets, and a "widget menu bar". I thought 
>> it might be the widget menu bar, but the various things I've tried  on that 
>> item don't have  the desired results. Are you saying I'm supposed to see a 
>> menu item called "manage widgets" or something like that?
>> Thanks,
>> Jakes
>> On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>>> Hi
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New Tech Doctor Podcast "Innovative RSS Reader"

2013-04-18 Thread ROBERT CARTER
In this Tech Doctor episode, Allison and Robert interview, Kunal Sood, an iOS 
developer who lives and works in India.

Kunal's app is called "lire" and is a full-text RSS reader that caches the 
entire text of articles on the iOS device for reading even when there is no 
internet connection. This app works wonderfully with VoiceOver.

As always, the podcast is available on iTunes, iBlink Radio, in Downcast and at

Robert Carter

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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Thanks Esther and Ricardo,  I tried all these solutions and nothing doing.  
It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.

When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts me that I 
moved into a  blank table cell.  When I go clicking on it anyway, nothing 

I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.

I reset safari but nothing doing.
I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello,
> you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user agent, 
> selecting internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com on the mac?  
>> I can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my bookshelf I can see the 
>> book that I bought, but the download column of the table is blank.  
>> Apparently there's supposed to be an orange download button but there isn't. 
>>  I've tried all the usual stuff.  Tabbing doesn't show any extra icons.  
>> pressing vo space on the blank area just dings.  Routing the mouse and doing 
>> vo shift space does nothing.  Same with routing and pressing the trackpad.
>> It works the same way in both safari and crome.
>> The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.
>> Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
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Re: manage dashboard widgets

2013-04-18 Thread Tim Kilburn

There explanations are providing the answer you're looking for.  This process 
is accessed differently when using VO.

• VO-f2-f2 brings up the Widget Chooser menu.
• Arrow to the Widget you wish removed then press return.  This will bring 
focus to that Widget.
• Press VO-cmd-esc for which VO will announce "Return Yes, Esc No".  Therefore, 
simply press return and that Widget will no longer appear in the Widget Chooser 
and not be displayed on your Dashboard.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-18, at 7:10 AM, Jake Tex  wrote:

> Hi.
> What I'm looking for is a way to remove widgets I don't want from showing up 
> on the menu. All my google searches say that there is a button on the 
> dashboard to press, and when you do there is an option to manage widgets, 
> where you can then see a list of your widgets with a check for each to show 
> or not show. This button is what I can't find, I'm beginning to believe that 
> it is inaccessible.
> In any case, what I really want is a way to show/hide widgets that appear on 
> the menu.
> Thanks,
> Jake
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
>> On the Weather widget this plus button is called "Info".  I am not sure if 
>> this is a global name or not. In any case, use the VO gestures to scan 
>> buttons. I am not sure You can use the B key if you have QuickNav  enabled 
>> with WebKeys.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>> On Apr 15, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Jake Tex wrote:
>>> I guess I'm missing something, because all I see in that menu are my open 
>>> widgets, the list of installed widgets, and a "widget menu bar". I thought 
>>> it might be the widget menu bar, but the various things I've tried  on that 
>>> item don't have  the desired results. Are you saying I'm supposed to see a 
>>> menu item called "manage widgets" or something like that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jakes
>>> On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
I tried this, and I'm only getting a pitch-change with Alex. It doesn't say 
"cap" or "capital".

On Apr 18, 2013, at 2:51 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Anne,
> The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change. The 
> problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still says the 
> word "capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR YOU TO READ 
> Best,
> Nic 
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Re: mac mini generation II, stalled and brought outta the drink, british landrover style and a very real warning...

2013-04-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, yes it is restored back into semi-submissiveness, and perfect order.


On 4/18/13, Maria & Joe Chapman  wrote:
> Hi.  so is your mini working now?
> Maria Chapman
> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 18/04/2013, at 6:51 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi all. I know it is a weird subject line, but when you are done
>> reading i am sure you are in full agreement with me. But first things
>> first.
>> For some time for what ever reason i installed boom on my mac mini
>> generation II. I dont know but i never got too use it, it is a mini 1
>> gig of ram, and have as well as all my other macs been raped and
>> brought too hyperventilation on a daily basis with ocring over a 1000
>> pages books, flying with the flight-simulator, etc. None of that have
>> actually ever brought it too its knees as the story i am about too
>> tell.
>> For a few evenings back i am sitting on irc, chatting, having a grand
>> and cheerful time, when my mac suddenly stops, not just stops but
>> shots totally down like 3...2...1...off. Too a new mac user this,
>> indeed might look like the order of things, right? but no, actually
>> not , we are still and hopefully always will have some sort of unix
>> under the hood so shutting a mac down if it  have been running full
>> tilt over a few hours, do actually take time. Much too my amazement i
>> look down, say a few unwritable words, better suited for a us core
>> mariners bar, and hit the poweron botten, there contact! clear prop!
>> so now i sit high and mighty and wait for my trusty mac to do what it
>> does next-best of all things , right? booting up, problem is, i wait,
>> and wait, and wait, and ... yes you got it oh girl am i waitin., i
>> wait! and well after a smoke i am, still, waitin'!
>> okay, i do believe this computer is about 5 or 6 years old,and it have
>> never, ever, done this before. as flighty as i am, and yes i can be
>> pretty flighty i sit back and think. It turns out too make a very long
>> and frustrated story short that boom is indeed the sinner!
>> Lets go alittle back, i said i had installed boom, not actually used
>> it, installed as in copy from image, lay in apps folder, Period.. And
>> i tell you when it expires, all hell breaks loose, not just loose like
>> in a lil labrador waggin' its tail loose, but more like 105 tons of
>> old russian tank down over a hill unstoppable, kinda hell loose.
>> For the trained terminal user it is not a huge problem, you find all
>> references too boom and coldly and with great glee rm them, and that
>> is that.
>> But for the new and untrained mac user, do simply not ever use boom.
>> It is not worth it.
>> And what, have all this too do with a british landrover, ever tried
>> too get one out of a lake, too the trained its childs play, else, dont
>> do this at home...
>> /sandi
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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
You can do a command-i on the file and have it open with Safari. Or you can 
right-click and choose open with, then other, then make sure you have all apps 
specified and choose Safari. You can also in both cases check the "always open 
with" box.

On Apr 18, 2013, at 5:42 AM, Maria & Joe Chapman  

> HI.  apparently it's trying to open the file with an application called ti.  
> I have installed adobe shock wave player.  any ideas?
> thanks  
> Maria Chapman
> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
>> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
>> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
>> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
>> wrote:
>>> HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open 
>>> the application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the 
>>> wrong one?
>>> help please?
>>> thanks 
>>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>>> Newbie mac user.
>>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
>>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>>> On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, all,
 This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
 file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is 
 that you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the window 
 to be able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the area 
 that indicates "empty html" and click on it.
 It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
 ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
 it's only played with the arrow keys.
 Here's the link:
 Have fun,
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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
Oh, and by the way, the file you want to open is disco.swf.

On Apr 18, 2013, at 5:25 AM, Maria & Joe Chapman  

> HI.  I downloaded the file and I have a sounds folder, a read me file and a 
> file that says disco.swf .  I still cannot open this app.  Maybe I don't have 
> something installed I should have?  Any idea how to find out if I have the 
> shock wave plug in?
> thanks   
> Maria Chapman
> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
>> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
>> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
>> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
>> wrote:
>>> HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open 
>>> the application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the 
>>> wrong one?
>>> help please?
>>> thanks 
>>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>>> Newbie mac user.
>>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
>>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>>> On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, all,
 This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
 file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is 
 that you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the window 
 to be able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the area 
 that indicates "empty html" and click on it.
 It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
 ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
 it's only played with the arrow keys.
 Here's the link:
 Have fun,
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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread Karen Lewellen

simply offered in case you have not tried this option.
Have you tried the latest edition of lynx for mac?
I am guessing yes, I believe it is November 2012 if not early 2013.  Anyway 
I just visited the site with our edition at shellworld and successfully 
started  the process...which has no barring on what you are doing.

Just a thought though,

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

Thanks Esther and Ricardo,  I tried all these solutions and nothing doing.  
It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.

When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts me that I 
moved into a  blank table cell.  When I go clicking on it anyway, nothing 

I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.

I reset safari but nothing doing.
I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user agent, selecting 
internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com on the mac?  I 
can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my bookshelf I can see the book 
that I bought, but the download column of the table is blank.  Apparently 
there's supposed to be an orange download button but there isn't.  I've tried 
all the usual stuff.  Tabbing doesn't show any extra icons.  pressing vo space 
on the blank area just dings.  Routing the mouse and doing vo shift space does 
nothing.  Same with routing and pressing the trackpad.

It works the same way in both safari and crome.

The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Well, Honestly, I'd rather have lynx just to download audiobooks on my mac than 
trundle out my windows vm for the process.  I just found it on macupdate.com 
and under requirements it says PPC mac OS 10.5 or later.  So, I'm wondering if 
that rules out intel macs?  That seems a bit ridiculous at this stage but it 
says what it says.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll keep looking into it.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-18, at 10:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Hi,
> simply offered in case you have not tried this option.
> Have you tried the latest edition of lynx for mac?
> I am guessing yes, I believe it is November 2012 if not early 2013.  Anyway I 
> just visited the site with our edition at shellworld and successfully started 
>  the process...which has no barring on what you are doing.
> Just a thought though,
> Karen
> On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Thanks Esther and Ricardo,  I tried all these solutions and nothing doing.  
>> It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.
>> When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts me that I 
>> moved into a  blank table cell.  When I go clicking on it anyway, nothing 
>> happens.
>> I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.
>> I reset safari but nothing doing.
>> I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>> On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user agent, 
>>> selecting internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> www.appletothecore.info
>>> On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
 Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com on the mac? 
  I can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my bookshelf I can see 
 the book that I bought, but the download column of the table is blank.  
 Apparently there's supposed to be an orange download button but there 
 isn't.  I've tried all the usual stuff.  Tabbing doesn't show any extra 
 icons.  pressing vo space on the blank area just dings.  Routing the mouse 
 and doing vo shift space does nothing.  Same with routing and pressing the 
 It works the same way in both safari and crome.
 The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.
 Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
 ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Anne, i dunno but after you have mailed apple accessibility a few
times without getting a answer you tend too roll your own.
I am sure i am not the only one who have mailed A A , about the
problem with the newer voices, but they may not be sure how too
address it.
I wont say i know of a easy fix for it either, but if we keep having
this kind of problems how can we expect too have macs used in the
school for say, kids?


On 4/18/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> I tried this, and I'm only getting a pitch-change with Alex. It doesn't say
> "cap" or "capital".
> Teresa
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 2:51 AM, Nicholas Parsons
>  wrote:
>> HI Anne,
>> The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change.
>> The problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still says
>> the word "capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR YOU
>> Best,
>> Nic
>> --
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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread Karen Lewellen

consider checking here for the latest.
This is the direct and most current sources for lynx browsers...I hope I typed 
that correctly.

Additionally, I will share this with the lynx development list.
I do not think your source is the most current one.

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

Well, Honestly, I'd rather have lynx just to download audiobooks on my mac than 
trundle out my windows vm for the process.  I just found it on macupdate.com 
and under requirements it says PPC mac OS 10.5 or later.  So, I'm wondering if 
that rules out intel macs?  That seems a bit ridiculous at this stage but it 
says what it says.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll keep looking into it.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-18, at 10:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

simply offered in case you have not tried this option.
Have you tried the latest edition of lynx for mac?
I am guessing yes, I believe it is November 2012 if not early 2013.  Anyway I 
just visited the site with our edition at shellworld and successfully started  
the process...which has no barring on what you are doing.
Just a thought though,

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

Thanks Esther and Ricardo,  I tried all these solutions and nothing doing.  
It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.

When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts me that I 
moved into a  blank table cell.  When I go clicking on it anyway, nothing 

I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.

I reset safari but nothing doing.
I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user agent, selecting 
internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com on the mac?  I 
can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my bookshelf I can see the book 
that I bought, but the download column of the table is blank.  Apparently 
there's supposed to be an orange download button but there isn't.  I've tried 
all the usual stuff.  Tabbing doesn't show any extra icons.  pressing vo space 
on the blank area just dings.  Routing the mouse and doing vo shift space does 
nothing.  Same with routing and pressing the trackpad.

It works the same way in both safari and crome.

The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread Chris Blouch

I think you meant


The other one seemed to be some kind of ad laden squatter page. So is 
lynx from this site the same as the one I get using MacPorts?


On 4/18/13 10:51 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

consider checking here for the latest.
This is the direct and most current sources for lynx browsers...I hope 
I typed that correctly.

Additionally, I will share this with the lynx development list.
I do not think your source is the most current one.

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

Well, Honestly, I'd rather have lynx just to download audiobooks on 
my mac than trundle out my windows vm for the process. I just found 
it on macupdate.com and under requirements it says PPC mac OS 10.5 or 
later. So, I'm wondering if that rules out intel macs? That seems a 
bit ridiculous at this stage but it says what it says.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep looking into it.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
through the ontario disability support program at 

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-18, at 10:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  

simply offered in case you have not tried this option.
Have you tried the latest edition of lynx for mac?
I am guessing yes, I believe it is November 2012 if not early 2013. 
Anyway I just visited the site with our edition at shellworld and 
successfully started the process...which has no barring on what you 
are doing.

Just a thought though,

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

Thanks Esther and Ricardo, I tried all these solutions and nothing 
doing. It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.

When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts 
me that I moved into a blank table cell. When I go clicking on it 
anyway, nothing happens.

I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.

I reset safari but nothing doing.
I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
through the ontario disability support program at 

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  


you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user 
agent, selecting internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf 

Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com on 
the mac? I can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my 
bookshelf I can see the book that I bought, but the download 
column of the table is blank. Apparently there's supposed to be 
an orange download button but there isn't. I've tried all the 
usual stuff. Tabbing doesn't show any extra icons. pressing vo 
space on the blank area just dings. Routing the mouse and doing 
vo shift space does nothing. Same with routing and pressing the 

It works the same way in both safari and crome.

The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
through the ontario disability support program at 

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

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Re: Downloading from tantor.com

2013-04-18 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi, you corrected my typing thanks.
I have no idea about what you are getting elsewhere, Eric indicated he was 
trying that site.


On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, Chris Blouch wrote:

I think you meant


The other one seemed to be some kind of ad laden squatter page. So is lynx 
from this site the same as the one I get using MacPorts?


On 4/18/13 10:51 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 consider checking here for the latest.
 This is the direct and most current sources for lynx browsers...I hope I
 typed that correctly.
 Additionally, I will share this with the lynx development list.
 I do not think your source is the most current one.

 On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:

>  Well, Honestly, I'd rather have lynx just to download audiobooks on my 
>  mac than trundle out my windows vm for the process. I just found it on 
>  macupdate.com and under requirements it says PPC mac OS 10.5 or later. 
>  So, I'm wondering if that rules out intel macs? That seems a bit 
>  ridiculous at this stage but it says what it says.
>  Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep looking into it.
>  Erik Burggraaf
>  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
>  the ontario disability support program at 
>  http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog

>  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>  or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>  On 2013-04-18, at 10:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  
>  wrote:
> >  Hi,

> >  simply offered in case you have not tried this option.
> >  Have you tried the latest edition of lynx for mac?
> >  I am guessing yes, I believe it is November 2012 if not early 2013. 
> >  Anyway I just visited the site with our edition at shellworld and 
> >  successfully started the process...which has no barring on what you 
> >  are doing.

> >  Just a thought though,
> >  Karen
> > 
> >  On Thu, 18 Apr 2013, erik burggraaf wrote:
> > 
> > >  Thanks Esther and Ricardo, I tried all these solutions and nothing 
> > >  doing. It's like this one icon on the site is simply not there.
> > > 
> > >  When I move the mouse into that square of the table it just alerts 
> > >  me that I moved into a blank table cell. When I go clicking on it 
> > >  anyway, nothing happens.
> > > 
> > >  I tried emulating several browsers and it's the same.
> > > 
> > >  I reset safari but nothing doing.

> > >  I've gone back to tantor to see if I can get direct download links.
> > > 
> > >  Best,
> > > 
> > >  Erik Burggraaf
> > >  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
> > >  through the ontario disability support program at 
> > >  http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog

> > >  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> > >  or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> > > 
> > >  On 2013-04-17, at 5:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  
> > >  wrote:
> > > 
> > > >  Hello,
> > > > 
> > > >  you might want to try going to the develop menu and under user 
> > > >  agent, selecting internet explorer from there or, possibly ipHone.
> > > > 
> > > >  hth
> > > > 
> > > >  Ricardo Walker

> > > >  rica...@appletothecore.info
> > > >  Twitter:@apple2thecore
> > > >  www.appletothecore.info
> > > > 
> > > >  On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:56 AM, erik burggraaf 
> > > >   wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > >  Hi all, Has anyone been successful downloading from Tantor.com 
> > > > >  on the mac? I can buy a book just fine and then when I go to my 
> > > > >  bookshelf I can see the book that I bought, but the download 
> > > > >  column of the table is blank. Apparently there's supposed to be 
> > > > >  an orange download button but there isn't. I've tried all the 
> > > > >  usual stuff. Tabbing doesn't show any extra icons. pressing vo 
> > > > >  space on the blank area just dings. Routing the mouse and doing 
> > > > >  vo shift space does nothing. Same with routing and pressing the 
> > > > >  trackpad.
> > > > > 
> > > > >  It works the same way in both safari and crome.
> > > > > 
> > > > >  The site developer suggests switching to internet explorer.
> > > > > 
> > > > >  Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
> > > > > 
> > > > >  Best,
> > > > > 
> > > > >  Erik Burggraaf
> > > > >  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
> > > > >  through the ontario disability support program at 
> > > > >  http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog

> > > > >  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> > > > >  or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > >  -- 
> > > > >  You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
> > > > >  Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> > > > >  To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from 
> > > > >  it, send an email to 
> > > > >  macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > > >  To post to this group, send email to 
> > > > >  macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> > > > >  Visit this group at 
> > > > >  http://groups.google.com/group/macvisiona

Re: [Lynx-dev] most current lynx for the mac?

2013-04-18 Thread Karen Lewellen

from the lynx development list, complete with location.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 17:47:07 +0100
From: David Dorward 
Cc: "lynx-...@nongnu.org" 
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] most current lynx for the mac?

The default, current version of Lynx available through MacPorts is 


I'm using Mountain Lion, but that should work on more or less any version of OS 


David Dorward

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Re: Nisus writer pro VS anything else

2013-04-18 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Nicholas,

at first: I'm using Preview in OS X 10.8.3 Mountain Lion and it's a 
catastrophy. I'm really experienced how to use programs on the Mac but I can't 
understand why some people in this list say it's good to use. I also discussed 
the issue with an Apple Senior Adviser and he confirmed all my issues in a 
phone call. We went through the issues step by step. I guess the satisfied 
users use Preview in Snow Leopard or Lion. 

Here's what I criticize on Preview in Mountain Lion: When I interact with the 
text area and use VO + arrow up or down, right or left, the VO cursor jumps 
around in the text. It's especially obvious in the head area of a letter where 
you have the addresses. When I read a normal text line by line it works 
partially but at some point VO beginns to read ends of the former line once 
more and mixes lines completely. Not to speak about pdf files with a certain 
structure like columns or tables. It doesn't matter what  view I use. I'm not 
sure wether this might be an issue of the german version of Preview but a lot 
of my friends also complain about that. They are as annoyed as I am.

That's what I don't like about Preview.

All the best

Am 18.04.2013 um 01:09 schrieb Nicholas Parsons :

> It does sound great.
> I'm actually now really happy with Preview, thanks to a few people on this 
> list. It does everything I could want in a PDF reader. Even working with 
> properly marked tables of contents. VoiceOver reads perfectly by line, word 
> or character. I guess it doesn't read well by paragraph, or at least I 
> haven't discovered this yet, but the main thing for me is reading by line, 
> word and character.
> What don't you like about Preview? 
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2013-04-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Never noticed a reply to this. Did you ever experience any sluggish 
behavior or other odd stuff from running without a monitor? Generally 
the VGA to NTSC adaptor can run very high resolutions so you should be 
fine if you still need that. Would be nice to find out my little 
contraption is no longer necessary. In reality, we just need the VGA 
connection to have certain pins connected to make it think a monitor is 
there. Companies used to sell "VGA terminators" which did this but I 
couldn't find anybody who still sold them, so the VGA to NTSC adaptor 
was the cheapest equivalent I could find. From that perspective, it 
doesn't even matter if the converter really works, just that it makes it 
seem like there is a monitor attached.


On 11/16/12 7:27 PM, Vic wrote:

Thanks Esther.
I wonder if John is listening on this discussion.
I wonder if HDMI adapter will work the same way and whether the NTSC
converter takes much space on one's table.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Vic wrote:

I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best configuration
I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when typing
or browsing with the magic trackpad.

I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.

So, I thought I'd ask here.



On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:


But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in years.
  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012 Mac
minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to hear
from you.

Ricardo Walker

On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller" >

The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X 10.5


10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.

-Original Message-
From: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:macvisi...@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Victor


Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
To: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached


cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?

Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri)

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Re: Nisus writer pro VS anything else

2013-04-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jürgen,

For the jumping around problem, have you tried turning cursor tracking off or 
setting the mouse cursor to ignore the other cursors?

Do you also find that in Preview, letters with an umlaut have the umlaut 
separated from the letter? This is a problem with accented letters in French. 
It's also true of accented letters in file names.

My husband and I put together a very comprehensive report on this problem a 
couple of years ago, but nothing has come of it. I think we'll have to dig it 
out and send it to Apple again.

Sometimes I think that other languages are a low priority for Apple.



On 18 Apr 2013, at 17:42, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Nicholas,
> at first: I'm using Preview in OS X 10.8.3 Mountain Lion and it's a 
> catastrophy. I'm really experienced how to use programs on the Mac but I 
> can't understand why some people in this list say it's good to use. I also 
> discussed the issue with an Apple Senior Adviser and he confirmed all my 
> issues in a phone call. We went through the issues step by step. I guess the 
> satisfied users use Preview in Snow Leopard or Lion. 
> Here's what I criticize on Preview in Mountain Lion: When I interact with the 
> text area and use VO + arrow up or down, right or left, the VO cursor jumps 
> around in the text. It's especially obvious in the head area of a letter 
> where you have the addresses. When I read a normal text line by line it works 
> partially but at some point VO beginns to read ends of the former line once 
> more and mixes lines completely. Not to speak about pdf files with a certain 
> structure like columns or tables. It doesn't matter what  view I use. I'm not 
> sure wether this might be an issue of the german version of Preview but a lot 
> of my friends also complain about that. They are as annoyed as I am.
> That's what I don't like about Preview.
> All the best
> Jürgen

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Re: Reading .epub books on mac

2013-04-18 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, Esther, for your comments comparing the Kobo and Nook web pages. The 
Nook page is rather messy/cluttered, even when just purchasing books. But I 
find it worthwhile because of the Nook app's superior accessibility on the 
i-devices, as compared with Kobo. Reading with Digital Editions will be a nice 
breakk, since I happen really to prefer the Alex voice to anything on my iPad. 
But you can't beat the convenience of continuous reading that the well-designed 
Nook and i-books apps offer on the i-devices. 

Mary Otten

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Re: menu items and voiceover

2013-04-18 Thread Jonathan Cohn

I have also found that turning cursor tracking off sometimes helps with
this.  Unfortunately when cursor tracking is disabled, things are as
confusing (or perhaps more so) then on the windows environment where there
isare a few cursors to track and attempt to keep track.

On 17 April 2013 13:20, eric oyen  wrote:

> guys,
> I am having a little issue with voiceover and freed out menu
> items. its seems that voiceover won't read these items and I really need to
> know what they are. any way to work around this?
> i am doing a technical report for blind users transistioning from
> a windows (and jaws) environment to OS X and Safari web browser. I am
> trying to look up all the available commands in the menus and their
> associated key combinations (shortcuts). So far, some of the items (that
> are greyed out) are not read by voiceover. Any way to change this behavior?
> -eric
> --
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Creating folders in Apple Mail

2013-04-18 Thread Brandt
Hi there folks,

I am trying to move a message into a new folder, but can't find a way to create 
said new folder. how do I go about this?

Thanks so long.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: menu items and voiceover

2013-04-18 Thread eric oyen
unfortunately that doesn't work. the items that are greyed out are effectively 
invisible and do not show up when arrowing through them. I know they are there, 
but voiceover won't see them unless the item is actually active.


On Apr 17, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> You can try VO-up and VO-down through the menu items. Or try option-arrows. I 
> find that many dimmed menu items are read this way.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 17, 2013, at 10:20 AM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> guys,
>>  I am having a little issue with voiceover and freed out menu items. its 
>> seems that voiceover won't read these items and I really need to know what 
>> they are. any way to work around this?
>>  i am doing a technical report for blind users transistioning from a 
>> windows (and jaws) environment to OS X and Safari web browser. I am trying 
>> to look up all the available commands in the menus and their associated key 
>> combinations (shortcuts). So far, some of the items (that are greyed out) 
>> are not read by voiceover. Any way to change this behavior?
>> -eric
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Re: Creating folders in Apple Mail

2013-04-18 Thread Tim Kilburn

Make sure to stop Interacting with any Message areas and such then navigate 
right to just after the Mail Activity area.  There's a "New Mailbox" pop-up 
right there.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-18, at 1:24 PM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi there folks,
> I am trying to move a message into a new folder, but can't find a way to 
> create said new folder. how do I go about this?
> Thanks so long.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
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> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
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Re: Nisus writer pro VS anything else

2013-04-18 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hello Anne,

I agree that one can have the impression you described below.

Fortunately There are no issues concerning german umlauts, not yet on the Mac. 
There are issues in iOS. Since version 6 VO can't read umlauts anymore and 
nothing happened so far to solve it.

Yes I've already tried to play with the cursor settings, without any success. 
Once a member of the accessibility team told me they changed the pdf engine of 
Preview what could cause the issues. But next time another member told me no, 
he wouldn't think so. 

Sometimes I have the impression there are no blind members in Apples 
accessibility team. To me - who uses the Mac nearly exclusively - there are 
some problems totally obvious but when I ask the accessibility team for help 
they are not even aware of the issue. Once we tried something out. We sent the 
same bug report twice and received two completely different answers. Very 
strange, isn't it? 

Really, I love my Macs and I don't want to switch to Windows again. And so I'm 
so interested in making the Mac even better. And so I just hope, they'll take 
our reports more serious in the future.

All the best

Am 18.04.2013 um 19:40 schrieb Anne Robertson :

> Hello Jürgen,
> For the jumping around problem, have you tried turning cursor tracking off or 
> setting the mouse cursor to ignore the other cursors?
> Do you also find that in Preview, letters with an umlaut have the umlaut 
> separated from the letter? This is a problem with accented letters in French. 
> It's also true of accented letters in file names.
> My husband and I put together a very comprehensive report on this problem a 
> couple of years ago, but nothing has come of it. I think we'll have to dig it 
> out and send it to Apple again.
> Sometimes I think that other languages are a low priority for Apple.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Apr 2013, at 17:42, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Nicholas,
>> at first: I'm using Preview in OS X 10.8.3 Mountain Lion and it's a 
>> catastrophy. I'm really experienced how to use programs on the Mac but I 
>> can't understand why some people in this list say it's good to use. I also 
>> discussed the issue with an Apple Senior Adviser and he confirmed all my 
>> issues in a phone call. We went through the issues step by step. I guess the 
>> satisfied users use Preview in Snow Leopard or Lion. 
>> Here's what I criticize on Preview in Mountain Lion: When I interact with 
>> the text area and use VO + arrow up or down, right or left, the VO cursor 
>> jumps around in the text. It's especially obvious in the head area of a 
>> letter where you have the addresses. When I read a normal text line by line 
>> it works partially but at some point VO beginns to read ends of the former 
>> line once more and mixes lines completely. Not to speak about pdf files with 
>> a certain structure like columns or tables. It doesn't matter what  view I 
>> use. I'm not sure wether this might be an issue of the german version of 
>> Preview but a lot of my friends also complain about that. They are as 
>> annoyed as I am.
>> That's what I don't like about Preview.
>> All the best
>> Jürgen
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Re: Creating folders in Apple Mail

2013-04-18 Thread Brandt
Hi, thanks for the info. I'm used to those being called folders under windows.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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On 18 Apr 2013, at 9:38 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Make sure to stop Interacting with any Message areas and such then navigate 
> right to just after the Mail Activity area.  There's a "New Mailbox" pop-up 
> right there.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-04-18, at 1:24 PM, Brandt  wrote:
>> Hi there folks,
>> I am trying to move a message into a new folder, but can't find a way to 
>> create said new folder. how do I go about this?
>> Thanks so long.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>> Email: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
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Re: Creating folders in Apple Mail

2013-04-18 Thread Les Kriegler
You can also access the new submenu from the file menu. You create a folder at 
the top level by default. Just type in the name you wish and press enter.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 18, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi, thanks for the info. I'm used to those being called folders under windows.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Contact me:
> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
> Email: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
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> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
> On 18 Apr 2013, at 9:38 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Make sure to stop Interacting with any Message areas and such then navigate 
>> right to just after the Mail Activity area.  There's a "New Mailbox" pop-up 
>> right there.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-04-18, at 1:24 PM, Brandt  wrote:
>>> Hi there folks,
>>> I am trying to move a message into a new folder, but can't find a way to 
>>> create said new folder. how do I go about this?
>>> Thanks so long.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
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>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2013-04-18 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

I was using a ntsc adaptor. Now I connected it to our tv via HDMI and find the 
Mac mini mid 2010 very slow. I tried plugging in the adaptor at the same time 
but it was messing up the resolution for the HDMI. 
Will still see if I by any chance have a problem with some app. 
When I get to unplugging it from tv and using it with old ntsc I will let you 
know if it goes faster.
BTW I use Mountain-lion.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-18, at 1:39 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Never noticed a reply to this. Did you ever experience any sluggish behavior 
> or other odd stuff from running without a monitor? Generally the VGA to NTSC 
> adaptor can run very high resolutions so you should be fine if you still need 
> that. Would be nice to find out my little contraption is no longer necessary. 
> In reality, we just need the VGA connection to have certain pins connected to 
> make it think a monitor is there. Companies used to sell "VGA terminators" 
> which did this but I couldn't find anybody who still sold them, so the VGA to 
> NTSC adaptor was the cheapest equivalent I could find. From that perspective, 
> it doesn't even matter if the converter really works, just that it makes it 
> seem like there is a monitor attached.
> CB
> On 11/16/12 7:27 PM, Vic wrote:
>> Thanks Esther.
>> I wonder if John is listening on this discussion.
>> I wonder if HDMI adapter will work the same way and whether the NTSC
>> converter takes much space on one's table.
>> Thanks a lot for the help.
>> Vic
>> Vic wrote:
>>> I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best configuration
>>> I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when typing
>>> or browsing with the magic trackpad.
>>> I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.
>>> So, I thought I'd ask here.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vic
>>> On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in years.
  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012 Mac
 minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to hear
 from you.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller" 
> Hi,
> The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X 10.5
> 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisi...@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Victor
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
> To: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
> Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached
> cause applications to be slow or unresponsive
> Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?
> http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3149
> Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri)
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Re: best way to produce high quality sounding youtube video

2013-04-18 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Thanks Chriss and Danny.

I will check out the list and check out the myc options I wish I could find a 
place where I can test them and make up my mind.

THanks also for the compliment about the audio on my page.

THe samples are from my cd and I'm afraid this will  be rather hard to 
reproduce. I was in an amazing chapel in Cologne Germany recording with 2 
Neuman microphones.

For my youtube videos so far I had a friend sync the audio with the video on a 
A bit daunting but hope to make this work and post new videos more regularly.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-17, at 7:29 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I can't suggest much but would suggest syncing iPhone video and a separate 
> audio recording is more trouble than it's worth. Either a good quality mike 
> for the iPhone and I don't know of any suited for recording an acoustic 
> instrument but there may well be some out there. The other alternatives are 
> an input device with fantom power for the iPhone you can put a good condenser 
> mike into or alternatively, a decent I/O box for the mac. I have a Saffire 14 
> pro which is great having2 powered XLR inputs with good mike pre-amps but 
> unfortunately, all the configuration is fully unaccessible on the mac. If 
> there is someone with eyes to set up presets with all the switching and 
> settings you want, you can access presets and load them but can't edit them. 
> I got this before I moved to osx and on windows with some work you can access 
> options. Much as I love my Saffire, There will be other easier options for 
> sure. 
> You could try asking over at the blind guitarist list 
> blind-guitar...@yahoogroups.com
> and there are some people like Tim Burges with far more relevant information 
> than I have and you may be able to get some good suggestions.
> Good luck and love the audio on your site. Beautiful technique and tone.
> Danny:
> On 18/04/2013, at 4:42 AM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am cross posting this to both lists since my question is relevant I think 
>> for both iphone and mac.
>> I would like to post youtube videos of me playing classical guitar on a 
>> regular basis. I am supposing the iphone camera will do for the video. What 
>> is the way you sound experts would recommend for me to record audio  hq?
>> I am mainly trying to decide if I record on the mac and then try to sync 
>> audio with the track of the movie made on iphone?
>> Or can I use a good mic that works with  the iphone 5 and maybe add reverb 
>> or other minimal processing on computer later or even in garageband in 
>> iphone?
>> Hope my question makes sense.
>> Thanks for any pointers and suggestions!
>> Regards,
>> Ioana 
>> www.ioanagandrabur.com
>> Sent from my iPhone
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PDF reading on the Mac and in iOS [was Re: Nisus writer pro VS anything else]

2013-04-18 Thread Esther
Hi Jürgen, Anne, and Others,

I also generally keep my mouse cursor set to ignore other cursors for more 
stable behavior, unless I'm working in an app with transitioning accessibility, 
where having the cursors track can help in the navigation.  Anne, I'm surprised 
that input from French Mac users, who are a pretty large community, hasn't been 
given more attention at Apple with regard to the pronunciation issues of 
accented characters in PDFs in Preview.  I recently suggested to Mike Busboom 
that he might want to get Voice Dream Reader on his iPhone in addition to 
Read2Go, when he posed a question here about continuous reading.  Although I 
gave him a number of reasons that I thought this would be of interest to him, 
since he likes to read German books and documents using the Infovox/iVox 
voices, I didn't mention that one advantage would be having the accented 
characters in PDF documents read correctly!  There was a post a month ago on 
the AppleVis forums from a Brazilian iPhone user who was complaining about the 
fact that accented characters for Portuguese and Spanish PDFs weren't read 
correctly in iBooks, and hadn't anybody noticed this.  He'd already spent a lot 
of time trying to solve this by performing conversions to ePub format, without 
much success in getting this simply and successfully done, and was annoyed that 
this problem persisted. Were there any PDF reader apps for the iPhone that 
didn't have this problem?  I told him to contact accessibil...@apple.com, and 
that unfortunately, I didn't have a good solution short of using an ePub 
version of the text in iBooks, or getting Voice Dream Reader to read the PDF 
content on his iPhone with Portuguese and Spanish voices obtained through 
in-app purchase at $1.99 each.

If you look in the archives, you'll see that Rafael Bejarano raised the 
question a few times whether people found the original Preview running in Tiger 
to work better than the versions that ran in Snow Leopard and later versions of 
the Mac. The changes in reading order of columns and tables (where VoiceOver 
reads all the elements in the first column, then all the elements in the second 
column, etc.) came in the later operating systems.  If I use Preview on my G4 
PowerBook that dates from 2005, columns read find, and the navigation is 
stable, although there are far fewer options.  I used to wonder whether Apple 
switched the default format of the "VoiceOver Getting Started Guide" on their 
accessibility web pages from PDF to HTML, because it would have been 
embarrassing to have the columns of VoiceOver commands listed in the Appendix 
tables read out of order with VoiceOver in the later operating systems, when 
the PDF version of the guide was used instead of the HTML version. 

For simple cases of tables, such as the ones listed in the Appendix, I can use 
the free, third party pdftotext program from Carsten Blüm's installer packages 

(This is not signed for Gatekeeper, so you need to OK it's installation on 
Mountain Lion systems)  Three months ago I had some off-list exchanges with a 
member of the Mac-access list who wanted to read his PDF bank statements on the 
Mac, and sent him the following AppleScript to test, based on the pdftotext 
program.  This uses switches to keep strings in stream order ("-raw") and 
maintain the original physical layout ("-layout").  The AppleScript is just a 
wrapper around the "pdftotext" command so it can be used from the GUI, since 
"pdftotext" runs from the terminal command line:
---Cut Here---
Use pdftotext to create a text version of the selected PDF file in steam order
Created 26 January 2013; modified from PDF to Text AppleScript of 17 May 
on run
tell application "Finder"
set chosenFile to the selection as alias
end tell
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/pdftotext -layout -raw " & quoted form 
of POSIX path of chosenFile
end run
---Cut Here---

This did work for Paul's banking statements, but not for some other, more 
complicated PDF documents.  You're welcome to use it if you want. You can 
either paste the sample AppleScript code into an AppleScript Editor window, 
with the option of playing around with the code, and just Command-tab between 
AppleScript Editor and Finder to select a file in Finder, then use Command-r to 
run the AppleScript in the AppleScript Editor. Then you can save the final 
AppleScript to the Library/Scripts folder of your account (e.g. Command-Shift-g 
then type or paste in "~/Library/Scripts" for the folder location. Or 
alternatively, you can just save the script directly into the ~/Library/Scripts 
folder under your user account after testing it with Command-r, without making 
modifications.  Either way, the script will then be available from the 
"AppleScript" menu of your services menu bar (accessed with VO-m-m or 
Control-F8), assuming that your preference menu for the AppleScript Editor ha

Re: best way to produce high quality sounding youtube video

2013-04-18 Thread Chris Blouch
For short clips syncing the video can work. They just tend to drift 
apart over time so longer form stuff might not work. Official NTSC video 
is 29.97 frames per second but some software will just round that up to 
30 (or gets close but not exactly 29.97) so then the audio eventually 
doesn't align and gets more out of sync as things progress.

So was the echo in your recording all natural ambient? Wonder if you 
could even get close with the filters in GarageBand. One of the craziest 
echos I ever heard was going into a dry concrete cistern which was hard 
walls on 6 sides (other than the small opening to get in through the 
roof). The slightest sound would seem to go on for a minute.


On 4/18/13 5:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

Thanks Chriss and Danny.

I will check out the list and check out the myc options I wish I could find a 
place where I can test them and make up my mind.

THanks also for the compliment about the audio on my page.

THe samples are from my cd and I'm afraid this will  be rather hard to 
reproduce. I was in an amazing chapel in Cologne Germany recording with 2 
Neuman microphones.

For my youtube videos so far I had a friend sync the audio with the video on a 
A bit daunting but hope to make this work and post new videos more regularly.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-17, at 7:29 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

I can't suggest much but would suggest syncing iPhone video and a separate 
audio recording is more trouble than it's worth. Either a good quality mike for 
the iPhone and I don't know of any suited for recording an acoustic instrument 
but there may well be some out there. The other alternatives are an input 
device with fantom power for the iPhone you can put a good condenser mike into 
or alternatively, a decent I/O box for the mac. I have a Saffire 14 pro which 
is great having2 powered XLR inputs with good mike pre-amps but unfortunately, 
all the configuration is fully unaccessible on the mac. If there is someone 
with eyes to set up presets with all the switching and settings you want, you 
can access presets and load them but can't edit them. I got this before I moved 
to osx and on windows with some work you can access options. Much as I love my 
Saffire, There will be other easier options for sure.

You could try asking over at the blind guitarist list
and there are some people like Tim Burges with far more relevant information 
than I have and you may be able to get some good suggestions.

Good luck and love the audio on your site. Beautiful technique and tone.


On 18/04/2013, at 4:42 AM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

Hi all,

I am cross posting this to both lists since my question is relevant I think for 
both iphone and mac.

I would like to post youtube videos of me playing classical guitar on a regular 
basis. I am supposing the iphone camera will do for the video. What is the way 
you sound experts would recommend for me to record audio  hq?
I am mainly trying to decide if I record on the mac and then try to sync audio 
with the track of the movie made on iphone?
Or can I use a good mic that works with  the iphone 5 and maybe add reverb or 
other minimal processing on computer later or even in garageband in iphone?

Hope my question makes sense.

Thanks for any pointers and suggestions!



Sent from my iPhone

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baring the magic track pad

2013-04-18 Thread Ramy Moustafa
Hi all:

I have a magic track pad, how can I bair it to my Mac mini?  With mountain
Any help will be highly abbreciated

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2013-04-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi all.
So lets see, as i understand it and i might indeed be wrong would not
have been the first time, if i go out and buy the Mac mini server, i
can use it happily with out a monitor, but if i just get the usual mac
mini the special kid is still needed?
I dunno about you, but  i know that i would find it really irritating
too have a lil tail hanging outta the box, but i also know that not
all are as picky with that as i am :)

On 4/18/13, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was using a ntsc adaptor. Now I connected it to our tv via HDMI and find
> the Mac mini mid 2010 very slow. I tried plugging in the adaptor at the same
> time but it was messing up the resolution for the HDMI.
> Will still see if I by any chance have a problem with some app.
> When I get to unplugging it from tv and using it with old ntsc I will let
> you know if it goes faster.
> BTW I use Mountain-lion.
> Best,
> Ioana
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2013-04-18, at 1:39 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Never noticed a reply to this. Did you ever experience any sluggish
>> behavior or other odd stuff from running without a monitor? Generally the
>> VGA to NTSC adaptor can run very high resolutions so you should be fine if
>> you still need that. Would be nice to find out my little contraption is no
>> longer necessary. In reality, we just need the VGA connection to have
>> certain pins connected to make it think a monitor is there. Companies used
>> to sell "VGA terminators" which did this but I couldn't find anybody who
>> still sold them, so the VGA to NTSC adaptor was the cheapest equivalent I
>> could find. From that perspective, it doesn't even matter if the converter
>> really works, just that it makes it seem like there is a monitor
>> attached.
>> CB
>> On 11/16/12 7:27 PM, Vic wrote:
>>> Thanks Esther.
>>> I wonder if John is listening on this discussion.
>>> I wonder if HDMI adapter will work the same way and whether the NTSC
>>> converter takes much space on one's table.
>>> Thanks a lot for the help.
>>> Vic
>>> Vic wrote:
 I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best
 I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when
 or browsing with the magic trackpad.

 I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.

 So, I thought I'd ask here.



 On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> True.
> But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in
> years.
>  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012
> Mac
> minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to
> hear
> from you.
> Ricardo Walker
> ric...@appletothecore.info 
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller"
> >
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X
>> 10.5
> and
>> 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
>> [mailto:macvisi...@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of
>> Victor
> Tsaran
>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
>> To: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
>> Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display
>> attached
> may
>> cause applications to be slow or unresponsive
>> Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?
>> http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3149
>> Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri)
>> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> macvisionarie...@googlegroups.com .
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> --
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>> For

Re: Python Appications on the Mac?

2013-04-18 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, what's sound rts/python files?  Now you all have me curious.
On Apr 16, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

> Hi Teresa,
> I had this exact same problem with SoundRTS on my Mac. I eventually got it to 
> work. I ended up buying Take Control of Terminal specifically to learn how to 
> launch that file in Python.
> I can't now remember what the exact syntax was that I used in Terminal. I 
> remember I needed to play around with it for a little while. But basically I 
> used Terminal to navigate to the SoundRTS folder and then typed something 
> along the lines of:
> python soundrts.pyc
> I think I may have had to use the word open in there somewhere as well.
> Hopefully this will give you what you need to get there. If you don't know 
> anything about Terminal then let me know and I or someone else can figure out 
> exactly what to type for you. But I think you probably know a lot more about 
> it than I do.
> Once you do get it running perhaps we can have a game or two.
> Best,
> Nic
> -- 
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Re: baring the magic track pad

2013-04-18 Thread Phil Halton
baring the magic track padHi Ramey, I think you have your P's and B's mixed up.

The word is "pairing" not "baring", and "appreciated" not "abbreciated". 
Maybe someone switched keys on you when you weren't looking.

Seriously though,

pairing the trackpad is quite simple. I believe you just go into the bluetooth 
menu from the extras menu and take it from there. in the bluetooth menu, you 
should see the trackpad listed (remember to press the button on the trackpad 

You'll find an option to connect to it in there somewhere. Sorry I wasn't more 
specific, but I know you can fill in the blanks.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ramy Moustafa 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:42 PM
  Subject: baring the magic track pad

  Hi all:

  I have a magic track pad, how can I bair it to my Mac mini?  With mountain 

  Any help will be highly abbreciated

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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Ricardo Walker

So,  you feel that this issue would have a meaningful impact on the education 
of a large number of kids who might be using a Mac?  After all, unless they are 
speaking a language not english of course, they could use Alex where the 
problem doesn't seem to exist.  Keep in mind, 2 years ago, this is what they 
would have been doing regardless?  

To be clear, I'm not saying the new voices don't need work.  But honestly, I 
would put that pretty low  on the list of accessibility issues I'd like to see 
addressed.  For example, I think accessibility on Safari could be tightened up 
a bit.  I would love to not to be bounced out the html area into the toolbar 
50% of the time I click on a link.  

Just my 2 cents. :) 

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 18, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

> hi Anne, i dunno but after you have mailed apple accessibility a few
> times without getting a answer you tend too roll your own.
> I am sure i am not the only one who have mailed A A , about the
> problem with the newer voices, but they may not be sure how too
> address it.
> I wont say i know of a easy fix for it either, but if we keep having
> this kind of problems how can we expect too have macs used in the
> school for say, kids?
> best
> sandi
> On 4/18/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> I tried this, and I'm only getting a pitch-change with Alex. It doesn't say
>> "cap" or "capital".
>> Teresa
>> On Apr 18, 2013, at 2:51 AM, Nicholas Parsons
>>  wrote:
>>> HI Anne,
>>> The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change.
>>> The problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still says
>>> the word "capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR YOU
>>> Best,
>>> Nic
>>> --
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2013-04-18 Thread Kerri
hello, gang. I have a couple Skype questions.
1. How does one accept files via Skype?
2. How does one locate conversation windows This will teach me to use a the 
thing more.

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  I just have a small lcd screen.  it's handy if I need someone sighted to 
look at something but most of the time I just have it plugged in and turned off.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 19/04/2013, at 7:54 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

> hi all.
> So lets see, as i understand it and i might indeed be wrong would not
> have been the first time, if i go out and buy the Mac mini server, i
> can use it happily with out a monitor, but if i just get the usual mac
> mini the special kid is still needed?
> I dunno about you, but  i know that i would find it really irritating
> too have a lil tail hanging outta the box, but i also know that not
> all are as picky with that as i am :)
> best
> sandi
> On 4/18/13, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was using a ntsc adaptor. Now I connected it to our tv via HDMI and find
>> the Mac mini mid 2010 very slow. I tried plugging in the adaptor at the same
>> time but it was messing up the resolution for the HDMI.
>> Will still see if I by any chance have a problem with some app.
>> When I get to unplugging it from tv and using it with old ntsc I will let
>> you know if it goes faster.
>> BTW I use Mountain-lion.
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2013-04-18, at 1:39 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Never noticed a reply to this. Did you ever experience any sluggish
>>> behavior or other odd stuff from running without a monitor? Generally the
>>> VGA to NTSC adaptor can run very high resolutions so you should be fine if
>>> you still need that. Would be nice to find out my little contraption is no
>>> longer necessary. In reality, we just need the VGA connection to have
>>> certain pins connected to make it think a monitor is there. Companies used
>>> to sell "VGA terminators" which did this but I couldn't find anybody who
>>> still sold them, so the VGA to NTSC adaptor was the cheapest equivalent I
>>> could find. From that perspective, it doesn't even matter if the converter
>>> really works, just that it makes it seem like there is a monitor
>>> attached.
>>> CB
>>> On 11/16/12 7:27 PM, Vic wrote:
 Thanks Esther.
 I wonder if John is listening on this discussion.
 I wonder if HDMI adapter will work the same way and whether the NTSC
 converter takes much space on one's table.
 Thanks a lot for the help.
 Vic wrote:
> I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best
> configuration
> I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when
> typing
> or browsing with the magic trackpad.
> I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.
> So, I thought I'd ask here.
> Thanks,
> Vic
> On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> True.
>> But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in
>> years.
>> I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012
>> Mac
>> minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to
>> hear
>> from you.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> ric...@appletothecore.info 
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller"
>> >
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X
>>> 10.5
>> and
>>> 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
>>> [mailto:macvisi...@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of
>>> Victor
>> Tsaran
>>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
>>> To: macvisi...@googlegroups.com 
>>> Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display
>>> attached
>> may
>>> cause applications to be slow or unresponsive
>>> Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?
>>> http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3149
>>> Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri)
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionarie...@googlegroups.com .
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>>> --
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Re: Nisus writer pro VS anything else

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  I find doing a control a in preview and then pasting the text in to 
something like text edit or whatever sometimes helps 
Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 19/04/2013, at 1:42 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Nicholas,
> at first: I'm using Preview in OS X 10.8.3 Mountain Lion and it's a 
> catastrophy. I'm really experienced how to use programs on the Mac but I 
> can't understand why some people in this list say it's good to use. I also 
> discussed the issue with an Apple Senior Adviser and he confirmed all my 
> issues in a phone call. We went through the issues step by step. I guess the 
> satisfied users use Preview in Snow Leopard or Lion. 
> Here's what I criticize on Preview in Mountain Lion: When I interact with the 
> text area and use VO + arrow up or down, right or left, the VO cursor jumps 
> around in the text. It's especially obvious in the head area of a letter 
> where you have the addresses. When I read a normal text line by line it works 
> partially but at some point VO beginns to read ends of the former line once 
> more and mixes lines completely. Not to speak about pdf files with a certain 
> structure like columns or tables. It doesn't matter what  view I use. I'm not 
> sure wether this might be an issue of the german version of Preview but a lot 
> of my friends also complain about that. They are as annoyed as I am.
> That's what I don't like about Preview.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 18.04.2013 um 01:09 schrieb Nicholas Parsons 
> :
>> It does sound great.
>> I'm actually now really happy with Preview, thanks to a few people on this 
>> list. It does everything I could want in a PDF reader. Even working with 
>> properly marked tables of contents. VoiceOver reads perfectly by line, word 
>> or character. I guess it doesn't read well by paragraph, or at least I 
>> haven't discovered this yet, but the main thing for me is reading by line, 
>> word and character.
>> What don't you like about Preview? 
>> -- 
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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  yep that is the file I am trying to open.

thanks for any other ideas.

Maria and crew from australia
check out 
where we play lots of great music

On 19/04/2013, at 12:07 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Oh, and by the way, the file you want to open is disco.swf.
> Teresa
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 5:25 AM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> HI.  I downloaded the file and I have a sounds folder, a read me file and a 
>> file that says disco.swf .  I still cannot open this app.  Maybe I don't 
>> have something installed I should have?  Any idea how to find out if I have 
>> the shock wave plug in?
>> thanks   
>> Maria Chapman
>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
>> Mahatma Gandhi
>> On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
>>> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
>>> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
>>> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
>>> wrote:
 HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open 
 the application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the 
 wrong one?
 help please?
 God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
 will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
 skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
 On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> Hi, all,
> This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
> file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is 
> that you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the 
> window to be able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the 
> area that indicates "empty html" and click on it.
> It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
> ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
> it's only played with the arrow keys.
> Here's the link:
> http://tinyurl.com/AudioDisc
> Have fun,
> Teresa
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Re: Capital Letters

2013-04-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Ricardo, sure the mac have come a long way in 2 years. And do i
think it is an issue? well i doubt i would waste time pressing keys if
i did not think so, about computers, and education, i am a totally
clinically and cold girl.
If  you are living in norway you might have  that issue as well. But
else yes you are right you can do as the most might have done just
used fred and alex for a none-english language, and train your brain
too understand that :)
I honestly dont care much for what we might have done 2 years ago, it
is about 24 months back, it  is basically the same going to look at
the 2011 peugeot ion, when we indeed write 2013.
you give pound-sign 3 for both cars, but i will assure you that
the electric car from 2013 is better equipped. I got the most of my
sight back and i will absolutely assure you that with out the danish
Norwegian and sweetish voices on the mac my education as a nurse would
never have been an option. Not with jaws anyways, it would simply have
been too costly for me. Jaws, books etc. nope i would not have been
able too do it do to the high price-tack on both books, and jaws. im
the other fella not rocker fella smiles...
Ricardo, it is not that i cant see your frustration, i can, but we all
are on about different things :)


On 4/19/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> lol,
> So,  you feel that this issue would have a meaningful impact on the
> education of a large number of kids who might be using a Mac?  After all,
> unless they are speaking a language not english of course, they could use
> Alex where the problem doesn't seem to exist.  Keep in mind, 2 years ago,
> this is what they would have been doing regardless?
> To be clear, I'm not saying the new voices don't need work.  But honestly, I
> would put that pretty low  on the list of accessibility issues I'd like to
> see addressed.  For example, I think accessibility on Safari could be
> tightened up a bit.  I would love to not to be bounced out the html area
> into the toolbar 50% of the time I click on a link.
> Just my 2 cents. :)
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
> wrote:
>> hi Anne, i dunno but after you have mailed apple accessibility a few
>> times without getting a answer you tend too roll your own.
>> I am sure i am not the only one who have mailed A A , about the
>> problem with the newer voices, but they may not be sure how too
>> address it.
>> I wont say i know of a easy fix for it either, but if we keep having
>> this kind of problems how can we expect too have macs used in the
>> school for say, kids?
>> best
>> sandi
>> On 4/18/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> I tried this, and I'm only getting a pitch-change with Alex. It doesn't
>>> say
>>> "cap" or "capital".
>>> Teresa
>>> On Apr 18, 2013, at 2:51 AM, Nicholas Parsons
>>>  wrote:
 HI Anne,

 The problem isn't that the pitch doesn't change. The pitch does change.
 The problem is that in addition to the pitch changing VoiceOver still
 the word "capital" before the letter. PERHAPS THE BEST EXAMPLE IS FOR


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Re: A Fun Action Game Playable on the Mac: AudioDisc

2013-04-18 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  thanks you're a star I got it to work.  I have beaten the beginner level 
and the aplause at the end nearly blew my head off lol good time waster.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 19/04/2013, at 12:06 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> You can do a command-i on the file and have it open with Safari. Or you can 
> right-click and choose open with, then other, then make sure you have all 
> apps specified and choose Safari. You can also in both cases check the 
> "always open with" box.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 5:42 AM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> HI.  apparently it's trying to open the file with an application called ti.  
>> I have installed adobe shock wave player.  any ideas?
>> thanks  
>> Maria Chapman
>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
>> Mahatma Gandhi
>> On 18/04/2013, at 12:12 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> How odd. No, I think the one I got said "multi-platform". It was a zipped 
>>> folder, and I found the .swf file and opened it in Safari.
>>> Here's the direct link to the multiplatform version:
>>> http://www.javiermairena.net/audiodisc/audiodiscmulti.zip
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:06 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman  
>>> wrote:
 HI.  I downloaded the multi platform audio disk but it says i can't open 
 the application because power pc is no longer supported.  did I get the 
 wrong one?
 help please?
 God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
 will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
 skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
 On 16/04/2013, at 8:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> Hi, all,
> This game is on audiogames.net and is a flash game. You can open the .swf 
> file in Safari if you have a Shockwave plugin. The only tricky part is 
> that you have to do either a simulated or actual mouse-click on the 
> window to be able to use the keys. Once you have the game open, find the 
> area that indicates "empty html" and click on it.
> It's an audio frisbee game, basically, though it kind of reminds me of 
> ping-pong or tennis, mixed with bopIt. It's deceptively difficult, though 
> it's only played with the arrow keys.
> Here's the link:
> http://tinyurl.com/AudioDisc
> Have fun,
> Teresa
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