Hi.  so is your mini working now?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 18/04/2013, at 6:51 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi all. I know it is a weird subject line, but when you are done
> reading i am sure you are in full agreement with me. But first things
> first.
> For some time for what ever reason i installed boom on my mac mini
> generation II. I dont know but i never got too use it, it is a mini 1
> gig of ram, and have as well as all my other macs been raped and
> brought too hyperventilation on a daily basis with ocring over a 1000
> pages books, flying with the flight-simulator, etc. None of that have
> actually ever brought it too its knees as the story i am about too
> tell.
> For a few evenings back i am sitting on irc, chatting, having a grand
> and cheerful time, when my mac suddenly stops, not just stops but
> shots totally down like 3...2...1...off. Too a new mac user this,
> indeed might look like the order of things, right? but no, actually
> not , we are still and hopefully always will have some sort of unix
> under the hood so shutting a mac down if it  have been running full
> tilt over a few hours, do actually take time. Much too my amazement i
> look down, say a few unwritable words, better suited for a us core
> mariners bar, and hit the poweron botten, there contact! clear prop!
> so now i sit high and mighty and wait for my trusty mac to do what it
> does next-best of all things , right? booting up, problem is, i wait,
> and wait, and wait, and ... yes you got it oh girl am i waitin., i
> wait! and well after a smoke i am, still, waitin'!
> okay, i do believe this computer is about 5 or 6 years old,and it have
> never, ever, done this before. as flighty as i am, and yes i can be
> pretty flighty i sit back and think. It turns out too make a very long
> and frustrated story short that boom is indeed the sinner!
> Lets go alittle back, i said i had installed boom, not actually used
> it, installed as in copy from image, lay in apps folder, Period.. And
> i tell you when it expires, all hell breaks loose, not just loose like
> in a lil labrador waggin' its tail loose, but more like 105 tons of
> old russian tank down over a hill unstoppable, kinda hell loose.
> For the trained terminal user it is not a huge problem, you find all
> references too boom and coldly and with great glee rm them, and that
> is that.
> But for the new and untrained mac user, do simply not ever use boom.
> It is not worth it.
> And what, have all this too do with a british landrover, ever tried
> too get one out of a lake, too the trained its childs play, else, dont
> do this at home...
> /sandi
> -- 
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