For short clips syncing the video can work. They just tend to drift apart over time so longer form stuff might not work. Official NTSC video is 29.97 frames per second but some software will just round that up to 30 (or gets close but not exactly 29.97) so then the audio eventually doesn't align and gets more out of sync as things progress.

So was the echo in your recording all natural ambient? Wonder if you could even get close with the filters in GarageBand. One of the craziest echos I ever heard was going into a dry concrete cistern which was hard walls on 6 sides (other than the small opening to get in through the roof). The slightest sound would seem to go on for a minute.


On 4/18/13 5:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
Thanks Chriss and Danny.

I will check out the list and check out the myc options I wish I could find a 
place where I can test them and make up my mind.

THanks also for the compliment about the audio on my page.

THe samples are from my cd and I'm afraid this will  be rather hard to 
reproduce. I was in an amazing chapel in Cologne Germany recording with 2 
Neuman microphones.

For my youtube videos so far I had a friend sync the audio with the video on a 
A bit daunting but hope to make this work and post new videos more regularly.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-17, at 7:29 PM, Danny Noonan <> wrote:

I can't suggest much but would suggest syncing iPhone video and a separate 
audio recording is more trouble than it's worth. Either a good quality mike for 
the iPhone and I don't know of any suited for recording an acoustic instrument 
but there may well be some out there. The other alternatives are an input 
device with fantom power for the iPhone you can put a good condenser mike into 
or alternatively, a decent I/O box for the mac. I have a Saffire 14 pro which 
is great having2 powered XLR inputs with good mike pre-amps but unfortunately, 
all the configuration is fully unaccessible on the mac. If there is someone 
with eyes to set up presets with all the switching and settings you want, you 
can access presets and load them but can't edit them. I got this before I moved 
to osx and on windows with some work you can access options. Much as I love my 
Saffire, There will be other easier options for sure.

You could try asking over at the blind guitarist list
and there are some people like Tim Burges with far more relevant information 
than I have and you may be able to get some good suggestions.

Good luck and love the audio on your site. Beautiful technique and tone.


On 18/04/2013, at 4:42 AM, Ioana Gandrabur <> wrote:

Hi all,

I am cross posting this to both lists since my question is relevant I think for 
both iphone and mac.

I would like to post youtube videos of me playing classical guitar on a regular 
basis. I am supposing the iphone camera will do for the video. What is the way 
you sound experts would recommend for me to record audio  hq?
I am mainly trying to decide if I record on the mac and then try to sync audio 
with the track of the movie made on iphone?
Or can I use a good mic that works with  the iphone 5 and maybe add reverb or 
other minimal processing on computer later or even in garageband in iphone?

Hope my question makes sense.

Thanks for any pointers and suggestions!



Sent from my iPhone

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