Re: amadeus pro mp3 advanced settings

2013-02-15 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi Paul,

When you press the Advanced button, a drawer opens immediately to the right of 
the OK button. If you have VoiceOver set to mute its sound effects, nothing 
will appear to happen when you press this button because no new windows or 
dialogs pop up. This drawer has 3 items. The "Additional Command Line Options" 
check box, the "Overrides All Other Settings" check box, and a text field where 
you can specify the additional command line options you want. Hope this helps.


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Secondary Email:
Skype: Batworx

On 15 Feb 2013, at 8:52 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Dear amadeus users,
> When saving a file in mp3, I would like to enter 2 advanced options for the 
> lame encoder, but I think VoiceOver won't let me access the advanced dialog.
> I have a file ready in amadeus pro. I then hit command shift s to save as, 
> give filename etc, choose mp3 as output, then I hit settings, and there is a 
> problem. I can set the bitrate, choose encoding type like cbr, ABR etc, but 
> when I hit the advanced button, nothing seems to happen. Does any of you know 
> how I can access this dialog?
> One of the things I'm trying to achieve, is add a crc to each frame, because 
> an old player that I have likes it. If I don't, then a file may stop playing 
> in the middle. But that's just a side story. I'm hoping one of you can tell 
> me how to access the controls in the advanced dialog when saving an mp3 in 
> amadeus pro. Any ideas?
> Kind regards,
> Paul.
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Signatures in Mac Mail

2013-02-15 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi list,

Does anyone know of a way to add signatures in the all signatures category to a 
particular account? I'm speaking of Mail in Mountain Lion here.

I've tried navigating to the name of the signature in question, turning off 
curser tracking, then dragging the name of the signature and dropping it on the 
name of the account I wish to move it to. I've tried this with the VO drag and 
drop commands as well as using VO-SHIFT-SPACE to simulate the mouse down and up 
functions. However, it never works for me. It always fails to drop.

If no one else has managed this I will bring it to the attention of


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Re: Signatures in Mac Mail

2013-02-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
I've copied and pasted mine!
>From the [All ] then opened the account I wish to put the signatures into and 
>put it into the area for that one!

On 15 Feb 2013, at 10:28, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi list,
> Does anyone know of a way to add signatures in the all signatures category to 
> a particular account? I'm speaking of Mail in Mountain Lion here.
> I've tried navigating to the name of the signature in question, turning off 
> curser tracking, then dragging the name of the signature and dropping it on 
> the name of the account I wish to move it to. I've tried this with the VO 
> drag and drop commands as well as using VO-SHIFT-SPACE to simulate the mouse 
> down and up functions. However, it never works for me. It always fails to 
> drop.
> If no one else has managed this I will bring it to the attention of 
> Cheers,
> Nic 
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Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

2013-02-15 Thread Daniel C
Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On there were a few 
things for garage band, but not on the Apple To The Core one.
Amazingly I've learned how to record at least 1 thing so far, but can't figure 
out how to do a voice only recording.
I'll play around and figure it out though.

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Re: Signatures in Mac Mail

2013-02-15 Thread Barry Hadder
 There is a drag and drop technique that you can use with Voiceover in 
situations like this.

In all signatures, interact with the names table and move vo to the name you 
want and route the mouse to vo.
Turn cursor tracking off and lock the mouse down with vo-shift-command-space.
Interact with the signatures table and move vo to the account.
Now, route the mouse to vo and unlock it with vo-shift-command-space.

Now you can turn cursor tracking back on and the signature should be where you 
want it.
Hope that helps.

Barry Hadder
Available in the Mac app store.

On Feb 15, 2013, at 4:28 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

Hi list,

Does anyone know of a way to add signatures in the all signatures category to a 
particular account? I'm speaking of Mail in Mountain Lion here.

I've tried navigating to the name of the signature in question, turning off 
curser tracking, then dragging the name of the signature and dropping it on the 
name of the account I wish to move it to. I've tried this with the VO drag and 
drop commands as well as using VO-SHIFT-SPACE to simulate the mouse down and up 
functions. However, it never works for me. It always fails to drop.

If no one else has managed this I will bring it to the attention of


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Re: Do not download new slacker radio update

2013-02-15 Thread matthew Dyer

I have an account will think about  upgrading.  Apparently you can get 
unlimited skipping.  I am still trying to figure out how to create a new 
station.  Thabnks.


On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:26 PM, wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> There are two tiers Of slacker subscriptions.
> The plus subscription, $3.99 per month. The premium subscription is $9.95 per 
> month. The premium subscription, allows you to play albums/songs on demand, 
> create and save your own stations With more control over what artists are on 
> them. I believe on all levels you have access to ESPN radio, and ABC news. Go 
> to and check it out. If I have given the site in error, 
> Google, slacker radio. 
> Pam Francis
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 4:57 PM, matthew Dyer  
> wrote:
> How much is a  subscribsion to slacker radio?  I just screated an account but 
> with the app not sure how to listen to an aboum or what have you.  I did play 
> around with the nnew version and ho[pe they can get it fixed soon.
> Matthew
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Carlene Knight wrote:
>> My husband who is cited says the layout looks nicer and it is easier to use. 
>> I'm assuming you don't have to go into the menu to do different things but 
>> it sure messes it up for us.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 10:14 AM, wrote:
>>> Yes, with a slacker subscription, you can cash content to your device. 
>>> Also, premium subscribers can listen to a given album on demand if it is 
>>> within their library. Some stations  play songs that are not downloadable 
>>> due to the rights having expired. However one can still add them to a 
>>> favorite songs station and replay them. The iPad app still works.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:56 AM, Christine Grassman  
>>> wrote:
>>> I am deeply disappointed about this update. I love Slacker, and do have a 
>>> subscription. I canceled my Pandora subscription, in fact, and switched to 
>>> Slacker, mostly because I like that I can skip songs if I like without a 
>>> limit. With the subscription I have, you can cache content on the phone.
>>> Christine
>>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
 Oh wow, thanx for the info there, I had no idea there even was an update.  
 I love their service, but don't have a premium subscription.
 What's the advantage to that aside from being able to listen to a station 
 simply by 1 artist?  I picked out a station for Hannah to listen to 1 
 night, and next thing I knew, after about possibly 20 minuttes or so, I 
 got an alert message telling me "station exhaustion," which I'd never 
 gotten before, so I thought that was interesting, but that's the only 
 issue I have with it; otherwise, I love it.
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:51 AM, wrote:
> Hello,
> I too am a slacker subscriber. I pay for the premium membership. And 
> definitely not a fan of the new layout. It would not take much to make 
> all of their  buttons work. I will never understand why the vendor of a 
> subscription app feels the need to totally rearrange the layout. In my 
> opinion, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I have found through their 
> support  Email system, one gets very little response. I eventually found 
> them and have the contact on my phone to get to their direct tech support 
> via phone. Their email system seems to shoot back automatic computer 
> responses rather than having a human look at what the issues are and 
> correct them. That app has been decent for years. There was no reason to 
> totally rearrange the layout especially for those of us who can no longer 
> reliably use it on iPhone. I agree, the iPad app, seems not to have 
> changed. However, if the iPhone app changes, I'm concerned about the 
> changes they will make in their  iPad app. It would be a real shame to 
> lose that service. 
> Pam Francis
> On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:23 PM, Carlene Knight  
> wrote:
>> Do not download the new slacker radio update for the iPhone. Most of the 
>> buttons will not speak   and it tends to lock up. I have reported the 
>> problem.  The iPad Update seems to work okay. I don't see much of a 
>> change.
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Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

2013-02-15 Thread Phil Halton

Oh yes, on
there are five podcasts for garage band.

You must do a search for "GarageBand" note the spelling, it's all one word.

unless ricardo has pulled the podcasts which I doubt, they'll come up with 
that search.


Mike has put up at least four recent beginner tutorials in their own 
GarageBand Tutorials section.

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel C" 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On there were a 
few things for garage band, but not on the Apple To The Core one.
Amazingly I've learned how to record at least 1 thing so far, but can't 
figure out how to do a voice only recording.

I'll play around and figure it out though.

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Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

2013-02-15 Thread Phil Halton
good luck, if you can figure out GB without help, then you're a better man 
than I Gunga din.

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel C" 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On there were a 
few things for garage band, but not on the Apple To The Core one.
Amazingly I've learned how to record at least 1 thing so far, but can't 
figure out how to do a voice only recording.

I'll play around and figure it out though.

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Re: HELP! Mac crashed

2013-02-15 Thread Phil Halton

I'd start by doing a permissions repair from the recovery partition.

If you don't know how, let us know. Maybe there's a better starting point, 
but that's where I'd go first.

- Original Message - 
From: "Sarai Bucciarelli" 

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 8:51 PM
Subject: HELP! Mac crashed

I rebooted my MBP running ML. It looks like a brand new Mac that has
been wiped. All folders are empty, VO is back to defaults. I am still
in my user account, and it is not locked. When I check the disk space
on my disk, it shows about 200GB free, and the disk is 500 GB. Based
on this observation, I know it is not empty.  It is not locked, I'm
still the only account, it is an admin account. If I go to
applications, I see all my installed apps there. If iI go to my
computer, choose my user name, it shows my folders such as documents
and desktop, but says I do not have permition to read or write. I even
get that same error if I stay in applications to long. I tried to
access preferences, and it looks empty, but I cannot stay there long
b/c of cannot read or right permisions error.

I've tried rebooting, rebooting in recovery mode and repairing
permitions and repairing disk. I've tried logging off and back on my
account. I'm stuck!

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RE: Call recorder question

2013-02-15 Thread Bill Holton
I will double check, but I don't think that's it, since the replay on the
Skype test call is very loud, including the recording of my voice.

P:  386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lisette Wesseling
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: Call recorder question

Have you checked your mic level in system prefs/sound?
I have Skype set to automatically adjust mic levels. Maybe one cancels out
the other, but that's how mine is set up and it works very well. 
On 15/02/2013, at 6:38 AM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

> Hi.
> When I record a call with Call Recorder via Skype, my end of the
conversation is very low volume compared to the other end of the call.  Is
there any way I can bump this up?
> Email:
> P:386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
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> DeLand, FL  32720
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OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread jshandra72
OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 

Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has had 
so many issues. 
 First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't even 
have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
 Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search area. 
This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
 thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
 You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
 The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, and 
now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
 I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and hope 
things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? This is 
just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed out a few 
which never should have happened!


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New episode, activator, can your smartphone really be smart?

2013-02-15 Thread Michael Babcock
For most of you, the concept of a smart phone actually being smart is 
relatively foreign. However, as a follow-up to a previous episode that we did 
on our podcast, jailbreaking your iOS device. I wanted to record a brief audio 
podcast explaining a new app I utilize on a daily basis. This application comes 
installed when you are installing some jailbroken applications. It is called 
activator, and it allows you to turn your smart phone into a “smart device”. 
What is all of this talk about making your smartphone a smart device? And, what 
am I talking about? Well, what if you plugged in your headphones, and your 
phone was smart enough to open bossjock? Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, my phone 
does. Why doesn't yours?…
Please visit the website below to listen to this episode. I also asked that you 
utilize the social networking buttons such as twitter, Facebook, and Google 
plus to share this episode with your network of friends! I appreciate the 
support that I have received for this podcast from the blind community.

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Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

2013-02-15 Thread Daniel C
I did find the podcasts you were talking about. Turns out I put the search as 2 
words before.
I've figured out the voice recording and how to mix loops into it, now I'll 
just need to put them to a real test for my 9th episode of my podcast.
Appreciate the help.

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Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

2013-02-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland


I've seen a lot of people who've been asking about Garage band, and getting 
started with it.  Our company has produced over 3 hours worth of traning 
audio on the use of Garage Band.  We'd strongly encourage you to take a 
listen to Ricardo Walker's tutorial, but if you feel that isn't giving you 
quite as in depth info as you need, then give us a call or shoot me off an 
e-mail and we'll be happy to help.  You can find our web  site, and contact 
info in my signature below.  The cost for the GB tutorial is $35.00USD with 
a 7 day money back guarantee.  Let us know if we can be of help.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Halton" 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:54
Subject: Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

good luck, if you can figure out GB without help, then you're a better man 
than I Gunga din.

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel C" 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide

Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On there were a 
few things for garage band, but not on the Apple To The Core one.
Amazingly I've learned how to record at least 1 thing so far, but can't 
figure out how to do a voice only recording.

I'll play around and figure it out though.

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Installing a Widget

2013-02-15 Thread Richard Ring
I've just downloaded a widget, how do i place it on the dashboard?

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
dissettles me!

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

OT: iOS 6 disappointment!

Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
has had so many issues.
First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.

thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!


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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread J.P.
Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with some of 
this. No disrespect to the dead!

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Re: Installing a Widget

2013-02-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Just open it and it'll ask you if you wanna install it.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Ring 
  Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 14:35
  Subject: Installing a Widget

  I've just downloaded a widget, how do i place it on the dashboard?

  You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
   Sent from my Mac Book Pro

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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

You wrote:

No disrespect to the dead!

LOL!  None taken.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "J.P." 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 14:59
Subject: Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with 
some of this. No disrespect to the dead!

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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Devin Prater
The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to side 
with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how good Alex 
is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new voiecs, although I 
think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but still; Microsoft has made 
many high quality voices, in many languages. They made them all, so why can't 
Apple? Why not make voices in the superior Apple way? To me, Neuance is like 
one step above acapella is in Read2go. And now, in iOs6.1, the premium voiec of 
us english won't download. I have it all set correctly, and have been waiting 
for days. So that's the only 2 things that annoy meabout  iOs 6 and iOs in 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
dissettles me!

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - From: 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

OT: iOS 6 disappointment!

Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has had 
so many issues.
First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't even 
have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search area. 
This happened to everyone, not just our community.
thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, and 
now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and hope 
things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? This is 
just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed out a few 
which never should have happened!


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Google Plus and Google Docs

2013-02-15 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

I know Google docs have been discussed on this list and I could have
sworn I saw a bunch of mentions on Google Plus, but I couldn't find
what I was looking for in the macvisionaries groups directory, so
pardon me for posting this.

I have to use Google docs and plus for a new work assignment and am
still finding them terribly inaccessible. Has anyone found a good way
to use either of them, and if so has anyone done a podcast on it or
put together any documentation.

Regarding Google Plus I just took a look at it, and it was like
reading Greek. I tried plus one a few things, but couldn't even find
where what I had plus one on my google plus page appeared. Is editing
your profile and adding people accessible either on the mac or iPhone?
I played around with both but really didn't have any clue what I was
doing, so if it is accessible, please point me in any direction where
I can learn how to use google plus.

Regarding Google docs, I tried accessing them on the mac Iphone, Googe
Drive, and couldn't edit the spread sheet that I need to. Has anyone
figured out how to? It still blows me away at the lack of Google and
its accessibility. I tried using chromevox, but compared to voiceover
it is like using such an inferior screen reader with no rotor and
quick way to navigate a page that I lose my patience with it. Thanks
for any help.

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Re: amadeus pro mp3 advanced settings

2013-02-15 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Gavin,

Yes that exactly did the trick. Thanks a lot.

On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> When you press the Advanced button, a drawer opens immediately to the right 
> of the OK button. If you have VoiceOver set to mute its sound effects, 
> nothing will appear to happen when you press this button because no new 
> windows or dialogs pop up. This drawer has 3 items. The "Additional Command 
> Line Options" check box, the "Overrides All Other Settings" check box, and a 
> text field where you can specify the additional command line options you 
> want. Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email:
> Secondary Email:
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> On 15 Feb 2013, at 8:52 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Dear amadeus users,
>> When saving a file in mp3, I would like to enter 2 advanced options for the 
>> lame encoder, but I think VoiceOver won't let me access the advanced dialog.
>> I have a file ready in amadeus pro. I then hit command shift s to save as, 
>> give filename etc, choose mp3 as output, then I hit settings, and there is a 
>> problem. I can set the bitrate, choose encoding type like cbr, ABR etc, but 
>> when I hit the advanced button, nothing seems to happen. Does any of you 
>> know how I can access this dialog?
>> One of the things I'm trying to achieve, is add a crc to each frame, because 
>> an old player that I have likes it. If I don't, then a file may stop playing 
>> in the middle. But that's just a side story. I'm hoping one of you can tell 
>> me how to access the controls in the advanced dialog when saving an mp3 in 
>> amadeus pro. Any ideas?
>> Kind regards,
>> Paul.
>> -- 
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Re: Google Plus and Google Docs

2013-02-15 Thread Chris Blouch
From past discussions it seems like the best (only) way to use Google 
Docs well is to kick VO to the curb and use ChromeVox with the Chrome 
browser. It's the Google way and you have to buy into their entire 
ecosystem for it to work.


On 2/15/13 4:04 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:

Hey all,

I know Google docs have been discussed on this list and I could have
sworn I saw a bunch of mentions on Google Plus, but I couldn't find
what I was looking for in the macvisionaries groups directory, so
pardon me for posting this.

I have to use Google docs and plus for a new work assignment and am
still finding them terribly inaccessible. Has anyone found a good way
to use either of them, and if so has anyone done a podcast on it or
put together any documentation.

Regarding Google Plus I just took a look at it, and it was like
reading Greek. I tried plus one a few things, but couldn't even find
where what I had plus one on my google plus page appeared. Is editing
your profile and adding people accessible either on the mac or iPhone?
I played around with both but really didn't have any clue what I was
doing, so if it is accessible, please point me in any direction where
I can learn how to use google plus.

Regarding Google docs, I tried accessing them on the mac Iphone, Googe
Drive, and couldn't edit the spread sheet that I need to. Has anyone
figured out how to? It still blows me away at the lack of Google and
its accessibility. I tried using chromevox, but compared to voiceover
it is like using such an inferior screen reader with no rotor and
quick way to navigate a page that I lose my patience with it. Thanks
for any help.


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a good tutorial to help me reset my Ipad 2 back to Apple's original settings

2013-02-15 Thread Scott Berry

Hello there,

I jail broke my ipad and got in to a sticky situation and I need to 
return my Ipad to the original Apple firmware and rejail break again.  I 
actually put an app in that I should not have so now when I shut down my 
Ipad it doesn't want to reboot correctly.  I have IOS 6.1 as my update.  
Thanks for any help.

Have a nice day.
Scott Berry

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ibiz/ibank, have they kept up with the times?

2013-02-15 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi all,  I tried ibiz two years ago or so and it was pretty much totally 
accessible.  That was two operating system versions ago though.  I'm just 
wondering if any one uses them and whether or not they've kept up with the 
times accessibility wise?


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

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nisus writer?

2013-02-15 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  I now have nisus writer express and am enjoying it.  I have a few 
questions though.  Can someone explain how to create headings?  Also is there a 
way to modify the heading style and save it somewhere? I created a document and 
opened it up on a laptop that has word, and it all read ok but some of the 
fonts changed and went orange.  Can I change the default font so that ms word 
doesn't throw a fit?

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

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Re: a good tutorial to help me reset my Ipad 2 back to Apple's original settings

2013-02-15 Thread Alex Hall
I'd boot into safe mode, then remove the offending app. Raul posted how to do 
this a few days ago, but a quick google search should tell you as well. If you 
are intent on re-installing iOS, google can tell you that as well, but I think 
safe mode will do the trick in your case. I say google instead of providing a 
tutorial because none of this is unfriendly to the sight-impaired, except maybe 
entering DFU mode, but that's a matter of timing and practice.
On Feb 15, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Hello there,
> I jail broke my ipad and got in to a sticky situation and I need to return my 
> Ipad to the original Apple firmware and rejail break again.  I actually put 
> an app in that I should not have so now when I shut down my Ipad it doesn't 
> want to reboot correctly.  I have IOS 6.1 as my update.  Thanks for any help.
> -- 
> Have a nice day.
> Scott Berry
> Email:
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Blake Sinnett


I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the 
middle of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often. 
iCloud, bugs in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of 
course Tim's just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll smooth out. 
The only thing we can do is wait and see what happens.


Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:42 AM
Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

OT: iOS 6 disappointment!

Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
has had so many issues.
First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.

thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at 
schools. Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!


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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Rod Skene
I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is the 
best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether you're 
talking mobile or PC.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:

> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues. 
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Alex Hall
I would like to add that Apple also got rid of the driving force behind iOS. 
This dismissal should help to return iOS to its former glory, not that much is 
particularly disappointing (aside from Maps for many users). The previous 
director reportedly did not work well with others, was not the best man for the 
job, and even refused to sign his name to Apple's formal apology over Maps last 
year. So, I'd wait for iOS7 to start putting the platform down; see if Apple 
doesn't surprise you with its next major update.
On Feb 15, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Rod Skene  wrote:

> I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
> eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is 
> the best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether 
> you're talking mobile or PC.
> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling 
> errors.
> On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues. 
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
>> slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
>> more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!
>> J.P.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

I tend to disagree.  I think its just peoples perception, and awareness 
changing since Steve Jobs passing.  Basically, IOS is not new anymore, and we 
are less forgiving with mistakes.  And, we now have a convenient excuse or, 
cause for these mistakes, a new person heading Apple.  For example, do you guys 
remember that horrific standby bug in IOS 3.0?  How about antenna gate?  Or, 
iPhone 4 and 4S's being shipped with the glue not dried on launch day making 
peoples display look green?  My point is, mistakes were happening before as 
well.  Same kind of bugs too.  But overall, I still think IOS has gotten 
better, not worse.  Remember what homescreens were like without folders?  or 
fullKeyboard support with Voiceover?  Or how about the app switcher.  lol. and 
on and on.

Just my 2 cents.  

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 15, 2013, at 6:50 PM, Blake Sinnett  wrote:

> Hello,
> I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the 
> middle of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often. 
> iCloud, bugs in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of 
> course Tim's just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll smooth out. 
> The only thing we can do is wait and see what happens.
> Blake
> --
> From: 
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:42 AM
> To: 
> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues.
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
>> slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
>> more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!
>> J.P.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
ucts are intherior and I dont' think anyone else is either.  I think it's 
more just that there have been more bugs discovered than how it used to be. 
For better or for worse, I think that's really all we're saying.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rod Skene" 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 18:56
Subject: Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is 
the best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether 
you're talking mobile or PC.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling 

On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:

OT: iOS 6 disappointment!

Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
has had so many issues.
First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.

thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at 
schools. Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!


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Re: Do not download new slacker radio update

2013-02-15 Thread Jessica Moss
How many skips do you get with a free acount?  I've never exhausted mne, as 
opposed to spotify/IHeart radio, but have been really careful not to do that 
though, and really like their selections compared to spotify, and the fact that 
you can ban a certain song without having to ban the whole artist.

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:44 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an account will think about  upgrading.  Apparently you can get 
> unlimited skipping.  I am still trying to figure out how to create a new 
> station.  Thabnks.
> Matthew
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:26 PM, wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> There are two tiers Of slacker subscriptions.
>> The plus subscription, $3.99 per month. The premium subscription is $9.95 
>> per month. The premium subscription, allows you to play albums/songs on 
>> demand, create and save your own stations With more control over what 
>> artists are on them. I believe on all levels you have access to ESPN radio, 
>> and ABC news. Go to and check it out. If I have given the 
>> site in error, Google, slacker radio. 
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 4:57 PM, matthew Dyer  
>> wrote:
>> How much is a  subscribsion to slacker radio?  I just screated an account 
>> but with the app not sure how to listen to an aboum or what have you.  I did 
>> play around with the nnew version and ho[pe they can get it fixed soon.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Carlene Knight wrote:
>>> My husband who is cited says the layout looks nicer and it is easier to 
>>> use. I'm assuming you don't have to go into the menu to do different things 
>>> but it sure messes it up for us.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 10:14 AM, wrote:
 Yes, with a slacker subscription, you can cash content to your device. 
 Also, premium subscribers can listen to a given album on demand if it is 
 within their library. Some stations  play songs that are not downloadable 
 due to the rights having expired. However one can still add them to a 
 favorite songs station and replay them. The iPad app still works.
 Pam Francis
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:56 AM, Christine Grassman  
 I am deeply disappointed about this update. I love Slacker, and do have a 
 subscription. I canceled my Pandora subscription, in fact, and switched to 
 Slacker, mostly because I like that I can skip songs if I like without a 
 limit. With the subscription I have, you can cache content on the phone.
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Jessica Moss  
> Oh wow, thanx for the info there, I had no idea there even was an update. 
>  I love their service, but don't have a premium subscription.
> What's the advantage to that aside from being able to listen to a station 
> simply by 1 artist?  I picked out a station for Hannah to listen to 1 
> night, and next thing I knew, after about possibly 20 minuttes or so, I 
> got an alert message telling me "station exhaustion," which I'd never 
> gotten before, so I thought that was interesting, but that's the only 
> issue I have with it; otherwise, I love it.
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:51 AM, wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I too am a slacker subscriber. I pay for the premium membership. And 
>> definitely not a fan of the new layout. It would not take much to make 
>> all of their  buttons work. I will never understand why the vendor of a 
>> subscription app feels the need to totally rearrange the layout. In my 
>> opinion, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I have found through their 
>> support  Email system, one gets very little response. I eventually found 
>> them and have the contact on my phone to get to their direct tech 
>> support via phone. Their email system seems to shoot back automatic 
>> computer responses rather than having a human look at what the issues 
>> are and correct them. That app has been decent for years. There was no 
>> reason to totally rearrange the layout especially for those of us who 
>> can no longer reliably use it on iPhone. I agree, the iPad app, seems 
>> not to have changed. However, if the iPhone app changes, I'm concerned 
>> about the changes they will make in their  iPad app. It would be a real 
>> shame to lose that service. 
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:23 PM, Carlene Knight  
>> wrote:
>>> Do not download the new slacker radio update for the iPhone. Most of 
>>> the buttons will not speak   and it tends to lock up. I have reported 
>>> the problem.  The iPad Update seems to work okay. I don't see much of a 
>>> change.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: New episode, activator, can your smartphone really be smart?

2013-02-15 Thread Jessica Moss
I clicked this link to hear the podcast, but don't see any place to play the 
podcast, and it's not playing automaticly.  Is there something I'm missing?
On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> For most of you, the concept of a smart phone actually being smart is 
> relatively foreign. However, as a follow-up to a previous episode that we did 
> on our podcast, jailbreaking your iOS device. I wanted to record a brief 
> audio podcast explaining a new app I utilize on a daily basis. This 
> application comes installed when you are installing some jailbroken 
> applications. It is called activator, and it allows you to turn your smart 
> phone into a “smart device”. What is all of this talk about making your 
> smartphone a smart device? And, what am I talking about? Well, what if you 
> plugged in your headphones, and your phone was smart enough to open bossjock? 
> Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, my phone does. Why doesn't yours?…
> Please visit the website below to listen to this episode. I also asked that 
> you utilize the social networking buttons such as twitter, Facebook, and 
> Google plus to share this episode with your network of friends! I appreciate 
> the support that I have received for this podcast from the blind community.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: messages app question

2013-02-15 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
It will not show up yet.
On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> It shouldn't matter that your email address is selected. The main thing is to 
> have your phone number set to the default send from credential for Messages 
> on your Mac/s. Is your phone number showing up in that pop up menu yet? Once 
> this is done all your iMessages should sync between devices. Ordinary text 
> messages, however, will not sync.
> -- 
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Re: HELP! Mac crashed

2013-02-15 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I solved it and posted my steps in another message.
On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I'd start by doing a permissions repair from the recovery partition.
> If you don't know how, let us know. Maybe there's a better starting point, 
> but that's where I'd go first.
> - Original Message - From: "Sarai Bucciarelli" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 8:51 PM
> Subject: HELP! Mac crashed
>> Help!
>> I rebooted my MBP running ML. It looks like a brand new Mac that has
>> been wiped. All folders are empty, VO is back to defaults. I am still
>> in my user account, and it is not locked. When I check the disk space
>> on my disk, it shows about 200GB free, and the disk is 500 GB. Based
>> on this observation, I know it is not empty.  It is not locked, I'm
>> still the only account, it is an admin account. If I go to
>> applications, I see all my installed apps there. If iI go to my
>> computer, choose my user name, it shows my folders such as documents
>> and desktop, but says I do not have permition to read or write. I even
>> get that same error if I stay in applications to long. I tried to
>> access preferences, and it looks empty, but I cannot stay there long
>> b/c of cannot read or right permisions error.
>> I've tried rebooting, rebooting in recovery mode and repairing
>> permitions and repairing disk. I've tried logging off and back on my
>> account. I'm stuck!
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Carlene Knight
It's my understanding that Apple bought out Nuance. I was not aware that 
Microsoft  had  many voices. Are they as high quality as Alex is? I would like 
to hear  Alex on my eye devices instead of Samantha.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to 
> side with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how good 
> Alex is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new voiecs, 
> although I think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but still; 
> Microsoft has made many high quality voices, in many languages. They made 
> them all, so why can't Apple? Why not make voices in the superior Apple way? 
> To me, Neuance is like one step above acapella is in Read2go. And now, in 
> iOs6.1, the premium voiec of us english won't download. I have it all set 
> correctly, and have been waiting for days. So that's the only 2 things that 
> annoy meabout  iOs 6 and iOs in general. 
> Sent from my iPod with iCloud
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
> one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
> dissettles me!
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues.
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> email to
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> For more options, visit
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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Carlene Knight
I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech built 
in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes Apple and 
others try to release too many features at once  and don't make sure they all 
work correctly first. They get in a hurry. Let me point out that it is not just 
Apple   who does this.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:59 AM, "J.P."  wrote:

> Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with some 
> of this. No disrespect to the dead!
> -- 
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Re: Signatures in Mac Mail

2013-02-15 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, all.

Red Falcon, I'm unable to copy the names of any of my signatures from any 
account, including all. I am able to copy the text of the signature and then 
create a new signature in a paticular account and paste in the copied text. 
This is the work around I have been using but it creates duplicate signatures 
and provides problems with syncing between multiple devices.

Barry, thanks so much for these steps. I had tried this method but I think I 
must have forgotten the crutial step of routing the mouse to the VO curser 
before pressing VO-COMMAND-SHIFT-SPACE to mouse up on the account to which I 
was moving the signature. I've just done it successfully following your steps 
exactly. Thanks!


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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys. 
I have been trying to decide how I wanted to respond to this thread or whether 
I wanted to jump in here on this topic or not. However, here is my two cents. 

We have acquired, as a blindness community, an increased responsibility to our 
computer-using blind colleagues. Here's what I mean by that. There are several 
advantages for us in being served by mainstream companies, but are some 
disadvantages as well. You've got folks at Apple who are busily working 
diligently on accessibility issues. However, if I had to guess, there are other 
folks there who know nothing about accessibility, and they are busy doing their 
thing. I suspect that every now and then the folks that know nothing about 
accessibility are going to put out something that we're going to have trouble 
with. When that happens, then that is where our responsibility comes in because 
if we don't let it be known about problems, then it will be assumed we are 
having no trouble. 

I also think that we need to have a distinction between personal wants and real 
needs. For instance, I might really like other voices on my iPhone, but the 
reality is that, because I don't have a serious hearing difficulty, I can do 
just fine with the one that's on there. However, I might have a real need for 
sure to increase my ability to fill out horrible forms on my Mac, especially if 
the capsha issue isn't resolved somehow. 


On Feb 15, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:

> It's my understanding that Apple bought out Nuance. I was not aware that 
> Microsoft  had  many voices. Are they as high quality as Alex is? I would 
> like to hear  Alex on my eye devices instead of Samantha.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to 
>> side with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how 
>> good Alex is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new 
>> voiecs, although I think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but 
>> still; Microsoft has made many high quality voices, in many languages. They 
>> made them all, so why can't Apple? Why not make voices in the superior Apple 
>> way? To me, Neuance is like one step above acapella is in Read2go. And now, 
>> in iOs6.1, the premium voiec of us english won't download. I have it all set 
>> correctly, and have been waiting for days. So that's the only 2 things that 
>> annoy meabout  iOs 6 and iOs in general. 
>> Sent from my iPod with iCloud
>> On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>  wrote:
>> And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
>> one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
>> dissettles me!
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> E-mail:
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
>> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues.
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
>> slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
>> more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!
>> J.P.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you a

Re: Do not download new slacker radio update

2013-02-15 Thread ppowells09
Hi Jessica To my knowledge, you get six skips per hour. I'm not sure if that is 
per station. Also, to Matthew, Look for I believe it is create a 
station/playlist in the main navigation pain on the left hand side of the iPad 
app. I'll help however I can. It's very intuitive. very  easy.  

Pam Francis

On Feb 15, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

How many skips do you get with a free acount?  I've never exhausted mne, as 
opposed to spotify/IHeart radio, but have been really careful not to do that 
though, and really like their selections compared to spotify, and the fact that 
you can ban a certain song without having to ban the whole artist.

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:44 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an account will think about  upgrading.  Apparently you can get 
> unlimited skipping.  I am still trying to figure out how to create a new 
> station.  Thabnks.
> Matthew
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:26 PM, wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> There are two tiers Of slacker subscriptions.
>> The plus subscription, $3.99 per month. The premium subscription is $9.95 
>> per month. The premium subscription, allows you to play albums/songs on 
>> demand, create and save your own stations With more control over what 
>> artists are on them. I believe on all levels you have access to ESPN radio, 
>> and ABC news. Go to and check it out. If I have given the 
>> site in error, Google, slacker radio. 
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 4:57 PM, matthew Dyer  
>> wrote:
>> How much is a  subscribsion to slacker radio?  I just screated an account 
>> but with the app not sure how to listen to an aboum or what have you.  I did 
>> play around with the nnew version and ho[pe they can get it fixed soon.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Carlene Knight wrote:
>>> My husband who is cited says the layout looks nicer and it is easier to 
>>> use. I'm assuming you don't have to go into the menu to do different things 
>>> but it sure messes it up for us.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 10:14 AM, wrote:
 Yes, with a slacker subscription, you can cash content to your device. 
 Also, premium subscribers can listen to a given album on demand if it is 
 within their library. Some stations  play songs that are not downloadable 
 due to the rights having expired. However one can still add them to a 
 favorite songs station and replay them. The iPad app still works.
 Pam Francis
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:56 AM, Christine Grassman  
 I am deeply disappointed about this update. I love Slacker, and do have a 
 subscription. I canceled my Pandora subscription, in fact, and switched to 
 Slacker, mostly because I like that I can skip songs if I like without a 
 limit. With the subscription I have, you can cache content on the phone.
 On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Jessica Moss  
> Oh wow, thanx for the info there, I had no idea there even was an update. 
>  I love their service, but don't have a premium subscription.
> What's the advantage to that aside from being able to listen to a station 
> simply by 1 artist?  I picked out a station for Hannah to listen to 1 
> night, and next thing I knew, after about possibly 20 minuttes or so, I 
> got an alert message telling me "station exhaustion," which I'd never 
> gotten before, so I thought that was interesting, but that's the only 
> issue I have with it; otherwise, I love it.
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:51 AM, wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I too am a slacker subscriber. I pay for the premium membership. And 
>> definitely not a fan of the new layout. It would not take much to make 
>> all of their  buttons work. I will never understand why the vendor of a 
>> subscription app feels the need to totally rearrange the layout. In my 
>> opinion, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I have found through their 
>> support  Email system, one gets very little response. I eventually found 
>> them and have the contact on my phone to get to their direct tech 
>> support via phone. Their email system seems to shoot back automatic 
>> computer responses rather than having a human look at what the issues 
>> are and correct them. That app has been decent for years. There was no 
>> reason to totally rearrange the layout especially for those of us who 
>> can no longer reliably use it on iPhone. I agree, the iPad app, seems 
>> not to have changed. However, if the iPhone app changes, I'm concerned 
>> about the changes they will make in their  iPad app. It would be a real 
>> shame to lose that service. 
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:23 PM, Carlene Knight  
>> wrote:
>>> Do not download the new sla

Re: New episode, activator, can your smartphone really be smart?

2013-02-15 Thread Michael Babcock
When you click on the link, scroll down the page until you find the text 
"listen to this brief audio" that is a link that you can click on. The file is 
an M for a file, and should automatically begin playing at that point. Hope 
this helps.

Note: this message likely dictated, however not proofread on my iPhone.
Check us out online:
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 15, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I clicked this link to hear the podcast, but don't see any place to play the 
> podcast, and it's not playing automaticly.  Is there something I'm missing?
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:
>> For most of you, the concept of a smart phone actually being smart is 
>> relatively foreign. However, as a follow-up to a previous episode that we 
>> did on our podcast, jailbreaking your iOS device. I wanted to record a brief 
>> audio podcast explaining a new app I utilize on a daily basis. This 
>> application comes installed when you are installing some jailbroken 
>> applications. It is called activator, and it allows you to turn your smart 
>> phone into a “smart device”. What is all of this talk about making your 
>> smartphone a smart device? And, what am I talking about? Well, what if you 
>> plugged in your headphones, and your phone was smart enough to open 
>> bossjock? Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, my phone does. Why doesn't yours?…
>> Please visit the website below to listen to this episode. I also asked that 
>> you utilize the social networking buttons such as twitter, Facebook, and 
>> Google plus to share this episode with your network of friends! I appreciate 
>> the support that I have received for this podcast from the blind community.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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> To post to this group, send email to
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RE: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread
The other part of that is that the same thing happens if we are using a 3rd 
party access software such as Jaws.  So, it really seems unfair to expect that 
VoiceOver be more on top of it than Jaws or Window-Eyes.  After all it is not 
the same programmer programming email or Pages that is programming VoiceOver, 
and it is unlikely that VoiceOver designers have that much access to apps like 
Pages prior to it being released any more than Freedom Scientific has access to 
the latest release of Microsoft Word 2013 very much before the new release of 
Word hits the market.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Eugenia Firth
Sent: February 15, 2013 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

Hi guys. 
I have been trying to decide how I wanted to respond to this thread or whether 
I wanted to jump in here on this topic or not. However, here is my two cents. 

We have acquired, as a blindness community, an increased responsibility to our 
computer-using blind colleagues. Here's what I mean by that. There are several 
advantages for us in being served by mainstream companies, but are some 
disadvantages as well. You've got folks at Apple who are busily working 
diligently on accessibility issues. However, if I had to guess, there are other 
folks there who know nothing about accessibility, and they are busy doing their 
thing. I suspect that every now and then the folks that know nothing about 
accessibility are going to put out something that we're going to have trouble 
with. When that happens, then that is where our responsibility comes in because 
if we don't let it be known about problems, then it will be assumed we are 
having no trouble. 

I also think that we need to have a distinction between personal wants and real 
needs. For instance, I might really like other voices on my iPhone, but the 
reality is that, because I don't have a serious hearing difficulty, I can do 
just fine with the one that's on there. However, I might have a real need for 
sure to increase my ability to fill out horrible forms on my Mac, especially if 
the capsha issue isn't resolved somehow. 


On Feb 15, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:

> It's my understanding that Apple bought out Nuance. I was not aware that 
> Microsoft  had  many voices. Are they as high quality as Alex is? I would 
> like to hear  Alex on my eye devices instead of Samantha.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to 
>> side with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how 
>> good Alex is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new 
>> voiecs, although I think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but 
>> still; Microsoft has made many high quality voices, in many languages. They 
>> made them all, so why can't Apple? Why not make voices in the superior Apple 
>> way? To me, Neuance is like one step above acapella is in Read2go. And now, 
>> in iOs6.1, the premium voiec of us english won't download. I have it all set 
>> correctly, and have been waiting for days. So that's the only 2 things that 
>> annoy meabout  iOs 6 and iOs in general. 
>> Sent from my iPod with iCloud
>> On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>  wrote:
>> And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
>> one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
>> dissettles me!
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> E-mail:
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
>> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues.
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope thing

Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Devin Prater
Oh wait, Apple may not have bought them, but they are in contract with them. 
The microsoft "speech platform" can be downloaded on all ghersions of windows, 
just google search Microsoft Speech Platform. Some are high quality, like the 
Zira voice for US English, some are 8k. But they're all quite good. 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On Feb 15, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:

It's my understanding that Apple bought out Nuance. I was not aware that 
Microsoft  had  many voices. Are they as high quality as Alex is? I would like 
to hear  Alex on my eye devices instead of Samantha.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to 
> side with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how good 
> Alex is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new voiecs, 
> although I think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but still; 
> Microsoft has made many high quality voices, in many languages. They made 
> them all, so why can't Apple? Why not make voices in the superior Apple way? 
> To me, Neuance is like one step above acapella is in Read2go. And now, in 
> iOs6.1, the premium voiec of us english won't download. I have it all set 
> correctly, and have been waiting for days. So that's the only 2 things that 
> annoy meabout  iOs 6 and iOs in general. 
> Sent from my iPod with iCloud
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby 
> one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set.  That really! 
> dissettles me!
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42
> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues.
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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RE: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread
Folks, let us remember that you will have more chances of crashes, web pages 
that don’t read right, and the whole 9 yards from Windows screen readers, and 
they have been around a lot longer than VoiceOver. So, let’s tell Apple what 
needs fixed, and what needs improvement, but quit complaining if we aren’t 
willing to be a part of the solution.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Rod Skene
Sent: February 15, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is the 
best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether you're 
talking mobile or PC.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:

> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues. 
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Devin Prater
I do agree there. The only 2 complaints I have is the compact voice issue, and 
that UEB braille, as in the Australian and South African voices, does not work 
good with quotation marks sometimes, and if I do, for example, the 
{{?.}}ιtalics{{]italic}} things, or other formatting, it just shows it in text, 
as in that example. I may write to about those though. 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On Feb 15, 2013, at 9:42 PM, "" 

Folks, let us remember that you will have more chances of crashes, web pages 
that don’t read right, and the whole 9 yards from Windows screen readers, and 
they have been around a lot longer than VoiceOver. So, let’s tell Apple what 
needs fixed, and what needs improvement, but quit complaining if we aren’t 
willing to be a part of the solution.
Sent from Windows Mail
From: Rod Skene
Sent: February 15, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is the 
best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether you're 
talking mobile or PC.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:

> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues. 
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

No need to make excuses for Apple.  The IBooks store and the App Store have 
become significantly less accessible with the changing IOS versions.  This 
doesn't have to happen and is a bad sign.  In IBooks, there are horizontal rows 
of titles and at either end of those rows oone encounters a slider or something 
that when barely touched will shift the titles listings so that a blind user 
has a hell of a time determining what the list actually contains.

The same slider in the contacts list on the IPhone works well because it 
somehow paces itself with the user's scrolling finger and is very usable.

The App Store has these screen shots and a tiny place to flick up or whatever 
that in using the I-devices since 2010, I have not been able to master.  The 
earlier iteration of the app store's accessibility worked so well that it was 
easy to read about the apps, move through a list and so on.  I have barely used 
either the app store or IBooks store since these limitations became part of the 

These changes make it nearly impossible for a new blind user to get a confident 
sense of the potential for independent access that we got only a few IOS 
upgrades ago.  This would be very off putting to me if I had acquired my 
I-device recently.

Apple does not have to model its screen reader and access after the seriously 
broken JAWS example.  I use JAWS at work and have never experienced a computer 
program so poorly equipped to do a job.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 15/02/2013, at 15:50, "Blake Sinnett"  wrote:


I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the middle 
of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often. iCloud, bugs 
in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of course Tim's 
just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll smooth out. The only thing we 
can do is wait and see what happens.


Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:42 AM
Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues.
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Kerri
Yo are right but go figure: I would get into IOS just when things start going 
wrong. lol.
On 2013-02-15, at 6:31 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:

> I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech 
> built in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes 
> Apple and others try to release too many features at once  and don't make 
> sure they all work correctly first. They get in a hurry. Let me point out 
> that it is not just Apple   who does this.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:59 AM, "J.P."  wrote:
>> Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with some 
>> of this. No disrespect to the dead!
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Kerri

I was not going to chime in but I must. I feel that as has been iterated here 
prior, it is our responsibility to notify Apple of genuine accessibility issues 
for we shall not obtain assistance if we do not bring the need forth. 
On 2013-02-15, at 3:56 PM, Rod Skene  wrote:

> I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
> eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is 
> the best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether 
> you're talking mobile or PC.
> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling 
> errors.
> On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues. 
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
>> slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
>> more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!
>> J.P.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread ppowells09
Hi folks, I think Apple is finally catching up to the idea there is competition 
for its products. It is not the boutique high-end product line as it once  was, 
even though it likes to think it is.  Though it is still a quality product, 
there are tech companies catching up in quality in a real hurry and doing it 
cheaper. I think Apple knows this, that's why they feel the need to have 
multiple releases Withany year rather than their annual release as they used 
to. I only hope Accessibility is not thrust to the side in the process. 
However, even the newer android tablets, have  really good accessibility. We 
are going to have to accept, it is no longer Steve jobs Apple. He would never 
have allowed the flaws That have come in the products since his passing. 
Give it a couple of years, Apple will be just like Panasonic or any other 
household name, hopefully, also at their prices. If not, other companies will 
pass them by. That is sad to say, however it is reality in the marketplace.

Pam Francis

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:

Yo are right but go figure: I would get into IOS just when things start going 
wrong. lol.
On 2013-02-15, at 6:31 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:

> I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech 
> built in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes 
> Apple and others try to release too many features at once  and don't make 
> sure they all work correctly first. They get in a hurry. Let me point out 
> that it is not just Apple   who does this.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:59 AM, "J.P."  wrote:
>> Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with some 
>> of this. No disrespect to the dead!
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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Re: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

like I said,  what are you people talking about?  Was Steve Jobs not running 
Apple when Antenna gate hit?  Or, how about the horror show known as mobile me? 
 Don't get me wrong, What Steve Jobs did to turn around Apple was nothing short 
of amazing.  But that being said, mistakes are always made no matter who is 
running the show.  And these devices are planned way ahead of time.  iPhones do 
not appear out of thin air.  I would be shocked if Jobs didn't have some input 
in the iPhone 5, and the iPad 3rd gen at least.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:53 PM, wrote:

> Hi folks, I think Apple is finally catching up to the idea there is 
> competition for its products. It is not the boutique high-end product line as 
> it once  was, even though it likes to think it is.  Though it is still a 
> quality product, there are tech companies catching up in quality in a real 
> hurry and doing it cheaper. I think Apple knows this, that's why they feel 
> the need to have multiple releases Withany year rather than their annual 
> release as they used to. I only hope Accessibility is not thrust to the side 
> in the process. However, even the newer android tablets, have  really good 
> accessibility. We are going to have to accept, it is no longer Steve jobs 
> Apple. He would never have allowed the flaws That have come in the 
> products since his passing. Give it a couple of years, Apple will be just 
> like Panasonic or any other household name, hopefully, also at their prices. 
> If not, other companies will pass them by. That is sad to say, however it is 
> reality in the marketplace.
> Pam Francis
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
> Yo are right but go figure: I would get into IOS just when things start going 
> wrong. lol.
> On 2013-02-15, at 6:31 PM, Carlene Knight  wrote:
>> I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech 
>> built in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes 
>> Apple and others try to release too many features at once  and don't make 
>> sure they all work correctly first. They get in a hurry. Let me point out 
>> that it is not just Apple   who does this.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:59 AM, "J.P."  wrote:
>>> Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with 
>>> some of this. No disrespect to the dead!
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

I must say, I'm at a total loss about iBooks and the app store.  These seem to 
be working fine for me on all my IOS devices.  I remember a few months back, 
when they first changed the app store there was accessible issues.  I think 
they fixed that in a month or less.  And I've never had any problems using the 
table index sliders.  Just to be clear, I'm not saying that you are not indeed 
having these issues.  I'm just wondering, could it be user error?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:57 PM, Cheree Heppe  wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> No need to make excuses for Apple.  The IBooks store and the App Store have 
> become significantly less accessible with the changing IOS versions.  This 
> doesn't have to happen and is a bad sign.  In IBooks, there are horizontal 
> rows of titles and at either end of those rows oone encounters a slider or 
> something that when barely touched will shift the titles listings so that a 
> blind user has a hell of a time determining what the list actually contains.
> The same slider in the contacts list on the IPhone works well because it 
> somehow paces itself with the user's scrolling finger and is very usable.
> The App Store has these screen shots and a tiny place to flick up or whatever 
> that in using the I-devices since 2010, I have not been able to master.  The 
> earlier iteration of the app store's accessibility worked so well that it was 
> easy to read about the apps, move through a list and so on.  I have barely 
> used either the app store or IBooks store since these limitations became part 
> of the IOS.
> These changes make it nearly impossible for a new blind user to get a 
> confident sense of the potential for independent access that we got only a 
> few IOS upgrades ago.  This would be very off putting to me if I had acquired 
> my I-device recently.
> Apple does not have to model its screen reader and access after the seriously 
> broken JAWS example.  I use JAWS at work and have never experienced a 
> computer program so poorly equipped to do a job.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
> On 15/02/2013, at 15:50, "Blake Sinnett"  wrote:
> Hello,
> I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the 
> middle of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often. 
> iCloud, bugs in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of 
> course Tim's just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll smooth out. 
> The only thing we can do is wait and see what happens.
> Blake
> --
> From: 
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:42 AM
> To: 
> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>> has had so many issues.
>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
>> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle.
>> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset.
>> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
>> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
>> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option.
>> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to 
>> stability, clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple 
>> products, and hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling 
>> slightly let down? This is just a short list, I know you could point out 
>> more. I just pointed out a few which never should have happened!
>> J.P.
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Alex Hall
I agree. While I don't use the iBook Store much, I use the App Store all the 
time. Once I got used to the new layout, I had no problems at all, and still 
don't. Yes, I preferred the old layout, but one thing we have to remember is 
that the iOS platform is geared toward being visually pleasing and easy to use. 
Putting accessibility on that should not limit Apple. That is, if it sells more 
devices and looks better to set things up the way they have done in iOS6, and 
if that new interface can be made totally accessible, then they have every 
right to make the change. Just because it is different, or not as easy to use 
at first glance, does not make it worse. For instance, one thing people forget 
to use in the new App Store is heading navigation, which lets you flick between 
the app and the selected information. You can also touch the left-most tab on 
the bottom, flick left once, and there's your adjustable picker of search 
results. Does Apple make mistakes? Yes, and plenty of them, but they sell 
millions of units and are trying to please a huge range of users. Do they make 
interfaces that are accessible but horrible to use? Yes (Garageband, for 
instance - you can use it, but not efficiently). Overall, though, they do their 
best, they have an amazing accessibility department, and, remember, Voiceover 
is still younger than most of the screen readers out there, yet it can easily 
compete with any of them.
On Feb 16, 2013, at 12:28 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I must say, I'm at a total loss about iBooks and the app store.  These seem 
> to be working fine for me on all my IOS devices.  I remember a few months 
> back, when they first changed the app store there was accessible issues.  I 
> think they fixed that in a month or less.  And I've never had any problems 
> using the table index sliders.  Just to be clear, I'm not saying that you are 
> not indeed having these issues.  I'm just wondering, could it be user error?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:57 PM, Cheree Heppe  wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> No need to make excuses for Apple.  The IBooks store and the App Store have 
>> become significantly less accessible with the changing IOS versions.  This 
>> doesn't have to happen and is a bad sign.  In IBooks, there are horizontal 
>> rows of titles and at either end of those rows oone encounters a slider or 
>> something that when barely touched will shift the titles listings so that a 
>> blind user has a hell of a time determining what the list actually contains.
>> The same slider in the contacts list on the IPhone works well because it 
>> somehow paces itself with the user's scrolling finger and is very usable.
>> The App Store has these screen shots and a tiny place to flick up or 
>> whatever that in using the I-devices since 2010, I have not been able to 
>> master.  The earlier iteration of the app store's accessibility worked so 
>> well that it was easy to read about the apps, move through a list and so on. 
>>  I have barely used either the app store or IBooks store since these 
>> limitations became part of the IOS.
>> These changes make it nearly impossible for a new blind user to get a 
>> confident sense of the potential for independent access that we got only a 
>> few IOS upgrades ago.  This would be very off putting to me if I had 
>> acquired my I-device recently.
>> Apple does not have to model its screen reader and access after the 
>> seriously broken JAWS example.  I use JAWS at work and have never 
>> experienced a computer program so poorly equipped to do a job.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> Sent from my IPhone 4S
>> On 15/02/2013, at 15:50, "Blake Sinnett"  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the 
>> middle of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often. 
>> iCloud, bugs in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of 
>> course Tim's just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll smooth out. 
>> The only thing we can do is wait and see what happens.
>> Blake
>> --
>> From: 
>> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:42 AM
>> To: 
>> Subject: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!
>>> OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
>>> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release 
>>> in October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple 
>>> has had so many issues.
>>> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
>>> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
>>> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software.
>>> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
>>> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community.
>>> thirdly, who can forget