Favorites in All Recipes

2013-01-10 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have a perplexing problem.  My husband bought me an Iphone 5 for Christmas. I 
tried to restore my Iphone from a previous backup. Everything restored 
beautifully except my favorites from the app All Recipes. It seems that every 
time I restore, I have this problem and I have to try and remember each recipe 
I have added to this app. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thank you for 
any insight you can provide.


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our 
breath away

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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread William Windels
Hello Nicholas,

I work also with a macbook air and I have the same problem. I think that your 
problem is the case for most MacBooks. What you can do is:
configure the trackpad that you can activate the functions of voiceover that 
you should normally do with the right voiceover keys. Since you can more easily 
activate the trackpad with both hands, this could be perhaps a solution.

If you need assistance how to assign functions to you trackpad , mail me or the 
Otherwise, you can buy a external keyboard but your configuration isn't that 
portable anymore.
Good luck,

William Windels
Op 10-jan.-2013, om 05:34 heeft Nicholas Parsons 
 het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> I use both an iMac and MacBook Air. I love them both.
> Sounds like I use my MacBook Air for exactly the same things you need. I have 
> the standard 13" with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD. In comparison my iMac has 16GB 
> of RAM and 1TB HD.
> This MacBook Air is perfect for my needs and it never seems slow and I don't 
> run out of space. I keep my huge media library on the iMac and just use 
> iTunes Match for my Air. I use Dropbox for all my other files.
> The MacBook Air is really fast to load and doesn't seem slow or powerless at 
> all for the tasks I use it for. In fact, it often seems faster than my iMac, 
> but this is probably just because my iMac is typically doing more things.
> The only downside of the MacBook Air for me is the smaller keyboard. I use 
> the Apple USD keyboard with my iMac as I like having VoiceOver keys on both 
> sides of the keyboard. The MacBook Air has the standard MacBook and Bluetooth 
> keyboard set up with control, option and command on the left of the space bar 
> and only command and option on the left. I've played around with a number of 
> configurations of this but nothing is as good as the USB keyboard with all 
> three modifier keys on each side.
> Best,
> Nic 
> -- 
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Re: How to help blind people new to Mac learn it as fast and smooth as possible

2013-01-10 Thread Kliphton A M
The one thing that someone told me helped the most.  Forget everything you know 
about windows!  The 2 systems are as different as night and day, so open your 
mind, and learn the new OS, because even though your not a knew computer user, 
the system is new to you.  Once you do this, everything will start to make more 

Kliphton Senior
(Email&iMessage) kliph...@gmail.com
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!) http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com
(Life Journal) kliphton.wordpress.com

On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:28 AM, David Hole  wrote:

> Hi folks.
> As far as I know, there are many here in this group who are helping
> blind people switching from Windows to Mac.
> Do you have any strategies to help them get fast into the VoiceOver
> commands, and how they can "distance" them selves from the Windows
> platform, and learn Mac the best way there is?
> For example, is the best way to first learn to use VoiceOver with the
> QuickKeys, or the hard way with so many keys pressed at once some
> times?
> What about what to learn first, do you learn them a piece of software
> (such as Mail or Safari) or how the OS and how VoiceOver interacts
> with it before going into apps?
> All comments on this is really welcome.
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Favorites in All Recipes

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
I would use a different app. I love Pepperplate, because it is a website as 
well as an app. I can add recipes on the website, where it's easier to type 
anyway, then they sync to the iOS app when I open it. It has other features, 
like a shopping list and menu planner, but I don't use those. I made an entry 
on applevis.com for it if you want to look it up; it explains the accessibility 
problems with the app, which mostly have to do with editing recipes - you can 
view them just fine. As I said, though, it syncs with your web-based account, 
so you can edit recipes online and the changes will be pushed to your device 
next time the app is opened with a web connection present.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 4:53 AM, Allison Manzino  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a perplexing problem.  My husband bought me an Iphone 5 for Christmas. 
> I tried to restore my Iphone from a previous backup. Everything restored 
> beautifully except my favorites from the app All Recipes. It seems that every 
> time I restore, I have this problem and I have to try and remember each 
> recipe I have added to this app. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? 
> Thank you for any insight you can provide.
> Allison
> Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our 
> breath away
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
I can't recommend remapping your caps lock key highly enough. The only 
disadvantage is that you can't use that key for the normal caps lock 
functionality, but I rarely type in all caps anyway so don't miss it. After 
doing the remap, I have never needed to touch the control and option keys on 
the right side of my full-sized keyboard, so Macbook users should find this 
extremely helpful.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:11 AM, William Windels  wrote:

> Hello Nicholas,
> I work also with a macbook air and I have the same problem. I think that your 
> problem is the case for most MacBooks. What you can do is:
> configure the trackpad that you can activate the functions of voiceover that 
> you should normally do with the right voiceover keys. Since you can more 
> easily activate the trackpad with both hands, this could be perhaps a 
> solution.
> If you need assistance how to assign functions to you trackpad , mail me or 
> the list.
> Otherwise, you can buy a external keyboard but your configuration isn't that 
> portable anymore.
> Good luck,
> William Windels
> Op 10-jan.-2013, om 05:34 heeft Nicholas Parsons 
>  het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi,
>> I use both an iMac and MacBook Air. I love them both.
>> Sounds like I use my MacBook Air for exactly the same things you need. I 
>> have the standard 13" with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD. In comparison my iMac has 
>> 16GB of RAM and 1TB HD.
>> This MacBook Air is perfect for my needs and it never seems slow and I don't 
>> run out of space. I keep my huge media library on the iMac and just use 
>> iTunes Match for my Air. I use Dropbox for all my other files.
>> The MacBook Air is really fast to load and doesn't seem slow or powerless at 
>> all for the tasks I use it for. In fact, it often seems faster than my iMac, 
>> but this is probably just because my iMac is typically doing more things.
>> The only downside of the MacBook Air for me is the smaller keyboard. I use 
>> the Apple USD keyboard with my iMac as I like having VoiceOver keys on both 
>> sides of the keyboard. The MacBook Air has the standard MacBook and 
>> Bluetooth keyboard set up with control, option and command on the left of 
>> the space bar and only command and option on the left. I've played around 
>> with a number of configurations of this but nothing is as good as the USB 
>> keyboard with all three modifier keys on each side.
>> Best,
>> Nic 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Getting vo-keys on both sides of the keyboard: offshoot of: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
If you use keyremap4macbook, you can get modifiers on both sides of the 
keyboard. What I do is change return to be return when pressed by itself but 
control when placed in combination. So on the right side of the keyboard, I 
have command and option and by reaching just a little and adding return I have 
vo keys. I also happen to use the configuration that allows caps lock to be 
voiceover keys so I have two options on the left side. They are some other ways 
to set up the right side of your keyboard with keyremap4macbook so you could 
play around with it if you are interested and maybe find something that works 
for you. I also like having vo-keys on both sides so I used the larger old 
bluetooth Apple keyboard until it died and also still do have the usb keyboard 
with the full numeric keypad. I like having options.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 9, 2013, at 10:34 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> I use both an iMac and MacBook Air. I love them both.
> Sounds like I use my MacBook Air for exactly the same things you need. I have 
> the standard 13" with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD. In comparison my iMac has 16GB 
> of RAM and 1TB HD.
> This MacBook Air is perfect for my needs and it never seems slow and I don't 
> run out of space. I keep my huge media library on the iMac and just use 
> iTunes Match for my Air. I use Dropbox for all my other files.
> The MacBook Air is really fast to load and doesn't seem slow or powerless at 
> all for the tasks I use it for. In fact, it often seems faster than my iMac, 
> but this is probably just because my iMac is typically doing more things.
> The only downside of the MacBook Air for me is the smaller keyboard. I use 
> the Apple USD keyboard with my iMac as I like having VoiceOver keys on both 
> sides of the keyboard. The MacBook Air has the standard MacBook and Bluetooth 
> keyboard set up with control, option and command on the left of the space bar 
> and only command and option on the left. I've played around with a number of 
> configurations of this but nothing is as good as the USB keyboard with all 
> three modifier keys on each side.
> Best,
> Nic 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I've done the caps lock remap but I still like having vo-keys on the right side 
also and in this case it's possible for me to have my cake and eat it too!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:14 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I can't recommend remapping your caps lock key highly enough. The only 
> disadvantage is that you can't use that key for the normal caps lock 
> functionality, but I rarely type in all caps anyway so don't miss it. After 
> doing the remap, I have never needed to touch the control and option keys on 
> the right side of my full-sized keyboard, so Macbook users should find this 
> extremely helpful.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:11 AM, William Windels  
> wrote:
>> Hello Nicholas,
>> I work also with a macbook air and I have the same problem. I think that 
>> your problem is the case for most MacBooks. What you can do is:
>> configure the trackpad that you can activate the functions of voiceover that 
>> you should normally do with the right voiceover keys. Since you can more 
>> easily activate the trackpad with both hands, this could be perhaps a 
>> solution.
>> If you need assistance how to assign functions to you trackpad , mail me or 
>> the list.
>> Otherwise, you can buy a external keyboard but your configuration isn't that 
>> portable anymore.
>> Good luck,
>> William Windels
>> Op 10-jan.-2013, om 05:34 heeft Nicholas Parsons 
>>  het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use both an iMac and MacBook Air. I love them both.
>>> Sounds like I use my MacBook Air for exactly the same things you need. I 
>>> have the standard 13" with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD. In comparison my iMac 
>>> has 16GB of RAM and 1TB HD.
>>> This MacBook Air is perfect for my needs and it never seems slow and I 
>>> don't run out of space. I keep my huge media library on the iMac and just 
>>> use iTunes Match for my Air. I use Dropbox for all my other files.
>>> The MacBook Air is really fast to load and doesn't seem slow or powerless 
>>> at all for the tasks I use it for. In fact, it often seems faster than my 
>>> iMac, but this is probably just because my iMac is typically doing more 
>>> things.
>>> The only downside of the MacBook Air for me is the smaller keyboard. I use 
>>> the Apple USD keyboard with my iMac as I like having VoiceOver keys on both 
>>> sides of the keyboard. The MacBook Air has the standard MacBook and 
>>> Bluetooth keyboard set up with control, option and command on the left of 
>>> the space bar and only command and option on the left. I've played around 
>>> with a number of configurations of this but nothing is as good as the USB 
>>> keyboard with all three modifier keys on each side.
>>> Best,
>>> Nic 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Here's a post of Tim Kilburn's on this subject; it helped me when nothing else 
completely did.
"Try the following. 

1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 

• Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
• Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
• Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top of 
the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you actually 
make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 

2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout: 

• Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
• Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
• Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the left 
hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As in the 
first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the dragging 
process will occur. 

Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter and 
in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each case 
requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 

There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
Content Area", life is good. 

The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located this 
Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will announce 
"Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, navigate to 
the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column Group and 
Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if the 
Preview pane is gone."


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Try just double clicking the splitter. Move to it, route your mouse cursor to 
> it with vo-cmd-f5, then hit vo-shift-space twice quickly. If you are not on 
> Mountain Lion, you may have more trouble with this.
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I've read that one can hide the preview pane in the three column view in 
>> Mail. This way, messages won't be marked as read unless you open them in a 
>> separate window. Currently I find it a little annoying that messages are 
>> marked as read when I've only read their subject line and not the full 
>> message.
>> However, I've been unable to work out how to do this with VoiceOver. 
>> Apparently one need only drag the vertical splitter between the message list 
>> and the preview pane all the way to the right. However, when I try 
>> interacting with this vertical splitter and VO-right arrowing all the way to 
>> the right until VoiceOver reads 100%, the preview pane is still visible to 
>> VoiceOver and messages still marked as read when I focus on them in the 
>> message list even when I haven't actually read them.
>> Has anyone else had any success with this?
>> Cheers
>> Nic
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
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Re: Getting vo-keys on both sides of the keyboard: offshoot of: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
That's a great idea! I might see if I can map option-shift or something. Thanks 
for the tip.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:51, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> If you use keyremap4macbook, you can get modifiers on both sides of the 
> keyboard. What I do is change return to be return when pressed by itself but 
> control when placed in combination. So on the right side of the keyboard, I 
> have command and option and by reaching just a little and adding return I 
> have vo keys. I also happen to use the configuration that allows caps lock to 
> be voiceover keys so I have two options on the left side. They are some other 
> ways to set up the right side of your keyboard with keyremap4macbook so you 
> could play around with it if you are interested and maybe find something that 
> works for you. I also like having vo-keys on both sides so I used the larger 
> old bluetooth Apple keyboard until it died and also still do have the usb 
> keyboard with the full numeric keypad. I like having options.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 10:34 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use both an iMac and MacBook Air. I love them both.
>> Sounds like I use my MacBook Air for exactly the same things you need. I 
>> have the standard 13" with 4GB RAM and 128 GB SSD. In comparison my iMac has 
>> 16GB of RAM and 1TB HD.
>> This MacBook Air is perfect for my needs and it never seems slow and I don't 
>> run out of space. I keep my huge media library on the iMac and just use 
>> iTunes Match for my Air. I use Dropbox for all my other files.
>> The MacBook Air is really fast to load and doesn't seem slow or powerless at 
>> all for the tasks I use it for. In fact, it often seems faster than my iMac, 
>> but this is probably just because my iMac is typically doing more things.
>> The only downside of the MacBook Air for me is the smaller keyboard. I use 
>> the Apple USD keyboard with my iMac as I like having VoiceOver keys on both 
>> sides of the keyboard. The MacBook Air has the standard MacBook and 
>> Bluetooth keyboard set up with control, option and command on the left of 
>> the space bar and only command and option on the left. I've played around 
>> with a number of configurations of this but nothing is as good as the USB 
>> keyboard with all three modifier keys on each side.
>> Best,
>> Nic 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi,  When you say double click do you mean tap?  I only ask as I don't thiink 
the track pad has a click does it?  Thanks.

matthew Dyer

matthew Dyer

Sent from my mac mini.
 e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
Skype: graduater 2004
Follow me on  twitter at mdyer1.
Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
Find me on zello  at graduater2004.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:29 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> Here's a post of Tim Kilburn's on this subject; it helped me when nothing 
> else completely did.
> "Try the following. 
> 1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 
> • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
> table. 
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
> cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
> Splitter". 
> • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top 
> of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you 
> actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 
> 2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout: 
> • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
> Group. 
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
> It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
> • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
> left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As 
> in the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the 
> dragging process will occur. 
> Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
> and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each 
> case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 
> There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
> navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
> Content Area", life is good. 
> The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
> Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
> Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
> Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located this 
> Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will announce 
> "Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, navigate 
> to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column Group and 
> Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if the 
> Preview pane is gone."
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Try just double clicking the splitter. Move to it, route your mouse cursor 
>> to it with vo-cmd-f5, then hit vo-shift-space twice quickly. If you are not 
>> on Mountain Lion, you may have more trouble with this.
>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I've read that one can hide the preview pane in the three column view in 
>>> Mail. This way, messages won't be marked as read unless you open them in a 
>>> separate window. Currently I find it a little annoying that messages are 
>>> marked as read when I've only read their subject line and not the full 
>>> message.
>>> However, I've been unable to work out how to do this with VoiceOver. 
>>> Apparently one need only drag the vertical splitter between the message 
>>> list and the preview pane all the way to the right. However, when I try 
>>> interacting with this vertical splitter and VO-right arrowing all the way 
>>> to the right until VoiceOver reads 100%, the preview pane is still visible 
>>> to VoiceOver and messages still marked as read when I focus on them in the 
>>> message list even when I haven't actually read them.
>>> Has anyone else had any success with this?
>>> Cheers
>>> Nic
>>> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> -- 
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>> For more opt

Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-10 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi Chris.

If you choose automatically in the sounds settings, it mirrors the sound to 
both the toslink and the HDMI connection. If you choose optical output, it 
switches off the sound in the HDMI connection and only send sound out in the 
optical output.

Someone asked to clear up any confusion regarding if a tv is needed or not: A 
tv is needed if you wanna watch movies. If you don't wanna watch movies but 
only listen to music, you can just plug it in your surround receiver. If you 
don't have the Apple tv hooked up to a tv which is turned on and on the right 
HDMI channel, nothing happens when you press play on a movie.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 09/01/2013 kl. 16.34 skrev Chris Blouch :

> Interesting. I know on a regular Mac you normally can only route the audio 
> output to one thing at a time. So in the case of an Apple TV when audio can 
> either go to the HDMI connection or the TOSLink connection, I wondered how it 
> would try to guess the right place or did it mirror to both? Sounds like it 
> gives preference to the HDMI connector if there is one. My surround receiver 
> is about 13 years old so it only has the TOSlink connection and no HDMI.
> CB
> On 1/9/13 10:17 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> The square connection which is called dvd optical input on your receiver can 
>> be connected to an Apple tv. The Apple tv does have a simular connection.
>> I have my Apple tv connected to both my tv with a HDMI caple and to my 
>> surround receiver by the optical connection, and it's only music and 
>> Voiceover which comes out in my receiver if I don't turn on my tv. If I try 
>> to play a movie, it won't start until I turn on the tv. I don't know why, 
>> but that's how it works for me, so I can't say that'll work for you when you 
>> don't have a tv.
>> By the way, this squared connecter is called Toslink. that's the name of the 
>> squared connecter.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
>> Website:
>> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
>> Den 09/01/2013 kl. 05.01 skrev Eric Caron :
>>> In my case i do not have a TV.  I only want the Apple TV to mirror my 
>>> computer and also to act as a air play receiver for my iPhone.  If there is 
>>> a digital output on the Apple TV then I should be able to find the correct 
>>> cable to go to my digital input.  These are connections I have never used 
>>> before.  My receiver is fairly old and does not have a HDMI or USB or Apple 
>>> dock or anything like that.  The Apple rep did not mention any other output 
>>> then the HDMI on the Apple TV, so I will need to confirm there is a optical 
>>> output. If present that should solve my problem.
>>> Eric Caron
>>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 There are a number of ways to do it. Running HDMI to the TV sets up the TV 
 to do the decoding but running an RCA pair from the TV to the receiver 
 means you're only getting stereo. Now if you only have two speakers then 
 that's fine but if you have the center, subwoofer and rear channel stuff 
 you probably want to get the full 6-channel digital signal to your 
 receiver somehow. Some newer receivers have HDMI inputs as well but my old 
 Dennon just has the optical and coaxial (RCA) digital inputs.
 On 1/8/13 10:07 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver. I 
> mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I ran my 
> Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television out via 
> RCA to the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Eric Caron" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
> Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver
> Hi listers,
> I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo receiver. 
> I'm not sure how to do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI 
> output and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is 
> square. A single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue 
> input with RCA jacks.
> Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
> receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?
> Eric Caron
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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-10 Thread Larry Skutchan
I am using one with a digital audio cable to the receiver, and it works 
well--you get the full 5.1.
Note, I have tried using HDMI to the TV. I have TV audio going into the stereo, 
but the audio from Apple TV does not get passed on to the receiver from the TV.

Also note, I cannot get HDMI input from Apple TV to stereo to show up on the 
screen. A direct connection to TV seems required. Other HDMI inputs from the 
receiver show up on the screen.

I have read that Apple is trying to prevent piracy, but this seems pretty far 

On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> I don't have an AppleTV (used a MacMini hooked to my receiver) but the specs 
> say that one of the ports is a Optical Audio connection in addition to the 
> HDMI port. So I would assume that this optical output could be connected to 
> the square DVD optical input using typical optical home theater audio cables.
> CB
> On 1/8/13 8:10 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>>  I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
>> receiver.  I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a 
>> HDMI output  and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that 
>> is square.  A single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue 
>> input with RCA jacks.
>>  Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
>> receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?
>> Eric Caron
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Hey all,

Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
random but they aren't so please read on.

I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
where it all ties in) as well but...

... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
"URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.

Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
advance for any help you can offer!


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Re: unarchiver program

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
The Archive Utility that comes with OSX (located in 
System/Library/CoreServices for some reason) will uncompress a dozen or 
so file formats including zip, bzip2, gz, tar, tgz, jar, compress (.Z) 
uuencode and others. So for most people it's all you'll need. Stuffit is 
a pretty old format which isn't used much anymore. It could handle the 
old (pre-OSX) Mac file format with its data and resource forks. Today 
OSX stores everything in plain old files so standard .zip pretty much 
works for everything.


On 1/9/13 11:37 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
What is a good,  accessible unarchiving program for various compressed 
files like .zip etc?
I have downloaded a program called StuffitExpander, but haven't tried 
it yet and have no idea if its accessible. I suppose I should follow 
my own advice and just give it a try and find out for myself, but 
thought I'd ask the experience of the list.
I have noticed that just opening (command O) a .zip file on the mac 
will automatically unzip it and place its contents in a folder. Is 
that functionality limited to only .zip extensions?

I need this for unarchiving sound fonts that I'm hunting for on the web.
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All Recipes app

2013-01-10 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Alex and all,

Thank you for the suggestion of Pepperplate. I've never heard of that app 
before. I will check out your podcast on Applevis. All Recipes.com is a website 
too which is why I don't really understand why my favorites keep disappearing. 
Thanks again.


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our 
breath away

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Re: AppleVis You Got Some Balls When It Comes to Password Strength

2013-01-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all, I guess I should have stated in my post/rant that I am a big
fan of the AppleVis site all of its content, staff, and all of us who
contribute there. I think they have created and maintained one of the
most useful sites for the blind community, and my rant wasn't about
the site, but the password reset the site uses to protect the site and
it's users. I posted this topic with one main goal in mind, to have
someone from AppleVis contact me about my password issues, and they
have. I would like to thank them for contacting me so quickly, and
addressing this issue. Thanks to all who helped.

On Jan 10, 2:49 am, Michael Babcock 
> From what I understand, he is unable to access his account. Therefore, he 
> would be unable to post his concerns in the forums. Please the only thing I 
> can suggest is follow the password criteria suggestions.
> http://empoweringtheblind.com
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:43 AM, Chris H  wrote:
> > Hello all
> > have you posted your concers to the forum?
> > Chris.
> > Christopher Hallsworth
> > On 10/01/2013 05:57, Brian Fischler wrote:
> >> Hey AppleVis, I am posting this here as I got locked out of my account
> >> and had to reset my password, and my old passwords that I use to use
> >> that were strong enough for Facebook, Twitter and Gamil are not strong
> >> enough for your site. Come to think of it I even used it for my bank
> >> account, but it is not strong enough for AppleVis. You do know that
> >> you aren't protecting any national security secrets. I hope this is
> >> just a bug with the site, because it is ridiculous that a password
> >> that had letters and no numbers repeating didn't work even when tried
> >> with a capital letter. You do realize that the password has to be
> >> something someone can remember and my password was 10 characters in
> >> length. Gee whiz. Oh well I have to try cracking Fort Knox I mean
> >> AppleVis tomorrow.
> > --
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> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Harry Hogue

There are no dumb questions if you don't ask them.  You won't know until you do 
ask.  To add an app to the Dock, press cmd+shift+T when you are focused on the 
name of the app.

As for Google and Safari, make sure you are clicking on the link and not the 
"result button."  I'm not sure what that button does, but as far as I know that 
does not get you where you want to be.  search results will have the name of 
the page as their title, and it will be a link which you can press VO-space 
onto access.

I hope this is helpful,


On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
> random but they aren't so please read on.
> I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
> to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
> do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
> where it all ties in) as well but...
> ... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
> whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
> issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
> actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
> "URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
> page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
> the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.
> Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
> first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
> advance for any help you can offer!
> -Marc
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the 
top level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably 
won't care but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the 
Applications folder as well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a 
'work in process' area for documents that you're currently working on. 
Once you have the app in the Applications folder you can select it and 
add it to the dock.


On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hey all,

Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
random but they aren't so please read on.

I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
where it all ties in) as well but...

... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
"URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.

Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
advance for any help you can offer!



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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all, thanks so much for all the great info. Nic, sounds like we
both think alike as I started looking into the mac air for exactly
what you are using it for. I am fortunate though as I have the same
bluetooth keyboard for my Imac that comes with the mac air, so it will
be virtually the same experience. I ran into a problem last year when
I was traveling thinking I could use only the Iphone 4s and Ipad first
gen for business. Of course this was before fleksy, and I had bought a
bluetooth keyboard, but the problem was the keys were a few
millimeters smaller than the keyboard I am used to, so being an expert
typist, I kept being a little off. Also I did miss the speed at which
I am used to doing things on my iMac, as I am a little slower doing it
on an iPhone. I have never done a keyboard remap, but have read about
it, and will have to look into it further, as I never use the caps
lock key, so remapping might actually make a lot of sense as it would
definitely be nice to have VO keys on the right side of the keyboard.
Thanks again all.

On Jan 9, 8:49 am, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have been a long time Imac user and need to get a laptop for travel.
> I love voiceover on the Imac most of the time, and wanted to see if
> anyone had experience using voiceover both on an Imac and mac air, and
> if there was any notable difference or anything I need to be aware of?
> I looked at it in the Apple store, but you can't really hear anything
> in there. I don't need any kind of power computing, just be using the
> Mac Air 13 for browsing, email, news rack, twitter, itunes match,
> cloud computing, pages and numbers mostly so not having a big hard
> drive shouldn't be a problem. Thinking about bumping up the RAM to 8GB
> instead of the 4 it comes with, and will probably get a thumb drive
> for anything big I might need. I am not interested in the Ipad as I
> hate typing on it, and do like a full keyboard and the option
> voiceover on the Imac gives me. Thanks

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Re: question about downloading files

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Problem is that some of the tricks in my bag are so old I've forgotten 
where I put them.


On 1/9/13 5:26 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

Yeah, I learned in linux that the bigger your bag of tricks is, the better off 
you are :-)


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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I've noticed with GOogle and Safari, they don't always get a long.
You will have to turn voiceover off and back on at times.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the top 
> level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably won't care 
> but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the Applications folder as 
> well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a 'work in process' area for 
> documents that you're currently working on. Once you have the app in the 
> Applications folder you can select it and add it to the dock.
> CB
> On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
>> random but they aren't so please read on.
>> I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
>> to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
>> do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
>> where it all ties in) as well but...
>> ... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
>> whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
>> issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
>> actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
>> "URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
>> page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
>> the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.
>> Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
>> first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
>> advance for any help you can offer!
>> -Marc
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
I've never noticed this. I just move by heading, pressing enter or vo-space or 
space on the item I want. You could also bring up the web rotor with vo-u, 
arrow left or right to headings, then up and down arrow. Since each result is a 
heading, you will basically have a list of results here. Press space on the one 
you want and you are jumped to it; press space (or vo-space or enter) again to 
actually open the associated link.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> I've noticed with GOogle and Safari, they don't always get a long.
> You will have to turn voiceover off and back on at times.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the top 
>> level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably won't care 
>> but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the Applications folder 
>> as well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a 'work in process' area 
>> for documents that you're currently working on. Once you have the app in the 
>> Applications folder you can select it and add it to the dock.
>> CB
>> On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
>>> random but they aren't so please read on.
>>> I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
>>> to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
>>> do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
>>> where it all ties in) as well but...
>>> ... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
>>> whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
>>> issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
>>> actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
>>> "URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
>>> page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
>>> the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.
>>> Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
>>> first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
>>> advance for any help you can offer!
>>> -Marc
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: question about downloading files

2013-01-10 Thread Maxwell Ivey
all i know is most days i feel like bullwinkle when he used to try to pull a 
rabbit out of his hat.  I need a new hat too. smile take care, max 
On Jan 10, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Problem is that some of the tricks in my bag are so old I've forgotten where 
> I put them.
> CB
> On 1/9/13 5:26 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>> Yeah, I learned in linux that the bigger your bag of tricks is, the better 
>> off you are :-)
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: question about downloading files

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Oh yeah, that is so true! And then I put them in files on my computer and can't 
remember what files I put them in! But i know they are there somewhere!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Problem is that some of the tricks in my bag are so old I've forgotten where 
> I put them.
> CB
> On 1/9/13 5:26 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>> Yeah, I learned in linux that the bigger your bag of tricks is, the better 
>> off you are :-)
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Thanks for all the help, I assume all apps downloaded from the app
store automatically go into the applications folder? Also, I'll try
using the web rotor menu but while using quick nav and navigating
through headings that way, pressing VO + space on the result's link
still brings up the weird page. Could quick nav be the problem?


On 1/10/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I've never noticed this. I just move by heading, pressing enter or vo-space
> or space on the item I want. You could also bring up the web rotor with
> vo-u, arrow left or right to headings, then up and down arrow. Since each
> result is a heading, you will basically have a list of results here. Press
> space on the one you want and you are jumped to it; press space (or vo-space
> or enter) again to actually open the associated link.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> I've noticed with GOogle and Safari, they don't always get a long.
>> You will have to turn voiceover off and back on at times.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the
>>> top level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably
>>> won't care but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the
>>> Applications folder as well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a
>>> 'work in process' area for documents that you're currently working on.
>>> Once you have the app in the Applications folder you can select it and
>>> add it to the dock.
>>> CB
>>> On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
 Hey all,

 Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
 random but they aren't so please read on.

 I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
 to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
 do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
 where it all ties in) as well but...

 ... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
 whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
 issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
 actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
 "URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
 page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
 the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.

 Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
 first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
 advance for any help you can offer!


>>> --
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Phil Halton
Also, you can add an app to the dock by first opening the app, then go to 
the dock, locate the app, and from the context menu, go into the options 
submenu and press "keep in dock".

I must admit, Harry's answer was a much more elagant solution, but its 
helpful to know all the ways of dooing a thing.

- Original Message - 
From: "Harry Hogue" 

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?


There are no dumb questions if you don't ask them.  You won't know until you 
do ask.  To add an app to the Dock, press cmd+shift+T when you are focused 
on the name of the app.

As for Google and Safari, make sure you are clicking on the link and not the 
"result button."  I'm not sure what that button does, but as far as I know 
that does not get you where you want to be.  search results will have the 
name of the page as their title, and it will be a link which you can press 
VO-space onto access.

I hope this is helpful,


On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

Hey all,

Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
random but they aren't so please read on.

I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
where it all ties in) as well but...

... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
"URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.

Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
advance for any help you can offer!


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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Wen you get the weird page, have you tried uninteracting with the html area and 
then interacting with it again. I sometimes get this and this works. It's 
something about Safari not refreshing properly. It's a bit annoying but quite 


On 11/01/2013, at 7:08 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Thanks for all the help, I assume all apps downloaded from the app
> store automatically go into the applications folder? Also, I'll try
> using the web rotor menu but while using quick nav and navigating
> through headings that way, pressing VO + space on the result's link
> still brings up the weird page. Could quick nav be the problem?
> -Marc
> On 1/10/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've never noticed this. I just move by heading, pressing enter or vo-space
>> or space on the item I want. You could also bring up the web rotor with
>> vo-u, arrow left or right to headings, then up and down arrow. Since each
>> result is a heading, you will basically have a list of results here. Press
>> space on the one you want and you are jumped to it; press space (or vo-space
>> or enter) again to actually open the associated link.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> I've noticed with GOogle and Safari, they don't always get a long.
>>> You will have to turn voiceover off and back on at times.
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the
 top level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably
 won't care but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the
 Applications folder as well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a
 'work in process' area for documents that you're currently working on.
 Once you have the app in the Applications folder you can select it and
 add it to the dock.
 On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
> Hey all,
> Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
> random but they aren't so please read on.
> I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
> to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
> do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
> where it all ties in) as well but...
> ... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
> whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
> issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
> actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
> "URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
> page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
> the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.
> Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
> first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
> advance for any help you can offer!
> -Marc
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: How to add apps to the doc and searching on google with safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. AppStore apps should land in the Applications folder with no 
further work on your part. I tend to have my browsers set to download to 
the desktop so non-AppStore apps tend to land there first and then I 
move them after uncompressing/mounting.


On 1/10/13 1:08 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Thanks for all the help, I assume all apps downloaded from the app
store automatically go into the applications folder? Also, I'll try
using the web rotor menu but while using quick nav and navigating
through headings that way, pressing VO + space on the result's link
still brings up the weird page. Could quick nav be the problem?


On 1/10/13, Alex Hall  wrote:

I've never noticed this. I just move by heading, pressing enter or vo-space
or space on the item I want. You could also bring up the web rotor with
vo-u, arrow left or right to headings, then up and down arrow. Since each
result is a heading, you will basically have a list of results here. Press
space on the one you want and you are jumped to it; press space (or vo-space
or enter) again to actually open the associated link.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

I've noticed with GOogle and Safari, they don't always get a long.
You will have to turn voiceover off and back on at times.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Generally you should store your apps in the Applications folder at the
top level of your hard drive, not on your desktop. Most apps probably
won't care but some will and updaters and such tend to assume the
Applications folder as well. Most people tend to use the desktop like a
'work in process' area for documents that you're currently working on.
Once you have the app in the Applications folder you can select it and
add it to the dock.


On 1/10/13 11:04 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hey all,

Okay so the subject line makes it sound like these two things are very
random but they aren't so please read on.

I downloaded a couple of apps from the app store and want to add them
to the doc -- I have found them in finder so they're there... but how
do I go about doing this? I tried looking it up on google (and this is
where it all ties in) as well but...

... is there some sort of trick to this? The reason I ask is because,
whenever I search for something, I get the results with no problem. My
issue is that when I go to select a result, it won't bring me to the
actual page, instead it loads a page with different headings like
"URL" and "5" -- it almost seems like it's just presenting the results
page again but in a way that isn't presented properly. This is using
the latest edition of safari, as I am using a brand new mac mini.

Sorry if these are dumb questions with obvious answers -- this is my
first mac and I'm still getting used to how it works. Thanks in
advance for any help you can offer!



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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Bad accessibility time these days

2013-01-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys
Some of you may remember that I talked about using the tax act website and had 
a few questions about it. Wow, I have had some trying times with that same, and 
I would like to briefly talk about it because It brings up some interesting 
things about what is and is not easy to use these days.
It seems that song web designer got cutesy and Drewson image things on there. I 
tried the website with both jaws and voiceover, and if it hadn't been for the 
iPhone, I would not got got as far as I did. The ad edit and review buttons 
appear to be embedded inside images somewhere. Jaws  would find the ad

S Button, but only if I searched for the word ad. Then it said a bunch of weird 
stuff with it. The Mac wouldn't find it at all. The iPhone didn't find the add 
button either, but I was able to go about things the very long route.

Here's my question. I was able to find out that I had images allowed in 
voiceover. Is there something I need to set Besides allow images? 
GG, who wishes some of these web designers would think before they Put in 
things and who thinks the IRS should not allow the stuff
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Bad accessibility time these days

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
I don't remember where it is, but there's a "navigate images" setting. If set 
to captions, it onlhy goes to images with descriptions and skips any unlabeled 
images completely. I know I have some terms wrong, sorry about that.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys
> Some of you may remember that I talked about using the tax act website and 
> had a few questions about it. Wow, I have had some trying times with that 
> same, and I would like to briefly talk about it because It brings up some 
> interesting things about what is and is not easy to use these days.
> It seems that song web designer got cutesy and Drewson image things on there. 
> I tried the website with both jaws and voiceover, and if it hadn't been for 
> the iPhone, I would not got got as far as I did. The ad edit and review 
> buttons appear to be embedded inside images somewhere. Jaws  would find the ad
> S Button, but only if I searched for the word ad. Then it said a bunch of 
> weird stuff with it. The Mac wouldn't find it at all. The iPhone didn't find 
> the add button either, but I was able to go about things the very long route.
> Here's my question. I was able to find out that I had images allowed in 
> voiceover. Is there something I need to set Besides allow images? 
> Regards
> GG, who wishes some of these web designers would think before they Put in 
> things and who thinks the IRS should not allow the stuff
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread John Sanfilippo
I find your second explanation seems much simpler and clearer than all the 
trackpad stuff you mentioned. The key commands seem simpler and more precise.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Cheryl Homiak 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:29 AM
  Subject: Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

  Here's a post of Tim Kilburn's on this subject; it helped me when nothing 
else completely did.
  "Try the following. 

  1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 

  • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
  • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
  • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top 
of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you 
actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 

  2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout: 

  • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
  • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
  • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As in 
the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the 
dragging process will occur. 

  Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each 
case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 

  There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
Content Area", life is good. 

  The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located this 
Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will announce 
"Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, navigate to 
the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column Group and 
Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if the 
Preview pane is gone."


  May the words of my mouth
  and the meditation of my heart
  be acceptable to You, Lord,
  my rock and my Redeemer.
  (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

  On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

  > Try just double clicking the splitter. Move to it, route your mouse cursor 
to it with vo-cmd-f5, then hit vo-shift-space twice quickly. If you are not on 
Mountain Lion, you may have more trouble with this.
  > On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
  >> Hi list,
  >> I've read that one can hide the preview pane in the three column view in 
Mail. This way, messages won't be marked as read unless you open them in a 
separate window. Currently I find it a little annoying that messages are marked 
as read when I've only read their subject line and not the full message.
  >> However, I've been unable to work out how to do this with VoiceOver. 
Apparently one need only drag the vertical splitter between the message list 
and the preview pane all the way to the right. However, when I try interacting 
with this vertical splitter and VO-right arrowing all the way to the right 
until VoiceOver reads 100%, the preview pane is still visible to VoiceOver and 
messages still marked as read when I focus on them in the message list even 
when I haven't actually read them.
  >> Has anyone else had any success with this?
  >> Cheers
  >> Nic
  >> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
  >> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
  >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
  >> For more options, visit this group at 
  > Have a great day,
  > Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
  > mehg...@gmail.com
  > -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
First of all, these aren't my suggestions; as I explained they are a previous 
post by Tim Kilburn.

Secondly, different things work better for different people, depending on your 
experience and what your computer is doing. The reason for the comments about 
using fn if necessary is that you can have f1 f2, f3, etc. set to be used as 
standard function keys in System Preferences > Keyboard and your setting 
determines whether or not the fn key is also needed. as for the "trackpad 
stuff", some people choose to use the trackpad more than others but it's a good 
idea at least to become familiar with trackpad and mouse terminology to some 
extent because there may be times when that's the only way you can accomplish 
the task even if that method isn't usually your preference. This terminology 
isn't actually unprecise. But certainly each of us finds that one way of 
performing a task is easier than anothr and this preference varies from person 
to person. It's good to have more than one way of doing things.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 1:16 PM, "John Sanfilippo"  wrote:

> I find your second explanation seems much simpler and clearer than all the 
> trackpad stuff you mentioned. The key commands seem simpler and more precise.
> js
> - Original Message -
> From: Cheryl Homiak
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:29 AM
> Subject: Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail
> Here's a post of Tim Kilburn's on this subject; it helped me when nothing 
> else completely did.
> "Try the following. 
> 1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 
> • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
> table. 
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
> cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
> Splitter". 
> • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top 
> of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you 
> actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 
> 2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout: 
> • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
> Group. 
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
> It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
> • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
> left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As 
> in the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the 
> dragging process will occur. 
> Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
> and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each 
> case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 
> There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
> navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
> Content Area", life is good. 
> The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
> Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
> Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
> Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located this 
> Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will announce 
> "Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, navigate 
> to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column Group and 
> Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if the 
> Preview pane is gone."
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> > Try just double clicking the splitter. Move to it, route your mouse cursor 
> > to it with vo-cmd-f5, then hit vo-shift-space twice quickly. If you are not 
> > on Mountain Lion, you may have more trouble with this.
> > On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi list,
> >> 
> >> I've read that one can hide the preview pane in the three column view in 
> >> Mail. This way, messages won't be marked as read unless you open them in a 
> >> separate window. Currently I find it a little annoying that messages are 
> >> marked as read when I've only read their subject line and not the full 
> >> message.
> >> 
> >> However, I've been unable to work out how to do this with VoiceOver. 
> >> Apparently one need only drag the vertical splitter between the message 
> >> list and the preview pane all the way to the right

Re: messages with a phone number

2013-01-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

Go into Preferences within the Messages app, select your Apple ID account then 
navigate over to the Table with the addresses attached to your Apple ID.  Make 
sure that your iPhone number is in there as well as that it is checked.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-09, at 12:36 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> Does anybody know how i can add my phone number to messages, so my iMessages 
> from my phone show up on my computer under messages?
> I can't remember how to enable this, it used to work but for some reason it's 
> not working right now.
> Thanks for any help.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: messages with a phone number

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Thanks Tim.
I eventually had tore-sync my ID.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Go into Preferences within the Messages app, select your Apple ID account 
> then navigate over to the Table with the addresses attached to your Apple ID. 
>  Make sure that your iPhone number is in there as well as that it is checked.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-01-09, at 12:36 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Does anybody know how i can add my phone number to messages, so my iMessages 
>> from my phone show up on my computer under messages?
>> I can't remember how to enable this, it used to work but for some reason 
>> it's not working right now.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-10 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hmm, your second note is odd.  I have my Apple TV going to my receiver using 
HDMI, then from the receiver to the TV using HDMI as well and the video goes to 
the TV just fine.  That's the method I've used both for the 1st and 2nd Gen 
Apple TVs.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-10, at 8:33 AM, Larry Skutchan  wrote:

> I am using one with a digital audio cable to the receiver, and it works 
> well--you get the full 5.1.
> Note, I have tried using HDMI to the TV. I have TV audio going into the 
> stereo, but the audio from Apple TV does not get passed on to the receiver 
> from the TV.
> Also note, I cannot get HDMI input from Apple TV to stereo to show up on the 
> screen. A direct connection to TV seems required. Other HDMI inputs from the 
> receiver show up on the screen.
> I have read that Apple is trying to prevent piracy, but this seems pretty far 
> fetched.
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> I don't have an AppleTV (used a MacMini hooked to my receiver) but the specs 
>> say that one of the ports is a Optical Audio connection in addition to the 
>> HDMI port. So I would assume that this optical output could be connected to 
>> the square DVD optical input using typical optical home theater audio cables.
>> CB
>> On 1/8/13 8:10 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
>>> receiver.  I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a 
>>> HDMI output  and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, 
>>> that is square.  A single port called a digital input that is round. and 
>>> analogue input with RCA jacks.
>>> Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
>>> receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?
>>> Eric Caron
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

Thanks Cheryl for re-posting this.  You found it quicker than I could have 

Regarding double-tap vs double-click, I mean exactly what I wrote.If you 
depress firmly on the Trackpad, you'll feel a click sort of thing.  Simply 
tapping on the Trackpad will not perform the actions we wish in this case.  
Sighted users depress the Trackpad all the time in order to drag things around. 
 For interest sake though, you are able to set some of these actions in the 
Trackpad pane of System Preferences.

Hope this clears things up a little.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-10, at 7:52 AM, matthew Dyer  wrote:

> Hi,  When you say double click do you mean tap?  I only ask as I don't thiink 
> the track pad has a click does it?  Thanks.
> matthew Dyer
> matthew Dyer
> Sent from my mac mini.
>  e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
> Skype: graduater 2004
> Follow me on  twitter at mdyer1.
> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
> Find me on zello  at graduater2004.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:29 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>> Here's a post of Tim Kilburn's on this subject; it helped me when nothing 
>> else completely did.
>> "Try the following. 
>> 1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 
>> • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
>> table. 
>> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
>> cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
>> Splitter". 
>> • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top 
>> of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you 
>> actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 
>> 2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout: 
>> • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
>> Group. 
>> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor. 
>>  It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
>> • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
>> left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As 
>> in the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that 
>> the dragging process will occur. 
>> Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
>> and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. 
>> Each case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 
>> There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
>> navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about 
>> "Message Content Area", life is good. 
>> The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
>> Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
>> Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
>> Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located 
>> this Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will 
>> announce "Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, 
>> navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
>> Group and Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" 
>> if the Preview pane is gone."
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Try just double clicking the splitter. Move to it, route your mouse cursor 
>>> to it with vo-cmd-f5, then hit vo-shift-space twice quickly. If you are not 
>>> on Mountain Lion, you may have more trouble with this.
>>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi list,
 I've read that one can hide the preview pane in the three column view in 
 Mail. This way, messages won't be marked as read unless you open them in a 
 separate window. Currently I find it a little annoying that messages are 
 marked as read when I've only read their subject line and not the full 
 However, I've been unable to work out how to do this with VoiceOver. 
 Apparently one need only drag the vertical splitter between the message 
 list and the preview pane all the way to the right. However, when I try 
 interacting with this vertical splitter and VO-right arrowing all the way 
 to the right until VoiceOver reads 100%, the preview pane is still visible 
 to VoiceOver and messages still marked as read when I focus on them in the 
 message list even when I haven't actually read them.
 Has anyone else had any success with this?

Re: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

2013-01-10 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Quick question: If I decide not to use adium after installing it, how
do I go about removing it? Where is the program installed to by
default on the computer and how do you get all the install files off
the desktop? (Or is that actually where the program gets installed?
This is the first non-app store download I've installed.)

Thanks again for the help!


On 1/9/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
> Try Adium.
> http://www.adiumx.com
> Or, my personal favorite: Trillian.  Sorry, I don't have a URL for that one,
> but if you google it, it definitely should come up.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:00 PM
> Subject: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?
>> Hey all,
>> I was wondering if anyone could point me towards an app that would
>> allow me to chat with my contacts on Windows Live! Messenger. I just
>> switched from the PC to my mac mini so finding something that would
>> allow me to do this would be great!
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
>> -Marc
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Maybe his receiver is not HDCP compliant and is blocking the DRM so the 
signal to the TV is broken.


On 1/10/13 3:16 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
Hmm, your second note is odd.  I have my Apple TV going to my receiver 
using HDMI, then from the receiver to the TV using HDMI as well and 
the video goes to the TV just fine.  That's the method I've used both 
for the 1st and 2nd Gen Apple TVs.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-10, at 8:33 AM, Larry Skutchan > wrote:

I am using one with a digital audio cable to the receiver, and it 
works well--you get the full 5.1.
Note, I have tried using HDMI to the TV. I have TV audio going into 
the stereo, but the audio from Apple TV does not get passed on to the 
receiver from the TV.

Also note, I cannot get HDMI input from Apple TV to stereo to show up 
on the screen. A direct connection to TV seems required. Other HDMI 
inputs from the receiver show up on the screen.

I have read that Apple is trying to prevent piracy, but this seems 
pretty far fetched.

On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Chris Blouch > wrote:

I don't have an AppleTV (used a MacMini hooked to my receiver) but 
the specs say that one of the ports is a Optical Audio connection in 
addition to the HDMI port. So I would assume that this optical 
output could be connected to the square DVD optical input using 
typical optical home theater audio cables.


On 1/8/13 8:10 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

Hi listers,

I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
receiver.  I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple 
TV has a HDMI output  and my receiver has something called a DVD 
optical in put, that is square.  A single port called a digital 
input that is round. and analogue input with RCA jacks.

Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?

Eric Caron


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Re: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi Marc.
To uninstall the app, go to your applications folder, just press command 
It will be gone from there, then you can empty your trash.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Quick question: If I decide not to use adium after installing it, how
> do I go about removing it? Where is the program installed to by
> default on the computer and how do you get all the install files off
> the desktop? (Or is that actually where the program gets installed?
> This is the first non-app store download I've installed.)
> Thanks again for the help!
> -Marc
> On 1/9/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
>> Try Adium.
>> http://www.adiumx.com
>> Or, my personal favorite: Trillian.  Sorry, I don't have a URL for that one,
>> but if you google it, it definitely should come up.
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:00 PM
>> Subject: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?
>>> Hey all,
>>> I was wondering if anyone could point me towards an app that would
>>> allow me to chat with my contacts on Windows Live! Messenger. I just
>>> switched from the PC to my mac mini so finding something that would
>>> allow me to do this would be great!
>>> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
>>> -Marc
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris H
Or you can get a free app called Appcleaner to remove the app and all 
its entries. It is not in the Mac App store.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 10/01/2013 21:04, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:

Hi Marc.
To uninstall the app, go to your applications folder, just press command 
It will be gone from there, then you can empty your trash.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

Quick question: If I decide not to use adium after installing it, how
do I go about removing it? Where is the program installed to by
default on the computer and how do you get all the install files off
the desktop? (Or is that actually where the program gets installed?
This is the first non-app store download I've installed.)

Thanks again for the help!


On 1/9/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:

Try Adium.


Or, my personal favorite: Trillian.  Sorry, I don't have a URL for that one,

but if you google it, it definitely should come up.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message -
From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone could point me towards an app that would
allow me to chat with my contacts on Windows Live! Messenger. I just
switched from the PC to my mac mini so finding something that would
allow me to do this would be great!

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!


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Re: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

2013-01-10 Thread Marc Rocheleau
And where do I find the app if I downloaded it through safari? Thanks!


On 1/10/13, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> Hi Marc.
> To uninstall the app, go to your applications folder, just press command
> backspace.
> It will be gone from there, then you can empty your trash.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Marc Rocheleau 
> wrote:
>> Quick question: If I decide not to use adium after installing it, how
>> do I go about removing it? Where is the program installed to by
>> default on the computer and how do you get all the install files off
>> the desktop? (Or is that actually where the program gets installed?
>> This is the first non-app store download I've installed.)
>> Thanks again for the help!
>> -Marc
>> On 1/9/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
>>> Try Adium.
>>> http://www.adiumx.com
>>> Or, my personal favorite: Trillian.  Sorry, I don't have a URL for that
>>> one,
>>> but if you google it, it definitely should come up.
>>> Thank you kindly,
>>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
>>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:00 PM
>>> Subject: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?
 Hey all,

 I was wondering if anyone could point me towards an app that would
 allow me to chat with my contacts on Windows Live! Messenger. I just
 switched from the PC to my mac mini so finding something that would
 allow me to do this would be great!

 Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

>>> --
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Re: Bad accessibility time these days

2013-01-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Thanks Alex. Let me see if I can find it. I crashed Internet Exslorer and JAWS 
more than once running this web site. It's my husband's Vista computer. I got 
desperate and wanted to find out if it was a screen reader thing or something 
else. I figured it was a screen reader thing because normally if something 
isn't accessible, no screen reader gets it. What's so sad is that this web site 
was wonderful in the beginning. I guess they have different people responsible 
for different sections of it or something, and I'd like to fire the guy or gal 
that decided that decoration was more important than accessibility. I even 
complimented them on their web site when I first encountered it. Just wait 
until i find the section called Share Web Site Feedback. 
On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Sorry for venting guys, but I know you guys can understand why one gets almost 
violent thoughts when you think you can do something easily, only to find out 
otherwise. It used to be real easy to know what you could do and what you 
couldn't. These days, you never know until it's too late. 


> I don't remember where it is, but there's a "navigate images" setting. If set 
> to captions, it onlhy goes to images with descriptions and skips any 
> unlabeled images completely. I know I have some terms wrong, sorry about that.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Some of you may remember that I talked about using the tax act website and 
>> had a few questions about it. Wow, I have had some trying times with that 
>> same, and I would like to briefly talk about it because It brings up some 
>> interesting things about what is and is not easy to use these days.
>> It seems that song web designer got cutesy and Drewson image things on 
>> there. I tried the website with both jaws and voiceover, and if it hadn't 
>> been for the iPhone, I would not got got as far as I did. The ad edit and 
>> review buttons appear to be embedded inside images somewhere. Jaws  would 
>> find the ad
>> S Button, but only if I searched for the word ad. Then it said a bunch of 
>> weird stuff with it. The Mac wouldn't find it at all. The iPhone didn't find 
>> the add button either, but I was able to go about things the very long route.
>> Here's my question. I was able to find out that I had images allowed in 
>> voiceover. Is there something I need to set Besides allow images? 
>> Regards
>> GG, who wishes some of these web designers would think before they Put in 
>> things and who thinks the IRS should not allow the stuff
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Blouch
All Safari downloads go to the Download folder by default unless you 
changed it in preferences. You can jump there by doing a 
command+option+L. Not very memorable but I guess D was already taken for 


On 1/10/13 4:25 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

And where do I find the app if I downloaded it through safari? Thanks!


On 1/10/13, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

Hi Marc.
To uninstall the app, go to your applications folder, just press command
It will be gone from there, then you can empty your trash.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Marc Rocheleau 

Quick question: If I decide not to use adium after installing it, how
do I go about removing it? Where is the program installed to by
default on the computer and how do you get all the install files off
the desktop? (Or is that actually where the program gets installed?
This is the first non-app store download I've installed.)

Thanks again for the help!


On 1/9/13, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:

Try Adium.


Or, my personal favorite: Trillian.  Sorry, I don't have a URL for that

but if you google it, it definitely should come up.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message -
From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: Windows Live! Messenger on Mac?

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone could point me towards an app that would
allow me to chat with my contacts on Windows Live! Messenger. I just
switched from the PC to my mac mini so finding something that would
allow me to do this would be great!

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!


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spell-checking in Safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I've tried before to spellcheck in a Safari text field with cmd-semicolon, but 
it doesn't work. The cursor seems stuck on the last word in the page (the page, 
not the edit field) and refuses to move, no matter how much I interact, route 
cursors around, or yell at the computer. Is this doable, or is it just a bugged 
feature I need to report to Apple? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: spell-checking in Safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Ricardo Walker

when you say safari, are you referring to the address/search field in the 

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've tried before to spellcheck in a Safari text field with cmd-semicolon, 
> but it doesn't work. The cursor seems stuck on the last word in the page (the 
> page, not the edit field) and refuses to move, no matter how much I interact, 
> route cursors around, or yell at the computer. Is this doable, or is it just 
> a bugged feature I need to report to Apple? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: spell-checking in Safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You want to use command+colon when you want to spell check in Safari.  Heck, 
it's the way I do it all the time anyhow.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've tried before to spellcheck in a Safari text field with cmd-semicolon, 
> but it doesn't work. The cursor seems stuck on the last word in the page (the 
> page, not the edit field) and refuses to move, no matter how much I interact, 
> route cursors around, or yell at the computer. Is this doable, or is it just 
> a bugged feature I need to report to Apple? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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bad accessibility these days

2013-01-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again guys. 
I made the change to navigate by images in the Vo utility. Unfortunately, that 
resulted in Safari kicking out of the web site three times. Anybothy got any 
other ideas? 

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Re: spell-checking in Safari?

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
I'll give that a try, I just find it more convenient to jump to the few 
misspelled words I end up with and fix them or tell the mac to learn them. It's 
a preference more than anything, so I'll just get used to the full spellcheck 
dialog method. Ricardo, I was talking about things I type on websites, such as 
forum posts or emails on gmail.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> You want to use command+colon when you want to spell check in Safari.  Heck, 
> it's the way I do it all the time anyhow.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've tried before to spellcheck in a Safari text field with cmd-semicolon, 
>> but it doesn't work. The cursor seems stuck on the last word in the page 
>> (the page, not the edit field) and refuses to move, no matter how much I 
>> interact, route cursors around, or yell at the computer. Is this doable, or 
>> is it just a bugged feature I need to report to Apple? Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Caliber on the Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Mary.

I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible. I 
would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit 
complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the 
contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if 
more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs and 
problems, it would maybe help.

When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or is 
everything working automatically.

I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts, 
that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much 
information about how to make such scripts.

I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to epub, 
so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from mobi and 
Best regards Annie.
Best regards Annie.
Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :

> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing you 
> can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm off of 
> books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these books 
> on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing about 
> in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy types, 
> of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and the 
> plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've tried 
> turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the magic 
> track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder if 
> anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding 
> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I 
> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so 
> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of 
> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer 
> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to 
> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then 
> that would be good to know as well.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> motte...@gmail.com
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons

Thanks for those suggestions. I might try and add William and Cheryl's tips to 
my bag of tricks. I tried capslock as VO keys but this didn't help me at all. I 
already have perfectly good VO keys on the left of the MacBook keyboard. I 
don't need extra VO keys on the left, I just need VO keys on the right. Thus I 
prefer capslock to remain capslock. Cheryl's suggestion of making return 
function as control when pressed in conjunction sounds like it's worth trying.

The other thing I use is the keyboard commander. I assign functions that 
usually require VO keys on the right, such as move to dock, and move to 
desktop, to the keyboard commander so I can perform them just using the right 
option key. I also already use the track pad a bit, but I'm not sure of track 
pad commands for things like VO-F3, VO-F5, VO-COMMAND-F5 etc. Maybe I can 
assign some more of these to the keyboard commander.

In any case, I don't use my MacBook heavily enough for it to bother me. I 
mostly use my iMac with USB keyboard so I'm a happy camper, and all round very 
satisfied with my MacBook Air. It's a brilliant portable little computer. The 
battery life amazes me.

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asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Reinhard Stebner
How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
the title of the focused window?

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac

Hi Mary.

I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible.
I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the
contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if
more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
and problems, it would maybe help.

When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or
is everything working automatically.

I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts,
that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
information about how to make such scripts.

I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from
mobi and htmlz.
Best regards Annie.
Best regards Annie.
Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :

> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these
books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing
about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy
types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and
the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've
tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the
magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder
if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so
that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of
contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer
to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to
make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then
that would be good to know as well.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> motte...@gmail.com
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread cait furness
You can do vo mm and then arrow over to the right until you hear the time.  the 
other way involves the use of apple script, which I don't know if you have that 
enabled on your mac and I also don't know if this works in mountain lion.  If 
you have speakable items turned on, you can hold down escape or whatever key 
you've designated and ask the mac what time it is. vo f2 will tell you the 
title of the current window.

On 2013-01-10, at 6:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner"  wrote:

> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
> the title of the focused window?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
> Hi Mary.
> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible.
> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
> complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the
> contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if
> more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
> and problems, it would maybe help.
> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or
> is everything working automatically.
> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts,
> that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
> information about how to make such scripts.
> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
> epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from
> mobi and htmlz.
> Best regards Annie.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
>> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
> off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these
> books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing
> about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy
> types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and
> the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've
> tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the
> magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder
> if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so
> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of
> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer
> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to
> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then
> that would be good to know as well.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> motte...@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Michael Babcock
To obtain the current time, press Control, option, M twice quickly. And then 
use control option left and right arrow to find the time.
To find the current title of the window, press control option F2. If however 
you are on a MacBook, it may be necessary to press FN, Control, option, F2, to 
hear the title of the window. Press this key combination twice quickly to 
obtain a list of all of the open windows in that specific application.
To read the title of the application, press control option F1. Please no, it is 
necessary to include the FN, key, if you had to for the previous step. To 
obtain a list of all of the running applications, you can press this key 
combination twice quickly.
I hope this helps a little bit.

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 4:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner"  wrote:

> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
> the title of the focused window?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
> Hi Mary.
> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible.
> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
> complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the
> contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if
> more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
> and problems, it would maybe help.
> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or
> is everything working automatically.
> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts,
> that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
> information about how to make such scripts.
> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
> epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from
> mobi and htmlz.
> Best regards Annie.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
>> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
> off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these
> books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing
> about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy
> types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and
> the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've
> tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the
> magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder
> if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so
> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of
> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer
> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to
> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then
> that would be good to know as well.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> motte...@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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For mo

Re: Caliber on the Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Mary Otten
No, unfortunately, even after the plug in for converting whatever form of drm 
protected books, such as azw, is installed, the actual process is not 
vo-accessible. Or if it is, I'd love somebody to explain how you're doing it. I 
gather that there is a way to do this if you want to use the terminal, but I've 
also heard that that process is hit and miss and a bit complicated. The Caliber 
process with the gui is easy, if you can access it. So I will see about adding 
my voice to those others who have written the developers. But I'm not holding 
my breath.


Mary Otten

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Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, guys! You guys are brilliant!

I followed Tim's instructions as reposted by Cheryl and they worked exactly as 
stated. So simple and easy, I guess I should've thought of it myself. I'm just 
so not used to being able to use the mouse/trackpad so accessibly as I haven't 
quite been on the Mac for a year yet. However, where possible I do like to use 
the trackpad as a mouse as this tends to get more reliable results. I guess 
it's how Apple intended most users to perform various actions. I tend to use it 
a lot with Mail. Still, didn't think to use it in this case until suggested.

I'm now a very happy camper!

Thanks again, Alex, Cheryl and Tim!


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Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
P.S. When dragging using the Trackpad I find the easiest method to be clicking 
(that is, holding down the trackpad) with one finger and dragging with another 
finger. Otherwise it can be a bit tricky to drag while pressing down the 
trackpad and to be accurate. At least it is on my big stand alone trackpad. 
Probably not so much on the little MacBook trackpads.

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RE: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Jesus Garcia
A very nice explination, thanks been using a mac book pro for a year and I
did not know those key strokes again thanks for the information.

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 18:56
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title
of the window

To obtain the current time, press Control, option, M twice quickly. And then
use control option left and right arrow to find the time.
To find the current title of the window, press control option F2. If however
you are on a MacBook, it may be necessary to press FN, Control, option, F2,
to hear the title of the window. Press this key combination twice quickly to
obtain a list of all of the open windows in that specific application.
To read the title of the application, press control option F1. Please no, it
is necessary to include the FN, key, if you had to for the previous step. To
obtain a list of all of the running applications, you can press this key
combination twice quickly.
I hope this helps a little bit.

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 4:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner" 

> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to 
> see the title of the focused window?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov 
> Nielsen
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
> Hi Mary.
> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more
> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a 
> bit complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go 
> into the contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our 
> needs. But I hope if more blind people contacted them, and in details 
> are explayning our needs and problems, it would maybe help.
> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted 
> assistance, or is everything working automatically.
> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator 
> scripts, that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not 
> find much information about how to make such scripts.
> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf 
> to epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can 
> convert from mobi and htmlz.
> Best regards Annie.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
>> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice 
>> thing
> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the 
> drm off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can 
> use these books on whatever device you want. This use to require all 
> kinds of messing about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of 
> heart or the non-techy types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the 
> process with the application and the plugins seems totally 
> inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've tried turning off 
> trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the magic track 
> pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder if 
> anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding 
> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, 
> because I have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this 
> process for me, so that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, 
> complete with tables of contents, links etc. But not everybody has 
> that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer to not need this help. I'm willing to 
> join the effort to convince the dev to make it accessible, but if others
have tried and been told to buzz off, then that would be good to know as
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> motte...@gmail.com
>> --
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>> Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Hiding the Preview Pane in Mail

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I still tend to use mouse-keys a lot but for some things that doesn't work.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:58 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Thanks, guys! You guys are brilliant!
> I followed Tim's instructions as reposted by Cheryl and they worked exactly 
> as stated. So simple and easy, I guess I should've thought of it myself. I'm 
> just so not used to being able to use the mouse/trackpad so accessibly as I 
> haven't quite been on the Mac for a year yet. However, where possible I do 
> like to use the trackpad as a mouse as this tends to get more reliable 
> results. I guess it's how Apple intended most users to perform various 
> actions. I tend to use it a lot with Mail. Still, didn't think to use it in 
> this case until suggested.
> I'm now a very happy camper!
> Thanks again, Alex, Cheryl and Tim!
> Nic
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Oh good idea! I should use keyboard commander more than I do! Will do some 
experimenting with that. There are just so many tools that one has to be 
reminded of them sometimes.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI.
> Thanks for those suggestions. I might try and add William and Cheryl's tips 
> to my bag of tricks. I tried capslock as VO keys but this didn't help me at 
> all. I already have perfectly good VO keys on the left of the MacBook 
> keyboard. I don't need extra VO keys on the left, I just need VO keys on the 
> right. Thus I prefer capslock to remain capslock. Cheryl's suggestion of 
> making return function as control when pressed in conjunction sounds like 
> it's worth trying.
> The other thing I use is the keyboard commander. I assign functions that 
> usually require VO keys on the right, such as move to dock, and move to 
> desktop, to the keyboard commander so I can perform them just using the right 
> option key. I also already use the track pad a bit, but I'm not sure of track 
> pad commands for things like VO-F3, VO-F5, VO-COMMAND-F5 etc. Maybe I can 
> assign some more of these to the keyboard commander.
> In any case, I don't use my MacBook heavily enough for it to bother me. I 
> mostly use my iMac with USB keyboard so I'm a happy camper, and all round 
> very satisfied with my MacBook Air. It's a brilliant portable little 
> computer. The battery life amazes me.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
As stated, you can use a script for this. I have mine set to option-t.
1. Open the vo utility with vo-f8 (you may need to add function to that).
2. Select the general category from the table, then find and check the "allow 
Voiceover to be controlled by Apple scripts" checkbox.
3. Back in the table, select commanders, then choose keyboard commander from 
the list of tabs.
4. Enable this commander and choose which option key you want to use.
5. Go to the assign commands button, I think that's it anyway, and you should 
see that t is already assigned to run the time/date script. If not, go to add, 
type t, then find the command menu button and activate it. Choose "run script" 
and select the script you want. There are other useful scripts here, or you can 
find or write your very own.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:54 PM, cait furness  wrote:

> You can do vo mm and then arrow over to the right until you hear the time.  
> the other way involves the use of apple script, which I don't know if you 
> have that enabled on your mac and I also don't know if this works in mountain 
> lion.  If you have speakable items turned on, you can hold down escape or 
> whatever key you've designated and ask the mac what time it is. vo f2 will 
> tell you the title of the current window.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
> On 2013-01-10, at 6:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner"  wrote:
>> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
>> the title of the focused window?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
>> Hi Mary.
>> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible.
>> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
>> complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the
>> contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if
>> more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
>> and problems, it would maybe help.
>> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or
>> is everything working automatically.
>> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts,
>> that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
>> information about how to make such scripts.
>> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
>> epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from
>> mobi and htmlz.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
>>> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
>> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
>> off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these
>> books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing
>> about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy
>> types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and
>> the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've
>> tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the
>> magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder
>> if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
>> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
>> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so
>> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of
>> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer
>> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to
>> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then
>> that would be good to know as well.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> motte...@gmail.com
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Les.
Well, I was able to do this at one time, but I'm missing a step in the
process now as well. I'll have to contact someone I know off list and
get this info for you. Sorry about that. I know it's possible, because
I sat at a table a few months ago and went through the process with
someone, but I can't find mention of it in the manual and something is
missing. Now I'm frustrated and on a mission!


On 1/10/13, Les Kriegler  wrote:
> Kristeen, are you holding down your routing buttons for a couple of seconds.
>  I find that at least on the Brailliant Bi 40, holding down the routing
> button results in the word I am on being spoken.  I'd suggest creating a
> short practice document and experiment with using the cursor routing
> buttons.
> Les
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> I'd loke to use VO+j as well from the keyboard, but there seems to be no
>> way to do this.
>> Also, I can't use any of the routing keys above the braille cells to move
>> the cursor. This is frustrating me greatly.
>> Kristeen
>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> They say you can not teach an old dog new tricks.  Well, this old dog is,
>>> for the first time, using braille input on a braille display and am
>>> really enjoying it.  I recently purchased the Brailliant bi 40.  With so
>>> many keys in play with the Mac, it's really nice to reduce keystrokes
>>> with braille.  Now for my question.  Can I jump to the text of a message
>>> using a braille keyboard?  I'd like to use the equivalent of vo-j from
>>> the braille display.  Thanks.
>>> Les
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Scott,

Okay, thanks for the assist on this one.  I'll look forward to hearing the 

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi Les.
> Well, I was able to do this at one time, but I'm missing a step in the
> process now as well. I'll have to contact someone I know off list and
> get this info for you. Sorry about that. I know it's possible, because
> I sat at a table a few months ago and went through the process with
> someone, but I can't find mention of it in the manual and something is
> missing. Now I'm frustrated and on a mission!
> Scott
> On 1/10/13, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> Kristeen, are you holding down your routing buttons for a couple of seconds.
>> I find that at least on the Brailliant Bi 40, holding down the routing
>> button results in the word I am on being spoken.  I'd suggest creating a
>> short practice document and experiment with using the cursor routing
>> buttons.
>> Les
>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> I'd loke to use VO+j as well from the keyboard, but there seems to be no
>>> way to do this.
>>> Also, I can't use any of the routing keys above the braille cells to move
>>> the cursor. This is frustrating me greatly.
>>> Kristeen
>>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
 They say you can not teach an old dog new tricks.  Well, this old dog is,
 for the first time, using braille input on a braille display and am
 really enjoying it.  I recently purchased the Brailliant bi 40.  With so
 many keys in play with the Mac, it's really nice to reduce keystrokes
 with braille.  Now for my question.  Can I jump to the text of a message
 using a braille keyboard?  I'd like to use the equivalent of vo-j from
 the braille display.  Thanks.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
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Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Mary Otten


Please put the answer to this question on list, and I'm sure it will help 
others as well. Vo J is such a useful command for those of us who like to use 
the preview pane in mail.


Mary Otten

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My initial experience with Launch Bar

2013-01-10 Thread Traci
Hi all, thought I'd share my initial thoughts on Launch Bar.  There is still so 
much more about the program I haven't explored.

First, I'm really enjoying it!  Secondly, it isn't fully voFriendly.  It is so 
far quite doable, and I have emailed the developers about accessibility 
improvements.  They wrote back with interest, so we'll see.  :)

Once it is installed, the natural keyboard shortcut for the program is 
command-space.  When you press this, VO just says button.  I recommend you 
hitting command-I for preferences.  Have a look in there, but you can change a 
setting where the Mac voice will announce your results.  At this time, this is 
a must, because VO doesn't read the list.  Back to that unlabeled button, it is 
just an options or about drop-down.  This area is also an edit field, even 
though VO doesn't speak that.

So, here are some fun examples:
There are these things called search templates, which you can eventually assign 
abbreviations to.  Here is one I've done.
command-space, type books, press spacebar, then type a title or author, and 
return.  My default browser opens to the Amazon books page.
Another example:
command-space, type iMsg, spacebar, Mom, and return.  This opens iMessage with 
anew msg window to Mom.

There are several factory search templates, all which can be assigned an 
abbreviation if you'd like.

Anyway, I'm having such a good time figuring it out.  There is one area that 
continues to stump me, but I hope support will help me out with that.  I'm 
trying to add a custom search template.

There is a 30-day trial, then I believe the program is around $35.  There is a 
lot more to this program I haven't written here.  Lol, and a ton more for me to 
learn.  It's all fun and useful.

1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your 
support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against 
blood cancers. Please give to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn more & 
donate here. Thank you.

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go to meeting webinar software

2013-01-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I attended a webinar this morning which used this software. Very easy to use 
and much of it was accessible. The only thing I couldn't do was find the text 
box to type questions into. Has anybody used this and if so, were you able to 
find the text box?


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Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
So, I haven't tested this or followed this thread too closely. I just had a 
look in the commands menus and I think the command you guys want is in the 
navigation menu, called "go to linked item". At least, if you press vo-h and go 
to commands, then navigation, it says that vo-j is assigned to this item.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Scott,
> Please put the answer to this question on list, and I'm sure it will help 
> others as well. Vo J is such a useful command for those of us who like to use 
> the preview pane in mail.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> motte...@gmail.com
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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RE: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Reinhard Stebner
Thank you very much for all of your help, this was what I was looking for. 

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:11 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title
of the window

As stated, you can use a script for this. I have mine set to option-t.
1. Open the vo utility with vo-f8 (you may need to add function to that).
2. Select the general category from the table, then find and check the
"allow Voiceover to be controlled by Apple scripts" checkbox.
3. Back in the table, select commanders, then choose keyboard commander from
the list of tabs.
4. Enable this commander and choose which option key you want to use.
5. Go to the assign commands button, I think that's it anyway, and you
should see that t is already assigned to run the time/date script. If not,
go to add, type t, then find the command menu button and activate it. Choose
"run script" and select the script you want. There are other useful scripts
here, or you can find or write your very own.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:54 PM, cait furness  wrote:

> You can do vo mm and then arrow over to the right until you hear the time.
the other way involves the use of apple script, which I don't know if you
have that enabled on your mac and I also don't know if this works in
mountain lion.  If you have speakable items turned on, you can hold down
escape or whatever key you've designated and ask the mac what time it is. vo
f2 will tell you the title of the current window.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
> On 2013-01-10, at 6:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner" 
>> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
>> the title of the focused window?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
>> Hi Mary.
>> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more
>> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
>> complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into
>> contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope
>> more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
>> and problems, it would maybe help.
>> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance,
>> is everything working automatically.
>> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator
>> that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
>> information about how to make such scripts.
>> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
>> epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert
>> mobi and htmlz.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
>>> Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
>> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
>> off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use
>> books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of
>> about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the
>> types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application
>> the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard.
>> tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on
>> magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I
>> if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
>> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
>> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me,
>> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables
>> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd
>> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev
>> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off,
>> that would be good to know as well.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> motte...@gmail.com
>>> -- 
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Re: go to meeting webinar software

2013-01-10 Thread Michael Babcock
I would also like to let the List know that this software is accessible on iOS. 
There are three tabs across the bottom, and the middle tab in the bottom is the 
questions tab. Just in case someone has to attend another GoToMeeting that 

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:27 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi
> I attended a webinar this morning which used this software. Very easy to use 
> and much of it was accessible. The only thing I couldn't do was find the text 
> box to type questions into. Has anybody used this and if so, were you able to 
> find the text box?
> Lisette
> -- 
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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Michael and Alex. If he uses a MacBook, he doesn't have to use the function 
keys to perform Voiceover commands if he follows these steps:
1. Open System Preferences.
2. Go to keyboard. Make sure that the keyboard tab is selected.
3. Check the checkbox that says "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function 
keys. Once that's checked, he doesn't need to press the function key to perform 
VO commands. The only time he'll need to press the function key is if he wants 
to turn his Mac up and down with F11 and F12 and mute it with F10. Just thought 
I'd refresh everyone's memories about that because it's not always talked about.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: My initial experience with Launch Bar

2013-01-10 Thread Michael Babcock
This sounds like an application that may be very useful for me. Could you 
provide us with a link to the developers website? Thank you

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:19 PM, Traci  wrote:

> Hi all, thought I'd share my initial thoughts on Launch Bar.  There is still 
> so much more about the program I haven't explored.
> First, I'm really enjoying it!  Secondly, it isn't fully voFriendly.  It is 
> so far quite doable, and I have emailed the developers about accessibility 
> improvements.  They wrote back with interest, so we'll see.  :)
> Once it is installed, the natural keyboard shortcut for the program is 
> command-space.  When you press this, VO just says button.  I recommend you 
> hitting command-I for preferences.  Have a look in there, but you can change 
> a setting where the Mac voice will announce your results.  At this time, this 
> is a must, because VO doesn't read the list.  Back to that unlabeled button, 
> it is just an options or about drop-down.  This area is also an edit field, 
> even though VO doesn't speak that.
> So, here are some fun examples:
> There are these things called search templates, which you can eventually 
> assign abbreviations to.  Here is one I've done.
> command-space, type books, press spacebar, then type a title or author, and 
> return.  My default browser opens to the Amazon books page.
> Another example:
> command-space, type iMsg, spacebar, Mom, and return.  This opens iMessage 
> with anew msg window to Mom.
> There are several factory search templates, all which can be assigned an 
> abbreviation if you'd like.
> Anyway, I'm having such a good time figuring it out.  There is one area that 
> continues to stump me, but I hope support will help me out with that.  I'm 
> trying to add a custom search template.
> There is a 30-day trial, then I believe the program is around $35.  There is 
> a lot more to this program I haven't written here.  Lol, and a ton more for 
> me to learn.  It's all fun and useful.
> Traci
> 1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your 
> support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against 
> blood cancers. Please give to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn more & 
> donate here. Thank you.
> http://www.llswa.org/site/TR/Events/BigClimb?px=1570735&pg=personal&fr_id=1250
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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Michael Babcock
Thanks, I neglected to recall where to change the settings

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hi Michael and Alex. If he uses a MacBook, he doesn't have to use the 
> function keys to perform Voiceover commands if he follows these steps:
> 1. Open System Preferences.
> 2. Go to keyboard. Make sure that the keyboard tab is selected.
> 3. Check the checkbox that says "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard 
> function keys. Once that's checked, he doesn't need to press the function key 
> to perform VO commands. The only time he'll need to press the function key is 
> if he wants to turn his Mac up and down with F11 and F12 and mute it with 
> F10. Just thought I'd refresh everyone's memories about that because it's not 
> always talked about.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
> -- 
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Re: Caliber on the Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Mary.

I hope that then the developers have heard from a lot of us, they will figure 
out that we need to use calibre as well as sighted people.

Best regards Annie.

Den Jan 11, 2013 kl. 12:56 AM skrev Mary Otten :

> No, unfortunately, even after the plug in for converting whatever form of drm 
> protected books, such as azw, is installed, the actual process is not 
> vo-accessible. Or if it is, I'd love somebody to explain how you're doing it. 
> I gather that there is a way to do this if you want to use the terminal, but 
> I've also heard that that process is hit and miss and a bit complicated. The 
> Caliber process with the gui is easy, if you can access it. So I will see 
> about adding my voice to those others who have written the developers. But 
> I'm not holding my breath.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> motte...@gmail.com
> -- 
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Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back up 
again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed and 
ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or my 
computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
 Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
"dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
 Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply make 
a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?

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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Matt Dierckens
Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back 
> up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed 
> and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or 
> my computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply make 
> a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an oder 
version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make sure you 
are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is Version 1.6.10.


Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing control+F8  
and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in to a menu.  
When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box preferences 
and you can access and adjust everything from there.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back 
> up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed 
> and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or 
> my computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply make 
> a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Jessica Moss
I'm currently running Lion, and downloaded the latest yesterday, which worked 
perfectly the first time around, so have no idea why this is happening again.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make sure 
> you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is Version 
> 1.6.10.
> HTH.
> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back 
>> up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed 
>> and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or 
>> my computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Jessica Moss
As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even show 
up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hello.
> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
> dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
> HTH.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back 
>> up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed 
>> and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or 
>> my computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Matt Dierckens
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
> show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
>> dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>> HTH.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion is do 
everything from the context menu.
Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
>> show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
>>> dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>>> HTH.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
 Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
 back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
 installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
 running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
 Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
 "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, 
 and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
 Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
 make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah, that's why then.  You really do need to be running ML to get access to Drop 
Box menus.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I'm currently running Lion, and downloaded the latest yesterday, which worked 
> perfectly the first time around, so have no idea why this is happening again.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
>> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make 
>> sure you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is 
>> Version 1.6.10.
>> HTH.
>> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
>> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
>> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
>> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Actually I think that is not correct. I ran dropbox in Lion; the install was 
not as accessible then but I was able to access my Dropbox folder just fine 
once it was installed. I apologize if this has changed and I just didn't know 


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make sure 
> you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is Version 
> 1.6.10.
> HTH.
> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right back 
>> up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first installed 
>> and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be running it or 
>> my computer forever, I was going to have to close it eventually.
>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
He's right:  and, furthermore, if there's no Drop Box menu, you ain't synching. 
 That's the reason why you can't share I'd bet.

I stress again, however, I'd really switch over to ML were I you.  Doing this 
will give you access to a lot more things then Lion will-Drop Box access among 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion is 
> do everything from the context menu.
> Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
> share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
> Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
>>> show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
 dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
 Sent from my mac
 Twitter: matt692
 On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
> eventually.
> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling 
> me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with 
> it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Once it's installed, you mainly need to access your Dropbox folder and that's 
accessible right in your home directory in finder.

May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I'm currently running Lion, and downloaded the latest yesterday, which worked 
> perfectly the first time around, so have no idea why this is happening again.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
>> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make 
>> sure you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is 
>> Version 1.6.10.
>> HTH.
>> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
>> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
>> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
>> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I suspect we may not be talking about quite the same thing.  Yes, in Lion, you 
should be able to access the Drop Box submenu from the short cut menu off any 
file or folder in your Drop Box:  But, for full access to all of Drop Box's 
menus, you really should consider ML.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:41 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Actually I think that is not correct. I ran dropbox in Lion; the install was 
> not as accessible then but I was able to access my Dropbox folder just fine 
> once it was installed. I apologize if this has changed and I just didn't know 
> it.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
>> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make 
>> sure you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is 
>> Version 1.6.10.
>> HTH.
>> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
>> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
>> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
>> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
No, it won't show up in the menus unless you have Mountain Lion but you can 
still access your folder; at least I could.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
>> show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
>>> dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>>> HTH.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
 Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
 back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
 installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
 running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
 Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
 "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, 
 and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
 Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
 make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I agree.
I used to run it just fine under Lion as well.
It is much nicer on mountain lion though.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:41 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Actually I think that is not correct. I ran dropbox in Lion; the install was 
> not as accessible then but I was able to access my Dropbox folder just fine 
> once it was installed. I apologize if this has changed and I just didn't know 
> it.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> What's your current OS?  I ask because if you are running Lion and have an 
>> oder version of Drop Box, you aint gonna have no luck.  You need to make 
>> sure you are running 10.8-ML-and have the latest Drop box:  The latest is 
>> Version 1.6.10.
>> HTH.
>> Oh, forgot to mention, access Drop box via the menu bar by pressing 
>> control+F8  and VO=left or right through the menu bar and VO+space to go in 
>> to a menu.  When in the Drop Box menu frim there, press VO+space on Drop Box 
>> preferences and you can access and adjust everything from there.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling me 
>>> "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with it, and 
>>> reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, how would I go about upgrading/installing to that, and how much would that 
cost me?  I know next to nothing about that, so would love some info on that.
On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> He's right:  and, furthermore, if there's no Drop Box menu, you ain't 
> synching.  That's the reason why you can't share I'd bet.
> I stress again, however, I'd really switch over to ML were I you.  Doing this 
> will give you access to a lot more things then Lion will-Drop Box access 
> among them.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion is 
>> do everything from the context menu.
>> Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
>> share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
>> Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
 As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
 show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
 On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hello.
> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access 
> the dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
> HTH.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
>> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>> eventually.
>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling 
>> me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with 
>> it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
>> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Yes, this is what i did in Lion.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion is 
> do everything from the context menu.
> Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
> share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
> Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't even 
>>> show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access the 
 dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
 Sent from my mac
 Twitter: matt692
 On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to be 
> running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
> eventually.
> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling 
> me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with 
> it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just simply 
> make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any advice?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
It costs $20.
It's incredibly easy to upgrade.
Just search for it in the app store.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:44 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, how would I go about upgrading/installing to that, and how much would 
> that cost me?  I know next to nothing about that, so would love some info on 
> that.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> He's right:  and, furthermore, if there's no Drop Box menu, you ain't 
>> synching.  That's the reason why you can't share I'd bet.
>> I stress again, however, I'd really switch over to ML were I you.  Doing 
>> this will give you access to a lot more things then Lion will-Drop Box 
>> access among them.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion 
>>> is do everything from the context menu.
>>> Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
>>> share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
>>> Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  
>>> wrote:
 Sent from my mac
 Twitter: matt692
 On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't 
> even show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access 
>> the dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>> HTH.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  
>> wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to 
>>> be running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling 
>>> me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with 
>>> it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just 
>>> simply make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any 
>>> advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> mac

Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay.  Cost will be $19.95 if I remember correctly.  Go to the app store, then, 
type "Mountain Lion"  That should bring it up right away.

Some say you can just overinstall and that should work:  But, if you ask me, 
I'd go for a clean install.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, how would I go about upgrading/installing to that, and how much would 
> that cost me?  I know next to nothing about that, so would love some info on 
> that.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> He's right:  and, furthermore, if there's no Drop Box menu, you ain't 
>> synching.  That's the reason why you can't share I'd bet.
>> I stress again, however, I'd really switch over to ML were I you.  Doing 
>> this will give you access to a lot more things then Lion will-Drop Box 
>> access among them.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion 
>>> is do everything from the context menu.
>>> Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
>>> share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
>>> Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  
>>> wrote:
 Sent from my mac
 Twitter: matt692
 On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't 
> even show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access 
>> the dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>> HTH.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  
>> wrote:
>>> Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start right 
>>> back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when I first 
>>> installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't going to 
>>> be running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to close it 
>>> eventually.
>>> Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to telling 
>>> me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to do with 
>>> it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
>>> Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just 
>>> simply make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got any 
>>> advice?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Re: Dropbox acting up again.

2013-01-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I second that.
I Did an update and it was such a pain in the neck.
It's easier to just start over clean. :)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:48 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Okay.  Cost will be $19.95 if I remember correctly.  Go to the app store, 
> then, type "Mountain Lion"  That should bring it up right away.
> Some say you can just overinstall and that should work:  But, if you ask me, 
> I'd go for a clean install.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, how would I go about upgrading/installing to that, and how much would 
>> that cost me?  I know next to nothing about that, so would love some info on 
>> that.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> He's right:  and, furthermore, if there's no Drop Box menu, you ain't 
>>> synching.  That's the reason why you can't share I'd bet.
>>> I stress again, however, I'd really switch over to ML were I you.  Doing 
>>> this will give you access to a lot more things then Lion will-Drop Box 
>>> access among them.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
 Now one thing you could try at least from what i remember when i had lion 
 is do everything from the context menu.
 Go to the home directory and dropbox, find the folder or file you want to 
 share, and press vo+shift+m to go to the context menu.
 Then look and see if there is a dropbox menu to share.
 On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-10, at 8:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> As for accessing it through the menu bar, I tried that, and it didn't 
>> even show up, so have no idea what to make of that either.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Dropbox is always going to say, has no windows. The only way to access 
>>> the dropbox menu is, naturally, through the menu bar.
>>> HTH.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> On 2013-01-10, at 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss  
>>> wrote:
 Ok, I managed to get dropbox up and running, only for it to start 
 right back up again with the same behavior.  It worked perfectly when 
 I first installed and ran it, but considering the fact that I wasn't 
 going to be running it or my computer forever, I was going to have to 
 close it eventually.
 Then when I relaunched it last night, and it went right back to 
 telling me "dropbox has no windows," and I couldn't figure out what to 
 do with it, and reinstalling it after trashing it does nothing.
 Then on top of that, it refuses to redownload so maybe I can just 
 simply make a fresh start, and this is driving me nuts.  Anyone got 
 any advice?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: bad accessibility these days

2013-01-10 Thread Steve Holmes
This news about TaxAct is very disconcerting. I used it last tax year with 
Firefox on my Linux box and it worked pretty well.  If a11y has gotten this 
bad, I may have to move my records elsewhere.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi again guys. 
> I made the change to navigate by images in the Vo utility. Unfortunately, 
> that resulted in Safari kicking out of the web site three times. Anybothy got 
> any other ideas? 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: asking VoiceOver for the current time and date as well as title of the window

2013-01-10 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just to add, one can toggle the keyboard commander on/off with VO shift K.  And 
to answer the question about reading the title of the window in which voiceover 
is currently focused, its VO F2.


Ricardo Walker

On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> As stated, you can use a script for this. I have mine set to option-t.
> 1. Open the vo utility with vo-f8 (you may need to add function to that).
> 2. Select the general category from the table, then find and check the "allow 
> Voiceover to be controlled by Apple scripts" checkbox.
> 3. Back in the table, select commanders, then choose keyboard commander from 
> the list of tabs.
> 4. Enable this commander and choose which option key you want to use.
> 5. Go to the assign commands button, I think that's it anyway, and you should 
> see that t is already assigned to run the time/date script. If not, go to 
> add, type t, then find the command menu button and activate it. Choose "run 
> script" and select the script you want. There are other useful scripts here, 
> or you can find or write your very own.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 6:54 PM, cait furness  wrote:
>> You can do vo mm and then arrow over to the right until you hear the time.  
>> the other way involves the use of apple script, which I don't know if you 
>> have that enabled on your mac and I also don't know if this works in 
>> mountain lion.  If you have speakable items turned on, you can hold down 
>> escape or whatever key you've designated and ask the mac what time it is. vo 
>> f2 will tell you the title of the current window.
>> hth,
>> Caitlyn
>> On 2013-01-10, at 6:50 PM, "Reinhard Stebner"  wrote:
>>> How does one ask VoiceOver for the current time and is it possible to see
>>> the title of the focused window?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:47 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: Caliber on the Mac
>>> Hi Mary.
>>> I would be so happy if calibre on the mac could be a little more accessible.
>>> I would be glad, if you would try contacting the developer. It is a bit
>>> complicated. I tried a while ago, it was a little difficult to go into the
>>> contact forum. They did not seem very interested to our needs. But I hope if
>>> more blind people contacted them, and in details are explayning our needs
>>> and problems, it would maybe help.
>>> When your calibre has been setup, do you still need sighted assistance, or
>>> is everything working automatically.
>>> I have also been looking at the possibility to make some automator scripts,
>>> that can convert from mobi and htmlz to epub, but I can not find much
>>> information about how to make such scripts.
>>> I know that there has been made some scripts that can convert from rtf to
>>> epub, so it ought to be possible to make some scripts that can convert from
>>> mobi and htmlz.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Jan 1, 2013 kl. 4:48 AM skrev Mary Otten :
 Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing
>>> you can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm
>>> off of books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these
>>> books on whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of messing
>>> about in the terminal, a process not for the faint of heart or the non-techy
>>> types, of whom I am one. Unfortunately, the process with the application and
>>> the plugins seems totally inaccessible. I've tried with the keyboard. I've
>>> tried turning off trackpad commander and just moving my finger around on the
>>> magic track pad to see if anything useful showed up. It didn't. So I wonder
>>> if anybody has tried contacting the developer of the app regarding
>>> accessibility. I know it is a volunteer effort. And I am lucky, because I
>>> have a sighted spouse, who can be talked in to doing this process for me, so
>>> that I can access Kindle books now on my iDevices, complete with tables of
>>> contents, links etc. But not everybody has that luxury. Besides, I'd prefer
>>> to not need this help. I'm willing to join the effort to convince the dev to
>>> make it accessible, but if others have tried and been told to buzz off, then
>>> that would be good to know as well.
 Mary Otten
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Re: bad accessibility these days

2013-01-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Oh no, I really wanted to do my income tax myself this year and not have to 
take it to our VITA site. There was a supervising change there last year and 
they would have messed things up if I hadn't been very vigilant. I always work 
everything out by hand anyway before I even go to the VITA site. Either I'll 
have to find something accessible, go to the site again, or do it on the 
computer with my sighted reader there to do the inaccessible parts. This is 
really terribly disappointing!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:05 PM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> This news about TaxAct is very disconcerting. I used it last tax year with 
> Firefox on my Linux box and it worked pretty well.  If a11y has gotten this 
> bad, I may have to move my records elsewhere.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi again guys. 
>> I made the change to navigate by images in the Vo utility. Unfortunately, 
>> that resulted in Safari kicking out of the web site three times. Anybothy 
>> got any other ideas? 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: How to help blind people new to Mac learn it as fast and smooth as possible

2013-01-10 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

>From what has been recently posted about learning how to use an MBA and Mac 
>computers, and based on my very abbreviated experience with the MAC, and about 
>three years using IOS, I agree with the majority of thoughts and suggestions.

Where I disagree concerns the way the skills should be acquired and the level 
of frustration which, according to some, should be high, almost like a rite of 
passage or a toll, in order to enter an elite subset of computer users.  
Something in me crys out that we are now in the 21st century and not at the 
beginning of the computer revolution, when, indeed, it took intrepid trail 
blazers to make the modern computer experience what it now is for so many.  
It's my thinking that a computer use curve should be a smooth and intuitive 
process, in so far as possible.

It seems that the command structure nd maybe the MAC architecture comprises 
many oldisms and hold-overs and that these are kept in place by social pressure 
and habit.  For example, the Mac's way of moving from segment to segment, area 
to area, seems like island hopping where a blind user has to interact, then 
uninteract and move into the next mode.  It seems that this clumsiness has been 
ditched or primarily automated in the IOS platform.  Mac has to go toward IOS 
fluidity and bring with it all the power, file porting and operational 
modalities when it does.

Why not take lessons from history?  The Braille codex, many proprietary to 
individual people's design or to a school or institution, had to be unified in 
the early 20th century in order to eliminate archaic and cumbersome elements 
and to streamline and modernize the Braille code.  Now, we have a standard code 
in the English speaking world which lends itself to all of the modern 
applications.  Why not re-design the Mac VoiceOver command structure, 
incorporating modern elements and removing clumsy and outdated modalities, such 
as the overly multiple key commands.  A simplified structure would make 
learning the Apple platform a breeze and would help broaden the use of this 
platform because of ease of use, just like the IOS devices.

Yes, we, especially the old-timers, would have to re-learn things they already 
had mastered, just as many blind people had to learn the unified Braille code 
that arose out of the changes in the early 20th century.  It seems to me that 
unless Apple does this sort of modification, the Mac VoiceOver interface can 
only grow more and more cluttered and complicated.

Thanks, everyone, for all the constructive suggestions.  I intend to pass them 
along to the Apple store guys trying to help me so we all can learn and 

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 09/01/2013, at 10:01, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

1) take the VoiceOver tutorial by pressing VO, Command, F8
2) repeatedly read the mountain lion with VoiceOver manual. It can be found on 
Apple's website, and also under the VoiceOver help menu (VO H)

3) make liberal use of the keyboard help function (VO K)
4) , explore and get very frustrated over and over again until frustration goes 

- Original Message - From: "David Hole" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:28 PM
Subject: How to help blind people new to Mac learn it as fast and smooth as 

> Hi folks.
> As far as I know, there are many here in this group who are helping
> blind people switching from Windows to Mac.
> Do you have any strategies to help them get fast into the VoiceOver
> commands, and how they can "distance" them selves from the Windows
> platform, and learn Mac the best way there is?
> For example, is the best way to first learn to use VoiceOver with the
> QuickKeys, or the hard way with so many keys pressed at once some
> times?
> What about what to learn first, do you learn them a piece of software
> (such as Mail or Safari) or how the OS and how VoiceOver interacts
> with it before going into apps?
> All comments on this is really welcome.
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: How to help blind people new to Mac learn it as fast and smooth as possible

2013-01-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
My private suspicion is this.  With perhaps the next release of the Mac OS, we 
may see the elimination of having to interact with things.  I forsee this 
coming because of a wish on Apple's part to unify the IOS completely with the 
Mac OS.  Indeed, I'm kind of shocked it hasn't happened already.  My guess is 
that with the coming of Mac OS 11, we can look forward to just having one 
across the board OS-for both I devices and Macs-and, this OS would be so across 
the board that, if you already know how to use an Iphone-say-you already know 
how to use a Mac:  and, if you already know how to use a Mac, you already know 
how to use the Iphone.  Besides which, how many wild cats are there in the 
world?  I suspect that the concept of interaction grew out of the necessity to 
give Voice Over a way for blind people to do things in what was the Apple way 
back in 2005 or so.  In a way, if you think about it, it makes sense.  When you 
interact with something, you tell Voice Over that you want or need to pay more 
attention to a particular area on the screen.  What I love about the Apple way 
of doing things is that, unlike windows-the small w is on purpose-is that it's 
not part of the Apple archatecture to make assumptions about what you want 
given back to you as feedback or whether you want feedback at all.  Thus, it's 
really a misnomer to call Voice Over a "screen Reader" as such.  More correct 
to look at Voice over as part of the skin of the operating system so to speak.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 10, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Cheree Heppe  wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> From what has been recently posted about learning how to use an MBA and Mac 
> computers, and based on my very abbreviated experience with the MAC, and 
> about three years using IOS, I agree with the majority of thoughts and 
> suggestions.
> Where I disagree concerns the way the skills should be acquired and the level 
> of frustration which, according to some, should be high, almost like a rite 
> of passage or a toll, in order to enter an elite subset of computer users.  
> Something in me crys out that we are now in the 21st century and not at the 
> beginning of the computer revolution, when, indeed, it took intrepid trail 
> blazers to make the modern computer experience what it now is for so many.  
> It's my thinking that a computer use curve should be a smooth and intuitive 
> process, in so far as possible.
> It seems that the command structure nd maybe the MAC architecture comprises 
> many oldisms and hold-overs and that these are kept in place by social 
> pressure and habit.  For example, the Mac's way of moving from segment to 
> segment, area to area, seems like island hopping where a blind user has to 
> interact, then uninteract and move into the next mode.  It seems that this 
> clumsiness has been ditched or primarily automated in the IOS platform.  Mac 
> has to go toward IOS fluidity and bring with it all the power, file porting 
> and operational modalities when it does.
> Why not take lessons from history?  The Braille codex, many proprietary to 
> individual people's design or to a school or institution, had to be unified 
> in the early 20th century in order to eliminate archaic and cumbersome 
> elements and to streamline and modernize the Braille code.  Now, we have a 
> standard code in the English speaking world which lends itself to all of the 
> modern applications.  Why not re-design the Mac VoiceOver command structure, 
> incorporating modern elements and removing clumsy and outdated modalities, 
> such as the overly multiple key commands.  A simplified structure would make 
> learning the Apple platform a breeze and would help broaden the use of this 
> platform because of ease of use, just like the IOS devices.
> Yes, we, especially the old-timers, would have to re-learn things they 
> already had mastered, just as many blind people had to learn the unified 
> Braille code that arose out of the changes in the early 20th century.  It 
> seems to me that unless Apple does this sort of modification, the Mac 
> VoiceOver interface can only grow more and more cluttered and complicated.
> Thanks, everyone, for all the constructive suggestions.  I intend to pass 
> them along to the Apple store guys trying to help me so we all can learn and 
> progress.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
> On 09/01/2013, at 10:01, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
> Yes,
> 1) take the VoiceOver tutorial by pressing VO, Command, F8
> 2) repeatedly read the mountain lion with VoiceOver manual. It can be found 
> on Apple's website, and also under the VoiceOver help menu (VO H)
> 3) make liberal use of the keyboard help function (VO K)
> 4) , explore and get very frustrated over and over again until frustration 
> goes away.
> - Original Message - From: "David Hole" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Wednesda

Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-10 Thread Les Kriegler
Alex, nice catch!  I assigned space with j to the go to linked item command, 
and it works from within the messages list.  Thank you, it's  easier on my 
hands to press the braille key combination, and I'll be using this keystroke 
all of the time now.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:32 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> So, I haven't tested this or followed this thread too closely. I just had a 
> look in the commands menus and I think the command you guys want is in the 
> navigation menu, called "go to linked item". At least, if you press vo-h and 
> go to commands, then navigation, it says that vo-j is assigned to this item.
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> Scott,
>> Please put the answer to this question on list, and I'm sure it will help 
>> others as well. Vo J is such a useful command for those of us who like to 
>> use the preview pane in mail.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> motte...@gmail.com
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: Mac Air Users Question

2013-01-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

I make use of keyboard commanders and would suggest to anyone using
voiceover to set commanders to launch all of their favorite programs.
I have set commanders for mail, safari, newsrack, night owl, sorry
can't spell the real name of it, RS Games, and so on. I have all set
activities for the different programs for a couple with different
voices and turning quickNav off when needed. REally been learning a
lot of customization to make using voiceover even more effective.
Ordered the macair and can't wait for it to get here. Thanks again for
all the advice and suggestions.

On Jan 9, 8:49 am, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have been a long time Imac user and need to get a laptop for travel.
> I love voiceover on the Imac most of the time, and wanted to see if
> anyone had experience using voiceover both on an Imac and mac air, and
> if there was any notable difference or anything I need to be aware of?
> I looked at it in the Apple store, but you can't really hear anything
> in there. I don't need any kind of power computing, just be using the
> Mac Air 13 for browsing, email, news rack, twitter, itunes match,
> cloud computing, pages and numbers mostly so not having a big hard
> drive shouldn't be a problem. Thinking about bumping up the RAM to 8GB
> instead of the 4 it comes with, and will probably get a thumb drive
> for anything big I might need. I am not interested in the Ipad as I
> hate typing on it, and do like a full keyboard and the option
> voiceover on the Imac gives me. Thanks

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go to linked item command (was Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac)

2013-01-10 Thread Alex Hall
No problem, but why is it so useful? I understand how it works in the mail app, 
but aside from that I can't see how or when I would want to use it. How do I 
know where it will go? What item is linked to what? Must I interact with 
something first? Can there be chains of links? Perhaps if I had a deep 
understanding of GUI programming for OS10 I would know this stuff, but I don't 
so I don't, if that makes sense.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Alex, nice catch!  I assigned space with j to the go to linked item command, 
> and it works from within the messages list.  Thank you, it's  easier on my 
> hands to press the braille key combination, and I'll be using this keystroke 
> all of the time now.
> Les
> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:32 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> So, I haven't tested this or followed this thread too closely. I just had a 
>> look in the commands menus and I think the command you guys want is in the 
>> navigation menu, called "go to linked item". At least, if you press vo-h and 
>> go to commands, then navigation, it says that vo-j is assigned to this item.
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> Please put the answer to this question on list, and I'm sure it will help 
>>> others as well. Vo J is such a useful command for those of us who like to 
>>> use the preview pane in mail.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> motte...@gmail.com
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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