Tagging imported audiobooks in iTunes

2012-08-28 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Listers,

I've imported a couple of audiobooks into iTunes. They are actually recordings 
of classic series dramas from BBC radio4. I've gone into "get info" and have 
spent a couple of hours trying to tag the episodes so that I can find them 
under books categories in the source list of iTunes. Although I have given them 
the genre audiobook, I can't find the field for author so I have put the 
authors name in the artist field. For some reason though, the books are still 
listed in the music library but do not feature in the book library. And when I 
go into browser under "books', I can't find them by author. They do show though 
under compilations as I checked that box because they are two episodes of 
Buddenbrooks. Why can't I find the field for author in get info? Does it not 
exist for audiobooks? Any help is greatly appreciated.

By the way, anybody recorded the first episode of Buddenbrooks? I'd missed it, 
and iti is no longer available on the iPlayer.

Best wishes


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Re: BBC Radio Player

2012-08-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I could never use it with my Mac book Pro since 2010.


On 28 Aug 2012, at 01:26 AM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers 

> Hi
> Can't get Radio Player to work on either my iMac or my MBP, both running 
> latest version of ML. Has the BBC been improving accessibility again by 
> making it impossible to use Radio Player with VO? Anyone else experiencing 
> this?
> Regards
> Adrienne
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A missing box in Skype.

2012-08-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All.

Last evening, I wanted to change my caller Id in skype so if I called a mobile 
or land line, my mobile number would show up. But I could not locate that bit 
of information and was wondering if that had been taken away. Does anyone know?


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Re: Accidentally selecting windows

2012-08-28 Thread Robert
Thanks Gigi,

I will certainly keep trying - I think they price Macs to ensure that you 
can't abandon it after a few gos!

When using the screen visually I have "white on black" turned on, and use 
full screen magnification to zoom in a fair way.  I have tried trawling the 
various settings, both in "Accessibility" and "Trackpad", but have so far 
drawn a blank.



On Monday, August 27, 2012 10:42:49 AM UTC+1, Gigi wrote:
> Hi Robert
> First of all, hang in there. It takes some time to switch. It took me 
> about two weeks, but then voiceover was my fifth screen reader.
> I have a question about the screened in version?  are you talking about 
> just changing the contrast? 
> I have never experienced the problems you're talking about. So, it sounds 
> to me like some weird setting you've got that is causing you trouble.
> Regards
> Gigi 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 3:54 AM, Robert > 
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a question regarding use of the mouse pointer with VoiceOver on OS 
> X - however, since I haven't posted here before I thought I'd better 
> introduce myself.
> I live in London (UK) and have become something of an Apple convert in 
> recent years - starting off with my beloved iPhone in 2010, and much more 
> recently buying myself a MacBook Air.  One of the main drivers for the Mac 
> purchase was the changing nature of my sight - whilst I still have useful 
> vision, with which I can read a computer monitor, given sufficient 
> contract, reduced resolution, increased font size, etc, this is becoming 
> increasingly difficult.  Having used VoiceOver on the iPhone virtually all 
> the time, buying a Mac seemed like the obvious way of making a gentle 
> transition from sight-reading to screenreading.
> I did a lot of research before biting the bullet, including playing with 
> an Air for a few hours in an Apple Store.  Since getting it, however, I 
> have been slightly frustrated by the steepness of the learning curve, and 
> my relatively slow progress up it.  I think part of the issue has been that 
> I am not only learning to use a new OS, having mainly used Windows (and 
> Ubuntu for a bit) until now, but I am also relying more heavily on the 
> screenreader than ever before.  Whilst many of the gestures transfer across 
> to from iOS to Mountain Lion, the significantly more complicated desktop 
> and my lack of familiarity with the various keyboard shortcuts is proving 
> to be somewhat frustrating.
> I'll no doubt bother you with some of my other issues another time, but I 
> would appreciate a bit of advice on the thing which is probably causing me 
> the most irritation.
> As I am still finding my way around the desktop and various applications, 
> I often find myself getting rather "lost".  One way of getting out of such 
> situations, I find, is to disable the trackpad commander, zoom in a fair 
> bit, and navigate with the mouse pointer, with VoiceOver announcing the 
> items under it.  This works pretty well within most applications, however 
> in some - notably Mail - it automatically selects items as soon as the 
> cursor hovers over them. For instance, if I move the cursor over the 
> mailbox list and select "Inbox", but inadvertently hover over "drafts" when 
> moving the cursor back to the message list, "Drafts" is activated instead 
> of "Inbox".
> This becomes even more annoying if I accidentally stray beyond the 
> boundary of a window, resulting in the next one back being activated 
> instead.  As an example, I might have Safari open with Mail still running 
> in the background.  Whilst navigating with the mouse cursor I accidentally 
> stray beyond the Safari window, and suddenly find myself back in Mail!  To 
> make matters even worse, if I Cmd + Tab back to Safari, but don't move the 
> mouse cursor beforehand, it flips back to Mail as soon as I touch the 
> touchpad.  You will understand how annoying and frustrating this is.
> I would be very grateful if anybody could help me with this.  Is there a 
> way of maintaining the VO focus whilst navigating the cursor, but without 
> actually activating the items under it?  Is there any way of automatically 
> keeping the mouse cursor within the boundaries of a window?  Any help or 
> advice would be very gratefully received.
> Many thanks, and sorry for the very long post!
> Robert
> (Running Max OS X 10.8.1, with VO, magnification and screen inversion 
> turned on.)
> -- 
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Using markers in GarageBand

2012-08-28 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi all,

I'm not sure if this has already been brought up here, but is there a way of 
using markers accessibly in GarageBand? I found the "Add Marker" item on the 
"Edit" menu, but it always seems to be dimmed. Also, can I move between 
inserted markers, select from one marker to another, etc.? This would really 
make my song editing and recording a lot easier.


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
Skype: Batworx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
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Re: Using markers in GarageBand

2012-08-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
Ricardo Walker has a couple of Podcast's using Garage band!
You might find them useful and can find them here at this page!


hth Colin

On 28 Aug 2012, at 09:20, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm not sure if this has already been brought up here, but is there a way of 
> using markers accessibly in GarageBand? I found the "Add Marker" item on the 
> "Edit" menu, but it always seems to be dimmed. Also, can I move between 
> inserted markers, select from one marker to another, etc.? This would really 
> make my song editing and recording a lot easier.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
> Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx
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Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I used to be able to do that, but since a couple versions back i can't and i 
don't understand why. This is the primary reason for me to use 1password. If i 
can't fill out the credit card details, i might as well quit using it.

28 aug 2012 kl. 00:55 skrev Ioana Gandrabur :

> This is all fascinating.
> SOme of this is welcome news for me.
> Now I have a question that I am not sure has been discussed on list:
> Can anyone use the wallet successfully?
> THanks for your valuable tips.
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> It worked out this time. Thank you for your clear answer and tip about the 
>> menus. I have been focusing so hard on the safari extension and its 
>> inaccessibility, that it really got me frustrated. Things are a lot clearer 
>> now, even though inaccessibility in the extension remains for one part. You 
>> have been very helpful Robert.
>> For the sake of others attempting to use 1password, here is what I bumped 
>> into. As far as I found a work around, I'll describe that as well, so that 
>> others don't have to invent the wheel again, and at least get going, having 
>> logins saved, using them again, seeing how fast that is, and understanding 
>> some of the safari extension of 1password.
>> After having installed 1password, the words from a podcast I heard still 
>> sounded in the back of my mind, saying: it's real easy technology, that 
>> 1password thing. If you read the user guide, then yes, it's really been 
>> thought through very well. 1Password consists of both an application that 
>> goes into the normal app folder on the mac, and the other part is what is 
>> called a safari extension. It is this extension that is so handy, because 
>> when you log in to a site that 1password never saw before, then it asks you 
>> if you want to save this login for later. If you say yes, the login is 
>> stored inside the 1password keychain, along with all necessary data. This 
>> works well, even with VoiceOver. The 1password app is also very accessible, 
>> so that's good news to begin with, but the other part is not that easy if 
>> you use VoiceOver at this moment.
>> Say you are about to change one of your own passwords, for instance one that 
>> you have on skype.com, and you want to replace that with a strong password, 
>> given to you by the password generator inside 1password. Then if you try to 
>> follow the instructions in the user guide, you'll bump into problems on the 
>> safari extension 1password interface.
>> Here's what it says. Quote:
>>  • Click the 1Password key button in your toolbar, then the Strong 
>> Password Generator tab (it has a rotary padlock lock icon)
>>  • 
>> Adjust any features of the new strong password you’re creating
>>  • Click Fill to automatically fill your new password into any ‘new 
>> password’ and ‘verify password’ fields
>>  • Click Save and the 1Password AutoSave Bar should ask if you want to 
>> save this Login
>>  • Click the gear menu, mouse to the ‘Replace Existing Login’ section, 
>> and click the relevant Login you want to update with this new password
>>  • Sleep better at night
>> End of quote.
>> First, you have to click the 1password item inside your safari toolbar. With 
>> VoiceOver, this is easy. Go over to the toolbar, interact, and move right 
>> till you find the 1password button. Then click that with VO space. So far so 
>> good.
>> Next, according to the manual, you should click the rotary padlock lock 
>> icon, which will open the 1password strong password generator. 
>> Now, to find the new window from 1password, that popped up after you clicked 
>> the 1password button, inside the safari toolbar, you need to know that for 
>> now, you have not 1, but 2 html areas inside safari. The normal one, where 
>> you view your web pages, and another new one, from 1password. For VoiceOver, 
>> this is the left of the 2 html areas.
>> Normally, we would interact, and then VO right till we find the strong 
>> password generator icon. For this to work, the icon must have been labeled 
>> with some explanatory text like "Strong Password Generator", so that when 
>> you find that icon with VoiceOver, it can speak what the icon does. Without 
>> the label, it can't. And in this case, many icons and other items inside the 
>> 1password html area are poorly labeled. 
>> Here's what the 1password html area in safari reads as of now. The first 
>> five items are:
>> Tab, one of five. Then VO right and you hear:
>> tab, two of five. VO right and you hear:
>> tab, three of five. VO right:
>> Tab, four of five. Vo right:
>> tab, five of five.
>> So these items are not descriptive at all for now.
>> The next item in sequence for VoiceOver is something that appears as a 
>> button. VoiceOver says "button", but it won't tell what this 

Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-28 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Iona and Christer,

I just found a shortcut key in the user's guide that is worth knowing about. 
Instead of finding your toolbar, interacting, finding the 1password button and 
hitting it, it's quicker to just hit option command backslash. Remember that 
command backslash fills your login? Adding the option key to that opens the 
extension in safari.
On Aug 28, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> I used to be able to do that, but since a couple versions back i can't and i 
> don't understand why. This is the primary reason for me to use 1password. If 
> i can't fill out the credit card details, i might as well quit using it.
> /Krister
> 28 aug 2012 kl. 00:55 skrev Ioana Gandrabur :
>> This is all fascinating.
>> SOme of this is welcome news for me.
>> Now I have a question that I am not sure has been discussed on list:
>> Can anyone use the wallet successfully?
>> THanks for your valuable tips.
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> It worked out this time. Thank you for your clear answer and tip about the 
>>> menus. I have been focusing so hard on the safari extension and its 
>>> inaccessibility, that it really got me frustrated. Things are a lot clearer 
>>> now, even though inaccessibility in the extension remains for one part. You 
>>> have been very helpful Robert.
>>> For the sake of others attempting to use 1password, here is what I bumped 
>>> into. As far as I found a work around, I'll describe that as well, so that 
>>> others don't have to invent the wheel again, and at least get going, having 
>>> logins saved, using them again, seeing how fast that is, and understanding 
>>> some of the safari extension of 1password.
>>> After having installed 1password, the words from a podcast I heard still 
>>> sounded in the back of my mind, saying: it's real easy technology, that 
>>> 1password thing. If you read the user guide, then yes, it's really been 
>>> thought through very well. 1Password consists of both an application that 
>>> goes into the normal app folder on the mac, and the other part is what is 
>>> called a safari extension. It is this extension that is so handy, because 
>>> when you log in to a site that 1password never saw before, then it asks you 
>>> if you want to save this login for later. If you say yes, the login is 
>>> stored inside the 1password keychain, along with all necessary data. This 
>>> works well, even with VoiceOver. The 1password app is also very accessible, 
>>> so that's good news to begin with, but the other part is not that easy if 
>>> you use VoiceOver at this moment.
>>> Say you are about to change one of your own passwords, for instance one 
>>> that you have on skype.com, and you want to replace that with a strong 
>>> password, given to you by the password generator inside 1password. Then if 
>>> you try to follow the instructions in the user guide, you'll bump into 
>>> problems on the safari extension 1password interface.
>>> Here's what it says. Quote:
>>> • Click the 1Password key button in your toolbar, then the Strong 
>>> Password Generator tab (it has a rotary padlock lock icon)
>>> • 
>>> Adjust any features of the new strong password you’re creating
>>> • Click Fill to automatically fill your new password into any ‘new 
>>> password’ and ‘verify password’ fields
>>> • Click Save and the 1Password AutoSave Bar should ask if you want to 
>>> save this Login
>>> • Click the gear menu, mouse to the ‘Replace Existing Login’ section, 
>>> and click the relevant Login you want to update with this new password
>>> • Sleep better at night
>>> End of quote.
>>> First, you have to click the 1password item inside your safari toolbar. 
>>> With VoiceOver, this is easy. Go over to the toolbar, interact, and move 
>>> right till you find the 1password button. Then click that with VO space. So 
>>> far so good.
>>> Next, according to the manual, you should click the rotary padlock lock 
>>> icon, which will open the 1password strong password generator. 
>>> Now, to find the new window from 1password, that popped up after you 
>>> clicked the 1password button, inside the safari toolbar, you need to know 
>>> that for now, you have not 1, but 2 html areas inside safari. The normal 
>>> one, where you view your web pages, and another new one, from 1password. 
>>> For VoiceOver, this is the left of the 2 html areas.
>>> Normally, we would interact, and then VO right till we find the strong 
>>> password generator icon. For this to work, the icon must have been labeled 
>>> with some explanatory text like "Strong Password Generator", so that when 
>>> you find that icon with VoiceOver, it can speak what the icon does. Without 
>>> the label, it can't. And in this case, many icons and other items inside 
>>> the 1passw

Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-28 Thread Chris
Wow so can I use this to move e-mails sent to my address to go to a 
specific folder? Thanks!

Sent from my Windows laptop.

On 27/08/2012 23:11, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

A smart mailbox is as far as I know kind of a virtual mailbox that sorts
messages that meet criterii you specify. Kid of like a smart paylist in



Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com
 on iTunes and most online stores.

On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Rachel Feinberg mailto:walksi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

You know, I don't know what a smart mailbox is, actually. :) Perhaps
someone else may chime into help us both out on that point.

On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:30 PM, christopher hallsworth
mailto:christopher...@gmail.com>> wrote:

So that's what a Mailbox is! Thanks for explaining! Reason is I want
to have a go at setting up rules at some point. The rule would move
messages to my own address from the inbox to a specified folder, or
mailbox in this case. Hey what is a smart mailbox? Thanks!
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 17:38, Rachel Feinberg mailto:walksi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the
mailbox menu in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create
new mailbox from the mailbox menu.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM, tealgree...@gmail.com
 mailto:tealgree...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Good Morning List,

Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new
folders within mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders,
but not sure how to create new folders.


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Re: safari

2012-08-28 Thread Chris
Then what should I do, because it does not seem to work, and I cannot 
find it in the view menu either.

Sent from my Windows laptop.

On 27/08/2012 23:04, Lisette Wesseling wrote:

Command option works for me in Safari, and I am using ML.
So it's not been removed.
On 28/08/2012, at 9:47 AM, christopher hallsworth  

For some reason this did not work for me. And in any case it has been removed 
from ML.
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 22:22, Anne Robertson  wrote:


In Safari, you can open the downloads window by pressing Cmd-Option-l: exactly 
the same command that opens the downloads folder in the Finder.



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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Garth Humphreys
Wow - This is awesome Eric. I, like you have wanted this ability - it just 
makes so much sense. I can't wait to listen to your podcast and to get the time 
to install the needed tools.



Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
the iBlindTech Democast.

Follow me on twitter @BlindTechMusing or @iBlindTech for podcast info.

Send email to iblindt...@gmail.com

On 28/08/2012, at 9:01 AM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps 
> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the 
> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to be 
> pressed with the Voice Over keys.
> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the 
> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the 
> keyboard.  
> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to 
> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama 
> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in conjunction 
> with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user to remap the 
> caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed together.
> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file 
> created for VO users makes this possible.
> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
> for most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link 
> below to a podcast that walks through the set up.
> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the 
> specially constructed xml file.
> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within 
> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if 
> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple 
> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard 
> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For 
> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a 
> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this makes 
> it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I 
> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this 
> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to 
> support us.
>   This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you 
> see a need for revision please let me know. 
> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is 
> a dropbox link 
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will need.
>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.  
>> the needed key code number is 110.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.pc_application_to_controloption/private.xml
>> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
>> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>>> Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>>> private.pc_application_to_controloption
>>> --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L
> -- 
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Yorufukurou and Twitmarker

2012-08-28 Thread Steve Holmes
The latest version of this fine twitter client now sports tweet marker support 
which essentially bookmarks your last read tweet so that other twitter clients 
can pick up at that point.  This feature works beautifully when I leave my spot 
in yorufukurou and get on my iPod with tweet list.  Tweetlist picks up right 
where I left off on the Mac.

My question is when I come back to the Mac after reading a bunch of tweets on 
the iPod and note that tweetlist's tweet marker support works fine.  When I 
come back into yorufukurou, I either get positioned at the top of the timeline 
list or at the last unread tweet according to my last use of this program.  
What I'm trying to find out is how I might position the cursor on the 
bookmarked tweet according to tweet marker regardless of yorufukurou's 
read/unread statuses.

Anybody have ideas or experience with this?

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RE: update on sort headers in mail

2012-08-28 Thread Bill Holton

When I contacted apple accessibility they researched it and discovered there
was no way to change the order the columns appeared in the window except by
using the classic view.  They said  they would add it to the list, but the
more people who ask for this, I’m guessing the higher it will get on their
list.  I don’t mind using classic view, but I hate the idea of basing my
work flow on a feature that may disappear with the next release.




Email: b...@bholton.com

Direct:  386-624-6309

Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST

DeLand, FL  32720




From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ioana Gandrabur
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:57 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: update on sort headers in mail


But does this sort the columns or just the order in wich the messages are
presented in the listÉ

I want to change  orde of columns.





Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online


On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:12 PM, Brandon Olivares 



I do it by pressing the button next to the messages list.

On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:



I managed to sort headers in mail but only in classic view. COuld anyone
confirm that it is possible to sort mail columns in standart view?





Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com
  on iTunes and most online stores. 



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RE: PC keyboard with ML

2012-08-28 Thread Bill Holton
Can you send the post, or a link to the post and the podcast?

Email:  b...@bholton.com
Direct: 386-624-6309
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:06 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: PC keyboard with ML


Check out the post I just did about VO to caps lock key.  The same
app should be able to do this for you.  the other post has the links and the
podcast I did may also be helpful to you.  The name of the app is

Eric Caron 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> I use an ergonomic keyboard that is PC-based. I am wondering is there any
utility that will let me turn the application key to the right of the right
alt key into a right option or some other key that's accessible by Mountain
> Thanks.
> -- 
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RE: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Bill Holton
No need to send.  I found the post.  Thanks.

Email:  b...@bholton.com
Direct: 386-624-6309
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 7:01 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

Hello listers,

I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps
lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the
location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to
be pressed with the Voice Over keys.

Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the
times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the

For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to
use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.

I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama
Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in
conjunction with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user
to remap the caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed

The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file
created for VO users makes this possible.

Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient  for
most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link below
to a podcast that walks through the set up.

In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the
specially constructed xml file.

Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 

The application developer responded to my request for this capability within
hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if
there are any other ways the application can help blind users.

This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple
asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard
answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .

I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 

Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For
example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a
Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
 KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this
makes it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  

This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 

One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I
do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this
application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to
support us.

This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you
see a need for revision please let me know. 

I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is
a dropbox link 


Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will

> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.
the needed key code number is 110.
> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.p
> c_application_to_controloption/private.xml
> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>> Change PC Application Key to Control+Option. 
>> private.pc_application_to_controloption
>> --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L 

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New Tech Doctor podcast entitled iPod Touch A Gateway Drug

2012-08-28 Thread Robert Carter

This podcast features Amy Mason who is an access technology specialist with the 
International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind in Baltimore, 

We explore Amy's job duties, discuss her Braille Monitor article about the 
accessibility of ebooks and talk about how Amy has gradually purchased more and 
more Apple products.

The podcast can be found by searching for Tech Doctor on iTunes, on iBlink 
radio and at

Robert Carter

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Re: Do Apple Make a DSL modem & Router

2012-08-28 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't think so. A lot of that stuff is specific to the service 
provider. So you get xyz cable in and ethernet out. Then you run the 
Ethernet to the Airport. That gets Apple out of making a jillion 
variations of their device.


On 8/28/12 1:51 AM, agent086b wrote:

Hi all,
Do Apple make a DSL Modem & Router as one unit?
I have read about the Airport Extreme etc but they appear only to be 
Wireless base stations.

thanks as always for any help on this one.


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2012-08-28 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Did not find any mention of this app in the archives, but does anyone use 
The iOS version is accessible, but having some difficulty logging into the Mac 
Any suggestions from those who maybe using this file management program?

Thanks. :)

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boot camp

2012-08-28 Thread Kimsan

So, I would like to set up my windows screen reader and the mac on one
machine so I don't have to grab different machines through out the day.

Can someone email me off list and help me get started?

I believe boot camp was recommended for me to use to do this.

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Re: safari

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
You have 2 options.
It appears from testing I have done that the command does not work if there are 
no downloads in the list. In other words, if you have nothing downloading and 
you have your settings set that you clear the list after successful download 
then it would be empty and the command would not work.
But you can always go to the downloads button in the toolbar at the top of the 



Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:20 AM, Chris  wrote:

> Then what should I do, because it does not seem to work, and I cannot find it 
> in the view menu either.
> Sent from my Windows laptop.
> On 27/08/2012 23:04, Lisette Wesseling wrote:
>> Hi
>> Command option works for me in Safari, and I am using ML.
>> So it's not been removed.
>> On 28/08/2012, at 9:47 AM, christopher hallsworth  
>> wrote:
>>> For some reason this did not work for me. And in any case it has been 
>>> removed from ML.
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> On 27 Aug 2012, at 22:22, Anne Robertson  wrote:
 In Safari, you can open the downloads window by pressing Cmd-Option-l: 
 exactly the same command that opens the downloads folder in the Finder.
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Installing OS X on a Target Disk

2012-08-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi list,

I have a friend whose CD drive is toast. She can't afford to get it fixed and 
I'm wondering if it's possible to install OS X (any version) on her computer 
when it's in target disk mode. Any experience with this would help greatly.


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Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I think you are best served with rules for this, since smart mailboxes don't 
actually move the messages. They just indexed them.

So look into creating rules that accomplish what you need

Hope this helps,

Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:19 AM, Chris  wrote:

> Wow so can I use this to move e-mails sent to my address to go to a specific 
> folder? Thanks!
> Sent from my Windows laptop.
> On 27/08/2012 23:11, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> A smart mailbox is as far as I know kind of a virtual mailbox that sorts
>> messages that meet criterii you specify. Kid of like a smart paylist in
>> itunes.
>> hth,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com
>>  on iTunes and most online stores.
>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Rachel Feinberg > > wrote:
>>> You know, I don't know what a smart mailbox is, actually. :) Perhaps
>>> someone else may chime into help us both out on that point.
>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:30 PM, christopher hallsworth
>>> mailto:christopher...@gmail.com>> wrote:
 So that's what a Mailbox is! Thanks for explaining! Reason is I want
 to have a go at setting up rules at some point. The rule would move
 messages to my own address from the inbox to a specified folder, or
 mailbox in this case. Hey what is a smart mailbox? Thanks!
 Sent from my mac
 On 27 Aug 2012, at 17:38, Rachel Feinberg >>> > wrote:
> To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the
> mailbox menu in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create
> new mailbox from the mailbox menu.
> HTH,
> Rachel
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM, tealgree...@gmail.com
>   > wrote:
>> Good Morning List,
>> Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new
>> folders within mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders,
>> but not sure how to create new folders.
>> Thanks.
>> --
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Re: Tagging imported audiobooks in iTunes

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
FOr them to show up as audiobooks you need to go to the options tab in your 
info window and then check the kind:  audio book
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:59 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I've imported a couple of audiobooks into iTunes. They are actually 
> recordings of classic series dramas from BBC radio4. I've gone into "get 
> info" and have spent a couple of hours trying to tag the episodes so that I 
> can find them under books categories in the source list of iTunes. Although I 
> have given them the genre audiobook, I can't find the field for author so I 
> have put the authors name in the artist field. For some reason though, the 
> books are still listed in the music library but do not feature in the book 
> library. And when I go into browser under "books', I can't find them by 
> author. They do show though under compilations as I checked that box because 
> they are two episodes of Buddenbrooks. Why can't I find the field for author 
> in get info? Does it not exist for audiobooks? Any help is greatly 
> appreciated.
> By the way, anybody recorded the first episode of Buddenbrooks? I'd missed 
> it, and iti is no longer available on the iPlayer.
> Best wishes
> Andrew
> -- 
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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
I'd like to add my thanks for this hack. I just got it working and I think 
it'll be a massive help in using the mac. Of course, I no longer have a caps 
lock key, but I rarely use it anyway and I could always map another key to it. 
Thanks again!
On Aug 28, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> No need to send.  I found the post.  Thanks.
> Email:b...@bholton.com
> Direct:   386-624-6309
> Home Office:  1520 Loughton ST
>   DeLand, FL  32720
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 7:01 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
> Hello listers,
> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps
> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the
> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to
> be pressed with the Voice Over keys.
> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the
> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the
> keyboard.  
> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to
> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama
> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in
> conjunction with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user
> to remap the caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed
> together.
> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file
> created for VO users makes this possible.
> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient  for
> most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link below
> to a podcast that walks through the set up.
> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the
> specially constructed xml file.
> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within
> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if
> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple
> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard
> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For
> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a
> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this
> makes it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I
> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this
> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to
> support us.
>   This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you
> see a need for revision please let me know. 
> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is
> a dropbox link 
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will
> need.
>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.
> the needed key code number is 110.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.p
>> c_application_to_controloption/private.xml
>> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
>> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>>> Change PC Application Key to Control+Option. 
>>> private.pc_application_to_controloption
>>> --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L 
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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> For mo

Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Mary Scott
So what does happen when you need the caps lock?
On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps 
> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the 
> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to be 
> pressed with the Voice Over keys.
> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the 
> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the 
> keyboard.  
> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to 
> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama 
> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in conjunction 
> with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user to remap the 
> caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed together.
> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file 
> created for VO users makes this possible.
> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
> for most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link 
> below to a podcast that walks through the set up.
> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the 
> specially constructed xml file.
> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within 
> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if 
> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple 
> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard 
> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For 
> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a 
> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this makes 
> it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I 
> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this 
> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to 
> support us.
>   This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you 
> see a need for revision please let me know. 
> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is 
> a dropbox link 
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will need.
>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.  
>> the needed key code number is 110.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.pc_application_to_controloption/private.xml
>> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
>> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>>> Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>>> private.pc_application_to_controloption
>>> --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L
> -- 
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Re: dictation success!

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
You can say "show me what to say".

Also if speakable items is on there is a speech feedback window and there is a 
menu where you can go to speech comandslist. IT is kind of a table with 
expandable items.



Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:55 AM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just now getting into speakable items.  Where do I find this list of what to 
> say?
> Thanks,
> Johnny Chilelli
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Neil
>> When you are setting things up, there is a list of phrases that you can use. 
>> The phrases have to be exact. Right now, I'm in the process of learning 
>> exact words to be said.
>> Eugenia Firth
>> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav  
>> wrote:
>>> sorry, where do you enable that bit though, I mean I can dictate no issue, 
>>> but, how does one ask what day it is etc?
>>> Regards,
>>> Neil Barnfather
>>> Talks List Administrator
>>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
>>> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
>>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com
>>> URL: - www.talknav.com
>>> e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
>>> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
>>> On 31 Jul 2012, at 01:48, Alex Hall  wrote:
 These are commands you can give, like "what time is it" or "open iPhoto". 
 You can even select buttons shown in the currently open dialog just by 
 speaking them. If you are at all familiar with Windows speech recognition, 
 it's like dictation is the text input part of that and speakable objects 
 is the other part that accepts commands for system operations.
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
> Ok, easy enough. What is this about speakable Items I'm seeing how does 
> that effect this. Sorry I'm so late coming into this, I've been at work 
> today and not able to keep up with this a lot as they haven't upgraded us 
> yet. Thanks for your patience guys. 
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> You go into system preferences, then accessibility. Interact with a 
>> table and select dictation. Turn it on, then follow the dialogs. If you 
>> are using a usb microphone, you may have to going to sound preferences 
>> and set the input source to be that USB microphone.
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>>> I'm just getting used to Mountain Lion. How do you get into dictation, 
>>> would love to try it out. Thanks. 
>>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Well Alex, good for you. I love the dictation as well. I am talking 
 into a Griffin IMike with a Gigaware  are microphone attached to it. 
 And, my air conditioner is going in the background. Not bad Huh?
 I have only made small corrections to this dictation.?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 6:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am also having great luck with dictation. I have a cheap desktop 
> microphone going through a cheap usb sound card (since the mac 
> doesn't support direct input of non-powered mics) but it is still 
> doing really well. In my quick tests, it made no mistakes. This, 
> paired with that amazing speakable items feature, will make me an 
> even lazier person than I already am. Ironically, I didn't dictate 
> this entire message. I did, however, dictate these last two 
> sentences. I should also add that there's a ceiling fan going in the 
> background.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap
> -- 
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Re: Fleksy

2012-08-28 Thread Emrah
Thanks a million Lisette, will try and revert back to you.
On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:34 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi
> I had this the first time I loaded the app on my iPad. I removed it from the 
> app switcher, opened the app again and now it is full size. Sometimes, the 
> orientation of the controls switches to portrait while the actual keyboard 
> remains in landscape which is where I like it. That's a bit weird, but it 
> works well apart from that on my iPad.
> Perhaps try removing it from the app switcher, or re-downloading it on your 
> iPad from the app store. I've not tried doing this. I don't think there is a 
> different version for the iPad though.
> Lisette
> On 28/08/2012, at 5:26 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>> I love the app.
>> I get an iPhone size version of Fleksy on my iPad, is that normal? Is there 
>> a way to expand it?
>> Cheers!
>> -- 
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Re: sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
As far as I can see this only changes the order of messages not the order of 
spoken info by VO.


Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:28 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Ioana,
> I'm wondering if this might work for you as a sort of "work-around". Have you 
> tried going to the view menu and sorting by the various criteria there? You 
> can sort by subject, etc. This will change the way VO reads the headers.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
>> with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
>> Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?
>> Thanks
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Installing OS X on a Target Disk

2012-08-28 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't see why not. In target mode their machine acts just like an 
expensive external hard drive. You should be able to install and boot 
off of it just fine. Once installed you should also be able to boot that 
machine up in the normal way as well.


On 8/28/12 11:30 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

Hi list,

I have a friend whose CD drive is toast. She can't afford to get it fixed and 
I'm wondering if it's possible to install OS X (any version) on her computer 
when it's in target disk mode. Any experience with this would help greatly.



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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
As I said, I could use the same utilities we used to remap the vo keys to remap 
the caps lock key. I might use a delete key on my full-sized usb keyboard since 
the mac seems to only need one delete key.
On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> So what does happen when you need the caps lock?
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps 
>> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the 
>> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to 
>> be pressed with the Voice Over keys.
>> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the 
>> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the 
>> keyboard.  
>> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to 
>> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
>> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama 
>> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in 
>> conjunction with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user 
>> to remap the caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed together.
>> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file 
>> created for VO users makes this possible.
>> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
>> for most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link 
>> below to a podcast that walks through the set up.
>> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the 
>> specially constructed xml file.
>> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
>> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within 
>> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if 
>> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
>> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple 
>> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard 
>> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
>> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
>> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For 
>> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a 
>> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
>> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this 
>> makes it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
>> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
>> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I 
>> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this 
>> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to 
>> support us.
>>  This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you 
>> see a need for revision please let me know. 
>> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is 
>> a dropbox link 
>> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
>> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will 
>> need.
>>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>>> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.  
>>> the needed key code number is 110.
>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>>> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>>> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.pc_application_to_controloption/private.xml
>>> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
>>> The Following is the text of the Private xml
 Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.
 --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>> -- 
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Re: favorites bar in apple mail

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
That worked perfectly as long as I was in full screen mode.  Thanks.  I was 
going to reply  to sender but I could not get it to work.  Then I decided to 
send to entire list to note that I could only get this to work if I was in full 
screen mode.  I thought some  of you might find that helpful.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Aug 17, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Christina,
> Voiceover drag-and-drop methods are used to drag mailbox shortcuts into the 
> favorites bar. There are two ways to do this.
> First, I've found that this works best in full-screen mode. Press 
> command-control-f to put Mail in full-screen. Go to your mailboxes list and 
> find the mailbox you want to move. Press VO-comma. You'll hear a message from 
> VO that the item is marked for drag and drop. Next, go to the favorites bar 
> and interact with it. Press VO-period. You will hear a sound and a message 
> indicating the item is being dragged. (You can also navigate to an item in 
> the favorite bar and press VO-less-than or VO-greater-than to place your 
> folder before or after the item under the VO cursor.
> The other method is very similar, only the keystrokes are different. Use 
> VO-shift-command-space to "mouse up" on the item, and then use the same 
> keystroke to place it where you want it.
> I find that if one method doesn't work, the other one will.
> Incidentally, if you have a magic trackpad, you can use a three-finger drag 
> to move items.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 17, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can someone please tell me how to add mailboxes to the favorites bar.  I 
>> cannot figure it out.  I have checked all of the menus,preferences, and tool 
>> bars.
>> Thank you so much.
>> Sent from Christina's iMac running Lion :)
>> -- 
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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is it safe and accessible to resize the mac partition?

2012-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
The subject says it all. Can I safely (no data loss) and accessibly resize my 
mac partition? Right now windows has 200gb and mac os has 300gb, but I'm 
considering switching it to be 400 and 100 since I want to move all my data 
(including my 85gb of media) to the mac partition. If I can do this with no 
risk to the existing data on either partition, how is it done? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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safari and page loading results Re: ML .1, first look.

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Both those linkes worked fine for me. I would only think to doublecheck the 
settings in the web cattegory of the VO utility. THanks for indirectly 
reminding me of the option for the page sumary at start of page. I have it now 
turned on and it works great.

HOpe you get this fixed.


Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:19 PM, Veronica Elsea  

> Okay, Alex and Chris!
> Maybe we can figure out what I do differently than you do. I hope so because 
> I really want this to work. 
> So I'll give you one example. I open Safari and it lands on the tool bar. I 
> typed in www.harryfox.com and waited. Then VO said, html content, then just 
> sat there. When I interacted with the html content, it then started saying, 
> home, contact us, etc. Never mind that I have my settings such that I'd like 
> it to announce some information about the page when it loads. Once in that 
> page, I then used command-L to go to another page to see if it behaves 
> differently. I went to www.acb.org and saw exactly the same behavior.
> I'd love to hear what you guys do that is different. Thanks so much.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFoIhWrBHFI
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
> http://www.laurelcreekmusic.com
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> On 8/23/2012 6:17 PM, Christopher-Mark gilland wrote:
>> Likewise.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 8:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: ML .1, first look.
>>> Safari works fine for me, always interacting with the html content.
>>> That's very odd...
>>> On 8/23/12, Kliphton  wrote:
 That's why the mac side of things that is the only thing I don't use.  I
 still use IE, especially when I am surching for something.  I will use
 safari when it is a quick look, or just needing to buy something from
 amazon, but when it's gonna be a long session, IE it is.  I would
 also like
 to get firmilure with numbers, but no one seems to have tutorials or
 podcasts for it.  So guess I am on my own.
 (Marriage Blog) http://christledmarriage.wordpress.com
 (Marriage group)
 On Aug 23, 2012, at 6:46 PM, Veronica Elsea
> Hi everyone!
> Okay, I too was surprised by how my update went. I expected more of a
> download event.  In any case, it was easy and I do in fact
> now have
> 10.8.1 on my system. The first thing I did was to try Safari. It
> seems the
> same, unfortunately. It still comes up on the tool bar and doesn't
> seem to
> automatically interact with html content like Lion did. Hmmm. If there
> isn't some little thing I'm doing wrong, bummer! I so want Safari to be
> smooth and sensible again. 
> I look forward to hearing from the rest of you on this one. Thanks.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQNLclisGqQ
> Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at
> http://www.laurelcreekmusic.com
> Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> --
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>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> mehg...@gmail.com
>>> --
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Lastpass Accessibility

2012-08-28 Thread Steve Holmes
How accessible is lastpass on the mac and IOS devices? Have people on
the list here tried it at all? So far, I found the website to be a bit
tricky to deal with from Firefox on a yucky windows machine.  I won't
be back to my mac until this evening.

Any ideas or comments?

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reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
Sent from Christina's iMac :)

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moving folders behaves inconsistently

2012-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I have noticed something odd and annoying when moving items around. Sometimes, 
I paste and the item goes in the same location as where I am, but sometimes it 
is placed inside a folder to which I am pointing. Fo instance, I copy a folder 
called books with cmd-c and open the ~ folder (home folder). I am focused on, 
say, downloads, and hit cmd-option-v, and the books folder is pasted in 
downloads instead of just in my home folder. Other times books goes where I 
want it. What is going on here, and how can I know which the mac is going to 
do? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
Why not just use cmd-r to reply? What does the reply to sender do that cmd-r 
does not?
On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:06 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:

> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
> the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
> click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
> Thanks,
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
:)  because, sometimes I need to reply to the sender of the message directly.  
If I just use the regular reply command I will reply to the entire group, for 
example the entire macvisionaries group.  :)  Sometimes it's just more 
appropriate to send the email directly to the one person instead of the several 
hundred members of a group.
Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Why not just use cmd-r to reply? What does the reply to sender do that cmd-r 
> does not?
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:06 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:
>> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
>> the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
>> click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
>> Thanks,
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Brett C.
I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.


Brett C.

On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
> the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
> click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
> Thanks,
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> -- 
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Re: Lastpass Accessibility

2012-08-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Steve,

LastPass is pretty accessible, though VO doesn't let you know when you have 
messages from the app. Any time you deal with forms or passwords, you'll have 
to use VO-command-f to find the LastPass frame, then read the choices it offers 
for saving passwords. I've just gotten into the habit of checking for the frame 
each time I do any sort of text input. I only use the website when I want to 
look up a password. The extension gives you an HTML window, which you interact 
with, then find the vault link, then find the search function. Just past the 
end of a table is a link for editing that entry.


On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:57 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> How accessible is lastpass on the mac and IOS devices? Have people on
> the list here tried it at all? So far, I found the website to be a bit
> tricky to deal with from Firefox on a yucky windows machine.  I won't
> be back to my mac until this evening.
> Any ideas or comments?
> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Christina,

In the message content area, VO to the headers group and interact with it. Go 
to the header text and interact with it, also. Find the "from" address and VO 
left to the beginning of it. Bring up the contextual menu with VO-shift-M and 
choose "copy address". At this point you can paste it into the "to" field of 
your reply message.


On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
> the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
> click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
> Thanks,
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

I have figured it out.

1. go to all headers

2. go to the address of the sender, not the header but the exact address.
3. go to the VO shift M shortcut menu.
4. the option is now called "send new email". It replaced the option "reply to 

Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:36 PM, "Brett C."  wrote:

> I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.
> Thanks,
> Brett C.
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to see 
>> the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I would 
>> click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
>> Thanks,
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> -- 
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Re: Gmail Delete

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

How about just selecting all messages with command a and then pressing delete?

Hope this helps,
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:04 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Okay folks sorry if this has been covered before, but I ask if there is a
> way to globally mark all messages on the Google site from the web page for
> deleting? I want to get rid of about 4300 messages and cannot seem to find
> the command. 
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Re: ML .1 changed Mail again.

2012-08-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

You ask if anyone can think of a good reason not to turn quick nap on 
automatically in Safari.
I think I have one.

It really annoys me when I'm trying to edit a form fields on the page and quick 
knob is interfering with my editing.

I find I have quick nap turned off most of the time and use trackpad gestures 
to get around.

However, when I do need to do some more precise navigation, I turn it on but 
just for those instances.

Hope this helps,

Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 23, 2012, at 11:19 PM, Veronica Elsea  

> Okay everyone! Ummm, urr, uh, oops! Head down, tail between leggs, boy do I 
> feel stupid! 
> So, public appology oh Macbook air! I had been playing around in Safari and 
> forgot that I'd taken out my activity which I'd created. So, ahem, guess who 
> forgot to turn off Quick Nav? Umm, now I know what happens in Mail when I 
> make that silly mistake again. Sheesh! Guess it's time to put that activity 
> back, eh?
> Sheesh! Can anyone think of a good reason not to have Quick Nav automatically 
> turn on when entering Safari? Thanks and please forgive the stupid mistake.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFoIhWrBHFI
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
> http://www.laurelcreekmusic.com
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> On 8/23/2012 7:56 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Okay, I'm going to go gray before this Macbook is done with me! 
>> After playing with Safari, I just thought I'd restart and see what
>> happens. Then I thought I'd check my mail. Two things. Did anyone else
>> notice that the first time you go into Safari and the first time you
>> opened mail in 10.8.1, you heard that sound you get when sending mail or
>> opening up Mission control?
>> Anyway, after that, I went into Mail and boy does it look weird. I know
>> we've had zillions of discussions about preview panes and all of that
>> but I haven't see it look like this before. When mail opens, I'm usually
>> set to classic view, which I still am. I have preview pane gone. Usually
>> I come up in the messages table where I can up and down arrow through
>> messages. It comes in and says messages table, inbox, 135 of 136. Okay,
>> I'm sitting on message number 136. If I up arrow, I hear, horrizontal
>> splitter. If I down arrow, I hear horrizontal splitter. If I Vo-left
>> arrow to the mailboxes table, I can hear the current mailbox but none of
>> the rest of them. I can interact with the table, but then I can't easily
>> get to the list of messages where I used to be able to up and down arrow
>> without interacting, getting to hear all of the column information at
>> once. Does this mean that the preview pane is back? Guess I'm going to
>> have to keep those instructions set right by the computer if every time
>> the operating system gets a snack, preview is back. Sheesh!
>> Now let's see if I can hunt those instructions down. Good grief! Thanks
>> for any help.
>> Veronica
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Re: moving folders behaves inconsistently

2012-08-28 Thread Brandon Olivares
As far as I know, if you are focused on a folder, then the pasted item will go 
within that folder. However, when you first open a directory, nothing is 
selected, so you should usually be safe.

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have noticed something odd and annoying when moving items around. 
> Sometimes, I paste and the item goes in the same location as where I am, but 
> sometimes it is placed inside a folder to which I am pointing. Fo instance, I 
> copy a folder called books with cmd-c and open the ~ folder (home folder). I 
> am focused on, say, downloads, and hit cmd-option-v, and the books folder is 
> pasted in downloads instead of just in my home folder. Other times books goes 
> where I want it. What is going on here, and how can I know which the mac is 
> going to do? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
H, I guess there is no real "reply to sender" anymore.  :(  I thought I'd 
use reply to all and then just delete the macvisionaries from the to but that 
doesn't work for me because it still does not add the sender's address to the 
to field or the cc field.  I guess the only thing is to copy the sender's 
address.  Then click reply and delete the macvisionaries address and replace it 
with the sender's address in the to field.  Oh well, darn.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have figured it out.
> 1. go to all headers
> 2. go to the address of the sender, not the header but the exact address.
> 3. go to the VO shift M shortcut menu.
> 4. the option is now called "send new email". It replaced the option "reply 
> to sender".
> hth,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:36 PM, "Brett C."  wrote:
>> I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.
>> Thanks,
>> Brett C.
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>>> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to 
>>> see the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I 
>>> would click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>>> -- 
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Re: Do Apple Make a DSL modem & Router

2012-08-28 Thread agent086b
Thanks, that is a pity. I now have a Billion DSL modem and wireless 
router. When it dies was hoping to replace with an Apple product.

I don't want to purchase a new separate modem as well as a router.
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Do Apple Make a DSL modem & Router
From: Chris Blouch 
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 10:18:41 -0400
I don't think so. A lot of that stuff is specific to the service 
provider. So you get xyz cable in and ethernet out. Then you run the 
Ethernet to the Airport. That gets Apple out of making a jillion 
variations of their device.


On 8/28/12 1:51 AM, agent086b wrote:

Hi all,
Do Apple make a DSL Modem & Router as one unit?
I have read about the Airport Extreme etc but they appear only to be 
Wireless base stations.

thanks as always for any help on this one.

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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-28 Thread Dan Roy
if you go to tunein.com, you will find everything there in a web interface, 
works for me.

If you have it set up on your iOS device and use the same login as you have on 
that device, all your preferences will work as well.

On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:23 PM, agent086b  wrote:

> Thanks, am I correct in saying most of those radio stations in iTunes are for 
> the US?
> If so no help to me.
> Max.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
> From: Shawn Krasniuk 
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 17:13:08 -0500
>> Hi Max. Unfortunately there is no Tune-In Radio for Mac that I know of but 
>> Itunes has a radio section and most of Tune-In's radio stations are there. 
>> HTH.
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my white Mac Book
>> On 2012-08-26, at 3:18 PM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
>> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't understand.  You replied to an e-mail that just described how to reply 
to sender.  Are you saying these steps did not work for you?

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 28, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

> H, I guess there is no real "reply to sender" anymore.  :(  I thought I'd 
> use reply to all and then just delete the macvisionaries from the to but that 
> doesn't work for me because it still does not add the sender's address to the 
> to field or the cc field.  I guess the only thing is to copy the sender's 
> address.  Then click reply and delete the macvisionaries address and replace 
> it with the sender's address in the to field.  Oh well, darn.
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have figured it out.
>> 1. go to all headers
>> 2. go to the address of the sender, not the header but the exact address.
>> 3. go to the VO shift M shortcut menu.
>> 4. the option is now called "send new email". It replaced the option "reply 
>> to sender".
>> hth,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:36 PM, "Brett C."  wrote:
>>> I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brett C.
>>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
 How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to 
 see the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I 
 would click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
 Sent from Christina's iMac :)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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>>> -- 
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hey Ricardo!
And I do not mean to speak for Christina!
But she means if she'd like to reply to you directly and not the whole list!

On 29 Aug 2012, at 00:23, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't understand.  You replied to an e-mail that just described how to 
> reply to sender.  Are you saying these steps did not work for you?
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> H, I guess there is no real "reply to sender" anymore.  :(  I thought 
>> I'd use reply to all and then just delete the macvisionaries from the to but 
>> that doesn't work for me because it still does not add the sender's address 
>> to the to field or the cc field.  I guess the only thing is to copy the 
>> sender's address.  Then click reply and delete the macvisionaries address 
>> and replace it with the sender's address in the to field.  Oh well, darn.
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have figured it out.
>>> 1. go to all headers
>>> 2. go to the address of the sender, not the header but the exact address.
>>> 3. go to the VO shift M shortcut menu.
>>> 4. the option is now called "send new email". It replaced the option "reply 
>>> to sender".
>>> hth,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:36 PM, "Brett C."  wrote:
 I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.
 Brett C.
 On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to 
> see the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then I 
> would click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
> Thanks,
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Right.  The message that she replied to gave directions to do just that.  Open 
the message, press VO right arrow to go to headings, navigate to the portion 
with the persons e-mail address and interact.  Press VO shift M to bring up the 
context menu, and select new message.  Only that individuals e-mail will be in 
the to field.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:35 PM, Red.Falcon  

> Hey Ricardo!
> And I do not mean to speak for Christina!
> But she means if she'd like to reply to you directly and not the whole list!
> Colin
> On 29 Aug 2012, at 00:23, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't understand.  You replied to an e-mail that just described how to 
>> reply to sender.  Are you saying these steps did not work for you?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>>> H, I guess there is no real "reply to sender" anymore.  :(  I thought 
>>> I'd use reply to all and then just delete the macvisionaries from the to 
>>> but that doesn't work for me because it still does not add the sender's 
>>> address to the to field or the cc field.  I guess the only thing is to copy 
>>> the sender's address.  Then click reply and delete the macvisionaries 
>>> address and replace it with the sender's address in the to field.  Oh well, 
>>> darn.
>>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have figured it out.
 1. go to all headers
 2. go to the address of the sender, not the header but the exact address.
 3. go to the VO shift M shortcut menu.
 4. the option is now called "send new email". It replaced the option 
 "reply to sender".
 Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
 On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:36 PM, "Brett C."  wrote:
> I've been seeking this answer myself. Please post if you figure it out.
> Thanks,
> Brett C.
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> How do you do this in mountain lion?  I used to hit command, shift, h to 
>> see the headers, then vo to the sender, then mouse click the name, then 
>> I would click the reply to sender.  I do not see this option anymore.
>> Thanks,
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> -- 
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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
that method does not work because it opens a brand new blank e-mail.  I know 
this is fussy, but I did not want a blank message, I wanted it to have the 
prior message info.  So, either way, it requires copying and pasting.  I either 
need to copy and paste the body of the message or paste the sender's e-mail 
address over the list group address.  I am not sure if I am making sense.  The 
reply to sender was much more convenient.  It was a true reply to the message, 
the new message option is just a new blank message with the sender's address in 
the to field.   
Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Aug 28, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Right.  The message that she replied to gave directions to do just that.  
> Open the message, press VO right arrow to go to headings, navigate to the 
> portion with the persons e-mail address and interact.  Press VO shift M to 
> bring up the context menu, and select new message.  Only that individuals 
> e-mail will be in the to field.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info

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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yes. I see what your saying now.  My bad.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 28, 2012, at 8:59 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:

> that method does not work because it opens a brand new blank e-mail.  I know 
> this is fussy, but I did not want a blank message, I wanted it to have the 
> prior message info.  So, either way, it requires copying and pasting.  I 
> either need to copy and paste the body of the message or paste the sender's 
> e-mail address over the list group address.  I am not sure if I am making 
> sense.  The reply to sender was much more convenient.  It was a true reply to 
> the message, the new message option is just a new blank message with the 
> sender's address in the to field.   
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Right.  The message that she replied to gave directions to do just that.  
>> Open the message, press VO right arrow to go to headings, navigate to the 
>> portion with the persons e-mail address and interact.  Press VO shift M to 
>> bring up the context menu, and select new message.  Only that individuals 
>> e-mail will be in the to field.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
> -- 
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Gmail Problem Resolved

2012-08-28 Thread Jesus Garcia
Evening list members thanks to those who suggested thunderbird I downloaded
and installed it and just deleted all my gmail messages. Again thanks.

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Re: reply to sender

2012-08-28 Thread Christina C.
I have googled this and I've had no real luck.  I found in a discussion group 
somewhere where they suggest highlighting the e-mail address then clicking the 
reply button.  HOwever, I could not get this to do a reply to sender.  

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Oh!
> Yes. I see what your saying now.  My bad.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 8:59 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:
>> that method does not work because it opens a brand new blank e-mail.  I know 
>> this is fussy, but I did not want a blank message, I wanted it to have the 
>> prior message info.  So, either way, it requires copying and pasting.  I 
>> either need to copy and paste the body of the message or paste the sender's 
>> e-mail address over the list group address.  I am not sure if I am making 
>> sense.  The reply to sender was much more convenient.  It was a true reply 
>> to the message, the new message option is just a new blank message with the 
>> sender's address in the to field.   
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Right.  The message that she replied to gave directions to do just that.  
>>> Open the message, press VO right arrow to go to headings, navigate to the 
>>> portion with the persons e-mail address and interact.  Press VO shift M to 
>>> bring up the context menu, and select new message.  Only that individuals 
>>> e-mail will be in the to field.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> www.appletothecore.info
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Mary,

If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but 
rather a very convenient Voice Over key.  If you want your caps lock back you 
can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for KeyRemaper4Macbook  and 
press the preferences button and then you can either temporarily turn off the 
key remap with a check box or uncheck it permanently.

For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key and can use 
the shift key when needed.  The advantage of having the caps lock act as the 
voice over modifier key is infinitely more important to me.  I keep finding 
ways why this works so well.  for example opening a disclosure triangle is now 
so much easier.  I just holde the caps lock key down with my left little finger 
and tap the \ key with my other little finger.  I never take my hands off the 
home keys.  In the past my left hand had to go all the way down to the Option 
Control keys on the left side completely stopping my typing flow. 

I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO Keys but 
little by little I am increasing my speed by taking advantage of the caps lock. 
 It is great!  another key I now use more often is vo w and VO w twice.  This 
is the word and the spelling of a word.  with caps lock and w it is fast and 
easy.  with standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to reach my right hand 
way over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion just to hear what word I 
was on, I don't need to do this any more.  I do it all with my left hand never 
leaving the home row keys.

Hope this info helps.

Eric Caron 

On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> So what does happen when you need the caps lock?
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps 
>> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the 
>> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to 
>> be pressed with the Voice Over keys.
>> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the 
>> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the 
>> keyboard.  
>> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to 
>> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
>> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama 
>> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in 
>> conjunction with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user 
>> to remap the caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed together.
>> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file 
>> created for VO users makes this possible.
>> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
>> for most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link 
>> below to a podcast that walks through the set up.
>> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the 
>> specially constructed xml file.
>> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
>> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within 
>> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if 
>> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
>> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple 
>> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard 
>> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
>> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
>> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For 
>> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a 
>> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
>> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this 
>> makes it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
>> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
>> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I 
>> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this 
>> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to 
>> support us.
>>  This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you 
>> see a need for revision please let me know. 
>> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is 
>> a dropbox link 
>> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
>> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will 
>> need.
>>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>>> Link to instructions o

Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread agent086b

Hi, is there a keystroke in VO that will pass the next key pressed to 
the computer by passing VO? There is such a keystroke in some PC screen 
readers. This would mean you could bypass VO and use the caps lock.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
From: Eric Caron 
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:47:36 -0400

Hi Mary,

If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but 
rather a very convenient Voice Over key.  If you want your caps lock back you 
can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for KeyRemaper4Macbook  and 
press the preferences button and then you can either temporarily turn off the 
key remap with a check box or uncheck it permanently.

For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key and can use 
the shift key when needed.  The advantage of having the caps lock act as the 
voice over modifier key is infinitely more important to me.  I keep finding 
ways why this works so well.  for example opening a disclosure triangle is now 
so much easier.  I just holde the caps lock key down with my left little finger 
and tap the \ key with my other little finger.  I never take my hands off the 
home keys.  In the past my left hand had to go all the way down to the Option 
Control keys on the left side completely stopping my typing flow.

I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO Keys but 
little by little I am increasing my speed by taking advantage of the caps lock. 
 It is great!  another key I now use more often is vo w and VO w twice.  This 
is the word and the spelling of a word.  with caps lock and w it is fast and 
easy.  with standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to reach my right hand 
way over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion just to hear what word I 
was on, I don't need to do this any more.  I do it all with my left hand never 
leaving the home row keys.

Hope this info helps.

Eric Caron

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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi Max,

Control-Option-Tab will ignore the next key pressed and send it directly to the 
operating system. Using caps lock, you would press caps lock-Tab to do the same 


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
Skype: Batworx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx

On 29 Aug 2012, at 5:10 AM, agent086b  wrote:

> Hi, is there a keystroke in VO that will pass the next key pressed to the 
> computer by passing VO? There is such a keystroke in some PC screen readers. 
> This would mean you could bypass VO and use the caps lock.
> Thanks.
> Max.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
> From: Eric Caron 
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:47:36 -0400
>> Hi Mary,
>>  If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but 
>> rather a very convenient Voice Over key.  If you want your caps lock back 
>> you can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for KeyRemaper4Macbook 
>>  and press the preferences button and then you can either temporarily turn 
>> off the key remap with a check box or uncheck it permanently.
>> For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key and can 
>> use the shift key when needed.  The advantage of having the caps lock act as 
>> the voice over modifier key is infinitely more important to me.  I keep 
>> finding ways why this works so well.  for example opening a disclosure 
>> triangle is now so much easier.  I just holde the caps lock key down with my 
>> left little finger and tap the \ key with my other little finger.  I never 
>> take my hands off the home keys.  In the past my left hand had to go all the 
>> way down to the Option Control keys on the left side completely stopping my 
>> typing flow.
>> I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO Keys 
>> but little by little I am increasing my speed by taking advantage of the 
>> caps lock.  It is great!  another key I now use more often is vo w and VO w 
>> twice.  This is the word and the spelling of a word.  with caps lock and w 
>> it is fast and easy.  with standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to 
>> reach my right hand way over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion 
>> just to hear what word I was on, I don't need to do this any more.  I do it 
>> all with my left hand never leaving the home row keys.
>> Hope this info helps.
>> Eric Caron
> -- 
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GarageBand's Being a Royal Pain In The Butt

2012-08-28 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi all,

OK, yet another GarageBand question. I'm trying to record on multiple tracks at 
the same time, but GarageBand seems to behave as though I only want to record 
on a single track at a time. I've enable multitrack recording in the project, 
and set each track up to use a different input device. At first, I thought the 
fact that I was selecting stereo inputs for both tracks was what was causing 
the problem, so I tried selecting mono inputs for the tracks, to no avail. I've 
just double-checked, and the "enable record" check box for each of the tracks 
is checked. What am I doing or not doing that's causing this to not work? I 
remember it working for me in the past.

My apologies for cluttering the list with GarageBand-related stuff. It's just 
that, unfortunately, Ricardo's GB podcasts don't cover everything I need to 


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
Skype: Batworx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx

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Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-28 Thread agent086b

Thanks, that sounds the way to go then.
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
From: Gavin Grundlingh 
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 07:03:03 +0200

Hi Max,

Control-Option-Tab will ignore the next key pressed and send it 
directly to the operating system. Using caps lock, you would press 
caps lock-Tab to do the same thing.


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Email: g.batw...@gmail.com 
Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za 
Skype: Batworx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx

On 29 Aug 2012, at 5:10 AM, agent086b > wrote:

Hi, is there a keystroke in VO that will pass the next key pressed to 
the computer by passing VO? There is such a keystroke in some PC 
screen readers. This would mean you could bypass VO and use the caps 

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
From: Eric Caron mailto:ecar...@comcast.net>>
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 

Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:47:36 -0400

Hi Mary,

If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but 
rather a very convenient Voice Over key.  If you want your caps lock 
back you can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for 
KeyRemaper4Macbook  and press the preferences button and then you 
can either temporarily turn off the key remap with a check box or 
uncheck it permanently.

For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key 
and can use the shift key when needed.  The advantage of having the 
caps lock act as the voice over modifier key is infinitely more 
important to me.  I keep finding ways why this works so well.  for 
example opening a disclosure triangle is now so much easier.  I just 
holde the caps lock key down with my left little finger and tap the 
\ key with my other little finger.  I never take my hands off the 
home keys.  In the past my left hand had to go all the way down to 
the Option Control keys on the left side completely stopping my 
typing flow.

I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO 
Keys but little by little I am increasing my speed by taking 
advantage of the caps lock.  It is great!  another key I now use 
more often is vo w and VO w twice.  This is the word and the 
spelling of a word.  with caps lock and w it is fast and easy.  with 
standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to reach my right hand way 
over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion just to hear what 
word I was on, I don't need to do this any more.  I do it all with 
my left hand never leaving the home row keys.

Hope this info helps.

Eric Caron

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