Re: Doesn't Anyone else use Web Spots in Safari?

2012-08-04 Thread Garth Humphreys
Awesome idea, I really don't make enough use of the track pad commander 
On 04/08/2012, at 12:09 AM, Blinkin  wrote:

> I set up my trackpad so I can hold control and flick left or right to go 
> through my webspots.
>   All I did was reverse those custom gestures and it works like normal if 
> I do it on my trackpad.
>   Give it a shot.
> Mike 
> On Aug 2, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Emrah  wrote:
>> Ha ha
>> I actually thought webspots didn't work anymore, thanks to your message I 
>> see that they just have been inverted.
>> I kept recreating my webspots and it would consistently say no webspots set 
>> afterward… 
>> Thanks
>> On Aug 1, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I posted once about this but got no response, so wanted to try again.
>>> I make use of setting webspots and sweet spots on the pages I go to a
>>> lot, as I find this makes navigating a page much faster. Anyway, all
>>> of my webspots have been reversed in mountain lion. what I mean is to
>>> scroll down from the top to the bottom of the page in previous
>>> versions I would hit VO Command right bracket to go to the next web
>>> spot to the right, and VO command left bracket to go to the next web
>>> spot to the left. Simple. In Mountain it is completely reverse which
>>> is one of the most annoying thing as when I click VO command righ
>>> bracket it takes me to the next web spot to the left and VO command
>>> left bracket to the next web spot to the right. This makes no sense
>>> what so ever, and I am wondering if it is a setting that I have set
>>> incorrectly for navigating a page. I tried turning scrolling from
>>> normal to not clicking normal and this did nothing. This setting was
>>> under the Track pad. I don't even have a mouse connected, so maybe the
>>> setting is in that menu, as I can't even access the mouse menu since
>>> my system doesn't detect a mouse. Has anyone else experienced this? I
>>> am so used to where all of my web spots are set this is so
>>> frustrating. I even tried removing my web spots on a page and
>>> resetting them, but this didn't change the directions. It would make
>>> sense you click right and you go right you click left and you go left,
>>> but not in Mountain Lion. Would appreciate any help. Thanks
>>> -- 
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Preview versus skim?

2012-08-04 Thread chris hallsworth

The subject says it all. What are the pros and cons please. Thanks!
- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 

Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: merging several PDF files into one.

Hi Chris,

It's actually possible to merge PDF files with Preview if you can drag and 
drop to the thumbnails in the sidebar, but I don't think this works with 
VoiceOver drag and drop -- at the very least it would be difficult.  If you 
have Skim downloaded there's an embedded SkimPDF command line tool that lets 
you perform operations like merging and extracting PDF files in Terminal.

If you look under: /Applications/  there are 
three applications: displayline, skimnotes, and skimpdf.  You need to copy 
skimpdf to somewhere in your default path with executable permission using 
your Admin password.

Open Terminal and type or paste in:
sudo cp -p /Applications/ /usr/bin/

and press "Return".  You'll be prompted to authorize with your Admin 
password. The "cp -p" does the copy preserving permissions so you can 
execute the commands.

Then to merge two pdf files from the command line you can type:
skimpdf merge file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf

The specification of an output file like "merged.pdf"  is optional.  I think 
if you don't specify an output file, the second file just gets appended to 
the first, but you should experiment.  You can also find out the syntax of 
commands by typing:

skimpdf help

For more information, take a look at the SourceForge wiki for Skim:

Then use the link for the "SkimPDF Command Line Tool" to find out more. 
There's also a specific SourceForge wiki for the SkimPDF command line tool:

There are probably other sources of merge tools around the web, but this 
works if you already have Skim anyway, and are comfortable with the Terminal 
command line.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

okay, so here's the deal.

I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story 
short, it is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way, 
however each page of the manual is a separate PDF file. Granted, the 
manual is only five pages long, so it's nothing really to write home 
about, I am curious however, if there is a program that I could use, that 
would allow me to take all five of these PDF files and basically merge 
them into one file. that would make my life so much easier! don't get me 
wrong, I have no problem viewing each page separately, but it's going to 
be a pain in the neck trying to view each page separately.

yes, I definitely do you use Docuscan Plus, but I do not believe that that 
will do the trick.

I also know almost beyond a doubt that preview will not do the trick 
either. Someone correct me should I be wrong.

I almost wonder if Pages would be able to do the trick. I do have a copy 
of iWork 2009.

thank you for any help, and all suggestions.


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-04 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hello there. I don't exactly understand your question.
I have been using Greek since the early 80s in various forms both using 
hardware and software synths. 
Espeak is available in Greek under Linux for years, Acapela has a Greek voice 
for the Mac, Loquendo has a couple of Greek voices etc. 
The Apollo2 hardware synthesizer from Dolphin has a Greek language module and 
can be used under various operating systems. 
Mountain Lion comes with 2 very high quality voices in Greek. 


On Aug 3, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> can this be done yet?
> if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older synthesizer 
> that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
> checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.
> Karen
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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-04 Thread Karen Lewellen

Oh really?
I would say you understood my question perfectly.  The person who wants 
this is not using a mac at all.
so you sharing hardware synthesizer that canspeak Greek helps very much. 
May I write you privately with extra questions?  this of mouse a topic for 


On Sat, 4 Aug 2012, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

Hello there. I don't exactly understand your question.
I have been using Greek since the early 80s in various forms both using 
hardware and software synths.
Espeak is available in Greek under Linux for years, Acapela has a Greek voice 
for the Mac, Loquendo has a couple of Greek voices etc.
The Apollo2 hardware synthesizer from Dolphin has a Greek language module and 
can be used under various operating systems.
Mountain Lion comes with 2 very high quality voices in Greek.


On Aug 3, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

Hi folks,
can this be done yet?
if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older synthesizer 
that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.

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Mountain Lion, Facebook, and Trillion.

2012-08-04 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Has anyone had any issues accessing Facebook chat via Trillion?
Before the update and install things were working fine, but lately I have not 
been able to chat with certain contacts who are online. We are not able to see 
one another as appearing online. We are not blocking each other because we can 
still send messages to one another. We also can still post comments, ETC.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Trillion, logged into and out of Facebook 
via the app and through the mobile app, but I am at a loss.

Any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated.

P.S. I've used Adium and the same issue still persists.

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Re: Dictation By Voice.

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

The dictation button is found to the left of the spacebar. 

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Georges Zaynoun  wrote:

> I bought the new iPad, how do I access the voice dictation button? Thanks so 
> much.
> -- 
> Georges Zeinoun
> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
> Tel: +46500482929
> Mobile: +46739861743
> E-mail:
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Re: Dowloading VLC

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

download the 64 bit version.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 3, 2012, at 8:14 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi folks,
> I've got the  link for the VLC page, but don't know which  version to  
> download. I have a  2011 MacBook Pro with 4 GB ram. Should I download the 32 
> bit or 64 bit version? I just don't want to mess things up by trying to 
> install the wrong one.
> Thanks.
> Lisette
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Re: Another bootcamp question.

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yes you could.  

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 12:40 AM, Allison Mervis  wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Assuming that I can create a bootcamp partition without sighted assistance, 
> couldn't I then create an unattended install of Windows and get it installed 
> that way? I'm fishing for solutions here, as sighted assistance is a bit hard 
> to come by. Thanks!
> Allison
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Re: Dictation By Voice.

2012-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
Also, if it works like the iPhone, double tap two fingers to stop
dictation. That way it won't pick yp your trying to find the button

On 8/4/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The dictation button is found to the left of the spacebar.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Georges Zaynoun 
> wrote:
>> I bought the new iPad, how do I access the voice dictation button? Thanks
>> so much.
>> --
>> Georges Zeinoun
>> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
>> Tel: +46500482929
>> Mobile: +46739861743
>> E-mail:
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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RE: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-04 Thread Jeff Bishop
OK, so, we are on 2010.

Another thing to try.

Go into Safari Preferences, enable the Developer Menu on the Advanced Tab on
the toolbar.

Open the Developer menu and change the User Agent String to Internet
Explorer 8.

Now, browse to your site and see if that fixes it maybe?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

Hi jeff.
It doesn't give me a version number, but it tells me that it's powered by
Microsoft Exchange server version 2003. Leave it to the government to be ten
years behind the times. Lol. The check box you mentioned is nowhere to be
found on my page, but thanks for the suggestion.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 8:40 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:

> Which version of Outlook Web Access are you using? The only radio 
> button I see is the one for public versus private computer. There is a 
> checkbox to turn on the lite version of OWA and that works fine for me in
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
> I work for the state, so they won't let me configure my mail in any
> I'm lucky to have the outlook web access as security happy as they are.
> Allison
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will 
>> help at all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a 
>> go, or just use apple mail.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
>> Hi everyone!
>> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to 
>> use MS Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium 
>> or basic radio button when logging in. The basic view is much more
> accessible.
>> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. 
>> It's as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot 
>> into windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does 
>> anyone have any suggestions? I know people had previously talked 
>> about installing Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to 
>> install ChromeVox? I've also heard mention of something called 
>> Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari extension? Forgive my ignorance 
>> on this matter, but I'm very new to the world of extensions and the 
>> like. Might this
> webkit provide a solution?
>> Thanks so much.
>> Allison
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Re: Weird Mail Rules issue

2012-08-04 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Harry,

First, the All Mail thing from GMail is just there, it's something from Google 
and, as far as I can tell, you can't do anything about it.  So, I just ignore 
its existence.

Now, for your other issue, if the GMail Mailbox/InBox is selected when you 
create a new mailbox, the folder will be placed in the top level of that 
mailbox unless you tell it otherwise upon creation.  Each mailbox is attached 
to each mail account.  That is, your GMail InBox is attached to the GMail 
account and any other folders you've created are also attached to that account. 
 Mailboxes must be attached to an account, they cannot just sit there within 
the Mail app without being referenced as part of a specific account.  I guess, 
when you set it up, you could tell the folder to be located at the top level, 
the same as your InBoxes.  I've never done that but I would assume it's 
possible.  When you create a Mailbox, in the dialog that appears, there is a 
pop-up menu that is for the location of the given mailbox.

With respect to mail not being placed where it's supposed to, that's either a 
problem with the initial setup of the rule or sometimes even with the way 
senders address there messages.  I've noticed that sometimes people have 
specific people in their To field and MacVisionaries in the cc and various 
other interesting combinations.  What I did for this is, in my rule, specified 
that the "To" c"Contains" "MacVisionaries" and that  the "cc" "Contains" 
"MacVisionaries".  So, in this case, you would want to match "Any" of the rules 
(as opposed to "All"), and by simply asking if either "contains" 
"MacVisionaries", it usually got around any of the differences in how others 
addressed their messages.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-08-03, at 5:17 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> Hi, guys,
> I have set a rule for the Mac Visionaries group, but it doesn't seem to work 
> the greatest.  I set the rule to have messages sent to 
> be moved to the Mac Visionaries folder, and 
> it put that folder in my Google mail list for some reason.  The issue is that 
> I see some messages in the "Important" mailbox, some in the Mac Visionaries 
> group, but not all, I don't think, and then there's the "All Mail" mailbox 
> for Google.  Ideally, I would like to have all messages go to the Mac 
> Visionaries folder and have that folder just above my Gmail account.  I 
> really don't have any use for the "All Mail," "Important," the Google sent 
> items folder under Google Mail, etc.  It just seems like a lot of 
> duplication.  Any advice about how to get this sorted, including moving the 
> mailbox, would be very much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Harry
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2012-08-04 Thread Craig J Dunlop
On my MBP with Mountain lion I am having an issue with attachments. When I find 
the embedded attachment I do VO shift M and no menu comes up. Does anyone have 
any ideas? The attachment will open just fine on my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone 

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Re: How to get facebook on Moutain Lion.

2012-08-04 Thread Kliphton
I use facetab pro on my mack, and it works just fine.  I don't know what the 
big deal is, there is a feature in iPhoto to share pictures directly to 
facebook, flicker, and twitter.  JMO
Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
(Life Journal)
(Sharie's Scratch pad)
(Marriage group)
(face book)

On Aug 3, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Blinkin  wrote:

> The Facebook integration isn't going to be out until the fall.
>   All you have as of right now it twitter.
> On Aug 1, 2012, at 10:48 PM, KJSC radio  wrote:
>> Hi all. I just got Moutain Lion installed and I was wandering how do I get 
>> facebook setup on my mac? thanks all so much.
>> -- 
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

honestly, I don't even bother trying to interact with the attachment to bring 
up the context menu.  If you just want to preview the attachments, press 
command Y on the message in the messages table.  If you decide you want to save 
the attachments, go to the file menu and select save attachments.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 11:55 AM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:

> On my MBP with Mountain lion I am having an issue with attachments. When I 
> find the embedded attachment I do VO shift M and no menu comes up. Does 
> anyone have any ideas? The attachment will open just fine on my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone 
> -- 
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

The VO-shift-m works for me although VO-space does appear to be broken in ML.  
If VO-shift-m is not working for you, you can go under the File menu and choose 
Save Attachment.  Alternatively, you can press cmd-y while on that message to 
QuickLook the Attachment.  You could also navigate to the Message Header area 
and locate the Save Attachment pop-up or QuickLook button.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-08-04, at 9:55 AM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:

> On my MBP with Mountain lion I am having an issue with attachments. When I 
> find the embedded attachment I do VO shift M and no menu comes up. Does 
> anyone have any ideas? The attachment will open just fine on my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone 
> -- 
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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-04 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Yes, fill free to contact me any time and I will do my best to help you out. 
If you have skype you can contact me through that as well.
My skype user name is: nmallas


On Aug 4, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Oh really?
> I would say you understood my question perfectly.  The person who wants this 
> is not using a mac at all.
> so you sharing hardware synthesizer that canspeak Greek helps very much. 
> May I write you privately with extra questions?  this of mouse a topic for 
> here.
> Thanks,
> Karen
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2012, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hello there. I don't exactly understand your question.
>> I have been using Greek since the early 80s in various forms both using 
>> hardware and software synths.
>> Espeak is available in Greek under Linux for years, Acapela has a Greek 
>> voice for the Mac, Loquendo has a couple of Greek voices etc.
>> The Apollo2 hardware synthesizer from Dolphin has a Greek language module 
>> and can be used under various operating systems.
>> Mountain Lion comes with 2 very high quality voices in Greek.
>> Regards.
>> Nektarios.
>> On Aug 3, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> can this be done yet?
>>> if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older 
>>> synthesizer that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
>>> checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.
>>> Karen
>>> --
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Christine Grassman
Although it doesn't work for me in attachments, vo space works most of the time 
if you hold it down for a second, and then release. Since I started doing this, 
it's reliable 95 percent of the time.
On Aug 4, 2012, at 1:33 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> The VO-shift-m works for me although VO-space does appear to be broken in ML. 
>  If VO-shift-m is not working for you, you can go under the File menu and 
> choose Save Attachment.  Alternatively, you can press cmd-y while on that 
> message to QuickLook the Attachment.  You could also navigate to the Message 
> Header area and locate the Save Attachment pop-up or QuickLook button.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-08-04, at 9:55 AM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:
>> On my MBP with Mountain lion I am having an issue with attachments. When I 
>> find the embedded attachment I do VO shift M and no menu comes up. Does 
>> anyone have any ideas? The attachment will open just fine on my iPhone
>> Sent from my iPhone 
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
The other 5% of the time, you buy 18 items because VO space fires off in 
key-repeat mode while holding it down. *grin*

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Christine Grassman
LOL. That happened when I tried to download from bookshare. Had no clue it was 
working; there was no indication, and next thing I know, the book in question 
was downloaded fifteen times in my downloads folder. Can't seem to delete them 
either. If anyone knows how to do that, drop me a note. :)
On Aug 4, 2012, at 1:51 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> The other 5% of the time, you buy 18 items because VO space fires off in 
> key-repeat mode while holding it down. *grin*
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Weird Mail Rules issue

2012-08-04 Thread Harry Hogue

Thanks very much.  I will give this a try by first deleting the current 
mailbox, so that I can relocate it; I'm not sure how to go about just moving it.

Take care,


On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Harry,
> First, the All Mail thing from GMail is just there, it's something from 
> Google and, as far as I can tell, you can't do anything about it.  So, I just 
> ignore its existence.
> Now, for your other issue, if the GMail Mailbox/InBox is selected when you 
> create a new mailbox, the folder will be placed in the top level of that 
> mailbox unless you tell it otherwise upon creation.  Each mailbox is attached 
> to each mail account.  That is, your GMail InBox is attached to the GMail 
> account and any other folders you've created are also attached to that 
> account.  Mailboxes must be attached to an account, they cannot just sit 
> there within the Mail app without being referenced as part of a specific 
> account.  I guess, when you set it up, you could tell the folder to be 
> located at the top level, the same as your InBoxes.  I've never done that but 
> I would assume it's possible.  When you create a Mailbox, in the dialog that 
> appears, there is a pop-up menu that is for the location of the given mailbox.
> With respect to mail not being placed where it's supposed to, that's either a 
> problem with the initial setup of the rule or sometimes even with the way 
> senders address there messages.  I've noticed that sometimes people have 
> specific people in their To field and MacVisionaries in the cc and various 
> other interesting combinations.  What I did for this is, in my rule, 
> specified that the "To" c"Contains" "MacVisionaries" and that  the "cc" 
> "Contains" "MacVisionaries".  So, in this case, you would want to match "Any" 
> of the rules (as opposed to "All"), and by simply asking if either "contains" 
> "MacVisionaries", it usually got around any of the differences in how others 
> addressed their messages.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-08-03, at 5:17 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:
>> Hi, guys,
>> I have set a rule for the Mac Visionaries group, but it doesn't seem to work 
>> the greatest.  I set the rule to have messages sent to 
>> be moved to the Mac Visionaries folder, and 
>> it put that folder in my Google mail list for some reason.  The issue is 
>> that I see some messages in the "Important" mailbox, some in the Mac 
>> Visionaries group, but not all, I don't think, and then there's the "All 
>> Mail" mailbox for Google.  Ideally, I would like to have all messages go to 
>> the Mac Visionaries folder and have that folder just above my Gmail account. 
>>  I really don't have any use for the "All Mail," "Important," the Google 
>> sent items folder under Google Mail, etc.  It just seems like a lot of 
>> duplication.  Any advice about how to get this sorted, including moving the 
>> mailbox, would be very much appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Harry
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RE: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

2012-08-04 Thread wayne coles
Yes i did and if you had gone to amazon and done the search you will
find one that tunes in to a radio frequency and then the music from the
iphone or any apple device will come through the speakers and the device is
on amazon because i got one for my son so just look for the radio
transmitters and i think it was around 20 dollers but don't quote me on that
price but it was close to that price hope this helps 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: 03 August 2012 19:08
Subject: Re: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

That's not what I need.

Did you actually read my e-mail?  My grandmother doesn't have bluetooth 

The only way we can interface this is via cigarette lighter based plug.  She

doesn't have bluetooth, nor does she have an auxiliary input nor a USB 

This is why it needs to be an FM, not bluetooth transmitter, and needs to 
interface through her cigarette lighter.


- Original Message - 
From: "wayne coles" 
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

> Hello amazon has just what you want so just do a search for blue
> tooth transmitters and there they will be hope this helps
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
> gilland
> Sent: 03 August 2012 10:18
> To:
> Subject: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit
> My grandmother has a  Hyunda, but trust me, it doesn't have bluetooth
> ability, nor does it have auxiliary input.  All she's got is A M/FM/Sirius
> XM, Plus a 6 disc dashboard loading CD changer.  I can't remember what 
> year
> it is, but it's not exactly old old old, but it's not new by any stretch
> either.  I think it's like a 2005, or a 2006, somewhere in that
> neighborhood.
> Anyway, she does have a cigarette lighter  charger port.  So, I'm 
> wonderring
> if anyone may know of a good FM transmitter that I could use for my IPhone
> 4S 16GB black, through AT&T which would let me transmit to an FM frequency
> which I then could tune her radio to, then listen to my IPhone in the car.
> We go out practically 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, then of corse, 
> there's
> the times I have doctor appointments, etc. so I'd love! to be able to 
> listen
> to my music, or Pandora, etc. over something a little better than the
> internal IPhone speaker.  Don't get me wrong, the internal speaker is
> incredible!  I mean it blows the IPod Touch 3GS and 4G both totally! out 
> of
> the water, but it's still not the same as going through a full car stereo 
> by
> any means.
> I had a little birdy butt transmitter I bought a while back for my old 
> IPod
> Nano 4th Gen, way back in the days, which costed about 50 bucks, or so, 
> and
> basically what you had was this little dinky dank thing that plugged into
> the cigarette lighter charger... obviously, I don't literally mean the
> cigarette lighter... I'm not stupid... LOL!  I mean the charger port thing
> that looks like a lighter port.  You're probably lookin at me go yeah yeah
> yeah, I gotcha, I know I know, don't worry.  LOL!  Anyway, so one end
> plugged in there, then the other end basically was just a cord that 
> plugged
> into the 8th inch or as some would call it 3.5MM stereo jack on the
> IPod/IPhone, or whatever had an earphone jack.  I found that thing didn't
> work really well, as for one, the IPhone never was stationary, as nothing
> held it still.  It just kind a sat there either on my lap, or whatever,
> sometimes in the little glasses compartment.  I found that the slightest
> movement would make the thing fade out though and give a bit of static 
> over
> the transmition.  It was really really annoying.
> My dad had one that I think he paid about $100 to maybe $130 bucks for,
> somewhere around there, and if my mom still has it, I may try it out, as
> that sucker worked incredibly!  The sound was so crystal clear, it was
> unbelievable!  The only issue with it is, I dont' think an IPod Touch nor 
> an
> IPhone would fit in the thing.  I think it only held the 4th and 5th gen
> Nanos.  My dad actually got the thing back when the 4th gen Nanos were
> really hot on the market, so it's pretty old.  What I like about it though
> is, you plugged it in, then it had this metal rod looking arm that 
> protruded
> out of the thing that you could swivvle around so that it would either 
> face
> more toward the driver, or the passenger, or it could just be straight 
> dead
> centered.  The other end of it oppisit from the plug, literally was a
> cradling docking station.  So it had, from what I remember, 3 buttons. 
> One
> to go up in frequency, and one to move it down, plus it had an auto-scan
> where you push that, and it would scan for th

Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
bwahahaha! I'm good.  Okay: to delete them, Go to Finder, and navigate to the 
Downloads folder.  There, you'll find a whole bunch of files with the same name 
and different numbers after them.  Delete all but one by selecting them, 
holding down the shift and using arrows to cursor over them all, and hitting 
command Delete.  This will send them to the trash.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: How to get facebook on Moutain Lion.

2012-08-04 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Does anyone have issues when running apps from the menu bar, if you vo space on 
them, they disappear, and you're returned to the desktop? this happens with 
Menutab pro, and if there's a fix, I'd greatly appreciate it.
On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:22 AM, Kliphton  wrote:

> I use facetab pro on my mack, and it works just fine.  I don't know what the 
> big deal is, there is a feature in iPhoto to share pictures directly to 
> facebook, flicker, and twitter.  JMO
> Kliphton Senior
> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (iMessage&facetime)
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
> (Sharie's Scratch pad)
> (Marriage group)
> (face book)
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Blinkin  wrote:
>> The Facebook integration isn't going to be out until the fall.
>>  All you have as of right now it twitter.
>> On Aug 1, 2012, at 10:48 PM, KJSC radio  wrote:
>>> Hi all. I just got Moutain Lion installed and I was wandering how do I get 
>>> facebook setup on my mac? thanks all so much.
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Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-04 Thread Allison Mervis
No dice, but thanks for the suggestion.
On Aug 4, 2012, at 8:30 AM, Jeff Bishop  wrote:

> OK, so, we are on 2010.
> Another thing to try.
> Go into Safari Preferences, enable the Developer Menu on the Advanced Tab on
> the toolbar.
> Open the Developer menu and change the User Agent String to Internet
> Explorer 8.
> Now, browse to your site and see if that fixes it maybe?
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
> Hi jeff.
> It doesn't give me a version number, but it tells me that it's powered by
> Microsoft Exchange server version 2003. Leave it to the government to be ten
> years behind the times. Lol. The check box you mentioned is nowhere to be
> found on my page, but thanks for the suggestion.
> Allison
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 8:40 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:
>> Which version of Outlook Web Access are you using? The only radio 
>> button I see is the one for public versus private computer. There is a 
>> checkbox to turn on the lite version of OWA and that works fine for me in
> Safari.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:21 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
>> I work for the state, so they won't let me configure my mail in any
> clients.
>> I'm lucky to have the outlook web access as security happy as they are.
>> Allison
>> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will 
>>> help at all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a 
>>> go, or just use apple mail.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>>> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to 
>>> use MS Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium 
>>> or basic radio button when logging in. The basic view is much more
>> accessible.
>>> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. 
>>> It's as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot 
>>> into windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does 
>>> anyone have any suggestions? I know people had previously talked 
>>> about installing Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to 
>>> install ChromeVox? I've also heard mention of something called 
>>> Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari extension? Forgive my ignorance 
>>> on this matter, but I'm very new to the world of extensions and the 
>>> like. Might this
>> webkit provide a solution?
>>> Thanks so much.
>>> Allison
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Actually it did work

2012-08-04 Thread Allison Mervis
Changing the stream did work after all Jeff. Thanks so much!

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Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one of 
the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o return to 
the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the page and have 
to  find my way back.  Is there some seting I might have incorrectly set, or is 
this just a Safari and VO issue?

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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Christine Grassman
Tred that, but didn't work -- but I'll try again.
On Aug 4, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> bwahahaha! I'm good.  Okay: to delete them, Go to Finder, and navigate to the 
> Downloads folder.  There, you'll find a whole bunch of files with the same 
> name and different numbers after them.  Delete all but one by selecting them, 
> holding down the shift and using arrows to cursor over them all, and hitting 
> command Delete.  This will send them to the trash.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your
information, though, Chrome does the same exact thing, frustrating
when you're moving through a page of google results, open one, then go
back and want to find the next result.

On 8/4/12, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one
> of the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o
> return to the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the
> page and have to  find my way back.  Is there some seting I might have
> incorrectly set, or is this just a Safari and VO issue?
> find
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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RE: Actually it did work

2012-08-04 Thread Jeff Bishop
Awesome, glad it worked out for you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 1:31 PM
Subject: Actually it did work

Changing the stream did work after all Jeff. Thanks so much!

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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Didn't work? Um. I don't understand. Depending on how browsers are displayed in 
your Finder, I can walk you through it at a more detailed level if you need.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
OK if the place you need to get back to is always the same maybe web spots 
might help or even that sweet spot option just a thought!

On 4 Aug 2012, at 22:24, Alex Hall wrote:

> I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your
> information, though, Chrome does the same exact thing, frustrating
> when you're moving through a page of google results, open one, then go
> back and want to find the next result.
> On 8/4/12, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one
>> of the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o
>> return to the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the
>> page and have to  find my way back.  Is there some seting I might have
>> incorrectly set, or is this just a Safari and VO issue?
>> find
>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: Voiceover on Login Screen in ML?

2012-08-04 Thread Dan Roy
I have the same thing, but, it's only on the llogin window, vary miner 

On Jul 30, 2012, at 3:35 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> I get the 2 dialog box thing on my Macbook, but on my iMac I get 4 dialog 
> boxes!  It is starting to frustrate me!
> On 30 Jul 2012, at 04:29, Dan Roy  wrote:
>> Oh good, I am geting that 2 dialogue box thing as well.  I was hoping 
>> someone else would have the problem.  Since it doesn't seem to have another 
>> dialogue once logged in, I have just ignored it as a weird glitch or 
>> something.  But, it would be better if it wasn't there at all.
>> On Jul 29, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> Donna,
>>> I did at first have this issue on one of my Macs.  After ticking the box in 
>>> login options for VO to kick in on login did not work for me.  So I hit VO 
>>> + F5 at login and turned the volume up and it worked.
>>> I am going to assume you have already tried this.
>>> One thing I have noticed though is when I awake my Mac from sleep and I am 
>>> greeted with the system dialog box to enter my username and password, I am 
>>> informed that i have 2 dialog boxes!  So god knows where the other one is!
>>> Chris 
>>> On 29 Jul 2012, at 18:34, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi Teresa,
 the option is in System Prefs under Users and login options, but checking 
 it doesn't same to make it work.  I've written to Apple about this, you 
 might want to do so as well.
 On Jul 29, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> Hi, all,
> ML has changed things a bit. Is there still a way to have Voiceover in 
> the login screen? I can't seem to find that option anywhere.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: why can't Textedit serve as a replacement for MS Word?

2012-08-04 Thread Dan Roy
Thanks for the info, this is really to bad!  My wife does lots of charts and 
that sort of stuff, sounds like shaky ground to me.

On Jul 30, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Dan,
> When converting files from MS Word to Pages, there are problems with the 
> positioning of text boxes, the text within shapes, borders around paragraphs 
> and some fonts that are not available in Pages. There are even some fonts 
> that are not available in Word for Mac but are in Word for Windows.
> As you so rightly say, there are virtually no problems converting from Pages 
> to MS Word, all the formatting is retained.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 30 Jul 2012, at 05:37, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I would love to get rid of office, I absolutely hate it.  However, most of 
>> the working world is using it.  My wife has to use it every day. She wants 
>> to work from home and is afraid of incompadabilities between office and 
>> IWorks,  I thought the files could be interchanged without a problem, but, 
>> from reading a lot of posts on this list, I am finding out otherwise.
>> Oh, stupid me, I assumed if she was using pages and saved the file as an 
>> Office 2007 or whatever, that it would be ok, but, if she starts out working 
>> in office, then, opens it in pages and goes to save it back to office, I 
>> take it that's ware the problem lies.
>> I am glad to know this, she would have killed me for recommending she do 
>> that.  She would then be forced to go out and buy Office for the Mac.  Yes, 
>> she is fully sighted.
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dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Caitlyn and Nickels
Ok, trying to set up dictation in ML and can't quite get it.. Where exactly do 
you turn on listening or whatever?  I've set up the microphone, thanks to 
Donna, but can't seem to find the listening doo hicky or whatever!  lol!  I 
also can't seem to find a list of phrases to say to my mac to get it to do 
stuff.. any help?


Caitlyn, who supposes she doesn't have enough people or things to boss around!

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Re: dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Check under system preferences, Dictation and Speech.

On Aug 4, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Caitlyn and Nickels  

> Hi,
> Ok, trying to set up dictation in ML and can't quite get it.. Where exactly 
> do you turn on listening or whatever?  I've set up the microphone, thanks to 
> Donna, but can't seem to find the listening doo hicky or whatever!  lol!  I 
> also can't seem to find a list of phrases to say to my mac to get it to do 
> stuff.. any help?
> thanks!
> Caitlyn, who supposes she doesn't have enough people or things to boss around!
> -- 
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Re: dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I am not much into bossing people around, unless they're utter morons and I 
have no choice, so in your case, no bossing will be necessary.  To set up 
Dictation, Go to the menu bar with VO M, then down arrow in the Apple menu to 
System preferences.  Enter there or VO Space.  Interact with the preference 
pane when it comes up, and press D I or VO right until you land on Dictation 
and Speech.  Vo Shift space there to open it.  Select the Dictation Tab, and 
the first thing is an "on radio button," which turns Dictation on.  After that, 
you just set up the rest of the configuration, find an edit box and tap your 
shortcut key twice, and off you go!
Let me know if you need more help with it; I'm around and can walk you through 
on Skype or by call or whatever if you want.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Perhaps it's time to send an email to

On Aug 4, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your
> information, though, Chrome does the same exact thing, frustrating
> when you're moving through a page of google results, open one, then go
> back and want to find the next result.
> On 8/4/12, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one
>> of the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o
>> return to the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the
>> page and have to  find my way back.  Is there some   I might have
>> incorrectly set, or is this just a Safari and VO issue?
>> find
>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Unfoprunately, it's often the case where i will be on the 30th link,  come back 
and then wind up at hte top.  I can use the visited links key to get back, but 
after several trips off thepage even this is not always much of a shortcut.

On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:18 PM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi there!
> OK if the place you need to get back to is always the same maybe web spots 
> might help or even that sweet spot option just a thought!
> Colin
> On 4 Aug 2012, at 22:24, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your
>> information, though, Chrome does the same exact thing, frustrating
>> when you're moving through a page of google results, open one, then go
>> back and want to find the next result.
>> On 8/4/12, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one
>>> of the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o
>>> return to the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the
>>> page and have to  find my way back.  Is there some seting I might have
>>> incorrectly set, or is this just a Safari and VO issue?
>>> find
>>> --
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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Re: dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
I am not speaking for Caitlyn: but I she might also want speakable items 
because she mentioned the list of phrases to say!
that Caitlyn is not the same as Dictation,
hth Colin

On 5 Aug 2012, at 00:15, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Caitlyn:
> I am not much into bossing people around, unless they're utter morons and I 
> have no choice, so in your case, no bossing will be necessary.  To set up 
> Dictation, Go to the menu bar with VO M, then down arrow in the Apple menu to 
> System preferences.  Enter there or VO Space.  Interact with the preference 
> pane when it comes up, and press D I or VO right until you land on Dictation 
> and Speech.  Vo Shift space there to open it.  Select the Dictation Tab, and 
> the first thing is an "on radio button," which turns Dictation on.  After 
> that, you just set up the rest of the configuration, find an edit box and tap 
> your shortcut key twice, and off you go!
> Let me know if you need more help with it; I'm around and can walk you 
> through on Skype or by call or whatever if you want.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Okay, well, those are called "speakable items," and they're located in the 
Accessibility section of the System Preferences pane.  

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
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Re: time machine sorted was time machine help

2012-08-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
My timecapsule has always caused me trouble so I  nicked named it "death Star". 
However, since I manage the network myself these days, it's behaving itself but 
it's still called "Death Star".


On 3 Aug 2012, at 11:24 PM, Kirsten Edmondson 

> Hi, 
> As subject says, I think I have managed to sort out my tm issue. Not sure 
> how, but got it to come up with my password and did a bit of wire jiggling 
> and now it's done a successful full backup! Fingers crossed that it keeps 
> working! 
> I sadly have to say, I have a house full of Apple products, all of which I 
> love, except my time capsule, it seems to cause me no end of trouble, and 
> seems to die and drop off the network, or conflict with my network or break 
> my network at least once a month! :( Such a shame when it cost £250 ... on 
> principle I refuse to get rid of it, as it was a christmas present from my 
> ex-boyfriend ... though perhaps it just reflects our poor quality 
> relationship as was ... :( 
> On 3 Aug 2012, at 22:12, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> My time capsule came unplugged. I plugged it in again and it seemed to be 
>> ok, but when I went to the time machine menu the configured icon was dimmed. 
>> I've found my disk but it now says it cannot connect to the time machine 
>> server and that it can't find my backup disk. 
>> I'm going to go onto mv archives as I'm sure there will be something in 
>> there that will help me, but any immediate advice on how to get my time 
>> capsule, time machine and my mbp talking together would be much appreciated. 
>> I did a backup on Monday, but it doesn't seem to recognise that it exists. I 
>> don't want to upgrade to ml until I have tm sorted and have done a 
>> successful back up ... just in case ... 
>> Thanks. 
>> -- 
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Re: why can't Textedit serve as a replacement for MS Word?

2012-08-04 Thread Pam Mathers

On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> Thanks for the info, this is really to bad!  My wife does lots of charts and 
> that sort of stuff, sounds like shaky ground to me.
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> When converting files from MS Word to Pages, there are problems with the 
>> positioning of text boxes, the text within shapes, borders around paragraphs 
>> and some fonts that are not available in Pages. There are even some fonts 
>> that are not available in Word for Mac but are in Word for Windows.
>> As you so rightly say, there are virtually no problems converting from Pages 
>> to MS Word, all the formatting is retained.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 30 Jul 2012, at 05:37, Dan Roy wrote:
>>> I would love to get rid of office, I absolutely hate it.  However, most of 
>>> the working world is using it.  My wife has to use it every day. She wants 
>>> to work from home and is afraid of incompadabilities between office and 
>>> IWorks,  I thought the files could be interchanged without a problem, but, 
>>> from reading a lot of posts on this list, I am finding out otherwise.
>>> Oh, stupid me, I assumed if she was using pages and saved the file as an 
>>> Office 2007 or whatever, that it would be ok, but, if she starts out 
>>> working in office, then, opens it in pages and goes to save it back to 
>>> office, I take it that's ware the problem lies.
>>> I am glad to know this, she would have killed me for recommending she do 
>>> that.  She would then be forced to go out and buy Office for the Mac.  Yes, 
>>> she is fully sighted.
>> -- 
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Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Lisette Wesseling
How do I do this. The Readme file says something about checking the box in the 
VLC app but I can't find one. 

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Re: Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Have you checked in System preferences?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

I don't use VLC for a lot but I'm guessing that this dialog may have come up 
when you opened VLC for the first time.  I did look around a bit in the 
Preferences and didn't find it either.  Therefore, I'd do this for now:

  • Try locating an audio file that you wish VLC to open.
• Press cmd-i to Get Info on the item.
• Navigate to the Open With area.
• Set it to VLC in the pop-up.
• Press the Change All button.

There may be a way whereby you remove the plist file for VLC thus when you 
start VLC again, it may just ask the question again.  The above method should 
suffice though.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-08-04, at 5:55 PM, Lisette Wesseling  wrote:

> Hi,
> How do I do this. The Readme file says something about checking the box in 
> the VLC app but I can't find one. 
> Lisette
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, here's the weird thing. If I go to the dock, then arrow over to Downloads, 
then use vo M to interact with the list of downloads in the folder, select 
things I want to delete, and then hit delete, it does not work.  However, if I 
manage to get to the Downloads folder right in Finder, which for some reason I 
cannot always do, files delete. Why the difference?
On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Didn't work? Um. I don't understand. Depending on how browsers are displayed 
> in your Finder, I can walk you through it at a more detailed level if you 
> need.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Dropbox alerts driving me nuts

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
How can I get Dropbox to stop putting alerts in my notification center?  It 
seems to want to put a new one there every time it copies or changes a file on 
my mini.  I don't see it on the list of programs I can uncheck.  Any help 

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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hmmm, as far as I can tell, when you use VO-shift-m on the dock, it just lists 
options for manipulating the folder. If you use this keystroke in the dock, 
find the "open folder" option and hit enter. Otherwise, simply open the folder 
from the finder with command-option-l. Then find your items and use 
command-backspace to delete them.


On Aug 4, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> OK, here's the weird thing. If I go to the dock, then arrow over to 
> Downloads, then use vo M to interact with the list of downloads in the 
> folder, select things I want to delete, and then hit delete, it does not 
> work.  However, if I manage to get to the Downloads folder right in Finder, 
> which for some reason I cannot always do, files delete. Why the difference?
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
> wrote:
>> Didn't work? Um. I don't understand. Depending on how browsers are displayed 
>> in your Finder, I can walk you through it at a more detailed level if you 
>> need.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Dropbox alerts driving me nuts

2012-08-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
Go to dropbox in the Extras menu and open preferences from the menu. Uncheck 
"show desktop notifications."


On Aug 4, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> How can I get Dropbox to stop putting alerts in my notification center?  It 
> seems to want to put a new one there every time it copies or changes a file 
> on my mini.  I don't see it on the list of programs I can uncheck.  Any help 
> suggested.
> -- 
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Don't know. but, to access the downloads folder off the home folder, you just 
press dow very quickly and you can access it.  Works every single time.  That 
is d o w and that should do it.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 4, 2012, at 7:49 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> OK, here's the weird thing. If I go to the dock, then arrow over to 
> Downloads, then use vo M to interact with the list of downloads in the 
> folder, select things I want to delete, and then hit delete, it does not 
> work.  However, if I manage to get to the Downloads folder right in Finder, 
> which for some reason I cannot always do, files delete. Why the difference?
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
> wrote:
>> Didn't work? Um. I don't understand. Depending on how browsers are displayed 
>> in your Finder, I can walk you through it at a more detailed level if you 
>> need.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox alerts driving me nuts

2012-08-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Or else, you could do it via growl.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 4, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Go to dropbox in the Extras menu and open preferences from the menu. Uncheck 
> "show desktop notifications."
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> How can I get Dropbox to stop putting alerts in my notification center?  It 
>> seems to want to put a new one there every time it copies or changes a file 
>> on my mini.  I don't see it on the list of programs I can uncheck.  Any help 
>> suggested.
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox alerts driving me nuts

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks much.  If I want to update dropbox to the latest version, I should just 
download and copy over the new  app file in my app directory?
Also, in Windows I can get a public link to a file in my public folder with a 
right click.  How is this done on the Mc version?

On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Go to dropbox in the Extras menu and open preferences from the menu. Uncheck 
> "show desktop notifications."
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> How can I get Dropbox to stop putting alerts in my notification center?  It 
>> seems to want to put a new one there every time it copies or changes a file 
>> on my mini.  I don't see it on the list of programs I can uncheck.  Any help 
>> suggested.
>> -- 
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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I have no idea why deleting from the dock doesn't work.  I don't ever do it 
that way.  I notice though that Open Downloads is one of the choices listed 
under the context menu, VO Shift M.  If you open it, you'll be in Finder, which 
is the same environment in which you said the command-delete key worked to 
trash your files.  And, keep in mind that you can have as many finder windows 
open as you want; E.G., you can have a Downloads finder window open all the 
time, even if you go back to Desktop or somewhere else on your hard drive.  
That way, you can always get there.  Heck, now I stop to think about it, I 
guess you could make a Keyboard or Numpad Commander shortcut to open Downloads 
right away every time…

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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IMovie with ML?

2012-08-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Say y'all,

has anybody had any success editing a video with the latest version of IMovie 
and ML?  I heard there was an issue with the timeline and wanted more info 
before deciding to burn $14.95 or what ever.  thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

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Re: Attachments

2012-08-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
… where is the dow key? … Sorry. couldn't resist.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
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A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Has anyone tried this?  Or is there a better way to get a better command to go 
back in Safari..

Re-enable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari 6 
Aug 03, '12 07:30:00AM • Contributed by: philwo
It seems like Apple disabled the "Press Backspace to go back a page" feature in 
Safari 6 due to users having complained about losing text entered in text 
fields when they accidentally pressed the backspace key. If you liked this 
feature, you can enable it again using this command:
defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"
If you ever want to disable it, there are two possibilities. The first, if you 
don't have any other shortcuts for Safari, is to run this command:
defaults delete NSUserKeyEquivalents
It will delete all Safari keyboard shortcuts. 

The second method is a bit more time-consuming. You need to first create a 
keyboard shortcut for Safari, for the "Back" command, in the preferences. Then, 
if you apply the first command above, you'll be able to delete it. If you don't 
have a shortcut set up for the Back command before running the first command 
above, it won't display in the Keyboard Shortcut preferences, and you won't be 
able to delete it from the preference pane. It seems like using the defaults 
command to set up a shortcut only displays that shortcut in the preference pane 
if you already have a shortcut created.
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Re: A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari

2012-08-04 Thread Christopher-Mark gilland
I definitely wouldn't wanna do this, as like the tip states, you then lose your 
ability to delete inputted text, so, if I make a booboo on a web based e-mail 
service and I'm 3 paragraphs deep, and I only have a backspace key, not a full 
delete key on my keyboard, then, guess what, I'm screwed.  Looks like Im gonna 
be typing the whole thing over from the top... or... did I miss something?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Bill Holton 
  Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 9:26 PM
  Subject: A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari

  Has anyone tried this?  Or is there a better way to get a better command to 
go back in Safari..

Re-enable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari 6 
Aug 03, '12 07:30:00AM • Contributed by: philwo
It seems like Apple disabled the "Press Backspace to go back a page" 
feature in Safari 6 due to users having complained about losing text entered in 
text fields when they accidentally pressed the backspace key. If you liked this 
feature, you can enable it again using this command:
defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"If 
you ever want to disable it, there are two possibilities. The first, if you 
don't have any other shortcuts for Safari, is to run this command:
defaults delete NSUserKeyEquivalentsIt will delete all Safari 
keyboard shortcuts. 

The second method is a bit more time-consuming. You need to first 
create a keyboard shortcut for Safari, for the "Back" command, in the 
preferences. Then, if you apply the first command above, you'll be able to 
delete it. If you don't have a shortcut set up for the Back command before 
running the first command above, it won't display in the Keyboard Shortcut 
preferences, and you won't be able to delete it from the preference pane. It 
seems like using the defaults command to set up a shortcut only displays that 
shortcut in the preference pane if you already have a shortcut created.

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Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Bill Holton
Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
  Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open tabs, 
or am I mistaken?
Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that does a 
better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference between DOM 
navigation and group navigation?

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Re: Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

pressing VO F2 twice will bring up the windows chooser which will list all your 
open tabs.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
> thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
>  Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open tabs, 
> or am I mistaken?
> Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that does a 
> better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference between DOM 
> navigation and group navigation?
> -- 
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Re: A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Am I missing something here? I'm able to press backspace to go back a page 
without configuring anything.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:30 PM, Christopher-Mark gilland  

> I definitely wouldn't wanna do this, as like the tip states, you then lose 
> your ability to delete inputted text, so, if I make a booboo on a web based 
> e-mail service and I'm 3 paragraphs deep, and I only have a backspace key, 
> not a full delete key on my keyboard, then, guess what, I'm screwed.  Looks 
> like Im gonna be typing the whole thing over from the top... or... did I miss 
> something?
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: Bill Holton
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 9:26 PM
> Subject: A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari
> Has anyone tried this?  Or is there a better way to get a better command to 
> go back in Safari..
> Re-enable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari 6 
> Aug 03, '12 07:30:00AM • Contributed by: philwo
> It seems like Apple disabled the "Press Backspace to go back a page" feature 
> in Safari 6 due to users having complained about losing text entered in text 
> fields when they accidentally pressed the backspace key. If you liked this 
> feature, you can enable it again using this command:
> defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"
> If you ever want to disable it, there are two possibilities. The first, if 
> you don't have any other shortcuts for Safari, is to run this command:
> defaults delete NSUserKeyEquivalents
> It will delete all Safari keyboard shortcuts. 
> The second method is a bit more time-consuming. You need to first create a 
> keyboard shortcut for Safari, for the "Back" command, in the preferences. 
> Then, if you apply the first command above, you'll be able to delete it. If 
> you don't have a shortcut set up for the Back command before running the 
> first command above, it won't display in the Keyboard Shortcut preferences, 
> and you won't be able to delete it from the preference pane. It seems like 
> using the defaults command to set up a shortcut only displays that shortcut 
> in the preference pane if you already have a shortcut created.
> • 
>   • Currently 4.17 / 5
>   You rated: 3 / 5 (6 votes cast)  
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
In which case, why not just set up Safari to open links in new windows rather 
than tabs?  Same difference right, if you use VO+F2 to move between them?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> pressing VO F2 twice will bring up the windows chooser which will list all 
> your open tabs.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
>> thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
>> Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open tabs, 
>> or am I mistaken?
>> Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that does 
>> a better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference between 
>> DOM navigation and group navigation?
>> -- 
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Re: Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Actually, pressing VO+F2 twice did not show me any of my tabs.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:40 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> In which case, why not just set up Safari to open links in new windows rather 
> than tabs?  Same difference right, if you use VO+F2 to move between them?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> pressing VO F2 twice will bring up the windows chooser which will list all 
>> your open tabs.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
>>> thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
>>> Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open tabs, 
>>> or am I mistaken?
>>> Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that does 
>>> a better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference between 
>>> DOM navigation and group navigation?
>>> -- 
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Re: Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Tim,
Yes this worked thanks. The Readme file said something to this effect, but your 
instructions made a lot more sense than their's did. I assume this "get info" 
thing is common to other apps, so it's something I'll be exploring more. I 
didn't know about it, so thanks.


On 5/08/2012, at 12:33 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't use VLC for a lot but I'm guessing that this dialog may have come up 
> when you opened VLC for the first time.  I did look around a bit in the 
> Preferences and didn't find it either.  Therefore, I'd do this for now:
>   • Try locating an audio file that you wish VLC to open.
> • Press cmd-i to Get Info on the item.
> • Navigate to the Open With area.
> • Set it to VLC in the pop-up.
> • Press the Change All button.
> There may be a way whereby you remove the plist file for VLC thus when you 
> start VLC again, it may just ask the question again.  The above method should 
> suffice though.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-08-04, at 5:55 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do I do this. The Readme file says something about checking the box in 
>> the VLC app but I can't find one. 
>> Lisette
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Re: Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Not really.  Opening up a window takes up far more system resources than 
opening a new tab.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:40 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> In which case, why not just set up Safari to open links in new windows rather 
> than tabs?  Same difference right, if you use VO+F2 to move between them?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> pressing VO F2 twice will bring up the windows chooser which will list all 
>> your open tabs.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
>>> thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
>>> Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open tabs, 
>>> or am I mistaken?
>>> Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that does 
>>> a better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference between 
>>> DOM navigation and group navigation?
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: Two more dumb Safari questions

2012-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

Your right. just open windows, not tabs.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Actually, pressing VO+F2 twice did not show me any of my tabs.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:40 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> In which case, why not just set up Safari to open links in new windows 
>> rather than tabs?  Same difference right, if you use VO+F2 to move between 
>> them?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> pressing VO F2 twice will bring up the windows chooser which will list all 
>>> your open tabs.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
 Wasn't there a command you could use to jump from open tab to open tab?  I 
 thought it was CTRL-tab, but that doesn't seem to be working.
 Also, thought  there is a command that will cause VO to list all open 
 tabs, or am I mistaken?
 Second,  does anyone have a clearer explanation or a podcast link that 
 does a better job ofthan the VO documentation  explaing the difference 
 between DOM navigation and group navigation?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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More problems with Menuweather

2012-08-04 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone.
I got my location issue sorted out with Menuweather. However, even though I go 
into preferences and check the automatically launch at startup box, I have to 
go into my applications and launch it manually every time I restart. When I go 
back into preferences, the box is not checked. Is this a sign that maybe this 
app is just not ML ready? Thanks!

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Re: Preview versus skim?

2012-08-04 Thread Esther
Hi Chris,

Skim has been referred to as "Preview on steroids".  It's free and open source 
with a creative commons license, and gets frequent updates.  You can download 
the latest version from Source Forge:
I don't know that there are any "cons" about using Skim, except that since it 
has a lot of options, there's more to navigate in the basic distribution, and 
it has more features than you will use.  The quick description is that it is 
laid out very much like Preview, but supports annotation, so there is a second 
sidebar for notes.  Because it uses the same base as Preview, any limitations 
that you find when reading PDFs in Preview will show up in Skim.  So, for 
example, bookmarks take you back to the page you were reading but not to the 
exact spot in the page (unless you set hotspots).  On the other hand, there are 
expanded features, such as being able to organize your bookmarks into folders.

One situation where someone might clearly want to use Skim over Preview, is if 
they were reviewing a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation that was exported to 
PDF.  These don't play nicely with Preview, even using Full Screen mode.  But 
Skim has an additional "Presentation mode" for viewing, and you can easily 
display presentations in this mode, controlling page transitions, etc.  So this 
is an easy and accessible way to give a text-based presentation or to review 
notes from the text content of a presentation.  

I originally started using Skim because it maintained more stable focus 
behavior than Preview in operations like search and find.  When there are 
really good Skim features eventually they get adopted and show up in later 
versions of Preview.

By the way, since Skim is supported as an open source effort at Source Forge 
and is freely available there and not through the Mac App Store, there's a Skim 
rip-off being sold in the Mac App Store as "PDF Reader".  It's based on an old 
version of Skim, and I'm rather surprised that Apple hasn't pulled this, since 
there's no support, and the distributor is just profiting from the (old 
version) open source efforts of Skim.  Since a number of Mac users follow Skim, 
and it's highly rated at various download sites like MacUpdate, a few people 
bought the version in the App Store when it showed up thinking that it was put 
out by the people who work on Skim.  It's not, and you'll just be paying for an 
unsupported, old version.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 3, 2012, at 11:28 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> The subject says it all. What are the pros and cons please. Thanks!
> - Original Message - From: "Esther" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 2:43 AM
> Subject: Re: merging several PDF files into one.
> Hi Chris,
> It's actually possible to merge PDF files with Preview if you can drag and 
> drop to the thumbnails in the sidebar, but I don't think this works with 
> VoiceOver drag and drop -- at the very least it would be difficult.  If you 
> have Skim downloaded there's an embedded SkimPDF command line tool that lets 
> you perform operations like merging and extracting PDF files in Terminal.
> If you look under: /Applications/  there are 
> three applications: displayline, skimnotes, and skimpdf.  You need to copy 
> skimpdf to somewhere in your default path with executable permission using 
> your Admin password.
> Open Terminal and type or paste in:
> sudo cp -p /Applications/ /usr/bin/
> and press "Return".  You'll be prompted to authorize with your Admin 
> password. The "cp -p" does the copy preserving permissions so you can execute 
> the commands.
> Then to merge two pdf files from the command line you can type:
> skimpdf merge file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf
> The specification of an output file like "merged.pdf"  is optional.  I think 
> if you don't specify an output file, the second file just gets appended to 
> the first, but you should experiment.  You can also find out the syntax of 
> commands by typing:
> skimpdf help
> For more information, take a look at the SourceForge wiki for Skim:
> Then use the link for the "SkimPDF Command Line Tool" to find out more. 
> There's also a specific SourceForge wiki for the SkimPDF command line tool:
> There are probably other sources of merge tools around the web, but this 
> works if you already have Skim anyway, and are comfortable with the Terminal 
> command line.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> okay, so here's the deal.
>> I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story short, 
>> it is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way, however each 
>> page of the manual is a separate PD

Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Bill,

that's also quite annoying to me. My work around is to remember on the links 
title, open by pressing VO + u the link list and type the title to find it. 
Then press VO + spacebar, here you are. But still it's just a work around and 
one additional point on Apples list to do on VoiceOver.

All the best
Am 05.08.2012 um 01:17 schrieb Bill Holton :

> Unfoprunately, it's often the case where i will be on the 30th link,  come 
> back and then wind up at hte top.  I can use the visited links key to get 
> back, but after several trips off thepage even this is not always much of a 
> shortcut.
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 6:18 PM, "Red.Falcon"  
> wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> OK if the place you need to get back to is always the same maybe web spots 
>> might help or even that sweet spot option just a thought!
>> Colin
>> On 4 Aug 2012, at 22:24, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your
>>> information, though, Chrome does the same exact thing, frustrating
>>> when you're moving through a page of google results, open one, then go
>>> back and want to find the next result.
>>> On 8/4/12, Bill Holton  wrote:
 I work a lot with pages that have many  dozens of links.  When I click one
 of the links, get the info I need and then use command [ left bracket o
 return to the original page almost always I am put back at the top of the
 page and have to  find my way back.  Is there some seting I might have
 incorrectly set, or is this just a Safari and VO issue?
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>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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