I definitely wouldn't wanna do this, as like the tip states, you then lose your 
ability to delete inputted text, so, if I make a booboo on a web based e-mail 
service and I'm 3 paragraphs deep, and I only have a backspace key, not a full 
delete key on my keyboard, then, guess what, I'm screwed.  Looks like Im gonna 
be typing the whole thing over from the top... or... did I miss something?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Holton 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 9:26 PM
  Subject: A way to renable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari

  Has anyone tried this?  Or is there a better way to get a better command to 
go back in Safari..

        Re-enable the backspace key to go back a page in Safari 6 
        Aug 03, '12 07:30:00AM • Contributed by: philwo
        It seems like Apple disabled the "Press Backspace to go back a page" 
feature in Safari 6 due to users having complained about losing text entered in 
text fields when they accidentally pressed the backspace key. If you liked this 
feature, you can enable it again using this command:
defaults write com.apple.Safari NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Back "\U232b"If 
you ever want to disable it, there are two possibilities. The first, if you 
don't have any other shortcuts for Safari, is to run this command:
defaults delete com.apple.Safari NSUserKeyEquivalentsIt will delete all Safari 
keyboard shortcuts. 

        The second method is a bit more time-consuming. You need to first 
create a keyboard shortcut for Safari, for the "Back" command, in the 
preferences. Then, if you apply the first command above, you'll be able to 
delete it. If you don't have a shortcut set up for the Back command before 
running the first command above, it won't display in the Keyboard Shortcut 
preferences, and you won't be able to delete it from the preference pane. It 
seems like using the defaults command to set up a shortcut only displays that 
shortcut in the preference pane if you already have a shortcut created.

          a.. Currently 4.17 / 5  You rated: 3 / 5 (6 votes cast)  

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