Re: High contrast on and off?

2012-04-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
Yes there is a con flicked! But it is with the Hotspots that command if you 
have a hotspot set at number 8 or any other will Describes the item at that hot 
Also I have found that the command to switch from one to the other is unchecked 
in Keyboard shortcuts in the main Keyboard settings in system pref's!
Under universal access in the table of categories!
I do not have this turned on myself and I suppose if you check it on, as long 
as you do not set a hot spot at 8 it will work for you!
hth Colin

On 5 Apr 2012, at 05:17, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I think this conflicts with voiceover which grabs anything with a 
> control+option combo. You might have to turn VO off first, turn on high 
> contrast and then turn VO back on again.
> CB
> On 4/4/12 10:11 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>> Greetings!
>>  So in Universal Access is says that in order to access the white on 
>> black or black on white I should press command, option, control, and 8.
>>  This doesn't do anything though. Am I just completely missing something 
>> here? I am confused. Thanks yall
>> Mike Malarsie
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Gigi
Hi a.m.
Actually, it hasn't been happening for me either if I decide not to save 
changes to do command W if I have already saved the file with Phylbeck. I 
noticed that if I haven't yet saved it and I do command W, then I do get the 
option to save or not. Is it I have something in system press preferences?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 5, 2012, at 12:52 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Veronica,
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 06:02, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> One of the most annoying things I can't get around comes in Text Edit. I 
>> can't believe there's no warning when it over writes a file and that no 
>> matter what I do, it just saves it when I quit.
> I don't know what you mean about it overwriting files, but it does save 
> automatically as you work. However, if you close a file with Cmd-w you will 
> get a dialogue asking whether you want to save your changes or not. You still 
> have to quit the application with Cmd-q as it does not quit automatically 
> when it has no windows open.
>> Also, when I open a file, I sure don't land where David does in his little 
>> demo. I have to go through a bunch of radio buttons before I find a list 
>> view table of document names. Is there a quicker way to open a document?
> The first thing that comes to mind is your settings in VoiceOver Utility. In 
> the Navigation category, Initial position of VoiceOver cursor should be 
> Keyboard focused item.
> You talk about opening a file, but it sounds as though you're opening a 
> folder containing files. Each file type is associated with a default 
> application. So, RTF files automatically open with TextEdit.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Gigi
Hi Veronica
Pages does something different then TextEdit. Pages makes a backup file that 
actually says back up before the name of your file in it. This has saved me a 
few times.
I also got myself a drive that would work with Time Machine. Time machine is a 
program that does automatic backups every hour if you wanted to. Apple 
recommended that I get a terabyte drive, even though they said I didn't need 
something that big right now, it would give me anfor a long time to come. I 
really like using Time Machine.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Veronica Elsea  

> Hi everyone!
> I have a new MacBook air and this is my first adventure with VoiceOver on a 
> Mac computer. I have read the Getting started book, which did give me some 
> minimal starting points. I'm now going through the tutorials done by David 
> Woodbridge. Obviously there are a few things that must have changed in Lion. 
> One of the most annoying things I can't get around comes in Text Edit. I 
> can't believe there's no warning when it over writes a file and that no 
> matter what I do, it just saves it when I quit. That's worse than 
> automatically changing words to something I don't want. Ultimately if I end 
> up using this computer for real, I'll likely spring for Pages or something, 
> hoping that it doesn't do this as well. Also, when I open a file, I sure 
> don't land where David does in his little demo. I have to go through a bunch 
> of radio buttons before I find a list view table of document names. Is there 
> a quicker way to open a document?
> And I won't even talk about mail yet. 
> Anyway, any help would sure be appreciated. Thanks.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
> -- 
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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Scott Howell
Yes the Refreshabraille 18 is working with iOS 5.1. I use it very frequently.

On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:57 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried a
>> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
>> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
>> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
>> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
>> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
>> weight.
>> Teresa
>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
>>> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
>>> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
>>> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
>>> consideration.
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
 Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
 display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
 iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
 am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
 As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
 straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
 about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
 expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
 getting it. Thanks.
 (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I had to buy a new Braille display when I got my Mac Mini, because I
> couldn't use my Braille Lite 40.
> I much prefer 40-cell displays, and as far as I'm aware, the Focus 40
> Blue is the least expensive of those by far. Most run around at least
> $5000 US.
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:42 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Well, window-eyes actually supports a lot more than apple does, but
>> apple for sure supports all of the modern ones.  Except that they are
>> footdragging on the brialliant BI displays.  Most of the ones they're
>> missing are legacy serial and parallel devices.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility,
>> New drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe,
>> visit
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2012-04-04, at 6:46 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> I asked about the price of a Focus 40 Blue. They said $2,800. Now I
>>> think that's high, but it has 40 cells. The more cells, the more
>>> money. I think $5,000 is for those 80 cell displays. What you're going
>>> to do with your braille, display just like computers, determines how
>>> many cells you need. I have to have 40 because of doing braille
>>> proofreading. However, if I wanted one to carry around for church so I
>>> could read my Bible or hymn music, on an iPad, maybe one of those 12
>>> or 18 cell ones would be the ticket. It would be even better to carry
>>> around with an iPad or iPhone if the price were less than $1500. You
>>> would have to have a good reason or be lucky enough to afford the
>>> luxury to spend $1500 on a display for your iPad while traveling. I
>>> have found, because I do a little traveling with my 40 cell display
>>> that it does add significantly to the weight of your MacBookPro to
>>> carry the display around.
>>> To make this topic more Mac related, I was impressed, to say the
>>> least, when I found out how many braille displays would work with
>>> VoiceOver. There were ones on the list I had never heard of. I don't
>>> believe any of the other screen readers could say that their program
>>> could support that many displays. There's a fair number with Jaws, and
>>> somebody could correct me about this, but I don't think it's as many
>>> as VoiceOver.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Gigi
Hi guys
It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille displays 
around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around and Kappel 
Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog and I used it 
to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is I carried a 
backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person braille in a 
backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I don't have to carry 
all that around these days.

To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. For 
some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in all 
caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how that's 
handled on an iPad?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:

> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried a
>> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
>> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
>> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
>> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
>> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
>> weight.
>> Teresa
>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
>>> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
>>> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
>>> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
>>> consideration.
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
 Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
 display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
 iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
 am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
 As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
 straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
 about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
 expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
 getting it. Thanks.
 (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)

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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again guys.
Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the same 
time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas this 
year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit halls 
are not the best environment when you want to play around with something, but 
it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store here said I could 
bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I wanted. He was 
horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend $2800 first. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:

> Hi guys
> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around and 
> Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog and 
> I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is I 
> carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I don't 
> have to carry all that around these days.
> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
> that's handled on an iPad?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried a
>>> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
>>> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
>>> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
>>> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
>>> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
>>> weight.
>>> Teresa
>>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
 something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
 $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
 gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
> getting it. Thanks.
> (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Just go and raid a Bank!  Then acquire what you need.  Then if questions are 
asked, pretend you are rather retarded and after all that, lie down and take 
your tavlet!  Lol.  If that does not produce a laugh, then I don't know what 
I'm going to say next in order you laugh!

On 5 Apr 2012, at 11:52 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi again guys.
> Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
> know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the same 
> time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas this 
> year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit halls 
> are not the best environment when you want to play around with something, but 
> it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store here said I 
> could bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I wanted. He was 
> horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend $2800 first. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog 
>> and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is 
>> I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
>> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I 
>> don't have to carry all that around these days.
>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
>> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
>> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
>> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
>> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
>> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
>> that's handled on an iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried 
 ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
 tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
 computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
 Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
 me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
 "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
> consideration.
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
>> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
>> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
>> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
>> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
>> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
>> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
>> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
>> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
>> getting it. Thanks.
>> (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+uns

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  I suggest contacting your nearest reseller or rehab service provider.  
They should have a demo unit and sometimes they are generous in lending it.  Or 
they may have a demo bluetooth braille display and and IPad so you can walk in 
and see it.  I would do the demo myself if you were local, but I can tell you 
right now it works a treat.  I'm not a huge fan of the focus blue, but i've got 
a client who has one.  He's deaf-blind and he's using his ITouch and his focus 
display as a communication aid.


Erik Burggraaf
Ebony consulting is pleased to offer the Comtech KDB300 omnidirectional 
bluetooth barcode scanner as part of our new product family.  Pre-order before 
Friday, april 13th, and save $30 off the msrp of $599.99.  Order two or more on 
the same order and get the sale price plus free shipping in North america.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-04-05, at 6:52 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi again guys.
> Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
> know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the same 
> time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas this 
> year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit halls 
> are not the best environment when you want to play around with something, but 
> it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store here said I 
> could bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I wanted. He was 
> horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend $2800 first. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog 
>> and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is 
>> I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
>> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I 
>> don't have to carry all that around these days.
>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
>> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
>> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
>> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
>> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
>> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
>> that's handled on an iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried 
 ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
 tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
 computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
 Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
 me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
 "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
> consideration.
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
>> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
>> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
>> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
>> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
>> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
>> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
>> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
>> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
>> getting it. Thanks.
>> (I don't care much about input on the display, just outpu

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Becky Knaub
hi guys,
I didn't ever have the lap top just the old apple 2 e and I just had to cary 
the perkins from class to class in middle and high school until I went to 
overbook. Then I had the computer and the braille window, I loved that display 
even though it was big and the braille lite 40 which I really didn't think was 
that great. I am really curious how you read BRF files as well, what if you 
want to read them with braille and VO? What do you use for Mac with Lion.

Becky and C
On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Gigi wrote:

> Hi guys
> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around and 
> Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog and 
> I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is I 
> carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I don't 
> have to carry all that around these days.
> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
> that's handled on an iPad?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried a
>>> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
>>> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
>>> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
>>> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
>>> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
>>> weight.
>>> Teresa
>>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
 something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
 $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
 gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
> getting it. Thanks.
> (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: High contrast on and off?

2012-04-05 Thread Kristyn Leigh
First press VO+tab which is the command for "ignore next key press."  Then the 
command for high contrast will work.

On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Yes there is a con flicked! But it is with the Hotspots that command if you 
> have a hotspot set at number 8 or any other will Describes the item at that 
> hot spot!
> Also I have found that the command to switch from one to the other is 
> unchecked in Keyboard shortcuts in the main Keyboard settings in system 
> pref's!
> Under universal access in the table of categories!
> I do not have this turned on myself and I suppose if you check it on, as long 
> as you do not set a hot spot at 8 it will work for you!
> hth Colin
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 05:17, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I think this conflicts with voiceover which grabs anything with a 
>> control+option combo. You might have to turn VO off first, turn on high 
>> contrast and then turn VO back on again.
>> CB
>> On 4/4/12 10:11 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>>> Greetings!
>>> So in Universal Access is says that in order to access the white on 
>>> black or black on white I should press command, option, control, and 8.
>>> This doesn't do anything though. Am I just completely missing something 
>>> here? I am confused. Thanks yall
>>> Mike Malarsie
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Gigi
Hi Becky
I currently has a focus 40,  not a blue, and I use TextEdit to read in braille 
when I want to use the computer. Right now, I have a PacMate  I did like the 
Brailles light40,  better than I like my pet late now

Gigi Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:17 AM, Becky Knaub  wrote:

> hi guys,
> I didn't ever have the lap top just the old apple 2 e and I just had to cary 
> the perkins from class to class in middle and high school until I went to 
> overbook. Then I had the computer and the braille window, I loved that 
> display even though it was big and the braille lite 40 which I really didn't 
> think was that great. I am really curious how you read BRF files as well, 
> what if you want to read them with braille and VO? What do you use for Mac 
> with Lion.
> Becky and C
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog 
>> and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is 
>> I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
>> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I 
>> don't have to carry all that around these days.
>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
>> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
>> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
>> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
>> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
>> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
>> that's handled on an iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carr

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Erik.
On the Mac, I can't figure out how, if there is a way, to turn off and on the 
displaying of control characters and still remain in computer braille. If you 
turn off dots 7 and 8, then you're not in computer braille any more. You're 
either in grade 1 or grade 2. This is an option I would like to be able to turn 
on and off. The displaying of the characters take up space which puts text in 
the wrong place on the display. This would not be  problem if I were just 
reading; I'm doing proofreading, so sometimes it interferes with knowing where 
a word is really on the braille line. 

I need to see how this works on an iPad. Is it the same? 

Eugenia Firth

On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:05 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi,  I suggest contacting your nearest reseller or rehab service provider.  
> They should have a demo unit and sometimes they are generous in lending it.  
> Or they may have a demo bluetooth braille display and and IPad so you can 
> walk in and see it.  I would do the demo myself if you were local, but I can 
> tell you right now it works a treat.  I'm not a huge fan of the focus blue, 
> but i've got a client who has one.  He's deaf-blind and he's using his ITouch 
> and his focus display as a communication aid.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony consulting is pleased to offer the Comtech KDB300 omnidirectional 
> bluetooth barcode scanner as part of our new product family.  Pre-order 
> before Friday, april 13th, and save $30 off the msrp of $599.99.  Order two 
> or more on the same order and get the sale price plus free shipping in North 
> america.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-04-05, at 6:52 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi again guys.
>> Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
>> know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the 
>> same time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas 
>> this year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit 
>> halls are not the best environment when you want to play around with 
>> something, but it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store 
>> here said I could bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I 
>> wanted. He was horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend 
>> $2800 first. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Eugenia Firth
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My 
>>> dog and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, 
>>> that is I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based 
>>> person braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very 
>>> glad I don't have to carry all that around these days.
>>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? 
>>> I seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find 
>>> that discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the 
>>> computer. Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to 
>>> lowercase. For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get 
>>> display in all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I 
>>> wonder how that's handled on an iPad?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
 Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
 with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
 working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
 On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I 
> carried a
> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
> weight.
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
>> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
>> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
>> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
>> con

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
You can use Safari to read Braille files, although they're displayed in 
eight-dot Braille. I've gotten used to the uppercase characters. Filer also 
works for downloading files from NLS Web Braille. It uses webkit as Safari 
does, although it kind of has a tricky learning curve.


"Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga

On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:17 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> hi guys,
> I didn't ever have the lap top just the old apple 2 e and I just had to cary 
> the perkins from class to class in middle and high school until I went to 
> overbook. Then I had the computer and the braille window, I loved that 
> display even though it was big and the braille lite 40 which I really didn't 
> think was that great. I am really curious how you read BRF files as well, 
> what if you want to read them with braille and VO? What do you use for Mac 
> with Lion.
> Becky and C
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog 
>> and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is 
>> I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
>> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I 
>> don't have to carry all that around these days.
>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
>> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
>> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
>> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
>> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
>> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
>> that's handled on an iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried 
 ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
 tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
 computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
 Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
 me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
 "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
> consideration.
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
>> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
>> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
>> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
>> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
>> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
>> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
>> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
>> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
>> getting it. Thanks.
>> (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 


Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Timothy Emmons
hey Becky, there are a lot of different ways to read braille, on the mac, using 
lion or snow leopard which I use at work, so it's a matter of personal 
preference. I use a refreshabraille on both my Ipad and now my mac, since it is 
interchangeable, but i have a focus 40 blue that I use on occasion that the 
state bought me for work, but I prefer the refreshabraille over that  because 
of its   size and the keyboard isn't as clunky  as on the   focus, but I 
digress. There are a  lot of  ways to translate files to read but  it won't 
read straight brf files, you haveto translate them into epub files that 
willbe recognized by Itunes if  you do it on anIdevice or translated 
into text to read on thedesktop, but it canbe done. If you have   any 
questions about this let me know as I am a strong braillereader and
was a little aggravated when Iwent apple until I found a work-around.   
but, like I said, it'sall a matter of   personal preference as to what   

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:17 AM, Becky Knaub  wrote:

> hi guys,
> I didn't ever have the lap top just the old apple 2 e and I just had to cary 
> the perkins from class to class in middle and high school until I went to 
> overbook. Then I had the computer and the braille window, I loved that 
> display even though it was big and the braille lite 40 which I really didn't 
> think was that great. I am really curious how you read BRF files as well, 
> what if you want to read them with braille and VO? What do you use for Mac 
> with Lion.
> Becky and C
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog 
>> and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is 
>> I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person 
>> braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I 
>> don't have to carry all that around these days.
>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
>> seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
>> discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
>> Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. 
>> For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in 
>> all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how 
>> that's handled on an iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
>>> with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
>>> working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
>>> On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I carried 
 ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
 tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
 computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
 Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
 me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
 "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
 On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
> consideration.
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased a
>> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
>> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on my
>> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
>> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
>> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
>> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
>> about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the less
>> expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would appreciate
>> getting it. Thanks.
>> (I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries

Turning raille into epubs

2012-04-05 Thread Jane
I would be very interested in learning how to take the BRF files and make them 
epubs.  It would make reading them on my iPad much easier.


On Apr 5, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Timothy Emmons wrote:

> hey Becky, there are a lot of different ways to read braille, on the mac, 
> using lion or snow leopard which I use at work, so it's a matter of personal 
> preference. I use a refreshabraille on both my Ipad and now my mac, since it 
> is interchangeable, but i have a focus 40 blue that I use on occasion that 
> the state bought me for work, but I prefer the refreshabraille over that  
> because of its   size and the keyboard isn't as clunky  as on the   focus, 
> but I digress. There are a  lot of  ways to translate files to read but  it 
> won't read straight brf files, you haveto translate them into epub files 
> that willbe recognized by Itunes if  you do it on anIdevice or 
> translated into text to read on thedesktop, but it canbe done. If you 
> have   any questions about this let me know as I am a strong 
> braillereader andwas a little aggravated when Iwent apple until I 
> found a work-around.   but, like I said, it'sall a matter of   personal 
> preference as to what   
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:17 AM, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>> hi guys,
>> I didn't ever have the lap top just the old apple 2 e and I just had to cary 
>> the perkins from class to class in middle and high school until I went to 
>> overbook. Then I had the computer and the braille window, I loved that 
>> display even though it was big and the braille lite 40 which I really didn't 
>> think was that great. I am really curious how you read BRF files as well, 
>> what if you want to read them with braille and VO? What do you use for Mac 
>> with Lion.
>> Becky and C
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Gigi wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
>>> displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around 
>>> and Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My 
>>> dog and I used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, 
>>> that is I carried a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based 
>>> person braille in a backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very 
>>> glad I don't have to carry all that around these days.
>>> To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
>>> concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? 
>>> I seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find 
>>> that discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the 
>>> computer. Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to 
>>> lowercase. For some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get 
>>> display in all caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I 
>>> wonder how that's handled on an iPad?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
 Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working
 with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently
 working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.
 On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I 
> carried a
> ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried a
> tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the steam-powered
> computer with the coal hopper? (grins)
> Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. For
> me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound extra
> weight.
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having
>> something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at
>> $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I
>> gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth
>> consideration.
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have purchased 
>>> a
>>> Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a Braille
>>> display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books on 
>>> my
>>> iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, though I
>>> am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I commute.
>>> As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and
>>> straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me off-line
>>> about this, and if anyone has a link


2012-04-05 Thread Jane
Is the ViPhone list gone  Tried to send an email but it didn't get sent, so 
I'll ask my question here.

I have a sighted friend who we are trying to convince to get an iPhone, but 
this is what he needs:  An app that will automagically sync all of his Google 
calendars onto the phone--he should not have to hand-type each entry in.  Then, 
it has to ring for each event, and the text has to remain on the screen till he 
dismisses it.  He has very busy calendars, but he needs these reminders.  Is 
this possible?  Price is not an issue.What apps could he use?  Names and 
links and brief descriptions welcome.  Please email me off-list so we don't 
clutter this one with stuff others may not want.

My email is:

Thanks for your assistance.


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Voice to Read Sanskrit

2012-04-05 Thread Brandon Olivares

I'm learning Sanskrit, but it'd be a lot easier if Voiceover could actually 
read the Sanskrit. For instance, the following:


Does not read at all in Voiceover. I can read the individual characters, but 
not the word itself.

Are there any voices that can do this?


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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What's new in List Recorder 2.3 podcast

2012-04-05 Thread Eric Caron
Hello Listers,

This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
replies for the past 3 days or so.

Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of the 
new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in writing 
some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for those who might 
find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of List recorder.  For 
podcasts like that go to  I plan to do more podcasts on this app 
that will show the more advanced features in detail. 
I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
just come out in the app store.
link is below.

Eric Caron

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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-04-05 Thread Steve Holmes
No signature seen here.

Iona, I also have this same problem.  Having the checkbox unchecked
for threaded mail does help but you're right; it still marks them as
read when you cursor by the single messages.  I have number of preview
lines set to None but still have the problem.  When I asked about this
some time ago on another list, it had been suggested that I use
classic mode.  Not sure I want to go that route and besides, it still
marked messages read as I went by them so I find myself sticking to
mutt on my linux box but that's hardly the solution here.  Another
thing I have done which keeps mail from being marked read is to turn
off the VO cursor tracking with BO-Shift-F3 and use VO - arrow keys to
scroll down the list and hear the subject fields and I think most of
the time, hear the message status flags too. But then you would have
to bring the live cursor down to catch up with VO and proceed the ones
you want.  Again, this is also quite awkward.

I would be interested in more ideas to deal with mail on Lion.  I
think in the Apple world, the mail app on the iPod is better than the
one found on the mac.

On 3/30/12, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
> Hi,
> I like to use the VO J command to go from message title to message content.
> It makes things a lot faster for me.
> Oh, can someone tell me if my signature is going through?
> Thanks.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Thanks this makes more sense, but this does not solve single messages
>> being marked as read. As  workaround I turned off completely the content
>> column and just open the messages I want with command o. Still should
>> there be an other method to do this without turning that column off
>> completely I would love to hear about it.
>> Thanks,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online
>> stores.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:27 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Sorry; I wasn't clear. Make sure that checkbox is unchecked.
>>> Teresa
>>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
 HI Teresa,

 I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as
 I open a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it
 worse. When I do this every message or conversation is marked read as I
 vo through the list.
 Maybe I was not clear in detailing my problem. I will try to explain
 again my issue:
 In message column I use vo left and right to navigate the list and as I
 do this messages are marked as read, although I did not tab to the
 preview colin or open them in any way. I would like to avoid this and
 keep them marked as unread. Can this be done?
 Thanks and sorry for the confusion.


 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most
 online stores.

 On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Ioana,
> In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to
> the checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation."
> This is assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However,
>> wen I vo through the list of messages if they are not part of a
>> conversation, the messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It
>> makes sifting through mail confusing since often I am looking for urea
>> messages and some show up as read although I just past them with vo
>> THanks for your help,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most
>> online stores.
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ITunes converting to MP3

2012-04-05 Thread May McDonald
Hey there. Can someone send me the steps on how to get ITunes to convert a file 
to mp3 from AAC?

May and Prince Noah

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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread Brent Harding
I suppose, the only real personal loan is the credit card, unless one could put 
it on another home mortgage, but renters don't have that option. I was looking 
into it once, and at around $100 to $150 a month, one would probably still pay 
close to the old prices for a braille display. For some, saving could be worse 
than having the loan to pay down.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eugenia Firth 
  Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 5:52 AM
  Subject: Re: Braille displays

  Hi again guys.
  Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the same 
time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas this 
year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit halls 
are not the best environment when you want to play around with something, but 
it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store here said I could 
bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I wanted. He was 
horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend $2800 first. 


  Eugenia Firth

  On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:

Hi guys
It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around and 
Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog and I 
used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is I carried 
a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person braille in a 
backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I don't have to carry 
all that around these days.

To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. For 
some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in all 
caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how that's 
handled on an iPad?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:

  Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working

  with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently

  working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.

  On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I 
carried a

ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried 

tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the 

computer with the coal hopper? (grins)

Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. 

me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound 



"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

  I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having

  something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at

  $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I

  gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth


  On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have 
purchased a

Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a 

display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books 
on my

iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, 
though I

am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I 

As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and

straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me 

about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the 

expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would 

getting it. Thanks.

(I don't care much about input on the display, just output.)

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Re: ITunes converting to MP3

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

open iTunes preferences and under general, press the import settings button.  
choose mp3 as the file type for conversion, and press  ok.  Press ok again, and 
then select the songs you wish to convert.  then go to the advance menu and 
select convert to mp3.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 5, 2012, at 12:50 PM, May McDonald  wrote:

> Hey there. Can someone send me the steps on how to get ITunes to convert a 
> file to mp3 from AAC?
> Thanks, 
> May and Prince Noah
> -- 
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stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

I've been trying to get Stanza for the Mac with no dice.  When I try to get it 
directly from there site, I get a safari can't connect with the server message. 
 I downloaded it from but, it crashes with out even opening.  I 
have to force quit it.  Can someone send me the Stanza app via dropbox?  I'm 
appreciate it.


Ricardo Walker

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help with video

2012-04-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello list; well, i solved my ftp problem by finally finding and installing a 
mac pro version of cute.  but now I'm having trouble with showing videos.  
people send me videos, or i search them out on youtube to help promote sales of 
amusement rides that are no longer operating.  i usually show them to a family 
member to make sure they are appropriate.  well, with the new macbook pro my 
family is telling me that the images look like they are glowing.  they 
suggested its a contrast feature, but i don't know.  anyone have suggestions on 
what i should check.  thanks, max  

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Re: ITunes converting to MP3

2012-04-05 Thread May McDonald
Thanks very much. I was leaving out a step.

May and Prince Noah
On 2012-04-05, at 12:54 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> open iTunes preferences and under general, press the import settings button.  
> choose mp3 as the file type for conversion, and press  ok.  Press ok again, 
> and then select the songs you wish to convert.  then go to the advance menu 
> and select convert to mp3.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 12:50 PM, May McDonald  wrote:
>> Hey there. Can someone send me the steps on how to get ITunes to convert a 
>> file to mp3 from AAC?
>> Thanks, 
>> May and Prince Noah
>> -- 
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea

Hi Anne!
I will check the setting in the voiceOver utility to see how they're 
set. But I am talking about opening a file within TextEdit. I'm just 
following along with the mp3 tutorials that David Woodbridge did, 
although Lion wasn't out yet when he did them. In his demo, when he 
finished writing in the sample practice file, he just quit the 
application with Command Q, without closing the window first. I'll 
try that and see if it responds differently. I did find something 
online that talked about how if you didn't want to save something in 
Lion, you have to go to the tool bar and find  a previous version and 
save yourself that way.  I've also just learned that it locks 
files if you don't open them for a certain period and that this 
preference can be changed in Time Machine. So I guess I'm about to 
learn Time Machine.
I'm just not used to so many things being done for my own good 
without my knowledge. Wow!


Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Veronica.
I can tebbl you that I  been glad more than once that my computer saved things 
for my own good. I was a little bit used to it because I had a braille Lite 40 
for nine years that sa"ed utomatically. 

Hang  there. You'll get there. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 5, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Hi Anne!
> I will check the setting in the voiceOver utility to see how they're set. But 
> I am talking about opening a file within TextEdit. I'm just following along 
> with the mp3 tutorials that David Woodbridge did, although Lion wasn't out 
> yet when he did them. In his demo, when he finished writing in the sample 
> practice file, he just quit the application with Command Q, without closing 
> the window first. I'll try that and see if it responds differently. I did 
> find something online that talked about how if you didn't want to save 
> something in Lion, you have to go to the tool bar and find  a previous 
> version and save yourself that way.  I've also just learned that it 
> locks files if you don't open them for a certain period and that this 
> preference can be changed in Time Machine. So I guess I'm about to learn Time 
> Machine.
> I'm just not used to so many things being done for my own good without my 
> knowledge. Wow!
> Thanks.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
> -- 
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help with video

2012-04-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello; finally figured it out.  the default for universal access on here is 
white text on a black background which reverses all images.  changed the select 
box and everything is working fine.  thanks, max  hello list; well, i solved my 
ftp problem by finally finding and installing a mac pro version of cute.  but 
now I'm having trouble with showing videos.  people send me videos, or i search 
them out on youtube to help promote sales of amusement rides that are no longer 
operating.  i usually show them to a family member to make sure they are 
appropriate.  well, with the new macbook pro my family is telling me that the 
images look like they are glowing.  they suggested its a contrast feature, but 
i don't know.  anyone have suggestions on what i should check.  thanks, max  

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how do I suspend the group for a while

2012-04-05 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi all.  I am in the midst of a complicated move, and am finding that alll I 
have time to do for the most part is delete group email.  I do not wish to 
unsubscribe, and went to the web page to look for a suspend option but did not 
find one.  Can anyone assist?

Many thanks,


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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey
Hello;  but if you are editing html its another reason to create a back up file 
or folder of your website before working in the new text edit.  we will all get 
there, max 
On Apr 5, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Veronica.
> I can tebbl you that I  been glad more than once that my computer saved 
> things for my own good. I was a little bit used to it because I had a braille 
> Lite 40 for nine years that sa"ed utomatically. 
> Hang  there. You'll get there. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Hi Anne!
>> I will check the setting in the voiceOver utility to see how they're set. 
>> But I am talking about opening a file within TextEdit. I'm just following 
>> along with the mp3 tutorials that David Woodbridge did, although Lion wasn't 
>> out yet when he did them. In his demo, when he finished writing in the 
>> sample practice file, he just quit the application with Command Q, without 
>> closing the window first. I'll try that and see if it responds differently. 
>> I did find something online that talked about how if you didn't want to save 
>> something in Lion, you have to go to the tool bar and find  a previous 
>> version and save yourself that way.  I've also just learned that it 
>> locks files if you don't open them for a certain period and that this 
>> preference can be changed in Time Machine. So I guess I'm about to learn 
>> Time Machine.
>> I'm just not used to so many things being done for my own good without my 
>> knowledge. Wow!
>> Thanks.
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
>> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>>  Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> 831-429-6407
>> -- 
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi Veronica.
The reason that text edit isn't bringing up the save dialog when you quit it, 
is because of versions.
If you want this to come up, press command S or close the window containing the 
This is a feature to help people who have a bad habit of closing things and not 
saving them, only to come back and say, "Where did my work go?"
Matthew Campbell.

On 2012-04-05, at 12:56 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Hi Anne!
> I will check the setting in the voiceOver utility to see how they're set. But 
> I am talking about opening a file within TextEdit. I'm just following along 
> with the mp3 tutorials that David Woodbridge did, although Lion wasn't out 
> yet when he did them. In his demo, when he finished writing in the sample 
> practice file, he just quit the application with Command Q, without closing 
> the window first. I'll try that and see if it responds differently. I did 
> find something online that talked about how if you didn't want to save 
> something in Lion, you have to go to the tool bar and find  a previous 
> version and save yourself that way.  I've also just learned that it 
> locks files if you don't open them for a certain period and that this 
> preference can be changed in Time Machine. So I guess I'm about to learn Time 
> Machine.
> I'm just not used to so many things being done for my own good without my 
> knowledge. Wow!
> Thanks.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
> -- 
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Veronica,

Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the most annoying is 
that, by default, windows left open are not closed when you quit an 
application. You can change this behaviour in System Preferences. Go to the 
General pane and look for the check box labelled Restore windows when quitting 
and re-opening apps and uncheck it. A quick way to find this is to use the Item 
Chooser (VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing that string. 
Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.



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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea
Thanks Matt, Anne and all of you for the Lion education. Now if only 
I could change the default state of that check box in the shut down 
the computer dialog. Oh well, progress, eh? 

Thanks again.

Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Iphone 5.1 question

2012-04-05 Thread Jennifer Perdue
I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1.  Is it me or does it slow the 
Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.

Thanks for your patience.

Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,

This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
replies for the past 3 days or so.

Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of the 
new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in writing 
some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for those who might 
find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of List recorder.  For 
podcasts like that go to  I plan to do more podcasts on this app 
that will show the more advanced features in detail. 
I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
just come out in the app store.
link is below.

Eric Caron

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Re: Deleting Someone On Facebook

2012-04-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Ezzie,

Go to  the person's profile and find the "more actions" button. Press it, then 
find "unfriend." I just use VO-F to search for these things, since the 
contextual menus seem to pop up all over the page, and it's hard to find them.


I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.

On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:13 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

> Hello List:
> How do I delete someone on Facebook using the regular site?
> Thanks,
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
> Check out daily jokes and more!
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> -- 
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Re: Iphone 5.1 question

2012-04-05 Thread Lewis Alexander
yep that's right. bear in mind that the 4 and 4s have faster processors and 
more ram to handle instructions. you can still use the 3GS but one or two 
processes are bogged down.


On 5 Apr 2012, at 19:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1.  Is it me or does it slow the 
> Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,
>   This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
> sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
> replies for the past 3 days or so.
> Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of the 
> new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in writing 
> some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for those who might 
> find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of List recorder.  For 
> podcasts like that go to  I plan to do more podcasts on this 
> app that will show the more advanced features in detail. 
>   I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
> just come out in the app store.
> link is below.
> Eric Caron 
> -- 
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea

Okay, continuing.
First, I did double-check my settings in the navis indeesection of 
the VoiceOver utility and it is indeed set to keyboard focus.
Here's what happens when I open a file in Text edit. First I open the 
application. I'm beginning to think I should just go in through the 
documents folder. Anyway, I hit command-O. The first thing I hear is, 
plain text encoding. I then move with Vo-right-arrow and hear, 
forward. Then I reach a series of radio buttons, of which list view 
is the selected one. Then I reach arrange, menu button. Then I reach 
a popup button which used to say documents. But last time I was in, 
it changed to downloads. I pressed vo-space on this button and found 
my user folder as a choice but not documents. So I selected that. 
Continuing to move right, I pass search and a side bar table and 
eventually find the list view table, which does seem to contain my 
documents.  Eventually I find my practice document and enter on it.
So, I tried adding some text to it and then closing the document with 
Command-W. It just saved with no possibility of choosing a don't save 
option. So it looks like only with a new or untitled document do I 
get that option when using Command-W. Boy, it just seems like I'll 
fill up my drive with a zillion versions of my file. I then managed 
to sort of stop interacting with my text and use vo-left-arrow to 
work my way back to a versions button. I find a browse all versions 
button but can't figure out how to get to those versions. Hmmm, truly puzzled.

Thanks so much.


Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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RE: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hi! This is 1 of the many reasons I still keep an external HD running Snow 
Leopard. I've gotten used to most of Lion's
differences/quirks, but word processing with lion just isn't something I'll 
ever get comfortable with, so I'm happy that I
still have Snowy Kitty available.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Veronica Elsea
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Text edit and Lion

Okay, continuing.
First, I did double-check my settings in the navis indeesection of the 
VoiceOver utility and it is indeed set to keyboard
Here's what happens when I open a file in Text edit. First I open the 
application. I'm beginning to think I should just go in
through the documents folder. Anyway, I hit command-O. The first thing I hear 
is, plain text encoding. I then move with
Vo-right-arrow and hear, forward. Then I reach a series of radio buttons, of 
which list view is the selected one. Then I
reach arrange, menu button. Then I reach a popup button which used to say 
documents. But last time I was in, it changed to
downloads. I pressed vo-space on this button and found my user folder as a 
choice but not documents. So I selected that.
Continuing to move right, I pass search and a side bar table and eventually 
find the list view table, which does seem to
contain my documents.  Eventually I find my practice document and enter on it.
So, I tried adding some text to it and then closing the document with 
Command-W. It just saved with no possibility of
choosing a don't save option. So it looks like only with a new or untitled 
document do I get that option when using
Command-W. Boy, it just seems like I'll fill up my drive with a zillion 
versions of my file. I then managed to sort of stop
interacting with my text and use vo-left-arrow to work my way back to a 
versions button. I find a browse all versions button
but can't figure out how to get to those versions. Hmmm, truly puzzled.
Thanks so much.


Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at
Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Re: help with video

2012-04-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds like you still have high contrast mode or inverse colors turned 
on when playing video. Unlike Windows, Mac HC mode is implemented on the 
video card so everything gets treated the same way, including whatever 
video you are playing. Take a poke at the Universal Access section of 
Preferences and check it anything is turned on in the Display section of 
the Seeing tab.


On 4/5/12 1:26 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

hello; finally figured it out.  the default for universal access on here is 
white text on a black background which reverses all images.  changed the select 
box and everything is working fine.  thanks, max  hello list; well, i solved my 
ftp problem by finally finding and installing a mac pro version of cute.  but 
now I'm having trouble with showing videos.  people send me videos, or i search 
them out on youtube to help promote sales of amusement rides that are no longer 
operating.  i usually show them to a family member to make sure they are 
appropriate.  well, with the new macbook pro my family is telling me that the 
images look like they are glowing.  they suggested its a contrast feature, but 
i don't know.  anyone have suggestions on what i should check.  thanks, max

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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

this is because text edit is opening with no document.  So, if you want a new 
document, press command N.  If you want to brows and open an existing document, 
at launch of text edit, you should be placed into the browser.  if you press 
the down arrow, this should be confirmed.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 5, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Veronica Elsea  

> Okay, continuing.
> First, I did double-check my settings in the navis indeesection of the 
> VoiceOver utility and it is indeed set to keyboard focus.
> Here's what happens when I open a file in Text edit. First I open the 
> application. I'm beginning to think I should just go in through the documents 
> folder. Anyway, I hit command-O. The first thing I hear is, plain text 
> encoding. I then move with Vo-right-arrow and hear, forward. Then I reach a 
> series of radio buttons, of which list view is the selected one. Then I reach 
> arrange, menu button. Then I reach a popup button which used to say 
> documents. But last time I was in, it changed to downloads. I pressed 
> vo-space on this button and found my user folder as a choice but not 
> documents. So I selected that. Continuing to move right, I pass search and a 
> side bar table and eventually find the list view table, which does seem to 
> contain my documents.  Eventually I find my practice document and enter on it.
> So, I tried adding some text to it and then closing the document with 
> Command-W. It just saved with no possibility of choosing a don't save option. 
> So it looks like only with a new or untitled document do I get that option 
> when using Command-W. Boy, it just seems like I'll fill up my drive with a 
> zillion versions of my file. I then managed to sort of stop interacting with 
> my text and use vo-left-arrow to work my way back to a versions button. I 
> find a browse all versions button but can't figure out how to get to those 
> versions. Hmmm, truly puzzled.
> Thanks so much.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
> -- 
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Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Esther
Hi Ricardo,

Are you sure that you're using the correct download link on the CNet download 
page?  Try going to:
Then make sure you use the link that VoiceOver identifies as "Download Now CNET 
Secure Download" to start your download.  One of the nuisances about the pages is that there are multiple items labeled as "download" links 
on each page, and they point to downloads for other items.

I just checked that this works, and that the resulting download does open up 
correctly.  Lexcycle's home pages have been off line since November 2011, 
slightly after their final update release of Stanza for iOS 5, so you can't go 
there for the downloads of Stanza Desktop for either the Mac or Windows any 
more.  Sites that point to the source link, such as MacUpdate, won't work.  On 
the Windows side there are more alternate sources, but the softonic pages seem 
to be a reasonable choice for Stanza desktop:

I was going to put this information into a comment on the AppleVis site, along 
with some information on how to navigate, but just never had the time to 
complete my draft.  I assume you're going to use this for file format 
conversions, which is what the app was primarily designed for, as well as an 
uploader for the Stanza iOS app.  You can use it to read ePub, but there are 
some focus issues.  Like, if you if you try to use the bookmarks function to 
move to a page, you need to move to the first visible item with VO-Command-Home 
in order to start reading at the first paragraph on that page.  

Most of the web navigation commands can be used (enabling the 1 letter 
navigation feature in VoiceOver Utility for QuickNav is useful), and navigation 
by headers works well.  You can navigate by paragraph, line, sentence, word, 
character, etc.  Hope you're not planning on using this as an ePub reader, 
because while it's doable if you take time to work through the focus quirks, I 
find the experience annoying, so for straight text reading (not interacting to 
review text) Adobe Digital Editions Preview 1.8 is better, or even the new paid 
app, Bookle, in the App Store, which is still somewhat primitive.  (You don't 
have to press an arrow key to read the next page, the way you currently do in 
Adobe Digital Editions Preview, but it's irritating that, for example, you 
can't move back from the start of a chapter to the last page in the previous 
chapter with one key press -- you get taken to the start of the previous 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to get Stanza for the Mac with no dice.  When I try to get 
> it directly from there site, I get a safari can't connect with the server 
> message.  I downloaded it from but, it crashes with out even 
> opening.  I have to force quit it.  Can someone send me the Stanza app via 
> dropbox?  I'm appreciate it.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore

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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Veronica,

It's best to start from the document rather than the application. Find your 
document and press Cmd-o and when VoiceOver says "Edit text", interact and all 
the VoiceOver commands will work.

However, before trying that, open System Preferences and go to the General pane 
and uncheck that check box I told you about. It will make your life easier.



On 5 Apr 2012, at 20:33, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Okay, continuing.
> First, I did double-check my settings in the navis indeesection of the 
> VoiceOver utility and it is indeed set to keyboard focus.
> Here's what happens when I open a file in Text edit. First I open the 
> application. I'm beginning to think I should just go in through the documents 
> folder. Anyway, I hit command-O. The first thing I hear is, plain text 
> encoding. I then move with Vo-right-arrow and hear, forward. Then I reach a 
> series of radio buttons, of which list view is the selected one. Then I reach 
> arrange, menu button. Then I reach a popup button which used to say 
> documents. But last time I was in, it changed to downloads. I pressed 
> vo-space on this button and found my user folder as a choice but not 
> documents. So I selected that. Continuing to move right, I pass search and a 
> side bar table and eventually find the list view table, which does seem to 
> contain my documents.  Eventually I find my practice document and enter on it.
> So, I tried adding some text to it and then closing the document with 
> Command-W. It just saved with no possibility of choosing a don't save option. 
> So it looks like only with a new or untitled document do I get that option 
> when using Command-W. Boy, it just seems like I'll fill up my drive with a 
> zillion versions of my file. I then managed to sort of stop interacting with 
> my text and use vo-left-arrow to work my way back to a versions button. I 
> find a browse all versions button but can't figure out how to get to those 
> versions. Hmmm, truly puzzled.
> Thanks so much.
> Veronica

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Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Esther,


I did.  Are you running Stanza on snow leopard or Lion?  I'm starting to think 
their is a compatibility issue with Lion.

Thanks for any further assistance you can provide.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:13 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> Are you sure that you're using the correct download link on the CNet download 
> page?  Try going to:
> Then make sure you use the link that VoiceOver identifies as "Download Now 
> CNET Secure Download" to start your download.  One of the nuisances about the 
> pages is that there are multiple items labeled as "download" 
> links on each page, and they point to downloads for other items.
> I just checked that this works, and that the resulting download does open up 
> correctly.  Lexcycle's home pages have been off line since November 2011, 
> slightly after their final update release of Stanza for iOS 5, so you can't 
> go there for the downloads of Stanza Desktop for either the Mac or Windows 
> any more.  Sites that point to the source link, such as MacUpdate, won't 
> work.  On the Windows side there are more alternate sources, but the softonic 
> pages seem to be a reasonable choice for Stanza desktop:
> I was going to put this information into a comment on the AppleVis site, 
> along with some information on how to navigate, but just never had the time 
> to complete my draft.  I assume you're going to use this for file format 
> conversions, which is what the app was primarily designed for, as well as an 
> uploader for the Stanza iOS app.  You can use it to read ePub, but there are 
> some focus issues.  Like, if you if you try to use the bookmarks function to 
> move to a page, you need to move to the first visible item with 
> VO-Command-Home in order to start reading at the first paragraph on that 
> page.  
> Most of the web navigation commands can be used (enabling the 1 letter 
> navigation feature in VoiceOver Utility for QuickNav is useful), and 
> navigation by headers works well.  You can navigate by paragraph, line, 
> sentence, word, character, etc.  Hope you're not planning on using this as an 
> ePub reader, because while it's doable if you take time to work through the 
> focus quirks, I find the experience annoying, so for straight text reading 
> (not interacting to review text) Adobe Digital Editions Preview 1.8 is 
> better, or even the new paid app, Bookle, in the App Store, which is still 
> somewhat primitive.  (You don't have to press an arrow key to read the next 
> page, the way you currently do in Adobe Digital Editions Preview, but it's 
> irritating that, for example, you can't move back from the start of a chapter 
> to the last page in the previous chapter with one key press -- you get taken 
> to the start of the previous chapter.)
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been trying to get Stanza for the Mac with no dice.  When I try to get 
>> it directly from there site, I get a safari can't connect with the server 
>> message.  I downloaded it from but, it crashes with out even 
>> opening.  I have to force quit it.  Can someone send me the Stanza app via 
>> dropbox?  I'm appreciate it.
>> TIA
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
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Re: Iphone 5.1 question

2012-04-05 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Yeah, if I ask it to do just about anything it takes an act of congress.  

Oh well, it sucks to be poor:)

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> yep that's right. bear in mind that the 4 and 4s have faster processors and 
> more ram to handle instructions. you can still use the 3GS but one or two 
> processes are bogged down.
> lew
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 19:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1.  Is it me or does it slow the 
>> Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.
>> Thanks for your patience.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,
>>  This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
>> sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
>> replies for the past 3 days or so.
>> Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of the 
>> new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in writing 
>> some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for those who 
>> might find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of List recorder. 
>>  For podcasts like that go to  I plan to do more podcasts on 
>> this app that will show the more advanced features in detail. 
>>  I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
>> just come out in the app store.
>> link is below.
>> Eric Caron 
>> -- 
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quick Numbers question

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

I just picked up Numbers for the Mac today and I was wondering, how can you 
jump to different cells?

Ricardo Walker

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Re: Iphone 5.1 question

2012-04-05 Thread Lewis Alexander
hahahahaha that's brilliant.

for me, when 5.0 came out, I thought my phone was powered by gerbils. bloomin 
slow at that.

now it's a heck of a lot faster. now it's powered by jack russels on crack lol. 

but there are areas where it's more intensive in terms of performance drops. 
usually camera related where identifying colour, etc.

we can't win everything though? can we?


On 5 Apr 2012, at 21:32, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Yeah, if I ask it to do just about anything it takes an act of congress.  
> Oh well, it sucks to be poor:)
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> yep that's right. bear in mind that the 4 and 4s have faster processors and 
>> more ram to handle instructions. you can still use the 3GS but one or two 
>> processes are bogged down.
>> lew
>> On 5 Apr 2012, at 19:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1.  Is it me or does it slow the 
>>> Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.
>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,
>>> This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
>>> sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
>>> replies for the past 3 days or so.
>>> Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of 
>>> the new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in 
>>> writing some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for those 
>>> who might find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of List 
>>> recorder.  For podcasts like that go to  I plan to do more 
>>> podcasts on this app that will show the more advanced features in detail. 
>>> I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
>>> just come out in the app store.
>>> link is below.
>>> Eric Caron 
>>> -- 
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RE: itunes for windows: getting to know it with my mac apple ID

2012-04-05 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Paul,

I applaud your desire to assist others in their journey.

You ask a very good question that I will attempt to answer in multiple

Yes, you can copy the folders you mentioned in your original post, to a
Windows computer; doing this will allow the Windows version of iTunes,
assuming that you point iTunes to the correct .I T L file, to display your
library as saves before the copy. 

Using the method you proposed, you will have two copies of the same library
that will very soon become out of sync.  Unless you wish to engage in a
world of repetitive copying I would not suggest this method for live
multi-platform iTunes Library synchronization.

I do think your idea is great if you wish to merely get a familiar library
structure up and running quickly.  This would permit you to practice your
Windows iTunes skills without running the risk of damaging your original Mac
iTunes Library.

Given the method you described, in which you have a copy of the Mac iTunes
Library on your Windows computer, you will have to manually select, each
time you connect your iOS device to its adjacent platform, whether or not to
make it the primary syncing platform.  Should you do this, the entire
Library on the selected platform will be copied, one file at a time, back to
the iOS device.  Depending on the size of your Sync selection, this could
take quite some time.  I do not recommend this.

It is possible to configure a home network, with an iTunes library stored on
a NAS (network attached storage) to use either a Windows PC or Mac to view
and interact with the same Library.  This is to say, anything you do on one
platform would be reflected in the other given that they are both pointing
to the same Library.  This would also have the advantage of allowing you to
attach your iOS device to either in order to seamlessly sync.  

This is the current configuration I now enjoy; however, it does require an
advanced understanding of the iTunes environment and connection protocols.  

Good Luck,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 8:08 AM
Subject: itunes for windows: getting to know it with my mac apple ID

Dear listers,

Having been a satisfied mac user for some 2 years now, I haven't yet used
itunes on windows so far. A lot of friends do not have a mac though, but
they do have a windows box. When folks get a new iphone, I can help them set
it up, but I don't know anything about itunes in windows. I do know enough
about windows in general, but not about windows itunes.

I would like to get to know the windows itunes experience, so that I can
walk someone through it while on skype or facetime. While playing with
windows itunes, I would like it to contain the same items as my library on
the mac. 

Can I painlessly copy all items from the mac itunes library, over to
windows, by simply copying the entire music/itunes/itunes media folder from
the mac, over to windows, by dropping it into the automatically import into
itunes folder inside documents and settings? 

Once all mac itunes library items are also present under windows, is it safe
to sync my iphone with windows, without loosing stuff, or is itunes life
more complicated than this?


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RE: High contrast on and off?

2012-04-05 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Michael,

You've gotten some great replies on this thread.  

All I will add is that my solution to resolving the key-conflict between
High-Contrast and HotSpot 8 is to simply change the High-Contract Hotkey
combo to Control+Command+8.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Malarsie
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:11 PM
Subject: High contrast on and off?

So in Universal Access is says that in order to access the white on
black or black on white I should press command, option, control, and 8.
This doesn't do anything though. Am I just completely missing
something here? I am confused. Thanks yall 

Mike Malarsie 

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Repeat question. Virus scanner

2012-04-05 Thread Michael Malarsie
Hey guys!
I know this has come up before but I can't track it down.
What is a good anti virus program? Preferably free but still good. I 
have tried a few in the app store but I am not having luck with accessibility.
Thanks for the help!

Mike Malarsie 

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Re: Repeat question. Virus scanner

2012-04-05 Thread Jim Gatteys
I use Clamsav for antivirus.  Its pretty accessible from what I can tell.

On Apr 5, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> Hey guys!
>   I know this has come up before but I can't track it down.
>   What is a good anti virus program? Preferably free but still good. I 
> have tried a few in the app store but I am not having luck with accessibility.
>   Thanks for the help!
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Chat with me on facebook:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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Chat client that works with Office 2007

2012-04-05 Thread Scott Howell

Our organization is still mainly windows-bound and a number of my coworkers use 
Microsoft Messenger (I think that is what it is called) some instant chat 
client that is bundled with the Office 2007 suite. I wanted to find something 
that would work on the Mac platform. The clowns at our IT helpless desk 
suggested I use Adium and Jabber, but that does not help me communicate with my 
coworkers who are clearly not using Jabber.


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Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Esther
Hi Ricardo,

OK, here's the link to the Stanza.dmg file that I used to install Stanza 
desktop on a 13" MacBook Air running Lion, OS X 10.7.3:
It shows up under Mission Control right after my Dropbox installation, which I 
think was done in mid-February.  Had to do all these from scratch on a new 
machine, because my MacBook Pro went in for service, and I thought it would be 
easier to start fresh instead of using Migration Assistant from a cloned 
backup.  So the download came from the CNet site.

I had no trouble opening up the duplicate download that I just tried, following 
the outlined instructions.  (Of course, I didn't try to install the program 
again.)  I haven't yet applied the latest java updates from software update, 
but that's the only difference I can think of, apart from possible machine 

Try this, and let me know what happens.  I probably won't keep the link active 
very long, because I prefer to direct people to the original source for 
programs that are available.



On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> Yup.
> I did.  Are you running Stanza on snow leopard or Lion?  I'm starting to 
> think their is a compatibility issue with Lion.
> Thanks for any further assistance you can provide.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:13 PM, Esther  wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> Are you sure that you're using the correct download link on the CNet 
>> download page?  Try going to:
>> Then make sure you use the link that VoiceOver identifies as "Download Now 
>> CNET Secure Download" to start your download.  One of the nuisances about 
>> the pages is that there are multiple items labeled as 
>> "download" links on each page, and they point to downloads for other items.
>> I just checked that this works, and that the resulting download does open up 
>> correctly.  Lexcycle's home pages have been off line since November 2011, 
>> slightly after their final update release of Stanza for iOS 5, so you can't 
>> go there for the downloads of Stanza Desktop for either the Mac or Windows 
>> any more.  Sites that point to the source link, such as MacUpdate, won't 
>> work.  On the Windows side there are more alternate sources, but the 
>> softonic pages seem to be a reasonable choice for Stanza desktop:
>> I was going to put this information into a comment on the AppleVis site, 
>> along with some information on how to navigate, but just never had the time 
>> to complete my draft.  I assume you're going to use this for file format 
>> conversions, which is what the app was primarily designed for, as well as an 
>> uploader for the Stanza iOS app.  You can use it to read ePub, but there are 
>> some focus issues.  Like, if you if you try to use the bookmarks function to 
>> move to a page, you need to move to the first visible item with 
>> VO-Command-Home in order to start reading at the first paragraph on that 
>> page.  
>> Most of the web navigation commands can be used (enabling the 1 letter 
>> navigation feature in VoiceOver Utility for QuickNav is useful), and 
>> navigation by headers works well.  You can navigate by paragraph, line, 
>> sentence, word, character, etc.  Hope you're not planning on using this as 
>> an ePub reader, because while it's doable if you take time to work through 
>> the focus quirks, I find the experience annoying, so for straight text 
>> reading (not interacting to review text) Adobe Digital Editions Preview 1.8 
>> is better, or even the new paid app, Bookle, in the App Store, which is 
>> still somewhat primitive.  (You don't have to press an arrow key to read the 
>> next page, the way you currently do in Adobe Digital Editions Preview, but 
>> it's irritating that, for example, you can't move back from the start of a 
>> chapter to the last page in the previous chapter with one key press -- you 
>> get taken to the start of the previous chapter.)
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been trying to get Stanza for the Mac with no dice.  When I try to get 
>>> it directly from there site, I get a safari can't connect with the server 
>>> message.  I downloaded it from but, it crashes with out even 
>>> opening.  I have to force quit it.  Can someone send me the Stanza app via 
>>> dropbox?  I'm appreciate it.
>>> TIA
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore

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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea
Thanks again, Anne, Ricardo and everyone for the help. And yes, that 
silly check box that would reopen all windows in any application was 
unchecked the first time I snooped around in the general tab of 
system preferences.
Is there one place where the Lion changes or differences are 
described? Thanks so much.

Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Ann,

The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or not in System 
Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart under Lion, the Windows 
checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this behavior after speaking with an Apple 
rep.  He stated, and it is apparently the case, that one has to uncheck this 
box every time you shut down or restart Lion.  This might be why I have the 
problem of VO not talking at system startup without bringing focus to the 

On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Veronica,
> Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the most annoying 
> is that, by default, windows left open are not closed when you quit an 
> application. You can change this behaviour in System Preferences. Go to the 
> General pane and look for the check box labelled Restore windows when 
> quitting and re-opening apps and uncheck it. A quick way to find this is to 
> use the Item Chooser (VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing 
> that string. Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: quick Numbers question

2012-04-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Ricardo and others. 
I realize, Ricardo, that you were asking a somewhat different question, one I 
would like to know myself. But I thought I would share some information that 
you might run into. I did. 

For those of y'all who are using Numbers, I just turned in an little bug to 
Apple, and I got back a message saying they sent it off resolution. 

I had asked, on this list,  about a command to go to the bottom of a file in 
Numbers with the keyboard. I was using, Anne I think you said the command, 
control option fn shift right arrow. This is because I have a Mac Book Pro so I 
had to put in the fn key. I didn't think it was used that way, but I did the 
command and it worked fine, until one fine day I forgot to press the shift key. 
The minute i didn't put the shift key in there, Numbers went into busy mode and 
wouldn't come out of it without a force quit. It also turned the fan on and got 
my keyboard a little warm. 

I just thought I'd pass along a little warning here. I like Numbers, like it 
better than than excel which I really hate, since half the time I can't 
remember the commands. 

Gigi, who used to break programs for Freedom Scientific without even trying

Eugenia Firth

On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I just picked up Numbers for the Mac today and I was wondering, how can you 
> jump to different cells?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
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Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea
I usually have to alt-tab to my desktop when I first boot up. 
Sometimes VO talks and sometimes it doesn't.


At 03:16 PM 4/5/2012, you wrote:

Hi Ann,

The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or not 
in System Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart under 
Lion, the Windows checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this behavior 
after speaking with an Apple rep.  He stated, and it is apparently 
the case, that one has to uncheck this box every time you shut down 
or restart Lion.  This might be why I have the problem of VO not 
talking at system startup without bringing focus to the Finder.

On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Veronica,
> Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the 
most annoying is that, by default, windows left open are not closed 
when you quit an application. You can change this behaviour in 
System Preferences. Go to the General pane and look for the check 
box labelled Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps and 
uncheck it. A quick way to find this is to use the Item Chooser 
(VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing that string. 
Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.

> Cheers,
> Anne
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Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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RE: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Missy Hoppe
I am so glad to hear that I'm not the only 1 with that problem. It drives me 
bananas! Wish Apple would figure out what's
causing that and fix it.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Veronica Elsea
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: Text edit and Lion

I usually have to alt-tab to my desktop when I first boot up.
Sometimes VO talks and sometimes it doesn't.


At 03:16 PM 4/5/2012, you wrote:
>Hi Ann,
>The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or not in
>System Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart under Lion, the
>Windows checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this behavior after speaking
>with an Apple rep.  He stated, and it is apparently the case, that one
>has to uncheck this box every time you shut down or restart Lion.  This
>might be why I have the problem of VO not talking at system startup
>without bringing focus to the Finder.
>On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> > Hello Veronica,
> >
> > Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the
> most annoying is that, by default, windows left open are not closed
> when you quit an application. You can change this behaviour in System
> Preferences. Go to the General pane and look for the check box
> labelled Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps and uncheck
> it. A quick way to find this is to use the Item Chooser
> (VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing that string.
> Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Anne
> >
> >
> > --
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> Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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>Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at
Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Re: Iphone 5.1 question

2012-04-05 Thread Jennifer Perdue
You got it.  Mine is being powered by tortoises.  Oh well, The 4S is calling my 
name, I have an upgrade in August and another upgrade eligible now so hopefully 
I can use them both to get it for free.  

I know, probably not but we can hope right?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> hahahahaha that's brilliant.
> for me, when 5.0 came out, I thought my phone was powered by gerbils. bloomin 
> slow at that.
> now it's a heck of a lot faster. now it's powered by jack russels on crack 
> lol. vroom!
> but there are areas where it's more intensive in terms of performance drops. 
> usually camera related where identifying colour, etc.
> we can't win everything though? can we?
> lew
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 21:32, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Yeah, if I ask it to do just about anything it takes an act of congress.  
>> Oh well, it sucks to be poor:)
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> yep that's right. bear in mind that the 4 and 4s have faster processors and 
>>> more ram to handle instructions. you can still use the 3GS but one or two 
>>> processes are bogged down.
>>> lew
>>> On 5 Apr 2012, at 19:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1.  Is it me or does it slow the 
 Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.
 Thanks for your patience.
 Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,
This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm not 
 sure my messages are getting through over there.  Can't see my messages or 
 replies for the past 3 days or so.
 Below is a ;podcast that lives at  It is a short review of 
 the new features in List Recorder 2.3.  It is the same info I posted in 
 writing some time ago.  I learn best from podcasts so I made this for 
 those who might find it useful.  This is not designed for a new user of 
 List recorder.  For podcasts like that go to  I plan to do 
 more podcasts on this app that will show the more advanced features in 
I sure hope this message gets out there!  I understand this update has 
 just come out in the app store.
 link is below.
 Eric Caron
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Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks Esther,

Now I'm at a complete loss.  The app still won't open.  The first time I ran 
the app, it said I needed to download Java run time, so I did.  The 
installation was successful.  Then the app wouldn't launch.  It doesn't show up 
in the app switcher.  When I press command tab, I hear it say stanza and when I 
go to force quit, its in the table saying not responding.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> OK, here's the link to the Stanza.dmg file that I used to install Stanza 
> desktop on a 13" MacBook Air running Lion, OS X 10.7.3:
> It shows up under Mission Control right after my Dropbox installation, which 
> I think was done in mid-February.  Had to do all these from scratch on a new 
> machine, because my MacBook Pro went in for service, and I thought it would 
> be easier to start fresh instead of using Migration Assistant from a cloned 
> backup.  So the download came from the CNet site.
> I had no trouble opening up the duplicate download that I just tried, 
> following the outlined instructions.  (Of course, I didn't try to install the 
> program again.)  I haven't yet applied the latest java updates from software 
> update, but that's the only difference I can think of, apart from possible 
> machine architecture.  
> Try this, and let me know what happens.  I probably won't keep the link 
> active very long, because I prefer to direct people to the original source 
> for programs that are available.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> Yup.
>> I did.  Are you running Stanza on snow leopard or Lion?  I'm starting to 
>> think their is a compatibility issue with Lion.
>> Thanks for any further assistance you can provide.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:13 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hi Ricardo,
>>> Are you sure that you're using the correct download link on the CNet 
>>> download page?  Try going to:
>>> Then make sure you use the link that VoiceOver identifies as "Download Now 
>>> CNET Secure Download" to start your download.  One of the nuisances about 
>>> the pages is that there are multiple items labeled as 
>>> "download" links on each page, and they point to downloads for other items.
>>> I just checked that this works, and that the resulting download does open 
>>> up correctly.  Lexcycle's home pages have been off line since November 
>>> 2011, slightly after their final update release of Stanza for iOS 5, so you 
>>> can't go there for the downloads of Stanza Desktop for either the Mac or 
>>> Windows any more.  Sites that point to the source link, such as MacUpdate, 
>>> won't work.  On the Windows side there are more alternate sources, but the 
>>> softonic pages seem to be a reasonable choice for Stanza desktop:
>>> I was going to put this information into a comment on the AppleVis site, 
>>> along with some information on how to navigate, but just never had the time 
>>> to complete my draft.  I assume you're going to use this for file format 
>>> conversions, which is what the app was primarily designed for, as well as 
>>> an uploader for the Stanza iOS app.  You can use it to read ePub, but there 
>>> are some focus issues.  Like, if you if you try to use the bookmarks 
>>> function to move to a page, you need to move to the first visible item with 
>>> VO-Command-Home in order to start reading at the first paragraph on that 
>>> page.  
>>> Most of the web navigation commands can be used (enabling the 1 letter 
>>> navigation feature in VoiceOver Utility for QuickNav is useful), and 
>>> navigation by headers works well.  You can navigate by paragraph, line, 
>>> sentence, word, character, etc.  Hope you're not planning on using this as 
>>> an ePub reader, because while it's doable if you take time to work through 
>>> the focus quirks, I find the experience annoying, so for straight text 
>>> reading (not interacting to review text) Adobe Digital Editions Preview 1.8 
>>> is better, or even the new paid app, Bookle, in the App Store, which is 
>>> still somewhat primitive.  (You don't have to press an arrow key to read 
>>> the next page, the way you currently do in Adobe Digital Editions Preview, 
>>> but it's irritating that, for example, you can't move back from the start 
>>> of a chapter to the last page in the previous chapter with one key press -- 
>>> you get taken to the start of the previous chapter.)
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I've been trying to get Stanza for the Mac with n

Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Veronica,

Well, if I have the restore Windows at startup option checked, I'm now getting 
speech.  Since it's going to remain checked anyway, I figure I might as well 
now leave it at that setting; it was unchecked before.  Unless I cannot 
re-boot, I close programs before a re-start or shut down.

On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:53 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> I usually have to alt-tab to my desktop when I first boot up. Sometimes VO 
> talks and sometimes it doesn't.
> Veronica
> At 03:16 PM 4/5/2012, you wrote:
>> Hi Ann,
>> The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or not in 
>> System Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart under Lion, the 
>> Windows checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this behavior after speaking with 
>> an Apple rep.  He stated, and it is apparently the case, that one has to 
>> uncheck this box every time you shut down or restart Lion.  This might be 
>> why I have the problem of VO not talking at system startup without bringing 
>> focus to the Finder.
>> Les
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> > Hello Veronica,
>> >
>> > Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the most 
>> > annoying is that, by default, windows left open are not closed when you 
>> > quit an application. You can change this behaviour in System Preferences. 
>> > Go to the General pane and look for the check box labelled Restore windows 
>> > when quitting and re-opening apps and uncheck it. A quick way to find this 
>> > is to use the Item Chooser (VO-i) and type res to select only phrases 
>> > containing that string. Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Anne
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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>> >
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>> >
>> >
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> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
> -- 
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Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread David Tanner
I realize it isn't like trying it yourself, but I can tell you that I was just 
using my Focus 40 Blue from my desk at work with the iPad in our technology 
resource center today, and even demoed using it with a deaf-blind client.  It 
works very well.  

I have to tell you as a totally blind person my personal preference is to use 
my iPhone over the iPad, but that is personal preference and it doesn't mean 
that I am trying to tell you to get an iPhone instead.  I just find that 
because of the way icons are place on the iPad screen it can be a bit more 
confusing to use the iPad as oposed to the iPhone for the totally blind user.  
But, that has nothing to do with using the Focus Blue with the iPad.  That 
experience is equally as good with the iPad or iPhone.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eugenia Firth 
  Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 5:52 AM
  Subject: Re: Braille displays

  Hi again guys.
  Forgot to ask another question, and maybe you guys don't know. Does anybody 
know how I could get an iPad and a Focus 40 Blue in the same room at the same 
time without spending $2800 first? The Federation is coming to Dallas this 
year, and I am thinking about going to Louisville. I know these exhibit halls 
are not the best environment when you want to play around with something, but 
it may be the best shot I've got. A person at the Apple store here said I could 
bring in a braille display and pair it with an iPad if I wanted. He was 
horrified when I told him I would probably have to spend $2800 first. 


  Eugenia Firth

  On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Gigi wrote:

Hi guys
It made me laugh to hear you guys talking about carrying those braille 
displays around, and the laptops. This is because, I used to carry around and 
Kappel Apple 2E in a backpack, together with the two disk drives. My dog and I 
used it to go zapping down Gaston Avenue carrying a backpack, that is I carried 
a backpack. I used to always carry around the tape-based person braille in a 
backpack too. We sure have come along way. I'm very glad I don't have to carry 
all that around these days.

To make this discussion of mine or related to our topic, I have a question 
concerning iOS 5.1 Enbrel's place. What is the best way to read DRF files? I 
seem to remember we had a discussion on this before, but I can't find that 
discussion. On the Mac, I use TextEdit if I need to read it on the computer. 
Then, I have to do a transformation to change all the Brille to lowercase. For 
some reason that I don't understand, all the BRF files I get display in all 
caps. in. It's no big deal to change it in TextEdit, but I wonder how that's 
handled on an iPad?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:57 PM, James Mannion  wrote:

  Does anyone know for sure if the refreshabraille is currently working

  with IOS 5.1? I remember reading about some displays not currently

  working under 5.1 and can't remember which ones they were.

  On 4/4/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

Not to sound mean or anything, *but* :) I remember the days when I 
carried a

ten-pound laptop around, not to mention the earlier days when I carried 

tape-recorder and two Braille volumes. Should I mention the 

computer with the coal hopper? (grins)

Anyway, I suppose that it depends on what is important to each person. 

me, 40-cell displays are very important, so I don't mind the 1-pound 



"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

  I have the Refreshabraille and really like it. I would not mind having

  something like 40, but you cannot beat the 18 cells for travel and at

  $1,700 it is a good deal. The build quality is certainly there and I

  gather there are some displays for less, but may not be worth


  On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

I would like to jump in for some opinions from those who have 
purchased a

Braille Pen, RefreshaBraille or the Perkins nottetaker: I want a 

display, solely for purposes of reading iBooks and Read to Go Books 
on my

iPhone. I have always preferred Braille, and miss it terribly, 
though I

am thrilled to be able to download a newspaper and listen as I 

As far as I am concerned, I just want something simple and

straightforward for this purpose. Please feel free to write me 

about this, and if anyone has a link for information comparing the 

expensive, lightest-weight, portable Braille displays, I would 

getting it. Thanks.

(I don't care much about input on the 

Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Veronica Elsea
Hmmm, I gave up on unchecking that box every time I shut down quite 
awhile ago. Most of the time I'll hear finder is running in the 
background, and then I can alt-tab to the desktop. But sometimes it's 
just silent and I haven't quite been at this long enough to know how 
fast a MacBook air should boot up.  So I just wait till I get 
bored and then try and see what alt-tab gets me. 


At 04:47 PM 4/5/2012, you wrote:

Hi Veronica,

Well, if I have the restore Windows at startup option checked, I'm 
now getting speech.  Since it's going to remain checked anyway, I 
figure I might as well now leave it at that setting; it was 
unchecked before.  Unless I cannot re-boot, I close programs before 
a re-start or shut down.

On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:53 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> I usually have to alt-tab to my desktop when I first boot up. 
Sometimes VO talks and sometimes it doesn't.

> Veronica
> At 03:16 PM 4/5/2012, you wrote:
>> Hi Ann,
>> The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or 
not in System Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart 
under Lion, the Windows checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this 
behavior after speaking with an Apple rep.  He stated, and it is 
apparently the case, that one has to uncheck this box every time 
you shut down or restart Lion.  This might be why I have the 
problem of VO not talking at system startup without bringing focus 
to the Finder.

>> Les
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> > Hello Veronica,
>> >
>> > Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the 
most annoying is that, by default, windows left open are not closed 
when you quit an application. You can change this behaviour in 
System Preferences. Go to the General pane and look for the check 
box labelled Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps and 
uncheck it. A quick way to find this is to use the Item Chooser 
(VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing that string. 
Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.

>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Anne
>> >
>> >
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> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
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Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing The Star-spangled Banner 

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Spotify with VoiceOver on the Mac

2012-04-05 Thread Victor Tsaran
Has anyone figured out how to use Spotify for the Mac with VoiceOver? I can get 
to the search field but nothing beyond that.
Thanks for any ideas.

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Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Esther
Hi Ricardo,

I've come up with something else for you to try.  Some time in Snow Leopard, 
Apple stopped supplying the default Java libraries.  I've checked under my 
System Information, and I have a separate installation of Java Preferences 
(version 14.1.0) installed on my Mac.  I installed this separately (maybe 
before even trying Stanza).  I don't remember whether I rebooted after 
installing, but the symptoms you describe sound as though either Java runtime 
download and installation was problematic, or that it didn't take effect as far 
as the system was concerned. 

Try the following:
1) Use Command-Shift-U in Finder to go to your "Utilities" folder, and then 
press "j" to navigate to "Java Preferences"
2) Open "Java Preferences" with Command-Down arrow
3) If Java is not installed, you should get the error message: "To open "Java 
Preferences," you need a Java runtime.  Would you like to install one now?"
4) If you click on the "Install" button Java runtime should be installed.

OK, here's the kicker.  I now remember that there's an accessibility issue in 
being able to view the entries in the "Java Preferences" menu on the General 
tab (that you get on opening).  If you navigate with VoiceOver, you get a 
message,  "Java applications, applets, and command line tools use this order to 
determine the first compatible version to use." Then you navigate to a place 
that says "Scroll area", and next "Drag to change the preferred order".  If you 
interact with scroll area, you get an announcement about "empty table".   You 
can screen capture the window, and send it to ABBYY FineReader Express to OCR 
the content, but that's scarcely acceptable.

What you should find listed (from external documentation) are two items for 
Java SE 6, with the first item listing a 64-bit CPU type item, and the second 
item listing a 32-bit CPU type item, both for (currently) version 
1.6.0_29-b11-402.  Since you can't view these listed items with VoiceOver, you 
also can't do anything about re-arranging their order in the table (that 
appears empty to VoiceOver).  I recall encountering this problem with Java 
libraries back in Leopard.  Is it possible that you're running in 32-bit mode?  
If so, that could explain the problems.  If you don't have Java runtime 
installed, or if you are using a version that is not appropriate to your 
machine, you'll get all the problems that you listed when trying to use an 
application that requires it:
1. Failures to launch
2. Prompts to install Java runtime when attempting to use the application
3. Application hangs on quit.

This sounds like an instance where you want to call the Accessibility support 
number.  I will say that I didn't do anything to try to change the Java run 
time libraries except to install them, and that I boot up the MacBook Air 13" 
(late 2011 model) normally, and Stanza runs.  The only other thing I can 
suggest is trying to reboot into 64-bit mode.  And you can use Activity Monitor 
to kill off the hung applications.  Sorry not to have more suggestions.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:45 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Thanks Esther,
> Now I'm at a complete loss.  The app still won't open.  The first time I ran 
> the app, it said I needed to download Java run time, so I did.  The 
> installation was successful.  Then the app wouldn't launch.  It doesn't show 
> up in the app switcher.  When I press command tab, I hear it say stanza and 
> when I go to force quit, its in the table saying not responding.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> OK, here's the link to the Stanza.dmg file that I used to install Stanza 
>> desktop on a 13" MacBook Air running Lion, OS X 10.7.3:
>> It shows up under Mission Control right after my Dropbox installation, which 
>> I think was done in mid-February.  Had to do all these from scratch on a new 
>> machine, because my MacBook Pro went in for service, and I thought it would 
>> be easier to start fresh instead of using Migration Assistant from a cloned 
>> backup.  So the download came from the CNet site.
>> I had no trouble opening up the duplicate download that I just tried, 
>> following the outlined instructions.  (Of course, I didn't try to install 
>> the program again.)  I haven't yet applied the latest java updates from 
>> software update, but that's the only difference I can think of, apart from 
>> possible machine architecture.  
>> Try this, and let me know what happens.  I probably won't keep the link 
>> active very long, because I prefer to direct people to the original source 
>> for programs that are available.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Esther,
>>> Yup.
>>> I did.  Are you running Stanza on snow leopard or Lion?  I'm starting to 

farily urgent! Regarding Flash Back

2012-04-05 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Doubtless, by now, y'all have heard of the Flash Back Trojan and the fact that 
6000 Macs were most likely infected by this thing!  I found that the removal 
process for this bugger is quite complex and is done mainly from terminal.

All I can tell you here is that you type in the following code in to terminal 
to see if you're infected:

defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults 
read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults read 

IF you get back the message saying that the default pairs does not exist or 
something like that, you are not infected.  This nasty virus desgizes itself in 
the form of an update to the Adobe flash player.  this hit me the other day and 
so I decided I'd better check to see if I was infected.  so far, I appear not 
to be.  In light of this, does anybody know of a good anti virus app for the 
Mac which is very accessible?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: Spotify with VoiceOver on the Mac

2012-04-05 Thread Eric Oyen
spotify isn't very voiceover compatible. I ran into this problem a while ago 
and have since reported it as a bug to the company. now, this was a year ago 
and since I am still on snow leopard, there probably haven't been any changes 
that will work for me.

your best bet is to go to their webpage, look up the contact info and drop them 
a note. other than that, I am not sure what else to do.


On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:25 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello,
> Has anyone figured out how to use Spotify for the Mac with VoiceOver? I can 
> get to the search field but nothing beyond that.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Vic
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Re: farily urgent! Regarding Flash Back

2012-04-05 Thread Eric Oyen

I found the directions over at F-Prot to be very uncomplicated. btw, I was not 
infected, but a room mate was. 

Sophos for OS X is pretty accessible (except for the system tray icon that sits 
left of the apple scripts icon. I can't seem to gain access to that (or 
soundflower for that matter). 


On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:05 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Doubtless, by now, y'all have heard of the Flash Back Trojan and the fact 
> that 6000 Macs were most likely infected by this thing!  I found that the 
> removal process for this bugger is quite complex and is done mainly from 
> terminal.
> All I can tell you here is that you type in the following code in to terminal 
> to see if you're infected:
> defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults 
> read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults read 
> IF you get back the message saying that the default pairs does not exist or 
> something like that, you are not infected.  This nasty virus desgizes itself 
> in the form of an update to the Adobe flash player.  this hit me the other 
> day and so I decided I'd better check to see if I was infected.  so far, I 
> appear not to be.  In light of this, does anybody know of a good anti virus 
> app for the Mac which is very accessible?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: farily urgent! Regarding Flash Back

2012-04-05 Thread Charlie Doremus
I too was lucky to to avoid infection and found the process to check very 
Here are the instructions: 
Manual Removal
Caution: Manual disinfection is a risky process; it is recommended only for 
advanced users. Otherwise, please seek professional technical assistance. 
F-Secure customers may also contact our Support.

Manual Removal Instructions
1. Run the following command in Terminal: 

defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment 

2. Take note of the value, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
3. Proceed to step 8 if you got the following error message:

"The domain/default pair of (/Applications/, 
LSEnvironment) does not exist" 

4. Otherwise, run the following command in Terminal: 

grep -a -o '__ldpath__[ -~]*' %path_obtained_in_step2% 

5. Take note of the value after "__ldpath__"
6. Run the following commands in Terminal (first make sure there is only one 
entry, from step 2): 

sudo defaults delete /Applications/ LSEnvironment 

sudo chmod 644 /Applications/ 

7. Delete the files obtained in steps 2 and 5
8. Run the following command in Terminal: 

defaults read ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 

9. Take note of the result. Your system is already clean of this variant if you 
got an error message similar to the following: 

"The domain/default pair of (/Users/joe/.MacOSX/environment, 
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES) does not exist" 

10. Otherwise, run the following command in Terminal: 

grep -a -o '__ldpath__[ -~]*' %path_obtained_in_step9% 

11. Take note of the value after "__ldpath__"
12. Run the following commands in Terminal: 

defaults delete ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 

launchctl unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 

13. Finally, delete the files obtained in steps 9 and 11.

Some Flashback variants include additional components, which require additional 
steps to remove. Please refer to ourTrojan-Downloader:OSX/Flashback.K 
description for additional information and removal instructions.


Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Apr 5, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> complicated?
> I found the directions over at F-Prot to be very uncomplicated. btw, I was 
> not infected, but a room mate was. 
> Sophos for OS X is pretty accessible (except for the system tray icon that 
> sits left of the apple scripts icon. I can't seem to gain access to that (or 
> soundflower for that matter). 
> -eric
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:05 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Doubtless, by now, y'all have heard of the Flash Back Trojan and the fact 
>> that 6000 Macs were most likely infected by this thing!  I found that the 
>> removal process for this bugger is quite complex and is done mainly from 
>> terminal.
>> All I can tell you here is that you type in the following code in to 
>> terminal to see if you're infected:
>> defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults 
>> read /Applications/ LSEnvironment defaults read 
>> ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
>> IF you get back the message saying that the default pairs does not exist or 
>> something like that, you are not infected.  This nasty virus desgizes itself 
>> in the form of an update to the Adobe flash player.  this hit me the other 
>> day and so I decided I'd better check to see if I was infected.  so far, I 
>> appear not to be.  In light of this, does anybody know of a good anti virus 
>> app for the Mac which is very accessible?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Slow Startup, Was Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
The slow startup without speech is a separate problem. Someone posted on the 
list that it's a bug, and the results are the same for me whether I checked 
that box or not.

Most of the time I just close everything before logging out.


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:16 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Ann,
> The problem is that regardless of whether the box is checked or not in System 
> Preferences, when you go to shut down or restart under Lion, the Windows 
> checkbox is checked.  I confirmed this behavior after speaking with an Apple 
> rep.  He stated, and it is apparently the case, that one has to uncheck this 
> box every time you shut down or restart Lion.  This might be why I have the 
> problem of VO not talking at system startup without bringing focus to the 
> Finder.
> Les
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Veronica,
>> Quite a lot has changed from Snow Leopard to Lion. One of the most annoying 
>> is that, by default, windows left open are not closed when you quit an 
>> application. You can change this behaviour in System Preferences. Go to the 
>> General pane and look for the check box labelled Restore windows when 
>> quitting and re-opening apps and uncheck it. A quick way to find this is to 
>> use the Item Chooser (VO-i) and type res to select only phrases containing 
>> that string. Press Return to have VO go to the selected item.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> -- 
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Re: Material for showing Apple accessibility solutions

2012-04-05 Thread Cara Quinn
Daniela, first off, a big congratulations to you!

Have you thought of contacting Apple accessibility? Perhaps they may actually 
have some of their own documents or material from their own site prepared into 
a presentational format that they'd be willing to share with you. -It may be a 
longshot but I personally think it's certainly worth a try. Yes?…


Cara :)
On Apr 3, 2012, at 10:01 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:

Hello all:
I have just received an invitation from a very important an mexican institution 
to give a talk on Apple's accessibility solutions. I know what I would like to 
say, but I am missing support materials, like keynotes, videos, etc which can 
help to illustrate my talk.
The conference will be held in Mexico on may 3 and I have not support from a 
sighted person who can help me to prepare keynote that looks well. So, mi 
question is that if you know something or have any materials about this topic 
that could be of help? Thank you very much for your help!

 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

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