Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
I've attempted to do a google search and also search the FS website and the 
Focus 40 Blue manual. I've found no instructions for updating firmware. I  have 
had this problem for over a year, and I'm reasonably sure others have, too. I 
think it would be great to post the instructions for firmware updating here, or 
perhaps a pointer for getting them.


On Mar 29, 2012, at 11:00 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Can you please post it here? I am going to take a gander that this is 
> definitely on topic, since it relates to using Braille with Lion. It hadn't 
> occurred to me to do this. (slapping my forehead several times) LOL
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Kolby wrote:
>> Hello Scott,
>> I have a focus 40 blue running firmware version 4.53. How do I go about
>> updating the firmware to the latest version?
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
>> -- 
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Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-30 Thread Scott Erichsen
Downloadable Focus 40 Blue Update


This firmware update for the Focus 40 Blue addresses an issue which arose
after a recent release of Apple's OSX operating system that affects Braille

from an Apple computer over USB. 


How to Download and Install the Update


Note: Windows is required to update the firmware. The updater will not work
on Mac.


1. Download the FS Braille Display Firmware Update application to a
Microsoft Windows computer using the following link:


2. When the File Download dialog box opens, choose Save. When the Save As
dialog box opens, save the FS Braille Display Firmware Update 457.exe file

the Desktop, which is the Windows default. 


3. Launch the firmware updater application FS Braille Display Firmware
Update 457.exe to update the firmware in your display to version 4.57.


4. A dialog box opens displaying the current firmware version of the Focus
40 Blue. Choose Update Firmware to proceed with the firmware update, or

Exit to close the application without performing the update. 


5. After choosing the Update Firmware button, the application will warn you
to not unplug the Braille display during the update. When you are ready,

Start Download to begin updating the firmware. You will receive the message
"Download Done" when the update is complete. 


6. If you are using JAWS or another screen reader, close and restart the
software before using your Focus 40 Blue. 


Note: If a failure occurs during the update process, do not disconnect the
display from the computer. Close the updater application, then relaunch it

start the update again.

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Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker

I think this is pretty subjective.  Sure, the things you mention are bugs but, 
it depends on the person if they are major or not.  In regards to word 
processing, since the voiceover team to my knowledge don't make pages or text 
edit, it would be more up to those people to work with the Voiceover engineers 
to improve accessibility.  And since there hasn't been a major update to pages 
in over 3 years, I don't see how you could expect them to just twiddle there 
thumbs and not add new features just because bugs aren't fixed.  I don't know, 
for example, all though the new voices do that pitch change thing, I would not 
have wanted Apple to devote all there time fixing it and never adding 
activities, 1 letter navigation, a new drag and drop method, etc.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:25 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> The issue is quite annoying. I wished, Apple at first fixed all the issues in 
> VO and added then new features. Sometimes I have the feeling, they are 
> beginning to do the same mistakes like Freedom Scientific. Including new 
> features but ignoring the major bugs like settings import, tables in text 
> documents, word processing in general, pitching in voices, header issues in 
> Safari and the iTunes Store, etc. etc. etc.
> Jürgen
> Am 29.03.2012 um 22:23 schrieb Simon Cavendish:
>> Please note, that this message had not originated from me and therefore 
>> should not have been sent to me either. This is not the first time that this 
>> has happened. This is a worrying trend in the way you track messages.
>> With best regards
>> Simon Cavendish
>> On 29 Mar 2012, at 19:45, wrote:
>>> Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
>>> Follow-up:  196742241
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for your email. We appreciate the feedback and wanted to let you 
>>> know that the problem you describe was recently reported to Apple, and we 
>>> are currently investigating this issue. Unfortunately we cannot comment on 
>>> when it may be resolved.
>>> Apple Accessibility
>>> Hello,
>>> Since 10.7, I wasn't able to import all my preferences and specially the 
>>> trackpad commander-settings.
>>> As developer, it seems not possible also in the current release of 10.8
>>> In attachment, you can find a voprefs-file of my adjustments> I have 
>>> created specific trackpad commands with the command- and shift-keys.  
>>> It should be nice if you could import this settings and see if it works?
>>> If you have any commands with the shift and command key, it should be fine 
>>> since since this keys doesn't have any assignments by default.
>>> This settings for the trackpad commander are made in 10.6 but, should also 
>>> work in 10.7?
>>> Any comments or hints should be great.
>>> kind regards,
>>> William Windels
>>> -- 
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Re: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thank you so very much. Much appreciated!


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Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread David McLean
I called Freedom Scientific and they sent me a link to get the latest version.  
It doesn't appear to be readily available on their site for some reason.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Kolby wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> I have a focus 40 blue running firmware version 4.53. How do I go about
> updating the firmware to the latest version?
> Thank you,
> Kolby
> -- 
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to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
installed, it will automatically update without asking.

A few notes on this new release:

1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces with 
that clickety sound.
2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one doesn't 
need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the html 
content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i thought 
was a cool time saver.
3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.

This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could fix 
that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands down.


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Online User Guide for Lion

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All,

Thank you so much for the reply to my request for assistance on the Focus 40

Does anyone know the URL for the online user guide for Lion?  

I have the URL for the iOS guide which is:

but for the life of me, cannot locate the URL for Mac OSX Lion.

All replies greatly appreciated.


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RE: baffled in lion 3 column mail layout help please!

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Ioana,


You can turn header info on for a specific message by using key-combo:  


Command+Shift+h.  Please note that this is a toggle.







[] On Behalf Of Ioana Gandrabur
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: baffled in lion 3 column mail layout help please!


Hello again,


I love not having to hear header info. HOwever, can I with header info
turned off still reply to a message  on message list to sender only? I
suppose the question is if one can view header details on occasion for
specific message?


THanks for your help!



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online


On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

Thanks Mark,


I did all the suggested steps but nothing worked until I entered full
screen. Don't know if this was the trigger of tins clarifying but it
certainly appears so.


Great tips though!



Please check out my cd on
  on iTunes and most online stores. 


On Mar 28, 2012, at 8:46 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

Hello Ioana,


I suggest the following settings for the current version of Mail:



>From the View Menu, select Organize by Conversation.



>From the View Menu, select Collapse All Conversations.


Now you will be able to quickly read messages in a threaded view.



In the Mail Preferences Dialog box, on the Viewing Tab, in addition to
unchecking Use Classic Layout, set both List Preview  and Show Message
Header Detail to "None".



Now, to jump from the Message List (center column) to the Message Content
Table, (right column) use either Control+Tab (left hand only) or
Tab+Command+Option (Command and Option should be on the right hand in most
cases) to make this work.



Once you're in the Message Contents Table, you may use VO+Left and VO+Right
arrow keys to quickly jump from one message in the thread to another.  Note
that with this configuration, VoiceOver will begin reading each message


Please also note that with this configuration it is not necessary to
actually open a message or even a message thread.


In episode 98 of the Candle Shore Podcast, I demonstrate the basic
functionality of Mail using the configuration described above.  Since then,
the commands have been changed as reflected above but the 9 minute episode
is still valid in terms of overall navigation concept.


 Click Here to go to the post containing the link to the episode.


Good Luck,






[] On Behalf Of Ioana Gandrabur

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 1:37 PM

To: MacVisionaries

Subject: baffled in lion 3 column mail layout help please!


Hi all,


Until recently I have used classic layout to avoid downloading messages in
the pre-view pain because I was on a limited data plan. I have now
officially joined the ranks of advanced people and thought I would try out
the 3 column layout.


I have preview list set to 1 line and classic layout unchecked.

I vo around to reach a message and press vo j but it lands me in the
mailboxes list. I end up opening the messages with command o. is  the
procedure outlined in the getting started guide working?


Thanks for your help!




Please check out my cd on
  on iTunes and most online stores.



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RE: How can I check if reply was sent in lion mail layout

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Ioana,

In the current version of Apple Mail the Reply status is not read by
VoiceOver in non-classic view.  

This is a bug that has been reported and documented to Apple.

Hopefully, this will be addressed before the release of Mountain Lion.


[] On Behalf Of Ioana Gandrabur
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 12:41 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: How can I check if reply was sent in lion mail layout

HI all,
An other mail question from a newly with lion mail layout:
IS there a way to see the status of reply being sent or not in this view? In
classic layout you would have a column that would say if reply was sent.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online

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RE: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Jenny,

There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.

Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
List owner.

In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.

So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing List
address leaving only the individual poster's list.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
no matter what command I use. Help.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 

> Hello all.
> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
running iOS 5.1.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Christopher Hallsworth
> -- 
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RE: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hi Moses,

Thank you for the episode number of the Freedom Scientific podcast that
deals with Focus 40 Blue.

I will listen to it.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Moses Choo
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

Hi Mark,

Good for you. If you have not done so, do listen to the Freedom Scientific
Cast episode 60. Jonathan has done quite a good explanation on the device.


- Original Message -
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:01 AM
Subject: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

> Hello Listers,
> I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries mailing
> lists.
> I am delighted to inform you that I am now the proud owner of a
> brand-spanking new Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue Braille display.  I 
> will
> go pick it up from the post office sometime within the next 4 hours.
> If memory serves, and many times it does not (smile), I recall reading 
> here
> that there are some nuances regarding the Focus-40 of which a new user
> should be aware.
> So, I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can get my new display 
> up
> and running so I can, once again, enjoy the privilege of exploring my
> iPhone, Mac, and online world via a refreshable Braille display.
> Thank you all In Advance,
> Mark
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Kristyn,

I just unboxed it and I believe that it says that I am running version 4.57.

By the way, is there a table of Braille commands that I can get that will
give me all of the Mac recognized commands for Braille displays?

I have such a list for my iOS device, already.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kristyn Leigh
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

What version of the Focus firmware are you running? I use the Focus with my
Mac Mini running SL and have not experienced any problems with the USB
connection.  I use it through bluetooth with my Macbook Air running Lion.  

On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> The only problem I've had on the Mac specifically is that my display goes
to sleep for about ten minutes when I first plug it in via USB and does the
same when I restart VO in USB mode. I stumped three levels of Apple help
folks with this one, including someone purported to be an engineer, so I'm
guessing there's a good possibility of it being a bug. I'd suggest using the
Bluetooth and plugging the AC cord in.
> Have fun. This display is really a joy to use. I use it with IBooks and
text files all the time.
> HTh,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries 
>> mailing lists.
>> I am delighted to inform you that I am now the proud owner of a 
>> brand-spanking new Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue Braille display.  
>> I will go pick it up from the post office sometime within the next 4
>> If memory serves, and many times it does not (smile), I recall 
>> reading here that there are some nuances regarding the Focus-40 of 
>> which a new user should be aware.
>> So, I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can get my new 
>> display up and running so I can, once again, enjoy the privilege of 
>> exploring my iPhone, Mac, and online world via a refreshable Braille
>> Thank you all In Advance,
>> Mark
>> --
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Kristyn Leigh
Sent from my mini Mac

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RE: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Scott,

I am currently running 4.57 but I would appreciate it a great deal if you
would list the steps in order to upgrade the firmware for the Focus 40 Blue.

Thank you,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Erichsen
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 9:07 PM
Subject: RE: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

Upgrade the firmware to V4.57. that fixes the problem. Contact me if you
need the instructions.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
Sent: Friday, 30 March 2012 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

The only problem I've had on the Mac specifically is that my display goes to
sleep for about ten minutes when I first plug it in via USB and does the
same when I restart VO in USB mode. I stumped three levels of Apple help
folks with this one, including someone purported to be an engineer, so I'm
guessing there's a good possibility of it being a bug. I'd suggest using the
Bluetooth and plugging the AC cord in.

Have fun. This display is really a joy to use. I use it with IBooks and text
files all the time.


"Visualize whirled peas."

On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries 
> mailing lists.
> I am delighted to inform you that I am now the proud owner of a 
> brand-spanking new Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue Braille display.
> I will go pick it up from the post office sometime within the next 4
> If memory serves, and many times it does not (smile), I recall reading 
> here that there are some nuances regarding the Focus-40 of which a new 
> user should be aware.
> So, I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can get my new 
> display up and running so I can, once again, enjoy the privilege of 
> exploring my iPhone, Mac, and online world via a refreshable Braille
> Thank you all In Advance,
> Mark
> --
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> Groups
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Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I believe if you go in to the VO F8 braille, help on the Mac there is a list of 
commands for each individual braille display.

If not, I'll look on the web  it and send.


On 30 Mar 2012, at 11:33 AM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hello Kristyn,
> I just unboxed it and I believe that it says that I am running version 4.57.
> By the way, is there a table of Braille commands that I can get that will
> give me all of the Mac recognized commands for Braille displays?
> I have such a list for my iOS device, already.
> mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kristyn Leigh
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users
> What version of the Focus firmware are you running? I use the Focus with my
> Mac Mini running SL and have not experienced any problems with the USB
> connection.  I use it through bluetooth with my Macbook Air running Lion.  
> Kristyn
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> The only problem I've had on the Mac specifically is that my display goes
> to sleep for about ten minutes when I first plug it in via USB and does the
> same when I restart VO in USB mode. I stumped three levels of Apple help
> folks with this one, including someone purported to be an engineer, so I'm
> guessing there's a good possibility of it being a bug. I'd suggest using the
> Bluetooth and plugging the AC cord in.
>> Have fun. This display is really a joy to use. I use it with IBooks and
> text files all the time.
>> HTh,
>> Teresa
>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries 
>>> mailing lists.
>>> I am delighted to inform you that I am now the proud owner of a 
>>> brand-spanking new Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue Braille display.  
>>> I will go pick it up from the post office sometime within the next 4
> hours.
>>> If memory serves, and many times it does not (smile), I recall 
>>> reading here that there are some nuances regarding the Focus-40 of 
>>> which a new user should be aware.
>>> So, I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can get my new 
>>> display up and running so I can, once again, enjoy the privilege of 
>>> exploring my iPhone, Mac, and online world via a refreshable Braille
> display.
>>> Thank you all In Advance,
>>> Mark
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Kristyn Leigh
> Sent from my mini Mac
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Thank you, Scott.




[] On Behalf Of Scott Erichsen
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 12:38 AM
Subject: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57


Downloadable Focus 40 Blue Update


This firmware update for the Focus 40 Blue addresses an issue which arose
after a recent release of Apple's OSX operating system that affects Braille

from an Apple computer over USB. 


How to Download and Install the Update


Note: Windows is required to update the firmware. The updater will not work
on Mac.


1. Download the FS Braille Display Firmware Update application to a
Microsoft Windows computer using the following link:


2. When the File Download dialog box opens, choose Save. When the Save As
dialog box opens, save the FS Braille Display Firmware Update 457.exe file

the Desktop, which is the Windows default. 


3. Launch the firmware updater application FS Braille Display Firmware
Update 457.exe to update the firmware in your display to version 4.57.


4. A dialog box opens displaying the current firmware version of the Focus
40 Blue. Choose Update Firmware to proceed with the firmware update, or

Exit to close the application without performing the update. 


5. After choosing the Update Firmware button, the application will warn you
to not unplug the Braille display during the update. When you are ready,

Start Download to begin updating the firmware. You will receive the message
"Download Done" when the update is complete. 


6. If you are using JAWS or another screen reader, close and restart the
software before using your Focus 40 Blue. 


Note: If a failure occurs during the update process, do not disconnect the
display from the computer. Close the updater application, then relaunch it

start the update again.

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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Les Kriegler
I went looking for Google Chrome and also searched for Chrome in the App Store 
and could not find it.  How does one obtain the Chrome browser?  Thanks.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
> A few notes on this new release:
> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
> with that clickety sound.
> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
> thought was a cool time saver.
> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could fix 
> that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands down.
> Yuma
> -- 
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Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread Claus Thøgersen

What is the latest version then?

Den 30-03-2012 11:26, David McLean skrev:

I called Freedom Scientific and they sent me a link to get the latest version.  
It doesn't appear to be readily available on their site for some reason.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Kolby wrote:

Hello Scott,
I have a focus 40 blue running firmware version 4.53. How do I go about
updating the firmware to the latest version?
Thank you,

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RE: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

2012-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
The latest firmware version for the Focus 40 Blue Braille display is 4.57.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Claus Thøgersen
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: Calling All Focus 40 Blue Users

What is the latest version then?

Den 30-03-2012 11:26, David McLean skrev:
> I called Freedom Scientific and they sent me a link to get the latest
version.  It doesn't appear to be readily available on their site for some
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Kolby wrote:
>> Hello Scott,
>> I have a focus 40 blue running firmware version 4.53. How do I go 
>> about updating the firmware to the latest version?
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
>> --
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hard time reading man pages in terminal

2012-03-30 Thread Eric Oyen
is there an easier to get info on a command in terminal. the man pages read, 
but in a broken fashion that makes finding the relevant information 
frustratingly difficult. the page won't read every line when the down arrow is 
depressed. this forces me to interact in word mode to find out what was not 

there has to be another, better way. I have also tried the online html pages 
that are recoded man pages, only to get a similar result (meaning that the 
reading of these pages is not smooth and feels entirely broken).


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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
The thing that I find annoying in chrome is, you can't jump to links found in 
tables.  You have to actually navigate with VO plus arrow keys to get to these 
links.  On certain sites, I've noticed chunks of text are just missing as well.

Ricardo Walker

> On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
>> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
>> A few notes on this new release:
>> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
>> with that clickety sound.
>> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
>> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
>> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
>> thought was a cool time saver.
>> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
>> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could 
>> fix that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands 
>> down.
>> Yuma
>> -- 
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question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi folks, I haven't used the wired Apple keyboard with num pad in years.  I was 
wondering, does it have an FN key?  If so, where?  I ask because I use the f1, 
f2, keys etc  as standard function keys.  So I need the FN key to do thins like 
adjust volume.


Ricardo Walker

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Re: question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-03-30 Thread Kevin Mattingly
The FN Key is located in the grouping of keys between the keyboard and the 
Numpad. It is the key in the middle row, far left.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi folks, I haven't used the wired Apple keyboard with num pad in years.  I 
> was wondering, does it have an FN key?  If so, where?  I ask because I use 
> the f1, f2, keys etc  as standard function keys.  So I need the FN key to do 
> thins like adjust volume.
> TIA.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> -- 
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Fwd: Using Braille Displays with Mac Computers.

2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hope this is OK.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
> Date: 30 March 2012 01:02:46 PM GMT+01:00
> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
> Subject: Using Braille Displays with Mac Computers.
> Chapter 10. Using Braille Displays
> This chapter provides information about using refreshable braille
> displays, both plug in and Bluetooth, with VoiceOver. This chapter also
> includes a list of the many types of braille displays VoiceOver
> supports.
> About refreshable braille displays
> If you connect or pair a supported braille display to your computer,
> VoiceOver automatically detects it and sends it information about what
> is displayed on the screen. You can connect multiple braille displays to
> your computer and each display will mirror the same content at the same
> time, which can be useful in a classroom setting.
> By default, VoiceOver displays uncontracted braille, which you can also
> display using eight-dot braille. You can also use contracted braille; if
> you do, VoiceOver dynamically changes the display under the cursor from
> contracted to uncontracted braille, so that you can read and edit more
> easily, and then changes back to contracted braille when you move the
> cursor. 
> A braille display typically contains more than just the contents of the
> VoiceOver cursor. It describes the contents of the entire line on which
> the VoiceOver cursor is focused, including items to the left and right
> of the VoiceOver cursor. For example, when the VoiceOver cursor is
> focused on an item in a window, the braille device displays items like
> icons, checkboxes, and pop-up menus, as well as text that is to the left
> and right of the item in the VoiceOver cursor. This collection of
> items-the VoiceOver cursor and the items to its left and right on the
> same horizontal line-make up a "line" of braille.
> When you interact with an item in the VoiceOver cursor to get more
> detail about it, the braille description changes to provide more detail
> as well. For example, if you move the VoiceOver cursor onto a toolbar,
> VoiceOver describes only the toolbar on the braille display, because
> toolbars stretch the entire width of a window. When you interact with
> the toolbar, the braille display describes each item in the toolbar from
> left to right.
> VoiceOver raises dots 7 and 8 to indicate the position of the VoiceOver
> cursor, to help you locate it within the line of braille. (You can turn
> off this feature in VoiceOver Utility.) Similarly, when you're editing
> or selecting text, the text selection is represented by dots 7 and 8.
> VoiceOver also indicates the position of the text selection cursor,
> called the "I-beam," by flashing dot 8 of the braille cell preceding the
> text selection cursor and dot 7 of the braille cell trailing the text
> selection cursor.
> VoiceOver provides additional information about what's on the screen
> using three status cells. Each status cell provides a designated type of
> information. You can set the number of status cells that are used and
> their location on the braille display. For example, you can choose to
> use the cell that shows text status and set its location to be on the
> left of your display. 
> VoiceOver detects the type of braille display you're using and sets
> default preferences appropriate for that display. Use VoiceOver Utility
> to assign VoiceOver commands to keys on your braille display. You can
> use the braille display while listening to VoiceOver speak, or you can
> mute the speech. If your braille display has a Perkins-style keyboard,
> you can type on it.
> Pair a Bluetooth braille display
> Before you can use a supported Bluetooth braille display with VoiceOver,
> you must pair your braille display with your computer. You can pair only
> one Bluetooth braille display at a time. You pair the display only once;
> it remains paired until you remove it from the list of displays. After
> your braille display is paired, VoiceOver detects it whenever it's
> turned on and within range; if it's your primary braille display, you
> can then use it. 
> When VoiceOver is on, open VoiceOver Utility by pressing VO-F8. 
> Click the Braille category, click Displays, and then click Add (+). 
> Select your Bluetooth braille display in the list.
> VoiceOver lists only the Bluetooth braille displays that are within
> range of your computer and that appear to match a VoiceOver braille
> display driver.
> Click Select.
> You may be asked to provide a pairing passcode (such as  or 1234,
> two common default codes). Check the documentation that came with your
> braille display for the passcode. 
> If the Bluetooth braille display you selected in the list doesn't work
> with VoiceOver, it's likely that its driver doesn't match a VoiceOver
> driver. Try pairing a different Bluetooth braille display.
> If your Bluetooth braille display isn't listed, make sure you have set
> the display to be discoverable. For more informa

Fwd: Command and Gestures.

2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
> Date: 30 March 2012 01:46:16 PM GMT+01:00
> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
> Subject: Command and Gestures.
> Appendix A. Commands and Gestures
> This appendix lists VoiceOver commands and gestures, organized into
> categories. 
> General commands
> Use these commands to turn VoiceOver on and off, get help, change basic
> settings, and enable and disable Commanders.
> Note:If your keyboard has an Fn key, press the Fn key when you press a
> function key.
> Action
> Command
> Turn VoiceOver on or off
> Command-F5
> Lock and unlock the VO (Control and Option) keys
> VO-;
> Open VoiceOver Utility 
> VO-F8
> Open the VoiceOver Help menu
> VO-H
> Open the VoiceOver Quick Start
> VO-Command-F8
> Open VoiceOver online help 
> VO-?
> Start keyboard help
> VO-K
> Hear a description of the item in the VoiceOver cursor
> VO-Shift-N
> Open the Commands menu 
> VO-H-H
> Open the Find menu
> VO-Shift-F
> Close a menu or rotor, stop an action, or exit a mode
> Escape 
> Tell VoiceOver to ignore the next key combination you press
> VO-Tab
> Open the verbosity rotor
> VO-V
> Then press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to choose the setting. Use
> the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to change the level for the setting. 
> Magnify the item in the VoiceOver cursor 
> VO-}
> Shrink the item in the VoiceOver cursor
> VO-{
> Temporarily hide or show the VoiceOver cursor and the caption or braille
> panels
> VO-F11
> Hide or show the caption panel only
> VO-Command-F10
> Resize or move the caption panel
> VO-Shift-F10
> Press again to cycle through these actions. Then use the arrow keys to
> resize the panel or move it. Press the Shift key with the arrow keys to
> move in smaller increments.
> Hide or show the braille panel only
> VO-Command-F9
> Resize or move the braille panel
> VO-Shift-F9
> Press again to cycle through these actions. Then use the arrow keys to
> resize the panel or move it. Press the Shift key with the arrow keys to
> move in smaller increments.
> Tile visuals (dim the screen, highlight the caption or braille panel,
> and show the item in the VoiceOver cursor in the center of the screen).
> VO-F10
> Press again to return to the normal view.
> Enable or disable the NumPad Commander 
> VO-Clear
> Enable or disable the Keyboard Commander
> VO-Shift-K
> Enable or disable the Trackpad Commander
> Press the VO (Control-Option) keys and rotate two fingers on the
> trackpad clockwise (enable) or counterclockwise (disable)
> Turn the screen black (screen curtain)
> VO-Shift-F11 
> Cycle through speech settings (rate, pitch, volume, intonation, voice) 
> VO-Command-Right Arrow or Left Arrow
> Change the current speech setting (rate, pitch, volume, intonation,
> voice) 
> VO-Command-Up Arrow or Down Arrow
> Press and release mouse button
> VO-Shift-Space bar
> Interaction commands
> Use these commands to interact with items on the screen.
> Note:If your keyboard has an Fn key, press the Fn key when you press a
> function key.
> Action 
> Command
> Interact with an item
> VO-Shift-Down Arrow
> Stop interacting with an item
> VO-Shift-Up Arrow
> Perform the default action for the item in the VoiceOver cursor
> VO-Space bar
> Select a menu or list item
> VO-Return
> Select multiple items
> VO-Command-Space bar
> Turn off cursor tracking to use this command.
> Perform a sticky mouse down or mouse up (for use when dragging an item
> from one location to drop in another location)
> VO-Command-Shift-Space bar
> Click the item under the mouse cursor 
> VO-Shift-Space bar
> Press once for a single mouse click and two times to double-click.
> Open or close a disclosure triangle
> VO-\
> Read a row in a table
> VO-R
> Read a column in a table
> VO-C-C 
> Read the column header in a table
> VO-C
> Read row and column numbers in a table
> VO-Shift-T 
> Sort a column in a table
> VO-|
> Interact with scroll bars
> VO-Shift-S
> Then use the arrow keys to scroll up or down or side to side. Use Page
> Up and Page Down to scroll vertically one page at a time. Use Shift-Page
> Up and Shift-Page Down to scroll horizontally one page at a time.
> Resize a window or an object
> VO-~
> Move a window or an object
> VO-`
> Then use the arrow keys to move the window. Use Shift with the arrow
> keys to move in smaller increments.
> Stop scrolling or resizing
> Escape
> Navigation commands
> Use these commands to move around the screen, move inside windows and
> webpages, and control cursor tracking.
> Note:If your keyboard has an Fn key, press the Fn key when you press a
> function key.
> Action
> Command
> Move up
> VO-Up Arrow
> Move down 
> VO-Down Arrow
> Move to previous
> VO-Left Arrow
> Move to next
> VO-Right Arrow
> Move to the top of the visible area (such as a window or text area)
> where the VoiceOver cursor is located
> VO-Home
> On some keyboards, press VO-Fn-Left Arrow.
> Move to the bottom of the visible area (such as a window or text area)
> where the VoiceOver cursor is lo

Fwd: Updated commands for the I phone.

2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
> Date: 30 March 2012 01:54:05 PM GMT+01:00
> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
> Subject: Updated commands for the I phone.
> Support for wireless braille displays in iOS 5
> iPad, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch (3rd generation or
> later) support more than 30 Bluetooth wireless braille displays right
> out of the box. Just pair one and start using it to navigate your iPad,
> iPhone, or iPod touch with VoiceOver - no additional software needed. In
> addition, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch include braille tables for more
> than 25 international languages.
> For information on key commands click here.
> Supported displays:
> Alva
> BC640 
> BC680 
> American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
> Refreshabraille 18 
> Baum
> Conny 
> PocketVario 24 
> Pronto! 18 
> Pronto! 32 
> Pronto! 40 
> SuperVario 32 
> SuperVario 40 
> SuperVario 64 
> SuperVario 80 
> VarioConnect 12 
> VarioConnect 24 
> VarioConnect 32 
> VarioConnect 40 
> Eurobraille
> Esys 12 
> Esys 40 
> Freedom Scientific
> Focus 40 Blue 
> GW Micro
> Braille Sense 
> Braille Sense Plus 18 
> Braille Sense Plus 32 
> Handy Tech
> Braillino 
> Easy Braille 
> Braille Wave 
> Braille Star 40 
> Harpo
> BraillePen 
> BraillePen 12 
> Braille Sense 
> Braille Sense Plus 18 
> Braille Sense Plus 32 
> Humanware
> BrailleConnect 12 
> BrailleConnect 24 
> BrailleConnect 32 
> BrailleConnect 40 
> BrailleNote Apex 18 
> BrailleNote Apex 32 
> Brailliant 2 
> Brailliant 24 
> Brailliant 32 (1st Generation) 
> Brailliant 40 (1st Generation) 
> Brailliant 64 
> Brailliant 80 (1st Generation) 
> MB408L 
> Nippon Telesoft
> Seika v4 
> Optelec
> EasyLink 
> EasyLink 12 
> Papenmeier
> Braillex Trio 
> Supported languages:
> English 
> U.S. 
> Australia 
> United Kingdom 
> South Africa 
> Czech 
> Danish 
> Dutch 
> Finnish 
> French 
> German 
> __
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> Transcription Officer
> Production Services
> Commercial Operations
> Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
> Bakewell Road
> Orton Southgate
> PE2 6XU
> Tel: +441733 375000
> Fax: +441733375001
> E-mail:
> Website:
> Join us on Facebook: 
> Follow us on twitter:
> --
> Changes to benefits payments will hit blind and partially sighted people 
> hard. Support RNIB's campaign and take action now:
> -- 
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audible files

2012-03-30 Thread May McDonald
I'm having a serious brain freeze this morning. Is there a way to change the 
audible books so that they are mp3 so that they can be played on another device?

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2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
> Date: 30 March 2012 02:11:07 PM GMT+01:00
> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
> Common Braille commands for VoiceOver navigation
> Summary
> When using a Braille display with VoiceOver using iOS 4.1 or later, you can 
> use the following key commands, or chords, to navigate.
> Products Affected
> iPhone 3GS (8GB), iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th 
> generation) 
> Braille command (chord) VoiceOver action 
> Dot 1 + Space bar Move to previous item 
> Dot 4 + Space bar Move to next item 
> Dot 3 + Space bar Move to previous item using rotor setting 
> Dot 6 + Space bar Move to next item using rotor setting 
> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Select previous rotor setting 
> Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select next rotor setting 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Move to the first element 
> Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Move to the last element 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Read page starting at selected item 
> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Read page starting at the top 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Home button 
> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Goes to the Status bar 
> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Volume Up button 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 6 + Space bar Activates the Volume Down button 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Space bar Activates a Back button if present 
> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Activates the Eject key 
> Dot 7 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
> Dot 1 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
> Dot 8 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
> Dot 1 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Tab key 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Toggle Screen 
> Curtain on and off 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dote 4 + Space bar Pause or Continue speech 
> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Toggle speech on and off 
> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 6 + Space bar Scroll left one page 
> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Scroll right one page 
> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 6 + Space bar Deselect text 
> Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select text 
> Dot 2 + Space bar Pan Braille to the left 
> Dot 5 + Space bar Pan Braille to the right 
> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Toggle announcement history 
> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Switch between contracted and 
> uncontracted Braille 
> Additional Information
> Some Braille displays have additional keys you can use for navigation as 
> well. Click the link for your display to see device-specific key commands.
> Alva BC640
> Alva BC680
> APH Refreshabraille 18
> Baum Conny
> Baum PocketVario
> Baum SuperVario
> Baum VarioConnect 12
> Baum VarioConnect (24, 32, 40)
> Eurobraille Esys 12
> Eurobraille Esys 40
> Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue
> Humanware BrailleConnect 12
> Humanware BrailleConnect (24, 32, 40)
> Humanware BrailleNote Apex
> Humanware Brailliant
> MDV MB408L
> Opteclec EasyLink
> Papenmeier Braillex Trio
> Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided 
> for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation 
> or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
> Rate this article: Not helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Solved 
> my problem One Moment Please
> Thanks for rating this article
> Not helpful  Somewhat helpful  Helpful  Very helpful  Solved my problem
> Share this article 
> Twitter
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> Last Modified: November 18, 2010 
> Article: HT4400 
> Views:89249 
> Rating: 3.0/5 Stars 
> (148 Responses) 
> Languages
> DanskDeutschEnglishEspañolSuomiFrançaisItaliano日本語한국어NederlandsNorsk 
> BokmålPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)PortuguêsPусскийSvenska简体中文繁體中文 
> Related Articles
> Optelec EasyLink: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
> Humanware BrailleNote Apex: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
> American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Refreshabraille 18: Device keys 
> for VoiceOver navigat...
> Eurobraille Esys 12: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
> Eurobraille Esys 40: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
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> __
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> Transcription Officer
> Production Services
> Commercial Operations
> Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
> Bakewell Road
> Orton Southgate
> PE2 6XU
> Tel: +441733 375000
> Fax: +441733375001
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Re: audible files

2012-03-30 Thread Scott Bresnahan


No.  Audible uses digital rights management (DRM).  However, I have a 
great program called Audio Book Converter, that converts Audible 
books to MP3 for just this purpose.  The first thing I do when I 
download a new audible book, is to convert it so I can use it where 
ever and whenever I want without worrying about DRM.

The company that makes it is called Macsome, and the URL is:

The program is not free.  It costs $34.95.

I think any serious audible user who wants control of their playback 
of books, would find this a valuable tool.


At 9:10 AM -0400 3/30/12, May McDonald wrote:
I'm having a serious brain freeze this morning. Is there a way to 
change the audible books so that they are mp3 so that they can be 
played on another device?

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Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Hello there,

It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
there any program for the Mac that is similar?

I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!


On 3/29/12, Gigi  wrote:
> Hi Mark
> I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
> for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
> have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
> an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
> of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when I
> absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
> Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I haven't
> had much trouble with that.
> Regards Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
>> to MacVisionaries... be gentle.
>> In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
>> an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn some stuff about the Mac here since I'm
>> thinking of making the jump. Seeing as how I have the iPhone 4, plan
>> on getting the next iPhone that's released in the fall and own an
>> Apple TV, I figured it made sense to migrate to the Mac... or at least
>> entertain the possibility. I live in Ontario and, thanks to the
>> assistive devices program, 75% of a new computer is covered every five
>> years for those with accessibility needs.
>> They recently started covering Apple products and my five years is up
>> this fall so I was thinking of taking full advantage of this.
>> With that being said, I have a variety of different questions to ask
>> on here. I just wanted to know what the best way to go about it was.
>> They cover a wide range of topics and I don't want to spam the list.
>> On the other side however, putting them all in one e-mail would
>> probably deter people from viewing certain questions they could answer
>> because of other questions.
>> So erm... I guess I'm asking what standard practice is around here for
>> such things. I bet you guys get the same questions from new comers all
>> the time so I don't want to be repetitive either.
>> Thanks for any advice you can lend and I look forward to learning
>> about the wonderful world of Mac! :)
>> -Marc
>> --
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Re: audible files

2012-03-30 Thread May McDonald
Thanks, I'll check that out. Definitely could come in handy.
On 2012-03-30, at 9:28 AM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:

> Hi,
> No.  Audible uses digital rights management (DRM).  However, I have a great 
> program called Audio Book Converter, that converts Audible books to MP3 for 
> just this purpose.  The first thing I do when I download a new audible book, 
> is to convert it so I can use it where ever and whenever I want without 
> worrying about DRM.
> The company that makes it is called Macsome, and the URL is:
> The program is not free.  It costs $34.95.
> I think any serious audible user who wants control of their playback of 
> books, would find this a valuable tool.
> --Scott
> At 9:10 AM -0400 3/30/12, May McDonald wrote:
>> I'm having a serious brain freeze this morning. Is there a way to change the 
>> audible books so that they are mp3 so that they can be played on another 
>> device?
>> --
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> --Scott
> -- 
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Re: question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:01 AM, Kevin Mattingly  wrote:

> The FN Key is located in the grouping of keys between the keyboard and the 
> Numpad. It is the key in the middle row, far left.
> Kev
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi folks, I haven't used the wired Apple keyboard with num pad in years.  I 
>> was wondering, does it have an FN key?  If so, where?  I ask because I use 
>> the f1, f2, keys etc  as standard function keys.  So I need the FN key to do 
>> thins like adjust volume.
>> TIA.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> -- 
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2012-03-30 Thread Gigi
This is an incredibly valuable thing, this document you posted. I have been 
looking for these commands for ever. They also work on the back. I tested it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
>> Date: 30 March 2012 02:11:07 PM GMT+01:00
>> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
>> Common Braille commands for VoiceOver navigation
>> Summary
>> When using a Braille display with VoiceOver using iOS 4.1 or later, you can 
>> use the following key commands, or chords, to navigate.
>> Products Affected
>> iPhone 3GS (8GB), iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th 
>> generation) 
>> Braille command (chord) VoiceOver action 
>> Dot 1 + Space bar Move to previous item 
>> Dot 4 + Space bar Move to next item 
>> Dot 3 + Space bar Move to previous item using rotor setting 
>> Dot 6 + Space bar Move to next item using rotor setting 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Select previous rotor setting 
>> Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select next rotor setting 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Move to the first element 
>> Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Move to the last element 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Read page starting at selected 
>> item 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Read page starting at the top 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Home button 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Goes to the Status bar 
>> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Volume Up button 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 6 + Space bar Activates the Volume Down button 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Space bar Activates a Back button if present 
>> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Activates the Eject key 
>> Dot 7 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
>> Dot 8 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Tab key 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Toggle Screen 
>> Curtain on and off 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dote 4 + Space bar Pause or Continue speech 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Toggle speech on and off 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 6 + Space bar Scroll left one page 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Scroll right one page 
>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 6 + Space bar Deselect text 
>> Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select text 
>> Dot 2 + Space bar Pan Braille to the left 
>> Dot 5 + Space bar Pan Braille to the right 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Toggle announcement history 
>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Switch between contracted and 
>> uncontracted Braille 
>> Additional Information
>> Some Braille displays have additional keys you can use for navigation as 
>> well. Click the link for your display to see device-specific key commands.
>> Alva BC640
>> Alva BC680
>> APH Refreshabraille 18
>> Baum Conny
>> Baum PocketVario
>> Baum SuperVario
>> Baum VarioConnect 12
>> Baum VarioConnect (24, 32, 40)
>> Eurobraille Esys 12
>> Eurobraille Esys 40
>> Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue
>> Humanware BrailleConnect 12
>> Humanware BrailleConnect (24, 32, 40)
>> Humanware BrailleNote Apex
>> Humanware Brailliant
>> MDV MB408L
>> Opteclec EasyLink
>> Papenmeier Braillex Trio
>> Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided 
>> for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation 
>> or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
>> Rate this article: Not helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Solved 
>> my problem One Moment Please
>> Thanks for rating this article
>> Not helpful  Somewhat helpful  Helpful  Very helpful  Solved my problem
>> Share this article 
>> Twitter
>> Facebook
>> Last Modified: November 18, 2010 
>> Article: HT4400 
>> Views:89249 
>> Rating: 3.0/5 Stars 
>> (148 Responses) 
>> Languages
>> DanskDeutschEnglishEspañolSuomiFrançaisItaliano日本語한국어NederlandsNorsk 
>> BokmålPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)PortuguêsPусскийSvenska简体中文繁體中文 
>> Related Articles
>> Optelec EasyLink: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>> Humanware BrailleNote Apex: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>> American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Refreshabraille 18: Device keys 
>> for VoiceOver navigat...
>> Eurobraille Esys 12: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>> Eurobraille Esys 40: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
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aThe slim Braille Pen.

2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I have just purchased the Slim Braille Pen, priced at £295 the cheapest 
refreshable braille I have seen so far although I do have a Euro braille 40 
which I use as well.

Just wish to know if anyone has used this  either their mac or I phone?

All experiences are welcome.


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2012-03-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
That's great GIGI glad I could assist. I'm still learning to use my braille 
device with my Mac and now also soon with my braille slim Pen although that's 
more for my I phone unless I do not like it then I'll sell it.

On 30 Mar 2012, at 04:11 PM, Gigi  wrote:

> This is an incredibly valuable thing, this document you posted. I have been 
> looking for these commands for ever. They also work on the back. I tested it.
> Regards
> GG
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
>>> Date: 30 March 2012 02:11:07 PM GMT+01:00
>>> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
>>> Common Braille commands for VoiceOver navigation
>>> Summary
>>> When using a Braille display with VoiceOver using iOS 4.1 or later, you can 
>>> use the following key commands, or chords, to navigate.
>>> Products Affected
>>> iPhone 3GS (8GB), iPhone 4, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th 
>>> generation) 
>>> Braille command (chord) VoiceOver action 
>>> Dot 1 + Space bar Move to previous item 
>>> Dot 4 + Space bar Move to next item 
>>> Dot 3 + Space bar Move to previous item using rotor setting 
>>> Dot 6 + Space bar Move to next item using rotor setting 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Select previous rotor setting 
>>> Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select next rotor setting 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Space bar Move to the first element 
>>> Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Move to the last element 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Read page starting at selected 
>>> item 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Read page starting at the top 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Home button 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Goes to the Status bar 
>>> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Volume Up button 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 6 + Space bar Activates the Volume Down button 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Space bar Activates a Back button if present 
>>> Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Activates the Eject key 
>>> Dot 7 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Delete key 
>>> Dot 8 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Return key 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Activates the Tab key 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Toggle Screen 
>>> Curtain on and off 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dote 4 + Space bar Pause or Continue speech 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Space bar Toggle speech on and off 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 6 + Space bar Scroll left one page 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Space bar Scroll right one page 
>>> Dot 2 + Dot 3 + Dot 6 + Space bar Deselect text 
>>> Dot 3 + Dot 5 + Dot 6 + Space bar Select text 
>>> Dot 2 + Space bar Pan Braille to the left 
>>> Dot 5 + Space bar Pan Braille to the right 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 3 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Toggle announcement history 
>>> Dot 1 + Dot 2 + Dot 4 + Dot 5 + Space bar Switch between contracted and 
>>> uncontracted Braille 
>>> Additional Information
>>> Some Braille displays have additional keys you can use for navigation as 
>>> well. Click the link for your display to see device-specific key commands.
>>> Alva BC640
>>> Alva BC680
>>> APH Refreshabraille 18
>>> Baum Conny
>>> Baum PocketVario
>>> Baum SuperVario
>>> Baum VarioConnect 12
>>> Baum VarioConnect (24, 32, 40)
>>> Eurobraille Esys 12
>>> Eurobraille Esys 40
>>> Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue
>>> Humanware BrailleConnect 12
>>> Humanware BrailleConnect (24, 32, 40)
>>> Humanware BrailleNote Apex
>>> Humanware Brailliant
>>> MDV MB408L
>>> Opteclec EasyLink
>>> Papenmeier Braillex Trio
>>> Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided 
>>> for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s 
>>> recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional 
>>> information.
>>> Rate this article: Not helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Solved 
>>> my problem One Moment Please
>>> Thanks for rating this article
>>> Not helpful  Somewhat helpful  Helpful  Very helpful  Solved my problem
>>> Share this article 
>>> Twitter
>>> Facebook
>>> Last Modified: November 18, 2010 
>>> Article: HT4400 
>>> Views:89249 
>>> Rating: 3.0/5 Stars 
>>> (148 Responses) 
>>> Languages
>>> DanskDeutschEnglishEspañolSuomiFrançaisItaliano日本語한국어NederlandsNorsk 
>>> BokmålPolskiPortuguês (Brasil)PortuguêsPусскийSvenska简体中文繁體中文 
>>> Related Articles
>>> Optelec EasyLink: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>>> Humanware BrailleNote Apex: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>>> American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Refreshabraille 18: Device keys 
>>> for VoiceOver navigat...
>>> Eurobraille Esys 12: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>>> Eurobraille Esys 40: Device keys for VoiceOver navigation
>>> Need mor

Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Steve Holmes
That's interesting, Mark, as when I reply here with the gmail web
interface, it only puts the list address in the To: field and leaves
the Cc: field empty.  I wonder if it depends some on the client being
used.  Not sure about the reply all function in gmail; that would
probably stick the second address in the Cc field.

Anyway, to answer Karen's question, Chris mentioned macport which
ports unix programs to the mac.  I haven't used that deal but I have
used homebrew, which is another package based deal which I used to
re-install emacs, emacspeak, and well, mutt.  I have always loved to
use mutt so can do that on my mac too now.  I just find such curses
based programs harder to use with VO in a mac shell than I do with
speakup on a linux shell.  But given what I've seen so far, I'd bet
you wouldn't find much trouble getting one of the pines to build for a

On 3/30/12, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Jenny,
> There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
> Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
> the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
> List owner.
> In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
> Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
> header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
> So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing List
> address leaving only the individual poster's list.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
> I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
> no matter what command I use. Help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
> wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
> ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
> hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
> running iOS 5.1.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> --
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Re: audible files

2012-03-30 Thread Mary Otten
Not legally. You're not suppose to change the format of the audible files.

Mary Otten

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Re: Accessible Excel for the mac or something not as hard to use and confusing as Numbers

2012-03-30 Thread Steve Holmes
On 3/29/12, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> I use calc to handle all my company accounts.  I track receivables,
> expenses, hours worked, billed, collected and remaining.  the open office
> word processer leaves a bit to be desired,  but the spreadsheeting componant
> is really super.

Is this also true for Libreoffice? I know many linux distros are
skipping Oracle for the Libre fork and in any case, the latest
versions of Calc on linux work pretty good with Orca the gnome screen

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Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Blouch

The Java version in OSX isn't horribly old. When I do

java -version

it says (among other things)

java version "1.6.0_29"

Which is Java SE 6 Update 29 which came out October 2011. There have 
been two updates since in the fairly regular every-other-month releases. 
Not sure how well things work in Java SE 7 yet. If you have an account 
on the Apple developer network you can also learn more in the Java 
community forum:

In there you will find links to the developer preview of the Java 
1.6.0_31 (latest) installer.


On 3/30/12 1:16 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

what I would like to do is replace the java that OS X installs with the command 
line version in macports (its newer and can do more).

I am just not sure how.


On Mar 29, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Since OSX is Unix underneath, there is always MacPorts which has a nice little 
installer system to bring all those unix tools you might be familiar with to a 
terminal app near you.

They currently maintain a library of 13758 ports and both Alpine and Pine is in 
there under mail. So if you really wanted to, you could use them on your Mac.


On 3/29/12 10:56 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

What an interesting question.
Does anyone know if there is a version of pine or Alpine for the mac?
we have both at shellworld, and as I was writing this one for example, I am 
given the following option ,
"use reply to address instead off from address?
lets me choose which I want to do.
You mean all mail programs do not allow for this?
Looking seriously innocent,

On Thu, 29 Mar 2012, Jenny Perdue Keller wrote:

Thanks. I use the nob classic versio

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 29, 2012, at 5:09 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

Hi, Jenny,

Which layout for your mail are you using? The short answer to this is that you 
will need to get to your message headers and interact with them. Find the email 
address from which the email originates and copy it. I most often use 
VO-shift-c to copy the last spoken phrase to the clipboard.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:57 PM, Jenny Perdue Keller wrote:

I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone no 
matter what command I use. Help.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth  wrote:

Hello all.
I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I ask, 
what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to hearing aid 
problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1.

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: hard time reading man pages in terminal

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Blouch

This was posted previously on the list to load up man pages using Preview:

man -t bash | open -a preview -f

Maybe that would do a better job. Of course you would replace bash with 
whatever command you actually wanted man pages for. I found it was 
somewhat readable with VO but sometimes jumped around a bit. For 
example, it sometimes would jump to the footer to read that and then 
come back up to where I was reading elsewhere on the page.


On 3/30/12 7:17 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

is there an easier to get info on a command in terminal. the man pages read, 
but in a broken fashion that makes finding the relevant information 
frustratingly difficult. the page won't read every line when the down arrow is 
depressed. this forces me to interact in word mode to find out what was not 

there has to be another, better way. I have also tried the online html pages 
that are recoded man pages, only to get a similar result (meaning that the 
reading of these pages is not smooth and feels entirely broken).


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Re: Using Braille Displays with Mac Computers.

2012-03-30 Thread Gigi
Hi there
Does anybody out there know if there is a way to toggle on and off the display 
of control characters question I don't want to global replace them out, because 
it would mess up my file. However, I really need to be able to turn them on and 
off if possible to make reading easier.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:42 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hope this is OK.
> Kawal.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Gucukoglu, Kawal" 
>> Date: 30 March 2012 01:02:46 PM GMT+01:00
>> To: Kawal Gucukoglu 
>> Subject: Using Braille Displays with Mac Computers.
>> Chapter 10. Using Braille Displays
>> This chapter provides information about using refreshable braille
>> displays, both plug in and Bluetooth, with VoiceOver. This chapter also
>> includes a list of the many types of braille displays VoiceOver
>> supports.
>> About refreshable braille displays
>> If you connect or pair a supported braille display to your computer,
>> VoiceOver automatically detects it and sends it information about what
>> is displayed on the screen. You can connect multiple braille displays to
>> your computer and each display will mirror the same content at the same
>> time, which can be useful in a classroom setting.
>> By default, VoiceOver displays uncontracted braille, which you can also
>> display using eight-dot braille. You can also use contracted braille; if
>> you do, VoiceOver dynamically changes the display under the cursor from
>> contracted to uncontracted braille, so that you can read and edit more
>> easily, and then changes back to contracted braille when you move the
>> cursor. 
>> A braille display typically contains more than just the contents of the
>> VoiceOver cursor. It describes the contents of the entire line on which
>> the VoiceOver cursor is focused, including items to the left and right
>> of the VoiceOver cursor. For example, when the VoiceOver cursor is
>> focused on an item in a window, the braille device displays items like
>> icons, checkboxes, and pop-up menus, as well as text that is to the left
>> and right of the item in the VoiceOver cursor. This collection of
>> items-the VoiceOver cursor and the items to its left and right on the
>> same horizontal line-make up a "line" of braille.
>> When you interact with an item in the VoiceOver cursor to get more
>> detail about it, the braille description changes to provide more detail
>> as well. For example, if you move the VoiceOver cursor onto a toolbar,
>> VoiceOver describes only the toolbar on the braille display, because
>> toolbars stretch the entire width of a window. When you interact with
>> the toolbar, the braille display describes each item in the toolbar from
>> left to right.
>> VoiceOver raises dots 7 and 8 to indicate the position of the VoiceOver
>> cursor, to help you locate it within the line of braille. (You can turn
>> off this feature in VoiceOver Utility.) Similarly, when you're editing
>> or selecting text, the text selection is represented by dots 7 and 8.
>> VoiceOver also indicates the position of the text selection cursor,
>> called the "I-beam," by flashing dot 8 of the braille cell preceding the
>> text selection cursor and dot 7 of the braille cell trailing the text
>> selection cursor.
>> VoiceOver provides additional information about what's on the screen
>> using three status cells. Each status cell provides a designated type of
>> information. You can set the number of status cells that are used and
>> their location on the braille display. For example, you can choose to
>> use the cell that shows text status and set its location to be on the
>> left of your display. 
>> VoiceOver detects the type of braille display you're using and sets
>> default preferences appropriate for that display. Use VoiceOver Utility
>> to assign VoiceOver commands to keys on your braille display. You can
>> use the braille display while listening to VoiceOver speak, or you can
>> mute the speech. If your braille display has a Perkins-style keyboard,
>> you can type on it.
>> Pair a Bluetooth braille display
>> Before you can use a supported Bluetooth braille display with VoiceOver,
>> you must pair your braille display with your computer. You can pair only
>> one Bluetooth braille display at a time. You pair the display only once;
>> it remains paired until you remove it from the list of displays. After
>> your braille display is paired, VoiceOver detects it whenever it's
>> turned on and within range; if it's your primary braille display, you
>> can then use it. 
>> When VoiceOver is on, open VoiceOver Utility by pressing VO-F8. 
>> Click the Braille category, click Displays, and then click Add (+). 
>> Select your Bluetooth braille display in the list.
>> VoiceOver lists only the Bluetooth braille displays that are within
>> range of your computer and that appear to match a VoiceOver braille
>> display driver.
>> Click Select.
>> You may be asked to provide a pairing

Re: hard time reading man pages in terminal

2012-03-30 Thread Esther
Hi Eric, Chris, and Others,

My suggestion for reading man pages for terminal commands is to download the 
freeware program bwana:

This program lets you use your browser to read man pages, and for the example 
that Chris cited of reading the man page for "bash", you'd simply navigate to 
the address bar of Safari with Command-L and type:
When you press "return", the man page for the command you specified will be 
displayed in your web browser.  You can also navigate to linked man page 
entries within that web page, and activate those links to display and read 
their man page entries.  

For the general case, just substitute whichever command you want to query after 
the colon that you type immediately after the word "man" in the address field.

Bwana will let you read man pages in your browser for all versions of Mac OS X 
back to Tiger, and is a universal binary so it can also be run on the old 
PowerPC Macs as well as the current Intel Macs. 

If you want another variant shell command to display man pages in TextEdit 
instead of Preview, you can use:

man bash | col -b | open -f -a TextEdit

In the same thread from last month that discussed various ways of displaying 
man page information, I summarized how you could create definitions for both 
the above way of piping to "col" to reformat and then opening in TextEdit, and 
also for the command format that Chris referenced for using Preview.  So if you 
want to set up your own Terminal command definitions for a "pman" or a "tman" 
command that would display in Preview or TextEdit, you can read my archived 
• Re: terminal: prompt:

However, as I stated at the end of that post, it's really easiest to just use 
bwana instead.  

HTH. Cheers,

On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:26 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> This was posted previously on the list to load up man pages using Preview:
> man -t bash | open -a preview -f
> Maybe that would do a better job. Of course you would replace bash with 
> whatever command you actually wanted man pages for. I found it was somewhat 
> readable with VO but sometimes jumped around a bit. For example, it sometimes 
> would jump to the footer to read that and then come back up to where I was 
> reading elsewhere on the page.
> CB
> On 3/30/12 7:17 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> is there an easier to get info on a command in terminal. the man pages read, 
>> but in a broken fashion that makes finding the relevant information 
>> frustratingly difficult. the page won't read every line when the down arrow 
>> is depressed. this forces me to interact in word mode to find out what was 
>> not said.
>> there has to be another, better way. I have also tried the online html pages 
>> that are recoded man pages, only to get a similar result (meaning that the 
>> reading of these pages is not smooth and feels entirely broken).
>> -eric

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Re: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Unfortunately, a username and password is required to access the files.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:39 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Thank you, Scott.
> Mark
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Erichsen
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 12:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57
> Downloadable Focus 40 Blue Update
> This firmware update for the Focus 40 Blue addresses an issue which arose 
> after a recent release of Apple’s OSX operating system that affects Braille 
> output
> from an Apple computer over USB.
> How to Download and Install the Update
> Note: Windows is required to update the firmware. The updater will not work 
> on Mac.
> 1. Download the FS Braille Display Firmware Update application to a Microsoft 
> Windows computer using the following link:
> 2. When the File Download dialog box opens, choose Save. When the Save As 
> dialog box opens, save the FS Braille Display Firmware Update 457.exe file on
> the Desktop, which is the Windows default.
> 3. Launch the firmware updater application FS Braille Display Firmware Update 
> 457.exe to update the firmware in your display to version 4.57.
> 4. A dialog box opens displaying the current firmware version of the Focus 40 
> Blue. Choose Update Firmware to proceed with the firmware update, or choose
> Exit to close the application without performing the update.
> 5. After choosing the Update Firmware button, the application will warn you 
> to not unplug the Braille display during the update. When you are ready, 
> choose
> Start Download to begin updating the firmware. You will receive the message 
> “Download Done” when the update is complete.
> 6. If you are using JAWS or another screen reader, close and restart the 
> software before using your Focus 40 Blue.
> Note: If a failure occurs during the update process, do not disconnect the 
> display from the computer. Close the updater application, then relaunch it and
> start the update again.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
How are frames read in Chrome now? There used to be a big problem with that.

"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

On Mar 30, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> The thing that I find annoying in chrome is, you can't jump to links found in 
> tables.  You have to actually navigate with VO plus arrow keys to get to 
> these links.  On certain sites, I've noticed chunks of text are just missing 
> as well.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
>>> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
>>> A few notes on this new release:
>>> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
>>> with that clickety sound.
>>> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
>>> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
>>> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
>>> thought was a cool time saver.
>>> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
>>> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could 
>>> fix that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands 
>>> down.
>>> Yuma
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hello, Les,

try this;


"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

On Mar 30, 2012, at 4:03 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> I went looking for Google Chrome and also searched for Chrome in the App 
> Store and could not find it.  How does one obtain the Chrome browser?  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
>> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
>> A few notes on this new release:
>> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
>> with that clickety sound.
>> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
>> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
>> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
>> thought was a cool time saver.
>> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
>> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could 
>> fix that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands 
>> down.
>> Yuma
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
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Re: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
It might be necessary for folks to contact FS tech support individually. I just 
did this.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Unfortunately, a username and password is required to access the files.
> Teresa
> "On the other hand, there are different fingers."
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:39 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Thank you, Scott.
>> Mark
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Erichsen
>> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 12:38 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57
>> Downloadable Focus 40 Blue Update
>> This firmware update for the Focus 40 Blue addresses an issue which arose 
>> after a recent release of Apple’s OSX operating system that affects Braille 
>> output
>> from an Apple computer over USB.
>> How to Download and Install the Update
>> Note: Windows is required to update the firmware. The updater will not work 
>> on Mac.
>> 1. Download the FS Braille Display Firmware Update application to a 
>> Microsoft Windows computer using the following link:
>> 2. When the File Download dialog box opens, choose Save. When the Save As 
>> dialog box opens, save the FS Braille Display Firmware Update 457.exe file on
>> the Desktop, which is the Windows default.
>> 3. Launch the firmware updater application FS Braille Display Firmware 
>> Update 457.exe to update the firmware in your display to version 4.57.
>> 4. A dialog box opens displaying the current firmware version of the Focus 
>> 40 Blue. Choose Update Firmware to proceed with the firmware update, or 
>> choose
>> Exit to close the application without performing the update.
>> 5. After choosing the Update Firmware button, the application will warn you 
>> to not unplug the Braille display during the update. When you are ready, 
>> choose
>> Start Download to begin updating the firmware. You will receive the message 
>> “Download Done” when the update is complete.
>> 6. If you are using JAWS or another screen reader, close and restart the 
>> software before using your Focus 40 Blue.
>> Note: If a failure occurs during the update process, do not disconnect the 
>> display from the computer. Close the updater application, then relaunch it 
>> and
>> start the update again.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI there,

I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from the to 
field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left with nothing. 
Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find the from field and 
from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:25 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Jenny,
> There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
> Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
> the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
> List owner.
> In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
> Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
> Header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
> So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing List
> Address leaving only the individual poster's list.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
> I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
> no matter what command I use. Help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
> wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
> ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
> hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
> running iOS 5.1.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I vo 
through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, the 
messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting through mail 
confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some show up as read 
although I just past them with vo

THanks for your help,


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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Help with iCloud: All Contacts Not Syncing

2012-03-30 Thread Buddy Brannan

I wonder if anyone's got any ideas on this.

I have a bunch of contacts on my Mac. I guess over a couple of times trying to 
get everything in sync, some had multiples. So, yesterday, I deleted the 
multiples from my Mac. 

Then I noticed a bunch of contacts were no longer on the iPhone. 

So, I turned off iCloud syncing of contacts and told the iPhone to delete the 
contacts it had on it. Then I turned iCloud sync back on. For a while, I had 
absolutely no contacts on my phone. But now, I have the same ones on my phone 
that I had before, which doesn't include some that are on the Mac. 

So what's happened here, anyone know? How can I get the contacts that aren't on 
my phone onto my phone? Both the phone and the Mac appear to be set up to sync 
with iCloud.

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Ioana,

In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to the 
checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." This is 
assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.


I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hello,
> I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I vo 
> through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, the 
> messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting through mail 
> confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some show up as read 
> although I just past them with vo
> THanks for your help,
> Ioana 
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Jennifer Perdue

Just got my Mac going again and am still very new to it.  I'm not sure how to 
get to the headers field and finding what you said to find.  

I don't even know how to get to the To:  field of the message.  To navigate 
messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.  

I could still use some help.

Thanks so much for your patience.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> HI there,
> I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from the 
> to field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left with 
> nothing. Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find the 
> from field and from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:25 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Jenny,
>> There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
>> Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
>> the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
>> List owner.
>> In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
>> Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
>> Header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
>> So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing List
>> Address leaving only the individual poster's list.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [mail] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
>> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
>> I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
>> no matter what command I use. Help.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
>> ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
>> hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
>> running iOS 5.1.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- 
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> -- 
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Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Sean Murphy

All companies regardless if they are specialising in Assistive technology 
introduce new features. The customer base drives the feature requests which is 
the market base. If the company cannot reproduce a problem. Then how can they 
fix it. Assuming this is the case with the issue you have arrived.

Have you lodged a bug via the correct channels outlining steps that are 
reproducible? If not, then do so. This will assist them in narrowing down the 
problem. Make sure you put in the OS version, Mac model, memory, and anything 
else that might assist. More information is better then less. Also be very 
clear on how the issue is reproduce. Assume they do not know anything about the 
voice over when you write up the steps.

On 30/03/2012, at 5:25 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> The issue is quite annoying. I wished, Apple at first fixed all the issues in 
> VO and added then new features. Sometimes I have the feeling, they are 
> beginning to do the same mistakes like Freedom Scientific. Including new 
> features but ignoring the major bugs like settings import, tables in text 
> documents, word processing in general, pitching in voices, header issues in 
> Safari and the iTunes Store, etc. etc. etc.
> Jürgen
> Am 29.03.2012 um 22:23 schrieb Simon Cavendish:
>> Please note, that this message had not originated from me and therefore 
>> should not have been sent to me either. This is not the first time that this 
>> has happened. This is a worrying trend in the way you track messages.
>> With best regards
>> Simon Cavendish
>> On 29 Mar 2012, at 19:45, wrote:
>>> Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
>>> Follow-up:  196742241
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for your email. We appreciate the feedback and wanted to let you 
>>> know that the problem you describe was recently reported to Apple, and we 
>>> are currently investigating this issue. Unfortunately we cannot comment on 
>>> when it may be resolved.
>>> Apple Accessibility
>>> Hello,
>>> Since 10.7, I wasn't able to import all my preferences and specially the 
>>> trackpad commander-settings.
>>> As developer, it seems not possible also in the current release of 10.8
>>> In attachment, you can find a voprefs-file of my adjustments> I have 
>>> created specific trackpad commands with the command- and shift-keys.  
>>> It should be nice if you could import this settings and see if it works?
>>> If you have any commands with the shift and command key, it should be fine 
>>> since since this keys doesn't have any assignments by default.
>>> This settings for the trackpad commander are made in 10.6 but, should also 
>>> work in 10.7?
>>> Any comments or hints should be great.
>>> kind regards,
>>> William Windels
>>> -- 
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Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Ricardo,

that's a point of view. But honnestly: Drag and Drop thing doesn't work quite 
well, most of the time it doesn't work at all. Even Airdrop doesn't work 
reliably with this drag and drop. Activities are nice to have but how often do 
you use it? 
Of course the tables also depend on the other developer. But is that important 
for customers to consider? Actually a customer wants to have a nice working 
Of course I know it's not easy to fullfill all the needs of us users. But 
please, a thing like tables or a more reliable anouncement of text attributes 
for example in Mail would be more important then to create new features. That's 
the same mistake Freedom Scientific did and still does. 
And to repair im- and export of VoiceOver settings it's not necessary to wait 
for other developers. Same thing with 
accessibility to status bars. No dought: the accessibility team does a great 
job and I love them for this. But hopefully they don't get lost in too much new 
features for VoiceOver. 

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Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Jürgen Fleger
All I mentioned is pretty easy to duplicate. So it's not a matter of reproduce 
these bugs it's just an issue of man power I suppose. And so my concern is that 
they will not have enough man power to fix all the major bugs and to create 
more new features at the same time.
Am 30.03.2012 um 22:07 schrieb Sean Murphy:

> HI,
> All companies regardless if they are specialising in Assistive technology 
> introduce new features. The customer base drives the feature requests which 
> is the market base. If the company cannot reproduce a problem. Then how can 
> they fix it. Assuming this is the case with the issue you have arrived.
> Have you lodged a bug via the correct channels outlining steps that are 
> reproducible? If not, then do so. This will assist them in narrowing down the 
> problem. Make sure you put in the OS version, Mac model, memory, and anything 
> else that might assist. More information is better then less. Also be very 
> clear on how the issue is reproduce. Assume they do not know anything about 
> the voice over when you write up the steps.
> Sean 
> On 30/03/2012, at 5:25 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> The issue is quite annoying. I wished, Apple at first fixed all the issues 
>> in VO and added then new features. Sometimes I have the feeling, they are 
>> beginning to do the same mistakes like Freedom Scientific. Including new 
>> features but ignoring the major bugs like settings import, tables in text 
>> documents, word processing in general, pitching in voices, header issues in 
>> Safari and the iTunes Store, etc. etc. etc.
>> Jürgen
>> Am 29.03.2012 um 22:23 schrieb Simon Cavendish:
>>> Please note, that this message had not originated from me and therefore 
>>> should not have been sent to me either. This is not the first time that 
>>> this has happened. This is a worrying trend in the way you track messages.
>>> With best regards
>>> Simon Cavendish
>>> On 29 Mar 2012, at 19:45, wrote:
 Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
 Follow-up:  196742241
 Thank you for your email. We appreciate the feedback and wanted to let you 
 know that the problem you describe was recently reported to Apple, and we 
 are currently investigating this issue. Unfortunately we cannot comment on 
 when it may be resolved.
 Apple Accessibility
 Since 10.7, I wasn't able to import all my preferences and specially the 
 trackpad commander-settings.
 As developer, it seems not possible also in the current release of 10.8
 In attachment, you can find a voprefs-file of my adjustments> I have 
 created specific trackpad commands with the command- and shift-keys.  
 It should be nice if you could import this settings and see if it works?
 If you have any commands with the shift and command key, it should be fine 
 since since this keys doesn't have any assignments by default.
 This settings for the trackpad commander are made in 10.6 but, should also 
 work in 10.7?
 Any comments or hints should be great.
 kind regards,
 William Windels
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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
Yeah, I have Safari lying around as a backup browser. But in my experience, if 
something isn't accessible in Chrome, it's usually not accessible in Safari 
either. I guess it depends on where you go. But overall, I love Chrome. It's 
going to stay my default browser.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:31 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> The thing that I find annoying in chrome is, you can't jump to links found in 
> tables.  You have to actually navigate with VO plus arrow keys to get to 
> these links.  On certain sites, I've noticed chunks of text are just missing 
> as well.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
>>> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
>>> A few notes on this new release:
>>> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
>>> with that clickety sound.
>>> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
>>> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
>>> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
>>> thought was a cool time saver.
>>> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
>>> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could 
>>> fix that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands 
>>> down.
>>> Yuma
>>> -- 
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Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
Sorry for the extra message. I just checked my Chrome version number. I'm using 
a dev build of Chrome which is up to version 19. So if you guys are having 
issues, you might want to try downloading a build from the dev channel.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

> Just a heads up to let you know that chrome 18 is out, and if you have 17 
> installed, it will automatically update without asking.
> A few notes on this new release:
> 1-now entering a text field is much more obvious, as voice over announces 
> with that clickety sound.
> 2-the tabs work in a much more fluid way, and as opposed to safari, one 
> doesn't need to first press on the tab then vo right then interact with the 
> html content. Pressing on the tab puts you in the page right away, which i 
> thought was a cool time saver.
> 3- speed performances are felt, and it's a real pleasure to browse the web.
> This one i'm keeping as my default browser for now. If apple's team could fix 
> that safari busy issue, i might reconsider but for now, chrome hands down.
> Yuma
> -- 
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Re: audible files

2012-03-30 Thread Emrah
Actually, to be fair, he is not changing the format of the file. The original 
file remains just as it is. He is copying the output into a different file. 
This could as easily be performed with a jack cable. Same happens if you burn 
the book to a CD, and that would be allowed.

Always great to have the police on the list. lol

On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Not legally. You're not suppose to change the format of the audible files.
> Mary Otten
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Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Jennifer,

In the message area, VO-left-arrow once and you should hear "message headers 
group". Interact with this, and it will behave as any other text area. From 
here, you can find the message header and then press VO-shift-m to bring up the 
contextual menu. From it, choose "reply to sender" and a new message to the 
original sender will open. You can tab and shift-tab to the "to" field to 
verify this.


"Visualize whirled peas."

On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> Just got my Mac going again and am still very new to it.  I'm not sure how to 
> get to the headers field and finding what you said to find.  
> I don't even know how to get to the To:  field of the message.  To navigate 
> messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.  
> I could still use some help.
> Thanks so much for your patience.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI there,
>> I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from the 
>> to field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left with 
>> nothing. Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find the 
>> from field and from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.
>> Thanks,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:25 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Jenny,
>>> There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
>>> Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
>>> the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
>>> List owner.
>>> In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
>>> Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
>>> Header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
>>> So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing List
>>> Address leaving only the individual poster's list.
>>> Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [mail] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
>>> I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
>>> no matter what command I use. Help.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
>>> wrote:
 Hello all.
 I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
>>> ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
>>> hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
>>> running iOS 5.1.
 Christopher Hallsworth
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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI Teresa, 

I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as I open 
a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it worse. When I do 
this every message or conversation is marked read as I vo through the list.
Maybe I was not clear in detailing my problem. I will try to explain again my 
In message column I use vo left and right to navigate the list and as I do this 
messages are marked as read, although I did not tab to the preview colin or 
open them in any way. I would like to avoid this and keep them marked as 
unread. Can this be done?
Thanks and sorry for the confusion.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Ioana,
> In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to the 
> checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." This is 
> assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I vo 
>> through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, the 
>> messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting through mail 
>> confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some show up as 
>> read although I just past them with vo
>> THanks for your help,
>> Ioana 
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
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Re: audible files

2012-03-30 Thread May McDonald
I said nothing about changing the file, just the file type. Not everyone has a 
way to play audible files.

And please lets not play the "not legally" card, lol.

But, ugh, I do hate audible at times, smiles.

On 2012-03-30, at 4:44 PM, Emrah wrote:

> Actually, to be fair, he is not changing the format of the file. The original 
> file remains just as it is. He is copying the output into a different file. 
> This could as easily be performed with a jack cable. Same happens if you burn 
> the book to a CD, and that would be allowed.
> Always great to have the police on the list. lol
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Not legally. You're not suppose to change the format of the audible files.
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Sorry; I wasn't clear. Make sure that checkbox is unchecked.

"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> HI Teresa, 
> I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as I 
> open a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it worse. 
> When I do this every message or conversation is marked read as I vo through 
> the list.
> Maybe I was not clear in detailing my problem. I will try to explain again my 
> issue:
> In message column I use vo left and right to navigate the list and as I do 
> this messages are marked as read, although I did not tab to the preview colin 
> or open them in any way. I would like to avoid this and keep them marked as 
> unread. Can this be done?
> Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Ioana,
>> In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to the 
>> checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." This is 
>> assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I 
>>> vo through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, the 
>>> messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting through 
>>> mail confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some show up 
>>> as read although I just past them with vo
>>> THanks for your help,
>>> Ioana 
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> -- 
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Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI there,

I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 

I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the trackpad, 
having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you encounter on 
equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.

I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use

I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages contain 
frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, especially when you 
do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I also find selecting 
text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from time 
to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not affect 
me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the variety in 
voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It might be that I 
am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe this side of things 
is worth putting out for discussion.
But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best of 
both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to install on 
my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have not drowned 
yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.

Hope this helps a bit.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

> Hello there,
> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
> there any program for the Mac that is similar?
> I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!
> -Marc
> On 3/29/12, Gigi  wrote:
>> Hi Mark
>> I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
>> for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
>> have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
>> an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
>> of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when I
>> absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
>> Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I haven't
>> had much trouble with that.
>> Regards Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
>>> to MacVisionaries... be gentle.
>>> In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
>>> an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn some stuff about the Mac here since I'm
>>> thinking of making the jump. Seeing as how I have the iPhone 4, plan
>>> on getting the next iPhone that's released in the fall and own an
>>> Apple TV, I figured it made sense to migrate to the Mac... or at least
>>> entertain the possibility. I live in Ontario and, thanks to the
>>> assistive devices program, 75% of a new computer is covered every five
>>> years for those with accessibility needs.
>>> They recently started covering Apple products and my five years is up
>>> this fall so I was thinking of taking full advantage of this.
>>> With that being said, I have a variety of different questions to ask
>>> on here. I just wanted to know what the best way to go about it was.
>>> They cover a wide range of topics and I don't want to spam the list.
>>> On the other side however, putting them all in one e-mail would
>>> probably deter people from viewing certain questions they could answer
>>> because of other questions.
>>> So erm... I guess I'm asking what standard practice is around here for
>>> such things. I bet you guys get the same questions from new comers all
>>> the time so I don't want to be repetitive either.
>>> Thanks for any advice you can lend and I look forward to learning
>>> about the wonderful world of Mac! :)
>>> -Marc
>>> --
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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Thanks this makes more sense, but this does not solve single messages being 
marked as read. As  workaround I turned off completely the content column and 
just open the messages I want with command o. Still should there be an other 
method to do this without turning that column off completely I would love to 
hear about it.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:27 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Sorry; I wasn't clear. Make sure that checkbox is unchecked.
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI Teresa, 
>> I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as I 
>> open a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it worse. 
>> When I do this every message or conversation is marked read as I vo through 
>> the list.
>> Maybe I was not clear in detailing my problem. I will try to explain again 
>> my issue:
>> In message column I use vo left and right to navigate the list and as I do 
>> this messages are marked as read, although I did not tab to the preview 
>> colin or open them in any way. I would like to avoid this and keep them 
>> marked as unread. Can this be done?
>> Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Ioana,
>>> In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to the 
>>> checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." This is 
>>> assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
 I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I 
 vo through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, 
 the messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting 
 through mail confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and some 
 show up as read although I just past them with vo
 THanks for your help,
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Scott Howell
THe greatest challenge in my opinion for someone who has used WIndows and a 
WIndows-based screen reader such as WIndow-EYes or JAWS is the effort in 
unlearning everything you previously learned.
Like it or not and I'm not interested in creating a flamewar here, but reality 
is how you interact with windows and using a windows screen reader is simply 
different on so many levels as compared to a Mac.
Everyone will have a learning curve that is unique to their individual level of 
experience, learning abilities, and so forth. If you truly are interested in 
making the switch you will have to dedicate yourself to the effort and 
understand that you do have to put aside the windows machine and submerse  
yourself in the Mac experience. Lots of people are sliders and I had to learn 
to be a slider since I use a Mac at work, but also have to use WIndows. So, it 
is quite possible, but you do have to make the decision and ask yourself why 
you want to switch to a Mac and accept that there will be challenges along the 
Most folks I know who have switched from windows (even sighted) do not regret 
the switch. I did not give my wife a choice, I had all I could stand trying to 
keep a windows machine up for her and my kid. I eventually forced them over to 
TIger and neither suffered as a result and actually took to the Mac OS just 
fine. :)

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> HI there,
> I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 
> I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the 
> trackpad, having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you 
> encounter on equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.
> I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
> jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use
> I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages contain 
> frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, especially when 
> you do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I also find 
> selecting text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
> I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from 
> time to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not 
> affect me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the 
> variety in voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It 
> might be that I am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe 
> this side of things is worth putting out for discussion.
> But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best of 
> both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to install 
> on my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have not 
> drowned yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
>> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
>> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
>> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
>> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
>> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
>> there any program for the Mac that is similar?
>> I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!
>> -Marc
>> On 3/29/12, Gigi  wrote:
>>> Hi Mark
>>> I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
>>> for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
>>> have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
>>> an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
>>> of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when I
>>> absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
>>> Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I haven't
>>> had much trouble with that.
>>> Regards Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>>> wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
 to MacVisionaries... be gentle.
 In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
 an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn some stuff about the Mac here since I'm
 thinking of making the jump. Seeing as how I have the iPhone 4, plan
 on getting the next iPhone that's released in the fall and own an
 Apple TV, I figured it made sense to migrate to the Mac... or at least
 entertain the possibility. I live in Ontario and, thanks to the

Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Jennifer Perdue

OK, I have tried to do this several times and still can't figure this out.  

Here's what I don't understand though.  If you use command R it should only 
reply to the person that you got the message from I thought but that's not the 

When I try to VO left arrow from the message it won't do anything unless I stop 
interacting with the message and then it will but I can't get it to say 
anything about replying to sender.  What am I missing?

Thanks for your help.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Jennifer,
> In the message area, VO-left-arrow once and you should hear "message headers 
> group". Interact with this, and it will behave as any other text area. >From 
> here, you can find the message header and then press VO-shift-m to bring up 
> the contextual menu. From it, choose "reply to sender" and a new message to 
> the original sender will open. You can tab and shift-tab to the "to" field to 
> verify this.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just got my Mac going again and am still very new to it.  I'm not sure how 
>> to get to the headers field and finding what you said to find.  
>> I don't even know how to get to the To:  field of the message.  To navigate 
>> messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.  
>> I could still use some help.
>> Thanks so much for your patience.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> HI there,
>>> I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from 
>>> the to field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left 
>>> with nothing. Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find 
>>> the from field and from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:25 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
 Hello Jenny,
 There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
 Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon how
 the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the Mailing
 List owner.
 In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both the
 Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
 Header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
 So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing 
 Address leaving only the individual poster's list.
 -Original Message-
 [mail] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
 Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
 I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to everyone
 no matter what command I use. Help.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
> Hello all.
> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
 ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
 hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
 running iOS 5.1.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Christopher Hallsworth
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionarie
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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cannot sync tones

2012-03-30 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
After restoring my phone using iTunes, I cannot sync ring tones that I've 
purchased. I have all tones set to sync, but I can no longer copy and paste my 
tones from the main part of iTunes to the iPhone 4. Help! iPhone 5.1 software, 
and iTunes 10.6.1.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: lion mail layout messages marked as read as I pas through them?

2012-03-30 Thread Jennifer Perdue

I like to use the VO J command to go from message title to message content.  It 
makes things a lot faster for me.

Oh, can someone tell me if my signature is going through?

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Thanks this makes more sense, but this does not solve single messages being 
> marked as read. As  workaround I turned off completely the content column and 
> just open the messages I want with command o. Still should there be an other 
> method to do this without turning that column off completely I would love to 
> hear about it.
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:27 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Sorry; I wasn't clear. Make sure that checkbox is unchecked.
>> Teresa
>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> HI Teresa, 
>>> I am afraid I don't get it. What you say would mark all messages read as I 
>>> open a conversation. This would not solve my problem rather make it worse. 
>>> When I do this every message or conversation is marked read as I vo through 
>>> the list.
>>> Maybe I was not clear in detailing my problem. I will try to explain again 
>>> my issue:
>>> In message column I use vo left and right to navigate the list and as I do 
>>> this messages are marked as read, although I did not tab to the preview 
>>> colin or open them in any way. I would like to avoid this and keep them 
>>> marked as unread. Can this be done?
>>> Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
>>> Best,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Hi, Ioana,
 In Mail Preferences, go to the View tab and press VO-space. Navigate to 
 the checkbox: "Mark all messages as read when opening a conversation." 
 This is assuming you have your messages grouped into conversations.
 I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
 On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Hello,
> I have turned message preview to none in view preferences. However, wen I 
> vo through the list of messages if they are not part of a conversation, 
> the messages are marked as read. Can I avoid this? It makes sifting 
> through mail confusing since often I am looking for urea messages and 
> some show up as read although I just past them with vo
> THanks for your help,
> Ioana 
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most 
> online stores.
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Jennifer Perdue
I agree with you totally.  It was a challenge when I switched too, but lists 
like Mac visionaries helped a lot.  

Thanks for letting me voice my opinion.

On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:25 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> THe greatest challenge in my opinion for someone who has used WIndows and a 
> WIndows-based screen reader such as WIndow-EYes or JAWS is the effort in 
> unlearning everything you previously learned.
> Like it or not and I'm not interested in creating a flamewar here, but 
> reality is how you interact with windows and using a windows screen reader is 
> simply different on so many levels as compared to a Mac.
> Everyone will have a learning curve that is unique to their individual level 
> of experience, learning abilities, and so forth. If you truly are interested 
> in making the switch you will have to dedicate yourself to the effort and 
> understand that you do have to put aside the windows machine and submerse  
> yourself in the Mac experience. Lots of people are sliders and I had to learn 
> to be a slider since I use a Mac at work, but also have to use WIndows. So, 
> it is quite possible, but you do have to make the decision and ask yourself 
> why you want to switch to a Mac and accept that there will be challenges 
> along the way.
> Most folks I know who have switched from windows (even sighted) do not regret 
> the switch. I did not give my wife a choice, I had all I could stand trying 
> to keep a windows machine up for her and my kid. I eventually forced them 
> over to TIger and neither suffered as a result and actually took to the Mac 
> OS just fine. :)
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI there,
>> I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 
>> I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the 
>> trackpad, having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you 
>> encounter on equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.
>> I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
>> jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use
>> I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages 
>> contain frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, 
>> especially when you do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I 
>> also find selecting text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
>> I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from 
>> time to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not 
>> affect me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the 
>> variety in voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It 
>> might be that I am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe 
>> this side of things is worth putting out for discussion.
>> But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best 
>> of both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to 
>> install on my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have 
>> not drowned yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.
>> Hope this helps a bit.
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
>>> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
>>> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
>>> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
>>> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
>>> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
>>> there any program for the Mac that is similar?
>>> I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!
>>> -Marc
>>> On 3/29/12, Gigi  wrote:
 Hi Mark
 I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
 for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
 have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
 an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
 of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when 
 absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
 Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I 
 had much trouble with that.
 Regards Gigi
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
> Hey all,
> I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
> to MacVisionaries... be gentle.
> In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
> an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread John Panarese
In addition, what I find interesting when I read Windows users write about 
their Mac experiences is they often seem to forget that learning Windows was 
not easy.  Obviously, years of experience and use does tend to make one forget 
that all of the little things that one does with Windows that is second nature 
did not happen overnight.  Thus, when I read someone say they can do this or 
that with Windows more easily than they can do it on the Mac, my question that 
immediately comes to mind is is this a factor because they simply have not used 
the Mac long enough to gain the same proficiency?  I can say the same things 
about numerous tasks I now do on the Mac as being much easier than Windows 
because I have now done them so many times on the Mac that they are second 
nature and I do have the comparison because I still use Windows to keep my 
skill sets sharp.  In other words, comparing a few month's worth of Mac 
experience to ones several years of Windows experience is not exactly a sound 
comparison, and also you have to consider the basic reality that Windows users 
still find themselves thinking and expecting the Mac to act and behave like 
Windows.  Thank God it doesn't as far as I am concerned.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Mar 30, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> THe greatest challenge in my opinion for someone who has used WIndows and a 
> WIndows-based screen reader such as WIndow-EYes or JAWS is the effort in 
> unlearning everything you previously learned.
> Like it or not and I'm not interested in creating a flamewar here, but 
> reality is how you interact with windows and using a windows screen reader is 
> simply different on so many levels as compared to a Mac.
> Everyone will have a learning curve that is unique to their individual level 
> of experience, learning abilities, and so forth. If you truly are interested 
> in making the switch you will have to dedicate yourself to the effort and 
> understand that you do have to put aside the windows machine and submerse  
> yourself in the Mac experience. Lots of people are sliders and I had to learn 
> to be a slider since I use a Mac at work, but also have to use WIndows. So, 
> it is quite possible, but you do have to make the decision and ask yourself 
> why you want to switch to a Mac and accept that there will be challenges 
> along the way.
> Most folks I know who have switched from windows (even sighted) do not regret 
> the switch. I did not give my wife a choice, I had all I could stand trying 
> to keep a windows machine up for her and my kid. I eventually forced them 
> over to TIger and neither suffered as a result and actually took to the Mac 
> OS just fine. :)
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> HI there,
>> I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 
>> I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the 
>> trackpad, having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you 
>> encounter on equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.
>> I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
>> jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use
>> I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages 
>> contain frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, 
>> especially when you do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I 
>> also find selecting text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
>> I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from 
>> time to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not 
>> affect me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the 
>> variety in voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It 
>> might be that I am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe 
>> this side of things is worth putting out for discussion.
>> But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best 
>> of both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to 
>> install on my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have 
>> not drowned yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.
>> Hope this helps a bit.
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
>>> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
>>> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
>>> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
>>> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
>>> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
>>> there any program for the Mac that is 

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
I really can't argue with that.  selecting text on the web is quite a chore on 
the Mac.  I think Safari, and lack of accessibility or efficiency of a office 
suite for power users of such applications is the Macs greatest weakness at 
this point in comparison to jaws with windows.  But progress is being made.  If 
anyone has used safari with tiger or leopard, and compared that to snow leopard 
or Lion, they would see what I mean. lol.  Or, even iWorks 2008 which was 
completely inaccessible, to iWorks 2009 which has some accessibility.  That's 
why I urge everyone to write Apple sharing some of your thoughts in regards to 
topics like this.  How else can we honestly expect Voiceover to improve without 
feedback.  It doesn't matter how small, or insignificant the idea or complaint 
might be.  Its been my experience that its the little things like adding a 
keystroke to check the time that really can enhance the user experience of a 

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> HI there,
> I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 
> I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the 
> trackpad, having easy access to many different languages, using any mac you 
> encounter on equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.
> I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case with 
> jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use
> I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages contain 
> frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, especially when 
> you do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. I also find 
> selecting text on webpages much more intricate and less reliable
> I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from 
> time to time creating some more official letters so these differences do not 
> affect me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the 
> variety in voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It 
> might be that I am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe 
> this side of things is worth putting out for discussion.
> But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best of 
> both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to install 
> on my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I have not 
> drowned yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
>> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
>> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
>> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
>> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
>> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
>> there any program for the Mac that is similar?
>> I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!
>> -Marc
>> On 3/29/12, Gigi  wrote:
>>> Hi Mark
>>> I would like to say that the two biggest problems, and it's not a problem
>>> for everybody, our tables and PDF files if you need to fill out forms. I
>>> have gotten around this by telling one of my customers that tables were not
>>> an option right now. That is a choice I had. Not everybody has that choice
>>> of course. Ask for PDF files, I'll just have to use my vista computer when I
>>> absolutely have to. Actually, I gave it to my husband.
>>> Some people have said that there is a problem with flash also, but I haven't
>>> had much trouble with that.
>>> Regards Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>>> wrote:
 Hey all,
 I'm a transplant from the viphone list here and this is my first post
 to MacVisionaries... be gentle.
 In the same way I used that list to educate myself before purchasing
 an iPhone, I'm hoping to learn some stuff about the Mac here since I'm
 thinking of making the jump. Seeing as how I have the iPhone 4, plan
 on getting the next iPhone that's released in the fall and own an
 Apple TV, I figured it made sense to migrate to the Mac... or at least
 entertain the possibility. I live in Ontario and, thanks to the
 assistive devices program, 75% of a new computer is covered every five
 years for those with accessibility needs.
 They recently started covering Apple products and my five years is up
 this fall so I was thinking of taking full advantage of this.
 With that being said, I have a variety o

Re: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Can't verify this cause am on the iphone now but here are the steps:
1. Interact with message content, not with texxt of message.
2. vo to find headers.
3. interact with headers.
4. in this texxt find the from address and place vo on it.
5. Here you can invoke vo shift m. If you are not on the from address the reply 
to sender will not work I think.



Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
Sent from my phone

On Mar 30, 2012, at 9:38 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:

> Hi,
> OK, I have tried to do this several times and still can't figure this out.  
> Here's what I don't understand though.  If you use command R it should only 
> reply to the person that you got the message from I thought but that's not 
> the case.  
> When I try to VO left arrow from the message it won't do anything unless I 
> stop interacting with the message and then it will but I can't get it to say 
> anything about replying to sender.  What am I missing?
> Thanks for your help.
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Jennifer,
>> In the message area, VO-left-arrow once and you should hear "message headers 
>> group". Interact with this, and it will behave as any other text area. From 
>> here, you can find the message header and then press VO-shift-m to bring up 
>> the contextual menu. From it, choose "reply to sender" and a new message to 
>> the original sender will open. You can tab and shift-tab to the "to" field 
>> to verify this.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just got my Mac going again and am still very new to it.  I'm not sure how 
>>> to get to the headers field and finding what you said to find.  
>>> I don't even know how to get to the To:  field of the message.  To navigate 
>>> messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.  
>>> I could still use some help.
>>> Thanks so much for your patience.
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
 HI there,
 I tried to follow your instructions about deleting the list address from 
 the to field but I only have that one appearing so if deleted I am left 
 with nothing. Still the best way for me is to go to headers field and find 
 the from field and from the shortcut menu select reply to sender.
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 On Mar 30, 2012, at 6:25 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Jenny,
> There is no special trick to replying to only one person on a list.
> Please keep in mind that how this will be done will depend greatly upon 
> how
> the Mailing List is configured said configuration being done by the 
> Mailing
> List owner.
> In the case of the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries list, for example, both 
> the
> Mailing List and the individual poster's email addresses are shown in the
> Header.  This is a very good thing, in my opinion.
> So, when replying, simply jump to the "To" field and delete the Mailing 
> List
> Address leaving only the individual poster's list.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mail] On Behalf Of Jenny Perdue Keller
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Replying to only one person on list with a Mac
> I have tried to reply to only 1 person in a list but it replies to 
> everyone
> no matter what command I use. Help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 3:06 PM, chris hallsworth 
> wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I have heard of apps that can amplify the sound around you. Please can I
> ask, what do you all use? Asking as I may need this as a backup due to
> hearing aid problems. Yes, I am hearing impaired. This is on an iPhone 4
> running iOS 5.1.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> -- 
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LastPass on the Mac

2012-03-30 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
I asked some time a go if Carbonite was accessible on the Mac with no 
luck, so thought would try another.

Does anybody use LastPass premium on the Mac?
It works well on my iPhone.
Thanks for any help.

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