Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Garth,

When you're used to Windows, everything on the Mac seems awkward. I've never 
used Windows, so everything on the Mac seems normal to me.

I use iWork all the time in my job as a translator. In general, it's simple 
enough to use once you understand it. There are some problems, however. The 
main one is tables in Pages. You have to create tables in Numbers then paste 
them into Pages. There's a command to make them visible in Pages, but editing 
them destroys their formatting, so all editing of tables has to be done in 

As for headings, styles, changing fonts, etc., all that's perfectly 

The other major problem with iWork, which I hope will be fixed in the next 
release, is that VoiceOver does not have access to important formatting 
information such as the colour of highlighting on specific pieces of text. I 
have to use TextEdit to detect these passages when I'm told only to translate 
the parts highlighted in yellow, for example.

So, if you're creating your own documents, Pages works fine, but if you're 
working with other people on a document, things aren't quite so simple, but 
they are doable.



On 31 Aug 2011, at 05:22, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi All
> I have been looking at getting one of the new MBA for a couple of weeks now 
> and a thanks to those who have chimed in with my previous questions.  Mostly 
> I will not be using the Air for much word processing and the simple text 
> editor will suit most of my needs.  Having said this when I have been playing 
> with Pages and Numbers on the Airs in my local Apple store I am finding it 
> not very intuitive and it seems like you need to do a lot of complicated key 
> strokes to achieve anything more than simple editing.I know this is 
> probably mostly due to the fact that I am not by any stretch of the 
> imagination an expert on the Mac or Voice Over.
> But I also wonder if it is at least partly because iWork with VO is not 
> really up to scratch. from a productivity perspective.If I am just writing a 
> simple document it seems fine but once I try creating a document with some 
> Headings at different levels and headers and footers etc, it starts to seem 
> really complicated and just a lot of work arounds.
> As I said I haven't even bought my MBA yet and it is just lucky that my 
> workplace is right near an Apple store so I have had a fair bit of time to go 
> and play around.
> When I have  seen other people on the list ask about doing complex document 
> editing the main response seems to be that you can run Windows in boot camp 
> or fusion. 
> I guess I  want to know whether iWork is not up to scratch or is it just that 
> I don't know how to use it? 
> Are there any people on the list who do use the Mac for complex document 
> creation, and I use the word complex loosely?   
> As I said at the beginning of this, I won't be using my Mac for much more 
> than simple document creation, I will still be using Windows for real work, 
> however I find the lack of VO support for the  productivity applications a 
> bit disturbing.   
> Garth
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Geoff Shang

On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Simon Cavendish wrote:

Under Snow Leopard, we had Braille tables provided by Archie Robertson 
from Cecimac - free gift from this generous person. It had a unicode 
Braille table as well as many other language tables, and this problem 
did not arise there. The unicode Braille table was able to handle many 
languages at the same time. So I could comfortably read an Anglo-Greek 
text in Braille.

Sadly, under Lion, Archie's tables cannot be added nor can the existing 
tables be modified.

My wife is in a similar position and we managed to install these tables 
under Lion with no particular problems.


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Re: mail question

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Colin,
I'm having the same problem, that all choices are dimmed, so I can't turn on 
message numbers. Hope someone who knows this will add to the thread.
On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:06 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Johnny!
> OK you've got me!
> On mine I can check or uncheck all bar one which is Author!
> And I do not know why yours is not!
> Colin
> On 30 Aug 2011, at 22:26, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Hi Colin,
>> I'm not Paul but I too would like to hear what number of post in the list I 
>> am currently on.  When I went into the View menu, and opened the column 
>> option, all of the options including numbers are dimmed out.  How do get 
>> these options activated?
>> Thanks,
>> Johnny
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Paul!
>>> You might have to check the checkbox in the collums sub menu in the view 
>>> menu! in vo+m or control+f2 there are options for you to add or remove and 
>>> one of them is number!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 30 Aug 2011, at 20:56, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Hi Teresa,
 Are you using classic view in lion mail or not? I'm also curious how to 
 find the message numbers, but I'm in the message column and interacting 
 with the message table, and in conversation view on the view menu. When 
 find a conversation and I press tab, I just land on a list of messages 
 that together make up that conversation. No message numbers. Am I missing 
 On Jul 23, 2011, at 9:13 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Chad,
> If you're using Lion, just arrow to the conversation in the list that you 
> want to read, then press tab. VO and arrow up and down, and you'll hear 
> numbers followed by the messages in the conversation.
> Teresa
> On Jul 22, 2011, at 11:52 PM, chad baker wrote:
>> hi guys in mail how do i get it to read the number of the message your on
>> for example like your on message 1 out of 10
>> thanks
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>> Johnny Angel!
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I am using danish and english, I have the same problem. Why do apple not 
include a function so you can choose to add a braille table to a specific 
voice, when my braille table would change when I change voice/language. In a 
way that works better on the IPhone.

I wonder where apple has got there braille tables. Do you know that. They have 
not done much research, but the braille is great, but now we will have to get 
all the bugs fixed, and in danish we have a great deal.

Best regards Annie.
Den Aug 30, 2011 kl. 1:07 PM skrev Simon Cavendish:

> Dear Listers,
> This message is primarily for those who use Braille with a Braille display 
> under Lion and who need to use Braille in foreign languages, especially those 
> languages that use non-Latin characters. In my case, it is Greek and Russian. 
> I am not sure whether anyone has noticed but under lion, although Apple 
> accessibility has provided lots of Braille tables for foreign languages - as 
> Anne Robertson has already mentioned - some of them are outdated. 
> Additionally, the current Braille tables, do not include a unicode Braille 
> table. The result is that if one is working in a document that contains two 
> different languages, say English and Greek, or if one is working on two 
> documents at the same time as you would in translation, you have to keep on 
> switching Braille tables in Voiceover utility which as you can imagine is 
> bothersome and makes translation work impossible. Similarly, if you are 
> reading the bilingual text, and you have your Braille table set to English, 
> all the Greek text will be invisible to the Braille display and you want be 
> able to read it. 
> Under Snow Leopard, we had Braille tables provided by Archie Robertson from 
> Cecimac - free gift from this generous person. It had a unicode Braille table 
> as well as many other language tables, and this problem did not arise there. 
> The unicode Braille table was able to handle many languages at the same time. 
> So I could comfortably read an Anglo-Greek text in Braille.
> Sadly, under Lion, Archie's tables cannot be added nor can the existing 
> tables be modified. I've written to Accessibility team to ask them to make a 
> modification and addition of tables possible, or else include a unicode 8 dot 
> table in further developments. I was wondering whether others on the list 
> have a similar concern, and if yes, would they also write to accessibility. 
> The job that the Accessibility Team have done so far is absolutely great  - 
> and I have made it profusely clear when writing to them. But this little step 
> is missing, and this step is also crucial for those who need to engage in the 
> study of some foreign languages, and/or translation work.
> Thank you all for reading this
> Simon
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Annie,

The Braille tables in Lion are from Duxbury and are out of date.



On 31 Aug 2011, at 12:06, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi.
> I am using danish and english, I have the same problem. Why do apple not 
> include a function so you can choose to add a braille table to a specific 
> voice, when my braille table would change when I change voice/language. In a 
> way that works better on the IPhone.
> I wonder where apple has got there braille tables. Do you know that. They 
> have not done much research, but the braille is great, but now we will have 
> to get all the bugs fixed, and in danish we have a great deal.
> Best regards Annie.

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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Anne,
How are these Apple braille tables out of date? Where does their out of 
dateness show?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Annie,
> The Braille tables in Lion are from Duxbury and are out of date.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 12:06, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am using danish and english, I have the same problem. Why do apple not 
>> include a function so you can choose to add a braille table to a specific 
>> voice, when my braille table would change when I change voice/language. In a 
>> way that works better on the IPhone.
>> I wonder where apple has got there braille tables. Do you know that. They 
>> have not done much research, but the braille is great, but now we will have 
>> to get all the bugs fixed, and in danish we have a great deal.
>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Searching Lion mail with VoiceOver

2011-08-31 Thread John André Netland

You have to first focus on the mailbox you want to search, either a main folder 
or a sub folder. Then press command-option-F to enter the search box in the 
toolbar, enter your search, and use the up/down arrow keys to choose a result. 
Press enter on the result you would like to inspect, and go to the messages 
list. Here you will find all matching results. You can also use the Favorite 
Bar to choose a folder, or select the "All" checkbox to see results from all of 
your folders.

Hope this helps! :)

John André

John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
Visit online at

On 30. aug. 2011, at 23:29, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was just listening to the latest Mac Power Users podcast and they were 
> talking about how great searching is now in Lion mail. I discovered that 
> command+option+f will allow one to initiate a search from the keyboard. I 
> could not, however, figure out how to use VoiceOver to review the search 
> results. Do you all know how to use this search feature with VoiceOver?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
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Re: Searching Lion mail with VoiceOver

2011-08-31 Thread Robert Carter
Hi John,

This was very helpful. I see how to search in an individual mailbox but am not 
finding a checkbox to search all. Can you say a bit more about where to find 
the search all checkbox?


Robert Carter

On Aug 31, 2011, at 7:00 AM, John André Netland wrote:

> Robert,
> You have to first focus on the mailbox you want to search, either a main 
> folder or a sub folder. Then press command-option-F to enter the search box 
> in the toolbar, enter your search, and use the up/down arrow keys to choose a 
> result. Press enter on the result you would like to inspect, and go to the 
> messages list. Here you will find all matching results. You can also use the 
> Favorite Bar to choose a folder, or select the "All" checkbox to see results 
> from all of your folders.
> Hope this helps! :)
> John André
> ***
> John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
> Visit online at
> ***
> On 30. aug. 2011, at 23:29, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was just listening to the latest Mac Power Users podcast and they were 
>> talking about how great searching is now in Lion mail. I discovered that 
>> command+option+f will allow one to initiate a search from the keyboard. I 
>> could not, however, figure out how to use VoiceOver to review the search 
>> results. Do you all know how to use this search feature with VoiceOver?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> -- 
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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-08-31 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Anne

Thanks for your response. I knew a lot of my concerns were based on my initial 
impressions which were likely to be incomplete.

  I have heard a lot of people on this list say that it is not fair to 
compareVO on the Mac with Windows and one of its screen readers as they are so 
different and it is just what you get use to. I can agree with this to a point. 
 I do though think it is fair to be able to compare the workflows involved in 
achieving a given outcome. I mean how many and how complex a set of steps are 
required to get the result you want. This sort of comparison is obviously going 
to show one option to be better with one task in mind and the other to be 
better with another task. The issues you pointed out with tables in Pages might 
be show stoppers for some but would rarely be an issue for me.

A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a number 
of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain text in 

Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document, put in a heading at level 
one, another at level two, then another at level three. There would then be 
some body text and I would be putting in further headings at levels two and 
three with passages of text. 

I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were no 
spelling errors.. 

To make it quicker to describe, what keystrokes are involved in going into a 
blank document and then putting in a heading and then some normal text? 

I am sorry if I seem a bit pushy or annoyed about this topic. I don't mean to, 
it is not always easy to capture feelings in written text, at least not for me. 

I really do value the input.

On a more positive note, I simply love using the track pad commander. There are 
obviously lots of things to enjoy about using the Mac but my questions are 
clearly going to be about the things that are a problem for me. 


On 31/08/2011, at 5:28 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Garth,
> When you're used to Windows, everything on the Mac seems awkward. I've never 
> used Windows, so everything on the Mac seems normal to me.
> I use iWork all the time in my job as a translator. In general, it's simple 
> enough to use once you understand it. There are some problems, however. The 
> main one is tables in Pages. You have to create tables in Numbers then paste 
> them into Pages. There's a command to make them visible in Pages, but editing 
> them destroys their formatting, so all editing of tables has to be done in 
> Numbers.
> As for headings, styles, changing fonts, etc., all that's perfectly 
> straightforward.
> The other major problem with iWork, which I hope will be fixed in the next 
> release, is that VoiceOver does not have access to important formatting 
> information such as the colour of highlighting on specific pieces of text. I 
> have to use TextEdit to detect these passages when I'm told only to translate 
> the parts highlighted in yellow, for example.
> So, if you're creating your own documents, Pages works fine, but if you're 
> working with other people on a document, things aren't quite so simple, but 
> they are doable.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 05:22, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have been looking at getting one of the new MBA for a couple of weeks now 
>> and a thanks to those who have chimed in with my previous questions.  Mostly 
>> I will not be using the Air for much word processing and the simple text 
>> editor will suit most of my needs.  Having said this when I have been 
>> playing with Pages and Numbers on the Airs in my local Apple store I am 
>> finding it not very intuitive and it seems like you need to do a lot of 
>> complicated key strokes to achieve anything more than simple editing.I 
>> know this is probably mostly due to the fact that I am not by any stretch of 
>> the imagination an expert on the Mac or Voice Over.
>> But I also wonder if it is at least partly because iWork with VO is not 
>> really up to scratch. from a productivity perspective.If I am just writing a 
>> simple document it seems fine but once I try creating a document with some 
>> Headings at different levels and headers and footers etc, it starts to seem 
>> really complicated and just a lot of work arounds.
>> As I said I haven't even bought my MBA yet and it is just lucky that my 
>> workplace is right near an Apple store so I have had a fair bit of time to 
>> go and play around.
>> When I have  seen other people on the list ask about doing complex document 
>> editing the main response seems to be that you can run Windows in boot camp 
>> or fusion. 
>> I guess I  want to know whether iWork is not up to scratch or is it just 
>> that I don't know how to use it? 
>> Are there any people on the list who do use the Mac for complex document 
>> creation, and I use

Re: Searching Lion mail with VoiceOver

2011-08-31 Thread John André Netland
Hi Robert,

You'll find it in the Favorites Bar, right after the Show/hide mailbox table 

John André

John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
Visit online at

On 31. aug. 2011, at 14:49, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi John,
> This was very helpful. I see how to search in an individual mailbox but am 
> not finding a checkbox to search all. Can you say a bit more about where to 
> find the search all checkbox?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 7:00 AM, John André Netland wrote:
>> Robert,
>> You have to first focus on the mailbox you want to search, either a main 
>> folder or a sub folder. Then press command-option-F to enter the search box 
>> in the toolbar, enter your search, and use the up/down arrow keys to choose 
>> a result. Press enter on the result you would like to inspect, and go to the 
>> messages list. Here you will find all matching results. You can also use the 
>> Favorite Bar to choose a folder, or select the "All" checkbox to see results 
>> from all of your folders.
>> Hope this helps! :)
>> John André
>> ***
>> John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
>> Visit online at
>> ***
>> On 30. aug. 2011, at 23:29, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I was just listening to the latest Mac Power Users podcast and they were 
>>> talking about how great searching is now in Lion mail. I discovered that 
>>> command+option+f will allow one to initiate a search from the keyboard. I 
>>> could not, however, figure out how to use VoiceOver to review the search 
>>> results. Do you all know how to use this search feature with VoiceOver?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> -- 
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

The information about the Braille tables is in the System Library. The tables 
used are Duxbury from 2007 and do not comply with the French worldwide 
standard, which is what I'm most familiar with.



On 31 Aug 2011, at 13:50, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> How are these Apple braille tables out of date? Where does their out of 
> dateness show?
> Paul.
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Annie,
>> The Braille tables in Lion are from Duxbury and are out of date.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 12:06, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I am using danish and english, I have the same problem. Why do apple not 
>>> include a function so you can choose to add a braille table to a specific 
>>> voice, when my braille table would change when I change voice/language. In 
>>> a way that works better on the IPhone.
>>> I wonder where apple has got there braille tables. Do you know that. They 
>>> have not done much research, but the braille is great, but now we will have 
>>> to get all the bugs fixed, and in danish we have a great deal.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Garth,

On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a number 
> of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain text in 
> between. 
> Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
> achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use a 
blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open Pages, 
then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.

> put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
> three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in further 
> headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
(Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These hot 
keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles table. 
Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with the scroll 
area and the layout area.

In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style by 
pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number where 
number is the hotspot number.

> I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were 
> no spelling errors.
To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be highlighted 
in turn.

I hope this makes things a bit clearer.



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Translating & VO

2011-08-31 Thread Traci
Hi all,

I was playing around in dashboard, I think it is called.  Inside the 
translation widget.  Is there a way for VO to switch to the translated language 
automatically?  If I'm translating something from English to Italian, then vo 
could switch to the italian voice.


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Re: Convert video formats

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch
Well, this is what iMovie and iDVD are supposed to do but accessibility 
is unknown. The iMovie VPAT shows some accessibility but not complete:

and the iDVD vpat seems to be about the same:

So you might as well give it a try.


On 8/30/11 6:43 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:


I need convert a movie to dvd. what app can i use?



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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm curious. Why not use iTunes to do the conversion. Did the Ogg import 
plugins previously mentioned on this list stop working? I haven't tried 
this for a long time.


On 8/30/11 11:52 AM, Esther wrote:

Hi Paul,

If you're looking for simple conversion of ogg to mp3 on the Mac, Erik's 
suggestion of Max will probably work for you:
Max is donationware.  But Eric Caron is correct that Amadeus Pro or its Lite 
version has a powerful batch processor that will also handle many functions 
besides simple conversions (e.g., fades, adding/trimming silence, conversion of 
sound quality, normalization, and lots more). This shareware audio editing 
program had a recent major upgrade, so the price is now $60.  If you want to 
try the trial version, just Google the name together with macupdate, which will 
give you the link to the program and the web site.  (It's also sold on the Mac 
App Store, but trial downloads are not supported in the App Store).  The Blind 
Cool Tech podcast on batch processing with Amadeus Pro is Dane's podcast from 
two years earlier.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2011, at 03:51, Eric Caron wrote:

Hi Paul,

It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.

You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro.

eRic Caron
On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg files 
into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to use.
For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its subfolders, it 
doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't tell whether it 
will convert the contents of subfolders in the original folder.
Anything better out there?
I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to reinstalling 
their software or putting it on more than one machine.

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Re: Help: GarageBand constantly "busy", almost unusable!

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch
Assuming things haven't changed much, the problem in the past was that 
the mini attempts to detect the monitor relentlessly when not present 
causing general system slowdowns, stalls and VO busy messages. So for a 
real-time recording and effects app like Garage Band I suspect you'll 
always have problems until you have a monitor or do the VGA to NTSC 
adapter trickery.


On 8/30/11 8:54 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

I'll try that. I can't afford a monitor right now (re Ricardo's
suggestion) so I hope toggling vo will fix things.

On 8/30/11, Bill Holton  wrote:

I have had trouble with apps reporting busy, but if I turn VO off and back
and on again everything is fine.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: Help: GarageBand constantly "busy", almost unusable!


do you have a monitor hooked up?  If not, you should do so for the best

Ricardo Walker
Twitter&  Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

It is the latest desktop version of the Mini (as opposed to the server
version), running 10.7.1. It has the I5 at 2.3ghz with 2gb ram.
Basically, it is the low end of the Mini line.

On 8/30/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


What Mac are you using?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter&  Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 29, 2011, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all
After setting up a new project, selecting electric guitar from the
templates, and then adding a new electric guitar track, I find that,


often, GarageBand says "busy" when I try to navigate with either the
arrows or tab.  This even happens in the confirmation dialog that


when I (finally) quit the program.  I am quite disappointed since this
seems like such a great program, but I can't use something that makes me
wait thirty seconds or more between keypresses (that is thirty seconds


vo repeating "busy" to me).  This suddenly started happening tonight,
though it had been happening some earlier when I wrote my original


impressions) email today.  Is this some kind of bug, is there a fix, or


I just lucky? Thanks, and I really hope this is something I can solve so


can keep using GarageBand.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: nice desktop youtube viewer?

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch

Just go to

and find the Join the HTML5 Trial link.


On 8/30/11 5:46 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

Hi. How do you enable the HTML5 support on youtube?
Is this available on the main site?

On Aug 30, 2011, at 9:26 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

Hi list,

After youtube html 5 has been updated for lion, youtube viewing has become a 

However, since i do a lot of playlists and favorites in categories, i wondered 
if anyone came across a cool desktop youtube viewer/organizer etc on the mac 

Surely there's got to be something out there but i'd rather ask you 
knowledgeable folks :)



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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch
Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files 
should be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a 
number of ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do 
a VO-Shift-M for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by 
hitting the up arrow once. Once in there the actual installation process 
depends on what you downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage 
files which when opened appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually 
within there is some kind of installer package, setup program or just 
the app itself. In the last case you can just copy the app, go to your 
applications folder and paste it there.


On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

Hi all,

I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got 
through to the list.  At any rate, here goes:

I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in 

Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on 
how to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing 
is happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at 
least one of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know 
what I am to do to get the program onto my mbp from there.

Thanks a lot everyone,

Johnny Angel! 

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twitter on the mac?

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi all,
I just downloaded twitter from the mac app store, but the main window seems to 
be invisible to voiceover. Can any of you confirm this or is there a way to get 
it working? I'd be interested to use twitter on the mac beside using tweetlist 
on my iPhone. Anyone experience with the twitter client on the mac? It's the 
first result that comes up if you type twitter in the mac app store toolbar 
search field.


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Re: Convert video formats

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens
Someone called Gwenna, or Allison I don't remember well, once pointed us to a 
program called prism. I used it on windows and it was an accessible video file 
converter, but I don't know if it does what you want in particular: having a 
movie file, burn it to dvd, or maybe just convert it to a burnable folder. But 
it's worth taking a look at, because Gwenna did a podcast about it on her mac, 
and I remember no accessibility issues.
On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Well, this is what iMovie and iDVD are supposed to do but accessibility is 
> unknown. The iMovie VPAT shows some accessibility but not complete:
> and the iDVD vpat seems to be about the same:
> So you might as well give it a try.
> CB
> On 8/30/11 6:43 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need convert a movie to dvd. what app can i use?
>> Thanks,
>> Francisco
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Anne.

Why has apple not asked some of us braille users for help in the process of 
creating the braille. It is annoying now, and a heavy work for us and for apple 
with all the corrections.

I have really many in danish braille. I would have loved to helped apple to 
avoid all these bugs. Apple has really done something great for braille users, 
especially danish, which is my main language, nobody has done that before. 
Braille on the fly - great..

Are you in contact with apple, so they can correct the tables. There are also a 
few thing that I think is wrong in the english tables.

You can write me off list, if you wish to.

Best regards Annie.
Den Aug 31, 2011 kl. 4:48 PM skrev Anne Robertson:

> Hello Paul,
> The information about the Braille tables is in the System Library. The tables 
> used are Duxbury from 2007 and do not comply with the French worldwide 
> standard, which is what I'm most familiar with.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 13:50, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> How are these Apple braille tables out of date? Where does their out of 
>> dateness show?
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Annie,
>>> The Braille tables in Lion are from Duxbury and are out of date.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 12:06, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 I am using danish and english, I have the same problem. Why do apple not 
 include a function so you can choose to add a braille table to a specific 
 voice, when my braille table would change when I change voice/language. In 
 a way that works better on the IPhone.
 I wonder where apple has got there braille tables. Do you know that. They 
 have not done much research, but the braille is great, but now we will 
 have to get all the bugs fixed, and in danish we have a great deal.
 Best regards Annie.
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Manage the topsides list in safari

2011-08-31 Thread Daniel
Hello everyone:

My question is how to manage the 
topsites list in safari for OSX Lion. When I press the "Edit" button I see no 
erase, delete or anything. Have you tried that? Is there anything I can read to 
obtain information? Thanks a lot!

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listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and 
loops and all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was 
looking at the table of drum loops (in column view).  The help 
tag says to click a loop to hear it, or drag it to use it in the 
project.  However, selecting a table row (vo-space, up-down, 
mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a loop to 
play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song 
in order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all 
your help!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]

2011-08-31 Thread Esther
Hello Alfredo,

Vision Australia has also been releasing their podcasts through iTunes, and you 
can subscribe to:
• Apple and Other Accessible technology By David Woodbridge

The two podcast episodes describing "Using Auto Spelling Suggestions in Lion" 
and "Using Word Completion Suggestions" were released two days ago.  These 
podcasts periodically get updated on the Vision Australia web site to provide 
"permanent" links since only the last several episodes are available on the 
feed.  I posted the link and the information a little over a month ago when 
they started coming out with podcasts about Lion.  John Panarese has also put 
links for this up at his macfortheblind web site of VoiceOver resources.

If you don't want to subscribe via iTunes, you can go to the PodBean web site 
that David Woodbridge maintains:
or check out the RSS feed and download the individual episodes:

I subscribed to the podcasts in Podcaster by putting that last feed address 
into the field for importing new podcasts (double tap "Directory" which is 
fourth of 5 buttons on main screen, navigate to "import" on the "Podcast 
Directory" screen and double tap, then type or paste in the feed address.)

If you forget this information, just Google "Vision Australia podcasts 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2011, at 13:50, Alfredo wrote:

> hey i went to the vision australia website and to the lion section of
> podcast but nowhere do they state anything on autocorrect or
> mispelling tutorial podcast.  can you give me the direct link.  I am
> sorry for the inconvinience this might cause.
> thanks, alfredo

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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread chad baker
hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and all 
> that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of drum 
> loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear it, or 
> drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row (vo-space, 
> up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a loop to play? 
> How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in order to use it, 
> as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Re: Manage the topsides list in safari

2011-08-31 Thread Esther
Hi Daniel,

I personally never use  the top sites list in my Safari Bookmarks, and went to 
pains to also disable its ability to store images (wasting memory resources, 
since I don't need images of the sites) in earlier versions of Safari.  If you 
want to get rid of these, bring up your Safari preferences menu with 
Command+comma, then navigate to the "Bookmarks" pane and uncheck the box for 
"Include Top Sites" with VO-Space.  

Top sites is meant to keep a list of the web sites you most frequently visit, 
and also display them with graphical images of the web pages (which are stored 
in memory).  I prefer to bookmark any web site I want to visit instead of 
relying on top sites to give me this information.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 31, 2011, at 08:16, Daniel wrote:

> Hello everyone:
> My question is how to manage the 
> topsites list in safari for OSX Lion. When I press the "Edit" button I see no 
> erase, delete or anything. Have you tried that? Is there anything I can read 
> to obtain information? Thanks a lot!

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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.

On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
>> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of
>> drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
>> it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
>> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
>> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in
>> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: twitter on the mac?

2011-08-31 Thread Jessica and Goldina
hey Paul

try using yorufukurou. it's the twitter client of choice for most of us using 
VO. you can get it from the mac app store as well. it works very well and it 
has lots of great features. you can sign into multiple accounts, manage lists, 
follow hashtags etc. it's very powerful and great and it's free!
peace and positivity
Jessica and Goldina
follow me on Twitter:

On 2011-08-31, at 10:20 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just downloaded twitter from the mac app store, but the main window seems 
> to be invisible to voiceover. Can any of you confirm this or is there a way 
> to get it working? I'd be interested to use twitter on the mac beside using 
> tweetlist on my iPhone. Anyone experience with the twitter client on the mac? 
> It's the first result that comes up if you type twitter in the mac app store 
> toolbar search field.
> Paul.
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printing PPT files in Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Dan
Hello List,
I have some Powerpoint handouts and I cannot get them to open under Lion.
We do not have any MS office stuff on this machine. Furthermore the PPT files 
will not open with Keynote.
We are using VoiceOver, so if anyone has any applications to suggest, I'd hope 
they will be accessible by VO users.
Any suggestions?


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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread chad baker
hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma 
then stop interacting with the loop browser
then go to the instrument scroll area
press return to go to the beginning
then do cmd option period to drop it
On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
> actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
> On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
>> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
>> hth
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
>>> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of
>>> drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
>>> it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
>>> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
>>> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in
>>> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread Alex Hall
Oddly, I can't find the tracks scroll area. I selected "song writer"
from the templates for this project, so I have a bunch of tracks. I
want to assign this loop to the drum track, then, eventually, record
acoustic, electric, and bass tracks through the line in and put the
whole thing together. Sorry I didn't mention the setup earlier; I need
this loop as my drum track and I'm not sure how to do it.

On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
> hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma
> then stop interacting with the loop browser
> then go to the instrument scroll area
> press return to go to the beginning
> then do cmd option period to drop it
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
>> actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
>> On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
>>> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
>>> hth
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
 all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table
 drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
 it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
 (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
 loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song
 order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!

 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Fwd: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat

2011-08-31 Thread Dan Roy
I don't need to explain to anyone what this could mean for those of us who are 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "andy" 
> Subject: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat
> Date: August 31, 2011 3:28:09 AM CDT
> To: "Dan roy" 
> Okay heare comes the next big product fromapple.

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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-08-31 Thread Johnny Angel!

Thanks so much for this!

Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my applications 
folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but after then going to 
the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is silent, and nothing is 
copied.  Any ideas on this last step?


On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should be 
> in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of ways but 
> one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a VO-Shift-M for the 
> contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting the up arrow once. Once 
> in there the actual installation process depends on what you downloaded. Most 
> Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files which when opened appear as another 
> drive on your desktop. Usually within there is some kind of installer 
> package, setup program or just the app itself. In the last case you can just 
> copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste it there.
> CB
> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got through 
>> to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
>> I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in Safari.
>> Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on how to 
>> do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is happening.  
>> When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least one of the 
>> programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am to do to get 
>> the program onto my mbp from there.
>> Thanks a lot everyone,
>> Johnny
>> Johnny Angel!
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Johnny Angel!

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Page Up/Down

2011-08-31 Thread Mark Colman
Hi all,

Is there a keyboard shortcut to "page up" and "page down" through the contents 
of a mailbox in Apple Mail? On a full-sized keyboard I know there'd be Page 
Up/Down keys but I'm using an MBP that doesn't seem to have the equivalent.

Sure this is a really simple question but I've been using a Mac for 2 years now 
and still haven't found the solution, and navigating backwards and forwards 
through a folder with nearly 4,000 messages in it is an absolute pain at the 



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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish

Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension .app 
after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application be pasted 
into your application folder. If - once you have located your application in 
the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you need to open it first 
with command+down arrow. This will probably result in the following: go to your 
desktop where you will find a folder (usually having the word image in it) 
which has the name of your application. Interact with it, and you should find 
there the name of your application with the .app extension. Copy it with 
command+c and then paste into application folder. Be aware that some .dmg 
packets when they appear as image browser on your desktop may have application 
alias already included in them. This is just a shortcut to your application 
folder which, when you press command+downarrow, will open your application 
folder straight away. Som programmes when downloaded have extension .pkg. They 
also will be placed as image browser on your desktop when you open them with 
command+down arrow. These ,pkg things usually include an installer application 
which you have to run by pressing command+downarrow to open them, and follow 
onscreen instructions. 

Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.

With best wishes

On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:

> Chris,
> Thanks so much for this!
> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my applications 
> folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but after then going 
> to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is silent, and nothing 
> is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
> Thanks,
> Johnny
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should be 
>> in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of ways but 
>> one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a VO-Shift-M for the 
>> contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting the up arrow once. Once 
>> in there the actual installation process depends on what you downloaded. 
>> Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files which when opened appear as 
>> another drive on your desktop. Usually within there is some kind of 
>> installer package, setup program or just the app itself. In the last case 
>> you can just copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste it there.
>> CB
>> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got through 
>>> to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
>>> I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in Safari.
>>> Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on how 
>>> to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is 
>>> happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least one 
>>> of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am to do 
>>> to get the program onto my mbp from there.
>>> Thanks a lot everyone,
>>> Johnny
>>> Johnny Angel!
>>> -- 
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> Johnny Angel!
> -- 
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Re: Page Up/Down

2011-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mark,

The Page Up and Page Down keys are achieved with FN-Up Arrow and FN-Down Arrow 
on a laptop keyboard. However, these won't help you since these commands only 
have a visual effect. Even sighted users have to bring the mouse to the 
location before being able to open or do anything else with a message.

I just tried the VO Page Up and Page down, but they don't work in Mail either.



On 31 Aug 2011, at 22:04, Mark Colman wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a keyboard shortcut to "page up" and "page down" through the 
> contents of a mailbox in Apple Mail? On a full-sized keyboard I know there'd 
> be Page Up/Down keys but I'm using an MBP that doesn't seem to have the 
> equivalent.
> Sure this is a really simple question but I've been using a Mac for 2 years 
> now and still haven't found the solution, and navigating backwards and 
> forwards through a folder with nearly 4,000 messages in it is an absolute 
> pain at the moment.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> -- 
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Re: question about downloading in Saphari

2011-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish
When you encounter a link which is to download a file, focus on it and press 
vo+shift+m to get contextual menu and arrow down to hear download linked file  
and / or download linked file as. This will give you a choice to download the 
file or the latter will give you a choice a specify where to download your file 
On 30 Aug 2011, at 21:19, Denise Barajas wrote:

> Hello all, I've been wondering what to do when downloading a certain podcast 
> or song that is an MP3 file. Offten times, I either can download it wirte 
> away when clicking on the link for it, or other times it will simply play the 
> selection in Saphari. Is there a way I can change the behavior for when it 
> plays things in saphari? I don't alays want to listen, I just care to 
> download it to listen to it later. I hope my question isn't worded too 
> strangely, bt this was the best way I could put it into words. If anyone 
> could please assist, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> -- 
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish
Hello Paul,

I really do not know the technical details apart from the fact that under Snow 
Leopard, I use the US Unicode braille table written by Archie Robertson from, and it handles both Greek and English beautifully using computer 8 
dot braille. You might try and contact Archie via their 
website. Anne Robertson has also taken part in this thread so you may wish to 
contact her: she's a professional translator as well as computer programmer. 
Archie, her husband, has done an awful lot of unpaid work on the Braille tables 
for various languages for Snow Leopard. 

In the same thread here, Geoff writes that his wife has managed to install 
Archie's tables under Lion but Archie seems to imply that you cannot do so. I'm 
not sure what the answer is. I will write to Geoff offline to see how his wife 
has achieved this.

To all of you who are having problems with Braille tables under Lion, please 
let Apple Accessibility know but please also acknowledge their work they have 
done for blind users thus far. The inclusion of multilingual Braille tables 
under Lion - imperfect as it may be - is a huge step forward, and I personally 
have been campaigning and pressuring Apple to do so since 2007. Archie 
Robertson was by far first to help me in the then impossible task of making it 
a reality for me to read in Greek, Russian and other European languages in 
Braille. His tables were a real boon for me.

I'm sorry, Paul, I can't be more specific. Your knowledge in this area is 
greater than mine.

With best wishes

On 30 Aug 2011, at 12:58, Paul Erkens wrote:

>   Hi Simon,
> Yes I'm having the same issue when having documents open in 2 languages at 
> the same time. When translating from German into Dutch for example, it would 
> be nice to have just 1 braille table, that can display Dutch accented letters 
> as well as the German ones, at the same time. But what I never understood was 
> the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode sort of an extended version of 
> ascii? I know what the ascii table is and what it roughly contains, but you 
> can't do more than 256 characters, and a lot are already taken by numbers, 
> punctuation, some graphic symbols and so on. If you write it out in decimal 
> values that we are used to, the the first 32 places in the total of 256 
> entries of the ascii table are already taken up by things like linefeed, 
> carriage return, form feed and a lot of similar stuff. Escape is one. >From 
> 32 it is punctuation and numbers, then lowercase letters,, then a gap and 
> uppercase letters and accented letters and graphics. Some German and also 
> some Dutch symbols are in the ascii table above 127, but I think probably not 
> all of them.
> To what extent does the ascii table relate to a braille table, and what 
> exactly is unicode and how does that get translated to a unicode braille 
> table? Very interested. Because if unicode is some 16-bit thing, why then 
> would we need another braille table if you already have over 64 thousand 
> character possibilities? Having just one braille table would be nice. Can you 
> tell me more on this?
> Paul.
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> This message is primarily for those who use Braille with a Braille display 
>> under Lion and who need to use Braille in foreign languages, especially 
>> those languages that use non-Latin characters. In my case, it is Greek and 
>> Russian. 
>> I am not sure whether anyone has noticed but under lion, although Apple 
>> accessibility has provided lots of Braille tables for foreign languages - as 
>> Anne Robertson has already mentioned - some of them are outdated. 
>> Additionally, the current Braille tables, do not include a unicode Braille 
>> table. The result is that if one is working in a document that contains two 
>> different languages, say English and Greek, or if one is working on two 
>> documents at the same time as you would in translation, you have to keep on 
>> switching Braille tables in Voiceover utility which as you can imagine is 
>> bothersome and makes translation work impossible. Similarly, if you are 
>> reading the bilingual text, and you have your Braille table set to English, 
>> all the Greek text will be invisible to the Braille display and you want be 
>> able to read it. 
>> Under Snow Leopard, we had Braille tables provided by Archie Robertson from 
>> Cecimac - free gift from this generous person. It had a unicode Braille 
>> table as well as many other language tables, and this problem did not arise 
>> there. The unicode Braille table was able to handle many languages at the 
>> same time. So I could comfortably read an Anglo-Greek text in Braille.
>> Sadly, under Lion, Archie's tables cannot be added nor can the existing 
>> tables be modified. I've written to Accessibility team to ask them to make a 
>> modification and addition of tables possible, or else include a unicode

Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-08-31 Thread Johnny Angel!

Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!

I will certainly follow your instructions here.



On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Hello,
> Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
> copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension 
> .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application be 
> pasted into your application folder. If - once you have located your 
> application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you need 
> to open it first with command+down arrow. This will probably result in the 
> following: go to your desktop where you will find a folder (usually having 
> the word image in it) which has the name of your application. Interact with 
> it, and you should find there the name of your application with the .app 
> extension. Copy it with command+c and then paste into application folder. Be 
> aware that some .dmg packets when they appear as image browser on your 
> desktop may have application alias already included in them. This is just a 
> shortcut to your application folder which, when you press command+downarrow, 
> will open your application folder straight away. Som programmes when 
> downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will be placed as image browser on 
> your desktop when you open them with command+down arrow. These ,pkg things 
> usually include an installer application which you have to run by pressing 
> command+downarrow to open them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
> Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
> posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
> With best wishes
> Simon
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Thanks so much for this!
>> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my applications 
>> folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but after then going 
>> to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is silent, and 
>> nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
>> Thanks,
>> Johnny
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should 
>>> be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of ways 
>>> but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a VO-Shift-M for 
>>> the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting the up arrow once. 
>>> Once in there the actual installation process depends on what you 
>>> downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files which when opened 
>>> appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually within there is some kind 
>>> of installer package, setup program or just the app itself. In the last 
>>> case you can just copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste it 
>>> there.
>>> CB
>>> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
 Hi all,
 I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got through 
 to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
 I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in Safari.
 Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on how 
 to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is 
 happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least one 
 of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am to do 
 to get the program onto my mbp from there.
 Thanks a lot everyone,
 Johnny Angel!
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>> Johnny Angel!
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Re: nice desktop youtube viewer?

2011-08-31 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info, but that's still in beta stage, and i got the html5 
extension which replaces flash on youtube vimeo and other sites.

What i really want is an easy to use desktop version of a youtube viewer which 
also has better playlist and favorite sorting features.

There's one called itube or something but don't want to shell out 6 dollars 
without knowing what it does and essentially if its accessible 


On 1/09/2011, at 4:40 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Just go to
> and find the Join the HTML5 Trial link.
> CB
> On 8/30/11 5:46 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi. How do you enable the HTML5 support on youtube?
>> Is this available on the main site?
>> Nektarios.
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 9:26 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> After youtube html 5 has been updated for lion, youtube viewing has become 
>>> a pleasure.
>>> However, since i do a lot of playlists and favorites in categories, i 
>>> wondered if anyone came across a cool desktop youtube viewer/organizer etc 
>>> on the mac appstore.
>>> Surely there's got to be something out there but i'd rather ask you 
>>> knowledgeable folks :)
>>> Best
>>> Yuma
>>> -- 
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downloading youtube videos

2011-08-31 Thread chad baker
hi i'm having trouble downloading videos from youtube
i use to right click the link and it would say copy link i don't get any option 
for that
any suggestions

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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-08-31 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Simon and all,

Well I am still having trouble placing the VLC application into the 
applications folder.  After cmd downarrowingon the VLC folder on my desktop, 
there is a file called VLC application.  This file will not be copied into the 
applications folder.  Someone on the list posted a short time ago on how to 
reveal file extensions.  Can someone please repost this information?  I wanna 
be sure what I'm trying to copy.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

> Simon,
> Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!
> I will certainly follow your instructions here.
> Thanks!
> johnny
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
>> copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension 
>> .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application be 
>> pasted into your application folder. If - once you have located your 
>> application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you need 
>> to open it first with command+down arrow. This will probably result in the 
>> following: go to your desktop where you will find a folder (usually having 
>> the word image in it) which has the name of your application. Interact with 
>> it, and you should find there the name of your application with the .app 
>> extension. Copy it with command+c and then paste into application folder. Be 
>> aware that some .dmg packets when they appear as image browser on your 
>> desktop may have application alias already included in them. This is just a 
>> shortcut to your application folder which, when you press command+downarrow, 
>> will open your application folder straight away. Som programmes when 
>> downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will be placed as image browser on 
>> your desktop when you open them with command+down arrow. These ,pkg things 
>> usually include an installer application which you have to run by pressing 
>> command+downarrow to open them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
>> Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
>> posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> Thanks so much for this!
>>> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
>>> applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but 
>>> after then going to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is 
>>> silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johnny
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should 
 be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of 
 ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a VO-Shift-M 
 for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting the up arrow 
 once. Once in there the actual installation process depends on what you 
 downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files which when opened 
 appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually within there is some kind 
 of installer package, setup program or just the app itself. In the last 
 case you can just copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste 
 it there.
 On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got 
> through to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
> I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in 
> Safari.
> Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on how 
> to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is 
> happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least 
> one of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am 
> to do to get the program onto my mbp from there.
> Thanks a lot everyone,
> Johnny
> Johnny Angel!
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Help with some mail settings

2011-08-31 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi all,

I need a little help with some mail settings.

First, is there a way to change the way VO reads the header of the messages 
list?  For example, I'd like to hear the subject before hearing who the msg is 

Second, is there a way to set up, if I have read mail on another machine and 
have deleted msgs, they will not arrive on my Mac, and vice versa?  If I read 
mail on my Mac and delete, I don't want that mail showing up on my pc.  :)

Lastly, for now, is there a way to customize a smart mailbox even further.  To 
specify macVisionaries only in the to: field, not in any recipients? 

Thanks all,

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Mac not recognizing VR Stream

2011-08-31 Thread Lindsay Yazzolino

I am attempting to connect my Victor Stream to my Mac after a long
period of not doing so, and although the Stream announces that the
player is connected, the Mac does not seem to recognize the Stream as
a drive. Is there any way of fixing this issue? Thanks.


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Re: Mac not recognizing VR Stream

2011-08-31 Thread chad baker
hi i had the same issue on the vr stream format the sd card
that's what i did and it showed up
On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> Hi,
> I am attempting to connect my Victor Stream to my Mac after a long
> period of not doing so, and although the Stream announces that the
> player is connected, the Mac does not seem to recognize the Stream as
> a drive. Is there any way of fixing this issue? Thanks.
> Lindsay
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Re: twitter on the mac?

2011-08-31 Thread Adie
You could try Mobile Twitter, there should be a link in the web item


On Aug 31, 8:13 pm, Jessica and Goldina 
> hey Paul
> try using yorufukurou. it's the twitter client of choice for most of us using 
> VO. you can get it from the mac app store as well. it works very well and it 
> has lots of great features. you can sign into multiple accounts, manage 
> lists, follow hashtags etc. it's very powerful and great and it's free!
> peace and positivity
> Jessica and Goldina
> follow me on Twitter:
> On 2011-08-31, at 10:20 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:> Hi all,
> > I just downloaded twitter from the mac app store, but the main window seems 
> > to be invisible to voiceover. Can any of you confirm this or is there a way 
> > to get it working? I'd be interested to use twitter on the mac beside using 
> > tweetlist on my iPhone. Anyone experience with the twitter client on the 
> > mac? It's the first result that comes up if you type twitter in the mac app 
> > store toolbar search field.
> > Paul.
> > --
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Geoff Shang

On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Paul Erkens wrote:

But what 
I never understood was the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode sort of 
an extended version of ascii?

Unicode is the idea that all possible symbols can be represented in the 
same character set.

As you identified in your message, there are only 256 possible symbols in 
the ASCII character set, 255 if you don't include the null character which 
is number 0.  But US-ASCII is only one of literally hundreds of character 
sets that can be used to encode text.  All these other character sets came 
into being because of the large and varying range of symbols which needed 
to be encoded.

As this thread has demonstrated, switching between character sets is 
annoying at best.  Life would be a lot simpler if you could simply just 
use one character set for everything and not have to change anything.  And 
this is what Unicode is trying to do.

When people talk about Unicode, they're usually talking about the 
character set called UTF-8.  This is the most commonly used character 
encoding that tries to meet the goals of Unicode.

UTF-8 is a super-set of ASCII.  All standard latin alpha-numeric 
characters and punctuation symbols are represented in exactly the same way 
as they are in ASCII, making it backward-compatible in a number of 

For other symbols, UTF-8 uses up to 4 bytes to encode a character, thereby 
getting around the limit of 256.  The use of up to 4 bytes is presumably 
to avoid ambiguity.

For more information on Unicode and the various ways of representing it, 

To what extent does the ascii table relate to a braille table, and what 
exactly is unicode and how does that get translated to a unicode braille 

The references to ASCII and Unicode in relation to Braille tables refers 
to the symbols that are to be translated.  Standard 6-dot Braille is, by 
its nature, a 6-bit system, and even 8-dot Braille only needs 8 bits.  So 
Braille itself only needs at most one byte per character.

A Unicode Braille table is able to display representations of Unicode text 
without the need to change Braille tables for each represented language.


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Recieving a refund for an app that doesn't work with VO

2011-08-31 Thread Dawn Benbow
Hi everyone,

I heard someone mention on another list that wasn't actually Apple related in 
any way, that you can get a refund if you purchase an app and aren't able to 
access it with VO. Is this true? If so, how do you do this? Thanks very much.

Dawn Benbow
Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin

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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Geoff.

But as I understand, you would get difficulties if you wants to use grade two 
translation, there you can not use an unicode table.

Best regards Annie.
Den Sep 1, 2011 kl. 12:10 AM skrev Geoff Shang:

> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> But what I never understood was the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode 
>> sort of an extended version of ascii?
> Unicode is the idea that all possible symbols can be represented in the same 
> character set.
> As you identified in your message, there are only 256 possible symbols in the 
> ASCII character set, 255 if you don't include the null character which is 
> number 0.  But US-ASCII is only one of literally hundreds of character sets 
> that can be used to encode text.  All these other character sets came into 
> being because of the large and varying range of symbols which needed to be 
> encoded.
> As this thread has demonstrated, switching between character sets is annoying 
> at best.  Life would be a lot simpler if you could simply just use one 
> character set for everything and not have to change anything.  And this is 
> what Unicode is trying to do.
> When people talk about Unicode, they're usually talking about the character 
> set called UTF-8.  This is the most commonly used character encoding that 
> tries to meet the goals of Unicode.
> UTF-8 is a super-set of ASCII.  All standard latin alpha-numeric characters 
> and punctuation symbols are represented in exactly the same way as they are 
> in ASCII, making it backward-compatible in a number of settings.
> For other symbols, UTF-8 uses up to 4 bytes to encode a character, thereby 
> getting around the limit of 256.  The use of up to 4 bytes is presumably to 
> avoid ambiguity.
> For more information on Unicode and the various ways of representing it, see 
>> To what extent does the ascii table relate to a braille table, and what 
>> exactly is unicode and how does that get translated to a unicode braille 
>> table?
> The references to ASCII and Unicode in relation to Braille tables refers to 
> the symbols that are to be translated.  Standard 6-dot Braille is, by its 
> nature, a 6-bit system, and even 8-dot Braille only needs 8 bits.  So Braille 
> itself only needs at most one byte per character.
> A Unicode Braille table is able to display representations of Unicode text 
> without the need to change Braille tables for each represented language.
> HTH,
> Geoff.
> -- 
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A Prismo question I didn't see an answer for

2011-08-31 Thread Dawn Benbow
Hi everyone,

I have another question. This time I was wondering if Prismo works on the ipod 
touch. It seems to only talk about the IPhone, so thought I would check with 
you guys to see if any one knew. I went through previous posts on Prismo, but 
wasn't able to find one that answered this particular question.


Dawn Benbow
Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin

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Re: all these issues

2011-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

couldn't it just have been user error?  I know plenty of people who were able 
to redeem their free upgrade to Lion with no problems at all.  They just 
clicked a link, filled out the information needed, and were given a redemption 
code for the Mac app store.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Chris Blouche,
> Well where things fell down was, when my friend called the apple store at the 
> time he was ready for lion. When he took his mac home from the store, he was 
> told that whenever he was ready for lion, all he had to do was call them, and 
> they would give him a link and everything would be just fine. And indeed, yes 
> he got a link, but it kept coming back with no goes. He had to enter his 
> physical address, that is one of the things I remember, and to begin with, 
> his address was not recognized. And so it went on and on. Until I came up 
> with the idea to give him my Lion installer, because the app store in the 
> end, was not going to give it to him for free, even though he was eligible. 
> And then you came with the info that such a thing is doable and okay, so next 
> week we'll see.
> Paul.
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> This is also typical Apple in that if you buy hardware just before a new OS 
>> release they will give you a way to upgrade to the new release for free. In 
>> the old days it was probably a coupon or something (not having ever timed my 
>> purchase to fall in that window) but it sounds like the new modern app store 
>> way has glitches in handling this.
>> Curious where things fell down? Did they give you some kind of gift code to 
>> download Lion for free?
>> In the end, it probably doesn't matter. The license was legit even if you 
>> had to get the installer through another channel.
>> CB
>> On 8/30/11 3:59 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Ray,
>>> Well Ray, Chris B just gave me the piece of knowledge I needed, so it will 
>>> probably be worked out soon. It hasn't been done yet.
>>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 9:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Did you eventually get the thing solved?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Aug 30, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> No he bought a macbook pro at the time lion would come out within 2 
> weeks. In that time, sl was still installed on new macs, but in those 
> weeks you would get a free lion license with the mac. However, how to get 
> that license working was a problem. But legal it was, yes. In other 
> words, he bought the mac 2 weeks before lion, and apple then gave sl 
> installed, but because the new os would come so soon, he was eligible for 
> lion as well.
> Paul.
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Uh, Paul,
>> Question.  You say your friend got Lion for free?  I sort of hate to ask 
>> this; but, was this a legal legitimate acquisition of Lion?
>> Seems to me something doesn't quite add up here.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Chris b,
>>> Thanks for the info. Regarding license issues, we did the right thing 
>>> but it was terribly cumbersome. In the time slot where lion was about 
>>> to come out, my friend in a neighbouring country bought himself a 
>>> macbook pro. It came with sl, but he got lion for free as soon as it 
>>> would come out. To our disappointment though, getting the lion license 
>>> on to his computer did not work out. We called is apple store and they 
>>> gave us instructions, but no luck. We lost an afternoon and a night 
>>> struggling with it. So, I will give him my lion installer next week, 
>>> and help him install it over skype on another windows machine. So yeah, 
>>> he did the right thing. But the support from the apple store, how to 
>>> get the lion license my friend already payed for at his purchase, on to 
>>> his machine, was bad. Knowing that all lion installers are the same, 
>>> will solve our issue, so thanks a lot. Again. By the way, this 
>>> experience of not getting good help from an apple store is rare, at 
>>> least in my experience being a macbook owner, it never happened before.
>>> Paul.
>>> On Aug 29, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Apple has never, to my knowledge, tracked their OS installs with 

Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

you should check out the audio tutorials I did on Garageband.  I cover this and 
a whole lot more.  Go to and on the site, do a search for 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and all 
> that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of drum 
> loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear it, or 
> drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row (vo-space, 
> up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a loop to play? 
> How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in order to use it, 
> as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

all this works but, is certainly not necessary.  when on the loop in the table 
just press command c to copy.  Now find the place in your project you want to 
put the loop and press command V to paste.  You don't even need to leave the 
loop table.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:19 PM, chad baker wrote:

> hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma 
> then stop interacting with the loop browser
> then go to the instrument scroll area
> press return to go to the beginning
> then do cmd option period to drop it
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
>> actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
>> On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
>>> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
>>> hth
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
 all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of
 drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
 it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
 (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
 loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in
 order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: A Prismo question I didn't see an answer for

2011-08-31 Thread Traci
From what I've read over on viPhone, the camera may not be strong enough on 

the touch for good results.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dawn Benbow" 

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 5:13 PM
Subject: A Prismo question I didn't see an answer for

Hi everyone,

I have another question. This time I was wondering if Prismo works on the 
ipod touch. It seems to only talk about the IPhone, so thought I would check 
with you guys to see if any one knew. I went through previous posts on 
Prismo, but wasn't able to find one that answered this particular question.


Dawn Benbow
Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin

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Re: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat

2011-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker
I think it would be cool but, if you use a dish or cable which most do, it 
won't matter too much in my opinion.  What most want is access to the menus of 
their cable box not necessarily the TV settings.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> I don't need to explain to anyone what this could mean for those of us who 
> are blind!
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "andy" 
>> Subject: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat
>> Date: August 31, 2011 3:28:09 AM CDT
>> To: "Dan roy" 
>> Okay hear comes the next big product fromapple.
> -- 
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Re: question about downloading in Saphari

2011-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

Option enter does the same thing.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:31 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> When you encounter a link which is to download a file, focus on it and press 
> vo+shift+m to get contextual menu and arrow down to hear download linked file 
>  and / or download linked file as. This will give you a choice to download 
> the file or the latter will give you a choice a specify where to download 
> your file to.
> On 30 Aug 2011, at 21:19, Denise Barajas wrote:
>> Hello all, I've been wondering what to do when downloading a certain podcast 
>> or song that is an MP3 file. Offten times, I either can download it wirte 
>> away when clicking on the link for it, or other times it will simply play 
>> the selection in Saphari. Is there a way I can change the behavior for when 
>> it plays things in saphari? I don't alays want to listen, I just care to 
>> download it to listen to it later. I hope my question isn't worded too 
>> strangely, bt this was the best way I could put it into words. If anyone 
>> could please assist, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>> -- 
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Re: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat

2011-08-31 Thread james walton
Wasn't there some about talking cable boxes in the uk?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> I think it would be cool but, if you use a dish or cable which most do, it 
> won't matter too much in my opinion.  What most want is access to the menus 
> of their cable box not necessarily the TV settings.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I don't need to explain to anyone what this could mean for those of us who 
>> are blind!
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "andy" 
>>> Subject: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | 
>>> VentureBeat
>>> Date: August 31, 2011 3:28:09 AM CDT
>>> To: "Dan roy" 
>>> Okay hear comes the next big product fromapple.
>> --
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Skype conferences

2011-08-31 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person. I can 
answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find the option 
to add him to a conference. What can i do?
Where is the option that i need press to do this?
thanks in advanced,


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itune cync

2011-08-31 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there

is there a way to un cync something from the phone to itune? in
another word, is ttat a way to delete some playlist or some songs from
iphone but does not effect itune on the desttop?


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Re: question about downloading in Saphari

2011-08-31 Thread Denise Barajas
Thanks a lot, I'll try these options. Blessings to all!
On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> When you encounter a link which is to download a file, focus on it and press 
> vo+shift+m to get contextual menu and arrow down to hear download linked file 
>  and / or download linked file as. This will give you a choice to download 
> the file or the latter will give you a choice a specify where to download 
> your file to.
> On 30 Aug 2011, at 21:19, Denise Barajas wrote:
>> Hello all, I've been wondering what to do when downloading a certain podcast 
>> or song that is an MP3 file. Offten times, I either can download it wirte 
>> away when clicking on the link for it, or other times it will simply play 
>> the selection in Saphari. Is there a way I can change the behavior for when 
>> it plays things in saphari? I don't alays want to listen, I just care to 
>> download it to listen to it later. I hope my question isn't worded too 
>> strangely, bt this was the best way I could put it into words. If anyone 
>> could please assist, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>> -- 
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Re: question about downloading in Saphari

2011-08-31 Thread Shen
I'm sorry. What is Option Enter suppose to do?
I opened Safari to a podcast page and moved over to a link that says "download 
today's podcast". Most of the time, VO-Shift-M will open the correct menu and 
let me download it.
But whatever Option Enter is suppose to do, it does nothing for me.
Sometimes, when I do VO-Shift-M, I get a completely different menu. I don't 
always get the menu that lets me download the linked file.
When this happens, I have to move the mouse to the link and control click on it 
to get the correct menu.

On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:50 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Option enter does the same thing.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:31 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> When you encounter a link which is to download a file, focus on it and press 
>> vo+shift+m to get contextual menu and arrow down to hear download linked 
>> file  and / or download linked file as. This will give you a choice to 
>> download the file or the latter will give you a choice a specify where to 
>> download your file to.
>> On 30 Aug 2011, at 21:19, Denise Barajas wrote:
>>> Hello all, I've been wondering what to do when downloading a certain 
>>> podcast or song that is an MP3 file. Offten times, I either can download it 
>>> wirte away when clicking on the link for it, or other times it will simply 
>>> play the selection in Saphari. Is there a way I can change the behavior for 
>>> when it plays things in saphari? I don't alays want to listen, I just care 
>>> to download it to listen to it later. I hope my question isn't worded too 
>>> strangely, bt this was the best way I could put it into words. If anyone 
>>> could please assist, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>> -- 
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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-08-31 Thread CJ Daniel

By "find the place you want to copy the loop," do you mean by playing it?  I.E. 
how could you find & not leave the loop table?  Please forgive my ignorence, 
but I didn't quite follow your answer.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> all this works but, is certainly not necessary.  when on the loop in the 
> table just press command c to copy.  Now find the place in your project you 
> want to put the loop and press command V to paste.  You don't even need to 
> leave the loop table.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:19 PM, chad baker wrote:
>> hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma 
>> then stop interacting with the loop browser
>> then go to the instrument scroll area
>> press return to go to the beginning
>> then do cmd option period to drop it
>> hth
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
>>> actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
>>> On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
 hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of
> drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
> it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in
> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> --
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>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi, Esther. I thought of Amadeus pro, but $60 is a bit more than I want to pay 
since I am just converting files; not editing them.
Will Max allow batch conversion?

On Aug 30, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> If you're looking for simple conversion of ogg to mp3 on the Mac, Erik's 
> suggestion of Max will probably work for you:
> Max is donationware.  But Eric Caron is correct that Amadeus Pro or its Lite 
> version has a powerful batch processor that will also handle many functions 
> besides simple conversions (e.g., fades, adding/trimming silence, conversion 
> of sound quality, normalization, and lots more). This shareware audio editing 
> program had a recent major upgrade, so the price is now $60.  If you want to 
> try the trial version, just Google the name together with macupdate, which 
> will give you the link to the program and the web site.  (It's also sold on 
> the Mac App Store, but trial downloads are not supported in the App Store).  
> The Blind Cool Tech podcast on batch processing with Amadeus Pro is Dane's 
> podcast from two years earlier. 
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 03:51, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>>  It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
>> with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.  
>>  You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
>> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro. 
>> eRic Caron
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
>>> files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to 
>>> use.
>>> For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its 
>>> subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't 
>>> tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original 
>>> folder.
>>> Anything better out there?
>>> I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
>>> However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
>>> reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
>>> Thanks.
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. I don't want the resulting conversions to end up in iTunes. I just want 
conversion from ogg to mp3 without iTunes trying to import anything into the 
I wasn't sure if this was possible.

On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:35 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I'm curious. Why not use iTunes to do the conversion. Did the Ogg import 
> plugins previously mentioned on this list stop working? I haven't tried this 
> for a long time.
> CB
> On 8/30/11 11:52 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> If you're looking for simple conversion of ogg to mp3 on the Mac, Erik's 
>> suggestion of Max will probably work for you:
>> Max is donationware.  But Eric Caron is correct that Amadeus Pro or its Lite 
>> version has a powerful batch processor that will also handle many functions 
>> besides simple conversions (e.g., fades, adding/trimming silence, conversion 
>> of sound quality, normalization, and lots more). This shareware audio 
>> editing program had a recent major upgrade, so the price is now $60.  If you 
>> want to try the trial version, just Google the name together with macupdate, 
>> which will give you the link to the program and the web site.  (It's also 
>> sold on the Mac App Store, but trial downloads are not supported in the App 
>> Store).  The Blind Cool Tech podcast on batch processing with Amadeus Pro is 
>> Dane's podcast from two years earlier.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 03:51, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
>>> with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.
>>> You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
>>> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro.
>>> eRic Caron
>>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
 files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive 
 to use.
 For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its 
 subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't 
 tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original 
 Anything better out there?
 I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
 However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
 reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
> -- 
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Yes. I thought of Switch. It is very accessible on the windows platform. I did 
have some trouble with it, though, when converting large files, but that was 
quite a while ago.
Is switch accessible on the Mac? 
I also don't like that you can't put switch on more than one machine and if you 
lose it for some reason, they will only allow you to reinstall it twice in a 
year on the windows platform.

On Aug 30, 2011, at 5:19 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> I like max myself.  Max is like the mac OS answer to CDex on windows.  Some 
> people also use switch.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-08-30, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
>> files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to 
>> use.
>> For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its subfolders, 
>> it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't tell whether 
>> it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original folder.
>> Anything better out there?
>> I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
>> However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
>> reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Thanks, Eric. I'll have to see how much Amadeus pro lite would cost. Sixty 
dollars is a bit much just for converting files.

On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:51 AM, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>   It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
> with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.  
>   You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro. 
> eRic Caron
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
>> files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to 
>> use.
>> For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its subfolders, 
>> it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't tell whether 
>> it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original folder.
>> Anything better out there?
>> I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
>> However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
>> reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-08-31 Thread Georges Zaynoun
Would like to know how Naama managed to install the cecimac tables 
using lion, I tried them and they destroyed the existing Duxbery ones, 
does installing the cecimac tables to a different folder solve the 
issue?  I use Arabic and Swedish alongside English and this is important to me.

Original message:

Hello Paul,

I really do not know the technical details apart from the fact that 
under Snow Leopard, I use the US Unicode braille table written by 
Archie Robertson from , and it handles 
both Greek and English beautifully using computer 8 dot braille. You 
might try and contact Archie via their 
 website. Anne Robertson has also taken part 
in this thread so you may wish to contact her: she's a professional 
translator as well as computer programmer. Archie, her husband, has 
done an awful lot of unpaid work on the Braille tables for various 
languages for Snow Leopard.

In the same thread here, Geoff writes that his wife has managed to 
install Archie's tables under Lion but Archie seems to imply that you 
cannot do so. I'm not sure what the answer is. I will write to Geoff 
offline to see how his wife has achieved this.

To all of you who are having problems with Braille tables under Lion, 
please let Apple Accessibility know but please also acknowledge their 
work they have done for blind users thus far. The inclusion of 
multilingual Braille tables under Lion - imperfect as it may be - is a 
huge step forward, and I personally have been campaigning and 
pressuring Apple to do so since 2007. Archie Robertson was by far first 
to help me in the then impossible task of making it a reality for me to 
read in Greek, Russian and other European languages in Braille. His 
tables were a real boon for me.

I'm sorry, Paul, I can't be more specific. Your knowledge in this area 
is greater than mine.

With best wishes


On 30 Aug 2011, at 12:58, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Simon,
Yes I'm having the same issue when having documents open in 2 languages 
at the same time. When translating from German into Dutch for example, 
it would be nice to have just 1 braille table, that can display Dutch 
accented letters as well as the German ones, at the same time. But what 
I never understood was the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode sort 
of an extended version of ascii? I know what the ascii table is and 
what it roughly contains, but you can't do more than 256 characters, 
and a lot are already taken by numbers, punctuation, some graphic 
symbols and so on. If you write it out in decimal values that we are 
used to, the the first 32 places in the total of 256 entries of the 
ascii table are already taken up by things like linefeed, carriage 
return, form feed and a lot of similar stuff. Escape is one. From 32 it 
is punctuation and numbers, then lowercase letters,, then a gap and 
uppercase letters and accented letters and graphics. Some German and 
also some Dutch symbols are in the ascii table above 127, but I think 
probably not all of them.

To what extent does the ascii table relate to a braille table, and what 
exactly is unicode and how does that get translated to a unicode 
braille table? Very interested. Because if unicode is some 16-bit 
thing, why then would we need another braille table if you already have 
over 64 thousand character possibilities? Having just one braille table 
would be nice. Can you tell me more on this?

On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

Dear Listers,

This message is primarily for those who use Braille with a Braille 
display under Lion and who need to use Braille in foreign languages, 
especially those languages that use non-Latin characters. In my case, 
it is Greek and Russian.

I am not sure whether anyone has noticed but under lion, although Apple 
accessibility has provided lots of Braille tables for foreign languages 
- as Anne Robertson has already mentioned - some of them are outdated. 
Additionally, the current Braille tables, do not include a unicode 
Braille table. The result is that if one is working in a document that 
contains two different languages, say English and Greek, or if one is 
working on two documents at the same time as you would in translation, 
you have to keep on switching Braille tables in Voiceover utility which 
as you can imagine is bothersome and makes translation work impossible. 
Similarly, if you are reading the bilingual text, and you have your 
Braille table set to English, all the Greek text will be invisible to 
the Braille display and you want be able to read it.

Under Snow Leopard, we had Braille tables provided by Archie Robertson 
from Cecimac - free gift from this generous person. It had a unicode 
Braille table as well as many other language tables, and this problem 
did not arise there. The unicode Braille table was able to handle many 
languages at the same time. So I could comfortably read an Anglo-Greek 

Batch conversion in Amadeus?

2011-08-31 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. Does amadeus lite do batch conversions; or is that only found in the pro 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-08-31 Thread Oriol Gómez
It is accessible on the mac. I have used it, but I still need to buy a license.

On 9/1/11, Paul Henrichsen  wrote:
> Thanks, Eric. I'll have to see how much Amadeus pro lite would cost. Sixty
> dollars is a bit much just for converting files.
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:51 AM, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>>  It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job with
>> conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.
>>  You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on
>> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro.
>> eRic Caron
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg
>>> files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive
>>> to use.
>>> For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its
>>> subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also
>>> can't tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the
>>> original folder.
>>> Anything better out there?
>>> I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
>>> However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to
>>> reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
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Re: Audio conversion program

2011-08-31 Thread Oriol Gómez
Nice. Does it convert files to m4a/m4r?

On 9/1/11, Greg Kearney  wrote:
> I wrote this a while back and made some modification to make it more
> accessible. It will convert most common audio formats including ogg files to
> MP3 format. Run it select your file of files and let it run it announces
> each file as it works on it. It does not handle errors very well but should
> work for you. You are free to give it to whoever you like.

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