Hi Simon and all,

Well I am still having trouble placing the VLC application into the 
applications folder.  After cmd downarrowingon the VLC folder on my desktop, 
there is a file called VLC application.  This file will not be copied into the 
applications folder.  Someone on the list posted a short time ago on how to 
reveal file extensions.  Can someone please repost this information?  I wanna 
be sure what I'm trying to copy.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

> Simon,
> Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!
> I will certainly follow your instructions here.
> Thanks!
> johnny
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
>> copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension 
>> .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application be 
>> pasted into your application folder. If - once you have located your 
>> application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you need 
>> to open it first with command+down arrow. This will probably result in the 
>> following: go to your desktop where you will find a folder (usually having 
>> the word image in it) which has the name of your application. Interact with 
>> it, and you should find there the name of your application with the .app 
>> extension. Copy it with command+c and then paste into application folder. Be 
>> aware that some .dmg packets when they appear as image browser on your 
>> desktop may have application alias already included in them. This is just a 
>> shortcut to your application folder which, when you press command+downarrow, 
>> will open your application folder straight away. Som programmes when 
>> downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will be placed as image browser on 
>> your desktop when you open them with command+down arrow. These ,pkg things 
>> usually include an installer application which you have to run by pressing 
>> command+downarrow to open them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
>> Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
>> posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> Thanks so much for this!
>>> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
>>> applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but 
>>> after then going to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is 
>>> silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johnny
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should 
>>>> be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of 
>>>> ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a VO-Shift-M 
>>>> for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting the up arrow 
>>>> once. Once in there the actual installation process depends on what you 
>>>> downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files which when opened 
>>>> appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually within there is some kind 
>>>> of installer package, setup program or just the app itself. In the last 
>>>> case you can just copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste 
>>>> it there.
>>>> CB
>>>> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got 
>>>>> through to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
>>>>> I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in 
>>>>> Safari.
>>>>> Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on how 
>>>>> to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is 
>>>>> happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least 
>>>>> one of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am 
>>>>> to do to get the program onto my mbp from there.
>>>>> Thanks a lot everyone,
>>>>> Johnny
>>>>> Johnny Angel!
>>>>> beefca...@neo.rr.com
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>>> Johnny Angel!
>>> beefca...@neo.rr.com
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> Johnny Angel!
> beefca...@neo.rr.com
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Johnny Angel!

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