AppleMail and vo -> was the installation, and uninstallation of applications to the Mac

2011-05-06 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Kawal and others,

The following old post may offer a modicum of clarification.  The short answer 
to your question is that message text is automatically read for me regardless 
whether the focused mailBox is in threaded view either when I press enter or 
tab into the preview pane.  I believe that using the arrow keys to expand 
threads is much cleaner than pressing enter and opening windows for all the 
children, but that's a matter of preference.

On Oct 17, 2010, at 3:13 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> My suggestion varies greatly from the advice you've been given so far, but 
> IMHO is much more deficient;  Here in the US in the 1960s there was an 
> expression: "different strokes for different folks", so I'll offer this for 
> your consideration.
> First, In the VO utility go into the navigation tab and uncheck the box 
> labeled: "Automatically interact when using tab key".  Now as you traverse 
> messages you can press right arrow to expand threads.  If like me you're 
> tired of hearing the word "thread" you can alter the verbosity setting for 
> disclosure triangles such that the name is not announced.  That way you'll 
> know its a thread when VO identifies it as a triangle -- no need to hear the 
> superfluous word "thread" every time.  As you arrow up and down,  
>   VO usually announces the author, subject, etc.  If it does not the "move 
> right/left" commands (vo-arrow keys) reads the fields individually, and you 
> can quickly peruse one specific field such as the sender via vo-up/down arrow 
> commands.
> To read a message press tab .  Since you are no longer automatically  
> interacting with the table  of messages or preview pane the tab moves focus 
> to the preview pane and voiceOver usually automatically announces the 
> contents there of regardless whether headings are enabled in mail 
> preferences.  If you want to skim read the text or click on any links you may 
> need to interact with the preview pane, but for most things I read and press 
> backspace to delete.  Pressing either backspace or shift-tab returns focus to 
> the message list.
> BTW when a thread is not expanded, backspace will kill it off.  You may want 
> to bare in mind, however that many who are uninformed as I was recently will 
> press reply and delete the subject and text with the intent of starting a 
> totally different conversation.  What threads messages together though is 
> actually not the subject, but instead is determined by a line that is 
> inserted into message headers.  I plan to post a completely unrelated 
> question to the list shortly regarding spell checking.  If I did this by 
> using command-r and deleting all the subject and text rather than pressing 
> command-n, my question would have been appended to this thread, so that is 
> the danger when you assume a thread is inapplicable.  A recent example is 
> Neil Barnfather's thread regarding keyboard navigation.  This generated 
> several other topics such as documentation and Apple in store training, but 
> if I only saw a thread with three hundred or so messages about keyboard 
> navigation and didn't believe the topic was of interest I would have missed 
> several buried threads that were not related because someone apparently 
> attempted to launch a new thread by using either control+r in Outlook or 
> command-r in AppleMail.
> HTH.
> Geoff
On May 6, 2011, at 2:51 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi Geoff.
> In your message you say that you've unchecked a box in the Voice Over 
> Utilities category, so wish to know (as I read my messages in threaded view 
> which are displayed as separate windows), if I were to uncheck the box and 
> pressed enter on any message, would the Voice Over read my messages 
> automatically as that doesn't work if my mail is not in threaded view.
> Kawal. , 

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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Hey Scott,

Here's the link...

On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
>   Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates the
> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious ipad.
> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing except
> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In any
> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: IPad II thoughts
> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome experience
> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on the
> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been impressive. I
> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was disappointed in
> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on the back
> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover from
> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check. The
> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more protection
> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
> Kev
> -- 
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RE: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread RATTRAY J.

Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you have
a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not think
I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts

Hey Scott,

Here's the link...

On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
>   Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In
> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: IPad II thoughts
> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
impressive. I
> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
disappointed in
> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
the back
> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
> Kev
> -- 
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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Chris Moore

My old buddy, does your new case also turn into a stand like the Apple one can?

On 6 May 2011, at 13:05, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Hey Scott,
> Here's the link...
> Kev
> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>  Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates the
>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious ipad.
>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing except
>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In any
>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome experience
>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on the
>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been impressive. I
>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was disappointed in
>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on the back
>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover from
>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check. The
>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more protection
>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:
When I searched for:
in case keyboard ipad
I got some fascinating offerings.
To my knowledge, Apple has not created its own in case keyboard.  There are 
numerous third party selections.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/05/2011, at 5:08 AM, "RATTRAY J."  wrote:

> Hi,
> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you have
> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not think
> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
> Julie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
> Hey Scott,
> Here's the link...
> Kev
> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> the
>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> ipad.
>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> except
>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In
> any
>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> experience
>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> the
>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
> impressive. I
>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
> disappointed in
>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
> the back
>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> from
>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> The
>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> protection
>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>> Kev
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I have a bluetooth keyboard. The typing on the touch screen isn't too bad. Once 
you change to touch typing, the keyboard on the IPad is large enough to work 
almost as well as the bluetooth one. The advantage to the bluetooth keyboard is 
that you can use the tab key to move through form fields.

On May 6, 2011, at 8:08 AM, RATTRAY J. wrote:

> Hi,
> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you have
> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not think
> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
> Julie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
> Hey Scott,
> Here's the link...
> Kev
> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>  Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> the
>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> ipad.
>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> except
>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In
> any
>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> experience
>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> the
>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
> impressive. I
>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
> disappointed in
>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
> the back
>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> from
>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> The
>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> protection
>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Kevin Mattingly
You can use the case as a stand just like the apple cover. This is an awesome 
case for the cost.

On May 6, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Kev,
> My old buddy, does your new case also turn into a stand like the Apple one 
> can?
> Chris 
> On 6 May 2011, at 13:05, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> Here's the link...
>> Kev
>> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates the
>>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious ipad.
>>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing except
>>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In any
>>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>>> Scott
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome experience
>>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on the
>>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been impressive. I
>>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was disappointed in
>>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on the back
>>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover from
>>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check. The
>>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more protection
>>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>>> Kev
>>> -- 
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Default Applications for File Types?

2011-05-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

I'm trying to set up Text-edit to open Word documents, instead of Open Office. 
How do i go about doing this?


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RE: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread RATTRAY J.

Thanks for this - would you suggest an ipad rather than other portables?
I was thinking about things like the use of email etc on the go what are
the key problems you have with the ipad - if any?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cheree
Sent: 06 May 2011 13:38
Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts

Cheree Heppe here:
When I searched for:
in case keyboard ipad
I got some fascinating offerings.
To my knowledge, Apple has not created its own in case keyboard.  There
are numerous third party selections.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/05/2011, at 5:08 AM, "RATTRAY J." 

> Hi,
> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you
> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not
> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
> Julie
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
> Hey Scott,
> Here's the link...
> Kev
> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
> the
>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
> ipad.
>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
> except
>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.
> any
>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
> experience
>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
> the
>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
> impressive. I
>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
> disappointed in
>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
> the back
>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
> from
>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
> The
>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
> protection
>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: Default Applications for File Types?

2011-05-06 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook

When you get to the file, press VO-Shift-M to open the context menu. Arrow down 
to ""Open with…". Right arrow  to open the submenu you see there. 
You will se that there are other programs listed besides OpenOffice which will 
be the default. In the meantime, ignore all the programs listed there, even 
TextEdit.* Get to "Others…" and press Enter.
You will see that you are presented with a list of programs. Choose TextEdit 
from the list. 
Tab to the "Always Open with" checkbox and check it on. Then press OKAY. 
>From now on, it will be the default app to open the file type.

*Note that if you are tempted to choose TextEdit from the "Open with" submenu, 
you will only open the file type for that time only but OpenOffice will still 
be the default. 



On 06 May,2011, at 2:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, folk,
> I'm trying to set up Text-edit to open Word documents, instead of Open 
> Office. How do i go about doing this?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> -- 
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Mobile number: +263 772 930 422
Skype ID: sunshinechinyoka

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Re: Default Applications for File Types?

2011-05-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thank you very much, Ishe. I did not notice the "other" choice in the 
contextual menu before. Thanks for pointing that out.

On May 6, 2011, at 6:14 AM, Chinyoka on Macbook wrote:

> Hi,
> When you get to the file, press VO-Shift-M to open the context menu. Arrow 
> down to ""Open with…". Right arrow  to open the submenu you see there. 
> You will se that there are other programs listed besides OpenOffice which 
> will be the default. In the meantime, ignore all the programs listed there, 
> even TextEdit.* Get to "Others…" and press Enter.
> You will see that you are presented with a list of programs. Choose TextEdit 
> from the list. 
> Tab to the "Always Open with" checkbox and check it on. Then press OKAY. 
> From now on, it will be the default app to open the file type.
> *Note that if you are tempted to choose TextEdit from the "Open with" 
> submenu, you will only open the file type for that time only but OpenOffice 
> will still be the default. 
> HTH,
> Ishe
> On 06 May,2011, at 2:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, folk,
>> I'm trying to set up Text-edit to open Word documents, instead of Open 
>> Office. How do i go about doing this?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread brandt
Hi there folks,

Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.

I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to loos. 
What do I do?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in to 
my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going to

Contact me:

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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Brandt,
 Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account to 
join the Macvissionaries
then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
Why don't you creat

  - Original Message - 
  From: brandt 
  Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
  Subject: Bringing email over from windows

  Hi there folks,

  Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.

  I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
loos. What do I do?

  Warm regards,

  Brandt Steenkamp

  If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 

  Contact me:

  Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
  Google talk/AIM:
  Twitter @brandtsteenkamp

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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread erik burggraaf
Agreed,  Since you're using a gmail address, I'd just enable IMap, set the 
folder labels, and upload all the mail to the server.  Unless you're lucky 
enough to have been using imap all along, in which case, just plug in the 
settings on your mac and you'll have all your email just the way you like it.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-06, at 10:07 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Brandt,
>  Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account 
> to join the Macvissionaries
> then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
> Isaac
> Why don't you creat
> - Original Message -
> From: brandt
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
> Subject: Bringing email over from windows
> Hi there folks,
> Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.
> I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
> loos. What do I do?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 
> to
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread brandt
Are there a way to get them from "windows mail" to my Gmail?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in to 
my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
  - Original Message - 
  From: Isaac Obie 
  Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:07 PM
  Subject: Re: Bringing email over from windows

  Hi Brandt,
   Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account 
to join the Macvissionaries
  then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
  Why don't you creat

- Original Message - 
From: brandt 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
Subject: Bringing email over from windows

Hi there folks,

Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.

I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
loos. What do I do?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp

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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Mary Otten
Another advantage to a bluetooth keyboard over the touchscreen is that you 
don't have to wait to hear each letter as you type it. Even though the IPad 
screen is much easier to type on in a manner that at least resembles "real 
typing" I find it still a lot slower than a real keyboard, because I do have to 
hear every letter to make sure I didn't mess up. I don't do that with regular 
keyboards; in fact, I find typing echo generally distracting under normal, 
non-touchscreen circumstances.


Mary Otten

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Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.

By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it doesn't 
sem to want to get messages.

Any of you had to deal with this?   


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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Matt
U want to use imap

Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-05-06, at 11:11, Joseph Norton  wrote:

> Hi list:
> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it doesn't 
> sem to want to get messages.
> Any of you had to deal with this?   
> Thanks!
> -- 
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RE: Anti-virus/spyware for the Mac.

2011-05-06 Thread Robert Hooper
After attending an Apple Accessibility session, I learned that there aren't any 
viruses known to exist that target Mac computers. Therefore, the only reason to 
get virus protection would be to protect those Windows computers with which you 
may communicate. For example, if somebody sends you an email with an infected 
attachment, you won't be harmed. However, if you subsequently forward that 
attachment on to a Windows user, they run the risk of contracting a virtual 
disease! Virus protection programs for the Mac only scan for Windows viruses 
and remove them, even though the presence of such on your Mac computer won't 
matter. Just remember that you will be a carrier. I would get one if you 
constantly send files to Windows users, share thumb drives or other portable 
media with Windows users, etc. Note that the word Windows appears quite 
frequently in the above scenarios:)
I hope this clarifies matters a bit. It's an issue of pros and cons-is 
purchasing and installing a virus application worth the advantages of having it?
Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Matt Dierckens
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Anti-virus/spyware for the Mac.

clamsav is good too.
On 2011-05-05, at 6:01 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

Virus Barrier Express. I checked and it seems to be accessible.
On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Shameless FanGirl>> wrote:
To go with, or not to? I know it theoretically doesn't need it, however, I love 
my new friend, and therefore am inclined to over-do the taking care of it. :) 
Was just poking around the app store, and was curious.

Thanks all

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2011-05-06 Thread Terry Klarich
Hello all:

I have recently chunked my old pc and have obtained a nice shiny MacBook Pro.  
I think this is one of the smartest things I've done
in quite some time.  My experience with VO on the iPhone convenced me how far 
ahead Apple is.  So, I'm extremely impressed with Mac
OS and VO.  More things just work.

My natural habitat is unix and linux.  I am a Unix Systems Analyst for a 
living.  And, have been doing this for 20 plus years.  I
looked in the list archive concerning the terminal application.  It seems that 
this application will work; but, one doesn't have
any way to review the screen.  Is this correct?  Is there another application 
that might work for shell access?  I would really
like to chunk my work laptop as well and get away from windows all together.

Also, I did something stupid.  I installed adobe reader.  No need to ask why.  
Must have been all those years under windows.  Or,
it could have been those beers I had.  Who can say.  Anyway, I need to get 
preview back is the pdf reader of choice while browsing.
I have removed adobe reader.  Any help would be appreciated.

So far, the switch to Mac has been pretty simple.  I think those months spent 
with the iPhone gave me a head start.  I have yet to
dig into iTunes; but, will get to that this weekend (hopefully).

I recognize a lot of you all from other lists.  This must be where all the 
smart people hang out.


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Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Terry,
COncerning Terminal, you're not quite correct.  It is quite possible to review 
the screen.  All you need do first is interact with the shell text area so that 
you can then use standard VO commands to read the screen.  
As far as Preview is concerned, you can get it back by finding a PDF file, and 
hitting cmd-i, to open the Get Info window.  One of he sections in that window 
lets you select which program to open the file with, as well as whether to use 
that same program for all files of that type.  
Hope this helps,
On May 6, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Terry Klarich wrote:

> Hello all:
> I have recently chunked my old pc and have obtained a nice shiny MacBook Pro. 
>  I think this is one of the smartest things I've done
> in quite some time.  My experience with VO on the iPhone convenced me how far 
> ahead Apple is.  So, I'm extremely impressed with Mac
> OS and VO.  More things just work.
> My natural habitat is unix and linux.  I am a Unix Systems Analyst for a 
> living.  And, have been doing this for 20 plus years.  I
> looked in the list archive concerning the terminal application.  It seems 
> that this application will work; but, one doesn't have
> any way to review the screen.  Is this correct?  Is there another application 
> that might work for shell access?  I would really
> like to chunk my work laptop as well and get away from windows all together.
> Also, I did something stupid.  I installed adobe reader.  No need to ask why. 
>  Must have been all those years under windows.  Or,
> it could have been those beers I had.  Who can say.  Anyway, I need to get 
> preview back is the pdf reader of choice while browsing.
> I have removed adobe reader.  Any help would be appreciated.
> So far, the switch to Mac has been pretty simple.  I think those months spent 
> with the iPhone gave me a head start.  I have yet to
> dig into iTunes; but, will get to that this weekend (hopefully).
> I recognize a lot of you all from other lists.  This must be where all the 
> smart people hang out.
> Terry
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text expander

2011-05-06 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello Listers.
Has anyone used the text expander app for mac?
If so is it accessible?
Matthew Campbell.

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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-06 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

It's like preferring apples to oranges.

I love the two IOS devices I have, but, because it is a phone as well, tend to 
use my phone outside the house more than the IPad.

The IPad is better for enlarged graphics, but I don't respond to graphics of 
any stripe, so, the phone's screen is fine for me.

The IPad II may have some speed and functionality the phone doesn't have yet.

I would try both for lengthy times in store and see which feels right.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "RATTRAY J." 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:13
Subject: RE: IPad II thoughts

> Hi,
> Thanks for this - would you suggest an ipad rather than other portables?
> I was thinking about things like the use of email etc on the go what are
> the key problems you have with the ipad - if any?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Cheree
> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
> Cheree Heppe here:
> When I searched for:
> in case keyboard ipad
> I got some fascinating offerings.
> To my knowledge, Apple has not created its own in case keyboard.  There
> are numerous third party selections.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/05/2011, at 5:08 AM, "RATTRAY J." 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
>> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you
> have
>> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not
> think
>> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
>> Julie
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
>> Hey Scott,
>> Here's the link...
>> Kev
>> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
>> the
>>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
>> ipad.
>>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
>> except
>>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.
> In
>> any
>>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>>> Scott
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
>> experience
>>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
>> the
>>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
>> impressive. I
>>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
>> disappointed in
>>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
>> the back
>>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
>> from
>>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
>> The
>>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
>> protection
>>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>>> Kev
>>> -- 
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Re: text expander

2011-05-06 Thread Oriol Gómez
Use QuicKeys. IT has abreviations, which I think actt he same as text expander.

On 5/6/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
> Hello Listers.
> Has anyone used the text expander app for mac?
> If so is it accessible?
> Thanks.
> Matthew Campbell.
> --
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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread matthew Dyer on mac mini
Yes I gave up on pop3 and stuck with imap  for now.  If aanyone has any ideas I 
am willing to try.


matthew Dyer
AIM: mattdy1
Yahoo: md1616
twitter: mdyer1.

On May 6, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it doesn't 
> sem to want to get messages.
> Any of you had to deal with this?   
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Vince Mistretta
You need to follow the instructions on GMail for POP correctly.  It
could be a incorrect port number in your setup.  Sorry not home to
check this on my accounts.

On 5/6/11, Matt  wrote:
> U want to use imap
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2011-05-06, at 11:11, Joseph Norton  wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
>> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it
>> doesn't sem to want to get messages.
>> Any of you had to deal with this?
>> Thanks!
>> --
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Vince Mistretta
My Tech / Programming mailbox

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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-06 Thread Robert Nelson
Dear Sarai,

 According to keyboard help vo-k, the command to drag an item is to do  vo-`.  
The  Voice Over cursor should be on the item you want to move.  Once you have 
done vo-` use the arrow keys to move the item.  I imagine you use vo`  when you 
get to the right location and want to stop dragging.  You may want to do a vo 
F3 to verify that the vo  cursor is on the item before beginning the process.  
I have never used this before.

I hope it works.

Sincerely Yours,
Robert Nelson

On May 4, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I didn't. The company thinks I did an accidental drag of the mouse.
> On May 3, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How did you rearrange the columns in the first place?  If you can reverse 
>> that process it will probably fix itself.  Is it more that you don't know 
>> how you did it?  Was there some VO keystroke you might have accidentally 
>> pressed?
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 8:58 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I tried that, and the column didn't move. 
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
 Hi Sarai,
 The VO command to begin dragging is vo-command-shift-space.  I've not 
 tried this myself, though I imagine you start the process on the column 
 you want to move and move it left or right until it is where you want to 
 put it.  To stop dragging, use vo-command-shift-space again.
 Best, and hope this helps,
 On May 3, 2011, at 7:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hello:
> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date 
> column in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to 
> Splasm, I can drag the column to the location where I want it in the 
> table. How do I do this with VO?
> -- 
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open with?

2011-05-06 Thread John Sanfilippo

I have a bunch of known plain text files which have nonstandard txt or rtf 
extensions. Short of renaming them all, is there some way I can have the system 
open them in Text Edit?

1, Is there a way to open this file just once in text edit?

2, Is there a way to indicate that this type of file will always open in text 

3, Would there be a way of terminating the opening of type x in text edit?

John S

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Re: open with?

2011-05-06 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello; go to one of these files and press command i that will bring up  
the info on it.  tab or arrow right until you get to the fields that  
talk about open with.  you can then use the select bar to tell your  
mac to open all files with that extension with the ap text edit. You  
may have to choose other and then arrow down until you get to text  
edit.  i'm sure someone else can explain it more clearly, but i wanted  
you to know it could be done. take care, max

On May 6, 2011, at 12:11 PM, John Sanfilippo wrote:


I have a bunch of known plain text files which have nonstandard txt  
or rtf extensions. Short of renaming them all, is there some way I  
can have the system open them in Text Edit?

1, Is there a way to open this file just once in text edit?

2, Is there a way to indicate that this type of file will always  
open in text edit?

3, Would there be a way of terminating the opening of type x in text  

John S

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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Brandt:
I've done this a couple of different ways.  One: you can export the whole 
mailbox to an external, or flash drive and bring them over in that way.  You 
could also forward them to whatever your Mac email is set to receive, being 
sure to disable the windows one from receiving them.  Probably the first way's 
the least painful, considering you have a vast amount.:)

I don't have a good understanding of the Migration assistant on the Mac.  But, 
it's possible it could be helpful. Perhaps someone on list who is familiar can 
offer info about using that program.
Either way, not to panic.  I've been porting all sorts of materials from my 
Dell to my Mac, and I can't say I've lost anything.:)  (nock on wood.:)

On May 6, 2011, at 8:39 AM, brandt wrote:

> Are there a way to get them from "windows mail" to my Gmail?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 
> to
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
> - Original Message -
> From: Isaac Obie
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Bringing email over from windows
> Hi Brandt,
>  Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account 
> to join the Macvissionaries
> then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
> Isaac
> Why don't you creat
> - Original Message -
> From: brandt
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
> Subject: Bringing email over from windows
> Hi there folks,
> Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.
> I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
> loos. What do I do?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 
> to
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Shameless FanGirl
This is perhaps a stupid question, but my theory is to begin from the 
beginning, so here goes. :) Did you tell gmail to use pop3 from the site 
itself? Log into your account, configure it that way, etc? I recently 
configured my accounts for Apple mail, but am using imap, so haven't tried this 
method personally. Just some extremely basic suggestions.

I hope you get it sorted. :)
On May 6, 2011, at 1:07 PM, matthew Dyer on mac mini wrote:

> Yes I gave up on pop3 and stuck with imap  for now.  If aanyone has any ideas 
> I am willing to try.
> Matthew
> matthew Dyer
> e-mail/msn:
> AIM: mattdy1
> Yahoo: md1616
> twitter: mdyer1.
> Facebook:
> On May 6, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
>> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it 
>> doesn't sem to want to get messages.
>> Any of you had to deal with this?   
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Terry:
Welcome to the Mac and to the list.  There are a lot of really resourceful and 
helpful folks here.  Every day, i find something out that I didn't know before.
I haven't delved into terminal.  But, I wanted to give you a pointer that would 
have helped me a lot when I started.  When you're finding that something isn't 
working, try interacting with it (vo-shift-down arrow).  And, sometimes 
uninteresting (vo-shift-up arrow) makes some things work better.  An example of 
this is the find command in Safari.  If you've interacted with a website, the 
voiceover cursor can seriously limit the search.  I've learned that the find 
command often works more effectively if you uninteract with a website.  
Enjoy your Mac journey.


Carolyn  Haas
On May 6, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Terry,
> COncerning Terminal, you're not quite correct.  It is quite possible to 
> review the screen.  All you need do first is interact with the shell text 
> area so that you can then use standard VO commands to read the screen.  
> As far as Preview is concerned, you can get it back by finding a PDF file, 
> and hitting cmd-i, to open the Get Info window.  One of he sections in that 
> window lets you select which program to open the file with, as well as 
> whether to use that same program for all files of that type.  
> Hope this helps,
> Zack..
> On May 6, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Terry Klarich wrote:
>> Hello all:
>> I have recently chunked my old pc and have obtained a nice shiny MacBook 
>> Pro.  I think this is one of the smartest things I've done
>> in quite some time.  My experience with VO on the iPhone convenced me how 
>> far ahead Apple is.  So, I'm extremely impressed with Mac
>> OS and VO.  More things just work.
>> My natural habitat is unix and linux.  I am a Unix Systems Analyst for a 
>> living.  And, have been doing this for 20 plus years.  I
>> looked in the list archive concerning the terminal application.  It seems 
>> that this application will work; but, one doesn't have
>> any way to review the screen.  Is this correct?  Is there another 
>> application that might work for shell access?  I would really
>> like to chunk my work laptop as well and get away from windows all together.
>> Also, I did something stupid.  I installed adobe reader.  No need to ask 
>> why.  Must have been all those years under windows.  Or,
>> it could have been those beers I had.  Who can say.  Anyway, I need to get 
>> preview back is the pdf reader of choice while browsing.
>> I have removed adobe reader.  Any help would be appreciated.
>> So far, the switch to Mac has been pretty simple.  I think those months 
>> spent with the iPhone gave me a head start.  I have yet to
>> dig into iTunes; but, will get to that this weekend (hopefully).
>> I recognize a lot of you all from other lists.  This must be where all the 
>> smart people hang out.
>> Terry
>> -- 
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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
's not true when joining Macvisionaries that you have to create an Gmail 
account.  You can put in your own e-mail address if you want to join as I did.  
I do not have a Gmail account.

On 6 May 2011, at 15:07, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Brandt,
>  Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account 
> to join the Macvissionaries
> then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
> Isaac
> Why don't you creat
> - Original Message -
> From: brandt
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
> Subject: Bringing email over from windows
> Hi there folks,
> Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.
> I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
> loos. What do I do?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going 
> to
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
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Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread Terry Klarich

Thanks for the reply.

Do you have to turn off cursor tracking in VO when using terminal?  I'll mess 
with it some more this evening when I get home.
having a terminal window represented by a scroll area seems to work different 
than on windows.  My VO Cursor seems to always be at
the top of the scroll area.

I'll give that cmd-i  command a try


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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread Isaac Obie

Well, if I wanted to change anything I needed a gmail account.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: Bringing email over from windows

's not true when joining Macvisionaries that you have to create an Gmail 
account.  You can put in your own e-mail address if you want to join as I 
did.  I do not have a Gmail account.

On 6 May 2011, at 15:07, Isaac Obie wrote:

Hi Brandt,
 Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail 
account to join the Macvissionaries

then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
Why don't you creat

- Original Message -
From: brandt
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
Subject: Bringing email over from windows

Hi there folks,

Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.

I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
loos. What do I do?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune 
in to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC 
by going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp

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Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread Terry Klarich
On Fri, 6 May 2011 12:34:04 -0600you write:
>Hi Terry:
>Welcome to the Mac and to the list.  There are a lot of really resourceful 
>and helpful folks here.  Every day, i find something out that I didn't know
> before.


Thanks for the welcome and advice.


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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
There is an option on the gmail Webpage to toggle Pop mail on and off. Make 
sure it's set to "on". You will have to do this even after enabling your 
account in the Mail client on the computer.

On May 6, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it doesn't 
> sem to want to get messages.
> Any of you had to deal with this?   
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: text expander

2011-05-06 Thread Scott Howell
yes and yes
On May 6, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Listers.
> Has anyone used the text expander app for mac?
> If so is it accessible?
> Thanks.
> Matthew Campbell.
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ipod oops.

2011-05-06 Thread Nadine Carr
Hi, made a mistake when having to format a machine. I forgot to back up the 
itunes libraries... Is there any possibility o dumping from the ipod to itunes 
althought that particularl library is from the old machine.

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RE: ipod oops.

2011-05-06 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi Nadine. Try doing a google search for a program called Senuti for the
mac. I just used it to transfer my stuff from the iPod to my mac. That, of
course, was after I transferred purchases from the iPod to iTunes directly.
You can set Senuti to add your files to the itunes library and to skip files
that are already on the computer. It's accessible, and I highly recommend
this program. It's shareware, which means you eventually have to pay for it
if you want to keep using it, but the trial is quite generous, 1000 songs or
30 days, whichever comes first. Not bad in my opinion. I had less than that
on my iPod, so I got all my stuff on the mac for free. It also transferred
some iBooks purchases and sound files that I got from sources other than the
iTunes Store.

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nadine Carr
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 3:40 PM
Subject: ipod oops.

Hi, made a mistake when having to format a machine. I forgot to back up the
itunes libraries... Is there any possibility o dumping from the ipod to
itunes althought that particularl library is from the old machine.

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Adium Weirdness

2011-05-06 Thread Mitchell Smith
Hi List,

I am experiencing some Adium weirdness on a new Macbook which I have
never seen before.

When in a conversation with someone, if I interact with the "Unknown"
HTML message history to review messages that have been sent, it is
letting me read the first message but not scrole any further.

I know there are more messages there because I can select all and
paste into text editor something, bt I can't actually read them in the
Adium app.

I am running Snow Leopard patched up to the latest release, and the
latest version of Adium.

I have this exact same software combo on my work Macbook and on a mac
mini and it works fine there, so I don't understand what's different
about this particular installation.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before, and have any suggestions what I
can do to resolve it?



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Re: ipod oops.

2011-05-06 Thread Simon Cavendish
Could we please have more descriptive subject lines rather than "iPod oops"? 
 I think "Moderators of the list have been asking for these many a time.

On 6 May 2011, at 20:40, Nadine Carr wrote:

> Hi, made a mistake when having to format a machine. I forgot to back up the 
> itunes libraries... Is there any possibility o dumping from the ipod to 
> itunes althought that particularl library is from the old machine.
> -- 
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Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Terry,
I don't turn cursor tracking off myself, though I'm aware it might be useful to 
try and run terminal-based programs that way.  The key for me is to interact 
with the shell text area.  I should point out here that I don't generally run 
Curses programs, less being a notable exception when reading manual pages.   I 
don't use the Unix layer of OS X all that much.
Hope this helps, and welcome to the mac.
On May 6, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Terry Klarich wrote:

> Zack:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Do you have to turn off cursor tracking in VO when using terminal?  I'll mess 
> with it some more this evening when I get home.
> having a terminal window represented by a scroll area seems to work different 
> than on windows.  My VO Cursor seems to always be at
> the top of the scroll area.
> I'll give that cmd-i  command a try
> Terry
> -- 
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Re: Adium Weirdness

2011-05-06 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Mitch,
I suspect you're probably running with groups mode on in VO Utility.  Adium has 
a known long-standing bug with Groups on that does precisely this.  Its HTML 
handling is a bit strange in a number of ways, even in ordinary DOM mode.
On May 6, 2011, at 1:27 PM, Mitchell Smith wrote:

> Hi List,
> I am experiencing some Adium weirdness on a new Macbook which I have
> never seen before.
> When in a conversation with someone, if I interact with the "Unknown"
> HTML message history to review messages that have been sent, it is
> letting me read the first message but not scrole any further.
> I know there are more messages there because I can select all and
> paste into text editor something, bt I can't actually read them in the
> Adium app.
> I am running Snow Leopard patched up to the latest release, and the
> latest version of Adium.
> I have this exact same software combo on my work Macbook and on a mac
> mini and it works fine there, so I don't understand what's different
> about this particular installation.
> Has anyone seen this behaviour before, and have any suggestions what I
> can do to resolve it?
> Thanks,
> Mitch
> -- 
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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread Joseph Norton
It's weird, but, pop is enabled.  I will try checking if the port settings need 
to be adjusted.

Imap will be ok for now.

On May 6, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> There is an option on the gmail Webpage to toggle Pop mail on and off. Make 
> sure it's set to "on". You will have to do this even after enabling your 
> account in the Mail client on the computer.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On May 6, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
>> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it 
>> doesn't sem to want to get messages.
>> Any of you had to deal with this?   
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: Apple Mail and gmail

2011-05-06 Thread CJ Daniel

Well, you've gotten some good replies.  All of them are right online.  I'm 
using gmail with Apple Mail in a pop3 configuration,so I know it can happen.  
The best advice you got was to follow all the instructions that gmail offers 
for setting Apple Mail as a client.  Also, make sure that once you've gone 
through all the steps that you "take the account online in Mail."  If you're, 
still, experiencing problems as I did, send yourself a test msg from another 
account.  It seems that gmail doesn't keep msg's around very long.  I hadn't 
checked my gmail account for about a week, during my transition to the Mac, & 
couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any mail once I set up the account.  
Wel, for kicks I sent myself a new msg from another account & got it.  The next 
day, I had a stack of new msg's...go figure.

Hope any or all of this helps,


On May 6, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> I am trying to set up the Mac Mail program to access Gmail.
> By default, it wants to use IMAP protocol.  When I try to use POP, it doesn't 
> sem to want to get messages.
> Any of you had to deal with this?   
> Thanks!
> -- 
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iTunes library back-up Was: iPod OOPS

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Nadine:
If I understand your question correctly, your iPod should still contain your 
iTunes library.  When you connect it, iTunes should offer to make the transfers 
from your iPod to the iTunes library.  
I've had more stuff be retained by iTunes than I've ever lost.:)  Keep us 

On May 6, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Nadine Carr wrote:

> Hi, made a mistake when having to format a machine. I forgot to back up the 
> itunes libraries... Is there any possibility o dumping from the ipod to 
> itunes althought that particularl library is from the old machine.
> -- 
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Re: Spellchecker and mail question

2011-05-06 Thread Colin M
Hi All!
Well I'm back in black on my Mac!
So how to stop the spell check before sending!
1] open vo+shift+m and go to the spell check sub menu!
2 the first item should be hide spell check, vo+space on it!
3] you'll be back in the message!
And you can go through it to check the words you want!
4] to continue open vo+shift+m and go to check document now and vo+space on 
that and you'll go through the rest of the message and change any other mis 
spelled words!
And as normal when you've finished it will send the message!
hth Colin
[no longer Macless] Yay smiley

I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 2 May 2011, at 03:50, Zachary Kline wrote:

> I believe this is the way Mail is supposed to work.  I personally use 
> cmd-semi-colon to do my spell checking before I send a message.  It isn't as 
> full-featured as the dialog, but it gets the job done.  You could use 
> cmd-colon just as easily.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On May 1, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Do you think this is a bug with Vo, iMail, or just the way it is supposed to 
>> work?
>> On May 1, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>>> Dear Sarai,
>>> I was able to confirm your experience with the inability of being able to 
>>> close the Spell Check Window without having the message being sent.
>>> If you change the settings in the Mail Preferences window, under the 
>>> compose pane, you  should be able to cure the problem.   there are three 
>>> selections in the pop up spell check window.  One is "Never".  the second 
>>> is "While typing".  The third is"Upon pressing the send button".If you 
>>> change the spell check to either "Never" or "While Typing" you will be  
>>> able to  close the window by  either command-w or VO-ESCAPE..
>>> Once you do that  you may bring the Spell check back up by pressing 
>>> SHIFT-COMMAND-SEMICOLON or if the  misspelled word is  selected, 
>>> I hope  this helps.
>>> Sincerely Yours,
>>> robert Nelson
>>> you may use the shortcut menu VO-SHIFT-M.
>>> On May 1, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Thanks, but no luck.On May 1, 2011, at 12:45 PM, wrote:
> Hi there!
> Sorry I've been out of the loop!
> I'm not on my Mac, so saying this from memorie!
> So when you are at a word to check and you do not want it to send!
> Open vo+shift+m and in there is a option to close spell check or some 
> wording like that!
> It is there I've used it!
> HTH Colin.
> -original message-
> Subject: Re: Spellchecker and mail question
> From: Sarai Bucciarelli 
> Date: 29/04/2011 04:40
> Nope, that sends the message for me.
> On Apr 28, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have you tried pressing escape? That always works for me when I'm 
>> spellchecking something and want to see the context.
>> Brandon
>> On Apr 28, 2011, at 8:37 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> I have my mail to spellcheck before sending; however if I cannot 
>>> understand the misspelled word, or want to read it in the sentence, or 
>>> manually enter in a correction, I cannot exit spell checker without 
>>> sending the message. Is there a way to exit without sending?
>>> -- 
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Re: repairing permissions

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
So, I'm curious, and maybe you can clarify something. When repairing 
permissions the other day, I discovered a warning at the bottom of the results 
table that said a certain system UI thing couldn't be repaired.  It was 
preceded by a warning.  Is that something I should be concerned about?

On Mar 25, 2011, at 1:52 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Christina,
> I normally just repair permissions and don't bother with verifying 
> permissions.
> I also get to Disk Utility by pressing Command-Shift-U to get straight to the 
> Utilities folder, then the letters "dis" to go straight to Disk Utility. 
> Having opened the application, you have to interact with the table to select 
> your hard drive. This will be the first item in the list, so just interacting 
> will select it.
> Stop interacting and navigate right where First Aid should already be 
> selected. Keep going right until you find REpair Permissions and click it.
> You can follow its progress by going left again until you find the Results 
> table. Interact with this and you'll see lines appearing as permissions are 
> repaired.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Default Applications for File Types?

2011-05-06 Thread Mike Arrigo
Highlight a word file, then press command i to open the info window. Navigate 
down to the option for opening the file, and choose text edit from the pop up 
menu, then select the option to open all file types with this program.
On May 6, 2011, at 7:52 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, folk,
> I'm trying to set up Text-edit to open Word documents, instead of Open 
> Office. How do i go about doing this?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Carolyn,

Well, this is a timely topic, as our hard drive on our PC has malfunctioned.  I 
cannot access Outlook mail and need to preserve it.  Sometimes, I can access 
the menus, sometimes I cannot, I'm talking about Outlook now.  So where is the 
option to export one's mailbox?  Thanks.

On May 6, 2011, at 2:23 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Brandt:
> I've done this a couple of different ways.  One: you can export the whole 
> mailbox to an external, or flash drive and bring them over in that way.  You 
> could also forward them to whatever your Mac email is set to receive, being 
> sure to disable the windows one from receiving them.  Probably the first 
> way's the least painful, considering you have a vast amount.:)
> I don't have a good understanding of the Migration assistant on the Mac.  
> But, it's possible it could be helpful. Perhaps someone on list who is 
> familiar can offer info about using that program.
> Either way, not to panic.  I've been porting all sorts of materials from my 
> Dell to my Mac, and I can't say I've lost anything.:)  (nock on wood.:)
> Care 
> On May 6, 2011, at 8:39 AM, brandt wrote:
>> Are there a way to get them from "windows mail" to my Gmail?
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
>> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by 
>> going to
>> Contact me:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> MSN:
>> Google talk/AIM:
>> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Isaac Obie
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:07 PM
>> Subject: Re: Bringing email over from windows
>> Hi Brandt,
>>  Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail account 
>> to join the Macvissionaries
>> then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
>> Isaac
>> Why don't you creat
>> - Original Message -
>> From: brandt
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
>> Subject: Bringing email over from windows
>> Hi there folks,
>> Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.
>> I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
>> loos. What do I do?
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
>> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by 
>> going to
>> Contact me:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> MSN:
>> Google talk/AIM:
>> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
>> -- 
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Potential flaw in Skype 5 for OSX

2011-05-06 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Something to be aware of in Skype 5.  This will only be a problem if, as the 
article states, you accept messages from strangers.  Closing the conversation 
with command W or quitting Skype should shut down this hole.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Les and list:
It looks like the least costly way to do this is to use gmail and imap as 
someone suggested earlier.  There are a couple other options I've found so far:
one is called "message save", and it's one you have to buy.  They are offering 
40 per cent off to switchers.  The second is apparently a freeware program 
called Litlemachines," 
Both of these convert folders into files. (think I'm spelling that 
correctly):). Which you can then port over to mail over a network or with an 
external drive.

I've seen files done that way, but it's been a few years, and I don't recall 
the process someone used to accomplish it.
Anyhow, I'd like to know a foolproof way, and I'll continue to explore this.
Hope this helps someone a little.  The message save sounded like the easiest.

Take care

On May 6, 2011, at 6:48 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> Well, this is a timely topic, as our hard drive on our PC has malfunctioned.  
> I cannot access Outlook mail and need to preserve it.  Sometimes, I can 
> access the menus, sometimes I cannot, I'm talking about Outlook now.  So 
> where is the option to export one's mailbox?  Thanks.
> Les
> On May 6, 2011, at 2:23 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Brandt:
>> I've done this a couple of different ways.  One: you can export the whole 
>> mailbox to an external, or flash drive and bring them over in that way.  You 
>> could also forward them to whatever your Mac email is set to receive, being 
>> sure to disable the windows one from receiving them.  Probably the first 
>> way's the least painful, considering you have a vast amount.:)
>> I don't have a good understanding of the Migration assistant on the Mac.  
>> But, it's possible it could be helpful. Perhaps someone on list who is 
>> familiar can offer info about using that program.
>> Either way, not to panic.  I've been porting all sorts of materials from my 
>> Dell to my Mac, and I can't say I've lost anything.:)  (nock on wood.:)
>> Care 
>> On May 6, 2011, at 8:39 AM, brandt wrote:
>>> Are there a way to get them from "windows mail" to my Gmail?
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
>>> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by 
>>> going to
>>> Contact me:
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> MSN:
>>> Google talk/AIM:
>>> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Isaac Obie
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:07 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Bringing email over from windows
>>> Hi Brandt,
>>>  Why not store them in your gmail account? You had to create a gmail 
>>> account to join the Macvissionaries
>>> then you can create a gateway from the Apple to that gmail account.
>>> Isaac
>>> Why don't you creat
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: brandt
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:56 AM
>>> Subject: Bringing email over from windows
>>> Hi there folks,
>>> Just thaught of something that almost drove me to panic.
>>> I have about 2000 messages in my Windows Mail client that I don't want to 
>>> loos. What do I do?
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
>>> to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by 
>>> going to
>>> Contact me:
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> MSN:
>>> Google talk/AIM:
>>> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
>>> -- 
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MP4 to AVI converter for the Mac?

2011-05-06 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello all,
Can anybody recommend an accessible converter that would allow me save MP4 
video files into AVI for Windows?
I need to share some files on Tuesday and have no way of exporting them from my 

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