Re: VLC iOS developers respond to app's removal:

2011-01-11 Thread James Malone
Well the first time I read it, I couldn[t put it together. Now I read this 
side. Bla
On 11/01/2011, at 5:45 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> yeah really. I was a bit confused as well.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:15 PM, James Malone wrote:
>> Hmm. This does put an interesting side to the story. 
>> On 11/01/2011, at 10:13 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I'm getting 2 sides of the story. Is it Nokia that made the dev remove the 
>>> app or the dev that removed the app on his own accord? read more:  
>>> -- 
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Re: garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-11 Thread William Windels

I was trying the gamin app on the Belgium app-store but it seems not to exists.
There are some apps with gamin and gps in the name but this sounds like 
something else.
Can you give the exact name of the program pls?

Thanx for your answers,

best regards,
Op 11-jan-2011, om 03:34 heeft Michael Thurman het volgende geschreven:

> and you hadbetter hope you don't hit your data cap or at and t will be 
> getting your next house payment
> On Jan 9, 2011, at 9:07 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi everyone, well I decided to try the Garmin GPS App, besides a couple 
>> buttons that have strange labels, it's very accessible, it's the first 
>> version, there are some improvements I hope they will make. First, this app 
>> does not store its maps on the device, it downloads them as needed, this 
>> means that you could have problems if you end up in an area with no 
>> coverage, I think most areas are covered these days though. One feature I 
>> really hope will be added is to have spoken instructions when in walk mode, 
>> currently it just beeps to indicate when you need to turn, but spoken 
>> instructions are only provided for driving roots. I emailed them asking for 
>> this feature in an update.
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Re: learning voiceover the old fashioned way?

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Hunt
I signed up for one to one training and schedule my classes so that I get the 
same trainer. We built a working relationship and she is learning voiceover as 
we work together. I also learn from manuals podcasts and this list. The best 
way to learn is teaching. Also remember that the Apple store primarily works by 

On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:25 PM, "brandt"  wrote:

> I know that the apple stores around here does boath training for mac 
> opperating system and iWorks. I inquired about voiceover, and the guy I spoke 
> to didn't have a clue what I was talking about. That's why, when I ever get 
> that mac, I'm going in on my own, with help from the podcasts done by mike 
> Arrigo.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Carolyn Haas" 
> To: 
> Cc: "Carolyn Haas" 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 6:04 AM
> Subject: Re: learning voiceover the old fashioned way?
> Hi Karen:
> A couple of things come to mind here.  I'm not big on podcasts, and, like you 
> prefer to learn hands on or at least with something hardcopy braille. There 
> are a couple of options.  If you read braille, there is a braille version of 
> the "getting started guide" availaable from I believe the san Fransisco 
> lighthouse.
> There is also a tutorial available through Handytech USA though I'm not sure 
> which format it comes in.  Last I knew the cost for that one was  $75, and 
> you can get it through Handytech usa.  Another option is to check out the 
> text tutorials on the Apple website,.  There are also workshops through 
> Handitech, and one to one from Apple directly, if there is an Apple store 
> near you.
> Carolyn HOn Jan 4, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> If I have read it once I have read it a zillion times, and agree.  It is 
>> important to know  a screen reader as completely as possible.
>> I prefer, especially if I cannot get hands on training, or if I have seen 
>> that others may have issues, to read as much as I can in advance.
>> so, has anyone put together a solid users guide specifically for voiceover?  
>> I realize any such guide would be in flux, changing as apple upgrades the 
>> system in general, and voiceover in particular.  Still a solid guide,  more 
>> for reading than say someones audio tutorials would be fantastic.
>> Say the sort of book one would use in a classroom, or that would have come 
>> in the box with your old style screen readers?
>> thanks in advance,
>> Karen
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Re: VLC iOS developers respond to app's removal:

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
Am I in the minority that doesn't care? :).  Its not in the app store anymore.  
After that, what difference does it make?  I'm just glad I downloaded it before 
they got rid of it.  lol

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:18 AM, James Malone wrote:

> Well the first time I read it, I couldn[t put it together. Now I read this 
> side. Bla
> On 11/01/2011, at 5:45 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> yeah really. I was a bit confused as well.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:15 PM, James Malone wrote:
>>> Hmm. This does put an interesting side to the story. 
>>> On 11/01/2011, at 10:13 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I'm getting 2 sides of the story. Is it Nokia that made the dev remove the 
 app or the dev that removed the app on his own accord? read more:
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Re: VLC iOS developers respond to app's removal:

2011-01-11 Thread Eric Oyen
the point is, there is some problem with apple's app store policy and 
opensource software (which VLC is supposed to be).

believe me, I have read the gpl up and down more times than I would ever want 
to, and there is a clear conflict with apple's app store policy (specifically 
placing DRM on everything). I am not sure about this alleged letter purportedly 
from apple about having the app pulled by the developer. what I have seen so 
far looks like the blame game.

anyway, its pretty much a dead issue as far as the app store goes. However, 
since that app is open source, you should be able to transfer a copy to your 
computer and share it with whomever you wish. since apple no longer has it on 
their app store, they cannot say anything about it.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:46 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Am I in the minority that doesn't care? :).  Its not in the app store 
> anymore.  After that, what difference does it make?  I'm just glad I 
> downloaded it before they got rid of it.  lol
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:18 AM, James Malone wrote:
>> Well the first time I read it, I couldn[t put it together. Now I read this 
>> side. Bla
>> On 11/01/2011, at 5:45 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> yeah really. I was a bit confused as well.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:15 PM, James Malone wrote:
 Hmm. This does put an interesting side to the story. 
 On 11/01/2011, at 10:13 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I'm getting 2 sides of the story. Is it Nokia that made the dev remove 
> the app or the dev that removed the app on his own accord? read more:  
> -- 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell

I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because 
of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and 
to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only once 
did they make an error, which was something to do with the system and a change 
I made. They corrected the problem quickly and offered me compensation. Now I 
have had little reason to call customer service in any case with either 
company. I will point out though Verizon made life very difficult for me when I 
opted to switch to AT&T and tried charging me early termination fees even 
though my contract had ended. It took me a couple of months to get the issue 
resolved. So, a lot of this in my opinion is expectation about service and of 
course everyone will have different experiences and of course different 
experience with the service as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon 
cell phone for work and I get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do 
with Verizon, as an example. THe point is none of these companies are more 
interested in making as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if 
Verizon can live up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more 
competition in plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer 
unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I 
would hope it would push AT&T back to offering the same to current and new 
customers. Now I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was 
unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. 
Another thing that will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do to 
the cell industry and that is something brewing in the pipeline.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:

> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
> them.
> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>>> for letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> --
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
I'm not a mod but be careful what words you use there has already been a 
mention of this before by a mod!
I've kicked out the bad word!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 11 Jan 2011, at 10:56, Scott Howell wrote:

> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because 
> of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and 
> to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only 
> once did they make an error, which was something to do with the system and a 
> change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and offered me 
> compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer service in any 
> case with either company. I will point out though Verizon made life very 
> difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried charging me early 
> termination fees even though my contract had ended. It took me a couple of 
> months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in my opinion is 
> expectation about service and of course everyone will have different 
> experiences and of course different experience with the service as a result 
> of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get better 
> coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. THe 
> point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much money 
> as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the hype. 
> What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For example, 
> Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers 
> and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to 
> offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited 
> data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 
> 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that will be very 
> interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is 
> something brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott

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Re: reading all in pages

2011-01-11 Thread Colin M
Hi Laura!
I think someone mentioned this before!
I think they something about changing how the rapping is set in prefs 
I liked in my text edit  and there is a rap to page check box if yours is 
checked then that might be your problem!
Uncheck it and see,if your check box is not checked then I do not know!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 11 Jan 2011, at 01:29, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi,
> that is what I am doing but VO is only reading to the end of the page
> not the end of the document. What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for your help,
> Laura
> Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You have to first interact with the text and then press vo a, then it will 
>> read to the bottom of the document.
>> hth,
>> Rafaela Freundt
>> E-mail/MSN:
>> Skype: rafafreundt
>> El 09/01/2011, a las 18:55, Laura Bratton escribió:
>>> Hi All,
>>> When I press VO A  in pages it will read down to the bottom of that page. 
>>> How do I change the settings so that I can read the whole document?
>>> Thanks,
>>> laura
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Eric Oyen
I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price point 
for cell service. They also worked with me on my current contract. Even though 
the phone I have requires a data plan, they waived that requirement because of 
my blindness. This clinches it for me. unless AT&T, Sprint or verizon can say 
the same thing and offer the same.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because 
> of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and 
> to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only 
> once did they make an error, which was something to do with the system and a 
> change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and offered me 
> compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer service in any 
> case with either company. I will point out though Verizon made life very 
> difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried charging me early 
> termination fees even though my contract had ended. It took me a couple of 
> months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in my opinion is 
> expectation about service and of course everyone will have different 
> experiences and of course different experience with the service as a result 
> of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get better 
> coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. THe 
> point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much money 
> as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the hype. 
> What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For example, 
> Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers 
> and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to 
> offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited 
> data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 
> 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that will be very 
> interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is 
> something brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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is there a way to stop skype from chattering

2011-01-11 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi all.

I am using skype this evening to participate in an ACB Board of Directors 
meeting teleconference call.  I have found that in my trials of skype when 
calling phones, I repeatedly get some system message about growl and when I do 
the window chooser to try to disabled the darned thing, I get nowhere with vo 
f2 f2.  Is there a way to stop this from happening?

Thanks so much.


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Re: skype questions

2011-01-11 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi Colin.  No, it shows multiple contact listings with all the same info.  I 
deliberately chose to show my address book contacts so that I could use my 
skype out more easily.  It's wild!

On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Colin M wrote:

Hi Marlaina!
Could it be that each contact is different numbers for each one!
Like mobile or landline to check this just pick one and see if it is a mob then 
look at the next to see if it is land!
Or vise versor!
And in the menu up top you can set to only show online contacts!
hth Colin
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 10 Jan 2011, at 20:32, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi Nick.  Yes, and it is only my address book contacts which show up multiple 
> times, not my online or offline contacts.
> Thanks!
> marlaina
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know there is no shortcut key to answer calls, nor can you create 
> one cause there doesn't seem to be a "answer" option in the Skype menus. You 
> could however create one for hanging up in System preferences > Keyboard > 
> Keyboard shortcuts.
> I think you can only type the first letter of a person's name in the contact 
> list.
> When you're in a chat window you can look for main frame, interact with that, 
> than interact with chat frame. Pretty straight forward once you're used to it.
> I wouldn't know why your contacts show up multiple times - never seen 
> anything like that. I suppose you mean this happens in the Skype contact list?
> Good luck.
> Nick
> On 10 Jan 2011, at 07:26, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I mean the stable release.
>> On Jan 9, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>> When you say you've got the newest version of Skype, do you mean the beta 
>> version (version 5) or the stable release (version 2.8)?
>> Nick
>> On 9 Jan 2011, at 04:44, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I have the latest version (as of a week ago) of skype now running on my 
>>> Air.  I have managed to use it somewhat successfully, but here are a few 
>>> questions whose answers I can't find or figure.
>>> 1.  Is there a shortcut key to answer a call?  And conversely, is there one 
>>> to hang up?
>>> 2.  Once I type my sms message, how do I send it?
>>> 3.  Should I not be able to type the name of the contact I want to call or 
>>> sms once in the list of contacts and have that person come into focus?
>>> 4.  Is the chat feature accessible and if so, how do I see what is being 
>>> typed to me?
>>> 5.  I see names from my address book repeated, some as many as four times.  
>>> Can I get rid of the extras and if so, how?
>>> Thanks in advance for any help; I was pretty proficient with skype in 
>>> windows with window-eyes, so I sort of know what should be happening but in 
>>> some cases is not.
>>> Marlaina
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>> MSN:
>> Skype: Nickvv
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Scott:
I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net neutrality.  
Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer to?

Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because 
> of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and 
> to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only 
> once did they make an error, which was something to do with the system and a 
> change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and offered me 
> compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer service in any 
> case with either company. I will point out though Verizon made life very 
> difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried charging me early 
> termination fees even though my contract had ended. It took me a couple of 
> months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in my opinion is 
> expectation about service and of course everyone will have different 
> experiences and of course different experience with the service as a result 
> of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get better 
> coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. THe 
> point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much money 
> as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the hype. 
> What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For example, 
> Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers 
> and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to 
> offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited 
> data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 
> 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that will be very 
> interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is 
> something brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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Re: Inserting bullets n Pages

2011-01-11 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
•just press option key then the 8 key for each bullet you want.
• I mean that you hold down option and press 8.
• It is great and works like a charm everywhere I've tried it.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone give me advice on creating a bulleted list in Pages? I would have 
thought there would have been an option in the insert menu to do this, but I 
guess not...


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itunes problem when trying to sync music or audio books

2011-01-11 Thread denise avant
Hello all,
I have an iphone 3gs and a mac book pro with the latest version of itunes and 
updates for my phone. i have been able to successfully sync my phone for apps, 
podcasts and contacts. however when i try to sync music that i purchased and an 
audio book of short stories, i get a message that says its from another itunes 
library and i will have to replace because you can only sync with one library/ 
that's not a direct quote. but if anyone has seen something like this can you 
tell me why i should be getting this message? these are by the way mp3 files 
which i want to maintain. thanks.

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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
HHi James:
Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  But 
there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a little 
more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear your 
dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just a 
time and a place.
Thanks for reading.  
Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:

> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
> them.
> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>>> for letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread louie
It is some what like send space but, easer to use.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hey Louie:
> Thanks for this explanation.  It sounds kind of like sendspace.  Is that an 
> accurate assessment, or am I confusing my 'puter programs?:)
> Carolyn
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 1:44 PM, louie wrote:
>> You can put items in the ~/dropbox/public folder for others to get.
>> Besure the dropbox application is running.
>> After putting a item in the publict folder wait a while for it to upload to 
>> the dropbox server.
>> Go to the item and right click on it.
>> You will get a drop down menu.
>> Arrow down to dropbox sub menu.
>> In the sub menu you will find a item called Copy Public Link.
>> Click on this link.
>> This will put a link to the item on the paste board.
>> How when you are in a e-mail press command v to paste the link into the 
>> e-mail.
>> Sure wish you would get skype working.
>> It would be more simple to talk you through this.
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Yes, I have a drop box folder just after my downloads folder.  What do I do 
>>> with it, :)
>>> Sorry to be so dense!
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:37 AM, louie wrote:
>>> The Dropbox folder should be in your home folder.
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:33 AM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
 the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
 are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could 
 someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use 
 this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders 
 which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her 
 drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send 
 links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or 
 understand enough to ask other questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
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>>> louie
>>> -- 
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>> louie
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell

The short version is that carriers want to charge on a tiered system. My advice 
to you and all is do a little research on this topic and get familiar with it. 
There may be a time when you will want to make your voice heard. I think it is 
save to say that you do not want to be charged based on the content you access 
for example. I am no expert, so I will leave you to your own thoughts with this.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Scott:
> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer to?
> Thanks
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> James,
>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service as 
>> a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get 
>> better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. 
>> THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much 
>> money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the 
>> hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For 
>> example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone 
>> customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push 
>> AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have 
>> an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such 
>> crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that 
>> will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry 
>> and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread denise avant
the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when i 
switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts do 
not have at&t.
also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to the 
4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a land 
so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer satisfaction.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Scott:
> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer to?
> Thanks
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> James,
>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service as 
>> a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get 
>> better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. 
>> THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much 
>> money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the 
>> hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For 
>> example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone 
>> customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push 
>> AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have 
>> an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such 
>> crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that 
>> will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry 
>> and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For

Re: reading all in pages

2011-01-11 Thread Marlaina Lieberg

I asked this question a few weeks ago and ended up reading my stuff in text 
edit and checking the box that said wrap to window.  I just looked for that in 
pages for you and I can't find it.  I actually like text edit now more than I 
like pages, though pages is clearly a heavyweight app.  If all else fails, read 
it in t e and you'll be fine.


On Jan 10, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

that is what I am doing but VO is only reading to the end of the page
not the end of the document. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help,

Rafaela Freundt wrote:
> Hi,
> You have to first interact with the text and then press vo a, then it will 
> read to the bottom of the document.
> hth,
> Rafaela Freundt
> E-mail/MSN:
> Skype: rafafreundt
> El 09/01/2011, a las 18:55, Laura Bratton escribió:
>> Hi All,
>> When I press VO A  in pages it will read down to the bottom of that page. 
>> How do I change the settings so that I can read the whole document?
>> Thanks,
>> laura
>> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Thanks for this.  I know sendspace isn't rocket science for most, but I'm 
wondering if dropbox might be a better choice for file-sharing with the Mac.:)
Again thanks
On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:52 AM, louie wrote:

> Carolyn,
> It is some what like send space but, easer to use.
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hey Louie:
>> Thanks for this explanation.  It sounds kind of like sendspace.  Is that an 
>> accurate assessment, or am I confusing my 'puter programs?:)
>> Carolyn
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 1:44 PM, louie wrote:
>>> You can put items in the ~/dropbox/public folder for others to get.
>>> Besure the dropbox application is running.
>>> After putting a item in the publict folder wait a while for it to upload to 
>>> the dropbox server.
>>> Go to the item and right click on it.
>>> You will get a drop down menu.
>>> Arrow down to dropbox sub menu.
>>> In the sub menu you will find a item called Copy Public Link.
>>> Click on this link.
>>> This will put a link to the item on the paste board.
>>> How when you are in a e-mail press command v to paste the link into the 
>>> e-mail.
>>> Sure wish you would get skype working.
>>> It would be more simple to talk you through this.
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 Yes, I have a drop box folder just after my downloads folder.  What do I 
 do with it, :)
 Sorry to be so dense!
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:37 AM, louie wrote:
 The Dropbox folder should be in your home folder.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:33 AM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck 
> I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other 
> folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files 
> into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can 
> then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know 
> enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
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>>> louie
>>> -- 
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>>> For mo

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Carter

When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does not 
read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it and when 
I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am tabbing through 
the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I 
believe that the preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier 
version but doesn't appear to be in the current release.

Can anybody else verify this?


Robert Carter

On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download the 
> DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop box.  
> However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air are two 
> completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could someone 
> give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use this?  My 
> friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders which I do not 
> have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her drop box public 
> folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send links to those 
> files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to 
> ask other questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker

I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
finder and try to gain access to it that way.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am tabbing 
> through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 1 of 
> DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in 
> the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current release.
> Can anybody else verify this?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download the 
>> DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>> Hi all.
>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop box.  
>> However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air are two 
>> completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could someone 
>> give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use this?  My 
>> friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders which I do not 
>> have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her drop box public 
>> folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send links to those 
>> files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to 
>> ask other questions, :)
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>> Marlaina
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
I love dropbox.  Especially the IOS app.  You got to jump through hoops on the 
Mac to get to preferences but, Its not something I need to do often.  Actually, 
I only needed to do so once since installing dropbox on my Mac. 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Louie:
> Thanks for this.  I know sendspace isn't rocket science for most, but I'm 
> wondering if dropbox might be a better choice for file-sharing with the Mac.:)
> Again thanks
> Carolyn
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:52 AM, louie wrote:
>> Carolyn,
>> It is some what like send space but, easer to use.
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hey Louie:
>>> Thanks for this explanation.  It sounds kind of like sendspace.  Is that an 
>>> accurate assessment, or am I confusing my 'puter programs?:)
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 1:44 PM, louie wrote:
 You can put items in the ~/dropbox/public folder for others to get.
 Besure the dropbox application is running.
 After putting a item in the publict folder wait a while for it to upload 
 to the dropbox server.
 Go to the item and right click on it.
 You will get a drop down menu.
 Arrow down to dropbox sub menu.
 In the sub menu you will find a item called Copy Public Link.
 Click on this link.
 This will put a link to the item on the paste board.
 How when you are in a e-mail press command v to paste the link into the 
 Sure wish you would get skype working.
 It would be more simple to talk you through this.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Yes, I have a drop box folder just after my downloads folder.  What do I 
> do with it, :)
> Sorry to be so dense!
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:37 AM, louie wrote:
> The Dropbox folder should be in your home folder.
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:33 AM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> From: [] 
>> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>> Hi all.
>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
>> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
>> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the 
>> heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and 
>> other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste 
>> files into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and 
>> she can then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't 
>> know enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>> Marlaina
>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> louie
> -- 
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Carter

Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access 
DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?


Robert Carter

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
>> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
>> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am 
>> tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 
>> 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to 
>> VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current 
>> release.
>> Can anybody else verify this?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download the 
>>> DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> From: [] On 
>>> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>>> Hi all.
>>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop box. 
>>>  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air are two 
>>> completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could someone 
>>> give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use this?  My 
>>> friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders which I do 
>>> not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her drop box 
>>> public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send links to 
>>> those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand 
>>> enough to ask other questions, :)
>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>>> Marlaina
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker

If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the unlimited 
data plan who can confirm this.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when 
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
> price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
> calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts 
> do not have at&t.
> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
> blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a 
> land line.
> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> satisfaction.
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
>>> example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making 
>>> as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live 
>>> up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in 
>>> plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to 
>>> new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it 
>>> would push AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now 
>>> I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to 
>>> introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. 
>>> Another thing that will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do 
>>> to the cell industry and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker

My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access 
> DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
>> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
>>> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
>>> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am 
>>> tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 
>>> 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to 
>>> VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current 
>>> release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
 the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
 are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could 
 someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use 
 this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders 
 which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her 
 drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send 
 links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or 
 understand enough to ask other questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I understood however, that the latest version of Drop Box has serious issues 
with regard to slowing down Macs and synking  problems.  Have those issues been 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
>> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
>> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am 
>> tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 
>> 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to 
>> VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current 
>> release.
>> Can anybody else verify this?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download the 
>>> DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> From: [] On 
>>> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>>> Hi all.
>>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop box. 
>>>  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air are two 
>>> completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could someone 
>>> give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use this?  My 
>>> friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders which I do 
>>> not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her drop box 
>>> public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send links to 
>>> those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand 
>>> enough to ask other questions, :)
>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>>> Marlaina
>>> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
I haven't noticed a problem.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I understood however, that the latest version of Drop Box has serious issues 
> with regard to slowing down Macs and synking  problems.  Have those issues 
> been fixed?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
>> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
>>> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
>>> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am 
>>> tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 
>>> 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to 
>>> VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current 
>>> release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
 the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
 are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could 
 someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use 
 this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders 
 which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her 
 drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send 
 links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or 
 understand enough to ask other questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
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Re: garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-11 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi William,

The App is named "Garmin StreetPilot," However, according to the Garmin website 
it is currently only available in the US and Canada.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:54 AM, William Windels wrote:
> I was trying the gamin app on the Belgium app-store but it seems not to 
> exists.
> There are some apps with gamin and gps in the name but this sounds like 
> something else.
> Can you give the exact name of the program pls?

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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Carter

How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?


Robert Carter

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access 
>> DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
>>> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
 does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
 see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I 
 am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
 version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible 
 to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the 
 current release.
 Can anybody else verify this?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck 
> I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other 
> folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files 
> into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can 
> then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know 
> enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Nick Van Vlaenderen
OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're in 
the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't seem to 
work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.

On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
>>> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
 the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
> see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I 
> am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
> version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was 
> accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be 
> in the current release.
> Can anybody else verify this?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> From: [] 
>> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>> Hi all.
>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
>> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
>> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the 
>> heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and 
>> other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste 
>> files into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and 
>> she can then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't 
>> know enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>> Marlaina
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at 

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker


It doesn't work now.  It did about 2 weeks ago when I tried it last.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
>>> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
 the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
> see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I 
> am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
> version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was 
> accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be 
> in the current release.
> Can anybody else verify this?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> From: [] 
>> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>> Hi all.
>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
>> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
>> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the 
>> heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and 
>> other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste 
>> files into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and 
>> she can then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't 
>> know enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>> Marlaina
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
Hi all,

Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will not 
burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able to 
read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem makes no 
sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not apparently showing 
as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know which plist files I 
could trash or what else I could possibly do to address this issue? I do not 
have any DVD burning software installed, which was my initial thought. I did 
take the machine in about a year and a half ago and had the drive replaced, 
which at the end of the day turned out not to even be the issue. So, I am 
pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now what is more curious is an 
external drive works perfectly. So, is it possible the internal drive has gone 
bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to think it may be a software issue. Of course 
I may just install SL on an external drive and see what happens, but thought I 
would put the question out there as well.


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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Yeah, I noticed that changed when I upgraded to the latest Drop Box just fine.  
when I did that, I discovered that I'm now having the very same issues that 
Sarah and other users were reporting.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:

> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're 
> in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't 
> seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
> Nick
> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
 access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
>> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
>> see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that 
>> I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
>> version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was 
>> accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be 
>> in the current release.
>> Can anybody else verify this?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> From: [] 
>>> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>>> Hi all.
>>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my 
>>> air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
>>> trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
>>> how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
>>> folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
>>> does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
>>> seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
>>> she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
>>> questions, :)
>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>>> Marlaina
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, se

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I just tried pressing the space bar on the prefs window and that doesn't work 

any other ideas?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Yeah, I noticed that changed when I upgraded to the latest Drop Box just 
> fine.  when I did that, I discovered that I'm now having the very same issues 
> that Sarah and other users were reporting.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're 
>> in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't 
>> seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
>> Nick
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
>>> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
>>> doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
>>> reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
>>> VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences 
>>> window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't 
>>> appear to be in the current release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
 download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my 
 air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
 trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
 how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
 folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
 does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
 seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
 she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
 questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group

Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell

If you upgraded from the iPHone 3GS to 4, you did not loose your data plan. I 
checked this out very carefully, but opted not to upgrade at that time. I 
checked again recently and was told that the only way I would loose my data 
plan, which is unlimited, is if I switched to one of the existing data plans, 
(i.e. unlimited to 2Gb etc.) So, changing equipment has no affect on your data 
plan. As far as quality of calls, I have yet to hear any cell phone provide the 
same level of quality as a landline phone. The cell call always has some 
digital artifacts that landline calls do not.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when 
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
> price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
> calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts 
> do not have at&t.
> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
> blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a 
> land line.
> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> satisfaction.
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
>>> example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making 
>>> as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live 
>>> up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in 
>>> plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to 
>>> new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it 
>>> would push AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now 
>>> I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to 
>>> introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. 
>>> Another thing that will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do 
>>> to the cell industry and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Nick Van Vlaenderen
Nope, you're right. I wasn't running the latest version of Dropbox. Installed 
the newest one and can't access preferences anymore...

On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:48, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I just tried pressing the space bar on the prefs window and that doesn't work 
> either.
> any other ideas?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Yeah, I noticed that changed when I upgraded to the latest Drop Box just 
>> fine.  when I did that, I discovered that I'm now having the very same 
>> issues that Sarah and other users were reporting.
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when 
>>> you're in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space 
>>> don't seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just 
>>> fine.
>>> Nick
>>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
 How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
>> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
 does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
 doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
 reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
 VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the 
 preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version 
 but doesn't appear to be in the current release.
 Can anybody else verify this?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
> download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
> []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on 
> drop box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have 
> on my air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
> trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
> how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
> folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
> does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
> seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
> she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
> questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For 

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Carter
Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?

As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver 
doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he 
was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options. 
VoiceOver was completely silent during this entire process.

Robert Carter
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:

> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're 
> in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't 
> seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
> Nick
> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
 access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
>> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
>> see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that 
>> I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
>> version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was 
>> accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be 
>> in the current release.
>> Can anybody else verify this?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> From: [] 
>>> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>>> Hi all.
>>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my 
>>> air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
>>> trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
>>> how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
>>> folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
>>> does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
>>> seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
>>> she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
>>> questions, :)
>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>>> Marlaina
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to

Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Earle M. Harrison

Do yourself a favor and set-up an appointment with the Apple store and bring it 
in if this is an option.  As long as you can reproduce the problem the should 
be able to fix it at no cost to you and get he matter resolved and over with.  
I had a problem with my track pad about a month ago, met with a tech, left my 
machine with him and the next morning it was back at 100 percent.  They don't 
care where you got the machine because as long as it is a Mac it's all in the 
family as far as  they're concerned.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
> before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
> have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
> longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
> reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will 
> not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able 
> to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem makes 
> no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not apparently 
> showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know which plist 
> files I could trash or what else I could possibly do to address this issue? I 
> do not have any DVD burning software installed, which was my initial thought. 
> I did take the machine in about a year and a half ago and had the drive 
> replaced, which at the end of the day turned out not to even be the issue. 
> So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now what is more 
> curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, is it possible the internal 
> drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to think it may be a software 
> issue. Of course I may just install SL on an external drive and see what 
> happens, but thought I would put the question out there as well.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble ticket 
with the Drop Box folks about this issue.  We all need to do this so they don't 
just think it's me.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?
> As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver 
> doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he 
> was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options. 
> VoiceOver was completely silent during this entire process.
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're 
>> in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't 
>> seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
>> Nick
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
>>> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
>>> doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
>>> reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
>>> VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences 
>>> window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't 
>>> appear to be in the current release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
 download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my 
 air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
 trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
 how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
 folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
 does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
 seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
 she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
 questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread denise avant
when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, and 
that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was wrong, but 
this is exactly what i was told. 

--- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

From: Ricardo Walker 
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 8:11 AM


If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the unlimited 
data plan who can confirm this.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when 
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
> price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
> calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts 
> do not have at&t.
> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
> blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a 
> land line.
> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> satisfaction.
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better
 coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. THe 
point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much money as 
possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the hype. What 
I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For example, Verizon 
apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I 
wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to 
offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited data 
plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb 
and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that will be very interesting is 
what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is something brewing 
in the pipeline.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011,

Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker

You were miss informed.  You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but, you 
didn't need to change your plan.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:24 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, 
> and that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was 
> wrong, but this is exactly what i was told. 
> --- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> From: Ricardo Walker 
> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 8:11 AM
> What?
> If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
> unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
> pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the 
> unlimited data plan who can confirm this.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:
> > hi,
> > the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, 
> > when i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a 
> > $20.00 price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal 
> > because i get calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most 
> > of my contacts do not have at&t.
> > also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> > the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> > i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has 
> > a blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on 
> > a land line.
> > so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> > satisfaction.
> > 
> > On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi Scott:
> >> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
> >> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
> >> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
> >> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
> >> to?
> >> Thanks
> >> 
> >> Carolyn H
> >> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> >> 
> >>> James,
> >>> 
> >>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
> >>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly 
> >>> two years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their 
> >>> customer service. Only once did they make an error, which was something 
> >>> to do with the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem 
> >>> quickly and offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call 
> >>> customer service in any case with either company. I will point out though 
> >>> Verizon made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T 
> >>> and tried charging me early termination fees even though my contract had 
> >>> ended. It took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot 
> >>> of this in my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone 
> >>> will have different experiences and of course different experience with 
> >>> the service as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone 
> >>> for work and I get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with 
> >>> Verizon, as an example. THe point is none of these companies are more 
> >>> interested in making as much money as possible. What will be interesting 
> >>> is if Verizon can live up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is 
> >>> more competition in plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to 
> >>> offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this 
> >>> will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to offering the same to 
> >>> current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited data plan, but I 
> >>> always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb 
> >>> for those price points. Another thing that will be very interesting is 
> >>> what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is something 
> >>> brewing in the pipeline.
> >>> Scott
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
> >>> 
>  The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>  Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>  oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>  what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>  screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>  glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>  them.
>  On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walk

Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Ford
I had that same problem, the solution was to take it to the apple store 
and have the drive replaced.  Hope that this helps.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
> before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
> have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
> longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
> reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will 
> not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able 
> to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem makes 
> no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not apparently 
> showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know which plist 
> files I could trash or what else I could possibly do to address this issue? I 
> do not have any DVD burning software installed, which was my initial thought. 
> I did take the machine in about a year and a half ago and had the drive 
> replaced, which at the end of the day turned out not to even be the issue. 
> So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now what is more 
> curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, is it possible the internal 
> drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to think it may be a software 
> issue. Of course I may just install SL on an external drive and see what 
> happens, but thought I would put the question out there as well.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

RE: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Hooper
Just out of curiosity, is anyone following the live coverage of the Verizon 
press event scheduled for 11:00 AM EST in New York? If you are like me and 
waiting for another class to start as snow pounds silently down all around you 
(and are devoid of a life:), then CNet is where it's happening. Of course, I 
myself have doubts as to whether or not a iPhone will be announced today-why 
come out with a CDMA iPhone when the iPhone 5 will probably come out this June 
and will have 4G? Apple (and the carriers) can't be banking on everyone to get 
the hypothetical iPhone 4 for Verizon and then upgrade to the 4G version sure 
to come out this fall. If Verizon is going to get an iPhone at all, you would 
think it would be when the 5 comes out this June and AT&T has launched their 4g 
network. I know this skews a bit off-topic, but I find it interesting as I am 
sick of Windows Mobile phones and would love an iPhone.

Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-9435

From: [] 
On Behalf Of denise avant
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, and 
that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was wrong, but 
this is exactly what i was told.

--- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

From: Ricardo Walker 
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 8:11 AM

If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the unlimited 
data plan who can confirm this.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when 
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
> price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
> calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts 
> do not have at&t.
> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
> blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a 
> land line.
> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> satisfaction.
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
>>> example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making 
>>> as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live 
>>> up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in 
>>> plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to 
>>> new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it 
>>> would push AT&T back to offering the same to

Re: Inserting bullets n Pages

2011-01-11 Thread Jon Cohn
Question here that you might not be able to answer...

WHen you use the option 8  it tells the Mac to enter the 'bullet' character.  
Does pages turn a set of paragraphs each starting with the bullet character 
into a 'bulleted list'?  The best way to tell this would be to save as HTML and 
then view it in Safari.  If scanning the bulleted items it says something like 
"list of 20 items" at the start then Pages does do this.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> •just press option key then the 8 key for each bullet you want.
> • I mean that you hold down option and press 8.
> • It is great and works like a charm everywhere I've tried it.
> Marlaina
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone give me advice on creating a bulleted list in Pages? I would have 
> thought there would have been an option in the insert menu to do this, but I 
> guess not...
> Thanks,
> Joshua
> -- 
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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Changing subject lines, was =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Donna Goodin
... and this would be another case where changing the subject line would be a 
good idea. :)
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Yup,
> You were miss informed.  You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but, 
> you didn't need to change your plan.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:24 AM, denise avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, 
>> and that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was 
>> wrong, but this is exactly what i was told. 
>> --- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> From: Ricardo Walker 
>> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
>> To:
>> Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 8:11 AM
>> What?
>> If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
>> unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
>> pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the 
>> unlimited data plan who can confirm this.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, 
>>> when i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a 
>>> $20.00 price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal 
>>> because i get calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most 
>>> of my contacts do not have at&t.
>>> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
>>> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
>>> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has 
>>> a blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on 
>>> a land line.
>>> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
>>> satisfaction.
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Scott:
 I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
 responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
 imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
 neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly 
> two years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their 
> customer service. Only once did they make an error, which was something 
> to do with the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem 
> quickly and offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call 
> customer service in any case with either company. I will point out though 
> Verizon made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T 
> and tried charging me early termination fees even though my contract had 
> ended. It took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot 
> of this in my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone 
> will have different experiences and of course different experience with 
> the service as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone 
> for work and I get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with 
> Verizon, as an example. THe point is none of these companies are more 
> interested in making as much money as possible. What will be interesting 
> is if Verizon can live up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is 
> more competition in plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to 
> offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this 
> will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to offering the same to 
> current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited data plan, but I 
> always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb 
> for those price points. Another thing that will be very interesting is 
> what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is something 
> brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped a

Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Jon Cohn
If you believe it could be   preference item, the best way to check this is to 
set up an additional account in syste  preferences  and see if you get the same 
results there.

I have read one recommendation to set up a Guest account, since then everytime 
you log in it is a clean set of files / preferences.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Earle M. Harrison wrote:

> Hi,
> Do yourself a favor and set-up an appointment with the Apple store and bring 
> it in if this is an option.  As long as you can reproduce the problem the 
> should be able to fix it at no cost to you and get he matter resolved and 
> over with.  I had a problem with my track pad about a month ago, met with a 
> tech, left my machine with him and the next morning it was back at 100 
> percent.  They don't care where you got the machine because as long as it is 
> a Mac it's all in the family as far as  they're concerned.
> Best,
> Earle
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
>> before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
>> have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
>> longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
>> reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will 
>> not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able 
>> to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem 
>> makes no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not 
>> apparently showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know 
>> which plist files I could trash or what else I could possibly do to address 
>> this issue? I do not have any DVD burning software installed, which was my 
>> initial thought. I did take the machine in about a year and a half ago and 
>> had the drive replaced, which at the end of the day turned out not to even 
>> be the issue. So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now 
>> what is more curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, is it 
>> possible the internal drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to 
>> think it may be a software issue. Of course I may just install SL on an 
>> external drive and see what happens, but thought I would put the question 
>> out there as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
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Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-11 Thread Jon Cohn
Spotlight should still be able to find these, if the MP3 tags specify the 
Artest / Album / Work correctly.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:03 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Yuma!
> Whilst going through my Itunes problem sorting out my mess!
> I found a couple of my albums have a different name in the hd than the itunes 
> library!
> So could it be that the missing ones in yours have a different name?
> That will make it hard for you to find them!
> You will not know what to search for!
> I only came across this by chance, but would have found it out eventually, 
> how you could find out I do not know!
> Colin
> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
> On 10 Jan 2011, at 07:44, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Don't really know why or where the files have disappeared.
>> It's not like i can just do a slew of vo movements to delete select files  
>> without cognition of me doing all the steps to delete them.
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Re: qtkitserver process

2011-01-11 Thread Jon Cohn
Yes this is some process associated with the Quicktime framework. I found some 
discussions of this process constantly increasing thread counts until it 
crashed.  So with multiple processors and multiple threads, the CPU levels can 
go above 100%, though each thread can only use up to 100%.


On Jan 10, 2011, at 9:39 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi List,
> I've been a bit jostled by this process. My macbook was fanning like a 
> ventriloquist every time i connected to my media drive in the network, and 
> was wondering if going to the tropics too many times gave it a bad shake in 
> the components and made it go asthmatic.
> So i checked activity monitor, the more logical explanation, and looked at 
> the processes. The qtkitserver, short for quicktime kit server i guess, was 
> running at a whopping 160% of CPU usage. Now this i'm a bit flabbergasted to 
> see, as a CPU usually doesn't run over 100% unless it's overclocked, and i've 
> never done that to any of my macs. 
> I killed the process, but really wondering what the QTKITserver does in 
> general.
> Anyone encountered this before?
> Best
> Yuma DX®
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi to anyone following this thread:
Is that update tied to any other app?  Or, would I have the working one if I 
haven't messed with mine?  Secondly, is this something Accessibility knows 

Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?
> As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver 
> doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he 
> was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options. 
> VoiceOver was completely silent during this entire process.
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're 
>> in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't 
>> seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
>> Nick
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
>>> does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
>>> doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
>>> reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
>>> VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences 
>>> window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't 
>>> appear to be in the current release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
 If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
 download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
 Rafael Bejarano
 [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
 Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
 Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
 Hi all.
 A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
 box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my 
 air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
 trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
 how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
 folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
 does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
 seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
 she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
 questions, :)
 Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Ray:
I'm not affected yet since I haven't played with the app yet.  But, are you 
saying this is a 3rd party app?

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble 
> ticket with the Drop Box folks about this issue.  We all need to do this so 
> they don't just think it's me.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?
>> As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver 
>> doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he 
>> was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options. 
>> VoiceOver was completely silent during this entire process.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when 
>>> you're in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space 
>>> don't seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just 
>>> fine.
>>> Nick
>>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
 How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
>> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
 does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
 doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
 reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
 VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the 
 preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version 
 but doesn't appear to be in the current release.
 Can anybody else verify this?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
> download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
> []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on 
> drop box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have 
> on my air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
> trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
> how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
> folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
> does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
> seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
> she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
> questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi John Andre and others:
There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 9.x.22.  
Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?

Carolyn H
On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:

> Hi all,
> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a new 
> version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it works 
> great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
> Cheers,
> John André
> ***
> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
> Visit online at
> ***
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Moore
I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year ago 
when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now that I have 
no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an iPal Solo which 
is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement or an invoice at it 
and it can then fall over.

So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  

On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi John Andre and others:
> There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 9.x.22. 
>  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
>> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
>> new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
>> works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
>> Cheers,
>> John André
>> ***
>> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
>> Visit online at
>> ***
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I would be delighted to submit a ticket on the accessibility issues now being 
faced since an apparent update.  Please somebody who used this before 
yesterday, email me off list and let me know the changes and I, too will submit 
a ticket.  I hope everyone on this list who has a drop box account will be 
minded to do the same; that's how we create positive change, :)


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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Michael Thurman
that was very weird the link worked perfectly today  but last time it was not a 
functional link and very interesting   at an t is going to have to re think 
it's no more unlimited data on the I phone stance since verizon is going t 
offer unlimited data  that will make alot of people go to verizon
On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks for 
>> letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Michael Thurman
does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are adults 
here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this shouldn't ave a 
problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and have never listened 
to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 years... 
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> HHi James:
> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just a 
> time and a place.
> Thanks for reading.  
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
I would love to do that, but we do not have an APple store handy and well um, 
it is not under warranty any longer. Hell, this one stumped the techs when it 
was under warranty. Yeah, I somehow neglected to get the Apple care, but won't 
next time. :)
Of course I want an answer more than I just want it to work. THis is so that 
next time it occurs, I can correct the problem myself.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Earle M. Harrison wrote:

> Hi,
> Do yourself a favor and set-up an appointment with the Apple store and bring 
> it in if this is an option.  As long as you can reproduce the problem the 
> should be able to fix it at no cost to you and get he matter resolved and 
> over with.  I had a problem with my track pad about a month ago, met with a 
> tech, left my machine with him and the next morning it was back at 100 
> percent.  They don't care where you got the machine because as long as it is 
> a Mac it's all in the family as far as  they're concerned.
> Best,
> Earle
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
>> before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
>> have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
>> longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
>> reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will 
>> not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able 
>> to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem 
>> makes no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not 
>> apparently showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know 
>> which plist files I could trash or what else I could possibly do to address 
>> this issue? I do not have any DVD burning software installed, which was my 
>> initial thought. I did take the machine in about a year and a half ago and 
>> had the drive replaced, which at the end of the day turned out not to even 
>> be the issue. So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now 
>> what is more curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, is it 
>> possible the internal drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to 
>> think it may be a software issue. Of course I may just install SL on an 
>> external drive and see what happens, but thought I would put the question 
>> out there as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks, but I am more than certain it is not the drive. The drive was replaced 
nearly a year ago. Again, this turned out to be a software issue since a 
complete install of SL resolved the problem. SOmething is messing things up and 
I'm going to try and figure out what. As I said, the one good thing is I have 
an external drive. Of course I do not use the drive often, so at some point I 
may just remove it and stuff another hard drive in there.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hello,
>   I had that same problem, the solution was to take it to the apple store 
> and have the drive replaced.  Hope that this helps.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once 
>> before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I 
>> have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no 
>> longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is being 
>> reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the drive will 
>> not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this issue I was able 
>> to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that this problem 
>> makes no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that is not 
>> apparently showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does anyone know 
>> which plist files I could trash or what else I could possibly do to address 
>> this issue? I do not have any DVD burning software installed, which was my 
>> initial thought. I did take the machine in about a year and a half ago and 
>> had the drive replaced, which at the end of the day turned out not to even 
>> be the issue. So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the problem. Now 
>> what is more curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, is it 
>> possible the internal drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined to 
>> think it may be a software issue. Of course I may just install SL on an 
>> external drive and see what happens, but thought I would put the question 
>> out there as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Granados
Seriously, I'm so tired of these hyper sensitive blind wack jobs that would 
have us speak in stilted restricted language.  F*ck em!

If shit or damn or screwed is good enough for prime time television, BBC over 
the air or over the air radio it's definitely OK for the list or one should 
assume that.  If people don't like that language the can crawl back from under 
the rock from where they came and hit that big button on the front of their 
computer that says power.  
I suppose these same people find things like the Kane Mutiny, Huck Fin 
or any of the classics objectional as well.  Ridiculous!  Well said Mike!


On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this shouldn't 
> ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and have never 
> listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 years... 
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> HHi James:
>> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
>> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
>> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
>> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
>> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just 
>> a time and a place.
>> Thanks for reading.  
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: queztion about Optical drives in the MacBook Pro

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
Yes, that is on the list as another test. I have not run this test or strapping 
another clean install I have on an external drive and testing against that as 

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Jon Cohn wrote:

> If you believe it could be   preference item, the best way to check this is 
> to set up an additional account in syste  preferences  and see if you get the 
> same results there.
> I have read one recommendation to set up a Guest account, since then 
> everytime you log in it is a clean set of files / preferences.
> Jon
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Earle M. Harrison wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do yourself a favor and set-up an appointment with the Apple store and bring 
>> it in if this is an option.  As long as you can reproduce the problem the 
>> should be able to fix it at no cost to you and get he matter resolved and 
>> over with.  I had a problem with my track pad about a month ago, met with a 
>> tech, left my machine with him and the next morning it was back at 100 
>> percent.  They don't care where you got the machine because as long as it is 
>> a Mac it's all in the family as far as  they're concerned.
>> Best,
>> Earle
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved 
>>> once before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes 
>>> up. I have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive 
>>> will no longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I insert is 
>>> being reported to the OS as being blank. Of course this also means the 
>>> drive will not burn any discs either. The last time I encountered this 
>>> issue I was able to read discs, but not write to them. I have to admit that 
>>> this problem makes no sense, but I'm leaning toward a bad plist file that 
>>> is not apparently showing as being bad (if that makes sense). So, does 
>>> anyone know which plist files I could trash or what else I could possibly 
>>> do to address this issue? I do not have any DVD burning software installed, 
>>> which was my initial thought. I did take the machine in about a year and a 
>>> half ago and had the drive replaced, which at the end of the day turned out 
>>> not to even be the issue. So, I am pretty confident the drive is not the 
>>> problem. Now what is more curious is an external drive works perfectly. So, 
>>> is it possible the internal drive has gone bad? Sure. However, I'm inclined 
>>> to think it may be a software issue. Of course I may just install SL on an 
>>> external drive and see what happens, but thought I would put the question 
>>> out there as well.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Ricardo Walker

Personally, the language doesn't bother me.  But I don't think that people not 
liking that language and asking someone not to use it is some sort of slap in 
the face.  After all, those this look like the type of list were that kind of 
language is condoned?  I can read hundreds of messages from this list and not 
come across 1 word stronger than hell.  So I guess I'm saying, you often find 
yourself needing to conform to the people your conversing with at large.  And 
since when was ones moral or social compass calibrated by what is done on 
primetime television? :).  And just because your an adult doesn't mean your 
want to be subjected to senseless profanity.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Seriously, I'm so tired of these hyper sensitive blind wack jobs that would 
> have us speak in stilted restricted language.  F*ck em!
> If shit or damn or screwed is good enough for prime time television, BBC over 
> the air or over the air radio it's definitely OK for the list or one should 
> assume that.  If people don't like that language the can crawl back from 
> under the rock from where they came and hit that big button on the front of 
> their computer that says power.  
>   I suppose these same people find things like the Kane Mutiny, Huck Fin 
> or any of the classics objectional as well.  Ridiculous!  Well said Mike!
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
>> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this 
>> shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and 
>> have never listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 
>> years... 
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> HHi James:
>>> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
>>> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
>>> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
>>> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
>>> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just 
>>> a time and a place.
>>> Thanks for reading.  
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> --
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Chris:
Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help 
from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using a canon 
mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit boxes to 
tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling particularly dense, as I 
keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even when I put in other material.
go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  But, 
how I hate doing that!:)

Carolyn H

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year ago 
> when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now that I 
> have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an iPal Solo 
> which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement or an 
> invoice at it and it can then fall over.
> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
> Chris 
> On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi John Andre and others:
>> There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
>> 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
>>> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
>>> new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
>>> works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
>>> Cheers,
>>> John André
>>> ***
>>> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
>>> Visit online at
>>> ***
>>> -- 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Michael:
It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear enough of the 
f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a supposedly 
intelligent group discussion.
If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this shouldn't 
> ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and have never 
> listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 years... 
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> HHi James:
>> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
>> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
>> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
>> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
>> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just 
>> a time and a place.
>> Thanks for reading.  
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Mills
I totally agree. It is simply a matter of respecting everyone on this list. 
Also such language is not acceptable on prime time TV, that's what the 
watershed is for, not that that is relevant.  Those who use such profanity 
obviously have a limited vocabulary, restricting their ability to express 

On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:45, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Michael:
> It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear enough of the 
> f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a supposedly 
> intelligent group discussion.
> If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!
> Carolyn
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
>> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this 
>> shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and 
>> have never listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 
>> years... 
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> HHi James:
>>> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
>>> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
>>> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
>>> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
>>> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just 
>>> a time and a place.
>>> Thanks for reading.  
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionar

Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

VueScan should work well with your scanner. I have a Cannon MP170 which I use 
with VueScan. However, I'm not sure whether your scanner has an up-to-date 
driver. I have to use the 32-bit version of VueScan with my MP170, but can use 
the 64-bit version with my CAnnon Lide 700F portable scanner.

VueScan does OCR, but not very well. I use ABBYY FineReader Express for Mac to 
do the OCR.



On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:00, Chris Moore wrote:

> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year ago 
> when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now that I 
> have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an iPal Solo 
> which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement or an 
> invoice at it and it can then fall over.
> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
> Chris

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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Granados
I agree, with VZ having unlimited data and Sprint having an unlimited plan 
you'd think ATT would follow up with a similar offering.

I hope adding another carrier will bring competition in to the mix here and 
improve offerings and performance for everyone regardless of the network.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:34 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> that was very weird the link worked perfectly today  but last time it was not 
> a functional link and very interesting   at an t is going to have to re 
> think it's no more unlimited data on the I phone stance since verizon is 
> going t offer unlimited data  that will make alot of people go to verizon
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks for 
>>> letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> -- 
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iPhone and iPOD Touch differences?

2011-01-11 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi all,

I'm curious what you all know about the differences between the iPhone4 and the 
iPod touch, other than the obvious phone capabilities of course.

I've had my eye on the iPhone since shortly after getting a mac, and as anyone 
following me on twitter could tell you I kept a close eye on any rumors about 
when it would get to Verizon. Strangely, now that Verizon has finally made it 
official, I'm suddenly not sure. The idea of adding another $30 to my bill for 
a smartphone data plan is a little hard to swallow. From what I can tell, the 
iPod touch can run all of the same apps, and I'm satisfied with a phone that 
places calls and does text messaging. Of course the touch can only use wifi, 
but if I'm away from a wifi connection, I'm probably quite busy doing something 
and don't need those distractions anyway.

>From what I have been able to gather, the phone has a far better camera, which 
>is only compelling if there is a great OCR app available to use it with. More 
>important is that the iPOD doesn't appear to have GPS functionality. One would 
>hope that standard bluetooth GPS receivers would work with the touch and allow 
>the use of apps such as Navigon. If not, it would seem odd if there wasn't a 
>GPS receiver among the hundreds of add-ons designed specifically for the iPOD 
>touch. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Other than these, what other differences have you guys noticed?



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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
As much as I would normally avoid chiming in on this discussion, it is 
necessary to keep in mind that that no one knows who is on this list. 
Furthermore, what you say and how you say it is how others view you as a 
person. Perhaps you do not care (not pointing at any one person); however, keep 
in mind that people take you more seriously when you present yourself in a 
respectful and respectable manner. Personally language does not offend me, but 
I'm only one person and thus I have to consider the group as a whole. And yes, 
this is aside from what the moderators have already stated with regard to what 
has been deemed inappropriate language.
So, guess that makes me a kid too and at my age I think I like that idea.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Michael:
> It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear enough of the 
> f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a supposedly 
> intelligent group discussion.
> If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!
> Carolyn
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
>> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this 
>> shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and 
>> have never listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 
>> years... 
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> HHi James:
>>> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
>>> But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with a 
>>> little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear 
>>> your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
>>> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's just 
>>> a time and a place.
>>> Thanks for reading.  
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
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>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
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QTKitServer slowdowns associated with problematic video files [was Re: qtkitserver process]

2011-01-11 Thread Esther
Hi Yuma and Sarah,

I haven't personally run into this problem with QTKitServer, but I did some 
searching on the Apple Support Discussion forums, and came across a thread 
titled "QTKitServer hogging CPU". Most of the cases where this process starts 
running and hogging your CPU can be traced to a corrupt or incompletely 
downloaded video file.  The QTKitServer process only appears when you select 
files with a non-native Quicktime Codec in Finder, or play one of these files 
in Quicktime player.  That means, it's not associated with files that have 
extensions like .mp4 or .mov (unless you have been trying to generate such 
files from problematic video files), but file types like .wmv, .avi, .divx, 
etc. may cause this to launch.  QTKitServer streams data from QuickTime X to 
QuickTime 7 either because the codec for the movie isn't directly supported in 
QT X, or because the action (most filtering, transcoding, and editing 
functions) aren't supported under QT X.  The process will disappear (if the 
file was not problematic) when you close the Finder window or when you close 
the file in Quicktime player.  The original poster of the thread discussion I 
found traced his problems to a corrupt .AVI file that he had downloaded.  In 
his case, on a brand-new MacBook Pro, selecting this file in Finder immediately 
caused QTKitServer to make his CPU activity to spike, and even when he closed 
the Finder window the process remained active and hogged the CPU.  He realized 
that this file was problematic when playing the file in VLC threw up error 
messages, and some experimenting showed that whenever this file was selected in 
Finder he got this behavior.  The reason it's associated with Finder, is that 
Finder attempts to generate preview images for QuickLook from the files.  This 
may also happen for files in certain locations (e.g., one user conjectured that 
when problematic video files were located in either the Downloads or Documents 
folder in his Dock, the QTKitServer would launch to try to generate preview 
images from the files for Finder; since that process might be unsuccessful, 
either because these were partial files (e.g., incomplete torrent downloads), 
or corrupted files.  One user claimed that moving the problem files to a 
different folder location solved the busy problems.  (I  think this must assume 
that he doesn't afterwards specifically select any of these files in FInder).  
Another user, who also didn't want to delete any files, handled this by opening 
Terminal, and typing in the commands:
killall STOP quicklookd
killall STOP QTKitServer

This seems a bit of overkill, since this means that QuickLook and QTKitServer 
processes are stopped until the next time your restart your session, and you 
can't use QuickLook to sample any other files that aren't generating these 
preview image problems -- that is, you also can't QuickLook PDF attachments or 
music files if you want to just play samples without opening iTunes, and you 
can't use QTKitServer to play non-problematic files.

I don't use torrents or do substantial video downloading, but if I were trying 
to fix this for FInder, and I didn't want to try to track down the problem 
files, I might try selecting a group of video media files on your media drive 
(e.g, hold down the shift key and select multiple files), then Control-click 
(where this means pressing the Control key and clicking your trackpad or 
mouse), and arrow down to "Show View Options" on the menu. (You should also be 
able to get to this option by pressing "l a" for "Labels" and arrowing up 
once.)  Press return, and on the next menu, VO-Down arrow to the checkbox for 
"Show Icon Preview" and try unchecking it with VO-Space.  I can't check this 
out, because I don't have any problem files to test this on, but this might 
work.  It would probably be better if you could identify the problem files, but 
in case there are too many to check, provided your system doesn't come to a 
stop, you could try selecting multiple files and doing the uncheck of showing 
the icon preview for these all at once.  If things get really bad, try stopping 
QTKitServer from Terminal with a kill command, then go and select the media 
files in Finder, and go through the process of trying to uncheck the "Show Icon 
Preview" checkboxes en masse.  Then restart and see whether the problem has 
gone away.  The restart should also restart QTKitServer, except it may no 
longer be automatically started up if the problem is the generation of preview 
icons from corrupt or incompletely downloaded video files.  Note that I don't 
know how this will affect your ability to QuickLook these files with VoiceOver, 
since tag information about the artist and work is usually also written into 
the preview information, I think.  Just some thoughts for you to experiment 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jan 10, 2011, at 20:47, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Quicklook helper runs at about 120 percent for me some of the time 

Re: QTKitServer slowdowns associated with problematic video files [was Re: qtkitserver process]

2011-01-11 Thread Esther
Hi Yuma,

As a followup to my suggestion to try unchecking the "Show Icon Preview" option 
in Finder, I realized that an easier way to disable this en masse is simply to 
use Command-J (shortcut for "Show View Options" from the View menu on the 
Finder menu bar), and then VO-Down arrow to the "Show Icon Preview" option 
checkbox in the menu and uncheck this with VO-Space.  If QTKitServer is 
starting up because it's trying to generate preview icons for corrupt or 
incomplete video media files on your media hard drive, this will at least stop 
it from automatically firing up when you display directories with these files 
in Finder.  And this method doesn't involve selecting any files at all -- it 
will work from a directory level (if this is, indeed, a solution).

You wrote:
>> My macbook was fanning like a ventriloquist every time i connected to my 
>> media drive in the network,

>> So i checked activity monitor, the more logical explanation, and looked at 
>> the processes. The qtkitserver, short for quicktime kit server i guess, was 
>> running at a whopping 160% of CPU usage. 

>> I killed the process, but really wondering what the QTKITserver does in 
>> general.

HTH  Cheers,


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Re: iPhone and iPOD Touch differences?

2011-01-11 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Justin,
You can't use an external bluetooth gps with the IPod touch. There is a 
specially made cradle for the Touch that gives you gps capability. And you can 
use Navigon, but many other "helper apps" like around me or where to require a 
connection, so you'd either have to plan ahead when you had wifi or go without 
and rely solely on Navigon or perhaps tom-tom. I haven't heard anybody mention 
using that one with the Touch. If you commute, having streaming audio with the 
3g connection would be nice, I'd think. I don't have an IPhone, just a Touch, 
and not the latest one. So I can't comment other than on the situation with gps.


Mary Otten

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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Chuck Reichel

Absolutely correct Scott,

There are actually People on the list that know professional  
communications require  a standard protocol that is applied when  
conveying information.

In the Professional business realm these kids would never get a gig!

This message was sent by my Mac!!!

On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

As much as I would normally avoid chiming in on this discussion, it  
is necessary to keep in mind that that no one knows who is on this  
list. Furthermore, what you say and how you say it is how others  
view you as a person. Perhaps you do not care (not pointing at any  
one person); however, keep in mind that people take you more  
seriously when you present yourself in a respectful and respectable  
manner. Personally language does not offend me, but I'm only one  
person and thus I have to consider the group as a whole. And yes,  
this is aside from what the moderators have already stated with  
regard to what has been deemed inappropriate language.
So, guess that makes me a kid too and at my age I think I like that  


On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Michael:
It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear  
enough of the f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read  
it in a supposedly intelligent group discussion.

If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!

On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room?  
we are adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to  
read this shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised  
in a convent and have never listened to any modern music or seen a  
movie in the last 30 years...

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

HHi James:
Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a  
toilet.  But there is some language that should be.  May I  
suggest expressing with a little more tact.  Even if you want to  
say "treated like sh**.  We'd hear your dissatisfaction loud and  
Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.   
There's just a time and a place.

Thanks for reading.
Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:

The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well  

Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their  
what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and  
screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will  
face that
glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't  


On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


The link works just fine for me.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and  
repost. Thanks

for letting me know.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

bad link

On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:

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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Moore
Cool, so why do some others also use Abby Fine Reader Express too?

On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Chris:
> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help 
> from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using a 
> canon mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit 
> boxes to tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling particularly 
> dense, as I keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even when I put in 
> other material.
> go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  
> But, how I hate doing that!:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year ago 
>> when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now that I 
>> have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an iPal Solo 
>> which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement or an 
>> invoice at it and it can then fall over.
>> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
>> Chris 
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi John Andre and others:
>>> There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
>>> 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
 Hi all,
 Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
 saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
 new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
 works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
 John André
 John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
 Visit online at
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>> -- 
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bad language was Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
I said this earlier and the mod said if people do not watch what they say they 
would be put to read only!
And as far as bad words go I use them a lot, but no need on here!Colin
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 11 Jan 2011, at 19:46, Scott Howell wrote:

> As much as I would normally avoid chiming in on this discussion, it is 
> necessary to keep in mind that that no one knows who is on this list. 
> Furthermore, what you say and how you say it is how others view you as a 
> person. Perhaps you do not care (not pointing at any one person); however, 
> keep in mind that people take you more seriously when you present yourself in 
> a respectful and respectable manner. Personally language does not offend me, 
> but I'm only one person and thus I have to consider the group as a whole. And 
> yes, this is aside from what the moderators have already stated with regard 
> to what has been deemed inappropriate language.
> So, guess that makes me a kid too and at my age I think I like that idea.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Michael:
>> It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear enough of 
>> the f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a supposedly 
>> intelligent group discussion.
>> If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!
>> Carolyn
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
>>> adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this 
>>> shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and 
>>> have never listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 
>>> years... 
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 HHi James:
 Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet.  
 But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing with 
 a little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  We'd 
 hear your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
 Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's 
 just a time and a place.
 Thanks for reading.  
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
> them.
> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>>> for letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> --
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>> --
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Moore
Guess I replied to that last message too quickly lol,  Ann thanks for that and 
clearing things up.  Think I will download trial versions of both of these 

So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Chris:
> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help 
> from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using a 
> canon mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit 
> boxes to tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling particularly 
> dense, as I keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even when I put in 
> other material.
> go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  
> But, how I hate doing that!:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year ago 
>> when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now that I 
>> have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an iPal Solo 
>> which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement or an 
>> invoice at it and it can then fall over.
>> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
>> Chris 
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi John Andre and others:
>>> There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
>>> 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
 Hi all,
 Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
 saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
 new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
 works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
 John André
 John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
 Visit online at
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread heather kd5cbl
Sprint did that for me too for my phone as well!  I still want an eyephone 
though! Heather
- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Oyen" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price 
point for cell service. They also worked with me on my current contract. 
Even though the phone I have requires a data plan, they waived that 
requirement because of my blindness. This clinches it for me. unless AT&T, 
Sprint or verizon can say the same thing and offer the same.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:


I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly 
two years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in 
making as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon 
can live up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more 
competition in plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer 
unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will 
last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to offering the same to current 
and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt 
it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those 
price points. Another thing that will be very interesting is what net 
neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is something brewing in 
the pipeline.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:

The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have

On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


The link works just fine for me.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
for letting me know.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

bad link

On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:

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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread heather kd5cbl
Hay Hay folks, tone it down please!  We don't need to get angry over 
differing oppinions.  So please for the sake of the list, please leave the 
negative remarks off list.  Just agree to disagree and  leave it at that! 
73 Heather 

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changin ownership of a shared folder

2011-01-11 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
I have a shared folder on my dropbox and I am not the owner of the folder but I 
have all the necessary administration rights to login as owner.

The problem is that the mail-address of the owner will desapear in a few days 
so, I would like to become the owner with this mail-address.

Is there a procedure to do that on the dropbox website?

Thanx for your help

best regards,
William Windels

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Language was Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Granados
I think it's pretty clear then that you've never had a gig.:)

To say that the language in our department is salty is an understatement and 
that's not unique to my company or even profession.  I've worked on the inside 
for everything from banking to medical and mostly Internet services / carrier 
businesses and they are universally that way.  Look at expressions like RTFM or 
similar.  When something goes wrong real humans don't say "oh fudge or holy 
shnikeys".  Further more in the business world this is very common.  Sales 
droids trying to sell products to companies I have worked for have used such 
tactics as taking the engineers to strip clubs, excessive liquor and or 
combinations of these and worse.  Maybe in somelittle insurance office in east 
joe blow montana has some sort of excessively strict language requirement but 
in the real world you old fuddy duddies are pretty far off base.:)

On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

> Absolutely correct Scott,
> There are actually People on the list that know professional communications 
> require  a standard protocol that is applied when conveying information.
> In the Professional business realm these kids would never get a gig!
> Chuck
> This message was sent by my Mac!!!
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> As much as I would normally avoid chiming in on this discussion, it is 
>> necessary to keep in mind that that no one knows who is on this list. 
>> Furthermore, what you say and how you say it is how others view you as a 
>> person. Perhaps you do not care (not pointing at any one person); however, 
>> keep in mind that people take you more seriously when you present yourself 
>> in a respectful and respectable manner. Personally language does not offend 
>> me, but I'm only one person and thus I have to consider the group as a 
>> whole. And yes, this is aside from what the moderators have already stated 
>> with regard to what has been deemed inappropriate language.
>> So, guess that makes me a kid too and at my age I think I like that idea.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Michael:
>>> It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism.  I hear enough of 
>>> the f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a 
>>> supposedly intelligent group discussion.
>>> If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it.  I'm a happy child!
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are 
 adults here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this 
 shouldn't ave a problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and 
 have never listened to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> HHi James:
> Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet. 
>  But there is some language that should be.  May I suggest expressing 
> with a little more tact.  Even if you want to say "treated like sh**.  
> We'd hear your dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
> Trust me, I'm not a prude nor do I have vergin ears or mouth.  There's 
> just a time and a place.
> Thanks for reading.
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 12:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionarie

bluetooth assistant

2011-01-11 Thread Paula Waby

Hi all
I took the big leap yesterday of purchasing a Mini Mac. Now comes the fun of 
learning how to use it. My only previous experience with Apple is using my 
iPhone which I love. The problem I have run into is that I didn't purchase a 
mouse and bluetooth assistant comes up automatically when I start and wants 
to find one. I found on google that you can disable looking for a mouse in 
advanced bluetooth preferences but how do I get there from within the 
bluetooth assistant. I can move around and see things like no mice found, 
but I don't see advanced in the assistant itself and the close is dimmed.

Are there any good tutorials or podcasts I could listen to that would help 
me get started with understanding layout etc?


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Re: bluetooth assistant

2011-01-11 Thread Jane
Just hit control-option escape to open Force Quit.  Vo-right arrow till you 
hear force quit, and as long as it's on bluetooth assistant, it'll shut it 
down.  I have this happen often, but it'll get solved when I get a trackpad, 
which I can't wait for!

On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Paula Waby wrote:

> Hi all
> I took the big leap yesterday of purchasing a Mini Mac. Now comes the fun of 
> learning how to use it. My only previous experience with Apple is using my 
> iPhone which I love. The problem I have run into is that I didn't purchase a 
> mouse and bluetooth assistant comes up automatically when I start and wants 
> to find one. I found on google that you can disable looking for a mouse in 
> advanced bluetooth preferences but how do I get there from within the 
> bluetooth assistant. I can move around and see things like no mice found, but 
> I don't see advanced in the assistant itself and the close is dimmed.
> Are there any good tutorials or podcasts I could listen to that would help me 
> get started with understanding layout etc?
> Cheers
> Paula. 
> -- 
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Re: bluetooth assistant

2011-01-11 Thread Oriol Gómez
wait what
they sell trackpads separately now? What are they used for? Do they
work like a normal mouse if you don't use them with vo?

On 1/11/11, Jane  wrote:
> Just hit control-option escape to open Force Quit.  Vo-right arrow till you
> hear force quit, and as long as it's on bluetooth assistant, it'll shut it
> down.  I have this happen often, but it'll get solved when I get a trackpad,
> which I can't wait for!
> Jane
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Paula Waby wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I took the big leap yesterday of purchasing a Mini Mac. Now comes the fun
>> of learning how to use it. My only previous experience with Apple is using
>> my iPhone which I love. The problem I have run into is that I didn't
>> purchase a mouse and bluetooth assistant comes up automatically when I
>> start and wants to find one. I found on google that you can disable
>> looking for a mouse in advanced bluetooth preferences but how do I get
>> there from within the bluetooth assistant. I can move around and see
>> things like no mice found, but I don't see advanced in the assistant
>> itself and the close is dimmed.
>> Are there any good tutorials or podcasts I could listen to that would help
>> me get started with understanding layout etc?
>> Cheers
>> Paula.
>> --
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Re: bluetooth assistant

2011-01-11 Thread Jane
It's the er magick grackpad. or something like that.  I guess it does.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:

> wait what
> they sell trackpads separately now? What are they used for? Do they
> work like a normal mouse if you don't use them with vo?
> On 1/11/11, Jane  wrote:
>> Just hit control-option escape to open Force Quit.  Vo-right arrow till you
>> hear force quit, and as long as it's on bluetooth assistant, it'll shut it
>> down.  I have this happen often, but it'll get solved when I get a trackpad,
>> which I can't wait for!
>> Jane
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Paula Waby wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I took the big leap yesterday of purchasing a Mini Mac. Now comes the fun
>>> of learning how to use it. My only previous experience with Apple is using
>>> my iPhone which I love. The problem I have run into is that I didn't
>>> purchase a mouse and bluetooth assistant comes up automatically when I
>>> start and wants to find one. I found on google that you can disable
>>> looking for a mouse in advanced bluetooth preferences but how do I get
>>> there from within the bluetooth assistant. I can move around and see
>>> things like no mice found, but I don't see advanced in the assistant
>>> itself and the close is dimmed.
>>> Are there any good tutorials or podcasts I could listen to that would help
>>> me get started with understanding layout etc?
>>> Cheers
>>> Paula.
>>> --
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Moderator note - Cussing and such -was- Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Cara Quinn
Hey Scott and All;

First off, -not sure you were intending to target me or the other mods with 
your post, but hey, I kind of need to speak for the group. So here goes.

-My request has nothing to do with my blindness, and as to whether I'm a 
wack-job or not, well, I suppose the proof that I am, is that I'm still 
moderating this list and no one's paying me to do it! lol! so yes, I accept 
that one completely! -Touche! lol!

Now, as I've said before, while I personally have no serious issue with 
language (within reason) I need to consider listers who do. -And yes, there are 
plenty and no, they're not wack-jobs just because they don't think the way 
you'd like them to.

For myself, my request comes partially (as others have said) from a sense of 
demeanor for the list. If I go to audition as a guitarist with a bar band, then 
the F bomb etc won't make a bit of difference to me getting the gig. However, 
If I go into IMG or Ford Models (super nice peeps btw!) to chat with an agent, 
Guess what, a few F bombs etc are not only going to make me look like a total 
idiot, but I'd probably be asked to leave in short order and never, ever get 
work from them again! -And justifiably so…

There's a time and a place for that sort of thing, and this list represents 
neither. :)

Furthermore, the fact is that the people complaining the loudest over this and 
saying that others are acting like children, are essentially, themselves, 
stomping their little feet and whining about not being able to do every single 
thing they want, when they want to. -Sounds kind of childish to me… :)

This list represents an intelligent community of friendly, helpful Mac users, 
Apple Enthusiasts etc. -And we, the list mods would really like to see this 
list continue in this vein. So basically, if you'd like to use more colorful 
language you have two options.

1 YOu can grow up, stop acting like spoiled little brats and learn to get along 
with the wonderfully wide variety of peeps here on this list.


2 You can leave.

Neither the world nor this list will stop because you go away. :) -And, if the 
list does stop, then guess what, the web will lose a really good resource, and 
we the mods, will have a bit less work (and occasionally grief - like now) to 
deal with. -But another resource will eventually take its place, and the exact 
same issues will eventually come up again! lol!

What I'm saying here is that this has happened before, will happen again, and 
is just not that big a deal. :) -Either we get along or we don't. It's just 
that simple. If we don't, then we eventually fall apart. If we do, then we have 
a great community. -It's not rocket science!

Just show a bit of understanding and it can go a long way. :) Scott; I 
personally get where you're coming from. I do, and you have no idea of the 
kinds of 'passionate' language I've been moved to grace the world with 
sometimes. lol! -But just because I'm capable of such, would that make me 
somehow cooler if I went into a tirade here on the list, just to show that I 
can? Sure, I think it can be pretty freaking humorous and downright artful to 
here a very well-executed, extraordinarily long and colorful tirade, but the 
fact is that it really takes no skill to cuss. -and takes great skill to use 
language eloquently. -Cussing just for the sake of such, doesn't elevate you or 
those around you. -yeah we all do it from time to time. but this list is just 
not the place for it. K? -Very simple…

So, it would just be a tremendous courtesy if you and others would simply 
consider showing a little bit of respect to the other people on this list whom 
may not think exactly like you do, and show the slightest bit of colloquial 
restraint? I hope for your sake, as the obviously intelligent people that you 
all are, that this really isn't truly that much of an imposition?… -Surely you 
can let any pent-up cuss-words fly in any number of other corners of the web 
rather than this one. Yes?… The list would certainly appreciate this. :)

It's obvious we all have a lot to offer, and are passionate about it. This is 
good. Without that, this would be a lousy place. People's passions about 
helping others here, are what make this list continue on and grow. In order for 
that to continue to happen and to flourish, we need to be a community, all be 
it on the web. Yes this is only a mailing list, but it's what we bring to it 
that makes it rule! :) -Please be considerate of each other. Sometimes that 
might be letting an errant accidental cuss-word slide. -Sometimes that might be 
holding your tongue and taking a breath before writing. All these simple things 
(little thoughts in our day) go into making this a really cool group of peeps. 
So please just be nice to each other. K? :)

Have a great day!…


CQ :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:48 AM, Scott Granados wro

Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
I've had no problems with at&t customer service, how ever I can see where you 
are coming from. It looks like though that prices are going to be the same as I 
read an article so we'll see.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:18 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
> them.
> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>>> for letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> --
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
OH yeah I didn't think of net nutrility. Hmm Yeah that's somethign to think 
about as those I think passed a few weeks ago.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because 
> of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and 
> to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only 
> once did they make an error, which was something to do with the system and a 
> change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and offered me 
> compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer service in any 
> case with either company. I will point out though Verizon made life very 
> difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried charging me early 
> termination fees even though my contract had ended. It took me a couple of 
> months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in my opinion is 
> expectation about service and of course everyone will have different 
> experiences and of course different experience with the service as a result 
> of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get better 
> coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. THe 
> point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much money 
> as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the hype. 
> What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For example, 
> Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers 
> and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to 
> offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited 
> data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 
> 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that will be very 
> interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is 
> something brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can do that wiht at&t, as long as you are nusing an iphone. I looked at the 
pdf someone gave me. I don'thave it anymore though as my drive crashed. *frown*
On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> well,
> I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price 
> point for cell service. They also worked with me on my current contract. Even 
> though the phone I have requires a data plan, they waived that requirement 
> because of my blindness. This clinches it for me. unless AT&T, Sprint or 
> verizon can say the same thing and offer the same.
> -Eric
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> James,
>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service as 
>> a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get 
>> better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. 
>> THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much 
>> money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the 
>> hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For 
>> example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone 
>> customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push 
>> AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have 
>> an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such 
>> crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that 
>> will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry 
>> and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh no I upgraded from the 3 to the 4 and I have my unimited still..

On Jan 11, 2011, at 5:54 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when 
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00 
> price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get 
> calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most of my contacts 
> do not have at&t.
> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has a 
> blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on a 
> land line.
> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
> satisfaction.
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
>>> example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making 
>>> as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live 
>>> up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in 
>>> plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to 
>>> new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it 
>>> would push AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now 
>>> I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to 
>>> introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. 
>>> Another thing that will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do 
>>> to the cell industry and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subsc

Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Howell
Apparently the agreement with Verizon is not exclusive, so there is always a 
chance the iPHone could end up on the Sprint network as well.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:28 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Sprint did that for me too for my phone as well!  I still want an eyephone 
> though! Heather
> - Original Message - From: "Eric Oyen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6:59 AM
> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
> well,
> I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price 
> point for cell service. They also worked with me on my current contract. Even 
> though the phone I have requires a data plan, they waived that requirement 
> because of my blindness. This clinches it for me. unless AT&T, Sprint or 
> verizon can say the same thing and offer the same.
> -Eric
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> James,
>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service as 
>> a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I get 
>> better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an example. 
>> THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making as much 
>> money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live up to the 
>> hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in plans. For 
>> example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to new iPhone 
>> customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it would push 
>> AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now I do have 
>> an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to introduce such 
>> crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. Another thing that 
>> will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do to the cell industry 
>> and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>>> them.
>>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 The link works just fine for me.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
> for letting me know.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> bad link
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
No I didn't sign a 2 year contract. the guy said my contract still ends in june 
of 2012.

Take care.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Yup,
> You were miss informed.  You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but, 
> you didn't need to change your plan.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:24 AM, denise avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, 
>> and that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was 
>> wrong, but this is exactly what i was told. 
>> --- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> From: Ricardo Walker 
>> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
>> To:
>> Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 8:11 AM
>> What?
>> If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose 
>> unlimited data.  Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded.  I'm 
>> pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the 
>> unlimited data plan who can confirm this.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, 
>>> when i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a 
>>> $20.00 price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal 
>>> because i get calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but most 
>>> of my contacts do not have at&t.
>>> also, there was nothing for those of us wishing to upgrade from the 3gs to 
>>> the 4g. and if you did that, kiss your unlimited data plan good-bye.
>>> i do not know how clear the call signal is on verizon. a friend of mine has 
>>> a blackberry with US Cellular, and talking on her phone is like talking on 
>>> a land line.
>>> so i suspect these will be considerations when discussing customer 
>>> satisfaction.
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Scott:
 I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
 responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
 imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
 neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly 
> two years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their 
> customer service. Only once did they make an error, which was something 
> to do with the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem 
> quickly and offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call 
> customer service in any case with either company. I will point out though 
> Verizon made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T 
> and tried charging me early termination fees even though my contract had 
> ended. It took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot 
> of this in my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone 
> will have different experiences and of course different experience with 
> the service as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone 
> for work and I get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with 
> Verizon, as an example. THe point is none of these companies are more 
> interested in making as much money as possible. What will be interesting 
> is if Verizon can live up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is 
> more competition in plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to 
> offer unlimited data to new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this 
> will last. I would hope it would push AT&T back to offering the same to 
> current and new customers. Now I do have an unlimited data plan, but I 
> always felt it was unfair to introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb 
> for those price points. Another thing that will be very interesting is 
> what net neutrality will do to the cell industry and that is something 
> brewing in the pipeline.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trap

Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
I can. yeah looks like it and I mantioned to someone in a recording that I did 
not put on this list.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am tabbing 
> through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 1 of 
> DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in 
> the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current release.
> Can anybody else verify this?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download the 
>> DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>> Hi all.
>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop box.  
>> However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air are two 
>> completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could someone 
>> give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use this?  My 
>> friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders which I do not 
>> have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her drop box public 
>> folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send links to those 
>> files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to 
>> ask other questions, :)
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>> Marlaina
>> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
I tried from the finder and I still can't get access to it. Odd that someone of 
us see it and others don't and we are all I hope using the latest version.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access 
>> DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
>>> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
 does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't 
 see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I 
 am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is 
 version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible 
 to VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the 
 current release.
 Can anybody else verify this?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, 
> could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck 
> I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other 
> folders which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files 
> into her drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can 
> then send links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know 
> enough or understand enough to ask other questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
> --
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Re: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
I emailed the dev personally about this a few months ago and they are aware of 
it. I guess I need to do it again.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:03 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble 
> ticket with the Drop Box folks about this issue.  We all need to do this so 
> they don't just think it's me.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?
>> As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver 
>> doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he 
>> was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options. 
>> VoiceOver was completely silent during this entire process.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>>> OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when 
>>> you're in the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space 
>>> don't seem to work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just 
>>> fine.
>>> Nick
>>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
 How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to 
>> access DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to 
>>> the finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
 When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver 
 does not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu 
 doesn't see it and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son 
 reports that I am tabbing through the preferences but nothing from 
 VoiceOver. This is version 1 of DropBox. I believe that the 
 preferences window was accessible to VoiceOver in the earlier version 
 but doesn't appear to be in the current release.
 Can anybody else verify this?
 Robert Carter
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to 
> download the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
> Rafael Bejarano
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg 
> []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
> Hi all.
> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on 
> drop box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have 
> on my air are two completely different things.  If it is not too much 
> trouble, could someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of 
> how the heck I use this?  My friend has things like a my drop box 
> folder and other folders which I do not have.  She says that all she 
> does is paste files into her drop box public folder, which I do not 
> seem to have, and she can then send links to those files to whomever 
> she wishes.  I don't know enough or understand enough to ask other 
> questions, :)
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
> Marlaina
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RE: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Harrington
On thing that bugs me with ATT, is you can't  get on wirelessly to the
iPhone and use it as a hot spot. At least right now you can't, unless I'm
missing something...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

I've had no problems with at&t customer service, how ever I can see where
you are coming from. It looks like though that prices are going to be the
same as I read an article so we'll see.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:18 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
> them.
> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The link works just fine for me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>>> for letting me know.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 bad link
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
> --
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

On 11 Jan 2011, at 21:25, Chris Moore wrote:
> So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
Not with your scanner.

I'm constantly trying to collect information on scanners that work directly 
with ABBYY FineReader, but the quest is proving elusive. They appear to be as 
rare as hens teeth!

I don't think that any of the Cannon scanners work directly with FineReader.



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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Just one more thing:  You can use image capture which is already on your mac to 
do the scan part.  Carolyn
On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Guess I replied to that last message too quickly lol,  Ann thanks for that 
> and clearing things up.  Think I will download trial versions of both of 
> these packages.
> So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
> On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Chris:
>> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help 
>> from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using a 
>> canon mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit 
>> boxes to tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling particularly 
>> dense, as I keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even when I put in 
>> other material.
>> go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  
>> But, how I hate doing that!:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year 
>>> ago when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now 
>>> that I have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an 
>>> iPal Solo which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement 
>>> or an invoice at it and it can then fall over.
>>> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
>>> Chris 
>>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi John Andre and others:
 There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
> new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
> works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
> Cheers,
> John André
> ***
> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
> Visit online at
> ***
> -- 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can, for 30 dollars a month but if you have the unlimited you loose it and 
2 gigs a month won't cut it. lol! not for theathering.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Chris Harrington wrote:

> On thing that bugs me with ATT, is you can't  get on wirelessly to the
> iPhone and use it as a hot spot. At least right now you can't, unless I'm
> missing something...
> Chris
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
> I've had no problems with at&t customer service, how ever I can see where
> you are coming from. It looks like though that prices are going to be the
> same as I read an article so we'll see.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:18 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Chris:
Funny you should ask.  I just wasted a vast amount of time trying to figure out 
how to correctly tell the is program how to file things I scan, and getting ... 
getting ... back on my d*** PC.:)

Ok, to be fair, I don't know that Vuescan does orientation, (such as "page is 
upside down.")  And people say Abbyy is more exacting in it's ocr.

Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Cool, so why do some others also use Abby Fine Reader Express too?
> Chris 
> On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Chris:
>> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help 
>> from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using a 
>> canon mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit 
>> boxes to tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling particularly 
>> dense, as I keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even when I put in 
>> other material.
>> go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  
>> But, how I hate doing that!:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year 
>>> ago when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now 
>>> that I have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an 
>>> iPal Solo which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement 
>>> or an invoice at it and it can then fall over.
>>> So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
>>> Chris 
>>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi John Andre and others:
 There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published a 
> new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like it 
> works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
> Cheers,
> John André
> ***
> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
> Visit online at
> ***
> -- 
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Re: Good news about VueScan 9

2011-01-11 Thread Sarah Alawami
Not wiht my MDF  device which is a cannon printer scanner coppyer.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:14 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Chris:
> Just one more thing:  You can use image capture which is already on your mac 
> to do the scan part.  Carolyn
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Guess I replied to that last message too quickly lol,  Ann thanks for that 
>> and clearing things up.  Think I will download trial versions of both of 
>> these packages.
>> So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
>> On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Chris:
>>> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little 
>>> help from another user.  If you're in the US, it's about $39.95.  I'm using 
>>> a canon mp160 successfully.  Just have to figure out how to fill in the 
>>> edit boxes to tell it what to name and where to save.  I'm feeling 
>>> particularly dense, as I keep scanning and getting the same page ack, even 
>>> when I put in other material.
>>> go figure.  Guess if all else fails I could plow through the users guide.  
>>> But, how I hate doing that!:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
 I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac.  Well that is a small lie, a year 
 ago when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc.  But now 
 that I have no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac.  I have an 
 iPal Solo which is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank 
 statement or an invoice at it and it can then fall over.
 So how much is this Vuescan and is OCR built in?  
 On 11 Jan 2011, at 16:52, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi John Andre and others:
> There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 
> 9.x.22.  Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for VoiceOVer 
>> saying "busy, busy" whenever you try to use VueScan 9. He has published 
>> a new version, 9.0.11 today, and from my testing so far, it seems like 
>> it works great now! ;-) You'll find the update at
>> Cheers,
>> John André
>> ***
>> John André Netland - Voice/sms +47 971 68 794
>> Visit online at
>> ***
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-11 Thread Scott Granados
You can but you have to jailbreak your device and use some special non approved 

The verizon device will have this feature.  That's a real edge.  I'd almost 
switch for that but honestly I think the ATT network will be faster than VZ's 
EV-DO 3G system.  I may jump ship on the IPhone 5 but for now I'm not wanting 
to take the hit in performance.

If you want to do something similar you could use the Sprint Overdrive or 4G 
MyFi.  Not sure if you live in a 4G city but it works quite well and provides 
WiFi access up to 5 devices.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Chris Harrington wrote:

> On thing that bugs me with ATT, is you can't  get on wirelessly to the
> iPhone and use it as a hot spot. At least right now you can't, unless I'm
> missing something...
> Chris
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
> I've had no problems with at&t customer service, how ever I can see where
> you are coming from. It looks like though that prices are going to be the
> same as I read an article so we'll see.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:18 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
>> Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
>> oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
>> what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
>> screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
>> glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
>> them.
>> On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The link works just fine for me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
 for letting me know.
 On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> bad link
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
>> --
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