Audible and Web Kit issue gone away

2010-12-16 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I don't get this.  It seems I can play samples again with Web Kit.  
I didn't update it last night either.  I have the latest version.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: Audible and Web Kit issue gone away

2010-12-16 Thread Ray Foret Jr
In  reply to myself, I have a further update.  It gets stranger and stranger.  
When Safari is set as my default browser, I can play Audible samples just fine. 
 I even did it with Web Kit but with Safari set as my default browser.  
However, when I switch my default browser to Web Kit, I find that Audible 
samples will not play because of the mouse routing focus issue.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:22 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I don't get this.  It seems I can play samples again with Web 
> Kit.  I didn't update it last night either.  I have the latest version.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Jim:
Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will open 
the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and changes 
this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply right 
arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the command-o.
Carolyn Haas
On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> Howdy Folks,
> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
> Here's what I've tried so far...
> VO + d to go to the dock
> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
> VO + space to open the folder.
> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
> I've opened this window.
> All help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Re: audible and Web Kit issue

2010-12-16 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Bearfeet:)  Just teasing:)
Hi Ray:
 First: thanks for posting these directions.  I'm glad someone knows how to do 
this.  But, frankly, this is the most ridiculous arrangement I've ever seen.  
By the time I could accomplish all those key strokes, I might be old and 
grayer, and had a stroke myself!  Is that the best the developers could do 
with the sample button?
I'm really dumbfounded.  This isn't an attack on you .  But, I can't believe 
anyone would go through that much hastle to check a sample of a book.  We're a 
pretty resourceful lot.  Can anyone come up with a better method for accessing 
samples of books on Audible?
Thanks for reading.:)

Carolyn Haas
On Dec 15, 2010, at 9:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> In the archives I believe, but, let me check quick and see if I saved them.
> Ah yes, I did save them.  Here they are.
> 1.  Find the book from which you wish to play a sample.
> 2.  Open that book's page.
> 3.  Find where it says "sample" on the page.
> 4.  Now, manually rout the mouse pointer to the word "sample" by pressing 
> command+VO+shift+F5.
> 5.  Now, lock down the VO keys via command+semicolon.
> 6.  Press F5 to ensure that the word "sample" is under the mouse.  You may 
> wish to press VO+command+shift+F5 to make doubly sure.
> 7.  Now, move your mouse directly in an exactly straight line to the right.  
> Make very certain you move directly in only a straight line going neither up 
> nor down or at an angle of any sourt.  IF you're using a track padd, you can 
> place a finger directly on the very left uper corner and move right.  Move 
> very slowly as you do so.
> 8.  As you move your mouse, press F5 one time after another to make certain 
> of what the mouse is resting over.
> 9.  When you hear, "empty scrol area" you will know to stop moving the mouse.
> 10.  Now, press and hold down your control key and actually click press the 
> mouse itself or else, if using your track padd, physically press the padd.
> Here's another way to get to this point.
> A.  Turn your mouse keys on.
> B.  Rout your mouse to the word "Sample" on the spot for the book you wish to 
> listen from.
> C.  Now, press the option key five times to a activate your mouse keys.
> D.  Next, move the mouse 25 clicks to the right by pressing the o key which 
> will, (with mouse keys on) act as the mouse key right arrow.
> E.  Now, control click the Mouse by pressing control+i  which will, (with 
> mouse keys on) act as the mouse click key.
> Now, you're back at the next step below.
> 11.  At this point, a menu consisting of thirteen items will appear.  Just 
> arrow down and press the space bar on the play button.
>   Note that, after you've started a sample playing, you will need to turn 
> off Voice Over and turn it on again.  Otherwise, You will not see the 
> thirteen item menu when you go to play the next sample.
> HTH.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 9:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Interesting,
>> I've never been able to get samples to play on the audible site with webkit 
>> or safari.  Do you mind giving step by step instructions on how you 
>> accomplish this?
>> TIA
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> I have just noticed a very piculiar new behavior with Web kit and Audible.
>>> When I went to rout the mouse to the word "sample" on a book, the mouse 
>>> refused to rout where I wanted it to go.  With Safari, on the other hand, 
>>> it did.  Consequently, It seems no longer possible to play Audible samples 
>>> using Web Kit.  IF this is what Safari is going to be like, (in other 
>>> words), if we're seeing future Safari builds in current versions of Web 
>>> Kit, get ready to have issues playing Audible samples using Safari also 
>>> because the mouse cannot rout to the word sample.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)

2010-12-16 Thread Jude DaShiell

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:36:08
From: Theresa Ford 
To: Jude DaShiell 
Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)


I did a simple utility for you that moves the mouse to a specific X Y
coordinate on the screen.
It is VoiceOver compatible.
I also uploaded the source for the others working on applications in
case they want
to include the feature.

You'll likely have to forward this back to your list to get to the right people.

- T

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Jude DaShiell  wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 22:36:49
From: louie 
Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in

Check out:
I have been working on a screen explore for voice over.
I could use some help on this project.

On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Slau wrote:

Hey Chuck,

No, there's currently no way to enter that coordinate information. The
only thing that can be done is moving the mouse pointer and constantly
querying VoiceOver. It's a feature I requested long ago. In fact, I had
requested the feature that allowed one to query the position relative to
window as opposed to position on screen. However, they didn't implement the
second request which was to be able to manually enter coordinates.

QuicKeys will absolutely work in any window. The trick is positioning the
pointer first which is the key.



On Dec 15, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers,
I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver?
Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go to say
9 inches over and 5 inches down?
I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse location
twice "VO f5"
I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window that
VO won't read!
There is a "Load" button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed to
get to the Presets to load them.
I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96
clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!
I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
any thoughts?

Chuck Reichel

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Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)

2010-12-16 Thread Jude DaShiell

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:36:08
From: Theresa Ford 
To: Jude DaShiell 
Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)


I did a simple utility for you that moves the mouse to a specific X Y
coordinate on the screen.
It is VoiceOver compatible.
I also uploaded the source for the others working on applications in
case they want
to include the feature.

You'll likely have to forward this back to your list to get to the right people.

- T

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Jude DaShiell  wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 22:36:49
From: louie 
Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in

Check out:
I have been working on a screen explore for voice over.
I could use some help on this project.

On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Slau wrote:

Hey Chuck,

No, there's currently no way to enter that coordinate information. The
only thing that can be done is moving the mouse pointer and constantly
querying VoiceOver. It's a feature I requested long ago. In fact, I had
requested the feature that allowed one to query the position relative to
window as opposed to position on screen. However, they didn't implement the
second request which was to be able to manually enter coordinates.

QuicKeys will absolutely work in any window. The trick is positioning the
pointer first which is the key.



On Dec 15, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

Hi Listers,
I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver?
Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go to say
9 inches over and 5 inches down?
I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse location
twice "VO f5"
I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window that
VO won't read!
There is a "Load" button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed to
get to the Presets to load them.
I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96
clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!
I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
any thoughts?

Chuck Reichel

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Just One More Question About Office for the Mac

2010-12-16 Thread M. Taylor
Hi Everyone,

I just want to confirm that Office 2011 is not accessible with VoiceOver.  Are 
we saying that nothing works or that some things work but not others.  

Has anyone actually tried using it?

The reason I ask is because I can install the current release version but do 
not want to do so if it's just going to clutter up the pipes on my MacBook Pro. 
 I don't feel like wrestling with yet another version of Office if I don't have 

The only real reason I, personally, would like to use Office is to hopefully 
finally be able to use Outlook Tasks again.

I have tried using my Mobile Me To-Do list but hey do not seem to sync with 
either my iPhone or Outlook.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

In short, I would like to have my Outlook Tasks be synced into/with MobileMe To 
Do tasks and to be able to see those to do items on my iPhone.

In case you haven't guessed, I use MobileMe as my central source for syncing 
all my computers and SmartPhones Windows-based and I O S.

Thank you in advance.

Most Sincerely,


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Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)

2010-12-16 Thread Slau
Hey Jude,

Man, I can't help but comment that I never thought I'd quote a Beatles lyric 
like that… Anyway…

This is great, of course. I've emailed her already because a particular 
important aspect of being able to position a mouse pointer is to be able to do 
it relative to window rather than screen. If one person's window is in a 
different position than another's, the coordinates will be different. Anyway, 
I'm not sure if this utility has that functionality or how difficult it would 
be to implement. We'll see what she says.



On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:36:08
> From: Theresa Ford 
> To: Jude DaShiell 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver 
> (fwd)
> Jude,
> I did a simple utility for you that moves the mouse to a specific X Y
> coordinate on the screen.
> It is VoiceOver compatible.
> I also uploaded the source for the others working on applications in
> case they want
> to include the feature.
> You'll likely have to forward this back to your list to get to the right 
> people.
> - T
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Jude DaShiell  
> wrote:
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 22:36:49
>> From: louie 
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in
>> VoiceOver
>> Check out:
>> URL=
>> I have been working on a screen explore for voice over.
>> I could use some help on this project.
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Slau wrote:
>>> Hey Chuck,
>>> No, there's currently no way to enter that coordinate information. The
>>> only thing that can be done is moving the mouse pointer and constantly
>>> querying VoiceOver. It's a feature I requested long ago. In fact, I had
>>> requested the feature that allowed one to query the position relative to
>>> window as opposed to position on screen. However, they didn't implement the
>>> second request which was to be able to manually enter coordinates.
>>> QuicKeys will absolutely work in any window. The trick is positioning the
>>> pointer first which is the key.
>>> Best,
>>> Slau
>>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
 Hi Listers,
 I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver?
 Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go to say
 9 inches over and 5 inches down?
 I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
 I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse location
 twice "VO f5"
 I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window that
 VO won't read!
 There is a "Load" button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed to
 get to the Presets to load them.
 I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96
 clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!
 I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
 any thoughts?
 Chuck Reichel
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> louie
>> --
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You rece

Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Mike or others,

One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through the 
land of Mac.

On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows screen 
readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web on the 
mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hello all,
> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately. 
> -- 
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opening a windows self-extracting archive

2010-12-16 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Just so; I need to open a windows self-extracting archive (*.exe) file and I 
can't find anything that'll unzip it.  Anyone have a way to do this?

Thanks! :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Jim:
Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will open 
the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and changes 
this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply right 
arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the command-o.
Carolyn Haas
On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> Howdy Folks,
> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
> Here's what I've tried so far...
> VO + d to go to the dock
> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
> VO + space to open the folder.
> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
> I've opened this window.
> All help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> -- 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
You can use the right arrow to open a folder in browser or list view mode of
a finder window.  They behave a little differently though, in list mode the
list gets longer and in browser mode you get moved over a column.

Rading a description of browser mode would probably be hhelpful to folks
that do a lot of scanning through folders. I will try to explain...

In browser mode there are three or four columns available. The left most
column is the highest in the set of folders currently visible. If one turns
on "preview" mode for the browser then the right most column will have a
Large icon of the folder and a bit more directory / file information
(including I believe a "start playing" button for A/V files.  What I
reallylike about the browser mode, is that if you hit right arrow to view a
folder hitting left arrow will bring you to the enclosing folde inwith the
folder you just left selected.   So if I am looking at "Library/Application
Support/Apple" and hit a right arrow "Apple" will be selected and I can hit
down arrow to see what the next item in "Library/Application Support" is.
in a finder or window or a file  selection dialog box, hitting command-3
will put you in browser mode.

Best regards,


On 16 December 2010 12:33, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:

> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do
> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far
> always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Jim:
> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will
> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and
> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply
> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the
> command-o.
> Carolyn Haas
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
> > Howdy Folks,
> >
> > Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
> > applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
> > navigate into and around the Applications folder.
> >
> > Can someone let me know how to go about this?
> >
> > Here's what I've tried so far...
> >
> > VO + d to go to the dock
> > VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
> > VO + space to open the folder.
> >
> > At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
> > use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
> > icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
> > + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
> > I've opened this window.
> >
> > All help would be much appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > --
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> >
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R
will put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
1. find the article text.
2. Download additional pages of the text.

I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and
I end up using VO-F to find the next page.


On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:

> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and
> not by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder
> if there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than
> navigating to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I
> wander through the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
> > hello all,
> > after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to
> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping
> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding
> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately.
> >
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Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver (fwd)

2010-12-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I believe there are apple script UI element commands to move the mouse.
There are certainly third party utility programs that can do this.  In fact,
the AppleScript  editor has a "record" function that in MacOS 9 would be
able to record mouse movements.  I don't remember this working in  anything
newer then Tiger, but I did not really pursue the issue.


On 16 December 2010 11:50, Slau  wrote:

> Hey Jude,
> Man, I can't help but comment that I never thought I'd quote a Beatles
> lyric like that… Anyway…
> This is great, of course. I've emailed her already because a particular
> important aspect of being able to position a mouse pointer is to be able to
> do it relative to window rather than screen. If one person's window is in a
> different position than another's, the coordinates will be different.
> Anyway, I'm not sure if this utility has that functionality or how difficult
> it would be to implement. We'll see what she says.
> Best,
> Slau
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:36:08
> > From: Theresa Ford 
> > To: Jude DaShiell 
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in
> VoiceOver (fwd)
> >
> > Jude,
> >
> > I did a simple utility for you that moves the mouse to a specific X Y
> > coordinate on the screen.
> > It is VoiceOver compatible.
> > I also uploaded the source for the others working on applications in
> > case they want
> > to include the feature.
> >
> >
> >
> > You'll likely have to forward this back to your list to get to the right
> people.
> >
> > - T
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Jude DaShiell 
> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -- Forwarded message --
> >> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 22:36:49
> >> From: louie 
> >> Reply-To:
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in
> >> VoiceOver
> >>
> >> Check out:
> >> URL=
> >> I have been working on a screen explore for voice over.
> >> I could use some help on this project.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Slau wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hey Chuck,
> >>>
> >>> No, there's currently no way to enter that coordinate information. The
> >>> only thing that can be done is moving the mouse pointer and constantly
> >>> querying VoiceOver. It's a feature I requested long ago. In fact, I had
> >>> requested the feature that allowed one to query the position relative
> to
> >>> window as opposed to position on screen. However, they didn't implement
> the
> >>> second request which was to be able to manually enter coordinates.
> >>>
> >>> QuicKeys will absolutely work in any window. The trick is positioning
> the
> >>> pointer first which is the key.
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>>
> >>> Slau
> >>>
> >>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi Listers,
>  I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in
> VoiceOver?
>  ,
>  Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go to
> say
>  9 inches over and 5 inches down?
>  I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
>  I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse location
>  twice "VO f5"
>  I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window
> that
>  VO won't read!
>  There is a "Load" button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed to
>  get to the Presets to load them.
>  I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96
>  clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!
>  I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
>  any thoughts?
>  Thanks
>  Chuck Reichel
>  954-742-0019
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> >>> --
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> Groups
> >>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>>
> .
> >>> For more options, visit this group at
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> louie
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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> Groups
> >> "MacVisionaries" group.
> >> To post to this 

Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Teresa Cochran
Marlaina, the easiest way to deal with all of that is to simply select all on 
the page, plop it in a TextEdit document, and then manipulate it from there. 
Not pretty, but it works just fine.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately. 
>> -- 
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Re: Two questions:printing labels and keyboard commander

2010-12-16 Thread Jonathan Cohn
There are some utility programs out there to interface address book to
lables, and I believe some lables might be supported directly in address
book printing.

On 14 December 2010 23:20, Carolyn Haas  wrote:

> Hi  listers:
> I am trying to figure out how to print labels with the Macbook Pro.  I
> downloaded the template for the avery 8160 labels I have, but can't figure
> out how to accomplish getting them to print.  I finally had to break down
> and use the pc to put my jerky order out.:)  Then Alex was not a happy
> camper and started acting out.  Not pretty.
> I have a second question as well.  I've noticed that every few days or so,
> my keyboard commander somehow becomes disabled.  Is anyone else having this
> experience, or does anyone know why it happens?
> Thanks in advance for any answers
> Carolyn Haas
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differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Caitlyn and Nicky


My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad 
and the I pod touch.

As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and 
if not, what are the others?


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Re: opening a windows self-extracting archive

2010-12-16 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope. as far as I know you cannot do it in a mac unless you run windows ina 
vertual machine or bootcamp. You could try SArchiver to see if that works but I 
dunno if it will.

Good luck.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Just so; I need to open a windows self-extracting archive (*.exe) file and I 
> can't find anything that'll unzip it.  Anyone have a way to do this?
> Thanks! :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Howell

Some argue the iPad is a larger iPod; however, that is incorrect. There are of 
course many similarities, but the interface is different. THe additional screen 
size does allow for a different navigation experience for both blind and 
sighted individuals. SOme would say the web browsing is much easier and 
provides a greater idea of the page layout. I am sure those who have both 
devices will comment more extensively, but I am giving the iPad some serious 
consideration for my family. I can see using the iPad to serve a variety of 
needs and having a central or couple of central machines for syncing and 
purposes that are not suited to the iPad. I already have an iPhone and find 
this to be incredibly useful; however, I feel the iPad does meet a need and 
certainly I can see it taking the place of a notebook while traveling when a 
full-blown machine is not required.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:

> Hi,
> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the 
> I pod touch.
> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
> not, what are the others?
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
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Is pages accessible?

2010-12-16 Thread Christina
I thought pages was accessible but I'm having trouble typing a very simple 
document.  VO is not saying what I'm typing or deleting or highlighting.  
Occasionally I'll get some feedback intermittently from VO but it's very 
sporadic.  Also vo keeps restarting.  I'm just not getting feedback.  I don't 
understand what is happening.  I'm also having difficulty locating the text to 
interact with it.  I get interact with scroll area and then once I interact 
with scroll area then I get interact with ruler then image, image but not 
option to interact with the text or the document.


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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi Caitlyn, Here are 3 differences off the top of my head:
1. You can purchase an ipad that comes with 3G wireless.
2. If you get the 3G ipad you also get GPS built in. I don't believe you can 
get either of those built into the ipod touch.
3. You can run a true word processor and spreadsheet on the ipad in the form of 


On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:

> Hi,
> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the 
> I pod touch.
> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
> not, what are the others?
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
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Re: Is pages accessible?

2010-12-16 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Christina,

Pages is very accessible so I'm wondering if you have the wrong version of 
iWork. The one you need is iWork09, all previous versions are inaccessible.

In Pages, you have to interact with the Layout area, then with the Layout Item, 
at which point you are on page 1 which consists of three parts: the Header, the 
Body, and the Footer.

Interact with the Body and type there.



On 16 Dec 2010, at 21:09, Christina wrote:

> I thought pages was accessible but I'm having trouble typing a very simple 
> document.  VO is not saying what I'm typing or deleting or highlighting.  
> Occasionally I'll get some feedback intermittently from VO but it's very 
> sporadic.  Also vo keeps restarting.  I'm just not getting feedback.  I don't 
> understand what is happening.  I'm also having difficulty locating the text 
> to interact with it.  I get interact with scroll area and then once I 
> interact with scroll area then I get interact with ruler then image, image 
> but not option to interact with the text or the document.
> Christina
> -- 
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Re: Just One More Question About Office for the Mac

2010-12-16 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
That would be great so I echo mark's sentiments as I too use Mobile Me for 
everything  but unlike Mark I use the I phone calendar to set up my 
appointments  and then sync with Mobile me and then in windows sync it with my 
mobile windows device.

On 16 Dec 2010, at 16:47, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I just want to confirm that Office 2011 is not accessible with VoiceOver.  
> Are we saying that nothing works or that some things work but not others.  
> Has anyone actually tried using it?
> The reason I ask is because I can install the current release version but do 
> not want to do so if it's just going to clutter up the pipes on my MacBook 
> Pro.  I don't feel like wrestling with yet another version of Office if I 
> don't have to.
> The only real reason I, personally, would like to use Office is to hopefully 
> finally be able to use Outlook Tasks again.
> I have tried using my Mobile Me To-Do list but hey do not seem to sync with 
> either my iPhone or Outlook.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> In short, I would like to have my Outlook Tasks be synced into/with MobileMe 
> To Do tasks and to be able to see those to do items on my iPhone.
> In case you haven't guessed, I use MobileMe as my central source for syncing 
> all my computers and SmartPhones Windows-based and I O S.
> Thank you in advance.
> Most Sincerely,
> Markt
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):




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Re: Is pages accessible?

2010-12-16 Thread Christina
Oh, thanks so much.  I think you are right.  I think this version is two years 
old.  Can I upgrade online or do I have to purchase it new at the apple store.  
I have a five user license version.

Thanks again,
On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Christina,
> Pages is very accessible so I'm wondering if you have the wrong version of 
> iWork. The one you need is iWork09, all previous versions are inaccessible.
> In Pages, you have to interact with the Layout area, then with the Layout 
> Item, at which point you are on page 1 which consists of three parts: the 
> Header, the Body, and the Footer.
> Interact with the Body and type there.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 16 Dec 2010, at 21:09, Christina wrote:
>> I thought pages was accessible but I'm having trouble typing a very simple 
>> document.  VO is not saying what I'm typing or deleting or highlighting.  
>> Occasionally I'll get some feedback intermittently from VO but it's very 
>> sporadic.  Also vo keeps restarting.  I'm just not getting feedback.  I 
>> don't understand what is happening.  I'm also having difficulty locating the 
>> text to interact with it.  I get interact with scroll area and then once I 
>> interact with scroll area then I get interact with ruler then image, image 
>> but not option to interact with the text or the document.
>> Christina
>> -- 
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Caitlyn and Nicky

Thanks, I'll pass this on to him.


On 16/12/2010 3:16 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:

Hi Caitlyn, Here are 3 differences off the top of my head:
1. You can purchase an ipad that comes with 3G wireless.
2. If you get the 3G ipad you also get GPS built in. I don't believe you can 
get either of those built into the ipod touch.
3. You can run a true word processor and spreadsheet on the ipad in the form of 


On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:


My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the I 
pod touch.

As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if not, 
what are the others?


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Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Sarah Alawami
Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 

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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

I use column mode myself.  with this, pressing right arrow to open, and left 
arrow to close a folder, works 100% of the time.  From the finder you can press 
command 3 to display finder contents in column mode.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> You can use the right arrow to open a folder in browser or list view mode of 
> a finder window.  They behave a little differently though, in list mode the 
> list gets longer and in browser mode you get moved over a column. 
> Rading a description of browser mode would probably be hhelpful to folks that 
> do a lot of scanning through folders. I will try to explain...
> In browser mode there are three or four columns available. The left most 
> column is the highest in the set of folders currently visible. If one turns 
> on "preview" mode for the browser then the right most column will have a 
> Large icon of the folder and a bit more directory / file information 
> (including I believe a "start playing" button for A/V files.  What I 
> reallylike about the browser mode, is that if you hit right arrow to view a 
> folder hitting left arrow will bring you to the enclosing folde inwith the 
> folder you just left selected.   So if I am looking at "Library/Application 
> Support/Apple" and hit a right arrow "Apple" will be selected and I can hit 
> down arrow to see what the next item in "Library/Application Support" is.  in 
> a finder or window or a file  selection dialog box, hitting command-3 will 
> put you in browser mode.
> Best regards,
> Jon
> On 16 December 2010 12:33, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
> always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Jim:
> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will 
> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and 
> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply 
> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the 
> command-o.
> Carolyn Haas
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
> > Howdy Folks,
> >
> > Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
> > applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
> > navigate into and around the Applications folder.
> >
> > Can someone let me know how to go about this?
> >
> > Here's what I've tried so far...
> >
> > VO + d to go to the dock
> > VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
> > VO + space to open the folder.
> >
> > At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
> > use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
> > icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
> > + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
> > I've opened this window.
> >
> > All help would be much appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jim
> >
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just a thought, might be interesting for the future

2010-12-16 Thread Yuma Decaux
Here is a link about some accessiblity improvements from blizzard on their 
world of warcraft game

I know, this is one step too far from us blind individuals, but it means that 
there is an effort from blizzard, and having played the game myself for a full 
month when i was sighted, the richness of the game made me reminisce over these 
hours spent building my character.

Does anyone here have a link to a place where we can forward discuss gameplay 
elements for blind gamers? Starting this trend if it is not already, would make 
for some interesting abstractions of the visual content into audio ready 

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world of warcraft API

2010-12-16 Thread Yuma Decaux
Here is the world of warcraft API which allows to add functions to the UI of 
world of warcraft.

I am wondering how the mac port has been compiled, if it would be easy to plug 
voice over capabilities over the whole interface, if some sound cues could be 
added to mesh elements in-game, etc etc.

I would seriously be interested in investing on this scripting capability as i 
really believe this could make a blast of a time for a lot of blind players. 

Xmas is the time of dreams, and i'm really really utterly unforgivingly serious 
about this.

If anyone knows of someone who has already scripted for world of warcraft, 
please do contact me :)

Best regards,

Yuma DX®

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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Granados
IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version of 
the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:

> Hi,
> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the 
> I pod touch.
> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
> not, what are the others?
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
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Re: Is pages accessible?

2010-12-16 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Christina,

I'm afraid you have to buy the latest version of iWork, but you can download a 
30-day trial from:

The download button is in a frame under the level 1 heading.



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Re: Two questions:printing labels and keyboard commander

2010-12-16 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Carolyn,

It's a long time since I last did it, but you can print labels from Address 

As for the keyboard commander, could you be pressing VO-Shift-k by accident? 
That's the toggle for keyboard commander.



On 15 Dec 2010, at 05:20, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi  listers:
> I am trying to figure out how to print labels with the Macbook Pro.  I 
> downloaded the template for the avery 8160 labels I have, but can't figure 
> out how to accomplish getting them to print.  I finally had to break down and 
> use the pc to put my jerky order out.:)  Then Alex was not a happy camper and 
> started acting out.  Not pretty.  
> I have a second question as well.  I've noticed that every few days or so, my 
> keyboard commander somehow becomes disabled.  Is anyone else having this 
> experience, or does anyone know why it happens?
> Thanks in advance for any answers
> Carolyn Haas
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

And the iPad has half the Ram of a a 4th generation iPod touch.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version 
> of the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
> Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
>> the I pod touch.
>> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
>> not, what are the others?
>> Thanks,
>> Caitlyn
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Teresa Cochran
I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. I 
want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and such, 
so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a data 

On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version 
> of the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
> Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
>> the I pod touch.
>> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
>> not, what are the others?
>> Thanks,
>> Caitlyn
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Caitlyn and Nicky
Thanks, Scott.  Mark is trying to decide between the two, but he's 
totally new to the world of Mac and also to touch screen environments.  
I thought the pad would just be easier and might be more functional then 
the touch...  But where we live, we can get two of the touches for one 
of the pads, which has some appeal as we wouldn't have to share.


On 16/12/2010 2:55 PM, Scott Howell wrote:


Some argue the iPad is a larger iPod; however, that is incorrect. There are of 
course many similarities, but the interface is different. THe additional screen 
size does allow for a different navigation experience for both blind and 
sighted individuals. SOme would say the web browsing is much easier and 
provides a greater idea of the page layout. I am sure those who have both 
devices will comment more extensively, but I am giving the iPad some serious 
consideration for my family. I can see using the iPad to serve a variety of 
needs and having a central or couple of central machines for syncing and 
purposes that are not suited to the iPad. I already have an iPhone and find 
this to be incredibly useful; however, I feel the iPad does meet a need and 
certainly I can see it taking the place of a notebook while traveling when a 
full-blown machine is not required.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:


My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the I 
pod touch.

As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if not, 
what are the others?


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pages question:

2010-12-16 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi everyone,
i wanted to know when  in the body of a document  within the pages program. How 
 can you select the different font styles within the format menu? also  when 
one is trying to  go either  left or right aline within pages how do you do 
this action correctly. see  each and every time  that i have attepting to  use 
vo right or left then  arrow keys  it would place me at the header  portion of  
the document. which is not what i wanted to be of course.  also is the  vo 
minus and vo plus  the only way that  you can increase the font size within the 
thanks so much for your help.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: pages question:

2010-12-16 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Chenelle,
To change font options I first select the text I want to work with and then hit 
command + T to bring up the fonts menu.  This lets you change fonts, style, 

Similarly, to change other setting with your text you can select it and then 
press command + option + i to bring up the inspector.  You can adjust text 
alignment, spacing, and all kinds of other stuff through the inspector.  

Hope this helps,

On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi everyone,
> i wanted to know when  in the body of a document  within the pages program. 
> How  can you select the different font styles within the format menu? also  
> when one is trying to  go either  left or right aline within pages how do you 
> do this action correctly. see  each and every time  that i have attepting to  
> use vo right or left then  arrow keys  it would place me at the header  
> portion of  the document. which is not what i wanted to be of course.  also 
> is the  vo minus and vo plus  the only way that  you can increase the font 
> size within the document?.
> thanks so much for your help.
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Caitlyn and Nicky
Theresa, me either, on the data plan!  I already have one of those with 
my cell phone!  Don't want another!!  I'm going for wyfi, whatever I do, 
and I thinkyou can do that with the touch, as well as the i pad.  I 
think both have the 3 g choice as well, but I could be wrong.. so 


On 16/12/2010 5:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. I 
want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and such, 
so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a data 

On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version of 
the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:


My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and the I 
pod touch.

As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if not, 
what are the others?


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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Eric Oyen
I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we could 
be doing.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
> more:
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Re: just a thought, might be interesting for the future

2010-12-16 Thread Eric Oyen
I played that game for a better part of 3 years before I lost my remaining 
sight 5 months ago. even for a low partial, it was hard, but fun. 
unfortunately, it is no longer playable for me (unless they can fix the sound 


On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Here is a link about some accessiblity improvements from blizzard on their 
> world of warcraft game 
> I know, this is one step too far from us blind individuals, but it means that 
> there is an effort from blizzard, and having played the game myself for a 
> full month when i was sighted, the richness of the game made me reminisce 
> over these hours spent building my character.
> Does anyone here have a link to a place where we can forward discuss gameplay 
> elements for blind gamers? Starting this trend if it is not already, would 
> make for some interesting abstractions of the visual content into audio ready 
> playability.
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Is reader mode a vo or a Mac function?
On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R will 
put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
1. find the article text.
2. Download additional pages of the text.

I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and I 
end up using VO-F to find the next page.


On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
Mike or others,

One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through the 
land of Mac.

On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows screen 
readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web on the 
mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hello all,
> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately.
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Yah, that's what I've been doing, but it's a pain and very time-consuming for 
sure, especially if all you are doing is clipping a recipe or something like 
On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Marlaina, the easiest way to deal with all of that is to simply select all on 
the page, plop it in a TextEdit document, and then manipulate it from there. 
Not pretty, but it works just fine.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately. 
>> -- 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Wow, I am sure this is great info, but I'm confused!  And I'm so confused, I 
can't say where I need to begin to become unconfused.  :)

Sorry folks, I don't mean to be so dense!

On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:51 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

You can use the right arrow to open a folder in browser or list view mode of a 
finder window.  They behave a little differently though, in list mode the list 
gets longer and in browser mode you get moved over a column. 

Rading a description of browser mode would probably be hhelpful to folks that 
do a lot of scanning through folders. I will try to explain...

In browser mode there are three or four columns available. The left most column 
is the highest in the set of folders currently visible. If one turns on 
"preview" mode for the browser then the right most column will have a Large 
icon of the folder and a bit more directory / file information (including I 
believe a "start playing" button for A/V files.  What I reallylike about the 
browser mode, is that if you hit right arrow to view a folder hitting left 
arrow will bring you to the enclosing folde inwith the folder you just left 
selected.   So if I am looking at "Library/Application Support/Apple" and hit a 
right arrow "Apple" will be selected and I can hit down arrow to see what the 
next item in "Library/Application Support" is.  in a finder or window or a file 
 selection dialog box, hitting command-3 will put you in browser mode.

Best regards,


On 16 December 2010 12:33, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Jim:
Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will open 
the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and changes 
this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply right 
arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the command-o.
Carolyn Haas
On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> Howdy Folks,
> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
> Here's what I've tried so far...
> VO + d to go to the dock
> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
> VO + space to open the folder.
> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
> I've opened this window.
> All help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Re: Asking a recently discussed question, moving ring tones to iTunes

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg

I am going to try your suggestions right now.  I've been busy the last couple 
of days, but will try this now and see what happens.  Stay tuned!


On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

Try this:

1.  Copy all the new ringtones into a single folder on your Desktop called 
whatever you'd like.
2.  Open itunes.
3.  Press cmd-o to bring up the Add to Library dialog.
4.  Press cmd-2 to make sure things are in List mode in the dialog.
5.  Press cmd-shift-d to bring focus to the Desktop in the File Table.
6.  Navigate to the File Table and Interact With it.
7.  From within the File Table, locate the folder you put the ringtones in.
8.  Stop Interacting With the File Table.
9.  Navigate to the Open button and press it.

This should place them into the iTunes Library and automatically put them into 
the correct category.

Let me know how it goes.


On 2010-12-13, at 10:41 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> What is so weird is that 3 of these ringtones went the first time I did this 
> a week or so ago.  Yes, they are for the iPhone; they are from an app called 
> 1001 ringtones.  I think this has something to do with how confused iTunes is 
> about where to put things on my computer.  You might remember that I am 
> having the issue of purchases not going to my library, which I've told iTunes 
> is on my fileserver.  But now I can't get it to take ringtones either.  When 
> I go to iTunes, I see the 3 that worked last week but even though the others 
> are m4r, and are from the same 1001 ringtone app, I can't get them to go in 
> so that they are visible in iTunes so I can't put them in my phone.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 12, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Marlaina,
> Where did you get the ringtones from?  Are they iPhone ringtones?  Yes, the 
> m4r format is a ringtone, but there's more to it if you wish it to be an 
> iPhone ringtone.
> What process are you using to get them into your Ringtones area in iTunes?
> Sorry for all the questions, but I like to answer things properly.
> Later...
> On 2010-12-12, at 6:49 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I'm so sorry to ask this as we just discussed it recently, but I am not 
>> having success moving my ring tones into my iTunes ring tones folder.  They 
>> show up as m4r and command i tells me they are ring tones; I thought that 
>> was all I had to do to get them into my iTunes ring tones area but it is not 
>> working.  What am I missing?
>> Thank you again.
>> Marlaina
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Asking a recently discussed question, moving ring tones to iTunes

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Tim, again I say you are a genius!  That worked for me!  Wow, I've spent hours 
on this thing.  You solved it in seconds!  Thank you so much!
On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

Try this:

1.  Copy all the new ringtones into a single folder on your Desktop called 
whatever you'd like.
2.  Open itunes.
3.  Press cmd-o to bring up the Add to Library dialog.
4.  Press cmd-2 to make sure things are in List mode in the dialog.
5.  Press cmd-shift-d to bring focus to the Desktop in the File Table.
6.  Navigate to the File Table and Interact With it.
7.  From within the File Table, locate the folder you put the ringtones in.
8.  Stop Interacting With the File Table.
9.  Navigate to the Open button and press it.

This should place them into the iTunes Library and automatically put them into 
the correct category.

Let me know how it goes.


On 2010-12-13, at 10:41 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> What is so weird is that 3 of these ringtones went the first time I did this 
> a week or so ago.  Yes, they are for the iPhone; they are from an app called 
> 1001 ringtones.  I think this has something to do with how confused iTunes is 
> about where to put things on my computer.  You might remember that I am 
> having the issue of purchases not going to my library, which I've told iTunes 
> is on my fileserver.  But now I can't get it to take ringtones either.  When 
> I go to iTunes, I see the 3 that worked last week but even though the others 
> are m4r, and are from the same 1001 ringtone app, I can't get them to go in 
> so that they are visible in iTunes so I can't put them in my phone.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 12, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Marlaina,
> Where did you get the ringtones from?  Are they iPhone ringtones?  Yes, the 
> m4r format is a ringtone, but there's more to it if you wish it to be an 
> iPhone ringtone.
> What process are you using to get them into your Ringtones area in iTunes?
> Sorry for all the questions, but I like to answer things properly.
> Later...
> On 2010-12-12, at 6:49 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I'm so sorry to ask this as we just discussed it recently, but I am not 
>> having success moving my ring tones into my iTunes ring tones folder.  They 
>> show up as m4r and command i tells me they are ring tones; I thought that 
>> was all I had to do to get them into my iTunes ring tones area but it is not 
>> working.  What am I missing?
>> Thank you again.
>> Marlaina
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its a Safari/webkit function.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Is reader mode a vo or a Mac function?
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R 
> will put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
> 1. find the article text.
> 2. Download additional pages of the text.
> I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and I 
> end up using VO-F to find the next page.
> Jon
> On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately.
>> --
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

No.  The iPod touch doesn't have a 3g option.  Keep in mind that the 3g model 
of the iPad is pay as you go.  So you wouldn't be locked into a contract.  And 
with this you will also be gaining a GPS option if that tickles your fancy.  
lol.  Just so more things to think about.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:

> Theresa, me either, on the data plan!  I already have one of those with my 
> cell phone!  Don't want another!!  I'm going for wyfi, whatever I do, and I 
> thinkyou can do that with the touch, as well as the i pad.  I think both have 
> the 3 g choice as well, but I could be wrong.. so confusing..
> Cait
> On 16/12/2010 5:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. 
>> I want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and 
>> such, so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a 
>> data plan.
>> Teresa
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version 
>>> of the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously. 
>>>  Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.
>>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
 My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
 the I pod touch.
 As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
 not, what are the others?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hmmm, ok what is the safari webkit?
On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


Its a Safari/webkit function.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Is reader mode a vo or a Mac function?
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R 
> will put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
> 1. find the article text.
> 2. Download additional pages of the text.
> I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and I 
> end up using VO-F to find the next page.
> Jon
> On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately.
>> --
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Howell

I'm sure you realize there are two versions of the iPad, one with 3G and wi-fi 
and one with wi-fi only. Of course it will be interesting to see what the next 
version of the iPad will contain in terms of ram etc.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. I 
> want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and 
> such, so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a 
> data plan.
> Teresa
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version 
>> of the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
>> Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
>>> the I pod touch.
>>> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
>>> not, what are the others?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caitlyn
>>> -- 
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Re: changed iTunes server but purchases don't go there

2010-12-16 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi Tim.

Gary and I have different libraries and different accounts.  I still can't 
figure out where my purchases are going, but I'm not giving up!

On Dec 6, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

Any luck with purchasing albums.  One issue you may run into when more than one 
user is accessing the same iTunes Library is when you or he add music or media. 
 iTunes creates a database when managing your Library so if you add music, it 
will appear in your Library but not in his unless you rebuild things each time. 
 This will affect you in the same manner if your husband does the adding.  
There are probably ways around this, but I think that you'd both have to have 
Macs.  I can help with that off-list if that is your case.


On 2010-12-05, at 10:51 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi Tim.
> Gary uses the same file server and location to play music, but not sure where 
> his library is.  You are great, and thanks for all the help.  I willl swear 
> at this, I mean play at this tomorrow, :)
> Marlaina
> On Dec 5, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Marlaina,
> Is the media on your NetGear server used by another computer as well?  If so, 
> is it accessed using iTunes as well?  If this media is just used for the 
> iTunes on your Mac, I'd do the following instead:
> 1.  Start up iTunes with the Option key down.  This will force iTunes to ask 
> for where your iTunes Library is or to Create a new one.
> 2.  Press cmd-c to bring up the connected devices.
> 3.  Select the NetGear server.
> 4.  Press Create New to create a new iTunes Library folder.  Make sure to 
> name it "iTunes".
> 5.  Drop your music/media folder into that new iTunes folder.  This folder 
> should be named "iTunes Media".
> 6.  Make sure in your Preferences that the path to the iTunes Media folder is 
> correct under the Advanced pane.
> 7.  If your library isn't populated, just choose Add to Library under the 
> File menu and add this media folder.
> What this does for you is make sure that all the iTunes Library and media is 
> under one roof.  Then you shouldn't have any issues with purchased music 
> going into the wrong place.  You could also rename the iTunes folder in your 
> Home directory to maybe "iTunes 2" just so it's not accidentally chosen some 
> time.
> Let me know how it goes.
> Later...
> On 2010-12-05, at 9:23 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Yes Tim; they are in my iTunes music folder; I see them in Finder.
>> On Dec 5, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina,
>> That's odd.  Where did they end up when they were downloaded?  Do you see 
>> them anywhere?
>> Later...
>> On 2010-12-05, at 3:50 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Ok, here I am again with yet another ask.
>>> Per excellent directions from this list, I have indeed changed my iTunes 
>>> server to my music file server.  that all works well; it repopulates each 
>>> time I open it and that is fine.
>>> But, (and isn't there always a darned but), when I by albums on iTunes 
>>> (I've bought two since doing this), my purchases are not showing up on my 
>>> server.  I still find navigating around my hd and to my file server to be a 
>>> hit and miss experience.  Can I somehow tell iTunes to put all my purchases 
>>> in my external file server?
>>> If not, any tips and tricks about moving between hd and file server would 
>>> be welcome on or off list.
>>> As always, thanks so much for the help!
>>> Marlaina
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Howell
Well Cait, when it comes down to sharing, I'd go for the iPod because as much 
as I love my wife, I sure as hell won't share my toys with her. :) Yep, when I 
got the iPhone, she had to have one as well or I would never have heard the end 
of it. Now I said I was considering an iPad and so, she is considering one as 
well. Maybe the real problem is not sharing, but finding the time to share. :)
Good luck with whatever device you choose.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:

> Thanks, Scott.  Mark is trying to decide between the two, but he's totally 
> new to the world of Mac and also to touch screen environments.  I thought the 
> pad would just be easier and might be more functional then the touch...  But 
> where we live, we can get two of the touches for one of the pads, which has 
> some appeal as we wouldn't have to share.
> Cait
> On 16/12/2010 2:55 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Caitlyn,
>> Some argue the iPad is a larger iPod; however, that is incorrect. There are 
>> of course many similarities, but the interface is different. THe additional 
>> screen size does allow for a different navigation experience for both blind 
>> and sighted individuals. SOme would say the web browsing is much easier and 
>> provides a greater idea of the page layout. I am sure those who have both 
>> devices will comment more extensively, but I am giving the iPad some serious 
>> consideration for my family. I can see using the iPad to serve a variety of 
>> needs and having a central or couple of central machines for syncing and 
>> purposes that are not suited to the iPad. I already have an iPhone and find 
>> this to be incredibly useful; however, I feel the iPad does meet a need and 
>> certainly I can see it taking the place of a notebook while traveling when a 
>> full-blown machine is not required.
>> Scott
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
>>> the I pod touch.
>>> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
>>> not, what are the others?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caitlyn
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Howell

Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any other. Of 
course if Apple was not having the success and the available cash, they would 
not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone and hey even some 
companies have dropped developing products just to spend all of their time 
suing other companies. I agree that if all of these companies spent more money 
on being productive and innovative, and less on suing everyone, just imagine 
the products that could be brought to market. Of course think of the jobs that 
could be created. You know of course who is really making the money right? Yep, 
lawyers that who is making the money.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
> could be doing.
> -Eric
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>> more:
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Carolyn Haas
Riczrdo:  You may ave solved for me the silly issue I've had wondering why some 
things and folders don't work the way they did.  Obviously, I haven't yet 
mastered the modes thingie very well in terms of knowing what works best.

Carolyn H
On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I use column mode myself.  with this, pressing right arrow to open, and left 
> arrow to close a folder, works 100% of the time.  From the finder you can 
> press command 3 to display finder contents in column mode.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> You can use the right arrow to open a folder in browser or list view mode of 
>> a finder window.  They behave a little differently though, in list mode the 
>> list gets longer and in browser mode you get moved over a column. 
>> Rading a description of browser mode would probably be hhelpful to folks 
>> that do a lot of scanning through folders. I will try to explain...
>> In browser mode there are three or four columns available. The left most 
>> column is the highest in the set of folders currently visible. If one turns 
>> on "preview" mode for the browser then the right most column will have a 
>> Large icon of the folder and a bit more directory / file information 
>> (including I believe a "start playing" button for A/V files.  What I 
>> reallylike about the browser mode, is that if you hit right arrow to view a 
>> folder hitting left arrow will bring you to the enclosing folde inwith the 
>> folder you just left selected.   So if I am looking at "Library/Application 
>> Support/Apple" and hit a right arrow "Apple" will be selected and I can hit 
>> down arrow to see what the next item in "Library/Application Support" is.  
>> in a finder or window or a file  selection dialog box, hitting command-3 
>> will put you in browser mode.
>> Best regards,
>> Jon
>> On 16 December 2010 12:33, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
>> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
>> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
>> always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Jim:
>> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will 
>> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and 
>> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply 
>> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the 
>> command-o.
>> HTH
>> Carolyn Haas
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Howdy Folks,
>>> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
>>> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
>>> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
>>> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
>>> Here's what I've tried so far...
>>> VO + d to go to the dock
>>> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
>>> VO + space to open the folder.
>>> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
>>> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
>>> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
>>> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
>>> I've opened this window.
>>> All help would be much appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Granados
You can get a WiFi only IPad as well so 3G isn't a requirement.  

I love my IPod touch though, never put it down.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. I 
> want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and 
> such, so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a 
> data plan.
> Teresa
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> IPad doesn't have a built in camera and until recently ran an older version 
>> of the OS.  Other than that they are similar other than the size obviously.  
>> Others can speak up to other differences but that's the biggies.
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My husband wants me to ask what the differences are between the I pad and 
>>> the I pod touch.
>>> As far as I can see, the only difference is the size.  Is this so, and if 
>>> not, what are the others?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caitlyn
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Re: Two questions:printing labels and keyboard commander

2010-12-16 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Anne:
Bet you've figured that out correctly.  Didn't know that was a toggle.
Thank you.

Carolyn H
On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Carolyn,
> It's a long time since I last did it, but you can print labels from Address 
> Book.
> As for the keyboard commander, could you be pressing VO-Shift-k by accident? 
> That's the toggle for keyboard commander.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 15 Dec 2010, at 05:20, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi  listers:
>> I am trying to figure out how to print labels with the Macbook Pro.  I 
>> downloaded the template for the avery 8160 labels I have, but can't figure 
>> out how to accomplish getting them to print.  I finally had to break down 
>> and use the pc to put my jerky order out.:)  Then Alex was not a happy 
>> camper and started acting out.  Not pretty.  
>> I have a second question as well.  I've noticed that every few days or so, 
>> my keyboard commander somehow becomes disabled.  Is anyone else having this 
>> experience, or does anyone know why it happens?
>> Thanks in advance for any answers
>> Carolyn Haas
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Granados

On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
> could be doing.
> -Eric
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>> more:
>> -- 
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Granados
It's called Haterade!

THe better you do the more haters there are.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Eric,
> Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any other. 
> Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available cash, they 
> would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone and hey even 
> some companies have dropped developing products just to spend all of their 
> time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these companies spent more 
> money on being productive and innovative, and less on suing everyone, just 
> imagine the products that could be brought to market. Of course think of the 
> jobs that could be created. You know of course who is really making the money 
> right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the money.
> Scott
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
>> could be doing.
>> -Eric
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>>> more:
>>> -- 
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Re: changed iTunes server but purchases don't go there

2010-12-16 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hey Marlaina:
When you make a purchase, it goes into which ever user's name is loged in, and 
into their music section of the library.  If you have differing accounts on the 
same computer, you would still be in your own library, and that's where 
purchases would go, unless you are using the same passwords.  If you want to 
call me, I'll be glad to try and help you sort that out.

Carolyn Haas
 On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi Tim.
> Gary and I have different libraries and different accounts.  I still can't 
> figure out where my purchases are going, but I'm not giving up!
> Marlaina
> On Dec 6, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> Any luck with purchasing albums.  One issue you may run into when more than 
> one user is accessing the same iTunes Library is when you or he add music or 
> media.  iTunes creates a database when managing your Library so if you add 
> music, it will appear in your Library but not in his unless you rebuild 
> things each time.  This will affect you in the same manner if your husband 
> does the adding.  There are probably ways around this, but I think that you'd 
> both have to have Macs.  I can help with that off-list if that is your case.
> Thanks.
> On 2010-12-05, at 10:51 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hi Tim.
>> Gary uses the same file server and location to play music, but not sure 
>> where his library is.  You are great, and thanks for all the help.  I willl 
>> swear at this, I mean play at this tomorrow, :)
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 5, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Marlaina,
>> Is the media on your NetGear server used by another computer as well?  If 
>> so, is it accessed using iTunes as well?  If this media is just used for the 
>> iTunes on your Mac, I'd do the following instead:
>> 1.  Start up iTunes with the Option key down.  This will force iTunes to ask 
>> for where your iTunes Library is or to Create a new one.
>> 2.  Press cmd-c to bring up the connected devices.
>> 3.  Select the NetGear server.
>> 4.  Press Create New to create a new iTunes Library folder.  Make sure to 
>> name it "iTunes".
>> 5.  Drop your music/media folder into that new iTunes folder.  This folder 
>> should be named "iTunes Media".
>> 6.  Make sure in your Preferences that the path to the iTunes Media folder 
>> is correct under the Advanced pane.
>> 7.  If your library isn't populated, just choose Add to Library under the 
>> File menu and add this media folder.
>> What this does for you is make sure that all the iTunes Library and media is 
>> under one roof.  Then you shouldn't have any issues with purchased music 
>> going into the wrong place.  You could also rename the iTunes folder in your 
>> Home directory to maybe "iTunes 2" just so it's not accidentally chosen some 
>> time.
>> Let me know how it goes.
>> Later...
>> On 2010-12-05, at 9:23 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Yes Tim; they are in my iTunes music folder; I see them in Finder.
>>> On Dec 5, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina,
>>> That's odd.  Where did they end up when they were downloaded?  Do you see 
>>> them anywhere?
>>> Later...
>>> On 2010-12-05, at 3:50 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 Ok, here I am again with yet another ask.
 Per excellent directions from this list, I have indeed changed my iTunes 
 server to my music file server.  that all works well; it repopulates each 
 time I open it and that is fine.
 But, (and isn't there always a darned but), when I by albums on iTunes 
 (I've bought two since doing this), my purchases are not showing up on my 
 server.  I still find navigating around my hd and to my file server to be 
 a hit and miss experience.  Can I somehow tell iTunes to put all my 
 purchases in my external file server?
 If not, any tips and tricks about moving between hd and file server would 
 be welcome on or off list.
 As always, thanks so much for the help!
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Re: Just One More Question About Office for the Mac

2010-12-16 Thread Mike Arrigo
Apparently office on the mac is totally inaccessible, I think some of the menus 
work, but the content area is completely inaccessible, none of the document or 
spreadsheet, etc. can be read.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:47 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I just want to confirm that Office 2011 is not accessible with VoiceOver.  
> Are we saying that nothing works or that some things work but not others.  
> Has anyone actually tried using it?
> The reason I ask is because I can install the current release version but do 
> not want to do so if it's just going to clutter up the pipes on my MacBook 
> Pro.  I don't feel like wrestling with yet another version of Office if I 
> don't have to.
> The only real reason I, personally, would like to use Office is to hopefully 
> finally be able to use Outlook Tasks again.
> I have tried using my Mobile Me To-Do list but hey do not seem to sync with 
> either my iPhone or Outlook.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> In short, I would like to have my Outlook Tasks be synced into/with MobileMe 
> To Do tasks and to be able to see those to do items on my iPhone.
> In case you haven't guessed, I use MobileMe as my central source for syncing 
> all my computers and SmartPhones Windows-based and I O S.
> Thank you in advance.
> Most Sincerely,
> Markt
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Mike Arrigo
The answer to bot of these is to interact with the item. You can then read it 
word by word, or character by character. To select text, interact with the 
item, then press control option enter at the beginning of what you want to 
copy. Now move to the end of the text to copy and press control option enter 
again, then press command c to copy the text.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately. 
>> -- 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Mike Arrigo
With folders, rather than trying to expand it, it's easier just to press 
command o and open it, much less clutter.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
> always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Jim:
> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will 
> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and 
> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply 
> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the 
> command-o.
> Carolyn Haas
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> Howdy Folks,
>> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
>> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
>> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
>> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
>> Here's what I've tried so far...
>> VO + d to go to the dock
>> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
>> VO + space to open the folder.
>> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
>> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
>> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
>> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
>> I've opened this window.
>> All help would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Scott Howell
Huh, now that is a good one-haterade. So, that explains a lot and I guess I can 
purchase some of that at my local law office? :)

On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> It's called Haterade!
> THe better you do the more haters there are.

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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Mike Arrigo
reader mode is a mac function, aside from voiceover.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Is reader mode a vo or a Mac function?
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R 
> will put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
> 1. find the article text.
> 2. Download additional pages of the text.
> I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and I 
> end up using VO-F to find the next page.
> Jon
> On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> Mike or others,
> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and not 
> by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder if 
> there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than navigating 
> to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I wander through 
> the land of Mac.
> Marlaina
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for jumping 
>> to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm not finding 
>> safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw unfortunately.
>> --
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Re: changed iTunes server but purchases don't go there

2010-12-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Marlaina,

Now, when you say two different libraries and two different accounts, does that 
also mean that you both have different media folders on your NetGear server?  
If you are sharing the same folder to access your media, then there's going to 
be some issues.  If you each have totally different iTunes media folders, then 
I believe that this can be worked out.  The reason you'll have problems when 
you are attempting to share the same iTunes media folder, is due to the fact 
that itunes is more than just a media player, it is a media organizer, media 
store and interactive media browser.

When media is imported into itunes, it's put into a library database, so the 
media is placed in a specific location and the database knows where it was put 
and how to access it when needed.  If media is put into the media location 
without using the import functionality, then iTunes really has no idea that it 
exists.  So, if you are sharing the same media folder, you or your husband 
could add media to your own library but the other would not see it unless you 
import it yourself.

There are ways of sharing iTunes media using the Home Sharing or shared Library 
methods but I don't want to get into them unless we can really determine if 
that is your best option.


On 2010-12-16, at 4:58 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi Tim.
> Gary and I have different libraries and different accounts.  I still can't 
> figure out where my purchases are going, but I'm not giving up!
> Marlaina
> On Dec 6, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> Any luck with purchasing albums.  One issue you may run into when more than 
> one user is accessing the same iTunes Library is when you or he add music or 
> media.  iTunes creates a database when managing your Library so if you add 
> music, it will appear in your Library but not in his unless you rebuild 
> things each time.  This will affect you in the same manner if your husband 
> does the adding.  There are probably ways around this, but I think that you'd 
> both have to have Macs.  I can help with that off-list if that is your case.
> Thanks.
> On 2010-12-05, at 10:51 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hi Tim.
>> Gary uses the same file server and location to play music, but not sure 
>> where his library is.  You are great, and thanks for all the help.  I willl 
>> swear at this, I mean play at this tomorrow, :)
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 5, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Marlaina,
>> Is the media on your NetGear server used by another computer as well?  If 
>> so, is it accessed using iTunes as well?  If this media is just used for the 
>> iTunes on your Mac, I'd do the following instead:
>> 1.  Start up iTunes with the Option key down.  This will force iTunes to ask 
>> for where your iTunes Library is or to Create a new one.
>> 2.  Press cmd-c to bring up the connected devices.
>> 3.  Select the NetGear server.
>> 4.  Press Create New to create a new iTunes Library folder.  Make sure to 
>> name it "iTunes".
>> 5.  Drop your music/media folder into that new iTunes folder.  This folder 
>> should be named "iTunes Media".
>> 6.  Make sure in your Preferences that the path to the iTunes Media folder 
>> is correct under the Advanced pane.
>> 7.  If your library isn't populated, just choose Add to Library under the 
>> File menu and add this media folder.
>> What this does for you is make sure that all the iTunes Library and media is 
>> under one roof.  Then you shouldn't have any issues with purchased music 
>> going into the wrong place.  You could also rename the iTunes folder in your 
>> Home directory to maybe "iTunes 2" just so it's not accidentally chosen some 
>> time.
>> Let me know how it goes.
>> Later...
>> On 2010-12-05, at 9:23 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Yes Tim; they are in my iTunes music folder; I see them in Finder.
>>> On Dec 5, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina,
>>> That's odd.  Where did they end up when they were downloaded?  Do you see 
>>> them anywhere?
>>> Later...
>>> On 2010-12-05, at 3:50 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 Ok, here I am again with yet another ask.
 Per excellent directions from this list, I have indeed changed my iTunes 
 server to my music file server.  that all works well; it repopulates each 
 time I open it and that is fine.
 But, (and isn't there always a darned but), when I by albums on iTunes 
 (I've bought two since doing this), my purchases are not showing up on my 
 server.  I still find navigating around my hd and to my file server to be 
 a hit and miss experience.  Can I somehow tell iTunes to put all my 
 purchases in my external file server?
 If not, any tips and tricks about moving between hd and file server would 
 be welcome on or off list.
 As always, thanks so much for the help!

Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well I guess we'll see wht happens. I doubt anything will come of it though.

Take care and have a happy holidays wiht your apple products!
On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> It's called Haterade!
> THe better you do the more haters there are.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Eric,
>> Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any other. 
>> Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available cash, they 
>> would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone and hey even 
>> some companies have dropped developing products just to spend all of their 
>> time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these companies spent 
>> more money on being productive and innovative, and less on suing everyone, 
>> just imagine the products that could be brought to market. Of course think 
>> of the jobs that could be created. You know of course who is really making 
>> the money right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the money.
>> Scott
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
>>> could be doing.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

I couldn't agree with you more Scott.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Eric,
> Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any other. 
> Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available cash, they 
> would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone and hey even 
> some companies have dropped developing products just to spend all of their 
> time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these companies spent more 
> money on being productive and innovative, and less on suing everyone, just 
> imagine the products that could be brought to market. Of course think of the 
> jobs that could be created. You know of course who is really making the money 
> right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the money.
> Scott
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
>> could be doing.
>> -Eric
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>>> more:
>>> -- 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

How is it less clutter if you can't see it?  I mean, voiceover can only read 1 
thing at a time unlike someone seeing a whole bunch of open windows and folders 
at a time.  To me, it just sounds more like a case of personal preference.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> With folders, rather than trying to expand it, it's easier just to press 
> command o and open it, much less clutter.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
>> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
>> always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Jim:
>> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will 
>> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and 
>> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply 
>> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the 
>> command-o.
>> HTH
>> Carolyn Haas
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Howdy Folks,
>>> Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
>>> applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
>>> navigate into and around the Applications folder.
>>> Can someone let me know how to go about this?
>>> Here's what I've tried so far...
>>> VO + d to go to the dock
>>> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
>>> VO + space to open the folder.
>>> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
>>> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
>>> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
>>> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
>>> I've opened this window.
>>> All help would be much appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim
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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

Sorry about that.  I meant safari or webkit.  Meaning its a function built into 
the web browser, not a voiceover feature.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hmmm, ok what is the safari webkit?
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Its a Safari/webkit function.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Is reader mode a vo or a Mac function?
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> If you are reading articles from blogs or Newspapers, then command-shift-R 
>> will put you in  "Reader" mode.  This should do the following:
>> 1. find the article text.
>> 2. Download additional pages of the text.
>> I do find that sometimes the reader mode stumbles on multipage articles and 
>> I end up using VO-F to find the next page.
>> Jon
>> On 16 December 2010 12:29, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
>> Mike or others,
>> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
>> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and 
>> not by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder 
>> if there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than 
>> navigating to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I 
>> wander through the land of Mac.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
>> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
>> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
>> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hello all,
>>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for 
>>> jumping to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm 
>>> not finding safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw 
>>> unfortunately.
>>> --
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Re: differences between I pad and I pod touch?

2010-12-16 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi Teresa,

I'm not sure if you're in the US, but the ipad 3G does not require a data plan 
in the US. It is somewhat progressive in it's handling of 3G data usage in that 
there is no contract and you can start and stop and restart your 3G data on a 
monthly basis directly from the ipad with no penalties. You can pay US $15 per 
month for 200 MB of data or US $25 per month for 2 GB of data, or pay nothing 
if and when you don't need 3G wireless.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I appreciate this discussion, because I'm considering between them as well. I 
> want something that allows me to read email and do a bit of googling and 
> such, so I am leaning toward the Ipod Touch. I also don't necessarily want a 
> data plan.
> Teresa
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ok. Mike,  Your a genius.  It worked like a charm.  This is great for those 
pages that don't let you navigate and select text by just using the arrows and 
the shift key.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> The answer to bot of these is to interact with the item. You can then read it 
> word by word, or character by character. To select text, interact with the 
> item, then press control option enter at the beginning of what you want to 
> copy. Now move to the end of the text to copy and press control option enter 
> again, then press command c to copy the text.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Mike or others,
>> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
>> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and 
>> not by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder 
>> if there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than 
>> navigating to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I 
>> wander through the land of Mac.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
>> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
>> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
>> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hello all,
>>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for 
>>> jumping to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm 
>>> not finding safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw 
>>> unfortunately. 
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Jim, Marlaina and all,

I'm going to try to help out here.  I'll prefix comments with the initials of 
whoever asked it and place my initials, TK prior to my responses.

JB:  Here's what I've tried so far...
>> VO + d to go to the dock
>> VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
>> VO + space to open the folder.
>> At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
>> use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
>> icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
>> + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
>> I've opened this window.
TK:  First, I suggest that you use the key combination cmd-shift-a to quickly 
access the Applications folder instead of the above method.  I would also 
suggest that you change your windows into another view such as List view or 
column view, it seems like your windows are in Icon view.  I'll explain the 
differences .

Icon view (cmd-1):  Organizes your window into a grid format with large icons.
List view (cmd-2):  Organizes each window into a single list of items.
column view (cmd-3):  Organizes the window into a list but allows you to branch 
into columns with ease.

Depending on the view you choose, VO will act a little different.  If you 
prefer a specific view, then open a window, press cmd-1, 2, or 3  to put it in 
your desired format, then press cmd-j to bring up the View Options window, and 
then check the box that says to open all windows in this format.  Press cmd-j 
again to get rid of the View Options window.  I prefer either List or Column 
view as they are much easier to work with in my opinion.  I also, prefer my 
folders to open in a new window, which is set in the Finder Preferences, just 
press cmd-comma when at the Desktop and the Finder Prefs will appear.  These 
are just my preferences and I know that there are others who prefer things set 
differently, so make it work for you.

I'll explain how I do things for List view and Column view:

List View:

1.  Interact with the List view Table.
2.  Use VO navigation to go up and down the list.
3.  Once you're on the item you wish to open, press cmd-o or VO-space.  Each 
performs the same task.
4.  To close a window, you can use cmd-w.

If you prefer that your folders open in the same window when in List view, note 
the following:

cmd-down arrow will open the selection, be it volume, folder, file or app.
cmd-up arrow will take you to the enclosing or parent folder of the existing 
cmd-right arrow to open a folder.  It will not open volumes, files or apps.
cmd-left arrow will close the selected folder or close an expanded folder.

Column view or Browser view

1.  Interact With the Browser.
2.  Use arrow keys with or without VO keys to navigate within the window.
3.  When you reach the file or app you wish to open, press cmd-o or VO-space.

If you use the VO keys when in column view, it is quicker just to press the 
space while still pressing the VO keys so that you have less hand/finger 

ML:  It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you 
do right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus far 
always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
TK:  I believe that if you use the methods outlined above when in the specific 
view, you'll find the action to be consistent.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Just One More Question About Office for the Mac

2010-12-16 Thread M. Taylor
Great.  That is what I wanted to know.  I will not bother to install it on my 

On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Apparently office on the mac is totally inaccessible, I think some of the 
> menus work, but the content area is completely inaccessible, none of the 
> document or spreadsheet, etc. can be read.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:47 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I just want to confirm that Office 2011 is not accessible with VoiceOver.  
>> Are we saying that nothing works or that some things work but not others.  
>> Has anyone actually tried using it?
>> The reason I ask is because I can install the current release version but do 
>> not want to do so if it's just going to clutter up the pipes on my MacBook 
>> Pro.  I don't feel like wrestling with yet another version of Office if I 
>> don't have to.
>> The only real reason I, personally, would like to use Office is to hopefully 
>> finally be able to use Outlook Tasks again.
>> I have tried using my Mobile Me To-Do list but hey do not seem to sync with 
>> either my iPhone or Outlook.
>> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>> In short, I would like to have my Outlook Tasks be synced into/with MobileMe 
>> To Do tasks and to be able to see those to do items on my iPhone.
>> In case you haven't guessed, I use MobileMe as my central source for syncing 
>> all my computers and SmartPhones Windows-based and I O S.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Most Sincerely,
>> Markt
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Re: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks Carolyn,

I'm glad I could be of help.  Like I said, I personally prefer column mode but, 
list mode seems to be pretty good too.  The reason I prefer column to list mode 
is because I find list mode too talkative.  It tells you your opening and 
closing a folder, a long with reading the date of the last time the file or 
folder your on was modified.  List mode also forces you to navigate back to the 
name of the folder your in in order to close it with the left arrow key.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Riczrdo:  You may ave solved for me the silly issue I've had wondering why 
> some things and folders don't work the way they did.  Obviously, I haven't 
> yet mastered the modes thingie very well in terms of knowing what works best.
> Thanks.
> Carolyn H
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use column mode myself.  with this, pressing right arrow to open, and left 
>> arrow to close a folder, works 100% of the time.  From the finder you can 
>> press command 3 to display finder contents in column mode.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>>> You can use the right arrow to open a folder in browser or list view mode 
>>> of a finder window.  They behave a little differently though, in list mode 
>>> the list gets longer and in browser mode you get moved over a column. 
>>> Rading a description of browser mode would probably be hhelpful to folks 
>>> that do a lot of scanning through folders. I will try to explain...
>>> In browser mode there are three or four columns available. The left most 
>>> column is the highest in the set of folders currently visible. If one turns 
>>> on "preview" mode for the browser then the right most column will have a 
>>> Large icon of the folder and a bit more directory / file information 
>>> (including I believe a "start playing" button for A/V files.  What I 
>>> reallylike about the browser mode, is that if you hit right arrow to view a 
>>> folder hitting left arrow will bring you to the enclosing folde inwith the 
>>> folder you just left selected.   So if I am looking at "Library/Application 
>>> Support/Apple" and hit a right arrow "Apple" will be selected and I can hit 
>>> down arrow to see what the next item in "Library/Application Support" is.  
>>> in a finder or window or a file  selection dialog box, hitting command-3 
>>> will put you in browser mode.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jon
>>> On 16 December 2010 12:33, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
>>> It seems like at level 0 you have to do cmd down arrow but at 1 or 2 you do 
>>> right arrow, I tried to discover a consistent pattern with this but thus 
>>> far always at 0 cmd down arrow will open.
>>> Marlaina
>>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:22 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Jim:
>>> Try using commando to open the folder.  Or, also, command-down-arrow will 
>>> open the folder for you.  I believe there's something that gets tweeked and 
>>> changes this pattern of interaction.  Because, there are times when simply 
>>> right arrowing will open a folder, and there are other times it needs the 
>>> command-o.
>>> HTH
>>> Carolyn Haas
>>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
 Howdy Folks,
 Using voice over, I'm trying to bring up a terminal, which is in the
 applications folder.  So far, I'm failing to figure out how to
 navigate into and around the Applications folder.
 Can someone let me know how to go about this?
 Here's what I've tried so far...
 VO + d to go to the dock
 VO + right arrow several times until I hear "applications folder"
 VO + space to open the folder.
 At this point, I can see there's a window on the screen, and if I
 use the arrow keys to move around inside it, I can see that different
 icons are being highlighted.  However, VO does not speak.  If I use VO
 + arrow keys, voice over acts as if I'm still in the doc, even though
 I've opened this window.
 All help would be much appreciated.
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Eric Oyen
I seriously think that Heinlein was right in his opinion: let us hang all the 

On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Eric,
> Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any other. 
> Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available cash, they 
> would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone and hey even 
> some companies have dropped developing products just to spend all of their 
> time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these companies spent more 
> money on being productive and innovative, and less on suing everyone, just 
> imagine the products that could be brought to market. Of course think of the 
> jobs that could be created. You know of course who is really making the money 
> right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the money.
> Scott
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
>> could be doing.
>> -Eric
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>>> more:
>>> -- 
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Eric Oyen
such as:
hiring people to create new products or spending money and resources toward a 
greater good and less toward lawyers trying to make money as patent trolls.

I can think of several ways that could make my life (and that of every other 
blind person) a lot easier.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Like?
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
>> could be doing.
>> -Eric
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
>>> more:
>>> -- 
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Eric Oyen
except that the lawsuits will only serve to chill any innovation and possibly 
delay or deny technology to those of us in need of it more than anyone else.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Well I guess we'll see wht happens. I doubt anything will come of it though.
> Take care and have a happy holidays wiht your apple products!
> S
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> It's called Haterade!
>> THe better you do the more haters there are.
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Eric,
>>> Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any 
>>> other. Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available 
>>> cash, they would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone 
>>> and hey even some companies have dropped developing products just to spend 
>>> all of their time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these 
>>> companies spent more money on being productive and innovative, and less on 
>>> suing everyone, just imagine the products that could be brought to market. 
>>> Of course think of the jobs that could be created. You know of course who 
>>> is really making the money right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the money.
>>> Scott
>>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
 could be doing.
 On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? 
> read more:
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Sarah Alawami
and that's what has me a bit scared whenI summarized the article that' what I 

Take care and happy holidays.
On Dec 16, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> except that the lawsuits will only serve to chill any innovation and possibly 
> delay or deny technology to those of us in need of it more than anyone else.
> -Eric
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Well I guess we'll see wht happens. I doubt anything will come of it though.
>> Take care and have a happy holidays wiht your apple products!
>> S
>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> It's called Haterade!
>>> THe better you do the more haters there are.
>>> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Apple is probably one of the companies facing more law suits than any 
 other. Of course if Apple was not having the success and the available 
 cash, they would not be facing all these suits. The game is sue everyone 
 and hey even some companies have dropped developing products just to spend 
 all of their time suing other companies. I agree that if all of these 
 companies spent more money on being productive and innovative, and less on 
 suing everyone, just imagine the products that could be brought to market. 
 Of course think of the jobs that could be created. You know of course who 
 is really making the money right? Yep, lawyers that who is making the 
 On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> I really wish they'd cut out all the nonsense. we've got better things we 
> could be doing.
> -Eric
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? 
>> read more:
>> -- 
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Re: Nokia Expands Patent Claims Against Apple With New European Lawsuits

2010-12-16 Thread Andy Lane
Hey everyone, I don't have time to read the article right now but I
will later, I have a few thoughts about this situation though, Nokia
have been developing mobile equipment for the last 16 or so years,
apple have been in the business for 3.  it seems to me that if Apple
are such newcomers they would be hard pressed to make a platform
without building on existing technologies already pioneered by apple.
Let us not forget that Nokia have dominated innovation on mobile
technologies for their entire existence.  Everything you see in the
iPhone came first to Nokia other than a few interaction methods and
the app store.  The difference is that Apple make things nice to use
and nokia make it feel like a weekend project.  Obviously apple have
voiceover too which is enormous for us however purely from a
technological point of view I struggle to understand how apple can
make a phone which clearly uses existing technologies and therefore
patents without paying royalties.  I agree that it is wrong to sue
people over money etc but maybe nokia and others have ligitimate
complaints.  The only thing that is certain though is the lawyers get
richer than anyone else out of this.  I'm just saying if apple have
had to borrow on progress made by Nokia, samsung, Sony/ericson etc.
maybe they should pay for what they have benefitted from.

Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Will these suits if they go through make touch screens harder to use? read 
> more:

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a question regarding itunes and podcasts

2010-12-16 Thread Sarah Alawami
Can't recall if I asked this or not so here goes.

When I went to deselect some podcasts for syncing to my phone I noticed that 
some int eh table were dimmed so I could not uncheck the box when interacting 
with the group. What can I do to resolve this? and what did I do to break this?

Take care all.

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Re: safari questions

2010-12-16 Thread Geoff Waaler
Okay, but when a page consists of hundreds of items, one must do this Items 
times N times rather than pressing control-a -> control-c in MSIE or FireFox?  
I attempted to use the technique described below to copy a long oped column and 
very quickly gave up and booted up the old Netbook.

TIA for any other suggestions.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> The answer to bot of these is to interact with the item. You can then read it 
> word by word, or character by character. To select text, interact with the 
> item, then press control option enter at the beginning of what you want to 
> copy. Now move to the end of the text to copy and press control option enter 
> again, then press command c to copy the text.
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Mike or others,
>> One problem I have with surfing the web on the Mac is that I can't copy and 
>> paste consistently from websites.  I mean that since it moves by item and 
>> not by line, I have a hard time copying the text of an item.  I also wonder 
>> if there is an easier way to read the text within an item rather than 
>> navigating to it and doing vo a.  Just another of my many wonders as I 
>> wander through the land of Mac.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Actually, once you get used to it, it works much better than the windows 
>> screen readers. It moves by item rather than by line, I find surfing the web 
>> on the mac to be a very enjoyable experience.
>> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hello all,
>>> after being an internet explorer user for years and years, i am trying to 
>>> learn to use safari. what question i have is what the command is for 
>>> jumping to text on a page once you have landed on the page you need. i'm 
>>> not finding safari with vo as intuitive as ie is with windoweyes or jfw 
>>> unfortunately. 
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