Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-30 Thread Steve Griffiths
I think I've managed to do this. Here are the steps I went through; you may of 
course be set to inches rather then centimetres.

Select everything in the document with Cmd-A.
VO-left arrow to the ruler and interact with it. 
VO-right arrow to "0.00 centimetres head indent ruler marker" and interact with 
VO-right arrow to change it by 0.1 centimetres, or VO-Shift-right arrow to 
change it by 0.01 centimetres.
When I've got that where I want it, stop interacting with it.
VO-left arrow to "0.00 centimetres first line indent ruler marker". 
Change that to the same distance as the first ruler marker.
VO-right arrow past all the "left tab stops" to "31.75 centimetres tail indent 
ruler marker".
Interact with it and move it to the left.

Does that work for you? And do what you want?

I don't know how to set this as the default.


On 29 Nov 2010, at 22:23, Tom Frank wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust left 
> and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the 
> margins. 
> If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed instructions 
> on how to do it 
> Tom Frank
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
>> On 27/11/2010, Tom Frank  wrote:
>>> Hi there Mark,
>>> Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom
>>> paper sizes but the margins are still one inch all around.
>>> I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and
>>> whistles.
>>> Tom Frank
>>> On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
 Under the File menu is Page Setup, or command shift P is the keyboard
 shortcut.  There, you can change paper size (including, much to my joy,
 envelopes!).  Will that do what you want?
 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Recording for the blind and dyslexic, reader that runs on the Mac?

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Howell
I agree the NLS excuses are so weak as to be pathetic. If someone really wanted 
to steal the damned audio, they have so many options including going to the 
local library and borrowing possibly the same book on CD and ripping it. Now 
gee, don't you think the local library knows people like me do this? Oh and 
gee, I never have given or sold any content I ripped, but I sure like listening 
to it on my iPHone. So, NLS might be held up by the law; however, I'm not so 
sure of this. I keep telling myself to take time to review the applicable law, 
but never seem to remember to do so.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hopefully, the Library of Congress won't be far behind. 
> I've heard that they don't want to allow a reader to be made for the iPhone 
> simply because they're afraid of their encryption being broken. My response 
> to that is it would be just as simple to install a decryption key in the App 
> that is unique to the serial number of the iPhone and based off of that as it 
> is to do the same for a Victor Stream. My stream just broke, so I'm waiting 
> for that kind of app to come out either for the Mac itself or the iPhone. 
> This program from RFB&D is certainly a large step in the right direction.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> yeah I know of someone who is using it. He said it works p[retty good but I 
>> have no more info then what I read on twitter and what the person said to me 
>> on the phone.
>> S
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>>> Hello everybody, apparently recording for the blind and dyslexic today 
>>> announced that they have a book reader that will run on the Mac? Has anyone 
>>> heard about this, is there any discussion about how usable it might be with 
>>> voiceover? If this is true, this would be good. If it is aimed at the 
>>> blindness community? So does anyone have any information on this? Hope all 
>>> is well thanks
>>> Maurice Mines
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Re: My spanish apple accessibility new list

2010-11-30 Thread Claudio Haase
Hi Anne. Yes, you can do this. Thank you so much.

On 11/30/10, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Claudio,
> I maintain a list of discussion groups for the Mac and VoiceOver on my
> French site:
> Would you mind if I added your group to my list?
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 30 Nov 2010, at 05:53, Claudio Haase wrote:
>> Hi Rafaela, I'am a brazilian user of the apple products. I plan to
>> join your list.
>> By the way, I have a list to discuss accessibility on the Apple
>> devices in portuguese. If someone want's to join, can do this by send
>> an e-mail to
>> On 11/30/10, Rafaela Freundt  wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I hope it is ok for me to post this here.
>>> There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking people
>>> to
>>> know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products and voiceover.
>>> I
>>> am from Peru, but have myself no problem with english.
>>> But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand
>>> english, and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
>>> For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people to
>>> subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple Accessibility.
>>> If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain knows
>>> spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness of Apple
>>> and
>>> what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than welcome to join
>>> this
>>> new list.
>>> I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
>>> you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to
>>> or visiting the url
>>> Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.
>>> Rafaela Freundt
>>> E-mail/MSN:
>>> Skype: rafafreundt
>>> --
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Before you partittion the drive, you should consider the partitioning
scheme you want to use.  There was a discourse about this on Tidbits
two or three years ago.  I will be receiving a new disk shortly, and
will need to review all this too.  I  am getting one of those Western
Digital disks that has a virtual CD on it with some software to
encrypt the disk and do non-apple backups.  If you research this topic
some, could you post back the articles you find useful?



On 30/11/2010, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Oh snaps, well that means you can partition your hardrive at your will :)
> --
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Re: musicality

2010-11-30 Thread Greg Aikens
The Last FM page does work.  I can't get the interfaces for pandora and 
grooveshark to work though.  It comes with a 14 day demo but not sure I would 
pay the $10 unless I could use all 3 services.  

On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:42 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I've been playing with it a bit. The only thing that's supremely 
> disappointing is (ironically) the keyboard settings area. The controls for 
> setting the global keystrokes are reported as "unknown" by VO and I can't 
> click on them or anything. Other than that, it's set up like a simplified web 
> page and is a thousand times more accessible than the Last Fm scrobbler.
> Teresa
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:29 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Macupdate promo for today has a bundle of 5 apps, most of which didn't 
>> interest me. But there is one called musicality that is a desktop client for 
>>  pandora and services. Has anybody tried this app with vo on their 
>> Mac?
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Slau

1. Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a hot spot.
2. Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot spot.

Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to instantly move 
the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot. If you want VoiceOver to 
read the hot spot without navigating to it, use VO-Command and the number. If 
you want VoiceOver to automatically speak the contents of the hot spot whenever 
it changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.



On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:12 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey guys can any one tell me how to use the hot spots feature in voice
> over?
> your help with this question would be most welcom!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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Re: My spanish apple accessibility new list

2010-11-30 Thread Esther

Hi Rafaela,

Do you know about the web pages of Jonathan Chacón Barbero? He is a  
blind developer who is on both the macvisionaries and viphone lists,  
and who has recently submitted an accessible Minesweeper game to the  
App Store. He also posts a number of useful articles in Spanish on his  
For example, he wrote about an accessible ePub conversion service:
and also blogged about the AidColors iPhone app:

This site might be a useful addition to the web page resources for  
your new list.  Another thing your users can do is set up a  
translation bookmark from the Google Translation page to view any page  
translated to your selected language.  This is only a machine  
translation, but it can be useful, and can be executed with a single  
keystroke if you save the bookmark to your Bookmarks Bar.  You can  
read instructions on how to do this in my archived post to Jonathan.   
Note that the discussion topic is TextEdit keyboard navigation  
shortcuts on a laptop, and the description of how to set up the  
translation bookmarks is a separate topic that starts at the fourth  
(Re: how to go page up and page down in a text area?)
This would also provide some usable access to resource pages written  
in other languages.

HTH.  Cheers,


Rafaela Freundt wrote:

Hi everyone,

I hope it is ok for me to post this here.

There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking  
people to know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products  
and voiceover. I am from Peru, but have myself no problem with  
But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand  
english, and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people  
to subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple  
If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain  
knows spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness  
of Apple and what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than  
welcome to join this new list.

I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to 
 or visiting the url

Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.

Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

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Re: Reading bookshare books on the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi Brandt,
Check the archives for more suggestions but the method I use right now is to 
open the xml version of the book in safari.  There is a free daisy player 
called Olearia but I couldn't get it to read from one chapter to the next 
without manually telling the program to move on.  The safari solution isn't bad 

Hope this helps,

On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:59 PM, brandt wrote:

> Hi there folks,
> Are there any way of reading a bookshare book on the mac, without taking the 
> daisy book apart? I know that in Windows we have the victor reader software.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
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Re: My spanish apple accessibility new list

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Rafaela:
Very cool idea.  I know just enough Spanish to make a large fool of myself.  
But, I wanted to give you a verbal thumbs up for what you're doing.
Muy fantastico!

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I hope it is ok for me to post this here.
> There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking people to 
> know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products and voiceover. I am 
> from Peru, but have myself no problem with english.
> But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand english, 
> and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
> For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people to 
> subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple Accessibility.
> If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain knows 
> spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness of Apple and 
> what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than welcome to join this 
> new list.
> I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
> you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to 
> or visiting the url 
> Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.
> Rafaela Freundt
> E-mail/MSN:
> Skype: rafafreundt
> -- 
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Re: Using VO to download applications

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Israel:
I have to tell you something funny and make a correction.  I woke up this 
morning and realized I'd been watching and reading too many medical stories.  I 
think I said the files would appear as EMG files, when in fact they are DMG.  
 Think I have it right now.:)
Take care and good luck.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:40 PM, Israel wrote:

> Thank you very much, Carolyn!
> This helps me tremendously.  I would have just assumed that once the 
> application had been downloaded, I could have looked in my ap folder for it.  
> It is great to know to look for it in downloads folder.  I was just looking 
> in my downloads folder earlier today wondering what are these things?  I 
> don't even know what three fourths of those files are. :)  
> Again, thank you, Carolyn.  Every bit helps me.
> Sexy Isra
> Israel antonio
> Playwright, Screenwriter, Triathlete, Actor, Filmmaker
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Israel:
>> Can't point you to a podcast.  But, the download process is pretty straight 
>> forward.  I'll give you the basics here, and perhaps someone can point you 
>> to more details.
>> Find the site you want to download from on the web.  If you're not sure, you 
>> can simply google "open office."
>> On that site, search for your download link.  It might say, "click here to 
>> download," or  "download link," or just give the software name, in this 
>> case, open office.  It will probably display as an "EMG" file, which is a 
>> common format for apps to download in.  Assuming you've located the link, 
>> simply vo space to select it, and vo space to begin your download.  The 
>> window will change to display "download list," and you'll be downloading 
>> your file.  It will give you an option to press "clear." which you can 
>> safely do to help you determine if your download is done.  It won't close 
>> that down unless it's finished.  You can also close that list window and 
>> continue about your other business.  If you try to shut Safari downn before 
>> the download's through, it'll warn you.
>> Ok, now your file is very likely in downloads.  You can go command H to 
>> home, and/or get yourself to downloads and find that file and open it.  It 
>> will either start installing, or show a file to start the process.
>> Hopefully, this will at least give you a rough idea what the process should 
>> be.  Hopefully I've not confused you too badly.:)
>> Good luck.  
>> Carolyn 
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Israel wrote:
>>> Greetings Listers
>>> Does anyone know of a podcast which will take me through the process of 
>>> downloading applications such as OpenOffice, Adium, and others?
>>> I navigate and use Pages and Text Edit successfully, but I just want to try 
>>> OpenOffice.  I do well with FB chat but I've read so many of your comments 
>>> on using third party chat clients that I at least want to try it out.
>>> I've never downloaded an application from the internet without sighted 
>>> assistance so I wish to listen to a podcast which walks me through the 
>>> steps so I know I am performing the correct steps.  I assume the steps are 
>>> pretty much the same no matter what application I am downloading, but if 
>>> not, this would be good to know as well.
>>> Again, I wish to experiment and see how I enjoy these applications so if it 
>>> turns out I much prefer Pages/Text Edit over OpenOffice, let's say, how 
>>> would I then go about removing the application?  Is it as simple as finding 
>>> in the application folder, bring up the context menu, pressing move to 
>>> trash or are there more steps than that?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Sexy Isra
>>> Israel Antonio
>>> Playwright, Screenwriter, Triathlete, Actor, Filmmaker
>>> doing the correct
>>> -- 
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Re: My spanish apple accessibility new list

2010-11-30 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi Ester,

I didn't know about all of this, I will check it out.

Thanks for the info, I will add the resources you've suggested to my list page.

Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 30/11/2010, a las 09:10, Esther escribió:

> Hi Rafaela,
> Do you know about the web pages of Jonathan Chacón Barbero? He is a blind 
> developer who is on both the macvisionaries and viphone lists, and who has 
> recently submitted an accessible Minesweeper game to the App Store. He also 
> posts a number of useful articles in Spanish on his blog:
> For example, he wrote about an accessible ePub conversion service:
> and also blogged about the AidColors iPhone app:
> This site might be a useful addition to the web page resources for your new 
> list.  Another thing your users can do is set up a translation bookmark from 
> the Google Translation page to view any page translated to your selected 
> language.  This is only a machine translation, but it can be useful, and can 
> be executed with a single keystroke if you save the bookmark to your 
> Bookmarks Bar.  You can read instructions on how to do this in my archived 
> post to Jonathan.  Note that the discussion topic is TextEdit keyboard 
> navigation shortcuts on a laptop, and the description of how to set up the 
> translation bookmarks is a separate topic that starts at the fourth paragraph:
> (Re: how to go page up and page down in a text area?) 
> This would also provide some usable access to resource pages written in other 
> languages.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I hope it is ok for me to post this here.
>> There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking people to 
>> know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products and voiceover. I 
>> am from Peru, but have myself no problem with english.
>> But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand 
>> english, and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
>> For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people to 
>> subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple Accessibility.
>> If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain knows 
>> spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness of Apple and 
>> what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than welcome to join this 
>> new list.
>> I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
>> you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to 
>> or visiting the url 
>> Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.
>> Rafaela Freundt
>> E-mail/MSN:
>> Skype: rafafreundt
> -- 
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a Safari question

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi everyone:
I was on a surfing frenzy yesterday and got to wondering something about web 
page access.

If I am reading something, say, for example a list of sale products, and 
there's a series of pages within the listing, is there a way to have my cursor 
move right to the same listing when the new page loads?  TIA


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Re: a Safari question

2010-11-30 Thread Jonathan Cohn
If you hit the webspot create option sequence twice, this is supposed
to set up such a point but I have had little luck with it personally.
I generally will look for something searchable, or use the headings.
If there is common text right before where you want to be, and search
for it with VO-F, then VO-G will find that text again.  There is also
a numpad commander shortcut key for repeating a search.



On 30/11/2010, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I was on a surfing frenzy yesterday and got to wondering something about web
> page access.
> If I am reading something, say, for example a list of sale products, and
> there's a series of pages within the listing, is there a way to have my
> cursor move right to the same listing when the new page loads?  TIA
> Carolyn
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RE: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Ford
Hi Sarah,
I have a 1TB that I split into four partitions.  I created two osx
on the first two partitions and then created two fat32 partitions on the
last two.  I did all of this on the Mac mini.  Now I am using this for a
network storage.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 6:05 PM
To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
Subject: partitioning a hard drive

Hello all. I'm going to be getting a 2 tb hard drive in a few weeks, or in a
week depending on when shipping cooperates lol!

question: is there a way I can partition 1 tb for something and have it be
an ntfs drive and another 11 tb partition for something and also have it be
an ntfs drive? I want to partition on the mac if I can but if I have to go
to the nameless platform I'll do it.

Take care.


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Re: My spanish apple accessibility new list

2010-11-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Rafaela,

If you go to
you'll find all kinds of sites and lists for other languages.



On 30 Nov 2010, at 15:40, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> Hi Ester,
> I didn't know about all of this, I will check it out.
> Thanks for the info, I will add the resources you've suggested to my list 
> page.
> Rafaela Freundt
> E-mail/MSN:
> Skype: rafafreundt
> El 30/11/2010, a las 09:10, Esther escribió:
>> Hi Rafaela,
>> Do you know about the web pages of Jonathan Chacón Barbero? He is a blind 
>> developer who is on both the macvisionaries and viphone lists, and who has 
>> recently submitted an accessible Minesweeper game to the App Store. He also 
>> posts a number of useful articles in Spanish on his blog:
>> For example, he wrote about an accessible ePub conversion service:
>> and also blogged about the AidColors iPhone app:
>> This site might be a useful addition to the web page resources for your new 
>> list.  Another thing your users can do is set up a translation bookmark from 
>> the Google Translation page to view any page translated to your selected 
>> language.  This is only a machine translation, but it can be useful, and can 
>> be executed with a single keystroke if you save the bookmark to your 
>> Bookmarks Bar.  You can read instructions on how to do this in my archived 
>> post to Jonathan.  Note that the discussion topic is TextEdit keyboard 
>> navigation shortcuts on a laptop, and the description of how to set up the 
>> translation bookmarks is a separate topic that starts at the fourth 
>> paragraph:
>> (Re: how to go page up and page down in a text area?) 
>> This would also provide some usable access to resource pages written in 
>> other languages.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I hope it is ok for me to post this here.
>>> There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking people to 
>>> know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products and voiceover. I 
>>> am from Peru, but have myself no problem with english.
>>> But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand 
>>> english, and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
>>> For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people to 
>>> subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple Accessibility.
>>> If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain knows 
>>> spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness of Apple and 
>>> what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than welcome to join 
>>> this new list.
>>> I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
>>> you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to 
>>> or visiting the url 
>>> Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.
>>> Rafaela Freundt
>>> E-mail/MSN:
>>> Skype: rafafreundt
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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Slau,

 I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For 
example, I can use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and 
Facebook, right?

 How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?


- Original Message -
From: Slau 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a 
hot spot.
2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot 

Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to 
instantly move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.  
If you want VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to 
it, use VO-Command and the number.  If you want VoiceOver to 
automatically speak the contents of the hot spot whenever it 
changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.



On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:12 PM, trahern culver wrote:

hey guys can any one tell me how to use the hot spots feature in 


your help with this question would be most welcom!!

kind regards trahern.

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iphone app OT

2010-11-30 Thread John W. Carty
There's a bible app called olive tree that has some good features but using 
voiceover the text is completely silent.

I thought apple was publishing development standards and enforcing compliance.

Is anyone out there successfully using an iphone / ipad bible application? If 
so, which one?


John Carty

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Re: iphone app OT

2010-11-30 Thread Jim Barbour
On the iphone list (subscribe at

several folks have talked about using bible apps.  That might be a
good place to check.

Apple is absolutely not enforcing accessibility.  there is off and on
chatter on the list about this as well.


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:40:31AM -0600, John W. Carty wrote:
> There's a bible app called olive tree that has some good features but using 
> voiceover the text is completely silent.
> I thought apple was publishing development standards and enforcing compliance.
> Is anyone out there successfully using an iphone / ipad bible application? If 
> so, which one?
> Thanx,
> John Carty
> -- 
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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Slau
Hi Ezzy,

I'm not sure if I understand your question, exactly. Think of it as having 10 
points available to you, anywhere on your Mac, in any application. You can use 
any number hot spot in any application but you can't use number 1 twice, that 
is, in one application and also another application at the same time.

If you wish to change a hot spot, you needn't necessarily delete the old hot 
spot. You can simply set a new one with the same number and now that'll be the 
new hot spot for that particular number. If, however, you simply wish to get 
rid of a hot spot, pressing VO and the hot spot number a second time will 
unassign that hot spot.



On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hello Slau,
> I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For example, I can 
> use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and Facebook, right?
> How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?
> Ezzy
> - Original Message -
> From: Slau  To:
> Date sent: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:09:09 -0500
> Subject: Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?
> Trahern,
> 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a hot spot.
> 2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot spot.
> Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to instantly move 
> the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.  If you want VoiceOver to 
> read the hot spot without navigating to it, use VO-Command and the number.  
> If you want VoiceOver to automatically speak the contents of the hot spot 
> whenever it changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:12 PM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey guys can any one tell me how to use the hot spots feature in voice
> over?
> your help with this question would be most welcom!!
> kind regards trahern.
> --
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Re: iphone app OT

2010-11-30 Thread Greg Aikens
The Bible app from works well, is free, and has a large variety 
of translations and reading plans available.  


On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:48 AM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> On the iphone list (subscribe at
> several folks have talked about using bible apps.  That might be a
> good place to check.
> Apple is absolutely not enforcing accessibility.  there is off and on
> chatter on the list about this as well.
> JIm
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:40:31AM -0600, John W. Carty wrote:
>> There's a bible app called olive tree that has some good features but using 
>> voiceover the text is completely silent.
>> I thought apple was publishing development standards and enforcing 
>> compliance.
>> Is anyone out there successfully using an iphone / ipad bible application? 
>> If so, which one?
>> Thanx,
>> John Carty
>> -- 
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the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Matthew J

hay all:

Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the 
mac is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What 
I'd like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison 
to windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a 
fine art, including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to 
develop completely new ways of working. I know of course that macs 
require some different ways of doing things, but I would like to have 
the same ease of use for tasks like translating, office working, 
research and using pdfs, ETC, which include a lot of copying from web 
pages, making tables, and all the rest. How does the mac stack up with 
the day-to-day productivity tasks you all require in your professional 

any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome


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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Esther

Hi Ezzy,

Ezzy Bueno wrote:

I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For  
example, I can use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and  
Facebook, right?

How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?

I'll add a little more information to Slau's excellent response to  
explain hot spots.  Hot spots are meant to be used for temporary  
purposes. They don't persist if you log out of your account, or quit  
an app, or restart your machine.  A good example of setting a hot spot  
would be if you're reading a book or document in Preview, but need to  
switch to another application for a while, but want to return to the  
same reading location.  Although Preview lets you set bookmarks, and  
you can also return to the app by switching through your currently  
active apps with Command-Tab, this only gets you back to the same page  
that you were reading.  If you want to return to the same point on the  
page, you would set a hot spot before you left the page, and then use  
the command to return to that hot spot when you got back to the app.

Hot spots can also only take you to places that VoiceOver can navigate  
to. It's possible to use other accessibility features of the Mac, such  
as Mouse Keys, to move your mouse cursor position independently of  
VoiceOver.  I've used this to play sound samples on the Audible web  
site, by figuring out how many pixels to move from a control that  
VoiceOver does recognize to get to the player controls and click.   
(This keeps changing, incidentally, as they re-design their web  
pages).  You can't save this position as a hotspot, because VoiceOver  
doesn't know how to get there independently.  The hot spot is  
basically a temporary snapshot of your use configuration in an app.

As far as easily getting to different web sites, such as the ones for  
Twitter or Facebook with a single keystroke, Safari will already let  
you do that.  If you bookmark a web page with Command+D, and use VO 
+Space to press the pop up menu for the location to be saved, then  
select  "Bookmarks Bar", you'll be able to access the first 9 bookmark  
entries by pressing Command+the number of the bookmark.  So in Safari,  
Command+1 takes you to the location of the first bookmark on your  
Bookmarks Bar, Command+2 takes you to the location of the second  
bookmark on the the Bookmarks Bar, etc.  The only thing to watch out  
for is that when you add bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar, your newest  
bookmark becomes the first bookmark, and all the others get bumped up  
by one.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 30, 2010, at 07:07, Slau wrote:

Hi Ezzy,

I'm not sure if I understand your question, exactly. Think of it as  
having 10 points available to you, anywhere on your Mac, in any  
application. You can use any number hot spot in any application but  
you can't use number 1 twice, that is, in one application and also  
another application at the same time.

If you wish to change a hot spot, you needn't necessarily delete the  
old hot spot. You can simply set a new one with the same number and  
now that'll be the new hot spot for that particular number. If,  
however, you simply wish to get rid of a hot spot, pressing VO and  
the hot spot number a second time will unassign that hot spot.



On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:36 AM,

- Original Message -
From: Slau 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a  
hot spot.
2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot  

Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to  
instantly move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.   
If you want VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to  
it, use VO-Command and the number.  If you want VoiceOver to  
automatically speak the contents of the hot spot whenever it  
changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.



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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread heather kd5cbl
Well, I hate to say this but, if you don't want to learn completely knew 
ways of doing things, that is a problem.  The mac is not lie a windows PC 
and yes it has simular programs but they are not accessed like a windows 
program.  They are just as productive and are easy after you learn them.  I 
would listen to podcasts from blind cool tec and do a little more research 
from I can work this thing .com.  Heather

- Original Message - 
From: "Matthew J" 

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:40 AM
Subject: the mac and productivity

hay all:

Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the 
mac is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What 
I'd like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison to 
windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a fine 
art, including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to develop 
completely new ways of working. I know of course that macs require some 
different ways of doing things, but I would like to have the same ease of 
use for tasks like translating, office working, research and using pdfs, 
ETC, which include a lot of copying from web pages, making tables, and all 
the rest. How does the mac stack up with the day-to-day productivity tasks 
you all require in your professional copacities?

any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome


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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
I would recommend a slow transition.  Get a Mac.  Keep using your PC, and 
slowly begin to perform tasks on the Mac that you once performed in windows.  
Just my opinion.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:39 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Well, I hate to say this but, if you don't want to learn completely knew ways 
> of doing things, that is a problem.  The mac is not lie a windows PC and yes 
> it has simular programs but they are not accessed like a windows program.  
> They are just as productive and are easy after you learn them.  I would 
> listen to podcasts from blind cool tec and do a little more research from I 
> can work this thing .com.  Heather
> - Original Message - From: "Matthew J" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:40 AM
> Subject: the mac and productivity
>> hay all:
>> Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the mac 
>> is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What I'd 
>> like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison to 
>> windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a fine art, 
>> including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to develop completely 
>> new ways of working. I know of course that macs require some different ways 
>> of doing things, but I would like to have the same ease of use for tasks 
>> like translating, office working, research and using pdfs, ETC, which 
>> include a lot of copying from web pages, making tables, and all the rest. 
>> How does the mac stack up with the day-to-day productivity tasks you all 
>> require in your professional copacities?
>> any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome
>> thanks
>> MJ
>> -- 
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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Jim Barbour
I don't believe any of the Microsoft programs written for the mac are
accessible using voiceover.  The mac equivalents - pages, numbers, etc - 
are accessible, but you need to figure out if they generate documents
that you can share with those using Microsoft products.

That is probably what I'd pay the most attention to given your


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 05:40:01PM +, Matthew J wrote:
> hay all:
> Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the  
> mac is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What  
> I'd like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison  
> to windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a  
> fine art, including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to  
> develop completely new ways of working. I know of course that macs  
> require some different ways of doing things, but I would like to have  
> the same ease of use for tasks like translating, office working,  
> research and using pdfs, ETC, which include a lot of copying from web  
> pages, making tables, and all the rest. How does the mac stack up with  
> the day-to-day productivity tasks you all require in your professional  
> copacities?
> any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome
> thanks
> MJ
> -- 
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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
First, Microsoft Office is not accessible on the Mac, as far as I can tell. 
However, you can partition your harddrive using BootCamp, so that you can 
install Windows on one of the partitions, if you absolutely must use Windows 

Second, pdf files are very readable on the Mac, using Preview.

Third, an office suite for the Mac, called iWorks, is quite accessible, as are 
certain other word-processing and spreadsheet applications (e.g., Bean and 
Tables, respectively).

I hope this answers your questions.  
On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Matthew J wrote:

> hay all:
> Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the 
> mac is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What 
> I'd like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison 
> to windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a 
> fine art, including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to 
> develop completely new ways of working. I know of course that macs 
> require some different ways of doing things, but I would like to have 
> the same ease of use for tasks like translating, office working, 
> research and using pdfs, ETC, which include a lot of copying from web 
> pages, making tables, and all the rest. How does the mac stack up with 
> the day-to-day productivity tasks you all require in your professional 
> copacities?
> any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome
> thanks
> MJ
> -- 
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-30 Thread David Taylor
I can feel a tiny thing on my ordiary MacBook which you find by moving up and 
left from the escape key. It's about a quarter of an inch in from the left, 
about level with the centre of the power adaptor. Is that it?


On 29 Nov 2010, at 20:52, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Well, i'm not getting anything either way.  Not sure what others have done, 
> but I'm not even getting spotty recognition, not even with an external mic..
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:49 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> I can't see anything by my FN key on my mbp 13".  I still say it's gotta be 
>> up above the ESC key, half way to the back of the top plate, right parallel 
>> with the bottom of the hinge.
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
 screen, but I can't tell by touch.
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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vmware fusion and remap keys for screen reader.

2010-11-30 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi List.
Well, I managed to install fusion and create a virtual machine with windows XP. 
How do I remap keys so that I can use my right command and option keys for 
insert etc? 
If you can point me to any archived message or help directly I would appreciate 
it very much.

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Re: vmware fusion and remap keys for screen reader.

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Granados
Use something like sharp keys or keymapper.  I use sharp keys and it fits the 
bill nicely.  Both are free products.


On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi List.
> Well, I managed to install fusion and create a virtual machine with windows 
> XP. 
> How do I remap keys so that I can use my right command and option keys for 
> insert etc? 
> If you can point me to any archived message or help directly I would 
> appreciate it very much.
> Nektarios.
> -- 
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Re: torrent files on the Mac.

2010-11-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Thanks so much Chris and all of you have responded.
On 29 Nov 2010, at 14:11, Chris Snyder wrote:

> I use UTorrent.
> It is fully accessible, allows total control of the torrent process, and 
> doesn't require a lot of system resources to run.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Nov 28, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Just wishing to know if you can download Torrent files on the Mac as you can 
>> do in Windows and play them?
>> Kawal.
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/text):
>> +447905618396
>> +447576240421
>> -- 
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Kawal Gucukoglu

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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jim and everyone,

I use iWork09 to open and modify MS Office documents all the time, and then 
export them to their Office equivalents again. There are one or two problems 
such as incompatible fonts and tables in Word documents that have to be pasted 
into Numbers documents to be read and edited, but these can be managed.

However, hidden text boxes have so far eluded me, but I don't think they're 
that common.



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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'm just worried that it will be unstable in windows. I don't feel like loosing 
2 tb of data. Ok about 720 gigs but yeah.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:39 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Oh snaps, well that means you can partition your hardrive at your will :)
> -- 
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Wht kind of research is needed? the thing is coming probbly this week and all 
of this tech jargin is for some reason going over my head. I can't even speak 
the partitioning lingo right. lol!

On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
>   I have a 1TB that I split into four partitions.  I created two osx
> on the first two partitions and then created two fat32 partitions on the
> last two.  I did all of this on the Mac mini.  Now I am using this for a
> network storage.
> Later,
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 6:05 PM
> To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
> Subject: partitioning a hard drive
> Hello all. I'm going to be getting a 2 tb hard drive in a few weeks, or in a
> week depending on when shipping cooperates lol!
> question: is there a way I can partition 1 tb for something and have it be
> an ntfs drive and another 11 tb partition for something and also have it be
> an ntfs drive? I want to partition on the mac if I can but if I have to go
> to the nameless platform I'll do it.
> Take care.
> S
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Re: Recording for the blind and dyslexic, reader that runs on the Mac?

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well maybe ef enough of us worry them to death for a few months they might take 
it in to consideration. Anyone feel like writing a resolution? lol!

I think it's a good idea that rfbd are finily puting it on mainstream devices. 
that will make it easier to cary around 2 things. your ipad or what ever and 
your macbook for taking notes, or just your iphone/ipad for both.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:34 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I agree the NLS excuses are so weak as to be pathetic. If someone really 
> wanted to steal the damned audio, they have so many options including going 
> to the local library and borrowing possibly the same book on CD and ripping 
> it. Now gee, don't you think the local library knows people like me do this? 
> Oh and gee, I never have given or sold any content I ripped, but I sure like 
> listening to it on my iPHone. So, NLS might be held up by the law; however, 
> I'm not so sure of this. I keep telling myself to take time to review the 
> applicable law, but never seem to remember to do so.
> Scott
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hopefully, the Library of Congress won't be far behind. 
>> I've heard that they don't want to allow a reader to be made for the iPhone 
>> simply because they're afraid of their encryption being broken. My response 
>> to that is it would be just as simple to install a decryption key in the App 
>> that is unique to the serial number of the iPhone and based off of that as 
>> it is to do the same for a Victor Stream. My stream just broke, so I'm 
>> waiting for that kind of app to come out either for the Mac itself or the 
>> iPhone. This program from RFB&D is certainly a large step in the right 
>> direction.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> yeah I know of someone who is using it. He said it works p[retty good but I 
>>> have no more info then what I read on twitter and what the person said to 
>>> me on the phone.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
 Hello everybody, apparently recording for the blind and dyslexic today 
 announced that they have a book reader that will run on the Mac? Has 
 anyone heard about this, is there any discussion about how usable it might 
 be with voiceover? If this is true, this would be good. If it is aimed at 
 the blindness community? So does anyone have any information on this? Hope 
 all is well thanks
 Maurice Mines
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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I googled 
and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!

On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Sarah,
> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates. In the 
> iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to carrier changes 
> if you ever need them.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
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> Twitter
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> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could update 
>> later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an external drive if 
>> I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of doinga podcast on this and I 
>> am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is going very well btw.
>> Take care all.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN: 
>> aim:
>> website:
>> face book:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> Mobile site for podcast:
>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-30 Thread Esther

Hi Tom, Steve, Jonathan, and Mark,

Steve's correct that you can set the left and right margins in  
TextEdit (in Rich Text Mode) by interacting with the head indent ruler  
marker and tail indent ruler marker and moving them to the desired  
positions.  As a general comment, you can save any changes that you  
make as a customized style.

To save this as a style file, interact with the Styles popup button in  
the ruler and select "Other". Then press the "Add to favorites" button  
and supply a name for the style. You can also check any of the boxes  
for "Include the ruler as part of the style" or "include the font as  
part of the style".  If you set up the spacing popup button to be  
double spaced, I think that also gets saved.  Then, if you ever want  
to create a document in this style, when you open a new TextEdit  
document, start by navigating to the Styles popup button, press VO 
+Space, and select the style you saved before starting to input your  

Incidentally, a good way to figure out how these features work is to  
open a rich text format document with the settings you want, and  
examine the ruler marker spacings.  You could also save it directly as  
a style file, with the option of choosing a specific text font (which  
might not carry over from your original document).  To see an example  
of how this worked out for figuring out tabs, you can read the  
archived post from the old list, on "Inserting Tabs in TextEdit with  

Use Control+N to read down the next post in the thread in Safari, and  
Control+P to read previous posts.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 29, 2010, at 23:43, Steve Griffiths wrote:

I think I've managed to do this. Here are the steps I went through;  
you may of course be set to inches rather then centimetres.

Select everything in the document with Cmd-A.
VO-left arrow to the ruler and interact with it.
VO-right arrow to "0.00 centimetres head indent ruler marker" and  
interact with it.
VO-right arrow to change it by 0.1 centimetres, or VO-Shift-right  
arrow to change it by 0.01 centimetres.

When I've got that where I want it, stop interacting with it.
VO-left arrow to "0.00 centimetres first line indent ruler marker".
Change that to the same distance as the first ruler marker.
VO-right arrow past all the "left tab stops" to "31.75 centimetres  
tail indent ruler marker".

Interact with it and move it to the left.

Does that work for you? And do what you want?

I don't know how to set this as the default.


On 29 Nov 2010, at 22:23, Tom Frank wrote:

Hi there,
I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can  
adjust left and right first line indents, body indents and tab  
stops, but not the margins.

If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed  
instructions on how to do it

Tom Frank

On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the  

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Getting torrents off my windows machine to a mac

2010-11-30 Thread brandt
Hi there folks.

Being a user of µTorrent for windows, I'm looking for a way to bring running 
torrents over to the mac when I swich.

If anyone can help, I'd be greatful.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live:

Google talk:


Skype: brandt.steenkamp007

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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Slau Halatyn
Hi Ester,

Just one thing, hot spots are actually persistent through reboots, FYI. Cheers!


On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Ezzy,
>> Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>>> I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For example, I can 
>>> use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and Facebook, right?
>>> How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?
> I'll add a little more information to Slau's excellent response to explain 
> hot spots.  Hot spots are meant to be used for temporary purposes. They don't 
> persist if you log out of your account, or quit an app, or restart your 
> machine.  A good example of setting a hot spot would be if you're reading a 
> book or document in Preview, but need to switch to another application for a 
> while, but want to return to the same reading location.  Although Preview 
> lets you set bookmarks, and you can also return to the app by switching 
> through your currently active apps with Command-Tab, this only gets you back 
> to the same page that you were reading.  If you want to return to the same 
> point on the page, you would set a hot spot before you left the page, and 
> then use the command to return to that hot spot when you got back to the app.
> Hot spots can also only take you to places that VoiceOver can navigate to. 
> It's possible to use other accessibility features of the Mac, such as Mouse 
> Keys, to move your mouse cursor position independently of VoiceOver.  I've 
> used this to play sound samples on the Audible web site, by figuring out how 
> many pixels to move from a control that VoiceOver does recognize to get to 
> the player controls and click.  (This keeps changing, incidentally, as they 
> re-design their web pages).  You can't save this position as a hotspot, 
> because VoiceOver doesn't know how to get there independently.  The hot spot 
> is basically a temporary snapshot of your use configuration in an app.
> As far as easily getting to different web sites, such as the ones for Twitter 
> or Facebook with a single keystroke, Safari will already let you do that.  If 
> you bookmark a web page with Command+D, and use VO+Space to press the pop up 
> menu for the location to be saved, then select  "Bookmarks Bar", you'll be 
> able to access the first 9 bookmark entries by pressing Command+the number of 
> the bookmark.  So in Safari, Command+1 takes you to the location of the first 
> bookmark on your Bookmarks Bar, Command+2 takes you to the location of the 
> second bookmark on the the Bookmarks Bar, etc.  The only thing to watch out 
> for is that when you add bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar, your newest bookmark 
> becomes the first bookmark, and all the others get bumped up by one.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 07:07, Slau wrote:
>> Hi Ezzy,
>> I'm not sure if I understand your question, exactly. Think of it as having 
>> 10 points available to you, anywhere on your Mac, in any application. You 
>> can use any number hot spot in any application but you can't use number 1 
>> twice, that is, in one application and also another application at the same 
>> time.
>> If you wish to change a hot spot, you needn't necessarily delete the old hot 
>> spot. You can simply set a new one with the same number and now that'll be 
>> the new hot spot for that particular number. If, however, you simply wish to 
>> get rid of a hot spot, pressing VO and the hot spot number a second time 
>> will unassign that hot spot.
>> HTH,
>> Slau
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:36 AM,
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Slau >> To:
>>> Date sent: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:09:09 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?
>>> Trahern,
>>> 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a hot spot.
>>> 2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot spot.
>>> Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to instantly 
>>> move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.  If you want 
>>> VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to it, use VO-Command and 
>>> the number.  If you want VoiceOver to automatically speak the contents of 
>>> the hot spot whenever it changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.
>>> HTH,
>>> Slau
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Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?

2010-11-30 Thread Brett Campbell
Esther, is there a way to manually arrange the order of the bookmarks in the 
bookmarks bar?

Brett C.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Ezzy,
>> Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>>> I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For example, I can 
>>> use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and Facebook, right?
>>> How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?
> I'll add a little more information to Slau's excellent response to explain 
> hot spots.  Hot spots are meant to be used for temporary purposes. They don't 
> persist if you log out of your account, or quit an app, or restart your 
> machine.  A good example of setting a hot spot would be if you're reading a 
> book or document in Preview, but need to switch to another application for a 
> while, but want to return to the same reading location.  Although Preview 
> lets you set bookmarks, and you can also return to the app by switching 
> through your currently active apps with Command-Tab, this only gets you back 
> to the same page that you were reading.  If you want to return to the same 
> point on the page, you would set a hot spot before you left the page, and 
> then use the command to return to that hot spot when you got back to the app.
> Hot spots can also only take you to places that VoiceOver can navigate to. 
> It's possible to use other accessibility features of the Mac, such as Mouse 
> Keys, to move your mouse cursor position independently of VoiceOver.  I've 
> used this to play sound samples on the Audible web site, by figuring out how 
> many pixels to move from a control that VoiceOver does recognize to get to 
> the player controls and click.  (This keeps changing, incidentally, as they 
> re-design their web pages).  You can't save this position as a hotspot, 
> because VoiceOver doesn't know how to get there independently.  The hot spot 
> is basically a temporary snapshot of your use configuration in an app.
> As far as easily getting to different web sites, such as the ones for Twitter 
> or Facebook with a single keystroke, Safari will already let you do that.  If 
> you bookmark a web page with Command+D, and use VO+Space to press the pop up 
> menu for the location to be saved, then select  "Bookmarks Bar", you'll be 
> able to access the first 9 bookmark entries by pressing Command+the number of 
> the bookmark.  So in Safari, Command+1 takes you to the location of the first 
> bookmark on your Bookmarks Bar, Command+2 takes you to the location of the 
> second bookmark on the the Bookmarks Bar, etc.  The only thing to watch out 
> for is that when you add bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar, your newest bookmark 
> becomes the first bookmark, and all the others get bumped up by one.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 07:07, Slau wrote:
>> Hi Ezzy,
>> I'm not sure if I understand your question, exactly. Think of it as having 
>> 10 points available to you, anywhere on your Mac, in any application. You 
>> can use any number hot spot in any application but you can't use number 1 
>> twice, that is, in one application and also another application at the same 
>> time.
>> If you wish to change a hot spot, you needn't necessarily delete the old hot 
>> spot. You can simply set a new one with the same number and now that'll be 
>> the new hot spot for that particular number. If, however, you simply wish to 
>> get rid of a hot spot, pressing VO and the hot spot number a second time 
>> will unassign that hot spot.
>> HTH,
>> Slau
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:36 AM,
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Slau >> To:
>>> Date sent: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:09:09 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?
>>> Trahern,
>>> 1.  Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a hot spot.
>>> 2.  Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot spot.
>>> Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to instantly 
>>> move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.  If you want 
>>> VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to it, use VO-Command and 
>>> the number.  If you want VoiceOver to automatically speak the contents of 
>>> the hot spot whenever it changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.
>>> HTH,
>>> Slau
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Re: Getting torrents off my windows machine to a mac

2010-11-30 Thread trahern culver
hey brant u torrent for mac is also fully accsessabel in my experance
kind regards trahern.

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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-30 Thread Pete Nalda
Yeah that's it.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:19 PM, David Taylor wrote:

> I can feel a tiny thing on my ordiary MacBook which you find by moving up and 
> left from the escape key. It's about a quarter of an inch in from the left, 
> about level with the centre of the power adaptor. Is that it?
> Cheers
> Dave

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Reordering the bookmarks bar [was Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?]

2010-11-30 Thread Esther

Hi Brett,

Brett Campbell wrote:

Esther, is there a way to manually arrange the order of the  
bookmarks in the bookmarks bar?

On the Mac, you'd have to use copy and paste to manually reorder the  
bookmarks bar entries.  If you have MobileMe, and sync your bookmarks,  
then the easy thing to do is reorder the bookmarks in Safari on your  
iPhone as follows:

1. Open the Safari app
2. Double tap the "Bookmarks" button on the bottom of the screen (4th  
of 5, from left to right; so you could do a four finger flick down to  
move to the last element on the screen, then flick left, and double  
3. On the Bookmarks screen, flick right to your "Bookmarks Bar" and  
double tap.
4. Double tap the "Edit" button in the bottom left corner of the  
"Bookmarks Bar" screen
5. Run your finger up and down the center of the screen to hear the  
listed bookmarks.  To reorder a bookmark,  move your finger to the  
right edge of the screen.  VoiceOver will say "Reorder bookmark>, button, draggable".
6. Use the VoiceOver double tap and hold pass through gesture.  (You  
can do this from anywhere on the screen, providing the "Reorder"  
button has focus before you start.)  Move the bookmark up or down on  
the screen to the desired position before lifting your finger from the  
screen. You'll hear a clink each time you shift position and VoiceOver  
will announce the change (e.g., "Moved above ").
7. When you're finished, double tap the "Done" button in the bottom  
left corner of the screen to exit edit mode.
8. To return to the main Bookmarks menu, double tap the "Bookmarks,  
back button" in the top left corner of the screen.

9. You're done, and you can exit Safari.

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary after an 
update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have probably had 
one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they are.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I googled 
> and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
> S
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Sarah,
>> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates. In 
>> the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to carrier 
>> changes if you ever need them.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could update 
>>> later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an external drive if 
>>> I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of doinga podcast on this and 
>>> I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is going very well btw.
>>> Take care all.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN: 
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> face book:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
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Re: Reordering the bookmarks bar [was Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?]

2010-11-30 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi Ester,

what is the difference between the bookmarks menu, bar, favorites, etc? that is 
what isn't clear for me.
Also, when I cynch my ipod touch and tell it to cynch bookmarks with my mac 
does the bookmarks from the mac are cynched to the ipod or the other way around?

thanks a lot and hope I am not confusing anyone.

Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 30/11/2010, a las 16:26, Esther escribió:

> Hi Brett,
> Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Esther, is there a way to manually arrange the order of the bookmarks in the 
>> bookmarks bar?
> On the Mac, you'd have to use copy and paste to manually reorder the 
> bookmarks bar entries.  If you have MobileMe, and sync your bookmarks, then 
> the easy thing to do is reorder the bookmarks in Safari on your iPhone as 
> follows:
> 1. Open the Safari app
> 2. Double tap the "Bookmarks" button on the bottom of the screen (4th of 5, 
> from left to right; so you could do a four finger flick down to move to the 
> last element on the screen, then flick left, and double tap).
> 3. On the Bookmarks screen, flick right to your "Bookmarks Bar" and double 
> tap.
> 4. Double tap the "Edit" button in the bottom left corner of the "Bookmarks 
> Bar" screen
> 5. Run your finger up and down the center of the screen to hear the listed 
> bookmarks.  To reorder a bookmark,  move your finger to the right edge of the 
> screen.  VoiceOver will say "Reorder , button, draggable".
> 6. Use the VoiceOver double tap and hold pass through gesture.  (You can do 
> this from anywhere on the screen, providing the "Reorder" button has focus 
> before you start.)  Move the bookmark up or down on the screen to the desired 
> position before lifting your finger from the screen. You'll hear a clink each 
> time you shift position and VoiceOver will announce the change (e.g., "Moved 
> above ").
> 7. When you're finished, double tap the "Done" button in the bottom left 
> corner of the screen to exit edit mode.
> 8. To return to the main Bookmarks menu, double tap the "Bookmarks, back 
> button" in the top left corner of the screen.
> 9. You're done, and you can exit Safari.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> -- 
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Eric Oyen
unless you have some significant issues,
you can single partition that drive (assuming you are using a 64 bit OS). 
otherwise, I'd slice it down into 4 500 GB partitions. that generally makes the 
cluster sizes a little smaller, and thus allows for better data storage.


On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I'm just worried that it will be unstable in windows. I don't feel like 
> loosing 2 tb of data. Ok about 720 gigs but yeah.
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:39 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Oh snaps, well that means you can partition your hardrive at your will :)
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Reordering the bookmarks bar [was Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?]

2010-11-30 Thread Esther

Hi Rafaela,

Your Safari bookmarks are what Internet Explorer would call favorites.  
You can export bookmarks from any browser and import them into any  
other browser -- that's platform independent.  Safari lets you  
organize your bookmarks menu into folders, and create new folders for  
your bookmarks.  A special folder under your Safari Bookmarks is the  
"Bookmarks Bar".  These are entries that can be displayed below your  
Safari toolbar, and this bar is used by sighted users to store their  
most frequently accessed bookmarks.  Normally, I hide both the toolbar  
and the bookmarks bar (from the View Menu options) when I use  
VoiceOver, because these selections also show up in item chooser men,  
and also show up when you tab or Option+tab  (depending on your  
preference settings) through selections when they are viewable. The  
exception is on my iPad, where I use these for touch navigation!

The special feature of the Bookmarks bar is that the first 9 bookmarks  
placed in this folder can be accessed by pressing Command+a number key  
that is the number of the bookmark in the Bookmarks bar.  This works  
whether or not the Bookmarks bar is hidden.

If you have MobileMe, then any changes to either your iPhone Bookmarks  
or your Mac Bookmarks will get synced to the other device.

HTH.  Cheers,


Rafaela Freundt wrote:

Hi Ester,

what is the difference between the bookmarks menu, bar, favorites,  
etc? that is what isn't clear for me.
Also, when I cynch my ipod touch and tell it to cynch bookmarks with  
my mac does the bookmarks from the mac are cynched to the ipod or  
the other way around?

thanks a lot and hope I am not confusing anyone.

Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 30/11/2010, a las 16:26, Esther escribió:

Hi Brett,

Brett Campbell wrote:

Esther, is there a way to manually arrange the order of the  
bookmarks in the bookmarks bar?

On the Mac, you'd have to use copy and paste to manually reorder  
the bookmarks bar entries.  If you have MobileMe, and sync your  
bookmarks, then the easy thing to do is reorder the bookmarks in  
Safari on your iPhone as follows:

1. Open the Safari app
2. Double tap the "Bookmarks" button on the bottom of the screen  
(4th of 5, from left to right; so you could do a four finger flick  
down to move to the last element on the screen, then flick left,  
and double tap).
3. On the Bookmarks screen, flick right to your "Bookmarks Bar" and  
double tap.
4. Double tap the "Edit" button in the bottom left corner of the  
"Bookmarks Bar" screen
5. Run your finger up and down the center of the screen to hear the  
listed bookmarks.  To reorder a bookmark,  move your finger to the  
right edge of the screen.  VoiceOver will say "Reorder bookmark>, button, draggable".
6. Use the VoiceOver double tap and hold pass through gesture.   
(You can do this from anywhere on the screen, providing the  
"Reorder" button has focus before you start.)  Move the bookmark up  
or down on the screen to the desired position before lifting your  
finger from the screen. You'll hear a clink each time you shift  
position and VoiceOver will announce the change (e.g., "Moved above  
7. When you're finished, double tap the "Done" button in the bottom  
left corner of the screen to exit edit mode.
8. To return to the main Bookmarks menu, double tap the "Bookmarks,  
back button" in the top left corner of the screen.

9. You're done, and you can exit Safari.

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: vmware fusion and remap keys for screen reader.

2010-11-30 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi Scott.
Is sharp keys a mac program or something that I need to run within the windows 
If I use that to remap my keyboard, will those changes be applicable when not 
using windows? 

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Use something like sharp keys or keymapper.  I use sharp keys and it fits the 
> bill nicely.  Both are free products.
> Thanks
> Scott
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi List.
>> Well, I managed to install fusion and create a virtual machine with windows 
>> XP. 
>> How do I remap keys so that I can use my right command and option keys for 
>> insert etc? 
>> If you can point me to any archived message or help directly I would 
>> appreciate it very much.
>> Nektarios.
>> -- 
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wifi-problem since ios 4.2

2010-11-30 Thread William Windels

I think, since ios-version 4.2, I have some network problems on my iphone4.

When I come into my house, normally the iphone should connect automatically to 
my authorized network that's encrypted with a wpa2-key.

Since last week, one or more days after the update, I discover that the Iphone 
isn't connecting automatically to my network when I enter my house.
On the same time, my macbook is connected to the network immediately.

When I select my network out of the list that's coming up, I receive the 
message :
"no connection possible with network my_network"
The system isn't always asking for a password , it gives only a dialogue with a 
ok-button, to accept this message.
I discover today that , sometimes, the iphone is connected to the network while 
giving the error above.
On other moments, it doesn't connect to the network as long as the message 

I control this also by opening the program filer, to transfer files to my 
with a wifi-connection.
There I can see if the iphone has a ip-address or not.

It can help to set in the properties of my network on the iphone that the 
iphone should forgot the network "my_network".
This doesn't mean that the problem is solved but, sometimes it's solved for one 

Since the install of the update , ˜I have already repaired the iphone by 
re-installing the software completely and I putted back the data on my iphone4 
from inside itunes on me mac.

So, I was thinking about what I can do, some questions:
1. Is this a problem that some of you have also?
2. Since a iphone is like a computer, perhaps there should be a way to read 
log-files of the iphone?
3. are there other diagnostic tools available for the iphone4 that can help to 
know what's happening?
4. I think not but perhaps, could any software, installed on my iphone , cause 
this problem?

Any hints should be very appreciated.

Best regards,
William Windels 

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Re: vmware fusion and remap keys for screen reader.

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Granados
You would make the changes inside the virtual machine.  The mac side is 
unimpacted.  This is critical to remember because your VM is for all intense 
and purposes an isolated sandbox.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Is sharp keys a mac program or something that I need to run within the 
> windows session? 
> If I use that to remap my keyboard, will those changes be applicable when not 
> using windows? 
> Thanks.
> Nektarios.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Use something like sharp keys or keymapper.  I use sharp keys and it fits 
>> the bill nicely.  Both are free products.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>>> Hi List.
>>> Well, I managed to install fusion and create a virtual machine with windows 
>>> XP. 
>>> How do I remap keys so that I can use my right command and option keys for 
>>> insert etc? 
>>> If you can point me to any archived message or help directly I would 
>>> appreciate it very much.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> -- 
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Re: wifi-problem since ios 4.2

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Granados
Your problem is most likely Apple or your routers implimentation of AES 

On your router set your security to wpa/wpa2 and set your crypt function to 
tkip/aes or auto not just AES.  That should fix the issue.


On Nov 30, 2010, at 2:06 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello,
> I think, since ios-version 4.2, I have some network problems on my iphone4.
> When I come into my house, normally the iphone should connect automatically 
> to my authorized network that's encrypted with a wpa2-key.
> Since last week, one or more days after the update, I discover that the 
> Iphone isn't connecting automatically to my network when I enter my house.
> On the same time, my macbook is connected to the network immediately.
> When I select my network out of the list that's coming up, I receive the 
> message :
> "no connection possible with network my_network"
> The system isn't always asking for a password , it gives only a dialogue with 
> a ok-button, to accept this message.
> I discover today that , sometimes, the iphone is connected to the network 
> while giving the error above.
> On other moments, it doesn't connect to the network as long as the message 
> appear..
> I control this also by opening the program filer, to transfer files to my 
> iphone  
> with a wifi-connection.
> There I can see if the iphone has a ip-address or not.
> It can help to set in the properties of my network on the iphone that the 
> iphone should forgot the network "my_network".
> This doesn't mean that the problem is solved but, sometimes it's solved for 
> one time.
> Since the install of the update , ˜I have already repaired the iphone by 
> re-installing the software completely and I putted back the data on my 
> iphone4 from inside itunes on me mac.
> So, I was thinking about what I can do, some questions:
> 1. Is this a problem that some of you have also?
> 2. Since a iphone is like a computer, perhaps there should be a way to read 
> log-files of the iphone?
> 3. are there other diagnostic tools available for the iphone4 that can help 
> to know what's happening?
> 4. I think not but perhaps, could any software, installed on my iphone , 
> cause this problem?
> Any hints should be very appreciated.
> Best regards,
> William Windels 
> -- 
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Re: Reordering the bookmarks bar [was Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?]

2010-11-30 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi Ester,

thanks for your response, I understand it now.
I don't have mobile me, but I think with the normal iphone cynche you can cynch 
bookmarks across both platforms, is this true?


Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 30/11/2010, a las 16:52, Esther escribió:

> Hi Rafaela,
> Your Safari bookmarks are what Internet Explorer would call favorites. You 
> can export bookmarks from any browser and import them into any other browser 
> -- that's platform independent.  Safari lets you organize your bookmarks menu 
> into folders, and create new folders for your bookmarks.  A special folder 
> under your Safari Bookmarks is the "Bookmarks Bar".  These are entries that 
> can be displayed below your Safari toolbar, and this bar is used by sighted 
> users to store their most frequently accessed bookmarks.  Normally, I hide 
> both the toolbar and the bookmarks bar (from the View Menu options) when I 
> use VoiceOver, because these selections also show up in item chooser men, and 
> also show up when you tab or Option+tab  (depending on your preference 
> settings) through selections when they are viewable. The exception is on my 
> iPad, where I use these for touch navigation!
> The special feature of the Bookmarks bar is that the first 9 bookmarks placed 
> in this folder can be accessed by pressing Command+a number key that is the 
> number of the bookmark in the Bookmarks bar.  This works whether or not the 
> Bookmarks bar is hidden.
> If you have MobileMe, then any changes to either your iPhone Bookmarks or 
> your Mac Bookmarks will get synced to the other device.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>> Hi Ester,
>> what is the difference between the bookmarks menu, bar, favorites, etc? that 
>> is what isn't clear for me.
>> Also, when I cynch my ipod touch and tell it to cynch bookmarks with my mac 
>> does the bookmarks from the mac are cynched to the ipod or the other way 
>> around?
>> thanks a lot and hope I am not confusing anyone.
>> Rafaela Freundt
>> E-mail/MSN:
>> Skype: rafafreundt
>> El 30/11/2010, a las 16:26, Esther escribió:
>>> Hi Brett,
>>> Brett Campbell wrote:
 Esther, is there a way to manually arrange the order of the bookmarks in 
 the bookmarks bar?
>>> On the Mac, you'd have to use copy and paste to manually reorder the 
>>> bookmarks bar entries.  If you have MobileMe, and sync your bookmarks, then 
>>> the easy thing to do is reorder the bookmarks in Safari on your iPhone as 
>>> follows:
>>> 1. Open the Safari app
>>> 2. Double tap the "Bookmarks" button on the bottom of the screen (4th of 5, 
>>> from left to right; so you could do a four finger flick down to move to the 
>>> last element on the screen, then flick left, and double tap).
>>> 3. On the Bookmarks screen, flick right to your "Bookmarks Bar" and double 
>>> tap.
>>> 4. Double tap the "Edit" button in the bottom left corner of the "Bookmarks 
>>> Bar" screen
>>> 5. Run your finger up and down the center of the screen to hear the listed 
>>> bookmarks.  To reorder a bookmark,  move your finger to the right edge of 
>>> the screen.  VoiceOver will say "Reorder , button, 
>>> draggable".
>>> 6. Use the VoiceOver double tap and hold pass through gesture.  (You can do 
>>> this from anywhere on the screen, providing the "Reorder" button has focus 
>>> before you start.)  Move the bookmark up or down on the screen to the 
>>> desired position before lifting your finger from the screen. You'll hear a 
>>> clink each time you shift position and VoiceOver will announce the change 
>>> (e.g., "Moved above ").
>>> 7. When you're finished, double tap the "Done" button in the bottom left 
>>> corner of the screen to exit edit mode.
>>> 8. To return to the main Bookmarks menu, double tap the "Bookmarks, back 
>>> button" in the top left corner of the screen.
>>> 9. You're done, and you can exit Safari.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
> -- 
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I went back and looked at the article from tidbits.  The recomendations from
Matt boil down to on Intel based Macintoshes you should use a specific
partition style if you want to be able to use the hard disk drive to boot
your computer in ememergencies.  The article is fairly brief and
entertaining, and is located at:


On 30 November 2010 15:07, Sarah Alawami  wrote:

> Wht kind of research is needed? the thing is coming probbly this week and
> all of this tech jargin is for some reason going over my head. I can't even
> speak the partitioning lingo right. lol!
> s
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
> > Hi Sarah,
> >   I have a 1TB that I split into four partitions.  I created two osx
> > on the first two partitions and then created two fat32 partitions on the
> > last two.  I did all of this on the Mac mini.  Now I am using this for a
> > network storage.
> > Later,
> > Scott
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 6:05 PM
> > To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
> > Subject: partitioning a hard drive
> >
> > Hello all. I'm going to be getting a 2 tb hard drive in a few weeks, or
> in a
> > week depending on when shipping cooperates lol!
> >
> > question: is there a way I can partition 1 tb for something and have it
> be
> > an ntfs drive and another 11 tb partition for something and also have it
> be
> > an ntfs drive? I want to partition on the mac if I can but if I have to
> go
> > to the nameless platform I'll do it.
> >
> > Take care.
> >
> > S
> >
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> .
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> >
> >
> >
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I am using a 32 bit OS for both mac and windows.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> unless you have some significant issues,
> you can single partition that drive (assuming you are using a 64 bit OS). 
> otherwise, I'd slice it down into 4 500 GB partitions. that generally makes 
> the cluster sizes a little smaller, and thus allows for better data storage.
> -Eric
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I'm just worried that it will be unstable in windows. I don't feel like 
>> loosing 2 tb of data. Ok about 720 gigs but yeah.
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:39 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Oh snaps, well that means you can partition your hardrive at your will :)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh I don't plan on booting from it at all. Just using it. but my 320 gig 
portable hd I plan on reformating to OSx extended journal and seeing how things 
On Nov 30, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> I went back and looked at the article from tidbits.  The recomendations from 
> Matt boil down to on Intel based Macintoshes you should use a specific 
> partition style if you want to be able to use the hard disk drive to boot 
> your computer in ememergencies.  The article is fairly brief and 
> entertaining, and is located at:
> Jon
> On 30 November 2010 15:07, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Wht kind of research is needed? the thing is coming probbly this week and all 
> of this tech jargin is for some reason going over my head. I can't even speak 
> the partitioning lingo right. lol!
> s
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
> > Hi Sarah,
> >   I have a 1TB that I split into four partitions.  I created two osx
> > on the first two partitions and then created two fat32 partitions on the
> > last two.  I did all of this on the Mac mini.  Now I am using this for a
> > network storage.
> > Later,
> > Scott
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> > Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 6:05 PM
> > To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
> > Subject: partitioning a hard drive
> >
> > Hello all. I'm going to be getting a 2 tb hard drive in a few weeks, or in a
> > week depending on when shipping cooperates lol!
> >
> > question: is there a way I can partition 1 tb for something and have it be
> > an ntfs drive and another 11 tb partition for something and also have it be
> > an ntfs drive? I want to partition on the mac if I can but if I have to go
> > to the nameless platform I'll do it.
> >
> > Take care.
> >
> > S
> >
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> >
> >
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> >
> >
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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I don't remember having been asked to install a carrier update. Just the 
ones from apple. but I will keep that in mind.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi!
> You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary after an 
> update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have probably had 
> one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they are.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
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> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I googled 
>> and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hello Sarah,
>>> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates. In 
>>> the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to carrier 
>>> changes if you ever need them.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could 
 update later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an external 
 drive if I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of doinga podcast on 
 this and I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is going very well btw.
 Take care all.
 Sarah Alawami
 face book:
 Mobile site for podcast:
 The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: vmware fusion and remap keys for screen reader.

2010-11-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
You need to download Sharp Keys and install it under windows.  It's pretty 
straight forward and easy to use.  If you run into trouble, there are several 
folks on this list to help you.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Is sharp keys a mac program or something that I need to run within the 
> windows session? 
> If I use that to remap my keyboard, will those changes be applicable when not 
> using windows? 
> Thanks.
> Nektarios.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Use something like sharp keys or keymapper.  I use sharp keys and it fits 
>> the bill nicely.  Both are free products.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>>> Hi List.
>>> Well, I managed to install fusion and create a virtual machine with windows 
>>> XP. 
>>> How do I remap keys so that I can use my right command and option keys for 
>>> insert etc? 
>>> If you can point me to any archived message or help directly I would 
>>> appreciate it very much.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> -- 
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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
using this method then it won't work.
2: If you're worried that you might some how break your phone and are
wanting to preserve the files to do a factory restore theres no point
since iTunes takes care of this for you.

On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Hmm I don't remember having been asked to install a carrier update. Just the
> ones from apple. but I will keep that in mind.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary after
>> an update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have
>> probably had one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they
>> are.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I
>>> googled and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 Hello Sarah,

 The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates.
 In the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to
 carrier changes if you ever need them.


 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster

 On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could
> update later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an
> external drive if I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of
> doinga podcast on this and I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is
> going very well btw.
> Take care all.
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN:
> aim:
> website:
> face book:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> Mobile site for podcast:
> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live.
> --
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Dropbox via LAN

2010-11-30 Thread David Hole

Hi folks.
Maybe someone here can tell me, where can I see if and/or set up my 
Dropbox to sync via LAN on the Mac?

Actually I can't find the settings for dropbox on the Mac :(
I've also tried Google in many variations, but nothing to find there too...
I also would like to see how far the process has gone, and how long time 
it is left, where can I see that?

Hope to here from some of you ASAP.
Kind regards David
And again, thanks all for answering earlier questions :)

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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually my thing is to save each installer in a folder on my external drive so 
if I restore I can jut ctrl click on the restore button in itunes and downgrade 
to what ever was before the IOS upgrade.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
> 1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
> using this method then it won't work.
> 2: If you're worried that you might some how break your phone and are
> wanting to preserve the files to do a factory restore theres no point
> since iTunes takes care of this for you.
> On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Hmm I don't remember having been asked to install a carrier update. Just the
>> ones from apple. but I will keep that in mind.
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary after
>>> an update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have
>>> probably had one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they
>>> are.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I
 googled and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
 On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hello Sarah,
> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates.
> In the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to
> carrier changes if you ever need them.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could
>> update later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an
>> external drive if I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of
>> doinga podcast on this and I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is
>> going very well btw.
>> Take care all.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN:
>> aim:
>> website:
>> face book:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> Mobile site for podcast:
>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live.
>> --
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Yelp on the IPhone

2010-11-30 Thread Kevin Mattingly
It looks like the folks at yelp are starting to work on the accessibility of 
their app. It is a lot like some other apps I've seen but there seems to be 
more people using it and therefore the ratings are a little more accurate.


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question on how to move the mouse

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Any ideas would be appreciated.


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something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I get 
in trouble.

Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen one 
I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music and it 
comes with a radio thing they say.

1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and

2. I did not know it  came with a camera.

3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.


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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Howell
No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano and 
you cannot run apps on it.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
> get in trouble.
> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg

I tried this three times as a test.  Twice it did not work, once it did.  It 
seems arbitrary, or is it just dang contrary!
On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

I've seen this sort of thing happen when there is something selected in the 
File Table of the Save dialog.  If it is a file, then it will not save and if 
it is a folder, it simply opens the folder instead of saving.  If you hit the 
Save button a second time once the folder has opened, it will save but you may 
not know exactly where it went.  I'm guessing that this is your issue.  Try 

• Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
• Just begin typing the filename instead as VO will usually be focused there 
• Press VO-End (that's FN-VO-End on a laptop) which will automatically take you 
to the Save button.
• If you need to get back to change it to a Word document, then VO-left to get 
• You can then simply press return to save it.

It will usually save in the same location as your original file but if you need 
to change that then do the following to ensure that nothing is selected when 
you press the Save button.

• Interact With the File table.
• Press VO-cmd-space on any file/folder in the table.
• If it says selected then do the above step again otherwise Stop Interacting 
With the Table and make your way to the Save button and press it.

This should do it for you.


On 2010-11-28, at 8:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Yes, but that won't work after a couple weeks of a new version being
released at the most.

On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Actually my thing is to save each installer in a folder on my external drive
> so if I restore I can jut ctrl click on the restore button in itunes and
> downgrade to what ever was before the IOS upgrade.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
>> 1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
>> using this method then it won't work.
>> 2: If you're worried that you might some how break your phone and are
>> wanting to preserve the files to do a factory restore theres no point
>> since iTunes takes care of this for you.
>> On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Hmm I don't remember having been asked to install a carrier update. Just
>>> the
>>> ones from apple. but I will keep that in mind.
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

 You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary
 an update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have
 probably had one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they

 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster

 On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I
> googled and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
> S
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Sarah,
>> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates.
>> In the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to
>> carrier changes if you ever need them.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could
>>> update later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an
>>> external drive if I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of
>>> doinga podcast on this and I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download
>>> is
>>> going very well btw.
>>> Take care all.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN:
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> face book:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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Re: where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I managed to restore about 2 months after ios what ever was released in 
june. i had no choice. lol!

On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> Yes, but that won't work after a couple weeks of a new version being
> released at the most.
> On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Actually my thing is to save each installer in a folder on my external drive
>> so if I restore I can jut ctrl click on the restore button in itunes and
>> downgrade to what ever was before the IOS upgrade.
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
>>> 1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
>>> using this method then it won't work.
>>> 2: If you're worried that you might some how break your phone and are
>>> wanting to preserve the files to do a factory restore theres no point
>>> since iTunes takes care of this for you.
>>> On 30/11/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 Hmm I don't remember having been asked to install a carrier update. Just
 ones from apple. but I will keep that in mind.
 On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> You are normally asked to install these carrier updates if necessary
> after
> an update, or whenever one is available for your provider. You have
> probably had one of these at some point, so it's andy to know where they
> are.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't think at&t downloaded stuff for me to that folder but yeah I
>> googled and found that longish path and thte bigish file. lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hello Sarah,
>>> The update will be stored in ~/library/iTunes/iPhone SOftware Updates.
>>> In the iTunes folder, you will also find carrier updates related to
>>> carrier changes if you ever need them.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could
 update later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an
 external drive if I ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of
 doinga podcast on this and I am stuck, or screwed. lol! the download
 going very well btw.
 Take care all.
 Sarah Alawami
 face book:
 Mobile site for podcast:
 The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> http

Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Darn! thats what I thought. Ah well. I moight still go for it as I can still 
listen to music and use the radio app I think. and for the price they are 
giving it seems good. It's 8 gigs but it's better then nothing. lol!
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano and 
> you cannot run apps on it.
> Scott
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
>> get in trouble.
>> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
>> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
>> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
>> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
>> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
>> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh! and would I be able to update it to ios4.2. there updates are about a year 
old! lol!
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano and 
> you cannot run apps on it.
> Scott
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
>> get in trouble.
>> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
>> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
>> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
>> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
>> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
>> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah:
Sounds like probably a fifth gen nano.  I have a 4th gen that has Voiceover it 
is also an eight gig.  So, I know that part will work.  I suspect the nano will 
not have skype capability.  It would have to tie into a wifi network, and I'm 
not certain nanos do.
Hope tat helps a little

On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
> get in trouble.
> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Carolyn Haas
When you come to a fork in the road,
It's time to eat.

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is there broadcast software for the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
In Windows, I use duck stream to broadcast or stream.  What is comparable and 
accessible for the Mac?

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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn
I actually never filled my 8 gig nano until I put a couple books on it.  So, 
you can hardly go wrong if the price is right.  

Carolyn Haas
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sarah Alawami 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:51 PM
  Subject: Re: something I'm contemplating

  Darn! thats what I thought. Ah well. I moight still go for it as I can still 
listen to music and use the radio app I think. and for the price they are 
giving it seems good. It's 8 gigs but it's better then nothing. lol!
  On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

  > No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano 
and you cannot run apps on it.
  > Scott
  > On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
  >> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case 
I get in trouble.
  >> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
and it comes with a radio thing they say.
  >> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
  >> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
  >> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
  >> Thanks.
  >> -- 
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Scott Howell
No. The software on the Nano is completely different than the software on the 
iOS devices. I'm not sure the software on the most recent Nano is the same or 
to what degree it is like iOS 4.X.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:51 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh! and would I be able to update it to ios4.2. there updates are about a 
> year old! lol!
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano and 
>> you cannot run apps on it.
>> Scott
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
>>> get in trouble.
>>> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
>>> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do 
>>> music and it comes with a radio thing they say.
>>> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
>>> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
>>> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Ruud Bemelmans
As far as I'm aware the radio bit only works  when you have the 
headphones/earbuds in as it uses those as a receiver. It's all a matter 
of what you want to do with it in the end, if it has a camera that's 
cool, but for skype you'd definitely need a built-in mic or have the 
option of using an external one. I think the Nano is more of a 
traditional music/video player compared to let's say the Touch. Then 
again, sometimes you just want music or radio without too much other 
distractions and I think the Nano would be great for that.

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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah. I've never baught apple tech from people besides the apple company 
itself. that's why I'm nervous and it's a year old but it is in good condition 
so the person says. How small are they I don't want to loose them and will it 
work in the ipod docs I have? I hope so as one of them is about 2 years old an 
one of them I want to get this year.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Sarah:
> I actually never filled my 8 gig nano until I put a couple books on it.  So, 
> you can hardly go wrong if the price is right. 
> Carolyn Haas
> - Original Message -
> From: Sarah Alawami
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:51 PM
> Subject: Re: something I'm contemplating
> Darn! thats what I thought. Ah well. I moight still go for it as I can still 
> listen to music and use the radio app I think. and for the price they are 
> giving it seems good. It's 8 gigs but it's better then nothing. lol!
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> > No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano 
> > and you cannot run apps on it.
> > Scott
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> > 
> >> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case 
> >> I get in trouble.
> >> 
> >> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
> >> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do 
> >> music and it comes with a radio thing they say.
> >> 
> >> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
> >> 
> >> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
> >> 
> >> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
> >> 
> >> Thanks.
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> >>
> >> 
> > 
> > -- 
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> >
> > 
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Re: is there broadcast software for the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
there's nice cast. I've used it a bit and it works like a charm!
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> In Windows, I use duck stream to broadcast or stream.  What is comparable and 
> accessible for the Mac?
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah nice. Well I don't need anything fancy at the moment. lol!
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sarah:
> Sounds like probably a fifth gen nano.  I have a 4th gen that has Voiceover 
> it is also an eight gig.  So, I know that part will work.  I suspect the nano 
> will not have skype capability.  It would have to tie into a wifi network, 
> and I'm not certain nanos do.
> Hope tat helps a little
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
>> get in trouble.
>> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
>> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
>> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
>> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
>> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
>> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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> Carolyn Haas
> When you come to a fork in the road,
> It's time to eat.
> -- 
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Weird Problem with a Focus 40 BT Display

2010-11-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I'm not sure if this is a vO issue or a braille display one. I just got an 
exchange unit from FS and I'm trying it out. The Bluetooth works great, but 
when I plug in the USB, the Braille display goes to sleep. VO is still 
accepting input keys, but the display is dead. It works when not connected to 
VO. Anyone have ideas, i.e. whether I should call fS tech support or play with 
VO options?


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Re: is there broadcast software for the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
where do I get nicecast?
On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

there's nice cast. I've used it a bit and it works like a charm!
On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> In Windows, I use duck stream to broadcast or stream.  What is comparable and 
> accessible for the Mac?
> -- 
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Re: Yelp on the IPhone

2010-11-30 Thread Courtney Curran
What exactly is yelp?
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:49 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> It looks like the folks at yelp are starting to work on the accessibility of 
> their app. It is a lot like some other apps I've seen but there seems to be 
> more people using it and therefore the ratings are a little more accurate.
> Kev
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-30 Thread M. Taylor
I used XLR mikes that were first converted to bits before being used by my Mac.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> Mark,
> Were these wired Microphones?  Unlike PC's Macintoshs have line-in and
> not mic-in jacks. What this means is that most microphones need a
> pre-amp if they are to be used with the Macintosh.
> Jon
> On 29/11/2010, M. Taylor  wrote:
>> All I can say is that I have, indeed, used high quality mikes with my Mac
>> and the results were dismal.
>> Mark
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:10 AM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Donna!
>>> I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing]
>>> you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac
>>> will not so no con flicked!
>>> So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech
>>> work better! :]
>>> Colin
>>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Kevin,
 Just curious, why would that make a difference?
 On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a
> thought.
> Kevin
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Re: something I'm contemplating

2010-11-30 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi, I know this is off-topic, but it just peaked my interest,  when someone 
said that apps couldn't be run on the previous version, but can you run apps on 
this version of nano?

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> No, you cannot run Skype on a Nano. THis is the previous generation nano and 
> you cannot run apps on it.
> Scott
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello to all. You can write me off list for this if you wish just in case I 
>> get in trouble.
>> Someone is seeling there 1 year old ipod nano. Beeing that I've never seen 
>> one I have some questions. It comes with voice over and it can only do music 
>> and it comes with a radio thing they say.
>> 1. I did not know the 8 gig nano came with vo last year and
>> 2. I did not know it  came with a camera.
>> 3. Can I run skype on that thing or not.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Les,

I am sorry for taking so long to reply.  

In order to get your gMail list messages working, again, it is sometimes 
necessary to completely delete/remove the Outgoing SMTP server for the account 
and then create it again.  

Many are reporting that this, in addition to what I wrote, helps resolves the 


On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I do 
> not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is behaving 
> differently, but it is and always has.
> Les
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2010-11-30 Thread Courtney Curran
Would it be possible to just prerecord a show with nicecast without streaming 
it? I do a radio show, which is prerecorded, and since nicecast is good 
broadcast software for the mac, I'm wondering if and how this will work?

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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-30 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Marlaina,

I don't believe that it is arbitrary at all, most likely contrary.  Just for 
fun, try thi:

1.  Open your document.
2.  Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
3.  Type the filename you wish to save it as.
4.  Press cmd-shift-d to tell it to be saved on the Desktop.
5.  Press return.

Your file should be saved to the Desktop without incident every time unless you 
choose the wrong filename.


On 2010-11-30, at 5:08 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Tim,
> I tried this three times as a test.  Twice it did not work, once it did.  It 
> seems arbitrary, or is it just dang contrary!
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> I've seen this sort of thing happen when there is something selected in the 
> File Table of the Save dialog.  If it is a file, then it will not save and if 
> it is a folder, it simply opens the folder instead of saving.  If you hit the 
> Save button a second time once the folder has opened, it will save but you 
> may not know exactly where it went.  I'm guessing that this is your issue.  
> Try this:
> • Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
> • Just begin typing the filename instead as VO will usually be focused there 
> anyway.
> • Press VO-End (that's FN-VO-End on a laptop) which will automatically take 
> you to the Save button.
> • If you need to get back to change it to a Word document, then VO-left to 
> get there.
> • You can then simply press return to save it.
> It will usually save in the same location as your original file but if you 
> need to change that then do the following to ensure that nothing is selected 
> when you press the Save button.
> • Interact With the File table.
> • Press VO-cmd-space on any file/folder in the table.
> • If it says selected then do the above step again otherwise Stop Interacting 
> With the Table and make your way to the Save button and press it.
> This should do it for you.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-28, at 8:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
>> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
>> do these steps and get the same results:
>> press command shift s for save as
>> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
>> previous drafts)
>> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is 
>> always word 97
>> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
>> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
>> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
>> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
>> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
>> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see 
>> that the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
>> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is 
>> it ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking 
>> at having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
>> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
>> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
>> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-30 Thread Eric Oyen
a 32 bit OS will not be able to properly address a 2 TB drive without some 
special drivers or perhaps making the cluster sizes (in windows) overly large 
(in order to keep the cluster count within the supported addressable range). I 
am not sure what OS X uses for this as I have never had to put more than a 60GB 
drive in my machine. 

On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I am using a 32 bit OS for both mac and windows.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> unless you have some significant issues,
>> you can single partition that drive (assuming you are using a 64 bit OS). 
>> otherwise, I'd slice it down into 4 500 GB partitions. that generally makes 
>> the cluster sizes a little smaller, and thus allows for better data storage.
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I'm just worried that it will be unstable in windows. I don't feel like 
>>> loosing 2 tb of data. Ok about 720 gigs but yeah.
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:39 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Oh snaps, well that means you can partition your hardrive at your will :)
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Re: Reading bookshare books on the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Mike Arrigo
The way I do it is, use a program like the unarchiver which will unzip password 
protected zip files. One of the files will have an xml extension, just open 
that in safari and off you go.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:59 PM, brandt wrote:

> Hi there folks,
> Are there any way of reading a bookshare book on the mac, without taking the 
> daisy book apart? I know that in Windows we have the victor reader software.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
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Writing reviews on Audible

2010-11-30 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have tried to write a review for a book I just read called Spanish Eyes on 
Audible. Has anyone had success submitting reviews to Audible. I can see the 
rating scale, title, and  description to enter the review. But after I write 
it, I cannot see the submit buton. I click on the preview review link and 
nothing happens. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Any assistance would be 
much appreciated. I have tried with  Safari and Webkit. I hope you are having a 
great day.


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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-30 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there Esther,
I can do everything but move the left margin to the right less than one inch 
and the right margin to the right less than for a one inch margin. I tried 
creating a document in pages the way I want it, then saved it and then tried to 
open it in TextEdit to check out the margins; I could not save the document in 
Pages as a rich text document and when I tried to open it in TextEdit it would 
only open as a PDA thumbnail..  

I am thinking that TextEdit just won't let me create margins that are less than 
one inch from the sides or top or bottom.   
Tom Frank

On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Tom, Steve, Jonathan, and Mark,
> Steve's correct that you can set the left and right margins in TextEdit (in 
> Rich Text Mode) by interacting with the head indent ruler marker and tail 
> indent ruler marker and moving them to the desired positions.  As a general 
> comment, you can save any changes that you make as a customized style.
> To save this as a style file, interact with the Styles popup button in the 
> ruler and select "Other". Then press the "Add to favorites" button and supply 
> a name for the style. You can also check any of the boxes for "Include the 
> ruler as part of the style" or "include the font as part of the style".  If 
> you set up the spacing popup button to be double spaced, I think that also 
> gets saved.  Then, if you ever want to create a document in this style, when 
> you open a new TextEdit document, start by navigating to the Styles popup 
> button, press VO+Space, and select the style you saved before starting to 
> input your text.
> Incidentally, a good way to figure out how these features work is to open a 
> rich text format document with the settings you want, and examine the ruler 
> marker spacings.  You could also save it directly as a style file, with the 
> option of choosing a specific text font (which might not carry over from your 
> original document).  To see an example of how this worked out for figuring 
> out tabs, you can read the archived post from the old list, on "Inserting 
> Tabs in TextEdit with VoiceOver":
> Use Control+N to read down the next post in the thread in Safari, and 
> Control+P to read previous posts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 23:43, Steve Griffiths wrote:
>> I think I've managed to do this. Here are the steps I went through; you may 
>> of course be set to inches rather then centimetres.
>> Select everything in the document with Cmd-A.
>> VO-left arrow to the ruler and interact with it.
>> VO-right arrow to "0.00 centimetres head indent ruler marker" and interact 
>> with it.
>> VO-right arrow to change it by 0.1 centimetres, or VO-Shift-right arrow to 
>> change it by 0.01 centimetres.
>> When I've got that where I want it, stop interacting with it.
>> VO-left arrow to "0.00 centimetres first line indent ruler marker".
>> Change that to the same distance as the first ruler marker.
>> VO-right arrow past all the "left tab stops" to "31.75 centimetres tail 
>> indent ruler marker".
>> Interact with it and move it to the left.
>> Does that work for you? And do what you want?
>> I don't know how to set this as the default.
>> Steve
>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 22:23, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust 
>>> left and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the 
>>> margins.
>>> If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed 
>>> instructions on how to do it
>>> Tom Frank
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
 I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
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Re: the mac and productivity

2010-11-30 Thread Mike Arrigo
You can also try open office, it's free and works fairly well.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:49 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> I don't believe any of the Microsoft programs written for the mac are
> accessible using voiceover.  The mac equivalents - pages, numbers, etc - 
> are accessible, but you need to figure out if they generate documents
> that you can share with those using Microsoft products.
> That is probably what I'd pay the most attention to given your
> description.
> Jim
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 05:40:01PM +, Matthew J wrote:
>> hay all:
>> Well it is that time that I start considering a laptop solution and the  
>> mac is becoming ever more attractive for taking places and working. What  
>> I'd like to see however, is how productive the mac can be in comparison  
>> to windows machines. I have mys ystems with office 2007/10 down to a  
>> fine art, including footnotes, xl, ETC and do not want to have to  
>> develop completely new ways of working. I know of course that macs  
>> require some different ways of doing things, but I would like to have  
>> the same ease of use for tasks like translating, office working,  
>> research and using pdfs, ETC, which include a lot of copying from web  
>> pages, making tables, and all the rest. How does the mac stack up with  
>> the day-to-day productivity tasks you all require in your professional  
>> copacities?
>> any podcasts or other VI resources on this topic would be very welcome
>> thanks
>> MJ
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I'll try that Tim, though I hate to save things to desktop, but then I'll copy 
it to its folder then delete from desktop.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

I don't believe that it is arbitrary at all, most likely contrary.  Just for 
fun, try thi:

1.  Open your document.
2.  Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
3.  Type the filename you wish to save it as.
4.  Press cmd-shift-d to tell it to be saved on the Desktop.
5.  Press return.

Your file should be saved to the Desktop without incident every time unless you 
choose the wrong filename.


On 2010-11-30, at 5:08 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Tim,
> I tried this three times as a test.  Twice it did not work, once it did.  It 
> seems arbitrary, or is it just dang contrary!
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> I've seen this sort of thing happen when there is something selected in the 
> File Table of the Save dialog.  If it is a file, then it will not save and if 
> it is a folder, it simply opens the folder instead of saving.  If you hit the 
> Save button a second time once the folder has opened, it will save but you 
> may not know exactly where it went.  I'm guessing that this is your issue.  
> Try this:
> • Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
> • Just begin typing the filename instead as VO will usually be focused there 
> anyway.
> • Press VO-End (that's FN-VO-End on a laptop) which will automatically take 
> you to the Save button.
> • If you need to get back to change it to a Word document, then VO-left to 
> get there.
> • You can then simply press return to save it.
> It will usually save in the same location as your original file but if you 
> need to change that then do the following to ensure that nothing is selected 
> when you press the Save button.
> • Interact With the File table.
> • Press VO-cmd-space on any file/folder in the table.
> • If it says selected then do the above step again otherwise Stop Interacting 
> With the Table and make your way to the Save button and press it.
> This should do it for you.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-28, at 8:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
>> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
>> do these steps and get the same results:
>> press command shift s for save as
>> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
>> previous drafts)
>> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is 
>> always word 97
>> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
>> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
>> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
>> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
>> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
>> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see 
>> that the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
>> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is 
>> it ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking 
>> at having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
>> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
>> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
>> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Ho do you check margins in text edit?
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Tom Frank wrote:

Hi there Esther,
I can do everything but move the left margin to the right less than one inch 
and the right margin to the right less than for a one inch margin. I tried 
creating a document in pages the way I want it, then saved it and then tried to 
open it in TextEdit to check out the margins; I could not save the document in 
Pages as a rich text document and when I tried to open it in TextEdit it would 
only open as a PDA thumbnail..  

I am thinking that TextEdit just won't let me create margins that are less than 
one inch from the sides or top or bottom.   
Tom Frank

On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Tom, Steve, Jonathan, and Mark,
> Steve's correct that you can set the left and right margins in TextEdit (in 
> Rich Text Mode) by interacting with the head indent ruler marker and tail 
> indent ruler marker and moving them to the desired positions.  As a general 
> comment, you can save any changes that you make as a customized style.
> To save this as a style file, interact with the Styles popup button in the 
> ruler and select "Other". Then press the "Add to favorites" button and supply 
> a name for the style. You can also check any of the boxes for "Include the 
> ruler as part of the style" or "include the font as part of the style".  If 
> you set up the spacing popup button to be double spaced, I think that also 
> gets saved.  Then, if you ever want to create a document in this style, when 
> you open a new TextEdit document, start by navigating to the Styles popup 
> button, press VO+Space, and select the style you saved before starting to 
> input your text.
> Incidentally, a good way to figure out how these features work is to open a 
> rich text format document with the settings you want, and examine the ruler 
> marker spacings.  You could also save it directly as a style file, with the 
> option of choosing a specific text font (which might not carry over from your 
> original document).  To see an example of how this worked out for figuring 
> out tabs, you can read the archived post from the old list, on "Inserting 
> Tabs in TextEdit with VoiceOver":
> Use Control+N to read down the next post in the thread in Safari, and 
> Control+P to read previous posts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 23:43, Steve Griffiths wrote:
>> I think I've managed to do this. Here are the steps I went through; you may 
>> of course be set to inches rather then centimetres.
>> Select everything in the document with Cmd-A.
>> VO-left arrow to the ruler and interact with it.
>> VO-right arrow to "0.00 centimetres head indent ruler marker" and interact 
>> with it.
>> VO-right arrow to change it by 0.1 centimetres, or VO-Shift-right arrow to 
>> change it by 0.01 centimetres.
>> When I've got that where I want it, stop interacting with it.
>> VO-left arrow to "0.00 centimetres first line indent ruler marker".
>> Change that to the same distance as the first ruler marker.
>> VO-right arrow past all the "left tab stops" to "31.75 centimetres tail 
>> indent ruler marker".
>> Interact with it and move it to the left.
>> Does that work for you? And do what you want?
>> I don't know how to set this as the default.
>> Steve
>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 22:23, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust 
>>> left and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the 
>>> margins.
>>> If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed 
>>> instructions on how to do it
>>> Tom Frank
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
 I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
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Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital letter 
then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I don't know 
how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.

Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!


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Re: question on how to move the mouse

2010-11-30 Thread Mike Arrigo
This depends on how you want to move it. Pressing control option command F5 
will move the mouse to the item the voice over cursor is on. You can also set 
the mouse to follow the voice over cursor, this is a setting in voice over 
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Marlaina
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Re: Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
I notice this mostly in emails. I suppose it's one of those things to report to 
the accessiility team.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital 
> letter then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I 
> don't know how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.
> Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!
> Marlaina
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Re: Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
Happens to me all the time, usually in mail.  Sometimes, Voice Over even skips 
the first letter of a word.  
On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital 
> letter then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I 
> don't know how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.
> Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!
> Marlaina
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Re: question on how to move the mouse

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Ok but if I want to explore a page or a document using the mouse, how do I do 
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

This depends on how you want to move it. Pressing control option command F5 
will move the mouse to the item the voice over cursor is on. You can also set 
the mouse to follow the voice over cursor, this is a setting in voice over 
On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Marlaina
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Re: Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I just wrote apple accessibility; hope you guys will, too.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:00 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

Happens to me all the time, usually in mail.  Sometimes, Voice Over even skips 
the first letter of a word.  
On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital 
> letter then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I 
> don't know how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.
> Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!
> Marlaina
> -- 
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Re: Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Marlaina:
I think this is more a function of how things are written.  I've noticed mine 
doing the same thing, and thought perhaps people are sometimes shifting on the 
second letter while typing quickly.  But, let's see what other feedback we get.
Carolyn Haas
On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital 
> letter then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I 
> don't know how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.
> Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!
> Marlaina
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Carolyn Haas
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It's time to eat.

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Re: is there broadcast software for the mac

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't have a link but google for it and you should find it. I did not 
bookmark that page where they make it.

it is the same company that makes audio hijack pro software.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> where do I get nicecast?
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> there's nice cast. I've used it a bit and it works like a charm!
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> In Windows, I use duck stream to broadcast or stream.  What is comparable 
>> and accessible for the Mac?
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Re: Alex pronouncing weirdly at times

2010-11-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have reported it for a few months now. the only work around is to read the 
plain textr version of an email with cmd option p.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:59 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I notice this mostly in emails. I suppose it's one of those things to report 
> to the accessiility team.
> Teresa
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Does anybody else run into the situation where Alex pronounces a capital 
>> letter then the rest of the word, like H ello.  This drives me crazy and I 
>> don't know how to fix it.  He will say my name as M arlaina for example.
>> Thanks for any help saving my poor sanity!
>> Marlaina
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