Hi Ezzy,
Ezzy Bueno wrote:
I can use the same number on different wccbsites, right? For
example, I can use the number 1 as a hot spot for Twitter and
Facebook, right?
How do I get rid of a hot spot if I no longer need it?
I'll add a little more information to Slau's excellent response to
explain hot spots. Hot spots are meant to be used for temporary
purposes. They don't persist if you log out of your account, or quit
an app, or restart your machine. A good example of setting a hot spot
would be if you're reading a book or document in Preview, but need to
switch to another application for a while, but want to return to the
same reading location. Although Preview lets you set bookmarks, and
you can also return to the app by switching through your currently
active apps with Command-Tab, this only gets you back to the same page
that you were reading. If you want to return to the same point on the
page, you would set a hot spot before you left the page, and then use
the command to return to that hot spot when you got back to the app.
Hot spots can also only take you to places that VoiceOver can navigate
to. It's possible to use other accessibility features of the Mac, such
as Mouse Keys, to move your mouse cursor position independently of
VoiceOver. I've used this to play sound samples on the Audible web
site, by figuring out how many pixels to move from a control that
VoiceOver does recognize to get to the player controls and click.
(This keeps changing, incidentally, as they re-design their web
pages). You can't save this position as a hotspot, because VoiceOver
doesn't know how to get there independently. The hot spot is
basically a temporary snapshot of your use configuration in an app.
As far as easily getting to different web sites, such as the ones for
Twitter or Facebook with a single keystroke, Safari will already let
you do that. If you bookmark a web page with Command+D, and use VO
+Space to press the pop up menu for the location to be saved, then
select "Bookmarks Bar", you'll be able to access the first 9 bookmark
entries by pressing Command+the number of the bookmark. So in Safari,
Command+1 takes you to the location of the first bookmark on your
Bookmarks Bar, Command+2 takes you to the location of the second
bookmark on the the Bookmarks Bar, etc. The only thing to watch out
for is that when you add bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar, your newest
bookmark becomes the first bookmark, and all the others get bumped up
by one.
HTH. Cheers,
On Nov 30, 2010, at 07:07, Slau wrote:
Hi Ezzy,
I'm not sure if I understand your question, exactly. Think of it as
having 10 points available to you, anywhere on your Mac, in any
application. You can use any number hot spot in any application but
you can't use number 1 twice, that is, in one application and also
another application at the same time.
If you wish to change a hot spot, you needn't necessarily delete the
old hot spot. You can simply set a new one with the same number and
now that'll be the new hot spot for that particular number. If,
however, you simply wish to get rid of a hot spot, pressing VO and
the hot spot number a second time will unassign that hot spot.
On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:36 AM,
----- Original Message -----
From: Slau <s...@mindspring.com
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date sent: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:09:09 -0500
Subject: Re: how do i use the hot spots feature in voice over?
1. Navigate to any field, object or control you wish to set as a
hot spot.
2. Use VO-Shift-with 1 through 0 on the numbers row to set a hot
Once you've set a hot spot, you can use VO plus the number to
instantly move the focus to and speak the status of the hot spot.
If you want VoiceOver to read the hot spot without navigating to
it, use VO-Command and the number. If you want VoiceOver to
automatically speak the contents of the hot spot whenever it
changes, use VO-Command-Shift and the number.
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