RE: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

2010-08-31 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi peggy,

Do you mean that the ipad has a built in microphone?
 I thought you needed headphones for this on the ipad?!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Peggy Fleischer
Sent: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 2:26 a.m.
Subject: Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

I used my ipad for skype for the first time today. I didn't use  headphones
or a keyboard just the ipad. It worked great. The built in  in the pad did
fine. I was totally amazed.

Peggy Fleischer

On Aug 30, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi esther,
> Thanks for that. I plugged my ipad in lastnight and ran the updates. 
> So it should now be up to date with  with both apps and os.
>  Now I'm just waiting on my blueant q1 to arrive and  I'll be able to 
> use the ipad for skype.
>  Chers
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 9:32 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub 
> documents
> Simon, the update comes by way of Software Update. So, once you run 
> Software Update, you will get this update along with any other updates 
> and unless you have turned this off, it should notify you when updates are
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> So esther,
>> If you own a copy of pages on your ipad, then you should get this up 
>> date for free I'm assuming?
>> Or is it a buy update situation?
>> Cheers
>> Simon f
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 1:58 a.m.
>> To:;
>> Subject: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents
>> Hi All,
>> For Mac users of iWorks '09, especially those who are using iBooks to 
>> read ePub documents on their iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads, the 
>> latest software update to Pages has added an option to export as ePub.
>> Further, Apple has issue a document outlining the best practices for 
>> creating ePub files for reading in iBooks with Pages, which also 
>> links to an "ePub Best Practices" sample document.
>> The installer for the new feature will automatically show up if you 
>> have iWorks '09 if you run Software Update.  The link to the Apple 
>> Support document on Creating ePub files with Pages is:
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
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safari bookmarks

2010-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi list,

What is the simplest way of setting a bookmark for a page that you want to 
return to later on? Once set, how do you find your list of bookmarks and 
activate one?

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Re: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?

2010-08-31 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi Teresa,

If you have an mp3 in finder and you want to play it, without itunes or 
another big media lion, just hit space on the file and it will come up in 
preview. You can't rewind, but if hearing what it is, is all you want, then 
preview is good enough. Hope this is what you were trying to do.
- Original Message - 
From: "Teresa Cochran" 

Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:35 PM
Subject: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?

Hi all,

I have flip4Mac, and I like the way it plays the Windows media in a 
compact little player without my messing with the downloads folder. Is 
there anything similar for mp3's?


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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
You can use Apple Mail to connect to Exchange servers. I use this daily in the 
office where I work.
On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:20 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It seems 
> to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or replying / 
> responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just use office 
> under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have access to an 
> outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Actually, you can rewind by moving the percent slider that shows up when using 
Quick Look. Just adding to it.

I don't know of any good plug-ins, however Webkit has a different player than 
the original Safari. You might want to try it. I think it works nicely.

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On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Teresa,
> If you have an mp3 in finder and you want to play it, without itunes or 
> another big media lion, just hit space on the file and it will come up in 
> preview. You can't rewind, but if hearing what it is, is all you want, then 
> preview is good enough. Hope this is what you were trying to do.
> - Original Message - From: "Teresa Cochran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:35 PM
> Subject: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?
>> Hi all,
>> I have flip4Mac, and I like the way it plays the Windows media in a compact 
>> little player without my messing with the downloads folder. Is there 
>> anything similar for mp3's?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: safari bookmarks

2010-08-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

You can press command D to bring up the bookmark dialog.  From here you can 
select to save the page to the bookmarks menu or, the booksmarks bar.  The bar 
allows you to press command plus a corresponding number to bring up the site.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:53 AM, "Paul Erkens"  wrote:

> Hi list,
> What is the simplest way of setting a bookmark for a page that you want to 
> return to later on? Once set, how do you find your list of bookmarks and 
> activate one?
> -- 
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Re: safari bookmarks

2010-08-31 Thread Esther

Hi Paul,

Ricardo has given you the quick answer to using bookmarks.  You can  
read a more detailed description about general navigation of your  
bookmarks in my archived post:
(Re: moving and deleting bookmarks)

I'll just briefly remark here that there is a general page for your  
bookmarks that you access with Command-Option-B, which is the shortcut  
for the "Show All Bookmarks" entry in Safari's Bookmarks menu.  You'll  
greatly simplify your navigation of that page, and improve your  
understanding of its organization if you first hide your toolbar,  
bookmarks bar, and tab bar -- all options that toggle between show and  
hide with shortcuts listed in the View Menu on the menu bar (Command- 
Shift-Backslash, Command-Shift-B, Command-Shift-T). At that point,  
after you interact with the scroll area, pressing tab will move you  
between three areas: a table of different collections of bookmarks  
such as your navigation history, your Bookmarks Bar, your Bookmarks  
Menu, and any folders you may have created to organize your bookmarks  
on this page; a search text field that you can also move to directly  
with Command-F, and a table listing individual bookmarks in your  
selected bookmark collection by bookmark name and address.  The  
general action will be to interact with the table of collections and  
select a bookmark collection or folder and then to tab to the table  
listing the individual bookmark entries and interact, then navigate to  
the bookmark of interest and activate it by pressing space bar.  You  
can also reduce the list of entries to navigate through in that second  
table by using the search field to type in Bookmark names or parts of  
bookmark names, and then only matching entries will be shown in the  
second table. The usual navigation options of typing the first few  
letters in the name of a bookmark to move to it and/or using your up  
and down arrow keys will work here.  There are also context menu  
options for editing bookmark name or address, copying or deleting, etc.

As Ricardo mentioned, the first nine bookmarks saved to the Bookmarks  
Bar on your Bookmarks page have the special property that they can be  
launched by pressing the Command key together with the number of the  
bookmark. (You can hide your bookmarks bar and still activate the  
first nine bookmarks by pressing Command and the number from 1 to 9  
for the bookmark you want.)  However, note that whenever you save a  
new bookmark to the Bookmarks Bar, it becomes bookmark number 1, and  
displaces the previous first bookmark, which is now number 2, etc.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2010, at 23:33, Ricardo Walker wrote:


You can press command D to bring up the bookmark dialog.  From here  
you can select to save the page to the bookmarks menu or, the  
booksmarks bar.  The bar allows you to press command plus a  
corresponding number to bring up the site.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:53 AM, "Paul Erkens"   

Hi list,

What is the simplest way of setting a bookmark for a page that you  
want to return to later on? Once set, how do you find your list of  
bookmarks and activate one?

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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Esther


I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9  
through F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a  
default hardware assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11  
used as shortcuts for Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard  
for widgets.  I can't imagine any visually impaired user wanting to  
use Exposé -- which is basically a visual analog to the window  
switcher menus that we use where your entire desktop is turned into  
various icon views of windows. You might use the F12 Dashboard  
shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your dock (with VO-D or  
Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll need to turn off  
these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System Preferences --  
either under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For more  
details, see this archived post:
(What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:

Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.

I'll give this a shot.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under  
fusion  don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp  
Keys has two lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard  
listed.  You can move through all the controls with tab and shift  

The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on  
this.  The two lists will then be presented.

You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to  
map to the key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When  
you have these chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be  
placed back in the dialog where your first selection will be  
presented, along with the add button you previously used, a delete  
button and a button that says something like save to registry.  In  
order to map another key, you press the add button and do the  
mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping  
all the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you  
will be prompted to restart your computer for these to take  
effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause  
the accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and  
will put your alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the  
left.  You will also have an applications key to the right of the  
space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up being the one  
closest to the space bar or the key further to the right.  Below  
are the mapping instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days  
ago, which resulted in the above.

Here are my Sharpkes mappings
Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special  
Caps Lock

Left Alt to Left Windows
Left Windows to Left Alt
Right Windows to Applications

On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

would you mind detailing how you did it?

On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and  
an applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.   
Anybody have an idea about this?

On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.

I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that  
Marshall will not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your  
name right.


Begin forwarded message:


Here are my Sharpkes mappings
Grave to Special Caps Lock
Left Alt to Left Windows
Left Windows to Left Alt
Right Windows to Applications

After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout  
in JAWS.  This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It  
also fixes the "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note  
that the Keypad layout on the Mac is different from the keypad  
layout on a Windows machine.  Things like the Route PC to JAWS  
and Route JAWS to PC are in different locations on the Mac  
keyboard but you can learn the new locations by using JAWS  
keyboard help.

As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and  
then turn off Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows  
machine, I press Control-Command to move to the Mac and turn  
Voiceover back on.  I then use Command-G to return to the  
Windows machine.  I can then switch back and forth by using  
Control-Command and Command-G.

I hope this helps.


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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):


Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

When I run windows 7 in VM, I don't need to do anything special to the keys, I 
automatically get F1 to 10 as in system preferences, under keyboard, it says 
use standard function keys and the box is checked then it says use the FM key 
to use special functions.

On 31 Aug 2010, at 12:09, Esther wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
> F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default hardware 
> assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as shortcuts for 
> Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  I can't imagine 
> any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which is basically a 
> visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use where your entire 
> desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. You might use the F12 
> Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your dock (with VO-D 
> or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll need to turn off 
> these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System Preferences -- either 
> under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For more details, see this 
> archived post:
> (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
>> I'll give this a shot.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
>>> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
>>> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
>>> through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
>>> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
>>> The two lists will then be presented.
>>> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the 
>>> key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these 
>>> chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog 
>>> where your first selection will be presented, along with the add button you 
>>> previously used, a delete button and a button that says something like save 
>>> to registry.  In order to map another key, you press the add button and do 
>>> the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all 
>>> the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you will be 
>>> prompted to restart your computer for these to take effect.  Here's a 
>>> suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the accent key, left of 
>>> number 1, to become your insert key and will put your alt keys and windows 
>>> key in the correct places on the left.  You will also have an applications 
>>> key to the right of the space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up 
>>> being the one closest to the space bar or the key further to the right.  
>>> Below are the mapping instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, 
>>> which resulted in the above.
>>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>>> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
>>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>>> Right Windows to Applications
>>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 would you mind detailing how you did it?
 On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
> have an idea about this?
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
>> not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>> Kawal.
>> Begin forwarded message:
 Here are my Sharpkes mappings
 Grave to Special Caps Lock
 Left Alt to Left Windows
 Left Windows to Left Alt
 Right Windows to Applications
 After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS. 
  This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
 "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout 
 on the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  
 Things like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different 
 locations on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by 
 using JAWS keyboard help.
 As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn 

RE: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Andy Baracco
>From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer


"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

Ok, that works.

There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
though so that's a good solution.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
> it, will work fine on the windows side.
> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
> and imap.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
> --
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder than 
it looks.

In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that all 
of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up to his 
tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.

Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to set 
up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his virtual 
machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall back on what 
he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is an issue, it 
isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  That doesn't 
mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good job of exchange.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
> productivity.
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>> and imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> --
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>> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Matthew Campbell
I have exchange 2007 accounts set up on my mac and they work just fine. Just 
use the apple mail client and it will guide you through the set up.
On 2010-08-31, at 1:47 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly 
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
>> will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
>> imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
>> POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Corey Knapp
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO like
cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of accessible
software in a lot of different catagories.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Andy,

Not everyone has to use Windows at all. I work as a freelance translator and 
use the Mac exclusively.

I use Pages to read and produce Word documents, and Keynote to read and produce 
PowerPoint presentations.

For scanning books, etc I use VueScan, and Abbyy FineReader Express to perform 
the OCR.

I use both English and French and can switch from one to the other in a trice.

Never having used Windows, I feel no need to start now, especially since I can 
accomplish everything I need to with my Mac.



On 31 Aug 2010, at 14:09, Andy Baracco wrote:

> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
> productivity.
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

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Re: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?

2010-08-31 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Nic and Paul. Yes, I think I'll try Webkit. I hadn't thought of the 
preview option, either. I'll try that.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:27 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Actually, you can rewind by moving the percent slider that shows up when 
> using Quick Look. Just adding to it.
> I don't know of any good plug-ins, however Webkit has a different player than 
> the original Safari. You might want to try it. I think it works nicely.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
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> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Teresa,
>> If you have an mp3 in finder and you want to play it, without itunes or 
>> another big media lion, just hit space on the file and it will come up in 
>> preview. You can't rewind, but if hearing what it is, is all you want, then 
>> preview is good enough. Hope this is what you were trying to do.
>> - Original Message - From: "Teresa Cochran" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:35 PM
>> Subject: Safari Plugin for Mp3 Playbaack?
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have flip4Mac, and I like the way it plays the Windows media in a compact 
>>> little player without my messing with the downloads folder. Is there 
>>> anything similar for mp3's?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
I agree. I use windows for broadcasting and some games that cannot be, and are 
not ported to mac. but I use the mac for everything else including making show 
notes for said broadcast, podcasting, submitting scholarship applications, 
essays for class and more. The switch is hard but doable if the user is patient.

Sarah Alawami

Mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder than 
> it looks.
> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up to 
> his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
> job of exchange.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
>> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
>> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
>> productivity.
>> Andy
>> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Ok, that works.
>> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
>> though so that's a good solution.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>>> and imap.
>>> Cameron.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>>> Comments?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
>>> --
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Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
For the ios devices there is a community driven site at For mac software I don't know if there is such a thing.

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

Mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO like
> cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of accessible
> software in a lot of different catagories.
> Thanks for your help.
> Corey 
> -- 
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please remove "disc...@macvisionaries" from your addresses

2010-08-31 Thread Slau Halatyn

The Discuss mailing list at has not been in use for a couple 
of years but, because of a strange quirk, I keep getting any email addressed to 
that address. If you have a moment, please delete it from your Address Book and 
don't bother copying your messages to that address.


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Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

2010-08-31 Thread Peggy Fleischer
Yes, the ipad has a built in microphone. It works well too. I didn't think 
there was one but my husband looked it up in the manual because we knew that 
the dragon app was working on the ipad and you need a microphone for that. They 
don't say much about it, just that there is a built in one.

Peggy Fleischer

Jude 1:24  Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present 
faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
1:25  To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion 
and power, Both now and forever. Amen.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:28 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi peggy,
> Do you mean that the ipad has a built in microphone?
> I thought you needed headphones for this on the ipad?!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Peggy Fleischer
> Sent: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 2:26 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents
> I used my ipad for skype for the first time today. I didn't use  headphones
> or a keyboard just the ipad. It worked great. The built in  in the pad did
> fine. I was totally amazed.
> Peggy Fleischer
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi esther,
>> Thanks for that. I plugged my ipad in lastnight and ran the updates. 
>> So it should now be up to date with  with both apps and os.
>> Now I'm just waiting on my blueant q1 to arrive and  I'll be able to 
>> use the ipad for skype.
>> Chers
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 9:32 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub 
>> documents
>> Simon, the update comes by way of Software Update. So, once you run 
>> Software Update, you will get this update along with any other updates 
>> and unless you have turned this off, it should notify you when updates are
> available.
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> So esther,
>>> If you own a copy of pages on your ipad, then you should get this up 
>>> date for free I'm assuming?
>>> Or is it a buy update situation?
>>> Cheers
>>> Simon f
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>>> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 1:58 a.m.
>>> To:;
>>> Subject: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents
>>> Hi All,
>>> For Mac users of iWorks '09, especially those who are using iBooks to 
>>> read ePub documents on their iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads, the 
>>> latest software update to Pages has added an option to export as ePub.
>>> Further, Apple has issue a document outlining the best practices for 
>>> creating ePub files for reading in iBooks with Pages, which also 
>>> links to an "ePub Best Practices" sample document.
>>> The installer for the new feature will automatically show up if you 
>>> have iWorks '09 if you run Software Update.  The link to the Apple 
>>> Support document on Creating ePub files with Pages is:
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> --
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audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Robert Hooper
I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don't yet 
have the new Mac computer, but I thought I'd ask a few questions regardless.
On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, solution 
and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any accessible 
recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in Sonar? I am 
aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my research says that 
that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on which I can continue 
recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to install and run Windows on 
the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or suggestions would be 
Robert Hooper

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RE: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Corey Knapp
I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO

For the ios devices there is a community driven site at For mac software I don't know if there is such a

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

Mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO 
> like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of 
> accessible software in a lot of different catagories.
> Thanks for your help.
> Corey 
> --
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Really, I'll have to give this a shot.  Do you have a pointer for the 
configuration basics?  I have all the exchange data but can't figure how to add 
the service.


On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> You can use Apple Mail to connect to Exchange servers. I use this daily in 
> the office where I work.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:20 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It 
>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or 
>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just 
>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have 
>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and 
>> POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Slau
Well, to further your research, check out the PTAccess list at Google Groups 
where there are people using the current version of Pro Tools which is, in 
fact, quite accessible.


On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t 
> yet have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions 
> regardless.
> On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
> inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
> CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, 
> solution and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any 
> accessible recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in 
> Sonar? I am aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my 
> research says that that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on 
> which I can continue recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to 
> install and run Windows on the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> SmilesJ
> Robert Hooper
> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Andy, I couldn't disagree more.

The Mac does most things better than windows / JFW.  I wouldn't switch back and 
honestly find it a much more serious computing environment.  For a technical 
professional especially someone in IT or serious network / systems engineering 
windows just doesn't get it done for me anymore.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
> productivity.
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>> and imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Your research is in error.  Pto-Tools is now accessible on the Mac.  It's 
version 8.4.  Is it perfect?  No, but, it certainly is possible to use it.  YOu 
need a control surface to use it.  Now, if you don't really need the top of the 
line, amadeus Pro will do quite nicely.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:

I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t yet 
have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions regardless.
On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, solution 
and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any accessible 
recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in Sonar? I am 
aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my research says that 
that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on which I can continue 
recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to install and run Windows on 
the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or suggestions would be 
Robert Hooper

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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Erik, I couldn't agree more.

Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire it up 
and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than later and go 
with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is to drop Windows 
entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a wonderful way to slowly 
migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run other images is very valuable.

Erik nailed it exactly

On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder than 
> it looks.
> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up to 
> his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
> job of exchange.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
>> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
>> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
>> productivity.
>> Andy
>> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Ok, that works.
>> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
>> though so that's a good solution.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>>> and imap.
>>> Cameron.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>>> Comments?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
>>> --
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Slau Halatyn
Just a little correction: it's currently version 8.1 and the first version 
which featured accessibility improvements was 8.0.4.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Your research is in error.  Pto-Tools is now accessible on the Mac.  It's 
> version 8.4.  Is it perfect?  No, but, it certainly is possible to use it.  
> YOu need a control surface to use it.  Now, if you don't really need the top 
> of the line, amadeus Pro will do quite nicely.  
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:
> I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t 
> yet have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions 
> regardless.
> On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
> inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
> CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, 
> solution and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any 
> accessible recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in 
> Sonar? I am aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my 
> research says that that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on 
> which I can continue recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to 
> install and run Windows on the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> SmilesJ
> Robert Hooper
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Re: please remove "disc...@macvisionaries" from your addresses

2010-08-31 Thread Pete Nalda
Hmm.  That's the first time I've ever seen that address.  This is the only one 
I've ever posted to.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

> Folks,
> The Discuss mailing list at has not been in use for a 
> couple of years but, because of a strange quirk, I keep getting any email 
> addressed to that address. If you have a moment, please delete it from your 
> Address Book and don't bother copying your messages to that address.
> Thanks
> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread focus
Hi Corey!
Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think dvds as well, 
or though I've never done a dvd!
You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in Itunes 
preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
IE: acc or mp3 or others!
I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not know 
anything about it!
But I hope this was a little helpful :-]
Skype focus_66
On 31 Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:

> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at
> For mac software I don't know if there is such a
> thing.
> Take care.
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN:
> aim:
> website:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> Mobile site for podcast:
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO 
>> like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of 
>> accessible software in a lot of different categories.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Corey
>> --
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Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread louie
Check out:
Mac the ripper for DBD's.
Simply burn for CD's.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi Corey!
> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think dvds as 
> well, or though I've never done a dvd!
> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in Itunes 
> preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not know 
> anything about it!
> But I hope this was a little helpful :-]
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 31 Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
>> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at
>> For mac software I don't know if there is such a
>> thing.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN:
>> aim:
>> website:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> Mobile site for podcast:
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO 
>>> like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of 
>>> accessible software in a lot of different categories.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Corey   
>>> --
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Re: please remove "disc...@macvisionaries" from your addresses

2010-08-31 Thread Slau
Well, if you joined after it was moved to Google Groups, of course, you 
wouldn't have that in your Address Book. It's a vestige from a few years ago 
but surprisingly won't die.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Hmm.  That's the first time I've ever seen that address.  This is the only 
> one I've ever posted to.
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> Folks,
>> The Discuss mailing list at has not been in use for a 
>> couple of years but, because of a strange quirk, I keep getting any email 
>> addressed to that address. If you have a moment, please delete it from your 
>> Address Book and don't bother copying your messages to that address.
>> Thanks
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: fine-tuning a Spotlight search

2010-08-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello John,

Thanks for this.  I tried it but must have been doing something wrong.  I was 
looking for a folder, not a file.  When I tried out your suggestion, I saw a 
list of files, not folders.  I believe that the problem lies with me, not with 
your explanation.

One thing that you wrote confuses me.  You wrote:
> "2, optionally tab over to the check boxes which  say contents, file name, 
> reverse their settings by pressing space on both of them,"

What does pressing Space accomplish, and why does this reverse anything?

I'm sorry for being such a dunce!

Best regards,



On 28,Aug,2010, at 8:52 PM, John Sanfilippo wrote:

> When it's file names I wish to find and not file content, I like to command 
> tab to Finder and press command f.
> 1. I type what I'm looking for, 
> 2, optionally tab over to the check boxes which  say contents, file name, 
> reverse their settings by pressing space on both of them, 
> 3, then, shift tab back to the list of findings.
> You can omit step 2, but you will get file names and hits where the file 
> contains your search string.
> I was rather happy to discover how this works.
> Regards,
> js
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Does anybody know if there is a data sheet containing syntax usage under 
>> Spotlight?  What I want to do specifically is fine-tune some of my searches. 
>>  For example, I have a folder somewhere on my Mac called "Journal," and I 
>> also have many, many files containing this word.  Is there a way to tell 
>> Spotlight that when searching for the word "Journal," I don't want every 
>> instance of the word but only filenames or folders containing that word?
>> Thank you,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: Multiple recipients in "to:" field?

2010-08-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Colin,

Did you make a typing mistake when you described the syntax you used to use the 
address book in mail for entering multiple recipients?  I couldn't quite figure 
out what you meant.


On 29,Aug,2010, at 12:41 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi there!
> I do not know if you use the address book on your mac!
> But when I write an email that has to go to many people, I use cmd\opt\a in 
> the email window, this brings up my address panel and I can select the name 
> or names, and you can put as many as you need!
> You also get the option to put them in cc bcc as well as "to" hth
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 28 Aug 2010, at 19:38, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>> Hello Michael and list,
>> I'm no expert, but I do this and it works for me.
>> In the To field, I like to have just one address.
>> In the Cc field I begin typing. When the right match occurs, usually 
>> quickly, I just press comma space and begin typing the next address, comma 
>> space etc., ending the last address with nothing beyond tab or return.
>> Now, the space after the comma may be unnecessary, and perhaps a semicolon 
>> may work just as well. Not sure.
>> This process may be a bit disconcerting as you will hear "selection 
>> deleted". I've found that you can just ignore this.
>> Now if there's a better, quicker, safer way I'm all ears, and always open to 
>> new, better ways of doing things.
>> Best regards,
>> John
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Can someone please tell me the best way to insert multiple recipients in 
>>> the To: CC: or BCC fields of an e-mail message I wish to send?  Is each 
>>> address separated by a Comma, Semicolon or what?  Sometimes, the e-mail 
>>> address I want is voiced after just typing a couple of letters.  But what 
>>> is the best way to acknowledge that the address I hear is the right one, 
>>> move past it and insert the next address?
>>> Does all of this make sense?
>>> On a similar note, is there a "Take Command" book for Mail running under 
>>> Snow Leopard or might there be other materials addressing this topic?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Mike
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: reading tables in pages

2010-08-31 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Actually tables can be read in Pages if they are created in
the layout area. To do this, insert the table, set the number of rows and
columns and then hide the inspector. Tables show up as objects in the layout
area and they can be read and edited. It's not perfect but it works.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: reading tables in pages

Hello Greg,

Currently, you can't read tables in Pages. You have to select the table,
which shows up to VO as a space, and copy it into a Numbers document where
it can be read or modified as you please.

I hope this gets fixed in the next version of iWork.



On 31 Aug 2010, at 03:58, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am having trouble reading tables using pages. The tables I am trying to
read are in word documents. When I get to the area where the table is, my
cursor gets sent to the end of the file, skipping the table and everything
after it. Any suggestions would be helpful. 
> -Greg
> -- 
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RE: reading tables in pages

2010-08-31 Thread Paul Hunt
Try moving to the layout area and see if you can read tables. You can read
tables created in Pages. I'm not sure if you can read word tables. I know
that pages tables are objects in word documents and are not accessible.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg Aikens
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 8:59 PM
Subject: reading tables in pages

Hello all,
I am having trouble reading tables using pages. The tables I am trying to
read are in word documents. When I get to the area where the table is, my
cursor gets sent to the end of the file, skipping the table and everything
after it. Any suggestions would be helpful. 


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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Kawal and all.

The sharp keys pointer was excellent.  I have a jaws key now under Fusion using 
the ` key mapped to the capslock.  This looks like a powerful tool.

As a side note, my coworker and I remapped the m and n on my bosses keyboard, 


On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi.
> When I run windows 7 in VM, I don't need to do anything special to the keys, 
> I automatically get F1 to 10 as in system preferences, under keyboard, it 
> says use standard function keys and the box is checked then it says use the 
> FM key to use special functions.
> Kawal.
> On 31 Aug 2010, at 12:09, Esther wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
>> F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default 
>> hardware assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as 
>> shortcuts for Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  I 
>> can't imagine any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which is 
>> basically a visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use where 
>> your entire desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. You might 
>> use the F12 Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your 
>> dock (with VO-D or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll need 
>> to turn off these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System Preferences 
>> -- either under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For more details, 
>> see this archived post:
>> (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
>>> I'll give this a shot.
>>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
 Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
 don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
 lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
 through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
 The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
 The two lists will then be presented.
 You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to 
 the key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have 
 these chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the 
 dialog where your first selection will be presented, along with the add 
 button you previously used, a delete button and a button that says 
 something like save to registry.  In order to map another key, you press 
 the add button and do the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you 
 have finished mapping all the keys you wish, press the save to registry 
 button and you will be prompted to restart your computer for these to take 
 effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the 
 accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and will put your 
 alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the left.  You will also 
 have an applications key to the right of the space bar.  I can't remember 
 whether it ends up being the one closest to the space bar or the key 
 further to the right.  Below are the mapping instructions Kawal posted 
 here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the above.
 Here are my Sharpkes mappings
 Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
 Left Alt to Left Windows
 Left Windows to Left Alt
 Right Windows to Applications
 On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> would you mind detailing how you did it?
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
>> have an idea about this?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
>>> not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
> Hi,
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in 
> JAWS.  This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also 
> fixes the "re

Re: Multiple recipients in "to:" field?

2010-08-31 Thread focus
Hi Mike!
Sorry I'm not very good at this! :-]
If you mean by syntax the command I used I'll write it better!
To enter the address panel from email window press the keys,
command - option - A
I use the command\option keys to the right of the space bar! and letter A
When the address panel opens you can scroll over to your people list interact 
with it and select as many as you need!
stop interacting and scroll left to either [ from right to left ] bcc, cc or 
to- recipient button's pick the one you need and vo space bar and all your 
selections will be added to the one you chose!
When you have done selecting scroll all the way to the left and press close 
button or I think you can do command -w as well!
And that will take you back into your email window and you will see in the 
recipient field or cc field all the names you picked!
They will be red to you like [ Colin menu button ] for each name!
Hope this wasn't to boring and you are still awake! :-]
Skype focus_66
On 31 Aug 2010, at 18:26, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Colin,
> Did you make a typing mistake when you described the syntax you used to use 
> the address book in mail for entering multiple recipients?  I couldn't quite 
> figure out what you meant.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 29,Aug,2010, at 12:41 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I do not know if you use the address book on your mac!
>> But when I write an email that has to go to many people, I use cmd\opt\a in 
>> the email window, this brings up my address panel and I can select the name 
>> or names, and you can put as many as you need!
>> You also get the option to put them in cc bcc as well as "to" hth
>> Colin
>> Skype focus_66
>> On 28 Aug 2010, at 19:38, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>>> Hello Michael and list,
>>> I'm no expert, but I do this and it works for me.
>>> In the To field, I like to have just one address.
>>> In the Cc field I begin typing. When the right match occurs, usually 
>>> quickly, I just press comma space and begin typing the next address, comma 
>>> space etc., ending the last address with nothing beyond tab or return.
>>> Now, the space after the comma may be unnecessary, and perhaps a semicolon 
>>> may work just as well. Not sure.
>>> This process may be a bit disconcerting as you will hear "selection 
>>> deleted". I've found that you can just ignore this.
>>> Now if there's a better, quicker, safer way I'm all ears, and always open 
>>> to new, better ways of doing things.
>>> Best regards,
>>> John
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 Can someone please tell me the best way to insert multiple recipients in 
 the To: CC: or BCC fields of an e-mail message I wish to send?  Is each 
 address separated by a Comma, Semicolon or what?  Sometimes, the e-mail 
 address I want is voiced after just typing a couple of letters.  But what 
 is the best way to acknowledge that the address I hear is the right one, 
 move past it and insert the next address?
 Does all of this make sense?
 On a similar note, is there a "Take Command" book for Mail running under 
 Snow Leopard or might there be other materials addressing this topic?
 Thank you,
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
I use handbreak to rip my dvds and switch to convert them to audio. It take a 
while but these are 2 free pieces of software that work pretty good.

Take care.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:04 AM, louie wrote:

> Check out:
> Mac the ripper for DBD's.
> Simply burn for CD's.
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi Corey!
>> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think dvds as 
>> well, or though I've never done a dvd!
>> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in Itunes 
>> preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
>> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
>> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
>> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
>> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
>> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not know 
>> anything about it!
>> But I hope this was a little helpful :-]
>> Colin
>> Skype focus_66
>> On 31 Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>>> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at
>>> For mac software I don't know if there is such a
>>> thing.
>>> Take care.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN:
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for VO 
 like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a list of 
 accessible software in a lot of different categories.
 Thanks for your help.
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> louie
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RE: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Corey Knapp
Can you provide a link for simply burn bc all the links  that I  find on
google are dead.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of louie
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO

Check out:
Mac the ripper for DBD's.
Simply burn for CD's.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi Corey!
> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think dvds as
well, or though I've never done a dvd!
> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in Itunes
preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not know
anything about it!
> But I hope this was a little helpful :-] Colin Skype focus_66 On 31 
> Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
>> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at 
>> For mac software I don't know if there is 
>> such a thing.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN:
>> aim:
>> website:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> Mobile site for podcast:
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for 
>>> VO like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a 
>>> list of accessible software in a lot of different categories.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Corey   
>>> --
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, your research is a bit old.  Protools is apparently quite hot now.  Logic 
is also there thanks to some third party voiceover scripts.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-31, at 11:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t 
> yet have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions 
> regardless.
> On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
> inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
> CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, 
> solution and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any 
> accessible recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in 
> Sonar? I am aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my 
> research says that that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on 
> which I can continue recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to 
> install and run Windows on the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> SmilesJ
> Robert Hooper
> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
I do not have Exchange setup on this machine, but best I recall you add it just 
like any other mail account. Mail is pretty intelligent at figuring out the 
type of account etc.
If you can't get it working, I will check my machine at the office.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Really, I'll have to give this a shot.  Do you have a pointer for the 
> configuration basics?  I have all the exchange data but can't figure how to 
> add the service.
> Thanks
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> You can use Apple Mail to connect to Exchange servers. I use this daily in 
>> the office where I work.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:20 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It 
>>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or 
>>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just 
>>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have 
>>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and 
>>> POP are disabled.
>>> Comments?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, I'd 
get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah the hell 
with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good program for 
this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it again".  It took 
a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially since I have to teach 
windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual machine here for testing 
purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  Now I fly around the mac, and 
as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in the province.  That hasn't hurt 
me any.

These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for the 
mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual machines and 
have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan party, except of 
course that I still need to teach windows.

Have fun,

Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Erik, I couldn't agree more.
> Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire it 
> up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than later and 
> go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is to drop 
> Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a wonderful way to 
> slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run other images is very 
> valuable.
> Erik nailed it exactly
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
>> than it looks.
>> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
>> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up 
>> to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
>> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
>> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
>> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
>> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
>> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
>> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
>> job of exchange.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>> box.
>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>> subscribe.
>> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>>> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
>>> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
>>> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
>>> productivity.
>>> Andy
>>> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>>> Ok, that works.
>>> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
>>> though so that's a good solution.
>>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
 Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
 it, will work fine on the windows side.
 Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
 and imap.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
 Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
 Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
 I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
 It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
 messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
 or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
 is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
 protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread louie

On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Can you provide a link for simply burn bc all the links  that I  find on
> google are dead.
> Thanks,
> Corey
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of louie
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
> Check out:
> Mac the ripper for DBD's.
> Simply burn for CD's.
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi Corey!
>> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think dvds as
> well, or though I've never done a dvd!
>> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in Itunes
> preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
>> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
>> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
>> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
>> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
>> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not know
> anything about it!
>> But I hope this was a little helpful :-] Colin Skype focus_66 On 31 
>> Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>>> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at 
>>> For mac software I don't know if there is 
>>> such a thing.
>>> Take care.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN:
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for 
 VO like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a 
 list of accessible software in a lot of different categories.
 Thanks for your help.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> louie
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread louie
> Erik,
Where can I get the apple scripts?
Thank you.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:40 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, your research is a bit old.  Protools is apparently quite hot now.  Logic 
> is also there thanks to some third party voiceover scripts.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 11:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:
>> I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t 
>> yet have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions 
>> regardless.
>> On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
>> inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with 
>> the CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, 
>> solution and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently 
>> any accessible recording software that roughly paralleles the features found 
>> in Sonar? I am aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my 
>> research says that that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on 
>> which I can continue recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to 
>> install and run Windows on the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or 
>> suggestions would be appreciated.
>> SmilesJ
>> Robert Hooper
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread Corey Knapp
That download link is broken.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of louie
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO


On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Can you provide a link for simply burn bc all the links  that I  find 
> on google are dead.
> Thanks,
> Corey
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of louie
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
> Check out:
> Mac the ripper for DBD's.
> Simply burn for CD's.
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi Corey!
>> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think 
>> dvds as
> well, or though I've never done a dvd!
>> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in 
>> Itunes
> preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
>> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
>> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
>> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
>> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
>> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not 
>> know
> anything about it!
>> But I hope this was a little helpful :-] Colin Skype focus_66 On 31 
>> Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>>> For the ios devices there is a community driven site at 
>>> For mac software I don't know if there is 
>>> such a thing.
>>> Take care.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN:
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> Mobile site for podcast:
>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for 
 VO like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a 
 list of accessible software in a lot of different categories.
 Thanks for your help.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> louie
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Re: Accessible software with VO

2010-08-31 Thread louie
If the link is broken why not tell them?

On Aug 31, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Corey Knapp wrote:

> That download link is broken.
> Thx 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of louie
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
> [InternetShortcut]
> URL=
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Corey Knapp wrote:
>> Can you provide a link for simply burn bc all the links  that I  find 
>> on google are dead.
>> Thanks,
>> Corey
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of louie
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
>> Check out:
>> Mac the ripper for DBD's.
>> Simply burn for CD's.
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 9:58 AM, focus wrote:
>>> Hi Corey!
>>> Your Mac mini should already be able to rip audio cds and I think 
>>> dvds as
>> well, or though I've never done a dvd!
>>> You can set it up on system preferences under cds\dvds and then in 
>>> Itunes
>> preferences you can set up how Itunes imports your music!
>>> IE: acc or mp3 or others!
>>> I don't know if there is an equivalent in Idvd!!
>>> You can set Itunes to in port an cd then eject the disc when its done!
>>> as far as other vo software goes sorry I don't know either!!
>>> Also I could not help you with dropbox I don't use it and would not 
>>> know
>> anything about it!
>>> But I hope this was a little helpful :-] Colin Skype focus_66 On 31 
>>> Aug 2010, at 16:27, Corey Knapp wrote:
 I am looking for accessible mac software with VO for my mac mini.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
 Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: Accessible software with VO
 For the ios devices there is a community driven site at For mac software I don't know if there is 
 such a thing.
 Take care.
 Sarah Alawami
 Mobile site for podcast:
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:20 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there is a website with accessible software for 
> VO like cd and dvd burning and audio ripping programs and just a 
> list of accessible software in a lot of different categories.
> Thanks for your help.
> Corey 
> --
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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 For more options, visit this group at
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>> louie
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>> --
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simply burns home page

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  regarding the simply burns home page, I just opened my simply burns, went 
to the simply burns menu, pressed enter on home page, and here's what came up.
The site is working just fine for me, but if you really can't get there, maybe 
we can work something out.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

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RE: simply burns home page

2010-08-31 Thread Corey Knapp
I can get to the website but the download link is broken.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:09 PM
Subject: simply burns home page

Hi,  regarding the simply burns home page, I just opened my simply burns,
went to the simply burns menu, pressed enter on home page, and here's what
came up.
The site is working just fine for me, but if you really can't get there,
maybe we can work something out.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille
Visit and click podcasts to read more and

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Associated Applications and Webkit?

2010-08-31 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

Is there a way to specify which applications a certain file type in webkit will 
use? For example, suppose I might want to open an mp3 with Quicktime (using 

Barring that, I'd like to open mp3's in a new playlist in Itunes. Currently, my 
music files open in a huge playlist I have set up in Itunes, and I don't want 
it to play merrily along once my file is done


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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Erik,

I've been a Mac user for about five years and I finally got my employer to 
allow me the ability to have a Mac with a WIndows VM. Now they know they will 
never get me to switch back. I still have to use Windows because of 
compatibility with certain web applications, but my hope is this will change as 
well and yes, I am forced to still use Word, Excel, and Power Point because 
they have not yet gotten iWorks for me. One thing at a time, but hey the big 
step was achieved and now they will allow anyone who wants a Mac to have a VM 
as well. Btw, IPal? That sounds familiar, but cannot recall what that is 

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
> experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
> switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
> settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, 
> I'd get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah the 
> hell with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good 
> program for this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it 
> again".  It took a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially 
> since I have to teach windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual machine 
> here for testing purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  Now I fly 
> around the mac, and as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in the 
> province.  That hasn't hurt me any.
> These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for the 
> mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual machines 
> and have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan party, except 
> of course that I still need to teach windows.
> Have fun,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Erik, I couldn't agree more.
>> Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire it 
>> up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than later and 
>> go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is to drop 
>> Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a wonderful way 
>> to slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run other images is very 
>> valuable.
>> Erik nailed it exactly
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
>>> than it looks.
>>> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
>>> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up 
>>> to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
>>> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
>>> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
>>> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
>>> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
>>> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
>>> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
>>> job of exchange.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>>> box.
>>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>>> subscribe.
>>> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
 From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
 to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
 way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
 "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
 Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
 Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
 Ok, that works.
 There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
 though so that's a good solution.
 On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
> it, will work fine on the windows side.
> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
> and imap.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:mac

MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
Hi Folks:

As the subject line says, this is what I need a fool proof method to 
accomplish.  I'm familiar with the FN/VO/shift/left arrow to move to the top or 
bottom of tables and thought this worked in Text Edit as well, but it seems to 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  :)

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Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Command up and down arrow move to the top or bottom edge; command left  
or right arrows move to its left or right edge respectively.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Esther

Hi Kimberly,

Use Command+Up arrow and Command+Down arrow to move to the beginning and end of 
Text Edit documents.  These are built-in Mac shortcuts for all Cocoa Apps 
(which covers most Mac applications).  For more detalis on other commands for 
moving by lines, words, etc., read through this archived post about moving and 
selecting in Cocoa apps:

On laptop Macs you can also page up and down with Fn+Up and Down arrow.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 31, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

Hi Folks:

As the subject line says, this is what I need a fool proof method to accomplish. I'm familiar with the FN/VO/shift/left arrow to move to the top or bottom of tables and thought this worked in Text Edit as well, but it seems to not. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Kimberly,

To make the VO commands work in TextEdit, you have to interact with the text 
area. It is advisable to do this anyway, as it gives you access to useful 
commands such as reading by sentence, paragraph, from current position, etc.



On 31 Aug 2010, at 23:10, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> As the subject line says, this is what I need a fool proof method to 
> accomplish.  I'm familiar with the FN/VO/shift/left arrow to move to the top 
> or bottom of tables and thought this worked in Text Edit as well, but it 
> seems to not.  
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  :)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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copying and pasting files from itunes to VR stream

2010-08-31 Thread Nancy Badger
they were in mp3 format.
  I didn't know vr stream would support itunes file format.  I learned 
something new, thanks.Colin,
Your idea worked - I used command r and it brought the files up in finder.  I 
still don't know what command r means, but it works.  Thanks very much.

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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
lol Scott.   If you really did remap your bosses keys, he/she is going to be 
scratching their head.  

Thanks to Kawal and Ehster, I now have a fully functioning windows machine in 
Fusion with JFW running as it should.  Thanks everyone for your help!
On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi Kawal and all.
> The sharp keys pointer was excellent.  I have a jaws key now under Fusion 
> using the ` key mapped to the capslock.  This looks like a powerful tool.
> As a side note, my coworker and I remapped the m and n on my bosses keyboard, 
> hahahahaha.
> Thanks
> Scott
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> When I run windows 7 in VM, I don't need to do anything special to the keys, 
>> I automatically get F1 to 10 as in system preferences, under keyboard, it 
>> says use standard function keys and the box is checked then it says use the 
>> FM key to use special functions.
>> Kawal.
>> On 31 Aug 2010, at 12:09, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
>>> F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default 
>>> hardware assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as 
>>> shortcuts for Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  
>>> I can't imagine any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which 
>>> is basically a visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use where 
>>> your entire desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. You might 
>>> use the F12 Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your 
>>> dock (with VO-D or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll 
>>> need to turn off these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System 
>>> Preferences -- either under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For 
>>> more details, see this archived post:
>>> (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
 Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
 I'll give this a shot.
 On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
> through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
> The two lists will then be presented.
> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to 
> the key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have 
> these chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the 
> dialog where your first selection will be presented, along with the add 
> button you previously used, a delete button and a button that says 
> something like save to registry.  In order to map another key, you press 
> the add button and do the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you 
> have finished mapping all the keys you wish, press the save to registry 
> button and you will be prompted to restart your computer for these to 
> take effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the 
> accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and will put your 
> alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the left.  You will 
> also have an applications key to the right of the space bar.  I can't 
> remember whether it ends up being the one closest to the space bar or the 
> key further to the right.  Below are the mapping instructions Kawal 
> posted here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the above.
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
>>> have an idea about this?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
 I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall 
 will not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
 Begin forwarded message:

Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
You knw what else is nice about using a VM is that I can back up the whole 
image file and restore easily with out having to worry about jfw installations 

We use VMWare extensively at work so it's nice to be using that on the desk top 

On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
> experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
> switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
> settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, 
> I'd get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah the 
> hell with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good 
> program for this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it 
> again".  It took a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially 
> since I have to teach windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual machine 
> here for testing purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  Now I fly 
> around the mac, and as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in the 
> province.  That hasn't hurt me any.
> These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for the 
> mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual machines 
> and have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan party, except 
> of course that I still need to teach windows.
> Have fun,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Erik, I couldn't agree more.
>> Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire it 
>> up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than later and 
>> go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is to drop 
>> Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a wonderful way 
>> to slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run other images is very 
>> valuable.
>> Erik nailed it exactly
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
>>> than it looks.
>>> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
>>> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up 
>>> to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
>>> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
>>> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
>>> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
>>> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
>>> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
>>> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
>>> job of exchange.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>>> box.
>>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>>> subscribe.
>>> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
 From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
 to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
 way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
 "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
 Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
 Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
 Ok, that works.
 There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
 though so that's a good solution.
 On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
> it, will work fine on the windows side.
> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
> and imap.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
> messages or

Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 in windows? Thanks to Ester!

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
Ester, thanks so much!  Once again you amaze and astonish us with your 
knowledge of the Mac.  I always read your posts, even if I'm not particularly 
interested in the subject.  I never fail to learn something from them.  You are 
an incredible and invaluable resource to this community and I thank you!  :)
On Aug 31, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
> F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default hardware 
> assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as shortcuts for 
> Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  I can't imagine 
> any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which is basically a 
> visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use where your entire 
> desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. You might use the F12 
> Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your dock (with VO-D 
> or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll need to turn off 
> these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System Preferences -- either 
> under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For more details, see this 
> archived post:
> (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
>> I'll give this a shot.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
>>> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
>>> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
>>> through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
>>> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
>>> The two lists will then be presented.
>>> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the 
>>> key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these 
>>> chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog 
>>> where your first selection will be presented, along with the add button you 
>>> previously used, a delete button and a button that says something like save 
>>> to registry.  In order to map another key, you press the add button and do 
>>> the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all 
>>> the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you will be 
>>> prompted to restart your computer for these to take effect.  Here's a 
>>> suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the accent key, left of 
>>> number 1, to become your insert key and will put your alt keys and windows 
>>> key in the correct places on the left.  You will also have an applications 
>>> key to the right of the space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up 
>>> being the one closest to the space bar or the key further to the right.  
>>> Below are the mapping instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, 
>>> which resulted in the above.
>>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>>> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
>>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>>> Right Windows to Applications
>>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 would you mind detailing how you did it?
 On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
> have an idea about this?
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
>> not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>> Kawal.
>> Begin forwarded message:
 Here are my Sharpkes mappings
 Grave to Special Caps Lock
 Left Alt to Left Windows
 Left Windows to Left Alt
 Right Windows to Applications
 After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS. 
  This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
 "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout 
 on the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  
 Things like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different 
 locations on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by 
 using JAWS keyboard help.
 As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIr

Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Laughs, scott,  Iwork is cheeper than VMware fusion unless you can catch one of 
their big discount sales.  They could boost your productivity with not much 
effort at all, but I know the gears grind slowly.  Hopefully you don't have to 
wait five years for Iwork.

IPal is the big new line of digital camera based OCR thingies.  What we're 
talking about here is a camera on a trypod, connected to your mac via usb.  You 
put your book or paper under the camera and push the button, then software on 
your mac converts the image to text and reads it aloud for you.  It's been a 
going concern on the windows side for about a year, and I've been hearing vague 
roomers that it's coming to the mac.  When it does, I am there.  


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-31, at 5:07 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Erik,
> I've been a Mac user for about five years and I finally got my employer to 
> allow me the ability to have a Mac with a WIndows VM. Now they know they will 
> never get me to switch back. I still have to use Windows because of 
> compatibility with certain web applications, but my hope is this will change 
> as well and yes, I am forced to still use Word, Excel, and Power Point 
> because they have not yet gotten iWorks for me. One thing at a time, but hey 
> the big step was achieved and now they will allow anyone who wants a Mac to 
> have a VM as well. Btw, IPal? That sounds familiar, but cannot recall what 
> that is exactly.
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
>> experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
>> switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
>> settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, 
>> I'd get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah the 
>> hell with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good 
>> program for this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it 
>> again".  It took a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially 
>> since I have to teach windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual machine 
>> here for testing purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  Now I fly 
>> around the mac, and as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in the 
>> province.  That hasn't hurt me any.
>> These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for the 
>> mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual machines 
>> and have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan party, 
>> except of course that I still need to teach windows.
>> Have fun,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>> box.
>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>> subscribe.
>> On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Erik, I couldn't agree more.
>>> Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire 
>>> it up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than later 
>>> and go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is to 
>>> drop Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a wonderful 
>>> way to slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run other images is 
>>> very valuable.
>>> Erik nailed it exactly
>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
 than it looks.
 In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes 
 that all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is 
 set up to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up 
 Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
 set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
 virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
 back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity 
 is an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient 
 thing.  That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't 
 do a good job of exchange.
 Erik Burggraaf
 Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
 Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
 On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that t

Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Yeah, he fiddled with it for about a half hour before he realized something was 

e have a pretty good group 

We have a pretty good group here that get along well.  He's my boss on paper 
but our organization is pretty flat and distributed.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> lol Scott.   If you really did remap your bosses keys, he/she is going to be 
> scratching their head.  
> Thanks to Kawal and Ehster, I now have a fully functioning windows machine in 
> Fusion with JFW running as it should.  Thanks everyone for your help!
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Hi Kawal and all.
>> The sharp keys pointer was excellent.  I have a jaws key now under Fusion 
>> using the ` key mapped to the capslock.  This looks like a powerful tool.
>> As a side note, my coworker and I remapped the m and n on my bosses 
>> keyboard, hahahahaha.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> When I run windows 7 in VM, I don't need to do anything special to the 
>>> keys, I automatically get F1 to 10 as in system preferences, under 
>>> keyboard, it says use standard function keys and the box is checked then it 
>>> says use the FM key to use special functions.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 31 Aug 2010, at 12:09, Esther wrote:
 I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
 F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default 
 hardware assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as 
 shortcuts for Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  
 I can't imagine any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which 
 is basically a visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use 
 where your entire desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. 
 You might use the F12 Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate 
 to your dock (with VO-D or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  
 You'll need to turn off these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in 
 System Preferences -- either under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and 
 Spaces.  For more details, see this archived post:
 (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
> Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
> I'll give this a shot.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
>> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
>> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
>> through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
>> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
>> The two lists will then be presented.
>> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to 
>> the key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have 
>> these chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the 
>> dialog where your first selection will be presented, along with the add 
>> button you previously used, a delete button and a button that says 
>> something like save to registry.  In order to map another key, you press 
>> the add button and do the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you 
>> have finished mapping all the keys you wish, press the save to registry 
>> button and you will be prompted to restart your computer for these to 
>> take effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause 
>> the accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and will put 
>> your alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the left.  You 
>> will also have an applications key to the right of the space bar.  I 
>> can't remember whether it ends up being the one closest to the space bar 
>> or the key further to the right.  Below are the mapping instructions 
>> Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the above.
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>> Right Windows to Applications
>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
 I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
 applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
 have an id

Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
There I go again making things more difficult than they need to be.  Thanks 
Mark! :)
On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Command up and down arrow move to the top or bottom edge; command left or 
> right arrows move to its left or right edge respectively.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
I believe my school mail is an exchange server and works great, but I could be 
wrong.  I do believe I remember seeing Microsoft Exchange somewhere there.  
On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:32 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
> will work fine on the windows side.
> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
> imap.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
> POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe  I can use vo shift home  and end to  move to the top and or botton. 
I can do believe I demoed that in my podcast.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Command up and down arrow move to the top or bottom edge; command left or 
> right arrows move to its left or right edge respectively.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively and the age old question of Windows versus Mac again

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
Well, I have windows running under fusion on my Mac, but most of the time, I 
find myself not needing it for much.  I think I really bothered installing it 
as a security blanket in case I need to write a paper in MS Word.  Actually, I 
just boot it up occasionally to make sure it's still there.  LOL!!!  
Occasionally I find internet explorer works better for some things.  Choices, 
that's what it's all about.  
On Aug 31, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
> productivity.
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>> and imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> --
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Kimberly thurman
Yep, I checked and my school mail is exchange and works great.  As I recall, it 
was incredibly easy to set up as well.  
On Aug 31, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> I have exchange 2007 accounts set up on my mac and they work just fine. Just 
> use the apple mail client and it will guide you through the set up.
> On 2010-08-31, at 1:47 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Ok, that works.
>> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly 
>> though so that's a good solution.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
>>> will work fine on the windows side.
>>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
>>> imap.
>>> Cameron.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
>>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
>>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
>>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
>>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
>>> POP are disabled.
>>> Comments?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Granados
Well the lucky thing is we have every software package you can think of in the 
cabinet next to me so I can install what ever.

I'm just trying to get familiar  I'm already spending less and less time in 
Windows which can only be described as a good thing.
I'm surprised office isn't natively accessible but it's not a huge deal.  Any 
time I can use a product besides an MS product is a good day.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:11 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Laughs, scott,  Iwork is cheeper than VMware fusion unless you can catch one 
> of their big discount sales.  They could boost your productivity with not 
> much effort at all, but I know the gears grind slowly.  Hopefully you don't 
> have to wait five years for Iwork.
> IPal is the big new line of digital camera based OCR thingies.  What we're 
> talking about here is a camera on a trypod, connected to your mac via usb.  
> You put your book or paper under the camera and push the button, then 
> software on your mac converts the image to text and reads it aloud for you.  
> It's been a going concern on the windows side for about a year, and I've been 
> hearing vague roomers that it's coming to the mac.  When it does, I am there. 
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 5:07 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Erik,
>> I've been a Mac user for about five years and I finally got my employer to 
>> allow me the ability to have a Mac with a WIndows VM. Now they know they 
>> will never get me to switch back. I still have to use Windows because of 
>> compatibility with certain web applications, but my hope is this will change 
>> as well and yes, I am forced to still use Word, Excel, and Power Point 
>> because they have not yet gotten iWorks for me. One thing at a time, but hey 
>> the big step was achieved and now they will allow anyone who wants a Mac to 
>> have a VM as well. Btw, IPal? That sounds familiar, but cannot recall what 
>> that is exactly.
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
>>> experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
>>> switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
>>> settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, 
>>> I'd get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah 
>>> the hell with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good 
>>> program for this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it 
>>> again".  It took a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially 
>>> since I have to teach windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual 
>>> machine here for testing purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  
>>> Now I fly around the mac, and as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in 
>>> the province.  That hasn't hurt me any.
>>> These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for 
>>> the mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual 
>>> machines and have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan 
>>> party, except of course that I still need to teach windows.
>>> Have fun,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>>> box.
>>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>>> subscribe.
>>> On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Erik, I couldn't agree more.
 Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire 
 it up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than 
 later and go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is 
 to drop Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a 
 wonderful way to slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run 
 other images is very valuable.
 Erik nailed it exactly
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
> than it looks.
> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes 
> that all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is 
> set up to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up 
> exchange.
> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon 
> to set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for 
> his virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to 
> fall back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and 
> productivity is an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easie

Re: audio source button in airfoil has become nonresponsive

2010-08-31 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Mary.

Try just press space on the source button, that works here.

Best regards Annie.
On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> My subject line pretty much says it all. I hadn't used this app in a while, 
> but it is up to date; I just checked. I wanted to use it with Safari just 
> now, something I've done a lot in the past. And I can't activate the audio 
> source button. I vo space on it or use the magic track pad to try to activate 
> it, and nothing happens. the affects button still works, and the transmit to 
> various sources seems to work. At least, they show as active if they are 
> pressed. but of course, with no audio source, nothing actually changes; there 
> is no transmission. Has anybody experienced this problem? and if so, how did 
> you fix it?
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: bookshare books

2010-08-31 Thread Barry Abbott
Hello all. There is a DAISY reader program called ReadHear Mac that I use for 
reading bookshare books. You can try before you buy. But it is a little pricy. 
USF $119 if memory serves me correctly.

Barry AbbottOn 2010-08-28, at 2:21 AM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> i'll have to figure out how indaycy works and hope it helps.
> talking about bookshare books, do you guys know if the only way to read them 
> on the mac is using safari?
> thanks,
> Rafaela
> El 27/08/2010, a las 14:37, Sarah Alawami escribió:
>> OH nice! I hope htey come out wiht something. and let's hope RFBD is in the 
>> cueue next but I doubt it.
>> On Aug 27, 2010, at 3:51 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> There is Book Worm and InDaisy. I gather InDaisy supports the Daisy 3 
>>> standard. Although apparently there is a possibility Book Share may be 
>>> doing something as well. COnsidering they recently conducted a survey 
>>> asking about such an app for various mobile platforms.
>>> On Aug 27, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
 what is the new daisy player called for the iphone?
 On Aug 26, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Oh no I was talking about another app on  the iphone.that is a new one 
> only for now supports dasi 2. they said it would support 3 this month but 
> it has not happened yet. and you would have to get a key from RFBD and 
> NLS does not support any software.
> Take care.
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN: 
> aim:
> website:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> On Aug 26, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Sara, perhaps you need to check your facts before posting. InDaisy does 
>> support Daisy 2 and 3 at least for audio playback.
>> On Aug 25, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Nope. they are in dasi 3.0 while the dasi reader on the apps store only 
>>> supports dasi 2.0. Sorry to be the barrer of bad news but it is what it 
>>> is.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN: 
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> On Aug 25, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
 Hi list,
 I was just wandering if it is possible to read bookshare books on the 
 iPod touch.
 any suggestions are appreciated.
 Thanks all,
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Re: copying and pasting files from itunes to VR stream

2010-08-31 Thread focus
Hi Nancy!
You are welcome, but I learned that command on this list myself!
It helped me get music to my phone!! :-]
Skype focus_66
On 31 Aug 2010, at 22:47, Nancy Badger wrote:

> Sarai,
> they were in mp3 format.
>  I didn't know vr stream would support itunes file format.  I learned 
> something new, thanks.Colin,
> Your idea worked - I used command r and it brought the files up in finder.  I 
> still don't know what command r means, but it works.  Thanks very much.
> Nancy
> -- 
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Re: copying and pasting files from itunes to VR stream

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep in my case it helped me send a voice memo to my bf.

Take care. and what a handy command.

Sarah Alawami

Mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:44 PM, focus wrote:

> Hi Nancy!
> You are welcome, but I learned that command on this list myself!
> It helped me get music to my phone!! :-]
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 31 Aug 2010, at 22:47, Nancy Badger wrote:
>> Sarai,
>> they were in mp3 format.
>> I didn't know vr stream would support itunes file format.  I learned 
>> something new, thanks.Colin,
>> Your idea worked - I used command r and it brought the files up in finder.  
>> I still don't know what command r means, but it works.  Thanks very much.
>> Nancy
>> -- 
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Re: simply burns home page

2010-08-31 Thread focus
Hi Corey!
I've just gone to that home page from the link in Erik's part of this message!
And went to the direct download link and it worked no problem, got it in 
Colin :-]
Skype focus_66
On 31 Aug 2010, at 21:16, Corey Knapp wrote:

> I can get to the website but the download link is broken.
> Thanks,
> Corey 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: simply burns home page
> Hi,  regarding the simply burns home page, I just opened my simply burns,
> went to the simply burns menu, pressed enter on home page, and here's what
> came up.
> The site is working just fine for me, but if you really can't get there,
> maybe we can work something out.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille
> box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and
> subscribe.
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
Hey thanks for the info on Ipal, it sounds interesting.

On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:11 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Laughs, scott,  Iwork is cheeper than VMware fusion unless you can catch one 
> of their big discount sales.  They could boost your productivity with not 
> much effort at all, but I know the gears grind slowly.  Hopefully you don't 
> have to wait five years for Iwork.
> IPal is the big new line of digital camera based OCR thingies.  What we're 
> talking about here is a camera on a trypod, connected to your mac via usb.  
> You put your book or paper under the camera and push the button, then 
> software on your mac converts the image to text and reads it aloud for you.  
> It's been a going concern on the windows side for about a year, and I've been 
> hearing vague roomers that it's coming to the mac.  When it does, I am there. 
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 5:07 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Erik,
>> I've been a Mac user for about five years and I finally got my employer to 
>> allow me the ability to have a Mac with a WIndows VM. Now they know they 
>> will never get me to switch back. I still have to use Windows because of 
>> compatibility with certain web applications, but my hope is this will change 
>> as well and yes, I am forced to still use Word, Excel, and Power Point 
>> because they have not yet gotten iWorks for me. One thing at a time, but hey 
>> the big step was achieved and now they will allow anyone who wants a Mac to 
>> have a VM as well. Btw, IPal? That sounds familiar, but cannot recall what 
>> that is exactly.
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Scott, you are taking my exact path to the mac, so it's the voice of 
>>> experience talking, smiles.  It took me 6 months to a year before I was 
>>> switched over.  I virtualised my windows and backed up all the programs and 
>>> settings I'd acquired over the years in my VM.  Then every once in a while, 
>>> I'd get assed opening my vm to do some menial computer chore and go, "ah 
>>> the hell with it, I'll just spend half an hour to an hour looking up a good 
>>> program for this that or the other thing, and never have to worry about it 
>>> again".  It took a long time to chip my windows reliance down, especially 
>>> since I have to teach windows and will very soon have a win7 virtual 
>>> machine here for testing purposes, but it was worth the time and effort.  
>>> Now I fly around the mac, and as far as I know, I'm the best mac trainer in 
>>> the province.  That hasn't hurt me any.
>>> These days I am drooling over the possibility of IPal being released for 
>>> the mac.  At that point I think I could very happily shred my virtual 
>>> machines and have a lot of electronic confetti for the new years eve lan 
>>> party, except of course that I still need to teach windows.
>>> Have fun,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>>> box.
>>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>>> subscribe.
>>> On 2010-08-31, at 11:40 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Erik, I couldn't agree more.
 Having the VM is a great tool for migration.  I am already finding I fire 
 it up and use it less and less.  I'll figure out the mail sooner than 
 later and go with open office or IWork if it comes down to it.  My goal is 
 to drop Windows entirely and uaving it available in a VM player is a 
 wonderful way to slowly migrate off.  Also, having the ability to run 
 other images is very valuable.
 Erik nailed it exactly
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 5:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder 
> than it looks.
> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes 
> that all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is 
> set up to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up 
> exchange.
> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon 
> to set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for 
> his virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to 
> fall back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and 
> productivity is an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most 
> expedient thing.  That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that 
> it doesn't do a good job of exchange.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
> box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read mor

Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Arrigo
Actually, the mail program on the mac works with Microsoft Exchange, you should 
not need office for that.
On Aug 30, 2010, at 9:20 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It seems 
> to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or replying / 
> responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just use office 
> under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have access to an 
> outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Arrigo
Open office works, there's also apple's iwork suite.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly 
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
>> will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
>> imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
>> POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi, yes, you sould use amadeus pro, this is a multitrack sound editor.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I am a Windows user who recently decided to try switching to a Mac. I don’t 
> yet have the new Mac computer, but I thought I’d ask a few questions 
> regardless.
> On windows, there exists many audio recording solutions (many of them 
> inaccessible to JAWS). I have been using Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer with the 
> CateTalking scripts from Dancing Dots. It is an amazing, if expensive, 
> solution and I have had few problems with it thus far. Is there currently any 
> accessible recording software that roughly paralleles the features found in 
> Sonar? I am aware that Mac can run the famous ProTools software, but my 
> research says that that is still inaccessible. I still have a PC around on 
> which I can continue recording projects, and I plan to use Bootcamp to 
> install and run Windows on the Mac, should I ever need it. Any thoughts or 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> SmilesJ
> Robert Hooper
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Mary Otten
I thought there were some fairly serious drawbacks to how VO works with Open 
Office. Something about paragraphs and each line having to be interacted with 
or some such? Can't remember. It sounded like a mess. there comes a point when 
efficient access is what is wanted. some things might be technically usable if 
you jump through hoops. but how many hoops before you say nuts and just go back 
to what works without the hoops? If Apple fixes the Word table issue with 
pages, that seems like a better solution, even though it costs, and Open Office 
is free.

Mary Otten

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Re: MOving to the bottom or top of a document in Text Edit

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi, use command up arrow or command down arrow for this.
On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:10 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> As the subject line says, this is what I need a fool proof method to 
> accomplish.  I'm familiar with the FN/VO/shift/left arrow to move to the top 
> or bottom of tables and thought this worked in Text Edit as well, but it 
> seems to not.  
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  :)
> -- 
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webkit weirdness with new windows

2010-08-31 Thread Mary Otten
I downloaded the latest webkit today when prompted. And I find that when I 
access a link that wants to open a new window, such as the link that will 
download an audible book or the link for subchannels in accuradio, the  window 
will not open and the action that should start doesn't , e.g. no downloaded 
books. Safari still works, thank goodness. But I can't imagine what could have 
changed in webkit. Has anybody noticed this problem?

Mary Otten

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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Agreed,  I find the open office word processor useable, but highly inelegant.  
I'd be lost without the open office spreaddsheet application though.  That 
thing drives my  business along with the calendar in my windows mobile phone.  
I'd be lost without it.  So, I'm hoping an update will magically render the 
word processing application beautiful to the voiceover eye.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-31, at 7:55 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> I thought there were some fairly serious drawbacks to how VO works with Open 
> Office. Something about paragraphs and each line having to be interacted with 
> or some such? Can't remember. It sounded like a mess. there comes a point 
> when efficient access is what is wanted. some things might be technically 
> usable if you jump through hoops. but how many hoops before you say nuts and 
> just go back to what works without the hoops? If Apple fixes the Word table 
> issue with pages, that seems like a better solution, even though it costs, 
> and Open Office is free.
> mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Mary Otten
Really? the Open Office spreadsheet works well with vo? Can you use xls and 
xlsx spreadsheets? I don't need to make them; I just need to read them.


Mary Otten

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Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Kevin Shaw
Having used ProTools quite successfully to fully record, edit and mix a five 
piece rock band, I'd say it's quite accessible. ProTools can come in two 
flavours. ProTools LE is for project studios and has a limited number of tracks 
that can be hears simultaneously while recording.

ProTools HD records at higher sampling frequencies and is geared towards pro 
studios, sound for picture and is much more flexible. You'll need to be a 
pretty savvy VO user to navigate ProTools (at least, I ended up using quite a 
few hotspots and short(er) cuts).

If you're using your interface gear from your SONAR rig, you'll need to swap it 
out for ProTools compatible hardware. For ProTools LE, an M-Box or M-Box Pro 
should be sufficient for project/demo work. Your mileage will vary.


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RE: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread Cameron
Hi.  there is also pro tools m powered, which will work with any approved m
audio USB/firewire interface.  which I believe they all are at this point.
has similar limitations to pro tools le.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: audio recording on the mac

Having used ProTools quite successfully to fully record, edit and mix a five
piece rock band, I'd say it's quite accessible. ProTools can come in two
flavours. ProTools LE is for project studios and has a limited number of
tracks that can be hears simultaneously while recording.

ProTools HD records at higher sampling frequencies and is geared towards pro
studios, sound for picture and is much more flexible. You'll need to be a
pretty savvy VO user to 
navigate ProTools (at least, I ended up using quite a few hotspots and
short(er) cuts).

If you're using your interface gear from your SONAR rig, you'll need to swap
it out for ProTools compatible hardware. For ProTools LE, an M-Box or M-Box
Pro should be sufficient for project/demo work. Your mileage will vary.


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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Joel Zimba
the only thng I seem to be doing under windows these days is using webvisum 
under firefox. 

also, sites using flash are slightly more usable with firefox under windows.

I look forward to the day when I can free up all of that disk space.


On Aug 31, 2010, at 8:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder than 
> it looks.
> In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that 
> all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up to 
> his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.
> Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to 
> set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his 
> virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall 
> back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is 
> an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.  
> That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good 
> job of exchange.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still have
>> to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac still has a
>> way to go before it could be considered a powerful solution for computer
>> productivity.
>> Andy
>> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Ok, that works.
>> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly
>> though so that's a good solution.
>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>>> and imap.
>>> Cameron.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using office 
>>> is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all your 
>>> protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>>> Comments?
>>> Thanks
>>> Scott
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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-31 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Scott.

If I were you, you should map the grave key on your Mac Book Pro rather than 
the caps lock key or you will not get a jaws cursor.
On 31 Aug 2010, at 19:02, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi Kawal and all.
> The sharp keys pointer was excellent.  I have a jaws key now under Fusion 
> using the ` key mapped to the capslock.  This looks like a powerful tool.
> As a side note, my coworker and I remapped the m and n on my bosses keyboard, 
> hahahahaha.
> Thanks
> Scott
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> When I run windows 7 in VM, I don't need to do anything special to the keys, 
>> I automatically get F1 to 10 as in system preferences, under keyboard, it 
>> says use standard function keys and the box is checked then it says use the 
>> FM key to use special functions.
>> Kawal.
>> On 31 Aug 2010, at 12:09, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure whether Kimberly got her answer to how to get keys F9 through 
>>> F12 for use in Fusion, but the issue is that the Mac makes a default 
>>> hardware assignment for these keys, with keys F9, F10, and F11 used as 
>>> shortcuts for Exposé, and F12 used to bring up the dashboard for widgets.  
>>> I can't imagine any visually impaired user wanting to use Exposé -- which 
>>> is basically a visual analog to the window switcher menus that we use where 
>>> your entire desktop is turned into various icon views of windows. You might 
>>> use the F12 Dashboard shortcut, but you could also just navigate to your 
>>> dock (with VO-D or Control-F3) and launch dashboard from there.  You'll 
>>> need to turn off these Exposé and Dashboard key definitions in System 
>>> Preferences -- either under keyboard shortcuts or Exposé and Spaces.  For 
>>> more details, see this archived post:
>>> (What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion)
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Aug 30, 2010, at 16:23, Scott Granados wrote:
 Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.
 I'll give this a shot.
 On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move 
> through all the controls with tab and shift tab.
> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  
> The two lists will then be presented.
> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to 
> the key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have 
> these chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the 
> dialog where your first selection will be presented, along with the add 
> button you previously used, a delete button and a button that says 
> something like save to registry.  In order to map another key, you press 
> the add button and do the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you 
> have finished mapping all the keys you wish, press the save to registry 
> button and you will be prompted to restart your computer for these to 
> take effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the 
> accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and will put your 
> alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the left.  You will 
> also have an applications key to the right of the space bar.  I can't 
> remember whether it ends up being the one closest to the space bar or the 
> key further to the right.  Below are the mapping instructions Kawal 
> posted here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the above.
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
>>> have an idea about this?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
 I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall 
 will not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
 Begin forwarded message:
>> Hi,
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave to Special Cap

Re: Multiple recipients in "to:" field?

2010-08-31 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
So you can't do return after putting in what you like when in each field?

On 31 Aug 2010, at 19:17, focus wrote:

> Hi Mike!
> Sorry I'm not very good at this! :-]
> If you mean by syntax the command I used I'll write it better!
> To enter the address panel from email window press the keys,
> command - option - A
> I use the command\option keys to the right of the space bar! and letter A
> When the address panel opens you can scroll over to your people list interact 
> with it and select as many as you need!
> stop interacting and scroll left to either [ from right to left ] bcc, cc or 
> to- recipient button's pick the one you need and vo space bar and all your 
> selections will be added to the one you chose!
> When you have done selecting scroll all the way to the left and press close 
> button or I think you can do command -w as well!
> And that will take you back into your email window and you will see in the 
> recipient field or cc field all the names you picked!
> They will be red to you like [ Colin menu button ] for each name!
> Hope this wasn't to boring and you are still awake! :-]
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 31 Aug 2010, at 18:26, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Colin,
>> Did you make a typing mistake when you described the syntax you used to use 
>> the address book in mail for entering multiple recipients?  I couldn't quite 
>> figure out what you meant.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> On 29,Aug,2010, at 12:41 AM, focus wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> I do not know if you use the address book on your mac!
>>> But when I write an email that has to go to many people, I use cmd\opt\a in 
>>> the email window, this brings up my address panel and I can select the name 
>>> or names, and you can put as many as you need!
>>> You also get the option to put them in cc bcc as well as "to" hth
>>> Colin
>>> Skype focus_66
>>> On 28 Aug 2010, at 19:38, John Sanfilippo wrote:
 Hello Michael and list,
 I'm no expert, but I do this and it works for me.
 In the To field, I like to have just one address.
 In the Cc field I begin typing. When the right match occurs, usually 
 quickly, I just press comma space and begin typing the next address, comma 
 space etc., ending the last address with nothing beyond tab or return.
 Now, the space after the comma may be unnecessary, and perhaps a semicolon 
 may work just as well. Not sure.
 This process may be a bit disconcerting as you will hear "selection 
 deleted". I've found that you can just ignore this.
 Now if there's a better, quicker, safer way I'm all ears, and always open 
 to new, better ways of doing things.
 Best regards,
 On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Can someone please tell me the best way to insert multiple recipients in 
> the To: CC: or BCC fields of an e-mail message I wish to send?  Is each 
> address separated by a Comma, Semicolon or what?  Sometimes, the e-mail 
> address I want is voiced after just typing a couple of letters.  But what 
> is the best way to acknowledge that the address I hear is the right one, 
> move past it and insert the next address?
> Does all of this make sense?
> On a similar note, is there a "Take Command" book for Mail running under 
> Snow Leopard or might there be other materials addressing this topic?
> Thank you,
> Mike
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Re: webkit weirdness with new windows

2010-08-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
I did. I was trying to connect my FB service to twitterfeed and it just would 
not work. I hit the link which was supposed to open in a new window and it  
didn't work. Maybe report the bug to them. they are very good at fixing the 
Sarah Alawami

Mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> I downloaded the latest webkit today when prompted. And I find that when I 
> access a link that wants to open a new window, such as the link that will 
> download an audible book or the link for subchannels in accuradio, the  
> window will not open and the action that should start doesn't , e.g. no 
> downloaded books. Safari still works, thank goodness. But I can't imagine 
> what could have changed in webkit. Has anybody noticed this problem?
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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RE: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-31 Thread Andy Baracco
I'm not just talking about scott.


"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

Hi Andy,  I think all it shows is that the transition is a little harder
than it looks.

In this case, Scott could use exchange in apple mail, but that assumes that
all of his other settings have been imported properly, that mail is set up
to his tastes, and that he has the time to learn how to set up exchange.

Eventually his vm will bog down, and he'll have a free sunday afternoon to
set up mail the way he wants it, and there will be one less use for his
virtual machine.  Until then, it's much more easy and comfortable to fall
back on what he knows, and since he's using it for work and productivity is
an issue, it isn't necessarily bad to do the easiest most expedient thing.
That doesn't mean his mac is less accessible, or that it doesn't do a good
job of exchange.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille
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On 2010-08-31, at 8:09 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> From what i read here, it seems as though folks who use the Mac still 
> have to use Windows for many tasks.  I guess that shows that the Mac 
> still has a way to go before it could be considered a powerful 
> solution for computer productivity.
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working 
> correctly though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use 
>> it, will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 
>> and imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  
>> It seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new 
>> messages or replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here 
>> or should I just use office under windows?  My reason for using 
>> office is I need to have access to an outlook exchange server and all 
>> your protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
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You rece

Re: audio recording on the mac

2010-08-31 Thread gene
Hi I heard that you can use pro tools to clean up recordings if this is true 
will I need any extra harware?  I just have a macbook  and I tried to go 
through the digisign website and all I got was incredibly overwilming 
information much much more than I wanted to know I just wanted to know what 
the system requirements were and what I would need, if anything else to do 
what I want to do with it but I couldn't seem to find the information I 
want, so would any one be able to answer these questions?

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Shaw" 

Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: audio recording on the mac

Having used ProTools quite successfully to fully record, edit and mix a five 
piece rock band, I'd say it's quite accessible. ProTools can come in two 
flavours. ProTools LE is for project studios and has a limited number of 
tracks that can be hears simultaneously while recording.

ProTools HD records at higher sampling frequencies and is geared towards pro 
studios, sound for picture and is much more flexible. You'll need to be a 
pretty savvy VO user to navigate ProTools (at least, I ended up using quite 
a few hotspots and short(er) cuts).

If you're using your interface gear from your SONAR rig, you'll need to swap 
it out for ProTools compatible hardware. For ProTools LE, an M-Box or M-Box 
Pro should be sufficient for project/demo work. Your mileage will vary.


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Cannot read parts of the screen

2010-08-31 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I can visually see a dialog box on my Mac; however VO won't read it! I've tried 
VO F1 and F2 twice. No luck. Help!

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Deleting MSN service in IM+ Pro

2010-08-31 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

I bought IM+ last FRiday and wish to delete my MSN account due to me getting a 
Jabber account so I can import all my MSN contacts as I'm going to use Ichat on 
the Mac and use Jabber too on my Iphone 4 hence me wishing to delete the MSN 
account on my IM+ Pro.

I have been through all the options in IM+ Pro but can't find how to delete my 
MSN account.  I can switch that account off though.  However, if I were to 
delete IM+ and download it again, would I be charged as I only bought the App 
on Friday.

Hope someone can help.  I'm copying this to the Macvisionary list in case 
anyone wants to do the same.


Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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Re: fine-tuning a Spotlight search

2010-08-31 Thread John Sanfilippo
Smile,  you raise an interesting point. I hadn't thought of finding folders, 
though I have no objection to doing so. Let me play with that one.

As for my optional step 2, it so happens that by default, Finder is looking 
inside each file to find a match for the text you specify. That's all well and 
good if that's what you want. But I think we are after file names. so pressing 
space on the first check box switches off searching for file content, that is, 
stuff inside the file, and pressing space on the next check box switches on 
file names, that is, your search text will match with file names only.


On Aug 31, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello John,
> Thanks for this.  I tried it but must have been doing something wrong.  I was 
> looking for a folder, not a file.  When I tried out your suggestion, I saw a 
> list of files, not folders.  I believe that the problem lies with me, not 
> with your explanation.
> One thing that you wrote confuses me.  You wrote:
>> "2, optionally tab over to the check boxes which  say contents, file name, 
>> reverse their settings by pressing space on both of them,"
> What does pressing Space accomplish, and why does this reverse anything?

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Re: Cannot read parts of the screen

2010-08-31 Thread Teresa Cochran
Did you try VO-shift-f2 to bring the window to front?


On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> I can visually see a dialog box on my Mac; however VO won't read it! I've 
> tried VO F1 and F2 twice. No luck. Help!
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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A Few iPad Questions

2010-08-31 Thread Les Kriegler
HI All,

As a new iPad user, I have a few issues initially I'm hoping you can address.  
First, I'm looking for a carrying case.  the cases I've seen are sleeves with 
no handles.  I heard that there might be cases on-line, according to an Apple 
Store rep, but I haven't found any yet.  Secondly, it appears that regardless 
of where I tap on the screen, the apps are identified by VO.  Finding the 
status icons is also difficult to locate.  I thought that the apps were in a 
certain location, with the dock at the bottom of the screen?  Is there a way to 
lock the location of information on the screen?  I thought I had a third 
question, but will have to send later if and when I recall it!  Thanks for the 


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