Need trial version of Windows to test out VM Fusion, and Keyboard question on 13" mac book pro

2010-06-20 Thread Alfredo
I do not intend or want to pirate Windows but I am in need of the ISO
image of windows, any version, so that I can test it out with VM
Fusion and Boot Camp.  If anyone can help me I would greatly
appreciate it.  I do not want to spend 240 + dollars and fidn out that
windows on the mac is not a viable option.  Btw, iI bought a 13" mac
book pro, whcih does not have the home, page up, page down, and end
keys.  How would I be able to access these keys if I am using windows
on VM or windows witht boot camp?  I know that if you press the FN and
the arrow keys you can access these keys when using the mac OS, but am
puzzled at how I would access these keys using windows.

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Re: a quick note from my iphone, pretty cool

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami

sounds cool. good luck with it.


On 19/06/2010, at 11:10 PM, Cody  wrote:

Hi all,

Just wanted to write a quick email from my iPhone. I've discovered  
how to pair my new bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac to my  
iPhone. At least now I can type faster on the go, and it is small  
enough to carry in a laptop bag too.

Take care all,

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

With web navigation in DOM mode, I focused on the heading, pressed VO-a and the 
article was read flawlessly. VO-Shift-a selects the contents of the VO cursor, 
why would you want to do that to read an article?

Remember that you can always check what a particular key combination does by 
pressing VO-k for Keyboard Help, then pressing the key combination in question, 
and VO will tell you what it does. Escape will get you out of this mode.



On Jun 20, 2010, at 12:54 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> I was trying to read the following article, and when I would do a vo shift a 
> to read the whole thing after focusing on a heading, it would read the first 
> paragraph and then start reading row one column one with like navigation 
> links.  What's up with that?  Is this a bug or expected behavior?  I can't 
> imagine it is expected, but curious if it has something to do with safari 
> five.  This is the first time I've noticed this.
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Re: solution to sound issue with Fusion

2010-06-20 Thread Krister Ekstrom

20 jun 2010 kl. 06.43 skrev Chris Snyder:

> This will take you to the system sound dialog, and you will be able to shove 
> the volume output to 100%. This fixed it for me, and I hope it works for you

No it doesn't. This was the very first thing i did streight after finding that 
the volume had been lowered. I thought it was like you said and immediately 
went to the volume control reachable by the system tray and increased the 
volume, it got a little louder but not enough by any stretch.

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Re: solution to sound issue with Fusion

2010-06-20 Thread Scott Howell
The volume issue affects VmWare 3.10 not 3.0. It is important to make this 
distinction because if you are having problems with 3.10, you can roll back to 
3.0 and restore the audio to a more reasonable level. The problem with 3.10 is 
the OS has no affect on the volume and there is no way to work around the 
problem as far as I know. 
On Jun 20, 2010, at 4:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> 20 jun 2010 kl. 06.43 skrev Chris Snyder:
>> This will take you to the system sound dialog, and you will be able to shove 
>> the volume output to 100%. This fixed it for me, and I hope it works for you
> No it doesn't. This was the very first thing i did streight after finding 
> that the volume had been lowered. I thought it was like you said and 
> immediately went to the volume control reachable by the system tray and 
> increased the volume, it got a little louder but not enough by any stretch.
> /Krister
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Re: using magic mouse like trackpad commander

2010-06-20 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Cody,

>From what I'm aware of, the Magicmouse can't be used  for voice over commands 
>as on on a trackpad on a macbook.



Op 20-jun-2010, om 03:44 heeft Cody Hurst het volgende geschreven:

> Hi list,
> I was searching on the MV history I found someone asking if they could use an 
> iPod touch as a track pad commander device. I'm wanting to know something 
> different. I want to use the magic mouse like I would on my macbook. But, I 
> don't see any trackpad tab in the VO preferences under commanders. Is there a 
> way to use the magic mouse for this?
> Cody
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Re: What does "elipsis" mean when you are in the apple menu?

2010-06-20 Thread Chris Moore
Go into the voice over utility and go to the hints section and turn it off 
On 19 Jun 2010, at 19:55, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You can try setting the verbosity level to medium or low.  You can find this 
> in the VO settings (control option F8) or press control option V to open 
> verbosity settings.  You make Alex shut up by pressing control.  Just like 
> jaws.  Difference being you can press control again to resume speech if 
> you've haven't pressed anyting else.
> hth
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Alfredo wrote:
>> So does anyone know how to make alex less informative?  He starts
>> talking about 10 seconds after I land on somehting.  Thsi is helpful
>> for a newbie, like me, but it seems to be more annoying than helpful.
>> Also how to you make alex quiet, such as with jaws, you press the
>> control key to make him shut up.  Any help would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Alfredo
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Re: Question About How To Engage The White-On-Black Display Mode

2010-06-20 Thread Chris Moore
This is a stupid question I know, but what are you guys exactly talking about? 
When yo say you want to toggle white on black with VO do yo mean the white on 
black menus that pop up for things like item chooser etc?
On 19 Jun 2010, at 21:44, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mark,
> The ding sound you heard was because of the conflict with Hotspots. You were 
> trying to describe the item at Hotspot 8 which was not set.
> This is what I meant about the conflict. If you want to use VoiceOver and to 
> be able to toggle between black on white and white on black, you need to 
> change the shortcut in System Preferences.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 9:46 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello, Ann.
>> I have not begun working with hot spots, yet.  However, I will go back into 
>> the keyboard universal settings and attempt to configure a hot key that is 
>> not in conflict with another.
>> I have one question, however:  Before William's very excellent instructions 
>> on how to engage the reverse color hot key command, pressing the hotkey 
>> simply resulted in the system making a ding sound.  To me, it did not appear 
>> to do anything.
>> Am I missing something?
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello William,
>>> Your instructions are fine as far as they go, but they don't remove the 
>>> conflict with the HotSpots command.
>>> To do this, you need to change the shortcut in System Preferences to 
>>> something like Control-Command-F8.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 3:24 PM, William Mutch wrote:
 Hi, In order to have the control stroke to work the reverse black and 
 white you need to do the following,.
 1. navigate to system preferences 
 2. Then go to keyboard
 3. Once in there you will find that there are two tabs. You should v o 
 spacebar on the keyboard shortcuts tab.
 4. Then v o right arrow to the shortcuts categories table, interact with 
 this table then arrow down to universal access. Stop interacting then tab 
 once, you should now be in the keyboard shortcuts table.
 5. v o right arrow once, then down arrow till you reach reverse black and 
 white. You will have to v o left arrow onc. You should be on a check box. 
 v o spacebar in order to check the box.
 6 You should then be able to use the control - option - command + 8 
 keystroke to reverse black and white.
 Its a long and complicated procedure but I have done this on my imac 
 running snow leopard and it does work. 
 Hope your successful.
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Re: How to read ebooks on the Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread kary johns
I am using control option A, it reads for a paragraph maybe two, then
just stops. I Have to press control option A again to get it reading
for another one or two paragraphs.  Not really the ideal way to read a
long document.
Does anyone no what I'm doing wrong? or how I can fix this? I'm really
hoping someone can help me sort this out, it's a small, but
frustrating !problem.
Thanks again for any help-suggestions.

On 6/20/10, Ryan Mann  wrote:
> How do you read PDF files in Textedit?  I didn't think TextEdit supported
> the PDF format.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 2:35 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi. I use textedit for all my ebooks, that goes for lit, pdf, rtf, etc
>> ,etc
>> When i am in a document  in textedit, and just want it to start reading, i
>> type
>> ctrl option a
>> thats it
>> sandi
>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 6:26 AM, kary johns wrote:
>>> As the subject says, what’s the best way to read eBooks on the Mac?
>>> Every way I’ve tried to read eBooks or long text documents, it either
>>> stops every few lines or every paragraph, or makes that clicking sound
>>> after every couple of lines.
>>> Is there a way to read books and long documents without this
>>> happening? Or will I just have to live with it.
>>> I love my Mac except for this problem. JAWS has always done well with
>>> continua’s reading, I’m really hoping there’s a way for the Mac to do
>>> the same.
>>> Thanks as always for the help,
>>> Kari.
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Re: OCR for mac?

2010-06-20 Thread William Windels

I don't have experiences with readers so, I can't compare but I use abby 
finereader for the mac.

I can't say if this is the best because:
you can't sen preferences and the progress of the ocr-process isn't that 
However , I use it to scan books with me cannon 700f lied and it gives quit 
good results.

Some other disadvantages are:
the program can't ocr automatically new scanned pages.
Also, with large pdf-files (+-100 MB) the system crashes.
This don't mean that you lose some text I think but You have to confirm that 
you have seen the error.

Another disadvantage: they are not hurried to brine new opiates.

e.g. I was announcing the crash with big files and they advices me a downgrade 
(What I haven't done).
The website of abby finereder express for the mac is:

good luck!
Op 20-jun-2010, om 08:01 heeft Frank Marrenbach het volgende geschreven:

> Hello,
> A OCR-application on the MAC is Readiris (Version 12). I did not check the 
> accessibility on MAC OS 10.6 and the newest version of readiris. You can 
> download a demo version from Readiris web site. 
> Yours
> Frank 
> Am 18.06.2010 um 02:25 schrieb Yuma Antoine Decaux:
>> Hi list,
>> I checked into the mailing list archives for an OCR solution for the mac but 
>> i only found Abbey fine reader which itself seems to be a windows 
>> application. Anyone know of an accessible and good quality OCR reader on the 
>> mac?
>> Best regars,
>> Yuma DX®
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> blog:
>> twitter:
>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 
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amadeus pro issues

2010-06-20 Thread Cody Hurst
Hi all,

I've got some questions. I just installed my copy of amadeus pro 1.4.3 and 
click update and it has downloaded the 1.5.1 update and it refuses to install. 
When I open amadeus pro the dialog says I can either have it install when I 
quit the program or I can install it now. if I click install now amadeus closes 
and a window comes up saying if I want to run the script, click run, so I do. 
after that nothing happens, amadeus doesn't show up it just quits, then I have 
to open amadeus againa nd it's the same story all over again. If I click 
install when I quit, absolutely nothing happens. do I need to install this 

Also I'm having some issues with playback after I've recorded. I've recorded 
something and I turn the voiceover curser off and pressing space and I don't 
get any playback. I have to click it from the menu which is really 
inconvenient. Also, how can I rewind and fast forward quickly for editing? 
Thanks for all help.


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VO + SpaceBar or Enter, what is the difference?

2010-06-20 Thread Alfredo
Many times to select an option or menu you can click either the enter
key or VO + SpaceBar.  Is there a difference, I currently use the VO +
SpaceBar, because I am not sure if enter will always work or work
correctly.  Which should I use VO + SpaceBar or enter, to maybe
prevent future Incoviniences , does it matter?

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Re: VO + SpaceBar or Enter, what is the difference?

2010-06-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

That depends a lot what you are working on. If you are working in a dialog that 
has a default button, the default button will be activated by hitting enter if 
you are not working with an element such as a popup button. If you are working 
with a popup button, you can use either enter or space to select an item in the 
menu. This will also cause you to leave the pop up menu.

It appears to depend a lot on the controls you are working with. There are more 
examples, of course, but I probably don't remember them all.

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On Jun 20, 2010, at 4:02 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> Many times to select an option or menu you can click either the enter
> key or VO + SpaceBar.  Is there a difference, I currently use the VO +
> SpaceBar, because I am not sure if enter will always work or work
> correctly.  Which should I use VO + SpaceBar or enter, to maybe
> prevent future Incoviniences , does it matter?
> Thanks,
> Alfredo
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Re: Changing to Karen on the Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
I did this as well on the iPod Touch.  Does it change anything else, such as 
time zone, etc.?
On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> actually mine took place right away. Thanks for this though. that sounds much 
> better!
> S
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod 
>> Touch how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same for 
>> the Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else dislikes 
>> Samantha as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the region from 
>> U.S. to Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in the UK 
>> regions. THank goodness for that. To change the voice on the Iphone/Ipod do 
>> the following:
>> 1. Go to settings
>> 2. Double-tap general
>> 3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of countries 
>> to display. I had to do this a few times before I found Australia. Once you 
>> find it, just double-tap and then press home. The next time you turn on your 
>> Iphone, you will have Karen's pleasant voice coming out of your speaker. I 
>> hope this helps someone. Have a great day, all.
>> Allison
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Confused about issues in Safari 5

2010-06-20 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi all.

I'm confused about the issues in Safari 5. It's weird that some people have a 
lot of issues, and others don't. The only issue I have is: When I'm writing a 
text in an edit field, Voiceover suddently crash, and I have to hold down the 
power button to restart my Mac. However, this doesn't happen very often, but 
it's really annoying...
I remember someone said there was an issue in the downloads window in Safari. 
I'm currently downloading the latest Itunes, and I don't have any issues...
If you are interested, I'll send my Voiceover settings to some of you who have 
issues to see if it helps.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

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Re: Confused about issues in Safari 5

2010-06-20 Thread Ricardo Walker

I could be wrong, please correct me if I am but, It seems that in regards to 
the audible .com bug, the people who aren't affected Don't live in the United 
States or are not logged into to audible with an account.  This might be the 
cause of the different experiences.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm confused about the issues in Safari 5. It's weird that some people have a 
> lot of issues, and others don't. The only issue I have is: When I'm writing a 
> text in an edit field, Voiceover suddently crash, and I have to hold down the 
> power button to restart my Mac. However, this doesn't happen very often, but 
> it's really annoying...
> I remember someone said there was an issue in the downloads window in Safari. 
> I'm currently downloading the latest Itunes, and I don't have any issues...
> If you are interested, I'll send my Voiceover settings to some of you who 
> have issues to see if it helps.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
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Re: Confused about issues in Safari 5

2010-06-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ricardo,

I don't live in the States, but I do have an acount. Safari 
remembers my login details and VO doesn't crash. However, the other day, I had 
to enter my login details on the New Scientist site and VO crashed repeatedly. 
I told Safari to remember my login details, and now I can log into New 
Scientist with no problems.



On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I could be wrong, please correct me if I am but, It seems that in regards to 
> the audible .com bug, the people who aren't affected Don't live in the United 
> States or are not logged into to audible with an account.  This might be the 
> cause of the different experiences.
> hth
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm confused about the issues in Safari 5. It's weird that some people have 
>> a lot of issues, and others don't. The only issue I have is: When I'm 
>> writing a text in an edit field, Voiceover suddently crash, and I have to 
>> hold down the power button to restart my Mac. However, this doesn't happen 
>> very often, but it's really annoying...
>> I remember someone said there was an issue in the downloads window in 
>> Safari. I'm currently downloading the latest Itunes, and I don't have any 
>> issues...
>> If you are interested, I'll send my Voiceover settings to some of you who 
>> have issues to see if it helps.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
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Re: Confused about issues in Safari 5

2010-06-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Well, it's not an issue at all, actually.

The only problem seems to be that it says it's a "group" rather than letting 
you hear all the info. I call that improvement.

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On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm confused about the issues in Safari 5. It's weird that some people have a 
> lot of issues, and others don't. The only issue I have is: When I'm writing a 
> text in an edit field, Voiceover suddently crash, and I have to hold down the 
> power button to restart my Mac. However, this doesn't happen very often, but 
> it's really annoying...
> I remember someone said there was an issue in the downloads window in Safari. 
> I'm currently downloading the latest Itunes, and I don't have any issues...
> If you are interested, I'll send my Voiceover settings to some of you who 
> have issues to see if it helps.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
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> Website:
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Rhapsody Web Site and Safari

2010-06-20 Thread James Fettgather

After logging into an account at, and performing a search for a 
song, the link to play the song is not responsive, with VO space, VO shift 
space, Option Enter, or any thing I can think of.

Any tips on getting a song to play from the rhapsody web site with safari and 


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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Chris Westbrook
Sorry, I meant vo a not vo shift a.  Are you using safari 5?  It does work much 
better with the reader.  With the regular safari page, it reads the current 
element and then starts reading another table it looks like.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 3:31 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> With web navigation in DOM mode, I focused on the heading, pressed VO-a and 
> the article was read flawlessly. VO-Shift-a selects the contents of the VO 
> cursor, why would you want to do that to read an article?
> Remember that you can always check what a particular key combination does by 
> pressing VO-k for Keyboard Help, then pressing the key combination in 
> question, and VO will tell you what it does. Escape will get you out of this 
> mode.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 12:54 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> I was trying to read the following article, and when I would do a vo shift a 
>> to read the whole thing after focusing on a heading, it would read the first 
>> paragraph and then start reading row one column one with like navigation 
>> links.  What's up with that?  Is this a bug or expected behavior?  I can't 
>> imagine it is expected, but curious if it has something to do with safari 
>> five.  This is the first time I've noticed this.
>> -- 
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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Mary Otten

Hi Anne,
Interestingly, with web navigation in dom mode I also focused on the heading of 
that article chris posted about and hit vo a and got the exact results he did. 
A bunch of the article was skipped. VO read one paragraph and then jumped to 
the tables that appear after the article. the safari reader, on the other hand, 
worked flawlessly. Right arrowing through to see the various chunks of text 
also worked. but vo a certainly did what chris described.


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Re: amadeus pro issues

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Cody,

Hmm,I just installed the newest update for Amadeus and I haven't experienced 
the problem you did. It said install now and I hit VO Space and it just did it. 
To make playback, rewinding and fastforwarding easier, you have to press VO F5 
then VO command F5 and lastly VO Shift Spacebar. When all else fails, press VO 
shift Spacebar. THat will route the voiceover cursor to the scroll area. When 
you press it, you will hear a little mouse click. I'm going to do another 
podcast on amadeus and applying effects ETC. I didn't realize the voiceover 
cursor issue was a problem till I seriously started using Amadeus for editing.


On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've got some questions. I just installed my copy of amadeus pro 1.4.3 and 
> click update and it has downloaded the 1.5.1 update and it refuses to 
> install. When I open amadeus pro the dialog says I can either have it install 
> when I quit the program or I can install it now. if I click install now 
> amadeus closes and a window comes up saying if I want to run the script, 
> click run, so I do. after that nothing happens, amadeus doesn't show up it 
> just quits, then I have to open amadeus againa nd it's the same story all 
> over again. If I click install when I quit, absolutely nothing happens. do I 
> need to install this manually?
> Also I'm having some issues with playback after I've recorded. I've recorded 
> something and I turn the voiceover curser off and pressing space and I don't 
> get any playback. I have to click it from the menu which is really 
> inconvenient. Also, how can I rewind and fast forward quickly for editing? 
> Thanks for all help.
> Cody
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Re: Changing to Karen on the Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Kimberly,

I don't think so. THe only thing it changes is the way the date is pronounced. 
Instead of saying June 19, Karen will say 19 June.
 Have a great day. 

On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> I did this as well on the iPod Touch.  Does it change anything else, such as 
> time zone, etc.?
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> actually mine took place right away. Thanks for this though. that sounds 
>> much better!
>> S
>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod 
>>> Touch how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same 
>>> for the Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else 
>>> dislikes Samantha as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the 
>>> region from U.S. to Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in 
>>> the UK regions. THank goodness for that. To change the voice on the 
>>> Iphone/Ipod do the following:
>>> 1. Go to settings
>>> 2. Double-tap general
>>> 3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of 
>>> countries to display. I had to do this a few times before I found 
>>> Australia. Once you find it, just double-tap and then press home. The next 
>>> time you turn on your Iphone, you will have Karen's pleasant voice coming 
>>> out of your speaker. I hope this helps someone. Have a great day, all.
>>> Allison
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speeding up the voice that reads incoming ichat messages

2010-06-20 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
Because I was having this issue with vo crashing in the html area where you get 
incoming ichat messages, I found out from another list that its possible to 
have incoming messages read in Ichat by setting that up in preferences. The 
only problem is, the incomings are read very slowly. i went to system 
preferences and increased the rate of the system voice, but the slow reading 
continues even after a restart. What else might I change to get speech read at 
something approximating a speed I'm use to with vo? 


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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> Sorry, I meant vo a not vo shift a.  Are you using safari 5?  It does work 
> much better with the reader.  With the regular safari page, it reads the 
> current element and then starts reading another table it looks like.

> I'm using Safari 5 and OS X 10.6.4. It won't read correctly in Groups mode, 
> but it wil in DOM mode. I have a Keyboard Command set to toggle between the 
> two as I generally prefer Groups mode. I only use DOM for reading articles 
> straight through.



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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Chris Westbrook
Thanks Mary, at least I know I'm not insane.  It must be a safari five issue.  
That's the only page I've noticed this on ..  That Safari reader is pretty cool.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> Interestingly, with web navigation in dom mode I also focused on the heading 
> of that article chris posted about and hit vo a and got the exact results he 
> did. A bunch of the article was skipped. VO read one paragraph and then 
> jumped to the tables that appear after the article. the safari reader, on the 
> other hand, worked flawlessly. Right arrowing through to see the various 
> chunks of text also worked. but vo a certainly did what chris described.
> mary
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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

Well, I just tried it again and it still works for me both with VO-a and the 
Safari Reader.

I have no idea why I'm not seeing the same behaviour as you, but I'm not.



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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Just had a thought. Is your mouse tethered to your other cursors? I have mine 
set to ignore the VoiceOver cursor. I find everything to be more stable that 



On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> Well, I just tried it again and it still works for me both with VO-a and the 
> Safari Reader.
> I have no idea why I'm not seeing the same behaviour as you, but I'm not.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Rhapsody Web Site and Safari

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello;  sometimes, I have to do the keyboard equivelant of a mouse  
click which on my macbook running leopard is shift control option  
spacebar.  Once you have the first three keys held down, you have to  
press the spacebar twice in succession.  I hope that helps, Max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:24 AM, James Fettgather wrote:


After logging into an account at, and performing a  
search for a song, the link to play the song is not responsive, with  
VO space, VO shift space, Option Enter, or any thing I can think of.

Any tips on getting a song to play from the rhapsody web site with  
safari and Voiceover?


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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Chris Westbrook
It looks like it it set ti ignore the cursor.  When I set it to group mode, it 
just reads the current element and then stops rather than skipping everything.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:46 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Just had a thought. Is your mouse tethered to your other cursors? I have mine 
> set to ignore the VoiceOver cursor. I find everything to be more stable that 
> way.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Chris,
>> Well, I just tried it again and it still works for me both with VO-a and the 
>> Safari Reader.
>> I have no idea why I'm not seeing the same behaviour as you, but I'm not.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
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Re: VO + SpaceBar or Enter, what is the difference?

2010-06-20 Thread erik burggraaf
hi,  ,think of it this way.  when you are pressing vo space, you are activating 
the control with the voiceover curser.  when you press enter or space on 
something, you are activating it with the keyboard focus.  someprograms are 
built in such a way that the keyboard focus doesn't activate the focuised 
control, but that is a design flaw of the program's controls.  the voiceover 
curser helps to compensate so we can push vo space on buttons & such that can't 
be activat$ using the keyboard focus.

hope this helps,

 Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-06-20, at 10:02 AM, Alfredo wrote:

> Many times to select an option or menu you can click either the enter
> key or VO + SpaceBar.  Is there a difference, I currently use the VO +
> SpaceBar, because I am not sure if enter will always work or work
> correctly.  Which should I use VO + SpaceBar or enter, to maybe
> prevent future Incoviniences , does it matter?
> Thanks,
> Alfredo
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Re: Getting song title in the iTunes radio stations, is it possible?

2010-06-20 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Scott.  Thanks so much for your help with this.  I had to change the view to 
get the titles to show.  This is great.  I'm wondering if there is a way I can 
get it to take me directly to the song in the iTunes store?  It's not really a 
problem to just use the vo-shift-c to copy the title to the pasteboard, but I 
was wondering if there was a quick way to get it to put me in the iTunes store? 
 If not, that's okay, just curious.

Thanks again very much.
On Jun 19, 2010, at 5:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yep, there is something called the "LCD" section and that contains the 
> information you are looking for. In a lot of cases you may have to wait for 
> the information to change and show you the artist/title of the song since it 
> also will display other info, which changes every 10 or 15 seconds. In some 
> cases the URL of the station's site is the only information available. Some 
> stations provide info and others do not.
> hth,
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 5:20 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  I've been curious about something for a long time and thought 
>> I'd get your input.  When I listen to the radio stations that are provided 
>> through iTunes, often I will hear a song I like, but cannot seem to get the 
>> title.  Also, I would like to automatically buy these songs in the iTunes 
>> store like I do with Pandora Radio.  I think this is indeed possible because 
>> when a song is playing, I can go to the dock, highlight the iTunes icon, 
>> bring up the context menu with vo-shift-m and arrow down a few times.  I do 
>> indeed see the title of the song, the name of the musician and there is 
>> actually an option to search for the song in the iTunes store, but it is 
>> dimmed.  What I've been doing is to arrow down to the title of the song and 
>> use the vo option to automatically copy the last phrase to the pasteboard, 
>> but is there a way to do this through the main iTunes interface?
>> Any insights on this would be most gratefully appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Lynn
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a question about Amadeus Pro

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. I use or am trying out Amadeus Pro and I love it but if I do a multi 
track project can I export the multiple tracks of said project? in to separate 


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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-20 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Anne,
My mouse cursor is not tied to the vo cursor either, but I got the same reading 
results as Chris.


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Re: Confused about issues in Safari 5

2010-06-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

The only problem I have is that, edit fields behaves starange with and
without braille worst with braille. It is as if the edit fields
behaves strange, sometimes I can not get it to work right when i

Often I can only read some of the text I have entered.

Best regards Annie.

2010/6/20, Nicolai Svendsen :
> Hi,
> Well, it's not an issue at all, actually.
> The only problem seems to be that it says it's a "group" rather than letting
> you hear all the info. I call that improvement.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
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> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm confused about the issues in Safari 5. It's weird that some people
>> have a lot of issues, and others don't. The only issue I have is: When I'm
>> writing a text in an edit field, Voiceover suddently crash, and I have to
>> hold down the power button to restart my Mac. However, this doesn't happen
>> very often, but it's really annoying...
>> I remember someone said there was an issue in the downloads window in
>> Safari. I'm currently downloading the latest Itunes, and I don't have any
>> issues...
>> If you are interested, I'll send my Voiceover settings to some of you who
>> have issues to see if it helps.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
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Re: a question about Amadeus Pro

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Sarah,

Yes I think you can export the tracks in to separate files, but I'm not sure 
how. Hmm, I'll have to check on that. I'm sure there is a way. I just checked 
and there is an export raw data under the file menu. I'm off to do a podcast on 
amadeus and how to add effects.


On Jun 20, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. I use or am trying out Amadeus Pro and I love it but if I do a multi 
> track project can I export the multiple tracks of said project? in to 
> separate files?
> Thanks.
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Re: amadeus pro issues

2010-06-20 Thread Kaare Dehard
I just did it as well with no issues.
On 2010-06-20, at 1:11 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Cody,
> Hmm,I just installed the newest update for Amadeus and I haven't experienced 
> the problem you did. It said install now and I hit VO Space and it just did 
> it. To make playback, rewinding and fastforwarding easier, you have to press 
> VO F5 then VO command F5 and lastly VO Shift Spacebar. When all else fails, 
> press VO shift Spacebar. THat will route the voiceover cursor to the scroll 
> area. When you press it, you will hear a little mouse click. I'm going to do 
> another podcast on amadeus and applying effects ETC. I didn't realize the 
> voiceover cursor issue was a problem till I seriously started using Amadeus 
> for editing.
> Allison
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got some questions. I just installed my copy of amadeus pro 1.4.3 and 
>> click update and it has downloaded the 1.5.1 update and it refuses to 
>> install. When I open amadeus pro the dialog says I can either have it 
>> install when I quit the program or I can install it now. if I click install 
>> now amadeus closes and a window comes up saying if I want to run the script, 
>> click run, so I do. after that nothing happens, amadeus doesn't show up it 
>> just quits, then I have to open amadeus againa nd it's the same story all 
>> over again. If I click install when I quit, absolutely nothing happens. do I 
>> need to install this manually?
>> Also I'm having some issues with playback after I've recorded. I've recorded 
>> something and I turn the voiceover curser off and pressing space and I don't 
>> get any playback. I have to click it from the menu which is really 
>> inconvenient. Also, how can I rewind and fast forward quickly for editing? 
>> Thanks for all help.
>> Cody
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Re: VO + SpaceBar or Enter, what is the difference?

2010-06-20 Thread Alfredo
Thanks to both of you for clarifying this for me.

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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Never mind. I found it. I must have missed it in the commands table somehow, or 
I was just tired.

Thanks though. Now we just need to get the thing fixed about the braille 
routines crashing.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster

On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:37 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> The Pac Mate40 DIsplay. I checked through all options, even turned on 
> keyboard help and such and hit all the combinations for routing buttons, etc. 
> I couldn't find it.
> Of course, if someone knows where it resides, I'd be very grateful. Then I'll 
> turn off speech forever.
> regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
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> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:11 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What display do you have.
>> I found a work-arround for some older displays.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> Alex Jurgensen,
>> AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
>> ICE Customer Care,
>> VoiceOver Trainer,
>> Visit us on the web at:
>> On 2010-06-17, at 7:16 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As far as I know, though, there is no way to pan the display. I haven't 
>>> found a way, but hopefully, it's just me overlooking something.
>>> At any rate, I suggested it to the accessibility team because I felt like I 
>>> was looking everywhere with no luck. But that was really the only 
>>> disadvantage to the displays I found.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 well, the voiceover is built-in and for a pac mate user like you, it is 
 supported by voice over so you could use it as a braille display without 
 installing any drivers. plus, when you lose speech, it restarts the screen 
 reader restarts so you won't have to worry about it. and, if you ever need 
 to, you can install the operating system without sighted assistants and 
 you could even use braille while doing it. hope this helps. 
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and 
> windows. I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very 
> stable screen reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, 
> and from what I have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will 
> be purchased in my very near future. I will go to an apple store for some 
> hands on time with a mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences 
> with me I would appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve 
> going from the windows operating system to the mac operating system, but 
> I am ready and willing to learn all that I can.
> Thank you,
> Kolby
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Sorry to clog you guys with spam. Heh.

No, I didn't find it. In this case, panning means moving the VoiceOver cursor 
apparently, and the display isn't even showing what the speech is reading which 
seems kind of odd to me but some lines below it. I'd like to pan the display 
alone so that, if something scrolls off the display which is going to happen 
eventually, you can still see it with braille without skipping words., 

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Never mind. I found it. I must have missed it in the commands table somehow, 
> or I was just tired.
> Thanks though. Now we just need to get the thing fixed about the braille 
> routines crashing.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:37 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The Pac Mate40 DIsplay. I checked through all options, even turned on 
>> keyboard help and such and hit all the combinations for routing buttons, 
>> etc. I couldn't find it.
>> Of course, if someone knows where it resides, I'd be very grateful. Then 
>> I'll turn off speech forever.
>> regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:11 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What display do you have.
>>> I found a work-arround for some older displays.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> Alex Jurgensen,
>>> AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
>>> ICE Customer Care,
>>> VoiceOver Trainer,
>>> Visit us on the web at:
>>> On 2010-06-17, at 7:16 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 As far as I know, though, there is no way to pan the display. I haven't 
 found a way, but hopefully, it's just me overlooking something.
 At any rate, I suggested it to the accessibility team because I felt like 
 I was looking everywhere with no luck. But that was really the only 
 disadvantage to the displays I found.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> well, the voiceover is built-in and for a pac mate user like you, it is 
> supported by voice over so you could use it as a braille display without 
> installing any drivers. plus, when you lose speech, it restarts the 
> screen reader restarts so you won't have to worry about it. and, if you 
> ever need to, you can install the operating system without sighted 
> assistants and you could even use braille while doing it. hope this 
> helps. 
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and 
>> windows. I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very 
>> stable screen reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, 
>> and from what I have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will 
>> be purchased in my very near future. I will go to an apple store for 
>> some hands on time with a mac, but if anyone would share your mac 
>> experiences with me I would appreciate it. I know that there will be a 
>> learning curve going from the windows operating system to the mac 
>> operating system, but I am ready and willing to learn all that I can.
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
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Address Book Is Very Confusing to Me

2010-06-20 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

I've gone through this earlier, I think, but I'd like to bounce it off folks 
again. I simply don't have a clue about navigating in address book. Names 
appear when I type, but is there a way to browse through the contacts? I seem 
to be getting lots of "empty cells", and I know this isn't the case. Is Address 
Book even accessible? What are the optimum settings , i.e. "show columns", 
"cards and columns view, etc.?


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Re: searching for artists on Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread carlene knight
Does the search function work correctly on the IPhone now?  It doesn't on my 
Touch.  I will be getting my husband's IPhone soon when he upgrades, so it 
would be interesting to find out.

On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Thank you, Donna,
> It worked like a charm. You eased my frustration. Now if I can only figure 
> out how to change Samantha to Karen :). 
> Allison
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Allison,
>> If memory serves--and I haven't done this in a while--you can simply press 
>> the home button from the home screen.  This will  open a search box, wherein 
>> you can type Sarah McLaghlan, and that should do the trick.
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This is probably one of the dumbest questions ever, but how do you search 
>>> for a specific artist on your Iphone? I did it once and searched for Sarah 
>>> McLachlan, but I can't remember how I got to that screen. Can anyone help? 
>>> Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
>>> Allison
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Speaking of calculator?

2010-06-20 Thread carlene knight
 I would like to know why Apple hasn't modeled their calculator for convenience 
either by the sighted or the VO user.  One thing I love about Windows is the 
calculator.  It's very easy to use.  I don't know what they updated in it, but 
it seems the same to me though I haven't looked at it for a while until a few 
minutes ago.

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Re: a question about Amadeus Pro

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Thanks. I saw tht but it looked like not the option I wanted.

Hmm. stumpped here.

Good luck wiht your podcast and if you happen to stumble on my question go head 
and post that or something.

Take care.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> Yes I think you can export the tracks in to separate files, but I'm not sure 
> how. Hmm, I'll have to check on that. I'm sure there is a way. I just checked 
> and there is an export raw data under the file menu. I'm off to do a podcast 
> on amadeus and how to add effects.
> Allison
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. I use or am trying out Amadeus Pro and I love it but if I do a multi 
>> track project can I export the multiple tracks of said project? in to 
>> separate files?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Thurman
 if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for what 
used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us can NOT 
afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable solution 
that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half the 
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the more 
> I like it.
> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything 
> on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go get 
> a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per month. You 
> don't need many of those people in your area before most of the network 
> capacity is gone.
> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
> bandwidth for me.
> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or all 
> you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of those web 
> hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for 
> your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites 
> that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download all you 
> want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant for fine dining? 
> It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages to cover the costs 
> for the service that they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the 
> wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think 
> that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am about the 
> price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 17, 2010, at 
> 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
>> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
>> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
>> saving money in the long run.  
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
>>> I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 
>>> AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 
 blunt jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just 
 because we can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made 
 itself usable out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead 
 is not only a touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
 On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the 
> beta via legitimate 

Re: New Mac Mini

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Thurman
that is awesome! if they had done that before I would have likely boughtone 
instead of the macbook
On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:11 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> Apple has redesigned it's mac mini. It's now shorter (at just over an inch 
> thick), but also wider (at approximately 7.1" square). The big thing on this 
> one is, on the bottom, there is a round cover. Twist this cover, and remove 
> it, and you are immediately granted access to the RAM. There is also a model 
> range cut for the mini. You now just have the one lower priced (what I call 
> "consumer") model at $699, and then the server at $999. There's also an SD 
> card slot on the back (come in from the left hand side, and it's on the top, 
> above the two round audio ports). Finally, keep going beyond the SD card, 
> towards the right. You will first find four USB 2.0 ports, and beyond the 
> furthest right port (or the one closest to the center of the back of the 
> Mini, however you prefer) there are two ports. One is the mini DVI port 
> that's found on Apple's MacBook Pro. The one to the right of that is long, 
> rectangular, and has an angular shape on the bottom. This is Apple's brand 
> new HDMI port. This means that, if you have an HD TV, you can hook up your 
> Mini and use your HD TV as the monitor. A full port description is as 
> follows. If you come in from the right hand side, the back has the following 
> ports from right to left: Power (switch), power (A/C adapter port), ethernet, 
> Firewire 800 (the horizontal long line below this is a cooling vent), then 
> thee's the HDMI port that I spoke of earlier, and the Mini DVI port. Finally, 
> following on from the DVI port, again proceeding to the left, there is the 
> four USB ports, and an SD card slot, and that's where you will see the left 
> edge of your Mini. Below the SD card slot are two audio jacks. The one  
> closest to the edge is headphone, and the one closest to the center is 
> line-in. More info can be found at I'm curious 
> about your opinion on this. For those who don't know, the Mini has been 
> around since 2005, and this is it's first full redesign in five years. In my 
> opinion, it was way overdue, and I'm glad they finally got around to it. 
> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to one of 
my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which sucked. but 
then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 45 a month to 
use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some of 
us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they will. I prophesy that 
at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle as the networks degrade 
even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for what 
> used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us can NOT 
> afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable solution 
> that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half the 
> functionality
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything 
>> on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go 
>> get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per 
>> month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of the 
>> network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>> bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or all 
>> you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of those 
>> web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth 
>> for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand 
>> sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download all 
>> you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant for fine 
>> dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages to cover 
>> the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you descend in to 
>> the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I 
>> think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am 
>> about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
>> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
>> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
>> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
>> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
>> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
>> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 17, 2010, 
>> at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
>>> screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having 
>>> limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people 
>>> will end up saving money in the long run.  
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
 sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
 I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon 
 will surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive 
 enugh beofre at and t decided to p

Re: New Mac Mini

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't like the new design! why did they not put the sd card slot in the 
front? that would be more mormal if you ask me.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:38 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> that is awesome! if they had done that before I would have likely boughtone 
> instead of the macbook
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:11 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:
>> Apple has redesigned it's mac mini. It's now shorter (at just over an inch 
>> thick), but also wider (at approximately 7.1" square). The big thing on this 
>> one is, on the bottom, there is a round cover. Twist this cover, and remove 
>> it, and you are immediately granted access to the RAM. There is also a model 
>> range cut for the mini. You now just have the one lower priced (what I call 
>> "consumer") model at $699, and then the server at $999. There's also an SD 
>> card slot on the back (come in from the left hand side, and it's on the top, 
>> above the two round audio ports). Finally, keep going beyond the SD card, 
>> towards the right. You will first find four USB 2.0 ports, and beyond the 
>> furthest right port (or the one closest to the center of the back of the 
>> Mini, however you prefer) there are two ports. One is the mini DVI port 
>> that's found on Apple's MacBook Pro. The one to the right of that is long, 
>> rectangular, and has an angular shape on the bottom. This is Apple's brand 
>> new HDMI port. This means that, if you have an HD TV, you can hook up your 
>> Mini and use your HD TV as the monitor. A full port description is as 
>> follows. If you come in from the right hand side, the back has the following 
>> ports from right to left: Power (switch), power (A/C adapter port), 
>> ethernet, Firewire 800 (the horizontal long line below this is a cooling 
>> vent), then thee's the HDMI port that I spoke of earlier, and the Mini DVI 
>> port. Finally, following on from the DVI port, again proceeding to the left, 
>> there is the four USB ports, and an SD card slot, and that's where you will 
>> see the left edge of your Mini. Below the SD card slot are two audio jacks. 
>> The one  closest to the edge is headphone, and the one closest to the center 
>> is line-in. More info can be found at I'm 
>> curious about your opinion on this. For those who don't know, the Mini has 
>> been around since 2005, and this is it's first full redesign in five years. 
>> In my opinion, it was way overdue, and I'm glad they finally got around to 
>> it. 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Thurman
yes and only 1 for the I phone the only realistic accessibility solutionfor 
portable use
On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Not enough competition?
> I can think of 4 other carriers off the top of my head.  How much competition 
> is needed?
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition 
>> in the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
>> motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad 
>> for consumers, read
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
>>> I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
>>> amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
>>> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be 
>>> for ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
 more I like it.
 Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
 performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
 become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
 part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
 people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
 anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
 anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
 for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before 
 most of the network capacity is gone.
 Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
 afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
 people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what 
 they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at 
 their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be 
 worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which 
 means more bandwidth for me.
 I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
 all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
 those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
 bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
 other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
 can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
 restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
 actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
 not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web 
 hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's 
 network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have 
 it work well, then sign me up.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
 Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
 how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
 want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
 want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
 telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours 
 of streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to 
 get off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm 
 tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i 
 ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i 
 pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any 
 chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream 
 audio with my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On 
 Jun 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
> screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of 
> having limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most 
> people will end up saving money in the long run.  
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the 
>> ball sof r screwing us on

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited  
data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to  
purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5  
gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have  
unlimited data on my phone that i can't use because sprint doesn't  
offer a phone with speach unless i want to buy one and then pay to put  
mobile me or something like that on it.  I'm not going to put out 200  
for a smart phone and then 500 for the software.  the new blackberries  
with orator are only available for verizon, and as we all know the  
iphone is only available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone  
users.  one question that may make me at least think about it, do you  
think i could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder  
to one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening  
to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial  
up which sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people  
will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what  
at&t has done I think is to entice some of us to use more bandwidth  
and if they can pay for it they will. I prophesy that at&t and  
verison will get themselves in to a pickle as the networks degrade  
even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it  

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us  
pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich  
man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i  
phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible. anything  
else costs twice the price for half the functionality

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,  
though, the more I like it.

Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,  
network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to  
be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know  
that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion people on  
their iPhones. Previously, those people either didn't care, or  
didn't know enough, to affectively do anything on a smartphone  
that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go get a  
cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per  
month. You don't need many of those people in your area before  
most of the network capacity is gone.

Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I  
can afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit  
that most people won't be able to pay more, or at least will  
carefully consider what they're doing before they leave Pandora  
running on their iPhone all day at their desk, sucking up all of  
the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried about bills now,  
which means they'll stay off the network, which means more  
bandwidth for me.

I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can  
use or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in  
quality. Think of those web hosting companies that promise  
unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for your site is  
unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites  
that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download  
all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant  
for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually  
manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If  
not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of  
unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more  
upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am about the price.  
If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.


-Original Message-
From: [ 
] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman

Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!

how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone  
maybe, but i want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for  
yapping onthe phone  i also want it for the echlink client and  
skype. i almost never talk on the telephone. and i can suck down 2  
gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of streaming audio a week  
and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off thier can  
and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o  
ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i  
ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great  
job the i pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and  
t to kill of any chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I  
have to

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I don't know. you might be able to if you code the pages and some how 
upload them via ftp but writing html in an iphone? probably no unless you get a 
blue tooth keyboard. Hmm I'll chew on this one.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and then 
> had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know wat 
> makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that 
> i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to 
> buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on it.  I'm not 
> going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 for the software.  the 
> new blackberries with orator are only available for verizon, and as we all 
> know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone 
> users.  one question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i 
> could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to one?  
> something to think about.  thanks again, max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to one 
>> of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
>> sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
>> 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
>> to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
>> will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle as 
>> the networks degrade even further.
>> Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
>> S
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
>>> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
>>> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable 
>>> solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half 
>>> the functionality
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
 more I like it.
 Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
 performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
 become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
 part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
 people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
 anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
 anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
 for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before 
 most of the network capacity is gone.
 Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
 afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
 people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what 
 they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at 
 their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be 
 worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which 
 means more bandwidth for me.
 I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
 all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
 those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
 bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
 other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
 can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
 restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
 actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
 not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web 
 hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's 
 network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have 
 it work well, then sign me up.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
 Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
 how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
 want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
 want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello;  good point.  I only asked because someone posted earlier that  
there is now a bluetooth keyboard you can use with the mac.  I do all  
my coding by hand in html, and i use cute ftp for the mac.  so, would  
have to find out about ftp clients on the iphone.  that was a very  
good point.  thanks,  Max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Hmm I don't know. you might be able to if you code the pages and  
some how upload them via ftp but writing html in an iphone? probably  
no unless you get a blue tooth keyboard. Hmm I'll chew on this one.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the  
unlimited data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them  
cheap to purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap  
them at 5 gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint  
customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that i can't use  
because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to  
buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on  
it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500  
for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only  
available for verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only  
available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone users.  one  
question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i  
could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to  
one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and  
listening to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k  
stereo dial up which sucked. but then again I think of it like  
this. some people will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data  
or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some of us to  
use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they will. I  
prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle  
as the networks degrade even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what  
it is.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us  
pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich  
man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i  
phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible.  
anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,  
though, the more I like it.

Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,  
network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to  
be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I  
know that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion  
people on their iPhones. Previously, those people either didn't  
care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything on a  
smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone  
can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the  
bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people  
in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.

Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I  
can afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added  
benefit that most people won't be able to pay more, or at least  
will carefully consider what they're doing before they leave  
Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their desk, sucking  
up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried  
about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which  
means more bandwidth for me.

I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you  
can use or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in  
quality. Think of those web hosting companies that promise  
unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for your site is  
unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites  
that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can  
download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet  
restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee  
that actually manages to cover the costs for the service that  
they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully  
high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think  
that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I  
am about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then  
sign me up.


-Original Message-
From: [ 
] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman

Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!

how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone  
maybe, but i want an I phone for streaming 

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
What on earth are you going on about Mike? The iPhone in the uk at
least is no way near the cheapist accessible solution.

On 21/06/2010, Maxwell Ivey Jr.  wrote:
> Hello;  good point.  I only asked because someone posted earlier that
> there is now a bluetooth keyboard you can use with the mac.  I do all
> my coding by hand in html, and i use cute ftp for the mac.  so, would
> have to find out about ftp clients on the iphone.  that was a very
> good point.  thanks,  Max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hmm I don't know. you might be able to if you code the pages and
>> some how upload them via ftp but writing html in an iphone? probably
>> no unless you get a blue tooth keyboard. Hmm I'll chew on this one.
>> S
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the
>>> unlimited data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them
>>> cheap to purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap
>>> them at 5 gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint
>>> customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that i can't use
>>> because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to
>>> buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on
>>> it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500
>>> for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only
>>> available for verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only
>>> available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone users.  one
>>> question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i
>>> could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to
>>> one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and
 listening to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k
 stereo dial up which sucked. but then again I think of it like
 this. some people will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data
 or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some of us to
 use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they will. I
 prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle
 as the networks degrade even further.
 Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what
 it is.

 On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us
> pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich
> man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i
> phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible.
> anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,
>> though, the more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,
>> network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to
>> be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I
>> know that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion
>> people on their iPhones. Previously, those people either didn't
>> care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything on a
>> smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone
>> can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the
>> bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people
>> in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I
>> can afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added
>> benefit that most people won't be able to pay more, or at least
>> will carefully consider what they're doing before they leave
>> Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their desk, sucking
>> up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried
>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which
>> means more bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you
>> can use or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in
>> quality. Think of those web hosting companies that promise
>> unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for your site is
>> unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites
>> that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can
>> download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet
>> restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee
>> that actually manages to cover the costs for the service that
>> they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully
>> high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think
>> that I get more upset w

Re: searching for artists on Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Arleen,

I search for songs this way all the time. Yes, it does work correctly on my 
Iphone which is the 3GS. I was unaware it didn't work correctly. I love my 
Iphone and I've only owned it less than a week :). 


On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:34 PM, carlene knight wrote:

> Does the search function work correctly on the IPhone now?  It doesn't on my 
> Touch.  I will be getting my husband's IPhone soon when he upgrades, so it 
> would be interesting to find out.
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Thank you, Donna,
>> It worked like a charm. You eased my frustration. Now if I can only figure 
>> out how to change Samantha to Karen :). 
>> Allison
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Allison,
>>> If memory serves--and I haven't done this in a while--you can simply press 
>>> the home button from the home screen.  This will  open a search box, 
>>> wherein you can type Sarah McLaghlan, and that should do the trick.
>>> HTH,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi all,
 This is probably one of the dumbest questions ever, but how do you search 
 for a specific artist on your Iphone? I did it once and searched for Sarah 
 McLachlan, but I can't remember how I got to that screen. Can anyone help? 
 Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Only realistic option?  So what were blind people using before last June?  I 
agree the iPhone gives the most accessibility for the best overall price but 
it's not the only game in town.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> yes and only 1 for the I phone the only realistic accessibility solutionfor 
> portable use
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Not enough competition?
>> I can think of 4 other carriers off the top of my head.  How much 
>> competition is needed?
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition 
>>> in the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
>>> motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad 
>>> for consumers, read
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
 I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
 amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
 I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be 
 for ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
> more I like it.
> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
> anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
> before most of the network capacity is gone.
> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
> people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider 
> what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all 
> day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. 
> They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the 
> network, which means more bandwidth for me.
> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
> other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
> can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
> restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
> actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
> not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited 
> web hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's 
> network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to 
> have it work well, then sign me up.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i 
> also want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours 
> of streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to 
> get off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm 
> tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i 
> ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the 
> i pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of 
> any chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to 
> stream audio with my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my 
> laptop On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
>> screwing people over data prices per say.  It is ju

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an iPhone, but I 
have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use Mobile Speak, which came 
out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months after I paid $300 for the software.  
The thing I do like about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot available at 
Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find myself 
somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, including my Macbook 
Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only problem is that it runs the 
battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick with Sprint for now and see what 
eventually happens to the iPHone on other networks in the future.  
On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and then 
> had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know wat 
> makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that 
> i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to 
> buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on it.  I'm not 
> going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 for the software.  the 
> new blackberries with orator are only available for verizon, and as we all 
> know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone 
> users.  one question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i 
> could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to one?  
> something to think about.  thanks again, max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to one 
>> of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
>> sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
>> 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
>> to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
>> will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle as 
>> the networks degrade even further.
>> Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
>> S
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
>>> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
>>> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable 
>>> solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half 
>>> the functionality
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
 more I like it.
 Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
 performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
 become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
 part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
 people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
 anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
 anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
 for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before 
 most of the network capacity is gone.
 Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
 afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
 people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what 
 they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at 
 their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be 
 worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which 
 means more bandwidth for me.
 I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
 all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
 those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
 bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
 other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
 can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
 restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
 actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
 not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web 
 hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's 
 network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have 
 it work well, then sign me up.
 -Original Message---

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Ricardo Walker

Mobile speak isn't $500 anymore.  But I get your point.  
On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and then 
> had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know wat 
> makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that 
> i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to 
> buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on it.  I'm not 
> going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 for the software.  the 
> new blackberries with orator are only available for verizon, and as we all 
> know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone 
> users.  one question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i 
> could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to one?  
> something to think about.  thanks again, max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to one 
>> of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
>> sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
>> 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
>> to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
>> will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle as 
>> the networks degrade even further.
>> Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
>> S
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
>>> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
>>> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable 
>>> solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half 
>>> the functionality
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
 more I like it.
 Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
 performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
 become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
 part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
 people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
 anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
 anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
 for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before 
 most of the network capacity is gone.
 Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
 afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
 people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what 
 they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at 
 their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be 
 worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which 
 means more bandwidth for me.
 I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
 all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
 those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
 bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
 other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
 can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
 restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
 actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
 not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web 
 hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's 
 network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have 
 it work well, then sign me up.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
 Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
 how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
 want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
 want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
 telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours 
 of streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t jus

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Walking hotspot is a bargain at $25.  I use it with my iPod touch all the time. 
 Your right about the battery drain.  Good thing I have 2 for my touch pro.  lol
On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an iPhone, but I 
> have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use Mobile Speak, which came 
> out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months after I paid $300 for the 
> software.  The thing I do like about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot 
> available at Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find 
> myself somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, including 
> my Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only problem is that 
> it runs the battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick with Sprint for 
> now and see what eventually happens to the iPHone on other networks in the 
> future.  
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
>> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and then 
>> had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know wat 
>> makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone 
>> that i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i 
>> want to buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on it.  
>> I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 for the 
>> software.  the new blackberries with orator are only available for verizon, 
>> and as we all know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  good luck to 
>> the iphone users.  one question that may make me at least think about it, do 
>> you think i could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to 
>> one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to one 
>>> of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
>>> sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
>>> 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
>>> to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
>>> will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle 
>>> as the networks degrade even further.
>>> Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
>>> S
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
 what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
 can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY 
 reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the 
 price for half the functionality
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
> more I like it.
> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
> anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
> before most of the network capacity is gone.
> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
> people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider 
> what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all 
> day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. 
> They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the 
> network, which means more bandwidth for me.
> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
> other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you 
> can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
> restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
> actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If 
> not, well, you d

Re: solution to sound issue with Fusion

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Thurman
just an idea   did you try all of the sliders, not just the master vilume   
there i a master volume and a wa volume and other sliders as well  and in 
window s6 each application has it's own volume control as well as the master 
On Jun 20, 2010, at 4:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> 20 jun 2010 kl. 06.43 skrev Chris Snyder:
>> This will take you to the system sound dialog, and you will be able to shove 
>> the volume output to 100%. This fixed it for me, and I hope it works for you
> No it doesn't. This was the very first thing i did streight after finding 
> that the volume had been lowered. I thought it was like you said and 
> immediately went to the volume control reachable by the system tray and 
> increased the volume, it got a little louder but not enough by any stretch.
> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
It certainly is, a bargain and is extremely accessible for a portable wifi hot 
spot but I had battery drain even with it plugged in.  I couldn't figure out 
what was up with that.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Walking hotspot is a bargain at $25.  I use it with my iPod touch all the 
> time.  Your right about the battery drain.  Good thing I have 2 for my touch 
> pro.  lol
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an iPhone, but I 
>> have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use Mobile Speak, which 
>> came out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months after I paid $300 for the 
>> software.  The thing I do like about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot 
>> available at Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find 
>> myself somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, including 
>> my Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only problem is that 
>> it runs the battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick with Sprint for 
>> now and see what eventually happens to the iPHone on other networks in the 
>> future.  
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
>>> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and 
>>> then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know 
>>> wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my 
>>> phone that i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach 
>>> unless i want to buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like 
>>> that on it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 
>>> for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only available for 
>>> verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  
>>> good luck to the iphone users.  one question that may make me at least 
>>> think about it, do you think i could manage my website from an iphone if i 
>>> import the folder to one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to 
 one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
 sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
 to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
 will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle 
 as the networks degrade even further.
 Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
 On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY 
> reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the 
> price for half the functionality
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
>> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
>> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively 
>> do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
>> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
>> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
>> before most of the network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
>> people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider 
>> what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all 
>> day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. 
>> They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the 
>> network, which means more bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
>> other thousa

Re: Getting song title in the iTunes radio stations, is it possible?

2010-06-20 Thread carlene knight

What I have done is to set a hotspot for the LCD area so that I can find it 
On Jun 19, 2010, at 2:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yep, there is something called the "LCD" section and that contains the 
> information you are looking for. In a lot of cases you may have to wait for 
> the information to change and show you the artist/title of the song since it 
> also will display other info, which changes every 10 or 15 seconds. In some 
> cases the URL of the station's site is the only information available. Some 
> stations provide info and others do not.
> hth,
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 5:20 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  I've been curious about something for a long time and thought 
>> I'd get your input.  When I listen to the radio stations that are provided 
>> through iTunes, often I will hear a song I like, but cannot seem to get the 
>> title.  Also, I would like to automatically buy these songs in the iTunes 
>> store like I do with Pandora Radio.  I think this is indeed possible because 
>> when a song is playing, I can go to the dock, highlight the iTunes icon, 
>> bring up the context menu with vo-shift-m and arrow down a few times.  I do 
>> indeed see the title of the song, the name of the musician and there is 
>> actually an option to search for the song in the iTunes store, but it is 
>> dimmed.  What I've been doing is to arrow down to the title of the song and 
>> use the vo option to automatically copy the last phrase to the pasteboard, 
>> but is there a way to do this through the main iTunes interface?
>> Any insights on this would be most gratefully appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Lynn
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Re: Changing to Karen on the Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
Well, I can live with that.  Samantha sounds like a mad robot.  LOL  Drives 
me crazy.  Karen is a welcome change.  :)
On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Kimberly,
> I don't think so. THe only thing it changes is the way the date is 
> pronounced. Instead of saying June 19, Karen will say 19 June.
> Have a great day. 
> Allison
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I did this as well on the iPod Touch.  Does it change anything else, such as 
>> time zone, etc.?
>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> actually mine took place right away. Thanks for this though. that sounds 
>>> much better!
>>> S
>>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod 
 Touch how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same 
 for the Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else 
 dislikes Samantha as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the 
 region from U.S. to Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in 
 the UK regions. THank goodness for that. To change the voice on the 
 Iphone/Ipod do the following:
 1. Go to settings
 2. Double-tap general
 3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of 
 countries to display. I had to do this a few times before I found 
 Australia. Once you find it, just double-tap and then press home. The next 
 time you turn on your Iphone, you will have Karen's pleasant voice coming 
 out of your speaker. I hope this helps someone. Have a great day, all.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello;  that hot spot feature does sound good.  My brother says he  
wonders how it will end up with sprint offering the hot spot.  but if  
my math is right, then you have six or seven hundred invested?  to me,  
that is just not in my budget anytime soon.  thanks and good luck, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an  
iPhone, but I have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use  
Mobile Speak, which came out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months  
after I paid $300 for the software.  The thing I do like about my  
HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot available at Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find myself somewhere  
without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, including my  
Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only problem is  
that it runs the battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick with  
Sprint for now and see what eventually happens to the iPHone on  
other networks in the future.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the  
unlimited data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them  
cheap to purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap  
them at 5 gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint  
customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that i can't use  
because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to  
buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on  
it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500  
for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only  
available for verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only  
available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone users.  one  
question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i  
could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to  
one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and  
listening to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k  
stereo dial up which sucked. but then again I think of it like  
this. some people will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data  
or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some of us to  
use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they will. I  
prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle  
as the networks degrade even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what  
it is.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us  
pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich  
man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i  
phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible.  
anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,  
though, the more I like it.

Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,  
network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to  
be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I  
know that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion  
people on their iPhones. Previously, those people either didn't  
care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything on a  
smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone  
can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the  
bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people  
in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.

Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I  
can afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added  
benefit that most people won't be able to pay more, or at least  
will carefully consider what they're doing before they leave  
Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their desk, sucking  
up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried  
about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which  
means more bandwidth for me.

I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you  
can use or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in  
quality. Think of those web hosting companies that promise  
unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for your site is  
unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites  
that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can  
download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet  
restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee  
that actually manages to cover the costs for the service that  
they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully  
high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think  
that I get more upset with AT&T's

Re: Changing to Karen on the Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Joel Zimba
it will be much easier tomorrow

On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:41 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Well, I can live with that.  Samantha sounds like a mad robot.  LOL  
> Drives me crazy.  Karen is a welcome change.  :)
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Kimberly,
>> I don't think so. THe only thing it changes is the way the date is 
>> pronounced. Instead of saying June 19, Karen will say 19 June.
>> Have a great day. 
>> Allison
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I did this as well on the iPod Touch.  Does it change anything else, such 
>>> as time zone, etc.?
>>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 actually mine took place right away. Thanks for this though. that sounds 
 much better!
 On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod 
> Touch how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same 
> for the Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else 
> dislikes Samantha as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the 
> region from U.S. to Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in 
> the UK regions. THank goodness for that. To change the voice on the 
> Iphone/Ipod do the following:
> 1. Go to settings
> 2. Double-tap general
> 3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of 
> countries to display. I had to do this a few times before I found 
> Australia. Once you find it, just double-tap and then press home. The 
> next time you turn on your Iphone, you will have Karen's pleasant voice 
> coming out of your speaker. I hope this helps someone. Have a great day, 
> all.
> Allison
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
thanks for that.  they must have dropped me from the mailing list  
because i thought it was still $500.  thanks and take care, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


Mobile speak isn't $500 anymore.  But I get your point.
On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the  
unlimited data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them  
cheap to purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap  
them at 5 gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint  
customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that i can't use  
because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to  
buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on  
it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500  
for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only  
available for verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only  
available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone users.  one  
question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i  
could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to  
one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and  
listening to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k  
stereo dial up which sucked. but then again I think of it like  
this. some people will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data  
or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some of us to  
use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they will. I  
prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle  
as the networks degrade even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what  
it is.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us  
pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich  
man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i  
phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible.  
anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,  
though, the more I like it.

Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,  
network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to  
be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I  
know that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion  
people on their iPhones. Previously, those people either didn't  
care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything on a  
smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone  
can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the  
bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people  
in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.

Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I  
can afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added  
benefit that most people won't be able to pay more, or at least  
will carefully consider what they're doing before they leave  
Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their desk, sucking  
up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried  
about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which  
means more bandwidth for me.

I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you  
can use or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in  
quality. Think of those web hosting companies that promise  
unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for your site is  
unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites  
that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can  
download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet  
restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee  
that actually manages to cover the costs for the service that  
they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully  
high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think  
that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I  
am about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then  
sign me up.


-Original Message-
From: [ 
] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman

Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!

how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone  
maybe, but i want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for  
yapping onthe phone  i also want it for the echlink client and  
skype. i almost never talk on the telephone. and i can suck down  
2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of streaming audio a  
week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off thier  
can and fix their outdated infastructure! i

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
I haven't bought the upgrade as my phone runs just fine with the old Mobile 
Speak, but if it dies, the HTC Touch Pro 2 will need the upgrade to be 
functional, which will cost me another $200.  Of course, if the iPhone never 
makes it to other carriers, I may just have to do without one.  We get a really 
great deal with Sprint and supposedly unlimited data, so it's hard to leave, 
especially since the other carriers have decided to implement limits.  I have 
an iPod Touch, which I love and would like to have an iPad.  I'm waiting on 
that one though until I see how the upgrade of IOS4 effects the functionality 
of the iPod Touch.  I can't wait to try iBooks, which is supposedly going to be 
available to the iPod Touch.  
On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:42 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  that hot spot feature does sound good.  My brother says he wonders 
> how it will end up with sprint offering the hot spot.  but if my math is 
> right, then you have six or seven hundred invested?  to me, that is just not 
> in my budget anytime soon.  thanks and good luck, max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an iPhone, but I 
>> have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use Mobile Speak, which 
>> came out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months after I paid $300 for the 
>> software.  The thing I do like about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot 
>> available at Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find 
>> myself somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, including 
>> my Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only problem is that 
>> it runs the battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick with Sprint for 
>> now and see what eventually happens to the iPHone on other networks in the 
>> future.
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
>>> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and 
>>> then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know 
>>> wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my 
>>> phone that i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach 
>>> unless i want to buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like 
>>> that on it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 
>>> for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only available for 
>>> verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  
>>> good luck to the iphone users.  one question that may make me at least 
>>> think about it, do you think i could manage my website from an iphone if i 
>>> import the folder to one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to 
 one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
 sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
 to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
 will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle 
 as the networks degrade even further.
 Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
 On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY 
> reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the 
> price for half the functionality
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
>> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
>> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively 
>> do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
>> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
>> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
>> before most of the network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
>> people won't be able to pay m

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Larry Wanger
The options before June of last year were to use one of the phones from LG or 
other providers that offered limited access to basic phone functions or to 
purchase one of the phones and put Talks or one of the other speech programs on 
it. And, after using the iPhone, I really think those solutions were sub par. 
The iPhone is far better than those solutions.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Only realistic option?  So what were blind people using before last June?  I 
> agree the iPhone gives the most accessibility for the best overall price but 
> it's not the only game in town.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> yes and only 1 for the I phone the only realistic accessibility solutionfor 
>> portable use
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Not enough competition?
>>> I can think of 4 other carriers off the top of my head.  How much 
>>> competition is needed?
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
 I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition 
 in the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
 motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad 
 for consumers, read
 On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more 
> careful. I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the 
> larger amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be 
> for ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
>> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
>> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively 
>> do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
>> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
>> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
>> before most of the network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
>> people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider 
>> what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all 
>> day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. 
>> They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the 
>> network, which means more bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
>> other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that 
>> you can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
>> restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
>> actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. 
>> If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of 
>> unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset 
>> with AT&T's network being clogged than I am about the price. If I can 
>> pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but 
>> i want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i 
>> also want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on 
>> the telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple 
>> hours of streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just 
>> needs to get off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's 
>> not like I'm tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything 
>> and god forbid i ever did 

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
yeh, the ibooks feature is one of the things I'd love have access to  
but that would mean purchasing an ipad or ipod touch and hoping I  
could get wireless access.  but its a possibility. like you say its  
hard to leave sprint and the unlimited data.   take care, Max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:51 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

I haven't bought the upgrade as my phone runs just fine with the old  
Mobile Speak, but if it dies, the HTC Touch Pro 2 will need the  
upgrade to be functional, which will cost me another $200.  Of  
course, if the iPhone never makes it to other carriers, I may just  
have to do without one.  We get a really great deal with Sprint and  
supposedly unlimited data, so it's hard to leave, especially since  
the other carriers have decided to implement limits.  I have an iPod  
Touch, which I love and would like to have an iPad.  I'm waiting on  
that one though until I see how the upgrade of IOS4 effects the  
functionality of the iPod Touch.  I can't wait to try iBooks, which  
is supposedly going to be available to the iPod Touch.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:42 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

Hello;  that hot spot feature does sound good.  My brother says he  
wonders how it will end up with sprint offering the hot spot.  but  
if my math is right, then you have six or seven hundred invested?   
to me, that is just not in my budget anytime soon.  thanks and good  
luck, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an  
iPhone, but I have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use  
Mobile Speak, which came out with a paid upgrade of $200 six  
months after I paid $300 for the software.  The thing I do like  
about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot available at Walking  
Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I find myself  
somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it,  
including my Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.   
Only problem is that it runs the battery down pretty quickly.   
Guess I'll stick with Sprint for now and see what eventually  
happens to the iPHone on other networks in the future.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the  
unlimited data plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them  
cheap to purchase and then had to discontinue the unlimited and  
cap them at 5 gb.  but you know wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint  
customer.  I have unlimited data on my phone that i can't use  
because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach unless i want to  
buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like that on  
it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500  
for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only  
available for verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only  
available with a t & t.  good luck to the iphone users.  one  
question that may make me at least think about it, do you think i  
could manage my website from an iphone if i import the folder to  
one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max

On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and  
listening to one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at  
16k stereo dial up which sucked. but then again I think of it  
like this. some people will still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs  
of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is to entice some  
of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they  
will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to  
a pickle as the networks degrade even further.
Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what  
it is.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help  
us pay for what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah  
rich man  most of us can NOT afford it  especialy considering  
the i phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible.  
anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it,  
though, the more I like it.

Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US,  
network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used  
to be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so.  
I know that is because, in large part, to all of the bazillion  
people on their iPhones. Previously, those people either  
didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything  
on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now,  
anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the  
bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those  
people in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.

Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but  
I can afford to pay more. H

Re: amadeus pro issues

2010-06-20 Thread Cody Hurst
hm, I'm not sure why this is a continuing issue. I've even restarted so maybe 
it'll work now.

Take care
On Jun 20, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> I just did it as well with no issues.
> On 2010-06-20, at 1:11 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Cody,
>> Hmm,I just installed the newest update for Amadeus and I haven't experienced 
>> the problem you did. It said install now and I hit VO Space and it just did 
>> it. To make playback, rewinding and fastforwarding easier, you have to press 
>> VO F5 then VO command F5 and lastly VO Shift Spacebar. When all else fails, 
>> press VO shift Spacebar. THat will route the voiceover cursor to the scroll 
>> area. When you press it, you will hear a little mouse click. I'm going to do 
>> another podcast on amadeus and applying effects ETC. I didn't realize the 
>> voiceover cursor issue was a problem till I seriously started using Amadeus 
>> for editing.
>> Allison
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've got some questions. I just installed my copy of amadeus pro 1.4.3 and 
>>> click update and it has downloaded the 1.5.1 update and it refuses to 
>>> install. When I open amadeus pro the dialog says I can either have it 
>>> install when I quit the program or I can install it now. if I click install 
>>> now amadeus closes and a window comes up saying if I want to run the 
>>> script, click run, so I do. after that nothing happens, amadeus doesn't 
>>> show up it just quits, then I have to open amadeus againa nd it's the same 
>>> story all over again. If I click install when I quit, absolutely nothing 
>>> happens. do I need to install this manually?
>>> Also I'm having some issues with playback after I've recorded. I've 
>>> recorded something and I turn the voiceover curser off and pressing space 
>>> and I don't get any playback. I have to click it from the menu which is 
>>> really inconvenient. Also, how can I rewind and fast forward quickly for 
>>> editing? Thanks for all help.
>>> Cody
>>> -- 
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creating Iphone ringtones with amadeus

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have just discovered how to create ringtones other than using ringer. In the 
Amadeus file menu, there is an option export as Iphone Ringtone. WHen you click 
it, it will ask you if you have selected copy files in to Itunes library 
automatically or something like that. You can do this under advanced 
preferences in Itunes. I forget what the exact setting is, but Amadeus will 
tell you. Once you click okay, you will be asked which format you want to save 
it. It's defaulted to AAC I think. I left it as is, and clicked okay. After 
that, you should see your new ringtone appear in your ringtones folder within 
Itunes music. I hope this is helpful to someone. Just spent the $15 on Ringer, 
which I think is a good app, and not everyone has Amadeus :).


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Do you need a mixer to broadcast on a Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I was reading the posts on DJ software for Mac. Do you need a mixer or can you 
just use DJ and Nicecast? THanks for any help in advance.


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Re: creating Iphone ringtones with amadeus

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh nice! thanks for that. I did not see the option but I'm still using the 
demo. lol! hehahahaha!

Can yu only export the selection of music or do you need to copy it to a new 
file before you save?
On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have just discovered how to create ringtones other than using ringer. In 
> the Amadeus file menu, there is an option export as Iphone Ringtone. WHen you 
> click it, it will ask you if you have selected copy files in to Itunes 
> library automatically or something like that. You can do this under advanced 
> preferences in Itunes. I forget what the exact setting is, but Amadeus will 
> tell you. Once you click okay, you will be asked which format you want to 
> save it. It's defaulted to AAC I think. I left it as is, and clicked okay. 
> After that, you should see your new ringtone appear in your ringtones folder 
> within Itunes music. I hope this is helpful to someone. Just spent the $15 on 
> Ringer, which I think is a good app, and not everyone has Amadeus :).
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I wish you luck in your endevors in doing that.

Take care.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:02 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  good point.  I only asked because someone posted earlier that there 
> is now a bluetooth keyboard you can use with the mac.  I do all my coding by 
> hand in html, and i use cute ftp for the mac.  so, would have to find out 
> about ftp clients on the iphone.  that was a very good point.  thanks,  Max
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hmm I don't know. you might be able to if you code the pages and some how 
>> upload them via ftp but writing html in an iphone? probably no unless you 
>> get a blue tooth keyboard. Hmm I'll chew on this one.
>> S
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
>>> plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and 
>>> then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know 
>>> wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my 
>>> phone that i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach 
>>> unless i want to buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like 
>>> that on it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 
>>> for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only available for 
>>> verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  
>>> good luck to the iphone users.  one question that may make me at least 
>>> think about it, do you think i could manage my website from an iphone if i 
>>> import the folder to one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to 
 one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up which 
 sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will still pay 
 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done I think is 
 to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay for it they 
 will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in to a pickle 
 as the networks degrade even further.
 Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
 On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY 
> reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the 
> price for half the functionality
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in 
>> large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, 
>> those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively 
>> do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, 
>> anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth 
>> for $30 per month. You don't need many of those people in your area 
>> before most of the network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most 
>> people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider 
>> what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all 
>> day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. 
>> They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay off the 
>> network, which means more bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the 
>> other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that 
>> you can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet 
>> restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that 
>> actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they provide. 
>> If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality of 
>> unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more upset 
>> with AT&T's network being c

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'm guessing it won't work wiht the iphone as at&t won't, or can't teather?


On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:33 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> It certainly is, a bargain and is extremely accessible for a portable wifi 
> hot spot but I had battery drain even with it plugged in.  I couldn't figure 
> out what was up with that.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Walking hotspot is a bargain at $25.  I use it with my iPod touch all the 
>> time.  Your right about the battery drain.  Good thing I have 2 for my touch 
>> pro.  lol
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I have an HTC Touch Pro with Sprint.  I would love to have an iPhone, but I 
>>> have another year on my contract with Sprint.  I use Mobile Speak, which 
>>> came out with a paid upgrade of $200 six months after I paid $300 for the 
>>> software.  The thing I do like about my HTC Touch Pro is Walking Hot Spot 
>>> available at Walking Hot  It comes in handy in a pinch when I 
>>> find myself somewhere without Wifi.  I have run two laptops off of it, 
>>> including my Macbook Pro, to get E-mail and do some web surfing.  Only 
>>> problem is that it runs the battery down pretty quickly.  Guess I'll stick 
>>> with Sprint for now and see what eventually happens to the iPHone on other 
>>> networks in the future.  
>>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
 I think you are right.  just look at what happened with the unlimited data 
 plans on air cards.  They sold them and made them cheap to purchase and 
 then had to discontinue the unlimited and cap them at 5 gb.  but you know 
 wat makes me mad?  I'm a sprint customer.  I have unlimited data on my 
 phone that i can't use because sprint doesn't offer a phone with speach 
 unless i want to buy one and then pay to put mobile me or something like 
 that on it.  I'm not going to put out 200 for a smart phone and then 500 
 for the software.  the new blackberries with orator are only available for 
 verizon, and as we all know the iphone is only available with a t & t.  
 good luck to the iphone users.  one question that may make me at least 
 think about it, do you think i could manage my website from an iphone if i 
 import the folder to one?  something to think about.  thanks again, max
 On Jun 20, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I agree actually with Bryan here. I was in a pool room and listening to 
> one of my favorite radio networks. it buffered at 16k stereo dial up 
> which sucked. but then again I think of it like this. some people will 
> still pay 45 a month to use 3 gigs of data or more. so what at&t has done 
> I think is to entice some of us to use more bandwidth and if they can pay 
> for it they will. I prophesy that at&t and verison will get themselves in 
> to a pickle as the networks degrade even further.
> Sorry for presenting both sides of the coin here but that's what it is.
> S
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> if you want to pay more go for it and while youare at it help us pay for 
>> what used to be overpiced and ow is rediculous!yeah rich man  most of us 
>> can NOT afford it  especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY 
>> reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the 
>> price for half the functionality
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, 
>>> the more I like it.
>>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, 
>>> in large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. 
>>> Previously, those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to 
>>> affectively do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of 
>>> bandwidth. Now, anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up 
>>> all the bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those 
>>> people in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.
>>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that 
>>> most people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully 
>>> consider what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their 
>>> iPhone all day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the 
>>> cell, etc. They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay 
>>> off the network, which means more bandwidth for me.
>>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use 
>>> or all you can eat service s

Re: Do you need a mixer to broadcast on a Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Huckabay
YOu don't exactiley need one no but if you do want to use a hier end sounding 
mike that is not USB then you would have to use a mixer. for example if you 
wanted to use a cadm179 you would need a mixer because this mike is XLr and 
needs fantem power.  but if you just want to brodcast you can use dj and 
nicecast and get a mike like the snowball USb mike or plug a mike into your 
line out port on your mac.
I hope this helps a bit.
On 2010-06-20, at 10:57 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was reading the posts on DJ software for Mac. Do you need a mixer or can 
> you just use DJ and Nicecast? THanks for any help in advance.
> Allison
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Re: Changing to Karen on the Iphone

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok the thign is when I was seartching for stuff it read the list in samantha's 
voice but the letters in karon's voice. what the?


On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:41 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Well, I can live with that.  Samantha sounds like a mad robot.  LOL  
> Drives me crazy.  Karen is a welcome change.  :)
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Kimberly,
>> I don't think so. THe only thing it changes is the way the date is 
>> pronounced. Instead of saying June 19, Karen will say 19 June.
>> Have a great day. 
>> Allison
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I did this as well on the iPod Touch.  Does it change anything else, such 
>>> as time zone, etc.?
>>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 actually mine took place right away. Thanks for this though. that sounds 
 much better!
 On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod 
> Touch how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same 
> for the Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else 
> dislikes Samantha as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the 
> region from U.S. to Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in 
> the UK regions. THank goodness for that. To change the voice on the 
> Iphone/Ipod do the following:
> 1. Go to settings
> 2. Double-tap general
> 3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of 
> countries to display. I had to do this a few times before I found 
> Australia. Once you find it, just double-tap and then press home. The 
> next time you turn on your Iphone, you will have Karen's pleasant voice 
> coming out of your speaker. I hope this helps someone. Have a great day, 
> all.
> Allison
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Re: Do you need a mixer to broadcast on a Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
What's dj? I've heard of nice cast but can you let's say faid down music and 
stuff like that? and I guess I would not be able to play ogg files through this 

Take care.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> YOu don't exactiley need one no but if you do want to use a hier end sounding 
> mike that is not USB then you would have to use a mixer. for example if you 
> wanted to use a cadm179 you would need a mixer because this mike is XLr and 
> needs fantem power.  but if you just want to brodcast you can use dj and 
> nicecast and get a mike like the snowball USb mike or plug a mike into your 
> line out port on your mac.
> I hope this helps a bit.
> On 2010-06-20, at 10:57 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was reading the posts on DJ software for Mac. Do you need a mixer or can 
>> you just use DJ and Nicecast? THanks for any help in advance.
>> Allison
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Re: Do you need a mixer to broadcast on a Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi, I don't think you need a mixer. If you want to prerecord a show, which I'm 
probably going to do, you can just use DJ for Mack. If you want to go live, you 
can use both, but in either case I don't think you need a mixer.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was reading the posts on DJ software for Mac. Do you need a mixer or can 
> you just use DJ and Nicecast? THanks for any help in advance.
> Allison
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
I agree,

But they are options non the less inferrior ones.  lol.  I want an iPhone but I 
hate their plan.  with sprint unlimited data includes text and mms.  We also 
have mobile to mobile to all cell phones in the U.S. 
On Jun 20, 2010, at 10:11 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> The options before June of last year were to use one of the phones from LG or 
> other providers that offered limited access to basic phone functions or to 
> purchase one of the phones and put Talks or one of the other speech programs 
> on it. And, after using the iPhone, I really think those solutions were sub 
> par. The iPhone is far better than those solutions.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Only realistic option?  So what were blind people using before last June?  I 
>> agree the iPhone gives the most accessibility for the best overall price but 
>> it's not the only game in town.
>> On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> yes and only 1 for the I phone the only realistic accessibility solutionfor 
>>> portable use
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Not enough competition?
 I can think of 4 other carriers off the top of my head.  How much 
 competition is needed?
 On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much 
> competition in the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is 
> not really motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why 
> this is bad for consumers, read
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more 
>> careful. I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for 
>> the larger amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
>> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be 
>> for ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, 
>>> the more I like it.
>>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. 
>>> Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, 
>>> in large part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. 
>>> Previously, those people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to 
>>> affectively do anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of 
>>> bandwidth. Now, anyone can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up 
>>> all the bandwidth for $30 per month. You don't need many of those 
>>> people in your area before most of the network capacity is gone.
>>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can 
>>> afford to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that 
>>> most people won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully 
>>> consider what they're doing before they leave Pandora running on their 
>>> iPhone all day at their desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the 
>>> cell, etc. They'll be worried about bills now, which means they'll stay 
>>> off the network, which means more bandwidth for me.
>>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use 
>>> or all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think 
>>> of those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, 
>>> the bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for 
>>> the other thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is 
>>> that you can download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a 
>>> buffet restaurant for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee 
>>> that actually manages to cover the costs for the service that they 
>>> provide. If not, well, you descend in to the wonderfully high quality 
>>> of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think that I get more 
>>> upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am about the price. If I 
>>> can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but 
>>> i want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i 
>>> also want it for the echlink client and skype. i

Re: What does "elipsis" mean when you are in the apple menu?

2010-06-20 Thread carlene knight
You may have hints on as well, which drove me absolutely bonkers.  You can turn 
hints off in the Vo Utilities menu.  Vo/F8.  I think it too is under verbosity. 
 Hope that helps.
On Jun 19, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You can try setting the verbosity level to medium or low.  You can find this 
> in the VO settings (control option F8) or press control option V to open 
> verbosity settings.  You make Alex shut up by pressing control.  Just like 
> jaws.  Difference being you can press control again to resume speech if 
> you've haven't pressed anyting else.
> hth
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Alfredo wrote:
>> So does anyone know how to make alex less informative?  He starts
>> talking about 10 seconds after I land on somehting.  Thsi is helpful
>> for a newbie, like me, but it seems to be more annoying than helpful.
>> Also how to you make alex quiet, such as with jaws, you press the
>> control key to make him shut up.  Any help would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Alfredo
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