Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Mary,

I'm using a Handytech braillestar 40 with my macbook.
You can connect it via bluetooth or usb.
For other brailletables then the default one in macosx, you can download 
cecibraille. It contains language tables such as german, french, ...

When you use google to find this dmg, you'll get right away.

Hope this helps,



Op 17-jun-2010, om 18:37 heeft Mary Otten het volgende geschreven:

> Hi folks,
> I just had a look through the braille support section of the vo help, since 
> I'm at least thinking about getting a display. I've never had one of my own; 
> I use to use one at work, and it was wonderful for foreign language work. So 
> now I have some questions that the help section didn't address.
> There was no mention of being able to have alternate language tables. I think 
> I remember seeing reports that you can't do that. Is that right? I know there 
> will be a bunch of them in ios4, and I was rather hoping that this would have 
> migrated to SL, but I guess it didn't.
> I didn't see anything about being able to actually enter text using the keys 
> which some displays have dedicated to that purpose, or if you own a notetaker 
> like a braille sense plus, using that keyboard to enter text. Does that mean 
> that text entry from the display is not possible? the number of displays 
> supported is impressive. I'd be curious to hear what displays people are 
> using and how that is working out for you. 
> Somebody mentioned wanting a braillino. that's one I'd looked at, although 
> the price tag is a bit high. I've never seen the special concave cells that 
> Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside 
> from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't 
> attend one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi again,

I forgot to mention that you can use the  Handytech as an input device. :)
Personally, I don't use it that way. I want the same behavior as when I connect 
my handytech to my LInux boxes. ;)



Op 18-jun-2010, om 09:45 heeft Peter Durieux het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Mary,
> I'm using a Handytech braillestar 40 with my macbook.
> You can connect it via bluetooth or usb.
> For other brailletables then the default one in macosx, you can download 
> cecibraille. It contains language tables such as german, french, ...
> When you use google to find this dmg, you'll get right away.
> Hope this helps,
> kr
> -Peter
> Op 17-jun-2010, om 18:37 heeft Mary Otten het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi folks,
>> I just had a look through the braille support section of the vo help, since 
>> I'm at least thinking about getting a display. I've never had one of my own; 
>> I use to use one at work, and it was wonderful for foreign language work. So 
>> now I have some questions that the help section didn't address.
>> There was no mention of being able to have alternate language tables. I 
>> think I remember seeing reports that you can't do that. Is that right? I 
>> know there will be a bunch of them in ios4, and I was rather hoping that 
>> this would have migrated to SL, but I guess it didn't.
>> I didn't see anything about being able to actually enter text using the keys 
>> which some displays have dedicated to that purpose, or if you own a 
>> notetaker like a braille sense plus, using that keyboard to enter text. Does 
>> that mean that text entry from the display is not possible? the number of 
>> displays supported is impressive. I'd be curious to hear what displays 
>> people are using and how that is working out for you. 
>> Somebody mentioned wanting a braillino. that's one I'd looked at, although 
>> the price tag is a bit high. I've never seen the special concave cells that 
>> Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside 
>> from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't 
>> attend one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.
>> mary
>> -- 
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Orin

What I do with Adium is when someone types a message if I've missed it is 
interact with the HTML area, hit VO-SHift-End to get to the last message 
received, and that's that. You don't have to scroll.

So, if you know a few VO key shortcuts, messenger is just as good on windows, 
although I don't like system voice is Snow Leopard. Before, System Voice in 
regular Leopard 10.5 used to let VO interupt it when it was speaking. When 
System Voice is speaking now, if you command-tab you'll have to wait now for 
the System VOice to stop speaking for VO to say the window you just 
command-tabbed too. Sure, I know that Introvox voices have so that you don't 
have this problem, but I don't have the money at the moment.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:47 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode for 
> when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which VoiceOver 
> is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add on.  Mac OS X 
> has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must admit I have 
> not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I 
> can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit box 
> and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my replies 
> in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep scrolling down 
> the entire history to read my last message received.  Not sure if there is a 
> better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was about to try it Safari 
> 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen JAWS use MSN Messenger 
> for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep the pressure up with Apple 
> hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for other IM applications, we are 
> best writing to the developers directly.
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is this in Mac?
>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>> I'm just curious.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>>> Hi Kolby,
>>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>>> or Pages in iworks, which requires lay

new apple user

2010-06-18 Thread denise avant
Hi all,

I've had my mac book pro for a couple of weeks now. While I've not had an
opportunity to sit and learn it just yet, I've been able to do some work on

I'm going to use vm fusion and perhaps windows 7 to run some of the
important programs I need like ms word openbook, and Duxbury. 

I'm just wondering what version of windows 7 would be best?


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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Orin
You can have Adium read out messages automaticly with the system voice, however 
you'll face the problem I was talking about earlier in this thread.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:26 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> hey thanks just tried that and it works a treat, shame it does not auto read 
> out the new message automatically as it arrives, but still a damn sight 
> better then the way I was using IM before.  Just tried it with Adium, will 
> try it with ichat/facebook when I get that working again. 
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 11:47, John André Netland wrote:
>> Here is what to do when doing IM with VoiceOver:
>> •Navigate to the text field
>> •Press control-option-shift-F3 to turn cursor tracking off
>> •Navigate to the area for incoming messages
>> •read and answer just by navigating the message area, you don't need to move 
>> to the text field. Just write and press enter.
>> •Remember to press control-option-shift-F3 to turn curser tracking on before 
>> using other apps.
>> This should work in all IM apps, like text chat in Skype, iChat etc. etc.
>> Hope this helps someone.
>> John André
>> On 17. juni 2010, at 11.47, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
>>> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
>>> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode 
>>> for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which 
>>> VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add 
>>> on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I 
>>> must admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
>>> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
>>> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so 
>>> I can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit 
>>> box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my 
>>> replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep 
>>> scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not 
>>> sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was 
>>> about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have 
>>> seen JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep 
>>> the pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for 
>>> other IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
 will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to 
 in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
 have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise 
 would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
 NVDA rather than Jaws.
 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
 keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
 keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
 easy is this in Mac?
 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
 several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
 Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
 those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, 
 and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
 control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
 much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
 while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
 VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
 It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
 share them. Is this possible for VO?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
 Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
 What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
 I'm just curious.
 "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
> Hi Kolby,
> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
> there are a

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Orin
Adium is pretty good with IRC, but I must admit, it lacks in some areas. X-Chat 
aqua I still not sure how to use actually, so yeah. I think we need a better 
client in that department. Aqua's preferences dialog is most certainly weird.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc and don't expect much if 
> anything in the way of amateur radio software. theonly ham radio software i 
> have found  so far that I have used that is accessible is mac doppler and 
> it's abit expensive at $09 bu tit works
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. 
>> I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
>> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
>> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
>> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
>> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
>> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
>> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
>> willing to learn all that I can.
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread erik burggraaf
HI Mary,

Braille input is possible using braille connect and snowleopard.  I haven't 
tried input on the braille sense plus, mostly because I never could get the 
thing up and running on leopard and haven't bothered with it on Snowleopard.

I think input is also possible with the alva BC640 when using the feature pack.

Unfortunately they are only set up for 8 dot computer braille entry at this 
point, no grade two.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-06-17, at 12:37 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I just had a look through the braille support section of the vo help, since 
> I'm at least thinking about getting a display. I've never had one of my own; 
> I use to use one at work, and it was wonderful for foreign language work. So 
> now I have some questions that the help section didn't address.
> There was no mention of being able to have alternate language tables. I think 
> I remember seeing reports that you can't do that. Is that right? I know there 
> will be a bunch of them in ios4, and I was rather hoping that this would have 
> migrated to SL, but I guess it didn't.
> I didn't see anything about being able to actually enter text using the keys 
> which some displays have dedicated to that purpose, or if you own a notetaker 
> like a braille sense plus, using that keyboard to enter text. Does that mean 
> that text entry from the display is not possible? the number of displays 
> supported is impressive. I'd be curious to hear what displays people are 
> using and how that is working out for you. 
> Somebody mentioned wanting a braillino. that's one I'd looked at, although 
> the price tag is a bit high. I've never seen the special concave cells that 
> Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside 
> from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't 
> attend one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

By the way, for those who did not mention this, Growl has different styles 
which delivers notifications differently. The "Speech" style, for example, 
speaks the notifications such as who is typing in a SKype chat, or auto-reads 
the message, or auto-reads direct messages and Mentions in some Twitter 
clients, etc. There is one problem with this style, and I am hoping that you 
can either edit it yourself or the Growl team will. I have not found a way to 
edit the built-in styles, though.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:48 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Thanks very much everyone.
> It's much better now that Growl has been muzzled.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Brandon much wrote:
>> yeah go to growl preferences and there should be a stop growl button. be 
>> aware that doing this will not stop any events you have set in applications 
>> like speaking any uncoming messages. 
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi again fellow mac folk,
>>> When I'm chatting in skype, every time the other person responds, I get 
>>> this weird "growl system wrap dialog" thing. I end up having to command tab 
>>> back to the chat window to read the response. Is there a way I can either 
>>> modify growl's behavior, perhaps with a muzzle, or turn it off? Has anyone 
>>> found a fix for this issue? Thanks again. I appreciate all of you and the 
>>> awesome information I learn on this list.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
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Re: More trouble with saving podcasts and dropbox files and such with Safari

2010-06-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Courtney,

In places where VO-Shift-M ought to work but doesn't, route your mouse cursor 
to your VO cursor with VO-Command-F5 and then hold down the Control key and 
click with the physical mouse or trackpad. This will bring up a contextual menu.



On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:27 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to download some podcasts to my Mack and when I press VO-space, it 
> plays it. I do try to do VO-shift-M, but there's no option to download the 
> linked file. And with direct links from Dropbox, it does the same thing. Any 
> help with these two matters would be greatly appreciated.
> Courtney
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Re: vertical alignment in Text edit

2010-06-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Christina,

I don't think you can centre text vertically in TextEdit. It's a good little 
word processor, but lacks many features you would find in a more professional 

Have you tried Pages?


On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Christina wrote:

> Can I vertically center text on a page using Text edit?  If so, how can I do 
> this?  I can't figure it out nor can I find any help via a google search.
> Thanks,
> Christina
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vr-stream is recognized on my macbook

2010-06-18 Thread chad baker
Hi i got my vr-stream to work.
All i had to do was to format the sd card on the stream itself and when i 
plugged it in it came up.
Not sure if you guys new thought i would pass it along.

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RE: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Dave Taylor
Another really useful response, thank you. All this is information I will be
using to get the most out of our day for as many people as possible. This
netbook has a couple of years in it I should think, but I have a feeling it
has received its last paid for update. My feeling is that by then, there
will be no second thought about making the switch. I've already been shot
down for being so excited about the trackpad, but I know it will be an
important way of doing things. Few people are born blind and I totally
believe that for somebody losing sight, even if they used Windows when
sighted, switching to VO would be much easier for them than learning Jaws or


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Laura M
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 12:44 AM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User

As to 1, I find messaging on the Mac to be much, much more enjoyable
than I ever did on Windows. If you want to, you can use it the way you
describe, so you don't have to switch back and forth between the
message area and typing field, but even if you use it by tabbing
between them, your place is generally remembered, at least on iChat.
It also handles multi-person chats better than anything I ever had
with Windows. and the best part is, it works without any kind of Jaws
overlay. The same commands I use to switch between windows, or bring
up contacts are exactly the same for non-Voiceover users.

On a general point, I think listening to demos isn't a good way of
figuring out whether you'll be efficient. They don't sound convincing
in that regard, I know. That's no fault of the demos, I don't think.
It's just hard because some of the concepts, like interacting, seem
much more complicated than they are when you're just hearing about
them. When you're using them, they're far more intuitive--or at least,
they were for me.

Once I started using it, I found that I loved the Voiceover way of
doing things. I don't know if it's always more efficient (though I
certainly don't think it's less), but it's more useful than that for
me. Between group mode and the trackpad, I have a far better sense of
how websites and screens work. There's a context that was never
present with JAWS. I know, for example, how the mail program is laid
out, or that certain webpages have easily accessible sidebars that I
can instantly reach. That absolutely does make me more efficient,
because instead of tabbing or arrowing everywhere, I can just touch
where I want to be. Far, far fewer keystrokes. And because I know
where things are, if I'm explaining something to a friend or family
member, I can help them visually identify it far more easily than I
could've with JAWS. It really has shortened the distance between how I
use a computer and how my sighted friends do, and that's awesome.

That's also why I like that VO doesn't make assumptions about what I
want it to do, or decide that I'll inevitably want certain extra
commands. There are some essential things that really do have to be
there for basic functionality, and a lot of really cool stuff that
just makes life easier, but I'm not relying on the kind of special
JAWS scripts to get things done. Again, it increase parity between me
and everyone else using Macs. I didn't know it at the time, but now I
really do feel that JAWS was a layer between me and the operating
system, which in many cases made it very difficult if scripts broke,
or programs were updated, or I was simply trying to explain to a non-
JAWS user how I did something. Now I tell them what steps I take, and
in most cases, they can replicate them.

On Jun 17, 10:35 am, "Dave Taylor"  wrote:
> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise
> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
> NVDA rather than Jaws.
> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
> easy is this in Mac?
> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio,
> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading
> w

New Mac Mini

2010-06-18 Thread Rob Lambert
Apple has redesigned it's mac mini. It's now shorter (at just over an inch
thick), but also wider (at approximately 7.1" square). The big thing on this
one is, on the bottom, there is a round cover. Twist this cover, and remove
it, and you are immediately granted access to the RAM. There is also a model
range cut for the mini. You now just have the one lower priced (what I call
"consumer") model at $699, and then the server at $999. There's also an SD
card slot on the back (come in from the left hand side, and it's on the top,
above the two round audio ports). Finally, keep going beyond the SD card,
towards the right. You will first find four USB 2.0 ports, and beyond the
furthest right port (or the one closest to the center of the back of the
Mini, however you prefer) there are two ports. One is the mini DVI port
that's found on Apple's MacBook Pro. The one to the right of that is long,
rectangular, and has an angular shape on the bottom. This is Apple's brand
new HDMI port. This means that, if you have an HD TV, you can hook up your
Mini and use your HD TV as the monitor. A full port description is as
follows. If you come in from the right hand side, the back has the following
ports from right to left: Power (switch), power (A/C adapter port),
ethernet, Firewire 800 (the horizontal long line below this is a cooling
vent), then thee's the HDMI port that I spoke of earlier, and the Mini DVI
port. Finally, following on from the DVI port, again proceeding to the left,
there is the four USB ports, and an SD card slot, and that's where you will
see the left edge of your Mini. Below the SD card slot are two audio jacks.
The one  closest to the edge is headphone, and the one closest to the center
is line-in. More info can be found at I'm
curious about your opinion on this. For those who don't know, the Mini has
been around since 2005, and this is it's first full redesign in five years.
In my opinion, it was way overdue, and I'm glad they finally got around to

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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. I'm 
sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger amount of 
data, and continue their current behavior.

I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be for 
ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the more 
> I like it.
> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything 
> on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go get 
> a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per month. You 
> don't need many of those people in your area before most of the network 
> capacity is gone.
> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
> bandwidth for me.
> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or all 
> you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of those web 
> hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth for 
> your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand sites 
> that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download all you 
> want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant for fine dining? 
> It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages to cover the costs 
> for the service that they provide. If not, well, you descend in to the 
> wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I think 
> that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am about the 
> price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 17, 2010, at 
> 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
>> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
>> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
>> saving money in the long run.  
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
>>> I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 
>>> AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 
 blunt jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just 
 because we can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made 
 itself usable out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead 
 is not only a touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
 On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
I have to ask, How on earth can you stay on a call for 72 hours!? :)
On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:44 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You bring up some good points. If I can use the wireless then I do but if I 
> use the 3g It will be limited to a bit of streaming, haytell, skype when I 
> can get it to work but not for 72 hour calls like I do on the wireless. lol! 
> I was actually surprised I was able to stream the 96kbps stereo for the 30 
> seconds before my phone yelled at me. lol.
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything 
>> on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go 
>> get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per 
>> month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of the 
>> network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>> bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or all 
>> you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of those 
>> web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth 
>> for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand 
>> sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download all 
>> you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant for fine 
>> dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages to cover 
>> the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you descend in to 
>> the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I 
>> think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am 
>> about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
>> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
>> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
>> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
>> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
>> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
>> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 17, 2010, 
>> at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
>>> screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having 
>>> limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people 
>>> will end up saving money in the long run.  
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
 sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
 I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon 
 will surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive 
 enugh beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I 
 as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 
 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 
> blunt jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just 
> because we can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made 
> itself usable out of the box for us. It's not only free, b

Re: New Mac Mini

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
I personally think this is a good step taken by Apple.  The introduction of 
HDMI on the mini is fantastic for those who wish to hook up a full computer to 
their HD TV.  Internet browsing etc on the XBox/PS3 
On 18 Jun 2010, at 12:11, Rob Lambert wrote:
leaves a lot to be desired and the Mac mini fills the gap nicely.  I know a 
great deal of my PC friends have been waiting for an HDMI Mac mini, so can see 
many people switching.  I also know a number of bars that use the Mac mini to 
power power their displays, so having HDMI built in will make life easier.

Also some low vision users will appreciate being able to easily connect a mac 
up to a huge TV will benefit from this.  I know if I still have had my vision I 
would have bought one of these, as they are much better then the Apple TV.  
However I would have liked to have seen the Mac mini starting price at £499 to 
keep it below the £500 price tag as you can buy a Windows laptop for less then 
the price of the Mac mini.  Would have also liked the Mac mini to be available 
in black too to fit in with most AV equipment.  Maybe at its current price 
blu-ray should have been built in?  Would like to see Apple add more TV like 
features too.  Imagine talking menus and TV guide on a HDTV? now that would be 
useful as I find it very difficult to use my cable set top box since going 
> Apple has redesigned it's mac mini. It's now shorter (at just over an inch 
> thick), but also wider (at approximately 7.1" square). The big thing on this 
> one is, on the bottom, there is a round cover. Twist this cover, and remove 
> it, and you are immediately granted access to the RAM. There is also a model 
> range cut for the mini. You now just have the one lower priced (what I call 
> "consumer") model at $699, and then the server at $999. There's also an SD 
> card slot on the back (come in from the left hand side, and it's on the top, 
> above the two round audio ports). Finally, keep going beyond the SD card, 
> towards the right. You will first find four USB 2.0 ports, and beyond the 
> furthest right port (or the one closest to the center of the back of the 
> Mini, however you prefer) there are two ports. One is the mini DVI port 
> that's found on Apple's MacBook Pro. The one to the right of that is long, 
> rectangular, and has an angular shape on the bottom. This is Apple's brand 
> new HDMI port. This means that, if you have an HD TV, you can hook up your 
> Mini and use your HD TV as the monitor. A full port description is as 
> follows. If you come in from the right hand side, the back has the following 
> ports from right to left: Power (switch), power (A/C adapter port), ethernet, 
> Firewire 800 (the horizontal long line below this is a cooling vent), then 
> thee's the HDMI port that I spoke of earlier, and the Mini DVI port. Finally, 
> following on from the DVI port, again proceeding to the left, there is the 
> four USB ports, and an SD card slot, and that's where you will see the left 
> edge of your Mini. Below the SD card slot are two audio jacks. The one  
> closest to the edge is headphone, and the one closest to the center is 
> line-in. More info can be found at I'm curious 
> about your opinion on this. For those who don't know, the Mini has been 
> around since 2005, and this is it's first full redesign in five years. In my 
> opinion, it was way overdue, and I'm glad they finally got around to it. 
> -- 
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IChat (wasRe: Prospective Mac User)

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Does Ichat still have that weird limitation as to who you can add to your 
contacts?  Sorry, I know that's vague, I just remember that when I got my Mac 
last summer people were opting for Adium because of some issue pertaining to 
chatting with contacts from certain providers, like I think maybe those with 
Yahoo addresses?
On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:59 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Another really useful response, thank you. All this is information I will be
> using to get the most out of our day for as many people as possible. This
> netbook has a couple of years in it I should think, but I have a feeling it
> has received its last paid for update. My feeling is that by then, there
> will be no second thought about making the switch. I've already been shot
> down for being so excited about the trackpad, but I know it will be an
> important way of doing things. Few people are born blind and I totally
> believe that for somebody losing sight, even if they used Windows when
> sighted, switching to VO would be much easier for them than learning Jaws or
> Cheers
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Laura M
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 12:44 AM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
> As to 1, I find messaging on the Mac to be much, much more enjoyable
> than I ever did on Windows. If you want to, you can use it the way you
> describe, so you don't have to switch back and forth between the
> message area and typing field, but even if you use it by tabbing
> between them, your place is generally remembered, at least on iChat.
> It also handles multi-person chats better than anything I ever had
> with Windows. and the best part is, it works without any kind of Jaws
> overlay. The same commands I use to switch between windows, or bring
> up contacts are exactly the same for non-Voiceover users.
> On a general point, I think listening to demos isn't a good way of
> figuring out whether you'll be efficient. They don't sound convincing
> in that regard, I know. That's no fault of the demos, I don't think.
> It's just hard because some of the concepts, like interacting, seem
> much more complicated than they are when you're just hearing about
> them. When you're using them, they're far more intuitive--or at least,
> they were for me.
> Once I started using it, I found that I loved the Voiceover way of
> doing things. I don't know if it's always more efficient (though I
> certainly don't think it's less), but it's more useful than that for
> me. Between group mode and the trackpad, I have a far better sense of
> how websites and screens work. There's a context that was never
> present with JAWS. I know, for example, how the mail program is laid
> out, or that certain webpages have easily accessible sidebars that I
> can instantly reach. That absolutely does make me more efficient,
> because instead of tabbing or arrowing everywhere, I can just touch
> where I want to be. Far, far fewer keystrokes. And because I know
> where things are, if I'm explaining something to a friend or family
> member, I can help them visually identify it far more easily than I
> could've with JAWS. It really has shortened the distance between how I
> use a computer and how my sighted friends do, and that's awesome.
> That's also why I like that VO doesn't make assumptions about what I
> want it to do, or decide that I'll inevitably want certain extra
> commands. There are some essential things that really do have to be
> there for basic functionality, and a lot of really cool stuff that
> just makes life easier, but I'm not relying on the kind of special
> JAWS scripts to get things done. Again, it increase parity between me
> and everyone else using Macs. I didn't know it at the time, but now I
> really do feel that JAWS was a layer between me and the operating
> system, which in many cases made it very difficult if scripts broke,
> or programs were updated, or I was simply trying to explain to a non-
> JAWS user how I did something. Now I tell them what steps I take, and
> in most cases, they can replicate them.
> On Jun 17, 10:35 am, "Dave Taylor"  wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
> type
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise
> it
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
> similar
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is 

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-18 Thread Ryan Mann
I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition in 
the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really motivated 
to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad for consumers, 

On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
> I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
> amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be for 
> ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>> more I like it.
>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do anything 
>> on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone can go 
>> get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 per 
>> month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of the 
>> network capacity is gone.
>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>> bandwidth for me.
>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or all 
>> you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of those 
>> web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the bandwidth 
>> for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other thousand 
>> sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can download all 
>> you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant for fine 
>> dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages to cover 
>> the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you descend in to 
>> the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and buffet dining. I 
>> think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being clogged than I am 
>> about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, then sign me up.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
>> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
>> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
>> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
>> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
>> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
>> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 17, 2010, 
>> at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
>>> screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having 
>>> limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people 
>>> will end up saving money in the long run.  
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
 sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
 I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon 
 will surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive 
 enugh beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I 
 as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 
 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 

MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
Hi all,

Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet?  I am sure 
visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the previous 
site.  Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between applications 
such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible.  I am also trying to add a 
alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, but trying to do this 
with VO is a nightmare.  

The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything else 
shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up a great 
deal of options.

Anyone else had better luck?  This should be very straight forward to use but 
is not which surprises me when it is from Apple.  I have sent an email to Apple 
accessibility, will let you know what they say.

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To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Definitely true.  But both VZ and Sprint have better networks, that might give 
them some motivation, if Steve Jobs and friends hadn't chosen the brilliant 
plan of guaranteeing ATT customers because of the iPhone.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition in 
> the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
> motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad for 
> consumers, read
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
>> I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
>> amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
>> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be for 
>> ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>>> more I like it.
>>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
>>> anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone 
>>> can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 
>>> per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of 
>>> the network capacity is gone.
>>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>>> bandwidth for me.
>>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other 
>>> thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can 
>>> download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant 
>>> for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages 
>>> to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you 
>>> descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and 
>>> buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being 
>>> clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, 
>>> then sign me up.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get 
>>> off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm 
>>> tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i 
>>> ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i 
>>> pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any 
>>> chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream 
>>> audio with my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 
>>> 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
 screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of 
 having limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most 
 people will end up saving money in the long run.  
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the 
> ball sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting 
> a new I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and 

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Brandon Misch
well, you could type in /clear to clear the text and if you have key echo by 
characters on, that will interupt it. also if you use keyboard commanders like 
option t for time, that will interupt the system voice. 

On Jun 18, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Orin wrote:

> Hi,
> What I do with Adium is when someone types a message if I've missed it is 
> interact with the HTML area, hit VO-SHift-End to get to the last message 
> received, and that's that. You don't have to scroll.
> So, if you know a few VO key shortcuts, messenger is just as good on windows, 
> although I don't like system voice is Snow Leopard. Before, System Voice in 
> regular Leopard 10.5 used to let VO interupt it when it was speaking. When 
> System Voice is speaking now, if you command-tab you'll have to wait now for 
> the System VOice to stop speaking for VO to say the window you just 
> command-tabbed too. Sure, I know that Introvox voices have so that you don't 
> have this problem, but I don't have the money at the moment.
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:47 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
>> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
>> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode 
>> for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which 
>> VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add 
>> on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must 
>> admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
>> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
>> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I 
>> can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit 
>> box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my 
>> replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep 
>> scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not 
>> sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was 
>> about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen 
>> JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep the 
>> pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for other 
>> IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
>>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
>>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
>>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>>> easy is this in Mac?
>>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
>>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
>>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
>>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>>> I'm just curious.
>>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
 Hi Kolby,
 I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
 there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
 programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
 standard requires finding workarounds every ti

Syncing playlists with Iphone

2010-06-18 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

How do you sync playlists to the Iphone? I checked the box to manually  sync 
music, but every time I go to the playlists search tab, nothing comes up. What 
am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help in advance. Have a great  day.


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Data plans

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi all,

Just my thoughts on this topic, but.. unlimited data  is cool, but not that 
Here in Belgium I pay 99 euro's for 20 hours of calling, 2 GB of data traffic.
Another provider here in .be asks 15 euro for 50Mb, so If I see the prices 
elsewhere, for example in the .us, the data plans are pretty cheap and payable.

Just my thoughts as I said.

Kind regards,


Op 18-jun-2010, om 14:51 heeft Ryan Mann het volgende geschreven:

> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition in 
> the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
> motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad for 
> consumers, read
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
>> I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
>> amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
>> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be for 
>> ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>>> more I like it.
>>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
>>> anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone 
>>> can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 
>>> per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of 
>>> the network capacity is gone.
>>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>>> bandwidth for me.
>>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other 
>>> thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can 
>>> download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant 
>>> for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages 
>>> to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you 
>>> descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and 
>>> buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being 
>>> clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, 
>>> then sign me up.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get 
>>> off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm 
>>> tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i 
>>> ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i 
>>> pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any 
>>> chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream 
>>> audio with my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 
>>> 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
 screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of 
 having limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most 
 people will end up saving money in the long run.  
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick

Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple mail 
for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things.  Has anyone figured 
out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all my 
devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Hi all,
> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet?  I am sure 
> visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the previous 
> site.  Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between applications 
> such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible.  I am also trying to add a 
> alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, but trying to do 
> this with VO is a nightmare.  
> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything else 
> shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up a 
> great deal of options.
> Anyone else had better luck?  This should be very straight forward to use but 
> is not which surprises me when it is from Apple.  I have sent an email to 
> Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Blake Sinnett

MobileMe is a waste of money in my opinion. I sync my Gmail and contacts with 
Google Sync. This way I keep my contacts up to date no matter what device I'm 
using, whether it be running Windows, Mac, iOS or Windows Mobile.

> Subject: Re: MobileMe redesigned website
> From:
> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:48:56 -0700
> To:
> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple mail 
> for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things. Has anyone figured 
> out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all my 
> devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet? I am 
> > sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the 
> > previous site. Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between 
> > applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible. I am also 
> > trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, 
> > but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare. 
> > 
> > The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything 
> > else shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings 
> > up a great deal of options.
> > 
> > Anyone else had better luck? This should be very straight forward to use 
> > but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple. I have sent an email 
> > to Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> >
> > 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: new apple user

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
I don't know about running the adaptive technology stuff on the mac, soI'll 
leave that to someone who has more experience with open book, etc, but I wonder 
whether you've tried iWork and pages?  These programs work just as well as MS 
word once you play around with them, and you'd eliminate the need for windows 
and jaws on the mac if you went that route.  Also, there are OCR programs like 
Abby fine reader express which work well on the mac, and could potentially 
replace open book for you.  Just a few things to think about.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:52 AM, denise avant wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’ve had my mac book pro for a couple of weeks now. While I’ve not had an 
> opportunity to sit and learn it just yet, I’ve been able to do some work on 
> it.
> I’m going to use vm fusion and perhaps windows 7 to run some of the important 
> programs I need like ms word openbook, and Duxbury.
> I’m just wondering what version of windows 7 would be best?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
haven't tried google sync, but I never use windows devices, so mobile me works 
well for what I need.  Different solutions work for different people, though.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Blake Sinnett wrote:

> MobileMe is a waste of money in my opinion. I sync my Gmail and contacts with 
> Google Sync. This way I keep my contacts up to date no matter what device I'm 
> using, whether it be running Windows, Mac, iOS or Windows Mobile.
> > Subject: Re: MobileMe redesigned website
> > From:
> > Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:48:56 -0700
> > To:
> > 
> > How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple 
> > mail for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things. Has anyone 
> > figured out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to 
> > all my devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
> > Olivia
> > "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> > 
> > On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet? I am 
> > > sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the 
> > > previous site. Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between 
> > > applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible. I am also 
> > > trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, 
> > > but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare. 
> > > 
> > > The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything 
> > > else shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings 
> > > up a great deal of options.
> > > 
> > > Anyone else had better luck? This should be very straight forward to use 
> > > but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple. I have sent an email 
> > > to Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> > >
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > at
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> > 
> -- 
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installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
Hi Everyone,
Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just don't 
understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they use it 
for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with windows over 
the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble and expense for 
most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of the box, so you've 
often got to get some expensive third party solution like Jaws to make it 
accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm 
asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for windows, and the 
third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO 
users prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating 
I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in knowing 
why and how you switch between the OS's?
Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons for 
using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

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RE: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread M. Taylor


Personally, I absolutely adore Mobile  I think it is one of the best
investments I've ever made.  It's simple, secure, and Mac-Centric.  

While I use both the syncing features of Google on both an enterprise and
personal level, as well as taking advantage of the vast resources of like
features on Microsoft's SkyDrive and, I wouldn't give up my Mobile
Me features for all the money in the world.  Beside, I love the "find my
iPhone" feature.  


[] On Behalf Of Blake Sinnett
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:56 AM
Subject: RE: MobileMe redesigned website

MobileMe is a waste of money in my opinion. I sync my Gmail and contacts
with Google Sync. This way I keep my contacts up to date no matter what
device I'm using, whether it be running Windows, Mac, iOS or Windows Mobile.

> Subject: Re: MobileMe redesigned website
> From:
> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:48:56 -0700
> To:
> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple
mail for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things. Has anyone
figured out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all
my devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet? I am
sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the
previous site. Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between
applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible. I am also
trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted,
but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare. 
> > 
> > The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything
else shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up
a great deal of options.
> > 
> > Anyone else had better luck? This should be very straight forward to use
but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple. I have sent an email to
Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > 
> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: new apple user

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
Sorry to sound thick, what is OpenBook? is this some sort of OCR for the PC?  
And this Fine Reader is this expensive?  I am hoping to get an iPal Solo from 
Humanware, but in the meantime I would like an OCR package that I can use to 
read my printed documents that come through the post.  The only two OCR 
packages I am familiar with on the mac is IRIS and Omnipage.  My Canon multi 
scan PIXMA 630 has basic OCR software with it, but it is totally inaccessible 
for VO users.

Sorry as I have stated before I have only been blind a few months so this is 
all new to me.  Olivia thank you for your offer of requesting to chat to me 
offline regarding my experiences with using a mac sighted and now using it 
without sight.  I did actually write you a long email the other night and my 
ISP then died and I lost it, however I plan on writing to  you again x 
On 18 Jun 2010, at 14:57, Olivia Norman wrote:

> I don't know about running the adaptive technology stuff on the mac, soI'll 
> leave that to someone who has more experience with open book, etc, but I 
> wonder whether you've tried iWork and pages?  These programs work just as 
> well as MS word once you play around with them, and you'd eliminate the need 
> for windows and jaws on the mac if you went that route.  Also, there are OCR 
> programs like Abby fine reader express which work well on the mac, and could 
> potentially replace open book for you.  Just a few things to think about.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:52 AM, denise avant wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve had my mac book pro for a couple of weeks now. While I’ve not had an 
>> opportunity to sit and learn it just yet, I’ve been able to do some work on 
>> it.
>> I’m going to use vm fusion and perhaps windows 7 to run some of the 
>> important programs I need like ms word openbook, and Duxbury.
>> I’m just wondering what version of windows 7 would be best?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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RE: new apple user

2010-06-18 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Denise,

First, let me address all of those who have so kindly contacted me off-list.
I will return your calls; I'm still playing catch up so forgive the delay,

Denise, I am comfortable in stating that any version of Windows 7 (32-bit
recommended) will work just fine with VM Ware Fusion 3.1.  Although I use
Ultimate, there really is no good reason to spend the extra money on it
unless you intend to use some very obscure and advanced features none of
which I will list here.  

Denise, for the most part, setting up Fusion is pretty strait forward
provided that you truly understand the concept of a virtual machine.  

While I'm sure there are many who will disagree with me, as a former beta
tester working for VM Ware, I think Fusion is one of the best resources for
those of us who require screen readers in a virtual environment.  

I should state that I have not used other virtual machine environments in
over a year so you may wish to explore other options.  

Keep one thing in mind, although people love to say how easy the Mac is to
use, that it is still a computer and we are a long ways from the interface
that is observed in the Star Trek television series.  So, give yourself time
and study well before you engage the virtual machine project.  


[] On Behalf Of denise avant
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:53 AM
Subject: new apple user

Hi all,
I've had my mac book pro for a couple of weeks now. While I've not had an
opportunity to sit and learn it just yet, I've been able to do some work on
I'm going to use vm fusion and perhaps windows 7 to run some of the
important programs I need like ms word openbook, and Duxbury. 
I'm just wondering what version of windows 7 would be best?

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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Olivia,

Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
expensive third-party software. :)

Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  I 
would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 3rd-party 
software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon Windows 
completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, there is 
not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit to 
fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My copy of 
Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows machine.  I also 
find that some Word docs with tables in them read much better in Windows than 
on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which runs under Windows.  
Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work much better under 
windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on the faculty end, 
Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of last winter, Safari 
4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned to continue using 
Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My solution has been to 
simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't do that for whatever 
reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.

I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
Take care,
On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just don't 
> understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they use it 
> for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with windows over 
> the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble and expense 
> for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of the box, so 
> you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like Jaws to make 
> it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess the question 
> I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for windows, and 
> the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, 
> from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two 
> operating systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
I have parallels installed on my Mac.  I already had Windows xp installed via 
BootCamp which I used rarely for applications that you could not get to run on 
a Mac back in the day when I used to have a Nokia phone and a Sat nav that was 
not a tom tom.  After losing my site I thought I would install Parallels to 
take advantage of my boot camp and read that it was better and faster then 
VMware.'s Fusion.

I did needed some sighted assistance to set it up.  Not sure if Fusion would be 
better then this.  What I do like is that Zoom on the Mac seems to work on the 
Windows side too.  I have downloaded JAWS 11 demo so I can try and learn it a 
little before I have to use it at work.  I think the majority of people 
probably use Windows on their Mac occasionally to run the odd application that 
is not available for the Mac.  I know others who use it for gaming.

Life would be much easier if my Employer would just let me hook up my Mac to 
their network, but sadly everything they use is Microsoft.  My experience of 
JAWS so far is awful! I started using VO before learning JAWS which is probably 
the opposite of most.  It feels like taking a step backwards to be honest.  Yes 
lots of things work, but I find it very clumsy not having a rota to flick 
between forms and headers and stuff.  None of this press INS and function key 
whatever.  Maybe in time I might prefer it, but I doubt it as I am a true Mac 
On 18 Jun 2010, at 15:05, Olivia Norman wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just don't 
> understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they use it 
> for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with windows over 
> the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble and expense 
> for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of the box, so 
> you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like Jaws to make 
> it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess the question 
> I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for windows, and 
> the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, 
> from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two 
> operating systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> -- 
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RE: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Olivia,  

I would never dream of flaming you or anyone for asking an honest question.

While I'm short on time, I wanted to give you an answer from someone who is
not biased against either platform, something that is becoming harder and
harder to find, sadly.  

I find that I am traveling great distances on the weekends, these days.  For
a while, I would take two computers with me my beloved MacBook Pro 13-inch,
and my beloved Acer 7-inch NetBook, simply the most adorable thing I've ever

The reason why I take two is probably obvious; there are some programs in
Windows 7, such as MS Money and OpenBook, that require Windows.  Also,
although I know Mac users will hate this, many web pages simply work better
with Internet Explorer.  Remember, I don't make the news, I simply report it
so don't shoot the messenger, OK?  (Smile)  Also, I use GoldWave and I do so
in Windows.  

Now, keep in mind that while my MacBook Pro is much larger than my cute
little NetBook, it gets up to 3 times as long of battery life, it's much
faster, and quite frankly, it provides a more enjoyable physical working

Now that I have a full working virtual machine with Windows 7 Ultimate with
Jaws, I have the best of both worlds on one machine.  Less cords to keep
track of and a faster computer, to boot.  

Also, any resources I attach to the Mac, such as my Verizon Wireless
AirCard, is automatically available to the Windows 7 virtual machine.  

Finally, since using Windows 7 Ultimate in a virtual environment, there is
no need to run virus scanners or anything else that may slow down the
Windows experience for, assuming I keep backup copies of the virtual
machine, should anything get corrupted, (not likely to happen) I simply
delete the infected machine and replace it with the backup copy complete
with everything intact including my installed licensed copy of Jaws.  

I hope this helps you understand the benefit of a Windows virtual machine on
a Mac.

Oh! One more thing, with the current problems of Safari 5, it's nice to be
able to quickly switch to Internet Explorer to enjoy the web.

Olivia, remember, it's all about options and choices, the most wonderful
liberty in the universe, to be sure.

Have a wonderful day,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:06 AM
Subject: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people
opt for this?

Hi Everyone,
Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just
don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they
use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with
windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble
and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of
the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like
Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess
the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for
windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first
place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch
between the two operating systems?
I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in
knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons
for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

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Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi everyone,

I've been following the posts on Abbyy Fine reader. Is it like Kurzweil for 
Mac? Does it operate on the same principles as Kurzweil 1000? WHat I mean by 
this question is it possible to hook up a USB scanner and use Abbyy Fine Reader 
to scan a printed document? I need a scanning/reading solution for work. I 
really like the Intel  Reader, but like most technology for the blind/visually 
impaired, it's way too expensive for my budget. Thank you in advance for all 
your assistance.


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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
I use iDisk a heck of a lot.  I have the iDisk icon listed on my desktop (go to 
finder preferences and tick external drives) I drag and drop aka copy and files 
to it.  I can then retrieve them from my other mac computer and used to also 
access the data via mobile me (when I was sighted) at work.  Not quite sure how 
I will do this now in mobileme.  I do love the simplicity of syncing in mobile 
me though.  Have no intention to sync to Windows devices. Oh and I forgot to 
mention the best bit, when i drag and drop files to my idisk I can access them 
on my iPhone too!  Now if I could get some sort of device on my iPhone to read 
Daisy etc then I would not need to consider a Victor Stream  Humanware must be 
getting worried!  So they should as they are bloody expensive products. 
On 18 Jun 2010, at 14:48, Olivia Norman wrote:

> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple mail 
> for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things.  Has anyone figured 
> out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all my 
> devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet?  I am 
>> sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the 
>> previous site.  Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between 
>> applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible.  I am also 
>> trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, 
>> but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare.  
>> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything else 
>> shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up a 
>> great deal of options.
>> Anyone else had better luck?  This should be very straight forward to use 
>> but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple.  I have sent an email 
>> to Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
>> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
Not enough competition?

I can think of 4 other carriers off the top of my head.  How much competition 
is needed?
On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> I agree with you Donna.  The problem is that there is not much competition in 
> the phone carrier market in the United States, so Atnt is not really 
> motivated to beaf up their network.  For a perspective on why this is bad for 
> consumers, read
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Good points, but I wonder if you're right about people being more careful. 
>> I'm sure that some will, but many will probably just pay for the larger 
>> amount of data, and continue their current behavior.
>> I think the better solution to the problem you're talking about would be for 
>> ATT to get their act together and build a decent infrastructure.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the 
>>> more I like it.
>>> Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network 
>>> performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has 
>>> become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is because, in large 
>>> part, to all of the bazillion people on their iPhones. Previously, those 
>>> people either didn't care, or didn't know enough, to affectively do 
>>> anything on a smartphone that would consume a lot of bandwidth. Now, anyone 
>>> can go get a cheap iPhone, and start lapping up all the bandwidth for $30 
>>> per month. You don't need many of those people in your area before most of 
>>> the network capacity is gone.
>>> Sure, data will cost a bit more now. I'd like to pay less, but I can afford 
>>> to pay more. However, paying more has the added benefit that most people 
>>> won't be able to pay more, or at least will carefully consider what they're 
>>> doing before they leave Pandora running on their iPhone all day at their 
>>> desk, sucking up all of the capacity in the cell, etc. They'll be worried 
>>> about bills now, which means they'll stay off the network, which means more 
>>> bandwidth for me.
>>> I've noticed that just about any business that offers all you can use or 
>>> all you can eat service starts to quickly drop off in quality. Think of 
>>> those web hosting companies that promise unlimited bandwidth. Sure, the 
>>> bandwidth for your site is unlimited, just like the bandwidth for the other 
>>> thousand sites that they host are unlimited. The result is that you can 
>>> download all you want, at a snail's pace. Who goes to a buffet restaurant 
>>> for fine dining? It's better to pay a company a fee that actually manages 
>>> to cover the costs for the service that they provide. If not, well, you 
>>> descend in to the wonderfully high quality of unlimited web hosting and 
>>> buffet dining. I think that I get more upset with AT&T's network being 
>>> clogged than I am about the price. If I can pay more to have it work well, 
>>> then sign me up.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:25 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Install iOS 4 today!
>>> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
>>> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
>>> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
>>> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
>>> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get 
>>> off thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm 
>>> tryinh o ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i 
>>> ever did want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i 
>>> pad will have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any 
>>> chance of acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream 
>>> audio with my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop On Jun 
>>> 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not 
 screwing people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of 
 having limits placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most 
 people will end up saving money in the long run.  
 On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the 
> ball sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting 
> a new I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and 
> verizon will surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was 
> expensive enugh beofre at

gradual fade out with amadeus Pro

2010-06-18 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I just learned something new in Amadeus Pro and I thought I'd share it. I was 
trying to get a song to gradually fade out for my podcast, I discovered if you 
go in to effects, fading, and then settings you will find lots of customizable 
options. If you set the fade out type to quadratic and the decay time to 4.3 
seconds, you will have a nice gradual fade out of your audio. Just thought I'd 
share. Have a great day.


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I really miss a good scanning software for the mac. I am using
finereader 10 in bootcamp or in vmware.

I also like, that you can access your windows files from your mac, if
for exampel your windows has broke down, that happens. Another thing
is that if you use vmware you can install windows yourself you can do
that with xp I am not sure when it comes to windows 7.

There are also some good image solutions to backup your windows
installation. Bootcamp you can use winclone. IF you make an
installation in vmware you can simply backup the folder in which your
windows is placed.

I would also love if I could do everything with my mac, but it is not
possible at the moment. But I love my mac, and I love everything I can
do on it. I have got a lot of funy programs for my mac, I have never
found for my windows.

Best regards Annie.

2010/6/18, Donna Goodin :
> Hi Olivia,
> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows
> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that
> expensive third-party software. :)
> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of
> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.
> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive
> 3rd-party software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon
> Windows completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now,
> there is not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit
> to fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My
> copy of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows
> machine.  I also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much
> better in Windows than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which
> runs under Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work
> much better under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on
> the faculty end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of
> last winter, Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned
> to continue using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My
> solution has been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't
> do that for whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system
> on your Mac.
> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows
> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what
>> they use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience
>> with windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the
>> trouble and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't
>> accessible out of the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third
>> party solution like Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as
>> purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm asking here, is if you're
>> going to shell out the cash for windows, and the third party access
>> solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO users
>> prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating
>> systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good
>> reasons for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they
>> are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
This makes great sense!  Thanks for putting this so clearly! I do completely 
understand where you're coming from, and this is exactly the kind of 
information I was intersetd in obtaining!
I'd probably be more inclined to use windows if screen readers were less 
expensive and more accessible.  If you've already payed the price for jaws, 
though, I can see the benefits and why you would take this route! :)
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Olivia,  
> I would never dream of flaming you or anyone for asking an honest question.
> While I'm short on time, I wanted to give you an answer from someone who is
> not biased against either platform, something that is becoming harder and
> harder to find, sadly.  
> I find that I am traveling great distances on the weekends, these days.  For
> a while, I would take two computers with me my beloved MacBook Pro 13-inch,
> and my beloved Acer 7-inch NetBook, simply the most adorable thing I've ever
> seen.  
> The reason why I take two is probably obvious; there are some programs in
> Windows 7, such as MS Money and OpenBook, that require Windows.  Also,
> although I know Mac users will hate this, many web pages simply work better
> with Internet Explorer.  Remember, I don't make the news, I simply report it
> so don't shoot the messenger, OK?  (Smile)  Also, I use GoldWave and I do so
> in Windows.  
> Now, keep in mind that while my MacBook Pro is much larger than my cute
> little NetBook, it gets up to 3 times as long of battery life, it's much
> faster, and quite frankly, it provides a more enjoyable physical working
> platform.  
> Now that I have a full working virtual machine with Windows 7 Ultimate with
> Jaws, I have the best of both worlds on one machine.  Less cords to keep
> track of and a faster computer, to boot.  
> Also, any resources I attach to the Mac, such as my Verizon Wireless
> AirCard, is automatically available to the Windows 7 virtual machine.  
> Finally, since using Windows 7 Ultimate in a virtual environment, there is
> no need to run virus scanners or anything else that may slow down the
> Windows experience for, assuming I keep backup copies of the virtual
> machine, should anything get corrupted, (not likely to happen) I simply
> delete the infected machine and replace it with the backup copy complete
> with everything intact including my installed licensed copy of Jaws.  
> I hope this helps you understand the benefit of a Windows virtual machine on
> a Mac.
> Oh! One more thing, with the current problems of Safari 5, it's nice to be
> able to quickly switch to Internet Explorer to enjoy the web.
> Olivia, remember, it's all about options and choices, the most wonderful
> liberty in the universe, to be sure.
> Have a wonderful day,
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people
> opt for this?
> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just
> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they
> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with
> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble
> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of
> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like
> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess
> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for
> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first
> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch
> between the two operating systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons
> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
Well put Mark.

You know?  A lot of times we do things just because we can.  Like owning 2 
pairs of sneakers.  lol.  You can only wear one pair at a time right?  lol.  
But it just boils down to flexibility.  There are things that the Mac with 
voiceover just don't or can't do at this point.  Windows and a 3rd party 
screenreader fills this void for some people.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Olivia,  
> I would never dream of flaming you or anyone for asking an honest question.
> While I'm short on time, I wanted to give you an answer from someone who is
> not biased against either platform, something that is becoming harder and
> harder to find, sadly.  
> I find that I am traveling great distances on the weekends, these days.  For
> a while, I would take two computers with me my beloved MacBook Pro 13-inch,
> and my beloved Acer 7-inch NetBook, simply the most adorable thing I've ever
> seen.  
> The reason why I take two is probably obvious; there are some programs in
> Windows 7, such as MS Money and OpenBook, that require Windows.  Also,
> although I know Mac users will hate this, many web pages simply work better
> with Internet Explorer.  Remember, I don't make the news, I simply report it
> so don't shoot the messenger, OK?  (Smile)  Also, I use GoldWave and I do so
> in Windows.  
> Now, keep in mind that while my MacBook Pro is much larger than my cute
> little NetBook, it gets up to 3 times as long of battery life, it's much
> faster, and quite frankly, it provides a more enjoyable physical working
> platform.  
> Now that I have a full working virtual machine with Windows 7 Ultimate with
> Jaws, I have the best of both worlds on one machine.  Less cords to keep
> track of and a faster computer, to boot.  
> Also, any resources I attach to the Mac, such as my Verizon Wireless
> AirCard, is automatically available to the Windows 7 virtual machine.  
> Finally, since using Windows 7 Ultimate in a virtual environment, there is
> no need to run virus scanners or anything else that may slow down the
> Windows experience for, assuming I keep backup copies of the virtual
> machine, should anything get corrupted, (not likely to happen) I simply
> delete the infected machine and replace it with the backup copy complete
> with everything intact including my installed licensed copy of Jaws.  
> I hope this helps you understand the benefit of a Windows virtual machine on
> a Mac.
> Oh! One more thing, with the current problems of Safari 5, it's nice to be
> able to quickly switch to Internet Explorer to enjoy the web.
> Olivia, remember, it's all about options and choices, the most wonderful
> liberty in the universe, to be sure.
> Have a wonderful day,
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people
> opt for this?
> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just
> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they
> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with
> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble
> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of
> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like
> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess
> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for
> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first
> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch
> between the two operating systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons
> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Kaare Dehard
Sometimes it's a matter of circomstances... For example, I once upon a time 
took an online course for the blind. I had me a copy of windows xp pro from the 
machine that died and was replaced by my mac. At this time, we were using a 
ventrillo server to attend classes and the windows version worked better than 
the mac one. I also had iwork 08 which had not been made accessible, so at the 
time and for that place a vm running the hated os, with some slightly dated 
third party access solution fit the need for that time and place.
On 2010-06-18, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just don't 
> understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they use it 
> for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with windows over 
> the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble and expense 
> for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of the box, so 
> you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like Jaws to make 
> it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess the question 
> I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for windows, and 
> the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, 
> from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two 
> operating systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
You're like me! I'm a true mac fan girl, and I'd never use jaws again, 
personally.  I'm pretty lucky because I can use my mac at work, but I know 
unfortunately, that most places are still using windows and microsoft.  
I hope you're able to figure out jaws enough to use it for work.  I am sure 
that there are people on this list who can give you some jaws tips and tricks.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I have parallels installed on my Mac.  I already had Windows xp installed via 
> BootCamp which I used rarely for applications that you could not get to run 
> on a Mac back in the day when I used to have a Nokia phone and a Sat nav that 
> was not a tom tom.  After losing my site I thought I would install Parallels 
> to take advantage of my boot camp and read that it was better and faster then 
> VMware.'s Fusion.
> I did needed some sighted assistance to set it up.  Not sure if Fusion would 
> be better then this.  What I do like is that Zoom on the Mac seems to work on 
> the Windows side too.  I have downloaded JAWS 11 demo so I can try and learn 
> it a little before I have to use it at work.  I think the majority of people 
> probably use Windows on their Mac occasionally to run the odd application 
> that is not available for the Mac.  I know others who use it for gaming.
> Life would be much easier if my Employer would just let me hook up my Mac to 
> their network, but sadly everything they use is Microsoft.  My experience of 
> JAWS so far is awful! I started using VO before learning JAWS which is 
> probably the opposite of most.  It feels like taking a step backwards to be 
> honest.  Yes lots of things work, but I find it very clumsy not having a rota 
> to flick between forms and headers and stuff.  None of this press INS and 
> function key whatever.  Maybe in time I might prefer it, but I doubt it as I 
> am a true Mac boy.
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 15:05, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they 
>> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble 
>> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of 
>> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like 
>> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess 
>> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for 
>> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first 
>> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch 
>> between the two operating systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
It's interesting that blackboard didn't work for you.  I was a student for a 
year lst winter, and I got great results with blackboard and safari.  
Hopefully, the mac will soon replace that expensive third party software for 
you! :)
I totally understand that some still need windows, and I'm kind of enjoying 
finding out all of this information from all of you!  
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
> expensive third-party software. :)
> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  
> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 3rd-party 
> software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon Windows 
> completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, there is 
> not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit to 
> fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My copy 
> of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows machine.  I 
> also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much better in Windows 
> than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which runs under 
> Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work much better 
> under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on the faculty 
> end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of last winter, 
> Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned to continue 
> using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My solution has 
> been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't do that for 
> whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.
> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they 
>> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble 
>> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of 
>> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like 
>> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess 
>> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for 
>> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first 
>> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch 
>> between the two operating systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> -- 
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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Barry Hadder
There is  at least one thing I've noticed that is more accessible than before.  
The actions menu can now be accessed with vo.  One thing you have to do 
however, is turn off cursor tracking.  When keyboard tracks with vo, nothing 
seems to work.

Another note of interest:  Mail rules are now stored on the server.  I felt 
that was a major flaw in mobileme before.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Hi all,
> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet?  I am sure 
> visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the previous 
> site.  Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between applications 
> such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible.  I am also trying to add a 
> alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, but trying to do 
> this with VO is a nightmare.  
> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything else 
> shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up a 
> great deal of options.
> Anyone else had better luck?  This should be very straight forward to use but 
> is not which surprises me when it is from Apple.  I have sent an email to 
> Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
> -- 
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A question about safari and braille

2010-06-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I have som problems with safari and braille at the moment. When I have
wrote a mail in my gmail, my display does not follow what I am
writing. I would like if I could see the last words i have just been
writing. I have also some problems when I have to read the mail before
I send it. It is not only gmail also other sites with formfields. Has
anybody else discovered any problems with safari and braille.

Just now I have problems to get what I have just been writing shown on
my braille display.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Eric,
By they are only set up for computer braille entry, I assume you mean vo, not 
the particular display, the bc640? Or did you mean just that display? 


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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Brett Campbell
Mark, then you are going to absolutely love the new find my iPhone app.  It's 
simple and fast.  Of course it requires one to have access to an iPod touch, 
iPad or a friends iPhone with the app installed.

Brett C.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:10 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello,
> Personally, I absolutely adore Mobile  I think it is one of the best
> investments I've ever made.  It's simple, secure, and Mac-Centric.  
> While I use both the syncing features of Google on both an enterprise and
> personal level, as well as taking advantage of the vast resources of like
> features on Microsoft's SkyDrive and, I wouldn't give up my Mobile
> Me features for all the money in the world.  Beside, I love the "find my
> iPhone" feature.  
> Mark
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Blake Sinnett
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: MobileMe redesigned website
> MobileMe is a waste of money in my opinion. I sync my Gmail and contacts
> with Google Sync. This way I keep my contacts up to date no matter what
> device I'm using, whether it be running Windows, Mac, iOS or Windows Mobile.
>> Subject: Re: MobileMe redesigned website
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:48:56 -0700
>> To:
>> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple
> mail for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things. Has anyone
> figured out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all
> my devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet? I am
> sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the
> previous site. Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between
> applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible. I am also
> trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted,
> but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare. 
>>> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything
> else shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up
> a great deal of options.
>>> Anyone else had better luck? This should be very straight forward to use
> but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple. I have sent an email to
> Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
>>> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: New Mac Mini

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Rob,
I like the sd card slot. I wish my Mac Mini had one of those. You can upgrade 
the consumer model with more memory faster processor and larger hard drive. So 
I'm not sure I see a big difference with what they offered in that regard when 
I bought mine last December. I wonder if the hard drives are 7200 rpm; I wasn't 
able to find that in the looking I did, but its probably buried somewhere in 
there. The server model is 7200 rpm with duel 500gb drives, but I recall 
hearing that that os version isn't vo friendly. What gets me is how much Apple 
wants for memory upgrades.


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread John J Herzog
I am in the same boat. I have a lot of scanning to do, and started law school 2 
years ago. There wasn't any great OCR solution for the mac, so I decided to 
install windows XP and kurzweil via fusion on my machine. I still use it to 
this day just for that purpose, but have replaced windows everywhere else. 

On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> Sometimes it's a matter of circomstances... For example, I once upon a time 
> took an online course for the blind. I had me a copy of windows xp pro from 
> the machine that died and was replaced by my mac. At this time, we were using 
> a ventrillo server to attend classes and the windows version worked better 
> than the mac one. I also had iwork 08 which had not been made accessible, so 
> at the time and for that place a vm running the hated os, with some slightly 
> dated third party access solution fit the need for that time and place.
> On 2010-06-18, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they 
>> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble 
>> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of 
>> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like 
>> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess 
>> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for 
>> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first 
>> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch 
>> between the two operating systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Hi allison,
While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people say, 
no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a decade. 
Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR recognized, such 
as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full model designation, 
you can apparently scan directly without the need for a second app to do the 
scanning part and then transferring the file to abby for processing. But, as I 
understand it, you cannot scan and read simultaneously; you can't scan multiple 
pages into the same file. You can't scan and immediately read to check out 
setting accuracy. You have to let abbyy save the page to a file and then read 
it there. Lots more steps. Maybe ok for the occasional page. but totally not so 
for serious scanning. If my understanding of the limitation of fr express is 
incorrect, I hope somebody will correct me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR 
with the hp8300 and who has used k1000 if fr express could do the things I 
outlined above and he flatly said no. to be sure, there is a huge cost 
difference. But having an excellent efficient scanning solution is one reason I 
have no intention of giving up Windows for now. Using two applications where 
one will do, having to  save to a file prior to reading and not being able have 
multiple pages in the same file, have it open and reading while I'm scanning, 
or even scanning one thing and reading another are all reasons why I can't see 
dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a full 
version of fine reader, that might be a different story.


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten

Hi John,
I have a copy of fusion and was planning to port an xp set up over to my Mac 
with the K1000. I'm using a bookedge scanner, and its driver installation is a 
bit nonstandard, hence the desire to port over, rather than just getting win7 
and startig fresh. What scanner are you using with your k1000 and your fusion 
on your mac?


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread John J Herzog
Hello Mary, 
The scanner I'm using is a fujitsu fi-6230. I like the scanner because of its 
super fast document feeder. You can get that bad boy going at sixty pages per 
minute. The other nice thing is that the document feeder supports double sided 
scanning, so where applicable you get both pages on a single pass. 
Some people will probably want to wring my neck for saying this, but when I 
scan books I get much better results when I unbind them, and feed the pages 
through the ADF. The flatbed is pretty good on this thing for other types of 
documents, but it really makes a mess when trying to recognize book pages. I 
haven't figured out why. 


On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi John,
> I have a copy of fusion and was planning to port an xp set up over to my Mac 
> with the K1000. I'm using a bookedge scanner, and its driver installation is 
> a bit nonstandard, hence the desire to port over, rather than just getting 
> win7 and startig fresh. What scanner are you using with your k1000 and your 
> fusion on your mac?
> Mary
> -- 
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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Olivia, 

you can simply configure finder to access your mobileme idkisk space.
For information about configure idisk on your mac, see the apple support site 
or google can help.
Also, the idisk appllication on the iphone is very accessible, instead of 
closing an opened document.
Ok, at least I don't figured it out to close an opened doc. 

Hope this helps,

Have a nice day.


Op 18-jun-2010, om 15:48 heeft Olivia Norman het volgende geschreven:

> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple mail 
> for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things.  Has anyone figured 
> out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all my 
> devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet?  I am 
>> sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the 
>> previous site.  Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between 
>> applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible.  I am also 
>> trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted, 
>> but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare.  
>> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything else 
>> shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up a 
>> great deal of options.
>> Anyone else had better luck?  This should be very straight forward to use 
>> but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple.  I have sent an email 
>> to Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
>> -- 
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
Maybe we are all thinking a bit too old school.  Two weeks ago Humanware 
demonstrated document readers to me which used a camera instead.  The camera 
was portable as it was on a fold up tripod type thing.  The software was on a 
Windows machine which drove the camera, words were also displayed on screen as 
the document was read out.  The camera took  a picture of the document and a 
second or so later the document was read out to me.  You could take pictures of 
multiple pages too.  tHe speech quality was amazing, even better then Alex I 
have to be honest. I thought h I would buy this if I could use it on my Mac 
too.  I wish Humanware would develop software for the Mac to drive hardware 
like this.

I decided on the iPal Solo so I did not have to use a windows machine to read 
documents, as the iPal solo works completely without a computer.  

Who knows in about 2 years time we will all probably be reading printed 
material via the camera on the iPhone 6 or whatever. I can just picture a nifty 
stand you slide your iPhone or iPod Touch into to neatly take a picture of the 
document below.  I want it now!!!

On 18 Jun 2010, at 16:43, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi allison,
> While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people say, 
> no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a decade. 
> Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR recognized, 
> such as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full model 
> designation, you can apparently scan directly without the need for a second 
> app to do the scanning part and then transferring the file to abby for 
> processing. But, as I understand it, you cannot scan and read simultaneously; 
> you can't scan multiple pages into the same file. You can't scan and 
> immediately read to check out setting accuracy. You have to let abbyy save 
> the page to a file and then read it there. Lots more steps. Maybe ok for the 
> occasional page. but totally not so for serious scanning. If my understanding 
> of the limitation of fr express is incorrect, I hope somebody will correct 
> me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR with the hp8300 and who has used k1000 
> if fr express could do the things I outlined above and he flatly said no. to 
> be sure, there is a huge cost difference. But having an excellent efficient 
> scanning solution is one reason I have no intention of giving up Windows for 
> now. Using two applications where one will do, having to  save to a file 
> prior to reading and not being able have multiple pages in the same file, 
> have it open and reading while I'm scanning, or even scanning one thing and 
> reading another are all reasons why I can't see dumping windows for 
> scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a full version of fine 
> reader, that might be a different story.
> mary
> -- 
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RE: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick

I wouldn't mind that either! *smile*   Has anyone seen the specifications
for the camera in iPhone 4?  Specifically, is the flash LED or xenon based?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: 18 June 2010 17:06
Subject: Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

Maybe we are all thinking a bit too old school.  Two weeks ago Humanware
demonstrated document readers to me which used a camera instead.  The camera
was portable as it was on a fold up tripod type thing.  The software was on
a Windows machine which drove the camera, words were also displayed on
screen as the document was read out.  The camera took  a picture of the
document and a second or so later the document was read out to me.  You
could take pictures of multiple pages too.  tHe speech quality was amazing,
even better then Alex I have to be honest. I thought h I would buy this
if I could use it on my Mac too.  I wish Humanware would develop software
for the Mac to drive hardware like this.

I decided on the iPal Solo so I did not have to use a windows machine to
read documents, as the iPal solo works completely without a computer.  

Who knows in about 2 years time we will all probably be reading printed
material via the camera on the iPhone 6 or whatever. I can just picture a
nifty stand you slide your iPhone or iPod Touch into to neatly take a
picture of the document below.  I want it now!!!

On 18 Jun 2010, at 16:43, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi allison,
> While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people
say, no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a
decade. Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR
recognized, such as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full
model designation, you can apparently scan directly without the need for a
second app to do the scanning part and then transferring the file to abby
for processing. But, as I understand it, you cannot scan and read
simultaneously; you can't scan multiple pages into the same file. You can't
scan and immediately read to check out setting accuracy. You have to let
abbyy save the page to a file and then read it there. Lots more steps. Maybe
ok for the occasional page. but totally not so for serious scanning. If my
understanding of the limitation of fr express is incorrect, I hope somebody
will correct me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR with the hp8300 and who
has used k1000 if fr express could do the things I outlined above and he
flatly said no. to be sure, there is a huge cost difference. But having an
excellent efficient scanning solution is one reason I have no intention of
giving up Windows for now. Using two applications where one will do, having
to  save to a file prior to reading and not being able have multiple pages
in the same file, have it open and reading while I'm scanning, or even
scanning one thing and reading another are all reasons why I can't see
dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a
full version of fine reader, that might be a different story.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Yes, I've heard of that Humanware device, the Intel reader. Its got a hefty 
pricetag, and it doesn't run on a Mac either. the folks who make the IPAL are 
supposedly starting a beta test program for something that will run on a mac 
and use the same system for scanning as they have with Windows. Based on the 
price of the windows device, again, pricing is way up there. Openbook has a 
camera solution; is it actually out yet? And the add on is in the neighborhood 
of a grand. Again, pricy. Maybe some day the prices will come down. Paying a 
grand for an add on camera to an already expensive solution doesn't seem 
practical.  I'm intrigued by the camera idea, but I would never pay a thousand 
for an add on or close to twice that for a stand alone solution. 


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, John. that Fujitsu doesn't sound like the scanner for me. I doubt the 
library would appreciate me cutting up their books. 


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Read: Mike H a ? about Itunes

2010-06-18 Thread Michael Huckabay
I have a ? is it possible when Using Itunes for play back to set up a 
compresser as a pre set at all or is there enny third party software that you 
can use so I could do this?

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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your reply about using the braille star. I'd love to see the 
Handytech braille cels. Apparently, its a unique design, and people either love 
it or hate it. its hard to picture how the concave cells are without getting 
your hands on a display.


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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
I think that ABEECEE (sp) is looking at developing a similar program for the 
On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Maybe we are all thinking a bit too old school.  Two weeks ago Humanware 
> demonstrated document readers to me which used a camera instead.  The camera 
> was portable as it was on a fold up tripod type thing.  The software was on a 
> Windows machine which drove the camera, words were also displayed on screen 
> as the document was read out.  The camera took  a picture of the document and 
> a second or so later the document was read out to me.  You could take 
> pictures of multiple pages too.  tHe speech quality was amazing, even better 
> then Alex I have to be honest. I thought h I would buy this if I could 
> use it on my Mac too.  I wish Humanware would develop software for the Mac to 
> drive hardware like this.
> I decided on the iPal Solo so I did not have to use a windows machine to read 
> documents, as the iPal solo works completely without a computer.  
> Who knows in about 2 years time we will all probably be reading printed 
> material via the camera on the iPhone 6 or whatever. I can just picture a 
> nifty stand you slide your iPhone or iPod Touch into to neatly take a picture 
> of the document below.  I want it now!!!
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 16:43, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi allison,
>> While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people 
>> say, no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a 
>> decade. Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR 
>> recognized, such as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full 
>> model designation, you can apparently scan directly without the need for a 
>> second app to do the scanning part and then transferring the file to abby 
>> for processing. But, as I understand it, you cannot scan and read 
>> simultaneously; you can't scan multiple pages into the same file. You can't 
>> scan and immediately read to check out setting accuracy. You have to let 
>> abbyy save the page to a file and then read it there. Lots more steps. Maybe 
>> ok for the occasional page. but totally not so for serious scanning. If my 
>> understanding of the limitation of fr express is incorrect, I hope somebody 
>> will correct me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR with the hp8300 and who 
>> has used k1000 if fr express could do the things I outlined above and he 
>> flatly said no. to be sure, there is a huge cost difference. But having an 
>> excellent efficient scanning solution is one reason I have no intention of 
>> giving up Windows for now. Using two applications where one will do, having 
>> to  save to a file prior to reading and not being able have multiple pages 
>> in the same file, have it open and reading while I'm scanning, or even 
>> scanning one thing and reading another are all reasons why I can't see 
>> dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a 
>> full version of fine reader, that might be a different story.
>> mary
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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> -- 
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Also, with Iphone 4 now sporting a 5 megapixel camera, you have to believe that 
OCR apps will be created for it as well.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Maybe we are all thinking a bit too old school.  Two weeks ago Humanware 
> demonstrated document readers to me which used a camera instead.  The camera 
> was portable as it was on a fold up tripod type thing.  The software was on a 
> Windows machine which drove the camera, words were also displayed on screen 
> as the document was read out.  The camera took  a picture of the document and 
> a second or so later the document was read out to me.  You could take 
> pictures of multiple pages too.  tHe speech quality was amazing, even better 
> then Alex I have to be honest. I thought h I would buy this if I could 
> use it on my Mac too.  I wish Humanware would develop software for the Mac to 
> drive hardware like this.
> I decided on the iPal Solo so I did not have to use a windows machine to read 
> documents, as the iPal solo works completely without a computer.  
> Who knows in about 2 years time we will all probably be reading printed 
> material via the camera on the iPhone 6 or whatever. I can just picture a 
> nifty stand you slide your iPhone or iPod Touch into to neatly take a picture 
> of the document below.  I want it now!!!
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 16:43, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi allison,
>> While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people 
>> say, no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a 
>> decade. Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR 
>> recognized, such as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full 
>> model designation, you can apparently scan directly without the need for a 
>> second app to do the scanning part and then transferring the file to abby 
>> for processing. But, as I understand it, you cannot scan and read 
>> simultaneously; you can't scan multiple pages into the same file. You can't 
>> scan and immediately read to check out setting accuracy. You have to let 
>> abbyy save the page to a file and then read it there. Lots more steps. Maybe 
>> ok for the occasional page. but totally not so for serious scanning. If my 
>> understanding of the limitation of fr express is incorrect, I hope somebody 
>> will correct me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR with the hp8300 and who 
>> has used k1000 if fr express could do the things I outlined above and he 
>> flatly said no. to be sure, there is a huge cost difference. But having an 
>> excellent efficient scanning solution is one reason I have no intention of 
>> giving up Windows for now. Using two applications where one will do, having 
>> to  save to a file prior to reading and not being able have multiple pages 
>> in the same file, have it open and reading while I'm scanning, or even 
>> scanning one thing and reading another are all reasons why I can't see 
>> dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a 
>> full version of fine reader, that might be a different story.
>> mary
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Yes, it will be great if they come out with an accessible scanning ocr app for 
the IPhone. But I don't think I see such an app being for the most efficient 
way to do books. Great for stuff on the go, however.


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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
The camera in the iPhone 4 is 5 megapixels and can operate in lower light 
conditions than the previous iPhone 3GS.  The flash is LED which is probably 
better for OCR than Xenon.  Apparently camera is pretty good, its not always 
about pixel count its about processing and also the size of the sensor that 
matters.  I used to find that my Nokia might have more pixel but the image was 
not always that great.
On 18 Jun 2010, at 17:13, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Chris,
> I wouldn't mind that either! *smile*   Has anyone seen the specifications
> for the camera in iPhone 4?  Specifically, is the flash LED or xenon based?
> Cheers,
> Dónal
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
> Sent: 18 June 2010 17:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac
> Maybe we are all thinking a bit too old school.  Two weeks ago Humanware
> demonstrated document readers to me which used a camera instead.  The camera
> was portable as it was on a fold up tripod type thing.  The software was on
> a Windows machine which drove the camera, words were also displayed on
> screen as the document was read out.  The camera took  a picture of the
> document and a second or so later the document was read out to me.  You
> could take pictures of multiple pages too.  tHe speech quality was amazing,
> even better then Alex I have to be honest. I thought h I would buy this
> if I could use it on my Mac too.  I wish Humanware would develop software
> for the Mac to drive hardware like this.
> I decided on the iPal Solo so I did not have to use a windows machine to
> read documents, as the iPal solo works completely without a computer.  
> Who knows in about 2 years time we will all probably be reading printed
> material via the camera on the iPhone 6 or whatever. I can just picture a
> nifty stand you slide your iPhone or iPod Touch into to neatly take a
> picture of the document below.  I want it now!!!
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 16:43, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi allison,
>> While I have not used abbyy for the Mac, based on what I've heard people
> say, no, it is nowhere near like K1000, which I have used for probably a
> decade. Yes, you can hook up a usb scanner, and if you get one that FR
> recognized, such as the hp 8300 pro or epson 200 or 300, I forget the full
> model designation, you can apparently scan directly without the need for a
> second app to do the scanning part and then transferring the file to abby
> for processing. But, as I understand it, you cannot scan and read
> simultaneously; you can't scan multiple pages into the same file. You can't
> scan and immediately read to check out setting accuracy. You have to let
> abbyy save the page to a file and then read it there. Lots more steps. Maybe
> ok for the occasional page. but totally not so for serious scanning. If my
> understanding of the limitation of fr express is incorrect, I hope somebody
> will correct me. I asked a guy I know who uses FR with the hp8300 and who
> has used k1000 if fr express could do the things I outlined above and he
> flatly said no. to be sure, there is a huge cost difference. But having an
> excellent efficient scanning solution is one reason I have no intention of
> giving up Windows for now. Using two applications where one will do, having
> to  save to a file prior to reading and not being able have multiple pages
> in the same file, have it open and reading while I'm scanning, or even
> scanning one thing and reading another are all reasons why I can't see
> dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes.  If abbyy would come out with a
> full version of fine reader, that might be a different story.
>> mary
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
If the iPhone was docked into an L shaped stand like Humanware's iPal then 
multiple pages could be easily done. Turn the page and wait for the camera 
click, then turn to the next page and so on.  Also the ability to upload the 
data direct to a computer like the iPal to take advantage of a better voice and 
processing power that is present on the iPhone would be very useful, but so 
would being able to read on the go with the built in abilities of the iPhone 
for reading menus and street signs and notices etc.
On 18 Jun 2010, at 17:39, Mary Otten wrote:

> Yes, it will be great if they come out with an accessible scanning ocr app 
> for the IPhone. But I don't think I see such an app being for the most 
> efficient way to do books. Great for stuff on the go, however.
> Mary
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Donna Goodin
No, probably not the most efficient method for scanning books. :)
On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:39 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Yes, it will be great if they come out with an accessible scanning ocr app 
> for the IPhone. But I don't think I see such an app being for the most 
> efficient way to do books. Great for stuff on the go, however.
> Mary
> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Olivia,

Well I can of course speak for myself, but let me share a few things with you:
1. I use windows only for school projects/related activities. Specifically I 
use OUtlook Express to follow the message postings, which are not a typical 
news group format. I have been after the developers of Unison for quite a while 
and they keep promising html support, which I think they implemented, but then 
they went off and broke accessibility of Unison now and I cannot use it for 
reading the news groups.
2. I am also needing to use Word and Power Point, which I have iWorks, but I 
have not mastered it sufficiently to write papers.

I also do have windows on my MBP at work, however, there it is necessary since 
I have to be able to work with the software available and They do not offer 
alternatives yet.
I am lucky in that my employer purchased the screen reader, which I can use on 
more than one machine and I did not have to pay for XP. So I am fortunate, not 
to have spent any money. Once I can ensure I will turn out good paper s using 
Pages, then I will have one less reason to waste my time with windows.

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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore
Could you not use a Newsreader on the Mac similar to how news groups are 
displayed within Outlook Express?  I have not used those type of news groups 
for years, but I am sure there will be something you could get on the Mac, this 
will mean less time on Windows 
On 18 Jun 2010, at 18:11, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Well I can of course speak for myself, but let me share a few things with you:
> 1. I use windows only for school projects/related activities. Specifically I 
> use OUtlook Express to follow the message postings, which are not a typical 
> news group format. I have been after the developers of Unison for quite a 
> while and they keep promising html support, which I think they implemented, 
> but then they went off and broke accessibility of Unison now and I cannot use 
> it for reading the news groups.
> 2. I am also needing to use Word and Power Point, which I have iWorks, but I 
> have not mastered it sufficiently to write papers.
> I also do have windows on my MBP at work, however, there it is necessary 
> since I have to be able to work with the software available and They do not 
> offer alternatives yet.
> I am lucky in that my employer purchased the screen reader, which I can use 
> on more than one machine and I did not have to pay for XP. So I am fortunate, 
> not to have spent any money. Once I can ensure I will turn out good paper s 
> using Pages, then I will have one less reason to waste my time with windows.
> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Moore

Excuse my ignorance, but what audio software do you use on Windows and for what 

On 18 Jun 2010, at 15:38, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
> expensive third-party software. :)
> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  
> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 3rd-party 
> software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon Windows 
> completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, there is 
> not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit to 
> fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My copy 
> of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows machine.  I 
> also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much better in Windows 
> than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which runs under 
> Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work much better 
> under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on the faculty 
> end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of last winter, 
> Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned to continue 
> using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My solution has 
> been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't do that for 
> whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.
> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they 
>> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble 
>> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of 
>> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like 
>> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess 
>> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for 
>> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first 
>> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch 
>> between the two operating systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM -- Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread David McLean
The only thing I use Windows for, and the only reason I installed it on the Mac 
as a Vm, is to use Winamp.  I like Vlc but I just haven't found anything I like 
as well as Winamp.
Also I've been a Windows used since the mid 90s so there are still a few times 
such as now with the Audible/Safari problem where it is just more convenient to 
go back to Windows temporarily.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
> expensive third-party software. :)
> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  
> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 3rd-party 
> software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon Windows 
> completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, there is 
> not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit to 
> fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My copy 
> of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows machine.  I 
> also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much better in Windows 
> than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which runs under 
> Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work much better 
> under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on the faculty 
> end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of last winter, 
> Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned to continue 
> using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My solution has 
> been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't do that for 
> whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.
> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they 
>> use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble 
>> and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of 
>> the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third party solution like 
>> Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess 
>> the question I'm asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for 
>> windows, and the third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first 
>> place?  Also, from a VO users prospective, how difficult is it to switch 
>> between the two operating systems?
>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> -- 
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Well said, Brandon!! 
On Jun 18, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> well, you could type in /clear to clear the text and if you have key echo by 
> characters on, that will interupt it. also if you use keyboard commanders 
> like option t for time, that will interupt the system voice. 
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Orin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What I do with Adium is when someone types a message if I've missed it is 
>> interact with the HTML area, hit VO-SHift-End to get to the last message 
>> received, and that's that. You don't have to scroll.
>> So, if you know a few VO key shortcuts, messenger is just as good on 
>> windows, although I don't like system voice is Snow Leopard. Before, System 
>> Voice in regular Leopard 10.5 used to let VO interupt it when it was 
>> speaking. When System Voice is speaking now, if you command-tab you'll have 
>> to wait now for the System VOice to stop speaking for VO to say the window 
>> you just command-tabbed too. Sure, I know that Introvox voices have so that 
>> you don't have this problem, but I don't have the money at the moment.
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:47 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
>>> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
>>> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode 
>>> for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which 
>>> VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add 
>>> on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I 
>>> must admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
>>> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
>>> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so 
>>> I can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit 
>>> box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my 
>>> replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep 
>>> scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not 
>>> sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was 
>>> about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have 
>>> seen JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep 
>>> the pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for 
>>> other IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
 will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to 
 in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
 have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise 
 would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
 NVDA rather than Jaws.
 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
 keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
 keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
 easy is this in Mac?
 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
 several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
 Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
 those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, 
 and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
 control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
 much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
 while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
 VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
 It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
 share them. Is this possible for VO?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
 Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
 What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
 I'm just curious.
 "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
> Hi Kolby,
> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
> there

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I'll try irsi and see. I'm not perfisent with the terminal but I'll give it 
a go if I can find it. lol!

Take care.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Orin wrote:

> Adium is pretty good with IRC, but I must admit, it lacks in some areas. 
> X-Chat aqua I still not sure how to use actually, so yeah. I think we need a 
> better client in that department. Aqua's preferences dialog is most certainly 
> weird.
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc and don't expect much if 
>> anything in the way of amateur radio software. theonly ham radio software i 
>> have found  so far that I have used that is accessible is mac doppler and 
>> it's abit expensive at $09 bu tit works
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. 
>>> I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
>>> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
>>> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
>>> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
>>> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
>>> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
>>> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
>>> willing to learn all that I can.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Kolby
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Re: gradual fade out with amadeus Pro

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
OO! Thank you thank you thank you. I found my faids to abropt. I have some 
other questions but I'll ask you off list.

Take care.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just learned something new in Amadeus Pro and I thought I'd share it. I was 
> trying to get a song to gradually fade out for my podcast, I discovered if 
> you go in to effects, fading, and then settings you will find lots of 
> customizable options. If you set the fade out type to quadratic and the decay 
> time to 4.3 seconds, you will have a nice gradual fade out of your audio. 
> Just thought I'd share. Have a great day.
> Allison
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Re: A question about safari and braille

2010-06-18 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Annie,

I had this problem as well.  I'm using a BrailleNote Mpower and have to use 
different routing keys to perform the reading functions. The only way I have 
gotten this to work in my Gmail account is pressing VO shift down arrow before 
I proofread my E-mails. What type of display are you using?


On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have som problems with safari and braille at the moment. When I have
> wrote a mail in my gmail, my display does not follow what I am
> writing. I would like if I could see the last words i have just been
> writing. I have also some problems when I have to read the mail before
> I send it. It is not only gmail also other sites with formfields. Has
> anybody else discovered any problems with safari and braille.
> Just now I have problems to get what I have just been writing shown on
> my braille display.
> Best regards Annie.
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
actually i my case it did. it stopped everything and I mean everything. lol!
On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> yeah go to growl preferences and there should be a stop growl button. be 
> aware that doing this will not stop any events you have set in applications 
> like speaking any uncoming messages. 
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi again fellow mac folk,
>> When I'm chatting in skype, every time the other person responds, I get this 
>> weird "growl system wrap dialog" thing. I end up having to command tab back 
>> to the chat window to read the response. Is there a way I can either modify 
>> growl's behavior, perhaps with a muzzle, or turn it off? Has anyone found a 
>> fix for this issue? Thanks again. I appreciate all of you and the awesome 
>> information I learn on this list.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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Re: Abbyy fine reader for Mac

2010-06-18 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mary and all,

I was under the impression that the Intel Reader was a portable device. Well, I 
think it is unless you use it with the capture station. I thought in listening 
to podcasts and demos about this product, that the great thing about the Intel 
Reader is that you don't have to be tied to a  computer. It's funny that the 
voice on Intel reader 
I think is Loquendo Susan, she's as clear as a bell. But on Mobile Speak she's 

On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Yes, I've heard of that Humanware device, the Intel reader. Its got a hefty 
> pricetag, and it doesn't run on a Mac either. the folks who make the IPAL are 
> supposedly starting a beta test program for something that will run on a mac 
> and use the same system for scanning as they have with Windows. Based on the 
> price of the windows device, again, pricing is way up there. Openbook has a 
> camera solution; is it actually out yet? And the add on is in the 
> neighborhood of a grand. Again, pricy. Maybe some day the prices will come 
> down. Paying a grand for an add on camera to an already expensive solution 
> doesn't seem practical.  I'm intrigued by the camera idea, but I would never 
> pay a thousand for an add on or close to twice that for a stand alone 
> solution. 
> Mary
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Orin
Yeah, I took a BLackboard course with safari and it wasn't all that bad. 
Messaging could use some work, though, as when I tried to message someone it 
for some reason came out blank on their end.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:

> It's interesting that blackboard didn't work for you.  I was a student for a 
> year lst winter, and I got great results with blackboard and safari.  
> Hopefully, the mac will soon replace that expensive third party software for 
> you! :)
> I totally understand that some still need windows, and I'm kind of enjoying 
> finding out all of this information from all of you!  
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Olivia,
>> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
>> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
>> expensive third-party software. :)
>> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
>> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  
>> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 
>> 3rd-party software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon 
>> Windows completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, 
>> there is not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit 
>> to fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My 
>> copy of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows 
>> machine.  I also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much 
>> better in Windows than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which 
>> runs under Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work 
>> much better under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on 
>> the faculty end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of 
>> last winter, Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned 
>> to continue using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My 
>> solution has been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't 
>> do that for whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system 
>> on your Mac.
>> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
>> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
>>> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what 
>>> they use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with 
>>> windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the 
>>> trouble and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't 
>>> accessible out of the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third 
>>> party solution like Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as 
>>> purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm asking here, is if you're 
>>> going to shell out the cash for windows, and the third party access 
>>> solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO users 
>>> prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating 
>>> systems?
>>> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
>>> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
>>> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons 
>>> for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
>>> Olivia
>>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>>> -- 
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Ricardo Walker

It seems that you guys had your success with blackboard from the student end.  
Donna sounds like she uses blackboard as a faculty member.  Maybe there is a 
subtle difference that impairs the accessibility with VO

On Jun 18, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Orin wrote:

> Yeah, I took a BLackboard course with safari and it wasn't all that bad. 
> Messaging could use some work, though, as when I tried to message someone it 
> for some reason came out blank on their end.
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> It's interesting that blackboard didn't work for you.  I was a student for a 
>> year lst winter, and I got great results with blackboard and safari.  
>> Hopefully, the mac will soon replace that expensive third party software for 
>> you! :)
>> I totally understand that some still need windows, and I'm kind of enjoying 
>> finding out all of this information from all of you!  
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Olivia,
>>> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
>>> users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
>>> expensive third-party software. :)
>>> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
>>> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach. 
>>>  I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 
>>> 3rd-party software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon 
>>> Windows completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right 
>>> now, there is not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to 
>>> commit to fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with 
>>> Vuescan.  My copy of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old 
>>> Windows machine.  I also find that some Word docs with tables in them read 
>>> much better in Windows than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, 
>>> which runs under Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio 
>>> captchas work much better under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, 
>>> at least on the faculty end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, 
>>> in fact, as of last winter, Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I 
>>> had not planned to continue using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I 
>>> still do.  My solution has been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  
>>> But if you can't do that for whatever reason, your only option is to run a 
>>> dual-boot system on your Mac.
>>> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
>>> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
>>> Take care,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
 don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what 
 they use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience 
 with windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the 
 trouble and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't 
 accessible out of the box, so you've often got to get some expensive third 
 party solution like Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as 
 purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm asking here, is if you're 
 going to shell out the cash for windows, and the third party access 
 solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO users 
 prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating 
 I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
 knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
 Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good 
 reasons for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they 
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Re: A question about safari and braille

2010-06-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have tried with 3 different displays, a pacmate 40 cells display, a
seika and a 12 cells vario connect, I have the same problem with all
of them, and one of my friends has tried with a 40 cells vario
connect, that is the same problem. I can not get it to work with
interacting, I have still reading problems, now while I am writing the
letters does not appear on my display while typing, sometimes but not
all the time.

I think it is an isue, that it is nescessarry to report. It was better
in safari 4.

Besst regards Annie.

2010/6/18, Allison Manzino :
> Hi Annie,
> I had this problem as well.  I'm using a BrailleNote Mpower and have to use
> different routing keys to perform the reading functions. The only way I have
> gotten this to work in my Gmail account is pressing VO shift down arrow
> before I proofread my E-mails. What type of display are you using?
> Allison
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I have som problems with safari and braille at the moment. When I have
>> wrote a mail in my gmail, my display does not follow what I am
>> writing. I would like if I could see the last words i have just been
>> writing. I have also some problems when I have to read the mail before
>> I send it. It is not only gmail also other sites with formfields. Has
>> anybody else discovered any problems with safari and braille.
>> Just now I have problems to get what I have just been writing shown on
>> my braille display.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> --
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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
The reason i do it as my broadcasting suite uses windows and i don't want to 
change it, pluss I have ot use sonar to edit and master stuff until I can 
afford protools le which will be a while but I'm patient.

Take care.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> It seems that you guys had your success with blackboard from the student end. 
>  Donna sounds like she uses blackboard as a faculty member.  Maybe there is a 
> subtle difference that impairs the accessibility with VO
> hth 
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Orin wrote:
>> Yeah, I took a BLackboard course with safari and it wasn't all that bad. 
>> Messaging could use some work, though, as when I tried to message someone it 
>> for some reason came out blank on their end.
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>>> It's interesting that blackboard didn't work for you.  I was a student for 
>>> a year lst winter, and I got great results with blackboard and safari.  
>>> Hopefully, the mac will soon replace that expensive third party software 
>>> for you! :)
>>> I totally understand that some still need windows, and I'm kind of enjoying 
>>> finding out all of this information from all of you!  
>>> Olivia
>>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Olivia,
 Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been Windows 
 users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we already own that 
 expensive third-party software. :)
 Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
 out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this 
 approach.  I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that 
 expensive 3rd-party software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to 
 abandon Windows completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  
 Right now, there is not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you 
 want to commit to fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction 
 with Vuescan.  My copy of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on 
 my old Windows machine.  I also find that some Word docs with tables in 
 them read much better in Windows than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury 
 translator, which runs under Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that 
 audio captchas work much better under windows than they do on the Mac.  
 Moreover, at least on the faculty end, Blackboard works *much better under 
 Windows, in fact, as of last winter, Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, 
 though I had not planned to continue using Windows, for all of the above 
 reasons, I still do.  My solution has been to simply hang onto my Windows 
 machine.  But if you can't do that for whatever reason, your only option 
 is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.
 I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my 
 Windows machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
 Take care,
 On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just 
> don't understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what 
> they use it for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience 
> with windows over the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the 
> trouble and expense for most people.  Consider that windows isn't 
> accessible out of the box, so you've often got to get some expensive 
> third party solution like Jaws to make it accessible to you, as well as 
> purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm asking here, is if you're 
> going to shell out the cash for windows, and the third party access 
> solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO users 
> prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating 
> systems?
> I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in 
> knowing why and how you switch between the OS's?
> Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good 
> reasons for using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they 
> are!
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
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Re: A question about safari and braille

2010-06-18 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
since 10.6.4, there are new problems with the braille. e.g. in forms on the 
internet in safari 5, only a part of the text in a form is visible on the 
When you interact with a mail message, I think the vo-cursor is jumping to the 
button-bar (bad English).
Also other issues: in 10.6.3, the text, element message..., that was shown on 
the brailledisplay was automatically selected.
e.g. a mail-message, a menu-item...
in 10.6.4 , I discover that I have to activate the element again before I can 
really work with it or select it.

10.6.4 seems to be a step backwards If someone find new features/bug fixes, pls 
tell me.

best regards,
Op 18-jun-2010, om 20:47 heeft Annie Skov Nielsen het volgende geschreven:

> Hi.
> I have tried with 3 different displays, a pacmate 40 cells display, a
> seika and a 12 cells vario connect, I have the same problem with all
> of them, and one of my friends has tried with a 40 cells vario
> connect, that is the same problem. I can not get it to work with
> interacting, I have still reading problems, now while I am writing the
> letters does not appear on my display while typing, sometimes but not
> all the time.
> I think it is an isue, that it is nescessarry to report. It was better
> in safari 4.
> Besst regards Annie.
> 2010/6/18, Allison Manzino :
>> Hi Annie,
>> I had this problem as well.  I'm using a BrailleNote Mpower and have to use
>> different routing keys to perform the reading functions. The only way I have
>> gotten this to work in my Gmail account is pressing VO shift down arrow
>> before I proofread my E-mails. What type of display are you using?
>> Allison
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I have som problems with safari and braille at the moment. When I have
>>> wrote a mail in my gmail, my display does not follow what I am
>>> writing. I would like if I could see the last words i have just been
>>> writing. I have also some problems when I have to read the mail before
>>> I send it. It is not only gmail also other sites with formfields. Has
>>> anybody else discovered any problems with safari and braille.
>>> Just now I have problems to get what I have just been writing shown on
>>> my braille display.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> --
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Re: A question about safari and braille

2010-06-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Would one of you report the isues to apple, you are better in english than I am.

Best regards Annie.

2010/6/18, William Windels :
> Hi all,
> since 10.6.4, there are new problems with the braille. e.g. in forms on the
> internet in safari 5, only a part of the text in a form is visible on the
> brailledisplay.
> When you interact with a mail message, I think the vo-cursor is jumping to
> the button-bar (bad English).
> Also other issues: in 10.6.3, the text, element message..., that was shown
> on the brailledisplay was automatically selected.
> e.g. a mail-message, a menu-item...
> in 10.6.4 , I discover that I have to activate the element again before I
> can really work with it or select it.
> 10.6.4 seems to be a step backwards If someone find new features/bug fixes,
> pls tell me.
> best regards,
> William
> Op 18-jun-2010, om 20:47 heeft Annie Skov Nielsen het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi.
>> I have tried with 3 different displays, a pacmate 40 cells display, a
>> seika and a 12 cells vario connect, I have the same problem with all
>> of them, and one of my friends has tried with a 40 cells vario
>> connect, that is the same problem. I can not get it to work with
>> interacting, I have still reading problems, now while I am writing the
>> letters does not appear on my display while typing, sometimes but not
>> all the time.
>> I think it is an isue, that it is nescessarry to report. It was better
>> in safari 4.
>> Besst regards Annie.
>> 2010/6/18, Allison Manzino :
>>> Hi Annie,
>>> I had this problem as well.  I'm using a BrailleNote Mpower and have to
>>> use
>>> different routing keys to perform the reading functions. The only way I
>>> have
>>> gotten this to work in my Gmail account is pressing VO shift down arrow
>>> before I proofread my E-mails. What type of display are you using?
>>> Allison
>>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 Hi all.

 I have som problems with safari and braille at the moment. When I have
 wrote a mail in my gmail, my display does not follow what I am
 writing. I would like if I could see the last words i have just been
 writing. I have also some problems when I have to read the mail before
 I send it. It is not only gmail also other sites with formfields. Has
 anybody else discovered any problems with safari and braille.

 Just now I have problems to get what I have just been writing shown on
 my braille display.

 Best regards Annie.

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flash on the mac

2010-06-18 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
I 've just installed adobe's flashplayer v10.1 with safari 5 with the 
instructions of accessibility..

The installation was successful but I see no difference.

I have tryed a site for speedtest , normally , it should have only 1 
flash-object that's a button to start the stest.

The html-matherial was empty.

Are there people with other experiences?

thx in advance,

kind regards,

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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
I went through a year of graduate school using pages to write my papers, and 
the lowest grade I got was a b+.  I was able to format correctly, and 
accomplish all tasks just fine.  If you would like some pointers and tips, feel 
free to email me off list, I'm happy to help! :)
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:11 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Well I can of course speak for myself, but let me share a few things with you:
> 1. I use windows only for school projects/related activities. Specifically I 
> use OUtlook Express to follow the message postings, which are not a typical 
> news group format. I have been after the developers of Unison for quite a 
> while and they keep promising html support, which I think they implemented, 
> but then they went off and broke accessibility of Unison now and I cannot use 
> it for reading the news groups.
> 2. I am also needing to use Word and Power Point, which I have iWorks, but I 
> have not mastered it sufficiently to write papers.
> I also do have windows on my MBP at work, however, there it is necessary 
> since I have to be able to work with the software available and They do not 
> offer alternatives yet.
> I am lucky in that my employer purchased the screen reader, which I can use 
> on more than one machine and I did not have to pay for XP. So I am fortunate, 
> not to have spent any money. Once I can ensure I will turn out good paper s 
> using Pages, then I will have one less reason to waste my time with windows.
> -- 
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Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Olivia Norman
I also love the find my iPhone feature.  Is this accessible with VO now? Last I 
checked it wasn't.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:10 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello,
> Personally, I absolutely adore Mobile  I think it is one of the best
> investments I've ever made.  It's simple, secure, and Mac-Centric.  
> While I use both the syncing features of Google on both an enterprise and
> personal level, as well as taking advantage of the vast resources of like
> features on Microsoft's SkyDrive and, I wouldn't give up my Mobile
> Me features for all the money in the world.  Beside, I love the "find my
> iPhone" feature.  
> Mark
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Blake Sinnett
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: MobileMe redesigned website
> MobileMe is a waste of money in my opinion. I sync my Gmail and contacts
> with Google Sync. This way I keep my contacts up to date no matter what
> device I'm using, whether it be running Windows, Mac, iOS or Windows Mobile.
>> Subject: Re: MobileMe redesigned website
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:48:56 -0700
>> To:
>> How do you even read your mail with the mobile me site? I just use Apple
> mail for this, and addressbook and iCal for the other things. Has anyone
> figured out iDisk? I love mobile me because it pushes all my contacts to all
> my devices, but I certainly find the web interface pretty inaccessible.
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Have any of you taken a look at the re-designed mobileme site yet? I am
> sure visually it is stunning, but it seems even less accessible then the
> previous site. Ok I can still read my mail, but trying to switch between
> applications such as calendars, contacts etc seems impossible. I am also
> trying to add a alias to my email and know how to do it if I was sighted,
> but trying to do this with VO is a nightmare. 
>>> The only buttons that appear are listed under form controls, everything
> else shows up as empty (i.e. no headers or links) The item chooser brings up
> a great deal of options.
>>> Anyone else had better luck? This should be very straight forward to use
> but is not which surprises me when it is from Apple. I have sent an email to
> Apple accessibility, will let you know what they say.
>>> -- 
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[no subject]

2010-06-18 Thread Charlie Doremus
Received the following from a friend.
> Apple quietly includes malware prevention update in Mac OS X 10.6.4
> By
> Katie Marsal
> Published: 12:25 PM EST
> Apple silently updated its Snow Leopard malware protection in this week's
> Mac OS X 10.6.4 update, targeting a Trojan that disguises itself as iPhoto.
> Though the new protection wasn't specifically listed in any of Apple's
> documentation accompanying Mac OS X 10.6.4, security firm Sophos
> discovered the update
> in the XProtect.plist file, which contains signatures of potential Mac
> threats. The new threat, dubbed HellRTS by Apple, has been distributed by
> hackers
> since April in the form of iPhoto.
> Referred to as OSX/Pinhead-B by Sophos, the Trojan monitors browser activity
> unbeknownst to Mac users. It also makes a machine remotely accessible to the
> attacker, who can take complete control of the computer.
> "If you did get infected by this malware then hackers would be able to send
> spam email from your Mac, take screenshots of what you are doing, access
> your
> files and clipboard and much more," said Graham Cluley, senior technology
> consultant with Sophos.
> Cluley took a negative response to Apple's secrecy, suggesting that the
> Cupertino, Calif., company should instead make note that the latest update
> to Snow
> Leopard helps to thwart a potentially dangerous Trojan.
> "You have to wonder whether their keeping quiet about an anti-malware
> security update like this was for marketing reasons," he wrote on the
> company's blog.
> Last September, Cluley also made note that users
> upgrading to Snow Leopard
> would see their version of Flash for Mac downgraded to an older, less
> secure version. Apple addressed the issue with an update
> a week later.
> Malware
> Released last August, Snow Leopard came with a built-in
> antimalware feature.
> While the previous version of Mac OS X, Leopard, flagged Internet downloads
> with metadata that alerted users when downloading files from the Web, Snow
> Leopard added an
> additional warning
> when disk images containing known malware installers are opened.
> Apple released its latest update for Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.4,
> on Tuesday.
> The security and maintenance update fixed issues that could cause a Mac
> keyboard or trackpad to become responsive, and also resolved a problem that
> could
> prevent some Adobe Creative Suite 3 applications from opening.
> table with 2 columns and 2 rows
> Filed under :
> Mac OS X

Sent from the iPad I wish I had

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Re: flash on the mac

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah you can't use nt he mac at all. at least I can't.

Take care.

On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:52 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello all,
> I 've just installed adobe's flashplayer v10.1 with safari 5 with the 
> instructions of accessibility..
> The installation was successful but I see no difference.
> I have tryed a site for speedtest , normally , it should have only 1 
> flash-object that's a button to start the stest.
> The html-matherial was empty.
> Are there people with other experiences?
> thx in advance,
> kind regards,
> William
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itunes 9.2 not synching

2010-06-18 Thread Greg Weller
 pi just updated to version 9.2 of itunes on my windows xp machine and now it 
is not  detecting my ipadanyone else have. this problem?


Sent from my iPad

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Re: itunes 9.2 not synching

2010-06-18 Thread Ricardo Walker

A friend of mine is having the same problem with an iPod classic on their 
windows machine
On Jun 18, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Greg Weller wrote:

> pi just updated to version 9.2 of itunes on my windows xp machine and now it 
> is not  detecting my ipadanyone else have. this problem?
> greg
> Sent from my iPad
> -- 
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your untitled post?

2010-06-18 Thread Jim Stevenson
Your fwd program is generating this mime html as appended below.
If you don't need the html,
please try pasting the file as plain text.

Why does every line start with >


Please answer in plain text, not mime attached html.

Thanks much again as always.

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Re: More trouble with saving podcasts and dropbox files and such with Safari

2010-06-18 Thread Robert Carter

To start a download from a link, press option+return.

Robert Carter

On Jun 18, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Courtney,
> In places where VO-Shift-M ought to work but doesn't, route your mouse cursor 
> to your VO cursor with VO-Command-F5 and then hold down the Control key and 
> click with the physical mouse or trackpad. This will bring up a contextual 
> menu.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:27 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to download some podcasts to my Mack and when I press VO-space, 
>> it plays it. I do try to do VO-shift-M, but there's no option to download 
>> the linked file. And with direct links from Dropbox, it does the same thing. 
>> Any help with these two matters would be greatly appreciated.
>> Courtney
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2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep foudn that on the mac voice over list. Well I'm updating now actually. Wish 
me luck.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:30 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> Received the following from a friend.
>> Apple quietly includes malware prevention update in Mac OS X 10.6.4
>> By
>> Katie Marsal
>> Published: 12:25 PM EST
>> Apple silently updated its Snow Leopard malware protection in this week's
>> Mac OS X 10.6.4 update, targeting a Trojan that disguises itself as iPhoto.
>> Though the new protection wasn't specifically listed in any of Apple's
>> documentation accompanying Mac OS X 10.6.4, security firm Sophos
>> discovered the update
>> in the XProtect.plist file, which contains signatures of potential Mac
>> threats. The new threat, dubbed HellRTS by Apple, has been distributed by
>> hackers
>> since April in the form of iPhoto.
>> Referred to as OSX/Pinhead-B by Sophos, the Trojan monitors browser activity
>> unbeknownst to Mac users. It also makes a machine remotely accessible to the
>> attacker, who can take complete control of the computer.
>> "If you did get infected by this malware then hackers would be able to send
>> spam email from your Mac, take screenshots of what you are doing, access
>> your
>> files and clipboard and much more," said Graham Cluley, senior technology
>> consultant with Sophos.
>> Cluley took a negative response to Apple's secrecy, suggesting that the
>> Cupertino, Calif., company should instead make note that the latest update
>> to Snow
>> Leopard helps to thwart a potentially dangerous Trojan.
>> "You have to wonder whether their keeping quiet about an anti-malware
>> security update like this was for marketing reasons," he wrote on the
>> company's blog.
>> Last September, Cluley also made note that users
>> upgrading to Snow Leopard
>> would see their version of Flash for Mac downgraded to an older, less
>> secure version. Apple addressed the issue with an update
>> a week later.
>> Malware
>> Released last August, Snow Leopard came with a built-in
>> antimalware feature.
>> While the previous version of Mac OS X, Leopard, flagged Internet downloads
>> with metadata that alerted users when downloading files from the Web, Snow
>> Leopard added an
>> additional warning
>> when disk images containing known malware installers are opened.
>> Apple released its latest update for Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.4,
>> on Tuesday.
>> The security and maintenance update fixed issues that could cause a Mac
>> keyboard or trackpad to become responsive, and also resolved a problem that
>> could
>> prevent some Adobe Creative Suite 3 applications from opening.
>> table with 2 columns and 2 rows
>> Filed under :
>> Mac OS X
> Sent from the iPad I wish I had
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Re: itunes 9.2 not synching

2010-06-18 Thread Andy Lane
That was the strangest thing, I have literally just had the same
problem on my mac, it may not be exactly the same problem as
restarting itunes seemed to sort it out but earlier on while I was
looking round the itunes store it froze up and made the whole laptop
run slowly.   It seems to be syncing my ipad now however I can't be
sure right at the moment as it has been at it for at least 10 minutes
and it never takes that long usually.  I am starting to get a little
worried.  I'll update if it didn't work.  It says it is syncing so I
will believe it for now.  Crossed fingers. :)

Greg Weller wrote:
> pi just updated to version 9.2 of itunes on my windows xp machine and now it 
> is not  detecting my ipadanyone else have. this problem?
> greg
> Sent from my iPad

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Re: TIP: The Best Way to Shove That MacBook Pro In Your Ear!

2010-06-18 Thread Maurice Mines
Hello, it's taken a while to respond to this post. It's good to find out that 
there is someone who knows actually where, like the University of Northern 
Colorado is. As far is good headphones, I do really like my terror of QC 15 
headphones, from the Bose Corporation. I find that their grade in many 
different situations. Just my two cents about headphones. Have a nice day 
On Jun 4, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Maurice:
> Hey there fellow coloradoan!  If you're looking for a great set of headphones 
> that have mic, and answer button, check out Bose web site and type in On-ear 
> headset into their search.  I have a pair that work wonderfully with my 
> hearing aids.
> Go UNC!!!
> Carolyn
> CH  Denver CO
> On Jun 4, 2010, at 12:08 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>> I am curious about this as well, because I have a severe hearing Miles, and 
>> sold DOS must use hearing aids. Also my audiologist, has certainly 
>> emphasized to me that not using earbuds is certainly better than attempting 
>> to use them. Hope all are having a good day.
>> Mori's minds, amateur radio call sign, KD0I KO.
>> Northern Colorado amateur radio club, tri-band or editor.
>> National Federation of the blind Colorado assistant news mind coordinator, 
>> office phone 970-373-3076.
>> University of Northern Colorado student e-mail address, in the eye in the EE 
>> Note this message has been dictated by using MacSpeech Dictate, some words 
>> may be spelled incorrectly, and/or be in the wrong context. So please 
>> forgive any errors.
>> I appreciate your comments, so please send them to me.
>> Thank you very much for reading this.
>> Mori's minds, June 4, 2010.
>> On Jun 4, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That would be a great idea, if only they weren't earbuds. I can't fit them 
>>> in my ears, I need regular headphones, so my question is, does Apple make 
>>> regular headphones with the controls on them?
>>> Courtney
>>> On 04/06/2010, at 8:12 in the morning, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Probably call the apple store or the at&t store. I dunno. I'm wondering th 
 esame thing as I sit on a lot of my headphones by accident.
 On Jun 4, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Hi Mark, where do you find the headset replacements... I've gone through 
> one pair and stolen my fiance's from her iphone:).
> On 2010-06-03, at 1:17 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> The following was posted to the Candle Shore BLOG:
>> TIP: The Best Way to Shove That MacBook Pro In Your Ear!
>> Hello Everyone, 
>> As a low vision Windows 7 and Mac Snow Leopard user, I access computers 
>> via
>> a screen reader (JAWS) for Windows 7 and (VoiceOver) for Mac Snow 
>> Leopard.
>> I also happen to be a very satisfied user of iPhone 3GS. 
>> Included with the iPhone 3GS, at the time of purchase, is a very nice 
>> set of
>> Apple branded stereo earphones with inline 3-button remote control and
>> microphone.  This included headset can be used to remotely control iPhone
>> 3GS volume level, dialing feature, and iPod App.  
>> Since the release of iPhone 3GS, I have damaged the microphone on at 
>> least
>> three sets of these headsets by various sundry accidents including 
>> getting
>> the microphone wet. 
>> The other day, while opening yet another pair of Apple iPhone 3GS 
>> earphones,
>> I decided to attach the older pair to my MacBook Pro. 
>> What do you think I discovered?  You're right!  The inline remote control
>> acts just like it does on my iPhone 3GS; that is, the volume buttons 
>> work to
>> change the volume level of the MacBook Pro and the middle button will 
>> open
>> iTunes. When iTunes is playing media, the headset inline remote control
>> functions to navigate the playback just as it does on the iPhone 3GS. 
>> As a bonus, even when running Windows 7 in VM Ware's Fusion, the inline
>> remote volume buttons continue to function normally. 
>> So, go ahead and shove  that iPhone 3GS 3-button inline remote control
>> headset with Microphone, attached to your MacBook Pro, in your ear.
>> Enjoy,
>> Mark
>> -- 
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reading multipage pdfs with preview

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
I just got an email with some pdf attachments. I opened one and it started 
reading in preview. It stopped at the bottom of the first page. I found the 
next page button and pressed it, and page 2 is apparently showing. there is a 
region that says page 2 of 2. But I can't find the text to have it start 
reading. is there a way to have the whole thing open like you can in acrobat 
reader and just read from start to finish? Alternatively, how do you find the 
text that is the next page after that page is displayed?


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Re: flash on the mac

2010-06-18 Thread William Windels
Hi Sarah
does this mean that the flash plugin not work for us or do you have visited 
already sites with flash successfully?
If so, it would be nice if you give a example.
Just for test of this new feature.

best regards,
Op 18-jun-2010, om 22:34 heeft Sarah Alawami het volgende geschreven:

> Yeah you can't use nt he mac at all. at least I can't.
> Take care.
> S
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:52 PM, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I 've just installed adobe's flashplayer v10.1 with safari 5 with the 
>> instructions of accessibility..
>> The installation was successful but I see no difference.
>> I have tryed a site for speedtest , normally , it should have only 1 
>> flash-object that's a button to start the stest.
>> The html-matherial was empty.
>> Are there people with other experiences?
>> thx in advance,
>> kind regards,
>> William
>> -- 
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Re: DJ Sortware on the mac?

2010-06-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
It should do, although it doesn't have jingle machines as such.

16 jun 2010 kl. 02.21 skrev Courtney Curran:

> Hi,
> So would this work to prerecord a show for a broadcast on an Internet Radio 
> station? If not, what would? Sorry for the off-topicness.
> Courtney
> On Jun 15, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> For a really good solution, google for Djay for Mac. This has everything a 
>> dj could ever dream of and it makes it really easy to beat mix. And no, i'm 
>> not in any way afilliated with Algoridim, the people who makes Djay, i'm 
>> just a happy owner. Only thing that doesn't work with Vo at the time are 
>> buttons to change effects etc, which VO doesn't see, anyone found that it's 
>> not true or found a workaround for this?
>> /Krister
>> 15 jun 2010 kl. 02.38 skrev Allison Manzino:
>>> Hi GF,
>>> I just read about Nicecast and some DJsoftware on the Rogue Ameba site. I 
>>> think their site is:
>>> Allison
>>> On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:43 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
 I have a couple DJ gigs coming up and I want to know if there is anything 
 that will allow me to setup play lists and maybe even preview songs before 
 playing them out loud? iTunes is cool, and I know how to do play lists on 
 that, but I can't send that to another card, and I don't want VO to be 
 yelling at the crowd while they are dancing. lol. So Any thing out there 
 that would be good for doing parties and such? Thanks.
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please disregard questino on preview

2010-06-18 Thread Mary Otten
For whatever reason, although the view menu in preview was set to view a pdf as 
single page continuous, the document I was having problems with wasn't reading 
like that. Reopening the document and preview solved the problem; no idea why 
it didn't work right the first time.


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Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Bryan Smart
I like the Mac, too, but it can't do everything.

For music and audio production, we now have Pro Tools, but, for many tasks, 
software systems under Windows like Sonar still have superior access. So, for 
now, I run Sonar in BootCamp.

I run a small business, and use Outlook and Excel extensively. Mac Mail doesn't 
have any server solution like Exchange. Numbers might be a replacement for 
Excel, but I have a huge set of templates built up in Excel that I haven't 
spent the time to convert.

There are practically no accessible games for the Mac. The only ones that 
partly work are Audio Quake and Sound RTS, and those take a huge amount of 
manual hackery to get going. On Windows, there are several first person 
shooters (single and network player), RPG games, racing games, strategy/war 
games, board and card games, etc. If you have a Mac, and you want to use any of 
that, you need Windows.

Plus, there is other specialty software like Klango and TeamTalk that aren't 
available for the Mac.

I realize that this next remark could be taken badly. So, I want you to know 
that I'm trying to say it as constructively as possible. I might be wrong, but 
it is my understanding that you got one of the jobs that Apple posted recently. 
Congratulations. However, you'll poorly serve yourself and your employer if you 
allow your knowledge of accessible computing to start and stop with OS X. You 
can't evaluate your work unless you know the works of others such that you can 
judge your relative success. When I was at Microsoft, for example, people 
routinely had secondary machines in their offices that ran other OSes (like 
Linux variants). This was encouraged. If everyone lives in their own little 
bubble, surrounded by other people at the same company that also share the same 
little bubble, then entire trends can come and go in the outside world without 
them even noticing.

If you're doing something accessibility related at Apple, then you should have 
Windows installed on a computer that you must routinely use for some required 
task, so that you'll force yourself to use it. You don't need to get Jaws. Get 
Window Eyes. get System Access. The point is to make yourself do something in 
Windows world so that you can have experience with what they get right, and 
what they get wrong.

Anyway, I hope that you didn't get too upset by my response, either. I don't 
want to be critical, but, if you're trying to improve the accessibility 
situation on the Mac, you must know what others are trying. It isn't enough to 
only live in Mac world.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David McLean
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: -- SPAM -- Re: installing windows on macs? What are the 
advantages/why do people opt for this?

The only thing I use Windows for, and the only reason I installed it on the Mac 
as a Vm, is to use Winamp.  I like Vlc but I just haven't found anything I like 
as well as Winamp.
Also I've been a Windows used since the mid 90s so there are still a few times 
such as now with the Audible/Safari problem where it is just more convenient to 
go back to Windows temporarily.
On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Olivia,
> Remember that a lot of us who are coming to the Mac now, have been 
> Windows users for many years, which means, unfortunately, that we 
> already own that expensive third-party software. :)
> Speaking only for myself of course, I got a Mac b/c I like the notion of 
> out-of-the-box accessibility, and I want to support Apple in this approach.  
> I would also be happy to stop paying for upgrades to that expensive 3rd-party 
> software.  When I bought my Mac, my plan had been to abandon Windows 
> completely, but I have found that simply isn't possible.  Right now, there is 
> not a good scanning option for the Mac, unless you want to commit to 
> fine-reader without a demo, and use it in conjunction with Vuescan.  My copy 
> of Kurzweil works great, so I continue to scan on my old Windows machine.  I 
> also find that some Word docs with tables in them read much better in Windows 
> than on the Mac.  I also use the Duxbury translator, which runs under 
> Windows.  Also, several of us have noted that audio captchas work much better 
> under windows than they do on the Mac.  Moreover, at least on the faculty 
> end, Blackboard works *much better under Windows, in fact, as of last winter, 
> Safari 4 wasn't even supported.  So, though I had not planned to continue 
> using Windows, for all of the above reasons, I still do.  My solution has 
> been to simply hang onto my Windows machine.  But if you can't do that for 
> whatever reason, your only option is to run a dual-boot system on your Mac.
> I love my Mac, but right now it simply cannot completely replace my Windows 
> machine.  So, until it can, I'll be running both.
> Take care

FW: new apple user

2010-06-18 Thread denise avant
Hello mark and everyone,
Thanks for your thoughtful answer. I don't know if this makes sense, but One
of the reasons I'm looking at installing vm fusion with windows on the mac
is so that I can start really using the mac. As long as I keep my windows
machine set up in front of me, I'm going to default to it because its what I
know. So I figure the sooner I set up vm fusion and windows 7 on the mac
book pro, I'm likely to use the apple side of things more often.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: new apple user

Hello Denise,

First, let me address all of those who have so kindly contacted me off-list.
I will return your calls; I'm still playing catch up so forgive the delay,

Denise, I am comfortable in stating that any version of Windows 7 (32-bit
recommended) will work just fine with VM Ware Fusion 3.1.  Although I use
Ultimate, there really is no good reason to spend the extra money on it
unless you intend to use some very obscure and advanced features none of
which I will list here.  

Denise, for the most part, setting up Fusion is pretty strait forward
provided that you truly understand the concept of a virtual machine.  

While I'm sure there are many who will disagree with me, as a former beta
tester working for VM Ware, I think Fusion is one of the best resources for
those of us who require screen readers in a virtual environment.  

I should state that I have not used other virtual machine environments in
over a year so you may wish to explore other options.  

Keep one thing in mind, although people love to say how easy the Mac is to
use, that it is still a computer and we are a long ways from the interface
that is observed in the Star Trek television series.  So, give yourself time
and study well before you engage the virtual machine project.  


[] On Behalf Of denise avant
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:53 AM
Subject: new apple user

Hi all,
I've had my mac book pro for a couple of weeks now. While I've not had an
opportunity to sit and learn it just yet, I've been able to do some work on
I'm going to use vm fusion and perhaps windows 7 to run some of the
important programs I need like ms word openbook, and Duxbury. 
I'm just wondering what version of windows 7 would be best?

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