I thought this may come in handy was Fwd: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Because of all the copyright things that have been discussed on list  
recently, Ithought some Canadians may be interested to hear the news  
and have a say in Canadian Copyright.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bill 
> Date: July 22, 2009 2:13:23 PM PDT
> To: van...@robomod.net
> Subject: Re: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright
> On Wed, 2009-22-07 at 15:53 -0400, Jose Da Silva wrote:
>> Just saw this on slashdot right now, thought it worth  putting
>> in the list here in case readers here don't see slashdot.
>> Watch out for long-line wrap.
>> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/07/22/1756242/Canadian-Govt-Asks-Public-About-New-Copyright-Law
> Following one of the links:
> Joseph Potvin, an economist at the Chief Information Officer Branch,
> Treasury Board Secretariat, writes to note that the Government's
> copyright consultation is running on open source software.  The
> consultation is using a Mongrel server built in Ruby-On-Rails on a
> GNU/Linux machine.  Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
> The notice of this Monday Round Table meeting wasn't issued
> until last Friday. We had hints in the middle of last week,
> but the website didn't go active until Monday.
> Several people were issued invitations to the private
> Round Table meeting here in Vancouver. Others requested an
> invitation and were granted one. On behalf of Vanlug and
> FLOSS I requested an invitation and was told there were no
> more seats available. In fact there was no one present from
> the software industry. I was told there would be other
> opportunities in Toronto and Montreal - as if there would
> be unlimited seats available there.
> The consultation process will continue until September 13.
> There are forum discussions on 5 critical topics. Written
> submissions will also be accepted. Get involved.
> http://copyright.econsultation.ca/
> Along with the other members of the Vancouver Fair Copyright
> Coalition, I am working now to organize a response to
> persuade people to contribute to the process. So stay tuned.
>  b.
> -- 
> This message came to you via the Vancouver Linux Users Group mailing  
> list.
> For unsubscription instructions do not email the list, but rather  
> send mail
> to vanlug-requ...@robomod.net.

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Kieren

> You can also place  
> sound files in ~/System/Library/Sounds/ for them to show up system wide.
Just a quick not to say that you should NEVER put user files in any
subfolder of the /System folder.
this is reserved for System files hence the name.

If you would like to make the sounds available for all users you can
put them in /Library/Sounds and as long as they can be quicklooked or
played in quicktime player they will be available in the dialogs that
allow you to choose sounds.

this same all users or one user method also works for things like
desktop backgrounds, screen savers, preference panes and a few other
user addable things.

HTH Kieren

> > I've coppied a few sounds in .eav format and want to know how to add
> > them to the general library for app sounds.  What's the path? Thanks.
> > Mark BurningHawk
> > Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> > MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> > My home page:
> >http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
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Web Drive beta

2009-07-23 Thread Chris G

Has anyone tried the FTP client web drive for the Mac yet?

In windows it's a program that connects to FTP sites as if they were
network drives.  The windows version is extremely accessible and was
wondering if it was just as accessible on the Mac.

The URL is 

Chris G 

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2009-07-23 Thread william lomas

hi navigon is now out for north america or so my itunes store in the  
UK tells me, so for those with i phones give it a whirl

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voiceover settings on the i phone

2009-07-23 Thread william lomas

hi am I right please in assuming that, that there is 
not a lot of  
verbosity for voice over on the i phone like turning off the double  
tap to open prompts etc. once on is used to them?

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I thought this may come in handy was Fwd: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright

2009-07-23 Thread Marshall Scott

Because of all the copyright things that have been discussed on list  
recently, Ithought some Canadians may be interested to hear the news  
and have a say in Canadian Copyright.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bill 
> Date: July 22, 2009 2:13:23 PM PDT
> To: van...@robomod.net
> Subject: Re: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright
> On Wed, 2009-22-07 at 15:53 -0400, Jose Da Silva wrote:
>> Just saw this on slashdot right now, thought it worth  putting
>> in the list here in case readers here don't see slashdot.
>> Watch out for long-line wrap.
>> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/07/22/1756242/Canadian-Govt-Asks-Public-About-New-Copyright-Law
> Following one of the links:
> Joseph Potvin, an economist at the Chief Information Officer Branch,
> Treasury Board Secretariat, writes to note that the Government's
> copyright consultation is running on open source software.  The
> consultation is using a Mongrel server built in Ruby-On-Rails on a
> GNU/Linux machine.  Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
> The notice of this Monday Round Table meeting wasn't issued
> until last Friday. We had hints in the middle of last week,
> but the website didn't go active until Monday.
> Several people were issued invitations to the private
> Round Table meeting here in Vancouver. Others requested an
> invitation and were granted one. On behalf of Vanlug and
> FLOSS I requested an invitation and was told there were no
> more seats available. In fact there was no one present from
> the software industry. I was told there would be other
> opportunities in Toronto and Montreal - as if there would
> be unlimited seats available there.
> The consultation process will continue until September 13.
> There are forum discussions on 5 critical topics. Written
> submissions will also be accepted. Get involved.
> http://copyright.econsultation.ca/
> Along with the other members of the Vancouver Fair Copyright
> Coalition, I am working now to organize a response to
> persuade people to contribute to the process. So stay tuned.
>  b.
> -- 
> This message came to you via the Vancouver Linux Users Group mailing  
> list.
> For unsubscription instructions do not email the list, but rather  
> send mail
> to vanlug-requ...@robomod.net.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: navigon

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

The reviews seem to be mixed with some loving it and others having 
installation or GPS lock issues. From the comments thus far it still 
sounds like it's the best thing out there so far for the iPhone.


william lomas wrote:
> hi navigon is now out for north america or so my itunes store in the  
> UK tells me, so for those with i phones give it a whirl
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Web Drive beta

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

You can make an ftp site show up as a disk drive using apple-k to 
connect to server and then put in ftp://some_ftp_site.com. The downside 
is it is read only. Not sure why that is.


Chris G wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone tried the FTP client web drive for the Mac yet?
> In windows it's a program that connects to FTP sites as if they were
> network drives.  The windows version is extremely accessible and was
> wondering if it was just as accessible on the Mac.
> The URL is 
> http://www.webdrive.com
> Thanks
> Chris

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Re: navigon

2009-07-23 Thread Jesper Holten

Yeah, but the question wil be as always, how accessible, and how practical 
wil it be for the visually impaired user?
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Blouch" 
Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS X by 
the blind" 
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: navigon

> The reviews seem to be mixed with some loving it and others having
> installation or GPS lock issues. From the comments thus far it still
> sounds like it's the best thing out there so far for the iPhone.
> CB
> william lomas wrote:
>> hi navigon is now out for north america or so my itunes store in the
>> UK tells me, so for those with i phones give it a whirl
>> >
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: recording with fision?

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
You could also use a USB audio input box like the Behringer UCA202


which should just show up as a quicktime audio input device.


Thomas McMahan wrote:
> Hmm, thanks for the tip, will have to check that out then.  The only 
> other option is to convert via use of cable to usb.  Will check in to 
> this down he line once a few things are straightened out around here, 
> unfortunately this has been a chaoticsummer here, not mac related though.
> On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A web cam like the iSight cameras from Apple that were made at that 
>> time work wonders if I remember correct.y.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 22-Jul-09, at 10:03 PM, Thomas McMahan wrote:
>>> Unfortunately my machine doesn't, have to use usb devices.  Has of 
>>> course output for speakers and headphones, but the rest are usb 
>>> firewire ports and of course eathernet port and phone port.  This is 
>>> one of the I-macs that was made in late 2002, so quite ancient.  But 
>>> for accessibility Audio Recorder is pretty nice, and the price is 
>>> deffinitely right.
>>> On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 If your machine has a line in then audio recorder will have that as 
 an option. I primarily use that for recording live events from a 
 feed off the house sound system.


 Thomas McMahan wrote:
> Fision is soely a compainion editerto Audio Highjack Pro.  That's 
> why you can buy them as a bundle tipically, and save money verses 
> buying each ap individually.
> Of course you can try them free for as long as you wish, but your 
> time per sessionwill be limited then Audio Highjack will start 
> putting noise into the recording.  Had Audio Highjack running in 
> the free or demo version here for quite a few years before I 
> actually got around to buy the bundle.  Still haven't played much 
> with Fission yet, mostly with Audio Highjack.  
> For simple voice recording, I also like Audio Recorder which is 
> totally free, but just uses your mike for imput, or at least on my 
> machine because mine doesn't have the lin in option that later 
> machines have.
> 73  
> On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:59 AM, hank smith wrote:
>> what do you use as a recorder then?
>> Hank
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Dan Eickmeier 
>> *To:* macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> *Sent:* Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:21 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: recording with fision?
>> Hi Hank, weird as it is, from what I've heard, Fision is only
>> an editor, and you can't record with it.  
>> On Jul 6, 2009, at 3:13 AM, hank smith wrote:
>>> hello how do I record with fision?
>>> there is no record button what so ever I can't figure out
>>> the program
>>> Hank

> >

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Oops WasRe: I thought this may come in handy was Fwd: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright

2009-07-23 Thread Marshall Scott

I didn't mean to send this message.  I guess I need to have my morning  
coffee IV.

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Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

 From Slashdot yesterday.

"Okay, well, maybe not everyone but more than twenty companies 
(including Apple, Qualcomm, Motorola and Microsoft) are being sued for a 
generic patent that reads: 'Apparatus and methods for controlling a 
portable electronic device, such as an MP3 player; portable radio, voice 
recorder, or portable CD player are disclosed. A touchpad is mounted on 
the housing of the device, and a user enters commands by tracing 
patterns with his finger on a surface of the touchpad. No immediate 
visual feedback is provided as a command pattern is traced, and the user 
does not need to view the device to enter commands.' Sounds like their 
may be a few companies using that technology. The suit was filed on July 
15th in the favoritest place ever to file patent claim lawsuits: Texas 
Eastern District Court. It's a pretty classic patent troll; they've been 
holding this patent since 2003 and they just noticed now that everyone 
and his dog are using touchpads to control portable electronic devices."



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Re: voiceover settings on the i phone

2009-07-23 Thread William Mutch
You can stop these hint messeges if you go to settings / general /  
accessibility/ voiceover.

Regards William Mutch
On 23 Jul 2009, at 13:04, william lomas wrote:

>   hi am I right please in assuming that, that there is 
> not a lot of
> verbosity for voice over on the i phone like turning off the double
> tap to open prompts etc. once on is used to them?
> Will
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone

2009-07-23 Thread James & Nash

I thought US Federal law as well as international commercial law stated that 
if  a company or individual held a patent for something that it had to be 
used within three to five years  otherwise the patent would be invalid. I 
think this was done because companies were just holding on to things as some 
of them didn't know how to create the technology and were getting massive 
payouts from court room brawls.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Blouch" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:04 PM
Subject: Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone

> From Slashdot yesterday.
> "Okay, well, maybe not everyone but more than twenty companies
> (including Apple, Qualcomm, Motorola and Microsoft) are being sued for a
> generic patent that reads: 'Apparatus and methods for controlling a
> portable electronic device, such as an MP3 player; portable radio, voice
> recorder, or portable CD player are disclosed. A touchpad is mounted on
> the housing of the device, and a user enters commands by tracing
> patterns with his finger on a surface of the touchpad. No immediate
> visual feedback is provided as a command pattern is traced, and the user
> does not need to view the device to enter commands.' Sounds like their
> may be a few companies using that technology. The suit was filed on July
> 15th in the favoritest place ever to file patent claim lawsuits: Texas
> Eastern District Court. It's a pretty classic patent troll; they've been
> holding this patent since 2003 and they just noticed now that everyone
> and his dog are using touchpads to control portable electronic devices."
> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/07/22/213256/Touchpad-Patent-Holder-Tsera-Sues-Just-About-Everyone
> CB
> > 

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Re: Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds like a submarine patent, which was discussed at length here in 
relation to why Apple was not supporting Ogg Theora.



or in past history the Unisys Compuserve GIF patent debacle:



James & Nash wrote:
> I thought US Federal law as well as international commercial law stated that 
> if  a company or individual held a patent for something that it had to be 
> used within three to five years  otherwise the patent would be invalid. I 
> think this was done because companies were just holding on to things as some 
> of them didn't know how to create the technology and were getting massive 
> payouts from court room brawls.
> Take care
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Chris Blouch" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:04 PM
> Subject: Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone
>> From Slashdot yesterday.
>> "Okay, well, maybe not everyone but more than twenty companies
>> (including Apple, Qualcomm, Motorola and Microsoft) are being sued for a
>> generic patent that reads: 'Apparatus and methods for controlling a
>> portable electronic device, such as an MP3 player; portable radio, voice
>> recorder, or portable CD player are disclosed. A touchpad is mounted on
>> the housing of the device, and a user enters commands by tracing
>> patterns with his finger on a surface of the touchpad. No immediate
>> visual feedback is provided as a command pattern is traced, and the user
>> does not need to view the device to enter commands.' Sounds like their
>> may be a few companies using that technology. The suit was filed on July
>> 15th in the favoritest place ever to file patent claim lawsuits: Texas
>> Eastern District Court. It's a pretty classic patent troll; they've been
>> holding this patent since 2003 and they just noticed now that everyone
>> and his dog are using touchpads to control portable electronic devices."
>> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/07/22/213256/Touchpad-Patent-Holder-Tsera-Sues-Just-About-Everyone
>> CB
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

They are oat the end of both those paths, but they're *.wav; what  
converts to mp3 or aiff?  I'm astounded wav doesn't work.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: itunes something very annoying

2009-07-23 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Gene,

Another option is to select all the tracks and set the album artist to  
be the same for all of them. The difference between doing this and  
using the Compilation option is that the album is then listed under  
the album artist instead of under compilations. the result for playing  
and finding the album is the same using either method, though.


On Jul 22, 2009, at 11:22 PM, gene wrote:

> Hi guys, ok I don't know if anyone has ever experienced this, but I  
> have an
> a dan seals album and one of the songs he features marie osmon.  For  
> some
> reason, because this particular song has another artist it gets  
> treated as
> another artist, and even though the program knows that it's from the  
> same
> alvum it is not in the songs list and I even went through the songs  
> with the
> alvum playing and this song is skiped.  If anyone has an idea as to  
> what I
> could do that would be so good.
> Thanks
> Gene
> >

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shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I  
installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when  
something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to  
shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any  
toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: recording with fision?

2009-07-23 Thread Thomas McMahan
This also I will look at.


On Jul 23, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> You could also use a USB audio input box like the Behringer UCA202
> http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHUCA202
> which should just show up as a quicktime audio input device.
> CB
> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> Hmm, thanks for the tip, will have to check that out then.  The  
>> only other option is to convert via use of cable to usb.  Will  
>> check in to this down he line once a few things are straightened  
>> out around here, unfortunately this has been a chaoticsummer here,  
>> not mac related though.
>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A web cam like the iSight cameras from Apple that were made at  
>>> that time work wonders if I remember correct.y.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 22-Jul-09, at 10:03 PM, Thomas McMahan wrote:
 Unfortunately my machine doesn't, have to use usb devices.  Has  
 of course output for speakers and headphones, but the rest are  
 usb firewire ports and of course eathernet port and phone port.   
 This is one of the I-macs that was made in late 2002, so quite  
 ancient.  But for accessibility Audio Recorder is pretty nice,  
 and the price is deffinitely right.

 On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> If your machine has a line in then audio recorder will have  
> that as an option. I primarily use that for recording live  
> events from a feed off the house sound system.
> CB
> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> Fision is soely a compainion editerto Audio Highjack Pro.   
>> That's why you can buy them as a bundle tipically, and save  
>> money verses buying each ap individually.
>> Of course you can try them free for as long as you wish, but  
>> your time per sessionwill be limited then Audio Highjack will  
>> start putting noise into the recording.  Had Audio Highjack  
>> running in the free or demo version here for quite a few years  
>> before I actually got around to buy the bundle.  Still haven't  
>> played much with Fission yet, mostly with Audio Highjack.
>> For simple voice recording, I also like Audio Recorder which  
>> is totally free, but just uses your mike for imput, or at  
>> least on my machine because mine doesn't have the lin in  
>> option that later machines have.
>> 73
>> On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:59 AM, hank smith wrote:
>>> what do you use as a recorder then?
>>> Hank
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Dan Eickmeier
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:21 AM
>>> Subject: Re: recording with fision?
>>> Hi Hank, weird as it is, from what I've heard, Fision is only  
>>> an editor, and you can't record with it.
>>> On Jul 6, 2009, at 3:13 AM, hank smith wrote:
 hello how do I record with fision?
 there is no record button what so ever I can't figure out  
 the program


> >

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Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Robert Carter

Hi Anna,

If I am understanding your question, you just shutdown windows in the normal 
way by pressing the command key to open the start menu and press the letter u 
twice. Assuming that the problem with speech has not locked up windows, you 
will hear the familiar shutdown music.

Robert Carter

- Original Message -
From: Woody Anna Dresner 
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 9:47:08
Subject: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

> Hi,
> Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I  
> installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when  
> something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to  
> shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any  
> toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.
> Thanks,
> Anna
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en
> com~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-23 Thread Scott Bresnahan


Late to reply, but I'm a low vision RP user of the iPHone, but I run 
it with the screen off to save power.  So, I'm low vision, but 
there's absolutely no screen to see and I think it's the best device 
I've ever not seen.

So, I think your assumption is misplaced.  I was in the "You've got 
to be kidding about a touch screen device camp before I actually 
tried it, so try it yourself if you can for a couple hours and decide 
for yourself.

>Hi folks,
>  Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs, are
>totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>  The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a totally blind
>I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage / accessibility against
>my Nokia s60 device.
>  And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't say I'm
>fixed on it yet.
>And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on with it.

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Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Robert,

I tried that, but nothing happened, so Windows must be locked up as  
well. It's the kind of situation where if I were using a PC, I would  
turn off the computer to force a restart.


On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> If I am understanding your question, you just shutdown windows in  
> the normal way by pressing the command key to open the start menu  
> and press the letter u twice. Assuming that the problem with speech  
> has not locked up windows, you will hear the familiar shutdown music.
> Robert Carter
> - Original Message -
> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 9:47:08
> Subject: shutting down virtual Windows without speech
>> Hi,
>> Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I
>> installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when
>> something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to
>> shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any
>> toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.
>> Thanks,
>> Anna
>> >

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iTunes tracks out of order was Re: itunes something very annoying

2009-07-23 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

This sounds like a problem I have noticed.
I got Paul Simon's "Still Crazy After All These Years" I had this on  
tape when I was a kid and I knew what songs were meant to be there but  
on the iTunes version if you pull up just that album, track 2 or what  
is meant to be track 2 on the old version is missing but when I search  
that track directly it shows up...  Also have this problem with Ben  
Folds iTunes Orignials.  It shows up twice as one is  all ben folds  
but there is one he did with William Shatner and it shows up apart  
from the rest.

Also can somebody explain why some tracks don't number right?

Okay this is on the same Ben Folds album I was just talking about.

If you all don't know what an iTunes Orignal is. It is a person or  
band commenting on a hand full of songs and explaining how they did  
the song or came up with the shong or whatever.
Well Ben goes for a track talking then the matching song goes, then  
Ben goes again and then a matching song.
It goes on like this til near the end.  Then the tracks get all messed  
up and you've got Ben going about songs but the songs don't go, it  
just goes to the next Ben talking track. then a whole glob of songs  
after, the ones he was talking about.  Is rather annoying.

I know what order the tracks are meant to go in by context plus when  
you look it up on the iTunes store it shows the proper order. So what  


Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile - www.facebook.com/blueskyes
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: voiceover settings on the i phone

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen


I am sure you can do this.

Such things are now reffered to as hints.



On 23-Jul-09, at 5:04 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi am I right please in assuming that, that there is 
> not a lot of
> verbosity for voice over on the i phone like turning off the double
> tap to open prompts etc. once on is used to them?
> Will
> >

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using styles in Pages

2009-07-23 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


Iwould like to write my next book using Pages if I can. 
when I opened a document I created in Office 2007 in Pages, I saw no  
evidence of the styles in that document. The styles I used were  
headings and lists, which I need in order to create a DAISY version. I  
tried the commands for moving to the next heading and moving to the  
next style described at the end of the VoiceOver manual, but they did  
nothing. And when I found a heading and typed VO-T, it told me the  
font, whether it was bold, and the color, but didn't say it was a  
heading. Am I right in thinking Pages isn't picking up on the styles,  
or is there something I have to do to get VoiceOver to indicate the  


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Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Marshall Scott

Hi Anna,
If you are running Fusion, go to the Virtual Machines menu and select  
the Power Off item. QAn are you sure type dialog should appear and the  
virtual machine should shut down.

On Jul 23, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> I tried that, but nothing happened, so Windows must be locked up as
> well. It's the kind of situation where if I were using a PC, I would
> turn off the computer to force a restart.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi Anna,
>> If I am understanding your question, you just shutdown windows in
>> the normal way by pressing the command key to open the start menu
>> and press the letter u twice. Assuming that the problem with speech
>> has not locked up windows, you will hear the familiar shutdown music.
>> Robert Carter
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 9:47:08
>> Subject: shutting down virtual Windows without speech
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I
>>> installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when
>>> something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to
>>> shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any
>>> toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anna

> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen


You need Flip4Mac for those natively or use a free utility called Max  
for conversion. I Think iTunes can do this too.

Traditionally, *.Wav files are Windows Audio Video files, hence the  
name, I do believe.


On 23-Jul-09, at 8:11 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> They are oat the end of both those paths, but they're *.wav; what
> converts to mp3 or aiff?  I'm astounded wav doesn't work.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Robert Carter

Hi Anna,

The Mac has a force quit command which will cause fusion to quit just as if you 
had turned off the computer. Look in the fusion menu to see what the force quit 
hotkey is. I don't remember at the moment and my Mac is at home and I am at 

Robert Carter

- Original Message -
From: Woody Anna Dresner 
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 10:11:40
Subject: Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

> Hi Robert,
> I tried that, but nothing happened, so Windows must be locked up as  
> well. It's the kind of situation where if I were using a PC, I would  
> turn off the computer to force a restart.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> >
> > Hi Anna,
> >
> > If I am understanding your question, you just shutdown windows in  
> > the normal way by pressing the command key to open the start menu  
> > and press the letter u twice. Assuming that the problem with speech  
> > has not locked up windows, you will hear the familiar shutdown music.
> >
> > Robert Carter
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Woody Anna Dresner 
> > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> > Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 9:47:08
> > Subject: shutting down virtual Windows without speech
> >
> >ar
> >ar
> >ar
> >ar Hi,
> >ar
> >ar Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I
> >ar installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when
> >ar something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to
> >ar shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any
> >ar toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.
> >ar
> >ar Thanks,
> >ar Anna
> >ar
> >ar
> >ar >
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en
> com~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

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Re: shutting down virtual Windows without speech

2009-07-23 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Thanks Marsh, that's got it.

On Jul 23, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Marshall Scott wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> If you are running Fusion, go to the Virtual Machines menu and select
> the Power Off item. QAn are you sure type dialog should appear and the
> virtual machine should shut down.
> Marsh
> On Jul 23, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> I tried that, but nothing happened, so Windows must be locked up as
>> well. It's the kind of situation where if I were using a PC, I would
>> turn off the computer to force a restart.
>> Best,
>> Anna
>> On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi Anna,
>>> If I am understanding your question, you just shutdown windows in
>>> the normal way by pressing the command key to open the start menu
>>> and press the letter u twice. Assuming that the problem with speech
>>> has not locked up windows, you will hear the familiar shutdown  
>>> music.
>>> Robert Carter
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Date: Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 9:47:08
>>> Subject: shutting down virtual Windows without speech


 Thanks to everyone who helped me with my virtual Windows issue. I
 installed Fusion, and all is well! There are times, though, when
 something goes wrong and I lose speech and need to force Windows to
 shut down. How can I do this in virtual Windows? I don't see any
 toolbar or menu in Fusion that would make this possible.


> >

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Re: introduction and a question

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Newegg has VMWare Fusion for $50.49 with a mail in $10 rebate making it 
$40.49. Found this on the dealmac.com web page which is handy for 
finding those transitory coupons and rebates.



Thuy wrote:
> Hi Anna. Fusion is definitely way better than parallels. I did manage
> to get parallels to work with jaws some time ago, but the virtual
> machine ran very slowly. If I remember this correctly, I first
> installed windows through bootcamp and installed jaws also through
> bootcamp. Then once parallels was running, I told it to use the
> bootcamp installation as its virtual machine. I think that doing
> things in that order meant that jaws could run properly. I'm afraid my
> memory on all this is a bit hazy as I quickly gave up on parallels and
> opted for fusion which seems to work a lot quicker and is more
> accessible. Also worth noting that because of the jaws activation
> method, you may need to reactivate every time you change major
> parameters such as ram memory allocation, because jaws thinks it's a
> completely different computer and deactivates itself! Very annoying!
> That's why a lot of people recommend wineyes, because it doesn't have
> the activation issues. Hope this helps.
> Cheers
> Thuy
> On 21/07/2009, Woody Anna Dresner  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks so much, Esther and Scott, for your help. I appreciate it very
>> much. Looks like switching to Fusion makes the most sense. Do I have
>> to uninstall and reinstall Windows, or is uninstalling Parallels and
>> installing Fusion enough?
>> Thanks,
>> Anna
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

That's a new one on me; I thought *.wav files, which are older than  
windows, are digital wave form representations.  I'll grab flip and  
figure it out; thanks.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Buddy Brannan

On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Mark,
> You need Flip4Mac for those natively or use a free utility called Max
> for conversion. I Think iTunes can do this too.

Huh?! .wav files (unless they're broken, which happens occasionally)  
should play natively on the Mac.

In fact--

I have here some spiffy little WAV files. I copied one into the  
appropriate location, and tried to select it as my new mail  
notification. Sure 'nuff, it worked without any conversion needed. No  
need to get flip (these are .wav nott .wmv).

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

I have added the file
to both the path

and neither file shows up when selecting to change a system sound,  
such as Mail or Ichat.
When I try to change the tweet sound in Syrinx, there's an option to  
open a sound on a path, but that doesn't seem to work either, Just for  
giggle, IO just played the wave file in Itunes without a problem.  I'm  
at a loss.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

WAV is the Waveform Audio Format or Audio for Windows which was a 
standard created by Microsoft and IBM.


As stated in the article, WAV can actually containe a number of 
different formats of audio including comopressed and multi-channel 
audio. It could be that flip4mac is needed for the more exotic file types.


Mark Baxter wrote:
> That's a new one on me; I thought *.wav files, which are older than  
> windows, are digital wave form representations.  I'll grab flip and  
> figure it out; thanks.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Actually, I think you are right. All I do know is that they are files,  
one branch of the specification did belong to MS though. Also, I  
thought that was how JFW anounced them, but that may be wrong.


On 23-Jul-09, at 9:47 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> That's a new one on me; I thought *.wav files, which are older than
> windows, are digital wave form representations.  I'll grab flip and
> figure it out; thanks.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

all I know is Itunes plays them and yet OS10 doesn't recognize them as  
valid system sounds, even though they're right there on the path.   
Maybe I'll get flip anyway.  Ironically, one of the sounds I'm trying  
to incorporate is a cartoon flip sound.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Umm, yes, much slower on the iPhone. On the mac I have a full-size 
keyboard with no need to double tap or anything. Not sure that means 
much though.


Ryan Mann wrote:
> Is your typing slower on the Iphone than on the mac?  It seems like it  
> would be since you're just using two fingers.
> On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I've heard that once people get good at it you hold a key on the left
>> side of the virtual keyboard and tap with a finger on the right hand  
>> or
>> vice versa. For now I end up hunting with one finger and tapping with
>> another for every key. Like VO on the Mac I'm finding many iPhone apps
>> are fairly accessible out of the box but with unlabeled buttons or  
>> form
>> fields here and there. Pleasantly surprising since many of the apps
>> predate VO on the iPhone.
>> CB
>> Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> I haven't tried the gps  but the typing feature got me for a start.
>>> You move / put one finger on the character you want and then tap  
>>> the screen
>>> with another and the character is typed to the screen.
>>> I found it really easy after got the fingers working together.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James & Nash
>>> Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 7:28 a.m.
>>> To: Mac visionaries
>>> Subject: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> How do the blind users on this list find typing on the IPhone when  
>>> they
>>> can't see the screen? How is it achieved?
>>> Also, how are IPhone users finding the GPS? Is it accurate? Is it  
>>> usable?
>>> Thank you for any info.
>>> Take care
>>> James
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Dan

I've never had any problem with .wav files working. For example I made  
a "You have new Mail." announcement.
On Jul 23, 2009, at 9:47 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> That's a new one on me; I thought *.wav files, which are older than
> windows, are digital wave form representations.  I'll grab flip and
> figure it out; thanks.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
I found that my double-tap wasn't very accurate. I often ended up double 
tapping a nearby key or tapping once on one key and the second on 
another key. The 'split tap' seemed to work much better.

Another thing that has worked well is the flick left and right through 
elements on the screen. For example, in Safari to the right of the URL 
entry is a very small clear button. It was hard to impossible to tap it 
to clear out the URL and type in a new one. With focus in the URL field 
a single flick right brought focus to the clear button and then a 
double-tap would clear out the entry field. Much easier that way.

Oh, one other gesture I didn't know about initially. Doing a two-finger 
double tap when the phone rings will answer it while a two-finger double 
tap during a call will hang up. Much easier that trying to hunt for the 
answer and end call buttons.


william lomas wrote:
> a friend of mine said he can find a key and tap it twice once he has  
> found it to insert it
> On 20 Jul 2009, at 22:44, Ryan Mann wrote:
>> Is your typing slower on the Iphone than on the mac?  It seems like it
>> would be since you're just using two fingers.
>> On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> I've heard that once people get good at it you hold a key on the left
>>> side of the virtual keyboard and tap with a finger on the right hand
>>> or
>>> vice versa. For now I end up hunting with one finger and tapping with
>>> another for every key. Like VO on the Mac I'm finding many iPhone  
>>> apps
>>> are fairly accessible out of the box but with unlabeled buttons or
>>> form
>>> fields here and there. Pleasantly surprising since many of the apps
>>> predate VO on the iPhone.
>>> CB
>>> Simon Fogarty wrote:
 I haven't tried the gps  but the typing feature got me for a start.
 You move / put one finger on the character you want and then tap
 the screen
 with another and the character is typed to the screen.

 I found it really easy after got the fingers working together.

 -Original Message-
 From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James & Nash
 Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 7:28 a.m.
 To: Mac visionaries
 Subject: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

 Hi everyone,

 How do the blind users on this list find typing on the IPhone when
 can't see the screen? How is it achieved?

 Also, how are IPhone users finding the GPS? Is it accurate? Is it

 Thank you for any info.

 Take care


> >

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Re: introduction and a question

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

The mail archive is your friend as many of the snags you'll run into 
have been noted and often solved on this list in the recent past. That 
said, Jaws video intercept driver on Parallels is still not fixed. 
Apparently Parallels uses its own custom video driver that doesn't play 
well with the Jaws video intercept. If you don't install that Jaws will 
launch and work but there are lots of things it won't do well. I didn't 
experiment too much since running without the video intercept is not the 
normal setup but I know Outlook was pretty much inaccessible. Just to 
make sure I installed Jaws 10.0.1154 on Parallels 4.0.3844 which are 
both the latest with no improvement. After the Jaws install reboot 
Windows crashes while loading and the only fix is to boot into "Last 
Known Good Configuration" and then re-install parallels tools. It must 
be a fundamental flaw in the parallels video emulator because this bug 
has existed for some time. As was previously mentioned, most Jaws users 
have moved to Fusion or VirtualBox because of this bug.


Esther wrote:
> Hello Anna,
> Welcome to the list.  I'm not sure that there are many list member  
> with current experience running Parallels, and I recall from earlier  
> discussions that users found problems with the Video intercept  
> handling, at least in earlier versions of Parallels, that were not  
> present in other virtualizations. A quick search of the archives  
> brought up this comment, for example:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/discuss%40macvisionaries.com/msg36706.html
> (Parallels and JAWS Update)
> I noticed there have been some updates to Parallels and to Jaws  
> recently so I thought I'd give it another whirl. Pretty much the same  
> problem persists where the Jaws video intercept hoses the video driver  
> in Parallels. VMWare and Sun's Virtual Box do not seem to have this  
> issue.
> That was quite a while ago, but the most recent comments I've heard  
> about Parallels as of a month ago from another list indicate that  
> there are still serious accessibility problems, so most users seem to  
> have opted either for installing Bootcamp or using VMWare's Fusion.
> The closest discussion suggestion I've heard that might help your case  
> is to try installing Window Eyes in the event that this correctly  
> handles the installation of the Video Intercept driver.
> See for example:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg02509.html
> I don't have any experience with this myself, but others may be able  
> to provide suggestions if you specify the machine you're using and the  
> version of JAWS.
> Hope your questions can be answered.  I've enjoyed reading some of  
> your posts on the portable-player list.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> >

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Merging duplicate contacts in Address Book

2009-07-23 Thread David Hole

Hello folks.
Have anyone of you found an application that merges duplicate contacts 
in Address Book on the Mac?
Hope someone have...My addressbook is full of duplicates that I have to 
remove :(
They were added when I synced my Nokia N82 with the Mac. :(

Kind regards David

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
You're saying I can click the home button three times and get VO running 
on the iPhone and that it works in a beta version now?


Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> 3.2.1 or something has a tripple tap of the home button to launch it.
> Though this is in beta it was posted here a while back.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 19-Jul-09, at 4:36 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> James,
>> It's a fair point about not being able to run voiceover on the iPhone
>> unaided without access to iTunes.  What I'd like to see in an update
>> is the ability to launch and disable VO with a voice command.  I've
>> emailed Apple about it and got a hopeful response.  I'm guessing that
>> seeing as the Nano's and Shuffle's need to be activated with iTunes
>> Apple went for consistancy, either that or it or the idea didn't occur
>> to them.
>> You have to admit though that being able to activate it yourself even
>> through iTunes is a lot closer to true out of the box accessibility
>> than blundering your way through a Symbian time/date setup and an
>> instalation of your prefered screen reader, or worse still, relying on
>> Nokia's Voiceaid offering.
>> Scott
>> On 7/19/09, James & Nash  wrote:
>>> I have not seen one yet, but I am going to spend some time with an  
>>> Apple rep
>>> tomorrow.
>>> I agree, it is really nice to see a mainstream vender include a  
>>> Screen
>>> Reader for no extra cost, but then the IPhone is considerably more  
>>> expensive
>>> than other models but then you have to pay for Talks or Mobile  
>>> Speak. The
>>> only thing I would disagree with is the view that the IPhone is  
>>> accessible
>>> "out of the box". From all that I've read and heard, we cannot turn  
>>> VO on
>>> ourselves without access to ITunes - so if we do not have access to  
>>> it
>>> immediately, then we cannot access the phone by ourselves. Perhaps  
>>> this is a
>>> literal take on the phrase "accessible out of the box", but then  
>>> the phrase
>>> lends itself to that way of thinking.
>>> Take care
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:11 PM
>>> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
 Will said: i think that most people are jumping to the iphone as it
 new but the n eighty two does everything that does

 Real world says: apart from out of the box accessibility to the  
 User interface, a far broader scope for additional apps, and a UI  
 can only increase a VI user's often lacking knowledge of all things
 layout.  There's so many pro's and cons to each device for each  
 If Symbian and actual buttons will always float your boat more then
 fair enough, use it and prosper, it's here to stay for a while yet.
 But Dismissing one of the few big accessibility efforts made by a
 mainstream vender as the same old same old with a gimicky new touch
 screen thing before you've even had experience with it is an  
 that will ensure we're always slightly behind the trend with
 technology, so well done you.

 Slightly ranty perhaps, but I hope you see my point.  And in case I
 get labeled an iPhone fanatic, I don't own one.  I've tinkered and
 mostly enjoyed the experience, seemed to me that any barriers I felt
 like I was facing with the device were entirely due to my lack of
 experience with an interface where I'm closer to being even with any
 sighted user than I've ever been before.

 On 7/19/09, william lomas  wrote:
> i think that most people are jumping to the iphone as it new but  
> the n
> eighty two does everything that does
> On 19 Jul 2009, at 09:35, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Yeah, I had a sit down and play with the I phone for about an hour
>> today and
>> I gotta admit, the biggest problem is familiarity.
>> I'm so use to the Nokia and talks interface that the IPhones  
>> system
>> is not
>> as efficient  yet as I would have hoped.
>> However I gotta admit that I am thinking of reasons why I  
>> shouldn't
>> change
>> to one at this point,  and the only reason so far is that my n82  
>> does
>> everything that the iphone does and that I need it to.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of kaare dehard
>> Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 7:29 a.m.
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
>> Honestly given what I have heard/read, because this interface is  
>> so
>> very different from what we have grown accustomed to, it's  
>> probably
>> tough to get fixed on it right away. it's probably a let's forget
>> about the old wisdom or at least set 

Re: Mobile me

2009-07-23 Thread matthew T dyer

Hi,  Are you trying to access from system prefrences or from the web.   
I don't use the web interface so not sure but if you go to system  
prefrences then you should be able to interact with the tolebare.


On Jul 22, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Does anybody here use MobileMe?  If so, does any body know how to
> access the toolbar and actions menu that is supposedly at the top of
> the window?  For example, setting the mail preferences on the web.
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: Merging duplicate contacts in Address Book

2009-07-23 Thread Brett Campbell

You will find the options to merge selected cards, or find duplicates  
in The Address Book application itself.  Go to the menu and select the  
section titled card to make your selection.


On Jul 23, 2009, at 12:20 PM, David Hole wrote:

> Hello folks.
> Have anyone of you found an application that merges duplicate contacts
> in Address Book on the Mac?
> Hope someone have...My addressbook is full of duplicates that I have  
> to
> remove :(
> They were added when I synced my Nokia N82 with the Mac. :(
> Kind regards David
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
There are a number of SSH terminals for the iPhone but I don't know how 
accessible they are. With that you could ssh to your host and vi or 
emacs to your heart's content.


Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> sounds like you know more about it than i do.  I do have hopes of  
> traveling to italy and portugal in the next year but don't know if it  
> will happen.  Have a big sale pending that will have to come through  
> soon to pull it off.  I'm not so much worried about the phone side of  
> it.  I just want to know if I can access the internet without needing  
> a second income. lol  I also need to find out if I can edit my website  
> from it when necesary.  I imagine it has text edit like my mac book  
> does, but does anyone know if there is even an ftp client for the  
> iphone?  Well, I guess I'll have to get into the local apple store and  
> see how i feel about it.  Thanks, Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> Max,
>> Keep in mind that Apple/AT&T gang lock you into a monthly data plan.  
>> But
>> this is OK since you are not buying IPhone just to call your grandma;
>> for that there are other phones on the market.
>> The only bummer, and correct me if I am wrong, is that you cannot swap
>> sim cards if you are traveling abroad.
>> V
>> On 7/18/2009 9:32 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> Games?  i'm glad to hear of everyone's success.  Since my falling out
>>> with sprint over their converting my unlimited data plan to a soft  
>>> cap
>>> and then cancelling me all together, I've been looking for my next
>>> mobile internet solution.  I was thinking the iphone might just do
>>> it.  On the 32 gb model how much free space do you have?  What kind  
>>> of
>>> data plans do they offer?  Could you see me being able to maintain a
>>> website over it in a pinch?  I'm not traveling as much as i used to,
>>> but there are still those days when a new listing comes in or an
>>> important email has to sit in my inbox for not having mobile internet
>>> any more.  I may have to subscribe to the iphone list as I"m really
>>> starting to get excited by the idea.  Thanks, Max
>>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
 I use email, fring for IM, safari, weather app, clock, calendar,
 notes, fun apps such as the role playing games. Typing is down to
 personal preference iIMO. but I'm typing just fine, and enjoying it.

 On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello Simon had a good question.  Now, I would like to add to it.
> Would the totally blind iphone users also tell us which of the
> features they are using.  I'm especially wanting to hear about  
> emails
> or any feature where you have to type.  My brother tells me the two
> finger system that it uses makes it very easy to enter text,  
> numbers,
> email addresses, etc.  Looking forward to your comments.  Thanks,  
> Max
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I'm totally blind and using my iphone happily.
>> :)
>> On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,
>>> are
>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired  
>>> users.
>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>> totally blind
>>> person.
>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /
>>> accessibility
>>> against
>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I  
>>> can't
>>> say I'm
>>> fixed on it yet.
>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on
>>> with
>>> it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Simonf.
>> -- 
>> ---
>> I tweet about music and accessibility at http://www.twitter.com/vick08
>> or check my site at http://www.victortsaran.com
>> ---
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

I'm glad to hear you had no trouble with it.  Things are different here.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: Web Drive beta

2009-07-23 Thread Chris G

I tried the beta of web drive and it works as advertised with VO.


On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:39:26 -0400
Chris Blouch  wrote:

> You can make an ftp site show up as a disk drive using apple-k to 
> connect to server and then put in ftp://some_ftp_site.com. The downside 
> is it is read only. Not sure why that is.
> CB
> Chris G wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Has anyone tried the FTP client web drive for the Mac yet?
> >
> > In windows it's a program that connects to FTP sites as if they were
> > network drives.  The windows version is extremely accessible and was
> > wondering if it was just as accessible on the Mac.
> >
> > The URL is 
> > http://www.webdrive.com
> > Thanks
> > Chris
> >
> >   

Chris G 

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Re: Drunk with power. or buying from iTunes store all on my own was Re: iTunes songs for .69 was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch

I thought the whole McCartney/Apple/Apple thing all got hammered out a 
while ago:



Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Actually you'll be making Michael Jackson really really rich as well, as
> does paul mccartney when he plays a beetles track.
>  Now hows that for a screw up. One of the beetles pays the king of pop when
> he plays one of his own tracks.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Sent: Saturday, 18 July 2009 7:07 a.m.
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Drunk with power. or buying from iTunes store all on my own was
> Re: iTunes songs for .69 was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of
> iTunes,iPod, iPhone?
> Oh dear, LOL when the Beetles do finally come to iTunes, please please  
> sometime soon, that's just it. I'm going to make Apple, Inc. really  
> really rich. *smile*
> I love them and have been very frustrated they are not on iTunes.
> Really want "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band" album, is perhaps  
> my favourite or one of my top favourites. :-)
> Okay so this drunkenness with power doesn't go away. Good 'cuz y'know  
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> blueskyes9112...@gmail.com
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile - www.facebook.com/blueskyes
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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Re: mac/voiceover on a laptopRe: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
When working at my desk I actually plug in an external USB full size 
keyboard with a numeric keypad, backwards delete and home/end page 
up/down keys. Just easier that way.


erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Anouk,  The numpad is in deed optional, and there really isn't that  
> much difference between using vo on a laptop or desktop  
> configuration.  Although having said that, my disgust at not having a  
> numpad on my laptop keybord any more and my desire for a right hand  
> control key really no know bounds.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 18-Jul-09, at 8:02 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hi, Do you actually need the numeric keypad to use voicover? I  
>> thought it
>> was optional. If it is optional then there is not much difference imo
>> between using it on a laptop or a pc...
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?
>>> Beware, however, that even though you can lock control and option  
>>> keys,
>>> you will find yourself in frequent situations where you need to  
>>> unlock
>>> them, e.g. when browsing the web or trying to interact with various
>>> objects (tables, HTML CONTENT areas etc).
>>> It does get a little annoying to use voiceover for long periods of  
>>> time,
>>> especially if you are a heavy laptop user.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Vic
>>> On 7/17/2009 7:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 You can also lock the voiceover keys on with VO and semicolon.  
 Then you
 don't have to hold down control and option while doing voiceover


 william lomas wrote:
> you have to use control option and arrow keys, to navigate around
> On 17 Jul 2009, at 14:31, a radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, ok this may sem elike a strange question but I  
>> read
>> that, if you want to navigate through a window to review it, or a
>> document for example you need to use the voice key (which is  
>> either
>> command or control if i got that right)+ arrow down or up, but  
>> would
>> tha tnot require both hand and is there a way to do it single
>> handedly. I use braille all the time and this would make it a lot
>> slower for me to read stuff, or will maybe the arrow keys on my
>> braille display be able to simulate this, i Wonder.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> -- 
>>> ---
>>> I tweet about music and accessibility at http://www.twitter.com/ 
>>> vick08
>>> or check my site at http://www.victortsaran.com
>>> ---
>> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
>> Gecontroleerd door AVG - www.avg.com
>> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.19/2244 - datum van uitgifte:
>> 07/17/09 18:00:00
> >

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Re: Mobile me

2009-07-23 Thread Barry Hadder

Hi Esther and all,

I'm still considering this and I'm wondering if you are anybody else  
has used the "back to my mac" feature successfully.  I don't currently  
have more than one Mac and am unable to test it for myself.

On Jul 22, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Barry,
> Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Ok, I found in the archives where someone mentioned getting to the
>> email preferences with control-,.  I would have never figured that  
>> out
>> on my own.
>> Anybody has any other comments, I would be glad to hear them.  I'm
>> personally disappointed to see this service so far behind in the
>> accessibility department after all of the other good things Apple
>> hasdone.
> Those were my posts, and I was in the middle of composing a reply to  
> your original query which I'll paste in here.  The answer is that up  
> until the transition to MobileMe for the iPhone launch last year,  
> the dot Mac service was very accessible with the exception of using  
> the iWeb design tools to create web sites.  Most users who started  
> with that service when it was dot Mac and used the web mail service  
> and internet sharing, etc. can probably still navigate those parts  
> of the site because the structure is familiar -- it's accessible,  
> but non-standard.  I have to admit that shifting the Command- prefix  
> over to Control- was a bit of a surprise, but I think that was their  
> way of accommodating people who accessed the browser from Windows  
> and other keyboards where there is no Command key. I'll go on to  
> answer your questions.  Read the posts for discussion about how to  
> navigate the web interface.  The exact sequences are different  
> depending on whether you use DOM mode or group mode navigation.
>> Does anybody here use MobileMe?  If so, does any body know how to
>> access the toolbar and actions menu that is supposedly at the top of
>> the window?  For example, setting the mail preferences on the web.
> Access mail preferences with Contol-Comma.  In general, the  
> shortcuts that work with mail on your computer also work from the  
> Web version of MobileMe if you replace "Command" with "Control".
> See my reply in the archives to Simon's question about setting up  
> aliases in MobileMe.  There's some initial discussion about the way  
> that the web version of MobileMe works:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg04214.html
> (Working with MobileMe web mail and setting up aliases [was Re:  
> Setting aliases in mobileme])
> Also in the archives, how to cancel MobileMe:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg02244.html
> (Instructions on how to Cancel Mobile Me [was Re: canceling Mobile  
> Me account])
> Both these posts give some background about navigating.
> And there's a MobileMe live chat support number on their web page  
> for problems.  This is for problems related to service -- not  
> accessibility, since their Tech Support won't know how to handle that.
> http://www.apple.com/mobileme/news/2009/04/live-chat-support-247.html
> Cheers,
> Esther
> >

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Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Aparently, though I don't have an iPhone or the information at my  
fingertips, since I am not a seeding developer at Apple.

The information was strictly from a post posted on-list.



On 23-Jul-09, at 11:52 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> You're saying I can click the home button three times and get VO  
> running on the iPhone and that it works in a beta version now?
> CB
> Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 3.2.1 or something has a tripple tap of the home button to launch it.
>> Though this is in beta it was posted here a while back.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 19-Jul-09, at 4:36 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> James,
>>> It's a fair point about not being able to run voiceover on the  
>>> iPhone
>>> unaided without access to iTunes.  What I'd like to see in an update
>>> is the ability to launch and disable VO with a voice command.  I've
>>> emailed Apple about it and got a hopeful response.  I'm guessing  
>>> that
>>> seeing as the Nano's and Shuffle's need to be activated with iTunes
>>> Apple went for consistancy, either that or it or the idea didn't  
>>> occur
>>> to them.
>>> You have to admit though that being able to activate it yourself  
>>> even
>>> through iTunes is a lot closer to true out of the box accessibility
>>> than blundering your way through a Symbian time/date setup and an
>>> instalation of your prefered screen reader, or worse still,  
>>> relying on
>>> Nokia's Voiceaid offering.
>>> Scott
>>> On 7/19/09, James & Nash  wrote:
 I have not seen one yet, but I am going to spend some time with an
 Apple rep

 I agree, it is really nice to see a mainstream vender include a
 Reader for no extra cost, but then the IPhone is considerably more
 than other models but then you have to pay for Talks or Mobile
 Speak. The
 only thing I would disagree with is the view that the IPhone is
 "out of the box". From all that I've read and heard, we cannot turn
 VO on
 ourselves without access to ITunes - so if we do not have access to
 immediately, then we cannot access the phone by ourselves. Perhaps
 this is a
 literal take on the phrase "accessible out of the box", but then
 the phrase
 lends itself to that way of thinking.

 Take care

 - Original Message -
 From: "Scott Chesworth" 
 Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:11 PM
 Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility

> Will said: i think that most people are jumping to the iphone as  
> it
> new but the n eighty two does everything that does
> Real world says: apart from out of the box accessibility to the
> entire
> User interface, a far broader scope for additional apps, and a UI
> that
> can only increase a VI user's often lacking knowledge of all  
> things
> layout.  There's so many pro's and cons to each device for each
> user.
> If Symbian and actual buttons will always float your boat more  
> then
> fair enough, use it and prosper, it's here to stay for a while  
> yet.
> But Dismissing one of the few big accessibility efforts made by a
> mainstream vender as the same old same old with a gimicky new  
> touch
> screen thing before you've even had experience with it is an
> attitude
> that will ensure we're always slightly behind the trend with
> technology, so well done you.
> Slightly ranty perhaps, but I hope you see my point.  And in  
> case I
> get labeled an iPhone fanatic, I don't own one.  I've tinkered and
> mostly enjoyed the experience, seemed to me that any barriers I  
> felt
> like I was facing with the device were entirely due to my lack of
> experience with an interface where I'm closer to being even with  
> any
> sighted user than I've ever been before.
> On 7/19/09, william lomas  wrote:
>> i think that most people are jumping to the iphone as it new but
>> the n
>> eighty two does everything that does
>> On 19 Jul 2009, at 09:35, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Yeah, I had a sit down and play with the I phone for about an  
>>> hour
>>> today and
>>> I gotta admit, the biggest problem is familiarity.
>>> I'm so use to the Nokia and talks interface that the IPhones
>>> system
>>> is not
>>> as efficient  yet as I would have hoped.
>>> However I gotta admit that I am thinking of reasons why I
>>> shouldn't
>>> change
>>> to one at this point,  and the only reason so far is that my n82
>>> does
>>> everything that the iphone does and that I need it to.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

Re: Merging duplicate contacts in Address Book

2009-07-23 Thread A-Pro Studio

Hi David,

There is both a "Look for Duplicates" and "Merge Selected Cards"  
option under the Card menu in Address book, that you might want to  
play around with. Merge Selected Cards works just fine, but you need  
to select each couple of cards that you would like to merge. Also, if  
you have a backup of both the data on Address Book and your N82 from  
right before you did the merge, you might do it again and make sure  
Address Book merges the data from your sources. Most likely, you will  
not get duplicates this way, as long as the names are all written the  
same way.

Hope this helps

Take care,
John André

On 23. juli. 2009, at 20.20, David Hole wrote:

> Hello folks.
> Have anyone of you found an application that merges duplicate contacts
> in Address Book on the Mac?
> Hope someone have...My addressbook is full of duplicates that I have  
> to
> remove :(
> They were added when I synced my Nokia N82 with the Mac. :(
> Kind regards David
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Kieren

On Jul 24, 1:13 am, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> I have added the file
> airhorn2.wav
> to both the path
> /system/library/sounds
> and
> /users/mark/library/sounds

I think your problem may lie with the path.
As I said you should not be using the /System folder but use instead
the /Library Folder which is at the root of you HD.
If you do decide to put things into the /System folder they will not
be transferred if you ever migrate or upgrade  you system say to Snow
Leopard as they will be overwritten.
They will be found and moved if they are in the /Library or ~/Library
Also note the path is case sensitive hence /Library/sounds and /
Library/sounds are not the same.
OS X is a case sensitive system  and ad such most folder names and
system paths start with a capital letter. User created folders are the
exception of course.
so make sure the folder you created at /Library/Sounds and ~/Library/
Sounds are correctly named or they will be ignored.

that said can you play the wav file in quicktime player? or quicklook
it?  if not then it may need the flip4mac plugin as well.
also have you tried a regular MP3 in the folders to validate that the
system is looking in there for sound files?  make sure the file plays
in quicktime first
then past it into the ~/Library/Sounds folder.
You may need to logout then log back in for the system to see the
change but i dont think so.
then you can check if the sound is available under the System
Preferences -> Sound -> sound effects tab.
if all is well it should be listed in the table there and play when it
is selected.  it will have the same filename.



> and neither file shows up when selecting to change a system sound,  
> such as Mail or Ichat.
> When I try to change the tweet sound in Syrinx, there's an option to  
> open a sound on a path, but that doesn't seem to work either, Just for  
> giggle, IO just played the wave file in Itunes without a problem.  I'm  
> at a loss.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
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Re: Touchpad patent holder sues just about everyone

2009-07-23 Thread Scott Howell

You know there are several such suits floating around targeting anyone  
and everyone. My feeling is some states allow such suits where you  
fling as much fecal matter around and see what sticks. Now you know  
why the court can't get anything done and can't render sensible  
decisions at times. :) The economic environment seems to be bringing  
the clowns out of the woodwork.
On Jul 23, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> From Slashdot yesterday.
> "Okay, well, maybe not everyone but more than twenty companies
> (including Apple, Qualcomm, Motorola and Microsoft) are being sued  
> for a
> generic patent that reads: 'Apparatus and methods for controlling a
> portable electronic device, such as an MP3 player; portable radio,  
> voice
> recorder, or portable CD player are disclosed. A touchpad is mounted  
> on
> the housing of the device, and a user enters commands by tracing
> patterns with his finger on a surface of the touchpad. No immediate
> visual feedback is provided as a command pattern is traced, and the  
> user
> does not need to view the device to enter commands.' Sounds like their
> may be a few companies using that technology. The suit was filed on  
> July
> 15th in the favoritest place ever to file patent claim lawsuits: Texas
> Eastern District Court. It's a pretty classic patent troll; they've  
> been
> holding this patent since 2003 and they just noticed now that everyone
> and his dog are using touchpads to control portable electronic  
> devices."
> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/07/22/213256/Touchpad-Patent-Holder-Tsera-Sues-Just-About-Everyone
> CB
> >

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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Kieren

On Jul 24, 1:55 am, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> all I know is Itunes plays them and yet OS10 doesn't recognize them as  
> valid system sounds, even though they're right there on the path.  

Maybe you should just try converting them them through itunes back to
mp3? or aiff?
do they have to be in .wav format?

remember itunes is also a mediaplayer much like winamp etc and on the
windows system it can play mp3 but the system cannot natively
recognise them.
please notice the comparison here.  Just because an application can
open and use a file does not make the operating system as a whole able
to deal with it.


> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Kieren

> Also note the path is case sensitive hence /Library/sounds and /
> Library/sounds are not the same.

Oops managed to screw up my own example that should have been
/Library/sounds and /Library/Sounds

apologies for any confusion

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Re: Mobile me

2009-07-23 Thread Scott Howell

And I suggest you send a note to accessibil...@apple.com. I know this  
is like beating a dead horse, but quite honestly, keep the pressure up  
and also send a note to the Mobile Me support team. This is how they  
will get moving and keep things on the radar. They really try to do  
the right thing and they are responsive, but like most things, it's  
all in the order of when it gets done. I recently had an issue with an  
iTunes track and the iTunes support team responded quickly and  
honestly said they didn't know if they would or how quickly they could  
address the issue, but they compensated me at any rate. Honestly the  
issue was a little blip in the track, right at the beginning, but you  
know they were quick to get back to me. So, that to say they do try,  
but keep after them.

On Jul 22, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Ok, I found in the archives where someone mentioned getting to the
> email preferences with control-,.  I would have never figured that out
> on my own.
> Anybody has any other comments, I would be glad to hear them.  I'm
> personally disappointed to see this service so far behind in the
> accessibility department after all of the other good things Apple
> hasdone.
> .
> Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Does anybody here use MobileMe?  If so, does any body know how to
>> access the toolbar and actions menu that is supposedly at the top of
>> the window?  For example, setting the mail preferences on the web.
>> Thanks.
> >

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Here is an update was Fwd: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright

2009-07-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Andrew Daviel 
> Date: July 23, 2009 12:53:50 PM PDT
> To: van...@robomod.net
> Subject: Re: Canadian Government Asking Public about Copyright
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Jose Da Silva wrote:
>> Just saw this on slashdot right now, thought it worth  putting
>> in the list here in case readers here don't see slashdot.
> I was also rather miffed that the announcement came AFTER the  
> Vancouver round table. I found the consultation site via James Moore  
> (Heritage Minister's) Twitter page, via /., from a Google Gadget  
> newsfeed.
> Smacks of HHG ("The demolition order was published in good time".  
> "Yes, in a disused lavatory in the basement of a locked office  
> building" - or something like that)
> http://twitter.com/mpjamesmoore
> http://copyright.econsultation.ca/topics-sujets/show-montrer/18
> You can create an account and post stuff. They have the following  
> questions:
> What kinds of changes would best position Canada as a leader in the  
> global, digital economy?
> What sorts of copyright changes do you believe would best foster  
> competition and investment in Canada?
> What sorts of copyright changes do you believe would best foster  
> innovation and creativity in Canada?
> Based on Canadian values and interests, how should copyright changes  
> be made in order to withstand the test of time
> How do Canada's copyright laws affect you? How should existing laws  
> be modernized?
> now to think of something sensible to put (join the Pirate  
> Party :-7 ?)
> -- 
> Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
> -- 
> This message came to you via the Vancouver Linux Users Group mailing  
> list.
> For unsubscription instructions do not email the list, but rather  
> send mail
> to vanlug-requ...@robomod.net.

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Re: Question about downloading audio files linked from web pages in safari

2009-07-23 Thread Chris Polk

ok, in itunes, go to prefferences, click the advance button, then  
there is a use itunes for internet playback.
try that and see if that then allows you to download instead of  
playing from the site.
I don't know if this will work, but its worth a shot.


On Jul 23, 2009, at 6:15 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to configure things so that when you click on a link on
> a page such as blindcooltech.com or serotalk.com as examples that have
> links that are http://www and have an mp3 file at the end of the link
> so that it will download the mp3 instead of just launching into
> quicktime or whatever it is that just streams and plays it at that
> point?  Some of them you can do the control options shift m and pick
> the download file from the menu and that is fine, but sometimes when
> you do that it does not give you that specific of an option.  To
> explain what I am talking about when I go to exactly those same links
> on the windows side it says do you want to open or save this file.
> Now I want to prefer to use the mac more and more til I don't care
> about the PC practically, but I really wonder if I can configure it to
> give me that option with those links to download the file without
> having to hope there is and go to some other page such as the podcast
> page just to do it.  A little thing, but it is really pissing me off
> actually when it is an issue.  Ok, of course I keep it in perspective,
> but you know it is annoying.  Is it something in quicktime or ITunes
> or safari that you configure differently if it is possible?  I looked
> through the options in safari and didn't find anything.  I haven't
> looked yet through ITunes honestly, but thought maybe somebody here
> already "invented the wheel" and knows the simple answer.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> >

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Question about downloading audio files linked from web pages in safari

2009-07-23 Thread James Mannion

Is there a way to configure things so that when you click on a link on
a page such as blindcooltech.com or serotalk.com as examples that have
links that are http://www and have an mp3 file at the end of the link
so that it will download the mp3 instead of just launching into
quicktime or whatever it is that just streams and plays it at that
point?  Some of them you can do the control options shift m and pick
the download file from the menu and that is fine, but sometimes when
you do that it does not give you that specific of an option.  To
explain what I am talking about when I go to exactly those same links
on the windows side it says do you want to open or save this file.
Now I want to prefer to use the mac more and more til I don't care
about the PC practically, but I really wonder if I can configure it to
give me that option with those links to download the file without
having to hope there is and go to some other page such as the podcast
page just to do it.  A little thing, but it is really pissing me off
actually when it is an issue.  Ok, of course I keep it in perspective,
but you know it is annoying.  Is it something in quicktime or ITunes
or safari that you configure differently if it is possible?  I looked
through the options in safari and didn't find anything.  I haven't
looked yet through ITunes honestly, but thought maybe somebody here
already "invented the wheel" and knows the simple answer.


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Re: adding sounds to the system sounds library

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Baxter

Thanks very much, Kieren!  In fact, I now have the sounds working,  
though I don't know what I did, other than quitting and restarting  
apps and, eventually, the computer herself.  I should try and  
duplicate this with more sounds. :)  All sorts of chaos may ensue.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: Question about downloading audio files linked from web pages in safari

2009-07-23 Thread Esther

Hi James,

You asked:

>Is there a way to configure things so that when you click on a link on
>a page such as blindcooltech.com or serotalk.com as examples that have
>links that are http://www and have an mp3 file at the end of the link
>so that it will download the mp3 instead of just launching into
>quicktime or whatever it is that just streams and plays it at that

You can force any linked file to download in Safari instead of being displayed 
(in the case of PDF files) or played (in the case of MP3 files) by having your 
mouse cursor routed to the link and issuing an Option-Click.  If you're on a 
link, use VO-Command-F5 to route your mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor, if 
you don't have the box for "Mouse cursor tracks VoiceOver cursor" checked in 
your VoiceOver Utility Navigation settings.  Then, press the option key and 
click with either the trackpad (on a laptop) or by pressing a mouse button 
(with an attached mouse).  If you have a numeric keypad with Leopard's NumPad 
Commander turned on, you can do the click by pressing the "5" key on the 
numeric keypad while pressing the option key.  If you want to force a download 
after clicking a linked mp3 or PDF file that loaded into the Safari browser, 
press Command-L to go to the Address bar, then press option followed by the 
enter (or carriage return) key.  That action effectively issues an Option-Click 
to download these linked files that loaded into the browser.




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