Re: adding 'HarmonicEvent?

2010-09-26 Thread Marc Hohl

Neil Puttock schrieb:

On 24 September 2010 08:16, Marc Hohl  wrote:


How can I place the 'articulations entry in the appropriate hierarchy level?

Look for a NoteEvent instead of an EventChord, then you can be sure
you're adding the HarmonicEvent to 'articulations for the relevant


Ok, I understand now better, why my soulution didn't work as expected.

makeHarmonic =
#(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?)
   (define (make-harmonic mus)
 (let ((elts (ly:music-property mus 'elements))
   (elt (ly:music-property mus 'element)))
   ;; using cond is more convenient here
((pair? elts)
 (map make-harmonic elts))
((ly:music? elt)
 (make-harmonic elt))
((music-is-of-type? mus 'note-event)
 (set! (ly:music-property mus 'articulations)   
;; don't overwrite existing 'articulations list
(ly:music-property mus 'articulations)
(list (make-music 'HarmonicEvent))
   (make-harmonic mus))

Works like a charm, thank you!




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread craigbakalian
On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 15:04 -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> Do you know what's going on here?

I am sorry.  My question wasn't very clear.  I don't see any
documentation for the functions:


Is the documentation for 2.13.34 a copy of 2.12?  Now, before you blast
me about my ignorance; yes indeed, I have not read the entire 2.13.34
doc in order to compare it with 2.12.  I have searched it for the above
terms and came up with nothing.

Craig Bakalian
560 Keswick Drive
Yardley, PA 19067

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "craigbakalian" 

To: "Patrick McCarty" 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: 2.13.34

On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 15:04 -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:

Do you know what's going on here?

I am sorry.  My question wasn't very clear.  I don't see any
documentation for the functions:


Is the documentation for 2.13.34 a copy of 2.12?  Now, before you blast
me about my ignorance; yes indeed, I have not read the entire 2.13.34
doc in order to compare it with 2.12.  I have searched it for the above
terms and came up with nothing.

It seems to me that Patrick's question you've quoted above was directed at 
Graham, not you.  If you follow the instructions in the replies, you'll be 
able to find the 2.13 docs and check what they say.  They can still be work 
in progress, however.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On 26 September 2010 13:06, craigbakalian  wrote:
> I am sorry.  My question wasn't very clear.  I don't see any
> documentation for the functions:
> max-systems-per-page
> min-systems-per-page
> systems-per-page

It is in the Notation Reference, section 4.1.2 Page formatting >
Other layout variables .

But this is maybe not straightforward.
Actually almost everything about the new vertical spacing engine is
"condensed" there and there is almost nothing in 4.4 Vertical spacing .
Maybe this part could be rewritten, or reorganized?

Where would you expect it to be in the doc?

> Is the documentation for 2.13.34 a copy of 2.12?  Now, before you blast
> me about my ignorance; yes indeed, I have not read the entire 2.13.34
> doc in order to compare it with 2.12.  I have searched it for the above
> terms and came up with nothing.

No, it is not a copy of stable documentation.
BTW did you use the search engine included into lilypond documentation
(on LilyPond's doc website)?  Because it only searches within *stable*
(i.e. 2.12) documentation...


Xavier Scheuer 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond sucessfully.

2010-09-26 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 9/26/10 6:49 AM, "MING TSANG"  wrote:

> Ian,
> Thank you. I follow your prescribed steps and my problem is resolved. Thank
> you. My problem starts when I install multiple versions: v2.13.32 in default
> and 2.6.5 & 2.12.3 in its own folders.  v2.6.5 is the last install I did. Now
> my computer is clean up. I have only v2.13.33.  I went to and I
> didn't see v2.13.34 as you suggested to use.

As of right now, the following website:

list 2.13.34-1 as the current development release.
> Lilypond users:  I want to use, but it is in v2.6.5 How can I use it
> with v2.13.33 and up. I don't want go through the problem of installing multi
> versions of lilypond. Is it possible to include with v2.13.33 and
> up?
> More questions / help require:
> (1). How can I increase the fontsize of the numbers in easyHeadOn with
> numbers.  The following .ly produce number too small when in print (hardcopy).
> I have been trying very hard but in vain.

Please generate a small snippet that shows what you have tried.  I have sent
you  a snippet that increases the font size in easy heads.   I have tested
it and it works.  I'll be happy to help you work through these issues, but
we should do it on a small snippet, instead of a big file.
> (2). It seems that I lost tagline on my last page. What happened?
> (3). Apprceiate snippet for generating midi file for voice part - ie soprano,
> alto, tenor bass. My intention is to provide voice part for choir member to
> practice. 

I think that you can create separate scores with midi blocks for the
individual parts.

\version 2.13
soprano = \relative c'' {
  c d e

alto  = \relative c'' {
  a b c

\score {
  \new Staff {
  \layout {}

\score {

\score {

> (4). Is it possible to print title on every page?

Search the user archives for "header on every page".



P.S. Please don't top post on lilypond lists.  It's against our list

lilypond-user mailing list

Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Nikolausius

Hi there,

does anyone know whether or not lilypond supports the twelve-tone notation
system of J.M. Hauer? To point out what I mean, here's a link where the
differences between several 12-tone notation systems are shown and the
system of J.M. HAuer is being explained:

If not, is anybody else interested in it? If yes, we could contact the

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

ragged-last-bottom lyrics spacing

2010-09-26 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


I have written a nice python script that allows me to automatically and 
randomly generate note reading exercises for my pupils. It creates a page 
full of notes. Below each note it prints "---". That's where my pupils 
have to fill in the correct note name. The python script has some nice 
commandline options to influence the difficulty of the exercise (minimum 
and maximum note ranges, use sharps/flats/double sharps/double flats yes 
or no, treble, bass, or other clefs). If anyone is interested I can make 
it available. But first I want to solve an issue.

I am using Lilypond 2.13.34 to generate the score. 
But I am having a problem with the spacing between the last staff on the 
page and the "---" below the notes.

I have created a tiny example that demonstrates the same effect. Watch the 
difference in vertical spacing when you compare the last staff with the 
other staves (IMO the last staff look bad) :


\version "2.13.34"
\paper {
% I think this line causes my problem:

\score {
\new Staff {
  \relative c' {
\repeat unfold 10 {
  c1 | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | \break
\new Lyrics {
  \lyricmode {
\repeat unfold 80 { ---1 }


Is this worth a bug report ?


Martin Tarenskeen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> does anyone know whether or not lilypond supports the twelve-tone
> notation system of J.M. Hauer? To point out what I mean, here's a
> link where the differences between several 12-tone notation systems
> are shown and the system of J.M. HAuer is being explained:

It's not supported.  Please send a feature request to the mailing list.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread James Bailey

On Sep 25, 2010, at 11:24 PM, Nikolausius wrote:

> Hi there,
> does anyone know whether or not lilypond supports the twelve-tone notation
> system of J.M. Hauer? To point out what I mean, here's a link where the
> differences between several 12-tone notation systems are shown and the
> system of J.M. HAuer is being explained:
> If not, is anybody else interested in it? If yes, we could contact the
> developers...

I'm assuming you mean the note names, right?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> I'm assuming you mean the note names, right?

I rather think he means the specific staff appearance (with groups of
two and three lines).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Neil Puttock
On 26 September 2010 16:19, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
>> does anyone know whether or not lilypond supports the twelve-tone
>> notation system of J.M. Hauer? To point out what I mean, here's a
>> link where the differences between several 12-tone notation systems
>> are shown and the system of J.M. HAuer is being explained:
> It's not supported.  Please send a feature request to the
> mailing list.

Looking at the picture, it seems to me the only part which LilyPond
doesn't support is the special leger lines below the stave: though the
middle C superficially looks like a G, it's positioned as if it were
an E, but with the first leger missing (so the leger lines continue
the line-positioning pattern outside the stave).

The custom stave can be created by overriding StaffSymbol
#'line-positions, then it's just a matter of mapping the notes to the
correct positions with a custom layout function (via


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread Patrick McCarty
On 2010-09-26, craigbakalian wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 15:04 -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> > Do you know what's going on here?
> I am sorry.  My question wasn't very clear.  I don't see any
> documentation for the functions:
> max-systems-per-page
> min-systems-per-page
> systems-per-page

Sorry for the confusion on my end, too!  I should have sent two
separate emails, since the last half of my message was to Graham.

To find the docs for variables like this, I would first check the
"LilyPond index" in the Notation Reference.

As it turns out, `max-systems-per-page' and `min-systems-per-page'
were not in this index, but `systems-per-page' was.  I have just added
entries for the first two, so they will appear in the docs for the
next devel version.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ragged-last-bottom lyrics spacing

2010-09-26 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: "Martin Tarenskeen" 

To: "lilypond-user mailinglist" 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: ragged-last-bottom lyrics spacing


I have written a nice python script that allows me to automatically and 
randomly generate note reading exercises for my pupils. It creates a page 
full of notes. Below each note it prints "---". That's where my pupils 
have to fill in the correct note name. The python script has some nice 
commandline options to influence the difficulty of the exercise (minimum 
and maximum note ranges, use sharps/flats/double sharps/double flats yes 
or no, treble, bass, or other clefs). If anyone is interested I can make 
it available. But first I want to solve an issue.

I am using Lilypond 2.13.34 to generate the score. But I am having a 
problem with the spacing between the last staff on the page and the "---" 
below the notes.

I have created a tiny example that demonstrates the same effect. Watch the 
difference in vertical spacing when you compare the last staff with the 
other staves (IMO the last staff look bad) :

[snip code]


There is a critical bug report about page spacing issues already raised 
against 13.34:

So there will be further work on the page spacing algorithm between this 
version and the next development version.  My personal suggestion would be 
to see what your code does with 13.35 and if it's still not right, report it 
to .bug.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread Francisco Vila
2010/9/25 craigbakalian :
> Hi all,
> I downloaded 2.13.34.  Installed, and did a convert-ly of a piece for
> trombone ensemble.  I did the convert-ly with frescobaldi.  Oddly it put
> \version "2.13.31" on the top of my files. Is this correct?  I am
> showing version 2.13.34 from my terminal.

Yes, it's probably correct.  What you see in your files is not the
version of the latest lilypond you installed or that of latest
convert-ly.  It's only the version which your files are converted for;
it matches the latest rules that convert-ly tried to apply to your old
files, and if the syntax did not change from .31 , that is the last
syntax's version.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

lilypond-user mailing list

centering a whole note/chord

2010-09-26 Thread Federico Bruni
I have a simple question, but I could not find any solution around.
I'd like to move a whole note a bit on the right (or put it in the
center of the bar).

In the following example I'd like to move to the right or center the
chord in the last bar.
Any hint?

\version "2.13.34"

\relative c'' {
  s1 \break
  c8 d  e4  f2 |
  c1 |
  \mark \markup "D.C."

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond sucessfully.

2010-09-26 Thread MING TSANG

I mess up Mark Polesky and Carl Sorensen as Mark Sorensen.  Sorry!
What does it mean "top post in lilypond"?

The following code produce large numbers when using noteHeadOn with number.  
When I copy the same Ez_numbers_engraver and EzNum onto my other .ly file I did 
not get the larger number effect. I have no idea what's wrong.


<><><> .ly file
\version "2.13.33"
#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #f)
\header {
%  #(before-title-space 10\mm) 
  title = "The Lord Is In His Holy Temple"
  subtitle = "主在聖殿中 "
  poet = "詞"
  composer = " 曲"
  meter = \markup { "D" "4/4" } 
  texidoc = ""

ignoreMelisma =\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
ignoreMelismaOff = \unset ignoreMelismata 
#(define Ez_numbers_engraver
(cons 'acknowledgers
   (cons 'note-head-interface
 (lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
   (let* ((context (ly:translator-context engraver))
  (tonic-pitch (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
  (tonic-name (ly:pitch-notename tonic-pitch))
   (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'pitch))
  (grob-name (ly:pitch-notename grob-pitch))
  (delta (modulo (- grob-name tonic-name) 7))
   (make-vector 7 (number->string (1+ delta)
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'note-names note-names

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

EzNum = {
 \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #2.25
 \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-thickness = #1.25
 \override Staff.NoteHead #'font-size = #+2.75
 \override Staff.Clef #'font-size = #+2.25
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'font-size = #+2.25
 \override Staff.Accidental #'font-size = #+2.25
 \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #-0.25
\paper  {
%#(set-global-staff-size (* 5.8 mm))
  indent = #(* mm 0)
  line-width = #(* mm 180)
  interscoreline = 2.\mm
  between-system-space = 36\mm
  ragged-bottom = ##t 

\include ""
TimeKey = { \time 4/4  \key d \major  }   % \partial 4
SopMusic   = \relative c' { 
fs2 fs4 fs | fs( g) fs2 |%bar 01-02
a2 a4 a | a( b) a2 |%bar 03-04
g4. g8 g4 g | fs2 r4 b4 |%bar 05-06
a4 fs d e | fs2 fs4( g) |%bar 07-08
e1 | d2 r4 d4 |%bar 09-10
d2 r4 d4 | d2 r4 d4 |%bar 11-12
d2 cs2 | d1 |%bar 13-14
d1 | d1 |%bar 15-16
AltoMusic  = \relative c' {
\override NoteHead #'color = #blue
d2 d4 d | d2 d2 |%bar 01-02
fs2 fs4 fs | fs2 fs |%bar 03-04
g4. g8 e4 e | cs2 s4 d4 |%bar 05-06
d4 d d d | d2 d |%bar 07-08
d2( cs2) | a2 s4 a4 |%bar 09-10
b2 s4 d4 | a2 s4 a4 |%bar 11-12
b2 a2 | a1 |%bar 13-14
b1 | a1 |%bar 15-16
TenorMusic = \relative c  {
a'2 a4 a4 | a4( b4) a2 |%bar 01-02
c2 cs?4 cs4 | c4( d4) cs2 |%bar 03-04
b4. b8 b4 b4 | as2 r4 g4 |%bar 05-06
a4 a4 b4 b4 | a2 a2 |%bar 07-08
a2( g2) | fs2 r4 fs4 |%bar 09-10
fs2 r4 fs4 | fs2 r4 fs4 |%bar 11-12
g2 g2 | fs1 |%bar 13-14
g1 | fs1 |%bar 15-16
BassMusic  = \relative c  {
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
d2 d4 d4 | d2 d2 |%bar 01-02
d2 d4 d4 | d2 d2 |%bar 03-04
e4. e8 e4 e4 | fs2 s4 g4 |%bar 05-06
f4 d4 b4 g4 | a2 a2 |%bar 07-08
a1 | d2 s4 cs4 |%bar 09-10
b2 s4 b4 | a2 s4 a4 | %bar 11-12
g2 a2 | d1 |%bar 13-14
d1 | d1 |%bar 15-16

PianoRHand = \relative c' {
<< {d'8 bf8 ef8 d8 a'8 g8 bf8 a8} \\ {f,2\mf df'2} >> |%bar 01
PianoLHand = \relative c {
bf'2 a2 | g2 gf2 | f2^\markup{poco rit.} f,2 |%bar 01-03
VerseOne   = \lyricmode { 
主 在 聖 | 殿 中 | 主 在 聖 | 殿 中 |
普 天 下 的 | 人 在 | 主 面 前 

Creating a callback with an additional argument?

2010-09-26 Thread Marc Hohl

Hello list,

is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?

I tried

#(define-public (my-callback string grob)

and wanted to call it by

\override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'

but lilypond complains.

Is this possible at all or do I have to use another mechanism?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating a callback with an additional argument?

2010-09-26 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op zondag 26 september 2010 schreef Marc:

> is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?
> I tried
> #(define-public (my-callback string grob)
> ...
> ..
> )
> and wanted to call it by
> \override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'
> but lilypond complains.

You can make a function that is given the 'foo' argument and returns the 
callback function that expects a grob argument.

#(define-public (make-callback string)
...(lambda (grob) ...)

\override Notehead #'stencil = #(make-callback "foo")

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating a callback with an additional argument?

2010-09-26 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Sonntag, 26. September 2010, um 20:19:28 schrieb Marc Hohl:
> is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?

Yes, that's possible. I'm using it for example for the glyph-flag flag style.

> I tried
> #(define-public (my-callback string grob)
> ...
> ..
> )

#(define-public ((glyph-flag flag-style) stem-grob)
  "Simulates the default way of generating flags: look up glyphs[ud][1234] from the feta font and use it for the flag stencil."
  (create-glyph-flag flag-style "" stem-grob))

Notice that the function name and the first argument are in parenthesis. Think 
of it like glyph-flag being a function that returns a function.

> and wanted to call it by
> \override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'

#(define-public ((my-callback string) grob)

\override Notehead #'stencil = #(my-callback 'foo)

Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating a callback with an additional argument?

2010-09-26 Thread Marc Hohl

Wilbert Berendsen schrieb:

Op zondag 26 september 2010 schreef Marc:


is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?

I tried

#(define-public (my-callback string grob)

and wanted to call it by

\override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'

but lilypond complains.

You can make a function that is given the 'foo' argument and returns the 
callback function that expects a grob argument.

#(define-public (make-callback string)
...(lambda (grob) ...)

\override Notehead #'stencil = #(make-callback "foo")

That was quick - thank you!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating a callback with an additional argument?

2010-09-26 Thread Marc Hohl

Reinhold Kainhofer schrieb:

Am Sonntag, 26. September 2010, um 20:19:28 schrieb Marc Hohl:

is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?

Yes, that's possible. I'm using it for example for the glyph-flag flag style.


I tried

#(define-public (my-callback string grob)

#(define-public ((glyph-flag flag-style) stem-grob)
  "Simulates the default way of generating flags: look up glyphs[ud][1234] from the feta font and use it for the flag stencil."
  (create-glyph-flag flag-style "" stem-grob))

Notice that the function name and the first argument are in parenthesis. Think 
of it like glyph-flag being a function that returns a function.

Ah, that's interesting - I understood Wilbert Berendsen's lambda construct
(and wondered why I didn't came up with that myself ...) but this is new 
to me. Great!

and wanted to call it by

\override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'

#(define-public ((my-callback string) grob)

\override Notehead #'stencil = #(my-callback 'foo)

Thank you!



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread -Eluze

craigbakalian wrote:
> Hi all,
> The max-systems-per-page
> and min-systems-per-page is brilliant!  Does the systems-per-page work?

i made the experience (also with 2.13.34) that max-systems-per-page works
whereas systems-per-page has no effect! - is that correct?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.13.34

2010-09-26 Thread Nick Payne

 On 27/09/10 02:19, Patrick McCarty wrote:

On 2010-09-26, craigbakalian wrote:

On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 15:04 -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:

Do you know what's going on here?

I am sorry.  My question wasn't very clear.  I don't see any
documentation for the functions:


Sorry for the confusion on my end, too!  I should have sent two
separate emails, since the last half of my message was to Graham.

To find the docs for variables like this, I would first check the
"LilyPond index" in the Notation Reference.

As it turns out, `max-systems-per-page' and `min-systems-per-page'
were not in this index, but `systems-per-page' was.  I have just added
entries for the first two, so they will appear in the docs for the
next devel version.
I used the full version of Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF portfolio of 
the 2.13.34 English PDF docs, which is indexed to be able to search 
across all the manuals at once. It can be downloaded from (38Mb). It can only 
be used with v9.x Adobe Reader - none of the alternative PDF readers 
I've tried support PDF portfolios.


lilypond-user mailing list

chord mode: inversions & modifiers

2010-09-26 Thread Patrick Schmidt

Hi all,

here are some reflections on chord mode especially on inversions and  
some suggestions concerning modifiers.

The Notation Reference states in 2.7.1 Chord mode:

Only the second inversion can be created by adding a bass note. The  
first inversion requires changing the root of the chord.

This is only partially true:
1) When a bass note is added LilyPond always creates an inversion.  
The problem is that different kinds of inversions are calculated  
because LP always lowers the note that is to become the new bass note  
by one octave. This is shown on the second page of the pdf of my  
compiled .ly-file. On the first page I tried to show exemplary how  
inversions should be calculated. The chords in grace notes are always  
in "closed position" and show which steps have to be raised by one  
octave to get the correct inversion.
2) All inversions can be created without having to change the root of  
a chord! It's just not very user-friendly at the moment as is shown  
on the second page of my pdf. Of course these modifiers should not be  
displayed in a ChordName context as they would result in very weird  
chord names. On the last page of my pdf I make suggestions towards an  
easier and more precise modifier syntax. The question marks after a  
number or after parentheses just mean that those should be optional.  
I propose to use ^ to indicate that a certain step should be at the  
top of a chord. I know that ^ is currently used to remove steps from  
a chord but IMHO it's more appropriate to indicate the highest note.  
Maybe ° could be used to exclude steps from a chord. It resembles a  

Any opinions? Does that sound reasonable? Is it worth the trouble?  
What can I do to make it happen?


\version "2.13.34"

\paper {
  indent = #0
  print-all-headers = ##t
  ragged-right = ##f

seventhsRootPositionChordSymbols = \chordmode {
  c1:maj7 c1:maj7 c1:maj7

seventhsRootPosition = \relative c' {
  1^\markup\small {"7th position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"3rd position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"5th position"}

seventhsFirstInversionChordSymbols = \chordmode {

seventhsFirstInversion = \relative c' {
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"Oct. position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"5th position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"7th position"}

seventhsSecondInversionChordSymbols = \chordmode {
seventhsSecondInversion = \relative c' {
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"3rd position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"7th position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"Oct. position"}

seventhsThirdInversionChordSymbols = \chordmode {

seventhsThirdInversion = \relative c' {
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"5th position"}
  \clef "treble^8"
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"Oct. position"}
  \grace 11^\markup\small {"3rd position"}

seventhsChordSymbols = \chordmode {

sevenths = {
  %\chordmode { c1:maj7 }
  1^\markup\small {"7th position (root pos.)"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:maj7?"}
  \grace 1 %\chordmode { c1:maj7/e }
  1^\markup\small {"7th position (1st inv.)"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:maj7?/e"}
  \grace 1 %\chordmode { c1:maj7/g }
  1^\markup\small {"7th position (2nd inv.)"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:maj7?/g"}
  \grace 1 %\chordmode { c1:maj7/b }
  1^\markup\small {"5th position (3rd inv.)"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:maj7?/b"}

seventhsRootPositionSpecialModifiers = {
  %\chordmode { c1:maj}
  1^\markup\small {"7th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:maj7?"}
  %\chordmode { c1:1.5.7+.10 }
  1^\markup\small {"3rd position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:1.5.7+.10"}
  %\chordmode { c1:1.7+.10.12 }
  1^\markup\small {"5th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:1.7+.10.12"}

seventhsFirstInversionSpecialModifiers = {
  %\chordmode { c1:3.5.7+.8^1 }
  1^\markup\small {"Oct. position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:3.5.7+.8^1"}
  %\chordmode { c1:3.7+.8.12^1 }
  1^\markup\small {"5th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:3.7+.8.12^1"}
  %\chordmode { c1:^1 }
  1^\markup\small {"7th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:^1 (or c':maj7?/e)"}

seventhsSecondInversionSpecialModifiers = {
  %\chordmode { c1:5.7+.8.10^1.3 }
  1^\markup\small {"3rd position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:5.7+.8.10^1.3"}
  %\chordmode { c1:^1.3 }
  1^\markup\small {"7th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:^1.3 or c':maj7?/g"}
  %\chordmode { c1:^1.3 }
  1^\markup\small {"8th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:^1.3"}

seventhsThirdInversionSpecialModifiers = {
  %\chordmode { c1:7+.8.10.12^1.3.5 c':maj/b}
  1^\markup\small {"5th position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:7+.8.10.12^1.3.5 or c':maj7?/b"}
  \clef "treble^8"
  %\chordmode { c1:7+.10.12.15^1.3.5 }
  1^\markup\small {"Oct. position"}
  _\markup\typewriter {"c:7+.10.12.15^1.3.5"}

Re: hspace in cm?

2010-09-26 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On 9 July 2010 01:39, Neil Puttock  wrote:
> Yes, using output-scale.
> There's an example of its use here (for adding vertical space):


I'm sorry to "digg out" this 2-month-old topic (that I had forgotten,
I admit), but actually the answer to this would permit me to help 2
French-speaking users with their requests.

Robin (or somebody else), could you provide me a version of your
"put-mm" but using \hspace instead of \vspace ?
In order to make a _horizontal_ space with a value in milimeters (and
not in "staff-spaces").

I promise I did several trials based on your code but they all failed!

> Here are a few hints to get you started.
> You can get the indent from the paper block using ly:output-def-lookup:
> (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'indent)
> Slot this value in a version of \hspace which takes no arguments (see
> the default definition in scm/define-markup-commands.scm for
> inspiration).
> Remember markups are separated by word-space, so you'll also need to
> subtract this from the indent.

Thank you Neil for these hints.

I don't want to take advantage of your kindness but would it be possible
to have a "ready-to-use" version of this?


Xavier Scheuer 

lilypond-user mailing list

How to typeset this split voice?

2010-09-26 Thread Christopher Culver
I woud like to typeset the following score sample in Lilypond exactly
as it appears:

Now, the vast majority of it is easy. (I simply did \new Staff for the
treble and the bass, then filled each of these with a few \new Voice
and marked them voiceOne, voiceTwo, etc.)

The problem, however, is the second treble voice from the top,
that starting on G. In the third bar, that voice splits into two as I
have circled in red. I'm not a complete Lilypond novice, but I'm
unsure how to organize that portion so that it appears just like in
the manuscript example. Could someone give me a few pointers?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> It's not supported.  Please send a feature request to the
>> mailing list.
> Looking at the picture, it seems to me the only part which LilyPond
> doesn't support is the special leger lines below the stave: though
> the middle C superficially looks like a G, it's positioned as if it
> were an E, but with the first leger missing (so the leger lines
> continue the line-positioning pattern outside the stave).

Hauer's invention is the *second* system in the image; the lines
represent the black keys on a piano keyboard.

> The custom stave can be created by overriding StaffSymbol
> #'line-positions, then it's just a matter of mapping the notes to
> the correct positions with a custom layout function (via
> staffLineLayoutFunction).

This works even for staves consisting of lines which aren't evenly


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: chord mode: inversions & modifiers

2010-09-26 Thread Carl Sorensen

Thanks for looking at this.  I'll do a more careful look later.  Here I
wanted to comment on your proposed syntax changes.

On 9/26/10 3:46 PM, "Patrick Schmidt"  wrote:

> On the last page of my pdf I make suggestions towards an
> easier and more precise modifier syntax. The question marks after a
> number or after parentheses just mean that those should be optional.
> I propose to use ^ to indicate that a certain step should be at the
> top of a chord. I know that ^ is currently used to remove steps from
> a chord but IMHO it's more appropriate to indicate the highest note.
> Maybe ° could be used to exclude steps from a chord. It resembles a
> zero...

The degree symbol is not available for use in LilyPond syntax because it's
not available on a US keyboard.

Changing ^ is not available now; it would be a major syntax change.  It
would need to wait until GLISS.  And then, I would be opposed to it.  I
think that having a change in the meaning of a given symbol is very
problematic.  It causes me to be unable to understand both early and late
source files, unless I understand the change in syntax.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed - missing .pdf file after running lilypond sucessfully.

2010-09-26 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 9/26/10 12:18 PM, "MING TSANG"  wrote:

> Carl,
> I mess up Mark Polesky and Carl Sorensen as Mark Sorensen.  Sorry!

No problem!  I knew what you meant, and I'm not offended.  Now Mark might be
offended by having his name associated with mine... (Just kidding).

> What does it mean "top post in lilypond"?

It means putting your answers at the top of the email to which you are
replying, rather that putting the answers inside the original email, as I am
doing now.

> The following code produce large numbers when using noteHeadOn with number.
> When I copy the same Ez_numbers_engraver and EzNum onto my other .ly file I
> did not get the larger number effect. I have no idea what's wrong.

OK, so the thing to do is to make a simple file to get help.

Make a file with one bar of soprano notes.  Copy Ez_numbers_engraver and
EzNum into that file. See if it gives you large or small note numbers.

If you get small note numbers, then you can send the simple file and ask why
it doesn't work.

If you get large note numbers in the sample file, then you should go back to
the file that isn't working.  Copy that file, then eliminate all but the the
first measure of each voice.  Test again, and make sure that it's not
working.  Then, send us a simple file that doesn't work.  At that point it
will be easy for us to give you help.

The longer the file you send to the list, the less likely you are to get
help on it, because it's hard for us to work through a long file.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to typeset this split voice?

2010-09-26 Thread Mark Polesky
Christopher Culver wrote:
> I woud like to typeset the following score sample in
> Lilypond exactly as it appears:
> [...]
> The problem, however, is the second treble voice from the
> top, that starting on G. In the third bar, that voice
> splits into two as I have circled in red. I'm not a
> complete Lilypond novice, but I'm unsure how to organize
> that portion so that it appears just like in the
> manuscript example. Could someone give me a few pointers?

Easy.  That voice doesn't split at all.  Since it's a 6/4
measure, the other three voices are all dotted whole notes,
and the voice you've circled is a half note plus a whole

So from top to bottom, you have:

fis2 d1

The tie coming off the f-sharp half note is poorly placed
since it belongs to the f-sharp whole note in the top voice.
And the f-sharp half note is shifted to the right because
you should never merge noteheads with a whole note.

- Mark


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Twelve-tone notation

2010-09-26 Thread Mark Polesky
Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> Looking at the picture, it seems to me the only part
>> which LilyPond doesn't support is the special leger lines
>> below the stave: though the middle C superficially looks
>> like a G, it's positioned as if it were an E, but with
>> the first leger missing (so the leger lines continue the
>> line-positioning pattern outside the stave).
> Hauer's invention is the *second* system in the image; the
> lines represent the black keys on a piano keyboard.

Yes, that's what Neil was describing, but I'd like to add
one wrinkle.  Maybe I'm wrong, but it's my understanding
that the wide staff-spaces are not supposed to be twice as
big, but 1.5 times.  So I don't think it's quite the same
dimensions as it would be by Neil's description.  I think
the first C is in the position of a traditional F, but the
ledger lines that would normally cut through what used to be
A and C now cut through what used to be G and B.

Incidentally, an almost identical system is credited to
Walter Steffens on p.32 of Gardner Read's "Music Notation".

>> The custom stave can be created by overriding StaffSymbol
>> #'line-positions, then it's just a matter of mapping the
>> notes to the correct positions with a custom layout
>> function (via staffLineLayoutFunction).
> This works even for staves consisting of lines which
> aren't evenly spaced?

Would be fun to see this in action.
- Mark


lilypond-user mailing list