Reinhold Kainhofer schrieb:
Am Sonntag, 26. September 2010, um 20:19:28 schrieb Marc Hohl:
is it possible to create a callback with an additional argument?
Yes, that's possible. I'm using it for example for the glyph-flag flag style.
I tried
#(define-public (my-callback string grob)
#(define-public ((glyph-flag flag-style) stem-grob)
"Simulates the default way of generating flags: look up glyphs[ud][1234] from the feta font and use it for the flag stencil."
(create-glyph-flag flag-style "" stem-grob))
Notice that the function name and the first argument are in parenthesis. Think
of it like glyph-flag being a function that returns a function.
Ah, that's interesting - I understood Wilbert Berendsen's lambda construct
(and wondered why I didn't came up with that myself ...) but this is new
to me. Great!
and wanted to call it by
\override Notehead #'stencil = #my-callback #'foo'
#(define-public ((my-callback string) grob)
\override Notehead #'stencil = #(my-callback 'foo)
Thank you!
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