----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Tarenskeen" <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl>
To: "lilypond-user mailinglist" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: ragged-last-bottom lyrics spacing


I have written a nice python script that allows me to automatically and randomly generate note reading exercises for my pupils. It creates a page full of notes. Below each note it prints "---". That's where my pupils have to fill in the correct note name. The python script has some nice commandline options to influence the difficulty of the exercise (minimum and maximum note ranges, use sharps/flats/double sharps/double flats yes or no, treble, bass, or other clefs). If anyone is interested I can make it available. But first I want to solve an issue.

I am using Lilypond 2.13.34 to generate the score. But I am having a problem with the spacing between the last staff on the page and the "---" below the notes.

I have created a tiny example that demonstrates the same effect. Watch the difference in vertical spacing when you compare the last staff with the other staves (IMO the last staff look bad) :

[snip code]


There is a critical bug report about page spacing issues already raised against 13.34:


So there will be further work on the page spacing algorithm between this version and the next development version. My personal suggestion would be to see what your code does with 13.35 and if it's still not right, report it to .bug.

Phil Holmes

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