Christopher Culver wrote:
> I woud like to typeset the following score sample in
> Lilypond exactly as it appears:
> [...]
> The problem, however, is the second treble voice from the
> top, that starting on G. In the third bar, that voice
> splits into two as I have circled in red. I'm not a
> complete Lilypond novice, but I'm unsure how to organize
> that portion so that it appears just like in the
> manuscript example. Could someone give me a few pointers?

Easy.  That voice doesn't split at all.  Since it's a 6/4
measure, the other three voices are all dotted whole notes,
and the voice you've circled is a half note plus a whole

So from top to bottom, you have:

fis2 d1

The tie coming off the f-sharp half note is poorly placed
since it belongs to the f-sharp whole note in the top voice.
And the f-sharp half note is shifted to the right because
you should never merge noteheads with a whole note.

- Mark


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