Comparison of Testing vs Unstable in preparation of eliminating the testing branch

2005-02-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Hey all!
As a favor to Gerard, I sat down today and made a list of the 
differences between the unstable and testing branches of the LFS book, 
in preparation to eliminate Testing, as was proposed by G previously.  
Here's a list of all changes I can find currently:

Build command differences:
Chapter 5 - GCC Pass 1:
Use of -B/usr/bin - workaround for an old problem, no longer really 
needed - was planned to be removed at some point in the future.

Chapter 5 - Binutils Pass 2 and Chapter 6 Binutils:
Testing does "make check", unstable does "make -k check" - the -k 
parameter is no longer needed, as all binutils tests are expected to 
pass with this version.

Chapter 6 - Glibc:
Additional command to unpack the linuxthreads tarball, which provides 
the man pages for the pthread libs.

Chapter 6 - Zlib:
Use of the --libdir option to configure, instead of moving libraries 
into their proper places.

Chapter 6- Readline:
Testing uses the display_wrap patch, Unstable uses the fixes patch 
(which incorporates the existing display_wrap patch, as well as other 
fixes from upstream).  Also, Unstable uses the --libdir option to 
configure, while testing does not.

Chapter 6 - Iproute2
Unstable uses a second patch - find_update - this is needed because 
newer version of findutils are more strict regarding command line syntax 
to find.

Chapter 6 - Bash
This is simply a note for future reference.  Both Testing and Unstable 
use the fixes-1 patch, but there's a newer patchset available (fixes-3) 
with more upstream fixes to bash.

Chapter 6 - Grub
Command change to copy the stage files from /usr/lib instead of 
/usr/share in Unstable - necessary part of the upgrade from 0.95 to 0.96

Chapter 6 - Libol
Removal of the --enable-shared parameter in unstable, still present in 
testing - Archaic confirms this is not necessary

Chapter 7 - LFS-bootscripts
Unstable no longer has make install-hotpulg and make install-syslog-ng 
directives - not needed with the 3.1.0 bootscripts package

Chapter 7 - Linux Console configuration
Some additional sample commands in testing
Chapter 7 - Bash Shell Startup Files
Some additional sample commands present in testing
Chapter 8 - Kernel compilation
Testing still has the sed command to ensure the kernel doesn't pass 
hotplug events on to userspace until it's ready to receive them

Packages upgraded in Unstable but not testing:
Glibc (Testing at 20041011 CVS, Unstable at 2.3.4 release - minor 
differences between the two packages (a single bugfix for mips provided 
to glibc devs by Jim Gifford)

Expect (Testing at 5.42.1, Unstable at 5.43.0
Findutils (Testing at 4.2.3, Unstable at 4.2.17
Automake (Testing at 1.9.4, Unstable at 1.9.5)
File (Testing at 4.12, Unstable at 4.13)
Libtool (Testing at 1.5.10, Unstable at 1.5.14)
E2fsprogs (Testing at 1.35, Unstable at 1.36)
Grub (Testing at 0.95, Unstable at 0.96)
Libol (Testing at 0.3.14, Unstable at 0.3.15)
Syslog-ng (Testing at 1.6.5, Unstable at 1.6.6)
LFS-Bootscripts (Testing at 2.2.3, Unstable at 3.1.0)
And, that's it.  It's possible I could have missed something, but that's 
all the differences I found checking between the two today.

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Re: Comparison of Testing vs Unstable in preparation of eliminating the testing branch

2005-02-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
On February 18, 2005 05:15 pm, Jeremy Utley wrote:

As a favor to Gerard, I sat down today and made a list of the

Thanks for the quick turn-around Jeremy and on such short notice too. It's 
appreciated. The reason is I would like to get this task done asap while the 
momentum is behind it, and while there's not much else going on that requires 
our immediate attention. Things tend to get swallowed up or overshadowed 


Glad to help out - I had nothing else going on, and it didn't even take 
an hour to get it done - took a lot shorter than I expected.

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Re: a typo in Version 6.1-testing-20050205

2005-02-19 Thread Jeremy Utley
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
On February 15, 2005 11:27 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/configure --help
mentions --with-selinux and not --enable-selinux

--with and --enable are sometimes (often?) synonymous in configure scripts. 
Can somebody verify this and Bugzilla it if it's an actual issue and not 
something else?


I'll be checking on this bug tomorrow.  I have a FC3 partition already 
in place on my system, so I can find out what's what.  Will open 
bugzilla entry if it does turn out to be a problem.

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Re: problem with "make install" for Glibc-2.3.4 (

2005-02-19 Thread Jeremy Utley
.sSweetMarie wrote:
cannot find -lcidn
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is the key in all of it.  2 things are possible:
1 - you used a different version of glibc in chapter 5 than in chapter 6 
(a glibc that does not include the libcidn add-on in chapter 5)

2 - you specified --enable-add-ons=nptl in chapter 5, but just 
--enable-add-ons in chapter 6

The only way around it is to configure your chapter 6 glibc with 
--enable-add-ons=nptl, eliminating the libcidn functionality entirely.  
This won't provide any real issues, since libcidn is something 
relatively new, and not really used that much as of yet.

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Re: IPRoute2 free_error patch

2005-02-19 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Hi all,
I noticed in the patches project there's a patch for IPRoute2 named
free_error. There's a -1 and -2 version. Does anyone know if this
patch is scheduled for inclusion in the book, or is it some sort of
optional patch, to be used only if you encounter the error it fixes.
TIA for any information you may have.

If I remember that patch, the problem it fixes occurs on MIPS only - 
other archs I believe are not affected.

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Re: Module-Init-Tools-3.1

2005-02-20 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:

What do you mean a bother? For almost all the packages in the
book that build in just a minute or two, it would take less
than 5 minutes to update the build entities, installed programs
and libraries in the book.

This, IMHO, is a highly optimistic view.  For each upgrade, and some 
packages have new releases on a pretty frequent basis, you have to 
perform a full build of the package, into a non-standard directory, 
measure the build sizes, compare the binaries installed with those on 
the current list, then research the function of each new binary, 
assuming information is available on what that binary does.  Then, you 
have to properly edit the XML, validate it, ensure the new XML code 
renders into HTML properly, and finally commit it.  This process is much 
more than the 5 minutes you suggest it should take.

I don't see any need to omit it, because "it's a bother". Seems
as though it's just part of the job. Then somebody doesn't have
to go behind and do it all at one time in a time-crunch release
it tomorrow mode.

Well, lets look at it differently.  Lets take, for example, a certain 
package that undergoes 10 upgrades thru a LFS release cycle.  Assume 10 
minutes for testing a build (without installation), updating the package 
version entity, testing rendering, and committing - and this is a highly 
optimistic time estimate.  We'll also assume an extra 30 minutes for 
installing the package to a non-standard directory, validating all 
installed binaries/libraries, and researching any new binaries that may 
be present in the build.

Taking this into account, if you update those parts of the XML only 
once, before release, then editorial staff has spent just a little over 
2 hours on that single package thru the release cycle (10 upgrades x 10 
minutes + 30 minutes checking prior to release = 130 minutes).  
Meanwhile, doing this for every one of the upgrades would be nearly 7 
hours (10 upgrades x 40 minutes = 400 minutes).  So, in this sample 
case, by waiting for release to edit these items, the editorial staff 
has been saved 270 minutes, or 3.5 man hours - and this is just for one 
package.  And, as I said, and speaking from my own experience editing 
the book, these time estimates are highly optimistic - only the simplest 
of upgrades can be done in a 10 minute period, even without updating the 
build sizes/installed binaries parts of the XML.

Holding the upgrade of these parts of the XML is simply a more efficient 
use of the editorial staff's time, especially when you consider the fact 
that anyone using the development version of LFS would logically be 
expected to know how to find out this information for themselves, as 
they are experienced LFS builders already.

Of course, if it's that important to you, the LFS editorial staff always 
welcomes patches to the book's XML :)

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Syslog-NG (was: Re: Technical Excellence)

2005-02-20 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
This I don't understand. I thought syslog-ng was the new syslog
daemon of choice for LFS. If it goes away, what is destined to
replace it?

Gerard's post came as a shock to me as well, so I took the opprotunity 
to ask him about it on IRC, since he happened to be there at the time.  
Evidently some flaws have been found when syslog-ng is used in a 
"production" type enviornment, placing a lot more load on it than what 
most of us probably do.  Archaic has more information, but to put it in 
general terms, syslog-ng's handling of the logging function can 
significantly delay action in some cases.  I'm sure we'll here more on 
it soon.

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Re: Syslog-NG

2005-02-21 Thread Jeremy Utley
Steve Crosby wrote:
(Snipped excellent description of the issues)
Steve - thank you very much for the clear, concise description - this is 
basically what I got from Gerard on IRC, but there's no way I could have 
worded it as well as you have.  It is true that sysklogd was mostly 
removed out of LFS due to lack of maintainership, which, as pointed out 
by Jim and Steve, is no longer the case.  Syslog-ng, at the time, seemed 
like a decent replacement, even with the need to incorporate the libol 
library.  Given the circumstances, my personal opinion is that LFS 
should switch back as soon as possible, preferably before another 
release.  I'm sure that Jim Gifford, as the hint maintainer for 
syslog-ng upon which our current book instructions are based, will 
continue to maintain that hint for those who wish to still use this package.

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Re: lfs-bootscripts enhancement: alternate device for link up and ip/route assignment

2005-03-01 Thread Jeremy Utley
Nathan Coulson wrote:
I was wondering if that "Is the link up command" could be modified... 
I mean it sounds like we could create new networking devices on the
fly, or have networking devices that are only up after special
commands are done.  Our current scripts would choke on that.


Yep, I ran into this when I was trying to integrate my ham radio ax25 
interfaces into the bootscripts - the ax0 interface is created on the 
fly by running a command "kissattach".  If we could make it so there was 
an option to say "This interface is created on the fly" or something 
like that, then it would be a nice thing.

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Re: New linux release procedure

2005-03-06 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
For those of you not following LKML, there's been a really really long 
thread regarding how the kernel development process can be adapted to 
improve the stability/quality of the 2.6.x kernels.  The original 
thread starts at, but 
the upshot of it all is the release of announced at

We had a short discussion a little while ago when the -as tree came 
into existence and now I think the time is right to go and use this 
not-quite-vanilla tree.  There were some pretty big issues with the 
2.6.11 kernel (e.g. keyboards on some Dell Laptops not working, etc.) 
so I think that using this stabilisation tree can only improve the 
quality of LFS.

Thoughts and comments greatly appreciated.
I like this idea myself.  I've hated the lack of a truly "stable" kernel 
release for quite some time, and it's always been a source of great 
frustration for me as an LFSer.  I don't want to test kernels on my 
workstations or servers, I want them to be stable...and that's quite 
difficult with the way kernel development has been over the last few 
months - so I welcome this.

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Re: Binutils failure in Chapter 5

2005-03-08 Thread Jeremy Utley
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
What if binutils were just rebuilt using the same package, but leave 
the libraries unstripped?

Because the problem is actually if libc.a has been stripped with buggy 
binutils, removing the TLS information from the library.  The only 
resolution would be to completely recompile Glibc.

I don't understand.  LFS 6.0 uses  Is there a problem 
with LFS 6.0 or not?
No, LFS 6.0 uses  See:
The buggy strip was not fixed until 2.15.92.* HJL releases, IIRC.
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Re: Binutils failure in Chapter 5

2005-03-08 Thread Jeremy Utley
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
Jeremy Utley wrote:
Because the problem is actually if libc.a has been stripped with 
buggy binutils, removing the TLS information from the library.  The 
only resolution would be to completely recompile Glibc.

I see.  It's glibc that get corrupted.  Would it be possible to 
download an unstripped LFS 6.0 version of libc.a and continue?
I don't see why not, but IMHO, it's far easier to just build the Pass1's 
dynamic instead of static - it sidesteps libc.a completely (uses 
instead), and definately works - I've used that process myself when 
building from jhuntwork's LFS 6 cd, which exhibits this problem.  This 
is also the solution we recommend to people on IRC who encounter this 
problem.  The end result, as far as I can tell, is exactly the same, 
since the dynamic pass 1's linked against the host's glibc are 
overwritten by the dynamic pass 2's linked against our new glibc.

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Re: udev testers required

2005-03-12 Thread Jeremy Utley
Jim Gifford wrote:
What's wrong with the one I did Matt, udev-config-2.rules. I made that 
after we agreed upon the changes??

The problem with the one you have proposed is we don't have all those 
extra groups. dialout, audio, video, floppy, tape.

I will be doing the update to the new groups tonight with my hotplug 
stuff and I will revert back to udev-config-2.rules file.

I thought it was agreed that we would not modify the groups in LFS until 
one of two things was in place:

a) Text was ready to go into the LFS book to explain the changes in the 
groups, and what the user needs to do to get back the functionality they 
were used to

b) BLFS was ready to integrate the necessary changes into their book
We really need to make sure one of these two things are in place before 
we drop all the groups from LFS - otherwise, we're going to end up with 
a lot of unhappy builders.

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Re: udev testers required

2005-03-13 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
But why does LFS-SVN need to wait on BLFS? BLFS is not based on 
LFS-SVN, it's based on LFS-6.0.

Exactly, so if we go and remove all those users and groups that we 
don't think are required/desired on a base LFS system then it'll cause 
pain for those then installing packages from BLFS that require those 
users/groups to be present.  Admittedly, the pain is minimal (a 
'useradd' or 'groupadd' should be all that's needed) and any LFSer 
worth their salt should be able to figure out what's going on, but I 
thought this was the agreed approach.
Except that it's not as simple as just a useradd or groupadd.  There's 
also configuring udev so that the device nodes are set up properly to 
think about.

I thought the whole idea behind removing the groups was to get 
educational text into the LFS book on how to set the system up more to 
your liking...when are we going to start discussing what's going to be 
in that text - that seems to me to be the next thing we need to do.

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Re: cleanfs

2005-03-16 Thread Jeremy Utley
Stef Bon wrote:
after some unclean shutdowns of my computer, I saw that 
the openldap server (slapd) leaves some files in the /srv/ldap/run 
directory, which makes the startup script think that the server is already running.
In this case it's about the files slapd.args and

Now isn't it the task of the cleanfs script to remove these files at startup, before any
server is started. IT does now but in the pretty standard directories 

Should this list be expanded with the directory
/srv/ldap/run ?
In general should this script look for several places other than the named 
standard directories
because server are not in a standard place anymore in the system? (in /srv )
How do you think?

pid files should not be inside the /srv hierarchy.  /var/run is the 
proper FHS-compliant place for these files to be located.  This would 
definately be a problem with the BLFS installation instructions, not the 
cleanfs script, so you should probably take this to their list.

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Re: Inconsistencies in the book and further notes

2005-03-27 Thread Jeremy Utley
Edwin van Vliet wrote:
Hi folks,
Just finished yet another LFS installation (SVN), keeping as close to 
the instructions as I liked. This time I also kept some notes, for 
some things aren't very consistent throughout the book. Here they are:

1) I believe /var/lib/locate should be created in chapter 6.19, 

Possible, but I don't see that it really matters one way or the other.  
I'm ambivalent regarding this.

2) The file /etc/inittab should be created somewhere in chapter 7
Definately not.  /etc/inittab is the configuration file for sysvinit, so 
therefore it belongs with the sysvinit package.  Our configuration file 
that we create is one that's appropriate to our bootscripts.  If someone 
chooses to not use our bootscripts, and utilize another package instead, 
then it is their responsibility to make the necessary changes to the 
inittab file.

3) The udev rules file should not be downloaded from the website
Please see the lfs-dev archives regarding this.  This is planned for the 
future, but we must wait for BLFS to catch up and be ready to adjust 
their book for the changes we make in LFS, otherwise, a lot of system 
builders will be left out in the dark.

4) The directory /usr/share/misc must contain (a link to) the magic file
Can you create a bugzilla item for this issue, and include a link to the 
FHS page that specifies this?

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Re: Ready for gcc-4 & cleaning up binutils source delete or not.

2005-04-16 Thread Jeremy Utley
TheOldFellow wrote:
Fair comment.  My earlier posts in LFS-Support in reply to an OP who was
interested in gcc-4 had the links in.  But thanks for repeating them.
I'm attempting to stimulate some interest in moving LFS forwards.

It won't be long before LFS is far beyond Greg's build process.  Greg's 
still focusing on strictly x86 builds, LFS is on it's way to building on 
anything for anything with the integration of Ryan's cross-lfs scripts.

I thing Greg's work deserves close examination - on more than the gcc-4
front.  And it does work.

I followed Greg's work for quite some time.  There's flaws in there, and 
they've been discussed on the LFS lists previously.

Another good way to find out the reasoning behind his choices is to look
at the diy-linux-dev archives - very educational.

His archives also expose the fact that DIY is him alone - it's not a 
community thing - for that reason alone, LFS is the better project, IMHO.

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Re: Ready for gcc-4 & cleaning up binutils source delete or not.

2005-04-16 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
TheOldFellow wrote:
However it's the LFS new technology gestation period that gets me down.
 And I only have i686 boxes :-(

This isn't meant to sound as harsh as it's going to.  But, if you 
don't like the length of time it takes to get new technology into LFS 
then post *patches* to the XML book sources, not scripts :)
But there's still the lengthy community decision process to deal with 
before it makes it into rendered XML.  That was the whole crux of the 
Unstable branch of LFS, so those of us who were interested in playing 
with that stuff could do so easily.  Now that's gone :(  And the simple 
fact is, GCC 4.0 is not quite yet ready for integration into the LFS 
book - it probably won't be until 4.0.3 or thereabouts.

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Re: Ready for gcc-4 & cleaning up binutils source delete or not.

2005-04-16 Thread Jeremy Utley
TheOldFellow wrote:

>Yes, my intention was to show some alternatives and provoke a dicussion.
> I do not propose that you just copy the script - the LFS aims are quite
>different from Greg's - no reason you can't examine them for good ideas
With the new build process being worked on, Greg's stuff won't be able
to give us a whole lot of good ideas.

>Good point.  I accept that.  There were two points that I wanted you to
>take on board:  1) The dumpspecs/-specs= approach, even for gcc-3X.  2)
>Getting rid of the 'keep binutils sources around' which so confuses the
I haven't looked myself at the specs file issue yet, so I can't comment
on that.  The keeping of the binutils sources around will be gone with
7.0 with the cross-lfs process.

If you like examining scripts for ideas, try taking a look at these:

svn co svn:// cross-lfs

That's the subversion repository for Ryan's cross-lfs scripts, which is
for the most part what LFS 7 will be based from.  IIUC, Jim Gifford's
already starting to work on getting them into XML form.  Jim, care to
update the list on the progress so far?

As for myself, I'm anxious to see a LFS process that works properly for
the bi-arch x86-64 toolchain :)  Now that I have a 64-bit machine, I
would really like to be able to get the most from it!

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Re: gcc-4.0 branch created

2005-04-17 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Absolutely no changes are permitted on this branch that aren't 
directly related to the gcc-4.0 release.  No backports of trunk fixes, 
no stylesheet fixups (sorry Manuel :) ), etc.  The only things that I 
anticpate hitting this branch are dumpspecs stuff and patches for 
packages that aren't gcc-4.0 ready yet.
Then what good, may I ask, is this having this branch, if the rest of 
the packages are not kept current to the book?  Seems to me like it's a 
waste of a branch if it's not going to be kept up to date until gcc 4 
makes it into our mainline book.

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was Re: dbus and hal

2005-04-17 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Jeremy Utley wrote:
Randy - both of these are strictly cmmi installations - their configure
scripts will pick up deps just fine.  I can take a look for the deps for
you guys, if you like.

I started looking into this, but soon got distracted unfortunately.  
As you're probably already aware, Jeremy, hal & dbus rely on 
particular versions of each other to compile correctly.  Basically 
hal-0.5.0 needs the latest dbus.  However, gnome-vfs can use hal, but 
is incompatible with hal-0.5.0 (a patch is available somewhere 
though).  Likewise, hal is heavily dependent on gnome, but only at 
runtime (hal-device-manager seems to want all of gnome and its python 
bindings installed in order to do anything!).

You took my post out of context, but, of course, I should have altered 
the subject :)  These comments were against Gaim/Xchat, which Randy had 
also brought up in his thread.

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Re: gcc-4.0 branch created

2005-04-17 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Jeremy Utley wrote:
Then what good, may I ask, is this having this branch, if the rest of 
the packages are not kept current to the book?  Seems to me like it's 
a waste of a branch if it's not going to be kept up to date until gcc 
4 makes it into our mainline book.

Note how every other project handles branching and merging.  Features 
are developed on separate branches, then merged with the ever 
progressing trunk.  Consider what will happen with an 'svn diff' on 
the branch if we stick to the rules outlined above.  Then compare that 
with the output of the same command on the branch if other checkins 
are allowed too.  Now show me (given the latter) how you'd tell me 
exactly what changes are related to gcc-4.0 inclusion, and which aren't.

But, how is someone who wants to use this branch to do so when the other 
packages are perhaps 2 or 3 months behind?  That's my concern - if the 
other parts of the GCC 4.0 book are not kept up to date, then noone's 
going to want to build from that gcc 4.0 branch.

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Re: gcc-4.0 branch created

2005-04-17 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Why is it going to take 2-3 months to get the book up to speed?  The 
techniques for dealing with the specs file are already known.  That 
just leaves documenting the patches required for our and BLFS' 
packages. Certainly not 2-3 months worth of effort methinks.

Our book will come up to speed quite quickly, but BLFS will be much 
slower to come up to that level of support for GCC 4, and my 
understanding of what you posted was that LFS isn't going to merge gcc 4 
into trunk until BLFS is ready for it.  That's where the longer term 
comes into play.

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Re: Planning for Cross-LFS/Multi-Architecture 7.x Release

2005-04-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Please, Jim, for me and I'm sure there are others that want to know
the same thing, can you explain *in a technical manner* how the
toolchain could be any "cleaner"?

A simple example will document this clearly.  Take building LFS on a 
Fedora core release.  In the past, we had issues with our chapter 5 
glibc build picking up the presence of SE-Linux in Fedora core 3, which 
caused the chapter 5 glibc to also enable SE-Linux.  But, once we got 
into chapter 6, it caused the glibc build to barf, because the headers 
for selinux were no longer present.  This build process completely 
eliminates that situation.  Anything that links to the host does NOT end 
up at all in the $LFS tree - the 2 packages which are linked to the host 
(cross-gcc and cross-binutils) are prefixed to the build user's home 

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Re: Planning for Cross-LFS/Multi-Architecture 7.x Release

2005-04-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Jeremy Utley wrote these words on 04/18/05 23:14 CST:

Randy McMurchy wrote:

Please, Jim, for me and I'm sure there are others that want to know
the same thing, can you explain *in a technical manner* how the
toolchain could be any "cleaner"?

A simple example will document this clearly.  Take building LFS on a 
Fedora core release.  In the past, we had issues with our chapter 5 
glibc build picking up the presence of SE-Linux in Fedora core 3, which 
caused the chapter 5 glibc to also enable SE-Linux.  But, once we got 
into chapter 6, it caused the glibc build to barf, because the headers 
for selinux were no longer present.  This build process completely 
eliminates that situation.  Anything that links to the host does NOT end 
up at all in the $LFS tree - the 2 packages which are linked to the host 
(cross-gcc and cross-binutils) are prefixed to the build user's home 

Thanks for the input, Jeremy. Though I still don't understand how
this relates to my question.
My question is about the finished binaries. In the example you give
above, it doesn't have anything to do with the finished product. It
only has to do with failures *getting* to the final product.

The final result of the binaries is immaterial, in this case.  That 
issue exposed a flaw in our current build process, exposing that our 
host can still affect the build inside the chroot, even with the PLFS 
stuff that was developed for LFS 5.  This is something that needs to be 

I realize that the process as Jim outlined eliminates problem hosts.
But what about for hosts that can build without issues?
The need to reboot and build from the console is an overwhelmingly
big new difference. To the point that I would have to find a different
build method than what Jim described.

And that need only arises if you are building from a different arch from 
your host.  For example - my current PPC machine is a terribly slow 120 
Mhz 604 processor.  Building current LFS 6 on that machine takes nearly 
a week of work to get done.  What if I could build a large portion of 
that on my nice fast X86_64 machine?  That would be a good thing.  For 
you, the situation is different - you build strictly on x86-class 
machines - there would be no need for you to reboot, as was pointed out 
by Ryan.  You could simply chroot into $LFS and continue on your way.

There's a lot of plusses to this build, and very few downfalls, when you 
really sit down to think about it.  Mentioning the need for the reboot 
was a good thing, but it's important to know WHY that becomes essential 
- because if we're building for a different arch, the binaries we create 
as part of the initial tools will not run on the host.  If those 
binaries will run, there's absolutely no need to reboot.

Hopefully this clarifies things.
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Re: Planning for Cross-LFS/Multi-Architecture 7.x Release

2005-04-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
It does. But it is a far cry from the original post by Jim a few
hours ago where the book will have *one* method of building, which
includes rebooting into the 'tools' host.
As long as there is provisions to build remotely, using a known
good host, there is only positives to be gained from the new method.
However, this isn't what was mentioned by Jim.
I'm glad this discussion has come about. At least there is concern
about building remotely out in the open. And by building remotely,
this to me means being able to shell into a box and build LFS
without rebooting.

Oh believe me, Randy.  I build remotely too (I have my server in the 
datacenter, plus my home server that I only have access to via SSH), and 
even if the default position of the book was to take the reboot method, 
the chroot method could easily be documented in a hints format.  There 
wouldn't be so much deviation from the reboot method to the chroot 
method that documenting it as a hint wouldn't be feasible, and if it 
comes to that, I volunteer to write and maintain the hint.

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Re: Planning for Cross-LFS/Multi-Architecture 7.x Release

2005-04-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Bruce Dubbs wrote:
My objection was to the comment that rebooting was mandatory.  If
instructions are given to give the user a choice and to explain the pros
and cons, I do not object.

As I mentioned, the WORST case scenario would be to provide a hints 
document outlining the process for using chroot when building for the 
same host, so that option will be guaranteed to be there.

I would point out that most people think of a cross compile as changing
architectures.  That really only happens once.  After the port to the
new arctitecture, I think most would prefer to work in chroot
environment.  I know I certainly would.

That depends on the speed of the machine.  On my PPC machine, which is 
slow as a dog in compiling, I'd honestly prefer to get as much as 
possible done on my faster x86_64 machine, just to save time.

BTW, I will need to do this eventually.  My new box is an Intel 86_64
arctitecture so I will want to build it as a 64 bit system.

I'm in the same boat.  I got an X86_64-class machine 3 weeks ago, and so 
far, I've been living with the Gentoo x86_64 system on it.  Since I knew 
it would probably at least be a month or more before the new build 
method is worked out, I've started trying to extract x86_64-specific 
build commands from Ryan's cross-lfs scripts.  Once I've got them 
extracted, I'll put them up as an interim thing so that the people with 
this arch, who right now really can't build LFS because of the oddness 
of that arch, will be able to get something.

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Re: Planning for Cross-LFS/Multi-Architecture 7.x Release

2005-04-18 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
But don't make it a hint, make it part of the book. :-)

Ideally, yes, it should be in the book.  However, if for some reason 
that's unfeasable, because of limitations in the XML or whatever the 
case may be, then my feeling is it could be easily written up as a hint 
format - it'd probably only be a 2 paragraph hint, something like:

If you're building for a single machine, instead of rebooting as the 
book suggests, skip building packages a,b,c,d, and when instructed to 
reboot, execute the following command instead:

chroot $LFS blah blah blah.
A hint should be as simple as that - eliminate any packages from the 
initial tools that won't be needed because of the chroot, and instead of 
rebooting, chroot.

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Cross-build testing

2005-04-20 Thread Jeremy Utley
Just for a heads up to the rest of the community.  Since one of the
goals of the new cross-lfs stuff is to make a useable 64-bit build of
LFS, and since I have a AMD64 machine with LOTS of empty hard drive
space, I'm working on setting up partitions with each of the major
64-bit distributions installed to serve as a test-bed for our
instructions.  Currently, I have Gentoo 64-bit (which I'm using as my
current workstation until we get our 64-bit stuff ready and useable),
CentOS 4 64-bit (RHEL clone), and Ubuntu Hoary 64-bit.  Looking for
other suggestions as to 64-bit capable distros to test from, so if you
know of more distro's which are currently 64-bit capable, and have ISO's
available for download, drop me a line!

My goal with this is to ensure our new stuff works when being built from
each of the currently available 64-bit distributions.

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2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Hi all,
Discussion has turned to assigning UID's and GID's to specific users
and groups. Is this really necessary?
I know I won't follow any prescribed method of assigning UID/GID's
as I have already a system I use. Should BLFS really be in the
business of assigning UID's and GID's, or should that be best left
to the builder, who is building his own system?
Your distro, your rules. But we say do it this way.
Shouldn't we leave it up to the builder to assign his UID/GID

The problem is, if the book, as it is currently written, is followed, 
then system users & groups will be created as non-system.  To bypass 
that, we need to assign them a UID/GID.  So, the discussion comes to 
what UID/GID should we assign?

I have my own system of doing so as well, so what?  I can easily 
continue my own system, so can you.  But, standardizing things for the 
book is not a bad thing.

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Re: Cross-LFS 5.10. Glibc-2.3.5 typo?

2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Utley
Erik-Jan wrote:
Jim Gifford wrote:
Erik-Jan wrote:
Hi there,
In cross-LFS, chapter 5.10 Glibc-2.3.5, configure, the book says:
--host=${LFS_HOST} --build=${LFS_TARGET}
Shouldn't that be the other way around?
--host=${LFS_TARGET} --build=${LFS_HOST}
From ./configure --help:
--build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
--host=HOST   cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST 


glibc is backwards compared to the rest of the packages
Ehm yes, that's my point.
If you think about it, it's correct.  You're building on the HOST, so 
you use --build=$LFS_HOST...but the glibc is going to run on the TARGET, 
so --host=$LFS_TARGET - it follows the documented way in glibc's 
configure --help.

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2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Utley
Archaic wrote:
On Sat, Apr 23, 2005 at 08:47:36AM -0700, Jeremy Utley wrote:

The problem is, if the book, as it is currently written, is followed, 
then system users & groups will be created as non-system.

But that doesn't actually matter, it is merely an historical issue that
*may* have been relevant way back when, but also may have just been the
way things were done with no real affect on anything. I'm not sure. The
only UID that should *possibly* still be assumed is 0. There is no
actual difference in system behavior between UID 99 and UID 100 unless
someone knows of a horribly broken package out there that makes such
assumptions. It should be strictly a local policy issue.

Agreed.  But, my feeling is that the BLFS book, which strives on 
education, should provide a "best practices" type of situation, and 
IMHO, best practices would be to assign low UID/GID's to system 
users/groups, and to standardize the UID/GID in the book.  Those of us 
who do other things can always will always be free to alter to our own 
practices.  Since the change is a matter of adding -g {number} to 
groupadd and -u {number} to useradd, it'll be a relatively simple 
change, with little effect.

I can see both sides of the argument, but, given the number of 
situations where trying to standardize the users/groups can help matters 
(think NFS mounting), I personally think setting up a standard for 
user/group numbering would be a good thing.

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Re: Ready for gcc-4 & cleaning up binutils source delete or not.

2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Utley
Greg Schafer wrote:
Jeremy Utley wrote:

Greg's still focusing on strictly x86 builds

The key difference is that I only publish what I can test. Think about it.
Your claims of LFS "support" for other arches up until now is bogus.
But the multi-arch XML approach is a good move.

Then my LFS 6.0 build which is currently installed on my PowerMac must 
be a fluke - Jim's LFS builds on his Cobalt MIPS machines the same.  The 
book is written for x86, this is true, and because that's by far the 
most common platform, that's also by far the most heavily tested 
platform.  But, that's not to say you can't build LFS on something else, 
and in most cases, with minimal adjustments to the build process.


I followed Greg's work for quite some time.  There's flaws in there, and 
they've been discussed on the LFS lists previously.

Huh? I can point out so many more flaws in the current LFS build it ain't
funny (some are already mentioned on my project's website). Face it, the
plfs stuff was never finished properly, and the worst thing is, you're
still publishing the half-assed version. It's a fact.

And why is that?  As I remember it, you were the one who pushed for 
incorporating PLFS into the book - why did you do that if it wasn't 
finished?  And instead of finishing the job, you acted like Larry McVoy 
with BitKeeper - you took your ball and went home.  I've seen you post a 
few suggestions for LFS onto our lists, and they were duly considered, 
and accepted or rejected upon their merits, just like any other 
contributor to the project.  You're always welcome to make more 
suggestions here on LFS-Dev, and we'll be happy to consider them.  But, 
if all you're going to do is come here and flame at other members of the 
LFS community, then, IMHO, you don't belong on this list.  Remember, 
that's my opinion, I am NOT speaking for anyone other than myself here.

Unless you have facts to back up your claims of "flaws in there", I can
only assume you're back to your bad old trolling ways. Please act your age
and don't go there.

The facts to back up my statement are in the LFS-Dev archives for anyone 
who cares to go looking for them.  I'm not going to rehash that here.

My build achieves its current goals perfectly on x86. When I support other
arches I will adjust accordingly. My build won't work on other arches
because it's not meant to.

And right there is my point.  LFS is becoming more than just a simple 
X86 build.  We have LFSers building on many varied arch's - PPC, PPC64, 
Sparc, MIPS, ARM, X86-64 are ones that spring to mind right off the top 
of my head.  Rather than leave these people out in the cold, we've 
chosen to work with them.  You could do the same, if you only wanted to, 
but DIY-Linux, again IMHO, speaking from someone who was on your lists 
for quite some time, was always about what's best for you, not what's 
best for a community of people.  That probably makes your project a 
little easier for you, but it also limits the people who will want to be 

I ask everyone reading this to keep in mind that when I post to these 
lists, I'm posting as MYSELF, a simple LFSer, nothing else.  Only Gerard 
or Matthew have the right to speak for the project at large.

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Re: SATA disks and Chapter 8. Making the LFS System Bootable

2005-04-27 Thread Jeremy Utley
Mark A. Nicolosi wrote:
I think the book should mention something like "If you're computer has
SCSI disks and you don't have any IDE disks, sda would be (hd0)." But
made to fit better into the paragraph. Hope that makes sense ;-)

Actually, the ideal way of finding out GRUB's terminology is to use the 
grub command shell's find command...i.e.

find /boot/kernel-
It will respond with the proper terminology for that particular 
partition - of course, if you use a separate boot partition, you would 
need to do:

find /kernel-
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Re: Successful Build of Cross-LFS

2005-05-03 Thread Jeremy Utley
john wrote:
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
My intention in making this (nowhere near finished!) rendered version 
of the book available is so that it will answer a few questions about 
what cross-lfs is and aims to be, making it possible for more to get 
involved or interested in the book, offer comments, suggestions, etc.

I successfully built a 64bit LFS system for the x86_64 from a 32bit 
LFS 6ish i686 system running on the AMD64.  I would like to volunteer 
to help with this if you need a hand.
Was your build pure 64-bit, or was it a bi-arch toolchain.  I could see 
where current cross-lfs would probably work for a pure 64-bit toolchain, 
with some modifications, even from a 32-bit host distro, but currently 
there's not enough there to provide a bi-arch toolchain.

I'm willing to help with x86_64 builds as well, when something is ready.
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Re: tst-oddstacklimit.out] Error 139

2005-05-05 Thread Jeremy Utley
Peter Ennis wrote:
Anyone seen this or similar?
Should I ignore and continue?
Running FC4T1 host


I would not recommend FC4 for a build host at current, considering it 
has pre-release GCC4 code included in it, which causes known compilation 
issues with many packages.

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Re: Cross-lfs question

2005-05-10 Thread Jeremy Utley
Marcus Singleton wrote:
That's what I was thinking.
I'm planning on using Ubuntu 64-bit, as it's the only one that will allow me
to boot up from hard disk (NForce4 problems) unless you can suggest another
OS that's predominantly 64bit and has nforce4 drivers.

I have Ubuntu 64-bit, Gentoo 64-bit, CentOS 64bit, FC3 64-bit and 
FC4-test2 all installed on my Athlon 64 at home, which uses a NForce4 
based motherboard (Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe) - all work beautifully.

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Re: Move back to FSF binutils

2005-05-15 Thread Jeremy Utley
Matthew Burgess wrote:
I'm proposing we stop tracking/using HJL's binutils.  Here's my reasons:
1) It adds host dependencies of bison and flex
2) Recent bugs with HJL (stripping libc.a) have been hard to diagnose 
and fix
3) FSF recently released 2.16, bringing it back up to speed with 
modern features we were relying on HJL for.

So, does anyone think we should still stick with HJL binutils, and if 
so, what are the compelling reasons for doing so?

Personally, I think LFS *should* go back to FSF binutils for the default 
book, unless and until there's a particular need for features present 
only in HJL's branch.

However, I also think it might be useful to make a note in the book 
about the HJL branch - I know for me, I didn't know about it for a long 

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Re: Move back to FSF binutils

2005-05-15 Thread Jeremy Utley
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 05/15/05 18:42 CST:

Matthew Burgess wrote:

As for flex, it looks
like the maintainers went AWOL again :( currently lists 30 open bugs, and
11 submitted patches yet to be applied.  Maybe it would be prudent to
roll back to 2.5.4a?  At least that one manages to get doxygen to
compile successfully!

I see that there have been no updates in over two years.  It seems that
the most recent version that doesn't break other software is the version
we should be using.
BLFS does not track all the packages that use flex (or any other LFS
package), so figuring out all the packages that need it and putting them
in the individual packages would be a major problem for us.

Well, the version in LFS might have an issue with Doxygen (which is
fixed by removing an unneeded file in the source tree), but are there
any other issues with the current version of Flex that affects any
other BLFS (or other) package?

Flex 2.5.31 with the debian fixes patch works for nearly all of BLFS.  
There's also some more fixes to flex that might resolve the Doxygen 
problems.  I would say we really should stick with 2.5.31 and the 
patches rather than revert back to being older then every distro out there.

Just my .02
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Re: /dev/mouse symlink and the udev rules file [Was 'Re: r175 - trunk' in the li

2005-05-24 Thread Jeremy Utley

Marty _ wrote:

Good answer, never investigated udev to be quite honest, just thought 
it was another form of devfs from the guide.

To add to your note, there isnt a difference between the two, ive just 
got so used to slackware's /dev style I couldnt handle the entire 
directory tree the devfs mount produces.

Short story, udev is a user-space implementation of devfs.

Long story, udev is configurable by the sysadmin to an extent not 
available with devfs, it tries to follow the "standard" linux device 
naming structure where at all possible (the default udev config file we 
provide aids in that a little), and it's not as susceptible to race 
conditions that were present in devfs (but is still vulnerable to some 
of them).

BTW, in case you didn't know, the minute you install a 2.6 kernel into a 
Slackware 10.x system, you're using udev without even knowing it.

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