[gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Tiziano Müller
Joe Peterson wrote:

> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> And a file extension is far less obscurely complex than enforcing
>> arbitrary syntax restrictions upon ebuilds.
> I disagree.  One is exposed to devs only as ebuild syntax; the other is
> exposed in an inappropriate location to everyone looking at the portage
> tree.
>> No it can't. EAPI has to be known before the source can start. Bash
>> doesn't provide traps for executing code upon changed variables.
> Doing it out-of-band solve this.
>> No, it's only needed once per non-trivial change. So we might as well
>> just change it for every EAPI.
> Huh?  If the "new" portage knows how to determine the EAPI definitively
> (and that would be defined), it can deal with the differences.
>> And then how do we deal with EAPI 3, where the syntax changes again?
> Portage (or whatever PM) reads the EAPI, determines it is 3, and goes
> from there.  If you change the way you declare EAPI each time, yeah,
> that's a problem, but I'm not sure why that would ne necessary.
No, that is not the problem.

In EAPI 42 we define that the package manager must provide a global function
extract_depend_from_setup_py() such that it is callable at a global level
in an ebuild like this

*snip start*

# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $


DESCRIPTION="A library aiming to support agile and test-driven python
development on various levels."
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"


*snip end*

Now, a package manager (or a tool) not knowing EAPI 42 will fail when it
tries to source the above ebuild to determine the EAPI version (as it is
being currently done as far as I understood it) because
extract_depend_from_setup_py is undefined.
So it won't even be able to read out the EAPI.

With the EAPI in the filename tools now knowing EAPI-42 will either ignore
the above foo-1.0.ebuild-42 or mask it because they may identify the
EAPI-version without sourcing the ebuild.

And: No, just sourcing the ebuild and simply masking it because we can't
source it is a no-go (since you're abusing error-handling as a case

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Tiziano Müller
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2008 22:35:25 -0700
> Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Did anyone already propose specifying this in metadata.xml?
> Yup. That's a no-go, since metadata.xml is quite rightly treated as
> being "not suitable for anything the package manager really needs".
> It also moves the EAPI definition even further away from the ebuild,
> which makes it even harder to work with.
> And, of course, it's not backwards compatible, so it'd still need a
> file extension change.

Another ugly solution: Having the EAPI on a per-package (like
$portagedir/cat/package-1) or per-tree basis ($portagedir/profiles/eapi)
and start providing our tree as overlays of more than one tree
(will end up in a mess of dependencies, but it would still be nice to
specify the EAPI for a complete overlay instead of having the name all the
ebuilds like .eapi-X :-).
In addition: it wouldn't be possible to identify the EAPI of an ebuild by
just looking at it...

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:33:34 +0200
Tiziano Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another ugly solution: Having the EAPI on a per-package (like
> $portagedir/cat/package-1) or per-tree basis
> ($portagedir/profiles/eapi) and start providing our tree as overlays
> of more than one tree (will end up in a mess of dependencies, but it
> would still be nice to specify the EAPI for a complete overlay
> instead of having the name all the ebuilds like .eapi-X :-).
> In addition: it wouldn't be possible to identify the EAPI of an
> ebuild by just looking at it...

Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Tiziano Müller wrote:

Another ugly solution: Having the EAPI on a per-package (like
$portagedir/cat/package-1) or per-tree basis ($portagedir/profiles/eapi)

I like the per tree basis and I already asked about that (since makes 
things clearer and older portage can be tricked by rsync.



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.

Not really, you change the rsync paths and older portage will pick a 
repo that just has the necessary to upgrade to the next portage.

This kind of things would work better using an scm supporting branches 
and tags a bit better.



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: A few questions to our nominees

2008-06-10 Thread Tiziano Müller
Peter Weller wrote:

> On Sun, 2008-06-08 at 13:41 +0100, Alex Howells wrote:
> [snip]
>> I often don't agree with him, but can't help but respect the work he
>> does.
>> I would like to see Council move towards a more compressed meeting
>> format -- people presenting arguments need to work out their stuff
>> before bringing it up in the meeting, and to allow for quick
>> turn-around of decisions I'd suggest fortnightly meetings which are
>> time-limited to 60 minutes each.  A prioritized schedule determines
>> which order we deal with issues in and anything not getting attention
>> is bumped 2 weeks, with the priority adjusted if necessary to ensure
>> it gets attention then.
>> Each issue should be limited to between 5-20 minutes. If people can't
>> get through the politics and debate in the allotted time then it
>> should either get bumped 2 weeks and given another 5-20 minutes, or we
>> should table a special meeting to allow a full 60-90 minutes *just* to
>> decide that one issue and nothing else.
>> Sitting around in #gentoo-council for 3-4 hours every month isn't
>> conducive to progress, it's going to make people get tired/bored and
>> not pay proper attention and/or not bother to turn up, which just
>> leads to elections. Endless cycle?
> ++ From me on this one. If I were elected to the Council, I would do my
> best to get this happening.

++ from me too. Along the lines to what I wrote in gentoo.project.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: threads vs. smp

2008-06-10 Thread Christian Faulhammer

> This is a recent list of ebuilds using the local flag "smp"
> dev-lang/erlang/erlang-12.2.2.ebuild

 It is called SMP support in Erlang, and users will expect exactly that
tied to a smp USE flag.


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:40:35 +0200
Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.
> Not really, you change the rsync paths and older portage will pick a 
> repo that just has the necessary to upgrade to the next portage.
> This kind of things would work better using an scm supporting
> branches and tags a bit better.


Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Rémi Cardona

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :

Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.

Lemme sum this up in layman's terms :

1) EAPI _has_ to be known before sourcing an ebuild. There's no way to 
avoid that for various reasons, all 100% valid.

2) Putting the EAPI in the filename :

 + it solves 1)
 + it keeps backward compatibility because old PM won't recognize the 

 - it's not very "pretty"

3) Putting the EAPI in metadata.xml or in another external file

 + it solves 1)
 + it keeps pretty file names
 - it breaks backwards compatibility
 - (specific to metadata.xml) PM will have to learn to read XML (yuck)

That's about it, right?

Rémi Cardona
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Tiziano Müller wrote:

Joe Peterson wrote:

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

And a file extension is far less obscurely complex than enforcing
arbitrary syntax restrictions upon ebuilds.

I disagree.  One is exposed to devs only as ebuild syntax; the other is
exposed in an inappropriate location to everyone looking at the portage

No it can't. EAPI has to be known before the source can start. Bash
doesn't provide traps for executing code upon changed variables.

Doing it out-of-band solve this.

No, it's only needed once per non-trivial change. So we might as well
just change it for every EAPI.

Huh?  If the "new" portage knows how to determine the EAPI definitively
(and that would be defined), it can deal with the differences.

And then how do we deal with EAPI 3, where the syntax changes again?

Portage (or whatever PM) reads the EAPI, determines it is 3, and goes
from there.  If you change the way you declare EAPI each time, yeah,
that's a problem, but I'm not sure why that would ne necessary.

No, that is not the problem.

In EAPI 42 we define that the package manager must provide a global function
extract_depend_from_setup_py() such that it is callable at a global level
in an ebuild like this

*snip start*

# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $


DESCRIPTION="A library aiming to support agile and test-driven python
development on various levels."
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"


*snip end*

Now, a package manager (or a tool) not knowing EAPI 42 will fail when it
tries to source the above ebuild to determine the EAPI version (as it is
being currently done as far as I understood it) because
extract_depend_from_setup_py is undefined.
So it won't even be able to read out the EAPI.

With the EAPI in the filename tools now knowing EAPI-42 will either ignore
the above foo-1.0.ebuild-42 or mask it because they may identify the
EAPI-version without sourcing the ebuild.

Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string 
matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask it...



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Tiziano Müller
Luca Barbato wrote:

> Tiziano Müller wrote:
>> Joe Peterson wrote:
>>> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
 And a file extension is far less obscurely complex than enforcing
 arbitrary syntax restrictions upon ebuilds.
>>> I disagree.  One is exposed to devs only as ebuild syntax; the other is
>>> exposed in an inappropriate location to everyone looking at the portage
>>> tree.
 No it can't. EAPI has to be known before the source can start. Bash
 doesn't provide traps for executing code upon changed variables.
>>> Doing it out-of-band solve this.
 No, it's only needed once per non-trivial change. So we might as well
 just change it for every EAPI.
>>> Huh?  If the "new" portage knows how to determine the EAPI definitively
>>> (and that would be defined), it can deal with the differences.
 And then how do we deal with EAPI 3, where the syntax changes again?
>>> Portage (or whatever PM) reads the EAPI, determines it is 3, and goes
>>> from there.  If you change the way you declare EAPI each time, yeah,
>>> that's a problem, but I'm not sure why that would ne necessary.
>> No, that is not the problem.
>> Example:
>> In EAPI 42 we define that the package manager must provide a global
>> function extract_depend_from_setup_py() such that it is callable at a
>> global level in an ebuild like this
>> *snip start*
>> # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
>> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
>> # $Header: $
>> EAPI=42
>> DESCRIPTION="A library aiming to support agile and test-driven python
>> development on various levels."
>> SRC_URI="http://codespeak.net/download/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz";
>> HOMEPAGE="http://codespeak.net/py/";
>> KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
>> SLOT="0"
>> IUSE=""
>> extract_depend_from_setup_py
>> *snip end*
>> Now, a package manager (or a tool) not knowing EAPI 42 will fail when it
>> tries to source the above ebuild to determine the EAPI version (as it is
>> being currently done as far as I understood it) because
>> extract_depend_from_setup_py is undefined.
>> So it won't even be able to read out the EAPI.
>> With the EAPI in the filename tools now knowing EAPI-42 will either
>> ignore the above foo-1.0.ebuild-42 or mask it because they may identify
>> the EAPI-version without sourcing the ebuild.
> Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string
> matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask it...

... and package managers which don't do that already still fail.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Rémi Cardona

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :


I don't think any of us are completely thrilled by either proposals, but 
the EAPI-in-a-separate-file does have the potential for more 
flexibility, ie package-wide EAPI.

And it does keep filenames simple enough.

Rémi Cardona
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Piotr Jaroszyński
> The simplest way is to change the syncpoint in the new package manager and
> leave the previous uri with a compatibility repo for the older ones.

So we add a new repo each time a new EAPI comes out? Sounds like a big mess.

Best Regards,
Piotr Jaroszyński

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 12:30, Rémi Cardona wrote:

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :


I don't think any of us are completely thrilled by either proposals,  
but the EAPI-in-a-separate-file does have the potential for more  
flexibility, ie package-wide EAPI.

And it does keep filenames simple enough.

And it is not backwards compatible.

- ferdy--
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Tiziano Müller wrote:

... and package managers which don't do that already still fail.

To put everything in perspective all this discussion is done in order to 
workaround the issue of an old and outdated package manager that cannot 
be upgraded once it syncs from a too new repository.

The simplest way is to change the syncpoint in the new package manager 
and leave the previous uri with a compatibility repo for the older ones.



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: package.mask

2008-06-10 Thread Peter Volkov
Hello Luis.

В Пнд, 09/06/2008 в 18:12 +, Luis F. Araujo (araujo) пишет:
> araujo  08/06/09 18:12:09
>   Modified: package.mask
>   Log:
>   Saving Squeak. Solving bugs #163724 , #196984
> Revision  ChangesPath
> 1.8705   profiles/package.mask

Whenever you modify anything in profiles directory, please, fill in
ChangeLog. ChangeLogs became useless if only part of developers fill

Just to remind. There are per-arch ChangeLog, base profile ChangeLog,
features ChangeLog and for other stuff ChangeLog:

[snip other archs ChangeLog]
[snip other archs ChangeLog]

Thus whenever you change anything in arch profile, or in base or
features subdirectory use relevant ChangeLog. For other changes like
local USE flags, masking/unmasking/updating masks (not comments :))
use /usr/portage/profiles/ChangeLog.

Thank you,

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:22:03 +0200
Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tiziano Müller wrote:
> > ... and package managers which don't do that already still fail.
> To put everything in perspective all this discussion is done in order
> to workaround the issue of an old and outdated package manager that
> cannot be upgraded once it syncs from a too new repository.
> The simplest way is to change the syncpoint in the new package
> manager and leave the previous uri with a compatibility repo for the
> older ones.

So you're volunteering to convert the entire tree to the new EAPI all
in one go every two months?

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Freeman

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 22:09:04 -0600
Joe Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Debunked according to whom?  I believe that some, including you,
believe you debunked them, but I do not believe there was wholesale
agreement from the dev community.

That doesn't really matter. Most of the dev community don't care to
understand the underlying issue, so all they need to do is go along
with the informed decision that the Council was supposed to have made
on their behalf.

By that logic (that mere ordinary devs need to be guided by their more 
informed elected leaders), we're doing EXACTLY what you propose.  The 
informed decision by the Council was to defer the GLEP.  As a result the 
lesser devs are going along with that decision and not implementing it.

The fact is that most devs probably do care to understand the underlying 
issues.  Many just happen to disagree with you.

I still haven't seen a good argument as to why the EAPI can't be handled 
as something like a magic number.  Maybe make the first line in the ebuild:


ELF vs A.OUT don't use extensions to identify its files - the original 
file format was designed to allow file identification from the contents.

The only issue I can see with putting the EAPI on the first line is with 
legacy package managers.  That could be fixed in a number of ways.  The 
simplest would be just allowing it to break and sending out the fix well 
in advance of any breakage on GMN.  Considering the fiasco that we've 
had with some GCC/GLIBC upgrades and similar stuff in the past this 
would be pretty minor.  A less pretty solution might be a one-time file 
extension change.

There wouldn't be any need to repeat all of this every time the EAPI 
changes - at that point we've standardized the location of the EAPI 
within the file.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Piotr Jaroszyński wrote:

The simplest way is to change the syncpoint in the new package manager and
leave the previous uri with a compatibility repo for the older ones.

So we add a new repo each time a new EAPI comes out? Sounds like a big mess.

It isn't you just keep 2 repos, one with the minimal eapi and the 
minimal set of ebuilds needed to upgrade, one with the latest and greatest.



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:13:34 +0200
Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > So you're volunteering to convert the entire tree to the new EAPI
> > all in one go every two months?
> I don't see the need and I won't see the problem given right now what
> is interesting is the set of improvements that aren't forward
> incompatible.

It's likely that any future EAPIs won't be forward compatible because:

* There's a strong desire to make lots of functions stricter.
* The current *DEPEND syntax will probably be replaced with something
more expressive.
* There'll be more phases.

So yes, it's a full tree rewrite if you want to avoid having multiple
EAPIs in the same tree.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 13:13, Luca Barbato wrote:
but I dislike empty theories or hardly searched corner cases that  
could be avoided with half of the effort necessary to get there.

Yoy mean like adopting GLEP55, right?

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

So you're volunteering to convert the entire tree to the new EAPI all
in one go every two months?

I don't see the need and I won't see the problem given right now what is 
interesting is the set of improvements that aren't forward incompatible.

Being that the case you'd just need 2 trees, managed as overlay and a 
marker for each tree on which eapi to use, but I dislike empty theories 
or hardly searched corner cases that could be avoided with half of the 
effort necessary to get there.



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Jan Kundrát
Joe Peterson wrote:
>>> But what users *really* don't care about is EAPIs, and this GLEP would
>>> expose that technical detail to them in a very blatent way.
>> Anyone who cares about ebuilds at a file level has to care about EAPIs.
> Not really.  A typical user does not need to know about EAPIs at all,
> but he might want to peruse the portage tree to look for ebuilds.  He
> might also want to grep for KEYWORDS or whatever.

If the user knows that keywords are set by the KEYWORDS variable, then
she must be familiar with the EAPI. The meaning of the KEYWORDS variable
is defined by the EAPI.

>>> Along those lines, as I've said before, migrating to a new extension,
>>> *one-time*, as a solution to this, although not optimal, would be far
>>> more satisfactory than introducing a series of ever-changing
>>> extensions.
>> No it won't. It means future EAPIs will be restricted to some
>> particular source format.
> I assume you mean that EAPI needs to be in the file - again, is this
> bad?  Many file formats specify a file format version as part of the file.

Sure. If current EAPI specified that a sequence of four bytes starting
at offset  0x10 is a little-endian magic number that is used to identify
an EAPI, that'd be all we want. However, current format definition is
rather complex; there's nothing as simple as "read several bytes at some
offset and use them".

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Tiziano Müller wrote:
>>> And then how do we deal with EAPI 3, where the syntax changes again?
>> Portage (or whatever PM) reads the EAPI, determines it is 3, and goes
>> from there.  If you change the way you declare EAPI each time, yeah,
>> that's a problem, but I'm not sure why that would ne necessary.
> No, that is not the problem.
> Example:
> In EAPI 42 we define that the package manager must provide a global function
> extract_depend_from_setup_py() such that it is callable at a global level
> in an ebuild like this
> *snip start*
> # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
> # $Header: $
> EAPI=42
> DESCRIPTION="A library aiming to support agile and test-driven python
> development on various levels."
> SRC_URI="http://codespeak.net/download/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz";
> HOMEPAGE="http://codespeak.net/py/";
> KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
> SLOT="0"
> IUSE=""
> extract_depend_from_setup_py
> *snip end*
> Now, a package manager (or a tool) not knowing EAPI 42 will fail when it
> tries to source the above ebuild to determine the EAPI version (as it is
> being currently done as far as I understood it) because
> extract_depend_from_setup_py is undefined.
> So it won't even be able to read out the EAPI.
> With the EAPI in the filename tools now knowing EAPI-42 will either ignore
> the above foo-1.0.ebuild-42 or mask it because they may identify the
> EAPI-version without sourcing the ebuild.
> And: No, just sourcing the ebuild and simply masking it because we can't
> source it is a no-go (since you're abusing error-handling as a case
> switch).

Agreed, and that's why I like the out-of-band solution better (i.e.
header line with "# EAPI=42".  No need for mangled filenames, and no
nead to actually source.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jun 2008 22:35:25 -0700
> Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Did anyone already propose specifying this in metadata.xml?
> Yup. That's a no-go, since metadata.xml is quite rightly treated as
> being "not suitable for anything the package manager really needs".

I think a separate file, especially one that uses a standard XML format,
would be a fine place for things that the PM needs.  Just because we do
not use it this way now does not mean it is not a good idea.  Also, the
EAPI would be out-of-band and not require sourcing of the bash script to

> It also moves the EAPI definition even further away from the ebuild,
> which makes it even harder to work with.

Harder to work with in what way?

> And, of course, it's not backwards compatible, so it'd still need a
> file extension change.

I am not convinced of this.  As others have stated, portage/PM should be
upgraded with the new capability well in advance of new EAPIs.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Rémi Cardona wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :
>> picard_facepalm.jpg
> I don't think any of us are completely thrilled by either proposals, but 
> the EAPI-in-a-separate-file does have the potential for more 
> flexibility, ie package-wide EAPI.
> And it does keep filenames simple enough.



gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Luca Barbato wrote:
> Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string 
> matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask it...

And placing it out-of-band (like "# EAPI=...") avoids any sourcing
errors, makes parsing faster, etc.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:31:09 -0600
Joe Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think a separate file, especially one that uses a standard XML
> format, would be a fine place for things that the PM needs.

XML is a pain in the ass.

> Just because we do not use it this way now does not mean it is not a
> good idea.  Also, the EAPI would be out-of-band and not require
> sourcing of the bash script to determine.

The file extension is out-of-band and yet still coupled to the
individual ebuilds in an obvious way.

> > It also moves the EAPI definition even further away from the ebuild,
> > which makes it even harder to work with.
> Harder to work with in what way?

It decouples the EAPI and the thing written in that EAPI.

> > And, of course, it's not backwards compatible, so it'd still need a
> > file extension change.
> I am not convinced of this.  As others have stated, portage/PM should
> be upgraded with the new capability well in advance of new EAPIs.

But that's exactly what EAPIs are there to solve. Having to wait two
years (or however long Gentoo goes between releases these days) just to
use simple new features slows down progress even more.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Jan Kundrát wrote:
> If the user knows that keywords are set by the KEYWORDS variable, then
> she must be familiar with the EAPI. The meaning of the KEYWORDS variable
> is defined by the EAPI.

But that's not really what I find objectionable.  There's no need to
make EAPI so special that it alters the file extension.  If EAPI is
accessible as part of the file or in metadata.xml, e.g., it still serves
this purpose well, and that info is exposed at the right level.

> Sure. If current EAPI specified that a sequence of four bytes starting
> at offset  0x10 is a little-endian magic number that is used to identify
> an EAPI, that'd be all we want. However, current format definition is
> rather complex; there's nothing as simple as "read several bytes at some
> offset and use them".

I would not suggest byte-level methods, no - these files are not binary.
 There are simple ways to parse text files to find the EAPI.  If it is
in the ebuild, putting it in the header (out-of-band) works.  If it is
in metadata, simply parsing XML works.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:33, Joe Peterson wrote:

Luca Barbato wrote:

Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string
matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask  

And placing it out-of-band (like "# EAPI=...") avoids any sourcing
errors, makes parsing faster, etc.

No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile any  
package manager you'd know that.

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Rémi Cardona wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :
>> Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.
> Lemme sum this up in layman's terms :
> 1) EAPI _has_ to be known before sourcing an ebuild. There's no way to 
> avoid that for various reasons, all 100% valid.
> 2) Putting the EAPI in the filename :
>   + it solves 1)
>   + it keeps backward compatibility because old PM won't recognize the 
> filenames
>   - it's not very "pretty"

I'd say the problems go way beyond just being not pretty.  That longish
email I wrote yesterday has a bunch of reasons I don't like it.  And
"pretty" makes the issue sound unimportant or superficial.

> 3) Putting the EAPI in metadata.xml or in another external file
>   + it solves 1)
>   + it keeps pretty file names
>   - it breaks backwards compatibility
>   - (specific to metadata.xml) PM will have to learn to read XML (yuck)
> That's about it, right?

Good summary, except I think we can find ways to deal with compatibility
(several ideas have been put forth already: giving time for PM to be
upgraded, or a one-time tree or extension bump - and I'm sure there are
even better ones yet to be discussed).  I do not believe that the
filename mangling solution is the "one and only way" as some people are

Also, I'm not sure reading XML is a problem at all - python has good
libs for this already.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Fernando J. Pereda wrote:

No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile any 
package manager you'd know that.

Do you have any number to share?



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
> On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:33, Joe Peterson wrote:
>> Luca Barbato wrote:
>>> Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string
>>> matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask  
>>> it...
>> And placing it out-of-band (like "# EAPI=...") avoids any sourcing
>> errors, makes parsing faster, etc.
> No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile any  
> package manager you'd know that.

No, I have not profiled PMs to try this, but you are saying that reading
the first few lines of a file is not faster than sourcing the whole
thing with bash?  Remember that it could abort the minute it sees a non
'#' or blank line, which would be after the first few.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:46, Joe Peterson wrote:

Also, I'm not sure reading XML is a problem at all - python has good
libs for this already.

Reading XML files is easy, but it makes certain codepaths much much  
slower. Not a good 'feature'.

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Freeman

Rémi Cardona wrote:

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :

Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.

Lemme sum this up in layman's terms :

1) EAPI _has_ to be known before sourcing an ebuild. There's no way to 
avoid that for various reasons, all 100% valid.

2) Putting the EAPI in the filename :

 + it solves 1)
 + it keeps backward compatibility because old PM won't recognize the 

 - it's not very "pretty"

3) Putting the EAPI in metadata.xml or in another external file

 + it solves 1)
 + it keeps pretty file names
 - it breaks backwards compatibility
 - (specific to metadata.xml) PM will have to learn to read XML (yuck)

That's about it, right?

You missed some options - I'll try to be honest about their pros/cons:

4) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild, but in a manner that does not require 
sourcing using bash (ie comment at top of file).

+ it solves 1)
+ it keeps pretty file names
+ syntax/implementation is trivial
- it breaks backwards compatibility (eventually - hacks might delay this)
- it does force future ebuilds to have the EAPI line in it

5) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild as in #4, but do a one-time-only 
change of the filenames.

+ it solves 1)
+ it sort-of-keeps pretty file names (two pretty extensions instead of one)
+ syntax/implementation is trivial
+ it preserves backwards compatibility
- it does force future ebuilds to have the EAPI line in it

6) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild as in #4, and do a one-time rsync 
location change

+ it solves 1)
+ the filenames don't change at all
+ syntax is trivial, future ebuilds are trivial
+ it preserves backwards compatibility
- it does force future ebuilds to have the EAPI line in it
- it seems like quite a hack - and you end up with a dummy portage tree 
sitting out there for some period of time

Personally, I tend to lean towards either just putting the EAPI in the 
filename, or putting it in the first line and breaking backwards 
compatibility.  The whole reason we're in this mess is the ebuild file 
format does not include a version field or the equivalent of extensible 
headers used in other sorts of files (tar, etc).  We've certainly broken 
backwards-compatibility before with other changes within the distro. 
All we need to do is make it easy to update to a package manager that 
fixes the break and post instructions prominently, and make sure that 
package managers support the new process for a few months before taking 
advantage of it.

Some object to parsing out the EAPI without sourcing the ebuild (only 
bash can source bash).  I disagree with this argument - every time you 
run a shell script it is sourced by something other than bash - the 
kernel has to figure out what script interpreter to use by parsing the 
first line.  There is no reason we can't use a magic number in the same 
way with the EAPI.  That isn't reason enough on its own to put the EAPI 
in the filename, but it is a start.

Most software packages store version information internal to a file 
format.  I'm actually not aware of many that put it in the filename.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:48, Luca Barbato wrote:

Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile any  
package manager you'd know that.

Do you have any number to share?

What number are you interested in?

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Freeman

Joe Peterson wrote:

No, I have not profiled PMs to try this, but you are saying that reading
the first few lines of a file is not faster than sourcing the whole
thing with bash?  Remember that it could abort the minute it sees a non
'#' or blank line, which would be after the first few.

Actually, if you specified that the EAPI goes on the first line, then 
you'd only need to read the first line.

And to the extent that the rest got read into memory anyway by the 
kernel, well then it is already in the cache when whatever mechanism is 
invoked to parse the rest of the file.

I don't think that filename-vs-first-line is going to make a big 
difference in practical performance.  Any time lost in determining EAPI 
would be time saved in parsing the file.  And even though you could 
ignore unknown EAPIs, I think that in a typical case users would be 
using an up-to-date package manager that would just end up parsing 
everything all the time anyway.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:49:31 -0600
Joe Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile
> > any package manager you'd know that.
> No, I have not profiled PMs to try this, but you are saying that
> reading the first few lines of a file is not faster than sourcing the
> whole thing with bash?  Remember that it could abort the minute it
> sees a non '#' or blank line, which would be after the first few.

The package manager does not currently source the whole thing with
bash to get the EAPI, nor does it open the ebuild file at all for
metadata. You're talking doubling the number of file operations here,
and going from extremely good filesystem locality (which means very few
seeks) to jumping backwards and forwards all over the place.

This is basic stuff you really need to know before you can comment
sensibly on a discussion about package metadata.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:49:04 -0400
Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 4) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild, but in a manner that does not
> require sourcing using bash (ie comment at top of file).
> + it solves 1)
> + it keeps pretty file names
> + syntax/implementation is trivial
> - it breaks backwards compatibility (eventually - hacks might delay
> this)
> - it does force future ebuilds to have the EAPI line in it

- it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.
- it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs
- it makes comments have meaning

> Most software packages store version information internal to a file 
> format.  I'm actually not aware of many that put it in the filename.

Most software doesn't have to care about backwards / forwards

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:56:18 -0400
Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Peterson wrote:
> > No, I have not profiled PMs to try this, but you are saying that
> > reading the first few lines of a file is not faster than sourcing
> > the whole thing with bash?  Remember that it could abort the minute
> > it sees a non '#' or blank line, which would be after the first few.
> > 
> Actually, if you specified that the EAPI goes on the first line, then 
> you'd only need to read the first line.
> And to the extent that the rest got read into memory anyway by the 
> kernel, well then it is already in the cache when whatever mechanism
> is invoked to parse the rest of the file.

Except that currently, the ebuild file isn't opened for read. So it's
not in memory at all.

> I don't think that filename-vs-first-line is going to make a big 
> difference in practical performance.

It's about a factor of five difference in cold-cache resolution
performance for Paludis.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Arun Raghavan
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
> - it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.

The first read will cause the file to be cached for subsequent reads
anyway, so the performance hit boils down to an additional read() call
(which will probably be buffered by your file I/O library anyway, so
it's unlikely to even result in a context switch). And even without,
it is well worth the lack of fugliness in the ebuild name.

> - it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs

Not by much. It's just a header.

> - it makes comments have meaning

Just as much as #!/bin/bash and # vim: ... do

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Arun Raghavan
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
>> I don't think that filename-vs-first-line is going to make a big
>> difference in practical performance.
> It's about a factor of five difference in cold-cache resolution
> performance for Paludis.

Could you please share more details on the experiment that showed this
kind of performance degradation and the numbers, if possible?

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Luca Barbato

Fernando J. Pereda wrote:

On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:48, Luca Barbato wrote:

Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
No, it doesn't make parsing faster. *Had you bothered to profile any 
package manager you'd know that.*

Do you have any number to share?

What number are you interested in?

Profiling numbers...



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Rémi Cardona

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :

The package manager does not currently source the whole thing with
bash to get the EAPI, nor does it open the ebuild file at all for
metadata. You're talking doubling the number of file operations here,
and going from extremely good filesystem locality (which means very few
seeks) to jumping backwards and forwards all over the place.

Yeah, grepping through the ebuild is just bound to get a massive 
performance hit, I don't have numbers but that just looks obvious.

Ciaran, what other pitfalls do you see for using one EAPI file per 
package (except for the broken compatibility, I know it's a big one) ?

This is basic stuff you really need to know before you can comment
sensibly on a discussion about package metadata.

Then, thanks for explaining those things :) We are learning stuff as we go.

Rémi Cardona
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:38:52 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > - it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.
> The first read will cause the file to be cached for subsequent reads
> anyway, so the performance hit boils down to an additional read() call
> (which will probably be buffered by your file I/O library anyway, so
> it's unlikely to even result in a context switch). And even without,
> it is well worth the lack of fugliness in the ebuild name.

No, it results in a new open() on a file that's elsewhere on disk, which
results in two new seeks. You get about fifty seeks per second.

> > - it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs
> Not by much. It's just a header.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Richard Freeman wrote:
> Some object to parsing out the EAPI without sourcing the ebuild (only 
> bash can source bash).  I disagree with this argument - every time you 
> run a shell script it is sourced by something other than bash - the 
> kernel has to figure out what script interpreter to use by parsing the 
> first line.  There is no reason we can't use a magic number in the same 
> way with the EAPI.  That isn't reason enough on its own to put the EAPI 
> in the filename, but it is a start.


It was mentioned that "comments are to be ignored", but you point out a
perfect and very fundamental example of where this is not true:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

Putting another line close to this one with:




if you like (conforms more to the shell script specifier), is not too
muchh of a stretch.

> Most software packages store version information internal to a file 
> format.  I'm actually not aware of many that put it in the filename.

Only a few, mainly Windows, I believe.  Like .WSn (as pointed out on the
Filename_extension wikipedia page).  But oddballs like this suggest to
me that a hack had to be done because the version could not be gleaned
in a more subtle way from the file itself (e.g. MS Word does this
transparently - all are ".doc").

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Bernd Steinhauser

Luca Barbato schrieb:

Piotr Jaroszyński wrote:
The simplest way is to change the syncpoint in the new package 
manager and

leave the previous uri with a compatibility repo for the older ones.

So we add a new repo each time a new EAPI comes out? Sounds like a big 

It isn't you just keep 2 repos, one with the minimal eapi and the 
minimal set of ebuilds needed to upgrade, one with the latest and greatest.


Then you could also just provide binaries...

But lets face it, it slows down progress, because you will delay every 
change, because stuff like that you will only do if necessary.

And it is still huge pain, from a users point of view, to upgrade stuff.

And that is, what this is about, making EAPI bumps as less painful as 
possible. The filename is the easiest solution for that.

I really fail to see the point, why it is so important, that the 
extension will still be .ebuild in the future.

There is a lot of software, that keeps using the same filename for 
different versions of stuff and in many cases, that is a huge mess.

I still haven't seen any good reasons against it.
And btw, the KDE overlay users don't seem at all to be confused, because 
the packages are named .kdebuild-1 instead of .ebuild.

Portage (and other tools) keeps happily ignoring them, like it should.
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:11:49 +0200
Rémi Cardona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :
> > The package manager does not currently source the whole thing with
> > bash to get the EAPI, nor does it open the ebuild file at all for
> > metadata. You're talking doubling the number of file operations
> > here, and going from extremely good filesystem locality (which
> > means very few seeks) to jumping backwards and forwards all over
> > the place.
> Yeah, grepping through the ebuild is just bound to get a massive 
> performance hit, I don't have numbers but that just looks obvious.

No no. Doing the seek to open a file in a different directory and then
seeking back to your original directory over and over when otherwise
you'd be doing nice linear opens on adjacent inodes in a single
directory is where the performance hit is.

Paludis is pretty much seek bound in a lot of cases.

> Ciaran, what other pitfalls do you see for using one EAPI file per 
> package (except for the broken compatibility, I know it's a big one) ?

It's moving the relevant information further and further away from
where it's supposed to be. It doubles the number of files a developer
has to check in order to do simple ebuild maintenance.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:54:33 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, most file systems have a local structure for this data (=> block
> group), so it's not going to be a seek that's very far. Secondly, how
> many ebuilds do you need to read directly to get this data in a
> typical case? Isn't this what the metadata cache is for?

It's a nice local structure when you're just using a) a nice, linear,
readahead-friendly-ish slurp of the ebuild directory and b) a nice,
linear slurp of files in the metadata cache, which is how things are
now. When you move that to having to make alternating use of the
metadata cache and the ebuild files, you're suddenly seeking backwards
and forwards between two places over and over.

> >> > - it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs
> >>
> >> Not by much. It's just a header.
> >
> > 
> Do we want to keep the spec so wide open that we support any format
> under the Sun that we fancy? Seems like overgeneralizing to me.

We want to keep it open enough that we're not going to have to go
through yet another backwards compatibility breaking change.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 (was: A few questions to our nominees)

2008-06-10 Thread Robert Bridge
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 02:58:54 +0100
Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Well, in general, if you rely on extensions changing every time a
> > program cannot deal with a new feature of a file format, it would be
> > quite crazy.  For example, if C programs had to start using ".c-2",
> > ".c-3", etc., it would get ugly fast.
> Which is why programs that use any major C feature introduced since
> 1980 use the extension '.cc' or '.cpp'.

Except any program using .cc or .cpp for code is liable to break on
gcc, as they are C++ file extensions, and to the best of my (admittedly
limited knowledge) C and C++ are distinct languages...

So relying on the file extension seems to be a recipe for
misunderstanding. Why limit the functionality of the package manager to
rely on the file names? How do you protect the package manager from a
malicious ebuild masquerading under the wrong EAPI? Relying on the file
name for information is the kind of design decision we laugh at in
Windows, so why adopt it here?
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Rémi Cardona

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :

No no. Doing the seek to open a file in a different directory and then
seeking back to your original directory over and over when otherwise
you'd be doing nice linear opens on adjacent inodes in a single
directory is where the performance hit is.

Paludis is pretty much seek bound in a lot of cases.


It's moving the relevant information further and further away from
where it's supposed to be. It doubles the number of files a developer
has to check in order to do simple ebuild maintenance.

I said one file per package, not per ebuild. It only doubles the number 
of files if there's only one ebuild in a given package :)

Rémi Cardona
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:40:22 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> >> I don't think that filename-vs-first-line is going to make a big
> >> difference in practical performance.
> >
> > It's about a factor of five difference in cold-cache resolution
> > performance for Paludis.
> Could you please share more details on the experiment that showed this
> kind of performance degradation and the numbers, if possible?

Shove an open and a getline in when doing what would otherwise be a
successful cache read. It adds a couple of thousand new open()s on
files that would otherwise be left alone, and changes the nice linear
"slurp up things in this directory in order until we don't need
anything else" pattern into "bounce backwards and forwards between lots
of files in two different directories".

On a cold cache, which is the most common use case, this is very very

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Arun Raghavan
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
>> The first read will cause the file to be cached for subsequent reads
>> anyway, so the performance hit boils down to an additional read() call
>> (which will probably be buffered by your file I/O library anyway, so
>> it's unlikely to even result in a context switch). And even without,
>> it is well worth the lack of fugliness in the ebuild name.
> No, it results in a new open() on a file that's elsewhere on disk, which
> results in two new seeks. You get about fifty seeks per second.

Well, most file systems have a local structure for this data (=> block
group), so it's not going to be a seek that's very far. Secondly, how
many ebuilds do you need to read directly to get this data in a
typical case? Isn't this what the metadata cache is for?

>> > - it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs
>> Not by much. It's just a header.

Do we want to keep the spec so wide open that we support any format
under the Sun that we fancy? Seems like overgeneralizing to me.

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 (was: A few questions to our nominees)

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:36:58 +0100
Robert Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So relying on the file extension seems to be a recipe for
> misunderstanding. Why limit the functionality of the package manager
> to rely on the file names? How do you protect the package manager
> from a malicious ebuild masquerading under the wrong EAPI? Relying on
> the file name for information is the kind of design decision we laugh
> at in Windows, so why adopt it here?

There is no protection against malicious ebuilds. Malicious ebuilds
already run code as root when you install them. Being able to get an
ebuild run with the wrong EAPI is utterly irrelevant.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 16:14, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:38:52 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Ciaran McCreesh

- it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.

The first read will cause the file to be cached for subsequent reads
anyway, so the performance hit boils down to an additional read()  

(which will probably be buffered by your file I/O library anyway, so
it's unlikely to even result in a context switch). And even without,
it is well worth the lack of fugliness in the ebuild name.

No, it results in a new open() on a file that's elsewhere on disk,  

results in two new seeks. You get about fifty seeks per second.

Plus path resolution, which isn't exactly free

- ferdy
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 - The Long Thread

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:51:39 -0400
Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I urge you all to sit down and hammer out real use case situations 
> instead of the idealistic "foo/bar/baz" concepts.

The use cases are stated rather clearly in the GLEP, which you clearly
didn't bother to read...

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Bernd Steinhauser wrote:
> And that is, what this is about, making EAPI bumps as less painful as 
> possible. The filename is the easiest solution for that.

In any design, there are "easy" short-cuts that can be taken.  But
sometimes these short-cuts break paradigms that are fundamental.  If you
wanted, you could throw a bunch of things into the filename and make it
255 characters long to avoid reading the file, but that clearly would be
a pretty bad design.

> I really fail to see the point, why it is so important, that the 
> extension will still be .ebuild in the future.
> There is a lot of software, that keeps using the same filename for 
> different versions of stuff and in many cases, that is a huge mess.

Is the "huge mess" you are thinking of the basic reality that software
of any reasonable complexity needs to deal with file formats evolving?
If so, that is exactly why EAPIs now are being introduced.

But almost all software deals with this transparently - no need to
expose it to the user, and sticking the version in the filename is both
fragile (renaming the file can alter it) and seems like a hack.

> I still haven't seen any good reasons against it.

I realize that there are two camps of people here.  One camp sees
mangling the filename extension as an undesirable way to deal with this,
and the other camp simply sees no problem with this.

I want to point out, however, that the fact that you do not see the
issue does not make the issue invalid.  I am sure there are people who
work at Apple who care nothing about the way an iPhone looks or feels
and only care that it works correctly.  If that person went to Steve
Jobs and said, "Why are you spending so much money to make this thing
look cool?", he would say that Apple is known for making cool things,
and no one would buy something that works great but looks like a piece
of junk.  He'd be right.

I realize this analogy is a bit of an exaggeration, but there is no
reason we cannot make EAPIs work correctly and very efficiently (this is
where technical innovation comes in), while also keeping the basic
interface (and I include file name convention here) clean, standard,
uncluttered, uncomplicated, and elegant.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:02:29 -0600
Joe Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But almost all software deals with this transparently - no need to
> expose it to the user, and sticking the version in the filename is
> both fragile (renaming the file can alter it) and seems like a hack.

The typical user does not deal with the ebuild files themselves, and
if they are doing so it's because there's a deficiency in the tools
available to them. Any user who *does* deal with ebuild files is doing
something sufficiently advanced that they need to be aware of EAPIs

As for fragile... You might as well say that sticking PN and PV in the
file is fragile and a hack...

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Freeman

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:40:22 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Ciaran McCreesh

I don't think that filename-vs-first-line is going to make a big
difference in practical performance.

It's about a factor of five difference in cold-cache resolution
performance for Paludis.

Could you please share more details on the experiment that showed this
kind of performance degradation and the numbers, if possible?

Shove an open and a getline in when doing what would otherwise be a
successful cache read. It adds a couple of thousand new open()s on
files that would otherwise be left alone, and changes the nice linear
"slurp up things in this directory in order until we don't need
anything else" pattern into "bounce backwards and forwards between lots
of files in two different directories".

On a cold cache, which is the most common use case, this is very very

I'm curious as to what operation in particular we're looking at.  Let's 
say I type in "paludis --sync":

Obviously the first step is to rsync the portage tree.  Then we find all 
modified files (already output by rsync) and update the caches.  We 
already need to fully parse every file to create a dependency tree, so 
why is it slow to cache the EAPI for each file while we're at it?

Next, suppose I type in "paludis -pi world":

Why wouldn't everything you need not already be in the cache?  And if 
something wasn't, then why is reading in the EAPI any slower than 
reading in (R)DEPEND/KEYWORDS/IUSE/etc?

What specific operation (from an end-user perspective) is improved by 
putting EAPI in the filename?  I'm not interested in theoretical 
operations like "given a portage tree, find the EAPI of every file" - 
users don't do those operations routinely in isolation, but as part of 
larger operations where doing an open and a getline now just speeds up 
the open and getline that would be executed 500 lines later anyway.

Again, I'm not completely opposed to the idea of putting EAPI in the 
filename, but I'm not convinced that the arguments in favor of it are as 
clear-cut as some are suggesting.  If everybody was open about the 
pros/cons of each solution and not suggesting that one solution is 
near-perfect and the others are total non-starters then this whole 
debate would probably be a whole lot less contentious.  When people 
perceive that somebody isn't honest about the shortcomings of their own 
proposal then they're less likely to trust them - it is just a human 

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 - The Long Thread

2008-06-10 Thread Doug Goldstein
Since there's so many places to comment and I have no intention of 
hitting all these areas, I'll just create a new thread.

There's a lot to be said about being stuck in the "grand design 
mindset".  I know many Gentoo, Portage, Exherbo, and Paludis developers 
are clearly coming to that point in their programming careers based on 
the comments on this thread and other threads. I would just like to 
caution everyone that they really need to get past this plateau in their 
programming careers and get on to the real mindset that matters in the 
future. The "use case" mindset.

I urge you all to sit down and hammer out real use case situations 
instead of the idealistic "foo/bar/baz" concepts.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:08:21 -0400
Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm curious as to what operation in particular we're looking at.
> Let's say I type in "paludis --sync":

paludis --sync doesn't use metadata.

> Next, suppose I type in "paludis -pi world":

If it's straight after a --sync, then yes, some things are pre-loaded
by rsync. Similarly, if it's straight after other operations, then yes,
some things are pre-loaded. But we don't plan for "just the use cases
that make our life easy".

> Why wouldn't everything you need not already be in the cache?  And if 
> something wasn't, then why is reading in the EAPI any slower than 
> reading in (R)DEPEND/KEYWORDS/IUSE/etc?

Currently we don't touch the ebuild's content *at all* for metadata
operations, except where there's no or stale metadata cache (which is
rare). We can get away with this currently because 0 and 1 have
identical cache layouts and PMS has some (necessary) weasel wording;
future EAPIs likely won't, so we're back to the chicken / egg problem.

So... We either have the EAPI from the extension (which we already
have, since we have to read the dir to know what versions are
available), in which case we know how to read the metadata cache file.
Or we have to open up a file that would otherwise not be opened, just
to parse one line so we know how to read the cache file.

> What specific operation (from an end-user perspective) is improved by 
> putting EAPI in the filename?  I'm not interested in theoretical 
> operations like "given a portage tree, find the EAPI of every file" - 
> users don't do those operations routinely in isolation, but as part
> of larger operations where doing an open and a getline now just
> speeds up the open and getline that would be executed 500 lines later
> anyway.

paludis -pi anything on a cold cache.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Mike Auty

Hash: SHA1

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| No, it results in a new open() on a file that's elsewhere on disk, which
| results in two new seeks. You get about fifty seeks per second.

The speed issues aren't really a concern, since the GLEP suggests that
the ebuild must be sourced anyway.  The GLEP allows for a .ebuild-2 file
to contain EAPI="1".  This requires the package manager to source the
ebuild to find out exactly what EAPI should be being used.  The GLEP
doesn't strictly outline what happens to a .ebuild-1 containing EAPI="2"
for a PM that supports EAPI="2" (which needs to be addressed before the
GLEP gets put into action).

It does say a developer should not specify both a pre- and post- source
EAPI, but the GLEP says that if both exist the post-source one is used.
~ That means all package managers would have to source the ebuilds.

Personally, as a developer, I don't want to be messing around with yet
more numbers in the ebuild filenames, and I think it looks ugly.  Not
great arguments, granted.

It also feels like a bad idea to separate information required to
process the contents of the file from the contents of the file itself.
P/PN/PV variables are used in clearly defined locations of the file, and
the script could run under a different name and version (as proved by
every version bump around).  The suggestion seems to be that an ebuild
could not run under a different EAPI.  In that case, the EAPI version
should be embedded in the contents of the file.

As people have pointed out though, there's no need to rush this
decision.  We're simply not going to achieve backwards compatibility
forever (we haven't in the past), so why not choose a time period to
allow for upgrades (6 months, a year?) and implement a new EAPI
definition mechanism that's present in the file and offers a slightly
better compromise between the various parties than the current suggestion?

It will require a little more patience, but it offers time for a thought
out and well designed choice.  What's the rush?

Mike  5:)
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Bernd Steinhauser

Joe Peterson schrieb:

Bernd Steinhauser wrote:
And that is, what this is about, making EAPI bumps as less painful as 
possible. The filename is the easiest solution for that.

In any design, there are "easy" short-cuts that can be taken.  But
sometimes these short-cuts break paradigms that are fundamental.  If you
wanted, you could throw a bunch of things into the filename and make it
255 characters long to avoid reading the file, but that clearly would be
a pretty bad design.
Yes, in principle you could do that, but in principle you could do the 
same with the first line in a file or whatever you are suggesting.

I really fail to see the point, why it is so important, that the 
extension will still be .ebuild in the future.

There is a lot of software, that keeps using the same filename for 
different versions of stuff and in many cases, that is a huge mess.

Is the "huge mess" you are thinking of the basic reality that software
of any reasonable complexity needs to deal with file formats evolving?
If so, that is exactly why EAPIs now are being introduced.

But almost all software deals with this transparently - no need to
expose it to the user, and sticking the version in the filename is both
fragile (renaming the file can alter it) and seems like a hack.
Wow, altering the content of a file can alter it, too. What is the point 

BTW, so you are suggesting, that we shouldn't put the PV in the file name?
We shouldn't put the revision in the file name?

Hm, so in the future, there will be a "metadata.xml" file, that defines:
- PV
- more stuff
of  the ebuild? Sounds complicated.

I still haven't seen any good reasons against it.

I realize that there are two camps of people here.  One camp sees
mangling the filename extension as an undesirable way to deal with this,
and the other camp simply sees no problem with this.

Seems to be like that.
But I am really impress, how far some people go, to avoid renaming the 
file extension of a file.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Doug Goldstein
Let's try to aim to do an EAPI=2 sometime soonish since Portage now has 
USE flag depends in version 2.2 which is looming on the horizon. It'd be 
nice to hit the ground running with supporting these. I know it'll be 
trivial for the Paludis and pkgcore guys to make this work since they 
already support USE flag depends.

So... let's get the party started.
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Patrick Lauer

Doug Goldstein wrote:
Let's try to aim to do an EAPI=2 sometime soonish since Portage now 
has USE flag depends in version 2.2 which is looming on the horizon. 
It'd be nice to hit the ground running with supporting these. I know 
it'll be trivial for the Paludis and pkgcore guys to make this work 
since they already support USE flag depends.

So... let's get the party started.

The question is then, what features do people want there?

I've seen a few things mentioned, but I presume there are two 
restrictions -

1) feature needs to be reasonably useful to enough people
2) feature needs to be implementable in a short enough timeframe

So EAPI 2 is not "everything shiny", but a small iterative improvement 
to EAPI 1.

Suggest features then and let's discuss!
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Nirbheek Chauhan
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Patrick Lauer
> So EAPI 2 is not "everything shiny", but a small iterative improvement to
> EAPI 1.
> Suggest features then and let's discuss!

For reference of existing ideas -- https://bugs.gentoo.org/174380 -- a
tracker for EAPI feature requests.

I personally like https://bugs.gentoo.org/197859 the most -- split out
src_configure from src_compile which will allow sane resuming of
compiles :)

~Nirbheek Chauhan
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Doug Goldstein

Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Patrick Lauer

So EAPI 2 is not "everything shiny", but a small iterative improvement to

Suggest features then and let's discuss!

For reference of existing ideas -- https://bugs.gentoo.org/174380 -- a
tracker for EAPI feature requests.

I personally like https://bugs.gentoo.org/197859 the most -- split out
src_configure from src_compile which will allow sane resuming of
compiles :)

At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 package 
managers have implemented.

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites: kde-base/ksync

2008-06-10 Thread Tobias Heinlein
# Tobias Heinlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (10 Jun 2008)
# Masked for removal on 20 Jun 2008.
# Pulls in kdelibs of which all current versions are providing
# the same functionality, thus already blocking ksync.
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Brown
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 17:39, Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 package
> managers have implemented.

I'm not sure that's a good idea, only two have implemented EAPI 1 so far.

Richard Brown
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Olivier Galibert
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:01:00PM +0200, Rémi Cardona wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :
> >Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.
> Lemme sum this up in layman's terms :
> 1) EAPI _has_ to be known before sourcing an ebuild. There's no way to 
> avoid that for various reasons, all 100% valid.

"sourcing" != "reading the first line/n first lines/first block and grepping".

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Patrick Lauer
On Tuesday 10 June 2008 16:54:49 Richard Brown wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 17:39, Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 package
> > managers have implemented.
> I'm not sure that's a good idea, only two have implemented EAPI 1 so far.
Yes, but noone cares about Paludis.

Now could you please do the rest of us a favour and keep the discussion 
focussed on improving technical details instead of random insults at others?

Thanks ...
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Olivier Galibert
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 03:02:28PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Except that currently, the ebuild file isn't opened for read. So it's
> not in memory at all.

Why would you need the EAPI before the time when you actually want to
interpret the contents? 


gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Rémi Cardona

Olivier Galibert a écrit :

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:01:00PM +0200, Rémi Cardona wrote:

Ciaran McCreesh a écrit :

Kills the upgrade path completely. No good.

Lemme sum this up in layman's terms :

1) EAPI _has_ to be known before sourcing an ebuild. There's no way to 
avoid that for various reasons, all 100% valid.

"sourcing" != "reading the first line/n first lines/first block and grepping".

IO-wise, it's the same, as most ebuilds fit inside a kernel memory page 
(ie, 4KB on most arches). So with a cold cache, the time required to 
actually run bash to source the ebuild won't matter much.

But we're getting lost on this thread, let's let it cool off for a 
little while :)


gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 19:06, Patrick Lauer wrote:

On Tuesday 10 June 2008 16:54:49 Richard Brown wrote:
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 17:39, Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3  

managers have implemented.

I'm not sure that's a good idea, only two have implemented EAPI 1  
so far.

Yes, but noone cares about Paludis.

Ah, Paludis does support EAPI-1 just fine. Thank you.

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Fernando J. Pereda

On 10 Jun 2008, at 18:39, Doug Goldstein wrote:

Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Patrick Lauer

So EAPI 2 is not "everything shiny", but a small iterative  
improvement to


Suggest features then and let's discuss!

For reference of existing ideas -- https://bugs.gentoo.org/174380  
-- a

tracker for EAPI feature requests.

I personally like https://bugs.gentoo.org/197859 the most -- split  

src_configure from src_compile which will allow sane resuming of
compiles :)

At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3  
package managers have implemented.

I'm not sure this intersection isn't empty :/

We might, however, only discuss features that all 3 package managers  
can implement easily.

- ferdy

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Nirbheek Chauhan
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 11:04 PM, Fernando J. Pereda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10 Jun 2008, at 18:39, Doug Goldstein wrote:
>> At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 package
>> managers have implemented.
> I'm not sure this intersection isn't empty :/

How about we define this as EAPI=0? =)

Jokes aside, I agree with you. Features that all three package
managers have already implemented (release or beta) are quite
uninteresting. However, this will make for a more sane discussion, and
will _actually_ result in an EAPI=2 getting approved, say, in the next
Council meeting.

I say this is better than a feature-complete EAPI=2 that stays on hold
for a year because we can't collectively decide on it, results in
PM-specific overlays, loud bitching about how nothing ever gets done,
and results in overall wastage of energy.

> We might, however, only discuss features that all 3 package managers can
> implement easily.

I say this should be done in the context of EAPI=3 once we all agree
on what EAPI=2 should contain (let's take it slow ;)

If we start discussing EAPI=3 *now*, we _might_ get it out 6 months later[1] ;p

1. Sorry, that's how open source usually works :)
~Nirbheek Chauhan
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 - The Long Thread

2008-06-10 Thread Doug Goldstein

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:51:39 -0400
Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I urge you all to sit down and hammer out real use case situations 
instead of the idealistic "foo/bar/baz" concepts.

The use cases are stated rather clearly in the GLEP, which you clearly
didn't bother to read...


Concrete use cases instead of idealistic ones...
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Doug Goldstein

Fernando J. Pereda wrote:

On 10 Jun 2008, at 18:39, Doug Goldstein wrote:

Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Patrick Lauer

So EAPI 2 is not "everything shiny", but a small iterative 
improvement to


Suggest features then and let's discuss!

For reference of existing ideas -- https://bugs.gentoo.org/174380 -- a
tracker for EAPI feature requests.

I personally like https://bugs.gentoo.org/197859 the most -- split out
src_configure from src_compile which will allow sane resuming of
compiles :)

At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 
package managers have implemented.

I'm not sure this intersection isn't empty :/

We might, however, only discuss features that all 3 package managers 
can implement easily.

- ferdy

That's more of what I meant.
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Nominations for council

2008-06-10 Thread Alexis Ballier
On Thu, 5 Jun 2008 22:41:40 +0300
Samuli Suominen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tue, 3 Jun 2008 05:52:35 +
> Ferris McCormick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > 
> > I think nominations are open.  I nominate
> Then I'd like to nominate (mostly same ones again)
> aballier

Thanks, but I decline. Considering all the nominee, I think there are
enough people probably more able than I am to run a council. My habit
of not getting involved in endless discussions would have probably not
helped to get elected anyway ;) Moreover, with all the recent
threads here, I don't think I want to be in the group that will have to
take the decisions.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Federico Ferri

Joe Peterson ha scritto:

It was mentioned that "comments are to be ignored", but you point out a
perfect and very fundamental example of where this is not true:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

Putting another line close to this one with:




if you like (conforms more to the shell script specifier), is not too
muchh of a stretch.

The so-called shebang; very good in my opinion!

Works very well for true shell scripts. why it can't work for ebuilds?

First, I think of two alternatives:

1) the interpreter is the EAPI (with /usr/bin/ebuild being EAPI=0)
this will be the first line of a EAPI=0 ebuild:


this will be a EAPI=paludis ebuild:


apparently it's the same mechanism the shell uses to execute a shell 
script, except for the fact that:

*  ebuild is not an executable file
*  an external program is used to determine the EAPI (i.e.: extract the 

2) fixed interpreter name, use arguments for switching EAPIs

this is another option, wich carries itself a GREAT power of leaving an 
open door when in the future will happen something similar to what we 
have now, where switching the EAPI (or replace EAPI with something else) 
is critical and breaks compatibility.

example - EAPI=0:
another eapi:
   #!/usr/bin/ebuild -eapi paludis

This allows virtually unlimited cases similar to this; for example when 
switching to , another switch will 
be used:

   #!/usr/bin/ebuild -eapi foo -fluffy bar

Advantages of both solutions:
* easy to parse
* doesn't break compatibility

What it does not address:
* doesn't break compatibility

In fact, it should break compatibility.
again I can think of two solutions:
1) change the ebuild extension to a different value, once and 
(hopefully) forever, e.g. from .ebuild to .xbuild, and leave the minimal 
set of .ebuild-s for the upgrade path
2) use two repositories: the legacy one, needed for the upgrade path, 
and the shyny-new-repository with the new ebuilds format

best regards,
Federico Ferri


Version: 3.12
GCS d-(--) a- C++$ UL+++$ L+++$ E--- W++@ w--@
PE PGP+ R- tv-- DI++>+++ D++ h+

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Freedesktop utils in ebuild

2008-06-10 Thread René 'Necoro' Neumann
Hash: SHA1

René 'Necoro' Neumann schrieb:
> Hi list,
> I'm currently trying to update an ebuild (x11-misc/zim) to a new version.
> The old one uses a patch to disable running "update-desktop-database" and
> instead using the fdo-mime_desktop_database_update function.
> Now - the new ebuild also wants to call:
> - update-mime-database --> disable and use fdo-mime_mime_database_update ?
> - xdg-icon-resource install --> let it run? - or disable it (and replace it
> by what)?
> Would be glad, if someone could clarify the use here :)
> - Necoro

Ping? - Anyone?

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-user] dspam useflags improvement (was "tuning ./configure parameters via emerge")

2008-06-10 Thread Nicolas Sebrecht
Enrico Weigelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> which package and which options are you exactly going to change ?
> IMHO, it's wise to improve the ebuild and perhaps add some useflag.

I agree. It seems that current useflags doesn't permit enough tuning.
Today, I need to use $EXTRA_ECONF with some packages.

For example, emerge dspam package to make it run with qmail doesn't
work. Here is what the dspam manual says:



If you are only configuring dspam for a small percentage of your users,
this is the best method. Configure dspam to use a standalone local
delivery agent like safecat (if you already use procmail or maildrop as
an LDA, you should call dspam from those tools directly). 

First, create a small script called maildir_mod in /usr/local/bin...

  if [[ "$2" = "-d" ]]; then
  user=`eval echo $3 | cut -f 1 -d "@"`
  domain=`eval echo $3 | cut -f 2 -d "@"`
  cd $VPOPDOMAINS/"$domain"/"$user"
  /usr/local/bin/safecat "$1"/tmp "$1"/new 1>/dev/null

  NOTE: Be sure to configure VPOPDOMAINS to point to the path for your
virtual domain directories

Now configure DSPAM:

./configure \
  --with-dspam-owner=vpopmail \
  --with-dspam-group=vchkpw \
  --with-delivery-agent="/usr/local/bin/maildir_mod Maildir -d %u" \
  # Your arguments

Next, create a .qmail file in the directory for the user with a line to
call dspam, like this:

 | /usr/local/bin/dspam --deliver=innocent --user [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The two environment variables $EXT and $USER are created by the
qmail-local program which begins the local delivery process.


Here is the ebuild content: 


econf --with-storage-driver=${STORAGE} \
--with-dspam-home="${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}" \
--sysconfdir="${DSPAM_CONFDIR}" \
$(use_enable daemon) \
$(use_enable ldap) \
$(use_enable clamav) \
$(use_enable large-domain large-scale) \
$(use_enable !large-domain domain-scale) \
$(use_enable syslog) \
$(use_enable debug) \
$(use_enable debug bnr-debug) \
$(use_enable debug verbose-debug) \
--enable-long-usernames \
--with-dspam-group=dspam \
--with-dspam-home-group=dspam \
--with-dspam-mode=${DSPAM_MODE} \
--with-logdir="${DSPAM_LOGDIR}" \
${myconf} || die "econf failed"


I run ('\' end-line char added in this mail only):
prompt> EXTRA_ECONF="--with-dspam-owner=vpopmail \
--with-dspam-group=vchkpw \
--with-delivery-agent=\"/usr/local/bin/maildir_mod Maildir \-d %u\"" \
emerge -v dspam

The compilation failed. I think I will make a bug report...

Nevertheless, I guess dspam and qmail integration can be done on
various ways and dspam can work with a lot of other MTA (you can see
In this context, maintain this package (dspam) with useflags fair
system only would be a lot of work.
Having EXTRA_ECONF is enough (but should be probably more documented). 
If dspam default ebuild could just compile with extra-parameters, it 
would be great.

I hope I didn't missed something.

X-post + Fu2

Nicolas Sebrecht

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Bo Ørsted Andresen
On Tuesday 10 June 2008 18:26:55 Doug Goldstein wrote:
> Let's try to aim to do an EAPI=2 sometime soonish since Portage now has
> USE flag depends in version 2.2 which is looming on the horizon. It'd be
> nice to hit the ground running with supporting these. I know it'll be
> trivial for the Paludis and pkgcore guys to make this work since they
> already support USE flag depends.

I would like the portage devs to comment upon which of the following features 
they think could easily be implemented before portage 2.2 goes stable. 
There's still some time since it hasn't left package.mask yet, so I'd rather 
they exclude the features that will take too long to implement than anybody 
else doing that...

Already implemented:
- Use dependencies, it's not clear to me whether we all agree entirely upon
  the syntax yet though (bugs #2272 and #174406)

Things I believe should be trivial to implement:
- Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)
- Guarantee trailing slashes (bug #174408)
- Limit values in $USE (bug #176467)
- doins support for symlinks (bug #179932)
- Enable FEATURES=test by default (bug #184812)
- GLEP 42 - news items

Bigger features I'm interested in:
- Making do* die on failure by default (without changing their behaviour for
  previous eapis). Possibly adding either nonfatal or try_do* for cases where 
  this isn't desired. (bug #138792)
- More phases
  - src_prepare, for applying patches and running autotools etc.
  - src_configure, for running configure scripts (bug #197859)
  - pkg_pretend (bug #177860 - could also be used to fix bug #75936)
  - maint_*, it's not clear to me if this has been fleshed out in sufficient
detail yet (bug #185567)
- default_*, allows an ebuild to redefine phases to add more functionality and
  then call default_$phase. Currently the default phases are lost when
  redefining the phases.
- default for src_install (bug #33544)
- Ranged dependencies (bug #4315)

Of course I'd like GLEPs 54 and 55 too but since the council still hasn't made 
a decision about them I'll leave them out..

Bo Andresen
Gentoo KDE Dev

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Santiago M. Mola
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Federico Ferri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The so-called shebang; very good in my opinion!
> Works very well for true shell scripts. why it can't work for ebuilds?

This option was already discussed when GLEP 55 was proposed, and in my
opinion it's totally discarded. The concept of shebang doesn't apply
here at all. Plus /usr/bin/ebuild is a binary provided by portage
which has nothing to do with the process of sourcing ebuilds nor even
with the internals of portage (not to speak of other package

Santiago M. Mola
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Mike Kelly

Mike Auty wrote:

The speed issues aren't really a concern, since the GLEP suggests that
the ebuild must be sourced anyway.  The GLEP allows for a .ebuild-2 file
to contain EAPI="1". 

Wrong. From the GLEP: "note that one should *never* explicitly set both 
EAPIs to different values."

Basically, you don't set the post-source EAPI. It is only supposed to be 
used when the pre-source EAPI cannot be determined. This is entirely for 
backwards compatability with EAPI={0,1}. Once people start using 
suffixed EAPIs, EAPI should not (probably "must not") be set in the 
ebuild. Sure, because of how the algorithm works, people could 
potentially do both, but the GLEP makes it pretty clear that they shouldn't.

Mike Kelly
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Freeman

Santiago M. Mola wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Federico Ferri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The so-called shebang; very good in my opinion!

Works very well for true shell scripts. why it can't work for ebuilds?

This option was already discussed when GLEP 55 was proposed, and in my
opinion it's totally discarded. The concept of shebang doesn't apply
here at all. Plus /usr/bin/ebuild is a binary provided by portage
which has nothing to do with the process of sourcing ebuilds nor even
with the internals of portage (not to speak of other package

I had thought of this option as well - I agree that it has a lot of
issues.  I agree that ebuild wouldn't be the right tool, but in the
right framework I could see how something like this might work.

Here is how a portage tree might be handled by a future package manager
that uses shebangs to implement any number of EAPIs that have almost no
restrictions on file contents other than the shebang:

When new "ebuilds" are synced into the repository, they are executed.
If the interpreter doesn't exist, then it is an unsupported EAPI and the
failure is silently ignored (or logged or whatever).  If the interpreter
does exist it will interpret the file properly - perhaps using a EAPI
command-line option from the shebang line or whatever is appropriate for
that EAPI which the interpreter obviously understands.  If the
interpreter determines that the file uses an EAPI it doesn't know, it
aborts execution and skips the package.  That makes the scheme always
backwards compatible (well, at least until the switch to this approach -
current package managers wouldn't be compatible).

When the new ebuild is executed, it will call appropriate functions to
register itself into the local repository.  That registration might
include callbacks of some kind or whatever - the whole way the ebuild
works could vary by EAPI - since the interpreter used by the EAPI could
change.  The only restriction for compatibility is a standard shebang

Each ebuild would only be executed upon a change when it is synced, so
the overhead isn't huge.  At that point all the data is stored in a
local cache and the ebuilds themselves don't get touched until they are
installed.  Installation will work in an EAPI-dependent way - perhaps by
executing the ebuild with a particular parameter or environment setting
or whatever.  The package manager will know since it has already been
established that this is a supported EAPI by the fact that the ebuild
got processed when it was synced in.

This kind of system also makes it easy to support some scenarios that
are currently hard:

1.  Download a random ebuild off the internet and want to add it to your
repository?  Rather than having to put it in a local portage tree you
could just execute it from anywhere and it would register itself in its
present location - and act like any other package in the tree.

2.  No need for utilities like ebuild to manipulate the install process
- instead just execute the ebuild with the appropriate parameters or
whatever to get it to do the install process.

On the other hand, this is a big change from the present, and I'm not 
convinced that it will actually be a big improvement over some of the 
other EAPI ideas being floated around.  However, it is a 
potentially-neat idea...

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Marius Mauch
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:11:32 +0200
Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 10 June 2008 18:26:55 Doug Goldstein wrote:
> > Let's try to aim to do an EAPI=2 sometime soonish since Portage now
> > has USE flag depends in version 2.2 which is looming on the
> > horizon. It'd be nice to hit the ground running with supporting
> > these. I know it'll be trivial for the Paludis and pkgcore guys to
> > make this work since they already support USE flag depends.
> I would like the portage devs to comment upon which of the following
> features they think could easily be implemented before portage 2.2
> goes stable. There's still some time since it hasn't left
> package.mask yet, so I'd rather they exclude the features that will
> take too long to implement than anybody else doing that...

Well, actually I would rather not add any new features between pre8 and
rc1 to not further delay 2.2. And generally I'm also not in favor of
adding new features during the rc phase as it's there to eliminate
remaining bugs and for refinement of existing features, not to add new

> Already implemented:
> - Use dependencies, it's not clear to me whether we all agree
> entirely upon the syntax yet though (bugs #2272 and #174406)
> Things I believe should be trivial to implement:
> - Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)

This I'd definitely delay as it probably affects a number of things.

> - Guarantee trailing slashes (bug #174408)

Mostly a matter of finding the relevant spots, the actual work to
implement it would be trivial. Could be considered as bugfix.

> - Limit values in $USE (bug #176467)

Also requires little actual work, question is only if this should be
enabled for EAPI=0/1 as well, and how it relates to USE_EXPAND and ARCH.
If it should be done for existing EAPIs as well could be considered as

> - doins support for symlinks (bug #179932)

If someone implements it it can be included (do you want an EAPI bump
for that?)

> - Enable FEATURES=test by default (bug #184812)

Only if >99% of the stable and ~arch tree and all potential "system"
packages build with it (IOW: no)

> - GLEP 42 - news items

Already implemented.

> Bigger features I'm interested in:
> - Making do* die on failure by default (without changing their
> behaviour for previous eapis). Possibly adding either nonfatal or
> try_do* for cases where this isn't desired. (bug #138792)
> - More phases
>   - src_prepare, for applying patches and running autotools etc.
>   - src_configure, for running configure scripts (bug #197859)
>   - pkg_pretend (bug #177860 - could also be used to fix bug #75936)
>   - maint_*, it's not clear to me if this has been fleshed out in
> sufficient detail yet (bug #185567)

Unlikely for 2.2.

> - default_*, allows an ebuild to redefine phases to add more
> functionality and then call default_$phase. Currently the default
> phases are lost when redefining the phases.

Should be trivial to implement off-hand (just converting the existing
defaults to wrappers)

> - default for src_install (bug #33544)

Should also not be terribly difficult, though I'd rather wait until
after 2.2 final.

> - Ranged dependencies (bug #4315)

Unlikely for 2.2.

> Of course I'd like GLEPs 54 and 55 too but since the council still
> hasn't made a decision about them I'll leave them out..

Well, I already said everything about those during the first discussion
round and the relevant council meeting.


Public Key at http://www.genone.de/info/gpg-key.pub

In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be
Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a bit better.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Joe Peterson
Richard Freeman wrote:
> On the other hand, this is a big change from the present, and I'm not 
> convinced that it will actually be a big improvement over some of the 
> other EAPI ideas being floated around.  However, it is a 
> potentially-neat idea...

Rich, interesting thoughts!  But yeah, I agree that for now that is a lot.

My idea for the "#!" thing was much smaller-scale and is a way to add simple
syntax to allow declaration of the EAPI in the file with no sourcing and no
filename extension mangling (plus, no pre-source/post-source issues):

Just have one "shebang-like" line in the header before any real bash code
("#!EAPI=3", "#EAPI=3", or whatever is agreed-upon).  This is out-of-band meta
info, so it's OK that it's in a "comment".  It's ignored by bash, but it can be
read trivially without sourcing.  To accelerate things for the tree (I've seen
others mention this idea too), store the EAPI in the portage cache when it is

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Thomas de Grenier de Latour
On 2008/06/10, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Currently we don't touch the ebuild's content *at all* for metadata
> operations, except where there's no or stale metadata cache (which is
> rare). We can get away with this currently because 0 and 1 have
> identical cache layouts and PMS has some (necessary) weasel wording;
> future EAPIs likely won't, so we're back to the chicken / egg problem.
> So... We either have the EAPI from the extension (which we already
> have, since we have to read the dir to know what versions are
> available), in which case we know how to read the metadata cache file.
> Or we have to open up a file that would otherwise not be opened, just
> to parse one line so we know how to read the cache file.

Or you apply to future EAPI's cache formats one of the solutions that
have been proposed for the ebuild side of the very same "chicken / egg
problem": for instance, you could use $EAPI as cache filename extension. 

And that's it, you can get EAPI from the cache, hence no more extra
reading of ebuild files, and no more perfs issues.

It sounds so simple, am I missing something obvious?

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Bo Ørsted Andresen
On Wednesday 11 June 2008 01:03:47 Marius Mauch wrote:
> > I would like the portage devs to comment upon which of the following
> > features they think could easily be implemented before portage 2.2
> > goes stable. There's still some time since it hasn't left
> > package.mask yet, so I'd rather they exclude the features that will
> > take too long to implement than anybody else doing that...
> Well, actually I would rather not add any new features between pre8 and
> rc1 to not further delay 2.2. And generally I'm also not in favor of
> adding new features during the rc phase as it's there to eliminate
> remaining bugs and for refinement of existing features, not to add new
> unknowns.


> > Things I believe should be trivial to implement:
> > - Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)
> This I'd definitely delay as it probably affects a number of things.

Such as?

> > - Limit values in $USE (bug #176467)
> Also requires little actual work, question is only if this should be
> enabled for EAPI=0/1 as well, and how it relates to USE_EXPAND and ARCH.
> If it should be done for existing EAPIs as well could be considered as
> bugfix.
> > - doins support for symlinks (bug #179932)
> If someone implements it it can be included (do you want an EAPI bump
> for that?)

Listed those here because they block the EAPI tracker bug.

> > - Enable FEATURES=test by default (bug #184812)
> Only if >99% of the stable and ~arch tree and all potential "system"
> packages build with it (IOW: no)

Err.. Maybe this could have been phrased better but then I did expect you 
would look at the bug before commenting. The idea is to enable tests by 
default in EAPI 2 and beyond and let them stay off by default in EAPI 0 and 
1. This way devs who want to use EAPI 2 will either have to fix their tests 
or RESTRICT them. Doing it this way avoids the issue of having to fix the 
whole tree all at once. Users can still choose not to go with the default.

> > - GLEP 42 - news items
> Already implemented.

And not really an EAPI issue. Hence I shouldn't have mentioned it here. ;)

> > - default_*, allows an ebuild to redefine phases to add more
> > functionality and then call default_$phase. Currently the default
> > phases are lost when redefining the phases.
> Should be trivial to implement off-hand (just converting the existing
> defaults to wrappers)

So that's a candidate for EAPI 2.

> > - default for src_install (bug #33544)
> Should also not be terribly difficult, though I'd rather wait until
> after 2.2 final.

Bo Andresen
Gentoo KDE Dev

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Brian Harring
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 05:54:49PM +0100, Richard Brown wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 17:39, Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At this point, we should really only discuss features that all 3 package
> > managers have implemented.
> I'm not sure that's a good idea, only two have implemented EAPI 1 so far.

3 have.  If you're aware of a pkgcore issue, then kindly file a bug 
rather then going for mocking on -dev.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: A few questions to our nominees

2008-06-10 Thread Duncan
"=?UTF-8?Q?Piotr_Jaroszy=C5=84ski?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
below, on  Mon, 09 Jun 2008 22:13:20 +0200:

> What's the point of sourcing an ebuild that cannot be used anyway?

As currently seen in portage at least... a PM can be aware of and source 
an EAPI it can't use, but with the sourcing, can at least print a message 
to the effect "You must have a PM that supports EAPI-X in ordered to 
merge this package."

If the ebuild can't be sourced, then ignoring it altogether is the safest 
alternative -- and what portage would do with anything other 
than .ebuild.  It can't print a message giving the EAPI that must be 
supported, because it can't get that info, it being in the content that 
can't be sourced.

With major-suffix minor-source, once the major-suffix rules were laid 
out, it would be possible to print support messages for minor (within the 
same major), as we do now, and provided the suffix rules were specific 
enough, for cross-major (only) as well, but not cross-major minor.

IOW, the PM could print EAPI minor-1 (major being zero) messages as 
portage does now, and be made to print major-1 messages, but since it 
couldn't source, it couldn't get to the detail of major-1.minor-x, except 
after upgrade to a version that handled major-1, after which minor-x 
would either be supported or a new message could be printed prompting 
further upgrade/sidegrade/downgrade within the major support, to support 
the correct minor, as the case may be.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Marius Mauch
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:42:34 +0200
Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Things I believe should be trivial to implement:
> > > - Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)
> >
> > This I'd definitely delay as it probably affects a number of things.
> Such as?

Anything that uses SRC_URI.

> > > - Enable FEATURES=test by default (bug #184812)
> >
> > Only if >99% of the stable and ~arch tree and all potential "system"
> > packages build with it (IOW: no)
> Err.. Maybe this could have been phrased better but then I did expect
> you would look at the bug before commenting. The idea is to enable
> tests by default in EAPI 2 and beyond and let them stay off by
> default in EAPI 0 and 1. This way devs who want to use EAPI 2 will
> either have to fix their tests or RESTRICT them. Doing it this way
> avoids the issue of having to fix the whole tree all at once. Users
> can still choose not to go with the default.

Which means it's no longer controlled by a single FEATURES flag,
FEATURES=test means always on, while FEATURES=-test (or missing) means
always off.
Means it's not a simple switch anymore, therefore unlikely for 2.2.


Public Key at http://www.genone.de/info/gpg-key.pub

In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be
Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a bit better.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] EAPI-2 - Let's get it started

2008-06-10 Thread Brian Harring
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 01:42:34AM +0200, Bo ??rsted Andresen wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 June 2008 01:03:47 Marius Mauch wrote:
> > > Things I believe should be trivial to implement:
> > > - Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)
> >
> > This I'd definitely delay as it probably affects a number of things.
> Such as?

mirror-dist, aka the GENTOO_MIRROR infrastructure.

> > > - Limit values in $USE (bug #176467)
> >
> > Also requires little actual work, question is only if this should be
> > enabled for EAPI=0/1 as well, and how it relates to USE_EXPAND and ARCH.

eapi2 only imo, further, seems daft to limit $USE namespace while 
forcing all USE_EXPAND targets in.

Basically, IUSE should be extended to mark/state what USE_EXPAND 
namespaces it cares about- for ARCH (and friends), I'd expect they're 
pushed in regardless of IUSE.

> > > - Enable FEATURES=test by default (bug #184812)
> >
> > Only if >99% of the stable and ~arch tree and all potential "system"
> > packages build with it (IOW: no)
> Err.. Maybe this could have been phrased better but then I did expect you 
> would look at the bug before commenting. The idea is to enable tests by 
> default in EAPI 2 and beyond and let them stay off by default in EAPI 0 and 
> 1. This way devs who want to use EAPI 2 will either have to fix their tests 
> or RESTRICT them. Doing it this way avoids the issue of having to fix the 
> whole tree all at once. Users can still choose not to go with the default.

This shouldn't be forced through by PM's, this should be forced 
through by communal dev agreement; I'd suggest getting that before 
trying to slide it into an eapi.

I'd prefer tests on, but I'm not convinced eapi level is the right 
area- realistically, that seems repo specifics (due to repo quality 
varying).  Either way, discussion is needed- I really doubt devs are 
going to be happy (let alone users if devs aren't careful) if they 
suddenly are forced to cleanup upstreams tests now, rather then as 
time permits.

> > > - default_*, allows an ebuild to redefine phases to add more
> > > functionality and then call default_$phase. Currently the default
> > > phases are lost when redefining the phases.
> >
> > Should be trivial to implement off-hand (just converting the existing
> > defaults to wrappers)
> So that's a candidate for EAPI 2.

base_* please, rather then default; precedent is already there via 
base.eclass.  Not a hard req however, just a suggestion.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Duncan
Bernd Steinhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Tue, 10 Jun
2008 05:46:47 +0200:

> No, not really. If you have .txt, .txt-2, .text or .footext in a dir,
> you would still realize, that those should be text files.

The first three, yes, by long tradition, footext, not necessarily, as 
it's too ambiguous.  Just like the penisland dot com domain, which is 
read as pen-island and sells pens, BTW (at least last time I looked, 
after it came up as an example in a discussion similar to this), is that 
foo-text or foot-ext (the way I would read it by default) or foote-XT 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] extending existing EAPI semantics

2008-06-10 Thread Brian Harring
Bit curious what folks opinions are re: conversion of eapi 
requirements into a function, instead of a var.  Essentially, 

#my ebuild.
inherit blah



* simple, and was enough to get EAPI off the ground w/out massive 
fighting (at least not WW3 level fighting)
* works fine for metadata key level changes, function changes, etc.  
I'm aware folks have stated "if DEPENDS changes, it won't be able to 
handle it"- they're frankly wrong, they're confusing that post 
sourcing EAPI is checked, *then* if EAPI is supported the metadata is 
handled, else the manager is signaled that an unknown eapi was 
encountered (essentially).  Continuing...

* EAPI var must be set effectively before any invocations occur.
* global scope invocations (inherit) must be eapi aware;
* future additions to global scope invocations (say elib) will result 
in an error spat by bash ("elib wasn't found").
* bash specific (which personally is fine to me, an ebuild is bash).
* doesn't address versioning changes.

Converting it into

#my ebuild.
eapi 1
inherit blah



with eapi effectively being

eapi() {
 if [ "$1" == 1 ] || [ "$1" == 0 ];
   return # we know this eapi, can handle it
 die "unsupported eapi $1"

* same benefits as preexisting var approach.
* via conversion to invocation instead of var setting (which is 
untrappable), it's possible to bail the rest of the sourcing, thus 
preventing any error msgs for unknown global invocations (elib fex).
* easy to shoehorn in for any profile.bashrc compliant manager 
(portage/pkgcore); realize paludis is left out here (via it 
intentionally being left out of PMS atm by ciaran), but 
profile.bashrc *is* used by ebuild devs, thus it's a viable course (I 
don't see profile.bashrc ever going away basically).

* must be the first invocation.
* bash specific (again, ebuild is bash, new format can do things 
w/out having to worry about backwards compatibility).
* doesn't address versioning changes.

Basically, the proposal is an minor tweak of existing support- it has 
the benefit of avoiding the filename complaints from folks and 
addressing the usual "global scope invocation will breakzor in later 
versions" complaint from paludis folk.

It doesn't particularly provide for people shoving new versioning 
components in, but frankly that's fine due to the mess having 
versioning rules bound to EAPI would entail.

After comments from folks, although if a responder is going to state 
"filename is better!" skip it please, I already pointed out the diffs 
(meaning bluntly, kindly skip repeating what has already been said).


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:36:01 +0200
Thomas de Grenier de Latour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or you apply to future EAPI's cache formats one of the solutions that
> have been proposed for the ebuild side of the very same "chicken / egg
> problem": for instance, you could use $EAPI as cache filename
> extension. 
> And that's it, you can get EAPI from the cache, hence no more extra
> reading of ebuild files, and no more perfs issues.
> It sounds so simple, am I missing something obvious?

You're missing the cases where the cache isn't usable.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 55

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:14:11 +0200
Olivier Galibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 03:02:28PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Except that currently, the ebuild file isn't opened for read. So
> > it's not in memory at all.
> Why would you need the EAPI before the time when you actually want to
> interpret the contents?   

You need the EAPI before you use the metadata. But you don't need the
ebuild to get the metadata in the common case.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 55 - The Long Thread

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:43:55 -0400
Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The use cases are stated rather clearly in the GLEP, which you
> > clearly didn't bother to read...
> >   
> Concrete use cases instead of idealistic ones...

What, new global scope functions is insufficiently concrete?

New global scope functions to replace versionator with something on the
package manager side.

New global scope functions to allow per-cat/pkg eclasses.

Take your pick.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] extending existing EAPI semantics

2008-06-10 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:56:23 -0700
Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * easy to shoehorn in for any profile.bashrc compliant manager 
> (portage/pkgcore); realize paludis is left out here (via it 
> intentionally being left out of PMS atm by ciaran), but 
> profile.bashrc *is* used by ebuild devs, thus it's a viable course (I 
> don't see profile.bashrc ever going away basically).

If profile.bashrc is to be kept, it means massively reducing what can
be done in there.

> * doesn't address versioning changes.

Or indeed any change where the ebuild can't be visible to older package
managers without breaking them.

So basically it's not a solution at all.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

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