Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
> On 10 Jun 2008, at 15:33, Joe Peterson wrote:
>> Luca Barbato wrote:
>>> Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string
>>> matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask  
>>> it...
>> And placing it out-of-band (like "# EAPI=...") avoids any sourcing
>> errors, makes parsing faster, etc.
> No, it doesn't make parsing faster. Had you bothered to profile any  
> package manager you'd know that.

No, I have not profiled PMs to try this, but you are saying that reading
the first few lines of a file is not faster than sourcing the whole
thing with bash?  Remember that it could abort the minute it sees a non
'#' or blank line, which would be after the first few.

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