Tiziano Müller wrote:
Joe Peterson wrote:

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
And a file extension is far less obscurely complex than enforcing
arbitrary syntax restrictions upon ebuilds.
I disagree.  One is exposed to devs only as ebuild syntax; the other is
exposed in an inappropriate location to everyone looking at the portage

No it can't. EAPI has to be known before the source can start. Bash
doesn't provide traps for executing code upon changed variables.
Doing it out-of-band solve this.

No, it's only needed once per non-trivial change. So we might as well
just change it for every EAPI.
Huh?  If the "new" portage knows how to determine the EAPI definitively
(and that would be defined), it can deal with the differences.

And then how do we deal with EAPI 3, where the syntax changes again?
Portage (or whatever PM) reads the EAPI, determines it is 3, and goes
from there.  If you change the way you declare EAPI each time, yeah,
that's a problem, but I'm not sure why that would ne necessary.
No, that is not the problem.

In EAPI 42 we define that the package manager must provide a global function
extract_depend_from_setup_py() such that it is callable at a global level
in an ebuild like this

*snip start*

# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $


DESCRIPTION="A library aiming to support agile and test-driven python
development on various levels."
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"


*snip end*

Now, a package manager (or a tool) not knowing EAPI 42 will fail when it
tries to source the above ebuild to determine the EAPI version (as it is
being currently done as far as I understood it) because
extract_depend_from_setup_py is undefined.
So it won't even be able to read out the EAPI.

With the EAPI in the filename tools now knowing EAPI-42 will either ignore
the above foo-1.0.ebuild-42 or mask it because they may identify the
EAPI-version without sourcing the ebuild.

Check if exists a line EAPI=*$, if does and the rest of the string matches an understood eapi, go on sourcing, otherwise ignore/mask it...



Luca Barbato
Gentoo Council Member
Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

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