[Freesurfer] Possible to constrain FDR to a label in the volume?

2008-12-01 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I've created a basal ganglia label and am wondering if it's possible to
constrain the FDR calculation to that label? Based on earlier messages it
seems like tksurfer has a "marked label only" option for FDR, but I haven't
been able to find something similar in tkmedit. Any help greatly




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889


Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Possible to constrain FDR to a label in the volume?

2008-12-02 Thread Dan Dillon
Hi Doug. Yup, the FDR button is working for me in tkmedit. I see the mask to
brain, but as you can probably guess I'm interested in masking to the basal




From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:04 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Possible to constrain FDR to a label in the


Yea, there's not a mask to label. There is a mask to brain, but I'm not sure
if you can substitute your own mask for it. I just tried to run it, and
could not get FDR to work at all in tkmedit. Is it working for you at all?


Dan Dillon wrote: 

Dear FreeSurfers,


I've created a basal ganglia label and am wondering if it's possible to
constrain the FDR calculation to that label? Based on earlier messages it
seems like tksurfer has a "marked label only" option for FDR, but I haven't
been able to find something similar in tkmedit. Any help greatly




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889




Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422
In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Command works in optseq, not optseq2

2009-03-31 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I'm having a little trouble getting something that works in optseq to work
in optseq2. Here's what' is going on . . . when I run this command, things
work fine and I get 6 nice sequences:


optseq -ntp 170 -TR 3 -npercond 4 4 4 4 4 4 -tpercond 17 17 17 17 17 17
-label NgReal NgLook NgPhoto NuReal NuLook NuPhoto -nsessions 6 -nruns 1
-timewindow 20 -prestim 4 -nsearch 50 -o OptseqTEST


However, when I run this command (i.e., my best translation of the previous
command into optseq2), I get an error saying that all my schedules are
ill-conditioned and I need more scan time or fewer repetitions:


optseq2 --ntp 170 --tr 3 --psdwin 0 20 1 --ev NgReal 17 4 --ev NgLook 17 4
--ev NgPhoto 17 4 --ev NuReal 17 4 --ev NuLook 17 4 --ev NuPhoto 17 4
--nsearch 100 --nkeep 6 --o Optseq2TEST


Is this a substantive difference between optseq and optseq2 or did I make a
mistake with my optseq2 command? Also, I'm assuming there is a reason why I
should use optseq2 rather than optseq, but I don't know what it is. Can
someone clue me in?




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889

E-mail:  <mailto:dil...@wjh.harvard.edu> dil...@wjh.harvard.edu

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Incorporating T2 and T1 images in recon-all

2010-05-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I have 2 identical structural scans for my subjects: one is T1-weighted and
the other is T2-weighted. Is it possible to pass both scans to recon-all?
The T1-scans are rapidly acquired MEMPRAGEs, and recon-all seems to be
having some difficulty distinguishing cortex from dura around the sagittal
sinus. I thought adding the T2-weighted scan into the mix might improve
things a bit. Can this be done, and if so, how?




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889

E-mail:  <mailto:dil...@wjh.harvard.edu> dil...@wjh.harvard.edu


Freesurfer mailing list

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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[Freesurfer] Slice Time Correction Error

2006-10-27 Thread Dan Dillon



Hi all, 

We are trying to implement a slice-time correction ('stc-sess -i fmc -o
fmcstc -so siemens -s FPPREW01 -d .') but we get the following error... 

 INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to -1 /net/tucson/Raid/shared/exp/REfMRI/fMRI_FPPREW/functional

slicetimer -i
-o /net/tucson/Raid/shart slicetimer:
/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5: version `GLIBCPP_3.2.2' not found (required by slicetimer)

 Is there a simple way to address this issue? Thanks, Dan Dillon  


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Problem with T1 intensities

2007-02-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,

I have a subject whose T1.mgz white matter values are consistently around
160, instead of 110. I figure I will have to tweak mri_normalize and
re-run autorecon1 to fix this--am I right? If so, any tips regarding what
flags and arguments will help address this problem?


Dan Dillon

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Register.dat for mri_volcluster

2007-02-26 Thread Dan Dillon


I am using mri_volcluster on the output of a fixed-effects analysis, but am
getting an error regarding my register.dat file. The register.dat file I'm
directing mri_volcluster to is in the group's tal-ffx directory and lists
subject "talairach". mri_volcluster is thus looking for subject "talairach"
in my SUBJECTS_DIR. The problem is there's no such subject in SUBJECTS_DIR.
Here's the message-ERROR: cannot find subject talairach in


How do I fix this? Is a Talairach subject supposed to be put in SUBJECTS_DIR
when I run func2tal-sess, or is this a part of a library I should have
somewhere? Or do I create this file?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Dan Dillon 


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Question about trials w/subject errors

2007-02-26 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


We are running a paradigm that occasionally elicits erroneous responses from
subjects. In our mkanalysis step, we have 13 conditions-10 are legit, and
codes 11, 12, 13 correspond to various kinds of errors. Thus, we only use
the first 10 codes in mkcontrast, etc. However, occasionally we have a
subject who makes no errors. How should we account for this? Is it okay to
just change the # of conditions in the mkanalysis .info file (from 13 to 10)
and then run selxavg on these folks? Can we then average their data in with
people who have all 13 conditions?




Dan Dillon 


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Output of mri_volcluster

2007-02-27 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I'm trying to replicate some functional analyses that were originally done
in SPM2, and am using mri_volcluster. Here's my command: mri_volcluster --in
Old8/bold/taumax30_2_21/tal-ffx/RSF_v_NIF/sig --in_type bfloat --reg
Old8/bold/taumax30_2_21/tal-ffx/register.dat --thmin 3 --minsizevox 8.


I've noticed that the size (in voxels) and number of clusters changes if I
play with the -sign flag. I am confused by this. 


Here's the output not using the -sign flag:


Cluster   Size(n)   Size(mm^3) TalX   TalYTalZ  Max

  1  28   1792.0 -19.80  -96.708.53   5.28907

  2   8512.0  39.60   26.79   -8.07   4.15380

  3   9576.0  99.00   16.69  -54.67   4.09661

  4  10640.0  87.12   63.11   18.95  -3.82155

  5  13832.0  67.32  -42.445.81   3.79067

  6  11704.0 -39.60  -16.43   59.78  -3.62503

  7  11704.0 -87.12  -75.98  -43.30  -3.59305

  8  73   4672.0  43.56  -22.33   19.54  -3.43893

  9  18   1152.0  43.56  -44.81  -41.49  -3.16065

 10   8512.0 -51.48  -32.30   53.20  -3.09981

 11  15960.0 -63.36  -20.49   56.30  -3.00613

 12  48   3072.0 -71.28   -7.20   11.41  -3.00547


And here's the output with sign set to positive:


Cluster   Size(n)   Size(mm^3) TalX   TalYTalZ  Max

  1  35   2240.0 -19.80  -96.708.53   5.28907

  2  21   1344.0  39.60   26.79   -8.07   4.15380

  3  13832.0  99.00   16.69  -54.67   4.09661

  4  10640.0 -71.28   33.20  -35.31   3.91335

  5  21   1344.0  67.32  -42.445.81   3.79067

  6   9576.0  35.64  -88.58   15.49   3.63267


Why does the size of the first cluster change? Also, where is cluster 4 from
the second output in the first output? Is there some re-calculation going on


Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 496-5222



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Temporal derivative in mkanalysis-sess

2007-05-16 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,

I'd like to add a temporal derivative to my gammafit model and
understand that this can be done using mkanalysis-sess. However, I can't
seem to track down the relevant flag (using -help or the wiki). Can
someone point me in the right direction?


Dan Dillon

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Where to get mri_binarize?

2007-05-18 Thread Dan Dillon
I would like to use mri_binarize but don't seem to have it (running stable
3.0.3). Where can I get it?


Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 496-5222



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Gammafit vs. SPMHRF

2007-05-21 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


What exactly is the difference between the HRF function in gammafit vs.
SPMHRF? Are there reasons to prefer one to the other?




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 496-5222



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Masking group data using mri_volcluster

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I've run some fixed and random effects analyses in Talairach space and would
like to constrain the output of mri_volcluster to areas within the brain
(e.g., not the eyeballs). How do I create a brainmask that is the same
dimensions as the input volume I pass to mri_volcluster? Without a mask, I'm
currently getting stats on extra-brain voxels that I do not want, and I
can't use the Talairach brainmask.mgz file b/c it doesn't match my input


Any help would be appreciated.


Dan Dillon


PS. The command I'm currently running, sans mask, is as follows:


mri_volcluster --in LowTrauma/bold/LowTraumaSPMHRF/tal-ffx/Rcue_v_Ncue/sig
--in_type bfloat --reg LowTrauma/bold/LowTraumaSPMHRF/tal-ffx/register.dat
--thmin 3 --minsizevox 12


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Masking at the individual level

2007-06-04 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


Quick question about masking. I routinely make a brainmask for each subject
and include the mask flag in the mkanalysis (see below), but I note that
when I run contrasts and plot results-either for individual subjects or for
group-level stuff-I get statistical results for voxels outside the brain.
I'd like to mask the extra-brain voxels out at the individual level, so that
they don't get included at any point in my group level analyses. How do I do
this? More generally, does the brainmask serve only a visual/display
function or can I use it to constrain what I'm doing stats on (which is what
I want it to do)?


Thanks for your endless help!


Dan Dillon


PS. This is a a typical mkanalysis step . . . 


mkanalysis-sess.new -analysis ${analysis} -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -TR 2.5
-paradigm mg_3_7.par -designtype event-related -funcstem fmcs

tcsm6 -nconditions 13 -polyfit 2 -taumax 30 -inorm -mask brain -timeoffset
-1.25 -TER .1 -autostimdur -force

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] How to extract beta weights, by condition, for whole-brain regression analysis

2007-08-16 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I have completed individual and group level functional analyses using
FS-FAST, and would like to correlate individual differences in self-report
measures against the betas for several of my 13 conditions (I used -gammafit
in mkanalysis). My questions are: 1) Where are the beta weights located? and
2) How do I extract beta weights for each condition for each participant? I
suspect that the solution involves the h files, but I'm not sure. Note that
I'm trying to do a whole-brain analysis here-I know how to extract betas
from functionally and structurally defined ROIs, but I don't know how to do
this for the whole brain.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Possible to pass 2 identical analyses but with different names to intergroupavg-sess?

2007-09-12 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I have two groups (patients vs. controls) whose data I'd like to compare
using intergroupavg-sess. Here's the problem: I ran identical analyses on
the two groups, but they were named differently (e.g., "control_analysis" vs
"patient_analysis"). Is there a way to run intergroupavg-sess without having
to either re-name or re-run one of these analyses?




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Problem concerning maximum values from mri_volcluster

2007-09-20 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I'm getting odd results from mri_volcluster-the max voxel listed for a given
cluster often does not appear to actually be the max in that cluster. This
most often appears to happen with small clusters and negative significance


Below is an example made with abs threshold = 3 and minsizevox = 12 (note
that I'm plotting the output from mri_volcluster here, not the raw data, so
all the depicted voxels have passed the threshold/cluster requirement). The
cursor is at the max voxel as listed by mri_volcluster (significance value
is -3.31). However, as can be seen in the example, there is a more
extreme/significant value just two voxels over (laterally)-the value there
is -4.03.




Below is a second example from the same analysis. In this case, I have the
cursor on a voxel whose significance value is -5.39. The problem is that
mri_volcluster does not list a max voxel with such a significant value-the
largest (negative) significance value listed is -4.09.



When I first saw things like this I was looking at the raw data, and assumed
I was seeing highly significant voxels that were not part of a large enough
cluster to meet my minimum voxel size requirement. But the plots shown here
were outputted by mri_volcluster using those thresholds (12 voxels, thmin =
3), so that can't be the problem.


Am I doing something incorrect here and/or mis-reading the results of
mri_volcluster? Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated. I have seen a few
cases of this, not just the ones I'm showing here. Again, it seems to come
up most frequently for smaller clusters and with negative significance
values, although that just may be when it's most obvious to me.


Here's the command I used to generate the output for the examples:


mri_volcluster --in
FPP_HiRisk_MC_375/bold/FPP_MCReg_8_23/tal-rfx/Rcue_v_RSF/sig --in_type
bfloat --reg FPP_HiRisk_MC_375/bold/FPP_MCReg_8_23/tal-rfx/register.dat
--thmin 3 --minsizevox 12 --out Test_FPPHiRisk_MC375_Rc_v_RSF --out_type


Thanks in advance.


Dan Dillon

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Harvard University

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Volume of sub-cortical structures

2007-11-01 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


Hopefully a very easy question . . . I want to compare the volume of
subcortical structures in two groups of subjects. All I need to do that is
the volume information contained in aseg.stats, right? Just want to
double-check before I get started.




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Another talairach question . . .

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


In the course of checking my skull-strips I discovered that one of my
subjects does not have a T1.mgz because they did not pass the automatic
Talairach failure detection. I checked the transformation with tkregister2
and -fstal, and it actually looks quite good; the brain is tilted, but the
Talairach brain follows the tilt nicely. Nonetheless, to move things forward
I made a few small edits and saved the registration. I then re-ran
autorecon1 using the -notalairach option (at the end of the command line) in
order to make use of my edits. However, I got the exact same error
back-Talairach transformation ***FAILED***--and consequently there's no


I thought that by specifying -notalairach at the end of the command line
while running autorecon1, I would be bypassing the Talairach detector and
thus would be able to avoid this problem, but I'm obviously wrong. How do I
make use of my edited Talairach and get autorecon1 to continue?


Thanks in advance,


Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Another talairach question . . .

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Dillon
Wonderful, thanks.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick Schmansky
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:19 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: Freesurfer Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Another talairach question . . .


Include the flag:

and this will skip the talairach failure detection stage.


On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 16:57 -0500, Dan Dillon wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfers,
> In the course of checking my skull-strips I discovered that one of my
> subjects does not have a T1.mgz because they did not pass the
> automatic Talairach failure detection. I checked the transformation
> with tkregister2 and -fstal, and it actually looks quite good; the
> brain is tilted, but the Talairach brain follows the tilt nicely.
> Nonetheless, to move things forward I made a few small edits and saved
> the registration. I then re-ran autorecon1 using the -notalairach
> option (at the end of the command line) in order to make use of my
> edits. However, I got the exact same error back-Talairach
> transformation ***FAILED***--and consequently there's no T1.mgz.
> I thought that by specifying -notalairach at the end of the command
> line while running autorecon1, I would be bypassing the Talairach
> detector and thus would be able to avoid this problem, but I'm
> obviously wrong. How do I make use of my edited Talairach and get
> autorecon1 to continue?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan Dillon, Ph.D.
> Post-doctoral Fellow
> Affective Neuroscience Lab
> Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University
> Phone: (617) 495-1889
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer

Freesurfer mailing list
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Error encountered while running selxavg3

2007-12-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


On my maiden voyage with selxavg3, I've encoutered an error and could use
some help. After processing several subjects successfully, selxavg3 quit
unexpectedly.  Here is the exact message:


Warning: matrix is singular to working precision

> In fast_selxavg3 at 208

ntptot = 666, nX = 31, DOF = 635

??? Error using ==> svd

Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.


Error in ==> cond at 40

   s = svd(A);


Error in ==> fast_selxavg3 at 235

  XCond = cond(XtX);


Can anyone help me track down the source of this error and/or suggest a fix?


Also, in the course of reviewing the error I saw the following notice:


INFO: Key -timeoffset unrecognized, line 7, skipping


I have the "timeoffset" argument set to half a TR in my mkanalysis step
because I included slicetime correction during preprocessing. Does selxavg3
not recognize this option?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. 


Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Question about brain masking

2007-12-06 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I'm having some trouble with my brain masks. Below I have inserted a
subject's T1.mgz and brain.nii overlay (made with preproc-sess). As you can
see, the mask goes well beyond the boundaries of the brain. Any ideas what
could cause this-perhaps noisy functional scans? The majority of my
subjects' masks look like this.


Should I worry about this? My brainmask.mgz files are all fine, and I can
use those to mask out voxels for visualization purposes-Do I need to be
concerned if my brain.nii volumes look this way? Would I fix by running
mkbrainmask-sess and tweaking the "-threshold" argument?




Dan Dillon

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Harvard University




Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mri_convert problem while unpacking functionals

2007-12-10 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,

Our group has encountered an error while unpacking the first set of data we
acquired on Bay 2 since the upgrade.  Here's our command line:

unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ . -generic -scanonly SUBJ.out

We then modify the .out file from

  1localizer  ok  512 512   3   1 74858975
  2  AAScout  ok  128 128 128   2 74859004
  3T1_MPRAGE_sag  ok  256 256 128   1 74856609
  4   gre_2d_2mm  ok  256 256  55   1 74855396
  5   gre_2d_2mm  ok  256 256  55   1 74852997
  6 field_mapping_2mmthickness  ok  128 128  35   2 74853893
  7 field_mapping_2mmthickness  ok  128 128  35   1 74851708
  8 ep2d_t1w  ok   64  64  35   1 74848994
  9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74849554
 10 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74846612
 11 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74843672
 12 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat  ok   64  64  35 222 74837495


8 ep2d_t1w bshort f
9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
10 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
11 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
12 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f

and save as SUBJ.cfg

Next command line is: unpacksdcmdir -src 07120620/ -targ .. -cfg SUBJ.cfg

We get this error when it encounters the first functional run:

Run 9 -
Mon Dec 10 12:43:27 EST 2007
9 epzshim_cjw02_nonalternat bshort f
ERROR: mri_convert
child process exited abnormally

We've re-run the second unpack command after putting different functional
runs (or even single functional runs) in the first position processed, and
the same error message occurs each time.  We've also tried the process on
functional runs that do not have a z-shim (thought that might be causing
trouble), but the error still comes up.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.


Dan Dillon (on behalf of Elena Goetz)


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Obtaining cortical parcellations

2008-02-20 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I have several subjects who have fine inflated, white, and pial surfaces, as
well as fine curvatures, but no cortical parcellations. Is there a directive
I can pass to recon-all to generate the parcellation without having to run
autorecon3 all over again? Something like "-autorecon3-parcellation"? I am
running version 4.0.1.




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior

2008-03-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Dear FreeSurfers,


I have overlaid group data on the fsaverage brain, and find that when I type
Talairach coordinates into tkmedit (e.g., 9.90  -36.64  -14.15), the cursor
jumps to a nearby but different location (e.g., 9.8 -36.1 -10.1). Any ideas
what could be causing this trouble?




Dan Dillon


Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior

2008-03-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Into the "tkmedit tools", the second window under "Cursor" . . . I have a
sig map overlaid and am checking the output of mri_volcluster by typing the
coordinates in and verifying significance values . . . when I the
coordinates of a cluster in, the cursor jumps to a nearby position and the
Talairach coordinates change slightly from what I entered.


-Original Message-
From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 3:24 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: 'Freesurfer Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior


What do you mean that type Tal coords into tkmedit?

Dan Dillon wrote: 

Dear FreeSurfers,


I have overlaid group data on the fsaverage brain, and find that when I type
Talairach coordinates into tkmedit (e.g., 9.90  -36.64  -14.15), the cursor
jumps to a nearby but different location (e.g., 9.8 -36.1 -10.1). Any ideas
what could be causing this trouble?




Dan Dillon




Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422
In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:
Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior

2008-03-03 Thread Dan Dillon
Okay, sounds good-thanks.



-Original Message-
From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: 'Freesurfer Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior


We're tracking it down, but it appears to be in the bowels of our TCL code,
so it could be a while.

Dan Dillon wrote: 

Into the "tkmedit tools", the second window under "Cursor" . . . I have a
sig map overlaid and am checking the output of mri_volcluster by typing the
coordinates in and verifying significance values . . . when I the
coordinates of a cluster in, the cursor jumps to a nearby position and the
Talairach coordinates change slightly from what I entered.


-Original Message-
From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 3:24 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: 'Freesurfer Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior


What do you mean that type Tal coords into tkmedit?

Dan Dillon wrote: 

Dear FreeSurfers,


I have overlaid group data on the fsaverage brain, and find that when I type
Talairach coordinates into tkmedit (e.g., 9.90  -36.64  -14.15), the cursor
jumps to a nearby but different location (e.g., 9.8 -36.1 -10.1). Any ideas
what could be causing this trouble?




Dan Dillon




Freesurfer mailing list


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422
In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422
In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:
Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior

2008-03-04 Thread Dan Dillon
Thanks Bruce!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Fischl
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 10:54 AM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: 'Freesurfer Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Odd tkmedit behavior

Hi Dan,

I managed to track this down and fix it. Note that the cursor will move a 
bit to the center of the voxel with that tal coord, but not much. The fix 
will be in the next stable release (soon), or you can get a dev version 
from Nick.

On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, Dan Dillon wrote:

> Dear FreeSurfers,
> I have overlaid group data on the fsaverage brain, and find that when I
> Talairach coordinates into tkmedit (e.g., 9.90  -36.64  -14.15), the
> jumps to a nearby but different location (e.g., 9.8 -36.1 -10.1). Any
> what could be causing this trouble?
> Thanks!
> Dan Dillon
Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Question re: extracting functional data from cortical ROIs

2008-03-17 Thread Dan Dillon
I have a question about extracting functional data from structurally defined
cortical labels. Here's what I'm doing:


1)   Run a gammafit analysis;

2)   Define cortical ROIs by using mri_annotation2label to make labels
from aparc.annot;

3)   Define sub-cortical ROIs by using mri_cor2label to make labels from

4)   Extract functional data from labels using func2roi-sess;

5)   Summarize the data with roisummary-sess.


I usually view the cortical ROIs on the inflated (or pial) surface and the
subcortical ROIs in the volume, and they usually look great. But when I view
the cortical labels in the volume, they seem to consist of a 1-voxel thick
strip hugging the white matter; they don't seem to cover the gray matter at
all. Does this mean that I am extracting functional data from a 1-voxel
thick strip (!), or am I just mis-understanding something about how a
cortical label appears in the volume? Also, I know that "white" is the
default surface in mri_annotation2label, but if I switch to "pial", make a
label, and view it in the volume, it still looks like a 1-voxel thick strip,
just around the outside edge of the gray matter (instead of around the
inside edge if I use "white" as the surface).


My simple mind wonders why these cortical labels-which look great on the
inflated brain-don't cover the region between the pial and white surfaces
(i.e., the gray matter) in the volume. Am I making a basic error here? If
so, what do I need to do to extract functional data from cortically-defined
ROIs? I am running version 4.0.2.




Dan D.


Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Question re: extracting functional data from cortical ROIs

2008-03-17 Thread Dan Dillon
Hi Doug. So if I'm understanding you, the 1mm3 voxel overlaps the larger (3
x 3 x 3 mm) functional voxel and so when I pull out the functional data it
comes from the entire functional voxel? Is the combination of
mri_annotation2label and func2roi-sess a common way to extract data from
cortical ROIs? Is there a set of flags that generally works well that I
should use to make sure I'm getting data from all the gray matter?






-Original Message-
From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 4:56 PM
To: Dan Dillon
Cc: 'Freesurfer Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Question re: extracting functional data from
cortical ROIs


Yes, it is that 1mm3 voxel on the white (or pial) surface. For sampling into
the functional volume, this is usually not an issue as the functional voxels
are generally much bigger.

You can change the cortical sampling depth by running mri_label2label with
--projfrac (eg, --projfrac 0.5 for midway between the white and pial).


Dan Dillon wrote: 

I have a question about extracting functional data from structurally defined
cortical labels. Here's what I'm doing:


1)   Run a gammafit analysis;

2)   Define cortical ROIs by using mri_annotation2label to make labels
from aparc.annot;

3)   Define sub-cortical ROIs by using mri_cor2label to make labels from

4)   Extract functional data from labels using func2roi-sess;

5)   Summarize the data with roisummary-sess.


I usually view the cortical ROIs on the inflated (or pial) surface and the
subcortical ROIs in the volume, and they usually look great. But when I view
the cortical labels in the volume, they seem to consist of a 1-voxel thick
strip hugging the white matter; they don't seem to cover the gray matter at
all. Does this mean that I am extracting functional data from a 1-voxel
thick strip (!), or am I just mis-understanding something about how a
cortical label appears in the volume? Also, I know that "white" is the
default surface in mri_annotation2label, but if I switch to "pial", make a
label, and view it in the volume, it still looks like a 1-voxel thick strip,
just around the outside edge of the gray matter (instead of around the
inside edge if I use "white" as the surface).


My simple mind wonders why these cortical labels-which look great on the
inflated brain-don't cover the region between the pial and white surfaces
(i.e., the gray matter) in the volume. Am I making a basic error here? If
so, what do I need to do to extract functional data from cortically-defined
ROIs? I am running version 4.0.2.




Dan D.




Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422
In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Citation for FSFAST

2008-04-23 Thread Dan Dillon
Hi Doug. What's the preferred citation/reference for FSFAST?

Dan Dillon

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Possible to regress whole-brain functional data against continuous variables in the volume?

2008-05-19 Thread Dan Dillon
Hi FreeSurfers. Is it possible to regress functional data against a
continuous variable in the volume? I'm analyzing a reward processing study
that activates sub-cortical and cortical regions, and I'd like to regress
those data against a continuous measure of depressive symptoms administered
to each participant. I understand the basic fsgd/mri_glmfit approach from
the FS tutorial, but I want to stay in the volume in order to examine
sub-cortical structures (e.g., nucleus accumbens). Is this possible?




Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



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