Dear FreeSurfers,


In the course of checking my skull-strips I discovered that one of my
subjects does not have a T1.mgz because they did not pass the automatic
Talairach failure detection. I checked the transformation with tkregister2
and -fstal, and it actually looks quite good; the brain is tilted, but the
Talairach brain follows the tilt nicely. Nonetheless, to move things forward
I made a few small edits and saved the registration. I then re-ran
autorecon1 using the -notalairach option (at the end of the command line) in
order to make use of my edits. However, I got the exact same error
back-Talairach transformation ***FAILED***--and consequently there's no


I thought that by specifying -notalairach at the end of the command line
while running autorecon1, I would be bypassing the Talairach detector and
thus would be able to avoid this problem, but I'm obviously wrong. How do I
make use of my edited Talairach and get autorecon1 to continue?


Thanks in advance,


Dan Dillon, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Fellow

Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

Phone: (617) 495-1889



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